Author Topic: Ragnum Immortal Dynasty. Graveyard, please  (Read 22433 times)

Offline Malley

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Re: Ragnum Immortal Dynasty. 9/27
« Reply #75 on: September 27, 2015, 07:29:26 PM »
Due to poor healing and my body not willing to cooperate, I recently had a second surgery on my left foot  :( This means that I can't stay long on my desktop without feeling like I'm losing my foot to pain, so my dear Ragnums are paying the price. I don't know when the next update on this story will be posted, perhaps in a month? I'm hopping no more than that.

Meanwhile I'm playing a second Immortal Dynasty en my laptop that only has installed the base game, world aventures and ambitions, not stuff or store contents. Confession time: I'm totally hooked, without easy money, alchemy, potions and other legal things that make life easier to my sims the challenge is more, well, challenging, and creativity for decoration and clothing with little content is another challenge in itself. I'm taking some screenshots so maybe in a few days I start a new story.

As someone who's had foot surgery (last year, in fact), I totally get it. It is not fun at all, so I wish you a very speedy recovery!!!

Looking forward to another story, CeresIn! You still have to join me on the Townie DecaDynasty board too :)

Offline CeresIn

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Re: Ragnum Immortal Dynasty. 9/27
« Reply #76 on: September 29, 2015, 01:03:56 PM »
Sorry to hear about your foot! But as I've learned from my own issues, fun is only fun when you're not in excruciating pain.

Thank you, Trip, and yeah... so laptop for now.

As someone who's had foot surgery (last year, in fact), I totally get it. It is not fun at all, so I wish you a very speedy recovery!!!

Looking forward to another story, CeresIn! You still have to join me on the Townie DecaDynasty board too :)

Thank you, Malley. The DecaDynasty is my next serious Project after the Ragnum IDC, I was working on one when I was recovering from the first surgery but I was about to fail that. And I'm not sure to try with just two expansions or maybe yes and see what happens  :o

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Offline CeresIn

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Re: Ragnum Immortal Dynasty. Chapter 23 (10/21)
« Reply #77 on: October 21, 2015, 12:55:51 PM »
Chapter 23

There were several birthdays in the house, first was Brisa, encouraged by her family in the background.

She ages well.

Then it was the turn of Augusto, who posed for the camera before blowing out the candles, an artist of his caliber needs to have memories of his last moments of youth.

Who also looks good in his elder years.

The next day there were two more birthdays. Alejo,

His father and girlfriend left him a little deaf for celebrating too much close to his ear.

His traits are Athletic, Disciplined, Genius, Brave and Charismatic.

Abril also celebrated her change of age.

The whole family attended the graduation of the two youths.

"Son, I think you've inherited your mother's poor vision, I don’t think this is the way to sit in the car."

After the ceremony, the eldest left the young couple alone; they embraced with emotion, realizing that they were beginning a new phase in their lives.

Alejo felt it was the right time so he knelt in front of his girlfriend.

With an emotional speech, he asked her marriage and she, with tears in her eyes, embraced him tenderly.

And the promise of love was sealed with a kiss.

They did not wait long to marry, with the money that the Ragnums had gathered over the years it was easy to put together a party in no time.

First a photo of the bride: because she is the protagonist of this day.

Family and guests enjoyed a beautiful day outdoors.

And when the sun begins to fall, it was the right time for a nice ceremony.

The couple exchange their vows under a decoration made in their colors. And they sealed the deal with a kiss.

"Today is the happiest day of my life, beauty."

"Mine too, I could not be more grateful to be part of this family and be your wife."

A few days later, Brisa and Abril completed Augusto’s museum. Here it is at different angles.

So with his last requisite fulfilled, Augusto sat down to enjoy his deserved ambrosia.

Offline Malley

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Re: Ragnum Immortal Dynasty. Chapter 23 (10/21)
« Reply #78 on: October 21, 2015, 02:50:21 PM »
"Son, I think you've inherited your mother's poor vision, I don’t think this is the way to sit in the car."

A family trait, it seems  ;D

Augusto's museum is awesome! I love how you designed it.

Offline CeresIn

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Re: Ragnum Immortal Dynasty. Chapter 23 (10/21)
« Reply #80 on: October 31, 2015, 07:05:50 PM »
A family trait, it seems  ;D

Augusto's museum is awesome! I love how you designed it.

Yep, Not only he inherited Brisa's eye color  :P

Love the driving technique, and the beautiful newlyweds.

Thank you! They are one of the couples that look best together in the family to me.

Offline CeresIn

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Re: Ragnum Immortal Dynasty. Chapter 23 (10/21)
« Reply #81 on: October 31, 2015, 07:34:13 PM »
Chapter 24: Augusto’s guide

Augusto suddenly found himself walking through a door leading to a beautiful place.

"Is this the reason why my mother and my grandmother insisted to go to bed early?"

