Chapter 176: Last WeddingMalcolm: You look stunning Charlotte.
Charlotte: Thank you. I'm nervous.
Malcolm: *Taking Charlottes hands* Don't be, I love you so much and will always put you first.
Charlotte: Oh Mal, I'm so lucky! What did I do to deserve you?

Malcolm: You have been my playmate, my best friend, my mentor and my love. But most importantly, you are my soulmate and you make me happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I ever thought possible.
I promise to love and care for you, and I will try in every way to be worthy of your love.
I will always be honest with you, kind, patient and forgiving.
I promise to try to be on time.
But most of all, I promise to be a true and loyal friend to you.
I love you Charlotte.

Charlotte: From the moment our eyes first met I knew you were going to change my life forever. You have been my friend, my best friend, and my love. But most importantly you are my one true soulmate.
I take you to be my partner for life
I promise above all else to live in truth with you
And to communicate fully and fearlessly,
I give you my hand and my heart
As a sanctuary of warmth and peace
And pledge my love, devotion, faith and honor
As I join my life to yours.
I love you Malcolm.
Congratulations Mr and Mrs Hollinsgworth- Ferraro
Julien: Oh my gosh *sniff* that was beautiful.
Caleb: Are you crying?
Abi: I'm so happy for my baby... omg, can you believe it? My little girl is all grown up!

Mal: I love you so much it almost hurts!
Charlotte: Ohh same Mal, I don't wan't to ever let you go!

Mal: Let's cut the cake and make it official.

Mal: heheh, so funny sharing an invisible slice!

While the rest of the guests started talking and eating the bride and groom only had eyes for each other.

Dude: Thank you all for coming.
Gieselle: It was my pleasure, such a lovely dawn service.

Charlotte: I can't believe it Mal! We're married!
Mal: I know. Gosh I love you!

Caleb: You know I just realized, this might be the last ever wedding we have here.
Zahra: I hadn't thought of that!
Caleb: Well, we're nearly at generation eight...unbelievable!

Mackenzie: Oh no Brittany, there's nothing better than being married to your soul mate.
Brittany: Hmm, well I guess I might change my mind but I don't think I even want a boyfriend yet. They seem to turn your brain to mush.
Julien: I think you have to find the right person to be truly happy...

Dude: Congratulations Charlotte.
Charlotte: Thanks G5

Caleb: Congratulations Malcolm, welcome to the family.
Mal: Thanks Caleb, for everything. This morning has been amazing.

Abi: Congratulations love, you look beautiful.
Charlotte: Thanks mum.

Mal: Thanks for everything Winston.
Dude: Congratulations Mal, you two are made for each other.

Brittani: Congrats Charlotte! Can you believe it Abi?
Abi: No I can't! lol. My little girl married!
Charlotte: Oh mum! lol Well, I have to run off, I'm afraid. My first shift at work starts very soon.
Abi: Enjoy your first day and we'll want to hear all about it when you get home.
Well... umm... nice work uniform hun.Charlotte: Yeah, lol. I'm willing to wear anything for my dream job to be honest.
Lol, looks like you're going to have to!
It just doesn't seem right Mal, the groom leaving the house.
Mal: It's ok watcher, I'll be back when Charlotte get's off work.
Good for you Mal, have a great day.Mal: Will do watcher.