Chapter 32 - Scribe of History, Creator of Worlds
"So I know you've never paid any attention to me, but I've always known you were a force to be reckoned with, and so here I am." Harley finished.
Gerald nodded in agreement, though he was entirely unsure how he'd gotten to this point so quickly. Had Henry invited her over, or did she invite herself? Why was she in his room? Was this really the same person he'd known as a kid?
Well, if anything could be said for her, it was that he was speechless. Perhaps for the first time in his life.
"I accept your offer, by the way," she continued.

"And, uh, which offer would that be?" asked Gerald, trying to clear his mind.
"Well you haven't made it yet, but I know what Henry's doing."
"Henry?" asked Gerald.
"He's part of it. Part of the whole thing. I thinks he knows more about than you do. Maybe. Actually, I'm not entirely sure, but I'm pretty sure someone in this town has been tipped off to it."
"I'm sorry, I'm not sure I follow," said Gerald. He wondered if this was how his father felt when faced with daily life.

But Harley Bjergsen just laughed. Not an evil cackle, for she did not possess the trait, but a teasing 'I know more than you' laugh.
"You don't really need me," she said finally. "I should go. Let you find someone else."
"No, don't," said Gerald, though he wasn't sure why.
She stopped. "Do you want me to stay?" she asked.
Gerald managed a small nod.
"I'm not smart nor pretty, and I haven't got many friends. You've got everything you need to take over the world. Support, friends and family, money, looks, brains. You don't really need me," she repeated.
Gerald felt like the whole conversation was going in circles. But he couldn't look away. It was fascinating.

"There is one reason I should stay. I suppose I should tell you that," Harley said with a sigh.
"And what reason is that?" asked Gerald.
"I know how to access the information you seek. The information you need the most. I don't have it, but I know how to get it. It's my life's mission, you could say, though I've never been a particularly motivated sim. That's why I need you, too. It's a catch 22, Gerald. The watcher is in on it and she certainly can't be trusted. But without her, I can't proceed. So what do I do?"
Gerald hesitated. "The information I seek?" he prompted.
Harley nodded. "I know why it can't be changed. Well, I don't. But I can find out why. That's it. I know how to find out why it can't be changed."

To say Gerald was taken by this strange girl would be an understatement. She was right, of course. She wasn't smart nor pretty. It seemed like she was living in her own little world. But along with this self-awareness came a self-confidence and an assuredness that Gerald couldn't overlook. Plus, Henry had been correct. It was entirely possible she could - would - be a powerful ally.
Especially if this lead on this…information…proved useful.

The following afternoon, I am pleased to say, Norman returned from work with his final promotion.
"Oh ho! You didn't think I could do it!"
I never said I didn't think you could do it."I did it anyways. AND I finished mine before Rose finished hers. Oh ho, this is great!"
Your job has more workdays than Rose's. She's hot on your tail, you know. Oh, whatever. Congrats Norman, you're a Scribe of History.
"Dad, I really don't think your final promotion actually makes you more qualified to help me with my homework," said Gerald with annoyance.
"Nonsense. Education is important, Gerald."
"It's all part of the process of turning us into mindless slaves of the establishment," Gerald muttered.
Norman paused. He was sure he'd heard that before. But who was he to question where Gerald got his ideas? He blinked. "That may be," he said, "but I wouldn't have gotten to where I am today without my-"
"C-grade high school education?" queried Gerald.

"No, no, no. Desert is spelled with one 's'. Dessert is spelled with two. Because you always want two desserts."
Gerald rolled his eyes. "Oh, look at the time, Dad. Edith's about to have a birthday, isn't she? Then you can go help her with her homework."
"Oh ho," Norman grinned. "But you know what comes first, eh? Dessert! I might just have two! It's time for Cake!"

"Oh, look. You've all remembered I still exist. That's nice." Edith scorned.
Rose exchanged a look with her husband. Were they ready to parent a teenaged girl? On top of Gerald? Probably not, but she pulled out the green trumpet and sounded it enthusiastically.
"Make a wish, Edith!" shouted Henry, as he showered his sister in confetti.

