Chapter 152: A Sad End to The DayMac: Oh Cristine....*Sob*
Grim: *Chuckling* Oh I've been looking forward to this one for a while now.
Cristine: I love you Abi, be strong my lovely daughter.

Abi: Mum, mum...No.
Grim: Oh dang it! All this weeping and sniffing is putting a real downer on the moment.

Grim: Oh! That's surprising! Cristine actually turned herself around before the end. Oh well, can't win 'em all I guess.
Dude: What's all the noise about?
Abi: Oh Granddad Winston, it's mum.
Dude: Oh darling.... I'm so sorry.

Julien: Cristine, oh Abi.
Grim: Aw come On! Not you too Julien. You didn't even like the woman.
Julien: I did. We became very good friends towards the end... She's the mother of my daughter Grim... *Sniff*
Grim: Well, I'm just going to get on with this. Its obvious she was better liked than I had anticipated.
Abi: I loved her.

Zahra: <Thinking> Cripes, that's scary.
Julien: I'll miss you Cristine, you were a big part of my life.

Julien: Come here Abi.
Abi: <sobbing> Oh Dad, it was terrible...I was just talking to her and then... and then... <sobbing>.
Julien: Shh, shh, it will be alright I promise baby.
Grim: *Heavy sigh* I was so looking forward to this one as well. There's always someone spoiling my fun, it's just not fair. What a bummer.

Julien: Your mum was so proud of you Abi.
Abi: I know dad, she gave me my first Potion of Youth the other day...said it was so she could be there with me while I became immortal because she loved me so much.
Julien: It's true, she grew to love you so much my darling.
Abi: What about you? You're going to miss her.
Julien: I will miss your mum very much. She has been the only person in my life for a very long time...

Dude: Well my old friend, chess?
Grim: Don't mind if I do.

Grim: Hmm, you and your tricky first moves.
Dude: Lol. Learnt those from a very special gardener a long time ago who had studied with the monks from Shang Simla.

Grim: Those were the days eh? Remember when the watcher kept putting off building you a house?
Dude: Yeah, although I actually didn't mind really. I love being outside.

Grim: You know I didn't think everyone would be so sad to see Cristine go.
Dude: Hmm, well in her defense she did try really hard to turn her life around.
Grim: Hmmm, well I guess I'll have a chat to her later about it all.
Dude: Your move.
Still sad eh.
Julien: Yeah. I guess I'm regretting not trying harder with Cristine. I should have married her and... you know... done the right thing by her.
Julien.Julien: Yes.
You did the absolutely right thing. She was out to trick you all and it took her a long time to see her errors. You have nothing to feel regretful about.Julien: Then how come I feel so bad?
Oh hunney.
Abi: So you're going to be really good to mum eh Grim?
Grim: Sure. Darn...I still can't get that opening move that Dude does right.

Abi: Grim! It's really important to me that you're nice to my mum!
Grim: I got it Abi. I will be. I promise.
Abi: K.
Grim: Your move, you've got school soon you know.

Grim: Meck chate.
Abi: Ohhh. *sigh* Everything always goes wrong for me.
Chin up Abi. You'll feel better soon.Abi: I won't. I won't ever feel better ever again.
You alright?Dude: Yeah. I was just thinking that my life's been pretty weird, you know, everything considered.
Umm, I've known weirder.Dude: I hate to think.
See ya Grim...*cough* Woah! I wish you'd scale back on the smoke and brimstone stuff. *Cough*
How many of those have you had?Julien: *hiccup* Dunno, lost count.
But you've got work soon. As in really soon.
Julien: Right, I betta drink up then *slurp*
I don't think going to work "under the weather" is a good idea.
Julien: Don't you? Tough *giggle* 'Cos I don't care right now. *Hiccup*. <smirk>
Wow! You're a mess!Julien: *singing* I'm smexy and I know it.... See yaz watcher *hiccup*