Author Topic: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story  (Read 121828 times)

Offline deedee_828

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Re: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story
« Reply #165 on: August 11, 2019, 01:55:36 PM »
Chapter 150-- All About Love

When Marshall gets home, he excitedly tells his father about his progress on his LTW.

Marshall *enthusiastically* "Four out of twelve dad! And just on my first attempt. I thought it would be harder but bestowing Inner Beauty is the easy part. Maxing Charisma is going be a bit tougher since I'm only at level 5."

Samuel *with a serious look* "You're not alienating the towns people are you Marshall? You're planning on living here after all, and you don't want to have the town full of enemies!"

Marshall *reflecting* "You know, the amazing thing is that even after being transformed into less than pretty sims, all of them just kept on chatting with me, increasing not only my Charisma skill but our relationships as well. Seems like they like me no matter what kind of fairy magic I use!"

Samuel *relieved* "That's great Marshall so it looks like you just need to keep following your pattern. Meet sims around town, chat a bit to increase your Charisma, then blast them with your fairy power! But Charisma is hard to master, I still haven't done it and I'm Charismatic. Practicing in front of a mirror helps you gain skill and I've almost reached my last point doing that, but maybe we could practice it together which would help us both out? Or you could read a book on it, I've never actually tried that, but our family library is pretty extensive!"

While Lucas reads a cook book to gain some skill, Marshall joins him with a novel, one of the many they have from all the writers in the family.

Marshall *disappointment in his voice* "Dad suggested reading a Charisma book but that seems to be one of the skill books we lack."

Lucas *focused on his book* "Well, I'm no genius bro but couldn't you just buy a Charisma skill book? Or read one at the library, which would move your skill along faster?"

Marshall doesn't say anything for a moment, then just shakes his head at his younger brother who's just solved what he thought was a dilemma.

Sometimes being a genius you totally overlook the obvious!

I find Cinda meditating with the ExtraordinAIRe-Inator and ask her what she's trying to accomplish.

Cinda *eyes closed and keeping her yoga position* "Seeing if I can transcend above the town and find my soul mate."

Dee: "I thought you were interested in Rory Hyde?'

Cinda: "I am. But I've been reflecting on our last encounter and I'm not sure we're connecting all that well."

Dee: "What do you mean?"

Cinda: "Well, last time he was here, I asked about his sign again and this time he remembered that he's a Libra, so we're actually compatible that way."

Cinda: "And he seemed to enjoy playful pester when I turned into my fairy self."

Dee: "But?"

Cinda: "Well, even after I kissed him, he's never really initiated any romantic gestures. I'm not sure he even remembers who I am each time we meet! I thought his Absent-Minded trait would make it easier for him to forget any mean things I do and it does, but it also makes him forget most of the time we spend together!"

Dee: "So you're trying to will yourself to form a connection with someone in town?"

Cinda: "Well, I certainly don't want to go outside! Do you have any better ideas?"

Dee *grinning* "Maybe throw a party and invite all the teens you know?"

Cinda *using all her Discipline to firmly hold herself in meditation mode* "I guess that would be another option."

While upstairs Lorelei and Antony are indulging their couch-potato selves in front of the TV.

But instead of watching, they're more focused on the subject they're discussing.

Lorelei: "You're both more than welcome to stay here Antony. This is Kimberly's home. But I understand that a newly married couple usually wants more privacy than that. Lets face it, the Frio home isn't much for privacy!"

Antony: "It's not privacy Mrs. Frio, but more that I think we need to start our family off right by being in our own place.
It's bad enough that Kimberly will probably want to steal the baby's candy, but when you add Cinda's mean nature, and Lucas' dislike of children, I'm thinking we'd be better off in our own home."

Lorelei *frowning* "Yeah, I wasn't even thinking of those issues. Have you got a house in mind?"

Antony: "Well, the Evans place is on the market as both Cornelia and Cornell have moved in with their partners. But since Kimberly and I are both just starting out in our jobs, we don't have much saved up. And frankly, I'd like to quit my job at the Science Center but now's just not the time!"

Lorelei: "You don't want to be a scientist?"

Antony *shaking his head* "Not really and I'm not even sure how I ended up with the job, probably some connection of mom or dad. I'd actually like to follow my dream and become a Master Magician!"

Lorelei *thoughtfully* "We've never had a magician in the family before. And a ghostly one would be quite unique. Do you have a stage name in mind?"

Antony *smiling* "I've always thought of myself as the Mystic Ghost!"

Lorelei *nodding enthusiastically* "Now that's a great stage name! I'll tell you what, you go quit your boring science job and sign up as a Magician. It pays a weekly stipend so you'll get that at least. And Kimberly will have her maternity leave pay so you guys should be okay that way. As for the house, let me check into that as I think our Frio funds should be able to handle that!"

Antony *overwhelmed* "I don't know what to say! That's so generous! Are you sure?"

Lorelei: "It's the least we can do for the parents of our first grandchild!"

The next day Antony follows his new mother-in-law's advice and quits his job at the science center.

And with a huge smile he signs up as The Mystic Ghost, the first step towards fulfilling his dream.

Then he floats downstairs and outside to drive Kimberly away in the waiting taxi.

I've never seen one of the family members drive a taxi before.

Maybe it's an important occasion? Baby time?

No, not yet, but something almost as exciting.

The sale of the Evan's house went off smooth as butter and it's now the new Salas' home!

Samuel's accompanied them to get them settled in as Antony heads inside to check it out.

But it's Kimberly's evil reaction that makes me laugh as she says: "Mwaahahaha! Finally, the perfect home fit for an up and coming Evil Empress."

While the grown-ups are all out, Cinda's guests start arriving and before you know it, the sunporch is filled with laughing,  chattering teens.

Cinda's welcomed Tucker Limb, Carrie Limb's younger brother.

And as she turns to greet Nathanael Ziggfield, Dahlia's younger brother, Barrett Kim and Deidre Wheeler join them.

Looks like quite a nice selection of young men around town.

Will Cinda connect with anyone special?

She chats with Tucker about fishing, though she doesn't mention how much she hates the outdoors.

Nathanael and Deidre start dancing as Barrett Kim throws a flirty glance at Gayle Ziggfield.

Then Tucker starts telling her all about his new job at the mausoleum.

So far so good.

Or maybe not.

Suddenly the room is filled with a distinctly negative vibe between Cinda and Tucker.

Lucas isn't letting that stop him from enjoying Tia's company as they flirt and he asks her to dance.

Oh, the bloom of teen love.

Cinda decides to see if Barrett likes her company so she starts off by showing him a cats video.

That went over really well, so things are looking up.

Or maybe not as he keeps shooting lovesick glances at Tia.

So Cinda chats with Oliver Hyde, Rory and Tia's younger brother that just aged to teen.

He's a bit younger and being Rory's brother makes her feel that would be wrong, just wrong.

And then it becomes a moot point as Oliver whispers, "Is Deidre still dancing behind me? She's so cute! Do you think she likes me?"

Cinda just stared at him and then told him to ask Deirdre to dance and find out.

Lucas chats with his cousin Leighton who's still a teen and finds out he's dating Tricia Salas.

And it looks like Tia's the most popular girl at the party as she shows off her dance moves with Nathanael.

And Lorelei reaches level 8 of the Culinary career!

She's so happy that she immediately wishes to max the career.

Dee: "Congratulations Lorelei! That's some accomplishment. Do you think you can reach level 10 before we leave town?"

Lorelei: "Right now I'm on top of the world Watcher and I feel like I could do anything!"

Dee: "Well, you do have a rather large group of teenagers at your house that could use some supervision."

Lorelei: "Right. Lucinda's slumber party. Even that's not stopping me from walking on air!
But I want to check on Kimberly before I head home to see how she's doing and check out their new place."

So we head over for a quick stop at the Salas' new home where Lorelei finds Kimberly rocking in the nursery.

She can't resist talking to her very first grandchild.

Well, grandchildren!

It looks like the Salas' are going to have twins!

Kimberly *excitedly* "Twins mom! We should have guessed. I mean, I'm a twin and you had two sets of them. The doctor said that's why I've been so tired and achy, even more than usual for as far along as I am."

Lorelei: "Oh, sweetheart! More nooboos to love! How's Antony dealing with the news?"

Kimberly: "He's over the moon mom! He called his parents first thing and they're all excited too. They've never had twins in their family before! Dad's upstairs talking with him now."

And while Antony is thrilled about having twins, he's listening to his father-in-law's advice intently.

Samuel: "And absolutely do not for any reason decide you know better than the family ghosts or the Watcher! It only leads to trouble son. Big trouble. Oh, and watch out for Kimberly's Tito. Torre's a great man, but he'll call you on things in a Bridgeport minute. Never, ever, use his name for leverage unless you want to experience the most excruciating workout and martial arts training ever. I speak from experience, Antony. Please learn from my mistakes!"

As Antony nods intently, drinking in every word of Samuel's advice, not only do they become friends with these words of wisdom, but Samuel maximizes his Charisma!

The party has settled down a lot as all the kids' realize they are exhausted.

10 pm right on the dot!

Just like all the kids in each town have to do homework, party or not, they all go to bed at 10 pm too!

Most of them bed down on the sunporch.

But where's Rory been this whole time?

It turns out he forgot it was a slumber party and spent the whole time swimming in the pool.

He was so tired he went home to sleep as all the other kids snuggled into sleeping bags!

And when Lorelei and Samuel get home, they find the lights out and the floors filled with sleeping teens.

So they decide to take advantage of some alone time and watch the stars.

And they cuddle and giggle just like they were teens again, even though they're about to become grandparents!

Cinda's still searching for love.

Kimberly and Antony are waiting for the fruits of their love to be born and they're having twins!

Lucas and Tia are still very much in love.

And Lorelei and Samuel have realized that their love has only grown deeper since they were teens.

But what of Marshall's love? Has he been so focused on his LTW that he's let love fall by the wayside?

Let's find out in Chapter 151-- A Proposal, Preemies, and Prom
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Re: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story
« Reply #166 on: August 14, 2019, 07:05:31 PM »
Chapter 151-- A Proposal, Preemies, and Prom

Lucas may have felt flutters of love with Tia at the slumber party, but he's not feeling any love now.

In fact, he feels like he's being tortured.

When he told his father he had scheduled some training sessions with Tito Torre, Samuel dragged him out to the sunporch for some pre-training!

Samuel: "Push son, put some effort into it! I know it feels like you're dying but you'll thank me for this once your Tito gets a hold of you. He's a superstar athlete and trust me, you don't want to start from scratch with him. Especially if he decides to teach you Martial Arts. The Board Breaker takes focus and stamina, but the Training Dummy packs a wallop!"

Cinda smiles nearby as she reads a book for school, enjoying her twin's grunts and groans.

Before his father decides to turn his attention to Marshall, he wisely makes a date with Dahlia to meet him at the Festival park.

They hold hands and enjoy the brisk autumn air as the park fills up with towns folk.

But I spot a familiar figure in purple and head over for a quick peek.

Our Kimberly is looking very pregnant now, but happy as she strolls through the park getting some fresh air and exercise.

Kimberly: "This is so much more pleasant than Tito's training, Watcher. If it wasn't for my backache this would be the perfect day. These twins can't get here too soon for me!"

And Antony's not far behind!

He can't keep up with his wife's fast pace, even when she's carrying twins, but he floats as quickly as he can.

Focusing back on the lovebirds, I find Marshall's progressed from holding Dahlia's hands, to giving her a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

Dahlia: "Flowers for me Marshall?! They're so beautiful!"

Marshall: "Not as beautiful as you Dahlia. Nothing tops that."

Marshall and Dahlia decide to head over to the theater and catch a movie, so I check back at the house.

Oh, looks like Lucas is getting some romance of his own!

Tia: "Oh, your arms are so strong Lucas. Have you been working out?"

Lucas *with a groan* "Let's not talk about that Tia. In fact, let's not talk at all!"

And with those words, he pulls her close for a kiss.

Back at the theater the movie's let out and Marshall's thoughts are filled with Dahlia.

But before he can talk to her they're swept apart by the crowd and he's asked for his autograph.

He tries to tell the man he's not available right now, that it's a special night for him, but the guy won't listen.

In his irritation, he lets fly with some Inner Beauty fairy dust and the results aren't pretty!

The now big-eared man goes off to play his guitar, quite unfazed by his new demeanor.

Dahlia's made her way over to Marshall, so he encircles her in his arms and says, "I've got something really important to ask you Dahlia."

Then he drops to one knee and asks her to marry him!

Marshall: "I love you Dahlia Ziggfield and you'd make me the happiest man alive if you'd be my wife. Marry me?"

Dahlia throws her hands over her mouth so surprised she can only gasp.

And breaks Marshall's heart as she shakes her head and closes the ring box!

Dahlia *sweetly* "I can't…not yet Marshall. It's not the right time."

Marshall's so shocked at her answer he falls on her shoulder and weeps uncontrollably!

Almost knocking Dahlia into the lap of the woman who's reading a book on the nearby bench and totally ignoring them.

Mitchell Flynn looks on dispassionately as well.

Apparently a fairy who's just turned a sim into a gargoyle, had his marriage proposal turned down, and then falls sobbing into his girlfriend's arms isn't all that unusual for Midnight Hollow!

Marshall, stunned at Dahlia's refusal, and with pain obvious in his voice says, "Don't you love me Dahlia? I just don't understand."

Dahlia *shocked at his words* "Of course I love you Marshall. I'll always love you. Why would you even ask me such a question?!"

Marshall *puzzled* "Because you just said, 'no' when I asked you to marry me."

Dahlia *shaking her head* "I didn't say, 'no'! I said, 'not yet' and that 'it's not the right time'.'

Marshall *confused* "Does that you mean you will then? Some day? When, Dahlia? When?"

Dahlia *smiling at his eagerness* "That all depends on you Marshall. You gave up heirship to stay here with me but I'm not letting you give up on your LTW. If we got engaged you'd feel like you had to spend a lot of time with me, discussing the wedding, having a bachelor party, all those engaged couple things. And you'd let your dream take a back seat. So when you complete your LTW, ask me again Marshall. I think the time will be right then!"

Relieved at Dahlia' explanation, Marshall is filled with even more determination to max charisma and complete his magic makeovers.

He sees Conrad Finley and knows the story of how Conrad hit on his Aunt Miriam when she was renovating his yard.

That action deserves some fairy retribution and he lets loose an Inner Beauty blast of fairy dust.

Conrad's apparently not mended his ways if his new look is anything to go by!

Meanwhile, Cinda's invited a few boys over to chat and get to know them better.

Rory and Barrett accept her invitation but Nathanael's busy and can't make it.

Rory and Barret show up together and it looks like Barrett's thoughts are focused on Cinda!

But Lucas quickly invites Barrett inside not wanting to stay outside any longer than necessary.

And Rory engages Cinda in a discussion on painting, which she participates in happily enough, even though being on the front porch makes her a bit uncomfortable.

Rory couldn't stay long so Cinda heads inside to chat with Barrett.

It starts off okay but then Cinda calls him out on their incompatible trait!

Cinda: "Why didn't you tell me you loved the outdoors Barrett?! You know I hate it. I thought friends were honest with each other?"

