Author Topic: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story  (Read 122908 times)

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 202: Young Adult Decisions
« Reply #225 on: February 10, 2020, 08:01:37 PM »
Odette's not quite sure where to begin so she plays it safe and starts with, "So that was quite some party wasn't it?"

"It was! I've never been part of a multiple birthday party before, it really gets loud!"

"It can. We've been having multiple birthdays since the twins were born, my cousins, Darren and Cullen, and then Eric and Ella, of course. Then after that my Uncle Marshall and his wife Dahlia had triplets, followed by another set of twins!"

Chase gulps as he listens to Odette list all the multiple births in the family and when she notices the look in his eyes, she realizes she's not only talking about children to her new young adult boyfriend, but lots of children!

Hoping to save the conversation she adds, "We do have single births too, me, David, Merida, and my youngest cousin, Winnie."

Then she winces as she's not really changed the topic at all, it's still all about babies, how embarrassing!

Glancing down, she realizes there's a perfectly safe topic to bring up, his clothes.

"Oh, let's find you something to put on that you're more comfortable in! I'll go check through a few of my dad or grandpa's things and you can change in the bathroom."

"You sure they won't mind me borrowing some clothes?"

"Not at all, we've had so many generations of family that we just keep adding to the loads and loads of clothes we have. There will be something, just give me a sec."

Odette finds a pair of shorts and a shirt she thinks will work and waits for Chase to change.

"I kind of guessed at your size, do they fit okay?"

Chase comes out of the bathroom smiling, saying, "I was a little worried about the color of the shirt, but I don't think it's half bad. And the shorts fit perfectly. What do you think? Better than the brown knee huggers? Could I eat out in public in this?"

Odette looks him up and down, smiles and says, "You look perfect to me! The coral color really sets off your tan."

Nodding, Chases says, "Not pink, coral, I like that. You've got pretty good fashion sense." Then glancing at Odette's clothes he adds, "When you do the choosing! Don't you want to change into something more your style?"

"I will, but I've got something a lot more important on my mind."

"Like what? I thought girls had clothes at the top of their important list?" Smiling, he adds, "Or so my mom keeps telling me. She says I need to pay attention to stuff like that and stop day dreaming or brooding. I do tend to do both a lot, when I'm not studying. It's hard for me to keep focused sometimes. Unless I'm playing chess or doing research, then I forget to eat!"

"You sound just like my dad! Years ago he was always focused on his latest book, and now you can barely tear him away from an easel to make him eat dinner! But he's gotten a lot better about remembering things over the years."

"So your dad's forgetful too? He always seems so focused."

"He got teased about it when he was a kid, but when he married mom and got the opportunity to paint and write, it really helped him focus. Especially writing, as he had to do all sorts of research for his books. Then we he told my brother and sister about how he was raised as a kid, how his home life was so different from the one we enjoy, we all promised to help him remember things. It's much easier to work on a not-so-good trait when you have others helping you, staying positive about it, instead of being negative. Our whole family strives to do that for each family member."

Chase looked at her, mulling over her words, and Odette let him have a moment to process what she had said.

He stayed quiet and the silence between them drew out, but it was a comfortable one, not awkward.

Finally Chase spoke, saying, "That sounds like a wonderful way to grow up, to truly be a family. I envy you that Odette. I really do."

Gathering her courage, Odette bridges the gap between them and lightly touches his arm, saying, "You don't have to envy me Chase. You could move in here with me, become part of my family and get to experience it for yourself."

At her words, Chase dropped the bundle of clothes he was holding, and gently placed his hand on her shoulder, whispering, "I would like nothing more than to get to see your beautiful face every day."

But seeing Odette's sister, Ella, and her mom in the kitchen, he steps back and asks, "And your family is okay with that? Your dad? Your mom? I don't come from a family like yours Odette. I mean, yeah, my dad and Uncles are the Marks brothers, but not the real Marx brothers, so their fame starts and ends here in Roaring Heights. Your family's reputation is known through out so many towns. And aren't you on a journey to live in all of them?"

Odette looks Chase straight in the eyes and says, "Yes, we are and I'll be continuing that journey as the new heir. I love you Chase. I'm not just asking you to move in here, but to join me and my family on our journey. To become a part of it, to be by my side as the other half of the heir couple, to travel to the next town, and start our own family. I know this is a lot to take in and I don't expect an answer now. We've still got some time, Ella's not finished her quest, she and Eric want to celebrate their next birthdays here and so does Merida."

Chase steeling himself, says, "So what happens if I say, no? Or that I want to be with you but not move to a new town? Do you just stay here and fail your journey? Do they choose one of your siblings as heir to continue it?"

Odette bites her lips nervously, trying to figure out the best way to explain, and she settles on the simple truth, "If I had turned down heirship, then Eric would have been given the choice. Ella's never felt heirship was who she was meant to be, and becoming a witch, changing the genetics she was born with, was her choice." She tries to smile, but fails, adding, " But I did choose heirship, having dad's MH genetics I've always felt I should continue the journey, so staying here isn't an option for me. If you don't want to move to another town, I'll have to find another partner from this town as it's a requirement. We have to continue the family line adding  genetics from original residents, or their offspring, from the town we are born in, someone who's willing to continue the journey."

Chase hasn't taken his eyes of Odette's face during her explanation, he pauses a moment when she's finished and then says, "Let me make sure I understand this, I tend to muddle things up a lot. You have accepted heirship as you feel like it's who you are, who you need to be. As heir you are required  to pick a partner, someone original to the town you are born in, or one of their children. And then the two of you, as the new heir couple, move to another town. A town where your children will be born, one of whom will become heir, and he or she will continue the cycle. All the while becoming part of a family that actively tries to help each member overcome bad traits and focus on their good ones."

Giving Chase a small smile, Odette nods and says, "Yes, you've got the gist of it. I'll understand if it's too much to ask. Some sims don't feel comfortable leaving their home towns, their families."

Before Odette can continue with that train of thought, Chase places his hand gently over her mouth and says, "And out of all the eligible guys in this town, you chose me. Told me you loved me, and offered to share your life with me, to have me become a part of your family, to continue this journey with you, by your side. And despite that love, if I couldn't leave this town, you would keep your promise to your family and choose another, a second choice, because that is what a true heir does. Tell me, who is this second choice of yours? Do I know him?"

Odette's eyes fly open wide and she stutters, "I… I don't have a second choice. It's only ever been you. From the first moment you asked me to dance at prom, seeing that boy reject me, doing your best to make it up to me. I have no idea who I'd even consider…"

Chase can't bear to see her hurt face a moment longer, so he steps forward and takes her in his arms, and says, "Then it's a good thing I feel the same way. I love you too Odette. And though I will miss my family, and they will miss me, I would be honored to become your partner and continue your family's journey."

As the kiss they share expresses their feelings in a way no words can, Cinda can't help thinking, "It took him long enough to make up his mind! For someone who's absent-minded, he sure talks a lot!"

Ella, embarrassed for her sister and Chase, says, "Mom! That's no way to welcome him to the family."

Cinda, her cheeks blooming with color that rivals her wings, exclaims, "Did I say that out loud!?!"

Odette, shaking her head says, "I never said my family was perfect. Mom has a horrible habit of speaking without thinking. You might be in for way more than you bargained for!"

Chase pulls her closer and says, "Together, I know we can overcome anything!"

With Chase agreeing to move in that very night, it was time for his official make-over and bio as the newest member of the household.

Chase Marks---young adult human
RH original townie parents: Sharpo Marks and Janet Torrance Marks
Siblings: younger brother, Everett
LTW: Perfect Student, earn a degree at University with a perfect GPA
Career: Culinary, which he'll quit soon enough so he can spend his time on skills
Traits: Absent-minded, Brooding, Genius, Good, and Light Sleeper
Fav's: Geek Rock (Of course! What else would it be? Lol), Mac & Cheese, and Green
Skills at move in: Logic--5; Painting--3

In keeping with a brooding genius that wants to be a student, we choose a shorter hairstyle, a comfortable pair of slacks, button-down shirt and flashy green blazer, along with sedate brown shoes.

Glasses complete his new look, and give him and studious air, as well as bring the world around him into focus.

The shoes should make it easier for him to get around campus, with all the walking required, if he decides that's what he really wants his goal in life to be.

"Do you like your new look?"

"It's fine. You must be the Watcher that Odette told me about, that one that helps them on their journey. But did you mention something about actually getting to go to University? Is that really something I could do?"

"Well, when I mapped out this journey it included not only all 18 towns in Sim Land but also the 3 vacation towns, University, and Oasis Landing. Previous heir couples have already traveled to the three vacation towns, with the Founders, Claire and Jared going to Egypt, Logan taking his Sasha on a romantic trip to France, and Torre and his wife Lucy checking out China, so he could participate in martial arts."

"So no one's gone to University yet or Oasis Landing?"

"Not yet. Oasis Landing is a future world and traveling there can change the past, so I'm leaving that one for my final heir in the 18th town. And for University, I've been waiting for it to be one of the Lifetime Wishes an heir child chose. But you're the first one that's ever had it in the Frio family. Though it may be harder for you to accomplish."

We move on to his formal wear and continue our conversation.

"Why would it be harder for me? I pick up logical things quite quickly. My teachers have always commented on my aptitude in school."

"You will have the advantage of being a genius, and being absent-minded lessens that somewhat. But it's not just based on intelligence. I should have said 'taken longer for you to accomplish', because you haven't been given the opportunity to become proficient in several skills like those who are under my care. So you'd either have to take some time building up your skills, or go extra semesters to earn enough credits for graduation."

"Oh, I see. I didn't realize that. So if I went to University right after we moved, with the limited skills I have now, I would have to go back again?"

"Yes, probably for several semesters. I'm not quite sure how many as I haven't taken a sim to Uni in a long time. It all depends on how many credits you earn on the aptitude test."

"But wouldn't it cost more to have to go back?"

"The cost isn't really the issue. It's the traveling that can be hazardous."

"Hazardous!?! What do you mean?"

"Well, sometimes things can go wrong when you travel, and with you being the other half of the heir couple, if something happened, well, let's just say it wouldn't bode well for the journey."

"You mean if I went to Uni before Odette and I had a child, to safeguard heirship, don't you?"

"You are quick on the uptake. I'm kind of amazed that a genius can be absent-minded, but I guess it's no more amazing than someone good being mean!"

"Who's both good and mean?"

"Your soon-to-be-mother-in-law, who thinks mean thoughts, usually says them, or as you found out the hard way, blurts them out unknowingly."

"Mrs. Frio? She's good, but mean? I may not be up to speed on my fairy lore, but I know they like playing tricks on sims, Eric made sure we all knew about those powers!"

"Yes, and Eric's just grumpy, not mean like his mother, just ask him about the Gold and the Toads!"

"I don't think I want to know what that means yet. Maybe after Odette and I get married."

"Yeah, probably safer that way." And changing the subject, I add, "Oh, I like that color green with the gray suit. It's nice to see what good clothes can do!"

And my ploy works as Chase beams and checks himself out in front of the mirror.

Then they make some different sleeping arrangements.

Merida will now be sharing the bunkbeds with Ella, when she doesn't fall asleep on her Gramlei's bed after bedtime stories, or choose to sleep in the fairy house.

Odette and Chase will share Eric's old bedroom.

And Eric actually agreed, without grumbling, to sleep in one of the fairy houses for the remaining time in RH.

But it's Chase that I find in the kitchen the next morning, and it's clear, as he stares out the window, that he's lost in thought, either brooding or he's forgotten his reason for being in the kitchen.

Before I can ask if either one of my guesses is right, or if he slept well in the Hover Bed, he totally shocks me by spinning into his graduation cap and gown!

"Graduation is today!?!"

"Since I'm dressed for it, the logical answer would be, yes, Watcher."

And then the whole family piles into a motive mobile to attend graduation.

Both Odette and Chase should be graduating, I hope, but you never know, and I never saw Odette change into her cap and gown.

The Frios all stand together on the sidewalk outside City Hall, and I can't help but pause to take in just how well they've blended in here in RH.

Cinda looks so smart and stylish in her 1920's outfit.

Rory dashing in his vested suit with a flower, or maybe a handkerchief in the coat pocket.

I look closer trying to decide if it's one or the other or just a snowflake.

And when I realize Ella's got her face in hands, I wonder if it's because she's so overwrought at Odette graduating or if she just forgot to check the sink before they left home.

Then I notice Cinda thinking about work, Lorelei pondering a book she just read, and Chase thinking about cameras.

Oh, take a picture! Thanks for reminding me.

When the family reaches the steps of City Hall, I'm happily surprised to see Marshall and his family heading that way as well.

Imagine other family coming to attend Odette's graduation, that must be a first.

Maybe it's because they live across the road or because they're so close to Odette and the rest of the family?

But then I realize I'm having a totally 'duh' moment as it's David's graduation day today too!

Of course his family would be here!

Shaking my head I realize it's getting worse, not only is Rory's absent-minded trait rubbing off on me, I think Chase's is doubling the affect.

But not so much that I forget to capture this moment.

Marshall carrying Lorie, their matching wings such a beautiful sight to see, with Mahlia nearby thinking of her Gramlei.

And Michael taking on big brother duty as he carries Lorie's twin, Sammy, their turquoise hair proclaiming their brotherhood and relationship to Lorelei without a doubt.

And here's Dahlia too, watching proudly as the family all wait their turn to go inside.

It seems I'm not the only one noticing how nice Cinda looks.

Though the last time these two got together, Cinda was her usual mean, mouthy self and totally ticked off her hostess.

It doesn't look like Dahlia's holding a grudge though, as she tends to look at the world from her own special viewpoint.

I waited outside for all the graduates to be called, handed their diplomas and awards, each having their own few minutes in the spotlight.

Odette graduated as Class Valedictorian and was voted Most Popular, while Chase graduated with Merit and was voted Most Likely to Take Over the World!

It seems like these two have a bright future ahead.

I actually did remember to get a family graduation photo afterward at City Hall as it was way too cold and snowy for outside photos.

They look even nicer than when they were outside, though I wish that Odette and Chase had stayed in graduation caps and gowns and the rest of the family had worn formalwear.

And I really regret not doing Odette's make-over yet, though at least she's wearing boots.

Well, I guess it does truly capture the spirit of the Frio Family's current members.

Good-hearted, friendly, with a spark of mischief, but a bit absent-minded!

We have, starting from the left, Lorelei Frio, Chase Marks and Odette Frio, the new heir couple, Cinda and Rory, the heir parents, and their younger children, Ella lounging, her twin, Eric front and center, and the youngest, Merida, looking, uncomfortable?

Well, I'd be a bit uncomfortable too with my brother's knee and hand shoved through my shoulder!

Personal space, people, personal space.

When they return home, Lorelei congratulates Odette on her high school success.

And now she's wearing her cap and gown, oh, well, better late than never.

And gives her a graduation gift, a guitar!

"It's perfect Gramlei, but isn't this one special to you?"

"Yes, it's the one I was playing when I maxed the guitar skill. I hope it inspires you to do the same."

"It will Gramlei, and who knows, maybe I'll even get to dedicate a song to you one day."

As I notice Odette's sandals, I don't hesitate a moment longer and pop her into stylist.

We choose a longer hairstyle with flattering waves and curls that bounce over her shoulders.

For the cold weather, black leggings with a long-sleeved knobby sweater in our favorite plum with matching over the knee boots.

A touch of make-up with a dash of bold lipstick and a golden heart-shaped locket complete her new look.

Here's our new heir!

Odette Frio--young adult human
Parents: Lucinda Frio and Rory Hyde Frio (gen 8 heir couple)
Siblings: Ella, Eric, and Merida
LTW: Master of the Arts (max painting and guitar)
Career: Painter, self-employed
Traits: Virtuoso, Loves the Cold, Heavy Sleeper, Charismatic, and Artistic at YA
Fav's: Chinese music, Hot dogs, Purple
Skills: Guitar-6; Painting-5; Charisma-8; Logic-4; Piano, Bass, and Drums-3; Writing-4

"I guess having you focus heavily on Charisma from teen, even taking a drama class, in hopes of that political career LTW, was a bit premature."

"That's okay, Watcher. I really enjoyed my drama classes. And it's not like I don't have any guitar or painting skills, I think 6 and 5, respectively, is a great start towards maxing them both!"

"It is! I'm glad you're looking at that so positively instead of thinking I wasted your time."

"Learning a skill is never a waste of time Watcher. It makes you a more well-rounded, interesting sim."

"Spoken like a true heir! And one that's using her charisma to stay on my good side!"

With a laugh she says, "What's the point of being charismatic if you don't use it to make yourself look good!?!"

For formal, a floor-length backless deep purple gown, sleek and figure hugging, giving her quite the seductive look.

I was a bit worried about the RH skin tone making her look washed out and pale, especially with her dark hair, but it gives her an ethereal beauty.

I can't resist telling her as I say, "Odette, I was worried about burdening you with such pale skin, but you really are lovely."

She smiles and says, "Why thank you Watcher, but I think that's an accident of birth too. I may have dad's MH skin and a lighter shade of his dark hair, but my face, it's all mom. I'm just thankful I wasn't burdened with dad's cheekbones!"

And we continue the purple/plum theme with her outwear, a dark plum off-the-shoulder sweater paired with black leggings and boots, with a lighter purple scarf and gloves to give it a little pop.

Afterwards, I check on Chase, who's found the chemistry table.

He claps with delight and asks, "Is this something I'm allowed to use, Watcher?

"Of course, Chase, you're free to use anything in the house you'd like. You might as well use the days we have left here in RH to build up your logic skill, every point will help to make earning your degree easier."

"So I can use it as much as I want, whenever I want?"

"Sure, it'll be great having someone in the house who actually likes using it!"

While Chase is busy discovering potions, I tag along with Ella as she visits Lady.

Their friendship grows as they spend more time together, becoming better acquainted and building up a trusting relationship.

Ella excitedly tells Lady that she's befriended another creature, a new member of their family, a cat, Zoe.

Lady's thoughts are clear as she communes *You are progressing nicely, first a friendship with a dog, and now with a cat. Your spirit is growing.*

Ella hopes this means that she's completed the quest and eagerly asks Lady to join her household.

Lady's consideration of the offer is noted by a magical pink light.

Ella watches the light, anticipating it's positive glow.

But the answer is still no as Lady shakes her head, a negative red magic flowing from her, *It is still too soon. Do not be so impatient child. True friendship and trust takes time to build. Like knowledge, it comes slowly and takes diligent effort. Continue with your new friends and let your friendships grow deep and strong, form an unbreakable bond. Then you may ask me again and I will consider your offer.*

Ella sighs and says, "But time is the one thing I don't have a lot of right now."

Lady shakes her head with understanding *Then you must use the time you do have wisely.*

Odette has chosen Chase as her heir partner and he has accepted, returning her love, and feeling it an honor to join her and her family on their journey.

And they've both graduated, along with David, making all their families proud.

But Chase's lifetime wish is not one I've attempted before and I have a feeling it could take some serious studying and focused effort to complete it.

Can an absent-minded young man stay focused enough to let his genius self come through?

Can Ella build stronger friendships to complete her quest before time runs out?

Let's see what happens in Chapter 203: A New Friendship and a New Town
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 203: A New Friendship and a New Town
« Reply #226 on: February 11, 2020, 02:38:39 PM »

"Well, hello there pretty kitty! I was hoping you'd seek me out as I didn't want to scare you. Being a ghost, even after all this time, I still scare myself!"

But Zoe, being Ella's familiar, isn't scared of Sam at all, as she twines herself around his legs letting out a throaty purr.

Sam's in his element as he plays with her, totally content to have another cat in the family.

And Zoe's happy too, meeting a new family member that's more than willing to give her the attention she craves and isn't opposed to some play time.

The fact that he's a ghost doesn't even enter into the equation.

But other family members are having more serious conversations.

"Gramlei, how did you decide on the next town in our journey? Did you just randomly open an atlas, do some research, or ask family members to help you out?"

Smiling, Lorelei thinks back to her early days as heir, after all that drama with her Aunt Marcy was over, and heirship was truly hers.

"I'd thought about possible towns but it was your grandpa that helped make the final decision. His paper was offering to relocate a reporter willing to follow up on a family of ghosts, not elderly ones like our family ghosts, but a true family, with a married couple and their ghost children."

"Right, I remember grandpa talking about the Salas family and how Aunt Kimberly met their son, Antony, and because he couldn't travel, she gave up heirship to stay in MH with him. And I know mom checked on-line to find openings in law enforcement, a town that had both a job for her and Uncle Lucas, and that's how we came to RH. But I'm self-employed as a Painter, working from home, which will give me plenty of time to work on both painting and guitar, something I can do in any town."

"That's true. And your Chase quit his job at the diner to spend more time working on his skills so he can graduate from University faster. And he can attend from any town, so no help there. Have you asked anyone else if they'd like to help narrow down the choices?"

Shaking her head, Odette says, "Not yet. But Merida mentioned that on her first day of school. How I shouldn't worry about heirship and try to make all the decisions myself, that family would be more than willing to help."

"She's a smart one, our Merida, not like your Chase with a genius IQ, but she has an innate sense of the right thing to do, getting to the heart of the matter."

"Yes, she does. She's just a kid, but you know, 'out of the mouth of babes'. That's what I told her when she said it to me that morning."

"Then I think you should follow her advice. If your parents or your siblings find a town that speaks to them, then it's one less choice you have to make on your own!"

But choosing the next town is not on Ella's mind at all.

She's more concerned with what she still needs to do in this town and that's to make friendships and complete her quest, of course.

So she heads to the Winter Festival to work on that, first speaking with one of the Marks brothers.

She introduces herself and finds out that she's speaking with Dyno Marks, but she can tell from his frequent glances at his watch, that he needs to be someplace else.

Then she sees a new face over by the face-painting booths and hopes he'll have more time to chat.

Unfortunately, by the time she catches up with him, he's not in the mood to meet a stranger.

She wasn't sure if he just wasn't interested in music, or if it was more personal and he didn't like teens, or witches.

Maybe he was just late for an appointment or he was grumpy like Eric.

Whatever the reason, she decides it's not worth wasting her precious time on negative people.

She decides accosting total strangers isn't the best idea and looks around for a more familiar face.

When she spots Tyra Harbucks, her mom's partner, she quickly walks over and introduces herself.

"Mrs. Harbucks, I don't know if you remember me, I'm Ella Frio."

Smiling, Tyra says, "I recognize your name of course, but wow, you've certainly grown up! My twins are teens now, so you must be close to graduation."

"Just around the corner, Eric and I celebrate our birthdays later tonight."

'Which means Merida's won't be far behind, she was born the day before my twins, but with her longer life, she gets to extend her childhood a bit longer, from what your mother told me."

"Well, we don't usually do that in the younger years, but she really wanted to earn an 'A' in grade school, and with the snow days this week, and Snowflake Day coming up, well, we've extended our time in town a bit. You know how parents like to indulge the baby of the family!"

"I do indeed," replies Tyra, patting her stomach. "Shirley got away with some things just because Olivier was a single parent and she was a girl. Our twin boys were ruled to death since I was a first time mom, Oliver's gotten away with a bit more than they did, and I'm sure this little one will be spoiled rotten as it's our last. I'd like a little girl, but as long as the baby's healthy, I won't be complaining. Shirley's got three boys too, so she's still Olivier's little princess! And if it keeps peace in the family, I'd rather not take that spot away from her."

Then Tyra's face turns a bit solemn as she says, "But it won't be long before you guys move away. I'm going to miss your family, especially your mom, she's been the best partner. It will be hard to get used to another one."

Nodding, Ella says, "Mom feels the same way and I'm going to miss the family here, but I still have something important to accomplish in the days we have left here in RH."

"Oh, your Unicorn quest! Your mom's been telling us all about it. She said you actually met one and became friends with her, but in order for you to adopt her, you have to make friends with other creatures. How's that going?"

Ella shrugs and says, "Okay, I guess, I'm friends with a dog in town, Jasper Marks, and I've already made friends with our new cat, Zoe. But Lady, that's the unicorn's name, well, she told me I need to take my time and forge 'unbreakable bonds with them', but time's the one thing I'm running short on."

"She actually speaks!?!" Tyra asks astonished.

"Oh no, not the way you mean. She communes with me telepathically. I hear her voice in my head. I know, it sounds crazy."

"Not at all. Remember, my partner's a fairy! But if it's just those two friendships you have to deepen, that shouldn't take too much longer should it?"

"That's the thing, it's not just those two! I have to become a 'friend to all creatures'! And I'm not quite sure what that means. According to my cousin Darren's research, it requires BFF status with three of four creatures, a cat, a dog, a horse, and a Sim. I'm BFF with both Odette and Eric, but I don't even know if family members count or if it needs to be someone outside the family. And I've not even met a horse to make friends with, all the wild horses by the fishing holes run away when I show up to spend time with Lady. And Darren says I can't totally rely on his research because it's all based on fairy tales, myths, legends, and lore."

"So you're here today to make a friend, one you can turn into a BF quickly, just in case you do need a friend outside the family?" Tyra says, her perceptive powers honed by her years on the force. "Well, you're in luck, because I could use another BF!"

"Really Tyra!?!" Ella gasps, using her first name in her excitement. "I'm sorry, I mean Mrs. Harbucks!"

Tyra laughs and says, "If we're going to be on the fast track to BF's, it's okay to call me Tyra." Sobering a little, she asks, "I hate to bring it up, but what if your quest isn't successful, since you have a limited number of days to accomplish it?"

"Well, I'll just have to focus all my energies on learning all I can about my wiccan powers, for good of course, I don't want to delve into the dark arts at all, just not my style."

"That's right, your mom told us that you used an elixir and became a witch! I'd forgotten about that with all the Unicorn stuff going on. You know, maybe you should check out the Museum of Magic and Supernatural. It was mentioned in a case I was working on a few weeks ago."

Ella's breathe catches as she takes in Tyra's words.

Finally she chokes out, "I've never even heard of it! There's actually a museum dedicated to magic? Where is it? Why didn't my mom mention it?"

Tyra thinks a moment, snaps her fingers and says, "She was working on an international case, and I was grounded due to my pregnancy, so I was working on a more local case! A man was convinced that a doctor in town was not only using science and traditional methods, but magic water from the Fountain of Youth. A real crackpot! There was nothing we found to substantiate any of his claims, he did have a peculiar green tinge to his skin, and so did the doctor. But her records proved it was the herbal tonics they'd been using for years, the chlorophyll was building up in their skin. Your Uncle Lucas couldn't find anything that was harmful though, so we ended up closing the case. But I do remember the man ranting on and on saying he could prove it if we went to her magic lair. And that she'd even stolen his DNA for her own unethical cloning program!"

Ella smiles dreamily and says, "The Museum of Magic and Supernatural! But if he was a crackpot, it probably doesn't exist any more than the Fountain of Youth does!"

"Maybe not, but you know, I've always had a feeling that there was more to the case than met the eye. And I must admit, the town, Hidden Springs, was beautiful! We drove up there and it's a small community nestled in the mountains, with breath-taking views, and friendly towns folk. Well, except for the old man and the doctor, neither one of them was very nice. Frankly, I think it was more a case of unrequited love, just a feeling I got, though he was a bit older than her. But Olivier's years older than me and our marriage has been wonderful, so you never know where the magic will strike, so to speak!"

Ella laughed and said, "I'm all for anything to do with magic!"

By the end of their conversation, Ella had made her first friend outside of the family.

And she can't stop thinking about the mountain town Tyra mentioned that has intriguing possibilities.

Before she headed home, she made a  quick detour to the LaFontaine home, and spent a few minutes playing tug of war with Jasper.

Their friendship was moving along steadily, and as long as she didn't make any sudden moves around him, he didn't growl or nip at her.

When Ella arrives home, the cakes are ready on the kitchen table for her and Eric's double birthday.

And most of the family is there too.

But I notice Chase and Lorelei are both missing.

I find Chase in the basement working on another potion, so I tell him it's birthday time for the twins.

"I'm almost finished with this one Watcher. I can't wait to see which one I discover!"

"Okay, I need to track down Lorelei and I left Ella waiting by her cake, so don't be long."

"I won't, just a few more minutes should do it."

When I get back upstairs, Lorelei's already joined the rest of the family, though she's in her nightgown.

Then I realize that Rory and Odette are too, as they paint when inspiration takes them and only sleep when exhausted.

As for Lorelei, she loves lounging in front of the TV in her sleepwear, the height of satisfaction for couch potatoes everywhere.

I pull back to get  a bigger group shot just as Chase joins them, in his sleepwear too, and so focused on
discovering potions that he's exhausted.

Then there's no time to dwell on that as Ella is enveloped in a flash of light, as her family cheers, claps, twirls noise makers and blows party horns!

