Chapter 121: Things Get WeirdCaleb: I didn't even know that we were related!
Goopy: I know, right. It all gets a bit confusing but if you trace it back through our family tree, the connections there!

Caleb: Oh, this is one of my co-workers, she's got a mouth on her, so don't say I didn't warn you!

Goopy: lol, accordingly warned!
Caleb: Woah!

Dude: Hmm, maybe she needs to hold that tongue of hers, you know, some old fashioned self control wouldn't go amiss.

Goopy: Hehehe, your great G Granddad sure is a funny guy.
Caleb: I'm betting Mier won't be thinking so in a few seconds. lol

Caleb: So, what have you been up to recently?
Goopy: Well, to be honest work has been quite hectic of late.
Caleb: Oh boy, I know that feeling!

Dude: *tap tap* Yep, solid.

Julien: Woah! how did granddad even DO that?
He used his sim ray gun thingy.Julien: I need one of those.
Yeah, no you don't.Julien: Oh yes I do!
See yaz Ramin.Ramin: Umm? <nervously> I'm not 100% sure about this.
You'll be ok, trust me.

Julien: Those aliens sure like our house eh watcher?
Hmm, might be a good idea to come down from there.Julien: I might go inside for a while.

Goopy: I've lit the fire.
Caleb: Thanks, she'll need to warm up a bit..*snicker*
Welcome back.Ramin: <dazed> Thanks

Mal: You are so pretty Mac.

Mal: <whispering> Maybe we could go and....
Mac: *fluttering eye lashes*

Caleb: Oh jings...ouch. cripes, this stomach bugs bad.
Yeah, about that hun. It's not really a bug.Caleb: What is it then?
I think you're pregnant.Caleb: Oh watcher, this isn't the time for jokes, I'm in serious pain.

Helena: So maybe Caleb might need to see a doctor.
Well, his mum can check him out later. I think he'll be fine.Helena: I hope so, it's not like Caleb to complain about anything.
He'll be fine... honest. Um, work time for you in 5 mins anyway.Helena: Righty o. His symptoms are really weird though. I don't think I've seen anything quite like them.

Caleb: Ooooo my plumbob.
Dude: <gasp> How long has this been going on Caleb?
Caleb: Dunno... couple of days. It's on and off, ya know.
Dude: Oh, I know.
Did Ramin paint that flower?Zahra: Yeah, nice, vibrant, quite lovely really.
It is, you know, even though it's not a masterpiece, we're going to frame that and keep it in his memory.Zahra: That's a lovely thing to do.
Hmm... don't stop painting by the way.... time's a ticking..
Ramin: I've made a few drinks. You want to sample one Caleb?
Caleb: Normally I would, but this stomach bug's really made me go off my food. Thanks though.
Ramin: No worries, more for Winston and I.
Dude: Very true.