Author Topic: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Forty-Eight - Party Girl vs Study Girl  (Read 46195 times)

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Twenty - Moving On and Moving Out
« Reply #75 on: October 13, 2012, 07:25:09 PM »
Chapter 20: Moving On and Moving Out

Hello, everybody! It's your regular narrator, Kelly! Last chapter, I wasn't in the mood for storytelling and my husband took over. I'm alright now and so is my family. We're all okay.

The first thing I want to tell you about is that our house got another renovation. This house just doesn't stay the same for long. But it's only a small one. We shrunk the bathroom a bit and made a little hallway. That way, we don't have to go through the bathroom to get to the laundry room.

Serenity's not a toddler anymore. She went into the child stage just a few days after my father died. Travis and I redid her room before she celebrated her birthday.

These are some of the last pictures of Serenity as a toddler. Somehow, looking at these make me a little sad.

Originally, we were going to have a party because there was more than one birthday, but we were still a bit down. A family party was enough.

Mom brought Serenity to the cake.

This picture here makes me smile. It's like she's trying to dance, but making herself dizzy.

There she is!

The other birthday belonged to my brothers. Skylar and Aaron were becoming young adults!

Skylar gained the Bookworm trait and got the Illustrious Author lifetime wish. Aaron gained the clumsy trait and the Perfect Mind, Perfect Body lifetime wish. I guess they finally figured out what they're going to do.

They asked me not to show their wardrobes, so I'll just show their close-ups.

Shortly after they aged up, my brothers decided it was time to move out. But they weren't moving out alone. Remember their girlfriends, Elisabeth and Laura? They each moved out with them.

Skylar and Elisabeth moved only a short distance away.

Aaron and Laura moved further away into one of the wide houses and took Laura's cat with them.

I wish Skylar, Aaron, Elisabeth and Laura good luck! We'll visit them soon.

In the meantime, it's nice to have the household be small again. Serenity is awfully fond of that rocking horse. I worry she may break it from playing with it so much.

Come to think of it, Serenity gained the Equestrian trait when she aged up. Maybe she's trying to tell me something.

When Serenity was a toddler, I bought a Lonely Unicorn music box from the consignment store. It was for her birthday, which was nowhere near at that time, but I was afraid someone else might snatch it up. I guess I can give it to her now.

If there's one good thing that came from my dad's death, it's that I realized something. I'm not going to be here forever. Someday, Travis and I will be in my parents' place, retired and watching Serenity live her own adult life. I think that's why my parents made such a big deal about prom and all. They wanted me to be happy and wanted to see me happy. Well, I don't care if Serenity doesn't go to prom or date or have kids of her own. I want Serenity to do whatever makes her happy and if I'm picking up the hints well, I know exactly what will make her happy.
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Offline SadieHamming

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Twenty - Moving On and Moving Out
« Reply #76 on: October 13, 2012, 09:36:49 PM »
Aw, Serenity is real cute! Great update!

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Twenty - Moving On and Moving Out
« Reply #77 on: October 13, 2012, 10:25:29 PM »

Serenity's back in the spotlight!
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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Twenty-One - Foal Play
« Reply #78 on: October 22, 2012, 11:52:28 PM »
Chapter 21: Foal Play

Meaghan and I hadn't done anything together as friends for a while. I don't think we've done anything together beyond childcare and our hobbies. We decided to head out to Mick's Master Karaoke for a fun night out.

Mick's was the hotspot for that night. What
wasn't so hot was me and Meaghan on the karaoke machine. Yes, I can admit it. We're not good singers, but we still finished our song and tried to look confident. One person seemed to like us.

After our night at Mick's came to an end, we headed home, tired and ready to drop.

Travis took Serenity to Dogwood Playland the next day for some quality time with her.

Well, that's we told her anyway. It wasn't a lie, but we were planning a surprise. We needed Travis to keep her out for a few hours, so Mom and Meaghan could help me set up. None of us wanted Serenity to have a hint of suspicion.