And when the light dissipates, there she is, standing before us a young adult!

Her hair's okay, for an upswept do that makes her look old beyond her years, and the clothes are fine too, though the camisole's not going to cut in in the cold weather and the skirt's red, not Ella's preferred yellow.

But it's her trait that startles me, one that hasn't show up in the Frio family before, and probably has now due to spending all that time making friends, as Ella's now a Social Butterfly!

And we all know her LTW, as she's been working on it for what seems like forever already.

Without wasting any time, Eric quickly steps forward to his cake and pauses to make a wish.

"Don't frown so hard, Eric, your face could freeze that way!"

"Watcher! Don't you know it's not polite to distract the birthday person!?!"

"Okay, okay, stop frowning and make your wish already! We all want to see you as a young adult, find out your trait and see what Lifetime Wish choices you have to choose from."

Eric finally blows out his candles as Cinda blows a party horn loudly and makes him yelp!

At Eric's startled cry, both Rory and Chase freeze, not quite sure what's going on.

When these two aren't focused on their specific hobbies or skilling, they have short attention spans.

But no time to dwell on that as the birthday sparkles burst around Eric, and I can already see the grin on his face!

Rory's face beams with excitement again as he's remembered he's at a birthday party and Ella toots her party horn, long and loud for her twin.

And Eric becomes a young adult with that same awful hair covering his face as it did on his teen birthday.

But the hair does nothing to cover the smirk on his face as he announces, "I know my foray into the land of romance hasn't amounted to much so far, but the ladies in the next town better watch out, because I'm now a Great Kisser!"

Ella's laugh rings out as she says, "Were going to take that little mountain town by storm twin brother! The residents there won't know what hit them when we arrive, twin kleptos, one a fairy that's a Great Kisser, the other a witch who's a Social Butterfly!'

"You got that right sis! In fact, taking stuff is going to be quite literal for me as my Lifetime Wish is to Become a Master Thief, just like Founder Claire!"

The room goes silent taking both their comments in and I decide it's the perfect time to pop them both into stylist.

Ella goes first and reverts back to the teen hair style that we've grown accustomed to.

I think it fits her face shape and personality just like it did Torre's Lucy a few generations back.

Then she chooses all new outfits featuring her favorite color, yellow.

She loves the long skirt she aged up in, so just a quick re-color with a lacy tank top in black makes it the perfect outfit for spring and summer in the cooler mountain region she hopes she'll see in the near future.

She's hoping you see her formal at all the social events she's planning to attend in the new town, but in case that doesn't happen, she's showing it off here.

As she reminds me, neither she nor Eric have done much socializing with the opposite gender as forming attachments here wasn't an option for them with a full household.

"But all bets are off in the next town Watcher! Whether I complete or fail the Unicorn quest, I'm going to be positive about the future, focus on my charms and spells, and find someone to share my life with besides Zoe!"

"That's a good plan Ella, simple, straightforward, with no stressful quests to focus on. I like it."

"Well, maybe one or two little quests, Watcher. If I can convince Odette to choose Hidden Springs as our next town, I'd really like to see if the Museum of Magic and Supernatural exists or maybe even find the Fountain of Youth! You have to admit both of those sound intriguing, and what could be more genetically unique than green skinned sims? If it turns out that it is genetic and not just something in the herbs and water!"

"You can discuss it with her that's true. But it is Odette's decision, she gets the final say."

"I was hoping you'd say that Watcher. You know she won't be able to resist a heartfelt request from her younger sister, the one who knew she was the best choice for heir!"

As I mull over Ella's words, wondering what she's setting us up for now, I shake my head and focus on Eric's new look.

With the hair out of his face, you can see his square-cut jaw, firm chin, and steely gray eyes, the whole package making him quite the handsome guy.

"If you stick to kissing, Eric, instead of stealing, and lose the grumpy attitude, I can definitely see you being quite the draw to the female residents of the next town!"

"A back-handed compliment if I ever heard one Watcher! But with my new trait and getting to put my klepto trait to good use with my chosen LTW, I'm not taking the bait. Mom's even given in with good grace about me picking a criminal career, especially when I told her what my options were."

"Yeah, it's a killer being a fairy as you always get those two LTW's, which really only gives you three to pick from.  And I agree, Master Thief was your best choice. But remember, there can be consequences to choosing a life of crime, especially if you get caught. You're lucky your mother's almost reached the top of her career and doesn't deal with local crime anymore."

Smugly, he adds, "Something I definitely took into consideration before I chose it!"

Then Eric shows off his formal side too, donning a tuxedo in classic black with a crisp white shirt and bowtie giving him quite a debonair style.

His vibrant pink wings, instead of detracting from his look, add the perfect touch of mischievousness, and will no doubt have female eyes focused in his direction more often than not.

"Practicing for your next romance novel Watcher!?! I mean isn't that a bit much?"

"I could always say, 'despite his kissable lips, his frowning scowl and snarkiness have others running in the other direction, so much so that we know he'll end up a bitter, lonely, old fae!', if that appeals to you more?"

"Ummm, no. I think you nailed it with debonair and mischievous. Though I did like the part about kissable lips!"

"I thought you might."

But as soon as make-overs are finished, Odette tracks down Ella and says, "Tell me more about this mountain town you mentioned to Eric. Is it really someplace I could choose as heir or were you just kidding around because of your new traits?"

"Oh, sorry. I should have spoken with you first before blurting it out like that. But it is a real town. It's called Hidden Springs, and it's known for it's healing waters and incredible scenic views. It's supposed to have a Museum of Magic and Supernatural, where I'm hoping to further my wiccan knowledge and perfect my craft. Or maybe I could find the magical Fountain of Youth that's reported to be there! Even if those things just end up being myths, Tyra says there are towns folk, yes, she really called them that! Anyway there are sims in town that have a greenish tinge to their skin, possibly related to herbal tonics and chlorophyll, but it could be genetic. Uncle Lucas didn't find anything harmful in the tonics, so the case ended up being closed and the doctor involved wasn't charged. But Tyra thinks there's more to the story. So if you still haven't settled on a town, I'd really love for you to consider it!"

Odette simply stares at Ella, trying to make sense of the jumbled information her sister has just spouted.

She disregards the idea of a fountain of youth as just a myth or legend, the museum of magic definitely sounds up Ella's alley, but it's the green skinned sims that have the wheels turning in her head.

She smiles and says, "I'll check into it, but don't get your hopes up yet, as it does have to meet certain specifications." Odette starts ticking them off on her fingers going over the mental list in her head:
   "1)  a law enforcement agency so mom can continue working;  2)  a restaurant for Gramlei, unless she wants to retire,  3)  a consignment store so I can sell my paintings,  4)  a house available that's big enough for all of us to move into, and homes for you and Eric when you want to be on your own,  5) decent schools for Merida and all of our kids, that's a must!  6) some sort of criminal element for Eric, though no matter how small the place, there's always some crime, especially if you're dead set on finding it, like Eric."

Ella's face falls at this list of requirements and she says, "You have to consider all of that before deciding where we can move? That would push me over the edge from neurotic to full-blown insane!"

Odette says, "Which is why you knew I'd make the better heir. But all hope is not lost yet, little sister. I must admit, a small village tucked away up in the mountains really sounds appealing, the perfect place for dad and I to paint. And it sure would be different than the hustle and bustle of Roaring Heights. Add to that the possibility of a museum of magic and unique genetics, and I think we may have a winner!"

Speaking of winners, I hear music that can only mean one of the family ghosts has joined us for the evening.

Just as I suspected, it's Claire!

"I figured you show up tonight, with Eric following in your footsteps! But I thought you'd be a bit happier about it. Why the solemn look?

"It's a tough life Watcher. Back in SV, I was proud of myself and my career. Pilfering an object or two each evening really helped us make ends meet in those early days. But seeing how far the families come, having several family members who've been on the right side of the law, well, I'm just not as pleased about it as I would have been earlier. Like maybe if Adam had done it."

"Adam!?! You seriously think Adam would have made a good thief?"

Shaking her head, Claire smirks and says, "No. Not Adam specifically, but hypothetically, back in the early generations of our family."

"Oh, I see what you mean. Before all the goodie goodies and police officers who became International Super Spies!"

"Yes. Now, the Frio's have a standard to live up to, a good reputation to uphold. I couldn't let Rae choose Bridgeport because of needing to stay off the laws radar. I know she made it there eventually, Watcher, Adam saw to that. But it still hurts that I couldn't let her choose. I never thought I'd say this, but I hope Eric really knows what he's getting himself into pursuing a life of crime. And I hope it doesn't hurt the family, like I hurt Rae."

Though Claire may be having second thoughts about choices she made long ago, our new heir is not having such doubts.

In fact, I find her rocking on the back deck, looking very happy and proud of herself.

'You're up early or haven't you gone to bed?"

"I went to bed for a bit, but I couldn't sleep."

"You couldn't sleep? You haven't had trouble sleeping since you were a child, your head touches the pillow and out you go."

"Yes, on any other night but tonight."

"What's different about tonight?"

"I've made the choice on the new town Watcher! Ella's little mountain town is a hidden gem! Listen to what I found out on-line about it." With a laugh she says, "I'm so excited, I memorized it!"

Clearing her throat and using her most charismatic voice she says, "Celebrities and the rich flock to Hidden Springs in search of relaxation and escape from the mundane. Many cannot resist rumors of the seemingly miraculous healing powers that linger in the woods and waters. Some of the townsfolk who live in the woods are highly secretive and seem to have a pale green tinge to them. Is it really magic at work?"
From <>

"And does it meet all the exacting specifications from the list you shared with Ella?" I ask with just a hint of humor in my voice.

"Oh, it meets them, and offers so much more! Listen to this part from it's tourism department.
• Mingle with the social elites at the Redwood Heights Luxury Lodge.
• Experience true balance and well being as you bask in the ambiance of the Crystal Solarium Rejuvenating Waters.
• Take imagination to another dimension of fun and fairy mischief at Fairyfolk Park.
• Or, head to the Silver Zephyr Health Spa to discover world renowned techniques in the fields of health and beauty. "
From <>

"It sounds pretty amazing. My kind of town, in fact."

"But that's not all I found out about it Watcher! Listen to this little tidbit: When you're in Hidden Springs, you can explore a stunning lakefront, relax at a luxury spa or ski lodge, escape into the woods, or even uncover ancient mysteries at the Museum of Magic and Supernatural. What will you find in Hidden Springs?"
From <>

"Are you going to tell everyone? I'm sure they'll be thrilled, especially Ella."

"Not yet, Watcher. Mom's still trying to get her last promotion and doesn't need the distraction. And neither does Ella, she needs to focus on her current quest before she starts dreaming about another one!"

"You've got that right! But just between you and me, I hope the mysteries in Hidden Springs are easier to uncover than being a friend to all creatures! This quest is taking a toll on my patience."

Odette's smile grows bigger as she says, "Not finding all your effort worth that muffin?"

"I will never live that down! I was trying to be nice to a little girl. Besides, I only promised to help her find a unicorn."

"Then let her choose adopting one as her LTW, at teen!" she accuses laughingly.

"Okay, you win! What can I say? As a Watcher, I'm a sucker for my sims wishes."

"And we love you for that Watcher. We really do."

Well, not only did Ella make a new friend in Tyra Harbucks, but Tyra ended up pointing the Frio family in the direction of a most intriguing sounding town, Hidden Springs.

And Eric and Ella can't wait to unleash their new young adult traits on the new mountain town with it's own magical secrets.

But we've still got Ella and Eric's graduation, Merida's teen birthday, and a unicorn quest to wrap up before we can head to the serenity of the mountains.

Let's see how the next few days unfold in Chapter 204: Deeper Friendships and an Omen
Coming soon.

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Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 204: Deeper Friendships and an Omen
« Reply #227 on: February 13, 2020, 05:21:48 PM »

In the morning, Eric barely finishes his breakfast when he jumps up and changes into his cap and gown.

"Wow, quick graduations in this town! I've waited days in others, but RH holds them immediately after YA birthdays."

"I guess they know we're in our final days here Watcher and they helping us out."

"It works for me, Eric. Well, everyone better hustle along to City Hall before you miss it."

I check on other family members and I find Ella holding Zoe still dressed in her everyday clothes.

And Rory's in his pajamas, like usual.

But what is he doing? I go closer to listen in.
"Oh, a school cheer, Rory. I guess that's appropriate for graduation day, but I think that's for University graduates not high school."

"It's not appropriate at all! Dad, you're embarrassing me. Please don't do that at City Hall. I will just die!" Ella moans.

"Ella, calm down. You're neurotic not dramatic or even a Diva. And don't tell me 'it's all about you', I've been the Watcher of a Social Butterfly before, and she ended up on a farm in the middle of nowhere!  You're being rude to your father. I think it's nice that Rory's getting into the spirit of graduation."

"You really think so Watcher!?! I can do the cheer again…"

"You could, but you'll be late for graduation."

Ella finally puts the cat down and changes into her cap and gown.

Then they all pile into Cinda's police cruiser, well four of them anyway.

I guess the others are hiding in the trunk.

I  manage to get a photo of our two graduates as they reach the doors of City Hall.

I love seasons, but it's hard to get nice graduation photos in winter when everyone keeps changing into winterwear.

I used NRaas to outfit Eric and Ella back into their caps and gowns.

But with the cold weather, they popped right back into their winter coats and boots.

The ceremony went off without a hitch though and Ella graduated with Highest Honors as Class Valedictorian and was voted Most Likely to Get Arrested.

Eric graduated with Highest Honors and was voted Most Popular.

With Eric's LTW being what it is, I have a feeling that he's more likely to get arrested than Ella, but they are both kleptomaniacs so I guess it could happen to both of them.

I tried a graduation photo at City Hall, but in winter clothes it's just not the same.

Apparently 8 sims is too many for a photo because with Eric being a young adult, he invaded Merida's personal space even more than in the previous graduation photo when he was a teen.

(And I couldn't even save it as I was playing without being logged in and it doesn't work that way.)

Later that evening, with Chase finally in formalwear instead of sleepwear or outerwear, I find him deep in conversation with Cinda.

I'm even more worried about what Cinda's going to say since she earned that new trait with the nerd social group at level 8.

I had her choose Animal Lover, as with Zoe around, and maybe a Unicorn joining the family soon, it makes sense.

But being a nerd and apparently thinking a lot of their own self and intelligence, sims are constantly berating the ignorance of others just at reaching level one!

Since it's also a mean interaction, it's Cinda's go-to favorite, which causes even more negative socialization with her family members.

But I'm relieved to hear her ask, "How's the skill building going, Chase, are you closer to gaining some credits for University?"

"I've discovered several potions and gained two more skill points, but I haven't taken the aptitude test yet to see where I stand with credits. Is the test on-line?"

"No, but there's one in every University Welcome Kit. In fact, I think there are two on the porch. You can't miss them, they're all sparkly like my wings! The aptitude test is in there, along with some University freebies."

"Thanks, Mrs. Frio, I'll do that after dinner. I'm anxious to see how I score. I'm hoping to get enough credits to limit my terms at University to just two. I don't want to be away from Odette or the family too long."

Cinda can't resist and says, "I know just how it is with new young adults, can't keep their hands off each other! But there'll be plenty of time for you and Odette to bring in the next generation!"

And Cinda's outrageous remark is rewarded, as even with his tanned skin, Chase can't hide the bright spots of color staining his cheeks.

Nearby, Odette is playing guitar and trying desperately to hide her own blush at her mother's words, which were loud enough for everyone to hear.

But Lorelei tries to save her granddaughter's embarrassment by asking if she can join her on the piano.

Both of them looking lovely in their formalwear. (Since it's not showing up in graduation photos, I have to show it off somewhere!)

And Samuel greets his new young adult grandson, Eric, with a friendly wave, also ignoring Cinda's remark.

Though Eric's smirk let's everyone know he heard it, as he says, "It would be nice if I could get some of my own eye candy to spend some time with! I really want to see if my new trait's as good as I think it will be! I don't plan on children right away, but I'd love to share some great kisses!"

Surprisingly, this comment has Lorelei bolting from the room and through the sliding doors to the back deck!

I follow to find out what's going on, but Samuel's already joined her.

"What's the matter love?" he asks, concern filling his voice.

Lorelei tenderly touches is arm, her thoughts filled with him, and my breathe catches at her words, "I miss you so much Samuel!" Her voice filled with longing, she adds," I want us to be together again….."

But when she catches site of Founder Jared's ghostly form, she stops mid-thought and buries her head in Samuel's shoulder.

I can hear her sobs though she tries to hold them back, then she runs, still crying into the house.

Rae joins her father and Samuel just as Jared says, "I think Lorelei will be meeting Grim sooner rather than later."

Both Rae and Samuel protest with outthrust hands and voices raised in anger.

Rae exclaims, "Dad! That's an awful thing to say, even for you! Apologize to Samuel this instant!"

Samuel can't even look at Jared as he barks, "You take that back! How dare you say such a thing about my wife! Mentioning her name in the same sentence as Grim, it's like tempting him!"

Jerad, taken aback by their anger, says, "I wasn't trying to being mean or inappropriate! It was just an observation of what she just said and did. She's lonely Samuel, she misses you. She's ready to join you, to join all of us. Rae, you know I'm right! We both know how it feels to be the one left behind."

Rae straightens suddenly and looks at her father with tears in her eyes, as she says, "Oh dad, I never thought of it that way. I lived a long time and without the extended genie life that Lorelei has now. She could live for even longer in the next town, without her Samuel, just like I did in Twinbrook losing my Sam in Bridgeport. I loved finally getting to see the city, the bright lights, playing with the orchestra there and playing for tips in the subway. But it was never the same, after he was gone. Then lingering like I did in Twinbrook, my fourth town, feeling like I was holding up the next generation, and missing my Sam so much."

Samuel listens to Rae's words, his heart breaking at the pain his dear Lorelei is going through, and he whispers, "She's always been so brave, so strong. I hate that I'm causing her this pain. I've noticed she's just going through the motions more and more, not really having a goal."

Jared, knowing Samuel's in pain, says proudly of his protégé, "Why should she? She's done more than most sims! Mastering cooking, becoming a 5 star chef, living in three towns, raising two sets of twins, and more than a dozen grandchildren. She's done more than some ambitious sims and she's a couch potato."

Rae, remembering the feeling all too well, adds, "The days ahead stretching out further and further with nothing new to strive for really. Even surrounded by family, with the love of your life gone, it's a lonely existence. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone, least of all our Lorelei."

My heart breaking listening to the three of them, I turn to Adam, who's rocking in Merida's room, a gentle smile on his face.

"You knew I needed someone to talk to didn't you?"

"It wasn't hard to figure out, with Lorelei crying, and then overhearing the conversation between Grandpa Jared, Mom, and poor Samuel. I know you're blaming yourself for this situation, Watcher."

"How could I not!?! I let JoAnna make that genie wish for long life. Then I forbid spouses from using it, monitoring their days myself, and then I messed up and Samuel passed away. Because of me!  And now Lorelei is miserable! She has days and days ahead of her, moving away from all her friends yet again, and this time with no Samuel by her side. And it's all my fault!"

"I think you need to take the same advice you gave Ella. Calm down. You're not neurotic, a diva, or even a social butterfly. You know not everything's about you! Though you do have a tendency to be dramatic, or overly romantic, especially in your writing. Come on, fess up, sometimes you cry over bits you write, don't you?!"

"Okay. You've got me there. But I like crying over romantic stuff, not heart-breaking, tearing the soul parts where my first heir with Des' turquoise hair bursts into tears because she's so lonely without her husband! Which is my fault…."

"Stop pointing fingers, Watcher, and do something about it!" Adam says so firmly that I'm shocked into speechlessness.

With Adam's words ringing in my ear, I check on family members making sure everyone else is doing okay.

I find Chase taking the aptitude test on the front porch, his breath frosty in the cold air.

He finishes and, even with his limited skills, earns  a partial scholarship, but more importantly, 6 credits towards a Fine Arts Degree, and to my surprise, 18 credits towards a Technology Degree!

"That's great Chase! I wasn't expecting that at all."

Chase smiles and says, "I looked up some of the requirements Watcher. You have to earn 48 credits to earn a degree, so with those 18 credits I earned, I could go for two terms, take 18 credits in my 1st term, 12 credits in my 2nd term, and graduate in just one visit to University!"

"I see you've been doing your homework already. That'll be good practice for Uni."

Noticing my response isn't very enthusiastic, Chase asks, "What's wrong Watcher? You sound… sad. What's going on?"

"I guess your brooding trait is picking up on my feelings."

Nodding, Chase replies, "That's part of it.  But it doesn't take a genius to figure out something's wrong after seeing Odette's Gramlei run outside, then come running back into the house in tears. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Just be there for Odette, Chase. I have a feeling she's going to need your support more than ever very soon."

I find Ella's gone to visit Jasper and after playing with him for just a few moments they become BFF!

Though I'm still worried about the situation with Lorelei, I know that I can't let Ella down on this accomplishment.

"I did it Watcher, I did it!" she yells excitedly, jumping up and down and clapping, while Jasper barks up a storm.

"You did! I thought you'd have to make good friends first, then best friends, but you went straight from friends to best friends forever! And I've got even better news for you!"

"What's that, Watcher?"

"Your friendship bar with Zoe is even higher than the one with Jasper!"

With this news, Ella rushes back home, finds Zoe, and within moments, she's made a second BFF!

She can't stop her excitement from pouring through as she yells, "It's happening, it's happening!"

And her next thought is very clear, she's closer than ever before to completing her wish!

With that thought in mind, she quickly invites Tyra over.

They chat a bit and she feels Tyra's tummy, smiling when she feels the baby kick.

When Cinda strolls by, Ella says, "Remember when I felt your tummy mom, when you were expecting Merida? It's such a miracle isn't it?"

Cinda smiles at the memory and says, "It is. One your father would like to repeat, if the opportunity arises!"

Ella, shocked at her mother's words, says, "Mom! Don't be gross! I don't want to hear about stuff like that!"

Cinda laughs and says, "You're the one that mentioned it!"

Tyra can't help but chuckle at Ella's attitude, and they become good friends!

To commemorate the event, Ella casts a Lucky Charm spell on Tyra, earning herself another magic skill point.

Tyra's comment, "Oh, it tickles," makes us all laugh.

Later that evening, I find Merida talking with Odette down in the basement, when suddenly she stops talking, shivers, and goes quiet.

Odette asks, "What's wrong Merida? Cat got your tongue all of a sudden."

Merida looks at her oddly and says, "Funny you should mention cats Odette. You know how Zoe helps Ella with her magic, making Ella's magic stronger and more powerful, her spells never failing?"

"Yes. She's a familiar. No one knows how it works, but it's known throughout wiccan lore that cats as well as other small animals have a sixth sense about them. With this special sense, Zoe channels more power to Ella, so she tells me. Why?"

"Because I have that same kind of thing, a sixth sense you called it. I don't channel magic like Zoe, but I feel things sometimes, I know things that are going to happen."

Odette, her voice fearful as she sees the distress on her baby sister's face, says, "What are you feeling Merida? What's going to happen!?!"

Merida raises her hands and whispers, "I feel death Odette. Someone close to us is going to die. Soon."

After hearing Merida's premonition, Odette does her best to keep calm and has Merida get ready for her birthday party.

Then Odette finds Chase and pours out her worries.

"I'm not sure what to make of it Chase. Merida's always been a little different, looking at the world from her own odd viewpoint, but she's never said anything like this before."

"Has anyone she's known died? I mean, would she even know how it feels?"

Odette's eyes fly open wide as she whispers, "Our Grandpa Samuel died moments after she was born."

Chase gives Odette a look and says, "You go down and join the family for the party, I'll do some research on-line. If nothing else, it may help put our minds at ease."

The plan had been to let Merida enjoy the weekend as a child, and then go to her last day of grade school on Monday, so she could earn her 'A'.

But circumstances being what they are, we can't wait until Monday to celebrate her birthday.

So the family gathers around, minus Lorelei who's at work, and they all put other worries aside to cheer Merida on for this all-important birthday.

Except for Ella who seems to be staring across the room, probably worried about the kitchen sink.

But Merida stays focused on her cake, quickly blows out her candles, twirls and spins, as the birthday sparkles swirl around her.

And with pretty teen Merida standing before them, adding Workaholic to her traits, as we didn't even get to randomize it with her grade school 'B', Cinda adds her party horn to Ella's noise maker and Odette continues to clap and shout out happy birthday wishes.

But Rory's look can only mean one thing, he's worried about having another pretty daughter!

And strangely enough, Eric's face shows concern of it's own.

I can almost read his thoughts on how the boys in this town, and the next, better be on their best behavior where his baby sister is concerned.

But what amazes me is that Merida aged up with a decent hairstyle and in a great outfit!

But here's the actual reason we had to have the party early and it's one that Eric can't even see!

I certainly can though, and I'm not happy with Peanuts at all!

Apparently, even though Merida's got longer life, IF dolls follow regular lifespans and don't take kindly to being left in backpacks when they need to age up.

So though Merida was still a child, Peanuts was a teen stuck in her inventory, which caused a huge display panel glitch that necessitated having to quit, reload, and quickly grab him out of her inventory, and have her birthday so they'd be the same age again.

Not funny, Peanuts! Not funny at all!

With the display panel glitch resolved, and Merida safely aged up to teen.

I finally get up enough courage to track down Lorelei just after she finishes her shift at the diner.

I find her chatting with Marshall.

"Your latest novel was wonderful! I want you to keep going with that series. It was very well written and your characters were inspiring."

Marshall's thrilled with the praise as all authors are, but says, "Mom, did you really call me across town to talk about my book, out here in the cold?"

Lorelei drops her all-is-well attitude and soberly says, "No. I never could put one over on you could I? Too smart for your own good sometimes. I wanted to talk to you privately, but I'm sorry it had to be so late. I can see you're tired, so I'll try to make this quick. Not painless, but quick. I need to say goodbye  Marshall and I know how much you hate good-byes."

"I do. But now with Dahlia and our family, and Lucas and Tia staying in town, well, I'm dealing with it a little bit better this time. Dahlia and I couldn't bear the thought of leaving any of our kids. And now with David and Norma married and moved into their own place, I'm sure grandchildren won't be far behind. Imagine that mom, me, a grandpa!"

"Oh, I'm so happy to hear that Marshall! Things have been so busy for everyone, with careers, children,  all the birthdays and graduations.  But I should have spent more time with my other grandchildren, your six, and Lucas' three. It's just lately, I've not felt up to doing much."

Marshall's concern is instant as he says, "Mom, you've done plenty in the grandchildren department. But what's wrong? Are you sick?"

Lorelei's smile is sad as she says, "No, not the way you mean. Sick at heart rather than in health. Odette's heir now with her Chase. Cinda and Rory the heir parents, and soon to be grandparents, in the next town. I've raised my children Marshall, and helped as best I could with grandchildren. I've maxed cooking, been at the top of my career in two towns. I've even maxed guitar and become quite handy around the house with all of the appliances. And I can spend all the time I want lounging on a couch watching TV or reading a book."

"But? There's definitely a but there mom."

"There is. With your dad gone, I feel so lonely, on a personal level. And don't tell me I'm still young enough to find a companion! That's not an option for me. It would feel so wrong, like such a betrayal."

Marshall quickly embraces Lorelei in a hug, holding on tightly, "I'd never say that mom. I look ahead to the future when Dahlia's gone and….I can barely breathe. If I think about it too long, I have an anxiety attack and freak out!"

Letting out a breath, Lorelei says, "So you understand how I'm feeling, a little anyway. Your Dahlia is still with you, so you can't understand completely. But Marshall, you're not an heir child, you don't have to keep original genetics, you could give Dahlia a fairy elixir, we have several in the family chests. She could stay with you, enjoy a much longer life."

Marshall steps back and shakes his head, "We've discussed it mom. She doesn't want to do that. She feels it would change her too much. And she doesn't want to outlive the children, with only Lorie being a fairy, that would happen. And before you say it, they don't want to be fairies either. It's one thing being born of the fae, quite another to become one."

"I wouldn't have said it Marshall. I made that same choice a long time ago. I just wanted you to know the elixirs will be there until we move, to give you the option."

"This goodbye mom, it's the permanent kind isn't it? But you're at peace with this decision, I can feel it."

"It's a weight off my mind Marshall. I don't know what happened to cause it, I should have many, many days left, but I know the time is short now and I'll be with my Samuel soon."

With a catch in his throat, Marshall hugs her tightly, one last time, "I'll miss you mom! We won't even have a urn or a grave to mourn but know that we'll all miss you. Your brave strength, your wonderful food, and they way you never laugh at our jokes. We'll remember you and you'll be a part of us for as long as there is a Frio in this town and in MH, with all of Kimberly and Antony's children there."

