Author Topic: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story  (Read 124783 times)

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 348: Timely Opportunities
« Reply #375 on: March 01, 2022, 12:25:18 PM »

Later that afternoon I find Jade outside Doctor Simano's Sanitorium, the building that houses both the hospital and science lab.

"You look troubled Jade, what's wrong?"

"Well, as you know I still haven't popped the wish to make Pal real…but I did get a phone call while I was dancing with Pal. One of the scientists heard a rumor about Pal and said that if I could bring them a Rainbow Gem, they'd be able to use it to make that potion grandpa mentioned…"

"Imaginary Friend Metamorphium."

"That's the one! So, I thought if I went to the effort of finding that Gem, you'd allow me to complete the opportunity, without specifically popping the wish…"

"Since you're here, I guess you found one?"

"Well, not in Monte Vista…in one of the family chests…"

"But there are a few bottles of the potion in the chests too, why didn't you just use one of those?"

"Because that felt too much like cheating…whereas actually going through all the stuff in those chests, bringing the Rainbow Gem here, and waiting for the potion to be made took more effort."

"So that's what you're doing now, waiting for the potion?"

"I was…but it's ready now, only it costs $4500 simoleans!"

"Money isn't a consideration Jade and since you did get the opportunity and went to all this effort, I think that definitely shows where your heart is! So go for it!"

Jade rushes back inside and pays for the potion and comes strolling back out with a big smile on her face.

While I watch Cassidy pose for a coveted photo for Rosario Stefani.

Cassidy's promotion to Empress of Evil and the resultant celebrity status increase has definitely helped her come out of her shell.

Back at the house, I find most of the family gathered together in the living room.

Jemma working out to stereo music, Tobias painting, and Lee watching tv, as he tries not to look at Ara and Gianni making out on the couch.

But my attention is focused on Jade and Pal, as Jade says, "I have the potion Pal! The Watcher said getting that Op from the Sanitorium and putting effort into completing it was as good as popping the wish."

But it's Pal that hesitates this time.

Long enough for Tobias to finish his painting and join Lee in watching a show.

A show that has Lee saying, "Can you believe Mom yelled at me about school and watching tv again, Grandpa? I'm glad the Watcher stepped in again, even if Ara wasn't happy about it!"

Ara, hearing her name, says, "You know how much I like others distress!"

But I focus on Pal who asks, "Are you sure this is what you want, mistress? For me to be real?"

Jade lets her actions speak louder than words as she smiles and hands Pal the potion.

Pal chugs the potion and is quickly enveloped in a burst of purple explosions!

And Jade echoes my amazement as she says, "Pal!?! You're real! And a boy!"

I'm thinking the same thing, but not just that Pal's a real boy.

But a real boy who has glorious purple hair with red tips!

A unique hair color that we've never had in any of the past generations!

Jade continues to chat away to Pal, "Just think, we can go to the theater and see a movie together now!"

"That sounds like fun…maybe one of those sci-fi movies!"

Tobias turns at the mention of sci-fi movies and gets his first look at Pal!

While Jade squeals with excitement, "Better yet, a concert! Classical or Rock, you never know who they'll have appearing at Teatro Fantastico!"

But Lee just asks, "Can you keep your voice down Jade? I can't hear my show."

Then Pal steps closer and whispers in Jade's ear, "I think our new maid has a crush on the resident evildoer in the household! He's always going around with a dreamy look on his face and a mask in his thought bubble!"

Look at Jade all smiling and happy at Pal's juicy bit of gossip!

Just like when Pal was an imaginary friend, these two laugh and joke, like no one else is in the room.

Until it dawns on Jade who Pal's talking about!

She stabs her finger in Pal's direction and shouts, "Hey! That 'evil doer' is my mother! How dare you gossip about her! Mom would never cheat on my dad! You take that back!"

Pal stammers, "I didn't say that! I was talking about the maid having a crush on her! It's not like I've been any place besides the house to hear any other gossip!"

"Oh, Pal, you're right! I'm so sorry I flew off the handle like that. Can you forgive me? Please?"

"Sure, I can't stay mad at my BFF!"

"Hey, I've got an idea! Why don't we go down to the basement and watch whoever's playing the guitar?"

"Okay! After you, mistress!"

"You can call me Jade, Pal. I'm not really your mistress now."

Then Jade blushes at how that sounded!

"I mean…you're real now, with wishes of your own. You don't have to follow me around and do everything I do. Unless you want to, of course…"

Down in the basement Jade and Pal find out that it's Jemma playing the guitar.

And they're not the only two that have been drawn by the music as ghostly Lorelei is down here too.

But soon Pal is saying, "I've noticed that you have your grandmother's blonde hair," and stepping closer he adds, "But I think it looks even prettier on you!"

Jade can't resist such flattery and squeezes Pal in a tight hug!

"Oh, Pal, you say the sweetest things! I should have made you real long ago!"

But it's getting late so Jade heads upstairs for a bedtime snack, not happy that the computer is broken!

Lee's taken the opportunity to fix it but I'm not so sure that's the wisest idea…

And when Lee wanders upstairs all singed, I should have gone with my instincts!

"You know the drill, Lee! Shower, food, and then off to bed. You have school in the morning."

Lee protests, "But Pal's playing on the computer! How come I have to do all that and he gets to stay up!?!"

"Because he's not singed, hungry, and tired! Though you could wait and discuss that with your mother since she'll be home any minute…"

"I'm going, Watcher, I'm going!"

Pal really was full of energy because when Bella gets home, he'd just finished climbing the rock wall.

But Bella doesn't blink an eye at Pal being real.

Or beat around the bush as she says, "You'll be going to school tomorrow with the triplets so let's get in some tutoring to improve your grade. It'll help increase my own logic skill too!"

No surprise that Bella had an ulterior motive for the offer, but since Bella's tone brooks no argument, Pal says simply, "Yes ma'am."

The two of them get right to it and I'm happy to see that Pal is already close to level 2 in his logic skill.

Playing chess with Jade when he was an imaginary friend at least gave him that little boost.

And by the time the sun rises in the morning, Pal's almost at logic level 3!

His grades still a 'C' but at least there's some green in his school performance bar now.

But all of sudden Bella jumps up and says, "A free vacation? Oh yeah! Not passing that up! Good luck in school today, Pal. Work hard! You've got less than a week to earn that 'A'!"

Pal keeps studying and says, "I'll do my best, Mrs. Frio!"

Bella joins her mother and husband in the cab and grumbles, "What's taking Dad so long? I hope he's not watching tv and keeping us waiting! After all our hard work, we all deserve a vacation!"

Jemma adds, "Especially a child-free vacation!"

Dane says, "Dad's coming out the door now! We'll be off in a minute. The kids will behave on their own, right?"

Bella snorts, "If they know what's good for them, they will!"

Ara watches the taxi drive off with a big grin on her face!

"Ara! I don't know how you finagled that free vacation for your parents and grandparents, but this ends now, with the house standing in one piece!"

"The fun hasn't even begun yet, Watcher! Just wait until we get home from school with the house all to ourselves!"

Jade didn't pop a wish to make Pal real, but she did get the Rainbow Gem opportunity.

So, I let her proceed and now Pal is real! And a boy!

And quite a handsome one with his purple hair with red tips!

The next morning, just before the teens head off to school, all the adults in the house won a free vacation.

Which sounds too good to be true and they'll probably regret it, especially since Ara has big plans now that the teens have the house all to themselves!

Will havoc reign or will Lee and Jade persuade Ara to curb her penchant for chaos?

Find out with me in Chapter 349: When Parents Are Away…
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 349: When Parents Are Away…
« Reply #376 on: March 04, 2022, 12:50:13 PM »

Though Bella had tutored Pal in preparation for school, he got to enjoy a field trip to the police department on his first day.

The tradeoff was no increase in school performance, but it was much easier than jumping right into classes and schoolwork.

And Pal got a chance to meet some of his new classmates in a more relaxed atmosphere.

But once they got home from school, Ara's words make it plain that there will be no shortage of teens for Pal to meet!

"Now that school's over, and the 'rents are away, we can get to some real fun! You up for a party Pal!?!"

"Sure Ara! It sounds like even more of an adventure than a school field trip!"

"Oh, it will be! You can trust me on that!"

Ara doesn’t waste a moment and starts calling all their teens friends as soon as she's inside the house.

"It's a go! Call everyone you know and tell them the hot spot tonight will be right here!"

With his first party on the horizon, you'd think Pal, Mr. Adventure, would be anxiously awaiting the first guests.

But instead, he's settled in the front courtyard and working on homework!

As are both Lee and Jade, but from the comfort of the living room couch!

"Since we can't talk Ara out of this party, I guess we'll just have to make the best of it and hope it doesn't land us in big trouble," Lee says resignedly.

Trying to get her homework finished quickly, Jade remarks, "Since Ara thrives on trouble, the bigger the better, that's probably our only option. Thankfully she's a couch potato, just like we are, so she doesn't relish putting out too much effort to get into it!"

Lee and Jade had just finished their homework when the first guests arrived and immediately started dancing to the stereo.

Lee was bummed that the music was so loud it would interfere with his tv time, but Jade's thoughts were focused on being a good hostess, since Ara was making yet another inappropriate forum post.

With that thought in mind, she headed into the kitchen and made her first tray of hot beverages.

And conscientiously cleaned up the resulting mess when one of the cups overflowed.

While Pal cleaned up his own plate when he finished eating some goopy carbonara.

At least these two are behaving responsibly, so far anyway.

Ara's even gotten into hostess mode as she makes a group meal in the outdoor oven.

"That smells fantastic Ara! Loud music, no parents, and great food and drinks! Everyone's sure to remember this party!"

"And it's just getting started! I ordered pizza too, since you can't have too much food at a teen party."

Soon the delicious aroma of the lasagna has drawn the teens outside to grab plates and dine al fresco on the patio.

The air filled with teen chatter and laughter.

While other teens chose the traditional pizza for their dinner fare.

With some of the boys having both, the boy with the blue hair is Patches and Hudson's son, Hyatt!

Of course, there's the typical blocked routing and pouting faces as other teens try to get to the kitchen to grab a slice.

Just look at Carina Gilscarbo's classic foot tap and pout as pretty Lydia Byrne glides by her, pizza safely in her hand.

I wonder who that dreamy look and smile is for?

Instead of joining the crowd on the back patio or the kitchen, Lee opted to play a song on his guitar in the front courtyard, which led to completing a wish.

And I found Pal and Jade dancing together in the living room looking like they were having a terrific time.

Just look at their smiling faces!

But Jade's smile fades when Pal accepts a dance from Lydia, and not just any dance, but a romantic slow dance!

And Lydia's smile has only gotten brighter as she looks into Pal eyes!

Jade looks crestfallen as she leaves the room, her gaze never leaving Pal and his new dance partner.

Outside, Lee's romantic pursuits are working out much better as he asks Tabatha to watch the stars.

Soon the two of them are cuddled close together on the patio with Lee pointing out constellations as Tabatha listens attentively.

Down in the basement, Ara's having a blast as part of an impromptu jam session.

And soon other teens are drawn by their musical efforts, including Jade and Pal.

And to my delight, Pal and Jade start slow dancing, even though the music's a bit fast for that.

Not one to be left out, Ara grabs Gianni and shows off some smooth slow dance moves of her own.

Twirling Gianni effortlessly with a twist of her fingers.

The party's been pretty tame so far, so I'm a bit shocked when a teen passes out on the floor!

And I find Lee in the same passed out state outside on the back patio!

Apparently, it's some sort of autonomous action intrinsic to teen parties with no parents in attendance.

Other teens opt for more traditional resting options.

Rocking chairs for some, like Gianni.

Or plain old sleeping bags, like this practical teen.

But other teens aren't sleeping at all.

Tabatha is taking advantage of the now empty basement, devoid of all teens except for the sleeping one, to sabotage the brain enhancing device!

That's the first sign I've seen of Tabatha's technophobe trait and I'm not looking forward to endless repair jobs in the future if she becomes the heir spouse.

But it's not a deal breaker, far from it, especially since it comes with the possibility of red hair in the family again!

Speaking of family, as the new day dawns on Saturday morning, Jemma, Tobias, Bella, and Dane arrive back home!

And by all their smiling faces, I don't think they're aware of what awaits them inside.

Even with a police car parked out front with lights and sirens blazing!

Bella's evil glow isn't even bothering Tobias, for once.

And Dane's pretty happy too as he comments, "Not bad for a free vacation! It was only one night but the food and accommodations were top of the line."

The Frio adults all had a good time on their unexpected vacation.

And Ara's teen party was pretty tame, even if it did happen when no parents were around.

Can we dare hope that with the house still standing and no mess the triplets might get away with it?

Find out in Chapter 350: Mixed Messages and Missed Birthdays
Coming soon.

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Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 350: Mixed Messages and Missed Birthdays
« Reply #377 on: March 16, 2022, 09:00:06 PM »

Not aware of the elder Frio family members return, Pal enjoys his breakfast.

But Jade's morning isn't enjoyable at all as Jemma flies into a rage, screaming, "You threw a teen party while we were all away! We trusted you to behave while we were gone! You're grounded!"

Jade would have liked to defend herself and explain that the party was Ara's idea, but her grandmother's ire was so overwhelming she kept silent.

Seeing Jemma's fury, I don't blame her.

Then she tracks down Lee, in the bathroom of all places, and though she scolds, "Really, Lee? A party? I'm so disappointed…", he doesn't get grounded!

Lee seems just as puzzled as I am with this turn of events.

But she gives Ara the same furious tirade she gave Jade, including the grounding!

Since the party was Ara's idea, grounding her does seem fair.

But then I see Pal on the bus and hear Jemma exclaim, "Where do you think you're going young lady!?!"

And I remember 'grounding' means no school either, as ridiculous as that is!

So I quickly have Ara beg for forgiveness, hoping Jemma will let her off the hook…

And she does!

"Well, I guess no harm was done, it was just a party, but try and behave from now on!"

And she even says it with a laugh and a smile, such a complete flip flop from furious to forgiving that it makes her seem like the insane one, not Ara.

Jade quickly follows her sister's example and is let off the hook as well.

Jemma going so far as to apologize as she pats her on the shoulder, "Now that I've had a minute to calm down, I'm sure the party was Ara's idea, so I'm sorry I yelled at you Jade."

Wringing her hands, Jade says, "I'm just glad it's over and you're all back home safely. Lee and I are no match for Ara…"

"And you should have never been put in that position! I don't know what we were thinking, the four of us taking off and leaving you here alone with an insane sibling who's inappropriate! That was just asking for trouble! It's a wonder the Watcher even allowed it…"

As Jemma's thoughts turn in my direction I quickly say, "The bus isn't going to wait all day, you better get off to school Jade!"

With the teens off to school and the parents home where they belong, things get back to normal.

Well, as normal as it gets in the Frio household.

Jemma takes a dip in the pool while Tobias repairs the hot tub.

I wonder if Tabatha sabotaged that too?

Probably not as I wouldn't consider it a piece of technology, like the brain enhancing machine, tv, or a computer.

But boy do the triplets like their computer and tv time, along with their multi-tabs!

You can find them all taking advantage of those items as soon as they get home from school.

Ara making yet another inappropriate forum post while Lee does his homework and Jade catches up on her favorite tv show.

And Pal's no exception as he pulls out his multi-tab to work on his homework.

And then joins Lee and Jade on the couch for some tv time.

"Oh a space adventure! They're my favorite," he claps happily.

Lee adds, "And this is a great episode too! They make the ultimate invention, just like I hope to someday!"

Which inspires Lee to get back to work on his latest invention while Dane tries to discover a potion without blowing himself up.

Then I get pulled upstairs to the backyard to discover it's Bella's birthday!

Celebrated in the dark in her nightie with no cake or party.

And only her parents and a rather confused paparazzi nearby.

Despite Bella's evil glow and Jemma's mystical one, Tobias cheers loudly as Bella becomes an adult.

As Lee does the same for his father when the birthday sparkles hit Dane moments later down in the basement.

But Dane looks even more amazing as an adult than he did as a young adult.

Just look at him!

"Dane, have you been hiding that build under a lab coat all this time? You look like Mr. Muscles!"

"Is that going to be your secret name for me, Watcher!?! I could live with that one!"

"But not for long if Bella hears me say it!"

"We'll just keep it between us. The name and the fact that I'm having a mid-life crises!"

"Of course you are. You have a beautiful wife and three great kids, you're the top of your field, and you look amazing. It's totally reasonable for you to have one and doesn't confuse me at all."

"I'm glad you're taking it so well, Watcher. I'll get back to discovering potions as soon as I check out my wrinkles in a mirror."

But Bella's not paying the slightest bit of attention to me or Dane.

Her attention is totally focused on ghostly Grandpa Sam.

Who seems just as shocked as I am at Bella's friendly greeting.

But soon Bella's back in true form, and her nightie, as she jump scares her mother!

Which she follows up with a loving selfie of the two of them!

No mixed message there… it's a wonder we're not all insane…

And when morning finally arrives, Jade wakes up with a mood swing, her very first.

I'm not sure who to feel more sorry for, her or the rest of us.

So, when Lee gets invited over to the Gilscarbo home after school, I decide a break from the Frio craziness sounds perfect and join him there.

And it starts off well as he chats companionably with Carina Gilscarbo and they gossip and tell each other jokes.

But it quickly goes downhill when his nerdiness prompts him to berate her ignorance.

But that doesn't stop Carina from flirting with him and offering him flowers!

Which, since he's going steady with Tabatha, he rejects.

I have a feeling Carina's coy smile won't be in place long and hurt feelings are only going to get bigger.

