Author Topic: Rival Cowfolks in Newcrest: Whistle While You Twerk [Completed 03/05/2018]  (Read 183457 times)

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Rival Cowfolks in Newcrest: 7.67. Closet Needs (09/19)
« Reply #285 on: September 20, 2017, 12:49:19 PM »
Woo! Cassandra's makeover is stunning! Loved her eagerness to dispense with the formalities and get down to smooching. And Jagger's coyness! Oh, heavens! We just met! :)

Also loved Mortimer stealing the spotlight from his son with his gloomy sim-done-wrong act. The Goths seem like they're going to be a great family to play with.

Yes! The floral pants! Daichi's adoring fans want them back! Maybe take him to a festival or something?

I'm curious about the moods teens get since Parenthood came out. I've had them come home from school enraged and mortified at times. I wonder if they've modified things to give teens extreme emotions without killing them. I think there would be an uproar if teenage sims were suddenly dropping like flies due to mood swings. Hmm. Anyway, so glad our beloved Alfonso could work through his issues!

I truly wish I had some advice to give on songwriting, but if there's a way to speed up the process, I sure haven't found it. Go, Mint, go! You can do it!

Online oshizu

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Rival Cowfolks in Newcrest: 7.68. The Misfortunes of Mint
« Reply #286 on: September 22, 2017, 01:01:40 AM »
Poor Mint! Due to several "meta-mistakes" (on my part), Mint is causing the Dineros to fall behind. It began when I missed her child birthday notice and she aged up an entire day later than her rivals.
And yes I was so horrified by Alfonso's enraged mood, especially since he's being groomed to support the Zannas! I can't wait for Laura's teen birthday.

There's just something I really adore about the Cassandra/Jagger pairing. Poor Jagger ended up with such worthless traits, too!
I've never played the Goths as an active household before. Now that I've wrenched Bella away from Mortimer to marry my beloved Ayato (lol), I will need to find Mortimer some noble purpose in life. Maybe he needs to be reborn with floral pants or something.
The Dinero teens were my first experience with the impact of the Parenthood expac on teens, so thank you for sharing that extreme teen moods are not that rare. Still, a two-hour +50 angry mood is too much, imho. Well, maybe it would be tolerable if we knew the teens would NEVER die from such excessive emotions.

7.68  Mina Dinero (3/3):  The Misfortunes of Mint

Week 7/Thursday

Daichi: Well, I guess now you just wait for Mint to finish her last three songs?
Can't you go somewhere else to wait? Her violin and keyboard are both portable!

Mint: That's a great idea, Daichi, but let's wait until she licenses her second song.
Jessminder (mutters): Whenever that is….

Mint: I finish my second song, on the violin this time, in about six hours, if I'm not mistaken.
Unbelievably, though, I'm not allowed to license it!

The message I get is: "Mint has already licensed a piano song. She must wait one week to license another song."
A week? A whole seven days? But I'm trying to license a new violin song, not a second piano song. Bah!

Mint: I'm so embarrassed but I have solved the problem! I haven't reached Level 9 Violin yet.
Once I play for 5 more minutes, I hit Level 9 and can license my second song!

Writing the violin song went so much faster, which is why I was still Level 8, I guess.
But now that I'm Level 9, I'm never touching another violin in my life!

Mint: I've invited Mortimer Goth to join our club. You'd think I'd ask Alex instead, right?
I'd hoped Mortimer would listen to me play so we could build a relationship, but he'd rather paint a mural.

Mint: I'm so glad Daichi's back to mentor me! Level 10 Guitar, here I come!

Mint: I take a break when I notice an opportunity to nab both a snow globe and a poster outdoors.

The "rare limited-edition" snow globe is worth $20 and the poster, $65. So back to Plan A for my museum collection, darn it!


Mina: With Jessminder at home to summon us if needed, Vitoria's break-in doesn't bother us one bit.

Mina: I wonder who Vitoria's unlucky victim will be tonight?

Krishna: Wow, I never even knew we could have had a mural like that in our home all this time!
I must show this to Jagger!

Alfonso: You don't want to drink from me, Madam Zanna! You definitely do not!
Vitoria: And why shouldn't I?

Alfonso: I'm your sister Laura's BFF and, as soon as we're both the same age, I'm going to make her my girl, you see.
When she hears that you drank from me of all people, she will be heart-broken and feel you betrayed her.

Vitoria: Well, it seems Laura has chosen her future partner wisely, Alfonso!
You are calm, collected, reasonable, and seem to care deeply about my sister. *ends the break-in

Alfonso: I have another favor to ask of you, Madam Zanna!
Vitoria: Yeah, yeah, so please remove your hand from my shoulder. If Laura wants the vampire cure, I'll make one for her.
Alfonso: *prays that Laura grows up to look like Vitoria…

Mint: Dressed like a street artiste, Mortimer stops by to throw some coins at my feet.
Daichi: Not to be a busybody, dear Mint, but I'm thinking Mortimer is badly in need of a makeover, too!

Mint: You may be right, Daichi! Perhaps Mortimer secretly desires a zany, new look!
He'll have to wait, though, until after we all move.

Mint: After completing Musical Genius, I wonder who I should choose as my second Good Friend.
Just then, Alfonso (bless his heart!) brings Sofia Bjergsen home with him from school.

She's the perfect choice, a Cheerful Music Lover, just like me! I spam her with all my Music Lover socials.
Erm, I mean, I show her my best side so that she'll want to become my good friend!

Mina: Now that I've completed my bloodline requirements, even I cannot escape the misery of becoming cowplant fodder!

Alfonso: Thanks, sis. I owe you one!

Mint: Obviously, I'd much rather be making friendly with Alex Goth.
But I need to be friends with the adult Mortimer in order to ask the Goths to move in.

I'm trying so hard to efficiently wrap up my move-out requirements as quickly as possible.
But somehow I managed to forget all about drinking Snagglefluster while learning Piano and Guitar.

