Author Topic: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Forty-Eight - Party Girl vs Study Girl  (Read 46189 times)

Offline SadieHamming

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Thirty-Seven - Fountain of Trouble
« Reply #120 on: December 24, 2013, 11:05:19 PM »
Leanna actually has several meanings. Beautiful was the first one I came across, but apparently, it also means lioness and youthful.
Wow, that is really awesome! I love looking into the meaning of names and learning new ones.

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Thirty-Seven - Fountain of Trouble
« Reply #121 on: December 26, 2013, 01:28:23 AM »
This isn't another chapter, but I am so excited about this and wanted to share!

Recently, I started using some mods and I found this one called Pose Player. I had some trouble figuring it out, but I eventually got it and I tested it out with Jennette. It worked perfectly and I love it. This is adorable! The last one is my favorite.

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Thirty-Seven - Fountain of Trouble
« Reply #122 on: December 26, 2013, 10:49:24 AM »
I've heard of Pose Player before, but I've never used it. That is just adorable! Jennette is such a cutie  :) I love the one with her hands on her hips, the third to last one.

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Thirty-Eight - Crushed
« Reply #123 on: January 26, 2014, 05:23:28 AM »
Chapter 38: Crushed

See that picture? That picture is the last one of Raven. That's very last hug she and Serenity shared together.

I'm not sure how, but I think Serenity knew when Raven was about to expire. The day she passed, Serenity spent the whole day with her at home. Feeding her carrots, talking to her, petting her, everything. All the way up until Raven finally had to leave. She died shortly after nightfall.

We all loved Raven, but none of us did the way Serenity did. On top of that, our father's death was still fairly recent. You can imagine how depressed Serenity was.

For the next few days, she did nothing but lie in bed.

None of us could get her out of bed. Even Jennette couldn't pull Serenity out of bed. We gave up when she asked us to leave her alone. She wasn't mean about it. She was glad we were trying to help, but she didn't want company. Now that I think about it, we probably should've realized that.

So, that's what we did. We let her be for a while. Emmett even slept on the couch to let her have privacy. We went about our normal routines and only went upstairs to give Serenity something to eat. It took a couple more days, but eventually, Serenity did get up.

And she made a wardrobe change.

I don't know what's stranger. Seeing her without her hat or seeing her with her hair tied up.

But that wasn't important. At least, she was up. That didn't mean she was feeling better, though.

Since it'd been so many days since she last left the house, Emmett suggested she go to the spa. She was going to say no, but our mom convinced her to go just to get out of the house for a little while.

At the most, Serenity seemed to be alright for the rest of the day. She spent some time with Jennette, and Mom in her garden. I brought her some eggs back from the spring festival. And Emmett began sleeping in their bedroom again. She said he never had to leave, but she was grateful for the thoughtful gesture.

Looks like I was wrong, though. After everyone went to bed that night, look what I caught again.


"What is it, Amora?"

"Serenity, I know you're very upset, but---"

"I'm not upset."

"Really? How long have you been down here?"

"Ten o'clock."

"And it's two-thirty. Sis, you can't use chocolate cope with losing Dad or Raven. It won't---"

"Shut up. I don't want to talk about Raven or our dad, Amora."

I was stunned. Serenity had never spoken to me like that. I didn't know how to respond to that, so I went back to my fairy house to sleep.

Either we have to get rid of that fountain or help Serenity find another way to cope. This isn't healthy.
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Offline SadieHamming

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Thirty-Eight - Crushed
« Reply #124 on: January 26, 2014, 10:04:19 AM »
Aw, Serenity. I hope she starts copping better, chocolate is NOT the answer to everything, believe it or not  ::) RIP Raven. Poor Serenity, and now she got rid of her hat! I love her new outfit, though. I know her family is going to help her through this. Starting with the chocolate fountain!

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Thirty-Eight - Crushed
« Reply #125 on: January 26, 2014, 08:57:21 PM »
Chapter 38.5: Remembering Raven

(This is supposed to be a song-fic/song-chapter. I thought about interspersing the lyrics, but I thought it'd be better to just link to the song and let the reader decide if they want to listen.)

