Author Topic: Took on Parenthood, The Nose She Blue  (Read 13168 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Took on Parenthood, The First Teen
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2017, 01:44:28 PM »
Ahhh, your first teen! I'm curious to see what you think of mood swings.

I've only had teen spares and helpers earning the additional character traits so far, but the trait range pop-ups haven't relied on parental Encourage socials in my case.
I wonder if the parents are constantly encouraging the kids as part of your "Parenthood practice," so the timing seems coincidental? 

Good luck with three teen girls! I hope one of the children enter the Bear phase before their teen birthday!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Took on Parenthood, The First Teen
« Reply #16 on: November 28, 2017, 04:13:48 PM »
Ahhh, your first teen! I'm curious to see what you think of mood swings.

I've only had teen spares and helpers earning the additional character traits so far, but the trait range pop-ups haven't relied on parental Encourage socials in my case.
I wonder if the parents are constantly encouraging the kids as part of your "Parenthood practice," so the timing seems coincidental? 

Good luck with three teen girls! I hope one of the children enter the Bear phase before their teen birthday!

Mood swings have hit Raven so hard!  It's so sad since she's always so pleasant and delightful.
The parental encouragement generally comes toward the end of said activity, so maybe that has something to do with the timing.
No bear phase thus far, but I have 2 1/2 days of child Alyssa left and then a whole alien childhood to see if "bear mode" is activated  :=)

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Took on Parenthood, The Teen Princess and the Space Elf
« Reply #17 on: November 28, 2017, 04:14:30 PM »
Pippin:  When last we'd seen the Took household, Anabelle and Raven had been hitting the gym.  Now...

Pippin:  the gym is in their living room.
Anabelle:  I blame the leftover cake.
Raven:  From now on, we're just throwing the cake in the trash after birthdays.
Anabelle:  ...but...but I like cake!
Pippin:  But Raven was not the only child aging up.

Pippin:  Random Boy from the boat also aged up.  (You're welcome, Oshizu)
Random Boy:  Surely Raven will notice me now that I have Nanny Daichi Fabio hair!  (You're welcome again)
Pippin:  And another child was set to age up.

Ciara:  This will be the last song I play as a child.
Violin:  screech screech screeeeeeeeech!
Mr. Narwhal:  ...
Ciara:  Why, thank you, Mr. Narwhal!  You're always so complimentary.  Well, guess it's about cake time.  Formal wear, everyone!  This is a very formal affair!  No one look at me while I blow out the candles in case I make a weird, non-princess-like face.

Pippin:  Wow, good work, everyone!

Pippin:  She got the nose!
Ciara:  Of course I did.  I'm the princess.  Makeover time!

Ciara:  I'm so pretty!
Pippin:  Yeah, you are!
Raven:  The treadmill's right this way, your majesty.
Ciara:  I would be insulted by that, but since she said "your majesty," I'm going to let it slide.

Anabelle:  So, is any of your birthday cake left?
Ciara:  No, Raven threw it out.
Anabelle:  (mutters angrily under her breath)
Pippin:  And even as little Ciara was growing bigger, our household also grew bigger.

Chantons:  Somethin's happenin' here
                 What it is ain't exactly clear

Pippin:  No, I think it's perfectly clear.  You're going to be a boymama!
Anabelle:  That's not a thing...

Pippin:  Aww, a cute little alien girl!  What are you going to name her.
Anabelle:  Her name will be Ailene.
Alyssa:  Daddy gave birth to an elf!
Pippin:  No, she's not an elf...
Ciara:  Put her on a shelf!
Pippin:  She's not...
Ciara and Alyssa:  (chanting)  Elf on the shelf, elf on the shelf!
Pippin:  (sigh)
Raven:  No, this one's a magical space elf and everyone knows they don't have shelves in space.
Ciara:  Oh...
Alyssa:  Yeah, that makes sense.
Pippin:  Thank you, Raven.
Raven:  You're welcome!  Now, let's head off to school ladies.

Ciara:  Okay.
Alyssa:  Right behind ya.  Literally.
Pippin:  And poor Raven proceeded to spent the next few days of her teen years coming home angry or out of sorts from school each day.
Raven:  Think I'm going to jog to clear my head.

Raven:  Wait, are you just showing this picture to show off how I've slimmed down and am more visually appealing now?
Pippin:  What?  No, I...maybe.
Raven:  Aww, thanks!  It's so nice of you to notice!
Pippin:  Teen mood swings.  Crazy!  And speaking of teens...

