Chapter 184: A VisitorMal: Hey! How was your day?
Nate: Hi dad! It was pretty good, nothing much happened except this really annoying girl keeps wanting to copy my work.

Mal: Aw she probably just feels a little lost, try saying hi to her tomorrow. You might be surprised how nice she actually is.

Nate: Hmm, ooo, this is tricky Dad.
Mal: Want me to take a look and give you a clue?

Nate: No way! Lol, I'm a big boy now!
Mal: K, then, play your best hand.
Oh! You're home!Dude: Hm hmm.
Tough day huh?Dude: Yep overrun with tourists again.
Ouch!Dude: You know it.

Dude:Well, that made a big mess.
Um yeah! Maybe you should upgrade the tub to self cleaning eh?Dude: Yep, that's a good idea.

Abi: Oh! *Gasp*

Abi: Oh honey, it's so good to see you again.

Justin: Oh Abi, I love you darling.

Charlotte: Dad!!
Justin: Gosh! Look at you all grown up! Love you sweetheart, how are you?
Charlotte: Good dad, real good!

Dude: Take a load off, relax for a bit. Are you hungry? Do you want anything?
Justin: *Groan* Oo, it's good to sit down. I'm good thanks Winston, it's just great to be here.
Abi: It's fantastic!

Nate: Hi you must be my granddad!
Justin: Well, hello there wee man, nice to meet you.

Dude: You know you're really missed Justin, visit whenever you can, anytime.
Justin: I know, thanks Winston. I will... if I can. How is everyone? What have you all been doing?
Nate: Mum's been working really hard, she's nearly completed everything!
Justin: That's wonderful news. And how are you going at school Nate?
Nate: I'm an 'A' student granddad.
Justin: Good for you.

Abi: Time for bed Nate.
Nate: It's been awesome to meet you Granddad.
Justin: You too Nate, keep up the good work my boy, we're all proud of you.

The Next Day...
Charlotte: Happy birthday Katelyn!
Nate: Hi Teresa and Madelynn.

Katelyn(Blue kid): My party's going to be a flop ...
Dude: Don't say that hun, we're all here to make sure you have fun.
Nate: It's not that Pop, the caterer hasn't turned up!
Dude: I'll bake you a cake sweetie.
Gosh it's dark in here.Dude: I know.
Poor wee Katelyn, good thing you were here.Dude: Hmm, it's no problem baking her a birthday cake.

Maci: (Blue Hat) I had my teen birthday yesterday. I didn't really want a party.
Teresa: That's ok, I probably won't have a party either.
Nate: Well, I'm just glad we're all here now. School's too busy to be able to talk to you all properly.

Nate: Come on everyone, cake time!

Dude:Make a wish Katelyn!

Nate: Woo! Happy birthday Katelyn!

Nate: Many happy returns Katelyn.
Katelyn: Thanks!

Nate: Happy birthday Katelyn, I hope you had a happy day.
Katelyn: I did Nate, thanks.
Oh! You arrived then. Nice place for the cake.Caterer: Least I tried.
*Sigh* true.