Next stop, the residence of Akira Soma.


Mint: Arriving at the Somas, I hear that weird alien music and worry that Akira Soma might be getting abducted.
But, no worries! It's just Ulrike Faust.

Ulrike: Gee, thanks!

Mint: Once Akira returns with me to my place, I start doing my best to pick a fight with Akira.
To my surprise, he gets angry really fast!

Mint: Gah, I just hate this part of my move-out requirements! I didn't really want to hate you, Mr. Soma.

Akira: I understand. I did the exact same thing to your grandfather Moss.
And, you know, my grandchild will come after you in not too long as well.

Mint: Here I am at the Dinero Museum.  I know, I know, but 7 Whirlyflower frogs was the best I could do!

I lay the blame squarely on Grandpa Moss, the Gen2 Dinero heir!
He submitted paintings as his museum collection while snatching Writing as a unique skill!
So I couldn't write books for my museum items, even if Musical Genius hadn't been so time-consuming!

Oh, this portrait? Yeah, I accidentally deleted the first one so Jessminder had to paint a few more.

Anyway, the total value of my museum submissions is only $7,571.
In comparison, Grandpa Moss's total museum value was $48,442. *sobs quietly

Mint: In an attempt to keep him out of our home, I meet with Lio Zanna at Desert Bloom Park.
When I see the "Fight Vampire" option, I leap at it.
Not such a great idea, you may be thinking, since my fitness is Level 0.

But the upshot is that I can immediately declare Lio my enemy.
Hey, folks, let's all go home. I'm ready to move out!

Jagger: I throw a non-prestige birthday party since Mint and Cassandra don't know each other.
When I age Alex and Cassandra up to young adults, Cassandra is luckier than Alex.

The creative but gloomy Cassandra is a vegetarian.
Alex, the cheerful bookworm, is now also insane. We still love you, Alex!

Mint: I age up and, after moving out Jagger and Alfonso, move to the Oracle Twin Point.
It's vastness quite intimidates me so I invite Mortimer Goth and Uncle Jagger right away.

Mint: Nooooo, Cassandra! That cake is for ageing Jagger up!
Cassandra: Huh?

Mint: Luckily, I baked two cakes before moving out.
Jagger: Awww, shucks! I get the Clumsy trait! C'mon, Mint, ask me to move in!

Mint: I invite Papa and his parents over to help the others with starting up the garden.
Meanwhile, Alex and I seclude ourselves to enjoy our very first date.

We are really into each other but seem to have a problem with focus.
After our first try for a baby failed, Alex begins talking to himself so I snack on Cassandra's leftover piece of cake.

After our second try, I am eating for two at last!

Cassandra: Jagger may be a cheerful, clumsy klepto, but I just adore him to pieces!

Jagger and Cassandra are turning out to be a great couple. They have chemisty AND focus!
Even after all the hours these two spent planting and watering the garden, Cassandra still managed to conceive before Mint did.

Jagger: You want to bet that our child's going to be cuter, too?

It's time to leave the new home of the fourth-generation Dinero heir.
Mint has joined the Entertainer career and reads a Comedy skill book.
Jagger has joined the Painter career and mentors Cassandra in painting.
Mortimer has found a new passion in yoga and meditation in addition to his writing.

And Alex? No doubt he will become the resident gardener and parenting expert.

Final Week 7 Status: Dinero Line

Gen3 Heir: Mina Dinero
*Completed Bloodline Requirements: All
  Career: Tech Guru/Start-up Entrepreneur (Level  10)

Gen4 Heir: Mint Dinero
*Completed Move-Out Requirements: ALL
  Portrait: $6,451
  A grade in high school: yes
  Teen job: Fast Food Employee (Level 3)
  Collection: $1,120 (Whirlyflower frog x7)
  Unique skills: Piano and Guitar (both Level 10)
  Aspiration: Musical Genius (done)
  Good Friends: Daniela Dinero; Hugo Villareal, Sofia Bjergsen, and Mortimer Goth
  Enemies: Akira Soma and Lio Zanna
*Incomplete Bloodline Requirements:
   Reward traits: Connections, Pro Slacker, Carefree (needs Frugal)
   Three gold-medal parties: not yet
   Mansion Baron aspiration: Tier II of IV
   Career: Entertainer/Musician (Level 4)

Gen5 Heir: ?? Dinero
Date of birth: Sunday, Week 8

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Offline HelenP

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Re: Rival Cowfolks in Newcrest: 7.68. The Misfortunes of Mint (09/21)
« Reply #287 on: September 22, 2017, 10:06:33 AM »
This may reassure you regarding the teen mood swings. I got curious and found this on the official forum, curtesy of Hadron1776.  Note how Teen is not listed  :)

It doesn't. But right after I downloaded Parenthood, I pulled the tuning files out again and found this in the global test sets of all 3 emotional deaths:

    <V t="sim_info">
      <U n="sim_info">
        <V t="specified" n="ages">
          <L n="specified">
        <V t="specified" n="species">
          <L n="specified">
            <E />
        <E n="who">Actor</E>

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Rival Cowfolks in Newcrest: 7.68. The Misfortunes of Mint (09/21)
« Reply #288 on: September 22, 2017, 01:15:57 PM »
@HelenP That's awesome! Oh, I'm so relieved! That makes a lot of sense, but I'm so glad to have it officially code-confirmed. Phew!

Now for the chapter: Congrats to Mint on moving out, and to both sweet dreamy-eyed couples on the impending new arrivals! Woohoo!

The house looks great and very cozy. Ah, good old Twin Oracle Point. I have spent a good many hours, weeks, and months on that lot and I hope it treats you well. :)

Very smooth, Alfonso, talking your way out of a neck bite! Bravo!

Mint's portrait is lovely and makes a great centerpiece for the museum collection, even if the value was a little disappointing.

