Author Topic: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story  (Read 124799 times)

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 334: Toddlers and a Timely Conversation
« Reply #360 on: October 16, 2021, 01:50:29 PM »

Ara was not only fascinated by the tv, but with the dollhouse in her grandparents' bedroom.

She happily played with the dolls, though the poor daddy doll ended up with several more toddler tooth marks on his head!

And poor Sam ended up with his head, and the rest of his ghostly body, passed out cold on the patio pavement!

Not surprising as just one ghost has him fainting dead away and he got to see three of them at once, Claire, Jared, and Samuel.

As the three of them ignored Sam's prone body, I did the same and asked, "Any special reason for tonight's visit?"

Claire responded with, "Just came to check on the toddlers, they all seem to be learning their skills quite quickly with those toddler items you allowed them. Not that you gave US the benefit of them all those years ago! We didn't have triplets, but with two sets of twins they would have been helpful!"

"It would have, but in your small home there wasn't room, and besides, Conner did his fair share in training his nieces and nephew."

Jared sighed and said, "He did. Conner was a good uncle, and brother. I just wish things had turned out differently for him and Agnes and their daughters, losing her so soon…Couldn't you have done something about that Watcher!?!"

"If I'd been more familiar with some of the NRaas MC and SP settings, probably. They're both quite extensive programs with a lot of specificity, but back then I wasn't sure what a lot of the options did. I've learned quite a bit since then, after all it was over three years ago in my time, but there's still a lot I don't know!"

Samuel muses, "Only three years…but we've gone through 11 heirs…time sure does work differently here."

"And it can work differently in every iteration of your towns, it all depends on the settings players choose, anywhere from 90 day lifespans to ones of epic proportions, where their sims never meet Grim. In fact, a story I've been following, Brilliant Minds: The Wainwrights of Sunset Valley has been going on for 7 of my years, all in the same town, and the founders were still alive! But it's so big and has so many issues, Cheezey, the player and author, just recently requested it be moved to the story graveyard. A tough decision after all that time spent with those sims, I'm sure. I know it   brought a pang to my heart when I saw the request, as I'm sure it did to many other readers that have been following it all these years."

Jared and Claire yell, "So if you had chosen epic lifespans, we'd all still be alive!?!"

Samuel shakes his head and says, "Calm down and be realistic you two, that would have never worked for a journey such as this one, with 18 towns to live in and add it's genetics to our own. The bigger question is, could that happen to us!?! Could one of our towns get so big it would be unplayable!?!"

"No. That's the beauty of a town jump! Since we only live in a town for about 7-9 weeks, my NRaas mods are able to keep things running fairly smoothly for each town during that time. And if I stay on track with my timetable, with six more towns after this one, it should only take another year and half or so to play through them."

Though my words were meant to be reassuring, all three ghosts go unusually still.

Then Jared asks, "And what happens to us after that? With our journey complete do we go into the story graveyard too!?!"

"No, of course not."

The three of them visibly relax, until I add, "It would go in the completed story board, not the graveyard. In fact, even if we didn't continue, having completed more than 10 generations, I feel as if we've already accomplished a huge feat!"

Samuel gives a sharp nod and says, "So either way, stopping before the 18th town or completing it and the journey, it means the end for us…" His words trail off as we all took them in.

"I'm sorry. I never thought about it that way…my explanation seems to have made things worse…that wasn't my intention at all…"

Claire angrily interrupts, "Never thought of it that way!?! You know what they say about good intentions, Watcher! It seems like whatever your plans for us, we come out on the losing end! And yet that snobby Susan Wainwright has gotten seven years of attention and is still alive!"

And the ghosts aren't the only ones feeling like losers as Tobias endures yet another jump scare from Bella!

"AAAAAggghhhh, gotcha Dad!"

Though Tobias' clutching his heart and gasping makes Bella happier than I am after my conversation with the ghosts.

I can only be glad that Sam didn't hear any of it as I'm sure the thought of oblivion, whether in the story graveyard or completed story section, would concern him even more than the other family ghosts.

It's certainly given me something to think about and I've known about it since I started this challenge!

But Tobias recovers from his scare much quicker than the three ghosts as he plays attack of the claw with Ara.

Though with Ara's frightened expression, I'm not sure she realizes it's just a game.

Until the tickle fingers attack her and she laughs out loud with toddler glee.

I wish I could have reassured the family ghosts as easily, instead of making things worse.

Tobias gives Lee the same tickle treatment but soon realizes his timing might not have been the best.

As Lee was in desperate need of the potty and laughing so hard almost precipitated a messy accident!

But Tobias caught him in just in time to finish up Lee's potty training.

Jade had discovered the toy drum and was happily making as much noise as possible.

Which had Jemma picking her up for a quick snuggle to stop the noise, but it increased their relationship, so win-win.

And just as quickly depositing Jade in the playpen to play with the blocks and work on her logic skill.

Jemma, of course, quickly left the room as her tolerance of toddlers is quite short, especially with three of them in the house.

A peek into the nursery shows me Ara playing with the peg box, while Lee is taking a nap.

Giving me the perfect opportunity to pop down the road and check on Janette and Jonas' twins.

I find Janette carrying greenie daughter, Kaitlyn, into the house.

While big brother Rickey proves Jonas' correct as he takes care of his little brother, Kenneth.

The twins aren't in their proper cribs, but as long as they're in a crib, I'll take it.

And I've also taken the opportunity to make good on Bella's promise to Carlo Mancini.

Turns out that Carlo did have a love interest, the elderly and not-so-nice, Sebastiana Russo.

Who not only hates the outdoors but dislikes children as well!

And she's mean-spirited, insane and a loner to boot.

Well, whatever floats your boat Carlo!

Everyone, meet the new Mrs. Carlo Mancini!

And due to the newlyweds both being elders, I had them adopt a son, Russ.

Though I'm not sure how well evil Carlo is going to enjoy being father to a cowardly young son.

Hopefully, it won't traumatize the poor boy even more, living with an evil father and a mother who dislikes children!

As for Carlo's younger brother, Camillo, I found out he was involved with Guila Capp, so they've also married and are expecting their first child!

As I was scanning the town for Carlo and Camillo and their respective love interests, I noticed that the Woods' home was also occupied so I quickly sent Jemma into town to check out the newest Frio family member, Oliver.

But as luck would have it, poor little Oliver is lying on the floor crying his heart out, much to Jemma's consternation.

"I'm certainly not the one who should be providing childcare advice, Forest, but maybe you should pick your son up? Comfort him?"

Forest quickly picks Oliver up and says, "I knew I was forgetting something…please don't mention to Cassidy that I left Oliver on the floor!"

"Your secret is safe with me Forest, but finding Oliver on the floor would just give Cassidy an opportunity to steal his candy, so I'm sure she'd overlook it!"

"Steal his candy!?! Why ever would she want to do that? Wait…Oliver has Candy? Where?"

"Apparently the same place we all keep fishing poles! Stealing candy from nooboos and toddlers is just something evil sims can do, like jump scares. Not a lot of point to it except to annoy others on a regular basis. Come to think of it, for evil sims that probably is the point! But now that the Watcher has gotten her photos of Oliver, my job here is done, so I'll be leaving now."

Before Jemma bolts off the lot, I follow Forest and Oliver to the nursery.

Forest pops Oliver into his newly re-colored crib, in his newly re-colored room, as I just couldn't leave it in it's original pink, even though we probably won't see again.

But it's Forest words to Oliver that cut me to the quick, "You're safe now, son! I'll do my best to keep you in your crib or in my arms, so Mommy can't steal your candy! But if she does, just remember she still loves you, despite doing such a despicable thing. Sometimes things happen beyond anyone's control, especially now that we've left the Watcher's active household. The Watcher does her best for all of us spares, but it's the main family that she focuses on, to make sure they complete the journey. I'm sure they're all going to get some huge reward for that, of course, especially the family ghosts, after all they've done. As for me, having mommy and you in my life, that's all the reward I need!"


The words echo loudly in my head as I recall Samuel's words, 'So either way, stopping sooner or completing the entire journey, it means the end for us…'

Some reward!

With a troubled heart I head back to the main house where I find that Dane's returned home from work, where he earned a promotion to level 5, Lieutenant.

But it's his children he's focused on, getting Ara a bottle.

And then praising Jade for her recent success using the potty.

Just look at the flirty look on Jade's sweet face; she's going to grow up and be a heartbreaker for sure!

Bella's not slacking in her child-rearing duties either as she helps Lee with the peg box.

After play time, Lee gets some lunch in the high chair.

Then he gets his turn in the walker.

While Tobias helps Jade learn a new song on her xylophone.

Next up a family trip to the library with the triplets.

Janette and Jonas' twins, Kenneth and Kaitlyn have their first birthdays.

And little Oliver celebrates his toddler birthday two days later, so that will be coming up soon as well.

Lucky for me, they all have double lifespans, so I have some wiggle room when it comes to aging.

And though I'm anxious to see all the new toddler family members, that conversation with the ghosts, along with Forest's words, are still weighing heavily on my mind.

Hopefully I can come up with a solution that makes all of us happy.

But before that, join me in Chapter 335: First Outing and More Toddlers
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 335: First Outing and More Toddlers
« Reply #361 on: October 20, 2021, 08:44:30 AM »

After the end of another day of taking care of three toddlers, Bella relaxes in the sauna, taking a hydrotherapy bath.

With her duckie, of course!

But she looks so peaceful, I don't mention that, just say, "Long day?"

"Quite. Thankfully, the playpen and walker have been miracle items, but triplets are still a lot of a work, even with all of Dad's help, and Mom pitching in now and again. But please don't say, 'I told you so,' it will ruin my bath!"

"No snarky comments from you means none from me! Besides, you've really done well with the triplets and you've only popped a wish to steal their candy once or twice and haven't actually done it, so I applaud your restraint."

"Thanks. I think. Though I'm thinking it's Mom you should be applauding as she's the one dealing with the triplets right now."

"Then I'd better go help her out, no sense having her all stressed."

But it's not the toddlers stressing Jemma out, it's Dane!

Who decides a jump scare in the bathroom is a good idea.

Jemma doesn't agree but she doesn't freak out much either, just says, "Dane, I'm sure Bella would love to know that you snuck up on me in the bathroom…you know just how reasonable she is!"

Dane's face goes from ecstatic to terrified in 3 seconds and he says, "Won't happen again."

"See that it doesn't."

I find Tobias in the art gallery sculpting!

"I thought you were focusing on painting?"

"I was, but with Jonas gone the sculpting station was empty and…I decided to try my hand at it."

"In that case, maybe you could skill up and make more ice sculptures!?!"

"It took Jonas forever to be able to keep them, Watcher, I'm not sure I want to be on my feet that long!"

"That was partly my fault, I had him sculpting sim ice sculptures and should have had him focus on smaller ones until he made 25."

"I'll think about it, while I'm working on this one, but no promises!"

"Fair enough."

Upstairs, I find Bella and Jemma outside on a bench in the front courtyard.

Bella's reading an E-book on her multi-tab, but it looks like Jemma has something else on her mind.

The pull of the napping mats is irresistible and has Jemma in the nursery tucking Lee and Ara in.

But she's more concerned when she notices the 3rd mat is empty…

Hearing crying from the living room, Jemma finds Jade throwing a fit.

One that is sure to wake her siblings if it continues, so she quickly walks towards her, saying, "Well, well, what's with the tears, sweetie? Grammie's here."

And at the sound of Jemma's voice, Jade's cries turn to soft little hiccoughs.

Then into interest as Jemma asks, "How about going on an adventure with Grammie, Jade?" as she changes both herself and Jade into outerwear.

I'm not sure what Jemma has in mind until I notice the new wish she's popped, to let Jade ride on a spring rider!

And once Jade is out on the playground, riding the original Busy Bee from SV, she can't contain her excitement and laughs out loud.

Jemma might not like children very much, but her perceptiveness and mystic powers certainly help in putting them in a better mood.

When Lee wakes up, Bella's all dressed for the toddlers first outing, and she cheerily asks, "Ready for a visit to the library with your sisters, buddy?"

"Libary, libary," Lee echoes excitedly. 

Since Tobias is required to attend this outing and wouldn't want to miss a trip to the library, I head downstairs to let him know they're almost ready to leave.

Only to find that he's finished an ice sculpture!

"You've decided to give ice a try! Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet, Watcher, I've got 24 more ice sculptures to make before they don't melt. I may get bored with sculpting way before then, but since this ones worth $981 simoleans, I may continue!"

"Happy to hear it, but Bella and Dane are getting the triplets ready for their outing to the library, and I know you don't want to miss that, so go change."

"Will do, Watcher! I'm just as excited to introduce all of them to literature as I am to movies and tv shows!"

With the house to herself, Jemma opts for a relaxing hydrotherapy bath, complete with ducky and lots of steam.

"Have you come up with a solution for the family ghosts, Watcher?"

"How did you know about that!?! Aaahhh, someone's been talking…though I'm sure if it was Claire or Jared, more like complaining."

"Vocally, Watcher! You know how those two are, especially if they get a bee in their bonnet, feel like they're getting the short end of the stick. And, actually, it's hard not to sympathize…you've let so many family members move out, using Age Freeze potions willy nilly these last few generations…and with all they've given up, including their lives, it seems like they deserve something…"

"Forest said they'd probably be getting some huge reward! I feel like such a heel, like I've let them down big time."

"So don't! Think of something that would truly be a reward! Something they'd never expect to get."

"Any ideas on that?"

"I can't think of everything, Watcher! Especially when I'm trying to relax in my bath…"

"But you're the one that brought it up! Sometimes I think all of you have a hidden insane trait!"

"We've all gone along with this journey, Watcher and you're the one that decided to use all 18 towns, so I think we're all a bit nuts!"

As I head into town to meet the rest of the family at the Library, I mull over Jemma's words, and I have to agree.

I've got to be just as nutty as the rest of the family to have started this journey and included all 18 towns plus the destination towns!

But since we've completed 11 towns, along with going to Egypt, China, and France (three times), and Chase attending Uni, that leaves 6 more towns and Oasis Landing to visit, as well as completing the weeks here in MV.

Six more towns doesn't sound like a lot, but that's a lot of backstories and residents to research, and I was so freaked out that I checked them all out!

Unfortunately, even knowing the backstories and residents living in those towns, I've no idea who will be heir when we get to each one, so it's hard to even decide what to focus on, though I did come up with some general ideas.

But those ideas are set aside as Tobias and Dane, with Ara and Jade safe in their arms, arrive at the library.

And I see Lee on the floor behind them.

I go in for a close-up and it's truly an 'awww' moment.

Seeing Bella's face looking so soft and filled with love for Lee as they read together, cuddled close.

And another one times two as Dane and Tobias do the same with Ara and Jade as Bella heads off to get another book.

The library's studious atmosphere has the toddlers flying through them within minutes!

And with the books placed on the floor, all three toddlers can read them all by themselves!

With the triplets learning all they can from the toddler books at the library, they all head home for naps.

While Bella heads across the road to attend a birthday party for her much younger cousins, Kenneth and Kaitlyn.

Kenneth, as the eldest, is brought to his cake amidst the usual cheering and party horn noises.

And here's Kenneth in stylist, in his everyday outfit.

He's got his mother Janette's MH grey skin stone, with a random dark brown hair and big green eyes.

Another cute toddler!

Then it's his twin, Kaitlyn's turn.

And two paparazzi have joined the impromptu birthday party, since it's outside.

In stylist, I can't help but squeal as Kaitlyn's toddler look is so adorable!

Just look at her bright green HS skin tone and her big dark eyes.

She's definitely going to add some much needed genetic diversity to MV, though we may not be back here for quite some time to see it.

And just look at how cute she is in her outwear playing with a toy boat!

I think Jade definitely has some competition in the heartbreaker arena with Kaitlyn in the family.

And Rickey continues showing just how great a big brother he is when he picks up Kenneth for some tickle time.

You can definitely tell these boys are Janette's and they'll add to the town's genetic diversity as well with their MH skin tone, if either of them has a family.

Midnight Hollow was four towns ago, with the skin tone being inherited from pale white, starting with Rory, passing on to his daughter Odette, and now down to Odette's great-grandson, Lee.

With Janette being a mid-gray and passing that on to her niece, Bella, as well as both her sons, Rickey and Kenneth.

Janette's twin, Jemma, has the darkest MH skin tone being ebony and she's passed that on to her granddaughter, Arabella, along with her blonde hair, making for a very striking combination.

I just love the blended genetics that NRaas SP allows, though sometimes I'm not as happy when it takes away skin tones that I was hoping to get!

When Bella gets back home and finds the triplets all happily occupied with their toys, she opts for a romantic interlude with Dane, which leads to a very passionate kiss.

With Dane totally ruining the moment as he jump scares her immediately afterward!

But seeing Bella's evil and outraged response as she follows Dane, I have a feeling he's not going to like the pay back!

Just look at him with his head in his hands just listening to Bella's evil laugh!

I wonder when the poor boy will learn to choose his battles more wisely, instead of jump scaring his perceptive, Mystic, mother-in-law and, even worse, his evil, grumpy wife!?!

Oliver Woods joins the toddler brigade in the upcoming chapter.

And, in a surprising turn of events, I was notified that commitment issues Rickey actually has a girlfriend, Chiara Goth, the former social worker I made a permanent resident of MV.

So I moved Rickey in with her and they are now expecting their first child!

With that happening, I decided to see if I could spark Luci's interest into doing the same with one of the single guys in MV, and maybe pass on her HS greenie genetics.

Here's hoping.

And the triplets learn all they need to as toddlers so they're ready to grow up and start school!

Let's see what happens in Chapter 336: Luci, Oliver, and Child Birthdays
Coming soon.

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Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 336: Luci, Oliver, and Child Birthdays
« Reply #362 on: October 24, 2021, 01:02:08 PM »

After finding out that Rickey was going to be a father, I had a brainstorm about seeing if I could give Luci a nudge in the same direction.

And when I checked on the young adults in town that Luci knew, I found out that some of them were still single, not even having a love interest now.

So meet Luci's new household; that's Khang Seng in the yellow shirt, waving at his former girlfriend, Teresa DeLuca in the blue top, and their classmate, snobby Rosaria Stefani, that made a play for Khang at Luci's teen slumber party.

I also found out that David Haynes and Jayden James were still unattached, though David has been seen around town with Nicoletta Lombardi, but they've not made any commitments to each other, so they joined the household too, along with David's cat.

Won't Luci be surprised when she gets home from work to find she now has five roommates!

