Author Topic: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty [COMPLETE]  (Read 195876 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #285 on: December 16, 2016, 01:07:12 PM »
Otto looks gorgeous standing in front of the rocketship.
While observing Karla handling Goopy and Seth, I begin to understand where Tallulah learned how to wrap people around her little finger.
Those boots that Karla is wearing--are they new?

Obviously, the real star of this chapter is Morris. I couldn't help but laugh loudly out loud as his relationship with Diego got increasingly dubious.
I won't say another word about Insta-Lean potions, but... your dialogue for Morris and Diego as well as the other sims who bask in their romantic glow is amazing.
And Morris acts rather like an infatuated teenager. Too cute!

Live your life, Morris!

Offline Joria

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #286 on: December 16, 2016, 04:27:07 PM »
Morris and El Lobo?  Really?  Awwww, let's just be friends, (no benefits).  I love Karla's new hair, (and the perfect Karla), not too many wonderful things I can say about Lula because she already has them all said, she is even more perfect, (if possible), than Karla.  So far she and Morris and tied for my favorite Sims, with Lula slightly in the lead.  It is so obvious Morris loves his job.  You've given me an idea for my culinary wizard.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #287 on: December 16, 2016, 05:55:21 PM »
I ship Morris and Diego. I think it'd be really cool if they did end up getting together, I don't know if I've seen any bi sims on here. Of course, it's ultimately up to you. You've written their relationship really well so far and I'd be happy with any outcome ;)

Nice progress so far, Tallulah of course is precious as always! I'm curious to see who she ends up with when she's older.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #288 on: December 19, 2016, 01:37:21 PM »
@oshizu I like that shot of Otto, too. It took him awhile to grow into his face, but now I find him very handsome. Karla's boots came with City Living. Aren't they great? I want a pair in real life, though I doubt I could rock them the way Karla does. I agree that Lula gets a lot of her sass from her mom. I'm glad you are enjoying the developments between Morris and Diego. They continue to be fun to write. :)

@Joria I'm glad you are so fond of Lula and Morris. I think they're my favorites, too (in case that wasn't obvious). Lula will get much, much more attention in coming chapters, but for the moment Morris gets center stage because I had such fun playing him as a food critic. He really is having the time of his life. I can't wait to see what you do with your "culinary wizard!" Is that Kieran? I'm excited!

@NexttoNormal I'm so happy that you like the idea of Morris and Diego, and that you like the way I'm writing them. I've seen various kinds of relationships in stories on the forum, (There's a particularly sweet triad in the Classic Immortal Dynasty on the Sims 3 board.) but this is a new one for my particular story so I'm very happy to hear your feedback. I loved them as friends, and their relationship is growing very gradually and naturally, and it's been a real joy to write.

Chapter 69:  Running in Circles

Tallulah:  Time to get fancy!

Tallulah:  Could I be cuter?  I’m inclined to think that I could not.

Karla:  You are terrible at this.

Otto:  Is that supposed to be mentoring? Because I do not feel inspired to greater heights of musical achievement.

Karla:  Try sucking less.

Otto:  Good idea. Very constructive.

Karla:  I know. I’m good at everything. Mentoring included.

Mallory:  Yay! We’re excited! What are we excited about?

Bob:  I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty excited about this spinach frittata.

Tallulah:  I’m excited about video games!

Arianna:  Are you critiquing that?

Morris:  Yes.

Arianna:  But you made it.

Morris:  No one is safe from the uncompromising eye of Morris Spiffendale. Not even Morris Spiffendale.

Karla:  Whoa. I made this crazy thing. I made you! There is literally nothing I can’t do!

Morris:  I’m so glad you called! I’m really pleased you wanted to come back. Nice move calling it a date, too! My family is so confused they’re running in circles.

Diego:  Morris. Darling. How do you not get what’s going on here?

Morris:  Let’s take a selfie and send it to my daughter! I’ll make it my Simbook profile picture, too! They’re going to be so confused!

Diego:  Okay, I guess I’ll continue to take what I can get.

Morris:  No, no my dear. After you!

Hostess:  You’re in a good mood tonight, Mr. Spiffendale.

Morris:  Who wouldn’t be? I’ve got me a hot date! *giggles*

Morris:  To tell you the truth, she wasn’t even that great of a waitress. I don’t know why they keep that urn around. I think it’s a little tacky.