Alyssa:  Minion!  You've gotten taller!  You did not have my permission to age up before me.
Minion:  ...I'm sorry.
Alyssa:  I'm sorry what?
Minion:  I'm sorry, your wickedness.
Pippin:  "Your wickedness?"
Alyssa:  Hey, if the princess can be "your majesty," the witch gets "your wickedness."
Pippin:  Not a witch.
Alyssa:  Witch!
Anabelle:  She's my adorable little witch!

Alyssa:  Aww, mom!
Pippin:  You know you're just enabling her delusions, right?
Anabelle:  She made more messes that the other three girls combined, threw tantrums and refused to use her high chair, and set the house on fire in her first hour of childhood.  If anyone has earned the right to be called a wicked witch, it's my little girl.
Alyssa:  Thank you, mom.  Thank you!
Pippin:  (sigh) Anyway, the girls continue heading to school despite Raven's horrible response each time.

Raven:  Please let me come home happy, please let me come home happy...
Ciara:  Why aren't there any princes at our school?  I have a bag full of glass slippers and no one to try them on me.
Pippin:  And while the girls are at school...

Pippin:  all of the focus can go to the care of our toddler space elf.  And some of that care time...

Pippin:  went into actually building on an additional room so no one would have to share.  I mean, Alyssa might have turned Ailene into a toad, Ciara would make her a servant, and Raven...actually would have been lovely and probably would have taken great care of her.  I could have saved so much time.
Raven:  Grrr!! I hate school!!
Pippin:  Oh, teen mood swings.  That's why Raven wouldn't have been a good choice.

Anabelle:  Here, sweetie, now that we're at the gym, you can work out all that aggression by slapping that treadmill with your feet.
Raven:  You just brought me here as payback for the cake, didn't you.
Anabelle:  What?  How could you even...yes.  Yes I did.  Now, off to the treadmill.

Gym Trainer:  That's the way!  You're really nailing this workout!  Look at you go!
Ciara:  Yep, she's really impressed with me.
Pippin:  Pretty sure she's training Raven...
Raven:  She sure is impressed with you, Cici!  You're doing a great job!
Ciara:  Aww, thanks, sis.  I'll have you named a duchess or something when I'm queen.
Raven:  You're too kind, your majesty.
Pippin:  Raven, you are a delight.  And what better way to end this update than with a delightful shot of Raven walking around while angry about school.

Raven:  Ugh, schooooooool!

I've learned that I really need to keep a hard copy list of who's doing well with what character values.  Three times while playing through this last bit, I had opportunities to sacrifice one area to raise another and ended up making the wrong choices on 2 out of the 3.  Raven should always be dumping responsibility since she absolutely nails it without me even trying, but I forget or get mixed up when it comes to the other two. 
I'll be super interested to see how much more smoothly things can run for Ailene now that I've already been through the toddler/child years with the other three (well, with the exception of the last 2 1/2 days of Alyssa's childhood).

Offline oshizu

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Re: Took on Parenthood, The Teen Princess and the Space Elf
« Reply #18 on: November 28, 2017, 05:19:11 PM »
Poor Raven and her Annoying School Day moodlets!
On the plus side, she offers a great opportunity to see how the Emotional Control trait works for a young adult, hehe.

How hilarious that your Took Dynasty heir have been all males, yet Chantons manages to score four girls!
I guess Sims 4 RNG is rewarding you for playing through all those male IDC heirs of yours, lol.

Thank you for the age-up shot of Random-Boy-On-Pirate-Gym.
His facial expression is quite stoic--hard to believe that he's only a teen. Looks like he's suffered some hard knocks...

Wow, you're keeping a hard copy list of their character value progress?
You're getting in some mighty fine practice, I believe, for the What Life State Are You challenge.  ;)
I mean, after these four, you would only need 42 more kids!

By the way, are you leveling the girls' fitness? Do you have the Kitchen Stuff Pack?
I have yet to see the Taste of Diet ice cream in action, lol. (hint, hint)

Adorable update! I can tell you're really enjoying playing this family!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Took on Parenthood, The Teen Princess and the Space Elf
« Reply #19 on: November 29, 2017, 07:55:04 PM »
Poor Raven and her Annoying School Day moodlets!
On the plus side, she offers a great opportunity to see how the Emotional Control trait works for a young adult, hehe.

How hilarious that your Took Dynasty heir have been all males, yet Chantons manages to score four girls!
I guess Sims 4 RNG is rewarding you for playing through all those male IDC heirs of yours, lol.

