Chapter 145: Julien Finishes EverythingThere you are.Abi: Busted GGG Granddad!
Caleb: lol
Don’t know what you’re laughing about, you’re too old to be doing epic workouts too you know. Dude: Quitting now.
Abi: It’s funny how you can still see the stars even though the sun’s up.
Dude: Hmm, that’s because the stars are always there, once the sunlight becomes stronger you can’t see them because they are so much fainter than the sunlight that is scattered by our atmosphere. If the Simverse had no atmosphere, then our daytime sky would be black like at night, except the sun would be a huge spotlight shining down at us. Luckily though, we have an atmosphere that scatter’s the sun's light and gives us a beautiful blue glow from all over, not just from where the sun actually is.
Abi: How do you know all this stuff GGG Granddad?
Dude: I suppose it’s because I asked questions when I was your age and worked hard at school...

Abi: So why is our sky blue?
Dude: Well, that’s a big question... It’s all to do with rainbows actually.
Abi: Rainbows?
Dude: Indeed, but you know it’s time to get your high score smashed by an old man!
Abi: Bring it on GGG Grandad!

Abi: I think I’ve got you this time!
Dude: Well I'll tell you what, this game’s actually a lot harder than it looks!

Dude: <Grunt> Oh!
Abi: Give it up GGG Granddad, you know I’m wasting you!
Dude: Lol, good thing it’s nearly time for school then!

Abi: *Muffled* I fink I used too much toofpaste
Lol, yep, I think so too hun! Better spit, rinse and run... don’t want to be late.
So, you enjoying the gaming rig?Julien: Totally! We should have got one ages ago. Hey! How came you’re showing my face?
Oh, that’s ‘cos you’ve finished all your requirements for ambrosia...Julien: Woah! So do I get to eat ambrosia now... and like, be young for ever?
Umm...yeah, no... doesn’t work like that.Julien: Oh that’s a major bummer.
Tell me about it. Still, least now you can spent the rest of your life in idle luxury.Julien: Hmm, pity we don’t have a spa or something more relaxing to do.

Mac: This jasmine oil is rather lovely watcher.
<Sniff> Hmm, ‘tis a nice smell.I was thinking we should do something to celebrate’s Julien’s requirements being completed.Mac: Good idea. Like what?
Dunno yet.
Later that afternoon...
Abi: Dad, do I really need to do my homework? I’ve been the top student for ages now...and my homework’s so boring.
Julien: Yes you do hun, attitude’s everything, so let’s get onto it eh.

Julien: Nice! Your handwriting looks lovely and neat.
Cristine: Don’t chew the end of your pencil, that’s a disgusting habit.

Abi: Oh sorry mum, I was just thinking about my next answer.
Julien: That’s it! Great answer hun, you’re racing through your work, good job.
Cristine: Hmm, well a lady should always look don’t want to go chewing on things.
Abi: I think being smart and polite is more important than just looking pretty mum.
Cristine: Oh, well then.

Julien: Quite right hun. A person’s character is always more important than what they look like.
Cristine: <Uncomfortable throat clearing>
Julien: I’m so proud of you hun.

Julien: Whew! The water’s pretty hot!
Cristine: Oh! Look out Abi, you nearly splashed me!
Abi: *sigh* Sorry mum, my foot slipped.
Julien: That’s alright, scoot over here. No harm done.

Julien: I think that might be Winston calling for you Cristine. *Meaningful look*
Abi: I might hop out’s pretty hot in here anyway.
In her defense...I do think she’s trying to do the right thing with Abi.Julien: Well, she’s failing miserably.
I know. Trouble is I think Abi knows as well.Julien: Well she’s a smart kid... soon a teenager actually.
Hmm..Oh! That’s right, you both have your birthdays soon. Cool.
Mac: I’m not so sure this is a good idea Dad.
Dude: Watchers idea, not mine.
Mac: Just ‘cos it’s the watcher’s idea doesn’t make it a good idea.
Hey! I heard that!
Caleb: What do you think watcher?
I reckon you all just need to get on with it. Having you all eating your ambrosia on the same day is going to make this way more manageable.Mac: It just seems like such a waste of the ingredients.
We’ve got more than enough for the rest of the dynasty Mac so just eat it and don’t worry.Zahra: Sounds good to me.

Dude: Sure does make you feel good.
Zahra: I wonder if it has any addictive qualities. Might be quite interesting to test.
Mac: K, well, here goes.
I didn’t know you played.Julien: Just started, can’t play in the gaming rig all day.
See ya in an hour.Dude: Oh cripes, this never gets easy.

Mac: Was that dad again?
Yep. Mac: Ah well.
Great! You’re back!
Nice touch down!Dude: Small consolation.

Dude: Oh yeah, tell you what; their technology is pretty awesome.
See, I don’t get that...*shakes head* How can you think that?Dude: I dunno, just do.
You're looking a lot more serious now. Awesomeness worn off?Dude: Being snide is never attractive.