Good thing none of them is a loner!

But when I track Luci down after she gets her promotion to Toddler Sports Coach, she's not at home but at the piazza in town with all three of her new male roommates!

Now that looks promising.

Until I see Jayden and David cuddling up together on the park bench!

No wonder David hasn't committed to Nicoletta yet when he apparently has feelings that go beyond friendship for Jayden though neither one of them has admitted them!

Though that's partly my fault as I only allow one flirt per Sim, to keep family trees from becoming hopelessly entangled with half siblings.

Though I will sometimes remove a romantic interest if I see romance blossoming in another direction.

I'll have to keep my eye on these two and see if it persists.

Maybe Luci will have better luck with Khang?

She accepts his flirty offer of flowers so, so far so good.

And Luci immediately offers Khang flowers too, purple ones this time.

Which Khang sniffs appreciatively, building up my hopes.

Only to have David join the flower brigade offering Luci red flowers as well!

Boy, David is a mess, he's got Nicoletta thinking he's interested in her, yet he's cuddling up with his bestie Jayden on a public park bench for all the town to see, and then openly flirting with Luci offering her flowers.

And David's not even flirty, a hopeless romantic, or family-oriented.

He doesn't even have commitment issues!

But seeing Luci accept David's bouquet just as readily as she did his own, does not go over well with Khang!

When the flower exchange between Luci and David continues, I decide Mr. Haynes needs a push in a particular direction, before he ruins things for everyone, and I move him in to Nicoletta's house, with his cat.

Maybe living with Nicoletta will help David decide who he really wants for a life partner?

Or at least allow SP to make that decision for him!

With David off the lot and, hopefully, out of the picture, Khang gives Luci another bouquet and this time Luci's thoughts are totally focused on him!

That's better.

Fingers crossed that things progress from there since these two are already best friends!

That evening, as the suns' rays cast their final glow over the town, Cassidy is welcoming Bella into her home.

"Thanks for coming, Bella. I was hoping the Watcher would help us out with Oliver's birthday so he stays closer in age to your kids. That double lifespan can mess things up in the younger stages."

"Oh, I wouldn't have missed it, cuz! I'm just as anxious as the Watcher to see if Oliver gets any of your HS genetics, but since he already missed out on the greenie gene, not a big deal really!"

Cassidy ignores Bella's comment and focuses totally on Oliver.

Bringing him to his cake while proud papa, Forest, toots noisily on a party horn.

When the sparkles disappear, Bella crows, "He's got the HS ears and they're huge! You might want to let his hair grow out to cover those, kids can be cruel!"

Cassidy frowns at Bella with her eyes narrowed and she doesn't let this comment pass, angrily saying, "Not just kids, Bella! And I don't think Oliver's ears are nearly as big as your own! And you're lucky he's not a greenie, because if he had been, with none of YOUR children inheriting the gene, I might just have asked the Watcher to consider him for heir. And you know how she likes to indulge me, being a greenie myself! In fact, maybe Forest and I will fill this house with children just to produce a greenie and wipe that smirk off your face…CUZ!!!"

Bella splutters, "But that's not allowed!!! Watcher!!! Tell her!!!"

I hesitate just long enough for Bella to exclaim, "Watcher!!! You wouldn't really allow such a thing, would you!?!"

"Well…with you being so mean about it and throwing it in Cassidy's face, I might just have to consider it! Unless you apologize…will that work Cassidy?"

"If she can actually do so…and mean it, I might be willing to accept it."

As Bella contemplates the embarrassment of having to apologize, Cassidy and Forest indulge in birthday cake.

Though Forest's enjoyment is marred a bit when he says, "Things are really heating up at City Hall! Nicoletta told me she was ambitious and that one day she'd do her best to surpass my own position but I never expected it to happen so soon! She's now taken over as Vice-President, demoting Rossi to Governor. And the dust had barely settled over that power struggle when Georgia jumped in and grabbed the Governorship for herself, putting Rossi even further back down the political chain, so he's Mayor again!"

Cassidy is quiet for a moment but then asks, "So where does that leave you?"

"None of that affected me at all, I'm still the Local Representative, but with Nicoletta only one step away from being Leader of the Free World and being so hungry for power, she'll gain the title way before I even become Mayor! Which will probably only happen when Rossi retires and I get the position by default! I'm not like you Cassidy, able to work from home…it's all I can do to focus on work when I'm at City Hall."

"Don't fret about it Forest. A little bird told me that both Nicoletta and Georgia are living with their partners now and I'm sure the Watcher could be…persuaded… to surprise them both with early bundles of joy!"

"But how would that help me?"

Bella murmurs, "Because then Nicoletta and Georgia would go on maternity leave, only leaving elderly Mayor Rossi between you and your promotion!"

As Forest takes all of that in, with it having to be explained several times before he actually understands it, I go ahead and pop Oliver into stylist.

To find out that, though he inherited his father's peachy skin tone, he's all Cassidy in almost every other way!

Having his mother's dark hair, huge light brown eyes, the same serious smile, and, like Bella already mentioned, over-sized HS ears.

Though his bushy caterpillar eyebrows must have come from Forest as Cassidy's eyebrows are arched and pencil thin.

Who knows, maybe he'll get Forest's nose too, when he's older!

After checking out little Oliver, I find Bella talking to Cassidy in one of the living rooms.

Through gritted teeth, Bella says, "Okay, I'm sorry, cuz. It was wrong of me to say that, to gloat about Oliver's genetics."

Cassidy smiles at Bella's embarrassment, lets her squirm for a minute, and says, "Apology accepted. But don't ever say anything like that about my child again, cuz. Forest is right about all my working from home and I'll be getting my promotion to Evil Sidekick later tonight!"

Bella flings her hands up exclaiming, "But that's only one level below my Supervillain status and I still have several days of child care leave before I can go back to work! That's not what we agreed upon, its not fair!"

"Exactly. You've never played fair in your life, so keep that in mind the next time you decide to crow about my Oliver's genetics when none of yours are greenie's either, and you have triplets!"

"Point taken, cuz. You'd think by this time I'd stop underestimating you…"

Cassidy's lips curve into a hint of a smile as her eyes flash, "Yes. One would think that…but I'm glad you always do!"

Back at the main Frio house, I find the cutest ice elephant on the sculpting station, and Tobias painting again.

But he's soon back to sculpting and completes a Big Head ice sculpture, bringing in $1110 simoleans.

With how quickly Tobias makes the regular ice sculptures compared to all of Jonas' sim ice sculptures, I really did have Jonas focusing on the wrong ones.

Then it's birthday time for Bella's triplets and Jade, as the eldest, goes first.

Jade quickly eats her first piece of birthday cake as I think about her new trait.

Our excitable, couch potato, is now never nude, and, curiously enough, it's only her couch potato trait that could prompt a few Lifetime Wishes; Professional Author, Gold Digger, and Chess Legend.

None of the previous generations' heirs have completed any of those LTW's, though of the three, the only one I'm confident of completing is Professional Author.

With her cake eaten, Jade joins the rest of the family as they cheer for Lee.

After the first shock of Lee's horrible bowl haircut, I realize he's inherited Dane's Asian eyes!

Even though they're crossed at the moment, I'm thrilled that he got them.

Just look at how excited Lee is now that he's officially excitable!

An excitable, couch potato, loner….with both couch potato and loner able to prompt Professional Author!

If Lee becomes heir, and since we haven't had a male heir in 5 generations, I'm definitely leaning that way, especially with him inheriting Dane's Asian eyes.

And Lee becoming a Professional Author would be at the top of my LTW list!

If he rolls it.

Last but not least, Ara's candles are blown out and she's engulfed by birthday sparkles as her family shouts birthday wishes.

And as Ara grabs a piece a cake, I realize that she's also the only child that managed to roll a trait that could trigger a Lifetime Wish, animal lover.

So our youngest triplet, who was born an insane, couch potato, and now loves animals, could grow up to be the crazy cat lady!

To my surprise, it's actually Ara's insane trait that prompts the most LTW's, four of them; Jack Of All Trades, Gold Digger, Creature Robot Cross-Breeder, and Emperor of Evil.

But since Bella's close to completing that one, it leaves three available for Ara.

With both her couch potato and insane traits prompting Gold Digger, she could be a crazy cat lady that wants to see the ghost of a rich spouse!

But that's something that will happen in the future, nothing that can be decided today.

So I focus on more immediate concerns, make-overs!

Here's Jade in her formal dress, done up in her favorite color, shades of gray, with a stylish side braid.

Lee showing off his athletic outfit as, being a couch potato, he'll probably never wear it.

And sporting a new hair style that shows us a wonderful mix of Bella and Dane's genetics.

Especially his exotic and unique tilted eyes being paired with MH pale gray skin and Chase's light brown hair color from RH!

When it's her turn, Ara can't contain her excitement as she shows off her formalwear, in aqua and white, giving us a big smile and friendly wave.

The odd thing being that she's the only one of the triplets who's not excitable!

Well, the triplets are now children and will be off to school to meet their classmates in Monte Vista.

And there are a lot of kids to meet, especially a young girl that I can't wait to introduce to Lee once she has her child birthday!

My plan is to get Kenneth, Kaitlyn, and Oliver aged up to children as well and then invite all the children in town over, so they can all get acquainted, and start making friends.

And we'll get a peek at all the potential heir and spare partner candidates!

In career news, Cassidy did get that promotion to Evil Sidekick, and Dane is now a Wiretap Reader.

In baby news:
Camillo Mancini and Guila Capp have a daughter, Tabatha, the one I'm hoping Lee hits it off with, and she's going to be a big sister soon as they are expecting baby #2.

Elder Gino Ferrari finally tied the knot with long time girlfriend, Jalissa Rivers, and I gave then an instant baby daughter, Lissa.

While Rickey Frio makes Jonas and Janette grandparents again as Chiara Goth presents him with a son, Chadrick, who inherited his grandfather's HS greenie skin tone!

No further happenings between Luci and Khang yet, but I still have my fingers crossed.

I'll give you all the updates in Chapter 337: Triplet Royalty
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 337: Royal Triplets
« Reply #363 on: October 29, 2021, 01:07:32 PM »

Just as soon as Ara ate her birthday cake, she twirled into her Queen-of-the-Realm outfit, complete with crown, and presided over the royal court.

This is the first of many such performances during their week of childhood, and it became such a regular occurrence I shouldn't have bothered with make-overs because they very rarely changed out of that 'royal' costume!

In fact, whenever I wasn't directing them into more productive pursuits, like making potions.

Going on submarine adventures.

Or brushing up on their painting skills.

They were either presiding over the royal court, flamboyantly pronouncing one royal decree after another.

Watching TV, sometimes still in costume!

Or playing with their IF dolls so often that this happened!

Meet Hesper Frio, Lee's imaginary friend.

I'm not overly fond of IF dolls since they can be so glitchy, but I do like how they keep toddlers entertained and the strong friendships they can generate during toddlerhood and childhood.

And Lee was totally thrilled to have his friend be the same age and size that he is, eagerly chatting away about his favorite color, Irish Green.

But still so obsessed about being King that he wasn't actually wearing any of the re-colored clothes I'd provided in said color!

And it wasn't just Ara and Lee either, Jade was just as obsessed about being Queen!

In fact, if Ara wasn't insane and changing her outfits at the drop of a hat, few of their outfits would have even been seen!

Even with the triplets obsession with being royal, and all my micromanaging to avoid it, Dane managed to sneak up behind Ara the morning after their birthdays.

Which just happened to be Snowflake Day, so what should have been their first day of school was a holiday.

But Cassidy came to my rescue and threw a Snowflake Day party so we didn't have to go to all that trouble.

It was a formal affair, so everyone in the family got dressed up, even the royalty obsessed triplets!

I had the triplets gather 'round the blocks table in the nursery to keep them happy and occupied, with their toddler cousin, Oliver, playing nearby.

Dane and Bella showed off their dance moves, really enjoying a chance to focus on each other.

Chiara Goth, Rickey's girlfriend, and mother to their son, Chadrick, is totally thrilled as she soaks up a little celebrity status for herself sitting next to Tobias, a block-buster author and masterpiece painter!

Tobias doesn't even notice her excitement as he's totally absorbed in a book, much preferring the comfort of relaxing on the couch over exerting himself dancing.

But that doesn't stop Jemma from dancing with David Haynes, at least I hope that's what they've been doing as they're holding hands!

Though when I first popped into the game, my focus was on Jemma's hair, which had me jumping into Stylist and doing my best to fix it, since I'd apparently not put her cc hair style back in my game and it not only gave her a different hairstyle but changed the color as well, not even a shade of blonde, but a deep auburn red!

I was so shocked I didn't even take a photo.

With that disaster fixed to the best of my ability, my focus was then on David's taste in formalwear.

It certainly belies the fact that he's a famous male model; traveling incognito is one thing, wearing cargo shorts with a long-sleeved, button-downed shirt and red dress shoes is something else altogether!

And I have no idea why Bella, David, and Jemma are thinking about swimming in the middle of winter!

Though Dane has the presence of mind to shout, "Great party, Cassidy! Thanks for inviting us!"

And as David heads home, waving his thanks to Cassidy, I find our shy girl slow-dancing with co-worker Giacomo Modena!

The two of them are looking so deeply into each other's eyes that I'm even more concerned about that pairing than I was about Jemma and David!

I hope Cassidy knows what she's doing and isn't putting her marriage in jeopardy!

I mean, Forest is absent-minded but I'm sure he'd notice blatant interest like that!

As the family heads home, I get a notice that has me popping over to Patches and Hudson's home.

Where little Hyatt has become a toddler with his mother's dark skin tone and dark blue IF hair!

And two of Lulu's pups, Lumielle and Rafkin, are playing nearby, while Sparks got adopted by Camillo Mancini.

Speaking of the Mancini's, I remember to check on their toddler daughter, Tabatha, who I believe has red hair.

Since she's only one day away from her child birthday, a few clicks has me triggering an age transition.

A few moments later, I confirm my suspicions as I pop her into stylist.

Tabatha Mancini does indeed have red hair, along with green eyes!

I'm more interested than ever to introduce her to Lee!

Back at the house I find both Jade and Ara working to improve their skills.

Jade's painting a cute rendition of a family of stick figures, while we can see Ara at the chemistry table trying to discover a potion.

I thought for sure Lee would be presiding over the royal court in one of the many chairs in the house, but he'd actually gone to bed.

So I check on Tobias, who's in the art gallery contemplating his first completed metal sculpture.

After popping it into the family inventory to put up for consignment, I ask him to work on more ice sculptures.

"Again with ice, Watcher!?! I'd like to get a taste of working with all the sculpting mediums…"

"You can dabble a bit in each one, but ever since you took up sculpting I've been thinking it would be nice to have one of Jemma, the matching pair to Janette's, since they're twins. Unless you don't feel up to the challenge, not in Jonas' league?"

"That's a low blow, Watcher, and you shouldn't stoop to such machinations to get me to comply to your wishes!"

"Sorry…if you'd just rather go read a book, I'll understand…"

But Tobias has already turned his attention to another huge block of ice, muttering, "Not in Jonas' league…the NERVE of some people…"

He's not insane like Jonas, but he is using a chainsaw, so I leave him to it.

Outside on the back patio I find Jemma conversing with Jared.

Or more accurately, Jemma listening as Jared raves, "Has the Watcher come up with ANYTHING that would be a fitting reward for me and Claire!?! The others too, of course, but as Founders we've been in the netherworld the longest, been dragged around in inventories through every town since Moonlight Falls, coming out as ghosts to offer our wisdom to all the generations coming after us…"

Claire stops rocking and interrupts, "You make it sound like we're both paragons of virtue, Jared, something that is far from the truth! I've probably told off every paparazzi in all those towns and given quite a few of our descendants a hard time as well. And you, well the less said about YOUR inappropriate behavior and shenanigans, the better! Having anyone talk about you just puffs you up even more! You've been playing with poor Sam ever since he first passed out at the sight of my ghost! No wonder the Watcher didn't think about a reward for us when this journey was over; she's probably wishing she never even took up this challenge or chosen me, and then you, as her Founders! We're probably the least desirable sims in Sunset Valley and she took on both of us!"

Claire's words leave Jared frowning and, for once, speechless.

Giving Claire the opportunity to head back inside and sparing her any comeback from Jared, once he finds his voice.

Jemma says consolingly, "I'm sure the Watcher will come up with something, Founder Jared, after all you and Founder Claire, and the rest of you, have gone through, giving up your lives, meeting Grim…"

Jared stares at Jemma and then his words show that he's totally unconvinced that any reward I could come up with would have been worth giving up his party animal life and making others miserable, just by his mere presence.

"She couldn't even figure out how I left the home lot back in Starlight Shores, so her intelligence is very limited, Jemma! She might have the power of NRaas mods at her finger tips but, by her own admission, she doesn't even know what a lot of the settings do, even after three years! Just look at the way she mucked up your hair! You didn't think I noticed that did you!?! I'm sure she's responsible for the change!"

Jared stares at Jemma's hair intently and adds, "I'm not even sure it's your original color and one of her rules was that she wouldn't ever change the hair color of any of our family members. Hair styles sure, but not the colors."

Jemma replies, "She did her best to fix it Jared. You should have seen the look on her face after she thought she'd added all her mods and cc back in the game, only to find me slow dancing with David Haynes, with bobbed red hair!"

Intrigued by this tidbit of information, Jared eagerly asks, "You were slow dancing with David Haynes? How inappropriate! Tell me more!"

Before Jared goes off on yet another tangent, I interrupt, "Thanks for sticking up for me, Jemma, but Jared's right."

Shocked, Jared asks, "I am? And you're admitting it!?!"

"About Jemma's hair and your going walkabout back in SS, and a lot of other unexpected happenings along this journey. But the point of this challenge isn't about having a smooth, perfect journey, but dealing with all the unexpected curve balls that get thrown in your path. Overcoming them as best you can, enough to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and continue the fight."

Jared nods thoughtfully, "Well, in that case Watcher, you've done a bang up job of mucking things up over the years…but there's nothing I like more than a good fight, unless it's a party! Hey, maybe that could be our reward!?! You could throw us a huge shindig, no matter what town you end up stopping in, and if we make it all the way to town 18, make in the biggest party Sim Land has ever seen!"

"That would be a reward right up your alley Jared, but not one Claire or Sam would enjoy at all. But I'll keep it in mind, if I can't think of anything else."

Down in the basement I find Ara's no longer trying to discover potions but is giggling like crazy as she sets up a prank on the computer.