Diego:  It’s definitely not appetizing.

Diego:  You are so cute when you’re deciding what to order. I almost can’t handle it.

Morris:  I get a little giddy sometimes. You’ll have to excuse me.

Waiter:  Is everything all right, sir?  Why is your boyfriend sitting at the bar?

Morris:  Oh, he’s just giving me a little space to work. This is a business visit as well as a pleasure call, and I like to have a pure environment in which to formulate my thoughts.

Waiter:  All right. I guess that makes sense.

Morris:  Oh, and he’s not my boyfriend.

Waiter:  Are you sure?

Morris:  Huh. Is he my boyfriend?  I could certainly do worse.

Waiter:  I just wanted to check in and make sure everything is to your liking.

Morris:  It’s perfect, thank you. I’m going to really enjoy eviscerating your new chef in tomorrow’s paper. I couldn’t be happier.

Waiter:  Oh. Well could I offer you a free dessert?

Morris:  I couldn't eat another bite. Literally. If I had to take one more bite I’d be ill. You all are going to have to really step it up if you want to stay in business.

Waiter:  You know, “food critic” doesn’t necessarily mean you actually have to criticize everything. Positive reviews are also a thing.

Morris:  But not a fun thing, unfortunately. Also, I criticize because I love. How will you ever reach your potential if I don’t point out your innumerable flaws, giving you the opportunity to correct them? I just want you to be the ideal restaurant I know you can be.

Waiter:  Even if it means driving us into the ground in the attempt?

Morris:  I can’t accept anything less than perfection, and neither should you.

Morris:  Diego, I dedicate this review to you. You are my muse in dark blue socks.

Diego:  Morris, was that an outright compliment? I’m floored.

Diego:  So, are you going to invite me in?

Morris:  Oh! I, um, of course! I wouldn’t expect you to drive back to the city at this hour. You can sleep in Tallulah’s bed. She’s always up all night skilling, anyway.

Diego:  *sigh* And again, I take what I can get.

Morris:  Ah, working from home! Getting paid to do what I was going to do anyway. Awesome!

Morris:  Just a pinch to make it really face-melting.

Morris:  So . . .?

Diego:  Morris, it’s transcendent. I feel like I’m right in the Spice Market except that there’s no one running around in a raccoon suit.

Morris:  See if you can taste the secret ingredient.

Diego:  Found it!

Morris:  Yes! I knew that stuff I bought at the Spice Festival swag stall was something special!

Karla:  You guys are too adorable. Relationship goals for sure.

Diego and Morris:  We’re not together, okay?

Karla, Mallory, and Pernille:  Dang it, Morris! Why are you doing this to us?

Pernille:  Okay, what fresh nonsense is this? What are we all wearing?

Arianna:  Oh, I thought I could save time by starting a club gathering and setting the outfits to “polished” and, well . . . .I was wrong.

Mallory:  You’re lucky. My first “polished” outfit didn’t even have pants.

Wendell:  This is hilarious. I can’t wait to see what Morris spins into.

Morris:  What do you mean, “spins into?”  Check out the shine on these gigantic boots! Doesn’t get any more polished than that.

Arianna:  I quit. I just . . . I’m done.

Offline MarianT

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #289 on: December 19, 2016, 02:01:44 PM »
I bow to your brilliance in hooking up Morris with Diego. Diego obviously needs someone to fawn over him (and don't we all?), and Morris needs someone to appreciate his metaphors and cooking. As far as the rules are concerned, it's okay to give Morris an Insta-Lean potion that was made by Pernille, but you might want to keep him chubby. A suddenly svelte Morris might be more than Diego can handle. I'm enjoying Tallulah, too, and Goopy and the other ghosts.
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Offline oshizu

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #290 on: December 19, 2016, 02:05:42 PM »
Lol, Otto! Don't let Karla push you around, dude. You're just as cute and perfect as she is!

Awww, poor Diego. Morris is in some kind of denial.
If Morris really wants to confuse his family (isn't he just confusing himself?), he could change his Simbook relationship status to "Committed" or the closest equivalent.
Not that he needs to rush into anything, but he's just lucky that El Lobo is so patient. They act really cute together.

The flaming mouth shots were hilarious. I wonder how many spicy dishes one would need to consume to not do that?
Oh, those "polished" club outfits look anything but...

