Chapter 201: A Party, A Challenge, A FarewellWell, you ended up being chef on the last party, just like you were on the very first party too.Dude: Yep, a full circle really.
I just hope that it's only hotdogs being roasted over there.Dude: Yeah, kinda looks like Charlotte's doing her best to torch her son!
Nate: I'm going to ignore you mum, sorry, but I really need to finish my story.
Charlotte: Ooo Oo

Mac: There really isn't much space around the fire for roasting these dogs watcher.
Hmm, I see what you mean. Just do you best hun, we need three done.
Nate: Na, it's cool, we've got a system now watcher.
Abi: Everyone justs lifts their left arm up a tad and bob's your uncle!
Bear: He was actually. A really good guy too.

Nate: Delish! Perfectly toasted!

Bear: Tonight's been just lovely! I don't often get invited to parties.
Charlotte: Why's that Bear?
Bear: I seem to make people quite tense for some reason. I don't really understand it, I'm actually a really nice guy deep down inside.
Charlotte: Well, I'm quite partial to bears so it's all good as far as I'm concerned.
OOo, will this be the winning toss?
Err, I guess not.Julien: Oh watcher, you broke my concentration!

Zahra: Boy, there is just something magical about singing camp songs round a campfire...
Mac: Agreed.
Charlotte: *Happy sigh* This has been the best holiday and the best party ever.

The next day, back at home...
Charlotte: Hun, you're looking particularly gorgeous this morning.
Mal: Why thank you my love.

Mal: So did you enjoy your holiday?
Charlotte: It was just lovely.

Mal: I've had my last warning from Grim son.
Nate: Oh Dad! No!
Mal: I've lived longer than most my boy. I've lived long enough to see your beautiful mother complete her life's requirements and long enough to see you only days away.
Nate: Oh Dad, I'm going to miss you so much!
Mal: I know son. I need you to be strong for mum.
Nate: I will...*gulp* I will be Dad.
Mal: I love you son and I'm so very proud of you.

Charlotte: Your painting is coming along beautifully now love.
Mal: Well I've certainly enjoyed being able to potter about during my retirement anyway.

Charlotte: We've certainly be lucky with our wonderful son eh? Not that I'd tell him too often! lol
Mal: Lol, I think he could probably handle the praise but yes, we've been blessed eh.

Charlotte: I love you.
Mal: *Gently* And I love you.

Mal: Thank you for framing these for me.
Least I could do. It will be something for Charlotte and Nate to have once...once...Mal: Once I've gone. I know.
You'll be missed more than you know.
Later that night...
Dude: I've heard the fishing's really good here
Nate: K, it's worth a go.
Dude: That's what I thought.
Nate: Well, if I can catch a few more angelfish... I might be able to better my museum score a little.
Dude: Sounds a plan

Nate: Hmm, doesn't seem to be much action.

Nate: Wait! I've got something! Oh, nope, false alarm.
Dude: Let's go try somewhere else. This really isn't much good.

Nate: Least I can actually see some fish here.
Dude: Always a good sign.

Grim: Hear you're close to completing your families dynasty.
Nate: You know it!
Grim: Well, I'm here to catch all the remaining angelfish so you can't.
Nate: *Grin* Is that right.

Grim: Oh yes, it's nothing personal but it is particularly fun to see a dynasty fail in it's last few hours.
Nate: I see, well... bring it on, Grim! Let the fishing challenge begin.

Grim: Was that an angelfish you're sliding into your back pocket Nate?
Nate: Might have been lol
Grim: Gah.

Grim: Well, unfortunately I have to go reap your dad.... see yaz.
Nate: Huh? What did you say?
Grim: Outties.
Nate: Watcher? What did Grim say?
*Cough, sniff* <Choked voice> Nothing hun... he just had a *sniff* family emergency thing.Nate: Oh, right. In other words he couldn't bear to lose the fishing competition.
Yeah, that will be it. *sob cough*Nate: Well, I didn't have the heart to tell him I already have enough angelfish to complete my museum, heh.

Watchers Note: I had been watching Nate's relationship panel as I knew from counting the days since Mal's birthday that he would be dying sometime very soon. In game Grim leaving did not coincide with Mal's death but I wrote it that way as it seemed fitting.
RIP Mal, you were a fantastic dynasty spouse even though you never lived in.