And my guess is spot on when Carina shouts, "Why on earth did you come over to my house then!?! I thought you liked me!"

Lee shrugs and says, "I do. We're friends."

"Friends! You call me stupid and then reject my flowers and think we're still friends!?! You're even crazier than your sister!"

I guess giving Lee permission to visit after school was another mixed message.

My bad.

But back at the house, Pal is all smiles as he says, "I got my 'A', Jade! Maybe we could celebrate by going to the movies this weekend or something?"

"Congratulations, Pal! I knew you could do it! A movie sounds great!"

But Jade's enthusiasm wanes as she asks, "Is Lydia coming too?"

"Lydia? Oh, the girl I met at Ara's party! No. I hadn't thought to ask her. Were you planning on asking Rico?"

Jade shakes her head, "No. We haven't talked since he graduated. We've both moved on."

Pal's smile grows bigger as he asks, "If it's just going to be the two of us, would you do me the honor of being my date for prom Saturday night? "

"That sounds perfect, Pal."

A lot of shouting this chapter but the triplets didn't get into too much trouble over Ara's teen party.

Bella and Dane are now full fledged adults and Dane's having a mid-life crises.

Pal got his 'A' in high school and he's asked Jade to the prom!

Will prom work it's usual magic or will they decide to stay best friends forever?

Find out on Saturday night!

But before that happens, join me in Chapter 351: Connecting as Couples
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 351: Connecting as Couples
« Reply #378 on: March 19, 2022, 01:42:55 PM »

"I can't believe you find me attractive in this outfit, Ara, everyone else just smirks at me!"

"It's not just about physical looks, Gianni, I love your mind too! You're so open to my crazy ideas, so accepting of the whole me that I love the whole you, whatever you're wearing!"

Gianni stands there in shock and stammers, "You love me!?! Even though I can't find a matching clean pair of socks and constantly check the sink?"

"Gianni, I'd love you even if you told me you wanted to become an Astronaut and live on the moon!"

With a smile she adds, "That actually sounds fun! Imagine all the chaos we could cause messing with the satellites! Hey, Watcher, any chance our next town is Lunar Lakes?"

"Sorry, Ara, that town won't be seen for a few more generations."

"Next town? You're leaving Monte Vista!?!"

"Not just yet, but soon. I didn't want to worry you and with high school, prom and all, it just slipped my mind. But it's close enough now that I better fill you in on how my family's journey works."

I guess none of the family have been thinking about our upcoming move, least of all Bella and Dane as they play dueling guitars at a party.

Dane's totally focused on his music, as usual, but look at Bella's evil glow and soft smile as she plays along.

Bella's definitely a study of contrasts; evil and grumpy, along with being a flirty, hopeless romantic!

But she makes it work, I'll say that much for her; we haven't had a dull moment since she was born!

Back at the house, Jade is working on her cooking skill, but not from the comfort of the sofa.

She's actually stirring a pot of mac and cheese and putting some effort into it, even humming a little tune.

"You sound happy, care to share your reasons why?"

"Pal asked me to prom, Watcher! I'm over the moon!"

"I didn't realize you cared for Pal that much."

"Me either. Not until Ara's party and I saw him slow dancing with Lydia."

"I noticed that, but he slow-danced with you too, in the basement."

"Yeah, but I kind of wondered if it was, you know, a pity dance. But then when he didn't even remember who she was and asked me out and then to prom, well…that puts a totally different spin on it! I didn't want him to feel…obligated… to be with me, just because Rico grew up and I made him real. But he really seemed happy about taking me to prom…which makes me happy too!"

Outside, I find Jemma all aglow and chatting with Founder Claire.

"I was hoping you could give me some advice…since the Watcher found that mod, Tobias has been more attentive than ever, but I was thinking maybe I could spice it up a bit more, maybe throw a supernatural aspect into our relationship."

"And you thought I could help with that?"

"Well, you've been around from the beginning of the journey, lived in Moonlight Falls that's teeming with supernaturals, so I figured you'd have the widest base to draw from, with all your experiences."

Despite herself, Claire is flattered and muses, "You know, now that you mention it, my youngest daughter Audra dabbled with potions and one of her research experiments may be just what you're looking for…"

Jemma is intrigued and listens closely as Claire recalls a life-changing event from her past…

And a short time later, Jemma is experiencing the effects of a ghost potion, buried and long-forgotten in one of the family chests.

"It's a bit spooky seeing you as a ghost. How does it feel?"

Jemma pauses and then remarks, "Odd, to say the least…going from human and alive to being a wispy spirit is a little…disconcerting."

"How do you think Tobias is going to feel about the new you?"

"Only one way to find out! Besides, it's only temporary, as much as I love the supernatural, I'm not ready for this to be my permanent state of being."

Much to my surprise and Jemma's delight, Tobias' reaction goes beyond her expectations as he sweeps her into his arms and dips her for a kiss!

When he lets her up for a breathe of air, Jemma purrs, "Oh, my big strong man likes what he sees, does he?"

Staring into her eyes Tobias says, "Nothing I have ever watched, read, or written, nothing I have ever painted or sculpted has been able to match your exotic beauty, Jemma! You are my inspiration!"

The two of them share a loving, tender embrace.

One that has me sending another heart-felt thank you to Corylea142 for the fortune teller fix mod.

Without it, these two would have been enemies instead of the loving couple they've been since they were teens.

I'm sure Jemma and Tobias are grateful.  I know I am.

But Jemma and Tobias aren't the only couple focused on romance.

Bella and Dane have more than there share of romantic encounters, especially since Bella's a flirty hopeless romantic.

In fact, as soon as Dane gets home from work she pulls him into her arms and plants a kiss on his eager lips.

You'd think that would lead to some romantic alone time in their bedroom, and it probably would for any other couple.

But Bella and Dane opt for a sparring session in the living room!

"Get ready to have your feet swept out from under you Dane! I won't be holding anything back!"

"Right back at you, Bella! I don't take a fall for anyone!"

Bella's evil aura gives her just enough of an edge to take the match!

Though he didn't win, Dane's not overly disappointed as he gained another skill point and earned a new belt.

While Bella's thoughts have gone from the physical to the mental as she pops a wish to master logic!

Down in the basement I find Ara with Gianni, who's come over after school again.

Every since they met Ara's never even thought about another boy, except to be friends, so I'm very happy to overhear their conversation.

"So your Dad's okay with you leaving town with us? I thought he'd want you to take over the family business here."

"Cipriana and Reynaldo have the family business covered and Reynaldo will carry on the Costa name here in Monte Vista. My hearts never really been into following in Dad's footsteps. I'd rather paint or play guitar. Dad's a bit disappointed about that, but he's happy to know that the Costa name will be known in another town."

"And with Mom being in control as the Empress of Evil there, there'll be a spot open if one of our kids wants to continue in the business."

Gianni blushes at the mention of their children and manages to stammer, "Dad said that too, but I wasn't going to mention it…"

Ara steps closer, saying,  "Unless one of us gets the dislikes children trait, it's bound to happen! No need to feel embarrassed, Gianni. Though I'd rather keep it to one at a time than have triplets like Mom did!"

Gianni's nervous expression intensifies as he says, "I never gave triplets a thought! That sounds scary!"

Ara smiles and says, "But you're smart enough to come up with a workable plan if it happens! I have the utmost confidence in you Gianni!"

Ara's words have Gianni firming his shoulders and saying, "And I'll do everything in my power to justify your confidence in me! But before we get tied down with kids, let's just have some fun. There's a new movie showing at the theater, wanna go?"

"You know me! I never give up a chance to watch tv or see a movie!"

These two really do bring out the best in each other.

As Ara and Gianni head off into town, I track down Pal to find him working on his own cooking skill.

Lucky for him his favorite food is hot dogs and grilling them doesn’t require any skill at all.

Though eating them charred is an acquired taste, Pal revels in the fact that they are his favorite food.

And that he made them himself.

I forget sometimes that though Pal is a teen, so many of his experiences over the last few days are new and fresh.

Things that we all take for granted, like using the bathroom, sleeping in a bed, just getting to sleep, and eating your favorite food, are things that he's getting to do for the very first time.

A fact that Jade is discussing with Lee over leftover breakfast calzone.

"I'm afraid my mac and cheese turned out even worse than Pal's hot dogs! With all the tv I've watched you'd think I would have thought to watch the cooking channel to at least get something worthwhile out of it. I'll be doing that from now on. I've wasted a lot of time already when I could have been increasing my skills. Pal's just the opposite and is making the most of every moment he has and gets pleasure out of the most boring things."

"Well, everything's new to him, not same-old, same-old, like it is for us. But doing things we enjoy makes the both of us happy, even if it's just watching tv we both get excited about watching our favorite shows. And you run the gamut of emotions all the time, especially that day you woke up with a mood swing!"

"Please don't remind me, it's embarrassing! And I've apologized for that several times already. You have no idea how awful it is to burst into tears over nothing or fly into a rage over someone else's prank."

"And I hope never to find out! Being excitable is one thing, being caught up in a tumult of emotions every day would drive me batty."

"But you're eccentric too, that should make for some swings of emotion."

"Nope. It just means I'm better at inventing than the average sim. Doesn't affect me emotionally at all," he adds smugly.

"You're making it hard for me to love you right now little brother!"

Lee chuckles and says, "Then I'm doing my job! Little brothers are supposed to be a pain! Even if I'm just a few minutes younger."

I check on Ara and Gianni to find the movie over and that they're now stargazing.

Since it's Friday night, no need to worry about curfew so I leave them be to enjoy their alone time.

Back at the house, Bella, dressed for her work shift that night, surprises both Jade and I as she asks, "Is everything okay, honey? You've been unusually quiet since last night. Did something happen?"

Trying to play it cool, Jade says, "Pal asked me out to the movies and when we realized both of us wanted it to be just the two of us, he asked me to be his date for prom tomorrow night."

Despite trying to keep her emotions under control, Jade's obvious delight in the direction her friendship with Pal is going comes across loud and clear.

Bella simply says, "I see."

As Jade heads to the living room to watch tv, Bella's concern is noted by the way she carefully watches her daughter.

Though why Bella's thinking about Dane as she does so is a bit of a mystery.

But a mystery that is solved soon enough when Bella quickly tracks down Dane and taking his hands says, "I'm concerned about Jade…and her relationship with Pal. They're not just best friends anymore, but are planning to attend prom together tomorrow night!"

Puzzled Dane asks, "What's wrong with that? Our relationship got it's start when I showed up at prom, despite your Uncle Jonas' dire threats!"

"Exactly! Prom can turn a simple friendship into a romance. Bring together sims who really shouldn't be together. Jade's already had that happen! She's so emotional and easily swept away by that emotion…"

Dane's puzzlement quickly escalates into unexpected annoyance as he holds up a hand, "Wait! Your concern for Jade is because she's over-emotional? Something she most likely inherited from me!?! So, what you're really saying is that her relationship with Rico, and now possibly with Pal, is MY fault, that if it weren't for me, she'd be less emotional? Less prone to choose the wrong partner!?!"

Bella's concern for Jade has her tamping down a grumpy response as she tries to placate Dane, "That's not what I meant at all Dane! You've never been one to let your judgement be clouded by emotion, you're too smart and logical for that…"

But Dane is way past being smart and logical as his hands fly to his head and he shouts, "Maybe she's just following her mother's example and being overly romantic and flirty! I'm sure THAT thought never entered your head! That it could have anything to do with you! Just like you go off on Lee for being lazy every chance you get, even though he's been an 'A' student since grade school, and spends most of his free time inventing! Enough Bella! Stop ruling our children with an iron fist, like you do your business! If it weren't for the Watcher, our children probably wouldn't have a positive relationship with you at all!"

Strangely enough, instead of flying into a rage at Dane's harsh words, Bella's posture softens and she gently places her hand on Dane's shoulder.

She hesitates and does something that takes every ounce of strength she has.

She apologizes!

"I'm sorry, Dane. Really sorry. You had to have been holding that all in for ages for it to come out like that… I never meant for it to sound like it was your fault. I'm just afraid that Jade will get hurt. She's not tough like me and you. And you're right, my example is far from the best one. I've never been the parent that can control their emotions. Despite the fact that you're the evil emotional one, your evil emotion is tempered by musical genius, not like mine that's sharpened by grumpiness. I'll try to curb my tongue where Lee is concerned. Please forgive me?"

Dane jerks his head up at the heartfelt tone behind Bella's words and he says, "Only if you'll forgive me.  I shouldn't have gone off like that…"

Bella smirks and says, "Bound to happen after watching me all these years and keeping yours all in…"

But she quickly turns serious as she adds, "Please don't do that anymore Dane. I'd rather you yelled at me every day than have it build up and erupt into that volcano I just witnessed. Knowing I'm the cause doesn't make that any easier to accept…"

"Then let's promise to discuss things before we deal with others, especially our kids. That way we can try to prevent them from being on the receiving end of our less than stellar traits. This journey is hard enough on them without adding to it."

"Jump scares not withstanding, of course!"

"Of course! Nothing interferes with those!"

Wow! That last conversation between Bella and Dane was unexpected!

Romance yes, sparring yes, and even jump scaring each other has been the norm.

But Dane actually letting go of his emotions and exploding like that has never happened before.

And having Bella back down from what promised to be a rip-roaring fight was even more unexpected.

Along with an apology, no less.

I guess both of them are stepping into their adult shoes with determination.

While Ara and Gianni are just getting their feet wet as they establish a stronger connection as a couple.

Something that Jemma and Tobias are determined to have for themselves; a strong connection, keeping their romance alive, fresh and new, as they soon begin a life on their own and not as part of the active family.

But can they all stick to their promises?

Or will they fade like New Year's resolutions?

And what of Jade and Pal?

Will their relationship take flight at prom?

Or will it only cause heartache and pain like Bella suspects?

Join me and find out as we head into Chapter 352: Technical Difficulties
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 352: Technical Difficulties
« Reply #379 on: March 23, 2022, 03:15:03 PM »

Bella puts her words into action immediately after her conversation with Dane ends.

And she goes straight to the source, confronting Pal with her concerns in a much less confrontational way than usual.

"You've been a good and loyal friend to Jade for years Pal, so I'm going to stop worrying and trust that the two of you care for each other enough to explore your feelings without hurting each other."

Pal's a bit blind-sided by Bella's pronouncement and being dressed in his sleepwear as he's confronted by an Empress of Evil tends to drain one's confidence, but his voice is firm as he says, "My whole existence is due to our deep and abiding friendship, I would never do anything to hurt Jade."

"Then we understand each other and nothing else needs to be said. Not even to Jade."

Ara mutters, "Especially not to Jade, she'd be mortified that you even brought the matter up, mother."

Tobias just shifts his position on the couch so he can continue to view the program they're watching, hoping Bella and Pal will take the hint and move out of the way.

Moments later Tobias gets his wish as Bella leaves for work and Pal finds somewhere else to be.

Ara says, "You know, I don't think I'm the only insane sim in this house! That was weird, even for Mom!"

Tobias sighs and says, "It was a bit out of character. Not quite as loud or dramatic. Looks like actually being an adult is making her act like one. Though I wish she'd have chosen a better spot than in front of the tv, it was just getting to a good part in the show!"

"Mom's timing has always been one of her own making, Grandpa, you know that."

"Speaking of timing, did I actually hear you and Gianni discussing children earlier? Isn't it a bit soon for that?"

"Oh, we weren't talking about having them right now.  Just some time in the next town, since he's already cleared it with his Dad to come with us."

"You've discussed that with him already? You must be confident in your choice.  Made any other life changing plans?"

"Well, I signed up for Art Club awhile back and it's not just painting but sculpting too, so it would really help if I could use the sculpting station in the basement."

"Of course, feel free! I've pretty much had my fill of sculpting since I made those 25 ice sculptures so I could make one of your grandmother that wouldn't melt."

Tobias pauses and says, "Is Gianni the reason you decided on Art Club?"

"Now that you mention it, probably, but it wasn't a conscious decision. I mean I didn't do it with an ulterior motive or anything like that. More like so we would have something to talk about and then I found out I rather enjoyed it. Even if I don't have any of your talent. Artistic would have been a much more marketable trait than any of the ones I have currently. No one pays you to watch tv or play with animals and people just nod, smile, and move quickly away when they find out I'm not only insane but inappropriate."

"Random traits are a hard burden to bear that's for sure. But you and your siblings seem to be handling it well so far. None of you really have a huge advantage, trait-wise."

"You seem to have gotten a better deal in that area than most of us Grandpa, so not much of a burden for you."

Tobias said softly, "That was true until I became family-oriented at my young adult birthday and your grandmother rolled dislikes children. That really blind-sided us and we almost broke up."

"Oh, I hadn't really thought about you having such opposite traits. That must have been difficult. Though it is a bit funny." she added, trying not to laugh out loud.

"I'm sure Founder Jerad thought so too, Ara. But we managed despite our differences and somehow that makes it all the more satisfying. Your grandmother gave me two beautiful daughters, despite disliking children, and your Aunt Luci's married and is expecting her second child even though she has commitment issues and never expected to marry. She even gave up heirship due to that trait. But you know what they say, hindsight's always 20-20."

Ara thinks that over for a minute or two and then asks, "Do you think I'm still in the running for heir, Grandpa?"

Tobias ponders the question and says, "I don't see why not. Your sister won't be if she pursues a relationship with Pal, since he's not an original resident or descendant of this town.  But I don't think you have any reason to be disqualified for the position. Unless you roll commitment issues on your next birthday or choose a lifetime wish that's not unique to the previous heirs and give it up."

"But I'm insane and inappropriate!"

