Author Topic: A Sharebear Legacy: Updated 05/01/2020  (Read 204352 times)

Offline sdhoey

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Girls, Girls, Girls 06/09/2019
« Reply #840 on: June 09, 2019, 07:56:31 PM »
Thanks for coming over Alana. I wanted to get to know you better, spend sometime with you.
Alana: What do you want to know?
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Well, where you work? Are you married?
Alana: I am unemployed and I am single. I prefer it that way thank you.
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So, I was just gonna help her with her scene, but she didn't me that it was an action scene.
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Then she just jumped right in and started hitting me and clawing.
Alana: *gasps* That was your sister?
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Yeah, I mean a warning would have been nice, she just went all mad woman on me.
Alana: Probably deserved it. Probably hit on one of her friends.
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So, how do you feel about kids? I love kids. What to have some when I get married.
Alana: *steaming* I hate kids. They are stinky, smelly and dirty.
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Erik: But that's just part of growing up and being a parent, Alana. I'm sure you did that stuff as a kid.
Alana: hrppff, I don't think I was ever one of those fowl beast.
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But, but.
Alana: Not buts about, what part of I HATE CHILDREN, do you not understand?
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Well, that explains it, and I guess it means I won't be flirting with you either, because you have shot those down too.
Alana: Give the kid an apple, he figured out I'm non-committal too.
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Well, I guess I am sorry I took up your time this morning.
Alana: *mutters*"not as sorry as I am*
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Alana: *to self* man, that kid is dense. How hard was it to figure out that I hated kids? I told him like four different times.
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Alana: Nice bum, but not enough to change my mind on marriage. I will never tie myself down and have kids though.
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Well, I guess this goodbye. See you around..
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Alana: See ya around kid.
Erik: I'm not a kid. See ya
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Later that afternoon:

Erik: Hey Celeste, Glad you made it.
Celeste: Hey Erik, Chanel will be here soon.
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Chanel: Jolene is running late but will be here as soon as she can. I love swimming.
Erik: Well, ladies, let go jump in.
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Celeste: Oh, hello Alana, I didn't know you were coming.
Alana: Oh I wasn't invited, I just thought I would see what was up.
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Alana: Well hello there Erik.
Erik: Yeah, hey Alana, nice to see you.
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Celeste: hmm, I don't think they care for each other, do you Chanel?
Chanel: Well you know she is doesn't like kids and stuff. So one less to pick from.
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Alana: Do they know you are going to play around with their hearts and emotions and then dump one of them?
Erik: They know I am the heir of a Dynasty and I have to have a spouse. So we are fine.
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Erik: *splashes*
Chantel: Hey no fair*giggles*
Celeste: Water fight
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Chantel: *splashes*
Erik: Hey, that was cold.
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Erik: I got to know the girl a little better as the say went by, I still have to meet with Jolene. She texted me and said she would be here soon.
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Chantel was a Writer, single. She was Materialistic, snob and jealous.
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Celeste is a food critic and single. She Is a perfectionist, genius and a geek.
Alana is out of the running for me. I found out that she was unemployed, single, creative, non-committal and hates children
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Offline Joria

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: A Good Day 06/09/2019
« Reply #841 on: June 09, 2019, 08:31:25 PM »
Yikes!  My favorite Alanna is a bi, er, beast.  Chantal not too far behind as that jealous trait can be a bear.  Sure hope Jolene is better.  So far it looks like Celeste is in the running though.  Who knew love could be so complicated?
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline sdhoey

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Is This Love 07/23/2019
« Reply #842 on: July 23, 2019, 06:02:58 PM »
Erik: Hey, Jolene? The is Erik, I was out at the swimming hole and was wondering if you would like to join me?

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Jolene: I am glad you called me. I was just sitting there wondering when this heat was going to give up.
Erik: Well, I was here earlier with the others and well, let's just say I felt like something was missing.

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Jolene: Aww, that was sweet. I was thinking of you too. Do you think this heat is ever gonna cool down?
Erik: I don't know. I think we will all melt away soon enough if it doesn't.

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Erik: Sooo, you ready to go and cool off and get some rays?
Jolene: Well the cooling-off sounds great.

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Jolene: Cannon Ball!!!!

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Jolene: *sputters* Where are you now?

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Erik: Up here, my turn.

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*kisses muscle*

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Erik: Check out the form and the guns.
Jolene: *giggles*

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Jolene: A ten from my view.

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Erik: *swan dives*

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Erik: So was it a perfect 10 or a dud?
Jolene: You are a perfect 10.

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Erik: *blushes* Wow, I think you’re a 10 also.

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Erik: Are you blushing. *waves*
Jolene: Oh stop it silly *blushes*

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Jolene: I'm just kidding, keep going. *giggles*
Erik: *snickers* You're adorable when you blush.

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Erik: *blows kisses*

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Jolene: Oh, *grabs kiss*

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*Leans closer*
Erik: So, have I told you how beautiful you are?
Jolene: No,

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Erik: Your eyes are perfect, like little gems. Your skin is like smooth porcelain.