Edith didn't have to think twice about her wish. She crouched.

And spun.
"Eeee gads, it's horrible," she shrieked. "Don't any of you dare look, I'm going to go change."

After a quick trip to the closet, Edith was feeling much more like herself.

And so she settled in with the chess board, accepting her fate of being forever overlooked, in favour of her far more interesting brothers.

"At last," Rose exclaimed to no one in particular when she returned home from work with her final promotion, "I'm officially a Creator of Worlds!"
Congratulations! How would you like to celebrate? "Well, I think a trip into Willow Creek is order," she replied.

"Best place in the world for angelfish," Rose grinned.
"You know, I'm really glad you're so enthusiastic about this."
While Rose was busy literally keeping the dynasty alive, Iris decided to take the rare opportunity of actually completing her daily task of performing comedy routines to an actual audience.

But for someone who was allegedly the top stand up comedienne in her area, she didn't get many biters/laughs.
With a couple more angelfish in the bag and Iris' task of making a fool of herself complete, the two of them headed home.

"Mwa ha ha, what do you think of that, you fiends!" Gerald laughed. "Are you triggered? Whiny brats."
"Gerald!" I scolded him.
"And when I'm united with my Harley, we'll troll the entire simnet!"
"Gee," I mused
"From taking over the world to merely trolling the entire simnet. It seems you've adjusted your expectations."
Gerald pondered this, then cackled. "First the simnet, and then
the world."
"Now hold on there, Gerald," I cautioned him,
"you may be jumping the gun there just a little with regards to Harley. Have you even kissed her yet?"Gerald seems to consider my question for a few brief moments, before he whips out his phone.
"I'll invite her over straight away," he announces.

Gerald had asked Henry for a few pointers, and he was ready to win Harley's heart for good. He figured he didn't have much time left, either, before she would become a young adult. He was hoping to seal the deal that afternoon. And so, he met her under the branches of the same old cherry tree.
"Please accept this rose as, uh, how did it go? As a token of my admiration. That was it."
Harley giggled, in spite of herself.

"It's certainly a tokenistic gesture, Gerald. But I appreciate it, and I accept," she said, raising the red flower to her nose and inhaling its scent. Or maybe she was checking to see if it had been poisoned.
Gerald shifted his weight nervously. There was more he wanted…needed…to do.
"Harley, I'm sorry I ignored you before. I guess I was just so busily wrapped up in myself, I hadn't noticed the wonder that is you. Could you forgive me?"
Harley giggled again. She wasn't sure how she felt about this sap, in all honesty, but she supposed it was necessary. Still, she wondered what she could say to put him off this obviously rehearsed game.
She settled on "I don't mind if you're just using me. I know you think I'm valuable to your cause, and that's why you're being nice to me."

It had the desired effect.
"Is that what you think?" Gerald asked, slightly offended. It wasn't true, of course. He actually, really liked her. Sure, the intel she allegedly possessed was appealing, but, then again, so was she. How could he show that?

He took a deep breath, leaned in, and planted a kiss on her lips.
"There," he said, "that's not just being nice to you. I genuinely care about you, Harley, and I would love to make this relationship official. That is, if you don't mind."
Harley wasn't quite expecting the kiss, but she returned it without hesitating. She was astonished to find how electrifying it was. She pulled away with a gasp, her mind buzzing and reeling and, well, bubbling.
She needed to get out of here.

"Uh, I gotta go," Harley said suddenly. She quickly planted a small peck on Gerald's cheek before she was gone.
Gerald was left standing by himself under the cherry tree, wondering just what he'd done wrong.
Writer's Note
Okay, okay, confession time. I still haven't actually played this family since December, apart from briefly entering the game to check up on some things (townies' names, were those actually promotion pics, etc). All that you've seen so far happened at the end of last year IRL. I've struggled to put these chapters together, through a bit of memory jogging and a lot of creativity. While everything pictured happened, I may have taken some liberties with the exact order of events in order to try to piece it all together into a semi-coherent story. I now have the first ... ten-ish, maybe? ... photos for the next chapter, and the rest? Well, I think I'm going to have to actually
play for a bit. Woah!