"Not any more crazy than the rest of us really, Ara! Take me for example, I spent weeks sculpting in ice just so I could make one statue! If that's not crazy, I don't know what is!"

"But you did that for Grandma and the Watcher. You were being selfless. Putting others wants above your own….Oh, I see what you mean, like how I'm studying Art even though I'm not artistic so Gianni and I have something in common. But that's not really the same. It may have started off that way, but I get a lot of personal pleasure from it, so it's not as selfless as it sounds."

"And I got a lot of simoleans and fame for my sculpting too, so it wasn't quite as selfless as it sounds either. Don't sell yourself short, Ara. Your mother decided she was heirship material right after she became a child. In fact, she felt she was the best candidate. She was never lacking in self confidence, that's for sure. So if you think you can handle the responsibility of heirship then go for it!"

"Oh, I wouldn't make that kind of decision on my own, Grandpa. I'd definitely discuss it with Gianni so we could make it together. It would never work if I just railroaded him into it. In fact, now that I'm thinking about it, he'd probably freak out at the very idea! Coming with us is one thing, being responsible for the journey…might just send him over the edge."

"The boy is a little high-strung, but with his intelligence and your support I think you two would make a good team. We've had heirs who were neurotic in the past and they didn't drop the ball. Even when unexpected things happened, like the time machine children that have popped up over this journey. Sometimes it's those unexpected happenings that truly show you what you're made of."

Ara's still pondering her grandfather's words as she starts her first sculpture.

So I leave her to it and take a much needed break from my sim family to focus on my RL family.

When I return to Monte Vista, Ara's right where I left her, of course, at the sculpting station.

But I'm staring in shock as I've switched to Lee but it's still Ara's portrait in my active panel…that can't be good.

I go through the list of family members but no matters who's thumbnail I click on, Ara's face stays in my active panel.

Oh, this is getting worse and worse…

Then I click on the inventory icon and realize it's Lee's because it has a King's crown in it and a bunch of widgets and toys made from scrap.

And then the big hit.

The relationship panel for everyone is Ara's, which I know because Gianni is on it as her boyfriend.

But it's only showing Gianni and her immediate family, then a big red box instead of a thumbnail of a sim!

I've never seen anything like that in all my time playing Sims 3 and I'm starting to panic!

Time to quit without saving and reload.

But before I do, Ara tilts her head and says, "Watcher!?! I don't feel quite right….is something wrong?"

"Hang in there Ara! Technical issues on my end. I'll be back after I reload."

But reloading doesn't fix the issue.

Even after doing so several times with my panic growing at each failed attempt.

Finally, I make the decision to move Ara out with her grandparents to see if she's the one causing the issue.

Jemma and Tobias were moving out soon anyway, so I'll just step up the time-table for that.

Then I remember that though Tobias has drunk his Age Freeze potion, Jemma hasn't yet.

I check her age and am a bit shocked to realize she has only one day before becoming an elder.

Oops, almost left that too late!

Jemma is as startled as I am at the oversight and my rush, but she downs the potion without asking any questions.

Then somehow I mistakenly click on Ara again ….and have to reload…again.

This time Jemma drinks the potion down even faster as she says, "I see what you mean about technical difficulties, Watcher. I wanted to give everyone a goodbye hug but I can't seem to interact with Ara!"

"No one can, Jemma! Not even me. And her relationship panel shows up for all of you with some big red box where a sim's thumbnail should be. I'm going to move her out with you and Tobias and hope that at least fixes things for everyone staying in the active household. If it does, it will give me more time to do some research and see what's going on with Ara, specifically."

Next I have Tobias go to the computer and make arrangements to move out…but there are no houses available!

Oops, another oversight. But Edit Town should fix this one.

I finally find a suitable EA house in the library that looks like it belongs in Monte Vista and is big enough for the three of them.

Once it's placed, I pop in and add some little touches that will make it seem like home; a tv, bookcase, and some easels for Tobias and, outside, a pool for Jemma with a back deck for easier access.

Then I send Tobias back to the PC to move out…again.

Tobias hesitates just a bit and asks, "This is serious isn't it, Watcher? Whatever's going on with Ara."

"Yes, Tobias it is. I've never seen a red box in the relationship panel before. But I found some mentions of it at the NRaas site and a possible fix. I'll let you know as soon as I can if it works, though you'll probably know before I do, just by being able to interact with Ara."

"Understood, Watcher."

With Jemma, Tobias, and Ara in their own place, all of the current active family members, Bella, Dane, Lee, Pal, and Jade, transition to the active sim panel when I click on their portrait panel icons.

But with the NRaas Relationship Panel Mod in play anyone clicking on Ara's thumbnail throws an error and most of the time the only option showing up is the NRaas one.

Which seems to confirm my suspicions that it's Ara that's glitched in some way, as things seem to be back to normal in the active household.

Evidenced by Bella continuing her tradition of jump scaring unsuspecting family members.

Pal was watching Jade play guitar when Bella scared the daylights out of him!

Mortified, Pal asks, "What did I do wrong, Mrs. Frio!?!"

Bella says, "Nothing Pal, but with Dad not living here anymore I had to choose a new target. You're the lucky winner! Welcome to the family, Pal!"

Pal shudders as the shock still hasn't worn off and mumbles, "Ummm…thanks, I guess."

As it seems that being BFF's with Pal is keeping them strictly friends, I have Jade chat with Lee and ask him to be her BFF.

Lee is thrilled to accept the position.

Just look at the excitement on his face.

Thankfully, he shows more emotion than his supposedly over-emotional father.

But even without being BFF's, things don't go quite as I expected between Jade and Pal.

"That was a cool dance move, Pal!"

"Thanks, Jade. I'm getting in a little practice for tonight."

Jade says excitedly, "Oh, they play the best music at prom! Rico and I danced the night away!"

I'm not sure if it was the after affects of Bella's jump scare or just nerdiness that sets Pal off.

But go off he does.

"Why would you bring that up now? Not a very smart thing to do, Jade! Are you trying to make me feel bad, comparing me to Rico!?!"

Jade is stunned at Pal's accusation and so am I.

Blasted nerd mechanics!

Though both Jade and Pal are obviously upset, Dane is oblivious and he breezes by the two of them on a mission.

To check out his wrinkles in the mirror in Lee's bedroom!

"Dane! You do not have any new wrinkles. Stop moaning about it!"

"I can't help it Watcher! All part of my mid-life crises!"

Blasted mid-life crises!

But no time to worry about that now as it's time for prom!

Both Lee and Jade seem more than eager to get there as they run for the limo.

But Pal seems less than enthused as he clenches his fists in anguish and looks at me with a pained expression.

"I've ruined it before it even began haven't I, Watcher?"

"It seems that way, Pal. But Ara is right about being prom magical so don't give up hope."

"Hope? How can I have hope when Ara is so broken you had to move her out and now I've ruined things with Jade…"

Which definitely seems to be the case as the limo ride is tense and silent with Jade and Pal refusing to even look at each other.

But whether that's more than just the usual nervousness for prom or not I can't be sure, as teens never look particularly happy in the prom limo.

Things didn't go well for Lee and Tabatha at all.

In fact, Lee was in the red when he left prom and immediately took off in a motive mobile for home!

I did manage to catch Tabatha and asked, "Why didn't you two enjoy prom?"

"Unfortunately, Lee never asked me to prom this time around, so we weren't really here as a couple."

"Oh, so that's why he got into a fight, got rejected for a dance, and managed to see a three-eyed llama!"

"He still won the King's crown, though it wasn't enough to make up for the rest of it, along with the crowd. Overall a pretty awful prom night this time around."

To continue the bad news, Ara and Gianni come outside next but I still can't interact with her.

But I try to reassure her, "I've got an inquiry into NRaas, Ara, and I've uploaded the script errors from the Relationship Panel mod so please hang in there."

"Doing my best, Watcher."

Then, finally, Pal comes out and the paparazzi asks, "Have a good time, son?"

I hold my breathe in anticipation of Pal's answer.

Of course, I've seen all the messages so I know what's happened, but I want Pal's take on it.

And my patience is rewarded as Pal says, "It was the best night of my life! I thought I ruined everything with my best friend but she kissed me and asked me to go steady during my favorite song! She's my girlfriend now!"

"Good for you, son! Nice to know that prom can still work it's magic!"

When Jade comes out I tease her a bit, "Well, you're sure full of surprises!"

"You mean winning the Queen's crown for the second time?"

"No, I mean convincing Pal that a meteorite was coming, and you needed to kiss ASAP, before the world ended! Even with all the proms I've vicariously attended that ploy was a first for me! Kudos for coming up with that one!"

"I had to fix things between us somehow. I can't believe I mentioned my first prom and dancing with Rico to Pal! It really was a stupid thing to say!"

"Well, that's all behind you now. Prom worked its magic, with a little help from you, and now you're a couple. So, all is right with the world now!"

Jade tries to keep the tremor out of her voice as she says, "No it's not, Watcher. Ara isn't with us! And I know you haven't fixed her yet because I couldn't talk to her at prom! I miss her, Watcher!"

"So do I, Jade. I'm waiting for some advice on what to do to fix her. I'm anxious but I have full confidence in the NRaas team. We just need to be patient."

"I'll try, Watcher, but it won't be easy."

"No. It won't."

With the sun rising on a new day in Monte Vista, I find Pal and Bella relaxing by the pool.

"So, you and Jade are now an official couple, Pal. Happy?"

"I can barely breathe Mrs. Frio. I'm afraid I'm going to say or do something stupid and mess it up again!"

"Understandable. Guys are notorious for messing things up. But now that things are settled between you two, it'll give the Watcher more time to fix Ara. Right, Watcher!?!"

"I'm on it, Bella! I've got a possible solution to the problem. They think it might be caused by a broken outfit. I have to download the DebugEnabler mod and see if that will fix her."

"Then what are you waiting for!?! I want my daughter home, Watcher!"

Jade and Pal are now a couple so that's one issue solved.

But the bigger issue remains; fixing Ara and getting her moved back into the active household.

I'll tell you all about it in upcoming chapters.

Starting with Chapter 353: Meeting Family and Saying Goodbye
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 353: Meeting Family and Saying Goodbye
« Reply #380 on: March 25, 2022, 11:51:08 PM »

Once I get back in game, I check on Jemma, Tobias, and Ara in their new home first thing.

Jemma's already discovered the pool and is going for a swim.

And their new house guest, Tabatha, soon joins her.

Tabatha and her younger brother Marco don't get along, so Tabatha opted to take up residence with the Frios in their new home, since they had an extra bed.

Adding another twin bed to the upstairs bedroom worked out better than I hoped!

Inside, I find Ara using her multi-tab and Tobias working on another novel on his laptop.

With bated breath I go to map view and click on City Hall>NRaas>DebugEnabler>Options: City Hall>Fix Invisible Sims

And I get several messages about fixing outfits; for a raccoon and a deer, and some aliens who's names I don't recognize.

Nothing that seemed to have anything to do with Ara, but I try clicking on her anyway.

And still no options show up!

And clicking on her thumbnail in the relationship panel with all of the active family members still throws errors.

I'm devastated! It didn't work.

Sadly, I watch Ara head outside to join her grandmother and Tabatha in the pool.

I don't have the heart to tell her the fix that was recommended didn't fix her…

Since her family misses her so much, I have Bella invite the household over so they can spend some time together.

Back at the house, I find Pal eagerly chatting with Ara!

Maybe it just took a moment for the fix to take affect!?!

Jade wants to hang out and chat with her sister so I click on Ara but there are still no options.

Clicking on Ara's thumbnail still throws errors.

So I sigh and watch the family as I frantically think of what else could be the issue.

Pal has joined Tobias and Jade on the living room couch when Jade says, "I think Dad had the right idea, Grandpa, joining Grandma for a swim in the pool…"

Tobias takes the hint and says, " Oh, it is pretty warm, a dip would feel great."

Tobias is barely out of the room when Jade scoots over, cuddles up with Pal, and they start making out!

No need for my presence here!

I check on the family members outside and Tobias has joined Dane, Jemma, Tabatha, and Lee in the pool.

Trying to make up for last night's prom, I arrange some alone time for Lee and Tabatha.

In the hot tub.

They both seem a little self-conscious with Dane and the others nearby in the pool, but they soon relax and enjoy the hot water and each others company.

I click on Bella and find out she's actually interacting with Ara, so I go and take a peek.

But it's Ara that's initiated their interaction, including a hug, as she says, "I miss you all so much Mom!"

"We miss you too, honey. The Watcher is still trying to come up with a fix for the issue. If she knows what's good for her, she'll find it soon!"

"I'm trying Bella. In the meantime, maybe you could focus on goodbyes to take your mind off it?"

"And I suppose you're just going to sit there and take it easy while I do all the work!?!"

"Of course not. Well, I'll be sitting, but I'll be taking photos of all the family members and friends staying here, so we have some to remember them by."

To that end, I invite over the current teens related to the Frio family.

Here's Kenneth Frio, one of Janette and Jonas' twins.

His skin tone is Janette's, but a bit paler, just like his brother Rickey.

Hyatt Thomas, Patches Frio and Hudson Thomas' eldest and only son, looks dashing in his R.O.T.C uniform.

Kenneth's twin, Kaitlyn, shares her father's and sister's greenie skin tone, but at a much darker intensity, which is striking with her dark hair.

She's also dating Hyatt, something I approve of very much!

And that's Oliver Woods out in the courtyard, Cassidy and Forest's eldest child and only son, who desperately needs a makeover.

Much better!

He looks so much like Cassidy, but with his father's skin tone, as he has her hair, eye color, and her HS greenie ears!

Bella does her familial duty, grudgingly, but she does it, visiting Janette and Jonas first.

Once I get her inside and away from Jonas, that is!

Here she is holding Trey Frio, Janette and Jonas' youngest child, and their third son.

Then she apologizes to her Aunt Janette.

"You're sorry? For what?"

"I'd rather not say. But the Watcher is making me apologize so can you just accept it?"


"Just like that!?!"

"You're my niece and you're leaving town soon. I can be the bigger person and overlook the fact that you were flirting with your Uncle!"

"If you knew what I'd done, why did you ask me!?!"

"I wanted to see if you'd admit it. We'll go with you didn't want to get Jonas into trouble and…I guess it's better than scaring the daylights out of him! Not by much, but considering the history between the two of you…"

With a fierce hug Bella says, "Thanks Aunt Janette. We'll miss all of you!"

"We'll miss you too, Bella, but I'm sure you'll all do just fine in the next town. Ara is getting to leave with you, right?"

"The Watcher's still working on it…but we all hope so."

The next morning, Bella gets an op at the bookstore, a book signing where she shows off her evil aura.

And she continues her familial duties while she's in town, stopping in for a goodbye visit with Cassidy.

The first thing she does is scoop up Laurel, Cassidy and Forest's middle child.

She gets in some tickles and snuggles and coos, "Well aren't you just the cutest thing!"

Cassidy's gone off to catch up on her sleep, so Bella takes care of their youngest child, Starla, named for Forest's Mom, Stardust.

Just look at Starla's pale skin, definitely on the light end of the black/white slider!

"Hey there sweetie, you take after me more than you do your mother or father!"

I'd hoped Bella would be able to get in one last visit before going off to work, but Luci wasn't home.

So later that evening, Lee filled in and went over to the Seng household.

Where we meet Luci and Khang's oldest son, Liem, who looks like his father.

Both Lee and Liem enjoy some tickle time.

And then Lee cuddles the newest addition to the Seng family, Kien.

Another child who's inherited the MH white/black slider genetics, but on the darker end this time.

Those MH genes sure are strong with 10 family members inheriting them from Rory so far!

Lee had to get home so he didn't get caught out after curfew, so I visit the Frio/Thomas home on my own.

Where everyone is gathered in the living room, making it easier to get photos than I thought it would be.

And boy has Patches' family grown!

Here's Hyatt and Riesa, his middle sister, who both have Patches' blue hair.

Tiana, one of the twins, is a bit shy and standing in the back corner with one of their three dogs.

Her sleepy twin, Annmarie, is standing next to daddy, Hudson.

With their youngest, Noelle, asleep on the floor.

Noelle won't be the youngest for long though, as, you guessed it, Patches is expecting child number six!

I peeked and they're having a boy!

Wow! Two adults, three dogs, and five kids with one on the way!

A quick look around the house had me adding two sets of bunkbeds in one of the upstairs bedrooms.

And turning the study into another bedroom with another set of bunkbeds in there.

Now everyone has a place to sleep.

And the kids make use of the bunkbeds right away!

With Hyatt reading Annmarie a bedtime story.

What a sweet kid.

I hope you all enjoyed seeing the family and friends that will be continuing their lives here in Monte Vista.

I know I did, especially seeing all the new family members and catching up with the others in their current life stages.

But Ara's still glitched and living with her grandparents and time is running out to get her fixed.

The triplets all have double teen life spans, but Pal only has one day before he ages up to young adult!

Can I get Ara fixed and moved back home in time for all of them to celebrate their young adult birthdays?

Find out with me in Chapter 354: Short but Sweet
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 354: Short but Sweet
« Reply #381 on: March 28, 2022, 03:13:54 PM »

On what I hope is Pal's last day of school, he wakes up with a mood swing.

"Oh, do I HAVE to go to school today, Watcher!?! It's sooooo boring!"

"You've only been going to school a week! Go shower, eat some breakfast, and make the best of it. Say goodbye to all your teachers and friends."


With the three teens off to school and Dane at work, Bella plays some chess and masters logic!

She'd just woken up from her nap and was about to join Lee on the couch when Dane scared the daylights out of her!

So much so that her evil aura flared to life.