1,000 votes yes on the floral pants for Mortimer! Maybe Daichi will be inspired?

Great chapter! Looking forward to the nooboos!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Rival Cowfolks in Newcrest: 7.68. The Misfortunes of Mint (09/21)
« Reply #289 on: September 22, 2017, 06:58:34 PM »
I don't know whether to tell Mint congratulations on the successful completion and move out or condolences for all the struggles.
The siblings marrying siblings thing is kind of adorable and I think those Goths turned out really cute with their respective makeovers.  Of course, Alfonso and Laura are more adorable (even though they're still age-ineligible).  Alfonso hoping that Laura grows up to look just like Vitoria was both amusing and a wonderfully appropriate thought :=)  Vitoria's no Serena (but then again, who is?), but she's still quite lovely!
Another amusing, enjoyable, and well-written update!

Online oshizu

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Rival Cowfolks in Newcrest: 7.69. The Somas Get Serious
« Reply #290 on: September 22, 2017, 09:58:34 PM »
You, my friend, are a bonafide angel! Thank you so much for looking that up and sharing the good news with us!

     Thank you for reading. That house is actually a larger version of the Mansion Baron founder's house in my first, failed RDC attempt. It's fantastic to have so much space for a change!
     Poor Mint and her myriad fiascos! At least, Alfonso succeeded in charming the current Zanna heir out of drinking from him.
     One of the reasons I've never played the Goths, despite Bella's great genes, is that Mortimer bores me. Hopefully, I'll be able to help Mortimer come out to become the man he's always wanted to be. Lol!

    Poor Mint suffered one setback after another. I must confess that this was the first time I've ever accidentally deleted a portrait. In my defense, it was in a stack of large paintings and I just forgot. Usually, I hang the chosen portrait on a wall somewhere prominent. *sighs
    Actually, Mint and Jagger aren't siblings. Jagger and Alfonso are younger brothers of Mint's mother so they are Mint's uncles. They ended up being the same age because I can't age up spares early. It's confusing, I know.
    And I heartily agree that Laura and Alfonso are even more adorable. Laura's teen birthday is several days into the Zanna's Week 7, so I'm looking forward to her ageing up and entering into an age-appropriate relationship with Alfonso at last!
    When Mint moved out, I moved Alfonso and Jagger into households of their own. I'm insanely worried about Alfonso getting culled before the Gen4 vampire heir moves out….

7.69. Akira Soma (1/2): The Somas Get Serious

Week 7/Sunday

Satoshi: Here I am, Satoshi Soma, the fourth-generation Soma heir!
Though I may not be devastatingly handsome like Ayato Zanna, c'mon admit it! I have a whimsical charm all my own!

Akira: Now that I'm done with my store, I can focus on my last bloodline requirement: my career!
Today's goals are to collect more donations and seek favor from The Well.

Oh and I finally remember what my cause is: No Sim Left Behind.

Satoshi: My gardening is already Level 7, but I can't advance with my Freelance Botanist aspiration without plants to evolve.
Only an hour before my Manual Labor job starts, so I spend it fishing across the street.

Akira: After Satoshi leaves for work, I try my luck at The Well who grants me a full promotion.
Now that I'm a Level 9 Leader of the Cause (Charity Organizer), I need to really get working on fund-raising.

Jun: You want to know why I always show up at the park with Makoto instead of his mother, Ulrike?
Ulrike's been busy painting portraits and working, while I'm unemployed.

I don't mind. I love spending time with Makoto, since Satoshi seemed to grow up in a flash.

Akira: Have I already told you how much I love this fishing pond?
I mean, we're looking at $6,250  in donations right here, right now!

Akira: Nancy Landgraab, I am very grateful for your donations!
And Mina Dinero, I'm flattered that you favor my cause with a second round of donations!

Okay, I better dash home now because this Romantic sim has succumbed to a flirty mood.
And no, feeling flirty had nothing to do with my last two donations which, by the way, pushed me over the $20k milestone!

Satoshi: You think I should look happier for having maxed my Manual Labor job?
Believe me, I am! It's just that I'm thinking hard on what I have left to do before moving out!

Oh right, this is the only move-out requirement I've finished so far!

Masato: I'm crazy about my little boy, Makoto, and visit him as often as I can.
I'm still trying to figure out how to move him in with me when I move with the Gen4 Zanna heir.

Makoto: My papa's is super special. He suddenly shows up inside the house without even having to knock!

Masato: Of course, Makoto is not the only reason I visit this household whenever I'm free.
Obviously, not having to buy kitchen appliances just to see my lady is a plus!

Satoshi: Night falls and I still can't move forward with Freelance Botanist, so I invite my great-grandpa Yukio over.
He doesn't seem that interested in me, though. I have to chase him all over the house until he finally stargazes with me.

Naturally, as soon as we start stargazing, a plant in need of evolving starts sparkling.
I still chill with the founder until we're Friends. Off to start gardening hardcore!


Satoshi: I complete my aspiration with an hour to spare before my first day of school.

Jun: Your partner Masato is a vampire with a withered stomach. Why is he cooking?

Ulrike: Because he's a wonderful father, that's why!
When our little Makoto is hungry, Masato cooks. After Makoto goes potty, Masato cleans the potty.
As a father, he is ever attentive to our son's needs! It's quite surprising, really.

To my surprise, Masato takes much better care of little Makoto than the queue-dropping Jun does.
Does that mean sim-blood is thicker than micro-managing?

Masato: Mama, would you please explain again why I just used the potty five times in a row?
I only had to go the first time, you know!

Ulrike: Congrats, son. With Level 3 Potty, you're now in line to earn the Happy Toddler trait.
Now you can do pretty much whatever you want.
Masato: Cool. And my birthday's this Friday, right?

Erina: Satoshi, I can't believe you let Luna Villareal and Sofia Bjergsen become your friends already!
Satoshi: Hey, I didn't have anything to do with it, Erina! Don't you remember that today was my first day of high school?
But since they're my friends, I want them to become two of the three good friends I need to move out.

