Author Topic: A Sharebear Legacy: Updated 05/01/2020  (Read 204442 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Demons and Angels 06/07/2018
« Reply #360 on: June 07, 2018, 11:20:59 PM »
Yay, another collection completed and another gold medal!
(By the way, I counted my gold medals and I only need to throw 300 more social events, lol. )
Is Rhonda fussy?

And what a smart way to display your snow globes!

Offline sdhoey

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Demons and Angels 06/07/2018
« Reply #361 on: June 07, 2018, 11:24:18 PM »
Yay, another collection completed and another gold medal!
(By the way, I counted my gold medals and I only need to throw 300 more social events, lol. )
Is Rhonda fussy?

And what a smart way to display your snow globes!

Yes, the young miss is Fussy. And we won't discuss what happened when she aged up. You'll see it soon.

I LOVE those shelves. I use them for alot

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Demons and Angels 06/07/2018
« Reply #362 on: June 08, 2018, 09:38:49 PM »
The kiddos are all adorable, but there's just something sweet about quietly observant little Jami.  Her face as she was checking things up was just such a great mix of uncertainty, curiosity, mild disgust, and bashfulness.
Little Sean is proving himself to be quite the handful!

Offline sdhoey

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: It's Renji Again 06/09/2018
« Reply #363 on: June 09, 2018, 08:01:40 PM »
Before I left, I found mom talking to that rodent again. She really likes that thing.

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When I got to work, I had to call the GEO Society about some of the Crystals and metals I had in my inventory.

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Then it was off to do some collecting. Yep, you guessed it, COLLECTIONS DAY!!

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The coolest part of it was I got to collect an alien slug.

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We have some pretty big fishing ponds here too. I also got to go fishing for a while. Nice to have a job that will let you go fishing on the clock.

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It's so quiet around here. Hold on folks, I got a bite.

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Cool, now look at that, it's a Guppy.

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It's so cute. She's so colorful.

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When I entered the building, I noticed we had a new receptionist. So I politely introduced myself.

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Then I went off to analyze some of the stuff I collected this morning.

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I snuck out to collect another alien thingie.

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As I came back in, I noticed that the new girl was looking bored. For the life of me, I can't remember her name. But anyways, I asked her for a DNA sample and she told me to get lost.  So I went home for the day.

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When I got home, I heard my sis out back scolding my nephew once again for making a mess with the paint in the yard. Poor kid. But she is rocking this parenting thing.

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But I don't think the kid is really listening, he just keeps doing it.

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My beautiful little niece, Jami, maxed her last skill and now it's time for her and Sean to have their cake. No party tonight.

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Mom baked a cake.

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First up was Jami.  She is so stinking adorable.

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Jami: What out Mimi…

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Jami: No way watcher!! I want a makeover ASAP.
W: You got it, little girl. First your brother's cake.

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Sean: FIRE!!! Yay..

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Sean: Fire out. Fire out.

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Sean: Man, this is not cool. I need to hit the dresser with Jami.

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After their makeovers, they did their homework and got busy with their aspirations. Both are working on Art Prodigy. You know that creative thingie that the watcher likes us to do.

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Mom came in the lab and is putting her Big Happy Family Aura to use and helping me. After I get my next breakthrough, I'll be moving over to the other vet lab machine.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: It's Renji Again 06/09/2018
« Reply #364 on: June 09, 2018, 08:27:17 PM »
Jami and Sean aged up into beautiful children!
By the way, I like how you have shelving beneath your kitchen cabinets where you can display your knick-knacks!

Renji's doing great at his scientist career!
Everyone's making great progress!
I was wondering why you sent stuff off to the Geo Council. For your element collection?

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: It's Renji Again 06/09/2018
« Reply #365 on: June 09, 2018, 08:57:02 PM »
Renji's just such a sweet and kind fellow.  Most other Sims would have gone over to meet the new receptionist and I instantly would have expected at least a little flirting or at least commenting on the lavender-haired loveliness.  Not Renji.  He's just the genuinely nice guy!  I appreciate him.  Lots.
Jami and Sean aged up into such adorable children, though I can't say that surprises me  ;=)  Really looking forward to seeing Rhonda join them in childhood and then all three hit the teen years!

