Author Topic: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story  (Read 124820 times)

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 386: More Friends
« Reply #420 on: August 07, 2023, 11:48:11 AM »
The day continued with Taylee playing dress-up in her favorite lavender gown.

Brandishing her royal scepter she declared, "All dragonlings will now cease and desist to perform black magic! Good magic will prevail throughout the land!"


"Princess Taylee, if you please."

"Right. Princess Taylee, your royal powers don't actually allow you to make decrees for dragonlings. I can't even change them, not even to fix them when they break."

"Disappointing, but it was worth a try. Nothing good can happen if those with willing spirits don't even try to fight against evil."

"True. Carry on, princess."

Cameron's dressed up in his royal blue prince costume, yet he's making Leila's bed.

Having learned my lesson, I address him properly, "Prince Cameron, we have a maid that takes care of household duties."

"You are correct, but my sensibilities are offended at the sight, and I must set it to rights. It is my sworn duty as a Prince of the realm."

I don't say it but I'm sure it has more to do with his neurotic trait than it being a princely duty.

As long as it stops him from freaking out, I can live with him making beds.

Hearing voices, I follow them to the living room, where I find Leila chatting with Lee while he watches her play a video game.

"I really like the idea of jogging, just not if I have to do it outside! "

"Understandable. But you'll be a teen soon and then you can use a treadmill. I hear using them at the gym helps to increase your athletic skill faster, but that's not something that's ever appealed to me. I think your Uncle Pal had some workout equipment on the 2nd floor balcony. We could move it inside and make a proper workout room for you and Cam."

"Thanks, Dad! That would be great. In the meantime, would you mind helping me with my homework?"

Lee was happy to do so and the two of them sat down right there on the carpet.

"What subject are you working on today?"

"We have to pick an adult and describe their job or hobby. I know you love watching TV, but I don't think my teacher would approve of that topic, so, something about inventing?"

Lee's face lit up as he said, "Inventing is a fascinating hobby as well as being a lucrative career. You get to go to junkyards and collect scrap, even blow things up to make more scrap…"

"Blow things up!?! That sounds so cool! Tell me about doing that!"

As Lee started talking about one of his favorite topics, a horrified scream had me rushing to the nursery.

I found Juliette staring at the evil clown as she tried to calm her breathing, sputtering, "It's supposed to be a funny clown, this one is horrible! I bet Gamma bought it just to scare us! She can be so mean."

"Actually, it came from a toyshop in Midnight Hollow, the town that ghostly Lorelei's parents came from. In fact, it was Lucy who bought if, if my memory is correct. But she didn't know there was an evil clown in it sometimes. Neither did I. She bought the toy drum too. Maybe it would be safer to play with that."

Juliette decided to give the toy drum a try and began making quite a bit of racket as she hit the top quite arrhythmically.

I left her to it as Bella yelled, "What is that infernal noise!?! I'm trying to sleep!"

Oops. I'd forgotten Bella was napping. My bad. Time to check on Cruz!

Over at the Elixir Store, instead of studying alchemy or making potions, I find Cruz using the gem cutter.

"Oh, you found the Tiberium and have already cut it! The spire cut will work, but I recently read on Carl and Pam's Forum that the heart cut works too. If you have to send it away to be cut, it's cheaper to use the heart cut, but since you cut it yourself, I don't think that's an issue."

"Understood, Watcher. I'll head home so you can place it on the ground."

As Cruz and I watched, one of the spires started shooting off sparks.

"Is that how it grows, Watcher?"

"From what I read, yes, but I've not really experimented with it enough to know for sure. And we may have to move that second spire as I also read that if spires are too close together, they may not grow either."

"I will monitor it on a regular basis and let you know my findings, Watcher."

"Thanks, Cruz, that will be a big help."

I got inside just in time to catch Bella jump scaring Leila!

Too late to stop her, of course.

With poor Leila trying to slow her racing heart as she exclaimed, "But, but Gamma…I'm your favorite!"

Bella grinned even wider, gave an evil chuckle and replied, "You are! That's why I gave you my extra special jump scare! I always save the best for last!"

Lee just shook his head and kept walking, muttering, "Only a couple more days…"

Leila forgave her grandmother, shrugged off her fright, and continued playing pretend.

She raised her royal scepter, and announced, "For your loyal service to the crown, I dub thee Sir Frionus the Fearless, for defending the helpless, and ridding the kingdom of evil!"