Barrett *scowling at her* "Friends are, which means we're not! Friends that is!'

And he's right, with Cinda's outburst she's lost his friendship!

Oh boy.

But across town, a much anticipated event has occurred, though a bit sooner than expected.

Kimberly calls her mom with the exciting news and Samuel and Lorelei eagerly head to the Salas' home.

Almost asleep is ghostly Jennica, who's Clumsy and Disciplined.

And her twin brother ghostly Seth, who's a Light Sleeper and Artistic.

Kimberly's wish was granted and she's added not one but two ghostboos to her branch of the Frio family!

But what catches Lorelei by surprise is another little girl with a light skin tone!

Human Anastasia, an Athletic, Genius, who's wide awake and coos when her grandma picks her up!

Lorelei: "Well, aren't you just the cutest surprise little one! We expected two, but three is even better."

With that thought she pops a wish for 5 grandchildren and so does Samuel!

And she also realizes she needs to decide on a grandma name as Grandma Lorelei is too big a mouthful for any little one.

Dee: "Maybe I can help you out there Lorelei. How about we merge them and they can call you, 'Gramlei?"

Lorelei: "Oh thanks Watcher! Gramlei is perfect, just like all three of my new grandboos!"

And it's a big night for the younger twins too. Prom!

To my surprise and delight, both Rory and Tia show up at the Frio home just in time.

But Cinda's smile disappears when she sees Rory's confused look.

Tia can't help but smirk at her older brother's dilemma.

But she takes pity on him and Cinda and laughs as she says, "We're here to go to prom with our dates big brother! Your date is the pretty girl with the turquoise hair!"

Rory *with a smile* "Cinda! I remember now."

And as the limo pulls up he charmingly says, "Your chariot awaits my princess!"

The foursome quickly brave the snowy evening and pile into the waiting stretch limo.

At the school, Tia headed inside too quickly for a photo.

But I get one of Cinda, Rory, and Lucas in their formalwear and they look terrific.

Their arrival coincided with several other classmates, Tucker, Oliver, and Tricia, all dressed in their best.

With Tricia here, Leighton can't be far behind.

And there are cabs lined up down the street filled with prom-going teens.

But the teen fairy we see isn't Leighton but his sister, Christa Cole, looking very grown up!

After prom is over, I catch Cinda when she gets home.

Dee: "So how was it? Anything exciting happen?"

Cinda: "Oh, Watcher, it was incredible. I was nervous at first when Tia had to remind Rory what was going on and who his date was! But then everything after that was wonderful! First Rory calling me princess when the limo arrived and looking so handsome in his tux when we got to the school. Then he stayed by my side all night, we were either dancing or he was getting me punch and being very attentive."

Dee: "And did Lucas have a good time too?"

Cinda: "Yes! We both got crowns, and I think Lucas and Tia were the most popular couple at the dance. Cousin Leighton was with Tricia who has such an ethereal beauty. And I finally got to spend some time with cousin Christa. Boy has she grown up and the boys sure took notice." *wrinkling her nose* "I'm not the only female fairy in high school now, but since she's my cousin, I think I'd be better off with her as a friend than a rival!"

Dee: "It sounds like you had a great night. I'm glad. Some teens have terrible proms. Getting rejected for dances, even getting into fights."

Cinda *clenching her hands in her excitement* "It was better than great Watcher! Rory confessed his feelings for me and asked me to go steady! I wasn't sure with him avoiding me at the slumber party. But he also told me he doesn't like crowds and would rather spend some one on one time with me. So it's official, he's now my boyfriend!"

Dahlia rejected Marshall's proposal but told him to ask her again after he completes his LTW.

So he'll be practicing his charisma and spreading Inner Beauty with a bigger goal in mind!

Lorelei and Samuel are grandparents with Kimberly and Antony having triplets!

Two girls, human Anastasia, and ghostly Jennica, and a boy, ghostly Seth.

The younger twins had a fantastic prom and Rory asked Cinda to go steady, solidifying their relationship!

But we've still got over a week until their YA birthdays.

Join me as we head into the last stretch in Chapter 152-- Unexpected Outcome
Coming soon.

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Offline deedee_828

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Re: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story
« Reply #167 on: August 16, 2019, 06:27:43 PM »
Chapter 152-- Unexpected Outcome

This chapter begins with Marshall freaking out!

Over what I have no idea, so I decide to ask.

Dee: "Marshall, what's wrong?"

Marshall stops screaming and says: "What if I can't complete my LTW and Dahlia never agrees to marry me? I'm doomed, Watcher, doomed!"

Dee *with a look* "You're being way too dramatic Marshall. Give yourself a moment and you'll calm down."

And as Marshall gets himself under control, Cora Flynn asks: "Are you okay Marshall?"

Marshall nods his head weakly and mumbles, "Panic attack, I'm fine now, Cora, thanks for asking."

Then he shoots me a look and says: "See? Some sims actually have sympathy for me."

Dee: "It's not that I'm not sympathetic Marshall. I just think you could be making better use of your time."

Marshall: "Doing what?"

Dee: "Actively working on your Life Time Want for one thing instead of worrying about not completing it."

Marshall takes my advice and heads to the library.

After some intensive study time, he's almost reached level 9 in Charisma.

He's got himself under control and is focused again.

Then he heads to the Festival to throw some more fairy dust around.

He's heard all of his father's old stories about Roderick Synapse so meeting him was a stroke of luck.

And if Roderick's new look is anything to go by, his inner evil still abounds!

As well as his focus on shiny objects!

Then another perfect candidate catches his eye.

Odessa Hyde.

Sure she's Rory and Tia's mother, but she's also the woman that flirted with his dad and if the rumors are true, half the town!

So in a flurry of fairy dust, Odessa's true self is revealed and she looks much like her brother Cedrick with no chin and ghastly hollowed cheeks!

The next morning, Marshall invites Dahlia over and asks her on a date.

His thoughts are totally focused on her but it looks like Dahlia's thinking about seeds for her garden.

Or if Lucinda can be believed, maybe thinking of more baby names! Echinacea, Fennel, Geranium, or Hyacinth perhaps?

Marshall gives Dahlia an update on his progress, sharing the news that he's reached level 9 now in Charisma and completed 8 of his Inner Beauty missions.

Dahlia congratulates him and they take advantage of all the freshly fallen snow and make a snowman together.

Marshall: "We should start thinking of where we want to live Dahlia. You could move in here or I could move in with your family. Or we could get our own place. It doesn't matter to me as long as we're together soon."

Dahlia *totally focusing on the snowman* "Should I go inside and grab a carrot for the nose Marshall?"

Marshall realizing it's no use trying to change Dahlia's focus says, "Sure love, go grab a carrot."

Once she's placed the carrot in for the nose, Dahlia jumps up and down in her excitement at their perfect snowman.

Marshall loves seeing how excited she is over sweet and simple things and realizes she's the most beautiful girl he's ever known, on the inside as well as the outside.

They start working on an igloo, until his mom interrupts Dahlia, chatting about the dangers of unsupported snowmen and how they would never have known if Dahlia hadn't shared her knowledge back when they were children.

Dahlia's flattered by the attention and happily chats away with Marshall's mom until she has to leave for work.

As Dahlia leaves, she says, "You and me sitting in a tree…"

And Marshall knows he's back on track with both his LTW and more importantly, with Dahlia!

Late that evening, Marshall pops down the street to see which neighbors might be home.

Looks like it's his lucky day when Todd Landgraab opens the door and invites him in.

Not so lucky for Todd though as once Marshall's fairy dust takes effect, he looks like this!

Marshall looks pretty happy when he's leaving so I ask why.

Marshall *beaming* "Oh, nothing much Watcher, just happened to max charisma, that's all!"

Dee: "That's all?! That means you've just got 3 more Magic Makeovers and you've done it!

Marshall: "Good to know you can count Watcher!"

Dee: "Hey! Just because I didn't let you wallow…."

Marshall *laughing* "I know, I know. Sometimes my Neurotic trait gets the best of me and I need a kick in the pants. No hard feelings Watcher."

The next afternoon Marshall says, "Follow me over to the Festival Watcher and let's see if I can wrap this up!"

So to the festival we go.

Marshall heads for this firefighter that we've never seen before.

Dee *whispering* "Um, Marshall, do you really think you should pick on public servants that help the community?"

Marshall *shaking his head* "No time to be picky now Watcher! I want this finished so I can get on with more important things."

With those words he lets the fairy dust fly over the unsuspecting  woman.

And if that hooked nose is any indication, I think this woman has Wicked Witch of the West genes in her family tree!

I think that Marshall's snickering about that much more than the gossip she's spreading.

But when he comes across grieving Kara Carter Yates, he bestows flight of felicity on her.

Losing someone you love is painful enough, he doesn't want to add to her suffering.

And the benefits are immediate as she glows from within and her grief is banished for now.

Marshall knows it's not a permanent fix but if he can ease her suffering just a bit, he's happy with that.

But his Uncle Dean is not getting off so easily.

Marshall hasn't forgiven or forgotten about him flirting with his Lita at their pool party back in the summer.

Dean doesn't take the change well as his inappropriate self takes on a distinctly wolf-like appearance!

One that apparently appeals to Conrad Finley? Oh well, to each his own!

And then Marshall sees the doll like Katerina Stewart and he knows he's found his last target!

Is her inner self as beautiful as she tries to make her outer self appear?

Not at all, as while she's adjusting to her new look, Marshall completes his LTW!

And as he does so, his phone rings and it's Dahlia asking him to come over and visit.

How fortuitous!

Marshall wastes no time and heads over to the Ziggfield house.

As soon as he's inside, he takes Dahlia in his arms and whispers, "It's done. I've completed my lifetime want!"

Dahlia whispers back, "I know, I felt it! I'm so proud of you Marshall."

He steps back and presents her with roses!

Marshall smiles as he says, "A small token of my affection."

Dahlia breathes in their heady scent, her eyes aglow, as she focuses solely on Marshall.

And as she watches, he drops to one knee and says, "Dahlia, I love you more than life itself! Please do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Dahlia can't help but gasp even though she knew the question was coming.

And Marshall and I wait with bated breath for her answer.

This time she holds out her hand and as he slides the ring onto her finger, she whispers, "Yes, oh yes Marshall. Now is the perfect time!"

They seal their engagement with a passionate kiss.

And then suddenly all Marshall wants to do is talk about the wedding and all the arrangements.

Dahlia smiles and he stops in mid sentence realizing she was right all along!

If she'd accepted before he would have put his LTW on the back burner.

How well she knows him.

But there is one big decision he wants settled right away.

So he asks, "Where do you want to live Dahlia? Here in your parents house? Or did you want us to get a place of our own?"

Dahlia says, "There's only one right place for us Marshall. Your house! You need to spend these last few days with your family before they leave town."

Marshall *gulping* "You'd do that Dahlia? Move in with me, us?"

Dahlia: "Of course, Marshall! You are my heart and where my heart is so shall I be."

Dahlia races across her back lawn and over to the Frio house so fast that Marshall's hard put to keep up, even flying!

And when she gets inside, I find her in the kitchen eating in her underwear!

Dahlia *clapping with delight at her favorite dish, frog legs* "Not underwear Watcher, that would be Insane! This is my swimsuit."

Dee: "Of course, wearing a swimsuit in the dead of winter to eat frog legs in your boyfriend's house, where his father lives. The same man you kissed in a mistaken attempt to alienate said boyfriend. Nope that's not insane, that makes perfect sense."

Dahlia *blithely nodding* "I'm so glad you agree Watcher!"

Introducing Dahlia Ziggfield---Young Adult human
LTW: Seaside Savior
Career: Music--level 3, Stagehand
Traits: Brave, Insane, Great Kisser, Good, and Ambitious
Parents: Original residents David and Alia Ziggfield
Skills at move in: Athletic-4; Gardening-2; Guitar-2; Handiness-1; Logic-3; Social Networking-1
Fiancé: Marshall Frio
And upon seeing her traits and her skills, I don't have the heart to argue.

Dee *mouth dropping open* "Dahlia you are perfect!"

Dahlia: "Why thank you Watcher! That's so nice of you to say."

Dee: "You have wonderful traits, diverse skills, a LTW and career we could change, but you're staying here in MH!"

Dahlia: "Oh yes, staying here where my family is, I promised mom and dad."

Dee: "But Gayle's already a young adult. What if Nathanael ages up before we go? Would you consider leaving with us then?"

Dahlia: "That depends."

Dee *quizzically* "On what?"

Dahlia *thoughtfully* "If we went with you would you re-consider Marshall for heir?"

Dee *stunned* "Wow, you really are Ambitious aren't you?! But it's really not up to me Dahlia, Marshall's the one that gave it up, so he'd be the one to have to re-consider."

Marshall's completed his LTW and proposed to Dahlia for the 2nd time.

This time she accepted and moved into the main Frio house with him.

But she's dropped a bombshell on me!

She might consider leaving town if her brother ages up to YA before we leave but only if Marshall is heir!

Is this something Marshall would even consider now?

An interesting turn of events for sure!

Let's find out what happens in Chapter 153-- Snowflake Day and Soul Searching
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Re: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story
« Reply #168 on: August 19, 2019, 11:36:14 PM »
Chapter 153-- Snowflake Day and Soul Searching

Dahlia must have been seriously considering our conversation because I find her discussing it with Marshall while they eat lunch.

Marshall *surprised* "So you'd actually consider moving to the new town if I accepted heirship?"

Dahlia: "Yes, Nathanael's almost old enough to be on his own. And Gayle's aged up now and in a serious relationship and we've never really been close. And Nathanael could come visit, right?"

Marshall: "Of course. He'd be welcome any time to stay as long as he liked. But Dahlia this is a serious change of plans. I've already indicated to Lucinda that she's most likely going to be heir. If she's got her heart set on it, I don't want to get in her way."

Dahlia: "But is her heart set on it Marshall? She's still a teen, just going steady with Rory, who's lost in is own little world most of the time. And she has a definite mean-streak, one she's done her best to overcome, but she still has her moments."

Marshall *thoughtfully* "We all have a trait to bear Dahlia, one that makes us do things we're not proud of." *thinking of his recent panic attack and of course, Dahlia's infamous kiss* "But you do bring up some very good points. It's certainly something to think about over the next few days until the twins birthdays."

After lunch, I find Dahlia playing guitar in the rec room on the 3rd floor.

She's in the Music career as a stagehand, but her LTW is to be a Seaside Savior.

So I have to ask.

Dee: "Do you want to change your LTW or your career Dahlia?"

Dahlia: "Oh, I want to spend my life saving lives Watcher! No doubt in my mind about that at all. In fact, can I start right now?"

Dee *explaining patiently* "It's still winter Dahlia and freezing outside!"

She just continues to play so I try another tact.

Dee: "I don't even know if there are any beaches in MH."

Dahlia: "We have two of them."

Dee: "Well, I guess if that's what you want."

So she signs up and goes to work immediately at Bizarre Beach.

She's only got a few hours left of her shift but she diligently surveys the beach in the gloomy winter afternoon sun.

Dee: "Dahlia, is there really any purpose for trying this now? What are you hoping to see?"