Offline sdhoey

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: It's Renji Again Pt 2 06/10/2018
« Reply #366 on: June 10, 2018, 02:51:01 PM »
Today I offered Lyn a tainted serum, but she didn't know that. She refused. Don't tell her, but man does she had a B I G head.

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So I went over and offered it to Adriana Vatore. 

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After she drank it, she got very flirty. I checked my task and discovered that I was supposed to be the one to drink the Rose Serum.

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So I walked away and started making another Rose Serum.

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How could I have been so stupid? I mean, it's not like I wanted her to flirt with me. I have my Jenny.

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Well, I hope this one is better then the other one.

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I went out to the receptionist area and sat down. Bottoms up as they say.

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So, Adriana, *waves* Your hair matches your lab coat nicely.

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We walk to the bathroom for some crazy reason. That seems to be the meeting place for whole lab.
I offer her a Food Serum.

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She happily accepted it .

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Adriana: So is it supposed to make me hungry or something?
Not sure yet, it was tainted.

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I have to brainstorm so more with Kit before leaving. I rather enjoy my time with her.

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Once again they have messed up the coffee machine.

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I got my promotion but as soon as I got home, my alien friends came to pick me up again.

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While I was gone, Rhonda completed her last toddler skill and is now a Top-notch Toddler.

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Jami is working on her empathy. While Sean is playing his toys.

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Colt is enjoying what time he has left with Rhonda as a child.

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Jami  has taken up the Violin.

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Sean wanted to learn the piano.

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Mom and I are in my lab working on our  Vet skill together.

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Yachiru takes the chance to mentor Sean on the piano.

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The next morning, Jami was the first one out the door for school. She was so excited.

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The finally Sean made it out the door.

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Offline sdhoey

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy:It's Renji Again Pt 2 06/10/2018
« Reply #367 on: June 10, 2018, 02:52:07 PM »
I just love my new uniform for work. It's like out of this world.

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This morning I offered Lyn the Ghost Serum and she accepted.

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Now, I'm not sure what is supposed to happen exactly with one.

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Grim showed up. I took that as my cue to leave the room.

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Grim walked right up to her and started to slap her in the face.

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Lyn: What are doing? Why did you just slap me?
Grim: I don't know. I just felt like it. But it did feel good.

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I offered Gracelyn one of the Ghost Serums but Grim never bothered her.

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For some crazy reason, they wanted me to view and painting. I feel stupid.

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I found Kit and start to construct a cloner. I can't wait to try it out.

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Make sure to get those corners just right Kit.

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Done, That looks great Kit.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: It's Renji Again Pt 2 06/10/2018
« Reply #368 on: June 10, 2018, 04:21:45 PM »
Lyn and Adriana really resemble their parents! Is Adriana the daughter of Caleb or Lilith?
Renji's a Level 7 Scientist! Great progress!
I don't ever go back to the Lab after the first few days unless I run out of collectibles. You must really enjoy The Lab!
The Scientist has to be my favorite career! The inventions and serums are all so handy!!!

Brill idea to have Renji and Hailee work on the same skill. Renji benefits from her Matriarch trait but she learns the Vet skill faster because of her Vicarious trait.
The Bowling skill felt like it took forever, haha!

Offline sdhoey

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: It's Renji Again Pt 2 06/10/2018
« Reply #369 on: June 10, 2018, 06:16:08 PM »
Lyn and Adriana really resemble their parents! Is Adriana the daughter of Caleb or Lilith?
Renji's a Level 7 Scientist! Great progress!
I don't ever go back to the Lab after the first few days unless I run out of collectibles. You must really enjoy The Lab!
The Scientist has to be my favorite career! The inventions and serums are all so handy!!!