The Time Has Come - Lyrics

"Goodbye, Raven."
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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Thirty-Nine - Sadness and Joy
« Reply #126 on: March 22, 2014, 11:24:43 PM »
Chapter 39: Sadness and Joy

Serenity is still struggling with losing Raven, but she did apologize for being rude to me. We went out to the gazebo and talked for a little while. Or rather, a long while. Losing Raven and her father weren't the only reason she was so upset. It was losing everyone that devastated her, and that we'd lose her someday day too.

I told Serenity that was something everyone deals with. No one likes the idea, but it's inevitable. You're supposed to value the time you have now, so you don't have regrets it comes to an end. I reminded her Jennette would be well taken care of, especially with me and Leanna with her.

Serenity relaxed and I finally saw a smile across her face. She thanked me for looking out for her, and promised not to drink from the chocolate fountain again. At least, not every night. Later that day, the whole family helped move around the front yard.

We sold Raven's horse supplies (Serenity couldn't look at them without tearing up), and moved Mom's garden in its place. We put the treehouse in the garden's place and moved the weather control station in front of the garden, along with the spring rocker and my fairy house. We put the teleportation pad in front of picnic area, and the peashooter and Raven's tombstone closer to the door.

Serenity mourned Raven one more time.

But after, she was alright. She came back indoors and everyone enjoyed a rainy day inside.

The next day, we had something joyful to celebrate. It was Jennette and Leanna's birthday!

We had a small party outside and the girls opted to dress as princesses. Jennette's favorite color is yellow, but there is no yellow princess gown, so she chose the lavender one.

My niece and her friend grew into gorgeous teenagers. Leanna dyed her hair black, but gave herself purple highlights and tips.

Jennette just made herself a doll! Everything below her head is pink!

I remember Mom once told me she thought Serenity would outgrow the "no dresses" thing and her love for the color blue. Didn't happen. Let's see if Jennette outgrows the "no pants" thing and her love of pink.

We didn't change their bedroom much, but we finally got a bunk bed!

Like her mom, Jennette is a genius and loves knowledge, so we bought her a telescope.

It's great to see Serenity cheerful again. Now, she's all focused on helping Jennette succeed at whatever she chooses. Jennette signed up for the debate and study clubs at school.

Yep. Like mother, like daughter when it comes to brains.

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Forty - Best Friends, Prom Night
« Reply #127 on: April 01, 2014, 12:24:05 PM »
Chapter 40: Best Friends, Prom Night

Serenity has been spending a lot of time with Jennette since she became a teen. She often assists her with homework and, shortly after her birthday, she gave Jennette a driving lesson.

Jennette spends a lot of late nights with her telescope too. She'll go to bed early and wake up in the middle of the night to stargaze. She usually goes back to bed after a few hours, however.

Leanna and Jennette are very different from each other as teenagers. It makes me think of "Opposites Attract", knowing that they're best friends. Jennette is rather focused and has pretty much found her path in life. Leanna, on the other hand, isn't sure what she wants. For now, she's content to practice mixology.

I'm not sure how she's going to hone that skill. There aren't many bars in Riverview. In fact, I don't think there are any.

Never mind bars or drinks for now, though. The girls have something more important on their minds at the minute: prom!

They went out to lunch to talk about dates, dresses, and whatever else goes with prom. In the end, however, they went together as friends and in their regular formal wear.

Contrary to what that pink dress she usually wears may lead you to believe, Jennette's favorite color is yellow. Still, that's a little too casual for a prom, isn't it?

Leanna's dress is more regal. Makes me think of an Egyptian princess. I guess she tends to go for styles that aren't as popular.

From the stories they told when they returned, prom night was eventful.

Jennette was voted prom queen, the only good part of the night. She was also rejected for a dance, slipped and fell in the punchbowl, and got punched in the jaw for trying to pull Leanna out of a fight.

Leanna's favorite of the prom was the fight and, in her words, she wasn't too happy about Jennette ruining it. Oh, jeez. Looks like we've got a fighter in the family.
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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Forty-One - Hidden Talents
« Reply #128 on: June 15, 2014, 08:14:12 PM »
Chapter 41: Hidden Talents

Jennette been acting a little secretive lately. I wonder what she's hiding.

She hasn't been coming home right after school like she used and she gets up extra early just to talk on the phone. But she goes outside instead so no one will hear her.

And it looks like the only person who knows her secret is Leanna.