I searched online, already having my mind set.

Mom and Meaghan reconstructed the fence area while I used the computer. They did wonderfully, I might add.

Unrelated, but after I finished searching online, I went outside to inspect things with Mom and Meaghan. I ran into Anita. In case you don't remember, she's the twin sister of Travis's ex-girlfriend, Carlotta. You know, the one I convinced him to dump to marry me.

Since Anita doesn't hate me, we talked for a little while. I asked her how Carlotta was doing. Apparently, she was still mad. She hadn't gotten over it and was drowning her sorrows in food.

"Like mutant sandwiches?" I joked.

Immature, yes, I know, but if she's still upset, she's got issues. She's had more than enough time to find someone else. Anita actually agreed. She was doing rather well. She was engaged to a woman named Shonda. Never heard of her, but I was happy for Anita. I had to get back to Mom and Meaghan, so I told Anita goodbye.

I sincerely do hope Carlotta is okay.

Getting back on topic, after Mom, Meaghan and I were sure everything was ready, I called Travis to bring back Serenity. Upon arriving back home, she was greeted with this.

Serenity's eyes lit up like stars when she saw the foal. I heard her to whisper to Travis, "Daddy, what is that?"

"That is your new foal," he whispered back. "Isn't it pretty?"

"It's female," I informed him. "Her name's Raven. The agency told me she's fast, agile and obedient.

Serenity stammered before finally getting some words out of her mouth. "She's...beautiful! I love her!"

"Now, you have to get her to trust you," Travis told Serenity. "She's a baby, so she misses her mother. She needs someone to trust. Do you think you can get her to trust you?"

"You bet!"

And so, for the next six hours or so, Serenity spent time with Raven. Talking to her, petting her, letting her sniff her hand and she brushed her coat once.

They were friends before the night was over. Serenity looks ready to cry with happiness. Aww!

Oh! There's one thing I forgot to mention. It's kind of irrelevent, but the night Meaghan and I went out to Mick's Master Karaoke, she chatted with some guy before we left. They met up again the same night Serenity got Raven.

I'm not sure whether Meaghan's talking about our house or another house, but I wonder where this could be going...
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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Twenty-One - Foal Play
« Reply #79 on: October 23, 2012, 04:35:43 PM »
What a nice gift for Serenity! Great update.

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Twenty-One - Foal Play
« Reply #80 on: November 01, 2012, 07:20:57 AM »
Thanks! The next update will be up some time today.
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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Twenty-Two - Meaghan's Wedding
« Reply #81 on: November 01, 2012, 07:03:32 PM »
Chapter 22: Meaghan's Wedding

Yes, you read that correctly. Meaghan is getting married. Apparently, she really hit it off with the man she met at Mick's and went out a few times afterwards. His name's Xaiver Clements. From how Meaghan told it, the long story short is they went from strangers to romance in two days flat.

The day Meaghan chose to propose to Xaiver, they met up at Riverwalk Park.

Meaghan didn't waste any time. She popped the question and the answer is obvious. He accepted.

They spent some time together before Meaghan came back. I was the first person she told.

I knew nothing of this before, so I was surprised when Meaghan announced this engagement. But I couldn't have been happier for her. Meaghan's been nothing but amazing to us and especially to Serenity. The two are so close to each other. I knew getting married meant she wouldn't living with us anymore and we'd miss having her around, but I knew Meaghan wouldn't forget us.

"Never ever, Kelly," she told me.

Meaghan's wedding was held the very next day at the Ceremonial Tales Garden. She held it at 3:00 so Serenity could attend after school. Unfortunately, there was a full moon, but I don't think it ruined her wedding.

"Mommy," Serenity had whispered to me, "Why is Auntie Meghan leaving us? Did we do something?"

"No, Serenity," I told her. "You know how Uncle Skylar and Uncle Aaron got married and moved out? Auntie Meghan is doing that too. She'll still visit. Don't worry.