Thank you for the age-up shot of Random-Boy-On-Pirate-Gym.
His facial expression is quite stoic--hard to believe that he's only a teen. Looks like he's suffered some hard knocks...

Wow, you're keeping a hard copy list of their character value progress?
You're getting in some mighty fine practice, I believe, for the What Life State Are You challenge.  ;)
I mean, after these four, you would only need 42 more kids!

By the way, are you leveling the girls' fitness? Do you have the Kitchen Stuff Pack?
I have yet to see the Taste of Diet ice cream in action, lol. (hint, hint)

Adorable update! I can tell you're really enjoying playing this family!
Oh.  I actually have the Kitchen stuff pack.  I checked.  I had been ready to respond by telling you I didn't have it.  I forgot.  I've never messed with the ice cream stuff at all.  I must change this!!  Actually, it could be magical elixirs made by Alyssa.  That has potential...
It did occur to me that I was practically playing a mini-Life States challenge.  However, I think I'll be going with a different challenge when I finish up my IDC.  Of course, plenty of time to change my mind on that.
I am so enjoying this little family!  I'm glad it's evident  ;=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Took on Parenthood, The Trio of Teens
« Reply #20 on: November 29, 2017, 07:55:41 PM »
Pippin:  We rejoin the Took household where the princess and witch are...well...closer than such characters would be expected to be.

Alyssa:  No, really, if a prince decides not to choose you, I'll totally turn him into a frog, no charge.
Ciara:  You are so nice!  But seriously, do you think a price might not like me?
Alyssa:  Haha!  Oh, you are so funny!
Ciara:  Yeah...but seriously, a prince might not like me?
Pippin:  And the witch as also becoming friends with the magical space elf.

Alyssa:  Look, I don't know how you do things on ElfWorld or wherever you're from, but here in Willow Creek, we don't make messes in our diapers!
Pippin:  Actually, when you were a toddler...
Alyssa:  That's enough from you, mortal.
Pippin:  ...mortal?  Not even Watcher?  Anyway, the teens decided to have a night out on the town (though making sure they're back before curfew).

Raven:  Alright, are you ready for some karaoke, Cici?
Ciara:  You bet I am, though let's promise ourselves we won't do cheesy faces and poses.
Raven:  Oh, of course not!

Pippin:  Oh yeah, not cheesy at all.
Raven:  Not cheesy.
Ciara:  Adorable!
Pippin:  True.

Pippin:  Getting a bit too into the song, perhaps?
Ciara:  There is no such thing as too into the song.
Raven:  Truer words have never been spoken.
Pippin:  Okay, next up is a dunk contest.

Ciara:  Umm, do you also see the older guy eyeballing us over there?
Raven:  Don't make eye contact.  He'll take it as an invitation to start a conversation.
Raj:  (thinking) Pippin's here with them, so surely this is another dynasty attempt and he'll want me as the spouse this time.  I'll just stand here looking cool.

Ciara:  Oh!  Let's see you outdo that Rae!
Raven:  Okay.

Raj:  (thining)  Did she just yell "Raj" or "raa?"
Pippin:  Okay, you two are Tooks, so there's only one way to end a crazy night out.
Raven:  Doing volunteer work?
Ciara:  A fancy ball?
Pippin:  Nope...

Pippin:  dance party!!!
Raven:  I got moves like Jagger!

Ciara:  Umm, I don't remember inviting Dad along...
Pippin:  He is a Took.  Where there is a dance party, there shall he also be.  Anyway, they head home and in no time, we're ready for a very exciting day.

Pippin:  Don't let Ailene fool you, it really is exciting.

Pippin:  Yep, it's Alyssa's teen birthday!  Umm, why is Chantons turned the wrong direction?
Anabelle:  He's a parent, so he's watching her with the eyes in the back of his head.

Raven:  Aww, look how pretty you are, sis!
Alyssa:  Yep.  I'm going to have to fix that.
Ciara:  ...what...?
Alyssa:  I'm a witch.  I must be frightening, not pretty.

Alyssa:  Much better!
Pippin:  Green hair?
Alyssa:  It seemed thematically fitting.
Raven:  You're so pretty!
Alyssa:  (sigh) I'm just cursed with beauty.
Ciara:  She gets that from me.
Anabelle:  That's not how genetics work.  You all get it from me.
Pippin:  And all three teens do some volunteer work before heading out to the club in Brindleton Bay.

Alyssa:  And I brought Minion!
Ciara:  ...this place is kind of lame...
Raven:  Let's explore.
Alyssa:  But...but...cats!!