Offline Joria

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #291 on: December 19, 2016, 05:26:23 PM »
I hardly know where to begin.  The "perfect" girls, Karla and Lula or the ever so effervescent Morris?  I rather like him being clueless as far as a relationship between him and El Lobo is concerned.  He just seems more of a ladies' man to me.  El Lobo however is wonderful with his "I'll take what I can get" stuff.  Great chapter.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #292 on: December 20, 2016, 07:07:14 PM »
@MarianT Thank you! I do think they complement each other very well. Agreed about the Insta-Lean. We must think of poor Diego's health. :)

@oshizu Oh, man. Morris totally needs to change his status to "It's Complicated." So, so complicated right now, but you're right, El Lobo is patient, and I think probably used to getting what he wants eventually.

Glad you liked the flaming mouth shots. I'm curious how long it takes for that to stop, too. I'll have to test it sometime.

And, yes, the "polished" club outfits. I don't know if my custom content messed it up, or if it's ridiculous for everyone, but that was quite a disaster.

@Joria Thank you! Yeah, I think Morris tends to think of himself as a ladies' man, too, but he's changed a lot over the past five or so generations and it may be time for something new. I sort of like the idea of him continuing to grow as a person and make new discoveries. I love having him be a little clueless about them too, though, as he's figuring things out. :)

Watcher's Note:  I've decided to pick up the pace a bit on posting because my backlog of chapters is a little out of control, and I want to catch up to where I am in-game, so you can expect probably five chapters a week until that happens. Hang on! It's going to be a bumpy ride!

Chapter 70:  Identity Crisis

Otto:  Birthday Boy in the house!

Otto:  Not to toot my own horn but . . . .I mean, just look at it. This horn was begging to be tooted!

Otto:  Okay, apparently tooting one’s own horn means you don’t age up and your cake is rendered useless. And since Grampa Morris is outside having some sort of identity crisis I’m going to have to do this myself.

Morris:  Gah! I fail to see how this will make me a better food critic! I call foul on this work-from-home task!

Otto:  Okay, let’s try that again.

Otto:  Yes? Maybe? I’m seeing sparkles!

Otto:  Yes! Fully mature! Totally awesome!

Karla:  Dang it! Well, that didn’t last long. Good thing we have about a million cowplant berries in storage.

Morris:  Okay, then. Four extra meals a day is not exactly easy on the waistline. I’m going to try and get a little yoga in before my next “date.”

Morris:  Diego, honey, you’re so tense! Let me help you out with that.

Diego:  Morris, this is torture.

Morris:  Really?  Shouldn’t be. I have level 10 wellness. I’m really good at massages. You should let me give you a full body one next time you come over.

Diego:  *weeps* Let’s just go inside so I can give you a tour of the gallery.

Diego:  So, this is it. This is my favorite. My “Chez Llama,” if you will.

Morris:  It’s amazing! Magnificent! It’s almost like a portrait of you. An extremely abstract one, but still. I love it.

Diego:  I knew you’d get it. Thank you, Morris.

Otto:  You know, I’m still the active heir. I don’t see why I have to drag myself all over creation just because Grampa Morris got a secret new job. Why is he getting all the attention and I’m stuck getting pre-work motivational speeches in my jammies in the Arts Quarter?

Arianna:  Oh, simmer down and relax your mind.

Tallulah:  Cheer up, Dad. It’s my teen birthday, so after tonight you’ll at least be getting upstaged by your own daughter.

Diego:  Morris your family is very stylish . . . and very strange. Should I even ask about the dirty dishes?

Karla:  Don’t bother. I’m sure they don’t even know why they have them. Let’s just eat.

Morris:  And sitting behind us are the Fengs. Very successful and influential in San Myshuno. And Lily is even meaner than Karla.

Arianna:  Oooooh.

Arianna:  You’re letting Lula order?

Morris:  Why not?  It’s her birthday. Plus, I’ve already fully trained her on how to read a wine list.

Morris:  To be honest with you, the real food scene is in the Spice Market these days. Experimental dishes have really had their day, and now it’s all about food carts.

Arianna:  Then why do you still come here every other day?

Morris:  I’m set in my ways. Plus, you should see the look on the chef’s face when I tell him he’s becoming irrelevant. It’s worth the price of the meal by itself.

Wendell:  Okay, everybody brace yourselves!

