Author Topic: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Completed!  (Read 218283 times)

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Took Immortal Dynasty, Faces, Faithfulness, and Fire
« Reply #255 on: January 02, 2018, 02:27:00 PM »
Pippin:  We rejoin the Took household where Tessie is...

Pippin:  holding her breath?
Tessie:  Silly Pippin!  Breath is not a tangible object, so you can't actually hold it!
Pippin:  Ooooooooooooookay!  Meantime, out on the porch...

Anabelle:  ...and I told Pippin of course I'd be around for a while because I was only at the beginning of my elder life stage.
Ericka:  Yeah, he gets morbid sometimes.  Just wait until Tessie ages up and he's eager for gen 8 to come along.
Anabelle:  Oh, you poor dear!
Pippin:  ...hey!  Anyway, speaking of non-morbid things, you may recall from last update that Tessie discovered the magic of taste of diet ice cream.

Pippin:  Well, the Tooks shared that magic with Chantons and Anabelle's daughter Tiffani, Saanvi and Gaivan's daughter Marjorie, and Saanvi herself.

Ericka:  Umm, Saanvi?  Are you okay?
Saanvi:  BLARGH!!
Pippin:  She's pregnant?
Ericka:  No, Pippin, she's a vampire who has the withered stomach.
Pippin:  Oh.  Well, she may not have benefitted from the ice cream, but Gaivan still thinks his darling Saanvi is just perfect.

Gaivan:  ...and that...because you're...and never then!
Saanvi:  Awww, thanks sweetie.  It's so wonderful that you love me just as I am.
Pippin: that really what he said?
Saanvi:  More or less.
Pippin:  And what better way to celebrate Gaivan speaking...
Saanvi:  Do we really need to celebrate that?
Pippin:  At the Took household, anything is an excuse to celebrate as long as you're celebrating with a dance party!!

Pippin:  And after the Took family tore up Disco Pan Europa or whatever it's called, they were off to Narwhal Arms!

Chantons:  Just bust a move!!
Abernathy:  At our age, we're more likely to bust a hip!
Pippin:  And in fact, Abernathy needed to take a break from dancing.

April:  I had not been aware that the closet of coat storage was a multi-purpose facility.
Abernathy:  I love when you sweet talk!
Pippin:  And we learned something interesting about April, but we'll talk more about that later.  Right now, a monumental moment is happening right outside Narwhal Arms!

Pippin:  Tessie painted her fifth masterpiece!
Tessie:  No, I painted a gnome dressed up like a rabbit!
Pippin:  Yes, but the gnome-as-a-rabbit painting completed her Painter Extraordinaire aspiration.
Tessie:  No, Pippin, Sims complete aspirations, paintings don't even get aspirations!
Pippin:  I...I don't know why I even try.  At any rate, we returned home and Tessie made a phone call.

Pippin:  I don't remember what it was for or why she made it, but I found this picture charming.  Anyway, Tessie has an A in high school, so she'll be starting her career at level 3.
Tessie:  No, I'm pretty sure I'll be starting my career at the young adult life stage.
Ericka:  Sweetie, you're so smart!
Tessie:  Thanks, mom!
Pippin:  And little miss smarty pants had an outing to help cement some of the good friends in place.

Tessie:  Welcome, everyone, to the Gnomes and Gnarwhals Coffee Shop!
Pippin:  No, it's actually called...oh...I don't remember what it's called.  Carry on.
Tessie:  Carrion?  Pretty sure they don't serve that here.  That would be gross.
Pippin:  (sigh) anyway, she invited Arun and his nose, her cousin Tiffani, and April and all four of the children she had with Abernathy.  And inside the coffee shop...

Pippin:  April was chatting...with her husband!
Arjun:  You know, sweetie, I always find it odd how little our kids resemble me.
April:  That is because they are not biologically yours.
Arjun:  Haha!  Oh, you always crack me up with those crazy things you say!
April:  It is actually simply the truth.
Arjun:  Okay, sure it is (wink).  Well, I've gotta get back to work, my dear.
Pippin:  Well, she's not faithful, but at least she's honest...?  At any rate, Tessie did lots of socializing and spent some time star-gazing with Arun who will most likely be her unique BFF.

