Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 449139 times)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #615 on: June 01, 2015, 01:12:18 AM »
Yay!  I wanna see Meagan smack Cristine... but I'm sure she's too nice.  Don't worry Meagan!  Hey Play... can I "borrow" Cristine for a bit of fun?

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #616 on: June 01, 2015, 04:35:56 AM »
So lovely to see all the kids together. Good thing Christine's plan hasn't worked out, I wonder what's coming up next =D
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #617 on: June 01, 2015, 07:01:59 AM »
I'm glad everything is sorted out. For now. I just wish Meagen stood up for herself and what she wants more, I like Cristine for her determination. And evil. She's extremely entertaining.

Abi is really sweet. I love hoe good Dude is with children   :D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #618 on: June 01, 2015, 10:15:31 AM »
I've been enjoying the new twist with Cristine.

Regarding jobs -- I've had a couple of my rotational sims get very high-level jobs; I think the highest was level 9 in the Secret Agent career. You can find out the career by using the "ask career" interaction. Once you do that, you get to see the sim's work schedule. If they're only working a few days a week, then they're probably at a fairly high level.

Incidentally, how does retired cop Caleb feel about sharing his house with the Boss at Mobwives?
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #619 on: June 01, 2015, 12:01:36 PM »
Cristine is worse then Colt will ever be. And that's really bad!!! *grabs popcorn* Can't wait to see what's next.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #620 on: June 01, 2015, 12:46:38 PM »
Who's the father of Zaiden and Ezequiel?  I'm dying to know yet too lazy to read back through your chapters.  *slaps wrist: "Bad reader!"

Hmmm, how to punish Cristine......Julien and Meagan could do some inappropriate PDA just as Cristine is expected to arrive?
Oh, so much scheming and conniving (you and Cristine's, not mine, lol).

And I loved the children's party! 

Offline Playalot

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #621 on: June 01, 2015, 03:35:44 PM »
@Shewolf13 , I've been thinking the same thing now for a few sims days lol
@Nettlejuice , hmm... they area really cute bunch of kids actually. Normally I'm like 'any kid will do' but these ones actually played together like real kids, it was very sweet. I guess it's 'cos they are vaguely related one way or another. Whole world's almost related through the pollinators lol
@Cristina , Yeah, it would be nice if I was controlling Maegan as well... *grin*
@MarianT , Yeah, funny thing, I was just wondering that myself.  ;D Poor guys been crafting mascots 24/7. I wish I could just not be such a grinder and be happy with any old results.
@sdhoey , I have so many nefarious plans for her.... then I have to stop myself and remember that intentional killing is banned in a dynasty. lol
@oshizu , I haven't a clue who their dad's were. The family trees would tell me only I don't control them and all my pollinators are long dead. I know they both are related to Johnny Zest.. and then to Thomas... and then to..."who was next?'...ummmm? The way the generations worked out... their mums were sisters but both were pollinated by a different pollinator so that makes Ezequiel and Zaiden cousins. *sips coffee...way too early for this*  8) Or was it their grandmothers that were sisters? *passes out from mental exertion*

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #622 on: June 01, 2015, 05:23:06 PM »
Can I please, please, please b-slap that hideous Christine?  She makes me so mad!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #623 on: June 01, 2015, 05:40:52 PM »
Oops, sorry about that, lol.
I'd made a bad assumption that they showed up in a screenshot because they "belonged" to someone we'd recognize, like Randolph.  Zaiden is cute.  *coughs then blushes

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #624 on: June 02, 2015, 11:25:42 AM »
Aw man, Playalot, I go away for a month, and you give me 20 pages to read? You're lucky I'm an avid reader. Being able to catch up in two days was wonderful, a bright pick-me-up while I was sick.  :). So much drama in the household right now, with Cristine and Maegen. I do hope that Julian doesn't mess up again, and Abi is adorable. I'll really miss Zeke, he was adorable. His name was Zeke, right? I was sad at all of the deaths, and the fact that your sims ghosts were culled was sad, especially since they won't be able to visit the family anymore. Hope that all goes well, and I love your interactions with your sims, since your sims are hilarious.