"Dane! What was that for!?!"

"I didn't want you scolding Lee…"

"I wasn't going to scold him, just join him on the couch…"

"Oh, my bad. Carry on."

In town, Pal not only survived being in school all day but earned a promotion at the end of his shift at the bookstore.

So, against my better judgement, I let him prank the school.

And he gets caught and brought home in a squad car!

Dane, of course, grounds him!

He pleads with Dane for forgiveness, "It was a childish prank Mr. Frio and I'm really sorry…"

But Dane isn't having it…"No way, Mister, you're not getting off that easily. Try doing some chores around the house and I may reconsider."

I search all around the house for something Pal can do but the maid has done an exceptional job.

In desperation, I have Pal go brush his teeth and make the bed Bella slept in this afternoon.

And it works!

Dane tracks down Pal and lets him off the hook!

"I can see you're sorry, just don't do anything like that again."

Pal hangs his head in shame, "I won't Mr. Frio, especially since my birthday is later tonight."

"About that Pal, would you mind very much waiting until tomorrow to celebrate it? You see, Bella's working tonight and Ara's still at her grandparents. The Watcher is planning on trying another possible fix first thing in the morning."

"Of course, Mr. Frio. One more day of high school won't kill me and I know how important it is to Jade to have Ara celebrate with us."

"Thanks for being so understanding son."

But in town, Bella's not working, or not technically anyway.

She got the ultimate black op: Take The World Hostage!

So she's headed inside the Civic Center to do just that at the military base.

While I'm waiting for her outside, I spot a sim I'd missed in the goodbyes.

Here's Chadrick Frio, Rickey and Chiara's oldest child.

Just look at his greenie skin!

He has a baby sister, Candy, and she inherited her mother's peachy skin tone.

So that makes Chadrick the lone greenie grandchild here in Monte Vista.

So far anyway, but with Kaitlyn and Trey being greenies, there's a chance they could have them too.

Unfortunately, that won't happen while we're still in town.

Just when I'd about given up hope on Bella being victorious on her op, she flings open the bright blue door.

"Did you do it? Take The World Hostage?"

"Of course I succeeded! You doubted my abilities, Watcher!?!"

"Your abilities, no. The vagaries of ops…always!"

"Fair enough. Now about Ara…I've held up my end of the bargain, said goodbyes, posed for photos, and even did a few last minute ops…have you fixed her?"

"I've gotten another possible fix and it looks promising, especially since it involves IF dolls that are broken, just like Ara's Snuggles!"

"I'd forgotten that just after Ara's teen party, I got a message that Snuggles wanted to come out and play, so I set Snuggles on the living room floor.

And the doll froze!

I didn't think anything of it as I've had that happen a lot during all my years playing Sims.

But I think the red box thumbnail in Ara's relationship panel just might be broken Snuggles.

So I'm going to try the fix first thing in the morning!"

Bella's not usually an early riser, but she's up bright and early the next morning, right after the teens leave for school.

And she can't resist sneaking up behind Dane and screaming, "Aaagh, gotcha Dane!"

"Bella! What was that for!?!"

"Payback! And I'm excited about having our family back together!"

"Does that mean…"

"Yes, Dane! The Watcher figured out it might be Ara's IF doll Snuggles being broken that was causing Ara's issue. She tried the fix that the NRaas team provided: City Hall>NRaas>MC>Town>Object Stats>Local; then she looked for Objects.Misc.Imaginary Doll in the list and selected it and got rid of all 8 dolls in the list including Snuggles. And it worked!"

"So, Ara's home!?!"

"She's outside playing basketball with Aunt Janette, but I needed to let off some steam, so…"

"So, you came in here and scared the daylights out of me! Just this once Bella, I'll forgive you!"

I don't know who's more thrilled, me or the rest of the Frio family, including Ara.

It's probably safe to say we are all heaving a sigh of relief to have Ara back home, safe and sound.

As for why Ara played basketball with her Aunt Janette first thing after returning home, I'm afraid that's something only two insane sims would ever understand!

Well, this chapter was short but sweet as Ara is now back with her family.

Where she belongs!

Many thanks to Sarah_Sims on the NRaas team for all her helpful suggestions on how to fix Ara.

I am so glad one of them worked and made Ara playable again!

And now for the chapter I know I've been waiting for and I hope you have too.

Chapter 355: Many, Many Birthdays
Coming soon.

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Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 355: Many, Many, Birthdays
« Reply #382 on: March 31, 2022, 04:57:32 PM »

With Ara back home where she belongs, we start the round of birthdays as soon as everyone gets home.

And because he was so selfless and waited an extra day, we let Pal go first.

He thinks really hard about his birthday wish.

Sneaks a peek at Jade as she cheers loudly for him.

Though maybe he was more puzzled by having the maid join in his birthday celebration.

And Pal ages to young adult looking confident and more handsome than ever!

And since he's now Brave, that makes perfect sense.

Along with him choosing to Become An Astronaut for his lifetime wish.

Jade goes next, as the eldest of the triplets.

Making her wish as Pal wolfs down his cake.

As the sparkles hit, her family and friends clap and cheer, shouting birthday wishes.

Bella blows a party horn as Pal joins in and twirls a noise maker.

And Jade ages into a lovely young woman who is now a Great Kisser!

Her preoccupation with guitar comes to the fore when she chooses Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers for her lifetime wish, one that's only been completed by spares, so is still open for an heir.

Lee goes next, looking a little nervous as he makes his wish with his parents by his side.

Bella's still ecstatic, but Dane's his stoic self as he watches his only son become a man.

But as the sparkles surround Lee, Dane lets go of his closely held emotions and cheers along with the rest of the family.

And he looks just as excited as Bella and Jade.

Lee looks happy and confident and I cross my fingers for a good trait and lifetime wish option.

Despite Lee's odd age up outfit and brush cut hair, he gives us a timid smile as he announces he's now Eco-friendly.

And his dream lifetime wish was an option, so we now have a budding Monster Maker in the family!

Tabatha mentioned that she had to leave for work soon, so Ara graciously let her go next.

The family cheers just as loudly for Tabatha as they did the others, with Lee giving it his all.

And moments later, Tabatha joins the young adult crowd with a bright and happy smile.

Sporting weird hair and jeans hanging together by a thread, but still happy.

Since Tabatha's not part of the active family yet, her final trait and lifetime wish remain a mystery.

Last, but definitely not least, Ara stands before her birthday cake.

And if her family cheers just a bit louder for her than they did the others, it's to be expected.

It was touch and go there for a bit, on whether Ara was going to get to rejoin the family.

So a little extra cheering seems justified.

Ara makes her wish as the others wait to see her transformation.

And it's an eye-opening one, to say the least!

That hairstyle is just as bad on Ara as a young adult as it was when she aged to teen.

It's also on the top of my never-in-a-million-years-would-I-choose-this-look list!

So it definitely warrants an immediate make-over.

Much, much better.

The new dress not only reflects a bit of her inappropriateness but has sharp, clean lines.

Just the ticket for our new Neat freak!

Though I'm not sure how much that will help with her lifetime wish, Jack of All Trades.

On the positive side, that’s a lifetime wish that definitely keeps her in the running for this gens heir.


Arabella Frio---young adult human
LTW: Jack of All Trades
Career: None yet
Traits: Insane, Couch Potato, Animal Lover, Inappropriate, and Neat
Fav's: Egyptian music, Firecracker Tofu, Aqua
Boyfriend: Gianni Costa

And as I see Ara glance towards the table, I realize the Asian eyes she inherited from Dane are even more noticeable.

I'm happy to see that Dane managed to contribute that feature of his genetics into the Frio family.

Ara doesn't waste a minute after eating her cake and finds Gianni on the back patio.

For some reason, he stayed outside during all five birthdays.

I wonder if no one bothered to invite him in?

Well, Ara's about to fix that and in a big way.

She whispers in his ear, "Thanks for waiting for me."

Then she says, "Sorry no one invited you in to celebrate all of our birthdays."

"The oversight is understandable with you finally getting to move back home. I'm just happy to be here, to be with you."

"Happy enough to make it permanent and move in with me!?!"

Gianni steps closer, caresses Ara's shoulder, and looks deeply into her eyes, "Nothing would make me happier, Ara. I love you."

And just like that, Gianni Costa joins the family!

Then he gets directed to shower and get to bed as he's totally exhausted.

No wonder he spent all that time out here in one of the rocking chairs!

Inside, Lee is having a similar conversation with Tabatha.

"Happy Birthday, Tab."

"You too, Lee. I had no idea we'd be celebrating five birthdays!"

"Pretty wild, huh? But typical for my family, especially being one of triplets. Think you could handle it on a regular basis?"

Tabatha loses her smile and asks soberly, "You want me to move in already?"

"More than anything! I've had the wish since you asked me to go steady at our first prom!"

Tabatha squeals and flings herself in Lee's arms, "Yes, of course I'll move in with you!"

The family is now complete with eight members.

But like Gianni, Tabatha's motives are low, so she uses the bathroom, takes a shower, and heads off to the bedroom she now shares with Lee for some much needed sleep.

Pal's sleepy too, but he's popped a wish to join the military.

So he hops onto the living room PC and signs up!

Lee does the same moments later and then heads to town to finalize the papers at City Hall.

When he gets home he'll be a self-employed Inventor!

In the kitchen, Jade cringes as she messes up the song she's playing just as Pal walks behind her.

"Please tell me you didn't hear that!"

Pal smiles and says, "Hear what? Nothing to hear in here."

"Thanks, Pal. I can always count on you to back me up."

"If that's an invitation to join your band, I'd be honored."

"No band plans at the moment and the way I'm playing right now, I'd have to say that's your new brave trait talking!"

Jade cringes even more when she thinks about her new trait and is sorry she brought the subject up.

But Pal just says, "It's been a long day, maybe you should give it up for the night and start fresh in the morning?"

"That sounds like a good idea. Night, Pal."

"Goodnight, Jade."

But instead of going off to bed, Jade finds herself being squeezed in a tight hug.

"Oh, Ara, it's so good to have you home! I've missed you so much!"

"I missed you too Jade, all of you. More than I ever thought I would."

"And now we're back together and all grown up. Ready to start a new adventure. Did Gianni say yes?"

"He did. He's sleeping in Aunt Janette and Uncle Jonas' old room, my room too now!"

"Oh, that's where Pal was sleeping…"

Ara shrugs, "Pal can bunk in with you, problem solved."

"With me!?!"

"Yes, Miss Never Nude, with you! You're a Great Kisser now and he's Brave…sparks should fly! But you really need to do something about those clothes…that skirt is awful!"

Even if Jade can't take a hint, I can.

And her age up black cami is stunning paired with a gray ruffled skirt and black sandals!

Jade Frio---young adult human
LTW: Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers
Career: None yet, most likely music
Traits: Couch Potato, Excitable, Never Nude, Over-emotional, and Great Kisser
Fav's: Soul music, Ceviche, Grey
BF: Pal Frio

"That's much better. You even look more confident."

"I feel more confident. But Watcher….Great Kisser! Really!??"

"You'll never know until you try it! But it's late so better save that for tomorrow."

"Good idea. Night, Watcher."

"Night, Jade."

The triplets are all young adults and so are their chosen partners, who've already moved in!

The traits they got weren't anything to write home about but at least no one rolled dislikes children or commitment issues, so I'm considering that a win.

And all of the lifetime wishes they chose make them eligible for this gens heir.

But if Jade and Pal stay together, Jade would be disqualified.

Will Jade choose possible heirship or Pal?

Would Pal want her to give up heirship for him?

Will Ara talk Gianni into considering heirship?

Has Lee even given heirship a thought?

And where are they going next on their journey?

So many questions…

Join me for some of the answers in Chapter 356: The Decision Process Begins
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 356: The Decision Process Begins
« Reply #383 on: April 04, 2022, 01:15:10 PM »

As soon as Lee gets back from City Hall and is officially an inventor, I pop him into stylist and can't help but choose this look for his career outfit.

It just seems so appropriate for working at the inventing table with a glowing torch.

It also shows off his biceps and just how cute he is, so a win-win!

Lee Frio ---young adult human
LTW: Monster Maker
Career: Inventing
Traits: Couch Potato, Loner, Excitable, Eccentric, and Eco-friendly
Fav's: rap music, Potato and Truffle Torte, Irish Green
GF: Tabatha Mancini

But Lee's not so sure as he says, "I feel like something's missing, Watcher."

"You mean, like a shirt with sleeves?"

"No, being sleeveless, it will be cooler, and the gloves will protect my hands, but I feel like I need something else, especially for every day."

"Oh, I think I know what you mean."

"How's this?"

"Perfect Watcher! Everything is so sharp and clear now!"

"All that close work at the inventing table must have damaged your eyesight a bit."

Shaking his head ruefully, Lee adds, "Mom would be blaming it on all the tv I've watched!"

"She has been a little tougher on you about that than she is with your sisters…"

"A little? She goes off like a rocket every time she find me on the couch! Well, she did before Dad went off on her about it."

"I think it's because you're her choice for heir, Lee. She's trying to toughen you up for the responsibility of it."

"Really!?! THAT'S why Mom was always calling me lazy? She wanted me to be actively thinking about the future and heirship? I mean, I KNOW one of us has to be heir and continue the journey but it always seemed to be something way off in the future, when we were grown up."

"And now you all are. Graduation is Friday."

"Friday!?! That's only two days away!"

"Yes. And after graduation it's time to choose an heir and continue the journey."

"Where are we going, Watcher?"

"That's something else that hasn't been decided yet…"

"Oh. I guess I can see why Mom kept yelling at me…I've never even thought about this stuff…"

"Well, you can't put it off any longer, so the three of you better start doing some fast thinking!"

Lee takes my words to heart and immediately engages Ara in a serious conversation.

"You actually discussed heirship with Grandpa but didn't tell us about it?"

"It was right before I glitched out and moved out with them, Lee. I never got the chance."

"Right. So are you interested in the position?"

"Sometimes. My feelings aren't all over the map, like Jade's, but my thoughts tend to flit from one thing to another. Which is why I chose Jack of All Trades for my lifetime wish, so I get to experience four careers instead of sticking with just one. Having options suits me. So, though I'm open to heirship, I'm not totally sold on it. Are you?"

"I hadn't given it a thought until discussing it with the Watcher moments ago! I guess I wouldn't mind, though it would probably mean watching way less tv."

"All three of us have that issue! Which makes it even worse for me since I'm crazy too! Double whammy there."

"Has Jade said anything to you about heirship? Is it something she wants?"

"She hasn't mentioned it to me. Besides…Grandpa told me that if Jade chooses Pal as her partner, she wouldn't be eligible, since Pal's not an original resident or descendant of this town."

"And since Jade's all about feelings, odds are she'll choose Pal."

"Most likely. But if she doesn't she'd have to find another partner and quickly."

"Which would probably mean…"

Ara makes a face, "Having Rico as our brother-in-law!"

"Some choice! Jade's ineligible if she chooses Pal, or we get stuck with Rico! Mom should have been more clear when she was yelling at me for being lazy! We could have been discussing heirship much sooner and we wouldn't be in this mess!"

"So this is all Mom's fault? I can live with that!"

"You and Mom on the outs again?"

Ara narrows her eyes, "If she flirts with Gianni again, Mom will be the one that's out. Permanently! One more reason to add to my list of reasons for NOT accepting heirship. If she keeps flirting with him, as spares, we can always move out."

Lee pulls Ara in for a hug and says, "Ouch, I'm sorry Mom likes Gianni too much. I have the opposite problem. Mom and Tabatha can't stand each other!"

"That won't make living with the two of them very much fun for you, but at least you won't be worrying if they're doing things together that are just gross!"

"True. They'll probably just argue and beat each other senseless and with Mom having mastered athletics, it'll be Tab that will get the worst of a physical fight. She may be our mother but I'm not putting up with that if I become heir!"

"Good for you, big brother!"

"A man's got to do what a man's got to do. I really have been lax in standing up to Mom and planning for the future, but that ends now."

Lee does his best thinking while he's inventing, so it's no surprise when he starts on another project.

"How come you're not wearing your new career outfit?"

"I see everything so much clearer with my new glasses on that this felt more comfortable."

"My bad. I'll add your glasses to that outfit next time I get a chance."

The next morning, Ara's happily listening to Dane and Jade play a duet.

Jade's been taking every opportunity to play guitar now that mastering it is one of the requirements for her lifetime wish.

And Dane's popped a wish to master bass, so the two of them playing together works out perfectly.

As soon as Pal wakes up I pop him into Stylist.

And it almost kills me when he says, "I love my long hair, Watcher, but it's not even close to military regulations."

I'd never even thought of that when Pal chose to become an astronaut so, with a huge sigh of regret, I choose a short hairstyle that's much more in keeping with his chosen career.

Technically, it should probably have been cut even shorter, but I chose the shortest hairstyle that still showed off his purple hair and red tips.

Pal Frio---Jade's imaginary friend made real who is now a young adult
LTW: Become an Astronaut
Career: Military
Traits: Adventurous, Unlucky, Equestrian, Heavy Sleeper, and Brave
(But I took the liberty of changing Unlucky to Handy and Equestrian to Athletic since I allow trait changes for IF's)
Fav's: Chinese music, Hot Dogs, Pink (not happening for an astronaut with purple and red hair!)
Skills when made real: Logic--1
GF: Jade Frio

Unfortunately, I forgot to take a close-up.

Something I didn't forget for Tabatha.

And with her bangs and side-flip pony tail back in place, she looks as stunning as ever!

And added bonus is that, with her auburn locks, there's a chance that red hair could be brought back into the Frio family, something I would love to see.