Insanity has popped up in the family ever since Logan threw over evil Leia Striker and chose crazy Sasha Crewe for his girlfriend, and with Ara possessing the trait from birth, I'm afraid it could cause even more trouble than Janette and Jonas did as my insane couple.

Maybe I should have let Ara focus on presiding over the royal court!

Something that Jade managed to do even in the short time before school the next morning.

Still in her queenly costume and eating a muffin fresh from the toy oven, she excitedly says, "I finished one painting and started another last night. I'm not artistic like Grandpa Tobias, but it's fun!"

"So is working at the chemistry table, especially since you never know which potion you'll discover. I figured out the formula for Stink Juice on my first try!"

"And totally scorched yourself when you got blown up a few minutes later!"

Ara shrugs and, after swallowing her bite of muffin, says, "No big deal, a shower took care of all the ash and my hair is shinier than ever!"

Lee pauses with his muffin half-way to his mouth, "You can get blown up discovering potions? Cool!!! I'll have to try it after school today!"

I really should have been content with the royal brigade if Lee's going to focus on explosions!

Well, our first day of childhood with the triplets has been busy.

We've had multiple royal performances, Lee's IF doll, Hesper, became an imaginary friend, attended a Snowflake Day party at the Woods' home, and Ara's already gotten blown up using the chemistry table and pranked the computer!

But now that they heading off to school, they'll be able to focus on homework, after school activities, and most importantly, making friends.

With that in mind, I'd be taking a good look around town, and probably stalking the school, to see who's in their age group, besides Tabatha Mancini.

Join me to see possible friend candidates in Chapter 338: Making Friends Part 1
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 338: Making Friends Part 1
« Reply #364 on: November 07, 2021, 03:17:18 PM »

***AUTHOR'S NOTE*** I mistakenly skipped over Chapter 338 Making Friends Part 1 and didn't realize my error until after I posted Chapter 339 today! So now here's Chapter 338 Part 1, followed by Part 2 which had been posted back on 11-1, and then Chapter 339 which I posted today.
Sorry for the confusion!

With the triplets off to their first day of school, I find Tobias has finished his latest ice sculpture.

At least I think it's finished as it just looks like a smaller block of ice.

"Um, what is it supposed to be?"

"A necteaux, you know one of those specially treated boxes to store expensive nectar in."

"Oh, right. I can sort of make out the diagonal lines…it looks odd made out of ice."

"I agree, not a very interesting sculpture at all. But at least I mastered sculpting!"

"Congratulations! I guess that's why you popped a wish to make a topiary?"

"I'll sneak one in sometime, between ice sculptures, promise."

Hearing music, I find Bella working out to the stereo, trying to max her athletic skill before she heads back to work, now that her childcare leave is finally over, after 11 days off!

I really should have remembered to tweak her days off work but, like Jared pointed out, I'm not as familiar with my NRaas mods as I should be, and options I seldom use haven't made it into my stack of index cards yet.

Though in Bella's case, needing only one more level to become Empress of Evil, it's not a deal breaker, and she was kept busy with the triplets even though we had the benefit of the walker and playpen.

Later that afternoon, Dane gets promoted to Crime Scene Technician, but with his eyebrows adding to his evil expression, along with his decidedly evil laugh, he looks more like he'd be the one instigating the crime rather than solving it!

Our resident evil genius sure has an expressive face when he lets his over-emotional trait show.

In fact, I'm a little surprised he's being so blatantly evil, prompting me to say, "That's a new way for you to act after a promotion, you're usually so contained, especially right outside the Civic Center."

"No sense in hiding anything now, Watcher. Cassidy's a Supervillain, and Bella will be the Empress of Evil soon. Being married to her, everyone knows I condone her activities, as well as her evilness. I'm tired of hiding how proud I am of her accomplishments, as well as my own!"

"I understand Dane. Over this journey the Frio name has become a powerful and respected one in many fields, Criminal, Culinary, Music, Athletics, and Law Enforcement, and the family has produced a fair share of blockbuster writers and masterpiece painters, as well as several inventors and private eyes and Jemma's a well known Mystic. Bella's grandfather, Chase, even graduated from Uni and became a Game Studio Head. No one really hid their talents or their agendas, except when it was necessary; like it was for Claire when she was hiding in Moonlight Falls, when Lucinda was undercover in Roaring Heights, and here in Monte Vista, with the town in the control of the Mafioso. But since Bella and Cassidy made that deal with Dante Costa, you really don't need to hide anything now."

"Oh. So I've been acting goody-goody all this time for nothing!?!"

"You may have been acting goody-goody at work, Dane, but you've gotten in your fair share of jump scares at home. I wouldn't be trying that again on Ara; I've got it on good authority that she's already set things in motion for payback! She may not be evil like you and Bella but she is insane so there's no telling what she'll come up with!"

Speaking of evil, when I get back to the house, I find Lee presiding over the royal court again but in a very scary way!

"Off with his head! Your King has spoken!"

"That sounds overly dramatic and quite the drastic pronouncement, Lee!"

"Who dares address the King so freely!?! Without respect! Kneel before me peon!"

"Oh, um my apologies, sire…I didn't mean to over-step…you haven't been drinking any of those potions your queen-sister Ara has made have you? I'm not sure they're safe!"

Lee tries to stay in character, "I'd forsooth to being blown up by the contraption rather than partake of her concoctions…" but he breaks down in laughter adding, "The librarian read Alice in Wonderland to us today, the part about the Red Queen was great, so I decided to add it to my own court. I really don't plan to chop off anyone's head, Watcher!"

"Good to know! You had me going there for a minute. With your parents being evil, Ara insane, and Jade not wanting to take her clothes off, even to shower, I was fearful that you weren't excitable, but unstable."

Lee gulps and asks, "Unstable? That doesn't sound good at all. Worse than evil and insane."

"It is. With that trait you could have an episode and if it's not treated, it could change one or more of your traits, permanently, except for the Unstable one, that one stays, according to my research anyway. I never let poor Karlie Jo Frio's episodes go untreated long enough to find out!"

At hearing Karlie Jo's last name, the scepter Lee's holding droops and he wobbles on the chair, "Someone in OUR family was unstable!?!"

That's when I come to my senses and realize I'm truly frightening Lee, feeding his excitable trait and making things worse.

If I don't tread carefully here, it could lead to him being neurotic, an old-family trait that I don't want back, with it's check-the-sink mania, or even worse, to him actually being unstable, now that I've brought it up.

"No worries Lee, Karlie Jo was perceptive, so she kept her trait under control with regular treatments, opened a detective agency with her brother, Matt, married her high school sweetheart, Kraig Bagley, and they had two sets of twins. And being unstable gave her the perfect excuse to fall back on if one of the alchemy elixirs she threw didn't turn out so well."

My ploy to distract him works as Lee says, "You can make alchemy elixirs and throw them at people!?! That sounds even cooler than getting blown up making potions!"

"It was so much fun that, though she was a detective, Karlie Jo chose Alchemy Artisan for her Lifetime Wish!"

"So no matter what my traits, I could pick a cool lifetime wish like that one?"

"Not exactly. I'm following the Town Jump challenge rules of rolling for random traits, then when your fifth trait is rolled at your young adult birthday, you get to choose from the lifetime wishes that they trigger. But to be chosen as heir you have to pick a unique lifetime wish that hasn't been completed by any of the previous heirs. Of the three traits you have now, excitable doesn't affect lifetime wishes. But both loner and couch potato trigger Professional Author, which is a lifetime wish no other heir has chosen so far, though we've had many fine writers in the family, starting with Adam who grew up  in Moonlight Falls, and began his career after moving to Bridgeport."

"Is that my only choice?"

"No. Couch Potato could also prompt Gold Digger or Chess Legend."

"I don't even know how to play chess! And it sounds just as boring as writing or digging for gold!"

"Gold digger doesn't actually refer to digging for gold, but you can do write and play chess sitting in a comfy chair rather than running all over town throwing potions. Why don't you go check out the chess board in the living room?"

Lee heads out of the kitchen just as Jade settles into a chair at the dining table.

But Lee uses the moment to declare, "You may take over this area Queen-sister, my presence is needed elsewhere in our realm!"

Jade doesn't even hesitate as she replies, "As eldest, King-brother, that would be my decision! Very well, you have my permission to go about your duties."

Dane looks at Lee, his expression one of fatherly indulgence as he asks, "So who's permission do I need to be IN the kitchen?"

Jade haughtily replies, "The Queen's court is in session and will allow your trespass, peon!"

Lee marches away adding, "I concur. Though your presence will be needed at the chess table as soon as your business here is finished. Don't keep your King waiting!"

But Lee doesn't waste his time just staring at the chess board waiting for his father to join him, he jumps up on the chair and resumes his reign over his kingdom!

Clapping his hands loudly, he exclaims, "Attention, attention, my subjects. The King is now among you, bask in his presence!"

I leave him to his reign and head across the street to join Bella at her aunt and uncle's home.

To help them celebrate their twins' birthdays!

Jonas brings Kenneth to his cake, shooting Bella a look, as he's probably expecting her to indulge in a jump scare, with him being her favorite victim.

But Bella behaves herself and Kenneth ages to child without incident.

Many sim hours later, Janette finally brings Kaitlyn to her cake.

And she joins the school-age crowd.

Getting her own look from her mother, Janette, who's a bit shocked to have another daughter that hates the outdoors!

The next morning, Lee is up early and spending time singing to his IF doll, Hesper.

I check on the girls to find Jade doing the same thing.

But Ara, who's heart beats to her own crazy drum, is not in her bedroom.

I find her in the living room, wearing her swimsuit, and heading for the computer, planning another prank for her father, no doubt!

But, I'm wrong.

She's here to view Founder Claire's master thief statuette, the golden fox with the bag of loot!

And immediately pops a wish to become the Empress of Evil!

I know Bella and Cassidy would enjoy having her follow in their illustrious footsteps, but that choice can't be made for some time yet, and I'm not sure either one of them would be willing to give up the title, here or in the next town!

With kids heading off to school, I find Tobias nodding happily over his latest ice sculpture.

A beautiful pair of hands, a much more creative and appealing sculpture than the necteaux.

When I check it, I can't help but exclaim, "Tobias, it's a masterpiece!"

"Thanks, Watcher, but I'm sure it can't compare to…"

"No, I mean it's actually a masterpiece! Even with all of his talent, Jonas was never able to produce one!"

"You don't say…too bad I can't keep it…I could give it to him as a present, something he could strive for!"

"Wouldn't that be a little mean?"

"Maybe…but that's neither here nor there since I can't keep it."

Tobias is so proud of his first masterpiece that he quickly sells it and begins another sculpture.

This time a stately lion that goes by the title of 'kitten'; one I wouldn't like rubbing my shins, that's for sure!

But it nets him $1252 simoleans so it's definitely considered a prize.

I sneak a peek at the triplets since they're on a field trip and actually get to see them in their normal clothes.

Jade and Lee are wearing their everyday outfits, but Ara's opted for her outerwear, even though it's spring and the weather is warming up.

Here off the coast in Tuscany it doesn't snow, but the temps can be a little chilly, especially with a breeze off the water.

Since it's Friday and they've got a long weekend, with Monday being Love Day, the kids invite over all the original resident children in their class.

But only two girls actually show up; luckily Tabatha Mancini is one of them!

And I quickly have Lee go outside, greet her, and invite her in.

Tabatha's thinking about Jade, not Lee, but maybe she's wondering if the triplets are actually adopted, with all three of them looking so different.

But once she meets the rest of the family, Bella, Dane and Jemma, she'll see that they come by their looks naturally.

Now that I think about it, the current Frio family members look so different they could be the poster family for genetic diversity!

Inside, Lee tells Tabatha a funny story, which has Tabatha giggling.

And then Lee notices Tabatha's flip flops are a bright green.

Prompting him to mention that Irish Green is his favorite color.

Which has their friendship increasing, just like I'd hoped it would.

Outside, Jade is playing tag with Carina Gilscarbo.

Carina is the youngest of the Gilscarbo children, having two older brothers, Goopy and Elio, who are already in high school.

But hearing the doorbell I find that a few more children have arrived.

The boy is Kenneth Frio and the girl in the yellow t-shirt is Guadalupe DeLuca.

Then Kaitlyn Frio strolls up with Oliver Woods right behind her.

Oliver is wearing a cowboy costume which makes me smile.

I wonder if Carina will find that as appealing as her older brother Goopy does?

Since it's dinner time, all the children gather in the kitchen to grab plates of food.

Lee chats away, "Thanks for coming over! I hope you all like mac & cheese…"

Carina, Oliver, and Kaitlyn are too busy eating their food to reply, but Guadalupe frowns and says, "Cheese is nasty and should be thrown straight into the trash!"

"Oh, well, I'm sure Ara wouldn't mind sharing the blueberry muffins she made, Guadalupe."

"It's just Lupe! Anyone who calls me by my full name is asking for trouble!"

The kids at the table all go silent at Lupe's threat, but Ara doesn't pick up on Lupe's attitude and says, "Arabella's my full name, but I go by Ara, since Mom is Bella. It's nice to have someone else in my class go by a nickname. I have a feeling we'll become best friends!"

This reply stuns Lupe for a moment, then she snarkily asks, "Are you crazy!?!"

Ara beams and says, "Yes! It's so nice having someone actually ask me instead of just talking about it behind my back. When we become teens, you are definitely at the top of my list for BFF, Lupe!"

Childhood friendships are off to a good start, even with Lupe's attitude.

Which Ara seems to have nipped in the bud with her unique twist of logic inherent to insane sims.

But the children's visit with their guests isn't over yet.

Join me in Chapter 338: Making Friends Part 2
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 338: Making Friends Part 2
« Reply #365 on: November 07, 2021, 03:24:25 PM »
**AUTHOR'S NOTE: This chapter was originally posted on 11-1 but I forgot to post Part 1 previously. Sorry for the confusion.

Ara and Lee join Oliver in the living room and watch as he plays a racing game.

Seeing Oliver's obvious enjoyment Ara asks, "Don't you have video games at your house?"

Oliver shakes his head and says, "No. Mom thinks video games are as much a waste of time as Dad does painting. One of you pick up a controller and join me! I'm sure it's even more fun with a real opponent!"

This request has their friendship level increasing.

But before either Ara or Lee can accept, the tv breaks!

Which has all three children jumping up in consternation, totally annoyed at the awful static filling the room.

I thought all the other kids left for home, but find a few of them outside on the playground.

And Jemma's out here too, standing next to Tabatha, who's partner on the seesaw is Lupe.

You'd think Jemma would have hidden in the sauna in a relaxing mud bath with the house filled with children.

Kenneth is happily playing in the sand, building friendships of his own.

With the tv broken, Lee joins Kenneth in the sand box and starts building  a castle.

Though Kenneth's thoughts are filled with tossing a football, as he stares at Lupe!

Maybe he's thinking ahead to something more than friendship!?!

More likely he's thinking that girls have cooties and he'd rather spend time on sports!

And I soon discover why Jemma's outside with all those children.

Because she wanted to destroy a sandcastle!

And Lee finishing his and going to chat with Tabatha gave her the perfect opportunity!

But seeing Oliver snoozing away in a lounge chair has me realizing just how late it is.

So late that Kenneth wants a bedtime story.

But he asks the wrong person.


He cowers in terror as she shrieks, "Nephew or not, I can barely stand being in your presence! I came to my bedroom to get away from your kind! Now, shoo! Shoo, child!"

I feel so bad for Kenneth that I make Jemma apologize, but after being scolded like that I doubt it will help their relationship.

Nearby, Bella's actually consented to Kaitlyn's request and she's reading her young cousin a bedtime story.

Although the game denotes extensive family connections going back to great-grandparents, it doesn't register that Kenneth and Kaitlyn are related to the triplets.

But I know and the relationship is too close for me to even consider them as spare partners, even if the game doesn't connect them as family!

I know that royal family lines routinely kept their bloodlines 'pure' by marrying close relatives, but the triplets are 'royal' only when they're presiding over the royal court!

Which they did at every available opportunity during their week of childhood.

Lee on a desk chair.

Jade at the patio table.

And both Lee and Jade staying in their royal costumes even while playing at the blocks table with Ara!

Even so, I'm not going to indulge their royal fantasies to include inter-family marriage, even if the game doesn't consider Kenneth and Kaitlyn related to them!

But making friends with their classmates over their week of childhood weren't the only friendships they focused on.

Ara spent so much time playing with her IF doll, Snuggles, that she gained an imaginary friend!

One who's favorite color is lime green.

And even with all her time spent as the Queen-sister, Jade's IF doll, Pal, became an imaginary friend too.

But Lee didn't forget Hesper.

Even when Lee was King, Hesper was close by his side, bowing down to his sire as a loyal subject!

But adults were keeping their relationships high as well as Jemma builds up her friendship with ghostly Lorelei, who registers as Jemma's great-great grandmother. (Which is how I know it goes back that far)

A Lorelei who I almost didn't recognize as I must have missed adding her cc hair back in, just like I did Jemma's!

One more mistake that I'm sure Jared's added to my long list.

The odd thing is that in both their thought bubbles, Lorelei still has that cc side braid.

Across town Forest bestows a shy kiss on Cassidy's lips.

Notice their outfits?

Forest finally got his promotion to Mayor and Cassidy is wearing her career mask and boots with a maternity dress!

Her outfit brings a smile to my lips, while her pregnancy has me feeling relieved that her slow dance with Giacomo Modena didn't damage their relationship after all.

If you take in their surrounding, you'll notice different décor, but it's not just new furniture, it's a new house!

I guess Forest's new position required a change of residence; though their first home was huge it wasn't quite as fancy as this one.

Mayor, a new home, a toddler son, a baby on the way; no wonder Forest looks so happy!

And seeing that Luci's at home, I quickly send Jemma over for a visit since she's had a wish to train Luci almost as long as her wishes to see Luci get married and give her more grandchildren!

Surprising since Jemma dislikes children…

After Jemma's training wish is completed, Luci starts chatting away to Jemma, "I never dreamed I'd ever commit to someone Mom, but I think I'm falling in love with Khang!"
My mouth falls open and the expression on Jemma's face is priceless as she obviously never expected this turn of events either!

Finding her voice, Jemma doesn't beat around the bush, "In love enough to get married!?!

Khang freezes as he waits for Luci's response.

And I'm just as eager to hear it myself!

Luci says, "As strange as it sounds, I think there very well may be wedding bells in my future, Mom!"

Khang expresses the same jubilation with this news as I do, clenching his fists and yelling, "Yes!"