Raven:  Okay, the website says this place has music and food.
Ciara:  We'll find them!

Alyssa:  But cats!!

Raven:  Wow, the music is classical music played from a speaker.
Ciara:  I should have brought my violin.
Raven:  Well, your whole audience would have been sisters and cats.  Let's try to find that food.

Alyssa:  He's so cute!!!
Pippin:  Fangirling over the pretty kitty doesn't make you seem that wicked.
Alyssa:  Hush, Pippin.  I'm bonding with a potential familiar.
Pippin:  And Ciara and Raven approach the bar to eat some complimentary chips.

Elder Mixologist:  So, can I get you ladies a drink?  On me?
Younger Mixologist:  Nice one!
Ciara:  Ugh, so not a prince!
Raven:  Don't make eye contact.  Do not make eye contact.
Pippin:  And the girls left creepers and kitties behind and headed back home.  Ciara decided to enjoy the beautiful day by going for a run.

Ciara:  Nope, jogging to clear my head.  Have to get the image of nasty mixology creepers out of there.
Pippin:  Fair enough.  And what are you doing, Alyssa?

Alyssa:  Just showing off my awesome party attire.
Raven:  You're so pretty!
Alyssa:  Pretty scary, amirite?
Raven:  Just pretty!
Alyssa:  Grrrr...
Pippin:  And Ciara returned from her jog and got in some quality elf time.

Ciara:  Oh, you delightful little magical beastie!  You're so sweet!  I'm going to make you one of my ladies-in-waiting when I find my prince.
Pippin:  Do you even know what a lady-in-waiting is?
Ciara:  No, but I know I need them!
Pippin:  Anyway, we eventually reached time for angels, princesses, witches, and even elves to head to bed.

Raven:  Good night, little one.

At this point, I am fairly certain that Raven will only have the responsible trait when she ages up.  Ciara, however, should have at least three traits when she ages up three days later.
Additionally, I feel like I have a decent handle on the toddler/child stages of Parenthood's features, so I'm now alternating between this file and my dynasty, so I should be resuming updates on that one soon, but I'll continue with this file as well.  Realistically, I'm not sure if I'll really learn a whole lot more about how to do things all that much better with the child-raising, but the family is super sweet and I adore them  :=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Took on Parenthood, The First Young Adult
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2017, 09:51:30 PM »
Pippin:  We rejoin the Took household for a very important day.

Pippin:  The little magical space elf is having her child birthday today.
Anabelle:  I hope she ages up looking just like me.
Pippin:  Umm, sure.  That's how genetics work.
Chantons:  Come with me
                 And you'll be
                 In a world
                 Of pure imagination

Pippin:  Yes.  Yes that.

Pippin:  She ages up looking very much like an ali...
Anabelle:  Pippin!  She doesn't know about that yet.  Let her do the makeover, then her daddy is going to have a talk with her.
Pippin:  ...okay...

Ailene:  Hello, father!  Do I not look amazing?
Chantons:  And I say yes
                 You look wonderful tonight

Pippin:  Okay, have the talk with her.
Ailene:  Talk?

Chantons:  You gotta go where you wanna go and
                 Do what you wanna do

Ailene:  So be the unique individual that I am?  Sounds good.  Thanks, Dad!
Pippin:  Uuumm, no.  Well, yes, but that's not the talk he was supposed to have.  Ailene, you have to be aware, you're not a regular Sim, you're something more.
Ailene:  Of course I am!

Ailene:  I'm a magical space elf.  It's okay, Alyssa already told me.
Pippin:  No, you're...

Anabelle:  Hey, little elf!  You're doing great at doing things! 
Ailene:  Thanks, Mom!
Anabelle:  Yep!  Well, Game of Thorns season 5 isn't gonna watch itself!
Pippin:  ...but...someone needs to tell her...
Anabelle:  Hush, Pippin!  I'm trying to watch my show!
Pippin:  (sigh) Anyway, the teens came back from high school to encounter a child-aged version of their little sister.

Raven:  Hello, little elf!  Aren't you just so beautiful?
Ailene:  Aww, thanks, Rae!
Alyssa:  Hmm, maybe we can sell her to a traveling circus to go in their freak show.
Raven:  Be nice.
Alyssa:  Sorry, that would be out of character.  Witch, remember?
Pippin:  And speaking of the witch, she has been working on her figure.