Tabatha Mancini---young adult human
Parents: Camillo and Guila (Capp) Mancini, original residents of MV
Sibling: Marco Mancini
LTW: The Zoologist (collect 20 animals, minor pets only)
Career: Culinary, level 1 (not sure about keeping that)
Traits: Technophobe, Clumsy, Animal Lover, Friendly, and at YA, Supernatural Fan
Fav's: Songwriter music, Stu Surprise, and Turquoise (very close to Bella's and Ara's fav color Aqua!)
Skills at Move In: Athletic-2; Charisma-3, Cooking-1; Drums-2
Boyfriend: Lee Frio

"Is Zoologist a lifetime wish I can even hope to accomplish, Watcher?  I chose at teen, and the only two choices that appealed to me were that one and Super Popular."

"Zoologist is easily doable, Tabatha. Much easier than any of the other animal-related lifetime wishes. But Super Popular would have been a fine choice too."

"So I can keep it!?!"

"Yes, you can keep the wish. I'm not so sure about keeping 20 pets in terrariums as they require a lot of care. But the wish doesn't require that, only that you catch 20 pets. It counts them  even if they escape! That's why it's one of the easier lifetime wishes, in my opinion."

"Good to know, Watcher."

After her make-over, Tabatha gets to enjoy some breakfast.

And enjoy it she does as it's her favorite, Stu Surprise.

She claps in anticipation, "Oh my, I can't wait to try this!"

And she finds it even more delicious than she expected it to be.

"You'll be glad to know that there's plenty of it stored in one of the replicators too. If it survives the journey to the next town."

"If it doesn't I could always increase my cooking skill and make it myself."

"I like your spirit, Tabatha."

"I wish Lee's mother did---we always seem to be at odds. I'm not sure why."

"Me either. I checked out the trait conflict lists and neither of you has a trait that conflicts with the others. Since we have no idea what's causing your dislike of one another, I'll fix your relationship and give you two a chance."

"Thanks, Watcher! That would be a huge relief."

"Done! You and Bella are now friends. Hopefully, you can keep it that way."

"I love having friends Watcher, so if it's up to me, it'll work out."

I don't say anything, but from past experience with Bella all these years, she may not be so willing to let bygones be bygones.

Then it's Gianni's turn in Stylist.

A close-up reveals a genetic feature I never noticed before and I can't help commenting on it.

"Gianni, you have the cutest freckles ever!"

A bit chagrined Gianni says, "Thanks, Watcher. Ara's mother thinks so too!"

"Oh, sorry about that. I've been trying to keep her from harassing you but she's slippery and her flirty trait tends to get out of hand more often than not lately."

"It's making for an uncomfortable and tense situation. And I'm not sure why she's paying me so much attention. She never has before."

"Then let's take a look at your traits and see if we can figure it out."


Gianni Costa---young adult human
Parents: Dante and Giovanna Costa, original residents of MV
Siblings: Cipriana, Victoria, and Reynaldo
LTW: Home Design Hotshot (Definitely being changed)
Career: Culinary, level 1 (also being changed)
Traits: Neurotic, Slob, Artistic, Genius, and at YA, Charismatic

"Well, that explains it, the SimsWiki says that 'Charismatic Sims gain 25% bonus lifetime relationship by socializing, allowing them to build up relationships faster and that Charismatic Sim's conversation will never bore other Sims.' It also 'reduces the ratio of mean interactions Hot-headed, Evil, Inappropriate, Grumpy or Mean-Spirited Sims will autonomously perform on other Sims due to the large amount of friendly interactions the traits provide.' Since you're charismatic now and a young adult, and Bella is both evil and grumpy…"

"My charisma is quickly increasing our relationship and stopping her from performing evil and grumpy interactions."

"Which has her hopeless romantic and flirty traits coming to the fore even more than usual."

"So what do I do about it? Ara was livid the last time it happened and said she'll take matters into her own hands if it ever happens again! She was so furious it made me nervous and I had to check the bathroom sink three times before I could calm down!"

"I'll try to keep an eye on Bella. In the meantime, try to stay busy painting or playing guitar so she can't interact with you."

"I'll do my best, Watcher."

Lucky for Giovanni, Dane had gotten Ara a job at the Civic Center.

So Ara headed out early for her first day as a snitch.

Just as the carpool drove away, Ara popped a wish to reach level 5 in the law enforcement career.

Despite their late start, the triplets are doing their best to get on track with their futures.

Bella's up early and already chatting with Lee, while Pal is getting geared up for his military career and exercising to a tv program.

Pal looks so cute in his fatigues.

But it's Bella and Lee's conversation that catches my ear.

"Lee!?! I almost didn't recognize you! New clothes and those glasses…you look so…studious and… grown up."

"About time don't you think!?! I really should have been paying more attention during high school. I just never took the hint, Mom! But last night the Watcher and I discussed heirship and Ara and I had our first conversation about it too. Did you know that Ara already had a conversation with Grandpa about heirship?"

"No. Neither one of them mentioned it to me!"

"Not their fault, Mom. It was right before all the issues with Ara and she moved out with them."

Slightly mollified Bella says, "Did either of you come to any decisions about heirship or the next town on our journey?"

"Not yet, but we're both thinking over the pros and cons for ourselves. As for Jade, we haven't had her input at all. But Ara and I feel it's most likely Jade will stay with Pal, given the choice of heirship or him."

Pal stiffens at Lee's words and stops exercising in mid stretch!

And the next thing I know he's confronting Jade in the entryway!

"Is it true!?! If you continue a relationship with me, you aren't eligible for heir!?!"

"I hadn't really thought about it that way, but if it's a choice between heirship and you, I'd pick you every time, Pal! We waited so long to be together and you were so patient waiting for me to realize where my heart belongs. My heart would break if I gave up on us now!"

Afraid that her words wouldn't be enough to convince him, Jade puts her new trait to use and kisses him soundly!

Her words of love and heartbreak lost amongst their passionate kiss.

Jade pulls away for a breathe of air, asking, "Did that convince you that I love you? That us breaking up would devastate me much more than not being heir?"

Pal smiles and catches her hands in his own and pulls her back toward him saying, "I'll say! But let's get in a little more practice, just to make sure there's no doubt in my mind!"

Tabatha and Lee are busy practicing romance as well.

But in the privacy of their bedroom, so I leave them to it.

To get back into Ara's good graces, Gianni is putting on the charm and sweetening her up with flowers!

Dane's still plucking away at his bass, so intent on mastering it he didn't even bother to change out of his lab clothes.

That evening, Tabatha got invited to a party her father, Camillo, was throwing.

She does her best to make amends with her brother Marco.

"I'm sorry we didn't get along when I was living at home, Marco. I hope we can stay in touch once I leave town."

"Sure, sis. With you out of the way, I'll be the sole heir to Dad's fortune!"

"Dad doesn't have a fortune."

"Not yet, but Uncle Carlo does and he's getting ready to kick the bucket. He's all about family and is sure to leave Dad something, which will come to me when Dad pops off!"

It's easy to see why they didn't get along, but Tabatha just sighs at her brother's cavalier attitude and greed.

Lee's got other matters on his mind as he asks Tabatha's father for her hand.

"Mr. Mancini, I love your daughter and have since we were teens. I know I'm taking her away, but it would mean a lot to us both if we had your blessing."

"I'd be honored to call you my son-in-law, Lee. You have my blessing to marry my daughter."

With Camillo giving his blessing, I take the time to look around the house.

That's when I notice poor Guila Capp Mancini has been zombified!

Right, I forgot their was a full moon tonight.

Unfortunately, in her zombified state, Tabatha can't converse with her mother or even give her a goodbye hug.

With the moon high and full, the family ghosts are out in full force.

And since I've stored all the rocking chairs in the family inventory in anticipation of our move, they find other things to do.

Adam swims in the pool.

Then he heads inside to relax in a chair as he's exhausted, saying, "I'm tired too, Dad, but the floor just doesn't work for me."

Poor Sam, he still can't stomach the sight of a ghost even if he's related to them and been one himself for years!

With no rocking chairs available and none of the other couch potatoes using it, Lorelei settles down on the living room couch and plays a video game.

Samuel floats  into the kitchen where Jerad asks, "Care to join me for some birthday cake? They've got enough leftover cake to feed the Netherworld!"

Samuel smiles and says, "Don't mind if I do. I haven't had birthday cake in a long time."

And Claire jumps out of the potted plant she'd been possessing!

"Wow, you ghosts actually do stuff when they are no rocking chairs to laze around in. I should pack them away more often!"

Claire just gives me a look that has me quickly saying, "Or not."

The triplets have been making decisions left and right now that they are under the gun.

Lee and Ara are both considering heirship.

Jade has made it perfectly clear to Pal that he's more important to her than being heir.

And Pal seems to be okay with Jade's decision as she rocked his world with her new kissing skills!

Gianni has smoothed things over with Ara and hopefully he can keep himself busy so Bella doesn't get a chance to flirt with him again.

And Lee has asked Tabatha's father for her hand in marriage and been given Camillo's blessing.

So things are finally moving along for our three couch potatoes.

Next up is Chapter 357: Graduations and a Family Meeting
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 357: Graduations and a Family Meeting
« Reply #384 on: April 08, 2022, 08:55:39 PM »

Back from her father's party and her needs full, I find Tabatha raking leaves while Jerad is working off his cake by playing in the leaf pile.

A nearby rustle has me spotting both a squirrel and a chipmunk, which Tabatha quickly catches.

"Wow! That was easy Watcher!"

"Two down and only eighteen to go!"

"Any chance there's a turtle close by? I've had a wish to catch one since my birthday."

"Let me check the Collection Helper. In fact, I'll pop it into your inventory since no one else is using it. Sorry, no turtles in the area but if you don't mind some traveling, I spotted one across town."

A few minutes later, Tabatha has added happiness points to her stash and she's crooning away to her latest pet.

The next morning I find Lee and Tabatha having a serious conversation.

"So you would be okay with me being heir, even if that means living with my mother for most of our time in the next town? I know the two of you don't get along."

Tabatha ponders the question and says, "If you're chosen as heir, then I'm on board. The Watcher's made us friends and I hope to keep it that way."

"Good then that's settled. I didn't want to be considered for heirship only to find out you hated the idea if it meant having to live with her!"

Tabatha smiles and optimistically says, "Between the three of us, I think we can handle your mother!"

I cross my fingers and hope she's right.

Then it's time for graduation!

By the time I get the camera situated where City Hall doesn’t fade away, Bella, Dane, and Lee have already gone inside.

And our other five graduates are waiting to go through the doors.

They all go in one by one, until it's just Tabatha standing all by herself.

And then the others start filing back through the doors.

Ara throws up her diploma, happy she's graduated with highest honors and proud that her classmates voted her Most Likely to Offend Others!

Gianni graduated with Highest Honors too, but was so disappointed to be voted Most Likely to Take Over the World that instead of throwing his diploma he opted to listen to a tab cast.

I guess because he doesn't want to follow in his father's footsteps or have anything to do with the criminal career.

Jade catches hers with a big smile as she's earned highest honors too.

Though why she was voted Most Likely to Never Leave the House doesn't make much sense to me.

Yes, she loves watching tv, yes, she prefers to be clothed, but she leaves the house all the time!

It's an annoying honor, to say the least.

Lee's surprised and thrilled that he not only got highest honors but also snagged Class Valedictorian!

He threw his diploma super high and let out a cheer.

Maybe because he wasn't voted anything at all!?!

Better to be left out of such a dubious honor than be stuck with one like Jade's or Gianni's!

But Gianni's smile returned when a co-graduate said, "You lucky dog! You've got three ways to take over the world, politically, with your charisma, and musically or artistically, with your natural talents! I wish I had all that going for me!"

Jade frowned and said, "Well, they got mine totally wrong! I'll be playing for tips everywhere EXCEPT the house!"

Pal was gratified that all his hard work over the last week had paid off as he received highest honors as well.

And was voted Most Likely to Save the World!

Now his makes perfect sense with his new brave trait and his desire to become an astronaut.

And as soon as all of them stop cheering and congratulating each other, Tabatha finally heads inside City Hall to graduate!

So all the new graduates change into formal clothes and troop back in for another graduation ceremony.

Turns out that because their graduating class was so big, they split the ceremony into two sessions.

The morning session included Gianni Costa and all the Frio graduates, but since Tabatha is a Mancini, she was scheduled for the afternoon.

After another long wait, made even more dreary by the incessant rain, Tabatha finally emerges followed by her new family and friends.

She clutches her diploma and gives it a squeeze and seems happy enough.

But since she only graduated with Merit and was voted Most Likely to Burn Down Her Own House, I'm not thinking it was really worth waiting for!

Thankfully, I always have an heir take the Fireproof Homestead reward, so there's little chance of that one coming true.

Back at the house, I find Ara listening intently to Gianni.

"Every town has a law enforcement agency Ara, and I can paint and play guitar anywhere, so where we go isn't a big deal. But shouldering the responsibility of your family's journey is a big undertaking, so you need to be really sure that it's what you want. I'll follow your lead, heir or spare doesn't make a difference to me, as long as we stay together."

"You mean as long as the Watcher and I can keep my mother away from you!?! I know she's the one responsible for that incident, Gianni. And her actions are really making me re-think the idea of heirship as it involves living with her for a very long time. Are YOU up for THAT?"

Gianni's silence speaks louder than words and has Ara saying, "I didn't think so. But if it falls to me, to us, we'll make the best of it. I've been twisting my mother around my little finger since I could walk, and if Lee can find the guts to stand up to her now, then it shouldn't be a problem for me!"

Gianni scoops Ara into his arms and hugs her tightly, "You're amazing babe! The best thing that ever happened to me!"

"I know. Now let's get this family meeting started so we can make our final decisions and get on with our lives!"

"You mean actually having a tv back in the house, right?'

"For starters!"

The four couples sit in pairs on loveseats in the almost empty living room.

Bella, Jade, and Ara all seem to be staring at Lee, who's sitting stiff as a board.

Gianni's shooting a look at Pal, who's keeping his eyes downcast and not making eye contact.

No one looks like they are enjoying this at all.

Bella crosses her legs and finally snaps out, "Well, somebody say something! This is a family meeting, not a funeral!"

Tabatha and Ara share a look and I get the feeling that if either one of them had a say, they'd both vote for it being Bella's.

I know Ara definitely would!

But before Ara can put that thought into words, the room erupts with sound, made more deafening by the uncomfortable silence that had reigned before it.

Dane asks, "Does anyone want a drink?"

Gianni adding, "Or something  to eat? There's plenty of leftovers from breakfast."

While both Lee and Jade say, "The house is just too quiet without the tv on!"

Bella takes the comments in and says, "We are NOT, repeat NOT digging the tv out of storage to provide back ground noise! Seriously Dane? Two geniuses in the house and all you can come up with is drinks and food!?!  I meant say something about what we are here to discuss, not just blurt random thoughts running through your head!"

Dane's expression turns back to his usual stoic look as he says, "Right. Let's do this in an orderly fashion. Since you're the eldest, Jade, why don't you give us your thoughts on heirship?"

Bella nods and says, "That's better. One at a time. Jade?"

Jade spreads her hands helplessly and says, "I think everyone knows where I stand on the matter. I love Pal and he loves me, we've been companions and friends since I was a toddler. As far as I'm concerned heirship is between Lee and Ara!"

Pal gives Jade a searching look and says, "You're sure? I don't want you giving up something that you'd regret later. You made me real Jade, gave me a chance to have a real life. I want you to be happy too."

"Pal, I'm being totally honest here. Our relationship is the most important thing in my life. I almost lost it once, that's not happening ever again!"

Lee and Tabatha go next.

"I haven't really thought about heirship much, but Ara and I discussed it, figuring Jade would probably choose Pal. So, I'm okay whether it's Ara or me. If I'm chosen as heir, I'll do my best to fulfill all my required duties and try not to be distracted by tv too much. "

Tabatha hesitates for just a moment and then says, "Honestly, I'd love the opportunity to get to know the family ghosts! I couldn't believe my luck when Lee told me that you have seven of them living with you! So if Lee is chosen, I'm more than willing to take on the responsibilities of an heir spouse. And I won't be distracted by electronic devices but can focus on spousal duties."

Gianni chimes in with enthusiasm, "I feel the same way as Tabatha, that I'd welcome the opportunities being in the main house offers. And I can contribute by becoming the resident artist, now that Ara's grandfather is staying here in Monte Vista. As long as Ara's part of the package, I'm in!"

Ara gives Lee a fond look and says, "Lee pretty much said it all. If I'm chosen, I'll do my best to fulfill heirship duties. But you all know I'm not giving up watching tv or making inappropriate forum posts! In my free time of course, though having to reach level 5 of four different careers will probably keep me pretty busy."

Bella drums her fingers together and laughs evilly, "I'm so glad you both used the word chosen! That just might make what I'm about to say easier to swallow, though I doubt it," and she laughs evilly again!

She places a green egg on the floor and says, "Your grandmother gave me this and told me it would choose the heir for this generation!"

The room grows silent as all chatter stops and everyone stares at the object on the floor.

Then they all exchange puzzled glances and shrug at each other in confusion.

Lee can't resist and stands up to get a better look.

He contemplates it for a few minutes and then asks, "What is it?"

Bella exchanges a look with Jade, and says, "You owe me $5 simoleans!"

Turning to Lee she says snarkily, "It's an egg, of course!"

"Obviously, mother. But what kind of an egg? And don't say green!"

Bella sighs and says, "We don't know. My grandmother, Odette, gave it to your grandmother and told her to pass it on to the next heir, 'when the time was right'. Mom was thrilled! You know how much she loves anything remotely supernatural. And when I told her we'd planned a family meeting after graduation, she gave it to me."