Jennette is a very bright girl. I really hope someone's not leading her down the wrong path. I know I shouldn't jump to conclusions, but I sometimes worry Jennette will meet someone and they'll get her into making some not-so-smart choices. Leanna tells me not to worry, though, because if that happens, she'll be sure to slap Jennette back into reality. I wouldn't really want her to hit Jennette, but that's a little reassuring.

Speaking of Leanna, she is really getting into mixology. Serenity bought her a professional bar so she could continue to increase her skill.

I think Serenity really thinks of Leanna as her daughter, and I'm glad she feels like part of the family. Hey, family isn't just about who you share blood with.

As for me, I'm finally practicing my magic and trying to improve it.

I also recently found my fairy bear, Ana. I thought I'd lost her!

Jennette got more and more secretive and one day, my curiosity got the better of me, so I followed her when she went out one weekend. I know, I know. I'm a bad aunt for that. But even aunts aren't perfect.

Even when you're a fairy, it's hard to follow someone and not be noticed. I'd almost argue it's harder because you have wings sprouting out of your back. If I shrunk down to my tiny form, I wouldn't have been able to keep with Jennette. She's quick!

However, I did find out what she's been hiding.

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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Forty-Two - Family Matters
« Reply #129 on: September 07, 2014, 03:57:45 PM »
Chapter 42: Family Matters

Hello there, everyone! It's Jennette! My aunt Amora said I could start telling the story now. It's about time!

Actually, I was a little nervous, but she said it was easy. So I just tell what goes on, right?

Aunt Amora revealed last time I have a boyfriend.

And yes, I was being secretive about it. I'm not embarrassed, but there seems to be a reputation I have at school. Some of the teachers remember my mom and my grandmother, and they expect me to be as brilliant as them. Which is fine because I really admire them, but those teachers paint me as this "good girl" who doesn't mess around with boys and all. And I really think that's just silly. You can be a great student and have a boyfriend.

I also want to spend as much time with him as possible because I won't be in Riverview for much longer. When I graduate high school, I plan on going to university. Naturally, I already do a lot of studying, and so does Leanna.

Leanna wants to come along, but she still isn't sure what she wants to study or do for a living. I'll be glad to have her come with me, but I'm not sure it's a good idea for her if she doesn't know what she wants. My mom says to give her time because great things aren't always planned.

Serenity: Like you, honey.

*blushes* Thanks, Mom.

Leanna really is great as with her mixology, though. Mom has started sitting with her while she does it. I think she's really proud of her for that.

Leanna's pretty quiet at home, to be honest, but I'm glad she and Mom are getting close. I never want her to feel like she's not part of the family because she's not related by blood. My grandmother has said it. If you live in this house, you're family.

Speaking of family, we might have a new little member joining us. No, not a baby.

This little guy has been visiting our house for a few days now. Dad let him come in and he took to napping in our chair. He must've been pretty cozy. Dad said if we can't any owner, we can keep him.

Everyone in the house has been getting busy. Leanna and I are studying, Aunt Amora is practicing her fairy magic, Dad trains for his games, and Mom and Grandma decided to become partners with a few businesses.

Specifically, the bistro, science lab, and equestrian centers.

We have so little time, Mom suggested we hire a maid. We weren't too keen on the idea, but if the six of us can't find much time to clean, it was a sign we needed help. So Mom called the maid service.

She really does a good job. We do our best to stay out of her way while she's working.

I'd love to say more, but I really need to get back to my studies. Oh! I'm going to major in science & medicine. Yeah, so you understand why I study so much. That's a not a career for the faint of heart. Bye now!
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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Forty-Three - Something New, Family Blue
« Reply #130 on: November 29, 2014, 11:22:21 PM »
Chapter 43: Something New, Family Blue

It's getting really close to graduation, so Leanna and I have been studying like crazy for our school finals. Well, okay, I am. Leanna gave up because she said I was driving her nuts. Mom thinks I'm going to drive myself insane, but I just want to be prepared.

Mom and Dad spent some time together at the fall festival. Somehow, I never knew they were so fond of apples and pie.

Leanna came by the festival after school while stayed behind for debate club. Mom gave her a hand with her homework. I guess neither she nor Leanna cared much about the pie that was still on her face!

The next day, I had a debate match, the last one before graduation.