Dahlia *eyes scanning the water* "I'm watching the swimmers Watcher. Making sure they don't get into trouble. Don't you know what a lifeguard's job is?"

Dee: "Of course, I know… " *then as her words sink in I pull back and scan the water*

And she's right!

Sims have not only come to the beach, but they're actually swimming in the freezing water!

I shouldn't be surprised but I am.

Pollyanna was pulling her hair out in beautiful IP to get sims to come to their pristine beaches and swim in their tranquil blue waters.

Shark infested, yes, but still lovely warm water.

And yet here in MH, they jump joyfully into the water when the outside temp is 28 so the water has to be frigid.

But both of the intrepid polar bear club members are fine swimmers, so Dahlia's shift ends with no rescues.

The next day is Snowflake Day and most of the family wants to have a gift-giving party.

Since Dahlia's the newest member, they let her invite her family and friends, while Lorelei invites the rest of their extended family.

But Lorelei and Samuel spend the morning with their grandchildren.

After diaper changes, playtime, bottles, and cuddles, they settle down to quietly rocking with two of them.

Samuel holding Anastasia and Lorelei cuddling Jennica, or maybe Seth. It's hard to tell with their ghostliness.

Whichever one it is, they all look perfectly content.

I wonder how long that will last when Lorelei and Samuel are made aware that Dahlia's already brought up Marshall's re-considering heirship?

Since the party is scheduled for the afternoon, Lorelei and Samuel get the nooboos settled in their cribs.

Before they head home, they admire Kimberly's latest artwork.

They're relieved to know that even with the triplets she's still finding the time to express her talent.

And they remind her that the party is starting soon and even though she's not big on crowds, it would do her good to get out of the house and be with family and friends.

Kimberly *focused on the canvas before her* "Oh, Antony and I will be there! We can't wait to show off photos of the triplets!"

Back at the house, we decide it's time for Dahlia's turn in stylist.

I love her classic hair style and with a touch of lipstick she's her gorgeous self.

And most of her outfits just needed a color tweak here and there adding Dahlia's favorite Irish Green.

For her athletic, she was already wearing these shorts, so we just re-colored the top to match.

And her outerwear expressed her personality as well, just needed recoloring with her signature green.

Her fall/winter everyday look.

In a green pattern she knows Marshall loves.

And her spring/summer, just in case she stays here and we don't get to see it.

We rearrange some of the living room furniture and add a few chairs to accommodate the expected guests.

As the first ones arrive, I shake my head as I see Dahlia in her re-colored swimsuit, instead of her formal.

A few of the guests notice but her father, David, just accepts her outfit as part of who she is as she excitedly exclaims over the growing pile of presents.

But between Dahlia's guest list and Lorelei's the house is soon packed.

Fluffs is standing front and center, and behind her Torre's chatting with a pregnant Cora Flynn.

Dahlia's sister Gayle is over on the left, I see Ian talking with Marshall, and Kimberly's in the middle of the room trying to ignore the crowd, while Antony's actually sitting on a couch, possible wondering while Dahlia's in a swimsuit.

And two of Ian's sons, Garreth and Randy, are already eyeing the presents!

Since it's Dahlia's party, they have her open a gift first.

And she gets mistletoe!

How apt for our Great Kisser, though I don't think she needs any encouragement kissing unsuspecting sims!

The living rooms such a crush that most of the guests head into the kitchen and dining room to grab plates of yummy food.

Except for Kimberly, Nathanael, and Jane Doe who stay in the living room and dance.

And Lorelei who's watching Garreth open a present.

And a second and a third one!

He's on such a roll he just keeps going and no one else seems to notice.

Except his mother.

Miriam pulls him away with a frown and lets Lucinda open one.

Someone must have seeded the gifts with some dirty Santa ones as she opens not one but three Rain Disruptors (waterproof) before she gives up in disgust!

Christa hides a smile so I wonder if she had something to do with the Umbrellas for her Hates the Outdoors cousin?

But presents are quickly forgotten when Cora goes into labor!

Those that notice panic and start screaming and yelling.

But Dahlia and Lucy just continue their conversation as the doorbell rings signifying the arrival of more guests.

In the confusion of guests arriving and Cora trying to get out the door so Marshall can drive her to the hospital, Gayle Ziggfield ends up becoming a doorstop!

But Marshall gets the mother-to-be to the hospital and paces outside.

The baby's father, Cornell Evans, makes it inside just in time.

And a short while later, Cora comes out with the best Snowflake Day present of all,  her new daughter Nella!

Back at the house, the party is winding down and it's mostly family that's still socializing.

I find Ian, Everleigh, and Christa dancing and chatting on the sunporch.

Seeing them together, I notice Christa takes after her mother a lot.

And Ian's obviously taken advantage of the martial arts equipment as he's changed his clothes.

With so much on his mind, Marshall takes a moment for a calming game of chess.

And Lucas chats away to Kimberly, who's managed to stay for the whole party.

But Dahlia's having a serious discussion with Lucy on the front porch.

Dahlia: "He really respects your opinion Mrs. Frio. I know that if you encouraged him to reconsider heirship that could be a deciding factor. Now that my sister Gayle is on her own and Nathanael is close to being a YA as well, I don't feel as adamant about staying here in MH."

Lucy *pointedly * "Well, if it's the money that you're concerned with Dahlia, the family always provides very well for those staying behind."

Dahlia *interrupting* "Oh, it's not the money Mrs. Frio!  When I thought the family would be leaving right after Marshall and Kimberly became of age, I couldn't bear the thought of him staying for me and guardianship, that's why I tried to make him break up with me. But staying behind is tearing Marshall apart. He gave it up for me and Kimberly, but in his heart he's always thought he'd continue the journey, either as heir or spare. And now he's concerned about taking it away from Lucinda."

Lucy *searching Dahlia's face* "And is that the only reason? Because Marshall wants it?"

Dahlia: *looking her straight in the eyes* "No. I'd be lying if I didn't admit that being the heirship couple is a big draw. As the Watcher pointed out, I'm Ambitious. And if I'm going to leave my hometown and my family, love isn't going to the only reason."

Lucy *nodding* "I respect your honesty Dahlia. And there's nothing wrong with ambition. As long as that ambition takes into consideration others, and not just yourself. You've done that with your parents, your siblings and Marshall." *smirking* "Even if your method was on the Insane side."

Concerned that Dahlia's read the situation correctly, Lucy quickly searches out Marshall.

She congratulates him on his engagement and Marshall's face lights up.

Marshall *excitedly* "Yes, she said 'yes' this time Lita!  I'm hoping she'll set a date for the wedding soon. Being engaged is great, but I can't hardly wait for her to be a Frio, to be my wife!"

Lucy *smiling as his obvious love* "And that's the way it should be Marshall! Your heart full to bursting, your eyes lighting up not only at the sight of your love, but even the thought of them making you weak in the knees! I know you don't want to hear it, but your Tito and I have always been that way, just like you and Dahlia. In fact, now that we're in our own home, we're just like newlyweds again!"

Marshall *making a face*

But before he can respond, Lucy laughs and says, "I know, TMI, Marshall, TMI! I just wanted you to know that having such a love, such a wonderful foundation, is an essential part of a happy life. Both of you building on that foundation, loving and supporting each other and your children, your bond becoming stronger with every passing day." *her voice turning serious* "Of being partners in heirship."

Marshall *brushing his hair back nervously* "You've talked to Dahlia about what she wants. Her idea of leaving but only if I accept heirship."

Lucy: "Yes, but it's not just what she wants Marshall. She was willing to give you up to let you continue the journey when she thought the family was leaving and she wasn't in a position to go with you. Putting others ahead of your own desires is not something most people choose to do, let alone a new young adult." *shaking her head* "Granted her method was unorthodox for sure, but it got everyone's attention! We were all shocked of course, but not you. You knew what was in her heart, Marshall. Of course, you also knew about the guardianship, so you were aware of what was going on. But not just anyone would have forgiven her. Not just anyone would have called her bluff and then made the decision to step down from heirship and stay here with her. You and Dahlia are very special sims. On your own you're both amazing, but together, Marshall, together you could be the strong heirship couple that this family needs to continue the journey."

Marshall *his voice reflecting the ache in his heart* "But what of Lucinda? I've already told her she's probably going to get heirship by default with Lucas Disliking Children. If her heart's set on it now, I can't just take it away! That wouldn't be loving or fair at all."

Lucy: "And it wouldn't be fair to deny your own heart either Marshall. Dahlia may be Ambitious now, and being part of the heirship couple a big factor, but her main focus is you. She's always known you wanted to continue this journey. So now she's doing what a woman does for the man she loves, not letting him give up on his dreams! Didn't she push you to complete your LTW before she'd accept your proposal? YOU are the biggest focus in her life now that her siblings are almost on their own. Be true to yourself Marshall!"

Lucy pulls him in her arms and squeezes him tightly as she whispers, "Thinking of others is all well and good, but don't forget to search your own heart. It will lead you in the right direction. If you let it."

Marshall *some of his stress melting away in the comfort of her arms* "Tito's right Lita, he may be the Superstar athlete and the Black Belt, but it's you who makes his foundation strong. You who's made him the man he is today. You who made being the heirship couple look easy. I know both of you were mom and dad's inspiration. And I know for certain that all of you are going to be hard acts to follow! For whoever becomes heir."

Dahlia's changed her career to Lifeguard to follow her LTW, in MH, in winter.

Lorelei and Samuel are enjoying their grandchildren.

They've had a wonderful party in celebration of their last Snowflake Day here in MH.

And Lita Lucy's had a serious talk with Marshall about following his own heart.

Will that mean staying in MH or accepting heirship and continuing the journey?

And how will Lucinda react if he chooses heirship?

Only time will tell, so join me in Chapter 154: Sober Thoughts and Parties
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Re: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story
« Reply #169 on: August 21, 2019, 08:02:13 PM »
Chapter 154: Sober Thoughts and Parties

While Marshall and Lucy were discussing heirship, the party had dwindled down to just a handful of family members.

One of them was Randy Frio, Marshall's youngest nephew.

He asked Dahlia to read him a bedtime story and when she agreed, he climbed into the hover bed to listen with rapt attention as Dahlia read him a story, changing her voice for each character and making the story come so alive, he hated giving in to sleep."

But eventually he succumbed to dreams and left Dahlia with this big smile on her face.

Dee: "Well, that's a happy look if I ever saw one Dahlia! I never knew you were so family-oriented."

Dahlia: "Me either Watcher, my siblings weren't young enough for me to read to them so I've never had the chance before. It was so flattering having Randy ask me, his aunt-to-be, for a bedtime story. Then he hung on my every word, his sweet face looking up at me with such adoration. It filled me with feelings I've never experienced before."

Dee: "Really? What kind of feelings?"

Dahlia *sighing dreamily* "Feelings for a family, a child that's Marshall's and mine! Being able to bring a little one, or maybe two, into the world as an expression of our love for one another. Seeing them grow and seeing their children, our grandchildren. I was so overwhelmed with love and joy that I had to smile!"

Dee *speaking gently as I know my words will burst Dahlia's happiness bubble* "And then staying behind when one of your children chooses who continues the journey as their heir."

Dahlia *her face draining* "Oh, Watcher! I never thought of that when I brought up Marshall being heir. It's hard enough to think of leaving my family behind here. I don't know if I'm brave enough to have our children move away!"

Dahlia's up bright and early after a fitful night of wrestling with the idea of having to leave children behind if Marshall chooses heirship.

Something she was pushing for!

When Marshall wakes up and finds her crying in the bathroom she breaks down and tells him all of her worries.

Dahlia *crying so hard she can barely speak* "We can still go Marshall, but not as the heir couple! I take it back, heirship is not a condition of my leaving!"

Marshall holds her close and says, "It will be okay Dahlia. It's not something that's written in stone yet. I haven't even discussed heirship with mom, dad, or Lucinda."

But his stricken face, shows the feelings he's trying to allay with his calm words.

And once Dahlia heads downstairs for breakfast, Marshall's thoughts are focused solely on Dahlia's fears.

He'd thought staying behind here in MH was the worst goodbye he could even imagine.

But now the idea of having to say goodbye to his own child and grandchildren is tearing him apart.

A child and grandchildren he doesn't even have yet! How neurotic can you get!

And with those thoughts come other questions.

Is heirship really something he's brave enough for? Strong enough to handle?

Outside, I see snowmen taking center stage on the Frio lawn.

I hadn't been paying much attention to the occasional snowman, but then I saw two classic and four grim reaper ones!

Compliments of Lorelei's recent preoccupation with a snowman army.

I can't fault her logic though, reel them in with the classic ones and finish them off with all of the reapers!

But who is the army supposed to fight off?  I have no idea so I ask her.

Dee: "Um, the army of snowmen outside. Should I be concerned?"

Lorelei *remembering* "No, it was sort of a last minute deterrent in case any of the townspeople were angry at Marshall for all  of the Inner Beauty enchantments. I was just making random snowmen when suddenly I made a grim one. He was so scary I thought it might give others pause in case they decided on making mischief with any of the family. Samuel thought it was such a good idea he helped me make the last one when he got home from work one day. They weren't needed but I don't like leaving the safety of our family to chance. I thought they'd have melted away by now, but it's been so cold, they're all still frozen solid."

Dee: *gulping as I see the glow of the red eyes* "It would have worked on me, that's for sure!"

Even though her mind is full of thoughts she hadn't considered, Dahlia's got a lifeguard shift to attend to, so she rushes off to the beach.

I can't bear looking at the creepy grim snowmen any longer, so I tag along.

At the beach the crazy citizens of MH are swimming in the frigid waters again!

And Dahlia not only makes a rescue but four before her shift ends!

It would have been 5 or 6 if one of the Sims hadn't gotten stuck in a snowbank preventing others from moving.

But I'm just amazed, four rescues under her belt in the middle of winter!

After all her rescues, Dahlia heads to the gym for a soak in the hot tub to warm up.

And Lorelei and the twins go to a concert with Lucy and some of their friends.

But why is everyone deserting the house?

Because it's time for Marshall's bachelor party!

His grandfather, Torre, and Dahlia's father, David Ziggfield, are the first guests.

By David's outfit, I'm guessing Dahlia comes by her Insane trait genetically.

Torre looks as dashing as ever in a white suit with flashy red dress shoes and suspenders!

But Samuel wins the title of best dressed when he comes downstairs flaunting this outfit!

A smoking jacket with red accessories, shorts, and a pair of Torre's old Superstar sunglasses!

Dee *with a wolf whistle* "Mr. Charismatic himself!"

Samuel poses, tilting his head for a profile view, and says, "You like Watcher!?!"

Dee *smirking* "Careful Samuel, remember Dahlia lives here now. She might not be able to resist you in that get up!"

As Samuel's mouth drops open in horror, I realize my words hit the mark, just as intended.

But he quickly forgets about my words and Dahlia as he joins Marshall, dancing and singing his heart out.

Then Marshall gets a phone call.

Apparently the party's already too loud and they're sending over some officers to contain it.

But when the officers head straight upstairs and more music comes blasting down, they realize these aren't regular officers.

They're party dancers!

And the party moves to the 2nd floor.