If Maegen was anything like me, she would have fought Cristine ages ago. Lol!  One day... *gives Cristine the evil eye*

Julian needs to stop talking to that... evil children hater. Poor Abi. Can you move people out? If not, then I guess that Cristine will have to be met with an accidental death, hopefully dying young while Julian laughs at her grave, and then, Maegen moves in! If only intentional killing was allowed...

I really enjoy your story, and I hope that you continue with this one! Please, update soon!
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #625 on: June 02, 2015, 11:38:56 PM »
@Joria, be my guest!
@oshizu...I think they are related directly to the Hollingworths because of Julien. And yeah, Zaiden is way cute.
@audbooh , sorry to hear you have been unwell. Hopefully you're feeling much better very soon.  :) Can't move people out so we are all stuck with Cristine. I do believe that the men may have a solution up their sleeves though.  :-X
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Offline Playalot

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #626 on: June 03, 2015, 01:30:07 AM »
Chapter 140: The Final Lie

Abi: Thanks so much for helping me with my homework.
Eseq: You're very welcome. I enjoy it actually. Anything to do with books really spins my wheels.

Abi: I really like you. I'm glad we're friends.
Eseq: Well, I like you too! You're a great kid. Have you read 'Llamas Llamas Everywhere'? It's really good.

Cristine: Well, wish me happy watcher.

What the HECK?? You lied about your age? ? You're an ELDER? ?  >:(
Cristine: Ooo
What? Did you think we wouldn't notice? That you could just run off, dye your hair and we WOULDN'T NOTICE? ?

Cristine: Oh, I'm starving.
Good, and you're not having cake. ELDER'S don't get cake.
Mac: Welp, that's done it. One lie too far me thinks.
Darn skippy you're right there Mac.

Yeah <bitterly> enjoy that, it might be your last.
Cristine: Whatever, I'm too important for you to do anything to me.
*Exploding rage* You're too WHAT? You think you're too WHAT?

Abi: Nanny?
Mac: Yes love?
Abi: Is my mummy a bad lady?
Mac: Oh! Umm... maybe she's just made a few decisions that weren't so good love, that's all.

Well...poor Abi.
Mac: I know.

Abi: Oh no, this apple's for my teacher watcher. I thought that she would appreciate it, you know, maybe eat it for her morning tea.
Oh, you sweet wee girl. Abi Hollingsworth, I love you.

Later that night...

Zahra: So did you know that Cristine asked Abi to steal a Potion of Youth? This has got way out of control Granddad.
Dude: Yes it has. However, I think it might be time to put my action plan know, action. Watcher?
Dude: Go round up everyone? It's time.
On it.

Abi: Look at my muscles... woo!
Byron: Lol, Abi, you're hilarious. I can't see any!
Hey, umm Caleb? It's time.
Caleb: K, I'll be right there.

Dude: Take a seat.
Cristine: Thanks, I will.

Dude: This is not a laughing matter. Sit down.

Dude: So Julien, would you agree that it's been nothing but lies since the day she moved in?
Julien: Lies and mean tricks and fights. I'm so exhausted dealing with it all. I'm working hard out, and it's all just too much. Every time I turn around she's done something else to undermine me...
Cristine: Wow. I never knew what a baby you were until this moment. Lol, pathetic.

Caleb: And that's quite enough of THAT Cristine.
Cristine: Like to see you stop me....*snigger*
Dude: Well, if you keep that up, you'll be seeing 'it' a lot sooner.

Dude: Is there anything you want to say in your own defense?
Cristine: Nope. You Hollingworths think you're something special. You're not. You're pathetic.
Caleb: You ok Julien?
Julien: *Sigh*, man I stuffed up.

Caleb: You know what? I'VE HAD ENOUGH. You've lied about your intentions towards my son, you've lied to Maegan, you've lied to all of us about your job, you've lied to your own daughter and asked her to steal for you. You ignored your OWN DAUGHTER on her birthday.... THIS STOPS HERE AND NOW.
Dude: *Grin* You go son.
Cristien: *Gasp* You can't talk to ME like that!
Caleb: I can, I will, I have and this is only the start.