Luci and Khang go upstairs for some private time and I can't resist following them and taking a little peek.

Neither can Rosaria Stefani.

And just look at that smug look on her face when she hears Luci say, "I know seeing me getting married would make my mom happy Khang, but I'm already having second thoughts! Marriage is just too big a commitment!"

I'm not the only one devastated by her words though.

Khang tries to hug Luci, hoping to change her mind, pleading, "But I love you, Luci, and I know you love me too!"

But Luci's not having it, and she wards him off with both hands, rejecting even that much intimacy!

And their relationship plummets!

Then Luci does a total flip flop and tries to hug Khang, saying, "I do love you, I just don't want to get married!"

With Luci's words and actions going from one extreme to the other, it's no wonder that Khang rejects her the same way she did him!

So I step in before their relationship is totally destroyed and boost their relationship score back to 100%!

Which has both of them smiling and best friends again!

But will Luci's commitment issues rear their ugly head before Khang can convince her they're meant to be together?

Only time will tell on that score!

Back at the house, the sun has come up on a new day, and I see Claire chatting amiably with a paparazzi.

Wonders will never cease!

First Luci surprises us that she's even considering marriage and now Claire is getting along with someone.

But, like Luci, Claire gives in her to her trait and, in the blink of an eye, angry words have red minus signs flying!

I shout, "Claire, read the chapter title! It's all about making friends, not alienating them!"

And to my utter shock, Claire, just like Luci, does an about face and starts listening attentively as the paparazzi tells her how athletic he is!

I swear this family really does possess a hidden insane trait!

And they're dragging me down that same path, giving me hope that they're overcoming some of their less than stellar traits, only to dash them against rocks, and then show me another ray of hope, flip-flopping back and forth so much it's like watching a tennis match or being a yo-yo!

This chapter started off pleasantly enough with the triplets meeting and spending time with their classmates and some friendships have gotten off to a good start.

But Claire and Luci have left my head spinning!

So much so that after watching Luci and Khang play catch together for what seemed like hours with no romantic interactions what-so-ever, I took matters into my own hands and made Khang Luci's boyfriend!

I'm hoping that a little push in the commitment direction may get Luci over her dithering and put Khang, Jemma, and I out of our misery!

Find out if it works in Chapter 339: Perseverance Pays Off
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 339: Perseverance Pays Off
« Reply #366 on: November 07, 2021, 03:27:28 PM »

Over the long weekend Dane received an Op to gain a promotion if he learned martial arts, so he gives it a shot.

A pretty lame shot as the training dummy barely moves!

But he keeps at it and his skill bar creeps slowly upward.

And it's not long before Dane earns his first belt!

"Wow, Dane! You look amazing in that white martial arts outfit, it's a great foil to your dark, evil looks!

"Why thank you, Watcher. Any chance you'll call me Dashing Dane!?!"

"Hey, who told you about that!?!"

"I can read, Watcher! I didn't just focus on the criminal element in this town when I was doing research for Bella and Cassidy you know! Since I'm in law enforcement, I read up on other family members that were in the same field. Back in Roaring Heights there was Bella's Great-Grandmother, Cici, and her Great-Uncle Lucas, who was in Forensics, just like me. And further back, in Riverview, there was Carly's sister, Janeva, and Carly's husband, Desmond, the infamous Dashing Desmond with the turquoise hair!"

"He did have a gorgeous hair color. And I'll confess, Carly wasn't the only one smitten with him! But there can only be one dashing man in the Frio household. I could come up with another name for you though…Dreamy Dane, Devastating Dane, Dapper Dane… though Bella may not be as easy going about that as Carly was…"

"On second thought, Watcher, let's forget we ever had this conversation!"

"Works for me."

Since I'm close by, I check out the art gallery to find that Tobias has made a topiary, Felix the Giraffe!

And though he's now mastered sculpting, his next ice sculpture is the dreaded porcelain throne!

But Tobias makes up for that with his next ice sculpture, one reminiscent of Auguste Rodin's The Thinker!

I'm quite impressed by Tobias' rendition of it, though Tobias' thoughts are focused on his granddaughter, Jade.

So he pulls Jade away from her queenly duties and tutors her.

Though when I check the children's grades, Jade's school performance is the best, a high 'B'.

So I have Dane tutor Lee, again in his royal costume.

With Lee's imaginary friend, Hesper, intently watching this activity.

But it's Ara who actually needs tutoring, since her grade is still a 'C'.

Unfortunately, it's Jemma that gets chosen for that honor.

One she does willingly enough secluded in the nursery keeping focused on her topic rather than on the fact that she's interacting with a child.

But why Jemma and not Bella?

Because Bella has gone down the road to visit her Aunt Janette and Uncle Tobias.

To welcome the newest Frio family member, Trey!

And to my delight, Trey has inherited the HS greenie skin tone!

Bella seems delighted as well, but probably because this child is no threat to her own children's heirship.

Not that I'm seriously considering one of Cassidy and Forest's children as heir, if they did have a greenie child.

But if that keeps Bella under control a bit, well, I'll use every means at my disposal!

"Good to know, Watcher! But I knew you weren't serious about that. It was just another one of your empty threats!"

"So why did you apologize to Cassidy then, hhhmmm?"

"Playing with Trey, Watcher. No time for idle chatter."

"This is not idle chatter, but clarification of intent. I wasn't seriously considering it, but I could always change my mind. I did make your mother and Aunt co-heirs. And you and Cassidy shared a co-heirship of sorts for quite some time."

Haughtily Bella replies, "If you're going to bring up intent, cast your mind back, Watcher. I told you just after my child birthday that I was the best suited for heirship and now I'm heir, despite all your finagling and hopes!"

"Okay, you win, Bella!"

"Of course, I always do."

With her tutoring session over now that she has an 'A', Jade plays chess with Pal.

While Tobias has completed his 2nd masterpiece.

This one netting him $2602 simoleans, his highest sale so far!

The next morning, I find Jade once again presiding over the royal court at the kitchen table.

While Lee is chatting away to Hesper, "I'm not sure where our next town is going to be, but we'll probably have to fly in a plane to get there. But you'll be safe and sound in my backpack."

As I think about whether I should mention that IF dolls stored in backpacks while travelling are anything but safe, I'm saved by the bell.

The tooting of the bus horn, actually, as the kids' school bus has arrived.

But then I remember it's Love Day and they shouldn't have school.

So despite all of the children stopping their activities and heading off to the bus, as soon as they get to the road, it cancels!

That was weird.

With the day off, Jemma tutors Ara again.

This time with Snuggles waiting patiently for the session to be over so she can spend time with her bestie.

Jade and Pal play tag.

And Lee resumes his kingly duties.

Of course.

Why would he do anything else!?!

So I take matters into my own hands and invite some of their classmates over.

And immediately upon arrival, Tabatha and Carina head to the playground in the back yard.

Where Carina starts chatting with Jemma.

But Tabatha is looking longingly at the house…

And when she goes inside, her thoughts are filled with Lee!

Well, I don't want to disappoint the girl, or myself.

So I have Lee pillow fight with her!

Even having to pause in his royal duties, you can see that Lee's having fun.

Childish laughter fills the house as they wallop each other with pillows and their friendship increases nicely.

In the basement, I find Bella chatting with her young cousin, Kaitlyn.

"You dance very well, Kaitlyn."

"Thanks….umm, I'm not sure what to call you…you're not my aunt and you're old enough to be my mother…"

Bella frowns at that thought and says, "Bella's fine, but instead of worrying about that, why don't you try improving your skills!"

I thought Kaitlyn might take offense at being told what to do, but she doesn't.

She runs over to the chemistry table and starts making a potion!

I never even knew sims would automously tell kids to improve their skills.

In the art room, I find Tobias contemplating his latest ice sculpture.

"What is that!?! It looks scary!"

Tobias frowns and says, "It is! It's an evil freezer bunny!"

"I didn't even know such a thing existed!"

Tobias says, "It won't for long!"

And he promptly sells it, saying, "Good riddance! That thing was more than a little disturbing!"

Back in the main basement, I find that Ara has taken over the chemistry lab, intent on discovering another potion.

And Snuggles is again waiting patiently for her.

Outside, as Lee is searching the galaxy, Hesper is watching Lee.

"I just saw another shooting star, Hesper! This telescope is amazing. Everything looks so close even though it's far away."

I wonder if Hesper senses that about himself, being so close to Lee, but far from being a real boy?

But before I can start worrying about that, I get pulled away.

As Bella as completed her lifetime wish and is now the Empress of Evil!

And she receives a bonus of $6912 simoleans too.

"Not bad for one nights work, Watcher! If I do say so myself!"

"Not bad at all, Bella, congratulations! I never doubted for a moment you'd accomplish it, even with all your time off."

"Accepting a part-time job in the criminal field when I was a teen definitely helped, Watcher. So I do have to thank you for allowing that."

"That's generous of you, Bella. Unexpected, but generous. So now that you've reached the top, what are your plans?"

"In the long term, staying there! Making sure everyone in this town knows who's in control. But right now? I'm gonna relax and play some foosball!"

And she does exactly that!

But I can't resist asking, "How are you going to let everyone know who's in control?"

Bella laughs evilly, "With my red aura, of course! You know that already. You mentioned it several chapters ago, when you were all in a huff over Mom's mystic aura causing trouble between her and Dad."

"I also mentioned that the red aura would cause trouble between you and your father. Probably with anyone in town who isn't evil, so your friend count will take a huge hit."

Bella shakes her head and shrugs, "Friends don't matter, now! It was only a concern in getting to the top. Now that I'm here, I can bask in the glory of it. Rule with an iron fist and know that the name Frio strikes fear into others' hearts! As it should!"

In happenings around town:

Cassidy's not only attained the title of Supervillain, she and Forest are expecting their 2nd child.

And, miracle of miracles, Khang proposed to Luci, and she said, 'Yes!'

Chiara Goth and Rickey Frio got engaged as well.

And both couples got married!

Bella's completed her lifetime wish and is now the Empress of Evil and her comments upon doing so leave no doubt that she's a true megalomaniac!

Hopefully she doesn't make herself impossible to live with and alienate her entire family!

The triplets have all worked on skills and made a few friends.

With all their tutoring and extra credit ops, Lee and Jade have both earned their 'A'.

And attending school on Tuesday should kick Ara's school performance bar to the top.

So we know what that means, it's time for teen birthdays!

See the triplets in all their teen glory in Chapter 340: The End of Royalty
Coming soon.

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Chapter 340: The End of Royalty
« Reply #367 on: November 12, 2021, 12:48:24 PM »

Bella's power kick continues when she gets home and finds Ara still up and presiding over the royal court at 3 in the morning!

With her Empress aura emitting it's fiendishly red glow, she scolds her daughter, "Now look young lady, we have rules in this house and one of them is getting to bed on time."

Ara blinks solemnly at her mother and says, "Mom, your phone is ringing."

Shaking her finger Bella continues, "Ignore that and listen to me! You need your rest to keep your grades up. If you're sleepy in school you could lose your 'A'.

"But, Mom, I don't have an 'A' yet! Maybe you should tutor me some more?"

Bella immediately agrees, saying "Oh, so that's why you were still up! I'm so sorry, sweetie."

I interrupt with, "Bella, Ara's so close to an 'A', she'll earn it today at school."

"There's no sense taking any chances, Watcher. It's bad enough rolling random traits, I'm not having one of MY children get one assigned to them. That is a sign of poor parenting!"

"Okay, have it your way."

But as I watch Bella and her young daughter, I can't help but think that Bella's being played and by a master.

Ara's not only gotten attention from Bella, but an apology too, plus she's gotten to stay up even later!

The school bus comes and the triplets head off to their last day of grade school.

So I check on Tobias to find another ice sculpture completed.

A big head with big ears and a mohawk gone horribly wrong, looking more like a crown of thorns!

No qualms about selling this one!

And soon Tobias has made another 'kitten'.

Which also gets sold.

Masterpiece though it is.

"It's amazing to me, Tobias, you've already made three masterpieces, yet Jonas, who was a savvy sculptor, a Descendant of Da Vinci no less, didn't even make one! And you're a couch potato!"

"True. Jonas is a Descendant of Da Vinci, but he's also an Avant Garde, savvy sculptor, with more than a touch of crazy thrown in! I'm an artistic genius! Talent will out, Watcher! Talent will out!"

The afternoon hours pass with Bella climbing the rock wall to build up her athletic skill.

And she masters it!

An announcement has me heading to town to see Dane's pained face as he becomes a sketch artist!

"You don't look happy about your promotion at all!"

"I like music, not art! Dad's the artist in the family!"

"You're both geniuses, Dane, talk to him and get a few pointers!"

Back at the house, Jemma and Bella had been enjoying a swim in the pool.

But then Bella got a phone call; one of those annoying ones asking her out on a date.

So before that can put her in a bad mood, though Bella being Bella, she's probably secretly flattered, I get the birthdays started.

I find Jade and Lee at the kitchen table, dressed up in their royal finery for the last time.

"Okay kids, it's birthday time!  Best change into your everyday clothes as there's no telling what those costumes would turn into once you become teens!"

Both of them look a bit sad as Jade asks, "No more presiding over the royal court? Our rulership has come to an end?"

"I'm afraid so, but as teens you'll get to do a lot of other fun stuff. Learning to drive, hanging out with your friends, getting part-time jobs, even going to prom!"

The two of them change their outfits and are soon looking as excited as their trait proclaims them to be!

Jade standing before her cake all smiles and Lee twirling a noise maker.

The rest of the family join us, blowing party horns and cheering as Jade makes her birthday wish.

Surrounded by birthday sparkles, Jade ages up to a teen!

Bella claps and cheers wildly, though Lee looks rather solemn now.

And even Jade's smile looks a little forced.

Since Jade's age up outfit looks great, I'm thinking it's due to her hairstyle.

The straight cut bangs and green star-like hair accessory not being very flattering.

Lee had already walked over to his cake to keep the birthdays going, when I get pulled away from him to see Pal age up to teen.

I'd forgotten about the triplets' imaginary friends' birthdays!

Judging by Tobias' wild-eyed look, he hadn't been expecting it either.

And, unfortunately, Pal's birthday icon multiplies across the top of my screen in an unending line!

Then it drops back to it's singular state and freezes in some freaky glitch that refuses to leave my screen! 

Thankfully this doesn't stop Lee from continuing his birthday or the rest of the family from joining in, though Bella had to head off to work.

Lee thinks of the perfect wish…

And becomes a teen!

In a perfectly respectable teen outfit, too.

Though as with Jade, I think we can find a more flattering hair style.

But my focus really isn't on hair as Pal's icon is still present on the screen and Lee's imaginary friend, Hesper, doesn’t age up!

In fact, I can't even find Hesper!

But since Ara's already patiently waiting in front of her cake, I'll have to address that issue later.

Everyone else gathers around, clapping, cheering, and blowing party horns, while Lee stands there holding his cake.

Finally, Lee puts his cake down and joins in the celebration, twirling a noise maker of his own.

While Ara's so completely overtaken by birthday sparkles that she disappears!

To my relief, unlike Hesper, Ara quickly reappears as a teen!

Wearing an odd age up outfit and sporting even worse teen hair than either of her siblings!

And Snuggles doesn't age up either, joining Hesper, and so many other imaginary friends, in limbo.

Since I've no idea what happened to either of them, I focus on what I can control.


With Ara going first as the one in the most need.

A close-up, along with a cropped, flirty hairstyle, shows us that Ara's inherited Dane's Asian eyes!

And she's so gorgeous that I think our Ara's not only joined the heartbreaker club here in MV, she's become it's leader.

It's insane, couch potato, animal loving, and inappropriate leader!

Founder Jared will be thrilled that he's passed on that trait!

The rest of us?

Not so much.

We show off her new everyday look, mostly white with a bold aqua accent that is a startling contrast to her ebony skin and blonde hair.

"How does it feel being a teenager, Ara?"

"Not bad, Watcher, not bad at all. Especially since you got rid of that hairstyle that looked like I'd put my finger in a light socket! And those clothes…I looked like a bag lady! Whoever decided age up clothes should be random and the worse combinations ever, should be drug out into the street and…"

I quickly interrupt, "Aaahhh, your inappropriateness is already in full swing, I see. Well, hear actually. No expressions of violence on the family-friendly Forum, please!""

"Oh, sorry, Watcher! But I'll probably say and do worse things having that particular combination of traits."

"That's what I'm afraid of, so I'll be doing my best to keep you from causing havoc!"

"Good luck on that, Watcher! I'm sure you're going to need it!"

Jade reminds me of her Great-Great Grandmother Lucinda, except for her blonde hair.

Though I do believe her eyes might be slightly tilted and she has the HS greenie large ears.

And our excitable, couch potato that's never nude is now over-emotional.

A trait she shares with her father, Dane.

Her favorite outfit is her gray and purple outerwear.

A layered look that is one of my favorites, too.

"The more clothes the better, Watcher!"

"I'm on it, Jade. Like I told your sister, this is a family-friendly Forum so we watch our language and keep everyone dressed. Well, except for those streakers at Uni…"

"Streakers!?! You mean…sims not wearing any… no, I can't say it, I can barely even think it!"

"Don't worry, your Great-Grandfather, Chase, went to Uni, so you won't be going anywhere near campus."

Jade's smile returns in a flash, "Thank Goodness!"

And I wonder just how much trouble excitable and over-emotional are going to bring us…especially when mood swings hit!?!

Then Lee gets a different hairstyle, one that's a bit longer than his age up hair.

His Asian eyes seem to stand out even more as he gets older, something I'm happy to see.

And though I kept him away from the chemistry table, instead of losing interest in explosions, Lee's fascination with them has grown as he's now a loner, couch potato, who's excitable and eccentric!

And pretty solemn for someone who's supposed to be excitable.

Not even a glimmer of a smile in any of his new outfit photos.

"You don't seem very happy with your new teen self."

"I'm okay, Watcher. Just things on my mind."

"Like what?"

"I'd rather not discuss it right now. In fact, I'd like to be alone. If you don't mind?"

"It's your birthday, so if that's what you want, alone it is!"

The Frio triplets have reached their teen years!

And I have a feeling we might be in for a bumpy ride.

What do you think?

Three teens; one now excitable and over-emotional; one an eccentric, excitable, loner; and one who's not only insane but is now inappropriate!?!

Living with not one but two evil parents and having a grumpy mother who's on a power trip!?!

A bumpy ride indeed!

If you dare, hop in and join us in Chapter 341: Romantic Interests
Coming soon.