Well, maybe not totally forgave…

Later that evening, despite the rain, the Frio household welcomed several visitors.

Ryan Hooley led the umbrella parade, with recently aged up Daeric and Damien Cullen following behind.

Alana braved the elements, her thoughts focused not on the rain, but on Cameron!

Max Fallon arrived soon after, waving a cheerful hello to Leila specifically.

While his twin, Jaeger, kept his eyes focused somewhere on the floor by Juliette!

Juliette avoided looking at Jaeger too, keeping her head turned away from him.

Damien Cullen seems to be disappointed with the incense holder, or maybe he's disappointed because they don't have one at home.

Hopefully, it's just disappointment and not indicative of a grumpy trait!

His twin, Daeric, on the other hand is thrilled to be meeting Cameron!

I'm hoping one of Cam's sisters will like Daeric's looks as much as I do, as his lilac skin tone with jet black hair is a wonderful combination.

Behind Daeric, Cam's chatting with Enid.

But where is Bella?

We all know she can't be trusted at the best of times and certainly not with a houseful of helpless children.

Surprisingly, Bella wasn't stalking anyone, just reading a pregnancy book while rocking.

That may actually be scarier, as her wish for multiples could come true and they could all take after her and Dane, being evil to the core!

I'm actually a bit sorry for leaving them behind to wreak havoc on the poor residents of Dragon Valley.

Hopefully, all the other family staying here will keep them both under control.

My bet is on Torre and Cinda, with both of them being fairies, and martial arts masters.

Bella can hold her own in a sparring match, but Torre and Cinda have several decades behind them and Cinda's an International Superspy, a match for our Empress of Evil if there ever was one!

On the other side of the music room, Alana is watching Dane play guitar, tapping her foot and swaying to the music.

"I was too tired to watch you play the night of the slumber party, Mr. Frio. Now I'm sorry I missed it. You're terrific!"

Dane didn't stop playing, but he acknowledged Alana's praise with a smile.

I'm glad his virtuoso trait trumps evil from time to time.

Ryan Hooley and Damien Cullen were chatting nearby, though Ryan kept shooting glances at Alana.

Or maybe he was keeping a watchful eye on Bella.

Good idea, Ryan!

With Bella being watched, I took a peek back in the living room to see Cameron excitedly telling Enid about his favorite food, Key Lime Pie!

Well, at least he's not just standing there tongue-tied or freaking out.

Nearby, in the kitchen, orange astronaut Max is regaling Prince Leila with a story.

In the hallway, Damien has met Taylee, with friendship signs already flying between them!

In the background, Leila's telling Max all about the concerts they've listened to with their grandfather being a virtuoso.

Taylee and Damien aren't interested in listening to music.

But a pillow fight is right up their alley!

Just look at the feathers flying as they wop each other silly!

Max and Leila have moved on to chasing bandits, though neither has removed their costumes.

And Cameron is being quite the ladies' man tonight as he listens to Alana.

"I just love coming over to your house, Cam. There's always so much going on. I met the Cullen and Fallon twins and listened to your grandpa play his guitar! But it's getting late, and I need to head home."

Noticing Cam's crestfallen face, she added, "I can probably come back tomorrow, after school."

"It's not that, just that I was hoping to give you something before you left."

"Give me something? What?"

Cam produced a gift box decorated with a huge red ribbon and bow, saying, "This!"

He didn't fumble it, but he did squeeze his eyes shut in case she rejected it.

Alana's reaction was one I've never seen before.

I've heard the expression 'jump for joy', but never actually seen anyone actually do it.

Now I have!

As Alana jumped up in the air, both feet leaving the floor as she kicked up her heels, raised both arms in a cheer, and shouted, "A present!?! For me!?! Oh, boy, oh boy, oh boy!!!"

It was a telescope and she loved it!

Despite Bella's jump scares, the quads are enjoying their childhoods; working on homework, of course, but having plenty of free time to dress up as princes and princesses and play pretend, play video games, and play with their toys.

Overall, a well-rounded childhood, especially considering they live with two evil grandparents, and one is grumpy to boot!

Simbot Cruz has cut some Tiberium and we've left a couple of spires on the lawn to see if they'll grow.

And with both the Cullen and Fallon twins aged to children, the quads are making more friends.

Time will tell if they'll be lasting friendships or if some will grow into something more!

But mentioning Torre and Cinda in this chapter has me thinking that we've focused so much on the quads making friends that we've neglected family.