The place was beautiful and seemed to be bathed in sunshine. A circular pergola was in front of him and his curiosity made him go there.

In the middle was an easel with a blank canvas, ready to be used. He continued his inspection and found a corner with various musical instruments.

He smiled to himself, the place seemed to be created for him because contained everything that motivated him.

Suddenly he felt someone was watching him.

The man sitting there smiled slightly and, for some reason, Augusto felt he knew him. The person stood up as he began walking.

"I knew you could do it." He said hugging him tightly.

Augusto returned the embrace with the same impetus; his guide was in the flesh before him, someone who had been his company since his teen years, a person who he considered like a brother.

"See what you did?"

Augusto narrowed his eyes trying to interpret what the guide was saying.

"I don’t understand, Artie. What have I done?"

"Oh Mother Nature, I hate that nickname."

Augusto concealed the laughter caused by Artie’s indignation and decided to observe the beautiful works of art.

"This place is full of beautiful paintings."

"It is, to this I mean if you see what you've done, you've given me back my art in all its expressions. Thanks to that you have met all your requirements Mother Nature has given me back my Creative Corner. "

"From here you can see everything. These benches that I used to sit for inspiration has the best view of the whole place, I can see my favorite paintings, my easel and my beloved instruments. "

"It's really a beautiful place."

"And now it's yours, too."

"I am honored that you want to share this with me."

"It's the least I can do; Guide and Wisdom also share their places with their protected."

"The color is so vivid."

"You know that I also represent the sun, so these are the colors that predominate here. Come, we get closer to the instruments, it’s been a while since I have a good band mate, my brothers are interested in other arts. "

"Artie ... Are you comfortable there among the branches of the tree?"

"Mmm no, I better change of instrument."

This is a guide that is glad to receive his reward.

From the position where he was sitting, Augusto could see a corner from which he had not noticed before.

"What is it that I can’t distinguish from here?

"Ohh is my source of prophecy. Do you want to see it? Before everything happened it was also where my muses used to live. "

"It has a different energy to the rest." Augusto said breathing deeply.

"It’s true. It has to be so I can concentrate and receive prophecies. Do you see the flower in the center of the fountain? "

"Yes, it's a little strange."

"That's where I do the readings to predict the future."

"For real? Can you see any right now? "

"Let's see ... Let me focus."

"Yes, I see how I win in a contest with you to hold the gaze without blinking."

"Let's try it, then."

A few minutes later…

"You blinked!" Exclaimed Augusto cheerfully.

Artie grumbled.

"It wasn’t a very good prophecy."

 “Oh Well, I’m a little rusty.”

"You have to understand that since Mother Nature took my corner I couldn’t make prophecies, but now I have my source back and I’ll be able to practice again."

Suddenly, Augusto felt a small tug on his body.

"I think your earthly body is awakening. Come, I'll walk you to the door. "

"I don’t want to go yet."

"Don’t worry, this place will always be open to you, now that you're immortal you have access while asleep. I hope your visit soon, we could go out and meet some nice girls. "

"Artie ...." Augusto said shaking his head.

"Oh right, you have a beautiful wife at home. I don’t know how I have forgotten, with all the time that my sister spent on reminding me you got an epic love story. But I don't have one, so now that I've done my duty I can devote myself to my other passion, give love to the female population, and some male too."

Augusto rolled his eyes.

Too much orange  :o

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Offline Malley

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Re: Ragnum Immortal Dynasty. Chapter 24: Augusto's guide (10/31)
« Reply #82 on: November 01, 2015, 01:21:45 PM »
Artie is quite colorful! It was a beautiful area that Augusto got to visit with his guide too. Reminds me of autumn when all the leaves change to orange and yellow  :)

Offline CeresIn

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Re: Ragnum Immortal Dynasty. Chapter 24: Augusto's guide (10/31)
« Reply #83 on: November 22, 2015, 10:54:57 AM »
Artie is quite colorful! It was a beautiful area that Augusto got to visit with his guide too. Reminds me of autumn when all the leaves change to orange and yellow  :)

It was hard to think of a place for him and when I thought of a garden I knew it had to be different from Dánae's.

Chapter 25

"I think it's time to start our family." Alejo said looking at his new wife sweetly.

After four attempts they heard the bells announce that they had succeeded.

Alejo joined the Law Enforcement career, he wants to be a spy. To demonstrate his good talents for the job, on his first day, he changed his hairstyle and put on a fancy costume. He was not very happy with the result.

For best performance on the job, he asks her grandmother to give him logic classes.

Danae, who passed them, tried to understand the explanation of his daughter, as her face suggests, she didn’t see the connection between logic and a day at the spa.

Meanwhile, Augusto and Brisa enjoy the lack of duties through all the places that the family owned.

Abril is very happy with the arrival of her child, usually she stop in the middle of some activity to caress her belly tenderly.