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Chapter 341: Romantic Interests
« Reply #368 on: December 06, 2021, 12:52:56 PM »

Lee had gone into the living room to relax and watch tv before school.

But he reveals what was on his mind last night when he hears Jade talking to Pal.

With a gasp he says, "Hesper! Where is Hesper!?! I can't find him anywhere, Watcher!"

"Yeah, about that…I'm not sure where's he gone either. You see there was some glitch after Pal aged up to teen and it's still not resolved itself. I'm hoping, after this play session, when I load your world back up, that he and Snuggles will return."

With alarm, Lee cries, "Ara's Snuggles is gone too!?!"

"I'm afraid so, Lee. IF dolls, whether they become imaginary friends or not, can be pretty glitchy. Sometimes they reappear but sometimes…not. Two of your ancestors lost theirs when they were just infants."

The bus horn blares and I'm saved from further explanations.

But Lee's in such a funk on the bus that Jade is immediately concerned, "Lee, I thought you'd be excited to get to high school this morning. See if Tabatha had her birthday…"

Lee mutters, "Great! Something else to be worried about besides Hesper and Snuggles being missing…"

Jade stares straight ahead at Lee's response as Ara gives her a sidelong look, saying, "Yeah, it's true. Pal's the only one that survived the teen age up process."

"You don't seem all that concerned Ara, weren't you fond of Snuggles?"

Ara shrugs, "Of course, she was my best friend, well, my best imaginary friend. But occult life works in mysterious ways, especially IF life, so there's always a chance Hesper and Snuggles may return."

"Oh, well, that makes me feel a little better."

"You probably shouldn't. It was your Pal aging up that made Hesper and Snuggles glitch out!"

The shocked look on Jade's face deepens at this accusation, and I intervene, "Ara! We don't know if that's true and even if it was, it wouldn't be Jade's fault!"

"Oh, I guess it was inappropriate of me to say that then. Sorry, Jade. My bad."

When the triplets get home from school, and I see Pal strutting happily into the living room where Jade and Lee are doing their homework, I realize that I should have popped Pal into Jade's backpack.

To avoid having Lee and Ara feel the loss of their own imaginary friends.

And avoid having Jade feel bad that she still has hers while her siblings' friends are in limbo.

But IF's and their issues fly out of my mind when I see who's come home from school with Ara.

A very handsome Gianni Costa!

And when he tells Ara that he's a Libra, I not only get the message that his sign is compatible with hers, but the two of them also get a relationship increase.

And Jade has invited a couple of classmates over too.

Elio Gilscarbo, Goopy's younger brother, and Alonzo Rossi, the mayor's son.

She asks Elio his sign and if he's in a relationship, finding out that he's a Capricorn and single.

Both pluses, but the information doesn't have her popping any other wishes for him.

Though Jade does have a wish to befriend Alonzo.

And they chat on and on until that happens.

With Pal intently listening to their conversation.

In the kitchen, Ara and Gianni are doing homework.

"Hey, thanks for inviting me over Ara. It's nice having someone to do homework with, my sisters have been out of school for sometime and Reynaldo is still in grade school."

"If you need help with any of the answers, feel free to copy mine!"

Gianni stops writing and says, "Most girls aren't that helpful, so I appreciate the offer, but schoolwork comes easy to me. Besides, I'd worry too much about getting caught cheating!"

"Oh, I guess that was inappropriate then, I'm sorry."

"Don't be! It's refreshing to talk so openly about feelings. Unless you think someone may be listening!?!"

"No. It's safe. We're alone in here."

Gianni lets out a breath, "I'm glad you feel the same way about that, Ara! You just can't be too careful!"

With homework completed, Ara gets to know Gianni a little better.

"You're very handsome in that outfit, Gianni. Not many teen boys could pull off a formal shirt, jacket, and tie with sandals!"

"You sure are different Arabella! Most of the other girls laugh at my fashion sense, and I don't care all that much, I just throw on anything I grab!"

"I never take heed of others' ideas where clothing is concerned, and neither should you. And call me Ara please, my mom is Bella!"

"I've heard my dad mention her, but I've never met her. She sounds scary!"

"Mom!?! No way! She may be evil but she's not really scary, though that red glow she has now makes some sims tremble. But me? I think it's cool that she's the Empress of Evil! Besides I've got her wrapped around my finger!"

Taking hold of Gianni's hands, Ara adds, "Speaking of fingers, yours are very, very strong. Do you work out?"

"Umm, my hands? Not really. I play a little basketball with my younger brother and some of the guys in town. But I wouldn't say I work out."

"Good. I prefer watching tv, when I'm not discovering potions, making inappropriate forum posts, or pranking things around the house. I don't usually give away my secrets, but in your case I'll make an exception. Don't use the downstairs computer or sit in one of the chairs outside!"

"But enough about that, do you have a girlfriend?"

You'd think Gianni's head would be spinning as Ara jumps from one topic to another.

But he only steps closer and looks deeply into her eyes, "Girlfriend? No…"

Ara interrupts with, "Good!"

And steals her first kiss!

Which Gianni eagerly accepts, pulling Ara even closer into his arms!

Looks like these two will do fine on their own.

I track down Jade who's chatting with Alonzo.

"Thanks for the tour of the house, Jade. You've got a really cool place here! Mind if I try out the mud bath?"

And without even waiting for Jade's permission, Alonzo changes into swim trunks and fins right in front of her and hops in!

Poor Jade runs from the room, probably scarred for life.

While Pal slowly follows her, wondering how to make her feel better.

Pal and I catch up with Jade in the kitchenette corner, the one farthest from the sauna.

"You okay, Jade?"

"I don't want to talk about it! Just forget it ever happened. I have already banished it from my mind! Come on Pal, let's do something together!"

Pal nods happily, eager to agree to whatever Jade wants to do.

Hearing a noise from across the room, I find Lee trying to discover his first potion.

"Please don't blow yourself up. Your father has a penchant for doing that even though he's mastered logic!"

"I'll try not to, Watcher. Though why you don't find explosions fascinating is beyond me!"

"Because explosions in my active household make me nervous! I could lose someone, worse scenario, a potential heir!"

"I'll be as careful as I can, but you never know what will happen when volatile chemicals are being combined, that's what makes discovering potions so exciting! Though I actually came down here looking for an inventing table and couldn't find one."

"That's because I stored it in the family inventory after your Uncle Jonas left. For safety. Those things are dangerous! Jonas caught himself on fire more times than I care to remember!"

"But Uncle Jonas is insane not eccentric so why was he inventing?"

"Because his lifetime wish was to be the Descendant of Da Vinci and master painting, sculpting, and inventing. Any more questions?"

"Yes! Are there any lifetime wishes connected to being eccentric?"

"I was afraid you'd ask me that…but, yes, there are two that I know of."

"Well, what are they? You're almost as difficult to get a straight answer from as Ara…"

"My prevarication stems from reluctance, not insanity!"

"Reluctance? Does that mean that they're bad lifetime wishes?"

"Not bad, just…difficult, possibly glitchy. I know one can be, Paranormal Profiteer, as sometimes ghosts stop appearing on cases, which has work performance grinding to a halt. Though I've read you can work on logic in your down time. If you haven't already maxed it…"

"Oh, so I should stop trying to discover potions? I could do that, but I'm already at level 7. But what's the other lifetime wish?"

"Monster Maker!"

"Oh, now that sounds interesting! What type of monsters?"

"Not exactly monsters… eccentric makes you better at inventing and, if you master it, you can get an op to make the ultimate invention, a Simbot, like your Uncle Jonas did back in Starlight Shores. Or you can make an actual monster, a mummy, but I've never had any sim do that, so I wouldn't even know where to begin. But to be a Monster Maker you have to make three Simbots, and they require rare ingredients, not just inventing skill, so you wouldn't have much time to relax and watch tv."

"But both of those lifetime wishes sound quite exciting! Much more so that writing books."

"They'd also have to show up as options after your young adult birthday, so we'll just keep them in mind until then."

But seeing Lee on his own, no matter how much he enjoys the solitude, has me checking up on the Mancini family.

Where I find Tabatha chatting with her mom, Guila.

A quick check shows me she's only one day away from her teen birthday.

That's close enough for me, so I trigger an immediate age transition.

I wait a few minutes and I'm rewarded as new teen Tabatha steps outside.

I pop her into stylist as though the hair style and age up clothes aren't the worst I've seen, I think we can do better.

With a new hairstyle, make-up, and outfits done up in an orange-y coral, Tabatha is stunning!

Having her pair up with Lee is definitely at the top of my goals list.

And I don't think I'm the only one, just imagine Bella's reaction to the coup of having her children pair up with a Costa, a Rossi, and a Mancini child!

Even more so if one, or more, of them turns out to be evil!

Though I may be jumping the gun as Alonzo had Jade rushing out of the sauna when he changed clothes in front of her.

And Lee and Tabatha haven't met as teens yet.

To remedy that, I head over to the school the next afternoon.

I mention my plan to Lee and he's willing to hang around, even in the pouring rain.

But my plans are foiled when Jade, giving Lee a knowing look, says, "If you're waiting for Tabatha, she's already gone home. You'll have to invite her over instead of making it look like you bumped into her by accident!"

But it's not Tabatha that Lee finds at his front door, it's Kaia Seng, Khang and Kannitha's younger sister.

And since Lee pops a wish to learn her sign, I let him ask.

But once he's done that, they don't seem to have anything else to say to each other.

So, they head inside.

Where Tabatha greets Lee with an exuberant hug!

Possibly both of them holding on a little longer than necessary, squeezing a little more than friends would?

That's okay with me!

And Dane is being super helpful chatting away with Kaia about music.

Instead of trying to jump scare one of them and totally ruining this first teen meeting.

Lee and Tabatha chat for quite some time and then Lee asks Tabatha to be his BFF!

When she agrees, Lee can't contain his excitement as he clenches his fists and quivers all over!

He's so adorable when he's excited!

Then things start getting romantic as they hold hands and flirt.

But neither one can hold back a blush when Ara shouts from the living room, "Grammie says I should mind my own business, but are you two planning on getting married?"

Lee gulps and shouts back, "Grammie's right, Ara! Mind. Your. Own. Business."

And despite Ara's comment, after all their guests leave, I don't have to even ask Lee how he feels about Tabatha.

Or how their evening went.

He expresses his feelings in true excitable sim fashion, yelling, "Yay! Woo! I'm taking Tabatha to the prom!"

The teens meetings with possible partners went better than I expected.

Well, for Ara and Lee, as they've made significant progress with Gianni Costa and Tabatha Mancini.

And though Alonzo may have scarred Jade for life, there's still plenty of time for her to find a romantic interest here in Monte Vista.

Follow along to see further developments in Chapter 342: Unexpected Conversations
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 342: Unexpected Conversations
« Reply #369 on: December 11, 2021, 01:14:16 PM »

With so much going on with the triplets and their teen friends, I almost forgot about Dane's level 9 promotion, to 3D Crime Scene Modeler!

Dane's compressed lips and drawn down eyebrows make him look even more evil than usual, but I know he's really excited about it.

"You are excited about your promotion, aren't you, Dane?"

"Sure. That's why I popped a 9,000 point wish to reach level 10."

"Then why the grim look? You are supposed to be over-emotional!"

"Disgust IS an emotion, Watcher! Now I need even more painting skill points to bring my level up! I told you, I'm a musician, not an artist!"

"You can't need that many, you've been working on your painting skill since your last promotion, right?"

I check Dane's skills and stare in shock as he needs to max it and he's got one point! ONE!

"I thought you were going to discuss painting with Tobias, maybe have him tutor you in it!?!"

"Well, the thing is, that even though we're both geniuses and have spent a lot of time playing chess, we both have other interests. Tobias has been so busy writing, painting, and sculpting, he hasn't mastered logic, so he can't tutor me. You can't even listen to painting tab casts! Plus, I work M-F and…"

"Enough excuses! Go home and paint!"

But when I find Tobias contemplating his latest ice sculpture, that lovely octopus or kraken or whatever it is, I realize Dane's right.

It's partly my fault that Dane's painting skill is as low as it is.

Because I've been focused on the triplets, on Bella's lifetime wish, and once Tobias started sculpting, on having him make an ice sculpture of Jemma, so we have one of both twins.

I guess I'll need to apologize to Dane at some point…

And though I thought all of our visitors have gone home, I find two of them in the sauna, Ennio Almeria and Tabatha.

Though Tabatha looks almost as pained as Dane did earlier.

I quickly have Lee go down and chat with her to build up their friendship even more.

And it works, with plus signs for both of them.

But it's getting late so Lee says goodbye and heads upstairs to catch the late news.

Which is when I notice Ara typing furiously away on the computer, making her first inappropriate forum post.

I'd forgotten how much Jared did that back in Sunset Valley and Moonlight Falls.

And I'm not really looking forward to having another family member do that every waking moment.

And it looks like I'm not the only one as Bella catches Ara and, with her evil aura at full power, sternly says, "That'll be enough of that, young lady! That's worse than pranking the computer. You stop doing that right this minute!"

When Ara jumps up, Bella continues, "Now let me think of a suitable punishment…"

Ara freezes in her tracks for just a moment…

Then she turns and waves at Bella with a big smile on her face, saying, "Oh, Hi, Mom! I just love your evil aura, it's so cool!"

"It is, but we weren't talking about me…"

"Oh, did you get to read what I was posting? Do you think it will bring my grade up?"

"You were working on something for school?"

"Of course. I've got a wish to earn an 'A' so I've been…troll…checking out.. different forums to see how others react to negative posts. Once I have enough material, I'll share my findings at school, for…extra credit."

"Well, in that case, I'm sorry, Ara, I misunderstood…"

Ara quickly says, "No problem, Mom! I better get off to bed so I'm full of energy for school tomorrow!"

I blink at Ara's audacity and Bella's gullibility but refrain from interfering.

After all, like Cassidy said, Bella's never played fair in her life, so it'll be interesting to see just how far Ara can get before Bella catches on that she's being played!

But a few minutes later, Bella let's her anger out full throttle again, this time at poor Lee!

"Watching tv again!?! You know that stuff rots your mind! Why can't you follow Ara's example and work on your grades!?!"

Lee tries to explain, "I was just sending Tabatha a goodnight text…and our teacher is handing out books tomorrow for extra credit…"

"Watching tv AND texting her? That's no way to impress a girl, especially one that doesn't like such things!"

"I know that…but it was too late to call, and I wanted to make sure she got home okay."

"Oh, so you were worried about her safety. I guess I can't blame you there. So…I'm sorry."

"You are? I mean, thanks, Mom, that's okay."

Before Bella can think of something else to yell at him about, Lee hightails it off to bed!

And if anyone out there was wondering, Bella yelling at Lee was done automously.

While her apology was made at my insistence! 

Early the next morning, I find Lee and Tobias sitting on the couch companionably watching tv together.

"So how goes the ice sculpting, Grandpa? Making progress?"

"Definite progress. I've mastered the skill and made several masterpieces. Now it's just quantity, getting to that magic number 25!"

"Why 25?"

"I'm not sure. Someone somewhere decided that 25 ice sculptures had to be sculpted before they stopped melting. It's not logical, but then…so many things aren't in our world!"

"I know what you mean, Grandpa! Mom yelled at me last night for watching tv, but then, out of nowhere, she apologized!"

"That's not logic, son, that's the Watcher! She doesn't like it when mean, inappropriate, or in your mothers' case, evil and grumpy, sims yell at family members. It destroys relationships fast. And when we go around berating each other's ignorance, that really burns her up!"

"It does, Tobias! But if you're aware of that, why do you all keep doing it!?!"

"Because we're nerds, Watcher, and in our world, nerds take pleasure in telling others just how stupid they are!"

"Mine too, but it just doesn't make sense when the person is a genius!"

"But even a genius doesn't know everything, so there's bound to be one subject of study or part of life they don't fully understand. Take Dane for instance, he's a genius when it comes to music, but art baffles him, and he's not had much success making potions either, even though he's mastered logic."

"That's true and it baffles me as well. A level 10 logical genius and he's only managed to make one potion though he's blown himself up plenty! But I do owe him an apology, so I better go find him."

"Dad's down in the basement, Watcher. I'll come too and work on my inventing before Mom catches me watching tv again!"

In the basement I find Jade talking to Pal, "Grandpa's promised to get us tickets to the theater this weekend as they're showing some classic sci-fi movies!"

"What's classic?"

"Classic? It's just a fancy word for old, like vintage!"

"And sci-fi?"

"Now sci-fi is really cool, it's all about brave sims that go on adventures, usually in space or in the future, or both!"

"Adventures! Those are my favorite, though I haven't really gone on any. Becoming your imaginary friend is the most adventurous thing I've ever done! Do you think I could come and watch one of these sci-fi movies?"

"I'll have to ask the Watcher about that. I don't think imaginary friends are allowed to leave the lot. Don't you return to your doll form when I go to school?"

Pal's lips turn down sadly, "Yes. I do. It seems to take forever before you get back home…"

"Oh, I didn't realize you were aware of the passing of time in your doll form…that sounds…lonely. Watcher is there anything we can do about that? Make it so Pal isn't lonely when I'm gone, or do something to allow Pal to leave the lot?"

"Yes. But that 'something' would take up the last empty slot in the household."

"A spot in the household? But those are only for pets or sims that are real…"

"Yes, that's true. But in order for Pal not to be lonely when you're gone or allow Pal to leave the lot, you'd have to make Pal real."

With a gasp both Jade and Pal echo, "Real! Is that something we can do!?!"

"It is. Your Aunt Luci did it for her imaginary friend, Patches. One of the biggest commitments she ever made. Until she got married! But it's not something to be taken lightly. You both need to think about it very, very, carefully and make sure it's what you really want."

Jade can barely contain herself as she says, "I doubt either one of us will be thinking of anything else, Watcher!"

That's when it dawns on me that I'm hearing piano music…

And to my consternation, I find Dane playing!

"I thought that you were going to focus on painting!?! I was all set to apologize for being so harsh with you about it…"

"By all means Watcher, apologize. I love hearing others grovel!"

"But you're not even painting, so no need to do so now, since you ignored my request!"

Dane changes to his I'm-dealing-with-an-inferior-intellect tone, "It was more like an order than a request, Watcher. And I never actually agreed to do it. You just assumed I would….and you know what they say about assuming…"

"I do. And since you've come this far in your career without painting, I'm not even sure it will affect your career, even if it's part of your career metric now. Reports haven't seemed to make much of a difference, and you've ever only written one of those!"

