Author Topic: Divine Deception -- S4E24: Series Finale  (Read 79727 times)

Offline Agathon

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Re: Divine Deception -- S4E24: Series Finale
« Reply #300 on: December 15, 2018, 12:47:56 PM »
Sorry that it took me so long to reply.

No problem, @experience .

Honestly, most of the time it's all mistakes  :P :P :P

Right... *cough*.

Although, the photo at the beginning of The Blackest Day was supposed to be a nod towards Slipping Between Knots opening where you only see half of Sadie's face aka the fake half of who she is.

I didn't get the reference, but your picture got the message through anyway, because it's artful.

But if you are saying you are uncomfortable about taking a shot, I say just take it. I mean, if it all goes south you can just delete it. But try it, take a risk and step outside your comfort zone. You'd be amazed at what wonderful things you could create.

The problem is, those options aren't likely to enter my mind when I'm shooting (same thing with actual photography). That's why I have very little talent for taking pictures.

Well sometimes it comes and slaps me up the side of the head lol. While I was playing Deli and Nathan's family in season 2 (without Sadie and Vic), Sadie and Vic had broken up after Sadie cheated on him with some old guy and gave birth to another baby girl. So, yeah, SP sometimes doesn't work in my favour. Getting those two back together for the rest of the season was a lot of work haha. SP (the mod) has a way of either working for you or against you when trying to write a story. Do you use any mods?

Ouch. Did you play Sadie out of it, or get radical with Nraas MC? I use quite a few of the Nraas mods, but not much else (OMSP w/Tipsy & resizer, a couple negative-reaction removers). I had Nraas SP run Sunset Valley more or less undisturbed for 4-5 generations (except for adjusting average number of children), but I'm more hands-on in Moonlight Falls, with several households under one or more type of restrictions (no move, no romance, no breakup etc) if I have future plans for them. Nraas MC is pretty much the all-star when I'm shooting, to control sims and move them in and out of households, and I also use the animator a lot.

I'll get back to you once I have created something on him.

Cool. I'm looking forward to it :)
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    • Nolan M Cruz
Re: Divine Deception -- S4E24: Series Finale
« Reply #301 on: December 21, 2018, 09:25:54 AM »
Ouch. Did you play Sadie out of it, or get radical with Nraas MC?

I did play her out of it because at that point I didn't really know how to use MC that well. Breaking up with the old guy and walking away from the child left a lot of bad moods. But once worked some testing cheats, everything was good again.  :P :P

Most of my mods are Nraas... even if I don't really need them. I like to hoard them.  ;D

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Offline deedee_828

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Re: Divine Deception -- S4E24: Series Finale
« Reply #302 on: May 05, 2021, 03:13:31 PM »
@experience --Wow! I just finished reading this and it was a wonderful thrilling ride of a story!

I especially like how Deli keeps seeing her mother and decides to follow her mother's advice to NOT lose her innocence completely.

I'm glad Deli, Nathan, and William got there happily ever after.

Definitely things I'm sure Deli regrets, Daniel, Sean, and Matthew, one she deliberately killed, one she accidently killed, and one who's heart she broke.

It was sad that poor Matthew Hamming ended up just being a pawn in Deli's game.

Though after seeing the wolf tattoos that Matthew and Alannah had, similar to Daniel's, I wondered if they too were part of Paragon and playing their own game!

But maybe that's a whole different story...

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    • Nolan M Cruz
Re: Divine Deception -- S4E24: Series Finale
« Reply #303 on: May 05, 2021, 07:37:54 PM »
@deedee_828 I am thrilled you enjoyed this one. Divine Deception really has a special place in my heart, especially the first season. Other than a lot of writing mistakes (I've learned a lot since I had started the series) it was simple yet effective and I love reading and writing stories like that. Sadly, by the end I stretched out some of the episodes because I didn't want it to end. But it was time. I have, however, been thinking about doing a 1 season spin off and attached it to my other series and call it Life Of A: Destroyer where it continues the finale if Deli ignored Sadie's wishes and ended up killing Jackie and destroying herself. It's tempting...

If you enjoy my writing, I would absolutely love it if you would support me on YouTube with MY CHANNEL . I just joined authortube. I have another channel that has to do with horses and the equestrian world that I've just come back to after a break, but the writer channel is new, hard to start and I am looking for any support I can get.

[ /end desperation]

Offline deedee_828

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Re: Divine Deception -- S4E24: Series Finale
« Reply #304 on: May 05, 2021, 08:57:34 PM »
Your YouTube video was cute!

Unfortunately, I have never signed in to YouTube though my younger kids are avid fans of it.
I occasionally check out music from the 60's, 70's, and 80's and that's about it.

But I do think that you've got a certain knack for writing and encourage you to keep going, sims or otherwise.

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    • Nolan M Cruz
Re: Divine Deception -- S4E24: Series Finale
« Reply #305 on: May 06, 2021, 09:13:43 AM »
That's okay. I appreciate it anyway!

On the other hand, keep a lookout for my Life Of A series. My last play of sims left me with an urge to do a short season of an alternative ending for Delilah and I think I may have the perfect story for it so it seems fresh.