Arun:  Do you ever wonder why we're here?
Tessie:  No, silly, you're here because I invited you!
Arun:  No, I mean like what the purpose of life is.  Do you ever wonder about that?
Tessie:  Oh that!  Nope. 
Arun:  ...oh...
Pippin:  And the next day, Tessie went to school, Wade went to work, and Ericka convinced Blur to hold a weenie roast as his final gold medal party.

Blur:  Well, she's very persuasive!
Pippin:  And the party had an excellent turn out!

Pippin:  And Blur proved himself to be a master storyteller as he delivered a story of such horror, such utter terror, that his guests were left cowering in fear.

Blur:  ...and then the director decided the role of Neo would go to...Keanu Reeves!
Pippin:  And Gaivan was proving he could still fit in with all the youngsters.

Gaivan:  ...because...that I...and back...with pain...
Jena:  Umm, let's let him keep some dignity by pretending we don't see him writhing in old-age pain.
Alma:  Sounds good, sis.
Pippin:  And Keisha was sharing the good news of taste of diet ice cream.

Keisha:  Seriously, sis!  You eat this stuff and you get a figure like mine!
Naomi:  Umm, okay, but it just tastes like mint ice cream...?
Ericka:  Well, I might have switched the magic ice cream for regular old mint.  And poisoned it.
Naomi and Keisha:  WHAT?!?!?
Ericka:  ...I said "might."
Pippin:  No real threat to their lives, though, as she was just teasing them.  The only life threatened...

Pippin:  was Otis.
Chantons:  This girl is on fire!
Otis:  Oww...I'm a guy...OWWW!!!
Pippin:  But no need to fear as the Took fire brigade was on the scene.

Ericka:  So, it didn't occur to you to use the freeze setting on your SimRay, Abernathy?
Abernathy:  It occurred to me, but I was having too much fun enjoying the show!
Ericka:  Fair enough.
Pippin:  By the time the fire was put out, the party had already hit gold, so we just settled in to enjoy the last moments of the party.

Ericka:  ...didn't there used to be more guests here?
Abernathy:  And poor Otis.  Dying in fire like that.  I still miss him.
Ericka:  Me too.

Otis:  Stop talking about me like I'm dead!
Ericka:  Sometimes I could swear I can still hear his voice.
Pippin:  Well, with the party finished, Blur has accomplished everything other than aging up to elder.  Tessie has completed the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration and is roughy $110,000 in earnings away from finishing Fabulously Wealthy and then she'll have only her career, parties, and ensuring her good friends are in place before she'll be in that same boat.  Things are going well for the Tooks, and as a special treat, we'll end things with Tessie making a great facial expression!

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Faces, Faithfulness, and Fire
« Reply #256 on: January 02, 2018, 05:11:11 PM »
I was hinting at a collage of Tessie with her parents, so thank you for that!

Arun, dude, you just got invited to an outing without the rest of the Took dynasty household!
Does that mean you've been friend-zoned?

Haha, Tessie is not "almost" in the same boat as her father yet because Blur has an heir already. *winks
I know it's impolite to ask a lady's age, but how old will Ericka be on Tessie's young adult birthday?

Love the final screenshot. Tessie is such a cutie!!!

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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Faces, Faithfulness, and Fire
« Reply #257 on: January 02, 2018, 06:54:13 PM »
Tessie's expression crack me up!  That last shot in particular is magnificent! I also found poor Otis's misfortune a bit too funny bwahahahaha.  I may have the evil trait...

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Faces, Faithfulness, and Fire
« Reply #258 on: January 07, 2018, 01:33:25 AM »
I was hinting at a collage of Tessie with her parents, so thank you for that!

Arun, dude, you just got invited to an outing without the rest of the Took dynasty household!
Does that mean you've been friend-zoned?

Haha, Tessie is not "almost" in the same boat as her father yet because Blur has an heir already. *winks
I know it's impolite to ask a lady's age, but how old will Ericka be on Tessie's young adult birthday?

Love the final screenshot. Tessie is such a cutie!!!
Eh, no decision has really been made for Tessie's spouse.  My little heiress is wonderful and no one is good enough for her, so I'll have to wait until we're closer to time to bring in gen 8 and then make that tough decision.
On Tessie's birthday, Ericka was still 11 days until her elder birthday.  We've got some time before the gen 8 debut.
Glad you enjoyed the collage.  It's always a delight to do close ups of Tessie.  She's just so photogenic!

