Chapter 116: Bonding TimeOh man! that just never gets old!Dude: <Inward shudder> Yeah, wish I could say the same for the taste.
You look tired Jaron.Jaron: Yeah, feel it tonight watcher. I guess that's getting old for you.
Dude: Hmm
I wish we had room for you to come and stay but we're all full up.Jaron: That's ok, it's the thought that counts.
Not to interrupt your reminiscing and stuff Dude, but I got a young man round the corner that wouldn't do his work...
Dude: What's this I hear about you not getting your work done Julien? Get on it. Pronto.
Julien: <sitting up straight> Yes sir.

Malakai: My great grandson a handful watcher?
Yep. Totally. Ray: Is that Winston I hear sorting him out?
LOL it is. 
Malakia: Nice.

Caleb: Maybe I should go in and have a talk to Julien.
Na. Seriously, it's fine. He's just testing his boundaries.Caleb: I feel like I'm missing out on so much. When I think about how my dad was there 24/7 for me...
Yeah but that's because ...Caleb: I know... he was a spare and not an heir.
Yeah.Caleb: I think I'll make time for Julien tomorrow... seeing as it's my day off.
Good plan.
Looking good Julien.Julien: I know.
Dude: The correct answer when someone pays you a compliment is 'thank you' not 'I know". Apologise.
Julien: I'm sorry watcher.
That's ok.
Dude: Right, lets practise.... nice picture kid.
Julien: Thank you great great granddad.
Malakai: lol, now you're behaving like a young man not a snotty nosed brat. Good work Julien.
Julien: I know, right....Oh! I mean, thank you great granddad.

Julien: Thanks for the game.
Dude: You're welcome. Have a good day at school, you made some good moves you know.
Julien: <lifting his head a little higher> Thanks! *grin*

Dude: He'll be right, just strong spirited, nothing wrong in that as long as it's tempered with a sense of responsibility and gratitude.
True. When did you become 'all wise' and stuff.Dude: About 200 days ago or so.
lol... Well, it's a good thing too I reckon.
Have a good day at school.Julien: Will do. I can't wait to put my frogs up the girls skirts.
Wait! What?Julien: See yaz watcher.

Caleb: So, did Julien get to school ok?
<guilty start> Sure, of course. Why?Caleb: Oh I caught him trying to take his frogs to school and had to confiscate them. hahaha. Boys eh. Look! There's a new ranger!
Caleb: Hmm, not the bees I was after but they might come in handy.
Sheesh, just don't let Julien see them.
Caleb: You know, I think in the weekend I might rent a cabin for Julien and me... have some bonding time.
That's a great idea.
I'm sure you're not going to need any mosquitoes.Caleb: Better to be safe than sorry. If they would just keep still for a sec so I could catch them!
Good luck! Hope you don't get bugged!Caleb: Cops aren't afraid of bugs!
Julien: So I'm Julien, who are you?
Ranger: I'm Ranger Peter young man.
Julien: Nice, have you ever caught and eaten a bear?
Ranger: No, we have a look but don't touch policy here. Oh, and no feeding the wild life either. Sim food for sims, animal food for animals.
Julien: I see. <pause> Why's that?
Ranger: Well....<long and winded explanation all about animal digestion>
Julien: Right.

Ranger: So here's a wilderness quiz, give it a go. I'll help you if you get stuck.
Julien: Cool! This is way more fun than my normal homework. Thank you Mr Ranger sir.

Julien: So then the wild bear ate the sim food and his digestion track exploded... and all his guts came flying out his ersofigus...
Bear: <Gasp> NOooo! Really?
Julien: Totally, the ranger told me all about it.
Bear: What happened next?
Julien: No one wanted to see the waste so the bear was made into winter slippers for good kids. I got a pair myself, you know.
Bear: Woah!

Camper: Well, that young man certainly has a vivid imagination. One of yours watcher?
Umm...him? <nervous tick> Oh no...I don't think he's one of mine *cough*
Julien: So, when you're not here what do you do?
Bear: That's a trade secret...
Julien: I know, if you tell me, that would force me to hunt you down and ....
*Cough* So there you are Julien! Having a nice chat with the bear I see.Bear: He's quite something.
Yes... hehehe.Julien: This is my watcher, she's a bit soft in the head... got to speak slowly to her.
What?Julien: See what I mean?
Bear: <nodding> Poor dear.

Julien: Dad!
Oh thank the great watcher!Caleb: Hey son! Love you. Had a nice day?
Julien: The best!

Julien: Can we stay over night pleeeeease dad? please?
Caleb: Oh...Well... No, really we can't but we can come back for the weekend.
Julien: Awesome!

Julien: You know dad, I really love you.
Caleb: You know son... I really love you too.

Caleb: Time for home.
Julien: I'm leading!
Caleb: I'm right behind you.