Author Topic: Sims Eugenics, or, Vlad's Nose (Complete)  (Read 36658 times)

Offline Heart Foam

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Sims Eugenics, or, Vlad's Nose (Complete)
« on: February 06, 2018, 02:16:30 PM »
Meet HS-1372 A

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Into the Future - A house update
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15 - the first bit of The Wedding
Part 16 - the second bit of The Wedding (and other stuff)
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35 - Wedding of Ahilac and Chadwick
Part 36 - Even more of the wedding! Madness! - The End.

So some bits of this save have already been shared. I thought I'd spend some hours sorting through that intimidating screenshots folder for pictures from this story, and I have 200+, so hopefully I'll be disciplined and update every day or two. It's just sitting down and doing it. I admire the writers of dynasties hugely. I also kinda like the house I built and I think some of the screenshots are cute. This save started a while ago. Actually posting anything is mostly borne out of short exchanges with @oshizu who says very kind things, so an extra thank you to you.   

I didn't start with two sims because I had my eye on Vlad Straud, and would move him in and give him a normal unique family. The founder sim is not one of my own. I take no credit. She was downloaded from a sim blog ages ago that I might not be able to find again, and just languished in the library. But when pointy Vlad arrived, I knew I had the right pointy girl for him. Fantastically pointy. All the pointy.


Her name is not very memorable. HS in HS-1372 could stand for anything. High School. Home Soon. Humphrey Superb. Anyway, I had a fancy for a house in this part of Newcrest, so miss Highly Suspicious arrived at yonder plot and plotted many things. (Incidentally, she's fully human, and merely looks super like a cartoon alien.) In particular, I plotted out her house. Keen observers of Threads will know things change at some point.

So that's the very beginning. She went into the science career, because that is simply the right way to start, and also needed the extra bit of income from painting. I always start like this -- the build-from-nothing-start. I like the early game challenge. I grant it's less than thrilling to watch. There will be no beautiful drawing room pictures in the first few updates, but I promise they are at least as breathtaking as these.

Yes, the sole purpose of the bush is woohoo. It's okay. We know this. We acknowledge this. It's cool for me personally to look at these older picutres because all those bathroom items still exist in the house now. They've long since been upgraded, but I've kept them. 

Moving along. Looks like ghost night at the bar, and our not-really-alien gal, Hippodrome Surprise, is with Vlad. So that's a key moment. I didn't take enough screenshots in the early game, but I recognize the pink flirty ghost who is still in the game. This is the first evidence of Vlad having moved in.

Okay, so I wasn't fully adjusted to the special needs of a vampire...

... and as you can see the house didn't have many walls. So sunlight was a Thing. Apparently vampires don't cope well. I didn't let him expire for "narrative purposes" or anything, it was an oversight. So now my pointy man was dead. And that added an extraordinary layer of complication. Because now we not only needed to cure him, but make ambrosia too. A scientist sim will get a few points in gardening, and I intended to actively pursue that skill for the sake of perfect alien plants and getting the ingredients for serums. The setback was fishing, because this is the one neighborhood in Newcrest without fishing spots. I remember being frustrated. So much. To get to where I could have kids with Vlad seemed a very long road from this empty house, lack of skills, lack of simoleans that I did despair and go play some other more established saves. It felt like the story was moving painfully slowly.

Vlad obviously appeared as a ghost.

The science lab got a makeover.

And our very narrow founder, Himalayan Salt, eventually started work on the Wormhole Device.

A few walls obviously got filled in, plants grew, appliances broke, appliances were repaired, but the main point of the save, the kids with Vlad was still frustratingly out of reach. I think that by the time of the selfie here...

... she was pregnant. Not with Vlad's child, but an insignificant gentleman (who I have no picture of). Obviously we accept that any child with Vlad is going to be strange looking, so the plan was to find an Handsome man to father a child now. Mostly because... I was tired of just playing one sim. One randomly generated man was named Adonis (and that alone is what got him the er... contract), and HS-1372 A fluttered her big eyes, things happened, and she fell pregnant. So the common ancestor would be the narrow alien woman, her daughter with Adonis would be one branch of the family, and we'd plan for a son with Vlad as the other side of the family. Hopefully.

And so it came to pass that Holomorphic Superstition gave birth to Allie A. In my whole time playing my founder I never learned her name with all the numbers. I was *thrilled* to have a sim with a real name. Pity about the surname -- it is a bit short -- but I wouldn't change that. And I would always take the first random name given to me.