Everyone came except Dad because he had to work. I wasn't upset, though. We spent some time together afterwards.

And we got to go to his game for free a day later!

It pays to have a superstar athlete in the family! Oh, yes, Dad recently accomplished his lifetime wish! It's so great everyone gets their dreams!

Dad's team won 20 - 0! We went out to the bistro to celebrate!

After that, things went back to their normal schedule for a while. The businesses Mom and Grandma partnered with bring in a good amount of extra income. Leanna and I did well on our finals. Neither of us got lower than an 85.

Leanna: Excuse me, Lil Miss Thing, you only got an 85 on one final. I got between 85 and 90 on six out of seven. And you got at least a 95 on everything else!

I was trying to make you feel good!

Leanna: Hmph. Pinky.


Amora: Knock it off, both of you, or I'm taking over the story again!

Leanna: When do I get a turn?

When we go to university, remember? You said you wanted to tell those days.

Leanna: Oh, yeah. Sorry!

*heavy sigh*

Anyway, Leanna and I celebrated our birthdays later during the week. We had a little party and invited my Uncle Angelo, his wife, and my boyfriend.

Unfortunately, it was a full moon and the zombies began coming out as the party went on. But I guess that's what we have that peashooter for. We should probably get a few more of those cute little guys. The party was still a success.

For some reason, it really feels good to have my shoulders bare, so I kept that style in my new wardrobe. I didn't change my hair either. So still the same. Just bigger.

Leanna's hair had grown throughout her teenage years, so she changed it from that ponytail she wore all the time. She seems to like old-fashioned dresses. She looks really beautiful.

Unfortunately, the night couldn't end happily. Leanna and I weren't the only ones moving on.

My grandmother passed away that night, right in her garden. I guess it was the best place she could've moved on since it was her favorite.

Everyone took Grandma's death pretty hard. We were particularly worried about Mom since she developed a chocolate addiction after Grandpa and Raven died, but she didn't isolate herself this time. She let Emmett comfort her.

Aunt Amora went to sleep. She didn't feel like dealing with anything right away. I think she was more numb than sad.

I went to my room, not to sleep, but to think. I'd just celebrated my birthday and I was going to graduate tomorrow, but I couldn't even think about the ceremony. I only wanted to stay home tomorrow.

I wasn't alone for long because Leanna came to check up on me.

I tried to put on a smile because I knew she was sad too, but she told me not to try hiding it. I've never thought of myself of emotional, but it seemed to take less than two seconds for me to go from my bed to Leanna's arms, ready to break.

When morning came, I wasn't feeling much different about going to the ceremony, but my family convinced me to go. I guess a little distraction for a while couldn't hurt.

The graduation ceremony was pretty nice and I was named valedictorian. They allowed me to skip giving a speech after Leanna explained my grandmother passed away. Leanna graduated with honors.

For a few moments, I was happy again and feeling very proud of myself and Leanna.

When we returned home, everyone just busied themselves as best they could. Leanna worked on her mixing skills, Aunt Amora tended to Grandma's garden, and my parents cleaned up. I studied one of my logic books until Mom came into my room to talk to me.

"Hi, sweetie. How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. How are you feeling?" I knew some kind of heartfelt talk was probably going to follow and, frankly, I wasn't in the mood for it, but if it would help Mom feel better.

I guess she somehow knew what I was thinking because the next thing she said was, "Don't worry about me. I'm alright." She had this smile. It didn't look fake or forced. It seemed genuine. "Listen. Are you and Leanna still going to university?"

"Of course, Mom! Without a doubt! I have to go now! I can't let Grandma down! Or Grandpa!"

"Your grandparents would've been proud of you, no matter what. I was going to say if you want to put going to college on hold for a while, you can. It's best not to go until you're sure you'll be able to focus."

"Thanks, Mom." All of a sudden, my mind became filled with doubts. "Do you think I can really do it?"

"Absolutely, but if it doesn't go well, don't be afraid to come home. Your dad and I will never be ashamed of you."