Alyssa:  No time for a shower.  Gotta jog.
Anabelle:  That's my girl!
Pippin:  I'm not sure you're handling this the healthy way.  In fact, I decided all on my own that you should use magical ice cream
Anabelle:  You decided.
Pippin:  ...Oshizu said we should try taste of diet ice cream...
Anabelle:  Better.

Anabelle:  Sugary desserty goodness designed to cause instant weight loss.  This sounds logical.
Pippin:  Well, your husband did give birth not too long ago, so I don't know how much we can really bring "logical" into the equation.
Anabelle:  Fair enough.

Alyssa:  Umm, shouldn't I, as a witch, be using sugary treats to lure little German children into my candy house rather than using it for magical weight loss?
Ciara:  Oooo, Mom's the ice cream fairy godmother!

Alyssa:  ARGH!  Brain freeze!  I think this is all a cruel joke!
Anabelle:  Just eat your ice cream, dear.  That will make you feel all better.
Alyssa:  It's what made me have the brain freeze.  Are you listening to me?
Anabelle:  ...kind of...
Pippin:  Anyway, Alyssa finishes off her ice cream while Raven and Ailene play chess and...oh...wait...

Pippin:  in the that...?

Alyssa:  Alright.  Ice cream can do witchcraft.  I must learn to make ice cream!
Pippin: look...
Alyssa:  Darn right I do!  The ice cream maker is now officially the square cauldron!
Pippin:  ...okay.  Anyway, after a fun-filled day at school...
Alyssa:  Lies!
Pippin:  the family heads out to do some volunteer work at the beach picking up trash.

Ailene:  Wow, Cici!  That was awesome how you found that guy's wallet and brought it back to him.
Ciara:  Eh, turned out he wasn't a prince.
Alyssa:  If only I'd have had enough time to create some weight of the world ice cream before we left.  Then we really would have had some fun!
Pippin:  Anyway, that occurred the day before Raven was to age up and put her empathy in range to get a trait.
Anabelle:  That's my girl!
Pippin:  So, with her family looking on...

Pippin:  Raven blew out the candles and...

Pippin:  became our first adult!  She ended up gaining the responsible and compassionate traits.

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Offline commasplice

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Re: Took on Parenthood, The First Young Adult
« Reply #22 on: December 07, 2017, 09:43:46 AM »
This is so much fun!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Took on Parenthood, The First Young Adult
« Reply #23 on: December 18, 2017, 01:42:57 AM »
This is so much fun!
Aww, thanks!  So glad you're enjoying the family.  They're a delightful break from the pressure of the dynasty household.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Took on Parenthood, The Llama Awakens
« Reply #24 on: December 18, 2017, 01:43:33 AM »
Pippin:  Back at the Took household, we still have two teens and a child who greatly enjoy their school days.

Ciara:  Why are there no princes at our school?
Alyssa:  School takes up so much time that I could be brewing potions...or making ice cream.
Ailene:  School's the best!!
Pippin:  And the eldest Took gal may be a young adult now, but she still remembers how rough a day of school could be.

Raven:  Alright, ladies, we're going to decompress from the school day with everyone's favorite activity...
All:  Karaoke!!!!

Pippin:  Raven and Ailene went first
Raven:  They say we're young and we don't know
            We won't find out until we grow

Ailene:  Well I don't know if all that's true
            'Cause you got me, and baby I got you

Both:  Babe
          I got you babe
          I got you babe

Pippin:  And then it was time for the princess and the witch to take the stage.

Alyssa:  If you see a faded sign at the side of the road that says
Ciara:  "15 miles to the Love Shack"

Both:  The love shack is a little old place where
          we can get together

Pippin:  And while the girls were having some fun singing...

Chantons:  If you see me walking by
                 And the tears are in my eyes
                 Look away
                 Baby, look away

Anabelle:  Ooooo, hopefully nothing's hurt but his pride.
Pippin:  A dunk off.  Pretty sure Anabelle won.

Anabelle:  Yep.  Pretty sure I did!
Pippin:  And the family headed home after their fun-filled day romp through San Myshino...
Alyssa:  Romp?
Pippin:  It's a word!
Alyssa:  Not one that anyone uses.
Pippin:  Anyway, they head home for some sleep, and the next day...

Raven:  Let's play some Don't Wake the Llama!
Ailene:  Oooo, I've never played this before!  How exciting!
Alyssa:  If I lose, you're all getting cursed.
Ciara:  I'm awesome at this game!
Llama:  CRASH!

Ciara:  Oh.  That was me.  Sorry.
Alyssa:  I win!!
Raven:  There's not really a winner in this game...
Ailene:  Only a loser?
Raven:  Not what I meant!
Ciara:  Let's play again.  I'll win this time for sure!