Then Marshall, getting into the bachelor party spirit, shoots fizzy nectar at his grandfather.

And then his father!

Then I see Antony joining in their dance, though Dean's trying hard not to laugh.

It is a funny sight, a yellow ghost sizzling with electricity gyrating to party dancer music!

And as Ian and Dean join the party dancers, bopping and grooving to the music, I have to laugh myself as both of them are too funny trying to copy the party dancers moves!

Maybe even more so than Antony was, as Dean not only dances but tries to sing.

After all the dancing, the party dancers joined them for some food in the dining room.

Oh, I never realized you could actually see plates of food through Antony---kind of takes away your appetite!

Well, mine away.

It doesn't seem to bother anyone else at all though as they grab plates and chow down.

But that's not the only party in town.

After the concert, Fluffs invited everyone over to her house.

And even though he hated leaving Marshall's bachelor party, Torre attended as a special guest.

Lorelei: "Thanks for agreeing to stop in dad. It means a lot to Fluffs, having a celebrity like you here!"

But Torre is looking past Lorelei with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Then he asks, "Who did you say Fluffs' partner was Lorelei?"

Lorelei *puzzled* "You're looking right at him dad! Nervous Subject, the late Olive Specter's son. Why?"

Torre: "Well, if we were looking for unique genetics, we should have been looking in his direction! Just look at the daughter those two have!"

I'm as curious as Lorelei by now, so we focus on their daughter, Olivia Subject.

And boy was Torre right!

This little girl does not have her mother's café au lait skin tone, or her father's light one.

She's very unique with, maybe her grandmother's skin tone?

Or could the rumors possibly be true that Grim is her grandfather!?!

Let's take a closer look!

Wow, the skin tone is definitely not either one of her parents or her hair color, white with black tips!

I can't resist and pop her into stylist for a brighter view.

Well, no matter who her grandfather is, she's a cutie!

With that dark skin, black and white hair and her mother's turquoise IF eyes!

Wow, Torre was right! Some very unique family genetics.

I just have to dress her up in style, in outfits matching her eye color.

Her pajama outfit in white that contrasts so beautifully with her skin tone, and turquoise polka dots bringing out the color of her eyes.

And her outerwear all in turquoise that makes her eyes pop with their matching color.

This is one toddler I wish we were taking with us!

It's just our luck that she must stay here in MH with her own family.

Speaking of toddlers staying here in MH, we have some nooboos that are ready to age up.

Three of them in fact, as Kimberly and Antony's triplets are celebrating their first birthday!

So more parties on the way, well, at least cake.

Join me in Chapter 155: Toddler Triplets
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Re: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story
« Reply #170 on: September 02, 2019, 07:16:31 AM »
Chapter 155: Toddler Triplets and Heirship Confessions

Samuel proudly holds Anastasia as Kimberly and Antony cheer for their oldest daughter's first birthday.

And when the sparkles disappear we see another very unique toddler.

But she's the opposite of little Olivia Subject, having her father's very fair skin and all white hair, but her mother's dark eyes.

How I wish ghosts could safely travel.

And stylist gives us a close-up that's so adorable, I couldn't resist adding it for all to see.

Here she is in her outerwear, a beautiful blue and white outfit, being super cute for the camera!

It's almost like she's looking up at me and saying, "What's that Watcher? I'm adorable? Oh yeah, no doubt about that!"

Lorelei excitedly brings Seth to his cake amidst Kimberly and Samuel's cheers, while Antony gives us a ghostly smile.

I can see why Kimberly's so excited! She's expecting again! So she needs the triplets to move on to the toddler stage.

Toddler number two, coming right up!

And with the sparkles disappearing, we have a toddler Seth.

Samuel looks so proud of his grandson and Antony claps in delight at his son.

With his ghostliness he hasn't changed much, just his size along with some white hair.

But is his hair really white?

Stylist gives us a very different picture of this little guy.

Who looks just like Kimberly with dark hair and brows and light skin tone.

And Lorelei does the honors with Jennica as well.

With Kimberly just as excited to see this little one become a toddler as she was with the first two.

But little Jennica is not quite as happy to grow up as her siblings.

Or maybe she was just frightened by the sparkles and the loud cheering?

But what will stylist reveal for our little ghost girl?

Another one who looks just like her mother with dark hair and light peachy skin!

And with Kimberly expecting another baby, or two, maybe three, we get them to skilling right away.

Well, after Lorelei consoles her youngest grandchild and lets her know she's safe, and sound, and very much loved.

Then they share the love with the other two so no one feels left out.

Seth getting cuddles from Gramlei and Ana getting her first tickles from Grampa Samuel.

The girls get popped into the playpen to learn how to talk.

And spend some time playing together for some socializing.

While Seth enjoys the toys on his walker, not yet realizing he can have some mobile fun with it.

Lorelei says her goodbyes as she needs to head off to work, so Samuel says his goodbyes as well.

Leaving the Salas family happy and content.

Antony eating birthday cake on the couch and watching TV, the ultimate in relaxation for a couch potato.

The triplets happily occupied in the walker and playpen, so Kimberly can relax and destress by painting.

Until their next child or children are born!

While Lorelei headed over to the restaurant, Samuel took a page out of Lucy's book and went to the toy shop.

He sees Leighton and Christa but he's a Grampa on a mission!

Buying gifts for his three grandchildren, a drum, a jack-in-the-box and a teddy bear, something for each one of them.

There will be no playing favorites for Samuel's grandchildren.

He's saddened by the thought that they'll be leaving these three behind, but happy to have these last few days to get to know them and love them.

As well as the child or children Kimberly is currently expecting.

Now that was a surprise! More nooboos so soon.

Not that he's complaining, he popped that wish for five grandchildren just like Lorelei!

But neither of them expected they'd come from Kimberly again with her hands full with the triplets.

Samuel decides focusing on enjoying the time they still have with family is much better than dwelling on goodbyes.

When Samuel gets home he finds his sons looking pretty serious, so he gives them some privacy, and heads to the side porch to paint.

With all of his mixed feelings about continuing the journey, he expresses them best through his art.

And he was right, Lucas does look rather serious as Marshall shares information from his phone.

Marshall: "Oh, it's Tito Torre asking me if something's wrong with your phone. He's been trying to set up those athletic sessions but can't seem to reach you. What's up bro, having second thoughts?"

Lucas *groaning* "I'm still sore from dad's training! And dad said that would be nothing compared to Tito's! Tell him I'm real busy with my final days in school, but I'll try to visit soon."

Marshall: "Well, since that's not a lie, you being busy, I'll do that. But you can't avoid him forever Lucas, you need to bite the bullet and get it over with!"

Lucas, sore and in a bad mood, responds with, "I think you need to take your own advice Marshall! You've been avoiding Cinda, and mom and dad for days now!"

Marshall realizes Lucas is right. Again!

So he takes his own advice and calls Cinda over from the computer, where she was signing up for another after school class.

Cinda's really shown her strengths in high school, not only being a straight 'A' student, but holding down a part-time job at the Day Spa, plus participating in not one, but two clubs.

This time she signs up for Drama Club. She'll only get to go a couple of times, before she graduates but she's sure the experience will be beneficial.

Marshall starts with, "I have to say Lucinda, you've really shown just how determined you are to be Good now.  And so focused,  with your excellent grades, working hard at your job and participating in after school activities. Really proving yourself to be an excellent candidate for heir."

Cinda *puzzled* "Candidate!?! I thought you said it was all up to me?"

Marshall *taking a deep breathe* "About that, you see Dahlia's expressed an interest in continuing the journey with us. First if I took over heirship…"

Cinda bursts out, "You?! I thought you stepped down to stay here with Dahlia and help her with guardianship?"

Marshall, nodding, "That was the plan. But with us staying in town through your and Lucas' teen years, Gayle and Nathanael both aged up to YA. And Dahlia knows I've always wanted to continue the journey, either as an heir or spare. Her condition on continuing the journey was only if we went as the heirship couple. But…"

Cinda *interrupting him loudly* "What do mom and dad think about this change of plans?! I can't believe you're springing this on me now Marshall! After all my hard work, and.."

Marshall breaks in with an apology, using her nickname to show his sincerity, "I'm sorry Cinda. It was quite the shock to me too. I haven't even talked to mom and day yet! But you need to let me finish, things have changed a bit again…"

But Cinda sticks to her guns and says, "Then I think they both should hear all of this! You can get it all out in the open with one explanation, since you've not been up front with any of us! You've really given in to your Neurotic trait Marshall, I'm really disappointed, I thought we were closer than that!"

Marshall says dejectedly, "Not any more disappointed than I am with myself little sister. But I'm still smart enough to know a good idea when I hear one! Let's get mom and dad and we can all discuss it. But I don't want you feeling so defensive and hurt, I've had your best interests in mind as well, and I think you'll all be satisfied with the end result."

Cinda frowns and says, "I'm not so sure about that, but I'll give you the chance to say your piece!"

Once the four of them are settled in the living room, Marshall starts with, "It all began right after Dahlia moved in when the Watcher was so thrilled with her traits and skills, and asked Dahlia if she was sure about staying here in MH. Dahlia brought up the idea of being willing to go but only if I was reconsidered for heir! Then Dahlia talked with me and Lita Lucy. Then Lita had a long discussion with me. The bottom line being I needed to search my heart and follow my dreams."

Cinda's so restless and unsettled she can't sit quietly on the couch any longer.

Samuel's not sure what her intentions are so he stands to console his youngest daughter.

But Cinda doesn't need consoling, as she says, "But what of my dreams!?!  I've been working really hard to be worthy of heirship, even if I was only getting it by default. Marshall should have let us know before this! Don't you agree daddy?"

Samuel nods and says, "Those are valid points Lucinda. But have you given any thought to what Marshall just said sweetheart? Lita Lucy told him to search his own heart. That doesn't happen overnight. It sounds like Marshall and Dahlia have been trying to do just that."

Lorelei breaks in with, "Marshall, you said this was Dahlia's idea, but did she have any basis for thinking you wanted to continue the journey?"

Cinda doesn't wait for Marshall's answer, but speaks up herself, saying, "She did! Marshall couldn't even say goodbye to Lita and Tito when they were moving across town! He'd always expected to be part of the family continuing the journey, he told me that himself. He was heartbroken to be staying here, but he was doing it for Kimberly and Dahlia! And now she's decided she can leave with our extended time here and her siblings grown up. I'm standing in Marshall's way for something he's always wanted!" *then her voice trembling* "Something I just realized means more to me than I thought, now that it's being taken away."

Lucinda nervously plays with her fairy magic to hide her devastation, but with the opening, it gives Marshall a chance to continue with his decision.

Marshall, "I'm especially glad to hear that little sister! That you want heirship. That it's become a privilege you're more than willing to accept, not a burden, taking it on because no one else would. Because that was a crucial factor in my own decision. A decision about something Dahlia brought to my attention with tears after hearing the news from the Watcher."

Lorelei *thoughtfully* "What heirship news would make Dahlia cry?"

Samuel looks at his son with heartfelt understanding as he replies, "That the heir couple is required not only to continue the journey to the next town, but to the one after that, with their own child as the new heir, leaving other children and grandchildren behind." *continuing with deep sorrow in his voice* "Something we're already having to do in this town. Something that hurts more than you ever thought possible. Leaving Kimberly and her children behind!"

Marshall nods his head and says, "Exactly dad, you've hit on the crux of the matter. As brave as Dahlia and I both are, we can't conceive of doing that. But Cinda, she's so much stronger. Maybe it's her mean- streak or just an innate inner strength, like a lot of our maternal forebears have. Whatever it is, Cinda's got it and she will make a great heir!"

With the weight of heirship no longer stressing him out, Marshall's talk then turns to the upcoming wedding.

Marshall *enthusiastically* "And Dahlia's set a date for the wedding. Before we leave town so her family can attend!"

Lorelei exclaims, "But that only gives us a few days to prepare!"

Marshall smiles, "Not much to prepare Mom, we'll have a private wedding if you'd prefer. I just want to marry her!"

Lorelei says, "No way! Kimberly and Antony did that and I for one plan on making this one a big deal! I'm off for the next four days, and since you both love green, the wedding area will be easy to decorate."

But Cinda isn't participating in the discussion. Hearing Marshall's final decision her legs felt so weak she had to sit down.

Heirship is hers!

But, as Marshall pointed out, with all it's privileges, come very hard decisions.

Decisions he's sure she's strong enough to deal with. If only she was as confident of that!

Samuel watches his youngest daughter with concern as Marshall and Lorelei finally realize Lucinda's silent as a stone.

Marshall says, "Don't worry little sister, now you won't be the only fairy in the next town. Big brother will have your back and hopefully a little fairy boy and girl of my own to play with yours!"

And with Marshall's words, Cinda's heart lightens, she won't be the only fairy!

And Lorelei lifts her daughter's spirits even more when she adds, "And about getting heirship by default. As soon as you aged to toddler and had my hair, I felt the stirrings of you being our heirship child. But I wasn't placing that burden on you from that young age. I wanted all four of you to have an equal chance at it, without my interference."

Lucinda finally speaks though her voice is barely above a whisper, "So heirship has been my destiny all along."

And it was.

Everyone knows the Watcher can't resist Dashing Desmond's turquoise hair!

Kimberly and Antony have their hands full with the cutest toddler triplets ever, but have another child on the way!

Marshall searched his heart and agreed with Dahlia that heirship just wasn't something they were strong enough to handle as they could never bear saying goodbye to their child and grandchildren.

And proving her strength of character in her final teen days has Lucinda being named the 8th gen heir!

With Lorelei's blessing and admission of this very outcome, along with the Watcher being unable to resist that oh so special turquoise hair!

So let's see what other surprises our final days will bring in MH.

Join me for Chapter 156: Family Time
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Re: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story
« Reply #171 on: September 08, 2019, 01:53:36 PM »
Chapter 156: Family Time

With the heirship decision settled, Lorelei and Samuel pull each other close in relief and discuss the less stressful subject of grandchildren.

Not the sadness of leaving some behind, but the happiness as they look forward to Kimberly and Antony's next child.

And they rejoice that even having to leave a daughter behind not only did they get the chance to see her happily married but with a house full of children.

They know that Marshall's decision to continue the journey will probably sadden her, but with Kimberly's life so full now, they know she won't begrudge her twin's happiness.

Well, not too much anyway! Her evilness does tend to make her relish the thought of others misery.

But then Samuel asks, "Sweetheart, one of the things we didn't talk about tonight was our next town. With heirship decided, that's getting closer and closer."

Lorelei gives it some thought and says, "I'm glad you waited until we were alone to bring that up darling. I think Lucinda had more than enough on her mind with being officially named heir! She's only got two days of school left before her birthday, so let's table that question until she's had time for heirship to sink in. Besides she won't be able to ask Rory to move in and join us on our journey until she's a young adult. Then as the heir couple, they can discuss the next town. Like you and I did."

Samuel sighs with relief and says, "You always were the brave, practical one! I will be thankful when they take over and I don't have to wrestle with all these tough decisions anymore. Just read and paint to my heart's content as the former heir couple spouse, and be a Grampa!"

Lorelei gives him a knowing look and says, "You brought a lot of those tough decisions on yourself, questioning the family ghosts and the Watcher!"

