Chapter 28 - Ugh, Lame.
After the party, Edith very graciously and without being asked offered to help clean up the mess. Perhaps she inherited some of her mother's neatness? Or, perhaps, she was just trying to earn herself some brownie points in the eyes of a certain Watcher.

If Gerald was planning on getting straight to work taking over the world, he was sorely mistaken. Instead, Norman sat him down in the kitchen and lectured him about his new responsibilities.
"And, uh, make sure you work very hard. Your mother needs you and she's afraid of dying alone. Also, how do you feel about business management? Reckon you have what it takes to become a tycoon in less than three days?"

Gerald didn't exactly take the patronising 'lecture' very well.
"You can't tell me what to do, old man," he grumbled. "I'm going to figure all of this out for myself! You'll see, I'm going to take over the world, remember?"
"Oh," said Norman, perhaps a bit surprised.
"Come on, old man, you weren't thinking of me just then, you were thinking of you!"
"Oh yeah," said Norman. "Yeah, that's right."
"Lame," Gerald muttered.

In all honesty, perhaps Norman wasn't the best sim in the household to sit down with Gerald to discuss his responsibilities now that he was becoming an adult. Perhaps, in his stead, another family member should have been the one to discuss the future of the dynasty with Gerald - a family member whom Gerald held in the highest of regards.

"And when you're done that, the shower in the downstairs bathroom also needs fixing," Iris smiled. She was more than happy to relinquish all repairsim responsibilities to Gerald. "Keep this up, and you'll be building wooden toilets in no time," she said.
"It'd help immensely, Nana, if you could mentor me in this," Gerald replied, mumbling.

"Oh, I'm sure I will. Eventually. But I gotta say, I am really enjoying that someone else will be fixing the sinks around here. Because trust me,

"I've fixed a lot of sinks."
"Ugh," Gerald rolled his eyes, "lame."

"Franklin could slide down a riverbank all by himself. He could count forwards
and backwards. He could even zip zippers and button buttons. But Franklin was afraid of small, dark places and that was a problem because…"
Edith looked on eagerly as Rose turned the page.

"Franklin was a turtle. He was afraid of crawling inside his small, dark shell. And so Franklin the turtle dragged his shell behind him."
"Ugh, lame." groaned Edith, rolling her eyes.
"Oh come on, Edith. I know this is a bit beyond your intellect, but could please try to enjoy this? You and I both need this right now for our aspirations," said Rose. "Besides, you sound like your brother…"

"Wait, so there are imaginary numbers, too?" Groaned Gerald. He couldn't wait until he could dominate his high school homework, too. "Ugh, lame."

Being the outgoing sim of the bunch, you would think that Henry here would be claiming more of the spotlight. But the truth was, he would be a teenager by Friday, and he had a lot of work to do between now and then if he wanted to be as gifted as his brother was.

So he quietly hid himself away from the main household activity to focus on levelling various skills, and to complete his required tasks. He wasn't allowed to miss school for
any reason, and he had no weekends left, so it would probably be a mad dash to get everything done.
((Remember how I said Rose was the first child sim I had who finished all four childhood aspirations without much of a hassle? Yeah. This is more like my usual pace. I'm looking forward to one kid per generation from here on in.))

Through the next few days, nothing terribly noteworthy happened, Iris ate her fourth plate of Ambrosia. She still hadn't maxed the gourmet cooking skill, but thankfully Sergio had left several plates behind.
She was already getting tired of the taste of the stuff.

Joaquin came by for a visit. It always lifted Iris' spirits (no pun intended) to get a visit from him. She quickly filled him in on what had been going on before leading him upstairs to their bedroom…

Colette also visited again. After fooling around in the house, haunting, checking up on Norman and being generally annoying, she actually made herself useful…

Gardening! Oh, yes, Colette!
This is what I mean when I say useful ghosts. Yes, yes, yes! No one has officially taken over gardening since Antwan left, and it was starting to fade a bit.
"I couldn't agree more," Colette scolded, "this is in shocking condition!"
Well, it wasn't quite that bad. I was thinking maybe Henry, once he becomes a teen…
Colette just shook her head, muttering that "Sergio would be ashamed…"

Alright, Henry, once you finish that last drawing, Rambunctious Scamp and Artistic Prodigy are complete! What's next---wait. You haven't completed "Homework 2 times while focused"??
"I've done my homework plenty of times. Just not with that aspiration selected," Henry explained, nonchalantly.
Aaagggh, right, okay, this is fine, everything is fine. You haven't done your homework today at all so you should be able to…

So he finished his homework before Rose even got to him, thus he wasn't being tutored (though I'm pretty sure he
was focused), thus it didn't count. Rose tutors him through his extra credit work, so that counts for one of them. He'll have to do his homework the second time as soon as he gets home from school tomorrow afternoon, just before *gulp* he ages up. He has an "A" already, no worries about that, but he needs to max the mental skill. Looks like we're rallying the troops for Henry tonight. Just as well we can still buy club perks for the child skills.
Okay Henry, what next? A child friend, and an adult friend. Right.

"Hey Sabrina Rosa! Will you be my child friend?" asked Henry.
"Gee, I dunno," murmured Sabrina.
"Please, I thought you liked me."
"I do like you Henry," Sabrina replied.
"Pleeeeeaaase," Henry repeated.
Okay, great. We'll get an adult friend out of one Gerald's club members. Now go find Rose and a chess table and get to work grinding that mental skill! I'm going to go see what the others are…

"That looks nice. It doesn't look like taking over the world, but it sure looks nice."
"Even supervillains need to relax every once in a while."
I sigh. Someone's going to have to talk to him about the villain thing.
"Just because I've been focusing on Henry doesn't mean you get off the hook, Mister. You're not immortal yet, and you've got lots of work to do to get to that point."

But for some reason, Gerald didn't seem to complain about the type of 'work' I had him do.

"Aha!" Gerald exclaimed. "That'll teach those lame SJWs, telling me to 'check my privilege'. Just wait! Once I take over the world, I'll show everyone what privilege really looks like!"
He seemed to enjoy 'trolling the forums' rather a lot.

"And," Gerald finished his rant with a flourish, "your mother is a llama."
"How dare you?" gasped Andrew Bjergsen. "You know as well as anyone that both of my parents are
"Crap, really?" asked Gerald.
Andrew nodded, explaining through near-tears that he was the love child of Sergio Romeo and the late Sofia Bjergsen.
"Geeze man, I'm sorry," Gerald started to say.
"R-really?" Andrew asked.
"No," said Gerald, "now get out, llameo."

I know he doesn't look too impressed about it, but it's Thursday afternoon and in the last 24 hours, Gerald gained 5 mental skill points, made 2 new friends (one being this townie, Jarett DeLuca), did his homework 4 times and spent a whole day at school in the midst of that.
All he needs now is 3 emotion potions and…

"Yay! Fireworks! Hurray for Henry, you did it!"
((See, my problem isn't that I
can't get the childhood aspirations done in a few days. My problem is I
don't. I let my sims relax, do their own things, focus on other stuff (or nothing at all). I allow far too many days to pass where I accomplish nothing, and then it's a scramble to the finish line. Remember the comment I made about Sergio? I thought I'd be better off playing one sim well, rather than 3 sims badly? This is me playing 3 sims badly.))