So, join me in Chapter 387: Family Focus
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 387: Family Focus
« Reply #421 on: August 11, 2023, 11:30:21 PM »

A family member that's been missing is Tabatha.

All due to her work schedule, of course, as she not only works weekends, but from afternoon to 8 or 8:30 p.m.

If she doesn't have to stay late.

Which means she gets home right before the quads head off to bed.

With her children snug in their beds for the night, she spends some time with her small pets.

She makes sure they all have food and clean cages and some attention.

Then she focuses on teaching her cockatoo, Sylvester, to talk.

"Party. Cameron threw a slumber party."

"Bwak, party, Cameron threw a slumber party, bwak!"

"Sunny days. We love sunny days."

"Sunny days, bwak, we love sunny days."

"You're my best friend!'

"Best friend! You're my best friend! Bwak!"

"Very good! Extra treats for you my feathered friend!"

"Feathered friend. Extra treats."

With a laugh Tab says, "You've certainly got that one down pat!"

Then Tabatha focuses on Mortie.

"Your turn for some attention, boy. And not the kind you're used to either. I don't want anything from you. Just to be your friend."

Mortie bobs his head as if he understands and Tabatha croons to him like she does all her pets.

"That's it, boy. Relax. You're safe with me."

With Mortie restoring Tabatha's hunger and energy, she heads inside for a shower, satisfied with her progress with both pets.

But someone else is outside bonding with a dragon, this time a green one.

"That's it, boy. Gather up all the produce for me. All the green treasure! The more you do, the less I have to!"

"Bella, why are you out here in the dark harvesting with a dragon? Couldn't it wait 'til morning?"

"I'm used to working nights, so, despite being on enforced maternity leave, my internal clock is now awake."

"Right. Well, I'll leave you to it, then. The sun will be up in a few hours, and you can go to bed!"

When the first rays of dawn hit the yard, not only is Bella still working in the garden, but Tabatha's come outside too.

But Tabatha's focus is not on the garden, but on a rather large bird that's landed in the yard.

She croons to it gently saying, "It's true then, the early bird does get the worm."

And the next thing I know, a rare Spotted Sixam has flown to Tab's forearm, and she's collected her 19th pet!

Only one more to complete her LTW!

"That's quite the accomplishment for the mother of quads when they're still children. One with a full-time job, as well. Congrats, Tab!"

Tabatha keeps her voice low so as not to startle her new pet, "Thanks, Watcher. But I have to give credit where it's due. Without your assistance, along with the collection helper, plus Lee, Cruz, Lorelei, and Bella and Dane pitching in, I'd never have gotten this far this fast."

"Well, it really took a village, as they say, to help raise the quads. And the collection helper does make collecting items much less of a chore. But it's still quite the accomplishment and you should be proud."

Bella grumbles, "Some accomplishment! Running all over town snatching up rodents and then keeping them in cages which require regular feeding and cleaning, just adding to the work around here."

"Tabatha handles most of that chore, Bella, and now that her maternity leave is finally over, she's working full time again at the bistro."

Bella scoffs, "She just cooks food! How hard can it be? Some of us have real jobs!"

Tabatha smirks, "I'll make sure I share your views on cooking with Founder Jared and Lorelei. I'm sure they'll find your take on it quite enlightening. Especially since they provided the refrigerators that keep food from spoiling, ever. Another perk you'll be losing soon enough when you move out. I'm sure they'll agree with me that it's a fitting punishment for someone who doesn't consider cooking a real job."

Bella splutters, "I didn't mean them!"

"Whatever you meant, Bella, you seem to be missing the point. Your lifetime wish and career coincided, whereas Tabatha's don't. Yet, she's only one pet away from fulfilling her lifetime wish and, as an executive chef, only a couple of promotions away from maxing the career. Along with being the mother of quads! The first set in our entire journey!"

Tabatha grins, "I never thought of it that way. Not bad for a clumsy girl from Monte Vista!"

"No, Tab, not bad, not bad at all!"

Both of us smother laughter as Bella grumbles to herself but doesn't make any other snarky comments.

Later that morning, Taylee grabs a slice of cake, and just as she's ready to take a bite, I ask, "Are you sure your parents wouldn't prefer you to eat a more nutritious breakfast?"

Taylee pauses for a moment and says, "I doubt it. Dad's concerned about the environment, that's why he got us bikes, so with all the leftover birthday cake, he'd probably prefer we ate it rather than see it wasted. And since none of us have a breakfast food as our favorite, Mom's never made any."