"Okay, good! Because I want her to see me grow up and be a horserider!"

I laughed a bit. Serenity and her innocence.

Meaghan was such a beautiful bride. Her gown was a little more "daring" than mine, but she was simply stunning in it.

A little family moment with me, Serenity and Aaron.

Meaghan ate with us at the table instead of with Xaiver.

The wedding ended soon after that, but Serenity wasn't leaving without giving Meaghan a hug.

"You're still our family, right, Auntie Meaghan?" I heard Serenity ask her. Uh-oh. I think she was crying.

"Of course, sweetie," Meaghan assured her. "There, don't cry. I know this happened so fast, but I'm not leaving the family. Just the house."

"Can Raven come visit?"

"Of course," Meaghan laughed. "Raven can come visit too."

Serenity was all smiles after that and Travis took her home, so she could do her homework and get to bed. I stayed a little longer.

"Thanks so much, Meaghan."

"Thank you, Kelly," she said. "You started this by just being my friend in high school."

"Well, I didn't imagine my friend becoming part of my family, to be honest," I told her.

"Neither did I, but I'll never forget the day you asked me to move in," she promised. "I didn't tell you this, but my...biological family...moved away."

"When?!?" I asked her.

"I don't know," she answered. "They left without telling me. I heard from the next door neighbors."

"Wait, they moved out of Riverview?"

"They moved to Twinbrook. I think they have some resentment toward me because I "broke away" from them. I don't care."

"Are you sure?" I asked her. "That's cold of them to abandon you like that."

"Don't worry about it. I'm doing just fine. I have a family."

We hugged a second time and then, the wedding was over.

Meaghan and Xaiver's house was only two blocks away. I wish them good luck together.

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Twenty-Two - Meaghan's Wedding
« Reply #82 on: November 02, 2012, 11:09:30 PM »
No storytelling this time. Just wanted to show some more remodeling I did. I seem to do a lot of that.

I turned Skylar and Aaron's old bedroom into an office. I didn't feel like bothering with the flooring and wallpaper, so I left those alone.

I separated the kitchen/living room set-up into a living room and a dining room.

Meaghan's old room became the new kitchen. I might make it a little more sleek/modern someday, but for now, I stuck with the old stuff.

Close-ups of the new living room.

Close-ups of the new dining room and the little reading area.
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Offline SadieHamming

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Twenty-Two - Meaghan's Wedding
« Reply #83 on: November 03, 2012, 09:25:32 AM »
The wedding was really pretty. Serenity is so sweet, and Meaghan looked very pretty.

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Twenty-Two - Meaghan's Wedding
« Reply #84 on: November 03, 2012, 10:07:35 AM »
Thanks. I only wish I had placed some outdoor lights.
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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Twenty-Three - The Aley Cowgirl
« Reply #85 on: November 04, 2012, 03:15:24 AM »
Chapter 23: The Aley Cowgirl

Serenity visited Meaghan after school the next day. I thought she and her husband would be on some kind of honeymoon, but I guess not. Oddly, she was still in her wedding dress.

After they finished playing, Meaghan helped Serenity with her homework. Serenity is able to get her homework done pretty fast on her own, but I think she asks for help when she wants attention.

I guess it's better than if she were acting out.

I still can't get over how she took Meaghan getting married and moving out. When her uncles moved out, she was almost nonchalant, despite being very close to them. I wonder why Meaghan moving out gets a different reaction.

Serenity takes very good care of her horse. The first thing she does when she comes home is tend to Raven.

Even on the weekends, Serenity gets up early to take care of Raven. Sometimes, she throws on one of her princess costumes because "all princesses love ponies". Don't ask me what movie she got that from. I have no idea.

Travis and I are very busy with our careers. I am currently a genetic resequencer (level 7) and Travis is a department head (level 5). Sometimes, we come home and are both plopped on the bed within five minutes. We try to make time for each other during the week, but sometimes, we're so exhausted, we don't want to do anything.