With tears in her eyes, Lorelei says, "And no one could ask for a better legacy than that Marshall. To be loved, missed, and remembered."

Eric and Ella graduated, both earning highest honors.

Lorelei broke down and  revealed her loneliness to ghostly Samuel, which Founder Jared overheard.

As I'm considering it an error on my part, ghostly Adam has tasked me with fixing it, instead of just feeling responsible.

Chase has worked hard on his logic skill and has earned 18 credits toward a Technology Degree.

Ella's had a breakthrough on her quest, becoming BFF with both Jasper the dog, and Zoe the cat, plus reaching good friend status with Tyra.

But Merida's premonition, along with Lorelei's goodbye to Marshall, portends a sad omen for the near future.

Join me as I reveal the details in Chapter 205: Letting Go
Coming Soon

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Chapter 205: Letting Go
« Reply #228 on: February 15, 2020, 01:45:22 PM »

Ella had gotten a call from Tyra asking her to come over right away, and when she arrived there was no doubt as to the reason why.

Clutching her head in her panic, Ella asked, "If you knew you were in labor, why did you call me instead of 911!?!'

Focusing on her breathing due to a particularly strong contraction, it takes Tyra a moment to respond with, "They would have wanted Olivier to join me and we can't leave Oliver alone. The twins are out with friends but Jackson's on his way home now. I was hoping you'd accompany me, until Olivier can join me, though you're welcome to stay with us until the baby is born."

Ella calms down and agrees quickly, knowing that since this is Tyra's third pregnancy, they may not have much time.

She calls a cab, because there is no way either of them is in any condition to drive, and they head out the door.

On the front stoop Jackson's just arrived and he says, "Dad called and said Mom's having the baby! I'm tired so I'll go inside and stay with Oliver so dad can meet you at the hospital!"

Ella just nods in affirmation and hurries after Tyra, who's surprisingly fast for a woman in labor.

They arrive at the hospital, Olivier joins them, and moments later, Tyra's taking her fourth son, Tyrone, home.

Ella stands in the hospital doorway marveling at Tyra's resiliency, basking in the glow of witnessing the miracle of childbirth!

She accompanies Tyra home, though Tyra says it's not necessary, and once Tyra has Tyrone settled down in his crib, Ella helps Tyra get ready for some much needed rest.

"Thanks for being there with me Ella. Childbirth is so special and I'm glad I got to share this little one's with you."

Ella impulsively hugs Tyra, feeling so overwhelmed with emotion, and it jumps their friendship to best friends!

Both of them spring back, once they realize what's happened, and Tyra, her tiredness momentarily forgotten, exclaims, "Do you think this will do it!?! Will your unicorn accept your offer and join your family now?"

Ella, her voice trembling, replies, "I hope so Tyra! I'll definitely ask her the next time she shows up."

But to Ella's and my despair, several nights pass with no appearance from her horned, magical friend.

Though other events happen that have the family focusing on more immediate matters.

First, Eric gets arrested his second day on the job at the criminal warehouse!

The arresting officer smirks as she says, "Ready to spend some time in lock-up Mr. Frio?"

Eric's attitude comes through immediately as he sneers, "What? No cuffs? And you're letting me ride up front? Are you sure that's wise officer?"

"I have it on good authority that you won't make any trouble, Mr. Frio. Unless you'd rather make a bigger case out of this than petty theft warrants? And grab the attention of the press, leading to repercussions that could include your family?"

Eric slumps back in his seat at what that could mean and says much more humbly, "No, officer, I'll be on my best behavior and do my time without further attitude. Like I was told, there are consequences to the career I've chosen."

Totally unaware of her brother's predicament, Odette is enjoying an outing with Chase at the Spring Festival.

With a smile she says, "Okay, let's see what you've got Mr. Genius, I play a pretty mean game of chess myself!"

Chase says, "Honestly Odette, I'm not really concerned with the game. I wanted to give you an update on my research into child premonitions without being overheard at the house. Unfortunately, there's not really any conclusive evidence, one way or the other. But I did find out that children who were born when there was a death soon after in the family, seem to be more susceptible to the feeling of other imminent deaths as they age. The closer the first death was to their birth, the stronger and more accurate the premonitions."

Odette looks down at the chess board, one of her hands clenched in stress, as she says, "So with grandpa Samuel passing away right after her birth, along with Merida being of the fae, which adds to her heightened senses, plus having her peculiar viewpoint of the world, it stands to reason that with those three things combined, then the feeling she experienced, a death happening in the family soon, is probably going to happen?"

Gulping, Chase says, "I usually stick to logic and facts, so I didn't even take her fae heritage or her unique way of seeing the world into account. When you put it like that, then I do think the odds are definitely in favor of her premonition coming true. I'm sorry Odette."

Odette shakes her head and says, "It's not your fault and you haven't lived with fae family members or Merida all your life. But if it's destined to happen, and we can't change it, then we need to focus on the here and now. After all, life is for the living."

Chase knows she's not being callous, but trying to make the best of an unpleasant situation.

To take her mind off a future event they can do nothing about, he says, "I like the song that's playing. Would you care to dance, Ms. Frio?"

They dance for a bit, but Chase, his brooding nature coming to the fore, knows Odette's heart is not in it, that she needs quiet comfort rather than people and music, so he asks her to watch the stars.

"The stars are so bright and beautiful tonight, almost as beautiful as you Odette. I'd like to discover one someday and name it after you!"

Odette blushes, but her heart soars at the compliment, and she whispers, "Tell me more about the stars Chase. I could watch them all night with you by my side."

But star gazing leaves them a bit chilled in the Spring evening air, and their romantic haze has them standing before the Love Tester, their earlier conversation in the back of their minds, but both determined to make the best of this time alone.

Chase says, "Are you sure about this Odette? What if it turns out I'm a dud?"

Odette says, "The way we feel about each other, that would never happen!"

And she's right!

After she slips the fee into the machine, The Love Tester comes back with the results, "Wowsa! You two are burning hot! Let Love Tester bask in the wake of your steamy love!"

Chase, buoyed by such an unexpectedly positive result, takes advantage of the moment and strokes Odette's cheek.

Odette, feeling the same wash of love, leans her cheek into his palm and caresses his hand.

It's such a special moment, I don't dare intrude.

I've learned my lesson about that with these two after prom.

And I'm rewarded when Odette whispers, "You're right Chase. As long as we're together, we can weather any storm, whether we know it's coming or not. I love you so much! Thank you for supporting me and helping me through this. Let's head home and we'll break the news to everyone."

But Odette and Chase aren't the only ones having a special evening.

I catch up with Cinda leaving the precinct as an International Super Spy!

"You've done it Cinda! Reached the top of your career and completed your Lifetime Wish!"

"I have Watcher, but no time to bask in that accomplishment. My promotion has led to an opportunity to stop an evil crime lord before he unleashes a powerful weapon that could destroy the town!"

"But I thought you'd done that years ago when you put Spinelli and Reeves and their cronies behind bars?"

Cinda shrugs and says, "Me too, Watcher. But apparently Spinelli passed on some vital information while in prison and this new criminal has a scientific background that he's used to make a super weapon!"

"Would your new assignment to raid the criminal warehouse have anything to do with why Eric was arrested earlier today?"

Cinda turns her ahead away, and haughtily says, "Why Watcher, I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about!"

I follow Cinda across town and catch her just as she uses the secret code to gain entry into the criminal warehouse.

I wait in anticipation of the outcome, hoping she's successful.

And then she strides confidently back out, basking in the glory of another mission safely accomplished!

Not only did she save the town from impending disaster, she earned a $5000 simolean bonus as well!

But just as I'm about to congratulate her…..I'm pulled back to the main house.

Where I'm shown this sight, Merida's premonition coming to pass with startling accuracy.

Death has arrived and much too soon for the family's and my comfort.

I've given Lorelei her greatest wish, to be with her dear Samuel, though doing so fills me with sadness and heart break.

Have I done the right thing?

Should I have reset her life bar to reflect her true age with 21 days left of her elderhood?

I wait to see how she accepts what she knows is coming, will she react with anger or shock?

As the sparkles appear, her face remains calm.

As the gold essence envelops her and turns her form the ghostly gray of death from old age, her face only shows acceptance.

And a mild wonder at the rainbow sparkles dancing around her as her form turns a ghostly gray.

As the family gathers in the study, they express their grief with heartbroken sobs.

I wait to see if the reality of Grim's arrival to perform his duty will change her mind.

But not our brave Lorelei!

She continues to smile as she floats gently off the floor.

And her smile remains firmly in place as Grim points a bony forefinger at her and calls out, "Lorelei Frio, I have come for thee!"

The others were all so deep in the throes of grief at witnessing this event, one that Odette and Chase were too late to prepare the family for, that not one of them noticed Grim's quick glance around the room.

I'm sure he was checking to see if any Frio family fairies were present, and finding none, he was able to continue his job without worrying about a confrontation.

But the true test to show me if I'm doing the right thing is yet to come.

Have I taken the totally wrong read of this situation?

Will Lorelei beg Grim for more time?

No! She welcomes him with a smile, saying, "It's about time, old friend!"

Grim, a bit shocked, says, "That's a first for the Frios! No loud, recriminating remarks, or aspersions about my character!?!"

"None!" she replies bravely, stepping closer to him, and greeting her destiny with a firm handshake!

And then to my amazement, she whispers, "Thank you, Watcher."

Before I can reply, wish her well, say or do anything as one of my favorite heirs joins the family ghosts, she crouches down and leaps towards her golden urn saying, for all to hear, "I'm coming my dear Samuel. I'm coming home!"

As the space before him stands empty, with Grim and Lorelei both gone, Eric holds his arms out beseechingly, whispering, "Gramlei, Gramlei."

But the only responses to be heard are his families sobs of grief and Zoe's own howls, as she too, expresses her grief at the loss of a much loved family member.

Ella looks away trying to hide her face, but not her grief, as her crying is plainly heard.

While Rory's expression has turned sober, steeling himself once again for the pain of losing one that had become a mother to him, closer than his own birth mother.

And though she was prepared as the other's were not, Odette's face mirrors her own feelings of sadness and loss, clutching the guitar she's been playing in one hand.

She vows to never play the tune again, and realizes with a shock that it was called, "A Love Since Forgotten!"

With a sniff, she says, "I won't forget you Gramlei. Ever. I promise."

The family deals with their grief, each in their own ways.

Odette and Chase seek the refuge of their room and offer each other comfort and solace.

Odette murmurs brokenly, between sobs, "We didn't even… get a chance to tell them… what was coming… to prepare them."

Chase comforts her, holding her close, his hands stroking her hair and back, "I know sweetheart, I know. But at least we were here, together, to share in their grief. And the way I feel, knowing you're feeling it even more, I don't think telling them, knowing, would have softened the blow."

"Oh Chase, it just wasn't what we'd planned. Gramlei was supposed to come with us to the next town. But we have to think of her feelings too. She was so brave, so strong, all of those years. Did you hear her last words? She sounded thrilled at joining Grandpa Samuel! She said she was coming home! So she really was ready to leave us, to be with Grandpa Samuel, to join the family ghosts."

"It certainly sounds like it, Odette. And logically, that should make us feel happy for her, knowing she's where she wanted to be. But oddly enough, it doesn't. Being so smart, I know how we should feel in any given situation, but being human, I realize that feelings aren't logical at all."

Ella heads to the kitchen, checking the sink to relieve some of her tension, but her grief strikes her, and she clutches her chest, the ache a physical part of her.

"Watcher? I have a question."

I steel myself for it, but I know someone would have heard Lorelei's words to me, even though she whispered them.

And sure enough, Ella says, "Why did Gramlei thank you, when she met Grim? Is that a natural thing for sims under your care to do?"

"Everyone accepts death in different ways Ella, but I think she was thanking me for…"

"Oh, I'm sorry Watcher. I should have figured it out myself, right after she thanked you she told Grandpa Samuel that she was coming home. It was because she missed him so much I guess. She was thanking you for letting them be together."

"She was Ella. But there's more…"

"If you don't mind Watcher, I'd rather not talk about it anymore. Maybe later when it doesn't hurt so much. Right now, I think I need my dad."

With those words, she rushes off to find Rory.

She finds him still in the study, in pain at their recent loss, unable to focus on either writing or painting.

She rushes towards him and buries her head in his arms, needing the comfort only a father can bring to a grieving child that's lost a loved grandparent.

Rory knows that Ella doesn't need trite words of comfort, so he just holds her and lets her cry.

He may have been closer to Samuel, but he's feeling Lorelei's loss strongly as well, as will everyone in the family.

Well, almost everyone, Cinda's holding it together so well, just dancing to the music from the stereo, I'm wondering if it's because she wasn't home when it happened.

But then I check her rewards and realize she has stone-hearted, so she'll be able to stay grief free and give comfort to others without being affected by it herself.

And Merida has taken refuge in homework, along with casting her first aura of soothing, to help her and others cope with the stress of losing their dear Gramlei.

The school systems throughout Sim Land give students a day off to attend their older sibling's graduations but they are expected to attend classes after a loved one passes.

Something I will never fully understand, but who am I to question them.

"Adam! I'm so glad you're here! How is Lorelei doing? Is she adjusting well?"

Adam nods and says, "Yes, she's adjusting very well. It helps when it's what you want, when you're ready to be here."


"I'm just surprised Watcher, that's all. I never expected telling you to do something about it meant you'd let her join Samuel, especially having so much more of her life to live."

"About that, Adam. It's true that her absolute age said she had 21 days left, but her lifespan bar was at the end. I think I messed it up when I was readjusting my lifespan from another world I watch over. That world is set to 200 total days, and this one is…"

"Set to 100. I remember that much. Especially since you let me use that death flower when I met Grim, to give me more time with my Sophie. And I did appreciate the extra time. Just like Lorelei appreciated that you let her go. I wondered what she meant when she told us she thanked you. You could have adjusted it back couldn't you? Made her live out her natural life?"

"I'm not sure if I could have or not. I was thinking about if should, after I noticed the discrepancy. Then Lorelei stopped popping wishes, just started watching for Samuel to appear, no longer feeling useful, a valued member of the family. Like she was ready to go, wanted to go and be with her Samuel."

"So you let her go. Let the mistake stand because it's what she wanted. And when she went with Grim so willingly, it proved you'd done the right thing."

"It did Adam."

"But it still hurts, doesn't it?"

"It does, very much. The only consolation I have is that she'll still here with all of you. So not totally gone, but with us in spirit, fulfilling her destiny, to never leave the House of Frio."

Ella had the honor of being with Tyra and Olivier as their new son, Tyrone, joined their family, which solidified their friendship to best friend status, which Ella's hoping will induce Lady to accept her request to join the family.

Eric's been arrested and done some jail time, as his mother, Cinda, completes her LTW and becomes an International Super Spy!

Chase and Odette spent some romantic time at the Spring Festival, growing even closer with their shared knowledge of an impending family death.

And that event, happening sooner than either I or the family expected, was right on time as far as Lorelei was concerned.

Enjoy being with your Samuel again, my first turquoise-haired heir. You will be missed.

With the final days in Roaring Heights upon us, and the family consumed by grief, will Ella ever learn how to be a friend to all creatures?

One word makes all the difference in Chapter 206: Lady Reveals the Secret
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 206: Lady Reveals the Secret
« Reply #229 on: February 17, 2020, 03:57:30 PM »

Of course, Lorelei's loss is uppermost in their minds with her passing so recent.

And though I haven't seen any grief bubbles, Merida quietly sheds a tear before heading off to school the next morning.

I'm surprised that Chase is so heart-broken over Lorelei's passing, being such a recent addition to the family, but he's the one that mourns at her urn.

Rory does well when he's totally focused on painting, but as soon as he completes one, he breaks down.

And Odette too, finds solace in painting, though she stops to wipe a tear and cry frequently.

But even in his grief, Chase takes time to check on Merida when she gets home from school, to see how she's handling everything.

I'm thinking it's because he's such a nice guy.

Or maybe it's because she's been using her soothing aura and it helps him to be around her.

Then I discover that he's not just concerned about Merida, he's fascinated by her premonitions, her fae powers, and her brain!

His logic skill determined that a Technology Degree was his best option, but after delving into the major, he's more fascinated by the workings of the human mind than ever before.

He tells Merida, "I found out that one of the classes I'll be taking is hands-on experience with a brain enhancer! We actually get to practice studying each other's brains."

Merida says, "You don't have to wait until University, Chase. We have a brain enhancer in the basement."

Floored, Chase just stares at her for a long moment, then he says, "I'd love to give it a try, but I've never used one before, so I'd better wait until classes so I'm properly instructed on it's use. I wouldn't want to hurt someone, or worse, fry their brain!"

Merida says, "I don't think you could do that. And I don't know about using it to study the brain, but I know mom used it to gain a skill or two years ago."

"Now that could be even more of a perk. I will definitely have to check it out Merida. Thanks."

And they all try to help each other through the grieving process.

Cinda comforts Ella, telling her it's okay to cry.

And though Cinda has the stone-hearted reward and doesn't give in to grief herself, I know she's feeling the loss, the place in her life that her mother filled, now an empty void.

Then Cinda gets a party invitation from Susan Spinelli Dandy Cassat.

Cinda only goes out of respect for the Dandy family, congratulating Susan on her coming first child and explains the reason for her brief visit.

Susan says, "I'm sorry for your loss Mrs. Frio. Please accept my condolences and pass them on to the rest of your family. I know this is probably not the best time to mention it, but I heard you and your family were leaving town soon, and I wanted to thank you for everything you did for me and my dad. I really do appreciate getting to have him in my life."

"How is your dad doing? I heard he married recently."

"He's doing great! And not only did he get married, but I have a new baby sister!"

"Wow! I guess I shouldn't be surprised, your dad was always the romantic type."

"He still is. But, Mrs. Frio, I wasn't sure if you knew…"

"That you followed in your dad's footsteps and are working with the new criminal element in town?  I still keep up with local crime. In fact, if you weren't out on maternity leave, you would have probably met my son Eric at your workplace. He's decided to follow that same career path."

"And that doesn't bother you?"

Cinda answers honestly and says, "Yes. It does. A lot. But it's his life and he needs to follow his own dreams. No matter how ill conceived they are." Then her mean streak showing, she adds, "And he's already spent some time in a jail cell, so he's learning about the consequences of his life choices!"

Then Cinda runs into a familiar face, as Tia's also attending the party.

They chat a bit catching up on family news, how the twins are doing in their last days of high school, and how Winnie starting grade school has been an adjustment for all of them.

Tia does okay through most of the conversation, but then she abruptly turns away from Cinda, her face sad, unable to hide her grief with the loss of her mother-in-law so fresh in her mind and heart.

And before Cinda can offer a word of comfort, a hug, something to ease Tia's pain, Tia runs down the hall, crying, saying "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come. I'm just not ready for social events yet. Please give Susan and Lukas my regards, but I just can't stay!"

Cinda eyeing another guest looking at Tia with curiosity says, "I'll take care of it Tia."

And she shoots the unknown woman such a dirty look, that the woman blanches and quickly finds someplace else to be!

And though I'm surprised by Merida's choice, she decides to attend prom.

I get home just in time to see the limo pulling away.

I catch Merida just as she heads inside the school, calling out, "I hope you have a good time!"

But my hopes aren't answered, not even close!

She does get Prom Queen, first thing in fact.

But it goes downhill from there.

She gets into a fight, her crush shows up with a date, she gets rejected for a dance, and she sees a three-eyed llama!

I'm guessing someone spiked the punch again.

And then I'm even more shocked when I see an odd light behind the school.

I go closer and the light turns into a familiar bobble on a unknown teen!

I hover over him and then yelp, "Peanuts!?! What are you doing here? How did you get out of the house? We have never given you a potion! Why aren't you in your IF doll form? This will cause another glitch! My game will crash or go berserk! You need to go home."

He answers, "I wanted to go to prom with Merida, to make it special for her. I walked. What potion? I don't know. What's a glitch? That doesn't sound good. And I can't go home, because I can't move. Did I cover everything?"

"What? Oh, yes, you covered everything. Why can't you move?"

I look closer and realize he's stuck in the concrete wall!

Then I hear crying from the front of the school and I yell, "I'll be right back! That's Merida. Her prom was awful! Don't move!"

"I told you, I can't. I'm stuck."

I find Merida on the front steps of the school, crying her eyes out.

Emily Nest says, "Don't let those jerks get to you Merida! That crowds not worth it. I refused to attend and was holed up in the library. But it got so loud I was leaving and heard what happened.  I wanted to make sure you were alright."

"I'll be okay. I'm not crying about any of that stuff. It wasn't nice being on the receiving end of it, but it's not worth crying about. My Gram…lei…passed away last night."

"Oh, I'm so sorry Merida. I hadn't heard. My dad retired a while back so we don't get a lot of town news anymore."

I'm shaking my head at the injustice of it all, Merida had a terrible prom, Peanuts is going to blow up my game, and now this!

Emily Nest is beautiful and she'd have made a great partner for Eric, if we'd had some time to develop that once she became a young adult.

The wheels are spinning in my head. Is it possible?

Well, there is an extra space in the house with Lorelei coming along as a family ghost.

It's definitely something to keep in mind and have Eric check her out before she gets paired up with some townie!

"Watcher? Have I lost your attention?"

"Oh, I'm sorry Merida. Please forgive me, it's just that when inspiration strikes, I tend to go off the deep end."

Merida, tearfully says, "Oh, that happens to you too? I feel better knowing I'm not the only one."

"Well, I have some other news for you that should make you feel even better. There's a good chance you'll get to attend Prom in the next town. And there are several eligible teen boys for you to meet there. If we focus and play our cards right, you'll have a date for that prom and it should go much better."

Sniffing, she says, "That does make me feel better. But, Watcher, I have to ask, why do we have to play the right cards?"

"Never mind that Merida. It's just a figure of speech. You better run along home before curfew. Thank Emily for being so nice and invite her home soon! I have to go check on someone, something."

And, of course, Peanuts, the sim, has now disappeared, so much for not being able to move!

And his IF doll is not in Merida's inventory, or anywhere on the lot. (My love for them has waned in proportion to their glitchiness.)

Ella's grief ends up causing what I consider to be a small miracle or at least her Watcher having an epiphany, of sorts.

Like I'd mentioned last chapter, we hadn't seen Lady by any of the fishing holes for several nights, so Ella hadn't been able to invite her to join the family since she'd made BFF with Jasper and Zoe, and Best Friends with Tyra.

Then Ella was sobbing and through her tears I made out, "It's too bad I'm not more of an accomplished witch, we sure could use that summoning spell I read about."

"Ella you are a genius!"

"But I don't know the spell or even if it does what we need it to do."

"You don't have to know it. I may have an easier way."

I quickly click on Ella, choose the appropriate NRaas chain of commands for inviting someone to your lot, and hold my breathe as I click on occults, and breathe a sigh of relieve when the unicorn is listed as available to invite over!

I quickly click on it, getting the message that Lady will be over shorty.

And within moments, Lady appears on our home lot, in all her sparkling glory, trotting up to Ella and communing, *You have called me here my friend, with a power I know not of. I felt no wiccan magic, but I was compelled to visit you here. But you are sad, grieving. What has happened?*

Brokenly Ella manages to say, "My Watcher brought you here for me. We couldn't find you and time is running short, and…and…my Gramlei has left us to be with our Grandpa Samuel. She's gone from this life! And I miss her so much."

*I am sorry for the loss of your Gramlei. Losing one you love is a hurtful thing. My spirit grieves with thee.*

"So you're not mad we called you here, not letting you choose to come of your own will?"

*I do not know this mad, you speak of. The power calls, I come. It is the way things are. But you have summoned me for a reason, yes?*

"Oh yes! I've made BFF with two creatures, a cat and a dog, the ones I spoke of before. And I now have a best friend outside of the family. Will you join my household now?"

Lady shakes her head *I cannot. Your quest is still not complete. You are not a friend of all creatures."

"But I'm BFF with the cat, the dog, you, as the horse, plus several sims, most in my family and one outside of it. I just don't understand why the quest you gave me remains incomplete."

*I see the error. My name is Lady Horse but I am not technically a horse.*

"So you don't count, I have to befriend an actual horse?"

Lady nods her head in the affirmative. *Once the horse is part of your household, and is your BFF, I will be able to accept your invitation.*

Ella's eyes fly open wide as she repeats, "Part of my household….but that changes everything! The dog doesn't live here either! He belongs to a family in town."

Lady shakes her head *Then the quest won't be complete until the dog is part of your household too.*

And as Lady vanishes in a bright flash of light, we realize the dawn of another day has begun.

With Lady gone, Ella goes inside and to her astonishment her Gramlei is there!

In ghost form, of course, but that doesn't stop Ella from rushing into her Gramlei's welcoming arms as she says, "You're back, you came back! And so soon. I wasn't expecting…"

And it all becomes too much and she bursts into tears again.

"There, there, child. Don't carry on so. You'll make yourself sick and that won't do at all. Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Well, mostly it was about you. But I feel better about that, now that you're here. As for the rest of it, oh, Gramlei, I don't think I'm going to be able to complete my lifetime wish. The Watcher was able to get Lady to come visit me here, right on the front lawn. But even with the pets, and Tyra, oh, I've messed it all up, misunderstood. I thought Lady would count for the horse and she doesn't, so I have to make friends with another one that must be part of my household, and Jasper too! He doesn't count either because he's doesn't live with me."

"Whoa, whoa, slow down. Let's see if we can take all this one step at a time. I get that the Watcher helped by being able to invite Lady over. So that won't be an issue the next time you need her here. So the only issues, if I'm understanding this correctly, is that Jasper, who's already your BFF, needs to live here, temporarily. Then you need to have a horse join the family, and get your friendship level to BFF with it too. Once those two things are accomplished, then Lady will be able to accept your invitation. That doesn't sound so bad Ella. Not for a brave girl like you."

"Well, when you put it that way, Gramlei, it doesn't sound too hard. But with three pets in the house, there won't be room for Lady to join us."

"I'm sure your brother could move in with his cousins for a day or two. Right, Watcher?"

"Of course, Lorelei. That won't be a problem at all."

"Good. Now Ella, you dry your tears, clean up, and get a few hours of sleep. Then, at first light, you go to Jasper's family and explain what you need. Just take it once step at a time, Ella. It will work out, you'll see."

"Thanks Gramlei. I feel a lot better. I always do when you're around."

Once it's a civilized hour to make house calls, Ella heads for the LaFontaine household.

She's in luck and Mrs. LaFontaine invites her in, but once she explains the reason for her visit, her request is turned down flat!

"Jasper is a family pet, we've had him since he was a pup. He's old now, and deserves a life of rest and ease. Not to be carted off to who knows where to complete some ridiculous unicorn quest! Leave. Now."

Ella reluctantly heads out the door, accompanied by Mr. Marks, thinking that she's failed her quest and let her Gramlei down, she couldn't even complete the first step, getting Jasper to move in!

But once outside, her spirit soars when Mr. Marks winks and whispers, "I'm sorry Elizabeth gave you such a hard time, Ms. Frio. After she leaves for work, I'll drop Jasper off. If you can guarantee to have him back in a couple of days, I'll tell her he's over visiting his mate, Lady, my brother's dog."

"Oh, Mr. Marks, I can't thank you enough! You have no idea what this means to me."

"I think I have some inkling Ms. Frio. I was young once too, and I've never given up childish things. Elizabeth likes to remind me of that, as she thinks it's a bad quality. But, if I can offer you a piece of advice, along with Jasper? Never give up on your dreams. Never."

"I won't Mr. Marks. I've dreamt of unicorns since I was a child and if I do this right, I'll have a real one by my side for a long time to come!"

True to his word, Dyno Marks, drops Jasper off later that day, and Jasper makes himself at home.

He chows down on some pet food from Zoe's feeder.

He goes for a swim in the pool, now that the weather's warmed up a bit.

It's only Spring, so the water's still pretty cool, but he doesn't seem to mind as he paddles happily around.

And I'm sure he'll be sniffing around the hay that Ella's already had delivered in anticipation of her horse and lady joining the family.

Then Ella realizes that the quest requires BFF status with all the creatures and says, "But the wild horses always run away as soon as I show up! It will take ages to befriend one and have it living on the lot. Watcher, what do we do now?"

"Ella! It doesn't have to be a wild horse. Quick, use  your phone and call pet services. They usually have several available to choose from. And we don't need one that's young, or race material. Just a friendly horse!"

Ella makes the call and chooses a pretty Palomino horse named Chardonnay.

We're told that they'll get her cleaned up and have her delivered as soon as possible.