Jade asks, "Where did great-grandmother Odette find it?"

"She didn't find it, her younger sisters, Ella and Merida, did, back in Hidden Springs. If you can believe it, in a secret museum called the Museum of Magic and Supernatural, or MoMas to keep it secret! In fact, it was your grandfather Tobias' mother, Emmaline, that gave it to them for safekeeping because Ella was a witch, just like Emmaline's grandmother. I have an old photo. It's dark but you can just make out the shadow of the egg behind Merida's left foot."

Taking the photo, Ara queries, "What's that bush in front of her? It looks odd."

"A jelly bean bush. The jelly beans are supposed to be magical. And so is the egg."

Tabatha blurts out, "Magical!?! I like the sound of that. So what do we do with the egg?"

Bella sighs again and says, "We're supposed to talk to it. Well, the candidates are. Lee and Ara, both of you stand up and talk to the egg!"

Turning to Jade, Bella adds, "You sure you don't want to be part of this?"

Jade says firmly, "Quite sure. Pal's enough magic for me!"

Then the room quiets down as they watch the two candidates.

Ara, of course, gets into it and chats away as if talking to an old friend, ending with, "Got any ham, green egg!"

Lee studies it thoughtfully and says, "Hi, I'm Lee. I'm an inventor and I hope to make monsters some day."

Then his eyes fly open behind his glasses as he says, "That was odd. I swear I heard a voice!"

Ara leans closer to the egg and says, "I don't hear anything and I hear voices all the time!"

Lee and Ara sit back down and they all stare at the egg.

Nothing happens.


Watching her children squirm, Bella finally breaks the silence, smirks, and says, "It's just as eggciting as all that tv you three love to watch!"

Everyone groans at the horrible pun and I add my own voice to the proceedings, "The egg is counting down."

Dane asks, "What's the current time on it?"

"Two hours and 43 minutes."

Bella sighs again and says, "Then let's not waste it. Everyone go pack up your last few belongings and we'll meet back here in about two and a half hours, so we don't miss whatever's going to happen."

All six of our new young adults have graduated, most with honors, so they can be proud of the accomplishment.

In an odd turn of events, and against her better judgement, Bella is allowing the green egg from Hidden Springs to choose this gens heir!

So who will the egg choose, Lee or Ara?

Find out in the final Monte Vista Chapter 358: The Egg Leaves It's Mark
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 358: The Egg Leaves It's Mark
« Reply #385 on: April 14, 2022, 01:11:11 PM »

As I watch the egg, Lee comes back into the room and stares at it.

"All finished with your packing?'

"No. But I keep hearing a voice…"

"Really? I haven't heard anything. The egg hasn't moved or made a peep."

"Well, I swear something keeps calling me! And Mom said the egg was found in Hidden Springs, at the Museum of…"

"Magic and Supernatural, MoMaS to help keep it secret."

"Right. So, it's got to have some kind of magical or supernatural powers. And I'm not just being eccentric, something is speaking to me!"

"I believe you! Odder things have happened in this family over the years."

Lee paces back and forth by the egg and then turns his head sharply as the egg moves and begins to sparkle.

"Something's happening, Watcher!"

"It is! Call everyone in here but don't take your eyes off the egg!"

But my words come a second too late as Lee glances away, just as a white cloud engulfs the egg, with the tips of what looks like blue wings emerging from the smoke!

When the smoke clears, a miniature purple dragon with blue wings is standing on the floor in front of Lee!

Lee exclaims, "Well, well, well, what do we have here!?!"

The purple dragon doesn't say anything I can hear, but it flies upward straight towards Lee!

Lee's a bit startled as the dragon perches gently on his arm, but quickly says, "Oh, it's you that's been talking to me! Your voice is much clearer now that you're not inside the egg."

The dragon squeaks, but I don't understand.

Until Lee says, "Oh, I see. Your name is Indigo. And you need someone to take you home as you can't thrive here."

Lee pets Indigo's head and says, "Sure, little guy, I can take you home! Where's home exactly?"

More dragon chatter fills the room, and Lee smiles as he says, "Of course that would be your home! That makes perfect sense! And what luck that you need to be brought back home just when I need to choose a new town!"

I smile and say, "I don't think Tabatha and your grandmother would chalk it up to luck, Lee, more like providential direction, with a bit of magic thrown in!"

Lee grins down at Indigo and says, "Some Watcher magic, I'm sure!"

Moments later Bella is hugging Lee fiercely as she says, "Congratulations Lee! I can't believe there really was something in that egg!  And it was smart enough to choose you! It did choose you, right!?!"

Excitedly Lee exclaims, "It did, Mom! When it perched on my arm it gave me the mark of the dragon!"

"That was a dragon!?! But it was so small…"

"It didn't mention size, Mom. Only that it can't live in this town as it needs a specific type of radiation only found in it's home, so I've promised to take it back there!"

"And where is it's home?"

Lee doesn't bother to mention that he asked Indigo the same question.

He just splays his hands in an obvious manner and says, "Think about it Mom! Where else would a dragon live but Dragon Valley!?!"

Ara and Jade come running into the living room as Bella blurts out, "The egg hatched! There was a small purple dragon inside and it left it's mark on Lee, so he's our new heir. He's promised to take the dragon back to it's home, so we're moving to Dragon Valley!"

Jade gives Lee a hug, "Congratulations, Lee! You'll make a great heir!"

As Ara waits her turn to offer her congratulations, she seems happy about the choice the dragon made.

But moments later, as she hugs Lee, her thoughts take an ominous turn as a ghost fills her thought bubble!

Maybe she's not as happy about Lee being chosen heir as I thought!

But a quick check of her wishes shows that she doesn't want to see Lee's ghost, so I guess it's just a stray crazy thought.

Dane finally gets his chance and gives Lee a warm fatherly hug, "You'll make a great heir, Lee! You have my utmost confidence!"

"Thanks, Dad! That means a lot! It's one thing to be chosen heir, but it's quite another to know you have your entire family's love and support."

"It is! And you can count on each and every one of us to do all we can to make our time in the next town enjoyable and productive."

"As long as we don't count you and Mom scaring the daylights out of us on a regular basis; me, Jade and Ara spending hours on the couch watching mindless tv shows; or Ara making inappropriate posts and talking to herself?"

Dane chuckles and says, "Not counting any of that, of course!"

Then he excitedly adds, "I heard your mother say that you've promised to take that dragon back to his hometown, Dragon Valley. As the new heir, why don't you go check it out on the web and make arrangements for us to move?"

"Good idea, Dad! I can jump right in to my heirship duties and start making the big decisions!"

Lee sits down at the lone PC I've left in the living room.

After a bit of searching on the web and reading over what's he found,  he says, "Dragon Valley seems like an interesting town, Watcher!"

"That it is, Lee! It's one of my favorites, just like Hidden Springs. And it's back story is even more mysterious!"

"With me being chosen heir by a dragon, I don't doubt it!"

"It's a much older town than Hidden Springs, set in medieval times actually. But it wasn't discovered or made part of SimLand until much later, when it was annexed as the 15th town. And at one time dragons were terrorizing the place!"

"I was just reading about that Watcher, this article says, 'The O'Connell family has been leading the town since their great-great-grandfather Captain O'Connell landed there and helped the town tame the dragons. They love caring for the town, but they are starting to wonder if democracy isn't more the way.' * So though the town is set in medieval times it sounds like it's making progress towards more enlightened ways of government."

"Yes. But not everyone likes progress. There's still a faction of the town, namely the Mithrilen family, that feels they should return to the old ways, guided by Fintan Mithrilen himself, of course!"

"Well, I'm sure Mom will have something to say about that! She likes being in control and has plans to establish herself as the Empress of Evil as soon as she can in the new town! I was surprised to hear that Cousin Cassidy ousted her from the position here though!"

"That was all part of your mother's plan, hers and Cassidy's, and they've bounced back and forth between that position several times over the last few weeks. But control over the criminal element won't be an issue as Seamus O'Connell is in politics and Fintan Mithrilen is in the military."

"A newspaper article says that the Mithrilen guy is planning on running for Mayor! If he wins, that could shake things up! This town sounds like the perfect place for an eccentric inventor!"

But when Lee starts searching for a new family home in Dragon Valley, the news isn't as promising.

"Several one bedroom homes, Watcher, and here's a 2 bedroom. Oh, that one looks bigger! But it only has 3 bedrooms so still not quite big enough with four couples in the house now."

"Don't worry about it, Lee! I have a house in mind that should work perfectly for all of you and fit in with the town nicely. And another one that will work for your sisters when they move out on their own with Pal and Gianni."

"What about when it's time for Mom and Dad to move out?"

"That's covered too! The family architect, MrsFlynn, kindly contributed a couple of her builds, too!"

"Then I'll just get this move underway!"

Moments later, Lee is running across the lawn with Dane on his heels.

And Pal is running to catch up with them.

I'm assuming they're all just heading for the street to drive to their new lot.

But no!

The whole family starts running after Lee and Dane down the side of the road!

"Oh, the empty lot you bought is next door!"

"It is, Watcher. First things first, selling off our business partnerships. Easiest simoleans I've ever made!"

"Since you've never made a simolean in your life prior to now, I'd agree!"

Then Lee calls the travel agency, "No, no tropical island vacation this time. I need eight first class one-way tickets on the next available flight to Dragon Valley! Yes, Dragon Valley! I know there are dragons there! I'm bringing one home! Of course he doesn't bite! I don't think so anyway, but that doesn't matter, he's traveling safely in my luggage. Sure, a locked pet carrier…that's what I meant!"

Bella hisses, "Don't mention you're traveling with an imaginary friend made real!"

Pal meets Bella's look with one of his own and says, "Tell them you're traveling with a grumpy, evil, Super Villain!"

Lee continues his one-sided conversation, "The name? Frio! My mother, Bella Frio, will be travelling with us. Coming back? No, we're not coming back! That's why I asked for one-way tickets! You'll send a car right away? Thanks!"

Pal says smugly, "Apparently, they're eager to get rid of someone in this family!"

Not only does the agency send a car within minutes, it's a stretch limo!

The family piles in quickly, leaving Lee on his own by the road, with a lone paparazzi seeing them off.

Taking a deep breath, Lee shouts, "Arrivederci, Monte Vista!"

Family staying in Monte Vista:

Jemma and Tobias Frio (Bella's parents and 10th gen co-heir couple)
Children and grandchildren:
1)Luci and Khang Seng and sons, Liem and Kien
Janette and Jonas Frio (Jemma's twin and 10th gen co-heir couple)
Children and grandchildren:
1)Cassidy and Forest Woods and son, Oliver, with two daughters, Laurel and Starla
2)Rickey (time machine YA) and Chiara (Goth) Frio and son, Chadrick, and daughter, Candy
3&4)Twins, Kenneth and Kaitlyn

And Patches Frio (Luci's IF made real) and Hudson Thomas with their 6 kids:
Hyatt, Tiana and Annmarie, Reisa, Noelle, and Holden

The green egg turned out to be a dragon egg!

When it hatched, it gave Lee the mark of the dragon, and requested that Lee bring him home.

So it's off to Dragon Valley, a medieval town inhabited by dragons and who knows what else!

Family moving to Dragon Valley:

Bella and Dane Frio (11th gen heir couple and heir grandparents-to-be)
Their triplets:
1)Jade Frio with BF Pal Frio (her IF made real)
2)Lee Frio with GF Tabatha Mancini (12th gen heir couple)
3)Ara Frio with BF Gianni Costa

Join us as the journey continues in Chapter 359 in our 13th town, Dragon Valley!
Coming soon.

*Authors notes:
From <>

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 359: New Town, New Home
« Reply #386 on: April 24, 2022, 02:18:08 PM »

Our first view of Dragon Valley was breathtaking!

A verdant valley dotted with green trees, bisected by a teal-colored river, and enclosed by rugged mountains.

Most of the ranges were fairly flat, like the plateaus back in Monte Vista, but some were stacked upon each other, almost lost in the mist swirling around them, and covered in a mossy green except for their steep sandy sides.

Others were sharp, narrow ridges with only light strips of green along the expanses of sand-colored rock denoting their well-worn age.

As the plane circled and descended, the picturesque town came into view along with a lighthouse out on a small island in the bay.

But that was quickly forgotten as another striking feature caught their attention, with Lee exclaiming, "That looks like a dragon embedded in the grass of that clearing on the right!"

Dane added, "There's no way that's a natural phenomenon!"

Tabatha let out a breathy sigh, "I can feel the magic in the air, even up here!"

Lee said, "I don't know if it's natural or supernatural, but I can't wait to explore it and find out!"

Gianni shook his head in awe as he said, "The artistic opportunities look endless, but I won't be able to do them justice until I gain some skill."

Bella crowed evilly, "Whereas I'll be able to jump right into my career and take over as Empress of Evil in no time! Dragons or no dragons!"

As they waited for the realtor with keys to their new home, several of them settled down with a book while Jade read a novel on her multi-tab.

But Lee took care of something much more pressing, Indigo.

As the dragon perched on his arm, he asked, "Are you feeling better boy, now that you're home?"

A throaty squawk and vigorous flapping of wings provided visual clues for everyone, as only Lee could understand him.

But Lee's words confirm it, "Good. Here's a bite of food to hold you over until we get settled into our new place."

After feeding Indigo a treat, Lee chatted with him, eagerly learning as much as he could about his new friend.

Saying in astonishment, "Indigo says that he feels the presence of others of his kind here, faint, but stirring, so they're most likely still in their shells. But that they're not all quite like him as different color dragons have different abilities! Some of those abilities more deadly than others!"

Bella's ear perk up at that information and she stops in mid-stride, "You don't say! I'm always looking for ways to be deadly…"

But before Bella could ask for more information, Lee's phone rings, "Yes, this is Lee Frio. I see. So, you'll send a car for us right away? We'll be watching for it."

With a glance at his father, girlfriend, and Pal engrossed in their books and tablet, he added, "Well, I'll be watching for it!"

The car turned out to be another limo and soon the whole family was being driven in luxury across town.

But even in a limo they could feel the cobbled streets beneath them, another sign of the town's age.

A short time later, they were all standing outside their new home.

Bella didn't wait for an invitation and ran through the iron front gates, her heels clicking on the cobblestones of the path.

Ara and Lee followed at a sedate pace, while the rest of the family looked at their new surroundings.

But eventually they all walked along the path, and just as Pal and Jade got to the covered front porch, I pulled back to get a proper view of their new home.

And what a view it was with the backdrop of mountain ridges, no longer sandy, but a sharp white, their steep sides seeming to almost touch the bright blue sky!

The house itself was made of well-aged stone and wood, the center being a two-story structure flanked on both sides by single-story wings, all covered by steeply pitched roofs in a slate green with beautifully carved wooden accents on the gable ends.

The large lot was totally enclosed by a stone and iron fence which should help with privacy.

It also had a pond off the back yard, and though it wasn't part of their property, it was close enough to hear the lapping of the water.

The dragon fountain gracing the front yard also added to the ambience, giving their new home an interesting vibe.

Relaxed but with an air of expectation, a place out of time on the brink of discovery.

Jade felt it as well and pulled out her guitar and started playing, the atmosphere getting her creative juices flowing.

Gianni soon joined her with Dane coming out to listen to their impromptu duet.

It wasn't long before Dane pulled out his bass and started playing along.

Soon Ara and Pal had come out to the front porch to listen to the new trio.

But Bella wasn't interested in music as she'd discovered the archery range out behind the garage.

"Now this would really come in handy, Watcher, if sims in town started getting ideas of their own!"

"I'm afraid it's just a practice range, Bella, you can't remove the bows and arrows."

"How ridiculous! This would be the perfect weapon to use against enemies, silent but deadly!"

"Which is why it's not allowed! There are too many evil, mean-spirited, and inappropriate sims throughout SimLand that would think along the same lines you are and it would cause nothing but trouble and chaos! You'll have to find less deadly ways to vent your wrath on the population."

As she picks up a bow and sights along the arrow, Bella nods and says, "There are always ways, Watcher! You heard Lee. He said some of the dragons here had deadly abilities and I mean to find out just how deadly!"

After that ominous declaration, Bella released the arrow and it flew straight into the heart of the dummy with a loud thwack!

"Nice shot!"

Bella let out a gleefully evil laugh, "Take that stuffed man! And there's plenty more where that came from! Bella Frio has come to Dragon Valley and soon everyone will cower in fear or know my wrath!"

With those words ringing in my ears, I'm sorry I complimented her on the shot, and even sorrier that I added the archery range to the home lot.

But it wouldn't be Dragon Valley without it, so I try to mitigate the damage.

"Just remember, your grandchildren will need to find partners here, so don't go alienating everyone in town!"

"I wouldn't dream of it, Watcher!"

I breathe a sigh of relief, just as Bella adds, "As long as I get my due, there will be no need to exert control over my subjects in deadly ways!"

"Bella, you don't have any subjects and you aren't Queen of the Royal Court! In fact, you're not queen of anything!"

"I was the Empress of Evil in Monte Vista and I'll soon restore my title here! As Empress, I'll have way more power than a mere Queen!"

Knowing that I'm not going to change Bella's mind, I just shake my head and leave her to her archery practice.

At least she's not flirting with Gianni!

As I head back to check on other family members, I spot our first visitors in Dragon Valley.

Paparazzi, of course, but it looks like Indigo's not the only colorful species in town as these two have hair that is shockingly colorful, a fiery red and a vivid green!

I flip around for a better view and discover that not only does Dinny Kelly have red hair, but pointed ears!