Tessie's expression crack me up!  That last shot in particular is magnificent! I also found poor Otis's misfortune a bit too funny bwahahahaha.  I may have the evil trait...
Tessie makes the best faces!  Glad you're enjoying them too.
Yeah, Otis became a lovely moment of comic relief.  Poor guy!

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Took Immortal Dynasty, Tessie's Teen Time
« Reply #259 on: January 07, 2018, 01:34:14 AM »
Pippin:  We return to the Took household to find poor Tessie shackled to an easel.

Tessie:  Silly Pippin!  I'm using several easels, so it would be impractical to be shackled to only one of them.  Plus, I think it would be illegal.
Ericka:  That's my sweet, law-abiding baby!
Pippin:  Says the career criminal.  Anyway, Ericka's career criminal husband picks up a new hobby.

Blurange Blur:  You may have thought I couldn't get any cooler, but it turns out...
Ericka:  That he's not cool at all.
Blurange Blur:  (sigh)
Pippin:  Well, I suppose we can go unfasten the non-existent shackles and give Tessie some time away from painting.
Tessie:  Really?  What am I going to do instead?
Pippin:  Umm, that's the point.
Tessie:  What's the point?
Pippin:  That you can do what you want to do.
Tessie:  What do I want to do?
Pippin:  Exactly.  What do you want to do?

Tessie:  Hmmm....
Pippin:  Wait, did you just change outfits?
Tessie:  Hush, Pippin, I'm thinking...
Pippin:  ...
Tessie:  Got it!!
Pippin:  And so, after another wardrobe change, Tessie and her entourage inflict themselves upon an unsuspecting local juice-vending establish in Windernberg.

Pippin:  Maybe "entourage" sounds a bit too cool for this particular group.  Anyway, they come into town to just tear this place up!
Tessie:  Who wants to play "Don't Wake the Llama?!?!?!"
The Non-Purple Guests:  WE DO!!!!
Pippin:  (sigh) I...I don't even know why I try to make them sound like they're cool.
Ericka:  Well, they're your Sims, after all, so we can't expect too much cool to happen.
Pippin:  ...HEY!

The Purple Guests:  Oooooo, the magical box!  It has voices and moving pictures!!
Pippin:  And in the background, you see our heiress and her friends not really particularly tearing this place up as they play what is, essentially, a children's game.
Vlad:  Why, I haven't played this game since back in my childhood.
Arun:  How many centuries ago was that, old timer?
Tessie:  Be nice to Mr.  Countvlad Countactually, Darren!
Arun:  Umm, the name's Arun.
Tessie:  No, pretty sure his name's Countvlad Countactually.
Pippin:  Aaaaanyway, Tessie started out doing alright at not waking the llama...

Pippin:  and then...
Tessie:  Go back to sleep, llamafriend!!!  I'm sorry!!!
Pippin:  But the llamafriend did not want a nap.  And this is what Tessie thought of her luck with the llama.

Pippin:  Anyway, Tessie changed her outfit and moved to another area of Windernberg to use one of the many publically available easels.

Pippin:  And after posing for that scenic shot, Tessie went home only to be invited to Guys Night by some female vampire she barely knew.

Siya:  Umm, are those fuzzy bunny slippers?
Tessie:  Thanks!  Glad to hear you like them!
Siya:  I didn't actually say that...
Tessie:  You didn't have to!  It was pretty obvious.  Let's go socialize!
Siya:  Ummm...okay...
Pippin:  And if you were hoping for spouse options...

Pippin:  these least vaguely male people...who Tessie talked to...
Tessie:  Hi, fellas!
Fellas:  Hello!

Tessie:  It's so different speaking to regular, boring people like you instead of gnomes!
Fellas:  ...
Tessie:  I mean, gnomes are so much more interesting and intelligent!
Fellas:  ...
Tessie:  And better looking.  I mean, you know what I'm saying, right?
Fellas:  ...
Pippin:  This is going well.  Of course, we didn't send Tessie without supervision since she's still just a teen.

Gaivan:  And the...that you all...because they...
Pippin:  Guys Night and the single girls who show up flock around the only married guy in the place.
Gaivan:  Well they...and not really...because we weren't...
Saanvi:  And they'd better not be!  That man's taken!
Pippin:  Yep.  All the single ladies don't want to make the master vampire angry.  Speaking of single ladies...