Erina (internally): Hmmm, I see I need to step my game up or those hussies might try to step into my turf! Grrrrr!
Satoshi: *ignores the drama and thinks about his museum collection

Akira: I wasn't planning to rely on The Well anymore but realized I only have two more shifts this week.
I don't want to hold my son back from moving out, so I ask The Well for a promotion.

Yes, I get a favorable reply, but I'm so grungy that green fumes are swirling around me. Blech!

Satoshi: I’m pretty sure I don't need to complete this project because I brought home an "A" today.
But I ask Great-Grandpa Yukio to help me with project and hope it boosts our friendship. (it doesn't)

And whaddya know! I'm now within range to earn the Responsible trait on my birthday!

Satoshi: Good friends with the founder, at last!
But why do I resemble him so little?

Satoshi: It's only Monday night but I've gotten so much done so far!

All that remains are one skill, my museum collection, and my good friends and enemies.
I'm going to take my time with my museum items and leave the Dineros choking in my dust!


Masato: I'm happy that Satoshi brings me along with him to Desert Bloom Park!
I meet a nice girl who plays dolls with me. She says her name is Luna.

Erina: Good job, Masato! Now keep Luna nailed to the dollhouse and don't you dare let her go chat with "my" Satoshi!

Erina: Unbeknownst to Satoshia, I am also learning to fish!
When he traipses off to the Forgotten Grotto to work on his museum collection, I want to go with him.
I can fish up his bait and read his Book of Life!  Top that, Luna! *glares in Luna's direction

Jun: Oh look, Akira! Isn't that Alex Goth over there on the bench, looking as if he's homeless?
Akira: That's really strange! I hear his household recently moved to Twin Oracle Point, the hugest lot in Newcrest!

Jun: People say his partner Mint Dinero is gorgeous. Why's he sleeping here instead of at home with her?
Akira: [insert outrageous reason here]?

Maaike: Thank you for having Ulrike stay home tonight instead of me, but I'm still calling unfair!

Look how cute I am! And I've even learned how to do bar flair!
But do I have a partner? No! Do I get to have a biological child and a baby daddy? No!
Write, write, write, that's all I ever do!

Akira: But your daughter is going to marry Satoshi, Maaike! She'll be the mother of the last Soma heir.
Maaike: Well, there's that, I guess.

Yukio: You want to give birth to your biological child, Maaike? I think I can help wi…..
Akira: Hush, Grandpa Yukio! Nobody asked for your help. Sheesh! *kicks Yukio from the family club

Akira: Hey, there's Mint Dinero strolling by our house! When's her due date, Jun?
Jun: I imagine she'll give birth later tonight, just like her sister-in-law Cassandra Goth.

Akira: She looks really happy, considering her husband sleeps at the park nights.
Jun: If you tried that, hun, I'd definitely hunt you down and bring you back home!

Satoshi: Thanks for helping me fish for bait, Mama. I'll need lots when I get serious about my museum collection!
Jun: My pleasure, Satoshi. I'm always glad to help you out.

Maaike: You know, when I say I want to be in more screenshots, I didn't mean fishing!
Jun: Sorry, Maaike! Satoshi's museum collection is top-priority this week, so you can fish or go home.

Maaike: *mumbles and grumbles but continues fishing

Author's Notes

Satoshi Soma made huge strides toward moving out during his first 2.5 days!
*Freelance Botanist is one of my fave aspirations, so his quick completion of it isn't surprising.
*He's been as lucky as Mint was unlucky. Last Sunday, Ulrike already painted a portrait of him worth almost $10k, so he's done posing as well.
*If Satoshi manages to fish up some pricey catch, he has a chance to move the Somas ahead of the Dineros in terms of total museum worth. And he has several days to try.

Current Week 7 Status: The Soma Line

Gen3 Heir: Akira Soma
*Completed bloodline requirements:
  Store: Jungle Spice, resale value: $150,048
  Retail perks: done
*Incomplete bloodline requirements:
  Career: Politician/Charity Organization (Level 9)

Gen4 Heir: Satoshi Soma
Toddler Skills: Happy Toddler (Level 5 Imagination and Thinking)
Childhood Aspiration: Artistic Prodigy
*Completed move-out requirements:
  Museum Portrait: $9,773
  Teen Job: Manual Labor (Level 3)
  Freelance Botanist: done
  A in High School: A
*Incomplete move-out requirements:
  Skills: L10 Gardening, L5 Fishing
  Collection: not yet
  Good Friends: Yukio Soma; (3 more)
  Enemies: (Dinero, Zanna)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Rival Cowfolks in Newcrest: 7.69. The Somas Get Serious (09/22)
« Reply #291 on: September 22, 2017, 10:42:04 PM »
Oh, dear Erina, Luna's got nothing on you!
Another lovely update.  The Somas are making some real progress!  I mean, Serena's still going to win, but it's nice that she'll have even greater bragging rights since she'll have beaten such solid competition  ;=)

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Re: Rival Cowfolks in Newcrest: 7.69. The Somas Get Serious (09/22)
« Reply #292 on: September 22, 2017, 11:03:36 PM »
Nice job. I can't believe how quickly you're moving, good luck, Somas.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Rival Cowfolks in Newcrest: 7.69. The Somas Get Serious (09/22)
« Reply #293 on: September 25, 2017, 02:26:51 PM »
Awww, Satoshi! I am definitely a fan of your whimsical charm! I think he's adorable. Nice about the Responsible trait, too! I'm finding it really helps with advancing at work because of all the new chance cards. So much accomplished this week, too! High five!

Masato is just a straight-up hunk, though, and I'm glad he got some facetime in this chapter. Love that his vampiric entrance ability makes him a better father. He just walks right in! :)

Poor Alex Goth on the bench. I think the insane trait makes sims more likely to show up in the park at night to sleep. I seem to recall Jacques Villarreal showing similar behavior despite having a giant mansion waiting for him on his home lot.