Samuel rolls his eyes and says, "And confessing to your father how I threatened poor Roderick Synapse with the family. That was truly an excruciating experience, being taught martial arts by an expert!"

Lorelei's attention was caught by the mention of the evil old scientist and she can't help but question, "Poor?! He was a menace to the town! Praying on defenseless young women to control them!"

Samuel interrupts her softly with, "He's gone Lorelei. I got the news earlier today. Jennifer Doe told me he passed in his sleep. His spirit was broken by his years of confinement and he just lost the will to live. As bad as he was, I can't help but think of what a wasted life he led, no wife or family, just a cat that bears his name."

Lorelei's anger dissipates and she hugs him consolingly, "Even if it's not fond memories, you'll always remember him Samuel. Maybe you can write an article about him, praise his scientific work, but caution others of the dangers of leading such a life, one ending in misery and loneliness."

Samuel nods and squeezes her tighter, "That's a great idea, admire his work, not the man or his methods. It would make a great article! A tribute of sorts, one that might alleviate my guilt for threatening him. You know me so well, my dear."

With Samuel at work, the rest of the adults in the family works on skills.

Marshall finally taking some time to work on his athletic skill for a celebrity op.

He looks so bored, I have to laugh.

And it doesn't surprise me that he quits as soon as his four hours is up.

Dahlia working first on Charisma to increase her experience for her lifeguard career.

She really gets into it, gesturing with her arms and hands, staying totally focused until she earns her next point.

Then on her athletic skill, having a lot more fun than Marshall!

The Ambitious trait seems to really help keep her focused on her goals too.

Lorelei makes crepes for a culinary opportunity, flipping them through the air with such ease it makes me jealous.

And she's clearly having a blast sporting that lovely smile.

When the twins get up for breakfast, Lucas, not being part of his parents earlier conversation, says, "So Ms. Heir what town are we going to next?!"

Cinda almost chokes on her waffles and says, "I just became heir do I have to decide that already?"

Then bursts into tears!

Lucas hurries to assure her it's not a decision she needs to make now and gives her a brotherly hug.

His twin is not usually so emotional, so he knows he's hit a nerve.

But their sibling affection doesn't last long!

Lucas accuses her of being mean for no reason Cinda can think of, so the negative vibe between them is readily apparent to all.

Well, to me, anyway, as I'm the only one witnessing it.

But Cinda being who and what she is, quickly turns the tables on Lucas and throws a tummy twister trick on him!

Lucas gasps as his stomach rumbles, then he belches forth green, stinky breathe.

Cinda laughs with glee, and says, "Be careful who you accuse of being mean brother dear. It's not wise to get on the wrong side of a spiteful fairy!"

Once Lucas recovers, he starts shouting and yelling at her so loud, the whole town probably heard him.

Cinda throws her hands up in alarm, and says, "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I know it's not fair to use fairy tricks when you can't use them back."

Lucas grudgingly accepts her apology and they head off to school.

Thank goodness as I've no idea what's gotten into the two of them.

Until I notice that not just one but both of them are having a mood swing!

No wonder there's been such teen drama in the house this morning.

With the teens off to school, and the noise level back to normal, Marshall fixes the rec room TV.

He's gained enough handiness skill that it's pretty safe to let him fix the wall mounted speakers and other electrical appliances around the house.

Once he's repaired the blasted thing, he pops a wish to upgrade it to unbreakable.

I agree that that's an excellent idea, so he starts on that right away.

I think he finds working on his handiness skill much more enjoyable than athletic.

I didn't even think to have him a do a fairy repair on the TV.

I'm not sure the option was even there. I'll have to check on that next time we have something broken.

But does repairing appliances with fairy repair actually fulfill the repair wish?

Something else for the Watcher to check on while we wait for Lucas and Cinda to age up.

After completing an op at the Business office, our intrepid lifeguard heads back to the beach for her next shift.

There are plenty of sims braving the cold water but they are all using caution and staying close to shore.

But I notice of pair of unmistakable pink wings.

I can't resist checking out Garreth Frio, Ian and Miriam's oldest son, now a teen.

He really is a nice blend of both of them, sporting Ian's hair color and wings along with Miriam's smaller frame.

I'm not sure about his facial features though he was the spitting image of his father when he was a toddler.

When I look around the beach, I find Ian, and both his other sons there as well.

Little Randy to the left with Miriam's blonde hair, and Ryan running away from us on the right.

Then I spot Miriam in the water!

This is certainly the day for seeing family.

But with both Ian and Miriam and their three sons here at the beach, I wonder where Mandi is?

I don't have to wonder for long though as I find her outside Lorelei's restaurant.

She's focused on doing her homework so I don't disturb her.

But finding Mandi wasn't my main purpose for being here.

There she is! Lorelei Frio, Five-Star Chef everyone!

She completed her wish to reach level 10 of the culinary career, on week 8, day 1 of our time here in MH.

Dee: "Congratulations Lorelei, fantastic job! It's not every couch potato who can say they maxed a career!"

But Lorelei seems lost in thought, focused on some inner surge of pride at accomplishing such a feat.

But Cinda's definitely not lost in sober thought, she's chatting and telling jokes to a very grown up Rory!

And he seems just as taken with her as he was as a teen.

Well, within the parameters of teen/YA relationships any way.

Then Cinda realizes there is one romantic interaction that is available.

Taking a romantic photo together!

So she quickly steps to Rory's side, drapes her arm around his neck, having to stretch a bit as he's now so much taller, and pouts her lips in his direction and her cell camera does the rest.

But Samuel's just gotten home and witnesses the whole thing.

Cinda, seeing her father, steps away from Rory quickly, but Rory questions her abrupt movement out of his arms.

He frowns and says, "What's the matter? Afraid your parents are going to catch us out here in the dark?!"

Seeing Cinda's eyes fly open wide at his remark, he whispers, "Your dad's behind me isn't he?"

All Cinda can do is scrunch up her face in embarrassment and nod.

Samuel, seeing and hearing this exchange, and the romantic photo, is not amused.

But after inviting Rory into the house for a man-to-man talk, and learning Rory is an artist, he's pretty excited at having another one in the family.

Especially after living with his own father-in-law who can't stand art!

Samuel relents and let's Rory spend some time with Lucinda.

In the house. Helping her with homework.

Rory endures the whole experience pretty well, only saying, "Your dad's pretty tough for an artist."

Cinda, finishing up her homework, carelessly replies, "He learned martial arts from lessons with my Tito. If he can survive that, he's tough enough to survive anything! He'd probably give you some lessons if you want."

Rory, his face going even paler than normal, wonders what other surprises the Frio family has in store for him.

This chapter was full of family.

Family that's keeping busy and patiently wait for Lucas and Cinda's young adult birthday.

Well, maybe not everyone's so patient, not me, or Rory!

And we're expecting another Frio/Salas at any moment as Kimberly comes closer to delivering her child.

Or will it be children?

Find out in Chapter 157: Waiting for Baby
Coming soon.

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Chapter 157: Waiting for Baby
« Reply #172 on: September 11, 2019, 12:44:58 AM »
***Author's note: With MrsFlynn's diligent assistance, I am now using an imaging mod that will put less stress on the Forum with my photo heavy story chapters.***

Please click on thumbnail images to see larger photos.

I kept getting a message that Cornell Evans was stuck so I went and checked it out.

He was holding his infant daughter Nella and was stuck on the front porch.

When I reset him, he disappeared, so apparently he doesn't live with Cora and Nella.

I'll have to see about getting that fixed next time I'm in game.

But once Cornell was out of the picture, Cora came outside to cuddle her little daughter.

And then Nella Flynn Evans became a toddler! Finally an Evans child!

It took a little Watcher intervention, but it worked.

But soon after little Nella aged up, we heard the news that Cora's expecting again!

So that makes me feel much better about pairing those two up.

Speaking of pairing up, Marshall and Dahlia are acting like lovebirds again.

With heirship settled, they're concentrating on skills, LTW's and of course, each other!

They share an early morning hug and hope for clear skies so they can have an outdoor wedding.

But before that Marshall gets in a little more work out time.

Dee: "Marshall if it's that awful, why are you working out?"

Marshall, panting with exertion, manages to mumble, "Want to…look good…for the wedding."

Dee *laughing* "Well, that pained expression won't be great for photos. Smile a bit!"

Marshall doesn't respond as it's all he can do to breathe.

Unfortunately, the rain just gets worse, pouring down in sheets so heavy, you can barely see.

But Dahlia insists on covering her shift at the beach, even though no one is venturing out in such weather.

It's still raining later that day when Lorelei sees a young woman outside, who asks for Lucas.

Lorelei tells her Lucas is still at work and then does a double take when she realizes the young woman is Tia!

Lorelei:  "My goodness, I almost didn't recognize you Tia, until I thought about the hair. You had your birthday! Congratulations! I'll have Lucas call you as soon as he gets home. I'm sorry I'm being so short, but Samuel's waiting for me in the car. We're on our way over to Kimberly's. She had the baby and I can't wait to meet the new little one!"

Tia, smiling and holding her umbrella higher, says, "Another baby! That's so nice Mrs. Frio, share my umbrella and we'll run to your car."

And our newest Frios have arrived!

Introducing the Salas' twins, ghostly Jayson and his human sister, Leah!

Lorelei plays with her newest granddaughter, who Loves the Outdoors and is Friendly like her mother.

And she has Kimberly's peachy skin tone too.

Will she have her coloring as well? I'm hoping we can stay in town long enough to find out!

And Jayson, all cuddled in his Grampa's arms, is a Disciplined, Loner.

Ouch. That's going to be tough with four siblings!

But Crewe and others endured it with big families, so I'm sure he will too.

With the newborns in their cribs, Kimberly puts Jennica in the playpen for some skilling and play time.

While Lorelei helps Ana with her first music lesson, but it's rather short as Ana's quite sleepy.

And as soon as Ana hits the crib, she's off to dream land.

Followed by Seth.

And then the twins, Leah and Jayson.

While Lorelei gets in one last snuggle with Jennica, she takes a moment to chat with Kimberly.

About art of course. It's the only thing keeping Kimberly sane with triplet toddlers and newborn twins!

Kimberly enthuses about her latest paintings, but wonders how much free time she'll have with five children now.

But as Lorelei settles little Jennica in her crib, the last one of the five, she feels like she's done her Gramlei part well.

A grand feat has been accomplished.

All five of her grandchildren have been changed, fed, played with and snuggled and are fast asleep!

When Lorelei gets home that evening, she's surprised by Founder Jared asking for her autograph.

She says, "Why would you want my autograph? You've been a celebrity longer than I have!"

Jared laughs and says, "Because I'm starting a family collection of autographs of Five-Star Chefs, so far it's you and me!"

Lorelei laughs too, and says, "That will be a very small collection."

Jared counters with, "Yes, but the truly magnificent are made up of only a select few! I'm proud of you Lorelei, not every one has the stamina to reach level 10 of a career. Yet the both of us did it with two sets of twins!"

Lorelei looks at him and says, "And lots of help!"

Then they both chat about new recipes they've learned and enjoy the camaraderie of old friends.

But not everyone's conversation is a laughing matter.

Cinda's asked her dad a serious question.

She'd asked her mother first, but was told it was her dad's story to tell.

And Samuel answers as honestly as he can, saying, "How did I handle choosing the next town? Well, it was a job offer for me. The paper I worked for in Appaloosa Plains had heard about a family of active yellow ghosts. Ghosts who had children! And they were offering a position on the paper here in MH for anyone willing to take it."

Cinda responds with, "The Salas family! So you really didn't just have to choose out of thin air?"

Samuel shakes his head and says, "No, thank goodness. When the opportunity came up I asked your mother if the family had picked a town yet, and told her of the paper's offer. Your mother, brave soul that she is, was intrigued with the idea and wanted me to have the opportunity at the story of a life time!"

Cinda, relief in her voice, "So I don't have to decide on my own! I can talk it over with the rest of the family and see if anyone has any ideas. That's really a load off my mind dad. I was really worried about choosing by myself. What if I made the wrong choice?"

Samuel smiles and says, "There's no wrong choice Lucinda. But if nothing strikes you or anyone else as the perfect place to move to, just ask the Watcher. She has a list of available towns and will help you out. But once you and Lucas have your birthdays and choose LTW's, and Rory and Tia move in and tell us their life focus, there may be a town on the list that fits better than the others."

Cinda nodding, says, "That's even better, dad. Waiting until Lucas and I are young adults, and the whole family that's moving is in the house and then getting everyone's input. Make it a family decision."

Samuel smiles and reminds his daughter, "That's a very important part of our journey Lucinda, doing what's best for the family. Trying to make every heirship decision all on your own would definitely make it a burden. Follow your mother's example, and get advice from everyone, including the family ghosts and the Watcher, then it's easier to make a decision. But most importantly of all, take the advice that your Lita Lucy gave Marshall and follow your heart."

Cinda follows her father's advice and completes a wish when she practices with the training dummy.

So was so focused she earned a new belt!

Then immediately used her new skill to try out the board breaker.

Dahlia relaxes nearby in a rocker, saying, "You go girl! I was very much mistaken about your mean-spirited trait being a drawback, especially for martial arts. Between that and your disciplined trait, you're going to be a pretty unstoppable force Cinda. A force that's definitely up to the task of heirship. And Marshall and I will be there supporting you in every way we can."

Cinda's too focused to respond, but Dahlia's words touch her so much that she pops a wish to be friends with her!

Let's hope she concentrates on friendship and not playing fairy tricks, like she did with Lucas!

Speaking of Lucas, he's trying his hand at preparing a meal.

He's earned three cooking skill points now and figures it's time he actually worked with food!

Dahlia spends some time with her brother Nathanael before she leaves town.

Of course, her wedding is the biggest thing on her mind right now, and she wants to make sure her whole family attends.

Nathanael: "We wouldn't miss it Dahlia, mom and dad are really excited about it, even Gayle's promised to come."

Dahlia smile grows bigger as she says, "That's wonderful. I want to spend as much time as I can with all of you before we move. Now if only this rain would stop!"

Nathanael agrees as he says, "Yeah, dad's been complaining about it a lot too. He's not feeling so good lately and he's blaming it all on the rain."

Dahlia, concerned, asks, "But he's okay right?"

Nathanael, nervously, "I wasn't supposed to worry you before the wedding. I promised mom!"

Dahlia knows her little brother never was one for keeping a secret, and suddenly realizes that it was probably through Nathanael that Marshall found out about her guardianship.

But that's all in the past with Gayle and Nathanael all grown up now.

So to put her brother at ease she distracts him by saying, "I never even asked about your new job! You look so handsome in your uniform! How's it going?"

And as Nathanael lights up and starts telling her all about it, Dahlia's the only one left worrying about her father.

I find Samuel soaking up sunlight under the covered entry to the sunporch.

The rain has finally stopped and he's out here reading, of course. If Samuel's not painting lately, he's reading.

That bookworm trait he gained when he earned a social trait has really come to the fore since he's become a Star News Anchor.

Dee: "What book are you reading today Samuel?"