"Your grandmother's favorite food is French Toast…"

Taylee frowned at the mention of her grandmother, wrinkled her nose, and said, "No wonder Mom doesn't make breakfast! I wouldn't either. Not for her!"

Cameron, who I'd thought was totally focused on his video game, chimed in, "Me neither. She doesn't deserve anything special, not the way she treats us!"

I couldn't actually disagree with those arguments, so I didn't.

"Well, then, cake it is! Enjoy!"

After eating every bite of her cake, Taylee promptly changed into her Queen costume and announced, "I, Queen Taylee, hereby declare that, when your favorite food is not available, no matter the time of day, it is perfectly acceptable to eat cake!"

Cam echoed her sentiment with a resounding, "Hear, hear, your majesty!"

With the day advancing, I began my search for family.

Cinda and Rory were out, but their twins were home with Wynn Byrne, so I got close-up toddler photos in Stylist.

They both have Rory's pale MH skin tone and Cinda's turquoise hair.

Jasmine also inherited Cinda's Fae genetics and has the same sparkly, bright pink wings.

Fiona is human like Rory and maybe slightly paler, though that could be the lighting.

Fiona's face seems a bit fuller as well, but that may just be her hairstyle.

I think they're both adorable!

And with their coloring, they'll fit right in with the residents of Dragon Valley.

I found other family out and about in town.

Jade was carrying one of her triplet daughters, Opal.

Seeing them together it's easy to see that Opal's her mother's daughter with the same skin tone and blonde hair.

Nearby, I was able to get the rest of the household in a group photo.

Pal is in the front with Ara and Gianni's daughter, Aria.

Ara has Jade and Pal's daughter, Ruby.

And Gianni is holding Jade and Pal's daughter, Pearl.

Aria is a bit older than her triplet cousins, so she'll be aging to child soon.

But I got those close-ups of Jasmine and Fiona as toddlers just in time, as they've aged to children.

So, I decide it's time the quads meet some of their ancestors, along with their young 'cousins'.

Cinda and Rory's twins are technically great-great-great Aunts to the quads, but with them being so close in age, we're going to call them cousins and make it easier on everyone.

Lucy and Torre arrived first, and Torre greeted Tabatha saying, "I hear you're fond of supernaturals!"

Barely able to contain her excitement, Tab gushed, "I am! And to think there are now real fairies in Dragon Valley! Well, that's just perfect! This town was just begging for Fae magic to go along with Dragonling magic. The residents are colorful too, and many show their elven heritage by having pointed ears, something they have in common with some strains of fairies."

Pleased at Tabatha's knowledge and enthusiasm, Torre smiled, nodded, and asked, "Have you met any other supernaturals?"

Beaming Tabatha replied, "Your ghostly mother, Lorelei, of course. As well as the other family ghosts."

"Of course. The reason we're here in Dragon Valley. I must say it's definitely a change from Midnight Hollow and one I'm glad to have made!  I no longer need to keep using my powers to lighten up the town. I hear you like animals too. Do you have any pets?"

"I have quite a few small pets, including a parrot and a couple of dragonlings. But now that the quads are children, I'm hoping to track down a unicorn! They're so beautiful and magical!"

"My great-granddaughter, Ella, one of Cinda's daughters, befriended one in Roaring Heights, of all places! I'd expect to meet one in a secluded wood, but not on the edge of a bustling city."

"Oh, how exciting! Maybe it was drawn to her Fae powers?"

"Wiccan, Ella was born human, but drank a potion to become a witch when she was old enough. But powers aren't needed to meet or even befriend a Unicorn, you just need to look for the lights in the nighttime sky."

Tabatha's eyes sparkle as she says, "Oooohh, now that information will be really helpful."

I make a note to watch out for Unicorn sparkles to help Tab out.

Who knows? Maybe she'll find her 20th small pet nearby and she'll not only meet a unicorn but complete her LTW!

You know, two birds with one stone.

Not that Tabatha would ever throw a stone at a bird, or any other creature, for that matter.

But I'm getting ahead of myself and ignoring family again, because Rory, Cinda, and the twins have arrived!

Fiona and Jasmine immediately grabbed controllers and started playing a video game with Lee.

Cameron was content to watch for the moment.

But Cinda, true to form, frowned as she watched them engage in the activity.

For someone disciplined like she is, video games aren't considered at all suitable as a hobby.

