Pippin: We rejoin...well, not the Took household, but Milo Took at least...

Pippin: as he visits the household he and Nobuya have established...and where he doesn't actually live...

Pippin: That's their eldest child, Samura, in the foreground, and that's them getting ready to try for another nooboo in the background.
Nobuya: Nobu-nooboo!!!
Milo: Indeed, my love. Indeed.
Pippin: Meantime, since Captain Princess Lady Erina has maxed handiness...

Pippin: we gain access to the Forgotten Grotto!

Tessie: Ooooo, pretty!!
Pippin: Thanks! I was rather proud of this screenshot, so...
Tessie: No! My baby girl is pretty!
Pippin: Oh. Yes. I'll agree with that too. And speaking of Tessie's Captain Princess Lady baby girl...

Pippin: she finally gets that promotion to level 10 in the writing career. So, what's next for our Captain Princess Lady?
Captain Princess Lady Erina: Hmmm...I know!

Captain Princess Lady Erina: Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina reporting for duty!
Pippin: Really? Dropping from level 10 in writing to level 3 in Law Enforcement?
Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Well, someone must put a stop to Professor Moriarty's shenanigans!
Pippin: ...who?

Other Officer: Wow, you make that uniform look
Officer Captain Princess LAdy Erina: That's true, though it is kind of a lame uniform. Ah well, I'll deal with that later. I must head to the crime scene. Hurry, to the OfficerCaptainPrincessLadymobile!
Other Officer: ...you mean the squad car?
Officer Captain Princes Lady Erina: Nope!

Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: So, tell me again about what Moriarty did here.
Hayden: Umm, I didn't say anything about a Moriarty, but...wait a minute, isn't your great-great-great-great-grandfather the father of my child?
Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Stop trying to change the subject! And yes, I'm sure he is.

Other Officer #2: Hmmm, that new officer really grabs the bull by the horns, as they say.
Other Officer #3: Yeah, there's kind of no point for the rest of us to be here.
Other Officer #4: Guess I'll take a picture of this floor graffiti.
Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: And be sure to get the part where Moriarty signed his work!
Other Officer #4: He didn't...oh. Look there. It says Moriarty.
Pippin: Back at the station...

Chief: Well, Officer Took, I'm hearing great things about your work ethic.
Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Actually, it's Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina.
Chief: Hey, as long as you keep up this level of work, I'll call you whatever you want!
Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: And one day, I'll replace you and become
Chief Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina!
Chief: ...thanks? You're dismissed?

Kyra Van: Psst, you there. The attractive new officer!
Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: You must mean the attractive new Officer Captain Princess Lady.
Kyra: That's
exactly what I meant! I know you're going after Moriarty.
Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Oh. I know that too.
Kyra: Umm, okay. What I mean is, I might have some information for you. Maybe you need to take me out of the cell to fingerprint me or something?
Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: (Looks at job task bar) Oh, actually, I do!
Pippin: Subtlety is so lost on you.
Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Thank you!
Pippin: Not a compliment.

Kyra: So, Moriarty is managing to stay one step ahead of the police because he has someone on the inside.
Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Okay, spread 'em!

Kyra: What? Oo!! Umm, yeah, you're thorough.
Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: You mean no one else thought to check your pockets?
Kyra: Like I said, there's a dirty cop around.
Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Well, there's no shower at the station, so...
Pippin: Not what dirty cop means!
Kyra: ...?
Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Oh, looks like my shift is over. You can just lock yourself back in your cell, right?
Kyra: ...okay?

Wade: Look at my amazing great-great-great granddaughter the policewoman!
Pippin: Did you totally just pose for the camera?
Wade: ...maybe...
Krista: (texting) Heard you got a sweet new job! Celebration time?

Pippin: And as they were at the karaoke club...

Izumi: Her, you're amazing, and you're the only woman who has ever really made Abernathy afraid and he definitely can't ignore you.
Her: You're telling me nothing I don't already know.
Izumi: Right. Sorry. What I'm getting at is...could you teach me how to get Captain Princess Lady Erina to notice me?
Her: First off, it's now
Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina. Details matter. Secondly, I find that being both gorgeous and threatening definitely works.
Izumi: So, are you saying I'm gorgeous?
Her: ...you're not bad, kid.
Pippin: And we head home and prepare for Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina's second day of policework.

Pippin: Wait, I don't think that's the uniform for...
Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Yep! I've refined things a bit.

Other Officer: Who's been letting prisoners out and then not locking them back up?
Prisoner: I don't know, but I sure wouldn't have stuck around like Kyra did! I'd have been heading out the door!
Pippin: (facepalm)

Bearded Officer: (thinking) Oh my gosh! She's so gorgeous! And that new outfit! Oh, wait. I should be getting work done.
Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Well, time for patrol!

Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Alright, Teagan, tell me everything you know about this dirty cop!
Teagan: I...uh...
Izumi: Hey! Officer Captain Princess Lady! I'm gorgeous and you need to notice me!
Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: (Ignoring her) Don't try to dodge the question, Teagan.
Teagan: Alright. I don't know any specifics, but I think that blonde gal, Aya, was talking about the dirty cop and someone named Morty Arty?
Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Thanks! (walks away)
Izumi: ...please notice me...

Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Hey! You know stuff and you're gonna tell me what it is!!
Aya: I...uh...
Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: I already know your name, Aya! Now tell me about Moriarty and the dirty cop!
Pippin: Why does that sound like the name of one of your books?
Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: No, if it were one of my books it would be "Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina and the Dirty Detective of the Digital Dunes."
Pippin: Wow. Impressive.

Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: And another day closer to locking up Moriarty!
Pippin: True, but since you're only level 3 and can't interrogate, we can't get that promotion.
Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Please! As if you get to be an officer, a captain, a princess, and a lady without being able to handle such things?!?

Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Hey, Welliam!
Wishing Well: Umm, that's not my name.
Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: That's
totally your name! My mom told me so!
Wishing Well Welliam: (sigh) Alright, so, what can I do for everyone's favorite Officer Captain Princess Lady?
Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: I need a complete promotion!

Wishing Well Welliam: Aaaaand done! Congratualtions,
Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina!
Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Thanks, Welliam! You're the best!
Pippin: (sigh) And I'm going to get hand cramps from typing her name! Anyway, we are currently enjoying doing nothing more than passing the time until Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina ages up to become our 8th and final immortal.
Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: And chasing Moriarty!
Saanvi: And keeping the immortals alive.

Pippin: Oh, that too. Thanks, Saanvi!
Saanvi: You're welcome.