As quick as they appeared, every doubt I had vanished. I guess I didn't know it before, but I really needed to hear that.[/i]
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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Forty-Three - Something New, Family Blue
« Reply #131 on: November 29, 2014, 11:29:43 PM »
Welcome back! And happy birthday to the girls. :)
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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Forty-Three - Something New, Family Blue
« Reply #132 on: November 30, 2014, 12:05:26 AM »
Thank you! ;D
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Re: The Aley Legacy: Chapter Forty-Four - It's Almost Time
« Reply #133 on: March 27, 2015, 10:39:44 PM »
Chapter 44: It's Almost Time

Leanna and I leave for university in just a week. It's kind of a scary thought. I've never been away from home and my family. But I'm also really looking forward to it. I've been working more on my skills than usual.

Mom assures me I'm going to do well, as long as I stayed as committed I am now, but I shouldn't forget to make time for fun. Working too hard isn't good for anybody, she says.

I still think about Grandma every now and then. I wanted her to see me graduate from university. But she knew what I wanted to do and I know she believed in me, so that gives me some comfort.

Leanna doesn't seem nervous at all, but I think she's working as hard on her mixing skills as I am on my logic ones. She spends more time outside at her bar than in the house!

There was one more event for the week before Leanna and I were to leave. Mom and Dad's birthdays had come. As usual, we had a little party to celebrate.

I thought Mom would let her hair down again, but she still kept it in that high ponytail. I guess that's her favorite style.

She spends a lot of her time reading in bed now.

Dad did what everyone eventually hopes to do in old age: retire!

Though you're never too old to be a little immature!

Everyone in my family before me has had great careers. It feels like a lot to live up to and it still makes me a bit nervous about mine. I can't stop this worry I won't measure up.

Serenity: Sweetie, we love you. Of course, we want you do the best you can, but no matter what, you will always be our talented little girl. Everyone did what they loved and wanted to do because it made them happy, and that's what we want you to do.

"Even Grandma?"

Serenity: What do you mean?

"Grandma once told me her mom told she was an heir and she didn't take it too well."

Serenity: Oh, she told you that story? She told me too. Do you know what she also told me? She has no regrets. It was shocking, but in the end, she kept everything she thought she had to lose.

"Did you ever think like her, Mom? Dad said you two waited late to have me."

Serenity: That's right. We did. I thought that way at first. But it was never something I had to do. I chose to do it. And I'm glad I did because I ended up with a very beautiful daughter who brought me another beautiful daughter.

"Thanks, Mom."

I really needed that conversation.

Soon, it was only one day before we were to leave home. Leanna and I were all packed. Everything was ready for our big day tomorrow. But one more special little thing occurred.

Figures. The day I meet someone is the day before I have to leave. But on the upside, we had that day together.
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The Aley Legacy: Chapter Forty-Five - College Women
« Reply #134 on: May 31, 2015, 05:44:32 PM »
Chapter 45: College Women

Today is the big day.

After hugs were given out all around...

...and we filled out the aptitude tests... was time for Leanna and I to head off to Sims University.

Our family saw us off.

I was a mix of joy and sadness throughout the whole ride. I was looking forward to university and I knew leaving my family was only temporary, but my heart still had a little crack in it. It felt harder than I'd imagined.

Leanna was excited to be heading to college, though she went on more about partying than learning. Granted, I hoped to find myself at a few parties too, but that wasn't really a priority for me.

Living in a dorm or sorority would've been free, but Leanna and I preferred our own space, so we rented a small home near some of the campus buildings.

I'd chosen to major in Science & Medicine while Leanna chose Business. We shared the same building for our first classes and it was right across the street, so we never had to worry about being late unless one of us overslept!

Leanna and I didn't have to start class until the next day, so we headed down our block to see what there was to do. There was a nice, little hangout to go bowling at. We knew what bowling was, but we'd never been able to try it, so we made a beeline for the place.

Bowling is pretty simple, though the ball is a little heavy. Still, it didn't take us long to get the hang of it.

After our game, Leanna met with the guy who'd been playing solo next to us.

First day here at SU and she was on her way to making a friend already.

We spent so much time at the Bowlarama, night fell before we do it. I grilled some hot dogs for us, but I finished before Leanna, so I read my book while waiting for her.

Before we left, we played a game of pool. Like bowling, we'd never tried it before, but we got the hang of it quickly.

Leanna won that game.

Tired, we finally headed back home. It was a good first day for us, but our first classes were at 8:00, so we had to get to bed if we didn't want to be late.
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