Author Topic: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Forty-Eight - Party Girl vs Study Girl  (Read 46192 times)

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Thirty-Two - It Feels Like Magic
« Reply #105 on: March 03, 2013, 10:43:11 PM »
Chapter 32: It Feels Like Magic

Uh-oh. Amora's been acting up.

She was fine at first. She woke up and read a book.

It was supposed to be her first day of school, but when Mom told her to go get ready, she pitched a fit and argued back. She wouldn't listen to Mom.

I was outside tending to Raven when this happened, but I saw Mom's face when she came out the house and was about to leave for work. I asked her what was wrong and she told me. I told her I'd speak to Amora.

And I did. I scolded her for disobeying Mom and asked her why she refused to go to school. All she gave me was "I don't want to!"

"That is not a reason, Amora!" I told her. "You have to go to school, whether you like it or not!"

"No! I don't want to go to school!" she argued. "You don't!"

"Because I'm an adult. I've finished school. You were supposed to start today!"

"No, I want to stay home and read my book about the jellyfish!"

"Amora, you can take your book to school!"


This continued on and on and I finally decided I wasn't going to argue with a five-year-old. I would've sent her to her room, but she had all her toys in there, so I sent her upstairs to the room between the powder room and bathroom. She pitched another fit, so I took her up there myself and told her to stay there until I came back.

I only left her there for a few minutes. She was still mad, I think, but she did say sorry and confessed she didn't want to go to school because she was scared. She wanted another day. I told her she could've said that. Mom might've let her stay home or if she insisted on her still going, I would've walked her. All she had to do was ask.

"Do you think Mommy's still mad at me?"

"No, but you still have to apologize," I answered. "And you have to go to school on Monday."


When Mom came home, Amora caught her just before she went into the bathroom.

She apologized for what she did that morning and told Mom what she told me. Mom said she would've taken her to school then or picked her up early if she still didn't feel okay.

"Are you going to punish me?" Amora asked her.

"No, but I'm going to tutor you this weekend so you don't start school with a D grade."


And that was the end of it. Everything was good in our house once again.

Amora slept in Mom's bed that night because she saw monsters under her bed. I guess neither Mom nor Dad minded.

Raven and I got in some late night training and she finally mastered the jumping skill! Yes!

Emmett and I got some time together when I came back near morning. He was trying to think of what career path he wanted to take. I told him whatever he chose was fine with me.

"Even the criminal career?"


I knew he was joking.

As soon as Amora woke up and got dressed, she and Mom got down to tutoring. Amora didn't complain one bit. Mom worked with her the whole day and her D went to a C. Now, she could start the same as the other kids.

Amora slept in her bedroom that night. No monsters this time!

The next morning, the strangest thing happened. I got up a little early and I couldn't get back to sleep, so I went downstairs to check on Amora. I saw her awake and in her regular outfit. She took something out from under her bed and threw it down.

Then, a purple fog nearly engulfed her.

Then, I saw what I thought had to be an illusion. Amora had wings!

Did I really just see that? I peeked in again and saw this.

My sister had transformed herself into a fairy!
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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Thirty-Two - It Feels Like Magic
« Reply #106 on: March 04, 2013, 04:38:52 AM »
What on earth is Amora doing!? She needs to snap out of it - wait, she's a fairy now!
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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Thirty-Three - More Than Fairy Magic
« Reply #107 on: April 05, 2013, 12:22:21 PM »
Chapter 33: More Than Fairy Magic

I'm going to get the big news out of the way first. Emmett and I are expecting!

You know something's coming when I have a skirt on. Emmett kept trying to tell me I'm glowing. "Glowing", my foot! I feel sick!

The other big news is, before I became pregnant, I become a jockey, my lifetime wish! Two big events in my life!

Now, onto the regular stuff. Like Amora! She may be a fairy now, but she doesn't seem much different from when she was a human.

When Monday came, she went to school like she was supposed to. Mom asked her if she wanted to walk to school with her, but Amora said no. She insisted on taking the bus. Instead, she asked Mom to come pick her up.

I went along with Mom to get Amora after school ended. We spotted a smile on her face when she came out, but she seemed to be trying to hide it.

"How was school?" Mom asked her when she came over to us.

"It was okay."

"Make any friends?" I asked her.

"No, but everyone kept poking my wings."

"Well, fairies aren't exactly a common sight in Riverview, honey," Mom said.

"I know. Everyone wanted to sit next me. I had the class fighting," she laughed.

At home, Mom helped Amora with her homework.

In two days, her grade went from a C to an A and by the end of the week, she was on honor roll. Now, she wonders why she was ever afraid in the first place.

Since I became a jockey, I decided to give Raven a break. Not many people probably remember, but I am a
genius. I don't brag about it, but I mastered the logic skill some time ago. So I took up chemistry.