So at the birth of the first child, who has a very strange looking mother, the house was nowhere near furnished enough for the needs of childhood.   
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Online oshizu

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Re: Sims Eugenics, or, Vlad's Nose - Part 1
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2018, 02:36:53 PM »
I'm very excited to be reading your story about HS-1372 A!!!
Honestly, I enjoy watching a multi-generational story begin from scratch.
We get the watch a dynasty home start from nothing and gradually grow into its later splendor.

In your case, I'm especially excited to learn how you "grow" your house!
I'm impressed that you start your home with real floor coverings (rather than the $0 construction-quality concrete I tend to use).
It's because, I'm pretty sure, that you began building this house with a layout planned out in your mind (building is not one of my fortes, okaaaay?).

Thankfully, HS will be able to resurrect Vlad.
It would be nice to see some of the photos you posted in the other thread later, once we have more genealogical context and reached their point in your narrative.

Looking forward to your next update, HeartFoam. I'm loving the dry humor!

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Offline Heart Foam

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Re: Sims Eugenics, or, Vlad's Nose - Part 1
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2018, 03:11:09 PM »
I'm putting together part two now so it gets to a particular point in the story. Yes, the out of context pictures are obviously disjointed so this adds to that. Oddly, as you'll see, the real house just sort of pops up because I knew what I was building. I did think of including some pictures of the other sim houses that are prior to this one. I could do that if anyone was interested.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline Heart Foam

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Sims Eugenics, or, Vlad's Nose - Part 2
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2018, 04:02:01 PM »
Part 2

So without much time wasted, Huge Spaceship abandoned dearest Allie to frolic in Granite Falls. It became a mini-game to see how long she could last in her hospital robe.

The goal was of course to make money selling mascot statues and she needed to learn that, but naturally arrived a tiny bit short in her handiness skill. But it had to be done then because she was still working long hours at the lab, and when Allie became a toddler time spent in the forest would take away from time spent mothering her. Abandoning the baby now made better sense.

From those toddler pictures, the first child in the eugenics program looks quite normal. In fact I was worried she was too normal. If the strange traits disappeared after one generation that would be deflating. Not that we can tell much from toddler photos.

Back at the lab things were going well. I'm not sure where other people put the Wormhole Device, but the end of that passage makes sense to me.

And soon enough Allie blew out her first candles. She's still alive in the save, so I must double check if she got "Happy Toddler". I think she did. But she didn't have 24 hour care. HS was still working long days at the lab, and Vlad was still in the ground.

With a child it became imperative to see how far the money would go in completing the house.

With the help of all those sculpting simoleons, the narrow founder, Hot Sunshine, decided to build all the walls. To her plan. I can tell from the time stamp on the screenshots that the glorious completion of The Plan was finished late one evening, and the following screenshot is the very next one took the next day. Yes, all the walls were there. And spaces for stairs, both up and down, were there. But the lot is too small for the house, or I got the proportions wrong. Also, because of the frustraingly slow progess on Vlad (still dead - useless vampire) I was dipping into another save, and ended up thinking that Windenburg house is pretty cool, I'll build that instead.

Sigh. That house did have potential. That's the only screenshot I took of it in that first-floor-complete state. But it was too unwieldy. Maybe it's a plan I'll go back to. But I tore it all down and built something more familiar to those who have seen some other posts.

It's a long story in itself. I did a similar challenge with two odd looking founders on the 50x50 Twin Oracle Point lot. The basis for that design was the real life Newport, RI mansion "Ochre Court". At the time there weren't quite the arches or windows to make it work, but nevertheless it turned out well. But the big drawback was the size. Navigating from one end to another was a pain, especially because of a lack of spiral staircases, and nowhere to fit these long staircases the game has within the confines of the original plan. So to get around the size problem, I wondered if the whole thing could be lightly miniaturised. That became the 30x20 house on Proprietor's square. So this Newcrest house is really the second time around, but every floor is different in some way. But the idea goes back to being captivated by Ochre Court.

Next time: Vlad, babies, rooms without a view

It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Online oshizu

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Re: Sims Eugenics, or, Vlad's Nose - Part 1
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2018, 04:25:09 PM »
Thank you for the reference to Ochre Court in Newport. I googled it, browsed through a dozen images and even ran across a first-story floor plan.
I see that you really enjoy "grand designs." :D

You are so diligent! I would have probably tried to marry Vlad to get my hands on all his furnishings. ;-)
Oh, Vlad and babies incoming! Can't wait.