Lol at Yukio getting kicked from the club for putting the moves on Maaike. Hands to yourself, old man! :D

Online oshizu

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Rival Cowfolks in Newcrest: 7.70. Over-Fishing, Under-Woohoo
« Reply #294 on: September 25, 2017, 11:25:21 PM »
Poor Erina and her cute little jealousy. I have no idea, though, how Satoshi came home from his first day of school with Luna and Sofia as friends. My life would be so much easier if he'd just make a third friend at school! I love how you are so unreservedly a fan of Serena. She sends you kisses! <3

Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate the compliment but I don't feel like this challenge is going quickly at all. I began this challenge in early March, so roughly seven months have already passed! During the Gen2 Soma heir's time, you predicted that the Somas could still catch up and you were right!

Thanks for the tip about the Responsible trait! These are my first teens in range to earn extra traits based on character values, so I have no idea how the extra traits influence their adult life. Sadly, only the spares and helpers have the time to earn them.
I'm glad you found a few little tidbits to amuse you this chapter. Due to the way I'm playing this challenge as a race against time, I am forced to seize narrative opportunities as they arise rather than create them.
I love Masato, too. He's so serious around his son in his fatherly role, but becomes a total crack-up at home in his beret with his vampire bro Jung. I’m dying to play him in a new challenge (but one where he needn't have mint-colored hair, lol).

7.70. Akira Soma (2/2): Over-Fishing, Under-Woohoo

Week 7/Tuesday

Makoto: We've all come to Desert Bloom Park again! Wheee!
The pressure on me to become a Top-Notch Toddler becomes borderline ridiculous!

To boost Movement and Thinking, I go all the way to the back of Desert Bloom Park to "watch" Satoshi and Erina fishing.
But then, I have to go potty and have to run back to the front of the park for that!

You remember why I want to live with my papa, don't you? I'm a born vampire!

Satoshi: Since I can't fish up Anglerfish until Level 7 Fishing, I'm not bothering to go to the Forgotten Grotto until then.

Erina: Don't you think a museum collection of fish is rather risky, Satoshi?
Massimo Zanna's was worth $10,720, but Mina Dinero's was worth a mere $1,353!

Satoshi: Eh, I think the Dineros felt over-confident about winning at that point. That made Mina lazy.

Makoto: Talk about being insensitive to the atmosphere! Sheesh!!!

I am in the middle of playing house with my girlfriend Luna, when Mama barges in to teach me to say please and thank you.

I am dying of embarrassment here!


Satoshi: A little past midnight, I send everyone home except Mama and Erina.
My fishing is only Level 6, but I can't wait to visit the Forgotten Grotto.

Papa works on Wednesday so we'll be home in time for him to get ready for work.

This is a mystical place! I can see how sims could fish here for hours, forgetting all about the time!

Satoshi: Mama is fishing like a boss, reeling in lots of potential bait for me!

Erina's been less helpful in the bait department, but when you look as good as she does, who cares?
And how amazing that she wants to keep me company while I'm fishing!

Makoto: I love my sister, Jun! She spends all of her time with me, when my mama Ulrike is busy or working.
In fact, we are having so much fun today that I don't even notice mama leaving for work!

Jun: Let's try and max your last two skills today, big guy! You're almost there!

Akira: At 5 pm, I bring home my final promotion as Charity Icon.
As much as I love my job (and this suit and tie), I quit it immediately so we can all focus on my son's needs.

Ulrike: Around the same time, my adorable little Makoto maxes his last skill, Movement.
That's fantastic, Makoto! You'll earn the Top-Notch Toddler trait!

Makoto: Does this mean I can do whatever I want now until my birthday, Mama?

Satoshi: I ask Auntie Ulrike to keep Erina occupied while I become good friends with Luna and Sofia.
Erina has nothing to worry about. It's just a little harmless chatting and cloudgazing.

Well, I have to confess that Sofia is a little more demanding and requires a hug.
Just a friendly hug, though, mind you.

Satoshi: Then back again to Forgotten Grotto with Mama and Erina.

On a hunch, I abandon the bait I usually use to lure sturgeon and anglerfish, switching to vampire squid instead.
What a chance discovery! I start reeling in the choice fish!


Satoshi: Thursday and Friday whizz by as I try to squeeze the most out of my museum collection.
Both Erina and Makoto even received birthday notices on Friday but, hey, I'm a sim on a mission!

Unwisely, I fish until 6 pm, ending with seven fish worth $9,854. So there, Dineros!!!
So much left to do before The Big Switch tonight!
But first, I go to the Soma Museum to hang up my portrait and mounted fish.

From the founder's museum, I travel home with Masato Yamaguchi who I've chosen as my potential third good friend.
Why, you ask? That's easy…to earn brownie points with our watcher.

Seriously, he seems like a cool guy and I like the way he looks after Ulrike and their son.
Now, if only he would like me as quickly as I like him!

Meanwhile, birthdays are being celebrated with minimal fanfare indoors.

Makoto ages up and gets the Cheerful trait, while Erina is now a cheerful goofball who is family-oriented.

Ulrike: Erina, of course, looks exactly the same as a young adult as when she was a teenager.
Makoto is a lovely blend of his father and myself. Time will tell who he resembles the most.

Maaike: Makoto definitely has your eyes and lips, though, Ulrike. What a looker!

Masato: Hey, that's an old photo of me with my default hair!

Satoshi: Once Masato's my good friend, I ask Papa to invite Mina Dinero over.
While I try to argue with her, though, Papa comes out to socialize with her.

I beseech Watchette for help and she sends Papa off to the woodworking table to craft camping mascots.

Just as Mina Dinero and I are getting really angry, I suffer a mood swing which makes me enraged.
I'll have to be really careful about my mood when I age up but, for now, I declare Mina my enemy.

