Author Topic: End of the Line Dynasty (4x4)  (Read 189605 times)

Offline Malley

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Congrats again, hazelnut! It was great seeing all of the heirs' stats and also all of the collections. It's been a great journey and I'm looking forward to seeing how you wrap everything up  ;D

Offline Littlesister

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I really enjoyed this, especially getting to know each character and seeing them hand on the figurative torch to the next generation. Congratulations!  :)

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Offline butterfly

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Congratulations on another finished dynasty, I really enjoyed the journey of your family! :D
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

Offline hazelnut

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Congrats again, hazelnut! It was great seeing all of the heirs' stats and also all of the collections. It's been a great journey and I'm looking forward to seeing how you wrap everything up  ;D

I really enjoyed this, especially getting to know each character and seeing them hand on the figurative torch to the next generation. Congratulations!  :)

Congratulations on another finished dynasty, I really enjoyed the journey of your family! :D

Thanks, everyone (for all of your comments along the way).  They've been a fun bunch of Sims to play.  I've just started picking them all up from old saves and posting them to the Swap Shop.  It's interesting to see what they're really like now that I can use cheats to look at slider positions, hidden traits etc.

Offline hazelnut

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Thanks :).  It really was - not far short of a year.  I remember thinking back at the beginning that it'd probably be finished by Christmas...  ::)

Offline ratchie

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Way to go Hazelnut your 4x4 dynasty is now in the hall of fame. *blows noise maker*

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Offline Shewolf13

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Congrats Hazel!  Wow, can't believe it's all over now!  It's been a wonderful journey to follow along with.  Thank you so much for sharing!

Offline hazelnut

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Congrats Hazel!  Wow, can't believe it's all over now!  It's been a wonderful journey to follow along with.  Thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you :).  It's not quite over - there's probably another two chapters of story left.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty
« Reply #475 on: August 06, 2014, 10:46:26 AM »
The Final Task

“So that’s it, Grand-mère.  I’m a five-star chef.  We’ve finished.”

She didn’t seem particularly happy about it but Pearl was wise enough not to comment.

“Let’s go down to the basement.  I’ve got to take a photo of you in the museum.”
“We have a basement?  And a museum?”
“Yes.  Come on, I’ll show you.”

And she led the way through a door that had always been locked and down a spiral staircase.

“Here we are!  Now, you go and stand over there and I’ll try and remember how this camera works.”

Hannah looked around.  So much stuff!  Paintings, huge rocks, awards of various kinds.  She even spotted her Prom photo and crown.

“Good, isn’t it?  Although I wish my fish looked more impressive.  Oh well.

“And you’ll have noticed your fridge and that mixer they gave you.  We could have had a collection of your dishes as well but I didn’t really like the thought of food spoiling down here…”

Hannah had never seen her great-grandmother this talkative before.

Then there was a whisper of sound, a whiff of ozone and a black-robed man appeared, standing in a circle of light.

She recognised him, of course – but they were both alive and well.  Why was he here?


She’d never believed that story that her family’s tasks had been imposed by the Grim Reaper but maybe it was true after all.

“Congratulations, Hannah Pauline.  And to you as well, Pearl.  You and all of your ancestors have successfully completed their tasks.  Now it’s time to leave Starlight Shores: please come with me.”

“Where are we?”
“My place.  And this is my assistant on this project.  If you’ll follow us indoors, we can restore your youth and introduce you to the others.  Then I have one final task for Hannah Pauline.  Don’t look so worried – it’s nothing difficult or unpleasant…

“Oops!  I knew I’d forgotten something.  We didn’t collect your family’s gravestones before we left.  I’d better pop back and pick them up.”

And he was gone.

His assistant stared suspiciously at the spot where he’d been standing for some time after the light had faded.  The Boss was more than a little unhinged but she’d never known him to be absent-minded before.  His job required an almost obsessive attention to detail.  What was he up to?  Then she pulled herself together, introduced herself to the new arrivals…

…and took them to the chemistry lab.

