Chapter 140: The Final LieAbi: Thanks so much for helping me with my homework.
Eseq: You're very welcome. I enjoy it actually. Anything to do with books really spins my wheels.

Abi: I really like you. I'm glad we're friends.
Eseq: Well, I like you too! You're a great kid. Have you read 'Llamas Llamas Everywhere'? It's really good.

Cristine: Well, wish me happy watcher.
What the HECK?? You lied about your age? ? You're an ELDER? ? 
Cristine: Ooo
What? Did you think we wouldn't notice? That you could just run off, dye your hair and we WOULDN'T NOTICE? ?
Cristine: Oh, I'm starving.
Good, and you're not having cake. ELDER'S don't get cake.Mac: Welp, that's done it. One lie too far me thinks.
Darn skippy you're right there Mac.
Yeah <bitterly> enjoy that, it might be your last.Cristine: Whatever, I'm too important for you to do anything to me.
*Exploding rage* You're too WHAT? You think you're too WHAT? 
Abi: Nanny?
Mac: Yes love?
Abi: Is my mummy a bad lady?
Mac: Oh! Umm... maybe she's just made a few decisions that weren't so good love, that's all.
Well...poor Abi.Mac: I know.

Abi: Oh no, this apple's for my teacher watcher. I thought that she would appreciate it, you know, maybe eat it for her morning tea.
Oh, you sweet wee girl. Abi Hollingsworth, I love you.

Later that night...
Zahra: So did you know that Cristine asked Abi to steal a Potion of Youth? This has got way out of control Granddad.
Dude: Yes it has. However, I think it might be time to put my action plan know, action. Watcher?
Hmm?Dude: Go round up everyone? It's time.
On it.
Abi: Look at my muscles... woo!
Byron: Lol, Abi, you're hilarious. I can't see any!
Hey, umm Caleb? It's time.Caleb: K, I'll be right there.

Dude: Take a seat.
Cristine: Thanks, I will.

Dude: This is not a laughing matter. Sit down.

Dude: So Julien, would you agree that it's been nothing but lies since the day she moved in?
Julien: Lies and mean tricks and fights. I'm so exhausted dealing with it all. I'm working hard out, and it's all just too much. Every time I turn around she's done something else to undermine me...
Cristine: Wow. I never knew what a baby you were until this moment. Lol, pathetic.

Caleb: And that's quite enough of THAT Cristine.
Cristine: Like to see you stop me....*snigger*
Dude: Well, if you keep that up, you'll be seeing 'it' a lot sooner.

Dude: Is there anything you want to say in your own defense?
Cristine: Nope. You Hollingworths think you're something special. You're not. You're pathetic.
Caleb: You ok Julien?
Julien: *Sigh*, man I stuffed up.

Caleb: You know what? I'VE HAD ENOUGH. You've lied about your intentions towards my son, you've lied to Maegan, you've lied to all of us about your job, you've lied to your own daughter and asked her to steal for you. You ignored your OWN DAUGHTER on her birthday....
Dude: *Grin* You go son.
Cristien: *Gasp* You can't talk to ME like that!
Caleb: I can, I will, I have and this is only the start.

Caleb: Time for your punishment to start Cristine. Had you shown any...ANY level of remorse we wouldn't have had to use such extreme measures. You've brought this on yourself and you only have yourself to blame.

Cristine: No...don't, please.

Caleb: Watcher? It's time to build that cell.
On it... How long will she stay frozen?Dude: Long enough for you to build the cell, and then some.

Julien: Thanks dad.
Caleb: No need to say thanks and no need to beat yourself up about this. We all made this happen by making the mistake of asking her into the house in the first place. I'm sorry I've been too busy to see what you have been going through son.

Dude: She's like a piece of art...
Julien: Well, she's a piece of something, that's for sure.
Caleb: Well, I think we've all learnt something tonight.
Julien: Yeah, being part of a family is awesome.

Helena: How long do we need to keep watch?
Caleb: Just a few hours more then it's GG Granddad's turn.

Caleb: Have I told you today how much I love you?
Helena: No...maybe you should remind me...