His co-worker, John Fallon, has them too!

Pointed ears are more a characteristic of elves than fairies, but as I watch John scribble notes, I can't help but be a little disappointed that we no longer have fae genetics in the main family line as fairies with Sophie's perfect pink wings and those pointed elven ears would have been awesome!

A quick check of SimsWiki has me plotting even more as both Dinny and John are family-oriented with wonderful traits and would most likely pair up quickly and start families if I made them residents instead of keeping them homeless townies.

I'll definitely keep that idea in mind.

I'm not the only one thinking of romance because as soon as the sun sets, Lee and Tabatha spend some couple time together watching the stars.

But they're not the only ones enjoying the beautiful summer evening.

The family ghosts, Samuel, Adam, and Jared have all made themselves at home on the back porch.

In the rockers, of course.

I'm content knowing that the family ghosts have survived this leg of the journey.

Their appearance so soon after our arrival seems like a positive sign.

"Evening, gentlemen."

A chorus of "Evening, Watcher," fills the air followed by silence only disturbed by the rocking of their chairs.

As the sun rises the next morning, I eagerly place the family ice sculptures, only to discover that the ones of the family members did not survive the trip; they are all just blank ice bases!

After all of Jonas and Tobias' hard work, it just doesn't seem fair!

I guess I should have just had them make family portraits.

I wander inside to find the family starting their day.

Bella's listening to Jade play a song on her guitar.

As Jade finishes and chats with Bella, I check out Gianni's latest painting.

Then I spot Tabatha flirting with Lee by the inventing table.

Watching the stars on their first night in Dragon Valley seems to have kindled a desire to keep the romantic momentum going.

And Tabatha does so in a big way as she drops to one knee and pulls out an engagement ring!

I had a little warning as I saw Tabatha pop the wish.

But just look at the excitement in Lee's eyes with his hands covering his shocked gasp.

Moments later Lee is admiring the glittering diamond as it twinkles from his finger.

"It's beautiful, Tab!"

And while I was astonished at Tabatha popping the wish to propose to Lee so soon after their arrival in DV, I'm even more so when Lee pops a wish to marry Tabatha right after she proposes!

These two are making it super easy to get the next gen going.

With the house full, that can't happen just yet, but having the heir couple engaged when we've not even been in town 24 hours is a wonderful start!

Lee's dragon, Indigo, is safe now that he's back in his home town.

And with the knowledge that there are more dragons to discover, some with deadly abilities, Bella's determined to find them and use those abilities for her own nefarious purposes, especially since she can't use her new archery skill to subdue the residents in DV!

The Frio family is settling into their new home and three of the family ghosts have already put in an appearance.

It was disappointing that the family ice sculptures didn't survive the trip.

But Tabatha and Lee's engagement so soon after our arrival is a wonderful beginning.

Let's hope we can keep that momentum going in upcoming chapters!

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 360: Paparazzi Everywhere
« Reply #387 on: April 30, 2022, 01:04:33 PM »

Dragon Valley wouldn't be complete without the Duke of Bows Renaissance Faire.

So, I get it placed on an empty lot near the Tourney Tent of Novices, a medieval version of the stadium.

I don't waste any time and send Jade over to check it out since she's popped a wish to earn money playing her guitar for tips.

She literally runs into Dinny Kelly first thing!

If Pal hadn't been so much a part of Jade's life, and I had thought of it earlier, I would have waited and paired her up here in DV.

But Jade is very much in love with Pal, so I don't mess with that and let her meet the only other sim here.

Teagan MacAnna looks like she could be related to Dinny Kelly with the same red hair, skin tone, and pointed ears.

But their similarities are only physical as Teagan not only dislikes children, she's mean, inappropriate, and an evil genius!

I'm sure she'll get along famously with both Bella and Dane.

Until she realizes that Bella's not going to give up the title of Empress of Evil once it's in her grumpy grasp!

Though with Teagan being a genius, Bella probably shouldn't underestimate her, like she did her shy, clumsy cousin, Cassidy!

But to my surprise, Teagan gets along with Jade, with plus signs of friendship for both of them.

Dinny Kelly stays close by listening to Jade play and waiting for a good story for tomorrow's paper, which makes sense as he loves music and hopes to be a professional author someday.

But the only thing that happens is Jade earning some celebrity status as she plays her guitar for tips.

Not one other DV resident came to the Faire so, no audience and no tips.

Jade doesn't seem to mind though and just strums away, soaking up the medieval atmosphere of the Faire.

Back at the house, Ara's flirting with Gianni since he's completed another painting.

"I got my first promotion today, wanna celebrate!?!"

"I'd love to Ara, but…"

"What's wrong Gianni? Having second thoughts about us!?!"

"No, never! It's just that I feel like I'm so behind on my skills…"

"Oh, that's an easy fix! I hear Dad playing bass in the living room, why don't you go join him while I grab something to eat and…freshen up? Meet you in the hot tub in about an hour?"

"It's a date!"

Gianni quickly joins Dane in the living room and begins strumming away on his guitar.

Lee was taking a break from inventing, just enjoying the music, so Bella just has to jump scare the daylights out of him!

"You could just have told me to get back to work, Mom! No need to scare me to death!"

Bella takes offense at Lee's tone.

But then she controls herself, with a little nudge from me, pats Lee on the arm, and says with a big smile, "Congratulations on your engagement, Lee! I guess you picked up a few pointers after living with me all this time!"

"Actually, Tabatha is the one who proposed, Mom! Caught me by surprise, but a welcome one. I barely had the ring on my finger when I popped a wish to marry her!"

Bella's smile grows as she says, "That just proves we've got more in common than looks, Lee! When's the wedding? I can't wait to start preparing for it!"

"About that, Mom…I'm not really into crowds, and though Tab loves making friends, she's a bit clumsy around a lot of sims, so we don't want a big to-do with a cake and all the trimmings, we'd rather keep it simple.

Bella's smile falters a bit in disappointment, but she tries to be adult about it and says, "Oh, well, if that's what you both want…but if you change your mind, let me know and I'll whip up a wedding party that this town will never forget!"

"We don't even know anyone in town yet, Mom…it's not like a lot of sims would attend."

Bella's eyes gleam as she says, "They would if they know what's best for them, especially my co-workers!"

"But you haven't even met them yet, Mom… why would they attend your son's wedding?"

"Because my reputation precedes me, Lee! There may not be any honor among thieves and villains, but every one of them knows that their leader thrives on groveling minions!"

Outside, paparazzi John Fallon is getting an eyeful as he catches Gianni and Ara skinny dipping in the hot tub!

I can just imagine tomorrow's headlines: RICH NEWCOMERS CAUGHT HOTTUBBING IN THEIR BIRTHDAY SUITS!!!

Then, good, family-oriented, John totally shocks me as, instead of taking photographs, he joins them!

I never knew just how strong that daredevil trait was until this moment.

But the threesome doesn't last long as John jumps back out, with Gianni on his heels shouting, "I'm not sure what standards you have in this town, buddy, but joining me and my girlfriend au naturel isn't part of my play book! Scram, before I call the police!"

Ara adds, "I'm new to the force but I'll book you myself! I may be insane and inappropriate but not in THAT way!"

John dressed and raced off the lot and Gianni returned to the hot tub.

This time taking his rightful place by Ara's side, his arms folded behind his head in total satisfaction of having handled the forward paparazzi.

Ara let him bask in his own glory for several seconds before she giggled and said, "Now where were we Mr. Macho, before we got so rudely interrupted!?!"

I take that as my cue to leave them on their own.

But Gianni and Ara aren't the only ones in the mood for romance.

Tabatha and Lee had the same date night idea, and they are slow dancing in the living room with eyes only for each other.

Checking on Jade and Pal, I find them in the study sharing a passionate dip kiss.

I leave them too it and focus on Claire's golden fox on the desk, her reward for reaching the top of the thief branch.

And on the top shelf is the flower lamp that Adam received on Snowflake Day in Bridgeport from his daughter Sadie when she was a child.

The desk itself has been around for generations as well.

It warms my heart to know that items from early days in our journey are still with us,  cherished family possessions.

Then I hear ghostly music and find Founder Claire on the back porch with Tabatha in her thought bubble.

I'm sure Claire feels that meeting Tabatha is a much better option than spending time with the paparazzi woman that's invaded her space and stolen a rocking chair.

Even if said woman has gorgeous lilac hair like this paparazzi has!

Claire's obviously not thinking about colorful partners for the upcoming generation, but I sure am!

Claire even gives Tabatha a slip of a smile as she extends her hand in greeting.

With Tabatha gushing, "It's so nice to finally get to meet one of the family ghosts, and to have it be the Founder, I feel truly honored, Mrs. Frio!"

At such a sincere introduction, Claire can't help but feel flattered and the two begin a conversation.

About their jobs, which has Tabatha saying, "There's really not a career attached to my lifetime want, so I've decided to stay in culinary for now. It seems like the practical thing to do, to know how to cook, but I don't have a natural talent for it."

"Well, when I catch up with that errant husband of mine, I'll make sure he pops in to give you some tips! On second thought, Lorelei would probably be the better one to ask since she's not full of herself like Jerad is. And with you being such a pretty girl, I'm sure Jerad would do something inappropriate as well!"

Tabatha blurts out, "Surely not to a girl who's engaged to his many times removed grandson!?!"

Claire laughs as she says, "It's never stopped him before! He's not flirty, or romantic, but if it's inappropriate it's got Jared's name written all over it! So I'll extend our congratulations to you both! With such beautiful weather, I hope you're planning on having the wedding outdoors."

Tabatha sighs and admits, "I'd probably trip over my own feet and Lee's not really a people person, so it will probably be just the two of us."

Claire smiles and says, "Nothing wrong with that! I prefer being on my own as well and I'm proud this gens heir takes after me. But you could still have a private wedding outdoors with the sun shining overhead or twinkling stars above you! Nothing like the outdoors to make a special moment perfect."

"Lee and I do love watching the stars together and seeing the sunrise…that's a great idea Mrs. Frio!"

"Please, call me Founder Claire or Grandma Claire, if you prefer. It's nice to meet a young person who's willing to take advice from a ghost whose been dead for as long as I have!"

Tabatha is so thrilled to be speaking with an honest to goodness supernatural being that they chat until day break.

And when ghostly Founder Claire disappears in a golden cloud of mist, Tabatha says with awe, "I can't believe the first friend I made in Dragon Valley is one of the family ghosts! Awesome!"

Paparazzi Ellen, who's still rocking on the porch and has witnessed the whole encounter says, "Congratulations, that's quite the accomplishment, making friends with a ghost so quickly. Since I have a few traits in common with your Founder Claire, do you think you could introduce me some time?"

Tabatha, not knowing the ways of the paparazzi, nods and says, "I'd be happy to, if I knew your name."

With an ingratiating smile the paparazzi woman says, "I'm Ellen Cullen and you are?"

"Tabatha Mancini, soon to be Frio, as I just got engaged to Lee!"

"I heard! Congratulations, again! Why don't you take a seat and tell me all about it? Wedding news is so exciting!"

Tabatha is always eager to make a friend and doesn't realize that Ellen may have ulterior motives.

I'm not so sure as though she does share two of Claire's traits, loner and loves the outdoors, the Simswiki says she's a brave, lucky, schmoozer and her lifetime wish is living in the lap of luxury!

So I'll definitely be keeping an eye on her whenever she's hanging around the Frio home.

As a paparazzi, that will probably be most of the time!

I'm a bit confused though as I thought Tabatha and Lee were on a date and though Tabatha is a supernatural fan, you'd think being with her fiancé would be a priority.

But the mystery is solved when I find Lee playing catch with Bella!

Whenever Bella's not at work, she's become obsessed with playing catch, even if it means breaking up her son's date night with his new fiancée!

But I'm sure that makes it all the more enjoyable for Bella, thinking she's made Tabatha uncomfortable.

Lee as well, as when the ball comes at him at top speed, it hits him squarely and he drops it!

Bella crows, "Gotta keep your eye on the ball, Lee, and toughen up!"

Lee rubs his arm, stifling a groan, and bends to pick up the ball, saying, "You know I'm not athletic, Mom! And Tab and I were on a date…"

"You can have date night any time! Now throw the ball back and don't be such a wimp!"

With Bella finally heading off to bed, Lee gets back to work discovering another invention.

"I've been thinking, Watcher, and I think we need to find Mom a hobby! One that doesn't include me, or at least not me being active!"

"I was thinking the same thing, Lee! If we keep her busy she wouldn't have time to plot jump scares or make you play catch with her. And I have just the hobby, gardening!"

"Gardening? How would that help me?"

"We need 10 life fruit on hand when the Master Invention Op comes up for you! Plus some palladium and pink diamonds, one for each simbot!"

Lee is so startled by the amount of rare items required that he loses control of his torch.

And experiences his first butt fire!!!

"Lee, don't waste time jumping around, that will only increase the flames! Get to a shower!"

"But, but, all those items…the time involved…"

"Don't worry about those buts, worry about the one that's on fire! You put yourself out and I'll come up with a plan to help you find those items."

With the Frio family being such big celebrities, it's no surprise that the paparazzi have already discovered them here in Dragon Valley.

What was surprising is having one of them, John Fallon, join Ara and Gianni in the hot tub au naturel!

His female counterpart, Ellen Curren, hasn't overstepped boundaries quite that far, not yet anyway.

Is John just a daredevil that couldn't resist such an opportunity?

Is Ellen just looking for a friend or trying to make a name for herself by exploiting the Frio family?

The biggest question of all doesn't have anything to do with the paparazzi, of course.

It's whether or not Lee survived that butt fire!?!

Let's find out in Chapter 361: Bass and Blues
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 361: Bass and Blues
« Reply #388 on: May 03, 2022, 10:10:46 PM »

Obviously, Lee survived as he's looking hale and hearty as he visits the consignment store for the first time.

He's not consigning any items just yet, but he's following up on my plan to see if we'll get lucky and find a pink diamond here, or maybe even some palladium, though I'm not sure if that ever shows up for sale at the store.

But we're out of luck as the consignment specialist shakes his head and says, "No, no pink diamonds or palladium, buddy, but if you have any cool inventions you've made, I'll take the lot of them!""

"How'd you know I was an inventor?"

The consignment specialist raises an eyebrow, sweeps his gaze up and down Lee, and says, "It’s pretty obvious with that getup you're wearing. And by the looks of you, you're new to town, as well. So am I! Just got assigned here a few hours ago and so far, the clientele have been pretty colorful, making the two of us stand out like sore thumbs!  Your skin is on the pale side while mine's more like Columbian coffee."

As I watch and listen, I shake my head in disappointment; with a whole town full of colorful residents, the elixir store is manned by a regular looking Sim!

One who would have been right at home in Monte Vista, or just about anywhere, and he gets assigned to Dragon Valley!

But Lee doesn't share my concerns, he just says, "I've not met any of the town's residents yet, as we've been pretty busy settling into our new place. But I did get engaged to my high school sweetheart, Tabatha!"

"Congratulations, pal. Now about those inventions…"

"Oh, my names not Pal, I'm Lee, Lee Frio. Pal's my sister's boyfriend, and he's an imaginary friend made real…"

As the consignment specialist's eyes take on a wary look, Lee says, "I've got a few inventions with me."

"That's great, chief, those things sell like hot cakes! But while you're here, why don't you look around the shop a bit?"

Lee wanders over to the Alchemy station and starts reading.

He flips through a few pages and says, "Not really my cup of tea, but I'll make sure and mention it to Tabatha as it seems right up her alley with so many elixirs for supernaturals."

"Good idea! I'm sure she'd find it fascinating."

As Lee heads for home, I spot Jade in the park in the village playing for tips again.

And it's just as empty as the Faire, which is disappointing as I was hoping she could meet a few of the town's residents as well as complete her wish.

Back at the house, I'm even more disappointed to see our new maid, who looks like she could be the consignment specialist's sister!

I was expecting to see sims specifically created for DV, not another sim-from-anywhere.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to be rude, but what happened to Deidre* or Samuel*?"

The maid stops in mid-stride at hearing a disembodied voice out of the blue.

But she's been trained for service well and replies, "The agency didn't provide any details except to come over here right away when Mr. Frio called for services. Is there a problem?"

"No, not a problem. Carry on with your duties, Miss."

* Deidre McMillan | The Sims Wiki | Fandom or Samuel Galamin | The Sims Wiki | Fandom?

Upstairs I find Lee back at work at the inventing table and I'm not disturbing him this time.

But Gianni's not busy as he's just finished a painting that's he assessing with an artist's critical eye.

"That one is different! I don't remember any of the artists in the family painting one like that before."

Gianni frowns, "Probably because they had a lot more skill and talent than I do! I was trying to paint that lighthouse we saw on that little island in the bay when we flew over the town, but it didn't turn out like that one at all."

"Maybe not, but I like it! You're definitely improving and finding your own muse, which is what being an artist is all about. But why don't you take a break from painting for a bit? Jade's playing her guitar for tips at the park in the village. You could join her, get some fresh air, and recharge."

"That sounds like a great idea."

Downstairs, Dane's come home from work with a co-worker who looks like she'd feel right at home in Midnight Hollow with her pale skin and lacey gown.

Shannon MacAnna certainly doesn't take after her sister, Teagan, in either looks or personality, as they are complete opposites.

As they chat, I'm waiting for the explosion when they find out they have an truly incompatible trait, good vs. evil!

But it never happens.

"Thanks for coming over Shannon! I'm glad someone in the department enjoys forensics, with your intelligence, you're just perfect for the job."

"I appreciate your vote of confidence, sir! I'm eager to work on my logic skill so I can earn my next promotion."

