Chapter 164: WeekendJustin: Careful sweetie!
Charlotte: Got it dad, it's just a chemical reaction... nothing to be worried about *cough cough*.

Charlotte: And then the chopper whirls in and rescues the .... *looks at doll*... damsel in distress... *sigh* I hate dolls. I really want a brother. Or a sister. No, a brother, boys are more fun.

ZaidenSKL: Brace yourself Clyde, incoming punchline!
Julien: Lol, I'm not going to tell you now!

Esque: Lol Julien, you're like a fish... you fall for it hook, line and sinker every time.
Julien: Oh well... least I don't wear a pink shirt.
Clyde: *Cracking up*
Hitting the juice eh?Caleb: Hmm, my new favorite hobby.
It's driving me mad.Caleb: Let it go watcher. Take a deep breath. And let it go...
Why can't you all just leave the bar alone... even for just one day?Caleb: Dunno... it just sort of calls out to me. Want one?
*sigh* Might as well.
Charlotte: But I'm a scientist G5. I don't want to write girly poetry.
Dude: Well your English teacher has set your homework so you might as well just knuckle down and get it done. Why don't you write about this pretty rose?
Charlotte: I guess... I could describe it in terms of atoms I suppose... or it's scientific name.
Dude: Good idea!
Charlotte: What rhymes with Floribundas?

Justin: Did you finish your English assignment?
Charlotte: Sure, I rhymed every second line and also got a hidden pun about my teacher in too!
Dude: lol *cough* Well, that was a bit cheeky.
Charlotte: I'm sure she won't notice G5, besides I'll just say I didn't notice if she points it out.
Justin: I might just have a little read through if you don't mind luv.
Charlotte: K dad. I'm telling you it's fine though.
Justin: I'm sure it is but I still want to read it Charlotte.

Charlotte: Ugh! I hate English. I bet you dad makes me rewrite the whole poem.
Dude: Such are the tribulations of youth!

Zaiden: Hellooo earth to Julien?
Esque: Lol, it's old age catching up on him. I should know.
Julien: Hmm? Sorry Zaiden, what were you saying?

Charlotte: Thanks for rewriting my poem for me G5. You're the best great great great great GREAT Granddad in the entire simverse.
Dude: lol, don't you tell your dad though or I'll be in trouble.
Charlotte: Heh, as if G5, everyone knows you're the boss and whatever you say goes.
Dude: Hear that watcher?
Early the next morning...
Charlotte: Could we go to the park today mum? I'm a bit bored of being at home.
Abi: I think that is a lovely idea. Let me save this and then we'll go.

Charlotte: Thanks dad!
Justin: You're welcome, go and have some fun sweetie.

Justin: Love you Abi. You look absolutely beautiful today.
Abi: Oh Justin, you say that everyday.
Justin: That's because everyday it's true.

Rheem: Are you sure that's right Charlotte?
Charlotte: Totally Uncle Rheem.
Townie: Hmm, I didn't know that at all.
Charlotte: My teacher told us all that all those TV's that everyone keeps leaving on all the time is using 10% more electricity than normal. So you have to make sure you turn it off!
Townie: K, thanks for letting me know.

Esque: Hiya Grim, lovely day.
Grim: It is. Want to play the winner?
Townie: *Glumly* He cheats.
Esque: Umm... sure. I guess.

Rheem: Oh look! That one looks like a toddler!
Charlotte: Silly, everyone knows there's no such thing as a toddler.

Charlotte: That was fun. Thanks Uncle Rheem.
Rheem: It was fun, see ya round squirt.

Justin: Wait! Is that.... it is! It's Grim floating along over there.
Abi: Cool, give him a shout out.

Abi: How are you Grim, it's been a while.
Grim: It is. I'm good thanks. Who's this?
Abi: Grim, I'd like you to meet my husband Justin. Justin this is Grim.

Justin: Nice to finally meet you.
Grim: Hahahaha that's not what most sims say when they meet me.

Grim: You two look really cute together. Shame it's not going to last all that long.
Justin: Thanks...oh...err, well you could always go on strike or something.
Abi: *sigh* Grim, remember... social skills....
Grim: Oh! *cough*

Charlotte: Hi, I'm Charlotte.
Brittany Caliente: Hi! I'm Brittany.

Justin: You're so cute Abi!
Grim: Oh yuk... Been nice seeing ya but if you're going to get all lovey-dovey I'm outta here.
Justin: See you Grim.

Brittany: What? You are part of a dynasty? Oh my!
Charlotte: It's not that bad... the worst part is the watcher... *mimics* Have you done your homework, go learn your skills*
Brittany: Wow! I just do what I want. Well, anytime you want to get away from it all just come over to my place. My mum's hardly home so we can just play all afternoon.