Although, she wasn’t very pleased when the labor pains began.

The whole family panics, so Abril ended up going alone to the hospital where the fifth heir was born. A girl named Amelle, who is friendly and excitable.

Of course, as was routine, Ambar took one of her samples saved and transformed it into a beautiful child, Julian, who, like her predecessors, was born with the flirty and artistic traits and the irresistible reward.

And while all this excitement was going on, you wonder what Dánae was doing, well, what any immortal sim with more time and money than they can spend, dumpster diving of course.

With all of this taking its toll on the house, Ciro felt it was the right time to make his first appearance. Unfortunately, he stayed int the roof of the museum and dedicated to meditate all night. Apparently, life in the hereafter is a good one because he has developed a belly that he didn’t have while living.

Meanwhile, Alejo was making progress on the road to immortality.

He got one of his challenges of his skill and began producing rocks to help his grandmother Dánae.

And in his career, that progresses at a rapid pace. Also, he looks good in uniform.

Augusto's fame reaches everywhere and not only mortals enjoy his music.

"I've been informing people of my plane, how talented is my protégé. Grim took the chance of taking a soul and decided to stay to listen. "

Augusto smiled vaguely, Grim didn’t have the best reputation in the family and he didn’t want to think about who was next Ragnum on the list.

In happier news, the two nooboos of the house celebrated theirs birthdays, first the heiress who was taken to the candles by her grandmother Ambar, while her mother was celebrating joyously, but everyone knew it was more for the birthday cake than anything else.

And here's Amelle, who became the first heir who is not a redhead and is the fifth generation to inherit the Hatch’s nose.

Then the family celebrated the birthday of little Julian, for a moment everyone thought that Ambar had made a mistake and cloned an alien, but  not, those dark eyes and features are of the person they cloned.

Like the good and responsible parents they are, Alejo and Abril left the children in their elders’ care to celebrate a postponed honeymoon. To gain more time they took Dánae with them.

The days were mostly used by Abril to complete skill challenges.

And for Alejo to became Grand Master.

His first opponent took four hours to get to the house while Alejo uses the waiting time to meditate.

But appearances are deceiving because this was the most difficult opponent to beat, and he parred with her three times before he beat her on the fourth.

On these days, Alejo also devotes time to athletics achieving his lifetime wish.

And while the two younger were working nonstop, what was Dánae doing? Well…

It seems that Dánae has decided to enter a rebellious stage at her age...

But at least the trip served Alejo’s mission and whit a last fight another skill challenge was in his bag.

Offline Malley

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Re: Ragnum Immortal Dynasty. Chapter 25 (11/22)
« Reply #84 on: November 22, 2015, 05:36:23 PM »
Julian and Amelle are just adorable. And gotta love the fact that Alejo couldn't beat the old lady with the cane  ::)

Offline Lisa46

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Re: Ragnum Immortal Dynasty. Chapter 25 (11/22)
« Reply #85 on: December 05, 2015, 09:57:29 PM »
Oooh, who's the new clone?

Offline CeresIn

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Re: Ragnum Immortal Dynasty. Chapter 25 (11/22)
« Reply #86 on: December 22, 2015, 04:30:53 PM »
Julian and Amelle are just adorable. And gotta love the fact that Alejo couldn't beat the old lady with the cane  ::)

It was very funny to see the old lady beating Alejo.

Oooh, who's the new clone?

Seeing this message it's to announce that I lost the challenge, I have no problem in revealing the mystery. It's Jared Frio's clone.

Unfortunately I lost the challenge, part of the blame is due to my negligence. I don't have Amelle's child museum pieces.

This is what happened: I played about three sim-days without saving and the game freezes (firts error), as it frustrates me to have lost some of the game, I stopped playing for a few days. When I re-start the game I remembered that I had lost a few days but I forgot that it's was in that time I had done all the pieces (second error: not checking the museum). So when Amelle aged to teen I happily sent Abril to make the painting and when I placed it in the museum was when I realized I was missing the child's pieces. Of course I panicked first, I didn't understand how they could have disappeared until I remembered what had happened.  :'(

I'm not sure if start a new Immortal Dynasty with Amelle or with a new founder, or maybe do another challenge with her (4x4 or Life State) and follow the line of this story. For now I'm leaning to a 4x4, like a second chance given by Mohter Nature. I don't know.

In consecuense: graveyard, please.

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Ragnum Immortal Dynasty. Graveyard, please
« Reply #87 on: December 22, 2015, 05:06:43 PM »
@CeresIn I'm sad to hear about this. Hope your next story is more successful.

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Re: Ragnum Immortal Dynasty. Graveyard, please
« Reply #88 on: December 22, 2015, 07:27:05 PM »

I'm moving this to the Graveyard at the author's request. The author can have it moved back at any time by contacting a moderator.
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