Satoshi: I almost feel bad about picking Lio Zanna as my potential enemy.
The other Zannas are so gorgeous that Lio's turned into the family scapegoat.

On the plus side, since we're both teens, I can pick "Fight vampire" which exponentially speeds up the process to becoming enemies.
I'm almost ready to move out!

And in case you're wondering, drinking a moodlet solver snapped me right out of that horrid Enraged mood!

Satoshi: Gah, couldn't you have tried to take a more complimentary birthday shot of me?
You are cutting it so close, boy, you are lucky I'm not leaving you here until next week!

Erina: Wait, why is SHE ageing up?
Satoshi: I never told you that the Bjergsens will be  moving in with us?

Satoshi: I move Makoto and Ulrike out to live with Alfonso.
This way, Ayato can later invite Alfonso to move in along with Makoto. Sorry, Ulrike, but you'll be living alone once they move out!
I move the young adult Erina out, too.

Then, I move out to occupy the 30x20 Beech Byway lot, across the street from the founder Yukio.

After Erina moves in, I invite Sofia and her family to move in as well. Gah, I'd completely forgotten that Sofia had a younger sister!

Erina: Eh, whatever!

I've downloaded this lovely house for you from the gallery, dear Satoshi.
It's "Crème Villa (Unfurnished)" by a Carl's Forum member named @naemayo. 

For now, I've furnished the house extremely hastily with some of the furnishings that the Bjergsens brought along.
Too bad you spent so much time fishing, Satoshi! No time to try for baby nor start your garden!

Satoshi: It's totally worth it! I'm enjoying that fact that the Somas' total museum worth is higher than the Dineros'!

Coming next: Week 7 with the Zanna vampires

Final Week 7 Status: The Soma Line

Gen3 Heir: Akira Soma
*Completed requirements: ALL
  Store: Jungle Spice, resale value: $150,048
  Retail perks: done
  Career: Politician/Charity Organization (Level 10)

Gen4 Heir: Satoshi Soma
Toddler Skills: Happy Toddler (Level 5 Imagination and Thinking)
Childhood Aspiration: Artistic Prodigy
*Completed move-out requirements: ALL
  Museum Portrait: $9,773
  Teen Job: Manual Labor (Level 3)
  Freelance Botanist: done
  A in High School: A
  Skills: Gardening and Fishing (both Level 10)
  Collection: $9,854 (Sturgeon: $2182, 1712, 1399, 1127, 876; Anglerfish: $1513, 1045)
  Good Friends: Yukio Soma; Luna Villareal, Sofia Bjergsen, and Masato Yamaguchi
  Enemies: Mina Dinero, Lio Zanna

Gen5 Heir: ?? Soma
Projected date of birth: Day 4, Week 8 (not conceived yet)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Rival Cowfolks in Newcrest: Over-Fishing, Under-Woohoo (09/25)
« Reply #295 on: September 27, 2017, 08:02:39 AM »
Poor Erina!!!  That man-stealing Sofia moving in with them is going to cause all sorts of stress!!  On the plus side, if Erina has a son, the lovely Elsa will already be there as a older "lady friend" for him.  Elsa is, after all, the mother of my darling Robyn. 
Another lovely and amusing update.  You're really flying through this dynasty!!!  Of course, that means I have that much less time left to enjoy them  :=(

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Re: Rival Cowfolks in Newcrest: Over-Fishing, Under-Woohoo (09/25)
« Reply #296 on: September 27, 2017, 08:40:43 AM »
@oshizu What can I say? Math and my faith in your ability to beautifully micromanage things made it super easy to believe the Somas could catch up. Even the Zannas aren't out of it yet, if their museum value doesn't contain anything from Gen 4. The paintings alone ought to be worth that 8k given their track record and you still have the highly valuable writing and handiness skills to add to the collections. This is going to be such a close race, I can feel it. And considering I've been sitting on my dynasty for while not playing at all, yes, you are moving quickly from my lazy perspective.

Onto the chapter: Way to go, Satoshi! Single-handedly proved just why it ain't over until it's over. Good job. I would say you should've moved out earlier but there's only one generation to go in each family so that's kind of a moot point. You made a great choice. Erina is so tiny but she's also cute. I do love your strategy of building up helpers to use across multiple generations, they've really pulled their weight. Too bad about moving in all the Bjergsens, I don't think there's room anymore for the original plan. The end is near and I will honestly be a little sad to see it go.

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Re: Rival Cowfolks in Newcrest: Over-Fishing, Under-Woohoo (09/25)
« Reply #297 on: September 27, 2017, 02:06:51 PM »
Lol. I am curious about how the relationships will look next week. With no time to try for baby before the switch maybe Sofia will make a last-ditch attempt to woo Satoshi while Watchette is away. Stranger things have happened. ;)

Nice choice on the house! It's very cool-looking.

Makoto is shaping up to be a very fine-looking young man, indeed. Loved his toddler embarrassment at being taught manners in front of the lovely Luna. Moms are the worst! :D But don't worry, little guy. The ladies love a man who knows how to say please and thank you. Super high-fives to Watchette on getting him to top notch! I'm only ever able to do it when the toddler in question is the sole focus of my entire life for a week, so getting there in the midst of a fast-paced challenge is very impressive!

Anyway, I'm excited for the next round of Somas, mostly because I want to know who you'll name the baby after! :D

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Re: Rival Cowfolks in Newcrest: Real Vs are Silent Like...
« Reply #298 on: October 04, 2017, 03:30:11 PM »
Since Gen5 is the last generation, part of me wants to start fresh with the Somas but hadn't planned on Sofia's reactions to Satoshi, haha.
Actually, this challenge ends as soon as all three Gen5 heirs age up to young adult and move out, so I won't be needing to scout for spousal prospects anymore. I have to say, though, that I love me a good spouse hunt!