Luckily, we both have weekends off, so we can relax and forget about work.

There was one weekend where we talked about the possibility of having another child. I wasn't too keen on the idea. My pregnancy with Serenity was blissful, but the birth do I put this? Not pleasant, even with the most of the pain numbed.

Plus, I think Serenity's fine as an only child, but Travis worries that she's lonely (didn't we just buy our daughter a horse?). He thinks that's why she didn't want Meaghan to leave. That might make sense if there weren't three people in this house who she gets plenty of attention from.

I think Travis just wants another child and is using Serenity as an excuse. *sigh* I
don't want another child. One, I hate maternity leave and two, I'd be back at work by the time the kid was a toddler. It wouldn't be fair to stick Mom with childcare duties in her last years. We're going to have to sort this out.

In the meantime, Serenity asked for permisssion to have a slumber party. So much for her being lonely. I bought pizza for her and her friends.

She invited three friends, one of whom was a boy named Elbert Chow. She spent a lot of time talking to him.

Travis celebrated his adult birthday. In the bathroom.

Raven also had a birthday to celebrate that night. She grew from a cute foal to a beautiful horse.

Serenity's birthday was the next night. She actually told us she didn't want a party. No special reason. She just wanted to age up "naturally". I think she probably didn't want two parties in a row.

Serenity's favorite color is blue and she really used it in her wardrobe. Her hair really grew too. I don't know about letting her wear that top in her everyday wear. I like it, but I'm worried about her attracting some bad attention.

Serenity became a great kisser when she became a teen. Yeah, that doesn't really help my mind.

But I think Serenity hasn't completely lost all of the kid in her.

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Twenty-Three - The Aley Cowgirl
« Reply #86 on: November 04, 2012, 10:34:49 AM »
Serenity is stunning.
I love this line"
'Plus, I think Serenity's fine as an only child, but Travis worries that she's lonely (didn't we just buy our daughter a horse?)'
And this one:
'Serenity became a great kisser when she became a teen. Yeah, that doesn't really help my mind.'

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Twenty-Three - The Aley Cowgirl
« Reply #87 on: November 04, 2012, 10:51:07 AM »
Thanks, Sadie!

Because of Hurricane Sandy, school was cancelled last week. We are also out this week, with the exception of Wednesday. It was Monday and Wednesday, but because much of my town is still lacking power, Monday was cancelled too.

Since I have so much time (and little else to do), there are going to be consistent updates on all of my stories.
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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Twenty-Four - A Troubling Matter
« Reply #88 on: November 05, 2012, 10:09:48 PM »
Chapter 24: A Troubling Matter

Travis and I have been trying to solve our dilemma. He still won't admit that he just wants to have another child. I'd be a little less upset if he would stop using Serenity as an excuse and come right out and say it. Serenity never complained about being lonely when she was a kid and, from the looks of it, she's too busy as a teen to be lonely. We could work something out if Travis would just be honest.

"If you're going to complain about me, you could do it to my face," I heard Travis say behind me.

"You're the one being dishonest and you complain about me not talking to you?"

"I wasn't lying," he said. "I did think Serenity was lonely for a while. Why don't we ask her ourselves?"

"No!" I answered. "Serenity has no part in this and she's not here anyway. She and Mom went to watch a show at the equestrian center. This is between us. Why can't you just flat-out say what you want?"

"We obviously disagree about having another child anyway, so why are we arguing?"

I think that may have been a rhetorical question, but I answered it regardless. "We're arguing because I hate subtlety. Just say you think another child might be nice instead of putting Serenity's name in it."

"I already told you, I wasn't lying," he almost yelled. "But you're not listening!"

"You're not understanding!" I retorted. "Just leave me alone for now! I don't want to talk to you anymore!"

And that was the end of it. Travis left the house for a while.

I plopped myself in the armchair. I never felt so frustrated. I wanted to talk things out, not argue. Now, things were worse.

"I'm back! I brought..."


I thought it was Travis, but I turned around to see Serenity, stunned and taken aback.