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Erik: I find myself wanting to get lost in your eyes, and wake in your arms.
Jolene: Oh Erik.

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Erik: *cough* Here, let me massage your shoulders. I give great massages.
Jolene: Your hands are very warm and strong.

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Jolene: I have thoughts and dreams of you often too.

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Offline sdhoey

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Is This Love 07/23/2019
« Reply #843 on: July 23, 2019, 06:03:25 PM »
Erik: Well, I guess we better call it a night and head home.
Jolene: Erik, is there something you want to say?

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*first kiss*

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Jolene: Wow, hmm, that was, wow.
Erik: That is what I wanted to say, I mean to do.

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Jolene: I'm not complaining. I wanted it also.
Erik: Maybe we can get together again soon?

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Jolene: I would love that. I really enjoyed tonight Erik See you soon.

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Erik: I think I have found the one for me. I am so in love with her.

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Offline sdhoey

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: R.I.P. Maja 07/23/2019
« Reply #844 on: July 23, 2019, 08:35:57 PM »
Later that evening before Erik arrived home.

Maja: Ahhhh my old friend comes at last.

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Maja: I will greet him with joy in my heart. My family is healthy and happy. We have had strong bloodline in this estate. My children will see it carried on.

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Maja: I love you my love, my love for you will always be strong. Nothing will ever part us.

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Maja: *sighs*

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Grim: *sighs*
Harper: What are you doing here?

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Harper: Oh mom! DAD, come quick.

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Erik: What's with all the screaming and why is Grim here?

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Harper: Erik, it's mom, she's gone. *sobs*

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Erik: Dad, no! Don't look
Shane: Maja!!*gasp*
Grim: She was ready Shane, it was well past her time.

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Shane: Not my love, my Maja, my beautiful wife. *sobs*
Erik: Mommy, why? *sobs*

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Shane: Please old friend, be gentle with her.
Grim: I will, she was a gentle soul and carrying sim.

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Harper: Oh mom, what are we gonna do without you?

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Grim: It's time to go be with the rest of the family Maja.

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Shane: Oh mom, what am I going to do without her?
Ruby: *cries* Just do the best you can and love your family.

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Shane: Maja, I am strengthening you hold to the sim verse so you can visit us as often as you wish.

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Shane: I hope my love and honor has pleased the powers that be so that your spirit can move freely between realms.

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Erik: Oh mom *sobs* Just when I have found the one I love. I was so wanting to have you be here for the big day.
Ruby: It will be all be fine grandson. Your mother will be present in one form or another. You have made us all proud.

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Erik: Thank you, grandmother, it is time to make some moves and get the future sent in motion.

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With that, Erik starts making plans that his mother would approve of.

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R.I.P Maja Sharebear.

Offline sdhoey

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Welcome Home 07/23/2019
« Reply #845 on: July 23, 2019, 08:50:14 PM »
Hey Jolene, I was wondering if you would like to come over for a bit? My mother just passed away and I just need someone to talk with.

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Sure that is fine, finish what you're doing and when you get here, you get here.
Grace: *kissy sounds*

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Great, I look forward to seeing you too, later.

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A little while later:

Jolene: Oh hey there Erik, I'm so sorry about your mom. She was such a nice lady.

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Erik: Thanks Jo, she was a special lady. I am just glad you could come.
Jolene: I would have been here sooner but I was stuck in the kitchen.

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Erik: Maybe we can cloud gaze and talk. Cloud gazing was my mom's favorite thing.
Jolene: I would like that.

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Jolene: I am glad you called. I really was missing you and I really did enjoy our time together yesterday.
Erik: Me too. I really enjoy being with you. Jo, you are something special.

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Erik:  Look a fluffy cloud.
Jolene: It kind of looks like a bunny.

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Erik: I know that we are just starting to build something here with each other, but would you like to move in with me and my family?
Jolene: Why Erik, are you sure? I mean, I would love too, I have been itching to get my hands of that garden. YES!!

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Jolene: Wow, I never knew that they had so many plants in here. There must be at least one of every variety.

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Jolene: Those bees really need to be tamed. Maybe I will do that soon.

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Offline sdhoey

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Is This Love? 07/23/2019
« Reply #846 on: July 23, 2019, 08:52:13 PM »
Sorry for the mass updates, but I have fallen behind in them with the Sharebears and want to get caught up. So please bear with me while I get caught up. Thanks

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Twice As Nice 07/24/2019
« Reply #847 on: July 24, 2019, 06:31:12 PM »
Guy: Relax, you will do great tonight. I just know it.
Grace: I am so nervous. This is my chance to show them what I am made of.

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Grace: I am ready to take that stage now. Is everything ready?
Director: Yes dear, everything is ready. Just do your thing and be you. You got this.

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Grace: First it was my fight scene. I had planned on the easy one, but at the last minute, I threw caution to the wind and did the risky scene.

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Next was the Singing? And guitar scene, I played my heart out and put my soul into it. I was still grieving for my mom and it all came out.

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Then it was time for the scene I was worried about, the hugging scene, emotions today would not be best. I did the risky and almost broke my castmates back.