But the wait seems interminable, as all waits do, and hoping luck is with us, I use my Watcher NRaas powers and invite Lady to the Frio lot.

Lady shows up within just a few minutes, but Chardonnay isn't delivered to the lot until almost 3 am!

With only two hours left before Lady disappears for another night, I take pity on Ella and again use my Watcher powers to tweak the friendship between her and Chardonnay.

Then I click on Chardonnay, and am shocked to see the option 'make BFF'!

I click on Ella and instantly get the message that Chardonnay's chosen Ella as her best friend!

Could it be that simple? Really?

After all this time, it was the creature who had the power to choose BFF status!

Apparently, I never thought to check that with Zoe, and once the pets are BFF, the option isn't available again, unless their friendship drops back down to best friends.

I quickly click on all the pets/creatures, Zoe, the cat, Jasper, the dog, and Chardonnay, the horse, and all are BFF with Ella.

I tell Ella to try again, so she turns to Lady, bows low and asks her to join the household.

With vibrant green sparkles of light, Lady finally, finally, finally, accepts!!!!!

And Ella completes her Lifetime Wish to adopt a unicorn!***

In the dark, where you can barely see her, but at least there was a clear shot of the 20,000 Lifetime Wish happiness points she earned.

The family is still in mourning for Lorelei, though her ghostly appearance, so soon after passing, has eased Ella's grief a bit.

And Lorelei was able to cut to the heart of the matter on the unicorn quest, giving Ella simple steps to follow to try and obtain a positive reply from Lady.

With Lady's clarified directions, Ella finally completed her quest, and Lady is now part of the Frio household!

So it's time for the closing chapter of town #9, Roaring Heights.

We'll get to see Lady the unicorn, in daylight, in her new home on the Frio lot.

Now that Ella's completed her quest, will Odette reveal the new town to her family?

Will Peanuts return as mysteriously as he left or cause further trouble!?!

Will Emily Nest age up to young adult in time for Eric to meet and woo her with some great kisses?

Find out with me in Chapter207: Packing Up and Moving On
Coming soon.

***Author's note:
Probably one of the most painful LTW's I've ever tried to complete, well, besides the Blog Artist one for Crewe's wife, JoAnna.

Mostly because I wasn't aware that the creatures/pets were required to be part of the household.

That little tidbit of information would have saved me hours of painful pet interactions, especially knowing that having control of them, once they were friends, BFF status was just a click away.

I've also read that some players were able to adopt unicorns with three of the same type of pets in their household, and others say it worked for them with a combination of household pets, neighbors' pets, or strays. And some players said it even worked with minor pets on the lot, or having a high level in the hidden wildlife skill and/or the riding skill, though that's usually reserved for wild horses.

For me, it worked once the three pets were part of the household, though that could be because it was easier to keep BFF status with the pets with them under my control.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 207: Packing Up and Moving On
« Reply #230 on: February 19, 2020, 03:46:22 PM »

With Lady a permanent member of the household, a lot more rainbows were showing up in RH, especially over the Frio family lot, as they occur every time Lady crops grass.

Or gets a drink of water out of the water trough.

But you know what they say about rainbows, right?

That if you're lucky enough to find the end of one, you'll also find a treasure!

Eric and Emily were lucky, lucky in love, and the treasure was each other!

Well, that's how it ended up anyway, but it wasn't smooth sailing by any means.

When they met as young adults, there was a mutual attraction.

I'm not sure how it happened but they were already best friends.

But Eric was banking on his new trait a little too much and went in for a first kiss, way too soon.

"Umm, no, thanks. I'm not the kind of girl who kisses someone in like, 3 minutes! Besides, I have a boyfriend! And there's another guy I've been flirting with too."

"Watcher!" Eric begs, "Can you help me out a bit here? We don't have a lot of time."

"Prove you're serious about this girl, and not just toying with her affections to score your first kiss and I'll think about it."

Frowning, Eric says, "Really? That's what you consider helping?"

"Frowning at her and talking to someone she can't see isn't going to help your case Eric."

Eric sighs, focuses on Emily, and says, "I'm sorry Emily, please forgive me. I've been helping my twin sister with her unicorn quest for so long, I barely know how to act with a pretty girl, let alone a beautiful woman!"

(And he thinks I write romantic drivel! Seems like someone's been watching the romance channel!)

But Emily forgives him, totally overwhelmed by being called beautiful.

But I can't blame her as she's not had a chance to look in a mirror since I tweaked her looks in stylist.

The birthday gnomes had a field day with the poor girl, giving her a military haircut and winter clothes in the middle of summer.

Eric and I were both stunned when we saw her on the front porch!

She's certainly not what we were expecting after seeing pretty teen Emily Nest after Merida's disastrous prom night.

But a flattering hairstyle, a touch of make-up, and a knock-out dress, can transform a wallflower into a bombshell, especially when you have flawless skin, platinum blonde looks, and classic features, like Emily.

She shares Ella's fondness for yellow, so I indulged her for her formal look, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

After Emily accepted his apology, Eric, decided to shower her with the flight of felicity to restore himself further into her good graces.

As the fairy dust worked it's magic, Emily started to glow, and giggled, "It tickles! Oh, I like this feeling Eric. Do you feel like this all the time?"

"Only when I'm with the most beautiful woman in the world."

(Okay, he's trying, I'll give him that.)

And it worked, they are back to best friend status!

So I keep my word and tweak Emily's relationships with Colin and Milton down to just friends.

Eric chats with her a bit longer, asking her sign.

Then she surprises him with flowers!

Perfect Purple, not Romantic Red, but still a step in the right direction.

They chat and hang out together until the sun starts to set, going from friendly actions, where he achieves my goal and asks her to move in;

Welcome to the Frio family, Emily!

Emily Nest---Young adult human
Parents: Elliott Nest and Beverly Jones
Siblings: Older brother, Tad; older half-sister, Helen Jones Davis-Welles; older half-brother, Edward Jones Capp
LTW: Alchemy Artisan(changed to Creature-Robot Cross Breeder since she was already in the science career)
Career: Science
Traits: Genius, Loner, Savvy Sculptor, Mean Spirited, and Technophobe
Fav's: Pop music, Tri-tip steak, and yellow
Skills at move in: guitar-4; handiness-1

I would have loved to chat with her but I didn't want to interrupt Eric's momentum, since he was on a roll.

To romantic ones, where Emily moves their relationship to romantic interests when she gives Eric an amorous hug.

And finally, Eric achieves his goal, his first kiss!

On the back deck, Chase and Odette are also sharing a romantic moment.

"Chase, I love you so much. You turned my prom night around, you've been my rock through Gramlei's passing, and you've even named a star, well, a comet, after me! For a genius that's got to be the defining moment in a relationship!"

Chase can't help but smile at Odette when she says that, but his smile soon turns to an expression of complete shock.

As Odette's dropped to one knee, is holding an opened jewelry box, and smiling the biggest smile ever as she asks, "Marry me?"

Chase flings his arms around her, squeezing her tight, as he shouts, "I love you too, Odette! Of course, I'll marry you!"

Early the next morning, Chase finds Odette in the art gallery, but before she starts work, he says, "Sweetheart, I don't want a long engagement or even a big wedding, I just want us to be husband and wife! Will you marry me right here, right now?"

Odette pauses for only a moment, thinking of the wedding she dreamed of; the cake, her lace dress, her parents watching with tears in their eyes, well, her father, anyway, surrounded by her family.

A family still in the throws of grief over losing their Gramlei.

When she combines that with all that Chase is giving up for her, his family, his friends, his town, her decision is a simple one.

She takes his hand in hers and as she places the ring on his finger, says a simple heartfelt vow, "With this ring I pledge my love to you, Chase Marks, to love you and only you from this day foreword, to cherish the special moments we have shared and to look forward to the many more we will make as we start our future together as husband and wife. I promise to truly make you a part of my family, one that will become yours, my parents your parents, my siblings your siblings, and especially those that come from our joining, our own children, born of the love we share, growing in the light of that love."

Chase takes Odette's hand in his as he replies, "I promise to love and cherish you, Odette Frio, to be by your side throughout this journey that we embark on today, no longer two, but one; one mind, one body, one heart, together or apart, always one in thought, in deed, in spirit, an unbreakable bond, as this ring binds me and thee, until the day we two, become three. And if we are so blessed as to become four, or even more, our union ever strong, ever closer, as our days grow long."

They kiss and as Chase's lips touch hers, as the words he said echo in her mind, Odette doesn't regret her decision. No cake, no dress, no ceremony could be better than this perfect moment. Pledging their love to each other, accepting each other completely, and both of them looking forward to their future, with children born of their union.

She hadn't scared Chase with her talk of children, his vows let her know that he welcomes them, feels they will make their family stronger and closer.

Though they've known each other since they were children, getting to know this man as her husband, she becoming his wife, this will be a journey within their journey, and her heart fills with wonder and joy at the wonderful adventure before them.

Odette is so excited  that she can't wait to share her news, and flings up her hand to show off her wedding ring, saying "Ella, Ella, Ella, Chase and I just got married"!

Ella stares, taking the information in, "But you just got engaged last night!?!"

"Chase didn't want to wait…it was just so perfect! In fact, with Lady in the house, Emily joining Eric, and Chase becoming my husband, there's nothing holding us back from heading to Hidden Springs! Hurry up and pack, I'll call the movers and we can rent a cabin until our house is ready! Just think, we can spend the rest of the summer in the mountains."

Ella's mouth drops open and then she blurts out, "Are you serious!?! We're actually moving to Hidden Springs!?!"

Odette smiles and nods vigorously, her head bobbing up and down, so full of excitement at what's already happened today and what is yet to come.

"Yes! Totally serious! Now go pack! Just essentials, enough for a few days, until all of our stuff shows up!"

Then Ella actually takes in everything that just happened, Odette's words, her shining gold wedding band, and flings her arms around her sister, crying, "Congratulations! And thank you, thank you, thank you! You are the best big sister ever!"

"And don't you forget it, we've waited ages for you to complete your quest." But then she gives Ella a sisterly squeeze and adds, "But it was worth it, Lady is beautiful. I'm so glad you completed your Lifetime Wish. Now go tell Merida and get packed, I'd like to get there before dark, so we can see our first mountain views in daylight."

With a squeal Ella runs to find Merida to tell her the exciting news, but then stops and says, "We have to bring Jasper back to the LaFontaine's, I promised Mr. Marks, because Mrs. LaFontaine doesn't like me at all!"

Odette smiles and says, "Then it's a good thing I just married into the family, isn't it!?! I'll have Chase bring him home. He knows Jasper and he can say goodbye to his uncle and stop by his parent's house and say his goodbyes there, too."

With that crisis solved, Odette takes care of all her other heirship duties as quickly as she can; confirming a rental place, selling their partnerships in town, calling a moving firm, and making sure they had the correct address for the new home she purchased in Hidden Springs.

And though they don't do it often, Odette used the Frio name frequently and shamelessly to get everything done exactly they way she wanted it done, and it didn't hurt that she was offering generous bonuses either. But with all the money at her disposal, she might as well use some of it to make things a little easier and more convenient.

But though everything went smoothly in Hidden Springs, a resort town catering to wealthy celebrities, a sudden thunderstorm, with torrential rains, in Roaring Heights delayed their departure.

With the prospect of standing out in the rain until morning before them, as several of the major roads were flooded, they boarded Lady at the ranch that had purchased Chardonnay, who was unfortunately to old to travel to Hidden Springs.

Then they booked multiple rooms at the best hotel in town, the Ritz-Carlton, and though they arrived wet and disappointed at the delay, the first-class treatment they received went a long way to restoring everyone's good cheer.

After the hustle and bustle of the long, wet day, they all made it an early night, and their dreams were filled with the hopes each one of them harbored, as the journey continues with:

Rory and Cinda (fairy), as the former heir couple, dreaming of a new place they would call their permanent home, as they eagerly await the arrival of grandchildren. And maybe more of their own children!

Chase and Odette, the new heir couple, having similar dreams, to enjoy time together and start a family before Chase tries to fulfill his Lifetime Wish of going to University and graduating as a perfect student.

Eric (fairy) and Emily dreaming of continuing their careers and pursuing their budding romance.

Ella dreaming about quests, of course, as she has at least three she wants to follow up on in HS!

And Merida (fairy), hoping to make friends at her new high school, and maybe find someone who will become more than a friend.

And they say goodbye to the families they leave behind here in Roaring Heights:

Cinda's older brother, Marshall (fairy) and his dear Dahlia, along with their six children;
David, who's married Norma Picard,
Michael, Mahlia and Nathan, the triplets, who are still teens,
Sammy and Lorie (fairy), who are children

Cinda's twin brother, Lucas and his wife, Tia, of the vibrant red hair, and their three children;
Darren and Cullen, teens
Winnie, a child, the youngest of Lorelei and Samuel's grandchildren
(13 here in RH, plus the 5 in MH, for a total of 18!)

Goodbye family, goodbye friends, goodbye Roaring Heights!

Hello, Hidden Springs!

Continue the journey with us in Chapter 208: New Town, New House
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 208: New Town, New House
« Reply #231 on: February 21, 2020, 11:46:23 AM »

The weather had cleared by morning and it was a beautiful drive to Hidden Springs.

As the family arrived at their rental home, they all took a moment to take in their new surroundings, so different than the city they'd just left, with it's high rises and small city feel.

But when I see Emily's thought bubble, I groan.

I did notice it in her list of traits, but wasn't really thinking about it as I was more concerned with building up the relationship between her and Eric, as it felt like fate when I saw her with Merida after that infamous prom.

A prom that Peanut never returned from as though he managed to return to his IF doll form, he never again became her imaginary friend.

But now that we're in HS, and her thought bubble is in plain view, I realize it's going to be even trickier with three loners in the house, Cinda, who also hates the outdoors, Rory, and now Emily.

Not to mention, though I'm going to anyway, the fact that I now have three family members who's names begin with, 'E', Ella, Eric, and Emily.

With the absent-minded moments I've been having lately, don't be surprised if I mix the two girls' names up!

Then we turn and see their rental home, two separate cabins, a larger one with 2 bedrooms and 2 baths, and a smaller 1 bedroom, 1 bath unit for the newlyweds, to give them some privacy.

But the view behind the cabins is breath-taking as the lot is nestled at the foot of the mountains, with the rush and roar of the lower Louie Falls waterfall filling their ears.

They all stood there a moment taking in the beauty of their new town.

Then they all went exploring!

Most of them went inside to check out their temporary lodgings, exclaiming at the rustic feel and charm of the interior of the main cabin.

Cinda was one of the first of these, of course, the view might appeal to everyone else, but she prefers having walls and a roof overhead.

And at Merida's inquiry on how she's doing after being outside, she says, "I'm fine now that we're inside sweetie, thanks for asking. I don't have a problem with flowers, as long as they're in a greenhouse, flower shop, or if I'm viewing them from a window, safely inside."

Our two geniuses, Chase and Emily, along with bookworm, Rory, all settle down in the comfortable living room to read and relax after the long drive.

Odette and Ella chat about being in Hidden Springs, all excited about the new experiences and adventures waiting to be discovered in their new town.

But then Ella says, quite seriously, "I meant it Odette, I'm really thankful that you've given me this opportunity. I know my unicorn quest took up a lot of the family's precious last weeks in RH, and yet you still chose the town I wanted for the next step of our journey."

"No need to thank me Ella. I did a lot of research and this town holds an intriguing unique possibility for our family genetics, if it proves to be true. I'm going to be busy with painting and playing my guitar, so I'll be counting on you to follow through on that, and as tenacious as you were with Lady, I know you're the best one for that job!"

Ella smiles and says, "And I'm sure being a newlywed, and spending some time with your new husband is at the top of your list of priorities, as well!"

At Ella's mention of her recent marriage, Odette stares dreamily at her wedding ring.

Then sneaking a quick look around and seeing that most of her family is otherwise occupied, she whispers a suggestion into her new husband's ear.

One that has him quickly closing his book, and following her to the privacy of the small cabin next door.

Everyone else pretends not to notice their departure, but once they leave the room, knowing looks are exchanged, as they give the newlyweds the privacy they deserve.

Ella notices some brochures and photos on the table, and eagerly looks through them.

The photos are aerial views of the town, and the brochures include more detailed maps of the town, with descriptions of the various places of interest.

Ella looks through the brochures first, she's not surprised that the Fountain of Youth isn't noted, but she's disappointed that there's no listing for the Museum of Magic and Supernatural.

Then she views the photos.

The first one shows the location of their rental units with the falls behind them.

It's an older photo, and doesn't include the house they had built on the empty lot on the point, but Ella is thrilled to notice that the back of their property borders on the lake shore.

The second photo gives her a different perspective of this part of town, where the rural residents live.

It also notates several of the parks that are located in this area.

Along with the Abandoned Warehouse, that Eric's told them is actually the Honorable Citizens Trading Post, though the only ones who know that are those who work there and aren't quite as honorable as the name would lead honest citizens to believe.

It's situated off the main road and it's quite the healthy walk or run, but Eric also said, not a problem for those in the career that have established the required athletic skills their activities demand.

The third photo shows the village center that's actually bigger than she thought it would be.

With the pools of both the Silver Zephyr Retreat and Health Spa being a noted feature and relaxation destination for the rich and famous throughout Sim Land.

And some of the homes on the shoreline outside of town definitely have the look and feel of wealthy mansions for the towns elite citizens.

She notes that it will be a bit of a drive for family members who will be commuting to their work places.

Her mother will be working out of the small police station on the other side of Subalpine Square, while Emily will be continuing her career at the Center for Naturally Scientific Studies and will have the furthest drive as it's located past the police dept. on the farther edge of the village.

As the others headed inside to check out the main cabin, Eric decided to take his first ride on Lady.

But I don't think he was prepared for her to head off down the sidewalk.

"Whoa, Lady, whoa, I was just checking out the view from your height, not sure I want to ride anywhere just yet!"

And when Lady nervously danced around at the unexpected sound of a cab behind her, Eric's distress can be plainly seen.

"Watcher! Why is she so skittish around one little car? She's lived in Roaring Heights her whole life!"

"Mostly out at the secluded fishing hole Eric. And she's never been ridden before, so she's probably more nervous having you on her back than she is about the car."

"Never been ridden before!?! But I thought Ella had tamed her?"

"There's a big difference between being friendly and domesticated and being accustomed to carrying a person. But Lady does run and run very fast Eric and you're not even using a saddle, so my advice would be to dismount and dismount quickly!"


"Get off, Eric! Before she takes off at unicorn speed and dumps you on the ground!"

"I'm trying Watcher! The ground looks further away now that I'm looking at it from up here."

It takes Eric several minutes to get off Lady, but she patiently waited for him and didn't bruise any part of his body by unceremoniously dumping him on the ground!

Though I can't say it did much for his ego, it did provide a bit of comical relief for those of us watching.

But their relaxing days at the rental cabins flew by and soon they got the call that their new house was available.

It was so close to the rental units that none of them bothered with a car but ran down the dirt road, or in the case of the fairies, flew.

Their new home was located just past the bend in the unpaved side road, right on the lakeshore.

And here's their first view of it, a build I named Family Cabin, this version boasts two stories as well as a basement.

I'd like to thank MrsFlynn as my building skills have definitely improved with her guidance.

And I was even able to include some landscaping in the front that I ended up being quite pleased with, though I'll need to extend the front walkway out to the road.

Eric's the first  to arrive, as instead of flying, he's riding Lady again, but he quickly dismounts and heads inside to check out their new place.

And we get a better view of the lake behind the house.

With his LTW completed, Rory has been fixated on completing masterpieces, but for his down time in RH he was either reading a book, swimming in the pool, or trying to persuade family members to get in some light exercise, with a baseball or football.

With no pool option here in HS, since they have the lake behind right behind the house, Rory invites Ella to toss a football with him, while Lady checks out the rose bushes.

With a partial walls view of the main floor, we get a clearer view of the lake, it's placid blue waters revealing hidden depths in it's darker areas.

And we get to see Lady near her new stall in the small backyard.

The main floor has a dining room to the right of the entry with direct access to the kitchen.

The dining room also has sliding doors to the side porch.

As you can see, the movers have been busy getting all the Frio family's belongings, unpacked and installed in their new home.

There are even a few gnomes already enjoying the fresh air on the front lawn!

A top view helps us to see the layout a little more clearly.

To the left of the entry is the living room, with a TV area and a reading nook.

Off the living room there's a study, with a half bath, and a small laundry room.

Through the kitchen, there's access to the nursery with an en suite bath and the main floor master bedroom with it's own bath.

The entry also has access to two sets of double stairs, one set going to the second level, the other going to the basement.

The basement is left open but has several different areas of interest.

All of the instruments that were in the family inventory were placed here, though Odette keeps several guitars in her personal inventory for easier access and to play wherever and whenever the mood strikes her.

The back right corner has a small TV/video gaming area, with one of the stereos and Cinda's martial arts equipment nearby, along with the bench press.

The front right corner has the brain enhancer device, which Emily has already attempted to sabotage several times, one of her attempts being successful as I didn't catch her in time!

It also has the chemistry lab and inventing table along the front wall.

The back corner holds the second Minus One Kelvin fridge the family owns, the two nectar racks and the nectar from France that Logan and Sasha purchased several generations ago, with a small table nearby convenient for meals and sampling the nectar.

A desk and computer are also down here, along with one of the many bookcases and a couple of easy chairs for our geniuses and bookworm to keep themselves occupied.

And that's Rory, at the drafting table, working on another sketch.

It sure didn't take him long to figure out where it was!

Back upstairs, Odette's grabbed a guitar and is working on her skill again as Eric taps along, enjoying her latest song.

I'm not sure why  she picked the kitchen for her impromptu performance or why Eric's in pajamas, but they both seem happy enough so no need to ask.

But I should probably give Odette a cooler choice for her everyday wear.

Moving upstairs, we see a large open hall that's filled with easels, and it will become the art center and gallery in this home.

On the left, a small bedroom with twin beds and it's own bath, that Ella and Merida will share.

And there's a small covered balcony in the left corner as well.

The right side has the partially walled in and covered second floor porch, more an outdoor room, and it's one of my favorite features of this home. Access to this space is either from the sliders in the hall, or from the front bedroom.

That bedroom is Odette and Chase since that's where the hover bed is located, and it has a shared bath to the third bedroom on this floor, which will be Emily's room.

Until she's comfortable sharing it with Eric, he'll be sleeping in one of the fairy houses, which I need to place!

The seven family urns are placed along the wall in the upstairs hall.

The first table holds Claire's and Jared's urns.

The middle one has Rae's, Samuel's, and Adam's urns.

And the third table has our newest urns, Lorelei's and Samuel's.

And I breathe a sigh of relief as soon after moving in, we get our first visit from one of the family ghosts, Rae!

"Oh, this is a nice home, I'm liking it already."

"Thanks Rae! It's one of my own designs, after a lot of practice builds with MrsFlynn. She's really helped me a lot, especially with roofs and building on foundations, though I made this one without one."

"Well, I'm going to have fun exploring our new home and seeing where you've placed all the rockers!"

I give her a few minutes and then check out the nursery and sure enough, she's chosen that one!

"What's wrong Rae? You look sad, I thought that rocker was your favorite?"

"Oh, the rocker's fine Watcher, but I'd rather it wasn't in an empty nursery."

"Odette and Chase just got married Rae, and they moved into this house today! Give them a little more time as a couple before mentioning children."

"Oh, I guess time passes differently in the netherworld Watcher, it's seems like it's been several days since we left RH."

"You're right, it has been several days. The family moved so quickly that this house wasn't quite ready yet, so they spent a few days at a rental place, with all the family urns safely stored in Odette's personal inventory. You're actually the first one to visit and see the new house. It makes me feel better once all of you show up, to know you all made the trip safely."

"I'm sure the others will be along soon, Watcher. The new house is beautiful and the view of the lake is so calming."

And a bit later, Rae's prediction comes to pass as I hear ghostly music and find Jared floating around in the upstairs hall.

"Welcome, Jared, you're the second ghost to appear and check out the new house. What do you think?"

"I've been cooped up in my urn for days Watcher, that's what I think! Let me stretch a bit, get the kinks out, and I'll pass judgement after that!"

"I can barely wait, Jared!"

"You're getting better with the mean comments, Watcher! I've taught you well!"

"That wasn't mean Jared, it was sarcastic, they are not the same thing!"

"Think what you like Watcher, but I know better!" and he floats off, not even trying to hide his laughter.

Well, the Frio family made it safely to their new town, Hidden Springs.

They spent a few days in a rental cabin, relaxing and acclimating to the higher elevation and cool mountain air.

Now they've moved in to their new home, and two of the family ghosts have already popped in for a visit.

But Ella was eager to get started on her quests, so as the rest of the family settled in, she went to check out the town.

Let's see what happens in Chapter 209: The Search Begins
Coming soon.

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Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 209: The Search Begins
« Reply #232 on: February 23, 2020, 12:27:22 PM »

After their personal things are stored in their new bedroom, Ella persuades Merida to explore the town in search of the Museum of Magic and Supernatural.

She hopes records there will not only lead them to the mystical Fountain of Youth but also provide insight and further instruction for her own magical powers.

But when they have no luck finding such a museum in town, the sisters head to City Hall.

Ella comes out shaking her head saying, "Another dead end! And did you see the way that woman looked at me as soon as I mentioned the museum!?! It was like she couldn't get rid of us fast enough."

"I kind of expected that though after the way she looked at my wings when we first walked up. She looked scared to death! Something odd is going on in this town that's for sure. They name a park Fairyland, but freak out when they actually meet a real fairy? I was hoping there'd be other Supernaturals in town."

"Me too. But I'm not giving up that easily! Let's head to the library." With a laugh, Ella corrects herself, "Oh, excuse me,  the Eloise C. Vanderburg's Home for Books!'

"Like that's not totally pretentious! It's easy to see the status the Vanderburg family thinks they have with the library named after them!"

With a smirk, Ella says, "I'm sure our own family status is equal to that of the Vanderburg's, whoever they may be. So if City Hall won't help us, we'll just have to dig up the information on our own."

Just as the sister's head towards the steps of City Hall, Ella looks up and sees someone that has her stopping in her tracks.

The woman is striking, that's for sure, with her long dark hair and eyes, but it's her skin that intrigues Ella, as it's got a decidedly green tinge to it!

Not wanting to miss such an opportunity, she tells Merida to head to the library and she'll catch up with her in a bit.

She quickly introduces herself and says, "Oh, I can't believe my luck, meeting you first thing! My sister chose this town partly because of my interest in the rumored Fountain of Youth, and the Museum of Magic and Supernatural, but more importantly due to residents known to have a unique green skin tone."

The woman frowns, immediately taking offense and angrily retorts, "Are you saying that those are actually connected!?!  That my skin tone must be Supernatural, like a…like a zombie!?! How rude! I'm not sure what kind of upbringing you had young lady, but it's obvious that it wasn't a well brought up one!"

And with those words, the woman nods, and continues inside to get back to what ever business had brought her to City Hall.

Ella stands there thoughtfully for a moment, and thinks to herself that though the woman's words had been abrupt and dismissive, the feeling she got from the woman was more of caution, or maybe even fear!

And Ella is now more determined than ever to uncover the secrets of their new town.

Merida's plan was to ask library patrons about the museum's location, so with that in mind, she introduces herself to the first woman she sees.

"Hi, I'm Merida Frio. We've just moved to Hidden Springs and…"

But I interrupt her saying, "Oh, Merida, it's so nice to finally meet you in person! I hadn't expected to meet anyone in your family so soon."

Taken aback at this response from a total stranger, Merida asks, "Do I know you? I didn't think my lowly 3 star celebrity status made me known outside of Roaring Heights. But I do have an odd sense of knowing you somehow."

"You do, kind of. I've known your family for a long time and you since before you were born! I'm your Watcher! Well, in my simself form."

Merida's eyes fly open wide and she can barely contain her excitement as she babbles, "But how are you here in HS!?! And what's a simself form?"

With a smile, I say, "That's kind of involved. I explained this to your Grandpa Adam and your Gramlei." And unable to keep the sadness out of my voice, I pause, then add, "Before she passed. I am sorry for that. It wasn't easy to let her go so soon." Shaking the hurt away, I continue with, "Long story short, I told them both that whenever the journey brought them to my favorite town, I'd let them meet my simself. The version of me that can exist in your world."

"So no one else in my family knows you're here, besides the family ghosts? Oh, I can't wait to them!"

"About that. Do you think you could keep that between us, just for now? I'd like to surprise them after you get settled in a bit."

Nodding excitedly, Merida, answers, "It'll be our little secret Watcher! Oh, I can't believe I was the first one to get to meet you. It's such an honor. But Watcher, I did have a question. When will I get to start meeting boys? I can't wait to go on dates and fall in love!?!"