Hannah’s potion took effect first.  She felt herself glowing with youthful energy and every hair on her head spiralling out again.  It seemed that that was doomed to happen, whatever direction she aged in.

Then Pearl started cheering.

Hannah suppressed a grin.  And she’d thought she was having a bad hair day.

“That’s better.  All I need now is a decent wardrobe.  Can we sort that out before bedtime?”

As Pearl left the room, someone entered.  Grim was back – and he wasn’t alone.

“Hannah!  Are you dead also?”

“No, I’m alive and so are you… Shermine, what happened?  Why wouldn’t you answer my calls?

“You broke my heart, rejecting me like that.”

“I am sorry, Hannah.  I was… upset.  You did not tell me about your family.  Your mother was a famous singer and your grandfather was a film star.  Even in Egypt, we know of them.  I am just a shopkeeper.  You are important; I am not.  And then I grew old.  I should not be old yet.  I did not want you to see me like this.”

“None of that matters.  It's not my fault my family are famous – and you are important to me.  I want to be with you – and they can make you young again here, if you want.

“I’m free now to do what I want.  We can go anywhere, do anything – or we can just live quietly in Al Simhara, if you’d prefer.  A chef can work anywhere.”

Then Grim came back into the room.

“Hannah Pauline, we’re ready to start your final task.  Will you come with me for a few minutes?  Shermine, if you will go with my assistant, she can restore your youth.”

How long had they been standing here?  The genies insisted that everything was going to plan but to Hannah, desperate to make up for lost time with Shermine, the wait seemed endless.

At last, she spotted movement behind the door.

“Sam?  Sophia?  My name’s Hannah Pauline.  I’m your…”

She hesitated, then tried again, ticking off the ‘greats’ on her fingers.  “I’m your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-granddaughter.  We finished the challenge.

“Welcome back.”

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty (completed): The Final Task - 6 Aug
« Reply #476 on: August 06, 2014, 11:07:45 AM »
Awww!  It's so good to see Sam and Sophia again!  And awww!  Grim is such a softy lol.  Love that he brought Shermine with him.

Offline Ausette

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty (completed): The Final Task - 6 Aug
« Reply #477 on: August 06, 2014, 11:14:49 AM »
Personally I would have gone with great^14.  ;)

Hooray for happy endings! I'm so glad Pauline and Shermine got another chance to be together. Story Progression gets so depressing if left to itself sometimes.

Offline Malley

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty (completed): The Final Task - 6 Aug
« Reply #478 on: August 06, 2014, 06:59:10 PM »
Loving the epilogue so far!  And the photo of Grim giving Hannah a thumbs up was just priceless  ;D

Offline hazelnut

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty (completed): The Final Task - 6 Aug
« Reply #479 on: August 07, 2014, 01:47:52 PM »
Personally I would have gone with great^14.  ;)

If I were saying it (which seems pretty thoroughly unlikely :D), I'd probably go with 'fourteen-greats-granddaughter' but I liked the idea of her saying it in full.  Actually, according to my family tree program, she's only Sam and Sophia's twelve-greats-granddaughter.  It sems to go for the shortest route through the tree.  Oddly, it recognises Zoë as being Hannah's thirteen-greats-grandmother, making her a generation further back than her own parents!  It's obviously not designed to cope with tangled trees ;).

Hooray for happy endings! I'm so glad Pauline and Shermine got another chance to be together. Story Progression gets so depressing if left to itself sometimes.
Awww!  It's so good to see Sam and Sophia again!  And awww!  Grim is such a softy lol.  Love that he brought Shermine with him.

I'm a sucker for happy endings.  I had to get Hannah and Shermine back together somehow - they're such a sweet couple.

Loving the epilogue so far!  And the photo of Grim giving Hannah a thumbs up was just priceless  ;D

That was spontaneous.  Hannah, being excitable, just had to tell him about her promotion and that was his response :).