Caleb: Time for your punishment to start Cristine. Had you shown any...ANY level of remorse we wouldn't have had to use such extreme measures. You've brought this on yourself and you only have yourself to blame.

Cristine: No...don't, please.

Caleb: Watcher? It's time to build that cell.
On it... How long will she stay frozen?
Dude: Long enough for you to build the cell, and then some.

Julien: Thanks dad.
Caleb: No need to say thanks and no need to beat yourself up about this. We all made this happen by making the mistake of asking her into the house in the first place. I'm sorry I've been too busy to see what you have been going through son.

Dude: She's like a piece of art...
Julien: Well, she's a piece of something, that's for sure.
Caleb: Well, I think we've all learnt something tonight.
Julien: Yeah, being part of a family is awesome.

Helena: How long do we need to keep watch?
Caleb: Just a few hours more then it's GG Granddad's turn.

Caleb: Have I told you today how much I love you?
Helena: No...maybe you should remind me...

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Offline JudesSims

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #627 on: June 03, 2015, 02:10:34 AM »
OMG. Not an elder! Too funny! I'm still chuckling.

Offline Playalot

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #628 on: June 03, 2015, 03:00:43 AM »
I know, right!! JudeSims  lol  ;)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Offline Playalot

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #629 on: June 03, 2015, 03:36:10 AM »
Chapter 141: Grim Steps In

Helena: Are you sure she's safe to leave?
Caleb: Totally, besides still being solid the watcher said she'd watch her.

Having a nice time there Cristine? *snicker*

Caleb: Oh my love, I love you so much, my darling.

Cristine: You can't keep me in here forever.
Dude: Try me. You will be let out in the afternoon when you will spend four hours with your daughter. You will help her with her homework, play with her, read to her and then help with mentoring or whatever else Abi needs. If Abi wants to go to the park you will be able to come with us were you will be watched at all times. You will also never mention to Abi what you have done or that you are locked up in here when she is at school. If you do the watcher will move your cell to a basement where you will stay for the rest of your life. Clear?

Enjoy your day "dear" <smug look>.

A little later...

Nigel: Hey! Great to see you Abi.
Abi: Want to play space explorers?
Nigel: Totally!

Grim: Hear you've been caught out in your own lies. *Evil Snicker*
Cristine: Back off Grim.

Cristine: What would you know? Huh? Huh?

Grim: *Smack!*

Cristine: OMG, my nose! *Eyes watering*

Grim: *Deeply terrifying voice* It's about time you learnt your lesson. You are a tiny, unimportant mortal....

Grim:...whose life I can extinguish in a heartbeat. You WILL obey Winston's rules or I will come for you.
Cristine: *Horrified* <Gasp!>

Cristine: I'm sorry, I am. Please <gulp> don't come for me early, please, I'll do what you say.

Grim: Look at me... look in my eyes.
Cristine: *Staring in the face of death*< <Quake>>
Grim: Be gone. Return to your cell.

Bradon: Woah! What's with all the death and terror?
Dude: *sigh* Long story.

Grim: I think you'll find the *ahem* 'little problem' has been solved for good Dude.
Dude: I owe you big time Grim. I'm truly indebted to you. Thank you.
Grim: You're most welcome my old friend.

Nigel: You're pretty good at this for a girl.
Abi: Lol, that's fighting talk Nigel.

Dude: I know! To think she nearly got her hands on a Potion of Youth.
Grim: Woah! She must have wanted to ruin your dynasty!
Dude: That and then live forever herself. Crazy man, just crazy.

Grim: Not to be mean, but I'm coming for you next.

Abi: I can't help keep wondering why Grim was so angry with mummy.
Listen hun, it really isn't something you need to worry about. You just keep having fun Abi.
Abi: It is fun here...
Course it is. *Grin*.
Abi: I like it when you smile. Makes me think everything's ok.
Well then, I'll have to remember to smile more then won't I.  :)

Dude: Nice to see you Maegan. You'll be pleased to know our little problem has been sorted.

Maegan: Oh that's just fantastic Winston.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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