"A logical conclusion, Watcher. I'm glad you came to it on your own, without me having to try and explain it. I'd much rather focus on becoming more proficient on the piano."

"I can take a hint, Dane. But it's only because I want to check on Lee, not because you're trying to get rid of me!"

"How you justify leaving me alone, Watcher, makes no difference to me, as long as you let me play my music in peace!"

"I think someone's been taking grumpy lessons from his wife!"

But focusing on Lee doesn't bring me any peace of mind.

Because as Lee becomes aware of my presence he blurts out, "Lupe DeLuca just became a teen and I'd love to get to know her better!"

"But you're going to prom with Tabatha, and I thought you liked her a lot!?!"

"Doesn't mean I can't explore my options, Watcher! I'm a healthy male teen, who's very aware of girls. Plus, I'm excitable and eccentric! Enough said?"

"Definitely enough said! No need to venture further into the teen male psyche! Besides, it's time to head off to school, I just heard the bus horn."

"Perfect timing, as I just finished discovering another invention!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jade with her thoughts full of Pal.

No wonder with the bombshell I just dropped on them.

I go over to let her know it's time for school and find that both Jade and Pal's thoughts are filled with the other.

And Jade has turned towards me so I can see the thoughtful look on her face.

Since she's already pondering such a big decision, I merely say, "Bus is here. Best change and get to school."

Being off during the week gives Jemma plenty of time to relax and today is no different.

Though instead of swimming, she's playing in the sandbox.

Until a now elderly paparazzi, Alrigo Columbo, decides to hit on her, while wearing a wetsuit in the blazing summer heat!

"So, how's about a date sometime, mia bella!?!"

Jemma cringes away in disgust and says, "I am not now or will I ever be your 'mia bella'!"

But the paparazzi is determined to get Jemma's attention, one way or another.

So, his next move is to creep towards Jemma, in full sight, no less.

Then scream bloody murder when he's behind her!

Great, even paparazzi are getting in on jump scares now!

Jemma responds in the best way open to her at an attack from an unexpected quarter.

She slaps her hand over his face as hard as she can under the guise of a private reading!

And despite their latest interactions being totally negative ones, the reading goes well.

Which has me confused until Jemma says, "Oh, it seems I've kept you out in the sun a bit too long. That burn looks painful! You best hurry off to the hospital and get it taken care of!"

Well, that's one way of getting rid of unwanted paparazzi!

Inside, I find things going a little better as Bella and Tobias are playing chess together.

Tobias asks, "Any chance you're thinking of having another child? You know how much I like the pitter patter of little feet!"
"Dane and I have no wishes to have another child, Dad. And with the triplets' teens now, I think our family is complete."

The game progresses but Tobias keeps prodding Bella, "I was just checking since we have a space open. And, surprisingly, your mother shares my 'have 5 grandchildren' wish! I guess cuddling nooboos and toddlers won out over her trait!"

Bella doesn't hide her displeasure at her father continuing to harp on the subject and her evil aura glows bright as she grumbles, "Then maybe Luci will surprise us all and commit to that as well!"

A few moments later, Bella ponders her available moves and says, "Checkmate in 3 moves, I'll win! Despite you trying to distract me, Dad!"

Tobias claps and admits defeat, "Well done, Bella! Another game? I've got a wish to earn another logic skill point and I still need several skill points to tutor Dane. Unless you're not feeling up to another match with a genius?"

At her father's words, Bella's red aura flares brightly again as she resets her pieces on the chess board.

I'm surprised she agreed to a rematch rather than go ballistic at her father's dig.

And even more surprised that family-oriented Tobias is being so disagreeable with his own daughter.

But I guess it's not really so surprising since he's had to live with an insane mother since birth and then both insane and evil family members since joining the Frio household.

Even a family-oriented sim must have a breaking a point!

But I can't help but laugh when Bella uses Tobias' tactics against him saying, "Having toddlers around the house playing with blocks, their laughter filling the house was rather fun wasn't it, Dad? Cassidy and Forest have a little girl now, Laurel. So, it's not really too late for Dane and me to have another one."

Gloatingly, since she's not in Cassidy's presence, Bella adds, "And Laurel didn't get the greenie skin tone either! But there's a chance that my child could inherit it from you!"

Tobias doesn't even blink at the obvious ploy, just studies the board intently, and ignores the ringing of his phone as well.

Bella lets several minutes pass and then says, "You can't blame me for trying, Dad! You almost beat me last game!"

"And I'll do my best to beat you this time too!"

"Game on, Dad! Game on!"

I check on Dane after work to find that his lack of painting skill hasn't really affected his work at all as his performance bar is slightly more than half-way full.

"See, Watcher! It's not going to matter! I should get my promotion after my next work shift on Monday."

"But with the weekend off, you could pad it a little bit and get in some more painting."

"I could. But I'd rather play piano! Or discover more potions, since I've had the wish to discover them all since I mastered logic."

"But you really haven't been very successful in discovering potions. Ara discovered more of them as a child than you have!"

"True. But that just means I'll have to try harder! And thank you for not highlighting my ineptitude with repeated photos of it!"

"You're welcome. After all of Jonas' mishaps with the inventing table, and Lee's focus on inventing now, I'm sure I'll be seeing plenty more of those incidents without including yours. Though I would like to document your successes, especially when you discover your 10th potion."

"I'm fine with that, and photos of me playing piano, or any other musical instrument. Though I realize it's the triplets that will be getting the most focus from here on out."

"That does tend to happen once the next gen is born, especially when they turn teen and start meeting potential partners. But I have tried to include all the adults in this chapter since the weekend is coming up and the focus will be back on the teens."

"Understandable, Watcher."

Things are moving right along here in Monte Vista.

Cassidy and Forest have another child, a daughter, Laurel, who to Bella's delight also has her father's peachy skin tone.

The teens are all developing their own distinct personalities.

Ara's still managing to manipulate her mother, Bella.

Lee's focusing on inventing and, like most teenage boys, girls.

Jade and Pal are now considering making Pal real.

And each one of our adults got to get a little screen time as well.

But with the weekend coming up, it's back to focusing on the triplets.

Join me in Chapter 343: Strangeness and Oddities
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 343: Strangeness and Oddities
« Reply #370 on: January 12, 2022, 09:08:56 AM »

Since I was in town, I check around to see if anything interesting is going on.

Only to see Mayor Forest bicycling wildly towards me!

"Hey, Forest! Nice to see you!"

"Get out of the way, Watcher! Can't stop…can't remember how the brakes work on this thing!"

Same old Forest. He's apparently forgotten I don't exist in physical form in his world.

But why his Lee here in town instead of on the bus coming home?

I check Lee's queue and find that he's still on a field trip, though it's after 2 pm.

Those field trips go wonky from time to time.

Then I see Ara and Mauricio Whitman running flat out.

With both of them in formalwear, they look like the perfect teen couple!

And that's Rickey Frio strolling across the street behind them.

Jade's a bit harder to spot, far off in the distance, just standing all by herself.

But a few moments later, I catch up with Jade and Lee as they board the bus.

Jade gives Lee a questioning glance, "Ara?"

"She's too far away since she's running in the wrong direction. The bus driver says he can't wait for her."

"Don't worry about Ara, I'll make sure she gets home. She wanted to spend a little time with Gianni, so I'll let her drop by his house for a visit, since she's in town."

"Thanks, Watcher!"

I check the Costa house and we're in luck as Gianni is there!

But just as Ara arrives, with whoever that badly dressed teen is, a taxi starts pulling out into the street.

And our luck as now changed for the worse as Gianni is inside!

Sharing a wistful glance with Ara as he sees her standing forlornly on the sidewalk.

With the two of them passing like ships in the night, I have Ara call her own cab and head home.

I get there just in time to see Bella shrieking, "AAAAAGGGGHHHHH! Gotcha' Dane!"

Immediately following that up by stroking his cheek!

Dane isn't protesting so he apparently likes the extremes of emotion Bella displays.

I mean, evil, grumpy, flirty, and hopeless romantic, what's not to love!?!

Though last time it was Bella being flirty and then Dane jump scaring her.

What a strange relationship.

I move on to calmer things, at least I thought they'd be calmer.

Until I find Jemma floating in the pool half-invisible!

This can't be good!

But when Jemma gets out of the pool and offers to teach Ara how to drive, she looks solid again.

Though I'm not sure what's going on with the swirling air around Jemma's neck.

Or is that water!?!

I don't believe I've ever had THAT happen before.

Jemma must be spending way too much time in the pool and the chlorine could be going to her head as it was her idea to teach Ara to drive.

Once Jade finishes her homework, she thinks about learning to drive, too.

Since Dane has the wish to teach her to drive, I have him take her out for her first driving lesson.

Lee focuses on reading the book he got from school to earn extra credit and improve his grade.

Completing his wish to finish reading a book, a fortuitous coincidence, for once.

Then Lee heads downstairs and completes another wish as he discovers a new invention.

Jade arrives home from her driving lesson looking pleased.

"How did it go?"

"Fantastic, Watcher! I got my driving skill up to level three and should be getting my license in the mail!"


Dane on the other hand looks a bit stressed, his eyes wild and a frown twisting his lips.

"You okay? Jade said it went well…"

"Um, we're both still alive, so I guess you could call it well…that girl has a lead foot! I'm surprised we didn't get pulled over by law enforcement. Before you say it, the OTHER branch, Watcher!"

"There wasn't any danger of that happening, Dane. No speeding tickets or traffic violations in your world."

"Oh, there was danger, Watcher! Plenty of it! I won't be getting in a car with Jade at the wheel for quite some time. Possibly never!"

And Dane's worries escalate as Jade stops him at the door saying, "Thanks for teaching me how to drive, Dad! Now I can drive myself to school instead of taking the bus! Isn't that great?"

"Um, great, sweetheart."

"Speaking of school, Dad. Wouldn't it be amazing if Pal could go with me instead of having to stay here alone?"

"But you know imaginary friends can't attend school, Jade."

"I know that, Dad. I discussed it with the Watcher and she said we'd have to be sure it was what we both wanted."

"Have to be sure about what?"

"Making Pal real, of course!"

And at Jade's words, Pal claps wildly, his pompom glowing brightly at the very idea!

But when they're alone Jade asks, "Is that what you really want, Pal, to be real, to get to go to school with me?"

Pal doesn't speak just envelopes Jade in a hug.

Pal's thoughts showing clearly that the idea is the most beautiful one in the world!

But when Lee rushed off to the new junk yard in town with barely a 'see you later', Pal asks, "Junkyard? That doesn't sound like much fun."

"For someone eccentric like Lee it's like being a kid in a candy shop, Pal! I just hope he doesn't blow himself up!"

"That doesn't sound smart at all! Why would he want to do that?"

"He wouldn't WANT to get blown up, it might just happen if an explosion got out of hand!"

"Explosion!?! Now that sounds like an adventure I'd enjoy! Do you think he'd take me with him when I'm real?"

"Maybe. Lee prefers being alone. But he might not mind having you tag along once or twice."

Lee is indeed enjoying the solitude of the junk yard.

But instead of being outside and reveling in the junk piles, he's playing a game on his multi tab!

"Hey, I thought you came her to find some more scrap? You can use your multi tab any time."

"I did find scrap, Watcher! I dug through two enormous piles of it. It was glorious! Now I'm relaxing from all the exertion."

"So, I missed it? Did I miss you blowing something up for the first time too?"

Lee freezes and says slowly, "I can blow things up? Besides myself?"

"You can! But you need to be careful and not get caught in it."

But when we go outside, I find that Lee can't blow anything up.

"Oh, I'm sorry. There's nothing out here to blow up. I guess the lot hasn't generated anything yet. Maybe it will in a few days. You might need a higher inventing skill level too….let me check…yup, level 6."

"Well, that's a nice coincidence, I've got a wish to get to level 6! Do any of the junk piles have more scrap I can collect?"

"It's so dark, I can't see much…but there's one, that little one."

Lee starts digging vigorously through the pile and tosses out one piece of junk after another.

"Hey, that last thing you threw, what is that!?! It looks like an angry face!"

"It does, doesn't it, Watcher!?! How odd! What do you think it is?"

"I don't know, but weird things have been happening all day! Your wonky field trip that went on after school hours, your grandmother has an odd ripple of water around her neck, and now this! You'd better head home, just to be on the safe side!"

"I've collected all the scrap so let's go! That thing looks like it's getting angrier as we speak!"

But the weirdness continues as just before we get home I get the oddest message.

Then I find Jemma, still with ripples swirling around her, chatting with Bella.

"So did you get arrested or what!?!"

"No, Mom, just demoted!"

"You got demoted!?! How did that happen!?!?"

I jump in with, "According to my sources, Cassidy succeeded in ousting Bella from her position in the business! So, Cassidy is now sitting pretty in her new job as Empress of Evil!"

"And I'm back to being a Super Villain!"

"You sound pretty happy for someone that just got demoted and by your own cousin!"

"It's all part of the plan, Mom! As we get closer to moving to the next town, Cassidy and I will have this power struggle, with us finally calling a truce leaving her in charge here and me in charge of the next town."

"Isn't it a bit early for you to give up power?"

Bella confesses, "It did happen a bit prematurely…you see Dante's daughter, Cipriana, just started working in the business, learning the ropes in the office. But she pulled the wrong file and released the paperwork switching our positions tonight instead of in a couple of weeks. In fact, somehow, Cipriana also screwed up even more paperwork and ended up becoming my boss!"

"So is Cipriana really, really smart, or does she have a death wish!?! Wait, don't answer that! More to the point, is she still working at Good Guys, Inc.?"

Bella hesitates and admits, "Yes, she's still working for us, Mom! I didn't have her thrown out! But we've decided she's just not cut out for working in the clerical department. Dante's going to take her under his wing. He's hoping Cipriana's better at swiping things!"

"Not something most parents want for their children, but evil sims have their own agenda. As long as you're okay with how things worked out, Bella."

Bella shrugs, "I'll have to oust Cassidy now and then let her take over again when we leave. But we both knew we would be fighting over this position with both of us wanting it. It'll just add to our pleasure seeing who comes out on top every night! But I do have a question?"

"What's that dear?"

"Why is there water swirling around your neck, Mom?"

"Some residual graphics from all the swimming I do. The Watcher's been having issues with one thing after another tonight. She's hoping the issue will resolve itself the next time she visits us."

Hearing laughter from the living room, I track it down to find Jade and Pal having a pillow fight.

After all the odd happenings today, I'm just happy to see something normal.

When the two friends finish playing, Jade claps her hands, saying, "I love spending time with you, Pal. We have so much fun together! Just imagine how much more fun it will be when you're real!"

The only problem is that Jade still hasn't popped a wish to make Pal real!

The crucial factor in my allowing it.

And Pal seems to be very much aware of the fact.

Downstairs I find father and son totally focused on skills.

Lee making another invention while Dane is trying to discover a potion.

So far neither one of them has blown up, so I figure that's the best way to end this day.

It's the end of week 5 in Monte Vista and a series of strange events and odd happenings had me doing a town reset.

Nothing game breaking, thankfully.

But Hesper and Snuggles seem to be gone for good as they disappeared from Lee and Ara's backpacks.

Though both of them still show up in their relationship panels.

And Bella's career was totally messed up as even though she went to work and worked her whole shift, she got demoted and Cassidy did indeed steal her position as Empress of Evil! (Boy was that a surprise!)

Then it was having Bella work on a day off, not recognizing she was at work when she was in the building, but if she left the building saying she was missing work!

To resolve that, I had Bella quit her job and I added it back on via NRaas, but only to level 9.

Bella needs to put some effort into it to gain her title back!

Let's hope things stay resolved in Chapter 344: Saturday Socializing
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 344: Saturday Socializing
« Reply #371 on: February 16, 2022, 10:49:54 AM »

Saturday morning's sun rises casting its warm rays over the pool in the Frio backyard.

And over Jemma, Jade, and Pal as they continue their fun activities by taking an early morning swim.

Lee really did want to get to know Lupe DeLuca better as he popped a wish to be friends with her.

So, I allowed her to visit, though her expression on arriving at the Frio home, didn't bode well.

I can't resist a peek at her traits and am surprised that she's not grumpy, mean, or evil.

In fact, Lupe's traits aren't bad at all.

She's a light sleeper, a slob, insane, and good!

I guess the face is due to her insane trait as Ara makes faces like that too.

I wonder if Lupe was insane when she was a child?

That would certainly explain a lot.

Though when Lee greets Lupe, her frown has turned into a smile.

A smile that actually makes me realize that Lupe is a very pretty girl.

And, judging by the way Lee's acting, that's something he's already very much aware of!

But Lupe's not the only teen guest today.

Gianni Costa and Tabatha Mancini were invited over too, along with Rico Almeria.

Jade met Rico at school Friday and popped wishes to learn his sign and be friends with him.

As Ara invites Gianni and Tabatha in, Jade greets her own guest, "Hey, Rico! Thanks for coming over!"

Inside, Ara passes on chatting and gets straight to the point as she pulls Gianni in for a romantic hug.

Which makes Lupe gasp, either at Ara's outrageous behavior or her celebrity status.

Maybe Ara was right, and Lupe will become one of her best friends!

And Lee seems pretty excited as he chats with Tabatha about prom, which is tomorrow night.

"I've got it all planned out, Tabatha, with a limo to start the night off right, making it the most romantic evening ever!"

Jade and Rico seem to be getting along well, too.

Though, so far, their conversation hasn't been very exciting.

"I noticed some clouds on the way over, do you think it's going to rain?"

Jade shakes her head, "No. The weather forecast said mostly sunny."

Spotting Lupe in the corner working on her homework, I notice Ara and Gianni are no longer with the rest of the teens.

I track them down in the art gallery making out, despite Tobias' presence.

Tobias' seems a little worried about these two becoming so close so quickly.

Maybe because Gianni is the son of crime boss Dante Costa and has a job in the Delinquent field?

But so did Bella!

And with Bella and Dane being evil on top of that and Gianni being an artistic genius…

Oh, maybe it's Ara's influence over Gianni that Tobias is worried about with Gianni being so much like him!?!

But having his domain invaded, Tobias takes the opportunity to read a book.

In the sauna.

"Won't the pages get a little damp in there?"

"They'll be okay if I don't add more steam. Besides, it's private."

"Point taken."

When I get back upstairs, I find the conversation between Jade and Rico has gotten a little more animated.

As Jade has now changed from discussing the weather to careers.

That's a different topic for her, especially since I've never seen her pop a wish to become a doctor.