Pernille:  Oh! Oh! What is that I spy?

Wendell:  Boom! She got the nose! Yes!

Pernille:  Chalk up another point for Team Bustamante!

Karla:  Omg, girl. What are you wearing?

Diego:  Yeah, even I can’t justify that one.

Tallulah:  Okay, let’s eat some cake! I’m unbelievably skinny and I was really hoping puberty would come with more curves.

Mallory:  Your boyfriend is really sweet, Dad. He hasn’t taken his eyes off you all night.

Morris:  Please, honey. Enough with the boyfriend jokes. Diego is young and handsome and in the prime of his life. He has everything going for him. There’s no way he'd be interested in me that way. Besides, I’m . . . well, I used to be . . .I’m still sort of married, right?

Arianna:  That’s right! Food poisoning! I’m furious! Do you have any idea who my son is?

Morris:  Stay over again tonight. I insist. I’ll make us some tea and macarons and we can cuddle up on the couch and watch scary movies and make fun of the terrible acting.

Diego:  How can I resist such an offer? You’ve just listed almost every one of my favorite things.

Morris:  Lula, no dates until your homework is done, yeah?

Tallulah:  Already on it, Grampa Morris.

Jorge:  And this is where I come back in. Tallulah’s first date . . .

Offline oshizu

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #293 on: December 20, 2016, 07:37:30 PM »
Happy birthday, Otto! Is he an adult now?
Darn skippy, Otto, demand your place in the spotlight as the current heir.
You know you'll be completely overshadowed once Tallulah....oh wow, she's lovely! Karla's irresistible eyes with Ottot's iconic nose and blue skintone!

Tallulah looks so classy with that hair and are those pink flamingo earrings I spy? Can't wait to see what she does as a teen!

P.S. Was Karla blowing a kiss at someone at the restaurant? Wasn't Otto at work that evening? Why, Karla, why?

Offline Joria

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #294 on: December 20, 2016, 11:17:49 PM »
Tallula is a BABE!  Wow!  The Roman nose actually looks good on her.  Very aristocratic.  Morris just insists on being adorable, doesn't he?  And poor Diego, he is just so heartsick with his crush on Morris who remains faithful to his dead spouse.  Love it when they do that.  Yes, Morris, you are still married.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #295 on: December 21, 2016, 04:05:16 PM »
@oshizu Yup. Otto is an adult. He's the first heir in awhile not to max his career as a YA, but I think the danger of getting hysterical held him back. He's almost there, though.

I think it was Diego blowing the kiss at the Restaurant, and Karla is just sniffing her plate appreciatively. Never fear, our perfect Karla has shown no signs of a wandering eye. :)

@Joria :) I'm glad you like Tallulah as a teen! I think she's gorgeous, too, in a very unusual and fascinating way. It's probably the nose. Anyway, she's fun to dress up. And, yes, Morris has not forgotten Betty. More on that later. ;)

Chapter 71:  Before Sunrise

Where were we? Oh yes, Tallulah's first date . . .

. . . was not with me. I was there, of course, but not as an active participant.

No, that honor went to this poor fool who just stumbled into the wrong park at the wrong time of day.

What? I was worried she might get hungry.

While I cooked, she spun her web.

Caught her prey.

And by sunrise, she devoured him.

The world ended for him, the same as it had for me.

And from that moment on, there was only Lula.

Lula. My goddess. My only. My world. My abject, bitter demise.

He was her second date, too. Out of convenience, I can only assume. She tended not to date a person more than once.

She once told me she viewed life as a tantalizing smorgasbord. An endless buffet of options, each one more captivating than the last. She felt compelled to taste everything, but only once. Just one bite between her perfect lips . . .

And then on to the next one . .

I was the next one.

I can’t say that being caught between Tallulah’s crosshairs was an unpleasant experience.

In fact, it was closer to euphoria.

I felt like the most important, most interesting person in the world.

With just the slightest whiff of kinship with a deer in headlights . . .

Before he is hit full in the face by a semi truck.

I could have held her forever . . . but it turned out the Romance Festival was that night . . . and before I could catch my breath . . . she was gone.

Otto:  Really? Again? I’m getting my work prep out on a public sidewalk so the more interesting members of the family can advance their storylines?