"Well, that all depends on who you meet when you start school and how hard you work to make friends. But I'll do my best to make it happen as soon as I can. And Merida, now that we've met, please call me Dee!"

I chat with Merida for quite some time, but as it grows later, I remember that Merida is supposed to be helping Ella with her research.

"You better get back on task and I need to get home and start dinner." Frowning I add, "I should say making another burnt offering to the gods! A new YA simself is sadly lacking in skills."

With a laugh, Merida says, "Okay Watcher, I mean, Dee."

And just like it happened with Lady, when Merida uses my name, we become friends and share an impulsive hug.

"See you soon Dee. I'll start doing some research. But as our Watcher, could you please tell Ella to hurry up, she's the one that wanted to start another quest!"

"I will Merida. I'm on your side, I'm hoping we've not let her talk us both into something that takes as long as her unicorn quest did!"

With no other patrons around to ask about the museum, Merida grabs book after book, looking for clues that will help them locate the mysterious fountain of youth.

She reads legends and stories about it's existence, finding clues and snippets of information, time and time again, but no definitive location for it.

The only recurring points she notes down are 'hidden in a rocky glade of trees', 'it's restoring waters flowing since the beginning of time', and it can 'bestow it's magical properties on deserving sims.'

And at last she finds a cryptic notation, hand-written in an old herbal recipe book that was hard to decipher but what she finally made out was, 'sparks of fairy light'!

Excited at her discovery, and forgetting where she is, Merida shouts, "That should make it easier to find the right fountain, it sounds like the lights we make as sprites!"

This earns her a sternly whispered, "library voice please!" from the volunteer Librarian behind the desk.

Merida makes a sheepish face, says a soft, "Sorry," and realizes that she's been at the library for hours and is not only exhausted, but hungry and in need of a bathroom, too.

So, giving up on Ella, Merida leaves the most informative book, along with an envelope of her notes, with the librarian and heads back to her new home.

Getting back to my Watcher duties, I'm expecting Ella to be practicing magic either somewhere in town or back at the house.

But I get the most welcome surprise as I find she's been chatting with local residents and I've arrived just in time to see what happens when she meets a tall, dark, and handsome man in Subalpine Square!

His first words make her heart melt, though it's not what he says, but how he says it!

His voice, smooth, husky, and deep as he introduces himself  "Pierce Shawkti, miss. It is miss, yes?"

At the hopeful tone in his voice, Ella smiles and nods, "Yes, definitely miss! I'm Ella Frio, and I'm very pleased to meet you Mr. Shawkti. My family and I have just moved to your beautiful town and are enjoying the gorgeous weather as well as the stunning scenery."

Ella may be talking about the weather, but as she stares deeply into his eyes, there's no doubt that he's included in that scenery!

And as he steps closer and meets her look with a searching look of his own, it's plain to see that the attraction is mutual as he says, "Please call me Pierce, my closest friends do, and I have a feeling we're going to be very good friends."

As the two of them chat and discover a shared trait, both of them being brave, their status shoots to best friends!

I look at the screen in shock.

I'd hoped Ella would meet someone soon after relocating to HS, but to have it be Pierce, one of the most eligible bachelors in HS, and to have them establish such a solid friendship so quickly, without my help, wow, I'm impressed!

Especially since he's known for his commitment issues.

But I guess that's no match for a witch who's a brave, social butterfly, with a high charisma level!

As I remember that she's a witch, I check to see if Ella's magic has developed past casting Lucky Charms.

It has, she can now cast a Love Charm!

But as I'm thinking about having her use it and wondering what havoc it could cause, I realize there's no need as these two start flirting and holding hands all on their own.

There is definitely leaning, which as we all know, means wanting, and accepting!

I can't resist pushing them just a bit, though I'm hoping it doesn't end up with the same results as it did with Odette and Chase after prom.

I have Ella go in for a Heat of the Moment kiss!

But Pierce proves he's no wet behind the ears newly aged up teen by returning Ella's kiss with gusto!

In fact, it's a kiss that's so steamy it takes Ella's breath away and leaves her reeling.

I'd forgotten that this was Ella's first taste of romance, and can only imagine how heady it must be experiencing a first kiss with a man like Pierce!

They chat and flirt getting to know each other awhile longer, but when Pierce mentions he should be getting home before his daughter worries, Ella realizes she's totally forgotten about meeting Merida at the library.

But knowing just how badly SP can wreck even the best made plans, seeing that the option is available, I have Ella ask him to be her boyfriend.

And he accepts, sealing their new relationship with a sweet goodbye kiss.

Wow, that happened fast, almost before I could say, Mrs. Ella Shawkti!

Basking in the glow of her first romance, feeling all tingly and warm from Pierce's kisses, Ella finally makes it to the ECV House of Books.

She glances around for Merida, but with her sister's wings being impossible to hide, quickly realizes she's not in the building.

But the Librarian, seeing her scanning the room, motions her over, and says, "Are you Ella Frio?"

With Ella's quick nod, the librarian hands her a book and a thick envelope and continues, "A dark-haired teen left this note for you. She said her sister would come looking for her, and asked me to give this to her, but I was expecting another fairy."

Ella says, "I wasn't lucky enough to inherit my mother's fae genetics, but that must have been my sister. I was supposed to meet her here hours ago as she was helping me with some research."

With a sniff the librarian says, "Well, you better thank her when you get home, because if her shout was anything to go by, she found the information you were looking for."

Ella thanks the woman and heads to a comfortable couch to look over the results of Merida's research.

She reads through Merida's notes and then finds the noted passages her sister so helpfully bookmarked.

She murmurs to herself, "sparks of fairy light would definitely help narrow down the right fountain. But 'bestow it's magical properties on deserving sims', sounds like a warning. What if the sim isn't deserving? Witch spells can fail or even backfire, and some fairy tricks are truly awful, causing painful moments for those they are afflicted upon."

As brave as Ella is, her face loses a bit of color as she mulls that over. *If the fountain of youth's magic is to extend life, if someone wasn't deserving then I guess it could shorten their life.* Then her heart beats faster  as that thought is soon followed by another. *Or…maybe end it hideously like in that old movie she watched where the bad guy thinks he's drinking from the cup of eternal life and dissolves into a skeleton, dead in just minutes!*

Ella lets out a breathe she didn't realize she was holding and whispers, "There are always consequences to magic and the supernatural aren't there?"

To shake away the unpleasantness of her last thoughts, she stands up, stretches, and glances around the room.

Even at this late hour, there are still a few patrons around, reading quietly.

Ella sees a pleasant looking woman about her age, and introduces herself, "Hi, I'm Ella Frio and my family's just moved to town."

"Hidden Springs is beautiful, isn't it? It's my favorite of all the towns in Sim Land or Sim World, or the Simverse, whichever you prefer. I'm usually MrsFlynn, all one word and no first name, except I have one now, but not here, not in this town."

Ella steps back in shock, saying, "THE MrsFlynn??? The one that's designed and built a lot of the houses my family's lived in over the years?"

"The one and only! Oh, I can't say that anymore, either, since I have a simself life in another town. Your Watcher is, persuasive, which is the nicest way I can put it. The things she talks me into! I mean, really, all I want is to be with a few close friends, able to use my computer whenever the mood strikes me, and to work my little patch of garden when I need some sunshine and fresh air. Well, all that and a good game of chess now and then, to keep my brain stimulated. But she puts me in situations so far outside my comfort zone! But it's so exciting really, my simself being back in my favorite town, and to combine that with meeting you, I'm like a jumping bean inside."

"I'd always expected to live my simself life that way, and meet you quietly here in HS. But that was before your Watcher popped me into another world, where I was just meeting clients for a reno…and it turned my sedate simself life upside down! I met one of the Watcher’s spares, the only son, and we fell in love! A whirlwind romance, and five children later, we still give each other flowers and flirt outrageously. I’m a sucker for tall, dark, and handsome guys…..I usually make a bee line for Mr. Shawkti when I’m in this town. She shoots a look around the room, noting, "But I haven’t seen him since I got back to HS."
Ella, “You mean Pierce!?!”
 “Ah, I’ve see you’ve already met him and you’re on a first name basis already.”
Ella, bubbling over with the excitement of her first romance, says, “We met earlier today, that’s why I was late getting here. He’s so dreamy, so perfect. It was love at first sight! In fact, he’s my boyfriend already,” and she does a happy little dance.

MrsFlynn whistles and says, “You work a lot faster than I do girl! But it takes me some time to warm up to people.” Then shrugging, she adds, “But it’s probably for the best now, with me being married and having kids. HS will always be my favorite town, but my heart's with Carter and my family now. It’s just not in me to have multiple simself lives. I’m a one man kind of gal.”
Seeing Ella’s face, her own falls as she adds, “Oh, I’ve done it again, haven’t I? Rambled on and on until I’ve made everything awkward. I told you I wasn’t very good meeting new people. I never know what to say, and then I say too much, or the wrong things.”
Ella smiles and says, “Not at all MrsFlynn. I’m just trying to wrap my head around meeting you, your simself. It’s a lot to take in. But I find your honesty and enthusiasm quite refreshing. You’re so down to earth, so real. Not at all what I expected a famous builder/architect to be like. But I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, just walking up to you that way, a complete stranger.”

MrsFlynn returns Ella's smile with a happy one of her own, her hands raised, and says, "You know, you're not the first sim to tell me that. Carter's grandfather said something similar when I first met him too. It's odd, maybe it's because your Watcher's told me so much about you and your family, but I don't feel shy or awkward around you at all."

And just like that, they become friends.

Monday morning, with Merida attending her first day at the Community School for the Gifted, Ella looked at the list of all the parks and fishing spots in town.

She'd spent quite some time at Subalpine Square, meeting the locals, before she'd met dreamy Pierce and had her attention focused on matters of the heart, but since it's an oasis of concrete, with barely a tree in sight, let alone a glade of them, she figures she can rule that one out.

The next one on her list is Beryl Park and Festival Grounds, and it's close by so she heads there.

A quick glance around and she knows this can't be the right park because it's too open and busy with all the festival booths and activities, and no fountain of any kind either.

But she figures talking to the festival attendees can't hurt and maybe they'll be a little more forthcoming with information than the woman at City Hall.

She introduces herself to a pleasant looking man, Ryan Anderson, a nature photographer, and fascinated by her unicorn quest, he tells her all about the two fishing spots in town, where wild horses gather with rumors that they are lead by a pure white unicorn stallion!

I blanche at this information and know I'm going to be having a very severe discussion with Ella on how we are NOT going on another unicorn quest!

But my attention is drawn back to Ella as when she asked about the Museum of Magic and Supernatural, Ryan's face grew stony and his voice turned decidedly non-friendly as he replied, "With the help of our powerful mayor, Caterina Vanderburg, that kind of museum will never be allowed in our town!"

Ella tries to save the conversation, but before she can explain that she meant no offense, Ryan adds with a definite warning behind his words, "And newcomers who openly focus on such things, won't be welcome members of this town."

As Ryan turns away, she notices his worried glance at the paparazzi that had come closer as they spoke.

Was it just her imagination?

Was his negative attitude about the museum real or just a cover-up for the reporter?

If it was a cover-up, did that mean he was really trying to warn her about her brazen search for it?

Not sure of the answers to those questions, Ella decides to head into town before she draws any more negative attention to herself.

Though I'm not sure speeding through the countryside on a magic broom is the ideal way to keep a low profile.

She knows Subalpine Square isn't harboring the Fountain of Youth, but maybe she can find other residents who are more willing to discuss Supernaturals, before a reporter shows up and has everyone watching their words.

First, she chats with Jewel Song, their bond established almost immediately over their shared klepto trait!

Jewel also introduces Ella to her husband Andrew, and both of them listen attentively as Ella chats about her family's new home in town and the fae genetics that they possess.

A bit later, two other woman her own age, Carly Ruiz, and Astrid Pertridge, arrive to add to Ella's list of potential new friends.

Lucky for Ella, her celebrity status is a big draw, and her high charisma level makes it easier to turn newly met acquaintances into friends and best friends.

With higher relationships established, she's hoping that her inquiries will be received positively, and provide concrete leads to her objectives, the Fountain of Youth, the museum, and the other greenie residents that live in HS.

Ella's perseverance is rewarded when one of her new friends says, "Granny Shue's outside, she's lived her whole life here in HS, and if anyone can answer your questions she can."

Ella's satisfaction turns to delight when she sees the woman has the same green-tinged skin as the one she met on the steps of City Hall!

She's not sure what to say without offending her, but she'll knows she'll never find answers being a coward.

She quickly introduces herself, and not giving politeness or political correctness another thought, starts asking questions.

And Granny Shue, who's lived too long to care about either of those things, responds eagerly to her questions.

Ella learns that Granny lives in a relatively small home with four adopted children and a newborn, her dreams of a large family finally coming true, though much later in her life than she'd expected.

And despite her looks, Granny's full of life and energy that some sims half her age don't possess.

This all adds up to one thing, as far as Ella's concerned, so she finally asks Granny for some concrete information.

"Are there others in town that share your….vitality?"

"You mean my green skin don't you dear?" Granny asks getting straight to the point.

"Well, yes, I was hoping to find others with such a unique genetic feature."

Not quite sure what Ella's interest is, Granny answers, "There is an elderly gentleman, roughly around my age, Louis Swete, that lives just down the road from you. I'm sure he'd be happy to answer your questions, dear. But he works at the police lab in town and won't be home until quite late."

And though Granny's answer is pleasant, as she has been throughout the whole encounter, the twinkle in her eyes has Ella surmising that Granny's fudging on just how happy this guy is going to be when she starts asking questions.

Despite Ella's misgivings on the accuracy of Granny's information, they become friends.

Because Ella knows 'the elderly gentleman' Granny mentioned has to be the guy from Tyra's case, the one she called 'a crackpot' who wasn't very nice, as there's no way a town this small would have two green men working in the police lab!

And as Ella recalls her encounter with the woman on the steps of City hall, how abrupt she was at the mention of her green skin, Ella has a feeling she's part of whatever's going on in Hidden Springs too.

Curiouser, and curiouser. This town was definitely a fairy tale in the making.

But will her name portend one with a Cinderella 'happily ever after' ending, or one more like Alice's adventure with the Queen saying, "off with her head!"

Ella's first contact with a greenie resident, a woman, ended on a very negative note, with the woman taking offense at her inquiry.

But with Merida's notes in hand, Ella's started her search for the Fountain of Youth, though her inquiries about the location of the Museum of Magic and Supernatural have been met with a negative reaction from one of  the locals.

Despite that, she's made friends with several residents, including the builder/architect MrsFlynn, which was an honor and quite the surprise, and an elderly greenie resident, Granny Shue.

And even more surprising, she's entered her first romantic relationship, experiencing love at first sight with none other than Mr. HS himself, Pierce Shawkti!

A relationship I couldn't be more thrilled with, especially happening so soon after moving to the new town.

But she still has a number of parks to visit, along with two fishing spots, and the name of another greenie, Louis Swete, though she's not sure she's up to pursuing that line of inquiry just yet.

Ella's already proved herself lucky in love, but will Merida find a special teen someone?

And what of Eric and Emily? Will their artistic differences be more than they can overcome?

We'll find out in Chapter 210: Finding Love
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 210: Finding Love
« Reply #233 on: February 25, 2020, 05:01:36 PM »

While Ella was busy chatting with locals, Merida was thrilled to have not only met a boy at school, but to have him come home with her.

His name is Scott Chesterfield and though they were working on homework together, instead of it making it easier, she was finding it harder to concentrate.

There was such a…boy, smell about him.

Masculine, earthy, a hint of pine in the aftershave or cologne he was wearing.

Their knees were almost touching under the table and just thinking about that made her cheeks flush.

She tilts her head down to hide her blush and tries to focus on the English essay she's supposed to be writing.

Their teacher had said, "Write what you know, it will be easier, more natural."

But she couldn't write about Scott, how he made her feel, that wouldn't do at all!

Okay, something familiar, but not too personal.

Oh, moving from Roaring Heights to Hidden Springs!

Leaving behind life in a small city, with all it's hustle and bustle, and moving to the mountains, living in a new house right on a lake, in a new town, going to a new school.

Goodbyes and first impressions, everyone knows teachers eat that kind of stuff up!

With their essays finished, they chat a bit with Scott drooling over the drum sets and other musical instruments.

Merida says, "Feel free to give one a try! You know you want to!"

Scott doesn't deny it, or even hesitate, and soon he's in his element playing riff after riff, his smile showing his pleasure.

Merida watches and seeing his passion for music, wishes she had something to focus on that she loved, that she could pour her heart and soul into.

Her mom had martial arts, her dad and Odette shared painting, while Odette also had music, Chase was totally focused on logic and learning, Eric was all about his career, and Emily was busy with gardening as she needed the skill for her career at the science lab.

Being given the workaholic trait at teen, she knows once she has a job, that will definitely be her focus, so maybe she could check out some careers and see what skills they require and what piques her interest?

Her attention on Scott and his music had drifted off, but then she realizes the rooms gone quiet and Scott's standing before, as he says, "Wow, your family must really be into music! I've never seen such a set up before! A grand piano, keyboards, an electric guitar, two basses, and two sets of drums. Which one do you play?"

Merida says, "I've played around with all of them, so I have a little bit of skill with each one. But I'm not the musical one in the family this generation, that title goes to my eldest sister, Odette. She's got some skill in each instrument, just like me, but she's wicked on the guitar. It's one of her passions."

Interested, Scott says, "Eldest sister? Like still in high school older or…"

"Nope. You're out of luck! She's graduated and married, and will probably be starting a family soon. And though she's not married, my other sister graduated not long before we left RH, along with her twin, my only brother Eric. He's a fairy, like me. And in case that's where your interest lies, he's got a girlfriend."

Scott, feeling likes he's given her the wrong impression, quickly says, "Nope, I'm definitely a ladies man! And I wasn't asking about your sister for me, I have an older brother, but he's still in high school too. In fact, I think he's probably more your age than I am, since you've already completed a week of high school in RH. I just had my birthday and today was my first day."

Then Merida decides to be honest and adds, "I may have attended a week of high school in RH, but since we were moving, I didn't make any close friends, with girls or boys. I didn't have a boyfriend there. I've never even been on a date. Technically, I'm older than you, but I've got a few extra days too play with, thanks to a genie wish a long ago grandma of mine made. So I could stay a teen and enjoy high school for a bit longer than most, if there was someone special to hang out with."
"Well, my zodiac sign is Aquarius and because it looks like waves everyone thinks that means I should like water, when I'm actually hydrophobic. The symbol is actually air currents and means the water carrier, which is way more to my liking as I'd rather carry water than be in it."

A bit embarrassed since they've both revealed information that leaves them vulnerable, they stare down at the floor, not quite sure what to say or do next.

Then Merida says, "So let's not let our ages, our inexperience, or our star signs define us! Why don't we just go outside and enjoy the summer evening and watch the stars? Maybe get to know each other better?"

Scott smiles and says, "I'd like that."

"But before we do, we need to get something out of the way first, so we're both not so nervous."

Merida leans forward, lightly touching his lips with her own, and says, "And now we've both shared our first kiss."

Despite not liking water, Scott was floating on the waves of that kiss, holding Merida's hand and sneaking little peeks at her as she led him upstairs and outside, where they settle on a grassy spot in the backyard.

The summer stars were shining brightly in the dark sky, but the first flutters of teen love burned brighter than any star ever could.

Their arms cross, as they scoot closer together, both focused on the sky, but keenly aware of each other.

Merida can't help but let out a contented little sigh as her first day of high school in HS, a day that began with only questions, ended with her first kiss, and watching the stars with Scott.

A girl couldn't ask for a more perfect day.

But the teens aren't the only ones enjoying the summer evening and the stars.

Chase and Odette decide to take a break from their skills too, and spend some couple time together.

Odette eagerly points out the planets and constellations that she remembers from their last time together watching the stars.

"Oh, there's Venus! That one's the easiest one for me to find. I like that it's named for the Goddess of love and beauty."

Judging by the way Chase's attention is focused on Odette rather than the stars, he's more enthralled with her beauty and the love they've come to share.

I'm glad that these two ended up together as they make a sweet couple.

And another couple in the household has gravitated together to watch the stars too, and they've even made a date of it.

Though their relationship could never be called sweet, with their temperaments, Eric and Emily have overcome their artistic differences, to focus on each other, rather than that one incompatible trait.

With the early morning sun rising and the stars fading, Eric gives Emily a massage to soothe her strained muscles after a day in the lab's hydroponics garden.

"Oh, that's the spot, right there!" Emily says with a groan at the relief his fingers provide.

"I can't believe that just tending a few plants can cause so many aches and pains," Eric replies.

"The ones on the tables and raised beds are fine, but tending the ones at ground level require a lot of bending, something I'm definitely not in condition for." Adding meanly, "I'll have some choice words for my lab partner for volunteering me for that particular task yesterday!"

Eric sympathizes, saying, "Yeah, some of my co-workers would throw you under a bus without blinking! Though, with the many ways I can retaliate, they tend to leave me alone. But if gardening is going to be part of your normal routine at the science center, I'd be happy to show you some simple stretches and exercises to do to help limber you up before and after that task."

Turning so she's in Eric's arms, she whispers, "I can think of other activities that would limber us both up."

"I like the way you think, Miss Nest!" Eric replies, as he wraps his arms around her waist.

Sharing a kiss, Emily says, "That's what girlfriends are for, coming up with great ideas!"

Eric steps back and says, "About that, I think it would be better if we changed our relationship status."

Emily looks at him in shock, her sharp words reflecting the burst of hurt his words brought, "You'd rather see other girls, not be exclusive anymore!?!"

Eric quickly dispels the look of hurt in her eyes, as he drops to one knee and says, "Just the opposite! I love you Emily Nest! Marry me?"

Emily's first thought, one that she can't help but blurt out is, "You ask me that while I'm in my underwear Eric!?!"

Eric's face loses a touch of his enthusiasm as he realizes he probably should have asked her to dress before coming outside.

But Emily can't hide her excitement over his proposal, no matter how ill-timed, and she jumps up and down yelling, "Yes, yes, yes, of course I'll marry you!"

With Eric's ring safely on her finger, they share a passionate kiss as a newly engaged couple.

And head back to their room to express their feelings in a more private setting.

Seeing a bright blue light emanating from Chase and Odette's room, I investigate to find Ella practicing magic.

With the wardrobe?

I just watch so as not to distract her and cause her spell to fail.

As the pulsing blue light dissipates, the spell concludes with a flash of golden magic.

Feeling it's safe now, I ask, "What was that all about Ella?"

"Hold on Watcher, it might take a moment for the spell to complete. If I did it right…"

"It should open a magic portal for me to explore!"

I watch in amazement, as when Ella's finished explaining, she opens the wardrobe doors, and there is a portal inside!

And before I can recommend caution, she's bravely jumped through it, and I'm left staring at the closed doors with only a bit of blue showing that something magical is definitely happening.

I stand there not quite knowing what to expect, but soon messages of Ella's adventure start appearing.

Along with choices I need to help her make.

Some of those choices are simple enough, which path to follow, or which direction to take, but others had Ella in more peril than I would have liked.

Especially when it came to following the woman dressed in a frosty white gown with a decorative crown of ice crystals.

But my helpful hubby assured me that the Ice Queen would capture Ella and use her magic for her own evil purposes, so we chose to follow the other magical creature instead.

His words proved true, as a few choices later, Ella sees the clothes in the wardrobe and is making her way home!

But before Ella appears, I'm distracted by yet another magical sight.

Emily speeding along on one of Ella's brooms!

I never knew that sims who weren't witches could actual ride on brooms, so I'm learning a lot with Ella's foray into magic and having magical items around.

Just look at that smile on Emily's face, she looks totally thrilled with this new method of transportation.

"Why wouldn't I be Watcher? This beats catching the car pool any day!"

But with Emily getting off work early this afternoon, we don't have a lot of time to get the lot set up for a wedding.

With three motive mobiles taking up the space on the right side of the front lawn, I grab all the wedding items from our family inventory and arrange them on the left side.

But I end up having to purchase a new wedding arch as the one that's been in the family since Connor and Agnes' wedding back in SV, was apparently lost in the move to HS.

Since we're in the mountains in picturesque HS, I decide that the twigs and stick wedding arch is perfect, especially since the flowers are in cream and yellow, Emily's favorite color.

I should have remembered to re-color the chairs and runners to yellow as well, but in all the wedding excitement I forgot.

But the green looked quite in keeping with the simple, outdoorsy, style of this wedding, and a wedding is more about the couple involved and their commitment to each other than the trappings around them.

At least that's what I'm telling myself.

And I hope that the grumpy groom and his mean-spirited bride feel the same way.

When Emily gets home, I quickly pop her into stylist and we choose a gown that's stunning in it's simplicity, edged in delicate lace at the bodice, with barely there capped sleeves in matching sheer lace.

Since it's summer, instead of a veil, she chooses a crown of baby roses to adorn her hair.

We touch up her make-up and she stands before us a beautiful bride-to-be!

And as soon as we're finished with her wedding ensemble, the doorbell rings and Rory heads outside to meet the first guest, Blake Grayson.

He's proud but nervous knowing their home will soon be filled with guests, most of whom he's never met.

But he knows his duty as the father of the groom and is determined to do his best at his only son's wedding.

Well, cupid has shown up in summer rather than spring here in Hidden Springs!

Merida's met a teen classmate, Scott Chesterfield, and they've watched the stars together, as well as shared their first kiss.

Chase and Odette enjoyed some stargazing too, but Chase was more focused on Odette than the stars.

Ella's increased her magic skill with a wardrobe upgrade, and has gone on a magical adventure.

With Eric and Emily getting engaged and their wedding being the focus in the next chapter.

Let's see what surprise guests show up in Chapter 211: First Wedding in HS
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 211: First Wedding in HS
« Reply #234 on: February 29, 2020, 10:20:17 AM »

With the wedding guests arriving, Eric and Emily head outside to the wedding arch.

Louis Swete, Cinda's partner, is focused on the groom rather than the bride, but that could be due to Eric's wings or his celebrity status, or maybe he's just thinking what a lucky guy Eric is having such a beautiful bride.

Odette's taking the opportunity to play some background music to get everyone psyched for the ceremony.

As the bride and groom wait under the arch and the guests start gathering outside, I spot Lady and have her take a nap in her stall.

She looks amazing when she gets up to full magical unicorn speed, but we don't need that happening during the ceremony!

The only guest who sits down is the maid and I wonder again why I bother with seating.

But seeing Odette front and center, her hands crossed over her heart, totally focused on the bride and groom, I realize the ceremony has begun.

As Emily slides the ring onto Eric's finger she says, "I, Emily Nest, take thee, Eric Frio, as my wedded husband, I promise to love thee, honor thee, and cherish thee, as well as annoy thee with my sculpting and sabotaging anything that comes close to being technology. You swept me off my feet and captured my heart with your magical fairy dust and enthralled me with your passionate kisses, which I return with equal ardor. Our love and life will be fraught with the ups and downs of our temperaments, much like the roller coaster back in our hometown, but as long as we hold on to each other, we'll not only survive, but have the time of our lives!"

More than a few chuckles are heard at Emily's honest words, but they are quickly silenced so they can hear Eric's response.

Eric clears his throat to suppress his own laugh at his bride's vows, but he can't hide the mischievous twinkle in his eyes, as says, "I, Eric Frio, take thee, Emily Nest as my wedded wife, I promise to love thee, honor thee, and cherish thee, from this day forward. Your sculpting will annoy me, no doubt about it! But if you can put up with the looks and stares of our neighbors when objects go missing, and put up my bail when it becomes necessary, than I can endure a few statues now and then. My kisses have only been yours from my first one, as with the first taste of your lips, I knew there could be no other for me. We go into this marriage with open eyes, seeing not only each others endearing qualities but our faults as well. And my greatest desire is to end my days just as this one began, with you in my arms, in my life, forever as my wife."

More chuckles had been heard as Eric mentioned being annoyed, but with Eric's heartfelt words at the end, Rory is overcome with emotion as his son bares his heart for all to see.

And with a curve of his lips, Rory showers the newlyweds with the rose petals he'd been clenching tightly in his fist.

Merida claps with happiness and delight as Cinda, clenching her own petals, glances over at Rory, sharing the moment with him as the parents of the groom, and the bride, as she's become their daughter as well.

Cinda had promised her former boss, Elliott Nest, that they'd watch over his Emily like she was one of their own, and she's determined to follow through on that promise, despite their shared mean spirited trait!

Cinda's not the sentimental one of the pair, but she does have her moments, and a wedding is one of them.