"I just love medical shows! They're so exciting and everyone's so emotional!"

Oh, a tv show, that sounds more like Jade's speed.

And Rico seems to be hanging on to her every word.

Though his face sobers when Jade asks, "What's your sign? "

He answers politely enough, "Sagittarius."

Which has Jade asking him if he's in a relationship.

And as soon as he tells her he's single, Jade pops a wish to kiss him!

But I give them a little more time to get to know one another.

With Rico smiling and feeling more comfortable and them becoming friends.

Then Jade moves in for that coveted first kiss!

Which has Tabatha staring off in the other direction, to give them a bit of privacy.

I'm sure she would have left the room with Lee if she'd realized she was going to end up playing gooseberry.

And the situation goes from uncomfortable to downright nasty when Rico totally rejects Jade!

He pushes Jade away, throws his arms wide and yells, "How dare you kiss me! We've barely just met! I don't like pushy girls! I want a nice girl to settle down with!"

Oops, Rico's words have Jade learning he is family oriented.

And he's so disgusted by her kiss that they are no longer even friends!

Jade immediately apologizes, "I'm so sorry, Rico. I wasn't thinking! My emotions get the best of me sometimes, please forgive me?"

Rico seems a bit contrite at his outburst…so maybe this will work out?

But no!

He goes off again!

But not just on Jade, on Tabatha too.

"How dare you invite me over here with a house full of sims!?! And this red head that's invading my space, what's her deal!?! You're both pathetic! I'm leaving!"

Wow! Just Wow!

Not only is Rico a loner but he's mean-spirited too.

I'm so set against this boy that if he hadn't decided to leave on his own, I would have used NRaas to make him go home!

The nerve, going off on Jade and Tabatha like that!

But instead of feeling the same way about Rico as I do, Jade pops a wish to become friends with him again!

I just can't fathom Jade's thought process here, but with Rico mentioning a house full of sims, I realize someone is missing.

I haven't seen Pal around since Rico showed up!

A quick search has me finding Ara in the kitchen with Gianni and a totally singed Dane!

Well, so much for not revealing photos of Dane's ineptitude at the chemistry table.

But Gianni doesn't seem to notice Dane's unkempt state just asks him for his autograph!

Though Rico's shouting has Ara's complete attention and draws Gianni's too.

Dane doesn't seem all that pleased with Rico yelling at Jade either and I don't blame him!

As Rico leaves in a huff, and good riddance, I see Lee playing basketball.

Wait. What? Why on earth would Lee be doing that?

Before I can ask, the reason becomes obvious.

To show off for a pretty girl, of course!

But since neither one of these two is very athletic, and neither one of them can make a basket, they soon lose interest in the contest.

In the basement, Ara is chatting with Lupe about love and romance, "Gianni is so cute! I'm thrilled we're attending prom together. Proms have a certain…magic, so I have high hopes that it will lead to us becoming a steady couple!  Are you planning on attending? With a date? If not, I'm sure I could set something up…maybe at my slumber party later tonight? Those are known for pairing up teens too!"

"I don't have a date for prom, but I'm going anyway. And your party sounds like a blast, Ara! So I'll definitely hang around for that. But I think you may have found the only teen guy in town that would enjoy spending time with me."

"If you mix and mingle a bit, I'm sure one of the guys will ask you to dance. And maybe to prom!"

But before the other teens arrive, the triplets and Lupe get another invitation.

To jam with Dane!

For beginners they don't sound half bad.

And with all the xylophone and drum practice they got as toddlers, the triplets already have a few skill points in the musical instruments they begin playing.

To round out their musical skills even more, I have the triplets switch instruments on the next song, leaving Dane on piano and Lupe on bass.

Things are progressing nicely between two of my teen couples.

With Ara and Lee really enjoying spending time with Gianni and Tabatha.

But Jade's initial meeting with Rico Almeria leaves me cold, though she still wants to pursue a friendship with him.

And I'm concerned about where Pal has got off to, hopefully not limbo with Hesper and Snuggles.

But there are more teen events coming up in Chapter 345: Slumber Party
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 345: Slumber Party
« Reply #372 on: February 21, 2022, 09:04:05 AM »

In deference to Jade's wishes and against our better judgement, Rico was invited to Ara's slumber party.

But no one in this group seems happy about it, least of all Rico!

But Kaia doesn't bother with Rico, she heads straight downstairs, where all the action is.

Smart girl!

Bella and Dane just ignore him.

Ara and Jade are still watching Lupe play bass.

Whereas Jemma's focus is on something else, with thoughts of grandchildren in her head!

That something else turns out to be someone else.

Two someone's actually, as I turn and focus on where Jemma's looking.

And find Lee and Tabatha slow dancing.

Jemma seems to be just as concerned about her grandchildren as Tobias is.

So concerned that she's not even aware of Bella sneaking up behind her.

Until that all too familiar, "AAAggghhh, gotcha', Mom," fills the room!

Jemma gasps and turns on Bella to give her a piece of her mind.

But, despite her anger, Jemma doesn't focus on Bella, but on the new teens arriving.

Kaia reaches the basement first, followed by Carina Gilscarbo, and Claudio Monty, the boy Jemma had focused on.

Whereas Jade seems to only have eyes for Rico, who's dancing alone across the room!

I pop upstairs to see more teen arrivals.

To find Russ Mancini on the stairs, thinking about trash, of all things.

With Michelo Bianchi and Gianni Costa waiting behind him to make their way down.

And Alonzo Rossi and Reynaldo Costa, Gianni's younger brother, racing in to join the party.

I follow them downstairs to discover Jade chatting with Rico.

"Hey, Rico. I'm glad you came back for the party and I'm really sorry about that misunderstanding we had earlier."

"Me too. That's why I came, to give you a second chance, though there's still too many sims here. But the music's pretty good, I'll give you that."

"I saw you dancing, you're good! In fact, I think you won the prize!"

And to my surprise, Rico not only accepts the flowers Jade presents to him, he actually seems to appreciate them.

With the two of them becoming friends again!

And then he flirts with her!

"Those flowers were pretty, Jade, but I think you're prettier!"

"Why thanks, Rico. I think you're handsome!"

There may be hope for this boy yet!

He even accepts the back rub Jade offers him.

"Oh, your shoulders are so strong, Rico! Do you work out?"

"MMMhhh, not really, but all these sims are making me a bit tense, so what you're doing feels great!"

The flowers and massage have softened up Rico so much that this time he even accepts Jade's kiss!

And the high that kiss brings has Jade asking, "Would you like to go to prom with me?"

"Sure. I'll take you to prom. I never miss an opportunity to make fun of others dancing! Who knows, we could even have a good time!"

Well, that wasn't the best prom acceptance, but it wasn't the worst either.

But I'm not the only one that witnessed that kiss.

Claudio Monty is watching with an envious smile on his face.

And Dane's noticed it too, though he's gone stoic again and I can't read his expression.

Possibly mild disapproval?

Russ Mancini and Kaia Seng are oblivious as they've only got eyes for each other as they slow dance together.

But just as Ara predicted, it's not long before the teens start mixing and mingling.

With Jade chatting to Ara about fire, discussing one of their favorite tv shows.

Elio Gilscarbo chatting up Lia Rossi, while Russ' thoughts are still filled with Kaia.

And Rico's thinking about Lupe!

Oh, that's probably because she's still playing bass.

That better be the reason, anyway!

But soon Russ and Kaia aren't the only ones enjoying a slow dance.

Ara and Gianni certainly aren't passing up a chance to be close to each other.

While Elio Gilscarbo has his arms full of Lia Rossi, Alonzo's younger sister.

Rico is now watching as Claudio and Carina boogie down!

And our first couple to dance are having a mishap as it looks like Tabatha may have stepped on Lee's toes.

Apparently neither basketball nor dancing comes naturally to these two.

Something Kaia noticed even though she was talking with Jade.

And though Lupe's no longer playing bass, I don't see her anywhere in the crowd.

But soon everyone's tired and pulling out sleeping bags to settle down for the night.

With Lupe and Ara finding spaces in the garage with the motive mobiles.

And several more bed down in the front courtyard though it's only 57 degrees outside!

But snuggled down in their sleeping bags, none of them seem to mind and quickly start drifting off to sleep.

So, I head to the basement to see if any of them have used that for sleeping quarters.

Only to be stunned as I discover, not sleeping teens, but Pal!

In doll form, sitting all alone by the chemistry and inventing tables.

This spot providing a perfect view of that kiss Jade and Rico shared earlier this evening!

Despite telling her father and Pal how cool it would be for Pal to become real, Jade's current wishes only center around Rico, specifically to attend prom with him.

Has Jade forgotten all about her best friend Pal now that she's kissed a real boy?

It definitely seems like that might be the case.

Poor Pal.

But then it dawns on me that maybe sitting there isn't Pal's idea.

Maybe Jade said something?

Even worse, maybe Pal's glitched out like Hesper and Snuggles, just one click away from limbo!

But my worries are put to rest when Pal pops up into imaginary friend form as Dane works on another potion.

Jade's call, "Pal, Pal? Where are you, Pal? It's time for bed," has Pal walking jauntily along towards the girls' bedroom, heeding his mistress' call as quickly as he can.

And as Jade drifts off to sleep snuggled under her own covers, Pal guards her bed in doll form.

Just as Pal's done every night since becoming Jade's imaginary friend.

Looks like Jade hasn't forgotten her old friend after all.

Before the sun even rises the next morning, Ara is up making breakfast calzone.

Just look at how she throws the dough up and twirls it so expertly.

"I'd like to say you've practiced that trick for hours Ara, but it's not true, anyone using the brick oven looks like an expert!"

"Aww, did you have to give away my secret, Watcher!?! I wanted to impress all my friends!"

"This is Monte Vista Ara, every home in town probably has a brick oven, since this is where they originated. But I'm sure your friends will appreciate breakfast, it's definitely going to earn you points as a good hostess."

With the smell of breakfast calzone wafting through the morning air teens quickly start congregating on the patio and grabbing plates of food.

"Great way to start our morning, Ara! This is delicious."

"And last night was a blast! You sure now how to throw a great party!"

After such a fun night and full of yummy breakfast calzone, all the teen guests echo that sentiment as they head out to the cabs that have arrived to take them home.

But back on the patio, Jade has finished her breakfast and Pal has joined her.

"What a beautiful day, mistress!"

"The only thing that could make it more beautiful Pal is you becoming my best friend forever!"

"We're already best friends, mistress."

"But if you say yes, we'd be best friends, forever!"

"Is that a measure of time, mistress?"

"Yes, Pal, forever is…forever…for all time!"

"Then I accept!"

Jumping up and down in her excitement, Jade squeals, "I think this is the happiest day of my life!"

Well, I guess that kiss with Rico and wanting to go to prom with him wasn't the only thing on Jade's mind.

Lucky Pal!

Then Jade excitedly starts telling Pal about everything that happened during the party, not realizing that he witnessed most of it.

Jade is the sensitive one of the triplets and everything, good and bad, affects her deeply.

I guess that's why she was so determined to win back Rico's friendship.

She just can't bear to be on the outs with someone.

And now she can count Rico as a friend and prom date, and Pal as her BFF.

No wonder she feels like she's on top of the world.

Last chapter Jade kissed Rico and not only got rejected but yelled at but she still wanted to be friends with him.

This chapter, Ara's slumber party gave Jade the opportunity to fulfill her wish to kiss Rico.

And Rico accepted Jade's invitation to prom, though not quite for the right reasons.

So, all three of the triplets now have prom dates.

But will prom fulfill all of their romantic dreams and be as magical as Ara hopes?

Join me and find out in Chapter 346: Prom Magic
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 346: Prom Magic
« Reply #373 on: February 25, 2022, 11:56:00 AM »

We find Tabatha back at the Frio home, but not at Lee's invitation.

"Thanks for coming over so quickly Tabatha, with prom tonight I wasn't sure if you'd be able to fit in a tutoring session today."

"Oh, my mom insisted, Mrs. Frio! She said it was an honor I couldn't pass up. I just want to graduate with a decent grade. They have us doing so much of our schoolwork on computers and I just hate it! They make me tense and anxious and then I get a bad grade on the assignment."

"I'll be tutoring you old school with pencil and paper, so that shouldn't be a problem. Shall we get to it?"


"Sure, it's a beautiful day, so let's just sit here on the grass and get to work!"

With the leafy shade protecting them from the sun, the two of them do just that.

What a wonderful win-win, Jemma gets to increase her logic skill and make a friend.

While Tabatha can increase her school performance and make friends with Lee's family.

But with her tutoring session over, Tabatha wanders inside.

Only to turn right back around as she finds Ara on the couch watching tv.

An activity that Tabatha refuses to participate in.

But Ara follows Tabatha outside and the two teens chat.

"It was the oddest thing, I still had another day before my teen birthday when the sparkles overtook me and I aged up!"

Ara decides to enlighten her, saying, "Oh, I'm sure that was our Watcher's doing! You're her top pick for Lee's partner!"

"Your Watcher wants me to join your household!?! No wonder my Uncle Carlo was so happy when he found out I was going to prom with Lee!"

"So, you're okay with being manipulated like that!?!"

"If it doesn't involve electronics and a cute boy and an active life is the prize, I don't mind at all!"

"I'm glad to hear you say that, Tabatha! I like my choices to be willing. As for you Ara, thanks for sharing that particular secret!"

Ara laughs smugly, "Any time, Watcher, any time!"

I cringe at the familiarity of those words as all of Jared's shenanigans come flying back into my mind.

I just know he's in the Netherworld chortling away as Ara follows his example!

And with her being insane, she may even be better at it than he was!

Inside, Jade and Pal are discussing something I had thought Jade had forgotten about.

"So, the thing is Pal, the Watcher said we both have to really want you to become real. You still want that, right?"

Pal nods vigorously, with thoughts of making Jade's home his own, showing he really does want it.

"But even though we're now BFF's, I still haven't popped the wish to make you real. So maybe you just need to convince me that it's what you really want so I'll want it too?"

Pal enthusiastically starts listing all the things possible as a real sim.

"I could go anywhere and do anything I want. Like go to school, do homework, go to the prom, go to the movies, watch tv, paint, have slumber parties, dance, play musical instruments, play chess, eat yummy food, shower…"

Jade frowns a little and interrupts, "But those are all things I do Pal! Some of them aren't even exciting or fun, just necessary things. And some of them we've already done together. Isn't there anything YOU wish to do, a wish that would mean more to you than anything else?"

Pal thinks about it and says, "But mistress, as an imaginary friend, I have NO wishes. That's why I follow you and watch you so closely. Without you I have no direction…you're the only connection I have to life, limited as it is. Becoming real is the only hope of my kind to have wishes and experience all of those things. And my time is running out to have that happen."

"Running out? But we have plenty of time, Pal. We're BFF's, you'll be with me always! Right, Watcher?"

"I'm afraid not, Jade. Our time here in MV is coming to an end and imaginary friends change after traveling. They keep the same name, but they are not the same. In fact, though Pal would still become an imaginary friend, you wouldn't even know that version of Pal, you'd have to become friends all over again, just like any other new acquaintance."

But before Jade can take in this horrifying news, we hear a horn honking outside.

The white stretch limo has arrived and it's time for prom!

While the triplets get ready, Bella chats with Rico, who looks very nice in his formalwear.

"So, I have it all planned out to get the most fun out of this evening, Mrs. Frio, especially since I'm not fond of crowds…"

"If you don't like crowds, why are you going to prom?"

"Because Jade asked me. But mostly because I'll get a chance to make fun of all the kids who show up! The ones who didn't dress up, the ones that make fools of themselves dancing, the ones that get rejected for a dance or spill punch on themselves. I just can't pass up all those opportunities to revel in others misfortunes!"

Bella nods as she enjoys other's misfortunes too, but her thoughts show that a part of her is also thinking that Rico's plans don't include anything romantic.

Frankly, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

Lee's ready first, which is pretty typical, and he looks quite handsome, though maybe a little nervous.

"You look great! No need to be nervous."

"But what if I spill punch on her dress or step on her toes!?!"

"Just apologize and move on, those things happen. Besides, Tabatha was the one that kept stepping on your toes last night, so she'll understand."

Jade looks stunning in her sequined gray and violet formal dress, and she gives Lee a quick glance.

"You look fine! Now don't keep Tabatha waiting."

When Lee and Jade get to the limo, they find Ara and Tabatha already inside.

And by the look on Tabatha's face, she looks more nervous than Lee.

Odds are that she's wondering how poor Lee's feet will hold up after another onslaught of dancing.

Or maybe how he'll deal with the crush of teens that will be there.

But it's Ara who's the most eager to get to prom as Gianni is meeting her inside.

Watching Ara running quickly for the front doors, Lee says, "I don't even think she waited for the limo to come to a complete stop!"

Jade adds, "She didn't! If she's not careful, she'll be joining the family ghosts!"

I make sure all three teens make it inside, shouting, "Have a good time! Don't drink too much punch! Especially if it tastes funny!"

Then I leave them to their fun as I see if anyone is out and about in town.

And I'm in luck as Patches, Luci's imaginary friend made real is in town.

It's been a while since we've been able to catch up with Patches and Hudson.

So long in fact that the toddler crying is one of Patches and Hudson's twin daughters.

It's dark so let's pop them into stylist for a closer look.

I'm not fond of bald toddlers, especially girls, so I give Tiana a cute toddler hair style.

And she is adorable!

She got her mother's darker skin tone and Hudson's brown hair and dark eyes.

She'll definitely fit in with the local residents here in Monte Vista.

And her twin, Annmarie, almost looks like a little carbon copy!

Though since she's been crying, she's not as happy as her twin.

And these two are already big sisters as Patches and Hudson just added another daughter to their family, Reisa.

With their oldest, and only son, Hyatt, a child, that now makes them a family of 6, with several dogs too!

Quite the busy household!

But someone else in the Frio family is in town, Luci!

And Khang is still presenting her with flowers!

Since this seems to be their favorite romantic action with each other, I'm sure they have enough to open a flower shop by now!

But Luci's outfit is a bit strange…to confirm my suspicions I send Jemma into town.

And it's not long before my suspicions are confirmed as Luci's thoughts give it away!

But even though Jemma has a wish to 'have 5 grandchildren', she never even brings up the topic.

Well, not directly.

"It's so good to see you, Luci! Out in the fresh air, getting plenty of exercise and staying healthy! And Khang too, making sure you're not overdoing it."

"Good to see you too, Mom! How is the rest of the family doing?"