Offline Heart Foam

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Re: Sims Eugenics, or, Vlad's Nose - Part 3
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2018, 10:21:23 AM »
I do like 'em. Unfortunately the small version doesn't have the double volume entrance hall. The first floor is good design because there are doors linking all the principle rooms and it makes it easy to get around.

The bills for the house were quite high for a single sim, and that made expanding and furnishing quite hard early on. And there wasn't enough money to even add a staircase or walls upstairs, so it's not like we were getting much value from it.


Part 3

So where the house was left was the point the money ran out. To do a high pitched roof would require an inaccessible 3rd floor and there was no budget for more walls. So the flat roof stayed. There were always more pressing things like chess tables or jungle gyms.

So we've got the science shower! Yes! That's sitting in a space allocated for stairs to the basement level. The bed is what's now the Inspiration room. This is the front of the house that faces the road. And judging by the smaller Lump in the bed, that's Allie, so Vlad is still dead. I didn't take many pictures of the weird children because the features really only show as teenagers. Sometimes I've played the entire two weeks of childhood without even changing the outfit the dear kid aged up wearing.

That's also a really cool picture because that Christin Matsuura still stalks the house regularly. So it's fun to see her here. I've thought of curing her and using her in the family that she so wants to be a part of. But she's mean / insider / dance machine. Appropriately enough for a vampire, she's an entertainer and works at night. 

That's Allie as a child, politely enquiring of Vlad when he'll cease to be dead. The progress toward ambrosia was coming along well, the cooking and gardening isn't hard to level, and our lovely alien (but not really) gal, Horrible Skiing, always intended getting the death flower for the sake of serums. The fishing was the headache. She and Allie bounced around numerous parks in the quest for angelfish, and I was looking up the forums to see what I was doing wrong. I had all the bait I could wish for from gardening, but the angelfish wouldn't bite. I think HS got to level 6 or 7 in fishing before getting an angelfish.

I've played a lot on Oasis Springs and fished many times behind Nookstone, so mum and daughter duly went there. Somehow I don't have a picture of actually reviving Vlad from the dead. It glitched though. Vlad came back to life as expected, but the plate wasn't empty. So I kept it! I don't know if there is only one bite left, but that plate of ambrosia still exists glowing to itself in the basement in a sealed room. Just in case. To make the vampire cure required a bar, and there wasn't enough money to build the bar I'd actually want so we had to make do with a temporary one.

We're in the "drawing room" here, still trying to work out where everything should go. It's always good to group skills together that use the same mood, and the idea is to have mixology and music in here.

On the other side of the hallway is the library. Vlad was put to work painting and joined the painter career. When HS finished the science career she was immediately put into the business career. This was purely for some of the rewards. I like the desk and the chairs you can unlock in business, especially for matching the chess table. Imposing, serious chairs. So the beds are still downstairs at this point. The painting stuff obviously moves out of the library (to where the beds are in the first picture), and the library becomes a "focus" room for chess and school projects.   

Allie decided to draw on the cover of her homework book.

I imagine mum saying to her, "but's that not normal sweetie", and sweetie in a state of fragile Emotion replying, "no it's not!" before crying some existential tears. Why does mum not have a real name? Why was a dead vampire resurrected? Why does everyone in the house look strange? Why do I look strange? (spoiler, she really does.) Why is the sky blue? -- All the big questions of life.

Naturally, as soon as Vlad became human the bed and the woohoo bush were put to good use. We want a weird kid with Vlad, that's the whole point. Thus our pregnant pointy narrow founder visited the hospital again.

Income was now fairly good, and the pointy couple had fully moved upstairs by the time Vlad's son, Nick, emerged from the bassinet as a toddler.

The doors behind lead to the bedrooms. It was only with Nick's arrival that we really had no more space downstairs and had to take the plunge of spending thousands on moving the bedrooms up. Most babies have been on the first floor landing outside the bedrooms. Allie was upset by Nicks arrival. She got the "I didn't want this sibling" moodlet.

Mum with baby #2. Toddlers do kinda tend to look the same, and yet even as a toddler Nick's face was unusually angular.

Very promising stuff indeed. So we now have two strange kids, and the question is how strange will the children be when the descendants of Allie and Nick can produce an heir that unites the family once more.

I'll end this update with Nick adventuring downstairs because that's cute. Also it's recognizably the same entrance hall you might have seen me post here of Grim's amazing comic timing.