Your foresight and ability to interpret my bloodline stats are uncanny. Writing and Handiness are exactly what collection-oriented skills I've planned for the vampire line. Sadly, though, the collection worth will be cut drastically due to the lack of reward traits. For example, a camping mascot can be worth up to $4,500 but, without the Marketable trait, never more than $1,500. *cries
I regret now letting Satoshi fish for so many hours into the Zanna household's time. Now, I can see no way for the vampires to win, which makes me very sad since I favor their households so, hehe.
The current Soma household consists only of 6 members so there's still room for one more helper. Satoshi just ran out of time to invite.

Your "Stranger things have happened" remark reminds me of my first RDC attempt where my restauranteur family, headed by Shota Mori (King of Smirk), got all messed up, with Candy Behr woohooing with Liberty Lee in the sauna at the Perfect Balance Spa, while Shota/Travis had tiny pink bars. Gah!
Erina has worked so hard to transform herself into Satoshi's perfect wife---she deserves him!

Important: Do you have any requests, Francesca, for the name of their daughter?
Names I have in mind: Momo (Akanegakubo), Nene (Kinokuni), and Rindo Kobayashi

Then again, part of me wants a son so I can name him Takumi (Aldini) and…oh, Gen5 doesn't have to run a restaurant! :(   Okay, daughter, it is.

7.71  Vittoria Zanna (1/4): Real Vs are Silent Like…

Previously in Week 6:
   • The Gen3 Zanna household consists of Vitoria (Gen3 heir), her spouse Jung Storey, their son Ayato, Vitoria's twin sister Laura, Paola Pizzazz (human painter), Masato Yamaguchi (vampire bro), and the now-single Bella Goth;
   • Transformed into Vitoria's thrall, Arun Bheeda vehemently pledges his support to the success of Ayato;
   • Masato hosts the first Toddler Play Date in the history of this challenge, earning a gold medal for his efforts. The play date is between Ayato and Masato's own son Makoto;
   • The children Ayato and Laura befriend Jagger and Alfonso Dinero then age them up to teens, only to discover that Jagger has gained the Kleptomaniac trait;
   • Despite initial doubts about her competence, Bella is now an accomplished gardener with full Sunlight Resistance;
   • Irresistible as a charmer toddler, adorable as an Outgoing Social Butterfly child, and a debonair Leader of the Pack teen since early last Saturday morning, the Gen4 heir Ayato prepares to tackle his move-out requirements with his customary panache;
   • Vitoria ends the week as a Level 9 Mixologist with one remaining goal for her Master Vampire aspiration and a very-near-complete Bloodline Garden.

Week 7/Sunday

Ayato: I can't believe that Satoshi Soma delayed The Big Switch until 5:30 am!
Doesn't he realize that we vampires are nocturnal creatures? Now I have to stay indoors until this evening!

Daichi: I'm pretty sure Satoshi just lacks good time management skills, Ayato.
He doesn't seem like the malicious type to me!

Masato: I don't know, Daichi! Satoshi was pretty fired up about leaving the Dineros and Zannas behind.

Vitoria: Don't mind me! I only completed my Master Vampire aspiration just now…

Vitoria: It just figures, Jung, that you finally invite me out to Pan Europa but we end up fishing.
Jung: Don't you remember? You're cooking Ambrosia for Paola but we have no angelfish yet.

Masato: Still, it's nice to get out of the house now and then, even if Vitoria and I have never fished before.

Ayato: Honestly, I can think of a gazillion better ways to level my charisma, besides practicing a speech in Pan Europa's bathroom!

Ayato: Now this is what I'm talking about! I reach Level 5 Charisma while chatting with Mr. Landgraab.
As soon as I add Alfonso Dinero to our family club, I complete my Leader of the Pack aspiration!

Laura: Thank you for keeping me company, Nanny Imane. I have no idea why I'm stuck.
Imane: Can't your watcher fix this?

Laura: Not until Vitoria comes home or she'll be forced to leave work early.

Ayato: Thanks for coming over to help me with my writing, Arun!
Arun: I'm off on weekends so I can mentor you all you want today, Ayato.

Ayato: I'm afraid I'm not going to have a high-value collection of novels without any reward traits.
Arun: I have to agree, Ayato, but you'll still be able to surpass Mina's fish collection and Mint's frog collection.

Ayato: Are the Dineros even trying?!

Elizabeth: What happened to you two?
Imane: First Laura was stuck so I was keeping her company, then I froze, too.

Elizabeth: Well, Vitoria won't be earning her last promotion tonight anyway and Bella's also frozen.
I'll tell Jung to travel with Laura and Bella to the lot next door then back home again.

Laura: Thank you, Nanny Elizabeth! I really don't want to stand here until Vitoria finishes work at midnight. That's 7 more hours!

Ayato: Ahhhh, night has finally fallen! A short break from writing for some vampiric training.

Masato:  You're doing really well, Ayato! Try to reach Prime Vampire rank by Monday night!


Vitoria: I didn’t make much progress at work today because we forgot to start a club gathering before I left home.

That's why I'm hoping for a guaranteed promotion my next shift. A full promotion?
You know I'm not complaining! It's time for me to join the ranks of the unemployed!

Vitoria: By happy coincidence, my Deathflower plant has also matured so I present to you my completed garden!

My bloodline requirements are all done! All that's left now is to support Ayato.

Ayato: Our week started Sunday morning with Nannies Imane and Elizabeth at our home, but no Nanny Daichi.

The two nannies have been as useless as the "g" in lasagna, so I decide I can at least detect their personalities.

Imane: Oh you di'int try to pull off that stale line and pass it off as an Italian joke!
Next, you're gonna imitate Lil Wayne and his notorious line "Real Gs are silent like…"

Ayato: Nah, that's going too far, Nanny Imane! I have taste and discernment, remember?