"Oh, your father's getting close to making that 25th ice sculpture, so he'll be able to immortalize me in ice soon. Your sister, well, Bella's, Bella, still jump scaring us whenever she can catch us off guard. Dane's closing in on his lifetime wish and should complete it after work on Monday. And the triplets are all at prom…"


I almost forgot about it!

I get back to the school to see Lupe DeLuca leaving for home.

She looks pretty in her pink prom dress but not happy, so I guess no love match for her.

But soon the triplets come outside, with both Ara and Jade bubbling over at tonight's events.

I've seen all the happenings in messages, but I let them give me their news personally.

Ara chortles, "You were wrong, Watcher! Becoming teens wasn't the end of the royal line for us at all! Not for Lee and Jade anyway, they were voted King and Queen and they both got crowns!"

"I couldn't stop crying for the longest time, Watcher! Knowing that my friends really like me was just sooo touching!"

"I didn't mind not being Queen at all, because Gianni stayed by my side all night, getting me punch, making sure I was having a good time, and when the lighting was just right and the mood was perfect, he asked me to go steady! Prom really is magical!"

Jade gushes, "It is! Rico told me he liked me a lot and during a slow dance, when my favorite song was playing, he looked into my eyes and asked me to go steady! I didn't stop smiling for the rest of the night!"

Ara snorts and says, "Your smile looked fake most of the night!"

"That had nothing to do with Rico! I had something else on my mind…"

To stop the bickering, I ask, "What about you Lee? Care to share any highlights of your night?"

"Yeah, Lee, stop texting Tabatha for one minute and tell us what happened!"

"I would if either of you would let me get a word in edgewise. You've already spilled the beans about me getting voted Prom King! But the best part of the night was when I was having a great time doing the funky chicken, Tabatha joined in and when we were both shimmying down, she asked me to go steady! Isn't that amazing!?!"

Ara rolls her eyes and answers, "The amazing part was that neither of you fell down! Gianni and I were the dynamic duo of the dance contest! Everyone was following our moves and said we had the best chemistry of all the couples at the dance!"

"It sounds like all of you had a great time, not one fight, no spiked punch, or anyone seeing three-headed llamas! But you better get home before curfew, since you have school tomorrow."

I catch up with the triplets just as they get to the front courtyard and am shocked when I see what's on Jade's mind.

"Oh, just think how exciting it would be if we married our prom dates, our steadies! What a romantic story to tell our kids!"

"You can't be serious!?! Not about you and Rico anyway!"

"What's wrong with me and Rico?"

Ara wrinkles her nose and says, "Everything! I still can't believe you said yes!"

"But…he said he likes me, a lot, and I like him too…"

"He's just not right for you Jade! If he hadn't left on his own the other day, I would have thrown him out! No one yells at my sister like that and gets away with it! Not for long anyway..."

"But you invited him to your slumber party…"

"Just so you could complete your kiss wish. Then I thought you'd just dump his sorry…backside… and throw him to the curb! I never dreamed you'd ask him to prom! To think you wasted prom magic on a jerk like Rico! Trust me, Jade! You don't need a guy like that, he'll never make you happy!"

And when I look at their prom photos, I'm afraid I have to agree.

Ara and Gianni look like they're having the time of their lives!

Lee and Tabatha are just campy and adorable together!

But Jade and Rico?

Jade's smile is forced and the two of them are standing together in a way that can only be described as awkward.

Frankly, Ara may be crazy, but I think she's nailed this one.

Then Jade's words come back to me about how she had something else on her mind…

I'm guessing that finding out that, in the next town, Pal won't be the Pal she knows or her BFF, unless she makes her imaginary friend real is this one, really put a damper on prom for excitable, over-emotional, Jade.

Even so, can you picture Rico being as sweet and loving with Jade as Dane is with Bella?

Even with three teenagers, these two still take the time to be romantic.

Sure, there's a jump scare here and there, and Bella let's out a grumpy bellow now and again.

But even with both of them being evil, neither one of them has shouted at the other like Rico did the first time he met Jade.

Though, since Rico is family-oriented a more committed relationship could curb his mean-spirited tendencies.

After all, Jared was never mean to Claire, well except on birthdays, but that was because he's also inappropriate!

Maybe after prom, with Jade and Rico going steady, we can see if Rico can treat Jade more like a loving partner should?

But later that night I get several messages about teens aging to young adults.

Alonzo Rossi, Michelo Bianchi, and Rico Almeria!

As a young adult, Rico won't be able to interact with Jade all that much until after her own young adult birthday.

But that's over a week away!

Though that could be a good thing, give them both time to see if someone else in town is better suited to be their partner.

Someone closer to their own ages?

For Jade, maybe a certain imaginary friend who just happens to be her BFF!?!

Follow along and see if that happens in Chapter 347: Teenage Troubles
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 347: Teenage Troubles
« Reply #374 on: February 27, 2022, 12:00:57 PM »

When the triplets get inside, Bella's smile can't be bigger as she says, "My son, the Prom King! Congratulations, Lee!"

"Thanks, Mom! And that's not even the best news! Tabatha is my girlfriend now!"

Bella pulls Lee in for a hug and says, "That's my boy! Not evil, flirty, or a hopeless romantic and he still snags a Mancini for a girlfriend! Well done!"

As Lee's face is smashed against Bella's shoulder he mumbles, "She.. asked… me…"

But you know that he's waiting for the punch line…waiting for Bella to pounce!

And Bella doesn't disappoint!

Even with thoughts of love filling her mind, Bella plots, crouches down, and tiptoes up behind Lee.

Lee even throws a look behind him, waiting for it.

With Tobias eyeing Bella cautiously, probably just glad he's not the victim this time!

But Bella doesn't bother with Lee or Tobias.

She creeps around the room and screams in Jade's face, "AAAggghhh, gotcha' Jade!"

And shooting her father and son a look, she adds, "Faked you both out!"

Jade clutches her chest and screams, "Mom! How come Lee gets a hug and I get a heart attack!?! I won a crown too and Rico's my boyfriend now!"

Then Jade bursts into tears, wailing, "Rico's my boyfriend and now Pal's going to die! What have I done!?!"

Bella gives her daughter an uncharacteristically sympathetic glance and says, "You're the genius, Dad, can you handle this one?"

Tobias just stands there in shock since Bella's put him on the spot, weakly repeating, "Rico's your boyfriend so some other boy is going to die? A boy named Pat? What happened at Prom!?!"

Through her tears Jade manages to say, "Not Pat, Pal, my imaginary fr… fr…friend…some friend I turned out to be! If I don't make Pal real before we move to the next town, there won't be a Pal, not the one I know anyway!"

Tobias says, "Jade, start from the beginning…"

But this request only makes Jade cry harder as she blubbers, "Too hard…to talk about…can't stop… crying…"

Tobias finally says, "Watcher! I'm sure you know what's going on, could you please let the rest of us in on it?"

Bella adds, "And don't drag it out, just sum up, before we all drown in a flood of Jade's tears!"

I explain what's going on, ending with, "So if Pal isn't made real before you journey to the next town, the IF doll that shows up there will still become an imaginary friend…"

Tobias says, "Just not Pal. Well, the solution seems simple enough, Jade. First of all, dry your tears. Then use the Imaginary Friend Metamorphium potion on Pal. Problem solved!"

"But the Watcher said I'd have to really want it and even though I know Pal wants it more than anything, and we spend so much time together, I can't seem to pop the wish!"

Tobias looks at me and says, "Does Jade have to pop the wish specifically, Watcher, to make Pal real?"

"No. But I wanted it to be her decision, not mine. And Jade popped wishes for Rico, not Pal.  I gave in on the Rico wishes and now I'm regretting it."

"And why is that?"

"Because I thought Rico would age up before prom instead of after, which would have made him ineligible to go. Then maybe Jade would pop that wish for Pal, make Pal real, and they could attend prom together. But it didn't work out that way…So then I thought with Rico now Jade's boyfriend, his actions would show us if he really belonged with Jade. But I forgot about him aging up and now he's a young adult, and he can't really interact with Jade all that much."

Jade only focuses on one part of my explanation, saying, "Rico's not a teen anymore!?!" And she bursts into tears again!

Bella smiles at me deceptively sweetly, "See what you've done, Watcher!?! You've made a mess of the whole business…"

Tobias adds, "Now, let's not start pointing fingers. It's late and everyone's upset, especially Jade. Let's get some sleep and we'll talk about this tomorrow, when we're all calmer."

"Good idea, Grandpa. With all of you in here crying and shouting, I've barely heard a word of my show!"

But Tobias is too keyed up to sleep and makes another ice sculpture, closing in fast on the required 25!

With another rendition of the Big Head, Tobias completes the Ice Personality challenge!

He seems pretty happy about that and so am I.

But familiar music has me checking upstairs to find Samuel in the living room rocker.

"Oh, I'm glad it's you, Samuel, I was afraid it was Founder Jared, come to gloat."

"Jared does like to gloat…he hasn't wiped the smile off his face since Ara became inappropriate!"

"And now I've mucked things up for Jade and Pal when I was just trying to let Jade make the big decisions for herself."

"We did hear a rather loud conversation earlier this evening…Jared was in his element listening to all the drama."

"I bet he was! I'm surprised he didn't want to join us and make a bad situation worse"

Samuel adds with a ghost of a smile, "Claire…umm… persuaded…him to keep out of it."

"I'll have to thank her for that. And I'm hoping that, after a good night's rest, Jade will be calmer, and we can find a solution to this whole mess. Unless she wakes up with a mood swing! I've been dreading that with the triplets' temperaments!"

"Now, Watcher, don't be thinking of things to add to your worries, that won't help at all! Instead of looking at this as one huge, insurmountable problem, maybe you could help Jade break it down into a serious of smaller choices, make it easier to handle."

"That's a great idea, Samuel! Thanks for the advice."

"Any time, Watcher, any time."

Hearing Samuel saying those words, instead of Jared or Ara, I'm not filled with trepidation but confidence, having someone positive in my corner.

I'm getting ready to go down to the basement to find Jade when I see this sight!

"Lee! You blew yourself up! Get off that computer and go shower right this minute before something else happens and you die!"

"But I just started this game…"

"No excuses. I am not taking any chances and making a bigger mess than we already have!"

"Alright, alright, I'm going."

"And eat some breakfast too, the bus will be here soon."

In the basement, I find Jade holding her cell phone and staring at it miserably, with Pal hovering nearby.

"Is your phone broken?"

"No, not broken, I just can't get up the nerve to call Rico and break up with him."

"Well, then let's just focus on that for right now. Is breaking up with Rico what you really want?"

"I don't know, Watcher! Everything is so complicated, especially now that Rico's a young adult, but he's still my boyfriend! We didn't even get a whole day together as a steady couple! But I'm not sure I want him to be an ex either…I worked really hard to make him my friend."

"You did. But you don't have to be the bad guy, or girl in this case. I can tweak your relationship with Rico, and he won't even know the difference."

"Oh, that would be great, Watcher!"

"It's done! Now you're just good friends with Rico and no hurt feelings for anyone. So that's one part of your problem solved. But the bus will be here soon, so go get dressed. And have some breakfast."

I'm surprised when Pal doesn't follow Jade, just sits down in the chair at the computer desk, staring forlornly after her.

It doesn't take a genius to see that Pal's worried and that there may still be hurt feelings, on Pal's end, anyway.

First, finding out that Rico is Jade's boyfriend, but that Jade's not sure if she wants to break up with Rico or not.

Then, I come along and offer to change their relationship and presto, no more boyfriend!

You can just see the wheels spinning in Pal's head, 'But what about me?'

I follow the kids to school to make sure Jade's really okay.

"Try not to worry, Jade, things will work out."

Ara laughs and says, "Nothing to worry about, Rico won't be at school. And best of all, he's no longer Jade's boyfriend and too old to do anything about it!"

"Not helping, Ara!"

Jade sighs and says, "I'm fine, Watcher. I'll just focus on school and get my 'A', and we'll talk when I get home."

But there's one more stop I need to make in town.

"Oh, good, you remembered!"

"Of course, I remembered Watcher, I'm not Forest! This little elixir will ratchet up my happiness points nicely."

"Especially since you have a wish to reach level 10 of law enforcement on top of your lifetime wish! Good Luck!"

"I'm evil, Watcher, nothing good about my luck at all!"

Back at the house, I find Tobias already hard at work on Jemma's ice sculpture.

"It looks great already! And on your first try!"

"Yeah, not like the three it took Jonas!"

"That wasn't Jonas' fault, it was a weird glitch. Especially Janette's outfit on the second one."

"I'm convinced it was all due to craziness, Watcher!"

"His or hers?"

"Take your pick! They're both crazy as loons! I mean I like children but having your own once your grandparents…that pretty much seals the deal on the crazy scale!"

"You better not say that too loud, Tobias, once you and Jemma leave the main house, both of you having your ages frozen as adults, well, you could have more kids too!"

Jemma's smile doesn't falter, and she doesn't break her pose but her eyes flash and I'm not waiting around for the backlash of that!

I check on Tobias a bit later to find Jemma's statue almost finished.

"Where's Jemma?"

"I let her go, this bottom part is a piece of cake so no need for her to stand there anymore."

"It's perfect! Thanks for going to all the trouble and making it for us."

"It was actually my pleasure, Watcher. But now I think I'll take a break for a bit. Paint some more, read some books."

"Watch some tv?"

"That too. It won't really be all that much longer before the family moves on, will it?"

"The triplets have another week of school, then it's usually a week to get partners settled in and say goodbyes."

"So that means just a week for me and Jemma in the main house. Then the rest of you leave for the next town. It's going to be different, being on our own. Just Jemma and me."

"Yes. But Luci and Khang will be here, and their child should be arriving soon. And Patches and Hudson have a house full of kids. And Jonas and Janette still have three at home, so plenty of family for you to visit. Then you can go home to a nice quiet house, relax on the couch with a good book, or watch a show, paint, sculpt, whatever you want to do. Without fear of being scared out of your wits!"

"That does sound nice!"

I find Jemma using the computer and ask, "Looking for a new house by any chance?"

"Oh, no, not yet, but it is getting closer to that time, isn't it?"

"A week at the most, less if you leave before the triplets young adult birthdays."

"Time sure has gone fast, even for me, spending all that time in the pool. But I was just relaxing, I didn't have anything I was worried about. Tobias told me about Jade, Rico, and Pal, so I'm signing Jade up for an after-school activity, to keep her focused on something positive!"

"Now that's a great idea! Which activity did you pick?"

"I haven't yet. I've narrowed it down to either the drama or debate clubs. What do think?"

"Well, Jade's personality would certainly fit drama…"

"Then drama it is! I think I even signed her up in time so she can join the club this afternoon."

"Is it that late already!?! I'm going to miss Dane's big moment!"

I don't get there in time to see the big 60,000 lifetime wish points roll in, just the 18,000 for reaching level 10.

But that's no biggy as I do get to see Dane show some emotion for a change.

"Yes, yes, yes! I did it! You're looking at Monte Vista's newest Dynamic DNA Profiler!"

"Congratulations, Dane! But don't waste that double down elixir, go ahead and become a partner somewhere and grab some more happiness points!"

Back at the house, Tobias has completed Jemma's ice sculpture and it looks fantastic!

And Tobias is thinking about the next book he wants to read.

"Go ahead, choose a book and relax! You deserve it! I'm just going to grab Jemma's statute and get it placed outside."

The twins' statues make a nice focal point for the entryway in the front courtyard.

Jemma and Janette even chose the same pose and were crafted with love by their spouses, Tobias and Jonas!

What a wonderful way to immortalize our two co-heirs for generation 10, a milestone all by itself.

Inside, Ara's making another inappropriate forum post, her favorite past time now.

Carina Gilscarbo watches for a bit and asks, "When you're finished with that, how about doing homework together?"

A few minutes later the two girls settle down at the bistro table in the central courtyard.

"Thanks for inviting me over, Ara! All the kids could talk about at school today was your slumber party! And you inviting me over has them thinking we're the best of friends. Are we? Friends, I mean?"

"I guess. I mean we're not, not friends. Or would that be enemies? And I don't plan on pranking you or snubbing you."

Carina frowns, "But if you had another party would I be invited?"

"Probably. Unless you'd rather not be invited? I could leave you off the guest list if you want."

"No, no. I'd love to come to another party at your house! It's just that…with your parents and grandparents hanging around, it's a little…stifling. You know, we can't really go wild or do outrageous things!"

Ara keeps her eyes focused on her homework, but her voice almost purrs with pleasure as she says, "A party without grown up supervision…where we could do outrageous things…that's a brilliant idea Carina! If you could help me pull that off, we'd be BFF's!"

In the living room, I find Jade dancing with Pal, and she looks much calmer now that the Rico situation has been resolved.

She still hasn't popped a wish to make Pal real, but one step at a time.

No sense stressing her out when the two of them are having so much fun.

But shouting from the other room has me rushing back there.

To find Bella screaming at someone about school, "Are you so lazy that you can't sign up for an after-school club?"

Poor Carina keeps her eyes glued to her paper and Tobias does the same with the book he's reading.

Ara's not even trying to hide her interest, watching and listening with pure pleasure.

But if Jade's dancing with Pal, and Ara's here…that means…

Lee's the one getting his ears blistered…again!

"But Mom, I just got my extra credit for reading that book and I have an 'A', now…and I got the King's crown and Tabatha's my girlfriend…"

"Those are old accomplishments, young man! Are you going to rest on your laurels after such puny achievements!?!"

"Rest on my…laurels…Mom, I don't even know what that means!?!"

"See? Instead of applying yourself, you're rotting your brain watching tv!"

Okay…Bella's gone off the grumpy deep end!

Time for me to run interference…

"For some reason I find I have an inexplicable urge to apologize to you, Lee. So... I'm sorry."

"Not a problem, Mom. We'll just forget it ever happened."

Ara mutters, "Thanks, Watcher, that was just getting good, and you had to ruin it…but I'll keep your secret, for now anyway. I guess I'll go make my own fun with another inappropriate forum post."

Lee still seems to be Bella's favorite, and she shows it by alternating between accusations, praise, and more accusations.

Typical for an evil, grumpy sim, though I keep making Bella apologize when she goes too far.

Something Ara has figured out but is keeping to herself, most likely because Ara has a secret of her own; Carina Gilscarbo giving her the idea of throwing an unsupervised teen party!

Since it's highly unlikely that will happen, I dismiss it and focus on the next step of Jade's problem.

What to do about Pal.

Join me in Chapter 348: Timely Opportunities
Coming soon.