Pippin:  Milo brought these two beauties home.
Blurange Blur:  Oh good!  You brought me some in-case-of-emergency friends!
Pippin:  Yep.  No new love interests, just some friends to fill any vacancies left if Blur's current good friends depart before his age-up.  Amusingly enough, Milo had met these two ladies at Disco Pan Europa or whatever it's called, and the extremely good dancer of the duo...

Pippin:  is named Rieko...just like Gaivan's first wife who established the dance party tradition of the Tooks.
Ghost of Rieko:  I'm so proud!
Pippin:  In addition to ensuring extra friends are in place, the immortals and Blur are hard at work completing the Angling Ace aspiration (which was intentionally left as non-unique).  For that, they need to go fish at multiple locations.

Blurange Blur:  I have to go fish now.  I'll miss you so much!
Ericka:  We're at our house.  I can literally see where you're fishing out the window.
Blurange Blur:  You'll miss me too, right?
Ericka:  If it makes you feel better, sure.
Pippin:  And then, after hitting the river beside the Took mansion and the one across the street, they head to the park in Oasis Springs.

Blurange Blur:  I'll miss you so much!
Ericka:  I came along.  I'm literally here fishing with you!
Blurange Blur:  So you'll miss me too?
Ericka:  Yes, whiney, I'll miss you so much while I'm standing beside you fishing.
Blurange Blur:  Of course you will.  Because you love me so much!
Pippin:  I don't know how she puts up with him.  Anyway, we move further into the dynasty and a very significant moment finally arrives...

Pippin:  Gaivan and Saanvi have a lavender-haired daughter who has the nose!  Danika is the only child of Gaivan who got the hair gene!
Ericka:  Ummm, pretty sure something else happened that was even more important to the dynasty?
Pippin:  Huh?

Pippin:  OH!  Right!!  Tessie's birthday finally arrived!
Blurange Blur:  (quietly weeps) My baby!  She's getting all grown up!
Ericka:  There there, big guy.  She'll always be your baby.
Tessie:  Technically yes, though I'm actually a young adult now.
Blurange Blur:  (loudly and openly weeps)
Pippin:  And with a phone call, Tessie begins her career as a painter at level 3.

Pippin:  With 7 promotions and another $65,000, Tessie will have completed everything shy of her age-up and finishing off maxing piano and logic.  Things are going well for the Tooks!
Ericka:  Umm, aren't we forgetting something, Pippin?
Pippin:  Umm...I don't think so...
Ericka:  Tessie just aged up, so it's time to celebrate...
Pippin:  OH!!  Dance party time!!

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Tessie's Teen Time
« Reply #260 on: January 07, 2018, 02:29:25 AM »
Does Tessie's entourage consist of Arun the BFF plus her good friends?

As for spouse prospects, I vote "Nay" to the guy with the black jacket and red shirt, haha.

When Gaivan was surrounded by bachelorettes at Guys Night, Saanvi chimed in but I didn't see her in the screenshot.
Did I fail to recognize her in the green skirt because...Taste of Diet?

Happy birthday, Tessie! It's hard to believe that you're already a young adult!
Get yourself some hobbies, girlfriend! Your mama hasn't even gone grey yet!

Lol, I got a bit confused here. Tessie still needs 7 more promotions, right?
Pippin:  With 7 promotions and another $65,000, Tessie will have completed everything shy of her age-up and finishing off maxing piano and logic.  Things are going well for the Tooks!

Love all the screenshots! Tessie's just awesome!

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Tessie's Teen Time
« Reply #261 on: January 07, 2018, 11:17:04 PM »
Bwahahahaha!  I really do love your updates, Pippin!  lol, I love Blur and Ericka.  Blur's so needy XD  Go Tessie!  Can't believe she's a young adult already!  Danika is lovely.

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Tessie's Teen Time
« Reply #262 on: January 12, 2018, 10:25:47 PM »
Does Tessie's entourage consist of Arun the BFF plus her good friends?

As for spouse prospects, I vote "Nay" to the guy with the black jacket and red shirt, haha.

