Chapter 108: A New CareerWait! What are we doing here? Caleb? Is that you? Cripes!
Caleb: I've been handed over a part of this case as training. Ummm...
Heheheh.Caleb: What?
Your Mohawk's all squished flat and hanging out the back of your hat thing like a rat's tail. HeheheheCaleb: Very mature watcher.
hehheheCaleb:You wanna come out with me?
Hehehe... K....Caleb: *Sigh*

Fabian: Yes, there was a person matching that description just inside a moment or two ago.
Caleb: Thanks.

Caleb: So, it was YOU!
Lady: What? Who? Huh?
That's not how they do it on the cop shows... *grumble grumble*
Caleb: You're going down lady!
Oooo, that's better.Lady: How could you rejoice in my misery?
Quite easily.
I think she's taking the ...err... mickey outta you Caleb.Caleb: Ya think.
Hehehhe, copping a nice feel? OH! That must be where the saying comes from... HahahahahaCaleb: <muttering> Shut it watcher.
Hahahha, her get away car.Caleb: *snicker* That was quite funny

Caleb: In you go granny.
See yaz.
A moment later.....
Woah! Where did all the crims go? Caleb? Did you leave the door unlocked?
Caleb: So chief, it seems like the jail door is faulty....
Receptionist: I see... well, this will go down on your permanent record young man.
Caleb: It was an honest mistake chief.

Receptionist: Well, you better go file some paper work until you can be relied on for more... er... reliable work.
Caleb: *sigh*
Receptionist: Can't stress how disappointed I am.

Detective Parker: You know that wasn't the chief, right?
Caleb: Oh!
Detective Lady: I can't believe he fell for that. *snicker* "Rookie".
Oh gawd.... I knew something was dodgy about the "chief"... how embarrassing. *groan*
Caleb: Hi, I'm...
Lab Tech:...Detective gullible... *giggle* yes, I've heard all about you.
Caleb: <cringe> could have been worse...Caleb: How so?
Ummm... well, they could have all ignored you. I'm sure the ribbing is all part of the 'welcome to the force' kinda stuff.Caleb: Yeah. Not exactly doing wonders for my ego..
I get that.Caleb: Are you sitting on the toilet?
I put the lid down first.Caleb: K. Anyway... shoo, I wanna get out.

Helena: How was your first day hun?
Caleb: Don't ask... hi little nooboo...

Helena: Love you.
Caleb: Me too.
Aww... there's a whole lotta love going on in da house. Nice.
Mac: I'm telling you Jaron, the police force are doing all they can to stop this recent rash of break-ins. It's not easy out there.
Jaron: I'm sure Mac, but really? Two break-ins in as many days! Really?