Samuel *not looking up* "Oh, I'm following Lorelei's suggestion and reading up on Roderick Synapse, about the man and his scientific discoveries. The man really was a genius, his work is incredible. If only he would have used it for good."

Dee: "Not everyone can avoid evil tendencies Samuel, it happens to the best of sims. Just the luck of their birth. But in a loving family they've got the chance to overcome it. For others, they give in to it all too readily."

Samuel: "That's pretty much what I'm finding out. He had a poor childhood and no real outlet for his genius, until he turned to evil, and stealing. But I've read enough to know what I need to say in my article, so now it's time to get it written up."

And Samuel writes the best article he can about a man who was feared and died, unloved, and largely unknown.

No family or friends, except a lone young woman who stayed with him from her teen years, keeping him company and helping him with his experiments when she was young.

Then keeping him behind bars, in the cell he himself created, for the whole town's safety.

A man who was a genius, who contributed greatly to the study of electricity, but allowed his evil to cloud his judgement so that his only legacy was a cat named Zoe.

And when Samuel's finished writing his article, Lucas shocks him with a question.

Lucas, "Do you think one little baby would bother me dad? I mean I dislike children, but maybe I could get through one, right? Just like I hate the outdoors but I endure it when I have to."

Samuel, not able to keep the smile off his face, "Uh, mind if I ask what brought this up?"

Lucas blushes a bit and says, "Well, you see Tia's had her birthday. And dad, I didn't think it was possible, but she's even more beautiful than when she was in high school. And I was thinking, that well, I'm not heir, but our journey IS about adding unique genetics to the family line. And Tia's not just unique, she adds gorgeous to it! So maybe, maybe, I could handle one little baby? If we're lucky, a little girl that looks just like her!"

Samuel, his smile growing, says, "Well, it's really not up to me Lucas. It's up to you and Tia, but I think you could handle it and I know your mother and I would love more grandchildren!"

Lorelei, standing nearby, can't resist adding, "Look on the bright side Lucas, if there's one thing we know babies do, it's grow up! So you'll like them eventually."

Lucas smiles now and says, "Thanks mom! I never thought of that! Maybe a girl and a boy would be okay!"

Well, we didn't have to wait long for the Salas' twins' birthday as they showed up right on time.

So now Kimberly and Antony have five children! Triplet toddlers: Anastasia, Seth, and Jennica
and newborn twins, Jayson and Leah. Three girls and two boys, with three of them being ghostly!

Cinda's busy learning martial arts, focusing on her disciplined trait.

Samuel's appeased his conscience by writing an article about Roderick Synapse, who met grim recently.

And Lucas has surprised us all by considering having children!

But with the rain finally stopping, a momentous event is upon us, Marshall and Dahlia's wedding!

Everyone is invited to share in this joyous occasion.

Join me in Chapter 158: Wedding of the Year
Coming soon.

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Chapter 158: Wedding of the Year
« Reply #173 on: September 13, 2019, 01:13:14 PM »

With the rain stopped and the twins home from after school activities, and jobs, it's time for Marshall and Dahlia's wedding.

The chairs, cake table, and carpets have all been recolored to the couples favorite green.

All it needs now is a bride and groom and their family and friends to witness their vows.

Our bride waits on the sunporch with a nervous smile, she was hoping her mother and sister would arrive early, but hasn't heard from them.

Her heart feels a bit heavy and she's not sure why, probably just bridal nerves she tells herself.

But when Marshall arrives, looking so handsome, she only has eyes for him.

Marshall tells her the guests are arriving, and glances at his Uncle Dean as he adds, "on the front lawn where the wedding ceremony will take place."

Dean shoots him a disgusted look, but Marshall ignores him and takes his bride by the hand and lovingly leads her to the wedding arch.

The guests start assembling as the bride and groom smile at each other, watching their family and friends gather in their honor.

Tito Torre is his usual solemn self, with Everleigh shining as the Diva she is.

Samuel,  hands clasped to his chest as the proud father of the groom.

Lorelei,  bestowing a loving smiling on her son and his bride.

Gayle Ziggfield overwhelmed with tears, and Todd Landgraab with a smile for a new friend.

Rory in the back row, who takes weddings to heart, sharing a look with young Cinda.

Lucas looking as solemn as his Tito, with Nathanael Ziggfield clasping his hands in joy.

Antony shedding tears of happiness for his brother-in-law, with Fluffs feeling proud to be part of this family.

Dean and Christa Cole showing their happiness for the new couple as well.

Dahlia slides the ring on Marshall's finger as she says, "I, Dahlia, take thee, Marshall, to have and to hold from this day forward, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, forsaking all others, I pledge my troth to thee, 'til death do we part."

Marshall does the same, slipping on her ring as he repeats his vows, "I, Marshall, take thee, Dahlia, to have and to hold, from this day forward, in sickness and in health, for richer and poorer, forsaking all others, I pledge my troth to thee, 'til death do we part."

Marshall kisses his bride and it's official!

Introducing Marshall and Dahlia Frio!

Without any prompting, Marshall heads for the wedding cake, as we know it's not really official until there's cake!

He cuts into the cake with relish, but his bride is distracted by something across the lawn.

Her mother sobbing!

And not with tears of joy but ones of sorrow, as Dahlia realizes her father is not here.

Not just unable to attend, but gone. Gone with Grim, on to another life.

Nathanael shared the news with Lucas, who passed it on to his father and sister.

They stand by Alia Ziggfield, ready to step in, to uphold her in her grief.

Gayle's earlier sobs more easily understood now.

But Grim's work is not finished this night and a paparazzi woman starts glowing and fading away right before their eyes!

The family and guests draw closer barely giving Grim enough room to do his duty.

The wedding festivities forgotten in view of this tragic event.

Marshall doesn't want to expose Dahlia to any more grief, so he brings her inside and takes her in his arms.

Marshall, "I'm so sorry sweetheart. And on our special day."

But to his surprise Dahlia smiles, a gentle, loving smile, and says, "It's still special Marshall, we're married and now daddy will look over me always. But my mother's grief was hard to see. She doesn't have the same affinity for ghosts and spirits that I do. It's a harder loss for her to bear. And I have you, and your whole family. I saw how they stood by my mother, Marshall. They don't really know her but they gave her what love and support they could."

Marshall looks into Dahlia's eyes and knows his wife was mistaken in thinking she didn't have the strength for heirship.

He whispers, "You do have me Dahlia, from this day forward…"

Dahlia stops him, placing a finger over his lips, "Don't say it Marshall, I may be brave and insane but I don't want to tempt fate."

Then a family ghost shows his approval for this wedding.

Adam materializes to give his blessing to the newly married couple.

Only to realize he's in the presence of an active ghost, one who's joined the family no less!

Even with Grim's arrival, Marshall and Dahlia's wedding ends on a beautiful note.

A final wedding dance with Lorelei and Samuel and Kimberly and Antony joining in.

The next day, Rory surprises Cinda with an early morning visit.

Rory, excitedly, "I know your birthday party isn't 'til tonight Cinda, but I wanted to be the first one to wish you a happy birthday! Today's your big day, and after that we can be together again!"

Cinda's heart flutters with Rory's words.

Since he's become a young adult, he's been totally committed to their relationship and to her.

And when she looks into his eyes, she could just drown in them forever.

Well, until the bus horn blasts letting her know it's time for school.

The last day of high school!

Cinda and Lucas chat excitedly about their last day, last clubs, last work shifts.

Then their young adult birthday party!

Both of them are anxious to be with the Hyde siblings on equal footing again.

With the twins attending their last day of high school, Lorelei calls the movers to start packing up the house.

Since the third floor contains rec room items and skilling objects, she has them pack those non-essentials up first.

With the floor empty, except for Samuel's easels that held two of his completed paintings, Lorelei packs those herself, so they're not damaged in any way.

Then, on a whim, she tires her hand at her first painting.

She gains three skill points from her toddlerhood skilling and smiles at just how relaxing painting is.

And it's something she can share with her husband, a nice hobby for their later years.

After work, Samuel checks out Antony's performance in front of the local gym.

Antony's been working very hard in his profession and has reached the mid level of his career.

Samuel gets to see him produce a bouquet of flowers out of thin air!

Then a fan asks him for his autograph.

When his attention is back on Antony, he realizes his observation has made Antony a bit nervous.

As he sets himself on fire!

Samuel smiles and tells Antony to keep practicing because it really is something special to see a ghost magician.

Then I find Dahlia at the beach.

She'd been planning on working her scheduled shift but she's been given time off after her wedding.

So she takes advantage of it by relaxing on a towel with a book.

And then trying her hand at windsurfing.

Activities she doesn't get to enjoy when she's on duty.

But her choice of outfit for windsurfing makes me laugh, as she's in her outerwear!

Dee: "Wouldn't your bathing suit be more appropriate for the water?"

Dahlia, shaking her head, says, "No, the wind is freezing out here. I could get frostbite with the chill!"

Dee *puzzled* "But, you've saved sims in water in winter, in much colder temps, what's the difference?"

Dahlia, shaking her head in disbelief at my ignorance, "Because I'm the lifeguard and it's my duty to save them, no matter how cold or dangerous it is. But when I'm on my free time I have to be much more cautious because there's no lifeguard to save me!"

I can only stare as the logic of insane sims both astounds and amazes me.

But when Dahlia heads home, she's greeted by an unwelcome sight.

Another paparazzi glowing and fading as her time has come.

And the family that's home gathers with solemn faces as Grim does his duty.

They may have not been close friends with this paparazzi woman but they feel the need to acknowledge her passing just the same.

No sim should have to experience the transition alone, so they watch silently, each dealing with it in their own way.

But Dahlia, her affinity for such things coming to the fore, says, "Go in peace, and find your place, knowing we hold you in our thoughts and hearts, among those we've loved and lost here in this town. My father has recently joined your ranks, and his spirit will help guide you through the first steps of your new existence."

The new ghost nods in thanks and goes with Grim willingly, eager to meet other ghostly companions and be reunited with lost loved ones of her own.

Dahlia's heartfelt words are a comfort not only to her but to her new in-laws, as they too draw ever closer to their elder years and the final goodbye.

Marshall and Dahlia's wedding was a momentous event even if their joy was tempered with the sorrow of losing her father and her family's grief.

Grim's been quite busy lately here in MH with the passing of  Olive Specter, Morgan Yates, Roderick Synapse, David Ziggfield, and Lucien Hyde, Rory and Tia's father, along with two paparazzi women that have been residents in town since the Frio families arrival.

But hopefully, the next family event will be free of such an occurrence as Cinda and Lucas celebrate their upcoming YA birthdays!

Please join us and half the town in Chapter 159: Final Birthdays and a Full House
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 159: Final Birthdays and a Full House
« Reply #174 on: September 15, 2019, 01:11:40 PM »

Rory and Tia are part of the first wave of guests to arrive for the twins double birthday party.

They chat with their respective partners but with the expressions on the girls' faces, I can't even imagine what the guys are saying.

Well, maybe I can!

Is Lucas telling Tia that maybe he wouldn't mind a child!?!

Or that having one would put him in a straight jacket!?!

As for Rory, he's not giving his thoughts away.

But hopefully that doesn't mean he doesn't have any and he's forgotten who Cinda is again!

But Cinda's too excited to wait any longer and hurries to her cake.

Family and friends start filling up the room with cheers, clapping and noise makers.

And Cinda ages up to a young adult, adding Loner to her traits!

I don't know if she's more disappointed or I am.

I know we were both hoping for a trait that would trigger some different LTW's.

Dee: "Well, at least it's something else you'll have in common with Rory. And you kept your cute hair!"

But Cinda stares straight ahead, and says, "Please tell me I'm not in an 80's leotard!"

Dee: "Um, it's in my favorite purple along with your black."

But Cinda's eyes narrow as she says, "But it's an 80's leotard!"

Dee: "We'll do a makeover soon enough. You're holding up the cake line."

Just look at this crush of birthday guests, truly the biggest birthday bash ever seen in MH!

And half the guests are still out on the front porch waiting to get through the doors.

I'm not sure what the issue is and why everyone insists on using only the front door when there are two other entrances to the house through the porches.

Dean managed to find the sunporch entry when the wedding was outside, but when it's an indoor event, everyone seems oblivious to the other doors.

Even family that's lived here can't seem to find one of the others, as I see Torre standing out there too!

But more of the crowd finds it's way in as Lucas stands by his cake.

Family and friends sharing in this final birthday of the Frio family here in MH.

Families and friends made up of Frios, Coles, Does, Hydes, and Salas members with a paparazzi or two thrown in.

And possibly friends of friends who love Frio parties!

Lucas joins in the celebration as the crowd claps and cheers.

With his Tito Torre in the forefront of the group that are blowing noise makers behind him.

Before I can get his YA picture by his cake, he's moved half-way across the room.

And I find out why as I find him stalled by the crowd trying to flee the party.

His YA outfit is….is….I am at a loss for words!

Lucas won't even look at me or the camera.

Dee: "Are those slippers?"

Lucas, outraged, "I'm wearing painted on pants, a shirt that's two sizes too small, and you're focused on my feet!?!"

Dee *puzzled* "But you're a slob, why do you care about your clothes?"

Lucas takes a deep breathe and says, "Because being a slob is one thing, but this outfit is just ridiculous." *then he glances at the crowd nervously* "And I think something's wrong with the sink and there are so many people in here I can't check it!"

With that comment, I realize that it wasn't just his twin that got a less than optimum trait, as Lucas is now Neurotic!

But then Lucas spots Tia and he's gone like a shot, leaving me looking at some familiar Frio faces.

Miriam, Ryan, and Randy, Ian's wife, and two of his sons, the non-fairy ones!

Looks like they're trying to get across the room for some cake.

Good luck in this crowd!

Then I spot Lorelei giving me the nod for a photo of Cinda and Rory.

As they meet for the first time as young adults, they smile and chat getting to know one another on an equal footing again.

And I can see Cinda's point about the 80's leotard, even if it's in our favorite colors.

But who's the young girl in front of Lorelei?

It's Olivia Subject!

And she impresses me now as much as she did as a toddler.

I hope Cinda and Rory have a child that's just as unique as this little girl.

I finally track down Lucas outside to see about those new clothes, but he's otherwise occupied.

And these two only have eyes for each other!

And Lucas doesn't wait for an opportune moment, in nice clothes, inside where he's comfortable.

Oh no! He asks Tia to move in first thing!

And she accepts without a moments hesitation.

After all, this is the man who, when he was just a boy, alleviated her fears about her parents divorcing.

The young boy who assured her any trait can be overcome with support from those that love you.

Introducing Lovely Letitia (Tia) Hyde---young adult human
LTW: Home Design Hot Shot
Career: Architecture
Traits: Loves to Swim, Loser, Eccentric, Artistic, and Heavy Sleeper
Fav's: Hip Hop, Ceviche, and Violet
Skills at move in: Gardening-4; Guitar-1; Logic-1
BF: Lucas Frio

And she's already proved Lucas' right as no one who becomes a part of the Frio clan is a Loser!

We decide that her LTW and career just aren't going to cut it for a spare.

But since she's artistic and has a point in Guitar, as well as a guitar, bass, and set of drums in her inventory, she chooses Master of the Arts as her new LTW.