Next time: teenage CAS picture of Allie the first pointy child (or is she?) (that's the best hype, aren't you hyped? I'm hyped), Vlad tries some new looks, and Scenes of Domesticity   
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Online oshizu

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Re: Sims Eugenics, or, Vlad's Nose
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2018, 11:45:48 AM »
I looked very closely at Allie's profile in that shot of her chatting with Nick. She looks a lot like her mum (her eyes, nose) at that age.
The view behind Optimist's Outlook does look great through those library windows.

Funny thing about angelfish: When we don't particularly need it, we catch it all the time.
One household caught a bunch behind the Tranquil Crescent lot over several weeks.
On the other hand, my vampire who "needed" to prepare ambrosia had rotten luck at that spot.
Anyway, welcome back, Vlad!

I'm eager to meet Nick as a child and Allie as a teen in your next update! (Yes, you got me hyped)

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Re: Sims Eugenics, or, Vlad's Nose
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2018, 01:37:42 PM »
I'm enjoying this so much. Your commentary is delightful. I especially appreciate your names for your founder. I think "Himalayan Salt" is my favorite so far, but they all made me chuckle.

I am extremely excited to see how the kids age up. This is going to be a really wonderful experiment.

I'm also in love with your floor-first method of house building and I really like watching the house grow from 2D to 3D. It's fascinating.

Many thanks to oshizu for nudging you into sharing this! It's great!

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Re: Sims Eugenics, or, Vlad's Nose
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2018, 05:48:47 PM »
:) I can't vouch for always finding the same tone, but it's good to know someone out there liked it. Himalayan Salt is my favourite too so far. 
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline Heart Foam

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Sims Eugenics, or, Vlad's Nose - Part 4
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2018, 11:56:01 AM »
Part 4! With Vlad! - More like Party for Vlad. It's that exciting.

So the house is built now, and it's all very quaint. I'd say it's a bit plain and drab (but still quaint). Darling Walsh is having a chat to the Narrow One. Homemade Socks is obviously dispensing life changing advice to Darling about the directional inexactitude of her hat. Another key take away from this is the UFO plant. And HS is still in the science career  - there's one final picture of her lab to come. So I think she's still growing plants for serum ingredients, but when that's finished the garden is reduced to the money-making plants and spliced carrots + strawberries.

Nick tried to make a run for it. I don't know what his problem was. It's not like he was locked in the basement. *insert mental activity here* Actually he probably was. So fair enough. On the whole an uneventful toddlerhood.

Here he is again chatting to a very perky looking Vlad, who is the life of the house. Vlad was bugged in that he didn't age. 

Allie was maybe 10 days older, so she was soon a teenager. So here she is sporting one of the pre-made highschool-ish outfits. She definitely got her mothers eyes, mouth, body shape. So plenty of weirdness still left on this side of the family. She's also rather narrow. And in order to look less narrow, she was destined to be a... body builder. On the plus side she'd get the Long Lived trait from the athletic aspiration. I like unlocking the treadmill and weight machine in the fitness careers, but usually I'm against them turning into a hulk which leaves me conflicted. But not this time. While I was there, Vlad got a makeover. I figured Nick's looks would also only show as a teen, so he was left in the football shirt he aged up in. He probably liked that.

Yes! Vlad, that'll make the ladies swoon.

Then there was a small building Adventure. The gazebo thingum. It's just something to balance out the lot, and add visual interest on that side. And having improved the dining table, I wanted to find a use for the woodwork table and chairs made by Horse Seabiscuit.

The roof design is... app shaped. It just looks too modern, and I didn't like the woodwork table outside. So it got redesigned to what it pretty much is now. In the picture below you can see a set of stairs that has since been removed. In practice it didn't help having them because the only exit to the back garden / gazebo was through the main door. It seemed to make more sense to have a kitchen door. And it works great. Sims will sometimes grab leftovers from the fridge and autonomously choose to sit outside, and they don't have to walk through the whole house to do that.

The basement level had been excavated. It obviously got redecorated a few times until I was happy with it, but even that paneling was better than looking at drywall. There is an indoor pool / gym area adjacent. Allie needed that. I like Vlad's other look too.

HS was now an elder. I really like this picture. These are out founding parents. Vlad obviously had to be aged manually with cake, and as an elder to encourage him from this mortal coil with "overexertion". Which means rocket woohoo. In this picture, he was probably still an adult.

Vlad went from posing for the portrait to painting. He painted much. If I found him doing something interesting I'd take a picture, and then tell him to paint. There's a few Vlad Straud masterpieces in the house. I was half wondering if their value would go up after the painter dies. This is now the properly constituted inspiration room for all painting, writing, and kids pictures. This is the front of the house, the pink bedroom with no windows... with the creeping vampire? Yes, that one.

