Pippin: We return to the Took household in the middle of Captain Princess Lady Erina's teen years. In one short week, we'll hit, not only her birthday, but Tessie's elder birthday on that same day!

Alondra: So, are you excited about becoming a young adult?
Captain Princess Lady Erina: Adulting will simply be the next great adventure for everyone's favorite Captain Princess Lady!
Alondra: ...okay. Speaking of which, what's the new book you're working on?
Captain Princess Lady Erina: Captain Princess Lady Erina and the Troublesome Trolls of Toothpick Town!
Alondra: ...okay.
Pippin: And while Captain Princess Lady Erina hangs out with a young lady, Chantons is similarly invited out to spend time with a young lady.

You can dance if you want to
You can leave your friends behind
'Cause your friends don't dance
And if they don't dance then they're
No friends of mineRieko: So...you know I invited you out because I...well...I mean...I know your wife passed a while ago...so you're single now and probably lonely...OH! And I'm sorry to bring up your loss but I...because you're so...and maybe we could...I mean, I know I'm not as...pretty...I guess as she was...or as sophisticated and stuff...but maybe we...I mean, if you wanted...
Pippin: I like her. She's smooth.

Girl you're amazing
Just the way you arePippin: Oh. That escalated quickly.

Tessie: Danica! Some of my friends are old and might die, so do you want to be friends?
Danica: Wow, that escalated quickly.
Pippin: Thanks, Danica, for being lovely
and immortal!
Danica: Sure thing, Pippin.
Pippin: And meantime...

Pippin: the Took household buys a lot and builds this "store" which will never be opened to the public (and the cash register is in a tiny and inaccessible basement) so that it can function as Captain Princess Lady Erina's private writing loft.
Captain Princess Lady Erina: Woot! Another book finished!

Captain Princess Lady Erina: Of course, it's not entirely a
private writing loft. I mean, a captain needs her crew.

Pippin: Wait, Tessie's in your crew now?
Captain Princess Lady Erina: Eh, I'm letting mom fill a spot while we wait for a couple more crew members to age up to teen. Plus, she needs to have more in-case-of-emergency good friends, so I'm sharing everyone except for Izumi.
Izumi: Because I'm your favorite?
Captain Princess Lady Erina: No. Krista's my favorite.
Krista: Aww, thanks!
Izumi: But...why are you...?
Captain Princes Lady Erina: You're the only member of my crew who is not a member of my extended family, and therefore, have no significant friendship bars with anyone other than me.
Izumi: ...but I want to be the favorite...
Captain Princess Lady Erina: Well, those dishes aren't going to wash themselves...
Izumi: On it!

Krista: Oh, don't trouble yourself, Izumi. I've already got it.
Izumi: (sigh)
Pippin: And speaking of buildings owned by the Tooks...

Pippin: We added a table and chairs to the balcony on Took Pet Medicine so the immortals don't have to eat in the front yard.
Wade: Hmm, maybe we could hire musicians to entertain us next time.
Abernathy: Oooo, classy! Let's find cute ones! I have some new theories on genetics I'd like to test out.
Wade: (facepalm)
Pippin: But eventually, we move on to some exciting things happening at the actual Took household.

Captain Princess Lady Erina: Hey, mom, this is Krista's little sister Kori.
Tessie: Who's Krista?
Captain Princess Lady Erina: She's in the club? You talk to her almost everyday?
Tessie: Is she a gnome?
Captain Princess Lady Erina: Oh. Yes. She's the really tall gnome with red hair.
Tessie: Oh! Krista! Hi, Krista!
Kori: Umm, no, I'm Kori.
Tessie: Hahaha, good one, Krista!
Captain Princess Lady Erina: Just let it go, Kori.
Kori: ...okay?

Pippin: And Kori (or Krista as Tessie would say) gets in some cloudgazing time with her captain while Gaivan works in the kitchen making...

Pippin: a blue cake for our beloved blue heir. Who is on the phone. Scheduling her birthday party.

Pippin: We knock out the main goal immediately...

Pippin: and Captain Princess Lady Erina becomes Captain Princess
Young Lady Erina!
Captain Princess Young Lady Erina: Don't change my name, Pippin. I'll have to republish all of my books!
Pippin: My bad.

Pippin: And while that's happening, we knock out that play music for an hour requirement.
Blurange Blur: And now, I'll be performing my own arrangement of "Happy Birthday" in C minor.
Pippin: C minor? But she's an adult now.
Blurange Blur: ...and?
Pippin: Well, that means she's not a
minor. Hahahahahaha!
Blurange Blur: ...if I weren't using my hands to play guitar, I'd be facepalming right now.

Pippin: And we knock out gaming with the birthday Sim requirements.

Pippin: And cake gets eaten.
Captain Princess Lady Erina: Thank for eating cake, Krista! You're my favorite! You're cool too, Alondra!
Mallory: What about me?
Captain Princess Lady Erina: Oh, I just had you eat first to make sure it wasn't poison, red shirt.
Mallory: (sigh)
Pippin: And we achieve Captain Princess Lady Erina's first gold medal party! So now I guess it's time for...
Captain Princess Lady Erina: Back to the writing shack, crew!
Pippin: But...dance party...?

Captain Princess Lady Erina: So, Izumi, I think you should totally become my unique best friend.
Izumi: You mean...you mean I'm your
favorite now?
Captain Princess Lady Erina: No. Just unique. By the way, as your captain, it's a order, not a request.
Izumi: Yes ma'am.
Captain Princess Lady Erina: Cool! Time to go write!
Pippin: Umm, isn't something else significant happening right now though?

Captain Princess Lady Erina: Yep, but I sent my girl Jacqueline there to fill in my share of the cheering.
Jacqueline: Woot!! Way to get older, Mama Took!
Tessie: Who's Mama Took?
Jacqueline: Umm, that's what I call you? Everyday? When we chat? Because we're good friends?

Tessie: OH! My back!!
Gaivan: Welcome...and the...with club...because back...
Jacqueline: Woot! Way to turn grey, Mama Took!
Tessie: Who's Mama Took?
Pippin: And so, with seven out of eight elders in place and generation eight finally hitting young adulthood, things are going well, even if slowly, for the Tooks!