You can't see my bump because this picture was taken before I started showing.

During a rain shower, Raven became an elder horse.

That makes me sad. I've had Raven since I was a child. I can't imagine letting her go. I don't even want to think about it.

Actually, now that I do think about it, Dad's getting kind of old too...

Amora: "Serenity! Don't say that! You're going to make me an aunt!"

Serenity: "What does that have to with what I just said?"

Amora: "I don't know, but you'll make us all sad. Then, we won't be happy for Amori."

Serenity: "If this baby is a girl, her name will not be Amori."

Amora: "Amorina?"

Yeah, Amora's really excited about the baby. Probably because she won't be the youngest anymore.

Emmett finally decided on a career path: professional sports.

He spent some time out with Amora too. Sometimes, I think Emmett sees her more as his niece or even his stepdaughter rather than his sister-in-law.

But Amora wasn't going to be little for much longer.

Jeez. And I thought her childhood dress was odd. But I guess this is how fairies traditionally dress and she wants to mimic that.

Nevertheless, she's beautiful. Although, she gained commitment issues.

She lost interest in her child toys, so there was no need for them to be in her room, but she didn't want a big change to it. So our parents put her toys in inventory and bought her a new rug, some potted plants, and curtains. They were going to make room for a nursery, but Amora said the baby wouldn't bother her, so she wouldn't mind sharing her room for the time being.

I went into labor at the worst possible time! Outside during a hailstorm at midnight!

There was no way I was giving birth in public, let alone in a hailstorm, so I got to the hospital as fast I could. I called Emmett on the way and he met me there.

Thank goodness the hospital has heat and pain meds!

I gave birth to a
genius, easily impressed little girl. Emmett and I decided to call her Jennette.

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Thirty-Three - More Than Fairy Magic
« Reply #108 on: April 05, 2013, 08:57:42 PM »
Welcome to Jenn! Although I do think Amori would have been a more unique name... Happy Birthday to Amora! She sure does enjoy being a fairy.
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Offline Kaye

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Thirty-Three - More Than Fairy Magic
« Reply #109 on: April 29, 2013, 04:50:21 PM »
Some bad news:

I am going to continue this story, but for now, it has to be put on hold. The game is fine. Nothing devastating has happened. There's no tragedy. I just have some things going on in my life right now that need my attention. I can't say when I'll be back because I really don't know myself. What I can say is that I won't be back until July, at least. It depends on how things turn out.
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Offline SadieHamming

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Thirty-Three - More Than Fairy Magic
« Reply #110 on: May 01, 2013, 03:15:17 PM »
I just caught up, what a wonderful bunch of updates that I missed! We completely understand. The same thing happened to me, and I'm just now getting back on my feet again. I hope everything turns out okay.

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Thirty-Three - More Than Fairy Magic
« Reply #111 on: June 09, 2013, 03:12:51 AM »
The story is still on hiatus (if you can call it that :P), but I just wanted to say this little piece of news. Jenn's name is going be Jennette. The reason for the name "Jenn" was that she's named after a friend and I'm putting her on a career path that's similar to one my friend is taking in real life. At the time, I couldn't think of another name that started with J-E-N and I didn't want to use my friend's name (her name's not Jennette), so I went with Jenn. But her name will be Jennette. If there's enough space, I might give her a middle name.
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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Thirty-Four - Jenn-Net(te)s Their Hearts
« Reply #112 on: July 24, 2013, 02:50:54 AM »
Chapter 34: Jenn-Net(te)s Their Hearts

Jennette sleeps a lot, but that's not a surprise since she's a newborn. It's fall, but since it's still relatively warm, Emmett sometimes takes her out in the front just for a little sunshine.

Amora liked the name Emmett and I picked for Jennette. I think she's really happy to be an aunt. She likes to take Jennette out before she has to go to school. They usually just walk down to Performance Park and back.

Of course, Jennette has completely taken my heart. Mom and Dad love to play with her too, naturally.

I'm glad Amora didn't mind Jenn being in her room for the time being, although it might help that, as I said, she sleeps most of the time.

I really have no idea how we would've made more room. In fact, my parents' room is still as small as it was when my grandmother first moved in. My parents offered to give it up to Jennette when she becomes a child, but I don't want that. They'll still be here and I want everyone to have a room.

I guess Emmett and I will figure something out.

Parenthood didn't stop me from entering competitions with Raven. She won first place in a beginner cross-country contest and second place in an advanced jumping one. Even as an elder horse, Raven is still strong. I'm so proud of her!

I hope, at the very least, Raven lives throughout Jennette's childhood.

Emmett got a promotion during his first week at work. He's
athletic, so we both expected that.