Especially since her gaze can't help but rest lovingly on Merida, the daughter born after her maternal instinct kicked in when she was holding Emily as a newborn infant.

She can't help but think it was destiny that the tiny nooboo is now her daughter, married to her only son!

Ella, though standing so far back they'll never reach the newly married couple, exuberantly tosses her petals as well.

And I can't help but wonder if she purposely stood behind Odette, so her sister got to feel something she'd missed not having her own wedding party.

Though Odette's smile doesn't seem to be one of regret but rather the joy of sharing in her brother and new sister-in-law's happiness as she looks upon them with sisterly love.

And Emmaline, who's chosen to attend in an outfit that I hope isn't her formalwear, seems to be trying rather hard to dismiss Mr. Swete's unashamed romantic outburst of tears.

This wedding has certainly brought a myriad of feelings to the fore.

Then other guests join in, tossing their own petals as the bride and groom part after their required kiss.

One that Eric kept quite circumspect, saving his special ones for when they are alone.

Though they do share a tender embrace for a moment longer as the crowd shouts congratulatory cheers.

Eric whispers, "I know we both added a few funny lines to our vows Emily, but I assure you, I am quite serious about us, our lives together. I love you, Mrs. Frio."

The tender look in her eyes let's Eric know she shares his feelings, as well as her words, "And I love you too Mr. Frio, my husband, my life, forever your wife!"

They both smile at her words, knowing their sentimentality won't last long, but that their love will endure as long as they both keep the promises they just made.

Then the crowd cheers once more as they stand before their wedding cake.

Eric does the honors, serving the first bite to his new bride, and she returns the gesture as tradition dictates.

Then the guests that want cake, grab pieces, and settle down at the nearby tables.

I'm happy to see that MrsFlynn accepted Ella's invitation to the wedding, along with Jewel Song, and Ella's Pierce.

And true to her word, MrsFlynn keeps her thoughts focused on the newlyweds, rather than on Mr. Shawkti!

But I thought Merida had invited my simself too, though I haven't seen her anywhere in the crowd.

I look a bit closer, but I still don't spot her among the guests outside, but hearing music from inside, I check out the house.

And I find her slow dancing with Nicholas Riverhawk!

But Merida must have been trying to track her down too as I see her coming in the front door.

Merida manages to drag Dee away from Nicholas long enough to introduce her to her mother.

Though right after the introduction, Cinda sends Merida off on an errand and angrily says, "Really!?! You're actually our Watcher and your first name is Dee? How do we know that this isn't some sort of scam!?! Why didn't you just come here and introduce yourself instead of accosting our teenage daughter!?! Who are you really and what are you trying to get out of this? Simoleons, I bet!"

My smile grows bigger as Cinda gets more irate, so completely like the mean, suspicious detective that I know and love.

So much so that I can't help but say, "Oh, I hadn't planned on meeting Merida at the library, that was just luck or maybe fate, HS is quite the magical town. But you're just like I thought you'd be! So protective of your family. Congratulations on your promotion, by the way. I know I said it when it happened back in Roaring Heights, but it got overshadowed when your mother passed away right after you raided the criminal warehouse and saved the town from that madman's super weapon. I'm sorry about her passing away back in RH, I thought she'd be continuing the journey to Hidden Springs and I'd get to meet her here in person. Sadly, things just didn't work out that way. But it's so wonderful to finally meet you, Lucinda!"

Cinda's mouth drops open as she says, "Hhh..ow do you know all that!?! No one's called me Lucinda in years!"

I nod and say, "Not since you were a teen and shortened it to Cinda to help Rory remember it. But I christened you Lucinda after your Lita Lucy. It's so nice that Odette inherited Lucy's musical skill. I like having the traits pass on almost as much as honoring past family with variations of their names."

Cinda finally smiles and shouts, "You really are our Watcher! I had no idea that meeting you was even possible! I have so many questions. Let's get out of this crowd and go someplace quiet so we can talk."

"I'd love that. And Cinda, please call me Dee."

At the exchange of our personal names, we go from acquaintances to friends.

But other guests aren't having as much luck becoming friends, as across the room, our maid, Greg Heath, seems to be having some disagreement with Emmaline.

Though Pierce's daughter, Sidney, seems to be enjoying the music she's listening to.

Ella intervenes hoping to avoid any more unpleasant conflict during the wedding party and also to see if she can make a better impression on this guest than on their first meeting.

"Hello, I'm so happy you could join us for my brother Eric's wedding! We don't know many of the residents here in town yet, so we just invited anyone who was free to attend. A party's always a nice way to meet people. And I'd like to apologize for my rudeness the other day, truly I meant no offense. The color of someone's hair and skin, especially when it's unique to a specific town, means a lot to my family. We certainly don't look down on anyone for being different! I'm Ella, Ella Frio, Miss or maybe Mrs….?"

Emmaline, a bit surprised at the apology but intrigued by the information, cautiously says, "Just Emmaline, we're not that formal around here. But tell me more about your family and your genetics, it's a subject that I've always found fascinating. I couldn't help but notice the fairy with turquoise hair. Is she a family member too?"

"Oh, yes, that's our mother, Lucinda Frio, but she goes by Cinda. Eric inherited the wings of course, that's obvious, and so did our baby sister, Merida."

Seeing Odette and Chase nearby, she introduces them to Emmaline, saying, "This is Odette, my older sister, and her husband Chase, they're the current heirs in our family. Odette was the obvious choice for heir, since she inherited our father's unique ivory skin." Then with a laugh she adds, "They married just before we left Roaring Heights, and as you can see, Odette's still very preoccupied with her ring!"

"Oh, sorry," Odette replies blushing just a bit, "but with Eric and Emily getting married today, I guess my minds still focused on weddings, mine and theirs!"

Chase laughs too, and says, "Speaking of which, since you agreed to our private wedding and missed out, join me for the next dance, Mrs. Frio?"

Odette gives him a flirty look and says, "Let's wait for a slow song."

Emmaline looks a bit surprised at the name and asks, "But I thought you got married? You didn't take your husband's name?"

Odette shakes her head and explains, "No. The heir, male or female, along with their spouse, keeps the family name." Then as a slow music begins to play, she turns to Chase and says, "I believe they're playing our song," and the two of them walk to the corner for a little privacy.

While Odette and Chase enjoy their intimate slow dance, Emmaline excitedly asks, "So have you ever had other Supernaturals besides fairies, in your family line? Werewolves, perhaps?"

Ella shakes her head saying excitedly, "No werewolves yet, but we have a vampire branch of the family in Twinbrook, some of their children are hybrids, possessing both fairy and vampire genetics! And in Isla Paradiso and Riverview there are branches that have mermaid or fairy genetics or both. In the town my parent's met in, Midnight Hollow, my mom's older sister, my Aunt Kimberly, married a yellow ghost, Antony Salas, and they have five children, three of which were born yellow ghosts!"

"Wow, I didn't realize one family could be so diversified! So what Supernatural genetics do you and Odette have?"

"Odette isn't a supernatural, though like I mentioned, she does possess dad's unique white skin tone. Heirs can only add unique genetics to the family through marriage, as they must keep the genetics they were born with pure. But as a spare, I was allowed to take an elixir and added wiccan genetics to my own. And I don't regret it! I'd much rather be a Supernatural than be heir, I've never wanted all that responsibility. Besides, being a witch, having magical powers, is really awesome!"

At the mention of wiccan genetics and magical powers, Ella notices a change in Emmaline's demeanor, a softening somehow, but then it's gone and the conversation continues.

"Have you learned many charms or spells yet?"

"A few, and my powers have grown since we adopted Zoe, our cat. And our unicorn Lady adds to the magic."

"You've not only befriended a unicorn but completed the quest to allow her to become part of your family? Now that's powerful magic indeed!"

But Ella feels most of the conversation has been centered on her, so she asks, "What is it you do here in town, Emmaline?"

Put on the spot, Emmaline almost panics but then she says, "I've recently taken a job at the bistro, a small upscale restaurant catering to the wealthy tourists the Spa and Solarium bring to town. I'm just a cook, nothing special, but it pays the bills. Wow, look at the time! I didn't realize it was getting so late, I have the early shift at the bistro tomorrow, so I better head home."

Ella only nods and thanks her for coming, but the look on Emmaline's face right before she hurried off, has Ella asking herself what on earth she said that scared her new friend off.

When the party guests have all gone home and the family members have all settled in for the night, I find Adam rocking peacefully on the front porch.

"Hello, Adam, nice to see you out and about at the new house."

"Nice to be here Watcher. It's a nice place and the mountain air is quite refreshing. And I hear congratulations are in order for Eric and Emily, please pass them on for me won't you, before they leave?"

"I will Adam. They're staying here tonight, but they move in to their own home first thing in the morning."

"And it seems I missed meeting a couple of important guests that were in attendance as well."

"Yes, MrsFlynn was here for the ceremony but she's shy so she didn't hang around long. And Cinda actually got to meet my simself. I'm hoping the family will become close friends with both of them and get invited over. If they're here when you're visiting, there's a chance you could meet them. MrsFlynn does have a family to get back to, but I'm sure she'll be popping in from time to time."

"I'll do my best to be available Watcher. I can see why Hidden Springs is your favorite town, like Odette said, it's quite the gem!"

And the newlyweds are up and off early the next morning, Eric proudly showing off his classic ride to Emily.

"It was my Grandpa's car, a birthday present from my Gramlei on his elder birthday back in Roaring Heights. Then after Grandpa passed, Gramlei taught me how to drive in it! I was so nervous the first time I don't think I went over 15 miles an hour. Then when I got my license, my Gramlei gave it to me as an early graduation present."

"That was really sweet of her Eric. I wish I could have met your Gramlei. I never had grandparents when I was young. It boggles my mind that you're the 9th generation in your family!"

"Well, our kids will not only have grandparents, they'll get to have them for a very long time. My mom and dad will be staying in this town, and with mom being a fairy, she'll get to spend a lot of time with them."

"Speaking of children, Eric, let's start a family right away! I want to enjoy our kids while I'm young and maybe see some grandchildren before your sister's family moves to the next town."

When Eric doesn't reply, Emily thinks she may have broached the subject too soon, but when she sees their new house, she knows she was mistaken and his words confirm it.

"Then it's a good thing I bought a big house isn't it!" he says not able to hide his smile.

As they run up to the front porch, Emily exclaims, "Eric, this place is huge! And look at the cute front porch! Oh, I love it!"

"It is a big place, another MrsFlynn original***, it's got 4 bedrooms, plus a nursery. There's a master upstairs and down, and the other two bedrooms have twin beds, plenty of space for lots of kids!"

Emily shoots him a look and says, "Lots?!? How many does lots mean exactly? I am a career woman you know!"

Eric laughs and says, "And once I start showering my fairy dust and special kisses on you, you'll forget all about that career! But I'd be happy with two, especially if one's a beautiful little girl that looks just like you!"

Emily melts at his words, and they drift into the house, ready to begin their new life as husband and wife.

Eric and Emily are the first Frio couple to marry here in Hidden Springs, they've moved into their own home and hope to start a family soon.

Cinda got the surprise of her life getting to meet my simself, once she realized it wasn't a scam!

Adam's hoping to get the privilege of meeting both my simself and MrsFlynn, and I hope that happens too.

And Ella's had the opportunity to get to know Emmaline a bit better, but with Emmaline keeping the conversation focused on the Frio's, Ella's wondering what's up with her new friend.

But Ella still has parks and fishing spots to check out, as well as having a chat with Louis Swete.

So let's see what she finds out in Chapter 212: The Search Continues
Coming soon.
***Author's note: A big thank you to MrsFlynn who shared her Farmhouse build with me and let me have free reign furnishing and decorating it, and then gave me permission to use it in my story. I love this build and I know Eric and Emily will have a wonderful life raising their family there.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 212: The Search Continues
« Reply #235 on: March 02, 2020, 02:55:54 PM »

With Eric and Emily moving to a home of their own, the pressure isn't quite as strong for Ella to uncover the mysteries of HS, but she doesn't want to become complacent and lose her momentum.

To that end, after the wedding guests have left, she checks out Meadow Beach, which is a fishing spot rather than an actual beach.

It has a grassy expanse leading down to the lake shore, perfect for a relaxing day of fishing, at least that's what the town lists as it's description.

Ella figures it will be way too open to be considered secluded and probably doesn't boast a grove of trees where a mysterious fountain could be dwelling, but she wants to see it for herself before she rules it out.

And though the brochures description was quite accurate, what it didn't mention was that a gypsy wagon had taken up residence, and making a spur of the moment decision, Ella joins the Fortune Teller Career!

She may not have seen what I did as soon as she arrived, but she notices them as soon as she rounds the corner of the wagon.

A herd of wild horses, with a pure white unicorn standing front and center!

As we move closer, we realize that it's not a female unicorn, but a male, as it has the telltale beard.

I must admit, the temptation is strong to pursue such a beautiful creature and have it become Lady's mate!

And I know the same thought is filling Ella's mind as we watch him, enthralled by his power and beauty.

But before Ella can ask me, or I can decide what we should do about this intriguing turn of events, there's a bright flash of yellow light and he disappears!

I glance down and realize we should have expected it as it's 5 a.m.

I hear Ella's sigh of disappointment and say, "I'll think about it Ella, but I'm not making any promises. We have enough on the agenda for this town as it is. Not only uncovering all the mysteries here, but Chase has to go to University too. And hopefully, he leaves an heir behind, just in case!"

"I know Watcher. As a spare, I've had more than my fair share in the spotlight. I know my unicorn quest in RH delayed us moving, and because of it Gramlei moved as a family ghost, instead of getting to actually move with us."

"Ella, I won't have you blaming yourself for that! That happened due to circumstances beyond your control, mostly choices your Gramlei and I made, not you. Besides, if your Gramlei hadn't joined your Grandpa Samuel when she did, Eric wouldn't have had the opportunity to pursue Emily and invite her to join us on our journey. Would you have wanted to deprive him of that?"

I know Ella's thoughts are all about Pierce when she says dreamily, "No. Love and romance should definitely take first place. Do you think Gramlei knew Watcher? How Eric really felt about Emily?"

With a laugh I say, "I wouldn't be surprised Ella. But since I don't think Eric even knew until they met again as young adults, I think it was just providence."

"I like that Watcher. And since you actually have some say in such things, I'm hoping seeing this male unicorn is providence too!"

Once she's had a good nights sleep, Ella checks out Fairyland Park.

It's quite the colorful place, with a striped two-toned bridge over a small fishing pond, a whimsical path of stepping tones in a rainbow of colors, leading to a sandy play area for children, complete with tower, slide, and a swing set.

It even has a small grouping of trees though they don't make up a secluded glade, not by a long shot.

And there's not a fountain, only the sounds of the fish jumping in the pond.

Ella's next top is Louis Falls, and its quite the hike up the mountain, but not so bad when you've got a magical flying broom!

Watching Ella and Emily having so much fun on it, I wouldn't mind a turn myself, if those things existed in my world.

Ella arrives and walks close to the waters edge, impressed by the number of fish jumping up and out of the pond, and landing with a splash, over and over again.

"It's not the pond that's impressive Ella, it's the waterfall. You're too close to see it but from my view, it's a magnificent sight!"

I rejoin Ella just as she wanders into a clearing in the middle of some trees.

And she exclaims, "It's a fountain, Watcher! I've found a fountain!"

"But is it a magical fountain? One that can add extra days to your life?"

"Well, who would drag a fountain that big all the way up the mountain when there's a beautiful waterfall flowing into the pond!?!"

"That's a good point. Maybe someone trying to hide the real one?"

Ella steps closer to the fountain and says, disappointment clear in her voice, "I can't drink the water. And there aren't any sparks of fairy light either!"

"I'm sorry, Ella. Maybe you need a break? Give Pierce a call and ask him out!"

Ella takes me up on my suggestion, and schedules a date with Pierce after he gets off work.

They meet at Beryl Park and Festival Grounds, Pierce's choice, as he wants to attend with her.

Ella wasn't so sure how much she'd enjoy it, after her last encounter there, but since she's planning on spending a nice romantic evening with Pierce, instead of asking questions, she's hoping for much better results.

They have the park pretty much to themselves, and no nosy reporters have discovered Ella's here yet, so she asks Pierce to watch the stars.

They spend quite some time snuggling close together just watching the stars twinkle above and enjoying each others company.

No need for words, and no awkward silences, just the nice quiet feeling of being with someone special.

But Pierce can't stay inactive for long, and asks Ella to join him in a game of soccer.

Ella laughs and says, "I'm sure I won't be much competition for you. Now my mom is a great athlete and a martial artist, but the extent of my exercise is checking the sink!

Just as he's jogging off, Pierce says, "I'll do some stretches and get warmed up. You should too. Wouldn't want you to sprain anything."

Ella nods and stops in her tracks as she's spotted a young woman with green skin. She says, "There's someone I have to meet first, Pierce, but I'll join you soon."

She sees the woman heading out of the park and she waylays her, saying, "Excuse me, I'm Ella Frio, I've been trying to locate certain residents in town, could we chat for a moment?"

"Cassidy Earthsong, nice to meet you Ella. You must have moved into that big place they built on the lake. I wouldn't mind chatting but I was on my way home, well, hitting the rest room first, then heading home."

"Yes, that's us! I'll try and make this quick. I've been doing a lot of legwork trying to solve a few of the towns mysteries, the Fountain of Youth, the Museum of Magic and Supernatural, as well as trying to determine if the green skin you and others in town possess comes from the fountain's water or if it's genetic."

"Why would you care about that? Are you a scientist or a doctor?" Cassidy asks, suspicion coloring her words.

"Oh, no, nothing like that. The genetics is for my sister and her husband, as the journey we're on focuses on adding unique genetics from each town we travel through, adding those genetics to our own, if possible. And well, the Fountain of Youth, who wouldn't want to find that! As for the museum, I'm a witch and I'm hoping to find information that will help me reach the pinnacle of my wiccan powers."

As Ella starts explaining all about her unicorn quest, Cassidy interrupts her saying, 'I'm sorry, but I really need to use the rest room. It's been…interesting, talking with you. I don't really have any information about that fountain, I'm sure it doesn't even exist. And I've never heard of a museum of magic in town. As for the genetics and green skin, your best bet there is talking with Louis Swete, he's the DNA specialist in town."

"Oh, right, of course. I get carried away with magic and quests. Thank you for the information Cassidy. I'll make sure and talk with Mr. Swete soon."

Even with her desperate need for the bathroom, Cassidy can't quite hide her smirk as she says, "You do that!"

Ella joins Pierce with a, "Sorry, I took so long. So what do I do?"

Pierce stands by the net and says, "Just kick the ball towards me and try to get it in the net. I'll be trying to prevent that from happening!"

Ella shrugs and says, "That sounds simple enough."

And she lines up the ball, and kicks it as hard as she can towards the net.

To her amazement, Pierce, looking devastatingly handsome in his athletic gear, throws himself headlong and tackles the ball!"

Once Ella stops drooling over his physique and his display of athletic prowess, she says, "Well, I can see that I'm going to be spending my time kicking the ball and watching you tackle it!"

Then she walks over and says, "Unless you'd care to engage in another sport entirely, Mr. Muscles?"

Pierce doesn't bother with words and embraces her, dropping searing little kisses on her neck and face, until he finally claims her lips.

Ella's heart does somersaults and when they finally part, she's breathing fast.

With one thought and one thought only on her mind.

To make this man hers!

So she drops to one knee and says, "Pierce, I've loved you from the moment we met. I know we've not known each other for long, but I know ours is a love that's true. Marry me?"

Pierce accepts enthusiastically, and physically, like he does all things, grabbing Ella and hugging her close.

He whispers, "I never thought my heart would heal or that I'd marry again, but you've bewitched me Ella. Let's not wait too long to be together."

Then the park is quiet once more with the only sounds their kisses and soft murmurs as they declare their love for each other and excitedly make plans for their wedding.

After the most wonderful date of her life and getting engaged to Pierce, Ella could have flown home without her broom, she was so high on love.

But glancing down the road, she sees the lights on at Louis Swete's home.

She's not had any luck at the parks and fishing spots she's searched, so she needs to visit the elderly gentleman that both Granny and Cassidy had told her had the answers to her questions.

She's not happy that he's her only lead, suspecting that both Granny and Cassidy had an ulterior motive pointing her in his direction.

But unless she wants to accept defeat, then he's her only hope, so she quickly walks down the road, up onto his front porch and rings the bell.

But her heart plummets when she hears the distinct sound of grumbling as he makes his way to the front door.

To her amazement he greets her pleasantly enough, saying, "Louis Swete, ma'am. This is a most pleasant surprise! I was expecting to find nasty egg on my house or a flaming bag of poo, not a pretty young woman. Come in my dear, come in!"

"Thank you, Mr. Swete. I'm Ella Frio, my mother mentioned you were her new partner, but I didn't get the chance to speak with you at the wedding yesterday."

"Oh, no need to be so formal, please call me Louis, Ella."

Ella's not sure she wants to be on such familiar terms so soon, but she doesn't want to rock the boat after such an unexpectedly warm welcome.

They chat pleasantly enough as Louis opens the conversation with, "So tell me all about your family, Ella, I know your mother, brother, and sister are all fairies, the pink wings give that away. I've spent my whole life studying human DNA but I've never been fortunate enough to come across supernaturals in my work."

"My mother inherited her fae genes from her grandfather, our Tito Torre, and she's passed them on to my twin brother, Eric, as well as our baby sister, Merida. My eldest sister, Odette, though not a fairy, did inherit our father's pale ivory skin, which is unique to the town he was born in, Midnight Hollow."

Louis has not taken his eyes off Ella since she started speaking, and simple murmurs, "Fascinating. Please go on my dear. What about yourself?"

"I wasn't fortunate enough to inherit the family fae genetics, or my father's skin tone, but I was allowed to pursue my love of the supernatural and use an elixir to become a witch! I can fly on a broom, and cast charms and spells, and toadify someone, though I haven't tried that one yet. Or a Love Charm."

Louis, intrigued by this bit of information, says, "A Love Charm, you say? I've always wanted to find a partner, a soul mate, my perfect match. Sadly, that's never happened." And with a note of bitterness in his voice, adds, "Most woman want more than just to be adored by a man."

Ella thinks he's speaking of riches as it looks like he lives a very a simple, frugal life in his quaint cabin.

"Well, money isn't everything, though there are some that would say I only feel that way because I was lucky enough to be born into a wealthy family and have never been poor or had to do without. But my dream was never riches, it was to adopt a unicorn, something I was able to accomplish in my last town!"

"A unicorn, they actually exist!?! Now that would be a sight to see."

"Oh, stop by any time, Mr.…umm, Louis. Lady loves meeting new sims, though you have to approach her carefully at first, until she gets used to you."

"An invitation to visit you at your home, Ella? And the opportunity to meet your unicorn? That's quite the tempting offer. Can I do anything for you in return?"

Ella knows this is the opening she's been waiting for, and says, "Oh, you know there is one thing Louis, I'd like to hear all about the research that the doctor in town was working on, the secret to your green skin. If it's genetic or not…"

The words are barely out of her mouth when Louis' whole demeanor changes and the angry glare he subjects Ella to would make lesser sims cringe away.

"How dare you mention that and in my own home! Now I know why you wheedled your way into my good graces, with that pretty face and sweet voice! You're probably using a spell on yourself right now and you're actually a hideous witch with skin greener than my own!"

Ella says, "No, Lou…Mr. Swete, that's not my motive at all. My family's journey is to find unique genetics and add them to our own, if the doctor's research proves the green skin is genetic, then…"

But her explanation only infuriates him more as he points both his fingers at her and screams, "Get. Out. Of. My. House. Now! Heed my advice, young lady, witch, whatever you are, and stay far, far, away from Dr. Emmaline Rhoen, she's crazy! You'll regret it if you don't! She'll be stealing your DNA if you keep pursuing this, just like she stole mine! For her evil project, playing God. I warned her, but she wouldn't listen and if word of this gets to the wrong sims, we'll all be paying the price."

Ella's mind is reeling as she finally connects the dots and realizes that her friend, Emmaline, a 'mere cook' is actually the infamous Dr. Rhoen.

But she finally manages to stutter, "I…I'm sorry to have offended you Mr. Swete. Really."

But Louis Swete is beyond words now and as he rushes towards Ella, she panics and flees his house for the safety of her own!

With Merida in school, Ella's had to do most of the searching on her own, to take advantage of daylight hours and keep moving forward with her new quests.

She even impulsively joined the Fortune Teller career when she unexpectedly came across the gypsy wagon down at Meadow Beach.

And she's hoping I'll let her add yet another quest to HS, befriending and adopting the white male unicorn, Beasley, so he can become Lady's mate!

I haven't totally ruled it out, as breeding the unicorns does intrigue me, but as it could take some time to carry it out, I haven't committed to that quest yet.

And though Ella's encounter with Louis Swete ended with him throwing her out of his house, he did reveal that Emmaline was actually Dr. Rhoen, who probably has the answers to the greenie residents in town, and maybe much, much, more!

With each day prolonging Odette and Chase starting their family, Ella knows she needs to wrap up the mysteries of HS, so she can move out and start her own life with Pierce, Sidney, and her pets.

Can Ella convince her friend that she means no harm to the existing greenie community? That she just wants confirmation that the green skin is genetic?  The perfect unique feature from HS to join with her families' own genetics, and hopefully pass on to the next generation.

Let's see what transpires in Chapter 213: Dr. Rhoen, I presume?
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 213: Dr. Rhoen, I presume?
« Reply #236 on: March 04, 2020, 01:28:36 PM »
The door was opened so fast after Ella rang the bell, that it seemed the good doctor had been expecting them.

Once she ushered them inside, her words confirmed that suspicion, "You've certainly caused quite the stir in town with all your questions about the Museum of Magic and Supernatural and the legend of the Fountain of Youth! Especially since your sister can't hide those sparkly pink fairy wings! And flying around on a broom is bound to attract attention. Not to mention seeking out those of us in the greenie community and pursuing the cause of it."

With a look at Ella and Merida's surprised faces, she adds, "Cassidy and Granny are both close friends of mine, even if Louis isn't, and they warned me the new family in town was doing research and asking a lot of questions. Too many for our comfort actually, so they protected me by sending you to Louis. We never though he'd even open the door to you, let alone reveal my name, as he doesn't often speak it."

Ella says, "He was rather angry when he screamed it at me, but I'm sorry you felt you had to hide your identity from us, Emmaline. Causing trouble wasn't our intention at all. After I became a witch, a friend of mine mentioned Hidden Springs, a town that  was reported to have a Museum of Magic and Supernatural, as well as rumors of a magical Fountain of Youth, and residents that had green skin. It seemed like the perfect place for fairies, a witch, and my unicorn, Lady, so I begged my sister, who is heir, to choose Hidden Springs! She did even more extensive research than I did, and though she hoped I'd find the museum so I could further my wiccan knowledge, her reason for choosing the town was to further our genetic diversity, so we needed proof that the green skin was genetic. But we haven't had any luck finding either the museum or the Fountain of Youth. We've met several residents here that have a similar green skin tone, but haven't found any proof of it's cause. So Hidden Springs seems to be hiding more than one secret. And we have the feeling that you, Dr. Rhoen, are the key to that mystery, even if you claim to be a cook!"

Emmaline nods and says, "I don't use that title anymore, and I do work at the bistro in town, so it wasn't a lie, exactly. I knew you were wiccan, I felt it the first time we met. It's a sensation I haven't felt in a long time, but you never forget it. But there's so much at stake, I had to be sure your motives were pure. But after seeing your blended family, fairies, a witch, your father and sister with their pale ivory skin, her husband Chase so much darker, and all being loved and cherished, so proud of your unique genetics. Not just tolerating such differences but welcoming them into your family. And your families' shown such generosity to all the residents in town, not just sticking with their own kind, the wealthy, the celebrities, but offering their friendship to whomever they meet, including me, even though I'm just a mere cook."

Ella can't help but smile when she says, "There's nothing 'mere' about being a cook, Emmaline. One of our families' Founders was a five star chef and so was our Gramlei. They both started at the bottom, so we know just how much hard work goes into the career. And I'd hate to be on the receiving end of that tongue-lashing if we ever forgot that or dismissed anyone as beneath our notice because of their job!"

"But how would they know?" Emmaline asked, a bit puzzled.

"Oh, their ghosts travel with us, and they definitely keep tabs on us, making sure we toe the line, along with our Watcher, of course!"

Emmaline nods her head and says, "Of course, your family talks with ghosts, now that explains a lot! And you have a Watcher too. Things are making so much more sense now. Well, to me anyway, though others have always thought I was one card short of a deck! I see things differently than most sims, like your sister does."

