Chapter 98: Parting Is Such SorrowJulius: Zahra Hollingsworth, I love you with all my heart.

Zahra: As I do you.

Julius: I'm so lucky to be able to wake up next to you every morning and to be with you every day.

Grim: So, you know, it's not like I woke up one day and said 'hey, I wanna be the reaper'. It just sort of happened.
Dude: Yeah, I can see how that would be a bit tough.
Grim: You don't know the half of it. All day long all I get is weaping and wailing. It really brings me down.

Dude: Well, to be frank, what you do is not really very pleasant.
Grim: I know, but what can I do. On the few times I've gone on strike and just not reaped all I get is sims and watchers writing huge bug reports to EA. Who then bust my butt about me not doing my job! I just can't win!

Dude: Well have you thought about getting a helper, like a apprentice or something. Someone who you could plan a sort of shift-work rotation. Give you a break from all the pressure maybe?
Grim: Tried that. Everyone just complained that I was busting their games making them see double.
Dude: Well, guess you're just gonna have to get your big boy pants on and get with it. Eh.
Grim: It's just not fair.

Julius: How was your day at school Caleb?
Caleb: It was quite good. You know that kid that kept nicking my lunch?
Julius: Yep.
Caleb: Well I made sure that cookie laced with great grandpa's laxatives was right at the top of my lunchbox.
Julius: And?
Caleb: The kid didn't get out of the toilets all afternoon!
Julius: Told you it would work!

Caleb: I actually felt a little sorry for him. He was sitting on the toilet crying and pooping all at the same time.
Julius: Aww, well, it won't have done him any harm and besides, you got to teach bullies a lesson or they'll never leave you alone.
Caleb: I know dad. Another part of me found it really REALLY funny! Does that make me a bad person?
Julius: Nope!
Caleb: Well, I threw some extra toilet paper over the top of the cubical and left him to it.
What are you two doing?Mac: Just meeting...err?
Ramin: Ramin.
Mac: Just meeting Ramin.
Over the hedge?Mac: As you see.

Mac: Well, welcome to the house Ramin.
Yeah yeah....he's just hired help...moving on.Mac: That's a little cold.
Well, I'm sick and tired of crying over you all so I'm just not going to like any more of that when you all die I won't care.Ramin: I see a flaw in your logic watcher.
Oh yeah? What's that?Ramin: I'm extremely likeable.
Oh Noooo...See, what did I tell you? <sobbing> Oh Jasmine.Brianna: Oh no... Aunty Jasmine, this is terrible.
Grim: Oh dang IT! What is it with these darn doors and windows that look like doors. It's pretty humiliating having to feel my way along a window...

Mac: I love you Jasmine, I'm going to miss you so much.
Jasmine: Tell dad I love you sis... <Whispering> Take care..of ...

Grim: Ha! Check that out, even the women on TV are sobbing their hearts out!

Grim: K *sigh* Jasmine Hollingsworth, daughter of Winston, sister of Mackenzie...check. Oh and sister of Blaize. Born 81 days ago...mother...Oh! That's a little odd...Pollinator Number 3#. Most unusual sim name. Hmmm... Long life, completed many aspirations. Quite remarkable, much like her brother. Hard worker... Kind heart... Oh! great Aunt to Caleb. Oh, poor kid.
Oh please Grim, hurry up, this is agony.Grim: Hang on... Friends with most of Oasis Springs...oh and Willow Creek! Very popular sim. An unusual amount of nieces and nephews.
Grim! Please....hurry UP <sobs>
Goodbye Jasmine, thank you for everything you did...
Dude?Dude: Hmm? I'm busy. Can it wait?
It's Jasmine...Dude: No.

Mac: You can dance all you like but when this songs finished, you know I'm going to kick your butt.

Caleb: Hey! Watcher! What's Mr Reaper doing up in my bedroom?

Caleb: <Putting away his toys> So Mr Reaper came and took Great Aunty Jasmine back to his house?
Mac: Umm.. it's something like that.

Mac: I'm sorry that it feels like you are losing everyone you love but I will always be here for you, and your mum and of course Great Grandpa too. We won't ever leave you.
Caleb: It's ok. I'm sad but I know you all love me.
RIP Jasmine. *sigh*