Chapter 172: Party TimeHuh, like father like son. Both exhausted I guess.
You look thoughtful.Dude: Caelum has to go home today.
He doesn't age up till tomorrow...Dude: I know but I think I'm ready, not quite now, but soon.
Your call, always your call.
Charlotte: I think, being the weekend and all... that I might get some friends together. Would that be ok G5?
Dude: Totally.
Charlotte: Cool.

Charlotte: K, ummm, this can't be too tricky.

Charlotte: Aw, instant smiles. You're so cute Caelum. See ya when we get home, be good in day care. Hmmm I think we might go incognito...

Dude: Ok, big breath everyone...let's go!
What is it with you teens and dressing like Grim??
You right there Abi? lol, First full day in front of the camera and we can hardly see your face!Abi: I know! How typical!

Brittany: Thanks for lending us your house Mr Spencer-Kim-Lewis.
Brandon: No problem, it does me good to see all you young things all dressed up. What fun.
Brittany: That and eating Winston's cake. Legendary!

Charlotte: Right, that's a gold. I'm wrappin' it up and dialing up party number two.
Julien: K Charlotte. Let's do this.

Dude: You know Caelum, your life will be wonderful and perhaps all the better for being with us even for this short time.

Dude: You were quite the miracle. Love you. Always.

Dude: *Deep sigh*

Dude: *sniff*

Zahra: Poor Granddad. *sigh*
Ab: I know, we all feel it but Charlotte needs these golds...
Mackenzie: Dance it out girls. When life gets tough crank up the music and dance it out.
Clyde: (Hat) Sometimes I think you guys have had it tougher than any of us.
Mac: No, not really Clyde, our lives are pretty easy really, just saying goodbye, well, that can break your heart.

Brittany:(Animal hat) I think that it is fate that has brought so many cakes to my attention.
Mal: lol, that and Mr Hollingsworths knowledge of your sweet tooth!

Nash: (Blond hair) Hmm, man this taste divine!
Brittani: Food of the gods.. yum!
Mal: Isn't that ambrosia?
Charlotte: Huh? Where?
Mal: No, I mean ambrosia... the food of gods... you know like super delish food.
Charlotte: Oh, right you're doing that analogy stuff again.
Mal: Lol, can't help myself, English major and all.
Charlotte: Ugh, give me science any day. Or math.

Mac: Well dad, that's another gold.
Lee:I guess this means we'll all be doing a twirl around and heading into another party?
Dude: Yep, although I think we'll let this one go for a while seeing as all the kids are chatting happily.
Mac: Yes, good idea. Let's not cram all five parties into one day.
Dude: Agreed.

Some hours later....
Zahra: Woo! Last party of the day!
Gosh! *cough* Pretty smokey there Dude.Dude: Hmm, still, it's cooking just fine. Might just be the wind whipping up the flames.

Yesuf: No way! I'm telling you Mac's are way better than PC's...
Mal: You ok Charlotte?
Charlotte: Yeah. I hate this age old debate. Why is it no one can ever agree about platforms... sigh.
Van: Once a Mac user always a Mac user though. It's nearly impossible to go back to using a PC after you've tasted the superior UI of a Mac.
Yesuf: And the awesome security. I haven't run any security at all for the last three years on my Mac and never had any issues. Bet you can't say that about your tripped out PC's Charlotte.
Caleb: Good thing someones roasting some hotdogs...
Mac: Tell me about it.
Zahra: *sigh* I don't remember being so 'in the moment' when I was a teen.
Caleb: You should try reasoning with some of the teens I meet in my job. *snort*
Mac: Well, to be fair Caleb, the ones you meet are usually pretty naughty.

Zahra: Whew! Nice to get away for a bit.
Dude: lol, they're all getting quite intense eh.
Mac: It must be a sign of how old we are all getting. lol
Dude: Hmm, that and it seems my growing intolerance of teen angst.
Zahra: *Snort*

Julien: Go easy on the logs there Van, don't want to set the park on fire!

Charlotte: Oh look! There's a shooting star!!

Malcolm: You know Charlotte, you're my best friend. I love hanging with you.
Charlotte: Me too.