And begins practicing with her guitar immediately.

But Tia's not the only one making changes, Marshall decides to use some of his Happiness points to purchase King of the Fae.

And with that reward, he changes his wings!

He keeps the dark blue color, but changes the shape to fit better with his adult stature.

And Lorelei decides that now that she's the mother of four young adults, and the grandmother of five, it's time for some changes herself.

So she styles her hair in a single pony tail with wispy strands framing her face.

And dons a cute dress for the warmer weather, one that's got a pop of orange in it, of course!

Then we get the notice that it's graduation day!

But only for Lucinda as she aged up before midnight the night before.

So all the family dresses in their best and joins her for this auspicious day.

Well, everyone except Lucas who wears yet another ridiculous outfit!

The pink sneakers are the icing on the cake, but I am not pointing out his footwear this time.

And then Lucas shocks me yet again with his thoughts.


His twin is graduating, he's not, but his thoughts turn to children?

I'm seriously wondering if he's Insane rather than Neurotic!

And after the ceremony Lucinda tosses her diploma and cheers.

She gets named Class Valedictorian and Most Likely to Never Leave the House, just like her mother!

I'm sure it's because she Hates the Outdoors and has added Loner to that!

But when all the cheering and congratulations are over with, they head in different directions.

Lucas and Tia go straight home, while Marshall and Dahlia head for the Festival park.

It's Love Day after all, and our newlyweds want to spend the day together.

Their first stop, the love tester, who confirms they are meant to be, but likens their love to a passionate night with the claw machine!

Dahlia finds this a romantic notion, but Marshall doesn’t quite see the logic in it at all.

Cinda knows it's Love Day too, and she has a special moment on her mind.

Asking her love to join her and continue her families' journey as the other half of the heir couple.

Rory asks, "You're sure Cinda, that I'm the one? I'm not perfect like you Frios, in fact my best trait is Artistic, the others are, umm,… Great, I forgot them again!" *he thinks for a moment* "Oh, one of them's Absent-Minded, Tia's constantly laughing at my forgetfulness. And another one is Loner! How's that going to work in a house full of people?"

Cinda *looking deeply into his eyes* "It works because we all love and support one another to overcome our not-so-good traits, just like Lucas told Tia when they were in grade school. So the most important thing is, do you love me Rory? Enough to leave your mom and Oliver, leave MH, travel on to a new town?   Start the next generation and support me as heir?"

Rory *returning her look to stay focused* "I might forget a lot of things Cinda, but never you! Our love has been the one thing that kept me grounded during our teen years and through my father's death. We weren't close, even though my father was an artistic genius, and he passed his artistic trait on to both me and Tia, he refused to let us paint for some reason! It was odd, and it caused a rift between us that grew wider as we grew up.  And my mother, well, your family's quite aware of all of her issues. But even through all that there was you, us. Our love kept me going, from the day we met until now, and the feeling has only grown deeper, so I know loving you is one thing I can do. The most important thing I want to do is love you, support you, and any children we're blessed with, giving them the love and support I didn't have. But… I may need help remembering their names!"

Cinda smiles at what is surely the longest speech Rory has ever made. And with love in her voice she says, "We'll find names that are easy for you to remember. Maybe from other fairy tales. If Dahlia can use flower names, I don't see any reason we can't name our children after princes or princesses!"

And with that settled, Rory packs a few of his prized possessions, leaves his childhood home and returns to the Frio home with Cinda.

Introducing Rakish Rory Hyde--young adult human
LTW: Home Design Hot Shot
Career: Political
Traits: Over-Emotional, Loner, Absent-Minded, Artistic, and Never Nude
Fav's: Digi Tunes, Goopy Carbonara, Spiceberry
Skills at move in: Athletic-2; Charisma-1; Cooking-1; Logic-2
GF: Lucinda Frio

This was his default everyday and I liked it so much I let him keep it!

It just suits him so much and his coloring really stands out.

But his LTW and career are not what he really aspires to do.

He wants to focus on his artistic ability, something he was not allowed to do when he was growing up.

So we change his LTW to Illustrious Author, which will also give him a break from the family with all that painting and writing by himself.

He doesn't have any points in either skill so he's got a lot of work ahead of him.

Rory's really excited to be able to finally put his artistic trait to use and starts off with some writing practice at a computer immediately.

And pops a wish to join the Writer career!

While Rory's busy with his writing, Cinda reminds me of her promised makeover.

She still likes her hairstyle and make-up so no dramatic changes there, just some lipstick.

But the 80's leotard needs to be what it is, a thing of the past!

And with this frown, I see she doesn't really like this outfit either.

I love it as an everyday look, but I have to agree it's not very formal.

Dee: "Introducing Lovely Lucinda….oh, it's really hard to say that with you frowning in the photo!"

Cinda: "You already used lovely for Letitia, try something with a 'C'."

Dee: "Well, Captivating Cinda works even less, and it just doesn't flow."

Cinda: 'Why does it have to be alliterative anyway?"

Dee: "It doesn't really, but I did it with your great-grandfather, Dashing Desmond. And I used Rakish Rory, but it works better with similar syllables too. And without a frown!"

Exasperated Cinda says, "Just pick one of my make-over photos, and add my bio! The front door's open and I don't like all that icky fresh air either!"

Introducing our 8th gen heir, Lucinda (Cinda) Frio---young adult fairy
LTW: International Superspy
Career: Day Spa currently
Traits: Hates the Outdoors, Disciplined, Mean-Spirited, Good, and Loner
Fav's: Hip Hop, Firecracker Tofu, Black

Dee *grudgingly* "You do clean up well, and at least you have a smile in here!" *then pointedly* "But with your attitude, I can definitely see who's going to be the 'bad' cop when you get into law enforcement!"

Cinda, perking up, "Now that's the best suggestion you've made for me yet!"

Dee: "It wasn't a suggestion…!"

But I've already lost her attention as she heads for a computer to see if there are any open jobs at the local police station.

I'll say one thing for Disciplined sims, once they get a notion in mind, nothing stops them until they've accomplished it!

The younger twins, Cinda and Lucas, have finally aged to young adults.

And they've both invited their respective partners to move in, the Hyde siblings, Rory and Tia.

Cinda's graduated and our heir has her sights set on becoming an International Superspy.

Just like her great-grandfather, Dashing Desmond, though I think it would be pretty hard to hide that turquoise hair!

But Des managed and with Cinda being Disciplined, I'm sure she'll figure out a way.

So it all comes down to Lucas.

Will his graduation announcement happen soon?

Or will the Frios pick a new town and continue their journey first?

Let's see what happens in Chapter 160: Final Graduation, Final Choices
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 160: Final Graduation, Final Choices
« Reply #175 on: September 17, 2019, 02:16:48 PM »
Cinda takes a break from her heirship duties and enjoys Tia's guitar playing.

Really overcoming her meanness with some encouraging clapping.

Downstairs Marshall and Dahlia are continuing their date with some flirty newlywed actions.

And I see Lucas in his 'formal' outfit. Not.

Slob or not, it's time for Lucas to endure his YA makeover, so I pop him into stylist.

He didn't protest as much as usual, probably because his outfits are just so bad!

We decide to comb his hair too.

And add glasses, just like the previous Frio males, he's a bit near-sighted.

He may not be planning on being a debonair spy like his twin and grandfather, but it will be easier to get a job without being laughed at.

Even if it's just in a lab as a neurotic assistant!

Introducing Lucas Frio---young adult human
LTW: Forensic Specialist: Dynamic DNA Profiler
Career: Bookstore?
Traits: Hates the Outdoors, Good, Slob, Dislikes Children and Neurotic
Fav's: Country, Shawarma, Violet (just like Tia!)

I do let him indulge in a touch of violet though it almost kills me with his auburn hair.

I totally vetoed it with Tia as with her vibrant red locks, violet was just, no.

Here's his formal, much better than whatever that was he aged up in!

And when we're finished, I think he looks much better with this as his everyday.

Though, slob that he is, he just dropped his clothes on the floor when I had him change!

His thoughts turn to his career, and he plans on joining the force as a Snitch, just like his twin.

Then Lucas does something he knows he must do before leaving town.

He goes over to his grandparents to apologize to his Tito for ditching the athletic lessons and get in a little training.

He won't need it for his career as much as Cinda, but he does look much more fit with those muscles!

Torre tells him to keep up the good work, have his dad help with his training, and stay in touch.

Knowing it's time for goodbye, Lucas hugs his grandfather and promises to call often.

Seeing those two auburn heads together in their final hug, I know both Claire and Jared, as well as Adam, will be happy that there are still Frio males continuing the original hair color.

I know I am! It's been around for 8 generations!

Though the next town may be it's last, since it's not present in the former or current heir couples.

I find Rory getting in some writing practice at the library on his way back from City Hall finishing up the paperwork required to be a Writer.

We're hoping the quiet studious environment will promote both faster learning as well as satisfy his Loner needs.

Back at the house, Cinda's talking with her mother about choices for the next town.

They discuss someplace a bit sunnier and warmer, where they won't have to use another lightening spell.

A place that will satisfy Dahlia's gardening interest and maybe have her focus on real flowers, instead of naming her children after them.

Later, Cinda brings up occults, and decides that even though they don't have witches in the family yet, she's not found a town that has them naturally occurring, besides MF.

Lorelei suggests checking on-line to see if there's a need for officers in another town.

Cinda decides that's a great idea, a job opportunity worked for her dad, so she gives it a try.

They had a few openings at several different towns on her list, so hopefully, they'll hear back soon.

And to give herself an edge over other rookies, she puts her great-grandfather, Desmond Torres Frio, at the top of her list of references, along with her Great-Aunt Janeva Frio Ichtaca.

And  she was even able to persuade her Uncle Dean Cole here in MH, to put in a good word for her.

Though Dean's input may be more hindrance than help, not his record as he's been steadily rising in the ranks on the local force, but he tends to put a lot of sims off. Way off!

So Cinda made sure to include that he was her Uncle by marriage, not a blood relative.

Which was a little mean, but a girl's got to have some fun and an outlet for her dark side sometimes!

That evening, Dahlia sees the ghost of the poor paparazzi woman that she'd said some encouraging words to.

Dahlia's shocked when the woman tells her that her tombstone is still on the Frio lot!

She thinks back to the events of that fateful night.

Grim was fascinated by the Frio's as Celebrities.

First with Dahlia, who did not return the sentiment, and couldn't hold back her repulsed frown.

Then with Lorelei, who he just had to take a photo of.

And finally with Samuel, who had to give him an autograph.

And amidst all of that, the poor paparazzi's grave was left lying on the porch!

How remiss of Grim!

Dahlia thinks about the woman's plight as she watches Tia play bass.

There's only one thing to do to make it right, finish Grim's job herself!

But the next morning everyone's hopes, especially mine, are answered when we get the announcement that it's graduation day for Lucas.

The family gets all dressed up again, though most of them just got out of their formals with Cinda's graduation being the day before, and heads for City Hall.

Rory, being a long-time Loner, takes his own direction, to get away from the crowd a bit.

The ceremony ends with Lucas being voted Class Valedictorian, but his classmates didn't bother with any other awards.

Since his twin already got Most Likely to Never Leave the House, I guess there wasn't anything else to award him.

But top of the class is just fine with Lucas, and he throws his diploma up in the air and cheers.

With the family event over, Dahlia can now focus on completing the task she's set for herself.

She'd told the woman her own father had recently passed and would help her through the transition.

But that's impossible on the Frio lot, since Grim forgot her grave.

So our Brave Dahlia decides to return the grave to it's proper place and heads for the local cemetery and Grim's abode.

She ignores the imposing building and heads straight for the mausoleum.

With that task complete, she does another, one that's nearer to her heart.

She finds her father's grave and when she sees it, she can no longer hold back her tears.

She pours all of her sorrow out in this one moment of weakness, then dries her tears, and promises her father she will tell her children all about him, that he will not be forgotten.

She tells him she would like to carry him with her so he could be with her always, but that would be selfish.

Her mother and siblings need him here with them.

Then Dahlia hears a gasp at her words, and looks up to see her sister Gayle.

She would have liked to hug her, but they're not that close, so they simply wave in their mutual embarrassment.

But Dahlia doesn't want to leave town with this rift between them, so she says, "Gayle, I'm sorry for being so tough on you. I should have realized you needed a softer approach."

Gayle shrugs and says, "No, you were right Dahlia, as much as I hate to admit it." *smirking a bit* "I guess that means I'm growing up. And now with this illness taking daddy, I've decided to become a doctor! I want to help sims and prevent Grim from taking our loved ones as long as I can!"

Dahlia smiles back and says, "I know you'll make a wonderful doctor Gayle. Please keep in touch. I want to be closer than we were growing up."

Gayle nods, returning her smile, and says, "It's pretty sad that it took daddy's death for us to mend our fences, but I'd like that a lot…sister."

And at Gayle's words, she wonders if Grim really forgot that grave or if other forces were at work, MH has always been a town close to the spirits.

And siblings back at the house are making final decisions as well.

Cinda finds Lucas and says, "I did what Mom suggested and checked out the officers needed list on the web. There were quite a few open positions and offers from all over Sim Land. I have a feeling our family connections made that happen!"

Lucas nods and says, "Did any of them stand out over the rest?"

Cinda smiles and continues, "Oh yes, one town in particular has some dastardly criminals. Two crime bosses, Michael Dandy and Donia Spinelli, along with an evil couple that are terrorizing the town in their own way, Bonnie Davis and Clyde Reeves! We could help capture them and lock them up for good!"

Lucas says, "You'll be great at bringing criminals to justice sis. It sounds perfect for you!"

Cinda shakes her head and says, "Not just me Lucas, I said we. Roaring Heights has positions open for both of us. They'll need all the help they can get to capture these criminals. They've already got their best man on the job, Detective Elliot Nest!"

And with the decision made, Cinda makes her final calls, to the movers, the real estate office arranging for a house in their new town, and finally to the airport to confirm their flight.

They all make last minute calls to say farewell to family and friends and then they all pile into a motive mobile and say goodbye to Midnight Hollow.

Lucas graduated and said his goodbyes to his Tito Torre with promises to call often.

Dahlia finished Grim's job and in doing so has opened up the possibility of a friendship with her sister.

And Cinda has found jobs for both her and Lucas on the force in Roaring Heights!

A city with Art Deco personality, a lively Boardwalk, and plenty of nightlife!

But one filled with underworld activity that could use an officer with a disciplined mean streak with a brother who wants to specialize in forensics.

They'll miss the families staying behind here in MH:

Tito Torre (fairy) and Lita Lucy.

Ian (fairy) and Miriam Frio with their two sets of twins:
Garreth (fairy) and Ryan (teens)
Mandi (fairy) and Randy (children)

Everleigh (fairy) and Dean Cole (IF genes) and their children:
Leighton (teen fairy)
Christa (teen fairy and IF genes)

Kimberly (Marshall's twin)and Antony (yellow ghost) Salas with their five children:
The toddler triplets: Anastasia with Antony's pale skin, and her ghost siblings Seth and Jennica
The  infant twins: ghostly Jayson and Leah with Kimberly's peachy skin tone

But they're looking forward to continuing the journey with:
Lorelei and Samuel Frio as former heir grandparents.