When Gaivan was surrounded by bachelorettes at Guys Night, Saanvi chimed in but I didn't see her in the screenshot.
Did I fail to recognize her in the green skirt because...Taste of Diet?

Happy birthday, Tessie! It's hard to believe that you're already a young adult!
Get yourself some hobbies, girlfriend! Your mama hasn't even gone grey yet!

Lol, I got a bit confused here. Tessie still needs 7 more promotions, right?
Pippin:  With 7 promotions and another $65,000, Tessie will have completed everything shy of her age-up and finishing off maxing piano and logic.  Things are going well for the Tooks!

Love all the screenshots! Tessie's just awesome!
Saanvi was just at Guys Night in spirit.  The slender gal who looks like her is obviously just a Saanvi wannabe  ;=)
Yeah, we'll have some interesting time to fill while we wait for a space to clear out for gen 8.  I might have to have one of them take on a follow them to work job or something to keep things active and interesting.
Yes, that was intended to mean 7 more promotions are needed, not 7 promotions have happened.

Bwahahahaha!  I really do love your updates, Pippin!  lol, I love Blur and Ericka.  Blur's so needy XD  Go Tessie!  Can't believe she's a young adult already!  Danika is lovely.
Aww, thanks for the positive feedback!
Blur and Ericka are outstanding!  They're one of my favorite couples in this dynasty.  Of course, that's a good thing considering they'll be together for a good while yet!
Danika gets even lovelier this update  ;=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Took Immortal Dynasty, Boys, You're Both Pretty!
« Reply #263 on: January 12, 2018, 10:26:29 PM »
Pippin:  We return to the Took household to find the family heading off for an outing in Windenberg.

Ericka:  Hey, are we going for some specialty coffees?
Pippin:  Nope, even better!  Come this way!

Pippin:  Wow.  That's a really great single-file line.
Ericka:  Well, ordinarily I make them all hold on to a rope like a preschool class so no one gets lost, so I guess they're just in the habit now.
Pippin:  ...that makes sense for this group, actually.

Ericka:  Seriously?  You brought Tessie away from her easels at home to make her paint here?
Pippin:  ...maybe...but look at the great fishing spots for the elders!
Ericka:  (sigh) You mean just like the great fishing spots at home?
Pippin:  This sounded like a cooler outing before you started questioning things like that.  I mean, just look at the great view!

Ericka:  Alright, I guess that is pretty.  Are you painting the scenery, Tessie?
Tessie:  Nope!
Pippin:  Let me guess, you're painting gnomes?
Tessie:  No, silly Pippin!  I'm painting a canvas!
Pippin:  (sigh) Are you painting pictures of gnomes on the canvas?
Tessie:  Oh.  Yes then.
Pippin:  And later, we return home to fid that Milo's unique bestie, Chelsie has come to visit.  He spent some time catching up with her, but then had to work, so how does Chelsie fill her time?

Chelsie:  Mine is a surrealist perspective on the hardships faced by unwatched Sims.  What's yours?
Tessie:  Mine's a painting!

Chelsie:  Oh...umm...a painting of what?
Tessie:  The Storming of the Beaches of Gnomandy!
Pippin:  (facepalm)
Chelsie:  ...let's just paint more.
Tessie:  Okay!  By the way, you're doing a great job!

Pippin:  Uh, Tessie?  Your hand?
Tessie:  What about it?
Pippin:  It's on Chelsie's...
Tessie:  Oh!  I was patting her on the back!  I hear it's reassuring and congratulatory.
Chelsie:  ...that's not my back...
Tessie:  Umm, that would clearly be your backside.  I can tell because it's not on your front.
Chelsie:  ...I think I need to leave now...?
Pippin:  Yes.  Run for your life, Chelsie!  Anyway, Chelsie wasn't the only visitor to our household.

Ericka:  Tiana!  You look so...sophisticated!
Tiana:  What a nice way to say old!
Pippin:  And the gals get in some quality time together before...well...uh...

Tiana:  He means before I die, right?
Ericka:  Yeah, I think he had gotten too far and then couldn't figure out how to get around saying it.
Pippin:  But, she's your best friend other than Blur and she'll be...and you'll be...because she's...
Ericka:  And he starts channeling his inner Gaivan.
Tiana:  Isn't Gaivan the guy who hit me with a door when Mom set our house on fire?
Ericka:  Yep.
Tiana:  Wow.  Thanks for brining him up, Pippin.
Pippin:  I didn't...he wasn't...Moving on, Tessie had a couple of fellas over to visit.