"Yes, Merida is very special, with a unique perspective on the world. It's something we hope she never loses."

"That's exactly what I meant by acceptance! She's the different one, but you don't want her to change and be more like you, you accept her just as she is. And you've accepted me too, and all the other greenie residents you've met, though we did our best to thwart your efforts. But it was only to protect ourselves, to safeguard our families. Now that I know I can trust you, please come with me, I have something special to show you, as such dedication and perseverance needs to be rewarded."

Upon seeing the ancient stones covered in moss and lichen, with water flowing into the natural pool below, and seeing the 'fairly lights' sparkling nearby, Merida whispers, "It's real! It does exist. I never expected to find it really. Thank you so much for showing it to us Emmaline. It's an honor."

Emmaline, watching Ella's magic flow around her in the dark, in an unusually emotional tone replies, "The honor is mine actually. To share this place with someone else, after all this time, to feel the magic and power once again." She breaks off and looks at the ground, adding "It's just taken me by surprise that's all. I don't usually show my emotions, except for being short with people. I just can't hold back when people allow emotions and ignorance to sway their view of intelligent, scientific research! That's why I left the hospital, it became too stressful dealing with others, always having to hide my true research and watch my words. But I continued it in my home lab, of course, to help Granny most of all."

"So is the water the reason for the green tinge in your skin?" asks Ella with avid interest, adding, "As you've seen, our family likes to add unique genetics to our own from each town we live in, but if it's caused by the water, I don't think that would be considered valid. Anyone drinking from it could obtain the skin color."

"No, it's not just the water, I've been coming here and drinking from the fountain for a very long time. In tonics when my grannie was alive, but directly from the fountain since I was a young woman. The magical properties of the water do slow down aging, but I've never had any significant increase to my life, nor has anyone I know of." With a wry twist of her lips she says, "Don't get me wrong, I've tossed in a coin or two myself, wishing for youth, but nothing has ever happened except I'm a bit poorer and furious with myself for giving in to such superstitious nonsense. Not that I don't believe in magic, but water having special properties and wishing on a coin are two very different things."

Continuing, she said, "From all my research, I've proven that the green tinge doesn't occur with drinking the water itself, it's a combination of the water with herbs and spices, a special blend that my grannie concocted. She had a way with things like that. But just a dose or two of her tonic wouldn't cause the green skin. That only happens if you've been taking the tonic for years and years. It rejuvenates the body, working on a cellular level, then it becomes part of your genetic make-up. That's the part I'm still working on, but I'm closer than ever to proving it!

As the sun rises on a rather gloomy overcast morning, Emmaline takes them to the Paul A. Wilkes Natural Museum lot***, where Ella says, "But there's nothing magical here Emmaline, it doesn't even have any art, my dad checked this place out for me first thing."

Emmaline just smiles and heads for a small building that they'd just assumed was a storage shed, but instead of tools and lawncare equipment, there's a staircase leading them to a basement.

The first sight they see is a creepy doll, an odd skull on a small casket, a blindfolded bust, and chemistry table.

Emmaline says, "The older residents in town wanted our museum to reflect the magic they felt was inherent here. But the more recent, wealthier residents, felt it would detract from the healthy aspect the Spa, Retreat, and Solarium waters provide, giving the town a darker image, and drawing what they considered undesirables to town. So the Museum of Magic and Supernatural was relegated to this basement and filled with the objects you see around you."

In the opposite corner is a skeleton and an alchemy station.

Emmaline says, "I'm sure you're both interested in exploring the museum, those of us that spend time here call it MoMaS, going by it's initials as the name's a mouthful. Feel free to look around and if you have questions, I'll do my best to answer them."

Ella scans the room, her eyes noting the cat statue, lighting on a portrait, and the nearby gazing ball and  coming back to the portrait.

"Well, stuff in here has the right look, they're items typically associated with the supernatural. This portrait does give off a faint magical essence, but nothing that really calls to my wiccan power. What about you Merida, do you feel anything special?"

Merida looks closely at a jar on one of the tables and backs off, saying, "That's nasty!"

Then she sees the other counter with colorful bottles in various shapes and sizes, and gives a little gasp. "Oh, these look promising, who knows what might happen if you drank one or tossed it at another sim?"

But after a moment she shakes her head saying, "They look magical, but you can't pick them up, so just for looks apparently. But a basement underground isn't really conducive to fairies or their powers. Fae prefer nature and gardens, though a few, like Mom, aren't comfortable with being outside."

The excitement of Dr. Rhoen showing them the Fountain of Youth has worn off and MoMaS has left them feeling flat and let down.

But when Ella sees Emmaline looking at her expectantly, she asks, "We've missed something haven't we? I mean, there's nothing here that's truly magical, not wiccan or fae, and I'm guessing not genie related either."

Emmaline nods and says, "I've said enough this evening for you to put it all together, so it's up to you now. If you think about it carefully, I know you can come up with the right question. Call me when you think you know what it is."

But Ella doesn't want to wait, she says, "Give me a minute, please."

She quickly thinks over everything Emmaline said last night, how she'd sensed her wiccan powers at their first meeting, and said that the honor was hers, feeling the magic and power once again when they were at the Fountain of Youth. And Emmaline's Grannie 'having a way' with tonics. To Ella, those comments all add up to one conclusion, so putting them all together, she feels she's reached the obvious answer. Or question rather, like on that old gameshow.

Ella smiles and shouts, "Your grannie was a witch, wasn't she!?!"

Emmaline nods, impressed, and says, "That my dear, Ella, is the right question! I knew you'd figure it out but wasn't expecting the answer right now. I thought it would take a week, at least. Are you sure you're not a member of Mensa?"

With a shake of her head Ella says, "Not at all. I'm just a spare that needs to move out of my family home and allow the heir couple enough space to bring in the next generation. So time, as they say, is of the essence!"

Emmaline says, "Go check out the bookcase. You figured out my Grannie's secret so fast, I'm sure that mystery will be pretty easy for you!"

Ella touches several books and isn't surprised when a few of them move, but nothing happens.

She looks closer at each book and sees numbers on them, sequential numbers!

She quickly presses them in order, and a section of the bookcase slides open, revealing a secret room!

A room that is pulsing with powerful wiccan magic!

Merida says, "Way to go sis! Hurry up, I'm right behind you!"

They enter the hidden room and Emmaline says with pride, "Here's a portrait of my Grannie! She was the kindest woman I've ever known. But not if she felt an injustice had been done, if that happened she would retaliate in kind. She used voodoo dolls just like this one on the counter, binding them to specific sims to do her bidding, or in Grannie's case, to stop them from doing bad things to others. I've never dared to touch one as, sadly, I didn't inherit my Grannie's witch genetics. And with my bad moods, who knows what damage I could do!"

Then she lets the girls explore and everywhere they look they see true magical items.

A crystal ball on a table draped with a vibrant crimson cloth, and two chairs drawn close, perfect for telling fortunes.

Merida heads for the crystal ball, while Ella checks out the mirror, holding her hand up and feeling the power emanating from it.

Ella's not surprised, well, not much anyway, when the mirror glows revealing the ghostly shape of a magical spirit, and it speaks to her!

But Merida says, "Are you done being admired yet!?! Hurry up and come tell me my fortune!"

Ella's just as interested so she quickly sits down opposite her sister, and places her hands close to the crystal ball, which starts glowing immediately!

Both sisters give a gasp of delight, but when Ella reveals that Merida will soon have trouble at home with family members, Merida's delight wanes and she says, "Really? That's the best you can do? I was hoping for something positive and romantic with Scott!"

Ella shakes her head and says, "I can only tell you what I saw in the crystal Merida, even my magic can't predict what the crystal will choose to reveal. But I admit, I was hoping for something a little more dramatic myself."

Then Ella's eyes rove over the books and notebooks in the bookcase knowing they must contain Emmaline's Grannie's magic recipes and notes.

Her fingers itch to grab a volume, sit down in one of the chairs, and read a book written by an actual witch, one of her own kind, that was learned and knowledgeable of the craft!

While Merida is staring with interest at a strangely shaped wardrobe, and finally says, "I have a feeling this isn't just a wardrobe, and the contents will be far from fresh clean clothes!"

Emmaline says, "You pegged that one correctly! That's the home of Bonehilda, a supernatural skeleton maid. She's not for homes of the faint of heart, that's for sure! But please don't awaken her, she likes staying busy and there's little for her to do here. But she was a favorite of my Grannie's, so I felt she belonged with the rest of Grannie's true magical items."

Then Ella gasps as she sees what's in the center of the room, not just a cauldron, but a stand with a book.

Could it actually be…!?!

Then Emmaline confirms it saying, "Yes, it is exactly what you're thinking it is, Lady Ravendancer Goth's Book of Spells! It was my Grannie's prized possession! Along with her cauldron, where she made her tonics. You can give the cauldron a try, but I'd wait until you're more proficient with your magic before trying the Book of Spells, it packs a wallop if someone inexperienced uses it."

Ella can't resist the offer, steps to the cauldron and tries out the conjuring function.

But listening to Emmaline, she asks, "What kind of a wallop?"

"It didn't do any lasting damage, but it transported both me and Tomas back to our home with intense headaches and so low on energy we went straight to bed!"

"Oh, that doesn't sound pleasant, thanks for the warning."

While Ella was conjuring at the cauldron, Merida had been checking out other objects in the room and she asked, "What's up with the green fuzzy egg, this odd bush that has jelly beans growing on it, and this old cupboard? They don't seem very magical."

Emmaline says quickly, "The egg comes from another town, so someone in your family will have to discover it's magic when you find one there. You must promise not to touch it or even pick it up. And you're right those are jelly beans on the bush, magic ones and they can cause odd effects, so I wouldn't play with them, unless you have a death wish!"

And Ella adds, "And I know what that wardrobe's for, a witch can magically upgrade them and open a portal to other dimensions! I've already tried it at one at home."

"Really?" Merida asks, "How come you never told me that!?! Do it here so I can see!"

Ella, always willing to play with magic, complies, and soon the wardrobe is engulfed in the same intense blue light as the one at home. "I'm almost finished, then we can see where it leads!"

But before either one of the sister's can decide who's going to go on an adventure, Emmaline interrupts, saying, "It's late or early rather, you girls will have to explore the portal in the wardrobe another time."

"But what about you, Emmaline, and Louis, Granny and Cassidy, and your green skin? Does it pass on genetically? You haven't told us about that yet," Merida queries.

With one last glance at her Grannie's face, Emmaline replies a bit shortly, "I've told you both enough for now, I have the lunch shift at the bistro today, so I need to get home and get in a few hours of sleep!" Then she sighs and adds, "But I'm tired of carrying the burden of this knowledge on my own. Visit me soon and I'll tell you all about what I call, The Rhoen Project."

Emmaline has confessed to being Dr. Rhoen, though she no longer uses the title or practices medicine.

Now that she trusts the Frio family, and feels a kinship with both Ella and Merida, she's rewarded their perseverance by showing them the Fountain of Youth and the Museum, which she calls MoMaS!

And when Ella guessed that Emmaline's Grannie was a witch, Emmaline revealed the hidden room that contains truly magical items!

But the girls are still anxious to know if the green skin, unique to HS, will pass on genetically.

And why does Louis Swete hate the very mention of Emmaline's name?

Let's listen to Emmaline's fascinating story in Chapter 214: The Rhoen Project
Coming soon.
***Author's note:
Hidden Springs doesn't actually have a Museum of Magic and Supernatural, as though it was mentioned in the description, apparently the name was changed to the Paul A. Wilkes Natural Museum before the world was released. Leaving it up to the players to repurpose or redecorate the museum as they desired, using magical items from a store set, or not, as it was released prior to Supernatural.

Instead of changing the museum building itself, I went a different route that was much easier.
The shed and basement are a collaborative effort by myself and MrsFlynn,  made specifically for this story. MrsFlynn built the shed and basement, while I added the furnishings, decorations, and the magical items to the secret room behind the bookcase door.

I was hoping to further Ella's magical skill, especially with LRG's Book of Spells, but it appears to be functioning incorrectly in both my games, test and main, as anyone who attempts to learn a spell, even Ella, who is a witch, errors out and is reset to their home lot. I had read that having both the Fountain of Youth and the Book of Spells in the town had caused issues for some players, so I removed the FoY, but the Book of Spells still reset Ella. I'm not sure why but I do have other store content that also causes errors within my games, while other store content items do not, so it's probably something on my end rather than the store content itself.

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Chapter 214: The Rhoen Project
« Reply #237 on: March 06, 2020, 07:46:10 PM »

The next evening Ella and Merida pay Emmaline a visit.

Emmaline greets them and, heading to her cozy living room, says, "You girls better make yourselves comfortable, this is a long story, and I'm only telling you this because I want it on record for posterity, for our children. I don't want any of us caged and used as lab rats! I thought the world would be grateful for my research, for my discovery, well, mine and Louis'. I must give credit where credit is due. But I've not only lost Louis' friendship over this, I've put us all in danger. The world is just not ready for this kind of information. I don't trust many, but I feel a kinship with you both. With Merida, as we look at things from the same perspective. And with you Ella, being wiccan like my Grannie, such a fan of mystery and magic, with an open mind ready to accept new and unusual things. Though science and logic play a big part in it, they can't explain everything in our world. Just look at the two of you, one born a fairy, the other transformed into a witch with an elixir, having a cat as a familiar, and owning a magical Unicorn."

Ella corrects her at once saying, "I don't actually own Lady, no one does. She's a powerful magical creature that has bestowed on me the honor of joining my family."

Emmaline frowns at the correction, but says, "Of course, of course. I meant no offense."

And Merida, who's perspective on life, like Emmaline's, can be odd, says with surprising insight, "And with the Frio name being what it is, and our mother being in law enforcement, we've also got the power and pull to help you."

"That will help, most definitely! You and your family could help keep this secret," Emmaline says. Adding, "Your family is even wealthier and has a status on par with or even greater than the Vanderburg family. I'm not sure what spin on this we can use yet, to keep us safe, but having you on my side, will even things up a bit."

Emmaline says, "It all began years ago when I was a child. My Grannie was an herbalist who made tonics and added herbs and spices to food to help people with their ills and she passed her knowledge on to me. I had a gift for science and chemistry, adding that knowledge to what she taught me.

"After university and medical school I accepted a position at the local hospital. But with a private lab at my house, I made chemical potions and increased my logic skill every spare moment, so I advanced quickly."

"When I was proficient with chemistry, I started doing more and more scientific research. Learning everything I could about the world that we live in."

"Researching and doing experiments on basic items, like beans and seeds."

"Then moving on to ferns and vegetables."

"As my knowledge grew, I was even able to analyze my specimens, by placing them on a flat surface and scanning their genetic code."

"Even obtaining samples of their DNA!"

"Then I made the jump to live specimens, starting with fish."

"And I was successful obtaining their DNA too! I was so excited with that breakthrough, I couldn't help but  jump up and down with satisfaction."

"I met Louis about that time, he'd been referred to me as a DNA specialist when I inquired at the hospital about needing an assistant for some private research.

"He worked in the police lab at the station in town.

"We had an instant attraction, but we were both more interested in the fact that our skin had the same green tinge to it!

"That's when I found out that he'd taken a tonic throughout his childhood, a tonic made by my Grannie!

"I thought I knew everyone in town who had our unique skin tone, but then Louis told me that he'd moved away to go to university, and that he'd only recently moved back to town.

"He was tired of the hustle and bustle of city law enforcement precincts and couldn't resist moving back to his boyhood town when their was an opening in the forensics lab in our small police station.

"I remember his words like it was yesterday, he said, 'I am the lab actually. Our town is so remote and the station so small, that they were thrilled to get someone with my experience when their last medical examiner retired. I'd been planning on retiring, but since I can get anything done that needs doing in just an hour or two, I don't even need to retire to have afternoons free for whatever I want. But you can only do so much fishing, hiking, and bird-watching, so when I heard a doctor wanted an assistant for some DNA research, well, here I am.'

"As his eyes roved over my face, then flitted to a patient of mine, Granny Shue, seeing that she also shared our green skin tone, I could see his scientific interest was piqued."

"So with Louis' help, my research moved forward quickly, though I never revealed my ultimate goal.

"Our patient, Granny Shue, had been treated by my own Grannie since she was a young woman, so her skin carried the telltale green tinge.

"My Grannie had been trying to stimulate Granny Shue's reproductive system, as doctor after doctor had told her there was no hope for her to conceive and carry a child of her own.

"Granny Shue had always loved children and her greatest wish was to be surrounded by family, so she was devastated with that news.

"And though she routinely took my Grannie's tonic, a mixture of local spring water and special herbs, it never did help her condition.

"It did slow down her aging, but eventually her hair turned gray and she entered her elder years.

"I felt so bad for Granny that I vouched for her with the adoption agency and though it wasn't regular policy, they let her adopt four children. To our shock, Star, the oldest, has green skin like Granny and I! But all we could find out about her birth parents was that the girl was young, with a light skin tone, and not in a position to care for a child on her own, especially a child who was obviously different. As for the father, he was simply listed as unknown.

"Louis thought my whole purpose was to extend Granny Shue's years, so she could take care of her adopted children until they were grown and old enough to be on their own.

"But with Louis' research added to my own, I believed I had finally found a solution to Grannie's problem. The first step of it anyway.

"So I called Granny and asked her to come over. Her mouth dropped open when I said I'd had a breakthrough and was ready to start the first steps for her to carry a child!"

"Granny gulped, saying, “That’s a pretty big pill!”

"Grumpy as usual, as it's my normal state, especially when anyone questions my medical prowess, I said, “And making it possible for you to conceive is a pretty big task!”

Granny nodded, and tried to placate me, saying, “Okay, okay, just give me a moment to get used to the idea.”

"Within moments of swallowing, Granny jumped up and down, exclaiming, “Oh, I feel wonderful! Young, energetic, it’s a miracle Emmaline!”
“That’s Dr. Rhoen, and the pill will take some time to achieve it's purpose, but it does have a mild stimulant effect. But the miracle, if we succeed, is yet to come!"

"But I could see the hope in her eyes, and I was determined to help her obtain her dearest wish, having a natural child."

“And Mr. Swete is okay with this arrangement? I don’t know him very well, but I’ve heard he’s always chasing kids off his property. That doesn’t sound like someone eager to have children!”
“You just leave Louis to me. I’ve got a plan.” Then with narrowed eyes, I added, “And if that one doesn’t work, I’ve got plan B!”
"Oh, thank you so much, Emmaline, you’ve done so much for me, I’ll never be able to repay you.”
"Granny Shue was so grateful that I felt myself pulled into an unwanted hug, my reply was almost lost, when I said, “Wait until the final part of the process and morning sickness hits you! You probably won’t be thanking me then!”

"After meeting Louis, I wondered if there were any more green skinned residents in town, but I couldn't find any records notating specific names in my Grannie's logs. Grannie may not have been a licensed physician, but she took her healing seriously and practiced patient confidentially in her own small way.

"But then I put finding others like us on the back burner, as I was busy with my career at the hospital and my own medical research. Then my home research station stopped working just as I was at a crucial point in my project.

"I wasn't happy with that delay, as you can expect, so I immediately called a repairman that didn't have a home here but provided needed services to Hidden Springs. He told me he was on call that day, but if I preferred a female technician, I'd have to wait until later in the week.

"Waiting wasn't an option, and I couldn't see why a female repair person would make any difference, as long as she did her job competently. But when I made that comment, in a rather nasty way, I might add, instead of replying in kind, Mr. Bellucci said, 'It's just that some customers are more comfortable with a woman being in their homes, instead of an unknown male, ma'am. They either request my female partner or prefer to schedule when their husband is at home.'

"I was impressed that a service would even think of the homeowner being comfortable, but simply blurted out the truth, 'I'm not married but I can't wait for later this week, so you'll have to do Mr. Bellucci, and I'll take my chances!'

"I heard the laugh that he tried to smother, as he replied, "Then I'll be there in about 20 minutes, Dr. Rhoen."

"But it wasn't Mr. Bellucci's repair skills that caught my attention, though he did fix my research station much quicker than I expected, or even the fact that he was so thoughtful after washing up that he asked if he could feed my fish, a chore I forgot more often than not.

"What had startled us both was our shared green skin!

"After we got over the initial shock, it came out that he'd also taken 'special medicine' for years, his own grandmother obtaining it for him as he'd been a sickly child. The medicine had restored him to health, but left him with the green tinge in his skin.

"We agreed that it was too much of a coincidence not to be one of my Grannie's tonics and Tomas allowed me to take some blood, along with a sample of his DNA, and run some tests. I found traces of the herbs and the same markers I had found in Granny's, Star's, Louis', and my own blood and DNA samples, which proved it!"

"Yes, you heard me right, I called him Tomas. Not long after our first meeting, he asked if he could, 'come calling', and I was so flattered by his gentlemanly charm that I agreed.
"When he arrived looking so handsome in his 'calling coat and cap', I was smitten, and it wasn't long before we became a couple."

"Then I was even more shocked when a new intern, Cassidy Earthsong, showed up on my teaching rotation at the hospital, and she too shared the green skin tone!

"But what was even more surprising is that her boyfriend, Ken Woodard, a former pizza delivery guy, did too!

"Unfortunately neither of them knew how they had acquired it, and couldn't remember ever taking medicine or tonics when they were young, but blood tests and DNA samples showed the same markers I had found in the samples I had already tested."

"It was then that my research took a distinctly different turn. My goal was no longer just for Granny to have a natural child, but with three couples all having the green skin, I could actually try to prove that it was genetic!

"But I needed the cooperation of all six of us to do that, to prove it wasn't just a fluke, that the markers I'd found were responsible for our green skin and could be passed on to our children.

"With that goal in mind I invited everyone over to my home, so I could explain the process. I used in-depth diagrams, some quite complex mathematical equations, along with a few scientific methods I thought could apply, but I tried to keep my explanation as simple as I possible.

"Though there were some details that left Granny and Ken looking a bit confused, Cassidy was able to follow along more easily with her medical background."

"But I felt more confident when Ken's eyes showed an eager interest in participating in the project and Granny smiled as she took notes."

"That's when things got out of hand, because Louis, who as a scientist should have acted professionally, called Cassidy over and said something outrageous!

"When she backed away, shocked and offended, he said, 'See? Now that I might be your potential baby daddy instead of the young stud over there, or Mr. Handyman, you’re having second thoughts!?! Imagine how I feel when my prospects an old lady!'
"Thoughtfully Granny said, 'Haven’t you been listening Mr. Swete? There won’t actually be any physical contact.'
“Crazy! You’re all crazy to be considering this preposterous idea! Whatever happened to love and romance? This whole cloning idea is unethical and immoral!”
“Not cloning Louis, you know better than that as a scientist, even if it is in the crime lab! It’s called IVF and includes two donors, a male and a female.”
“But no human contact, it's all done in a petri dish!!!!”
"Shooting a look at Tomas, I admitted that IVF was only an option if partners weren’t willing  to try any other way.
"Louis' outrage grew as he shouted, 'What!?! But you just explained the process, and the old lady repeated "no physical contact".'
"I held back my own anger with a force of will and said, 'Her name is Granny Shue, Louis, you don't need to be rude. You know that IVF is riskier, and you just said it yourself, love and romance should be part of the process. Studies have even proven that loving partners make the healthiest offspring. With that in mind, Tomas and I have decided to marry and hopefully start a family soon. And if my research proves correct, our offspring will inherit our green skin tone, along with all the health benefits, if the Rhoen marker transfers genetically.'

"Louis shot me a dirty look as he sneered, 'The Rhoen marker!?! Of course you'd name it after yourself with your ego!'

"If it makes it easier for you to participate Louis, we can call it the Swete-Rhoen marker." I frowned at him and added, "Though I'm sure no one who's met either one of us would call us sweet! But due to Granny's age, it would require an IVF procedure, now that she's producing eggs, and a younger host. I'm sorry Granny, but it's just not safe for you to carry the child, and it would raise way too many unwanted questions and attention. But it would still be your child, not the host's, as none of her genetic material will be used during the process. You would simply adopt the infant, like you have your other children and no one would know it was your natural child but those of us in this room. And since Star has the same green skin, no one would question it really. Maybe your sanity, for adopting an infant at your age, but otherwise, I don't think it will draw all that much attention."

"Lewis didn't take that information very well, either. He said I had lost my mind and there was nothing romantic  or loving about what I was trying to do. Even worse, just before he stormed out, he seriously doubted my ethics and accused me of meddling with life above and beyond my scope as a physician."

"I tried to reason with him, asked him over to the house to explain, to make amends, but he wouldn't listen.

"He just kept shouting, 'No, no, no, I won't have anything to do with your project and if you keep this up Emmaline, I will make sure you never practice medicine in this town again!'

"And he followed through on that threat, telling the authorities that I was using water from the Fountain of Youth, not sticking to traditional medical practices, and that I'd stolen his DNA and shouldn't be trusted. But since his ravings sounded so far-fetched, no one really took him seriously.

"A detective and a DNA specialist from out of town did look over my research, but they didn't find anything harmful in the tonics they tested or in our blood, and the case was dismissed. But with all the looks I was getting at the hospital, and having to be so careful with my research there and what I said, I no longer felt comfortable as a doctor, so I gave up my professional title, and turned to my second love, cooking."

"So you just gave up on your research?" Ella asked, sadly.

"Of course not, Louis couldn't take that away from me! But one of his accusations did hit home, I couldn't be trusted! I'm not proud of it, but I did steal Louis' DNA, and a specimen he left at the hospital when he underwent a physical!"

The sisters couldn't hide their gasps of shock when Emmaline revealed that bit of information.

"I already had what I needed from Granny Shue and I found a healthy young woman to be the host. Granny was a little sad about missing the pregnancy stage itself, but she was thrilled to be having her own child after all these years! She loves all of her adopted children and she's a wonderful mother. All four of her kids are flourishing under her love and care, and they're all doing well in school. They were almost as excited as Granny about having a new baby brother or sister."

"But when Granny asked about the donor, I didn't give her specifics, just said it was one of the three men she'd met. That I thought it better if the donor remained anonymous, for everyone's sake."

The sisters can barely contain their excitement as Emmaline pauses in her tale.

Merida, her senses kicking in, says, "She had a girl, right!?!"stating it more as fact, than a question.

While Ella focuses on the more important detail asking, "Did it prove your theory, does the baby have green skin!?!"

Emmaline can't hide her satisfaction when she says, "See for yourself!"

And she shows them the most recent photo of Granny's very own child, Sweet Shue.

"You should stop in and meet her some time. I must confess, she truly reflects her name and is the sweetest little thing! If you don't find them at home, Granny's usually at one of the parks letting the kids enjoy the playground or whatever entertainer that's performing there."

Ella and Merida have been told the whole story of Emmaline's research with the greenie community.

And the photo of Sweet Shue, Granny's precious toddler, has proven that the green skin is genetic!

But will one of the three possible donors suspect that she's his daughter?

Now that Ella's solved all of the mysteries, she can focus on Pierce and starting her own life.

And what better way to do that than to throw a bachelorette party!?!

Let's see what happens in Chapter 215: Paternity and a Party
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 215: Paternity and a Party
« Reply #238 on: March 08, 2020, 06:58:18 PM »
Most of the town's folk in Hidden Springs proved Emmaline right as when they found out Granny Shue had adopted another child, they just shook their heads.

Some of them may have mumbled, "She's gotta be crazy! At her age?"

While other's focused on, "What was that adoption agency thinking? First four children and now a nooboo?"

And a few of them even said, "Better her than me!"

But there were those that applauded Granny's noble acts and defended her saying, "She's taken in foundlings that would otherwise have never had a home! Two of the children are even green, like she is, no one else would have adopted them!"

And even more pointedly, "Have you seen her with her children? She's a wonderful mother and they adore her! They are one of the closest families I've ever seen."

Even the singer in town noticed Granny's absence from his performances and was quite shocked that a woman her age would be allowed to adopt one child, let alone five.

But it wasn't long before the town moved on to other news, the latest fad diet, or what celebrity was planning to come enjoy the healing waters at the Solarium or the Retreat.

But at the Rhoen home, Sweet Shue was still the focus of conversation.

First Granny Shue stopped by, "Good evening Tomas, I know Emmaline's still at work, but she wanted me to drop off a new saliva sample for the journal she's keeping of Sweet's progress. I don't think it's necessary but you know how Emmaline is about her research and keeping accurate logs."

"I do in deed, Granny! I'll put it in her specimen case as soon as I go inside. But tell me, how is she doing? Our little Sweet?"

"Oh, Tomas, she's such a joy! She's learning to walk now, only a few wobbly steps, but soon she'll be quite mobile. And the children are all trying to get her to say their names! It's become quite the competition, so Sweet is never lacking when it comes to attention."

