Persia Lumen had spent most of her life in a magic lamp. She wasn't sure exactly how much time. Time is not the same there. A sim would occasionally find the lamp and clean it, temporarily releasing Persia. The sims, fairies, vampires, ghosts even, made wishes usually for fortune or a long life then Persia was whisked back into the lamp to wait. Over and over and over. One time was different though. The last time. An ancient sim cleaned the lamp. Surely he would wish for long life, but no, he chatted with her. They became good friends. He chose to release her. Persia's wait ended.
She found herself in Sunset Valley on a nearly empty lot with limited funds. Just enough for some basics.

After resting up, she took her remaining funds to the grocery store and bought some produce, much more than she actually needed. Her next stop was the Elixir consignment store. She hoped the nice clerk would take some of the extra off her hands.

Persia had always wished to learn Alchemy and made use of the equipment in the shop. The clerk warned her, however, that the locals weren't totally accepting of alchemy , and that it's good for a hobby, but not so much for a career.

Although nothing in Persia's personality (Daredevil, Eco-friendly, Great Kisser, Inappropriate, and Shy) pointed her in any particular direction, she decided to take up sculpting.

While Persia rested, a little house appeared around her. Well, she had wished for a bed. Was someone fulfilling her wishes for a change?

The town was very accepting of Persia's sculpting. Even the police asked for her help. They needed an ice sculpture of a sim, and the vampire, Christopher Steel, was happy to pose.

She made some friends around town. Her favorite place to visit was the Bunch household. They appreciated her perfect angel food cake, and she loved the bickering, chaos, and love.

That night at home she realized something was missing in her life. As she rocked and pondered, he sensed a presence in her mind.
Persia: Are you the one fulfilling my wishes?
Presence: No, mostly that's you, Dear. You do seem a little lost, though.
Persia: I just don't feel like I have any direction. I don't really understand simanity.
Presence: I have a proposition for you, a path for you to follow. A Lifestates Dynasty. If you and your descendants follow the path unto the 7th generation, observing, helping and loving each other, you will achievement enlightenment. It won't always be easy, but you are stronger than you realize.
Persia gasped as the rules entered her mind. She would try.