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As the day went on, I came to the final scene, my death scene.

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I did it again and put my emotions and did the risky.

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I nailed it.

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After that, I fell apart in grief for my mom.

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The next night was the Awards ceremony. Would I win or go home empty-handed?

I WON!!! My first Starlight Accolade for Best Acting.

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Grace: I accept this for all my fans that made this possible and most of all, *tears* I accept this for my mother.

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Mom, I know you are watching from above and I love you. I could not have done this without you.

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Thank you all for this. Thank you to my Director,

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My producer,

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Thank you

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Everyone came up to Congratulate me and offer their condolences to my family.

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ATTENTION EVERYONE, we still have another award to give out.

Announcer: For her outstanding performance in her second film, her second Accolade tonight. Grace Sharebear.

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Twice As Nice 07/24/2019
« Reply #848 on: July 28, 2019, 12:51:58 PM »
My poor, dear, darling Grace. Finally gets her award, but only after the loss of her dear mother.  Excellent narrative with that, by the way.
I had actually been pulling for Celeste, but Jolene and Erik are sweet together.  Of course, Grace and Harper kind of steal every scene in my book  ;)

Offline sdhoey

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: This is Us 08/11/2019
« Reply #849 on: August 11, 2019, 09:01:36 PM »
Dad spends his time playing the piano must days.

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I have been pouring a lot of time into my career to get it complete.

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Harper is moving along in her aspiration and career.

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My beautiful girl is happy living here with us. I have a couple of surprises for her soon.

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She has joined the Critic Career, the food line. I can't wait to taste her cooking.

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She loves using the family study to write her columns.

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I have been practicing my photography.

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Dad started mentoring Jolene with her writing.

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Grace had to invite her director and co-workers over for a type of "get to know you" thing.

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She loves to pose for the camera.

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What can I say, I love my sister.

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Harper has been gathering impression from her new board that she got at work.

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Offline Joria

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Updated 08/11/2019
« Reply #850 on: August 12, 2019, 09:54:24 PM »
So much going on!  They all look so happy and successful, well, except for the sad Dad just waiting for his turn to join Maja.  Love how you put it all together.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline sdhoey

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Updated 08/11/2019
« Reply #851 on: August 13, 2019, 04:34:50 PM »
So much going on!  They all look so happy and successful, well, except for the sad Dad just waiting for his turn to join Maja.  Love how you put it all together.

Thank you Joria, right now I am kind "rushing" thru some of it to get the girls thru their careers and get gen 6 on the way.

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Updated 08/11/2019
« Reply #852 on: August 19, 2019, 03:27:31 PM »
Today is my day for finishing my catch-up of your great story. I've just read past the Gen4 heir vote, but Shane is still the active heir.
A few comments:
Favorite line during a Gen4 party:                      
G: Every time I come here for a party I get pregnant. What is up with this?    
Wow, Grace and Harper are so gorgeous and yet Erik won the heir vote? Do you think it was his red hair?   
My sims have yet to step foot in Del Sol Valley or try the Get Famous careers and fame system. I have to say that the crown looks absurd, lol.
If the crown is supposed to help with super-skilling, couldn't the devs have made it more attractive?!   

Also, your Sharebears are crushing all the careers! The remaining generations will have nothing to do, hahaha!                     

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Updated 08/11/2019
« Reply #853 on: August 19, 2019, 03:45:02 PM »
Lol, you are literally working your Sharebears to death! They are doing so well!
Always love me a spouse hunt--Erik had some gorgeous choices to choose from.
I was kind of rooting for Chantel, but Jolene was the prettiest of the four. Unique traits, too?

Rest in peace, Maja! You finished two careers, placed your star in Del Sol, and was a warm, loving wife and mother.

Huh!? Wait, what? Did I just catch up to your story?
Giiiiirrrrl, you are behind on updating, lol!

Offline sdhoey

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Updated 08/19/2019
« Reply #854 on: August 19, 2019, 09:22:02 PM »
Remember when I said I had some surprises for my girl? Well, tonight we made it official. I asked her to my girl and of course, she said yes.

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On our way upstairs, I just couldn't stop showing her how much I love her.

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*drops to one knee*

Jolene I know it's fast and sudden, but would you do me the honor of being my wife and the mother of my children?

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Jolene: Oh Erik, it's beautiful. I would love to be your wife and the mother of OUR children.

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Jolene: Oh my, I can't wait to become Mrs. Sharebear.
Erik: Why wait?

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Jolene: I have been wondering what this arch was here for. Now I know.
Erik: The more you know. Now to get the show on the road.

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After the wedding, they slipped off to the sauna downstairs.

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A few days later, Jolene was coming back from paying her respects to the past heirs and found out that she was pregnant.

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Jolene: Erik, honey, baby. I am pregnant.
Erik: Me? You? Nooboos?

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Mikeal: Good job there cousin.
Erik: I'm gonna be a daddy.

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Jolene: I just told pops. He is so happy to become a grandpa.

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Shane: I can't believe it, me? A grandpa.

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Shane: I just wish my Maja was still here to share in the joy with me.

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