Chapter 92: Focus On The PositivesHave you not slept?Zahra: I had a nap...couldn't really sleep.
Haven't you got work soon?Zahra: Yep, that's what I'm doing, getting focused and ready. I really miss dad though, he would always help me.
He'll be proud you're getting on with things though.Zahra: I'm trying to stay focused on the positives.
Good, 'cos you're a mum now. Caleb will be relying on you.
Blaize: Hey! Caleb! Happy birthday!
Caleb: Thanks great uncle Blaize, hey! Are you an alien?
Dude: Watch your manners young man, and yes he is.

Caleb: Aww dad, I've got today off school, why do I need to do my homework?
Julius: You need to not only get your homework done but also skill up and complete four aspirations.
Caleb: What? In one day.
If only...Julius: No, but you'll be expected to work hard.
Dude: We all work hard in the house Caleb, you'll be fine.
Caleb: Cripes, some birthday.
You're lucky nooboos can't learn skills... 'cos if they could you'd have been learning them from the get-go.
Caleb: K, homework done. Now what?
Danika: Aww give the kid a break watcher...
No way... drawing skills next, chop chop!
Caleb: Hmm, this is actually quite fun.
Julius: Yeah, the watchers all bark and not much bite...

Blaize: I'm telling you dad, no matter how often we discuss this, Picard is the BEST captain... no one else came close.
Dude: Pfftt, look I agree he was pretty good, but if there hadn't been Kirk then Picard would have never existed!
Look you old fogies, don't over do it, K?
Dude: We're <grunt> fine.

Jasmine: Dad, you can't keep doing these epic workouts, just do some stretches or something.
Dude: Cripes Jasmine, you're starting to sound like the watcher!
That's because she's a woman with sense....ya know.Dude: Look, a workout a day keeps the doctor away.
And an epic workout a day brings Grim all the way, so just quit it will ya.
Caleb: So this is you with your stripy t-shirt on and this is mum, and here's the rose that you give mum everyday.
Julius: I can totally see that, very good!
Caleb: I'll give it to mum when she gets home from the hospital.
Julius: She'll love it.

Dude: Good to see you're cracking the whip with my great grandson.
Hmm, I think he might be a handful when he grows up.
Dude: Really?
Yeah, every now and then he just gets this twinkle in his eye... not unlike his great grandpa. <wry look>Dude: lol

Caleb: You're my best friend dad.
Julius: Yib sims for sure.

Caleb: Dad, will you read me the story about the mad robot that goes on a killing spree?
Julius: Sure!

Well, it seems like Caleb's off to a good start.Dude: Of course.
Yeah, it's all a bit tricky with Zahra's work schedule.Dude: There's heaps of time, it'll be fine.

Julius: Now remember your opening move is your most important. It sets the path of your game.
Caleb: Argh, so many things to remember dad. I'm not sure I'm going to ever be as good as you.
Julius: Takes practise and yes, you will be even better, 'cos you'll learn all my tricks and then have some of your own too!
Caleb: Cool.