Tessie: anyway, Mom said I can't only talk to gnomes and really need to interact with people, and I figured you guys are kind of like people, so we're interacting.  With each other!
Arun:  So, I'm "people," but I'm not sure Grandpa Fangs over there counts.
Vlad Countvlad Countactually:  Well, peasant, I am a count, and therefore must count.
Tessie:  "Count" is even in his name!  Twice!  Countvlad Countactually!

Arun:  Haha!  She doesn't even know your actual name!
Tessie:  Umm, I obviously do know his name since I just said it, Darren!
Vlad Countvlad Countactually:  So, how's that "knowing your name" thing going for you there, Darren?
Arun Darren:  ...dang it.
Pippin:  And she hugs her friends goodbye and sends them off before the vampire one burns away to ash.

Tessie:  Bye, Darren!  Bye, Countvlad Countactually!
Both:  Bye, Tessie.
Pippin:  Yeah, I think they've just accepted their new names.
Tessie:  New names?  But I only just learned the ones they already had!
Ericka:  No, dear, Darren and Countvlad are their new names.  They legally changed them right before they met you.
Tessie:  Wow, that's great timing!
Pippin:  Thanks, Ericka.
Ericka:  I gotchu!
Pippin:  Meantime, Ericka's husband has been enjoying living in his own fantasy world.

Blurange Blur:  I am a rock icon!!
Ericka:  Awww, he's cute.  Let him have this one, Pippin.
Pippin:  ...alright.  Since I can't sass Blur, let's check in on Tessie...

Pippin:  who just got her first promotion!
Tessie:  Ugh!  This outfit!  I look ridiculous!  I need to change before I use my new easel!

Pippin:  Yes.  The bunny slippers and bowler hat look is much more sophisticated than the plain white T-shirt and jeans.
Tessie:  Wait, Mom seemed to think sophisticated meant "old," so are you saying...?
Pippin:  No!  I meant you look lovely.  I'm sorry.

Tessie:  Hmmm, this painting looks familiar.  I can't help but think I've seen it before...
Pippin:  You realize that same painting is right in front of you, right?
Tessie:  Of course it is.  I'm looking right at it.
Pippin:  No, on the wall.
Tessie:  No, silly Pippin, it's on the easel.  Ah well.  I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually.
Pippin:  (sigh) Of course you will.  Anyway, we leave this painting unfinished and on the easel in Tessie's section of the museum so it is merely decoration and not part of her collection as unfinished paintings have no value...other than sentimental, that is.
Tessie:  Mental means having to do with thoughts and the brain and scent is smell, so sentimental must be thoughts about smells!
Pippin:  ...sure...anyway, Tessie continues working on her piano skill...

Pippin:  and her daddy, who is a rock star in his own mind, could not be more proud!
Blurange Blur:  My little girl is the best pianist ever!
Ericka:  Ahem?
Blurange Blur:  Umm, and my wife is better than the best?  Sweetie?  I love you!
Ericka:  Mhm.
Pippin:  Anyway, Gaivan had his lavender-haired vampire daughter, Danika, over...

Pippin:  and they enjoyed some ice cream...

Danika:  Wow, Dad!  It's great that you wanted me to come over!  And ice cream, too?  Wow!!
Gaivan:  It's...and the...because taste of...with the...because weight...and they...
Danika:  Is this mint?  Whoa!  I' shapely now!!
Pippin:  And it's makeover time!

Danika:  I look awesome!!
Pippin:  Yeah she does!  I mean, the only lavender-haired child should get some sort of special treatment, after all!
Erika:  Okay, as long as Tessie still gets more attention, that's fine.
Pippin:  No worries there.

Tessie:  ...and there's a cloud, and there's another cloud over there, and there's one...
Pippin:  Okay then.  So, we have Blur simply waiting another week to hit elderhood, and then we'll have immortal number 6 in place.  Meantime, Tessie has 6 more levels of her career to complete, a few more levels of piano and logic, and her parties.  Things are going well for the Tooks!