"We're not at work so you can call me Dane. Do you mind if we relax before getting down to business?"

"Not at all, sir…umm. Dane. What did you have in mind?"

Dane picks up his nearby bass and starts plucking the strings in a soulful tune.

Before he gets lost in his music he asks, "Join me? The piano is tuned and bass sounds better with other instruments."

"I've never played…"

"That's okay. My daughter Ara's boyfriend is learning guitar and he strums along every chance he gets."

Things were going well with their impromptu duet when Bella strode into the room.

Her thoughts were so focused on the beautiful song coming from Dane's bass that she only noticed someone at the piano when Shannon hit a sour note.

"Oops, sorry about that Dane. Your tempo change caught me off guard."

"No worries, Shannon, you're actually catching on pretty quickly for a beginner."

With Bella catching Dane alone in the house with his co-worker who's not only single but gorgeous, and the two of them already on a first name basis, there's certainly going to be an explosion now!

I hunch my shoulders waiting for it…

And nothing happens!

Well, except for Bella walking past the piano and listening to them both for a bit, tapping her toe on the floor.

Then Bella twirls into her career outfit and says, "Have fun you two, I'm off to cause mischief and mayhem! If my night goes as planned, you'll be calling me Empress when I return!"

I guess Bella's so focused on regaining her title that she doesn't mind Dane being friends with a beautiful woman?

Or maybe she's so secure in her relationship with Dane that she knows she has nothing to worry about?

Then again, maybe she's just learned how to control herself now that she's an adult?

Before I can speculate further, Bella laughs and says, "You are so off base, Watcher! There are three good reasons not to react to this situation at all. For one, there is no situation, just Dane playing a duet with his co-worker. Two, there's more of a chance he'd have a fling with his bass than with another woman! And three, said woman oozes goodness, ensuring that Dane would never be attracted to her and she'd never get involved with a married man!"

Hearing a stifled laugh from behind me, I turn around to find Lee and Pal having a late dinner.

Lee's fork is halfway to his mouth and Pal's eyes are on his bowl as he hurriedly scoops up a bite of food.

"Did one of you having something to add?"

Lee quickly says, "Just grabbing some food as I have big plans later on," and fills his mouth with spaghetti.

"How about you Pal? Something you wanted to say?"

"Um, I got my first promotion today! So…there's that."

Lee nods excitedly and says, "Oh, I do have career news. That guy at the Elixir shop was right, my inventions flew off the shelves and I made §2,051 simoleans!"

"Congratulations to you both. I'll leave you to enjoy your dinner and go check on Jade and Gianni."

I find them both still at the park in the village strumming away on their guitars.

Though Jade's guitar case is wide open, it's empty, and she still has the wish to earn tips playing guitar.

And it's just a measly amount, only §25 simoleans!

"No one showed up here either?"

Gianni says, "Not since I've been here, Watcher, except for a few birds and squirrels."

Jada adds, "Not all day, except for animal life. You should send Tabatha over here to catch some!"

That's when I get a message concerning Tabatha that has me racing over to the Elixir shop!

"Care to explain!?! You look like one of the residents!"

"Well, Lee told me about the Alchemy Station, so I came over here after work to check it out."

"I've never seen learning Alchemy turn someone blue! Toadify them, certainly, but not turn them blue!"

"No, I hadn't started researching Alchemy yet…the proprietor told me that the Jelly Bean Bush was ready for harvest…and it's magical pull was too strong for me to resist…"

"You ate a magic jelly bean!?! You can die from that! Thankfully, you're just blue…it should wear off in a few hours."

"A few hours!?! If I promise not to eat any more can I stay here and research Alchemy until it wears off?"

"Yes. But please keep that promise, Lee would never forgive me if you ate a lethal one!"

Back at the house, Gianni's joined the jam session and is closing in on another skill point.

Dane's fast approaching level 10 on the bass with only a smidge to go.

I go in for a close-up and, though I miss the points, the excited look on his face shows just how proud he is of his accomplishment.

"Way to go, Dane!"

"Thanks, Watcher. Maxing a music skill is such a rush! I'll have to do the same with the others."

"Your instruments are all here, so have at it whenever you feel like it."

Then I see a dapper looking Lee stroll through with a smile as he says, "Tonight's the big night, Watcher!"

I spot Tabatha trying to sneak in the house as, though she's changed clothes, she's still blue.

"Um, Lee…you might want to wait for a bit…"

"Wait!?! I've been waiting forever!"

"It's only been a couple of days!"

"It feels like much longer. Tabatha didn't wait to propose and I don't want to wait to get married!"

A gasp behind him alerts Lee to Tabatha's presence, and he says, "Now you've spoiled my surprise, Watcher! You could have told me Tab was home!"

But before I can say anything, Tabatha has pulled Lee out to the side porch for some privacy.

Then she quickly explains, "It's my fault, Lee, not the Watcher's! I ate a magic jelly bean and it turned me blue! I don't want to ruin all your plans for tonight, and as much as I love the supernatural, I can't be blue for our wedding!"

Lee looks deeply into Tabatha's eyes and says, "Tab, you're beautiful no matter what color you are, I just want you to be my wife!"

Glancing up and down he says huskily, "You really rock the look, by the way! Just how long are you going to look like a genie out of a magic lamp!?!"

If Tabatha blushed I couldn't tell, but she did giggle, and say, "The Watcher said a few hours and it's been two so far."

"So…would you mind if I got in a little wooing while we wait?"

Tabatha whispered, "Woo away, darling, woo away."

The words were barely out of her mouth when Lee pulled her into his arms for a passionate kiss!

Then he presented her with flowers saying, "A bouquet for my beloved."

"Oh, they're beautiful, Lee."

"Not as beautiful as you, my sweet."

Then, just as they were settling down on the patio to watch the stars, a magical mist of blue rose up off Tabatha and her skin returned to it's natural color.

With a sigh, whether of relief or disappointment, Tabatha said, "I'm back to normal."

When Lee didn't respond she asked with alarm, "Did you prefer me blue!?!"

Lee said, "It's not that, I was just thinking about my promotions earlier tonight. Those came pretty fast, but with the amount of money I have to earn for the next level, I'll be begging for that one!"

"You got a promotion?"

 "Several, you are now on a date with a Whatchamakickey Designer!"

Tabatha snuggled up to Lee, smiled, and said, "You certainly have an eye for design! And I'm glad someone else calls those things you discoverer whatchamakickey's besides me! I'm not sure I even understand half of what they do!"

"No need for you to understand, Tab, I love you just the way you are!"

"And what way is that?"

"The most beautiful, amazing girl in SimLand, who is soon to be my wife!"

Looking up at the stars he adds, "More beautiful than the stars twinkling above us. More amazing than whatever invention I'll discover next. There's only one thing I worry about having such a perfect girl."

"What's that?"

"That she'll find out I'm not."

"But you are, Lee, you're perfect for me."

They both sigh, content to be watching the stars entwined in each others arms.

Jade and Pal are out on the front porch watching the stars, but their conversation is a bit different.

Jade musing, "With Lee chomping at the bit to get married, it probably won't be long before those two start popping baby wishes."

Shocked, Pal replies, "Babies? We just got here! It seems way too soon to be thinking about stuff like that!"

Jade shrugs and says, "As the heir couple, they're required to bring in the next generation, so it's understandable."

As Pal stares up at the night sky, his eyes taking in all the twinkling stars, he blurts out, "But this town is so different from Monte Vista! It has dragons and a magical jelly bean bush and who knows what else is out their just waiting to be discovered! Even the stars seem closer here and I can't wait to become an astronaut and explore them! There's so much I want to do and see before taking on the responsibility of a family!"

Noticing Jade's silence Pal's suddenly nervous as he asks, "Is that what you want? To get engaged, get married, and start a family right away?"

Jade laughs and says, "Don't worry Mr. Space Cowboy, that's not where I was going with this at all! But just so we're clear, it was Lee who discovered the first dragon back in Monte Vista and made the decision to bring it home to Dragon Valley. And it was Tabatha who ate the first magical jellybean and became blue. So, neither one of them is giving up on discovering new things or having adventures. In fact, they got engaged and we hadn't even been here one day, and now Lee wants to get married, and the next step is starting a family! But that can't happen in a full house. Since I'm on my last skill point in charisma and guitar, I'll be the first one to complete my lifetime wish. Once that's done, I was thinking we could find a place of our own!"

"A place of our own…now that sounds like the kind of adventure I'm looking for!"

After Jade heads to bed, Pal does something he's been itching to do since they arrived, discover a star!

So, he searches the galaxy with a telescope, just taking in the wonders of the Dragon Valley sky as he murmurs, "Someday…"

We've met the consignment specialist at the Elixir shop and the Frio family's new maid, both of them looking like normal sims found throughout SimLand.

Dane's found a new jamming partner, his co-worker, Shannon MacAnna and maxed bass while playing a duet with her.

Lee was hoping to tie the knot with Tabatha but a magic jelly bean called Tab's name and left her feeling bluish!

Now that's she's back to normal, can wedding bells be far behind?

After marriage comes the baby carriage so, to let events take their natural course, Jade and Pal are planning on finding their own place, after Jade maxes charisma and guitar and completes her lifetime wish.

Will Lee and Tabatha decide to have a baby as quickly as Jade predicts?

If they do, their child won't be lacking in company as there's been a baby boom in town!

Maeve and Martin Eames, parents of a toddler son, Liam, now have a daughter, Mallory.

Chloe and Conor O'Reilly, parents of two daughters, teen Morrigan and child Fiona, have finally added a son, Colin.

Aine and Fintan Mithrilen, parents of a son, Riordan, who just started school, have another son, Caine.

And Ava and Sean Kelly have announced that they are expecting their first child.

Join me as we meet some of the Dragon Valley families in Chapter 362: A Wedding and Walkabouts
Coming Soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 362: A Wedding and Walkabouts
« Reply #389 on: May 15, 2022, 10:21:43 AM »

After watching the stars, Tabatha quickly changed into formalwear.

Lee didn't waste a moment, but took her into his arms, dipped her down low and looked deeply into her eyes, "Tabatha Mancini, I love you! You are the girl of my dreams! Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife and making them come true?"

Even though she knew it was coming, Lee's declaration and question made Tabatha's eyes go wide and she let out a little gasp.

Then Tabatha jumped into Lee's arms, squealing, "Yes, yes, yes, of course I'll marry you! I love you so much, Lee!"

And just as the sun's rays peep over the horizon, Tabatha strokes Lee's cheek, "Founder Claire said being outdoors would make a special moment perfect, Lee, and she was right. From our moonlight kisses with the stars overhead to the sun rising and shedding it's rays over us as we speak our vows, we'll never forget this, a perfect moment in time."

As Lee slips the wedding ring on Tabatha's finger, the sun fully rises and casts both of them in it's golden glow.

Lee solemnly says, "With this ring of tri-gold, I wed thee, Tabatha, white gold for our friendship, yellow gold for fidelity, and rose gold for our everlasting love, symbolizing our past, our present, and our future path together* as husband and wife." 

Lee's voice cracks with emotion as he finishes his vows, "My promise to you is to always be your friend, to stay faithful, and to love you with all my heart."

Tabatha's own voice trembles as she takes Lee's hand and slips on the matching band, intoning, "With this ring, I wed thee, Lee, my best friend, faithful and true, my forever love. As the gold in our rings symbolizes those things, the hole it surrounds is a gateway, ‘a path to things both known and unknown’ in our journey as a couple. * A journey I am proud to undertake with you by my side, as I promise to never forget our past, to fully embrace our present and make it magical, while working together to safeguard our future and that of our children on this amazing journey."

Then they were back in each other's arms sharing their first kiss as husband and wife.

As soon as they stepped apart, Lee clapped with excitement and shouted, "It's official, we're actually married!"

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Lee Frio! I'll leave you two alone now so you can celebrate."

I look around the house and find Gianni reading a book on a bench on the upstairs balcony.

"I thought you were working on another painting?"

"I finished it so I'm taking a break. Go take a look. It's not half bad, if I do say so myself."

No, it's not half bad. It's quite good actually.

Gianni is finally starting to appreciate his own work and I'm happy to see some different paintings.

I hear a scream and rush downstairs to see what's going on.

"Oh, it's just you scaring Dane again!"

"Not just, Watcher, I'm celebrating!"

"Lee and Tabatha's marriage?"

"Lee and Tabatha got married!?!"

"Yes, in a lovely private ceremony as the sun was rising this morning. But if you had to ask, you didn't know, so what are you celebrating?"

"Isn't it obvious!?! My red aura as Empress…drat, it's gone again! I wish I could make it appear at will!"

Dane complains, "If it will stop you from creeping up on me every chance you get, then I'll try and come up with a formula!"

Bella retorts with a scathing, "You've not made a potion yet!"

But seeing just how upset Dane is, Bella softens.

She does one of her mind-twisting 360's as she pulls Dane into a warm hug, "Oh, my poor baby! Sorry for not even trying to control those jump scares."

Dane hugs her back tightly, "I forgive you. I know you can't help it. But don't be surprised if I return the favor!"

"Never, my sweet. It's all part of our evil relationship."

These two are sooo messed up!

To save my own sanity, I tag along with Tabatha as she visits the library to build up her cooking skill.

And I'm glad I did as we spot a blue-haired toddler on the floor, Liam Eames.

Soon the little tyke is picked up and you can tell immediately that the apple didn't fall far from the tree in the Eames family as Liam looks just like his father, Martin!

With a potential heir partner like Liam around, I'm all for Lee and Tabatha starting their family ASAP!

With my luck, they'd have son, but since Liam now has a baby sister, Mallory, that would work too.

Tabatha settles down in a comfy chair and she soon completes her wish to learn a new recipe as she gains another cooking skill point.

I check out other library patrons and discover another set of new parents relaxing with books, Conor and Chloe O'Reilly.

They've just added their first son to their family and I've got my fingers crossed that Colin inherits his mothers' pink hair.

Combined with Conor's pale rainbow skin tone, he'd be quite unique.

Back at the house, Ara's watching Cookin' Cable while Jade creeps ever closer to the top of her final guitar skill point.

She maxed charisma earlier so she's in the home stretch for completing her lifetime wish.

A yell has me racing upstairs.

"Where's the fire!?!"

"There isn't one, Watcher, I'm just out of scrap after making all those toys for my first Op!"

"Oh, that's an easy fix. You can just buy more or drive over to the junkyard and pick out your own."

Lee's voice goes up a notch as he asks, "Could I blow something up now!?!"

"Probably, but don't do that until I get there. I want to get your mother started on her new hobby so we're ready when you get your big Op."

"Good idea. I'll dig for scrap, but hurry along as I'm itching to blow something up!"

Bella stands inside the grow station in the dark and asks, "Seriously, Watcher!?! You expect the new Empress of Evil in Dragon Valley to dig in the dirt!?!"


"That's it!?! No explanation, no begging, no pleading!?!"


"I must say, Watcher, that's awfully cryptic, especially for you!"

I relent and add, "It's necessary to provide one of the crucial components for Lee to fulfill his lifetime wish."

"Well, why didn't you just say that in the first place!?! Of course I'll do it if it will help Lee accomplish his goals. Wait…he's not going to be lounging on the couch watching mindless tv while I do all the work, is he!?!"

"No. In fact, he's heading over to the junkyard to search for scrap and maybe blow something up."

Bella freezes in place, inches from placing the seeds in the ground, her voice as cold as ice as she says, "So, you're hanging around here---chatting--- while you've sent my only son, my heir, who just got married, and doesn't have a child, to a junkyard… to blow things up!?!"

"He promised to just dig for scrap until I got there…"

"He's an excitable, eccentric, loner…he'd be thrilled to do that on his own!"

"But he's eco-friendly and a couch potato too…"

"All the more reason to hurry up the deed, so as not to destroy any more of the environment than he has to and get back to his favorite program!"

"That's a good point…"


"I'm going, I'm going."

On my way to the junkyard, I get a message that has me stopping at the Garda Police and Military building.

"Congratulations on another promotion, Pal! Staying late to help out really paid off."

"It did Watcher. And I got an Op to read this book to improve my work performance even more!"

"Keep that up and you'll be exploring the stars in space from your capsule window sooner rather than later!"

I make it to the junkyard and sigh with relief, "Good. You're still digging through scrap piles. Your mother was worried you'd try blowing something up without me around."

"It was tough, Watcher! This place has some stuff that should make for awesome explosions!"

"Well, it's getting late, so you'd better get to it."

Lee doesn't hesitate and quickly places charges around a burnt stove and races for cover.

Moments later, he's cheering wildly as the stove explodes in a blazing fireball that lights up the junkyard like a bonfire!

Scraps of metal and hunks of melted steel go flying off in a myriad of directions.

And our couch potato shouts, "Awesome! Way better than watching it on TV!"

"Your mother will be thrilled to know you've found something more exciting than the couch. Even more so because I didn't let you blow yourself up!"

As the noise from the explosion fades and day dawns, Indigo pops out of Lee's satchel and perches on his arm.

"What's that boy? You feel some of your kind nearby? Sure, I'll help you find them!"

Oh, boy!

Newly married Lee survived his first explosion in the junkyard.

Now he's set out to explore Dragon Valley and help his pet dragon, Indigo, discover more of his brethren.

Normally, I wouldn't be concerned, but Bella's made no secret of the fact that she wants to harness the dragons' abilities to increase her power over the town.

If she possesses some of the more deadly ones, it will be harder than ever to keep her under control!

But what color dragons will emerge from eggs found around town?

Let's find out in Chapter 363: First Hatchlings
Coming soon.
Author's note:
*From <>