I took Jennette to meet Angelo and her great-grandparents.

Grandma and Grandpa weren't home, but Angelo was. We stayed for a while and Angelo told us how things were going around the house. Apparently, living with your ghostly grandparents isn't as strange as some would think.

After we left Angelo, I took Jennette to the Azalea Acres Community Garden to enjoy the air and nature. This place is always so peaceful and relaxing.

Dad took Amora for a nighttime driving lesson. She had her license by morning.

Amora's school is hosting a dance in a few nights, but she doesn't want to go. Come to think of it, all I can think of that Amora's showed interest in, besides Jennette, is driving. I guess Amora doesn't want much.

Soon, Spooky Day came, but the rain kept us from going out. We had something better to celebrate. Jennette's birthday!

They just don't stay babies for long, do they?

And now, Jenn's a toddler! Aww!

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Thirty-Five - Average Days
« Reply #113 on: September 21, 2013, 04:22:47 PM »
Chapter 35: Average Days

Mom purchased a teleportation pad and upgraded it to have perfect teleportation. Why we need a teleportation pad is beyond me, but I guess it doesn't hurt. Besides, it'd be useful for when the weather's bad.

Later, Mom celebrated her elder birthday. My mom was such a hard worker, I could never picture her as an elder.

But she is now, and she quickly retired from being a scientist.

While Mom was finally going to be able to relax, Emmett was training for his career. How was I unable to tell I had married a jock?

Then again, someone once told me horseriding could be considered athletic. Hmm. I never thought about that.

Amora is still the only fairy in her school and she still gets tons of attention for it. There is no getting her to admit it, but I think she likes it.

She also asked us to buy a treehouse. I asked her why in the world she wanted a treehouse when she had a fairy one, but she said it wasn't for her. It was for Jennette, when she became older.

We had to put it in the front yard because there was no space in the back.

And of course, Jennette has been doing what she as a toddler does best: play and look adorable.

Emmett and I taught her all of her toddler skills. She took to learning them quickly.

Although, potty-training's never fun, no matter how fast she learns.

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Offline SadieHamming

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Thirty-Five - Average Days
« Reply #114 on: October 26, 2013, 05:46:16 PM »
Jenn is so cute! Oh my gosh is she just adorable! Great updates!

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Thirty-Six - Life Is Bittersweet
« Reply #115 on: November 23, 2013, 06:01:53 PM »
Chapter 36: Life Is Bittersweet

Mom bought a garden station to keep her plants watered until winter is over. I'm not sure what the point of that is since the plants are dormant, but she's the expert in gardening, not me.

Now, onto the exciting stuff. There were four birthdays to be celebrated. Jennette's, Amora's, Emmett's, and mine.
Jennette's birthday was first.

Hers landed on Snowflake Day. It was the best day since Amora didn't have school and Emmett didn't have to work.

Does Jennette look a little cross-eyed to anyone, or is it just me?

Jennette's hair grew a lot longer when she grew up, so she tied it into braids. She became a bookworm.

Jennette has a colorful style with her clothes. I think she took a liking to my boots. Her boots are pretty much mine colored pink and adorned with flowers.

We let Amora be in charge of rearranging her niece's room. After all, it's her room too. They're still sharing. She bought a second bed and a dress-up chest. Not much change, which is probably a good thing, seeing as how this house has changed so much since my grandmother bought it when she first came to Riverview.

Jennette didn't sleep well that night, though. Actually, she didn't sleep at all because she saw monsters under her bed. Oh, jeez! She hasn't even had the bed a full night and she's already seeing monsters. Kids will be kids, I guess.

The next day was one day before Amora's birthday, and it started off normally. Jennette loves her tree house.

After she spent all morning in it though, I suggested we go to the playground. She almost jumped out of the tree at that idea!
At the playground, she made a beeline for the swings and wanted me to push her. I think the swingset is the favorite of most children.

She also started asking me questions. A lot of questions.

"Mommy, why do you wear a hat all the time?"

"Because I'm a horsewoman."

"Mommy, how old are you?"

"I'll tell you when you have two more birthdays."

"Mommy, can we get a cat?"

"Not right now."

"Mommy, why is Aunt Amora a fairy?"

"Because she wanted to be a fairy."

"Mommy, where do babies come from?"

"The stork."

"Mommy, is the stork going to bring you more babies?"



"Why don't you go play on the slide for a while, sweetie?"


You know what? She's a bookworm. Next time, we're going to the library.

Sadly, while Jennette and I were at the playground, tragedy struck. My father passed away. Mom and Amora gave us the news when we returned in the evening.

I think Dad lived a great, long life. He was 100 when he passed.