"S-Serenity, I'm sorry. I thought you were..."

She didn't let me finish. She ran off to her room crying.

"Kelly!" my mom chided me. "Why did you yell at her like that?"

"I didn't mean to, Mom," I told her. I explained how I had been arguing with Travis and he left a short time ago. I was angry and didn't realize it was Serenity instead. I reacted on impulse. "Mom, you and Dad had my brothers when I was a teenager. How come you waited until I was that age?"

Mom answered my question and gave me some advice.

"Because we wanted to finish our jobs first. Plus, we had our hands full with you. It was easier to wait until you were a teenager. But we both wanted more kids. We agreed on that and how to go about it. You and Travis are on different pages."

"You don't say," I sighed.

"Look," Mom said. "I can't make a choice for you. You two have to figure this out and decide what means most to both of you and what the main problem is. In the meantime, I suggest you go apologize to Serenity for impulsively yelling at her. She hasn't come back down."

I thanked Mom for talking to me and went up to Serenity's room. She was talking on the phone. I waited for her to finish.

She saw me before I said anything and I could tell by the look on her face that she was still upset.

"Serenity, I'm sorry, honey." I tried to sound as sincere as possible. I still felt bad.

"What did I do?"

"Nothing. I was angry is all. Not at you. I didn't know you were at the door."

"Oh. Okay."

"Sweetie, I need to ask you a question."

"Alright," she said. "What is it?"

"Did you ever feel lonely as a child?"

"Lonely? Umm, not really. I never thought about it."

"What about now?" I asked her.

"Not now, either, Mom," she told me. She actually looked puzzled. "Actually, I'm going to start training Raven so we can enter riding competitions, so I'll need a lot of time alone. And if I ever do get lonely, I can call my friends for an outing or spend some time with Grandma if you and Dad are busy. Why do you ask?"

I didn't think Serenity needed to know what was going on, so I just told her I was wondering. She promised me she was fine, so I left her alone. I decided to go visit Aaron and see what he was up to.

Aaron and Laura were doing well since they moved in together. They were talking about getting another cat. We chatted for a few hours more before I went home. I felt a lot better afterwards.

Serenity and Raven were absent when I came back. I guess they went out riding. Mom was watching television. Travis wasn't home yet, so I tended to my garden until he returned.

Travis finally came home later, but he didn't even say hi to me. He just walked in the house. I followed him and saw him speak to Mom. I didn't know what they were saying, but I couldn't help feeling it was about me.

I waited outside for Travis, but not for long. He came outside soon enough and presented me with flowers.

I was about to ask what the flowers were for, but Travis spoke first. He told me that he was on the outskirts of town the whole time. He thought a lot of things over. He apologized for arguing, as did I.

"Listen, Kelly," he said to me. "I don't want to fight and if we don't settle this, I think we'll eventually break up. I'd hate for that to happen."

"Me too," I agreed. "But how do we work this out?"

"Well, I was going to say we worry about it later."

"You don't have to change your mind for me."

"I didn't," he told me. "Look over there."

I looked in the direction Travis pointed and saw Serenity on horseback, surrounded by a group of boys. My jaw dropped. "What does she think she's doing?!"

"Exactly," Travis said. "I think we better worry about Serenity before we have any more kids. Agreed?"

"Yep. Actually, I had an idea. Why don't we wait until one of us is at the top of our career tracks? That's what my parents did."

"That sounds like a good plan," he said. "In the meantime, let's keep an eye on our daughter's boyfriends."

"Come on, Travis," I told him with a little laugh. "I'm sure Serenity's not going out with more than one of them. They look more impressed with Raven. Maybe that's why she was riding."

"I'll buy it this time, Kelly. But next time, no."

At least, Travis and I made up.

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Twenty-Four - A Troubling Matter
« Reply #89 on: November 06, 2012, 10:17:40 AM »
I'm glad they made up! And, Serenity looks like a little flirt ;)