Ailene:  Woot!  This piece is blue, just like me!
Alyssa:  The threat of a curse still stands, by the way.
Raven:  Oooo, we're all so scared!
Ciara:  I think I'll pull out this one...

Lllama:  CRASH!!
Alyssa:  You're the MVP for my team, sis!
Raven:  It's okay, Ciara.  The main thing is that we're having fun.
Ailene:  I'm having fun watching Ciara be so bad at this game!
Ciara:  It's okay.  I have other being a beautiful princess.
Alyssa:  Valuable life skill right there.
Ciara:  Thank you, witch-sis, thank you!
Pippin:  And the girls got in more quality as the whole family did some volunteer work at the soup kitchen.

Anabelle:  Well, that was exhausting and they didn't even let me watch TV while we worked.
Ailene:  I can't believe Alyssa flooded the place!
Raven:  I'm sure she caused the dishwasher mishap simply because she was trying to help.
Alyssa:  No, I just thought it would be funny.
Ciara:  But wasn't that kind of mean?
Alyssa:  Witch, remember?
Pippin:  And our focus shifts from the witch to the princess.

Pippin:  And hopefully the driver of that car is also paying attention to the princess.
Ciara:  C'mon, Pippin, how could he not pay attention to the fairest in the land?
Pippin:  And we get in some last minute character value boosts.

Ciara:  Umm, why am I brushing my teeth before I eat?
Anabelle:  Brushing your teeth is good.  I encourage that!  Just keep it down so I can hear my show, please.
Pippin:  And speaking of Ciara and food...

Alyssa:  I will master this square cauldron!
Ciara:  Oooo, pistachio!!
Alyssa:  It's possible pistachio is not a magical flavor.
Pippin:  That was not the food interaction I meant.

Pippin:  Yes!  This is what I meant.  We have our second young adult daughter in the household.
Raven:  Congratulations, princess!
Anabelle:  Good job on getting all five character traits!!

Alyssa:  Well, now that miss goody-good has maxed all the good traits, maybe someone should earn some negative ones.
Ailene:  You mean yourself, right?
Alyssa:  It would be thematic.
Pippin:  Well, Ciara, what are you going to do with your newfound young adulthood?

Ciara:  Wait in my tower for my prince to come, of course!
Pippin:  Of course.  And speaking of princes coming over...

Pippin:   Reid Godat, the random boy from the boat, came over to visit a certain young lady.
Reid:  Okay.  Gonna actually talk this time.  Gonna be charming.
Raven:  Oh hey, Reid, how's it going?

Raven:  Did you come by for the gun show?
Reid:  You're...I was...and...
Raven:  You're so goofy!  Come sit by me.
Reid:  I...couch...and be...

Raven:  Oh, good heavens, I must stretch my sore arm out.  All that flexing, you know.
Reid:  I...flexing...yes...

Raven:  There.  You have my permission to stop freaking out. 
Reid:  Freaking?
Raven:  Yes, silly.  I like you.
Reid:  Hmm, like you.
Ciara:  Someday my prince will come
           Someday I'll find my love

Pippin:  And with two young adults in the household an the exemplary success of Ciara in maxing all 5 character value areas and losing every game of Don't Wake the Llama, we bid adieu to the Took household for now.

Anabelle:  I'm just going to sit here in a very chaperoning way until the next update.
Raven:  I'm just going to take my arm back.
Reid:  I...we were...(gulp)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Took on Parenthood, The Llama Awakens
« Reply #25 on: December 27, 2017, 09:41:01 PM »
Wow, you actually played the girls all the way to their young adult birthdays!

And just a reminder that the original source for that Taste of Diet ice cream tip is our master strategist @reggikko !
It was great fun seeing it work on your witch daughter, Pippin!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Took on Parenthood, The New Addition
« Reply #26 on: December 29, 2017, 07:39:18 PM »
Pippin:  We rejoin the Tooks where Alyssa is making plans without the rest of the family.

Alyssa:  ...yes, the reservation is for one teen witch, her minion, and two familiars.  What?  Yes, 2 people and 2 cats would also work.  You can just write that down, I guess.
Pippin:  And she heads off...

Pippin:  to Granite Falls.
Sigrid Minion:  So...why are we here?
Alyssa:  Because all witches need to learn herbalism.  That's a commonly known fact, Minion.
Sigrid Minion:  And...why are there cats here?
Alysa:  (sigh) Minion, Minion, Minion.  All witches need an animal familiar.