Mom, Amora, Emmett, and I, and even Raven, were all very upset. Jennette, on the other hand, was more confused than upset. She understood her grandfather had died, but she didn't understand why. However, none of us could think straight long enough to answer her question.

You can probably guess that didn't help her.

But she didn't ask any more questions about it. She said she'd ask again when everyone stops feeling sad. She was still upset about losing him too.

The rest of the evening was quiet, and everyone ended up going to bed early. We didn't even eat dinner. Jennette did, but the rest of us didn't want to.

The next day was Amora's birthday, but she didn't care. She didn't want to celebrate. I offered to get her a birthday cake, but she refused. The only thing she did was talk to Angelo on the phone for a short while.

Jennette seemed to be the only one with the energy to even get up, so I gave her an imaginary friend metamorphium for her friend. Amora had told me before that's what those dolls received in the mail for infants turn into. She had one, but she didn't play with it much, so it never came to life. Jennette's did.

Amora became a young adult during the late afternoon. No cake, but she managed to put on a smile. I think she became a supernatural fan when she aged up.

She didn't change much, but fairies have a very long lifespan. It'll be a long time before Amora celebrates her birthday again.
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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Thirty-Six - Life Is Bittersweet
« Reply #116 on: November 23, 2013, 11:33:50 PM »
RIP Travis

Jennette is absolutely adorable! The scene when she was asking all those questions was so cute! Amora is very pretty too.

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Thirty-Seven - Fountain of Trouble
« Reply #117 on: December 24, 2013, 04:30:58 PM »
Chapter 37: Fountain of Trouble

Amora here! Finally! I get to have a turn! It was supposed to be Jennette's turn, but she said I could take it. She'd rather read stories to herself than tell them out loud.

So, there's some good stuff and some bad stuff. Since we already had one bad event, let's start with the good stuff.

I graduated as valedictorian of my high school!

The ceremony was recently after Dad had died, so I wasn't in much of a mood for celebrating, but I was able to fake a smile for the camera.

My little niece is really getting along with her imaginary friend. Or...uh...I guess her not-so-imaginary friend. They're often together at the playground, and share their homework.

"Hey, Jennette, what's your friend's name?"


"Jenn? You gave her your name?"

"She doesn't like anything else."

Jenn: Because you come up with bad names! You were going to call me Lottie!

Jennette: What's wrong with that?

Amora: Umm...what about...Leanna?

Jenn: That sounds nice. Where did you get that?

Amora: It means "beautiful".

Jenn (excited): Then, I want to be called Leanna. Jennette, call me Leanna!

Jennette: Okay! Your name's Leanna! Thanks, Auntie.

As nice as Leanna is, I'm glad my own doll never became an imaginary friend. Anyway, now that the name dilemma is settled...

Serenity and Emmett celebrated their birthdays on the same day. Since my father's death is still a bit heavy on us, they opted to celebrate privately at the gazebo without the rest of us. It was already spring, but the snow hadn't melted yet, so that's why it still looks wintery around them.

With the birthdays, graduation, and Jennette's newly renamed friend Leanna, the next few days began to bring back normality. Everyone was getting back to themselves. Well, almost everyone.

Now, we get to the bad, and the reason I'm doing this chapter.

I'm sure you all know how much Serenity loves Raven. Those two have practically lived their lives together. Well, nothing lasts forever and Raven is getting old. She's still able to train and run courses...

...but she's slowly reaching the end of her lifespan. Serenity knows this and she's depressed about it. Since we lost our dad, I'm really worried about what losing Raven will do to her.

Then, one night, after everyone had gone to bed, I caught her doing this.

"Serenity, why are you drinking directly from the chocolate fountain? I expect my niece or her friend to do that, not my older sister."

"I'm hungry." She sounded deadpan.

"I guessed. Do you know it's one o'clock in the morning? You look like you haven't been asleep."

"I haven't, Amora. I've been down here, drinking chocolate, ever since I put Jennette to bed."

"Jennette went to bed at nine. You mean you've been drinking from the fountain for four hours straight?"


"When are you going to bed?"

"I don't know. Whenever I get tired of chocolate, I guess. You want some?"

"No, thanks..." And I left her alone.

I think Serenity may have a problem...
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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Thirty-Seven - Fountain of Trouble
« Reply #118 on: December 24, 2013, 10:44:29 PM »
Chocolate can fix everyting . . .  ::) Poor Serenity, it's going to be very hard on her. It's adorable that Jennette named her imaginary friend Jenn! I didn't know that Leanna means beautiful. That's really cool!

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Thirty-Seven - Fountain of Trouble
« Reply #119 on: December 24, 2013, 10:54:20 PM »
Leanna actually has several meanings. Beautiful was the first one I came across, but apparently, it also means lioness and youthful.
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