Marshall (fairy) and Dahlia Ziggfield Frio.

Fairy Lucinda (Cinda) Frio and Rory Hyde as the new heir couple.

And Lucas Frio (Lucinda's twin) and Letitia (Tia) Hyde.

Follow their journey to Roaring Heights in Chapter 161: New Town, New House
Coming soon.

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Chapter 161: New Town, New House
« Reply #176 on: September 21, 2019, 07:56:44 PM »

And even arriving late, as their plane circles to land, this new town is lit up like a Snowflake Day tree!

All bright lights and sparkle, not quite like Bridgeport, but a far cry from dark and mysterious Midnight Hollow.

It looks like Roaring Heights is about as opposite as you can get and a great mix of city and suburban living.

They even spot a roller coaster from their aerial view!

Lucas cries out, "Wow, would you look at that! I might be persuaded to endure some time outdoors for a ride on that!"

Lorelei, ever Brave, says, "Dibs on the first ride!" *and looking at her husband* "With you by my side!"

Samuel smiles back and says, "The place I'll always be!"

After getting through all the airport security checks and grabbing their luggage,  they head to the realtors office to pick up the keys to their new house.

It was held for them in a special lock box due to their late arrival along with the address of their new home.

They eagerly jump in a motive mobile that had been sent on ahead, and are so amazed at the city lights that they drive right by their new home!

"It was back there Dad!" Cinda says excitedly. "The one on the left. Hurry up, turn around. I can't wait to see it. I hope everyone likes it. It's fun making heir decisions, but a little scary too."

Samuel smiles, as he looks for a place to turn around, and says, "Don't worry sweetheart. By the looks of the homes we've passed, we'd have liked any one of them! This place is pretty ritzy. I'm already liking what I see. We'll be hobnobbing with the best families in Roaring Heights before the week is out!"

Cinda, her new job her main focus, cautions, "Be careful everyone! Some of the best families may not be the best sims to get friendly with. I've heard both Michael Dandy and Donia Spinelli are trying to control this town, and they're throwing dirty money around to do it!"

That bit of information sobers everyone up as Samuel pulls into the driveway of their new home.

Desmond's old police cruiser is in one of the parking spots and Cinda says, "You know, maybe it was learning to drive with that old cruiser that prompted me to pick a job in law enforcement. I had just earned my Good trait and maybe those two things combined were what made it one of my options."

Lorelei smiles at her daughter and says, "That could very well be, you do have Glampa Des' hair too and it may be something in those genes! I'm not sure why my Brave trait didn't pick up on that, I guess my Natural Cook one won out. You should have seen my families' faces when I said I wanted to follow in Founder Jerad's footsteps. You would have thought I'd committed a crime or something!"

Cinda looks at her mom and says, "They didn't want you to be a chef? Why not? Your food is absolutely delicious!"

Lorelei takes a deep breathe thinking about the trait her daughter shares with Jared and says, "It's a long story, remind me to tell you about it one day. But it's late, we should get inside."

Cinda looks out the window and says, "Rory's already heading inside! I guess having his Loner trait so long crowds really bother him. Let's join him everyone! I can't wait to see the inside."

Cinda bought the home partially furnished, and the living room took their breathe away with all it's top of the line electronics, and black and white color scheme, with a pop of red in scattered throw rugs.

And a funky lighting system that cast a blue glow over the white walls.

Most of the family gathers here just taking it all in, with Dahlia and Lucas grabbing controllers for the video game system.

Lorelei and Rory relax and watch them play, while Samuel chats with Tia about how their art will really brighten up these blank white walls.

With the TV upstairs being used by the video gamers, Lorelei checks out the basement and is delighted to see their own furniture set up in an informal area down here.

Plus all their instruments and a fairy house.

The movers did a great job so far. Cinda instructed them very well.

And with heirship no longer her responsibility, she settles down for some serious couch potato time!

But it's late and everyone is tired after a long day of traveling so most of them head off to bed.

Samuel can't resist trying out the pool though, a nice relaxing swim, some fun under the waterfall, then he'll head off to bed too.

But after his swim, Samuel finds Rory in the study and he asks if he ever thought about going into politics.

Rory shakes his head and says, "Too many people! I really want to focus on my artistic side, both in painting and writing. I've read some of your books and articles Mr. Frio and they're just fantastic. I was thinking that I may focus on children's books, writing and illustrating them with my own drawings. Something I can do in an empty room for the most part."

Samuel nods and says, "Please call me dad, or if you're not comfortable with that yet, maybe just Samuel. The paper had a big memorial article for your father Rory. I want to offer my condolences too. It's hard losing a parent. But you and Tia are handling it quite well. I commend you for knowing your own strengths and weaknesses. Writing is a fine career as is painting. Combining both my boy is a brilliant idea!"

Rory can't find the words to describe his feelings at such praise, something he's not really known in his life.

He was mostly admonished for being forgetful, so his next words are spoken from his heart.

"I'd really like to call you dad. You knew my father, he spent his whole life taking care of my mother and dealing with her traits. Lucas' words helped them stay together, to keep us together as a family. Cleaning up after mother was a full time job and there wasn't much left over for us kids. It feels good having someone praise my efforts, especially a fellow artist. I'm really honored to be given this chance and I will do everything in my power to love your daughter and be supportive in her heirship duties."

Samuel, taken aback by Rory's words, looks him in the eye and says, "And I will be proud to call you my son. I don't think Lucinda could have chosen better for a life partner. Welcome to the family Rory!"

But the main family aren't the only ones checking out the new house.

Lorelei helped Cinda set up the memorials for their forebears and Rae can't resist being the first one to see their new home.

She smiles and nods with approval as she sees Samuel's Masterpiece gracing the wall above their urns.

And one of the family gnomes is making himself at home too.

Rae heads upstairs to check out the rocking chairs on the rooftop patio.

She's pretty stunned by the view and says, "Wow, this town is like Bridgeport way back in the days it first started!"

I nod in agreement and reply, "It is! It's like stepping back in time, to a bygone era. I found this notice posted at City Hall: 'The Roaring '20s were marked by prosperity after World War I, drastic changes for women that included the right to vote and freedom from corsets and long, structured clothing to a more modern style of dress. Ladies bobbed their hair and displayed a more liberated demeanor. Prohibition brought the age of speakeasies and bootleggers, and everyone did the Charleston.'
From <>

Rae interrupts with, "But weren't some of the cities back then full of crime? And didn't that whole period end with the stock market crash and lead to the Great Depression?"

I nod in agreement and say, "That's exactly right. But the notice goes on to say, 'Our mission here in Roaring Heights is to emulate that time of prosperity without the following Depression, but soaring on to even greater heights!' Unfortunately, they haven't been able to avoid the crime as some residents here have taken it upon themselves to truly emulate the time period. Crime bosses Michael Dandy and Donia Spinelli, and an evil couple following in the footsteps of that long ago Bonnie and Clyde, though they were actually around in the 30's. That's why we're here, so Cinda and Lucas can help their boss, Detective Elliot Nest, take them down!"

Rae gives me a look as she exclaims, "Elliot Nest!?! Isn't that taking things a bit too far?"

I shrug and say, "I didn't create this town or it's residents. I'm just telling you what I know about it." But then I smile, and say, "I find it quite amusing actually! Town residents also include Frank Astare and Judy Rogers. As well as a family of brothers, five of them in fact, Sharpo, Glummo, Dyno, Sneako, and Grumpo Marks!"

Rae just shakes her head but she can't quite hide her own smile.

Then Adam shows up soon after, smiling at the luxury of the new house.

He says, "Wow, this is some place Watcher."

I grin and say, "Thanks Adam! I designed this one myself! Do you want the grand tour?"

He says, "Just a few photos to help me get the lay of the land. I like knowing where bathrooms are so I can avoid those awkward moments."

"Oh, so you're not like Claire who actually followed Lucas into the bathroom back in MH to take a 'celebrity' pic of him while he was trying to use the facilities? I have the proof here somewhere. Let me find it."

Adam's look changes to one of disgust as he says, "No need Watcher. I know what going to the facilities looks like!"

I laugh and say, "Not a picture of Lucas! One of Claire taking the photo of him! I found it."

"Luckily the poor boy wasn't scarred for life, but I'm sure it contributed to him getting that Neurotic trait at YA now that I think about it."

Adam just looks at me and says, "Now that I'm scarred for life, photos of the new house please."

"Oh sure thing Adam. I'm quite proud of it myself. Though I may need to do some tweaking with the roof. The other houses around here tend to have flat ones with high walls around them. But we'll see if we need any extra space."

"I'll start at the bottom and go up. Here's the basement. I left it open and just made separate areas. Music, exercise and martial arts, skilling spots, and the extra fridge Lorelei got for reaching the top of the Culinary career. And the nectar racks with some quite valuable bottles that Logan and Sasha picked up when they were France. Oh and that's a bathroom in the far right corner."

"The next space is actually the sunken formal living room, which is pretty fancy. It's on the other side of this hallway. But the main floor is steps up from that. It has a kitchen with island counter seating plus a formal dining space in the bay window. A study/library with two computer desks  and a small 1/2 bath laundry room completes the community areas."

Adam nods and says, "With two bedrooms off the large memorial hall each with private baths. And a pretty large deck out back with two rocking chairs and access to the pool and hot tub. Very nice, Watcher, very nice indeed."

"The 2nd floor isn't as large as the first, but has 2 bedrooms with baths as well. And there's a large open rooftop patio with great views of the city, Roaring Heights. Rae's already checked out the view from one of the two rocking chairs up there. But Roaring Heights has a very temperate climate with a long summer season and brief spring, fall, and winter ones so the patio and decks will be usable most of the time."

I frown and add, "For those family members that don't hate the outdoors anyway."

Adam smiles and says, "But there's a nice indoor spot on the 2nd floor too, I see, with computers and an easel. It'll be nice being in a home with lots of paintings on the walls again. Dad will really like that part, having a home with not just one artist, but three! And no one complaining about hating it like Sophie and Torre."

My smile grows as I show Adam the third floor and say, "I think Sam's going to like the top level of the house the best! It's just the one large room, but besides the small bathroom, it's all windows, perfect for the art studio I've set up! And our three live-in artists have already christened it with new paintings. If I'm ever looking for any of them, I just follow the smell of paint!"

Adam smiles and nods, knowing his dad's going to be ecstatic when he sees the art studio and all the paintings.

And to get to live here for eights weeks, well, Sam will be in heaven!

I figure that after enduring so many weeks of Can't Stand Art family members, plus the ghostliness of MH, Sam really deserves a break this time around.

The next day the family all start checking out their new house.

Focusing on their strengths or their partners, as the case may be.

Lucas finds Tia upstairs in the art studio working on another painting.

But she's not opposed to taking a break for an intense kiss!

But after kissing Tia, Lucas has got to give in to another overwhelming desire.

Checking out the kitchen sink!

His Neurotic trait is so new, he can't help but be a slave to it.

"It's working just fine everyone!", he shouts with relief in his voice.

I think Marshall was the only one the least bit curious or relieved, being neurotic himself.

Then I see Dahlia checking out the view from the dining area bay window.

"Those skyscrapers are quite the site after MH, aren't they Dahlia?"

"What was that Watcher? Oh, I wasn't looking at the buildings. But now that you mention it, they are quite impressive. Nothing like that back in sleepy Midnight Hollow that's for sure. But I was actually trying to get a glimpse of the coast, check out some of the beaches here."

"We're on the other side of town from the coast and the beaches Dahlia. I really did try to find a site for this house that was closer, but the only lot available just wasn't the right fit for this house. It sloped down to the water too much and then the front of the lot was raised up. Just not a good fit at all. But once you all get settled in, I'm sure you'll get assigned a beach to keep safe soon enough."

While Cinda and Marshall check out the common area on the 2nd floor.

Cinda *glancing around* "Plenty of space up here for another computer desk, an easel, and the chess set. Anything else you think would be good on this floor bro?'

Marshall thinks a moment and says, "One of the extra bookcases maybe, a radio for some mood music."

Cinda nods and says, "Good ideas. I'll call the movers and have them haul some of that stuff up here."

Then Marshall heads for the awesome state-of-the-art computer he's been eyeing.

No need to figure out what's he's planning on, a book on the best-seller list for sure!

Samuel breaks in his own private easel in his bedroom.

I'm not going to disturb him any more than I did Marshall.

Artists and creative processes and all that.

And Lorelei breaks in the new kitchen appliances as she makes breakfast.

Our Master Chef is getting the fridge and the replicators re-stocked with all the family favorites.

I'd love to have a taste, but don't want to disturb her either.

But Adam's not giving up a chance at some Perfect crepes and helps himself to a plate.

Between bites he says, "Mom said I had to try Lorelei's cooking as it was divine. And she's absolutely correct. Boy am I glad I told her to stick to her guns about following in Grandpa Jared's footsteps and becoming a chef. This is amazing!"

I don't stick around to watch, but I do find an empty plate on the counter later.

Well, the Frios are settling in to their new home in their ninth town.

Everyone's taking advantage of the space and working on their skills in preparation for jobs that are starting soon.

We'll have five family members working outside of the home here in Roaring Heights.

Samuel as Editor-in-Chief of the local paper.

Lorelei at any restaurant she wants in town as her skill as a Five-Star Chef precedes her.

Cinda and Lucas beginning their law enforcement careers under the direction of Detective Elliot Nest with hopes of getting crime under control in this 1920's era city.

And Dahlia looking forward to resuming her lifeguard duties here in the warm coastal waters.

With Marshall, Tia, and Rory focusing on their writing and painting skills, working from home.

But I'm sure Roaring Heights will have plenty of surprises in store for them!

Follow along as they check out their new town in Chapter 162: Oceanfront Beach and The Boardwalk
Coming soon.

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Re: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story
« Reply #177 on: September 23, 2019, 07:58:39 AM »
We're back to some detective work after all! It was clear that EA wanted to plant an interesting story in Roaring Heights but clearly it's up to us players to figure it out again.

Also thanks for the tips some pages back on how to move using Traveler. I'm scared but excited for myself, but that's not the point here. The point is having skyscrapers again, hallelujah!
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Offline deedee_828

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Re: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story
« Reply #178 on: September 23, 2019, 02:19:16 PM »
With two law enforcement officers in the family again and all the crime in RH, it was meant to be.
And I'm really having fun working with EA's backstory in town's I haven't played in much.
Town Jumps can turn into same old, same old, but finding an angle for each town has kept the game fresh and exciting for me. And hopefully for any readers as well. :)

You're welcome on the tips. I love Traveler and using it for town jumps is so amazing as it keeps all the family and friends from each previous town.

Are you headed to Bridgeport or you going to try Roaring heights first and get a taste of a smaller city first?

And if you have any plans for trying a Town Jump game and story, please let me know. I love reading them!


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Re: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story
« Reply #179 on: September 23, 2019, 03:18:02 PM »
Nah I've just spent a lot of time in both worlds. The city atmosphere is spot-on and one of EA's greatest moments for sure. Unfortunately I rolled my town jump list and they're pretty far away, I'm stuck being rural forever I guess!
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