Sigrid Minion:  So...why are there two of them if you need an animal familiar?
Alyssa:  Eh, still kind of taking these two for a test drive to see if I want one of them.  This is a very important decision, Minion, and not to be taken lightly.

Alyssa:  Now, I'm off to level up herbalism.  You are to keep watch and do the signal we discussed if a park ranger comes around, Minion. (leaves)
Sigrid Minion: name's not Minion...

Alyssa:  Hmm, I wonder what this plant is.  It's...probably an example of...I have no clue.  Guess I'll look at it again later.
Pippin:  Well, that is how you raise that skill, so yes.  Do that.

Pippin:  Catching fireflies?
Alyssa:  Nope.  Casting a spell.
Pippin:  ...pretty sure those are fireflies.
Alyssa:  Fireflies that I magically conjured!
Pippin:  Ooookay.  And after getting her herbalism skill started, the little witch heads home to find her sisters hard at work.

Ciara:  So...I think I should pull this one.
Raven:  Are you sure that's the one you want to pull?
Ailene:  She's gonna lose again!
Ciara:  Ummm.  Uhh.  Yeah, I'm pulling it.
Ciara:  ...oops.
Pippin:  And Alyssa introduces them to magical ice cream.

Raven:  So...this magically makes people thin?
Alyssa:  Yep!
Ciara:  But we already did all the treadmill work before you told us about this?
Alyssa:  Yep!
Ciara:  Just evil.
Alyssa:  Witch, remember?
Ciara:  Well some of us are just naturally beautiful.

Raven:  Yeah you are, princess!
Anabelle:  Alright, ladies, we're going shopping!
Pippin:   That's right, it was family outing time!

Anabelle:  Let's try on some outfits!!
Alyssa:  Umm, nothing here looks witch-worthy...?
Raven:  C'mon, sis, just try something on.  It'll make Mom happy.

Alyssa:  Ugh, this is atrocious!
Ciara:  I look awesome!!

Raven:  What d'ya think, little elf?
Ailene:  You look so much prettier than Ciara!
Ciara:  ...WHAT?!?!?!?
Ailene:  I said...ummm...
Raven:  She said, "You look so much prettier than I'd seen you are-a."  She had an Italian accent for just a moment.
Ciara:  Oh.  That makes sense.
Pippin:  Nice save, Raven!  And the family heads back home where Ailene finds...

Pippin:  a mess!  Wait.  Aren't you going to clean that up?
Ailene:  Nope!  I don't get praised for picking up trash, I get praised for taking out the trash.  If you want to move it into the trash can, I'll deal with it.  Otherwise, we'll just grow an indoor trash plant.
Pippin:  Hmm, I think there is a fatal flaw in how Anabelle is parenting.
Anabelle:  Hush, Pippin, my show's on.
Pippin:  (sigh) at any rate, our school-aged youngsters head off for class and our young adult ladies head out on the town.
Raven:  Yep, gonna get in some time with Reid and see if we can find a prince for the princess.

Anabelle:  Hey, kids!  Hope you don't mind we tagged along.
Raven:  Ugh, my parents come along on my date and they don't even change out of their jammies first!
Reid:  Oh...I have to...over there...elsewhere...(leaves)
Pippin:  Seems like effective parenting to me!

Raven: anyway, my boyfriend, well he's not my boyfriend yet, but Reid, anyway, made an excuse and left since my parents were here.
Mixologist:  Hmm, sounds like good parenting to me.
Raven:  Aren't you supposed to be supportive?
Mixologist:  Aren't you too young to drink?
Raven:  ...fair enough.  This outing has been terrible.

Ciara:  WOOOT!!!!  This outing has been AWESOME!!!
Pippin:  And to help Raven enjoy it as much as Ciara is enjoying it, the sisters head out for...

Pippin:  karaoke time!!
Ciara:  Talk to me baby!
Raven:  I'm goin' blind from this sweet, sweet craving woah-oh

Ciara:  Let's lose our minds and go crazy crazy

Both:  Ah ya ya ya ya I keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean
Pippin:  Oh.  Those are the lyrics?  Huh.  Still no idea what that song means.  Anyway, they wrap up the outing by taking in some of the local art performances.

Raven:  So....this is art?
Ciara:  She's a...statue...of an astronaut...made of gold?
Raven:  ...yes?
Ciara:  This is so not how you find a prince.
Pippin:  And we return home to find the magical space elf being the starship's medical officer.

