Chapter 134: Helena's Elder BirthdayJulien: Ummm, GG granddad, have you got a minute?
Dude: Sure.
Julien: I sort of made a mistake, quite a big one...ummm... Cristine and I are having a nooboo. By mistake....

Dude: I can't say I'm that surprised. Well, I am about Cristine.. but Julien we've spoken about you thinking through your actions so many times!
Julien: I know, it wasn't all my fault this time though.
Dude: I do know how nooboos are made Julien. The question is ... what are you going to do from here on in? Remember it's when things are going wrong that your decisions will tell a lot about your character.

Julien: I don't know. I mean I don't love Cristine at all. In fact I think I feel the opposite.
Dude: That's unfortunate but I was thinking more about your son or daughter.
Julien: My son? ? ? Or daughter? ? ?
Dude: My guess is you haven't really thought this through have you?
Julien: Nope.

Julien: No matter what I will love my <pause> son or daughter. I will.
Dude: I know you will.

Julien: I guess I just have to be civil to Cristine, but GG Grandad, she really did trick me.
Dude: Well, harsh lesson to learn I guess...and she'll have to be told that her behaviour is pretty rank. Now it's about our family...
Julien: <Rushed> I'll marry her... to make things right.
Dude: Oh! Well, you know you don't need to do that but you do need to get your head screwed on right before your nooboo's born eh.

Dude: Come on, we're all here to support you.
Julien: I'm sorry I stuffed up again.
Dude: It's not so bad...I'm getting a new GGG Grand kid, how bad can that be?
Julien: Thanks GG Granddad.

Caleb: Well, that was one big heart to heart with Julien.
Dude: Hmm. I have to admit though that Cristine acted pretty badly.
Caleb: Aw well, another nooboo's pretty exciting though, amirite?
Dude: *Nodding* Agree.
Caleb: By the way, you look sick as a dog.
Dude: Yeah, I feel pretty exhausted actually.

Mac: Dad! Take some medicine! You look terrible!
Dude: I kinda like this look, brings out my eyes, don't cha think?
Mac: Oh dad! Lol. Just take your medicine!

Zahra: You know Cristine, while I can't condone your behaviour in this, you know that you are supported here. This nooboo is important to all of us.
Cristine: I was counting on that. So what am I having?
Zahra: A little girl.
Cristine: Oh, I was hoping for a boy....
Yeah, well ya know you're lucky I didn't just throw you outta da house girly. Count yourself lucky that I wanted a girl.
Zahra: Don't be too harsh watcher, she's in a delicate stage of her pregnancy.
*snort* "Delicate", yeah, right.
Cristine: Thank you for being so kind.
Zahra: That's ok. Would be nice if you and Julien could sit down and have a chat though.

Caleb: Wow! A little girl! I'm going to be a granddad!
Dude: I know, pretty special feeling eh.

A little later that night...
Oh can you just wait a sec Helena...I'll be right back.Helena: Umm..ok, sure.
Caleb: I'm gonna be a granddad! Woo!
Oh! LOL, I wondered who it was being zapped away!Dude: Ah well... see ya in an hour! Say happy birthday to Helena from me.
Will do *snicker*
K, back.Helena: *Big Breath*
Julien: Woo!
LOL, is that all you can say at the moment Caleb?
Helena: Ouch! Why does this happen...*Craack*
*Wince* Yeah, I dunno. Happy birthday though.
Caleb: Happy birthday my love.

Caleb: Oh my gosh! I can't believe we're going to be grand parents!
Helena: lol, I know love.
Back already Dude. How was it?Dude: Tell you after this drink...