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Boys, You're Both Pretty!
« Reply #264 on: January 12, 2018, 11:45:10 PM »
I've got your number, Pippin!
You pretend to share Tessie and Chelsea having a friendly painting session while actually showcasing a certain shelf booty. o.O
One's gaze is just drawn there.... and so was Tessie's hand, apparently. Hahahaha

You've had such great luck with Taste of Diet! Both sims I've fed it to so far hardly changed at all!
Danika looks great! And, yes, I agree wholeheartedly. As a lavender-haired daughter with Da Took Nose, Danika should be showered with love and attention.

Of course, she can never draw the spotlight away from Tessie, though, because Tessie is so lovely!
Plus, Tessie's the heir! (But I love Danika anyway.)


P.S. CountActually and Darren, don't expect too much from Tessie. She's just not that into either of you at the moment...

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Boys, You're Both Pretty!
« Reply #265 on: January 12, 2018, 11:54:50 PM »
I laughed far too hatd at that entire update. I can't even pinpoint my favorite part because it's all my favorite XD

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Boys, You're Both Pretty!
« Reply #266 on: January 14, 2018, 11:21:03 AM »
Can't wait to see which nose Tessie picks. But Gaivan (and his lavender-haired daughter) still have the best. Fingers crossed for you!
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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Boys, You're Both Pretty!
« Reply #267 on: January 17, 2018, 08:55:10 PM »
I've got your number, Pippin!
You pretend to share Tessie and Chelsea having a friendly painting session while actually showcasing a certain shelf booty. o.O
One's gaze is just drawn there.... and so was Tessie's hand, apparently. Hahahaha

You've had such great luck with Taste of Diet! Both sims I've fed it to so far hardly changed at all!
Danika looks great! And, yes, I agree wholeheartedly. As a lavender-haired daughter with Da Took Nose, Danika should be showered with love and attention.

Of course, she can never draw the spotlight away from Tessie, though, because Tessie is so lovely!
Plus, Tessie's the heir! (But I love Danika anyway.)


P.S. CountActually and Darren, don't expect too much from Tessie. She's just not that into either of you at the moment...
Oh man, Chelsie is just so lovely!  I was worried that Tessie would develop friendship with her if they stayed and painted, so I'd actually paused it to have Tessie go elsewhere, but happened to get that hand-on-bootie awkwardness.  It just cracked me up!!
Oh goodness!  The taste of diet has been so kind to me.  Of course, it was your suggestion from the Took on Parenting story that led me to trying it and I have so not been disappointed!
Agreed, Danika is lovely!  Of course, she's basically background to the tales of Tessie, but she's lovely background  :=)
Yeah, Tessie may have started leaning towards a guy, but that won't show up until the update after this next one  ;=)

I laughed far too hatd at that entire update. I can't even pinpoint my favorite part because it's all my favorite XD
Awww, thanks!  It's a delightful compliment to know I gave you too many good moments for you to pick a favorite.  Very flattering  :=)

Can't wait to see which nose Tessie picks. But Gaivan (and his lavender-haired daughter) still have the best. Fingers crossed for you!
Yeah, that Took nose is so wonderful.  Maybe, just maybe, we can have a great nose for gen 8!

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Took Immortal Dynasty, Gnomes from All Walks of Life
« Reply #268 on: January 17, 2018, 08:56:01 PM »
Pippin:  We rejoin the Took household to find that they're not just staying at the house.
Wade:  Yep.  We're in Oasis Springs.  Fishing.  Again.  As usual.

Pippin:  Yep.  You're welcome!
Ericka:  Yeah, this is I hear music?!?!?

Pippin:  She is a one-woman dance party!  And while she raises her dancing skill...

Pippin:  Tessie works on her piano skill.
Tessie:  Sing you a song
             I'm the piano man...woman...girl...person

Pippin:  Pretty sure that's how that goes.  Anyway, the Tooks return to their mansion and have a parade of Gaivan and Saanvi daughters wander past throughout the evening and night.

Saanvi:  Were you really just looking for an excuse to show off Danicka and her lavender hair, Pippin?
Pippin:  ...maybe, but they're all pretty.
Saanvi:  Mhm.
Pippin:  Anyway, our elders finally get some more time in the spotlight as Milo, Abernathy, and Chantons head out to Planet Honey Pop.

Abernathy:  So...should we be singing now?
Milo:  I'm Mister Blue
Pippin:  And Chantons runs into his lovely daughter Tiffani while they're at the karaoke bar.