Ailene:  Sorry, baby doll.  I'm afraid your HMO doesn't cover out-of-network care, so we can't treat you.
Pippin:  Wow.  Childhood play has become so life-like!  At least the "playing doctor" interaction helps her work towards a trait.  Alyssa is also working on developing a trait.

Alyssa:  Ooo, look at the loser-boy in his leopard print hat.
Seth:  I'll have you know this is cheetah print!
Alyssa:  Ah, can't win fairly so you have to be a cheetah?
Pippin:  That pun is so bad.
Seth:  Hey, I can win fair and square!
Alyssa:  Prove it!
Seth:  Wha...?

Pippin:  Aaaaaaand she beats the tar out of a teen boy.
Alyssa:  Hey, witches get the argumentative trait.  Who am I to fight against my own nature?
Pippin:  Ugh.  Anyway, she also makes an important phone call.

Adoption Worker:  So, this little sweetheart is Shashka.
Adoption Worker:  ...okay.  I just need to talk to another household member as a character witness to vouch for you as a caregiver.
Raven:  That would be me!

Adoption Worker:  So, can Alyssa be counted on to provide for Shashka's needs?
Raven:  The only danger Shashka will be in is forgetting how to walk since she be cuddled, coddled, and carried everywhere.
Adoption Worker:  ...I think that's a risk we're willing to take.
Pippin:  Welcome to the family, Shashka the kitten.
Alyssa:  Shashka the animal familiar, thank you!
Pippin:  Fair enough.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Took on Parenthood, The New Addition
« Reply #27 on: December 29, 2017, 08:20:28 PM »
Raven reminds me so much of Izumi, but it must be the hairstyle?
Poor Raven on her date! I hate when a sim is trying to be thoughtful and inclusive by inviting family members who turn around and spoil everything by arriving in their PJs!
(Oddly the same thing happened to my sim earlier today--I wonder if this is a "thing"?).
Lol, did Reid actually check out! The nerve!

Allysa looks like a different witch since her slimming. So pretty! Awwww, I was kinda rooting for the kitty with the hoodie. Is kitten care very time-consuming?
Wait, Alyssa got the adoption agency to let her borrow the cats for a while then return them?

You and your sims are such polyglots, Pippin! They speak Swedish in the Took house and Raven also speaks Italian! Hahaha.

Offline commasplice

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Re: Took on Parenthood, The New Addition
« Reply #28 on: January 05, 2018, 01:36:50 PM »
"Raven: anyway, my boyfriend, well he's not my boyfriend yet, but Reid, anyway, made an excuse and left since my parents were here.
Mixologist:  Hmm, sounds like good parenting to me.
Raven:  Aren't you supposed to be supportive?
Mixologist:  Aren't you too young to drink?
Raven:  ...fair enough.  This outing has been terrible."

Laughing so hard at this.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Took on Parenthood, The New Addition
« Reply #29 on: January 13, 2018, 01:02:09 PM »
Raven reminds me so much of Izumi, but it must be the hairstyle?
Poor Raven on her date! I hate when a sim is trying to be thoughtful and inclusive by inviting family members who turn around and spoil everything by arriving in their PJs!
(Oddly the same thing happened to my sim earlier today--I wonder if this is a "thing"?).
Lol, did Reid actually check out! The nerve!

Allysa looks like a different witch since her slimming. So pretty! Awwww, I was kinda rooting for the kitty with the hoodie. Is kitten care very time-consuming?
Wait, Alyssa got the adoption agency to let her borrow the cats for a while then return them?

You and your sims are such polyglots, Pippin! They speak Swedish in the Took house and Raven also speaks Italian! Hahaha.

Yes, I think I love Raven all the more because of the resemblance  ;=)
Reid did check out.  We'd been there about 10 minutes and he was just gone!
Agreed, slimmed down Alyssa is shockingly gorgeous!  And regarding her familiar search, the two she brought along were strays she had met.  However, they were both already adults.  I did think the hoodie-wearing one was adorably doofy-looking.  Of course, Shashka is downright adorable!!!!

"Raven: anyway, my boyfriend, well he's not my boyfriend yet, but Reid, anyway, made an excuse and left since my parents were here.
Mixologist:  Hmm, sounds like good parenting to me.
Raven:  Aren't you supposed to be supportive?
Mixologist:  Aren't you too young to drink?
Raven:  ...fair enough.  This outing has been terrible."

Laughing so hard at this.
So glad you enjoyed it.  Not gonna lie, these kiddos are just fun to write  :=)