"That's nice to hear Granny. All of your children getting along so well, and growing like weeds! It's almost time for Star to become a teen isn't it?"

"It is! I can hardly believe it, the time has gone so fast. And then the others will join her, my oldest four are very close in age. And before I know it, Sweet will be going to school, too. But tell me Tomas, any luck on a little one of your own yet?"

Tomas grinned and said, "No, but we're enjoying the process! Emmaline's been taking her temperature and keeping me posted when the best days are."

Granny's green skin took on bit of color as she giggled, "Oh, you devil, Tomas!"

And Cassidy stopped by after one of her work shifts to touch base with Emmaline.

But it was Tomas that she chatted with as Emmaline wasn't home.

"How's your medical career coming along Cassidy?"

"I'm progressing faster than I expected to, but I miss Dr. Rhoen, I mean Emmaline. I just don't understand why she refuses to use the title, I mean she worked hard to earn it, even if she no longer practices at the hospital."

"Well, you know how she is, when she makes up her mind about something, there's no changing it! Besides, she won't have the name Rhoen much longer," he said with a happy grin.

"Oh, you proposed!?! I'm so glad it's working out for you, Tomas. You both deserve to be happy, just like Granny with her children. Have you seen Sweet lately? She's so adorable! I hope the children Ken and I have are just like her!"

"Oh, is there other important news you wanted to share?" he asks with a raised brow.

Cassidy says, "We're not quite to that stage yet, but we did just buy a house together, one big enough for the children we hope to have in the future. For now, Ken and I are both focusing on our rather demanding careers."

Then Tomas is surprised by a visit from Louis Swete, who's not darkened their door since he dramatically declared Emmaline his nemesis.

Louis greeted Tomas with a friendly enough handshake and asked to go inside, knowing he'd come at a time when Emmaline would be at work.

Curious about the purpose for his visit, Tomas agrees and Louis follows him inside.

But when Louis said he was there in an official capacity, as part of a case, Tomas relaxed, and answered Louis' questions to the best of his knowledge.

Apparently there had been a string of thefts around town lately, and Tomas' fingerprints had shown up at one of them, but Tomas had kept vigilant records to show his times at various repair jobs when he'd been in that career.

And the home in question had been months ago, not even close to the time of the theft, and Louis assured him that he wasn't considered a prime suspect, they just needed to be thorough and cover all the possible leads.

But when the questioning took a decidedly odd turn, with Louis asking to see Emmaline's lab, Tomas knows something is not quite right.

"That doesn't sound like it would have anything to do with this case Louis. What's really going on here? If you're angling for some time in Emmaline's lab that's not going to happen! You've already destroyed her medical career and I'm not going to let you destroy her research too!"

"But I know what I'm going to find Tomas! I didn't want any part of her baby project so she stole what she needed from me, my DNA, and other.. specimens!"

"Louis we all gave her genetic material, you can't just accuse her of …"

"I only gave her blood samples Tomas, if she told you anything different, then she's even lying to you! I never agreed to provide anything else! Besides the fact that I find what she's doing ethically and morally repugnant, I detest children!"

"Well, that explains why you didn't want to be involved in her project, Louis! But why are you so convinced that she stole genetic material from you?"

"Because I saw that old lady with her child in the park the other day! A child that I know for a fact must be mine!"

"Louis, Emmaline hasn't disclosed who the father is, if you didn't provide any genetic material, then Sweet is either Ken's or mine."

"Tomas, please! I know you've spent most of your life working with your hands, but you can't really be that dense! She even named the child after me! Sure she spelled it differently, but…"

Tomas, angry at both Louis' tone and his words, says, "I'm not the one being dense here Louis! Granny named her Sweet because the children all said it the moment they laid eyes on her! 'Oh, Granny, she's so sweet! Can we hold her?' Her name has nothing to do with you!"

Louis, his own anger at the boiling point, just glares at Tomas.

Then he turns abruptly away, and as he heads for the door he sneers, "I can see that doctor Rhoen has totally bewitched you Tomas. As you say, it may just be a coincidence that the child carries my name. But it doesn't explain why she has my red hair! There's not a doubt in my mind that Sweet Shue is my daughter!"

Tomas freezes in shock at Louis' words and he's still standing there moments after the front door bangs shut.

The next afternoon there's more socializing going on, but on a much more positive note as Merida has been invited to the Chesterfield home after school.

She had an errand to run first, but she actually arrived before the boys made it home on the bus, so she wandered out to the back yard to wait for them.

 A few minutes later Scott hopped off the bus eagerly awaiting Merida's arrival.

Not seeing her anywhere on the street, the Chesterfield boys decided to work on homework so they wouldn't miss her.

After a few minutes with no Merida, Dennis, Scott's older brother, said, "You sure she's really coming bro? Maybe she just said that bit about an errand to blow you off!"

"Merida wouldn't do something like that! If she didn't want to come over and hang out with me, she would have said so. She doesn't play games! She does look at things from a different viewpoint than most sims, but that's one of the things I like about her."

"Yeah, but I'm betting it's her pink fluttery wings and her umm, other attributes, that are the most appealing. I mean she is cute, bro, I'll give you that! How'd you get to meet her anyway?"

Scott looked up from his homework and he couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face, "I was dropping off the attendance sheets in the office and they needed someone to show the new kid around. I expected a guy, not a knockout girl with pink wings! And I couldn't believe it when she invited me home after school that first day."

"And to her brother's wedding. I mean you had to wear a suit and all, but getting to hang out with her and her famous family, that must have been pretty cool!"

"It was! Merida was pretty busy and it was a big crowd, so we didn't spend a lot of time alone, not like we did that first night! But you should see their band room in the basement! Top of the line instruments and lots of them, and her older sister Odette, she loves music like I do, and she's really good on the guitar. She showed me a couple of riffs that weren't that hard but really sound great!"

"Older sister?" Dennis asks, picking out the part that interested him the most.

"Older as in married older, bro! Her other sister, too, not married but out of school. Believe me, I already went that route, I was hoping maybe we could double date."

"Well, I don't think you're dating at all, bro, I think she stood you up!"

Meanwhile, inside the house, Merida's thinking the same thing, that's she's been stood up!

She'd needed a bathroom, and luckily found the back door unlocked, then she sat down and worked on her homework.

But with that finished she's realized that Scott and Dennis should have been home long before now.

Then she wonders if she misunderstood the address and she's at the wrong house!

Her only thought to escape before someone finds her here and calls the cops!

Her mother the cop!

Well, it probably wouldn't be her mom, more likely Officer Vanderburg, but that would be even worse!

Just imagining the glee on Mrs. Vanderburg's face at having a Frio arrested for trespassing was enough to bring a horrible grimace to her mouth.

Horrified that she's going to be surprised by strangers walking in any minute, she jumps up and runs for the front door.

As she flings open it open, she's totally shocked to see Scott and Dennis outside calmly doing homework.

She rushes towards Scott saying, "Oh, thank goodness! It is the right house! Why are you guys out here?"

Scott's so relieved that Merida's actually there that he says, "I gave you the address, did you lose it?"

While Dennis says, "How did you get in the house?"

Not quite sure which question to address first, she looks from one boy to the other, finally saying, "I didn't lose the address and the back door was unlocked. No one was here when I got here, so I checked out your backyard, the pond has lots of fish! Then I had to use the bathroom and, lucky for me, the back door wasn't locked. Then I decided to work on homework while I waited for you. But then I realized it'd been a long time and you should be home, if it was your home…"

"Then you panicked thinking you got the address wrong and came flying outside, only to see me and Dennis out here. Where we've been waiting for you." Scott says with a laugh. "Dennis almost had me convinced that you stood me up!"

Merida laughs too, saying, "I was starting to think the same thing about you, until the wrong house thought hit me!"

The three teens all chat for a bit, about school, after school activities, and what they'd like to do before summer ends.

Both of the boys have part-time jobs, and Dennis asks Merida if she's planning on applying at one of the local businesses that offer part-time positions for teens.

Merida shakes her head, saying, "No, I don't have the time right now. I just finished helping my sister with several quests and now I'm working on increasing my fairy powers. With homework and improving my skills, those things keep me plenty busy. I had an 'A' in school in Roaring Heights, but moving here and changing schools dropped my grade back down to a 'C', which I consider totally unfair! But you know how teachers are about things like that, no reasoning with them!"

"Our dad insisted on part-time jobs," says Dennis, not all that happy about it, adding, "he says it builds character as well as giving you job experience!"

Scott, knowing that's a sore subject for his brother, changes the subject asking, "What do you do to increase your fairy powers?"

Merida clenches her hands and with a snap of fae power she's engulfed in a bright red light and to the brothers' surprise they have smaller swirls of it pulsing around both of them too!

Seeing their shocked faces, Merida says, "Don't worry, it won't hurt you! It can help you focus and gain specific skills faster or have a soothing effect depending on the aura I'm projecting. This one is called Body and Mind and you can learn Athletic, Charisma, and Logic faster when you're close to me."

Merida steps forward and she hugs Scott saying, "See how it feels stronger when I'm closer?"

Scott hugs her back and mumbles a reply that's muffled against Merida's neck.

Dennis decides he's odd man out and heads inside saying, "I better go do my chores before my shift comes up. Since you're busy bro, I'll fill the dogs dishes up, but don't expect that every time!"

With the sun setting, Merida and Scott spend a romantic evening together, flirting, hugging, kissing, even giving each other back runs, then Merida tells Scott that she really likes him a lot.

Scott confesses, "I really like you a lot too."

Merida asks, "Enough to be my steady guy?"

Scott answers with a loud, "Yes! I never even dreamed a girl like you would ever be interested in a guy like me."

Merida smiles and says, "A guy like you? You mean one who loves music so much he drools over a drum set, avoids meat to keep his body healthy, and can't resist a dare?! That sounds like the perfect guy to me!"

And she proves it when she grabs him, tips him back, and kisses him passionately!

Scott only has time for one thought, "What an amazing girl!"

Then his mind empties as all he can think about is the kiss!

Across town, in the Frio home, there might not be kissing going on, but there's a lot of everything else!

With her quests completed, Ella's taken a needed break and is enjoying her bachelorette party!

The dressed to impress outfit looks great on her, but I almost didn't recognize her with that hair and hat!

She invited most of the women in town to help her celebrate the event, with MrsFlynn and myself being on the guest list.

Odette and I had so much to talk about we were thrilled at finally getting to meet.

"Hello, and congratulations Odette!"

"It's Ella's big night, Watcher, not mine."

"Please call me Dee and I was referring to your being heir and marrying Chase. You guys kept that so low key, no parties, no big wedding, and since you picked Hidden Springs as your next town, I get to congratulate you in person! I'll definitely be catching up with the guest of honor tonight, she's done so much for the family, and really deserves some time off to let loose. You all do, really, we've made it to our 10th town!"

"It is exciting isn't it, Wa..Dee? That's going to take some getting used to, calling you by your first name! But I'm so glad we're getting to meet you, well, your simself anyway. I'm not sure I understand how it all works, but Chase was pretty thrilled about it."

And I was happy to see Odette taking the initiative to welcome MrsFlynn because she tends to stay in the background.

After chatting about her favorite topics, art and music, Odette praised all of the homes that MrsFlynn had provided for them in so many towns.

"Mom's told me what a beautiful home Eric and Emily have, you designed and built it, and Dee furnished and decorated it! You two make a wonderful team! And I know this house would just be a box without all the help you've given Dee too! We really can't thank you enough for all you've done for us over the years!"

I don't know if it was the praise or just becoming friends with Odette, but later on MrsFlynn really loosened up and joined in the dancing, with a happy smile on her face.

Emmaline, Cinda, Cassidy, Odette and my simself, all got our groove on, dancing and singing loudly to each song.

But Blake Grayson has either not been getting enough sleep or she's danced so much she exhausted herself and fell asleep on the floor!

We'd hoped Granny Shue could attend but she sent her regrets as her boys had the sniffles and she didn't want to pass it around town.

Then things got wilder when the party dancer showed up!

No one would admit to calling him, but once he started dancing, no one cared about that anymore.

Blake even roused herself to dance along, not wanting a little thing like sleep to interfere with feasting her eyes on the entertainment.

Apparently this town is filled with tall, dark, and handsome men and the women don't mind it one little bit!

My simself even danced with him, but I wasn't surprised at that, she danced with Nicholas Riverhawk at Eric's wedding, and her names been linked recently with another eligible bachelor around town, Bruce Chesterfield!

It was at this point that things got really wild, as Cinda grabbed a bottle of nectar, shook it up, turned to the guest next to her, and let it fly!

The lucky or unlucky recipient, depending on your point of view, was none other than grumpy former physician, Emmaline Rhoen!

To our surprise, and I'm sure her own, Emmaline actually laughed and joined in the spirit of the party.

Not to be outdone at her own party, Ella laughed and shouted, "Fizzy nectar time!" and shot spray on the person next to her, which just happened to be my simself!

The party continued into the wee hours of the morning, with loud music and dancing both upstairs and down.

Some of the guests even went outside to catch a breath of cool summer mountain air and grab what remained of the delicious food guests had thoughtfully brought to the party.

That's when the reality hit Ella, and everyone heard her excitedly shout, "I'm getting married! Oh, my Watcher, I'm getting married!"

Cassidy Earthsong, who was standing nearby, smiled and said, "It's the most amazing feeling isn't it! Ken proposed last night. Looks like you and your brother have started a trend here in Hidden Springs!"

Louis Swete has good reason to believe that Granny Shue's daughter, Sweet Shue is also his as she has the red hair he had as a child!

Merida and Scott Chesterfield have become a couple and are going steady.

And Ella's thrown a wild bachelorette bash that will be the talk of the town for some time to come!

But romance is still very much in the air here in HS, and we've got some exciting events coming up.

Let's see who's in the spotlight in Chapter 216: First Comes Love
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 216: First Comes Love
« Reply #239 on: March 11, 2020, 10:38:15 AM »
Everyone knows the old rhyme, 'First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in the baby carriage!'

Eric and Emily are very much in love and they've gotten married, but what of that family that they wanted to start soon?

Rory, Cinda, and Ella all head over for a visit.

Cinda starts shrieking as soon as Emily steps out onto the porch with an obvious baby bump!

To my surprise, she rushes onto the porch and starts gushing to her daughter-in-law.

I've tried having these two talk ever since Emily joined the family, but with both of them being mean spirited, it doesn't usually go well.

I guess with Emily now being the mother of her first grandchild, Cinda's willing to give friendship another shot and try to get along.

And Emily's smile and laugh make me feel that she's willing to try too.

Look at the smile on Cinda's face, she's so happy knowing that she'll be a grandmother soon!

"I'm so happy for you and Eric! I know you wanted to start a family right away and it looks like you got your wish."

"It happened faster than we expected, we'd barely got settled into the new house when I got confirmation of the baby news but we're both thrilled!"

"Are you going to find out the gender?'

"We thought about it but we'd rather be surprised, that's why we did the nursery in a pale cream with the cutest tree mural, so it'll work for either one. Would you like to see it?"

"Sure, it sounds great."

I'm impressed these two are really trying!

Emily leads the way and walks into the nursery proudly showing off her handiwork.

"Of course Eric can barely stand the room now that I've completed the mural, because you know, it's art!"

"He is pretty terrible about that, I don't like the outdoors but, being safely inside, that tree is precious! You did a fantastic job, I didn't realize you were an artist."

"I'm not really, clay is my medium of choice, but I doubt I'll ever talk Eric into letting me do that here in the house."

Cinda looks at Emily and says, "My dear, I love my son, but he and I don't always see eye to eye on things. Frankly, neither one of us is easy to get along with. But let me give you a piece of advice, wife to wife, don't let him be the one that decides whether you follow your dreams, even if it's just a hobby, sooner or later you will resent it and him. Didn't you tell me that this house has a huge unfinished basement?"

Startled at the seemingly odd segue, Emily says, "Yes, but what does that have to do with my sculpting?"

"Typically an artist likes bright, sun-filled rooms, the more natural light the better, but for sculpting I don't think that would be necessary. So that basement…."

Emily catches on quickly at that point, and whispers, "would make a great studio."

Cinda continues, "And if it's really huge, why not have a section walled off, and then you'll be free to sculpt to your hearts content without Eric having to be subjected to the pain of dealing with art!"

"Mother Frio I have to ask, why would you care about me enough to suggest it? We're not exactly bosom buddies!"

Cinda says, "Because after seeing the talent you have, I would hate to think anyone would keep you from expressing it, especially my son! Besides, I owe you a debt. It was holding you when you were a nooboo that made me realize I wanted a fourth child. And I promised your father that I would look after you as if you were my own daughter. I never go back on a promise!"

And Cinda's words have Emily dancing with joy as they tour the upstairs.

Anyone listening would have probably thought she'd lost her mind, but Cinda just smiled at her daughter-in-law as Emily sang, pretty tunelessly, "I'm gonna follow my dreams, not listen to Eric's screams. Stay away, I'm working with clay. Close the door, you won't have to see it any more!"

I have a feeling I'll be renovating someone's basement pretty soon!

But Emily's not the only one having fun.

The next evening, Merida calls Scott and asks him out on a date.

These two are definitely still in the love stage, or in their case,  a very serious case of liking, a lot.

They agree to meet at the movie theatre in town as it makes no sense for either of them to drive to the other one's house first.

They chat for a bit outside as they're early for the movie and it's way too open in front of the theater for anything too romantic.

Then they both realize that the theater has very comfy seats and it's much more private.

So Merida heads inside with Scott not far behind!

Odette and Chase are definitely still in the love phase, and they've completed the marriage phase too.

And with Eric and Emily living in their own home, there are two spaces in the household, so both of them pop wishes to have their first child!

Seeing the romantic hug that led to those wishes I say, "Oh, on to phase three, that's wonderful!"

"We wish Watcher, Dee…aggghhh, after meeting your simself, I'm not sure what to call you now. Do I call you Watcher and her Dee or what?"

"Either is fine, Odette. I'm used to Watcher, but others call me Dee. And some even call me Mom or Gram, you know, it all depends on who's talking to me. But if there's space in the house and you both want a child, why aren't you starting on phase three?"

"Because mom and dad want to see Ella get married. After being part of Eric's and Emily's wedding, they want to throw a big bash for her and Pierce and welcome Sidney to the family."

"So those two free spaces are reserved for Pierce and Sidney. Putting your baby plans on hold for just a bit longer. But I've got some even worse news, the Shawkti's just adopted a puppy, so now there's three of them! But I'll figure something out, I promise."

"We know you will Watcher. You always do!"

And before we know it, it's time for the big event, Ella and Pierce's wedding!

To make thing a little easier, Ella asked Pierce and Sidney to move in prior to the wedding.

And with a kindly neighbor, Carly Ruiz, agreeing to take care of their puppy, Sophie, everything worked out perfectly.

I even remembered to tweak the wedding area so that it reflected Ella's favorite color, yellow.
Emmaline Rhoen, Cassidy Earthsong, and Scott Chesterfield are some of the first guests to arrive, while I see a dashing looking Pierce making his way towards the wedding arch.

And guests are actually sitting in the chairs I've painstakingly set up, for once.

The family, Rory, Merida, and Cinda sit in the back rows, with Eric standing in the aisle between them, not traditional for the family of the bride, but I'll take it.

Scott shoots a glance at Merida, hoping to have snagged a seat beside her, but he's out of luck with her father taking that spot.

And Sidney, Pierce's teenage daughter, has chosen to stand and watch the ceremony from the sidelines.

I seriously hope there's a stray piece of trash in the yard and her thought bubble is not a reflection of her feelings for her soon to be step-mother!

And then I see why the front rows have been left open as my simself and MrsFlynn share those coveted seats!

As the ceremony begins, MrsFlynn wipes a tear from her eye, and everyone hears Merida exclaim, "Oh, Ella is the most beautiful bride!"

From my Watcher position, I not only see both Cinda and Rory overcome with emotion, but I swear Nicholas Riverhawk's roving eye has focused on Cassidy Earthsong's derriere!

And rumor has it he's heavily involved with Franscisa Vanderburg, no wonder my simself passed on the man!

Oh, that is so not what this day is about, back to the main event….

Good, Nicholas has decided to focus front and center on the bride and groom.

But now the whole back row has jumped up, probably because others stood up in front of them and now they can't see!

Well, too late now, the ceremony is starting.

Ella slips the simple band of gold on Pierce's finger and says, "With this ring, I wed thee, Pierce Shawkti, and before these witnesses I make my promises to thee, to love, honor, and cherish you and your lovely daughter, Sidney, as we embark on a new journey as a family. I know I can never replace your first love, the woman who will always be Sidney's mother, but what I can do is to love both of you with all my heart and hope that, in time, I will have made my own place in both of your hearts, not just to you Pierce as a wife, but to you Sidney as well. You may not wish to call me mother today, tomorrow or ever, but I hope to become someone you can love and trust, and I want you to know just how much it means to me that you've given me this chance to love you and your father, and become part of your family."

Pierce had known Ella was going to include Sidney in her vows, but the words she's chosen make it hard for him to say his own.

He swallows once, twice, then places his ring on her finger, saying, "With this ring, I wed thee, Ella Frio, and before these witnesses I make my promises to thee, to love, honor, and cherish you as you join my daughter and I and we become a family. Ella, I knew you were brave and special the first day we met, but your words today have shown me just how beautiful you are, on the inside as well as out. I had never thought to make a commitment such as this, I share your bravery in so many ways, but in love I was a coward, afraid not to love again, but afraid to lose that love again, to have Sidney feel the pain of that loss again. But you have shown me that life is about living, loving, and giving, and I hope to shower you with all of those in return as we spend the rest of our lives together as a family."

They seal their vows with a kiss, traditional and sweet, and the sighs and tears from the guests proclaim just how touched they all were by the ceremony.

But when Pierce pulls away, and the crowd claps and throws rose petals over them, Ella is possessed by a wave of passion that's so overwhelming, she grabs Pierce and kisses him again!

As Pierce returns Ella's kisses with the same intensity and passion, the guests have gone from polite clapping to raucous cheers.

Except for Sidney, who has remained silent.

I, and strangely enough, my simself, glance at Sidney as she stares intently at her father and his new wife.

This young girl has the power to make or break this moment, to say something that will either forge a new family or destroy it.

A small smile curves her lips as she says, "To the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Shawkti, my dad and my…mom!

The crowd cheers even louder and finally the newlyweds break apart, but I know they're not going to stay at the reception long when I hear Ella whisper, "Let's cut the cake fast and then meet inside!"

Pierce isn't going to argue with his wife of only two minutes, especially since he's all for some alone time with his new bride, so he smiles and says, "Yes, dear!"

He happily cuts the cake as Ella beams proudly beside him, the joy and happiness of her wedding day showing clearly on her face.

Pierce takes the first piece of cake as tradition demands and Ella follows him to share it.

But they don't stay outside for long!

While everyone else enjoys cake and chats, the bride and her groom meet in the living room.

They dance to the music, their first dance as husband and wife, but even that sets off sparks between them and soon they are caught up in intimate tickles and teasing!

They quickly glance around and decide their presence at the reception has been fulfilled long enough and they head for their room upstairs.

After blissful moments together consummating their marriage, Ella rouses, showers, and dresses, thinking she should check on their guests.

But Pierce grabs his pj bottoms and catches Ella before she leaves the room, huskily asking, "And just where do you think you're going, Mrs. Shawkti?"

Ella, seeing his darkened eyes filled with love and passion, whispers, "Anywhere you'd like Pierce."

And I don't blame her!

Who could resist such a perfect specimen of manhood as Pierce!?!

Pierce doesn't say another word, he just takes her hand and pulls her back to their bed.

The remaining guests are doing fine on their own, well, at least my simself is.

I find her happily chatting with Nicholas about his music and though these two have moved on to other partners, I see they still enjoy each other's company.

Then I see my simself chatting with Louis Swete and just shake my head, hoping she really doesn't go there!

Dee is supposed to be in a steady relationship with Bruce Chesterfield and Louis Swete's name has been linked with a couple of different young women in town, first Carly Ruiz, and currently Jenny Lho.

But sometimes even with partners, sims stray.
And as much as I covet the greenie genes, my simself having a child with Louis isn't in the plan, as such a child would not be eligible to become an heir spouse as both parents need to be original residents of HS.

Then I see the topic of conversation, and I'm less worried, as I remember they're both bookworms.

Books should be a safe enough topic, unless they start thinking about romance novels!

I decide to check on one of our newest family members, and find Sidney downstairs in the basement.

She's only got four days before she ages to young adult, so I guess she's taking this time in the Frio home to focus on her skills.

I think that will be a great use of the few days she has here, and it will also give us the time to improve her grades in school because she only has a 'C'.

Then I find Cinda sitting outside of all places and by the frown on her face she's not a bit happy about it.

"Okay, something's definitely up! You hate being outside, you barely made it through the wedding before bolting for the safety and comfort of the house."

"I was picking up stray cake plates, I might not like being out here, but I don't want our yard to be a trash dump either."

"Okay, I'll give you that one, but why are you still out here? Your frown makes it obvious that you hate it."

"Yes, being outside makes me feel uncomfortable, but my frown is because I want to do something special for Ella as a wedding gift and I'm not sure what that could be."

"Besides buying them that large ranch down the road? The one that has a huge barn and plenty of room for a unicorn?"

"Yes, buying that just takes money and with as much as we have now, a mere drop in the bucket. I want to do something that will show Ella how much I love her, something to make up for some of my meanness that she endured growing up."

"Well, I do know of something Ella wants here in HS, but you won't like it as it requires even more time outside. But it would go a long way towards showing Ella how much you love her."

Cinda's frown deepens and she says, "Of course it would have to be something outside, a little discomfort won't be fun, but it won't kill me! Fire away!"

"It'll probably be more than a little discomfort, because it could take some time. Not as much as it did for Ella because we know the requirements now and I could help you out a bit too, since it's a gift. Ella wants the male unicorn here in HS for Lady's mate!"

Cinda's frown hasn't left her face as she processes that information, but she surprises me by saying, "Do you think I could really do that for her?"

"Well, Lady and Zoe already live here, so you'd need to further your relationship with both of them, and then they can offer to make you a BFF. And I've read that a pet kept in a terrarium on the lot could count, so we could try that route once you've met and made friends with the male unicorn. If that doesn't work, we could always borrow Sophie the Shawkti's puppy and she would definitely count. So, all things considered, I think we have a very good shot at it, especially since your social trait is Animal Lover, that along with your friendly trait, and maxed charisma, should really help you to make friends faster with all four creatures."

Cinda nods, but before she can give me a definite answer on trying it, her phone rings and when I see her eyes light up and wishes that she and Rory had complete, I know it can only mean one thing.

As the both of them race over to Eric's and Emily's house, their excitement is met by my own.

We're all anxious to see the first child of generation ten!

Welcome, Christina Frio, our little human nooboo that inherited Cinda's Disciplined trait, but is just the opposite of her grandmother as she Loves the Outdoors!

Rory gets to hold and play with her, making ridiculous cooing noises and kissy faces as we all do with babies, but Christina loves it and coos and waves her precious nooboo arms.

But before Cinda can get in some serious grandma time, Christina has fallen asleep!

So instead of holding her new granddaughter, Cinda has to be content with watching her nap in her crib.

"I'm sorry you didn't get to hold her Cinda, hopefully you get another opportunity."

"It's okay, I am a little disappointed, but we have a bigger problem now!"

"Now don't start focusing on fae genetics…"

"Oh, I'm not Dee, I think we've all learned our lesson on that count. Little Christina is perfect just the way she is, just look at her sweet face!"

"So then what's the problem?"

"I've become a grandmother and I haven't chosen a grandma name yet!"

"Oh, I hadn't even thought about that. I guess with you still being a YA, we'll have to come up with something more fitting than either of those?"

"Of course, Dee! I mean, do I look like the grannie type to you!?!"

"Christina is sleeping, you might want to tone down your snarkiness just a bit. Since you can be quite irritable, what about Grumpma? Or even more fitting, Mean-maw?" I ask with a low laugh.

Her silence tells me she doesn't find either of those suggestions even the tiniest bit funny.

With Christina's birth, the Frio siblings run the gamut of love, marriage, and babies.

But she's just the beginning of the baby stage here in HS for the Frio family!

For that to happen though, Ella, Pierce, and Sidney, along with their pets, need to find their own place so they can add to their family, and open up some spots in the main home for our heir couple to bring in generation ten.

And Cinda hasn't given me an answer about the unicorn quest we discussed earlier.

So definitely more events on the horizon in Chapter 217: Special Gifts
Coming soon.