Ayato: Paola's been working hard on my portraits but I'd wish she could do more!
Her portrait of my normal form alone is worth more than Mint Dinero's portrait and collection combined.
I'm pretty sure I'll be able to beat Satoshi Soma's collection worth to keep the Zannas in first place.

What worries me is the collection worth of the Gen5 heirs.
The Somas last collection will no doubt be paintings. How the heck can my future child's collection beat that?

Now that there's no threat of any bloodline buying a sixth lot, maybe the Zannas will take their time to….
It's hopeless for us, isn't it? The cards are stacked against vampires! We can never win without reward traits!

Laura: Yes, that's right. I'd like to take a vacation day from school today.

It's my birthday today, you see, but I don't remember exactly what time.
Also, there's something really important that I need to do before 3 pm today.
No, I can't tell you now, because it's still a secret.

Arun: Praise the Light that Ayato has to attend high school this morning!
Otherwise, we'd still be holed up in his cramped little bedroom!

I have to give him credit, though! Ayato has accomplished so much in the past 26 hours!

Laura: Not long after Ayato leaves for school, I get my birthday notice.
I'm so eager to age up, I just light and blow out the birthday candles all by myself.

It doesn't even bother me that Uncle Masato is too engrossed in his Parenting book to celebrate.

Laura: I'm now a cheerful perfectionist! My makeover must wait until Ayato returns from school.
So, for now, I join Uncle Masato on the sofa and start on my homework.

Uncle Masato is being thoughtful and doesn’t mention my awful hairstyle.
What's up with this hair anyway? And this cheerleader's skirt!?

Vitoria: I don't know why Laura didn't tell me she was going to age up!
As soon as I receive her text message, I buy some garlic packets and fly upstairs.

This is a matter that Laura and I have talked over many, many times. She's such a stubborn girl!

Vitoria: Laura, you didn't want to wait until the founder Serena got off work.
You couldn't even wait for Ayato to come from school in a few more hours!
At least, you could sit down and sip your drink instead of, ugh, chugging it as you stand!

Laura: Cut me some slack, sis! Take a good look at me!
I resemble a redheaded Paolo Rocca lookalike with acne! Could it get any worse?

Laura: Thank you so much, sis! The drink you made me has cured me of vampirism.
Sadly, however, the angry zits remain!

Laura: With just a couple of hours to go before my makeover, Paola offers to mentor me in painting.
Yes!!! I'm planning to become the next Zanna portrait painter!

Paola: As for me, I'm opting not to move out with Ayato when he's ready to go.
And I still have 15 sim-days until my Adult birthday, so an Ambrosia serving really isn't necessary.
The thought, Vitoria, is absolutely appreciated! <3 (as well as the rare shot of my face!)

Alex: Hello, mother? It's me, Alex. Do you have time to chat? I've really missed you!
Bella: Dear Alex, how have you been?

Alex: You really have no idea what we've been up to, mother?
Cassie and I live at Twin Oracle Point now. I'm with Mint Dinero and we plan to get married.
Bella: And what about Cassie? How has she been doing?

Alex: Cassie is living with us. Like me, she's a young adult now. In fact, she's having a baby with Mint's uncle, Jagger Dinero.
I'm going to be a father, too. Will you visit your grand-children, mother?

Laura: As soon as Ayato gets home, I make a dash for the dresser. Ahhhh, much better!

Alfonso: Sure, Laura, I'd love to go visit you. Why weren't you in school today?
Laura: Well, it's kind of a surprise. Also, I have a question…would you still like me if I had pimples?

Alfonso: What kind of question is that, silly? We are BFFs, remember?
And you know that I'd "more than like" you if you weren't in grade school!

Ayato: Wow, Uncle Masato, I can't believe I got an A grade already! Life is good!
Masato: Yes, give thanks to The Well who gave you the "B" yesterday and our Good Schools lot trait!

Ayato: It's a great day to be a Zanna!

Alfonso: Hey, we're both teens now! Is that why you missed school today!
And I'm deeply flattered that you'd give up being a vampire for me! So what does this mean for us?

Laura: Well, of course, you're going to join Ayato's household once he moves out, right?
I'm thinking that if I take over Paola's role as portrait painter, you and me could… *blushes

Laura: I couldn't agree with you more, my lovely nephew Ayato.
Today is a great day to be a Zanna!

Current Week 7 Status: Zanna Line

Gen3 Heir: Vitoria Zanna
*Completed bloodline requirements: ALL
  Two tier-5 vampire powers: Mist Form and Tamed Thirst
  Aspiration: Master Vampire (done)
  Career: Culinary/Mixologist (Level 10)
  Garden (6/6 plants): done

Gen4 Heir: Ayato Zanna
  Traits: Charmer; Outgoing, Cheerful
*Completed move-out requirements:
  Toddler Skills: Happy Toddler (L5 Imagination and Communication)
  Childhood aspiration: Social Butterfly
  Good Friends: Serena Zanna; Jagger Dinero, Alfonso Dinero, Arun Bheeda
  Aspiration: Leader of the Pack (done)
  "A" in high school: yes
*Incomplete move-out requirements:
  Teen career: Retail Employee (Level 2)
  Portraits (2): $0 (normal: $, dark: $)
  Skills: Charisma (Level 5) and Writing (Level 6)
  Collection (7):
  Enemies: (Dinero and Soma)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Rival Cowfolks in Newcrest: Real Vs are Silent Like... (10/04)
« Reply #299 on: October 04, 2017, 09:15:46 PM »
Laura's so lovely!!! 
She and Alfonso are adorable together!!!  I want them to have their own dynasty together!!!  Not that that's actually a thing, but I still want it!
Oh, the "g in lasagna" line.  So glorious!  I don't care what the sassy nanny thinks.  After all, she's no Daichi!
I'm still team Serena!  Vampires for the win!!!
And Laura's lovely, in case I didn't mention it.  Loved the "redheaded Paolo Rocca lookalike with acne" line!  Laura's so awesome!