The last picture of the science lab. I'm sure she's just observing the hover lamp as one of the tasks. Probably. The social bar can get low at the lab sometimes, and the magic cure-all green serum sometimes fails. Playing the game efficiently diverges from real life. Just saying. And you've *all* got pollinator sims.

Next time: a departure, an arrival, and a brief appearance 
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Sims Eugenics, or, Vlad's Nose
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2018, 01:05:15 PM »
Pollinator sims? I'm aghast! I've definitely never . . . wait . . .well . . . all right then. :)

Love the improvements to the gazebo, although the "app-shaped" roof was almost too good to give up. You really have a way with descriptions.

Allie is quite lovely, and I'm excited to see that Nick seems to already be exhibiting some interesting facial characteristics. That profile is impressive, even as a child.

A very exciting party for Vlad, indeed, and he was perfectly dressed for the occasion. Excited to see what comes next!

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Re: Sims Eugenics, or, Vlad's Nose
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2018, 02:16:09 PM »
I think the problem with the app shaped roof was supporting pillars for it. It wouldn't let me place them just where I wanted, and I'm not one to use the move object cheat. But the redesign is more in keeping with the house's style.

Yes... it's no secret that Nick does inherit one or two things from his dad. :) He'll still be a child in the next update. But after that, when he's a teenager, there's a picture of the three household men in the library that's fairly typical of all of them. 
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Sims Eugenics, or, Vlad's Nose
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2018, 03:18:06 PM »
*blinks* *rubs eyes*
You don’t MOO?
I was impressed with your building skills before. Now I am amazed. I’m an average builder at best, and I can never get things the way I want them without a little Move Objects On magic.
Hats off to you, friend!

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Re: Sims Eugenics, or, Vlad's Nose
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2018, 04:37:14 PM »
Teen Allie seems to combine the best of both parents. It's hard to see in the CAS image. Did she get her mother's nose?

The gazebo definitely looks nicer once you replaced the woodworked stuff. Sadly, the woodworked furnishing only work when a sim's impoverished or going for the camping look.

About Vlad's immortality, I've been going back and forth with Vlad in my dynasty. I mean, literally, back and forth.
First the Gen3 heir cured him, thinking he would eventually expire as a mortal sim.
After we learned that the game has given him a special trait as Introducer to Vampire Community which makes him immortal, we gave up and the Gen4 heir turned him back into a vampire.
Next, the Gen4 heir remembered that mortal Vlad never sent him the "Welcome to vampirism" text, so he cured Vlad again.
And now, I learn from your story that mortal Vlad retains his immortality. Shoot! 
Long story short, Vlad's immortality is "by design."

Lol, that last shot! I had to scroll up to confirm Himalayan Salt's age.
Uh huh, so it's more of "topping off the fun and social meters" than actually sowing seeds. (Who hasn't done that in a challenge?)
Just curious: do Caleb and HS form any mutual attachment or is it strictly for "the advancement of science"?

Vlad seems to be having the time of his life. He doesn't seem at all like an evil loner.
The house is looking fabulous.  How did you create the semi-skylight in the gazebo roof? Did you use lowest fencing then delete, or is that a window?

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Re: Sims Eugenics, or, Vlad's Nose
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2018, 05:43:37 PM »
@FrancescaFiori Thank you. :) But knowing I don't MOO means everything I build is easily replicated. If you'd stop blinking, you'll see my houses are rather straightforward. The house right now, which is some way ahead of the story here, has been revised and revised and revised. And I think it looks good, but it's not like I ever had it's current incarnation in mind.

@oshizu Um, yeah. That last picture. It's so long since that happened. I think she was tasked with making a flirty serum, and then kissing a sim while flirty. The game already does not care for normal monogamous relationships! This is the reductio ad absurdum of that fact. (Caleb was recently stalking the house and he's put on weight.) But there's no story arc there. There really shouldn't be such flirty tasks, it annoys me that they pop up.

Thank you for the Vlad info. I read your dynasty about him. It was fun to make him not the brooding loner. I just loved the brown flared pants, like his heyday was the 70s. I kept him until  he maxed the painter career but by then the house was getting fuller and I couldn't wait to be rid of some of the elders.

Yes, it's the lowest fencing to create the "rooms" and then removing the floor. I don't think I deleted the mini-rooms, but there might be more than one way to skin that cat.

Re seeing Allie better, on my side if you click on the picture it'll enlarge to the 1080p size of the .jpg it's referring to. She is very much like her mother.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.