Arianna:  Oh, hush. You know Lula has a pretty labor-intensive aspiration. You’re doing fine. You’re only about half a tick away from maxing your career, and at least you’re fully dressed this time.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #296 on: December 21, 2016, 04:20:14 PM »
Nice move to get the lovesick Jorge to narrate the start of Lula's serial romantic journey.
I love her various outfits with different coifs. Your shot of her as seen across a flaming bonfire is so apt--Lula getting her sizzle on.
Tallulah is such a gorgeous sim!

Hahaha, Otto complains again about playing second fiddle. We are rooting for you to become the next immortal.
Otto, you're so close maxing Comedian now! I feel for you about taking longer to max--the Playful mood is so dangerous!

Offline Joria

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #297 on: December 21, 2016, 07:35:14 PM »
Ahhh, Tallula you siren you!  Breaking hearts and taking numbers.  Hopefully one day you will find true love, or at least a willing spouse.  Wonderful outfits on her!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #298 on: December 22, 2016, 12:49:09 PM »
@oshizu Thanks! I've become very fond of Jorge. I was worried about how I'd tell Tallulah's story without just making her seem like a total jerk, so I decided to put the task in the hands of her most ardent admirer. It's also fun to switch it up a bit from my usual dialogue-only style. That bonfire shot is one of my favorites. I'm glad you liked it. If I had a gorgeous Table of Contents like the Mori Legacy does that would probably be Tallulah's chosen image. :)

@Joria Thanks! Yeah, Tallulah looks good in pretty much anything. The quest for true love continues!

Chapter 72:  Onward and Upward

Being unflirty, I think Darling Jameson thought she was safe.

Unfortunately for Darling, Tallulah was on a deadline . . .

She’d discovered Sakura Tea . . .

And she knew how to beguile.

It was only a matter of time.

Tallulah had brought along another couple of romantic prospects in case things with Darling didn’t pan out. They hid in the bathroom like cowards. Wish I’d thought of that.

Tallulah always seemed confused by the reactions of her one-time lovers. She couldn’t understand why we wouldn’t stop texting her. She didn’t know that she herself was the most resplendent dish on the smorgasbord of life, and no one who’d had a taste could ever bear to try anything else. So we just wandered the earth, starving. Starving for her looks, her voice, her touch, even the slightest crumb of a text message, as long as it came from her exquisite turquoise fingers.

Wendell:  That’s it! No more festivals until your extra credit is done and that’s final!

Tallulah:  But Grampaaaaaa-

Wendell:  But Grampa nothing! And after this you’re going straight to the confident bathroom to work on your charisma.

Tallulah:  My charisma is wasted on that stupid bathroom mirror!

Wendell:  Well, at least the bathroom mirror isn’t going to hang out in front of the house like a lost puppy, trying to catch a glimpse of you!

Tallulah:  Ugh. Fine.

Tallulah:  You see, bathroom mirror, it’s not you . .. it’s me.

She led us, one by one, on the most amazing adventures.

All the time, her gaze pointed halfway ahead, towards the next conquest . . .

But even half of one of Lula’s gazes was enough to convince any mortal sim that life was worth living.

As long as she was in the world.

Just for that moment . . .

That one moment that she was yours . . .

That one moment was the only moment you were truly alive.

This poor guy . . .

He aged up in the middle of his turn. His chance would not come again.

Daquan:  Huh? What? Sparkles? No. NO! LULAAAAAAAA!

Lula only looked forward. Never back.

Only onward and upward . . . and further and further away.

We we an eclectic group, we Lovers of Lula.

Some of us shy . . .

Some of us dramatic . . .

Every last one of us completely, hopelessly lost.

Otto:  Not. Finished. Yet.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #299 on: December 22, 2016, 03:24:01 PM »
What a fantastic chapter.
I love the sounds of utter despair and obsession in the afternoon! Jorge speaks as if he's a thrall, but I guess he and the others all are--the Thralls of Tallulah...

Jorge narrating is such a genius move--as an omniscient narrator, he also seems a bit masochistic and lurker-ish as he spies from afar on Lula with her other prey.
Lula is gorgeous. She is an irresistible force.

I'm glad the game gave us the Friendly "Ask to Just Be Friends" social; it's so much easier to recover from than a Mean "Ask to Break Up."

Otto, we care deeply about your professional progress. We continue listening to your jokes and waiting for new of your final promotion. Hang in there!
(You're not an elder yet anyway, lol...)