Brill idea to have Renji and Hailee work on the same skill. Renji benefits from her Matriarch trait but she learns the Vet skill faster because of her Vicarious trait.
The Bowling skill felt like it took forever, haha!

I was just thinking about putting a bowling alley in the basement. LOL

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: It's Renji Again Pt 2 06/10/2018
« Reply #370 on: June 10, 2018, 06:23:54 PM »
Adriana may have her eyes on our Renji, but I think Kit has already stolen his heart  ;=)  Seriously, though, loving that Renji is getting so much spotlight time as the cadet.  Of course, having the active career versus the rabbit hole definitely lends itself to that.
Jami is just lovely!  I find her so adorable! 

Offline sdhoey

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: It's Renji Again Pt 2 06/10/2018
« Reply #371 on: June 10, 2018, 07:02:11 PM »
Adriana may have her eyes on our Renji, but I think Kit has already stolen his heart  ;=)  Seriously, though, loving that Renji is getting so much spotlight time as the cadet.  Of course, having the active career versus the rabbit hole definitely lends itself to that.
Jami is just lovely!  I find her so adorable! 

Yeah, Renji is doing great, Colt and Yachiru have maxed their aspirations and we have all seen the skilling up parts. So I thought I would focus on our man Renji.

Yes, Jami is an adorable little girl. To bad she isn't in the pot for the heir.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: It's Renji Again Pt 2 06/10/2018
« Reply #372 on: June 11, 2018, 12:18:40 PM »
Ooo, missed a few updates in there ^^ Renji is so cool!  Love his days at work.  Hehehe, his relationship with Kit is great.

Offline sdhoey

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: It's Renji Again Pt 2 06/10/2018
« Reply #373 on: June 11, 2018, 12:19:39 PM »
Ooo, missed a few updates in there ^^ Renji is so cool!  Love his days at work.  Hehehe, his relationship with Kit is great.

HAHA, I have more waiting to be put up

Offline sdhoey

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Watcher's POV 06/11/2018
« Reply #374 on: June 11, 2018, 04:29:13 PM »
To start off with, I forget about poor little Rhonda. I had gotten her notice that it was her birthday. But being the ever so busy watcher, I forgot.

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See, in my defense, I was out back with Sean. See he has gotten into this stage of Burping and passing gas. I see his future is really going places.

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Jami is being so helpful. She helps to do the laundry.

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Hailee and Renji spend time together in the lab. She is helping him max his vet skills.

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Don is helping Yachiru speed up her skilling in Logic.

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At work, Renji gave Taryn a tainted serum

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And then out of no where, he pulled his freeze ray and froze her right where she was standing. Yep, it's mischief day at work.

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Renji: hehehe, it worked. I can't believe it.

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Hey Lyn, you know that show with the all the zombies? Well that kid with the one eye, he dies.

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Lyn: *cries* NOOOOO, I haven't even seen that episode yet Renji. You've ruined it for me.
Oh, really, gee, I'm not sorry.

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Then Adriana comes over and starts talking to him. But he is a little embarrassed because he was mean.

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Check out these looks he's giving her.

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Then he gives Taryn another Serum. When will this girl learn.

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Then he saw her!! The object of his desire, KIT.

Good morning gorgeous. How about today we make that Electroflux Wormhole Generator?
Kit: *nods*

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As Kit whiz's and bangs, Renji pushes buttons and points to spots.

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The Wormhole Generator starts to take form.

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When it is finished, Renji gives Kit and loving pat and Thanks her.

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Now it's time to start Calibrating her.

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When he has it almost finished, he has to head out to the tourist area and insult someone.

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He found some poor guy and just went to town on him.

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Back in the lab, he has to lie about his career.

Renji: Before I came here, I was  Crime Lord. I was king of the streets.
Adriana: *gasps* No way.

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Adriana: *walks off* How does he think he's fooling? He wouldn't hurt a cat.

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Next, he had to drink a Red Hot Serum and chew someone out. But that backfired too. The serum was a dud.

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