Tiffani:  Dad!  It's so good to see you!
Chantons:  Oh it's so nice to be with you
                 I love all the things you say and do

Tiffani:  Aww, thanks, Dad.  You're so nice!
Pippin:  And while that was happening, Abernathy figured out how this whole karaoke thing works.

Abernathy:  What's love got to do
                  Got to do with it?

Pippin:  They managed to not entirely get booed off the stage.
Milo:  I count that as a victory!
Abernathy:  I love karaoke!  Such a massive release of endorphins!
Milo:  ...a release of the dolphins?
Abernathy:  ...sure...
Pippin:  And since we'd seen one of Chantons' daughters, it got us thinking...
Ericka:  Us?
Pippin:  (sigh) it made Ericka think that they deserved taste of diet and makeovers just as much as Gaivan and Saanvi's daughters did, so...

Daughters:  Woot!  We look so awesome!
Pippin:  Indeed they do.  And after the ice cream and makeover party, Chantons takes his darlings out to enjoy Brindleton Bay.

Pippin:  Sadly, his beloved Anabelle has passed away.  Still, the many daughters (and no sons) managed to extend her life and provide Chantons with friendship and company as he mourns her.
Chantons:  And it's so hard
                 To say goodbye
                 To yesterday

Pippin:  Of course, Anabelle is still alive and well in the other story, so that should comfort him.  Meantime, since he was in Brindleton Bay anyway, he met the rest of the Tooks at the Took Pet Medicine clinic...

Pippin:  and we decided it didn't look nearly good enough.
Ericka:  It's like a warehouse, only without as much personality.
Pippin:  Hey!  I built it for functionality, not beauty.
Ericka:  And you realize people actually look at it?
Pippin:  I...they...
Blurange Blur:  Ericka drew up some plans...
Ericka:  So if you'll just step aside and give me a moment...
Tessie:  The magical construction gnomes will make it into a magical fantasy world!
Ericka:  Umm...okay.
Pippin: here is before...

Pippin:  and after!

Pippin:  Wow!  That does look better!
Ericka:  Top down bird's eye view?
Pippin:  Oh, I think so!!  Before...

Pippin:  and after!

Pippin:  Oooo, so warm and inviting!
Tessie:  And welcoming to gnomes from all walks of life!
Ericka:  Yes, sweetie.  It sure is.

Pippin:  And the family-only-accessible upstairs is a skilling and entertainment area.

Customer:  Wow, this clinic looks so warm and welcoming.  I bet I'd feel welcome here even if I were a gnome from any and all walks of life!
Tessie:  See?
Pippin:  Wow, that was oddly specific to what Tessie said earlier...
Tessie:  Told ya so!
Pippin:  Speaking of Tessie, and her dynasty heiress requirements, she decided to throw a dinner party.

Wade:  Well, we've pretty much taken care of all the requirements.  Did any of the guests finally arrive?
Tessie:  Yep!
Ericka:  Yeah, one of them.  It was one of the purple kids Abernathy and April had.
Wade:  Sorry about that, Tessie.
Tessie:  You're sorry that a guest came?  Pretty sure he was supposed to come?
Pippin:  Wow, she's delightfully positive.
Gaivan:  And the...because party...dancing!

Ericka:  You said it, Gaivan!  Not sure what it was, but you definitely said it!

Blurange Blur:  Greats-Grampa Gaivan, I dub thee the Duke of Disco!
Gaivan:  Because it...and thanks...that it!
Blurange Blur:  You're...welcome?  I think?
Pippin:  And after some group dancing, Blur spent time with his favorite dance partner.

Ericka:  You'll be an old man soon.
Blurange Blur:  And I'll have the loveliest trophy wife of all time.
Ericka:  Aww, sweetie, that's both true and flattering!
Pippin:  And at this moment, Tessie is at level 7 in the painter career, has maxed piano and painting, has finished both of her aspirations, has all of her whims completed, has friends in place (though not a unique BFF), and is all-around awesome!  Things are going well for the Tooks!

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Gnomes from All Walks of Life
« Reply #269 on: January 17, 2018, 09:51:19 PM »
 Oh, how I love this family! Ericka and Blur are so much fun and so cute.  Love the clinic update ^^