And she quickly made her displeasure known!

Cinda called Tabatha over and stated baldly, "I'd much rather the girls do something more physical instead of wasting time with video games. I'm surprised you allow it for your own children."

Tabatha smiled and responded, "I let my children choose their own hobbies, as I don't want to be an overly controlling parent. It's actually Lee who prefers watching TV and playing video games. He tempers it with inventing Simbots, collecting scrap in the junkyard, and blowing things up, so I'd much prefer the children play video games with him rather than resort to dangerous hobbies!"

Cinda glanced away, a bit nonplussed by Tabatha's forthright reply.

Two of the children involved missed the drama, as Cameron had already invited Fiona to play in his sisters' room.

"We have lots of different toys to play with and a costume trunk for dressing up!"

"Do you have any comic books? I love reading about the adventures of Star Girl or The Maiden Mermaid!"

"My dad has a few, but they're mostly about robots."

Cam stared at Fiona for a moment and blurted out what he'd apparently been holding in as soon as they'd all walked in the door, "I can't believe you, your mom, and your sister have turquoise hair!"

Defensively, Fiona exclaimed, "What's wrong with turquoise hair!?!"

"Nothing! Nothing at all! It's amazing!"

Fiona's eyes lit up at his words as she asked, "You really think so?"

"Of course! Turquoise is my favorite color!"

And with those words, the sparks of friendship were ignited.

Outside, Dane's thoughts show he's plotting evil against Torre!

"Um, I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Dane doesn't deny that he's plotting, just asks, "Why not? It's better than harassing the children."

"I'll give you that. But you've never been on the receiving end of a fairy prank. I'd steer clear, if I was you. It's quite unpleasant. "

"But he's a blooming fairy with pink wings and a prissy sweater around his neck! How unpleasant can he be?"

"Looks can be deceiving, Dane. Not everyone has evil eyebrows that reveal their inner self. But it's your funeral."

"What aren't you telling me?"

Lucy laughs behind him and says, "He's also been a Superstar Athlete for decades and has mastered both athletics and martial arts."

"Lucy! I was hoping to see Torre in action after all this time. Besides, it would have served Dane right for assuming."

"It would have, but that's no way for family to act, and it wouldn't set much of an example for the children."

Taylee had witnessed the whole thing though and really appreciated Lucy's interference.

"Hello, I'm Taylee. Thanks for saving my grandpa. He's evil, but nicer than my Gamma, who's evil and grumpy. I don't usually like seeing sims be mean to each other, but I wouldn't mind the fairies playing a few tricks on her! She doesn't like me because I'm good and she never gives me simoleans when I ask. She did have a snowball fight with me once though and that was really fun!"

I'm expecting Lucy to lecture Taylee about having respect for her grandmother despite her faults or at least to admonish her about mooching money.

But instead, she gushes, "You darling girl, you're so much like me that I know we're going to get on famously!"

I check Lucy's traits and, sure enough, she shares two of Taylee's traits, they're both excitable and a mooch.

Seven generations apart, one an elder and one a child, yet so alike.

No wonder they're gaining friendship so fast!

But another birthday message has me inviting over one more family, the Costas.

Taylee quickly greets all of them, her Uncle Gianni, her Aunt Ara, and her cousin, Aria.

Then she invites Aria upstairs to play a game of chess.

"Your house is so cool, like a castle inside! It's great being old enough to visit family my age. The three cousins I live with aren't old enough to really play with yet. They can't even work out to the tv or stereo, and they still cry a lot, which is annoying! Good thing I have my own room!"

"I live with my three siblings, and we're all the same age, so there's always someone to play with or something to do. You can always come over here and play with us! Cam and Leila love to work out, but they use the stereo as Mom doesn't like the tv."

"Who doesn't like tv!?! That sounds weird!"

"Not when you're a tech…techno…technophobe! That means she doesn't like things like tv's or computers. But she loves animals so much she collects them, and we have all sorts. She's even teaching her cockatoo to talk!"

Grudgingly, Aria said, "That does sound pretty cool. The only pets we have are dragonlings and not even the fun ones that can play tricks on people, just the green ones that help with gardening and that's boring!"

"We have a couple of green ones too. Mom and Gamma use them to help harvest, but they can collect treasure too!"

"Treasure!?! I'll have to try that! If I can get permission from Auntie Jade or Uncle Pal. Sometimes grown-ups can be a pain!"

"Tell me about it! Grandpa and Gamma are both wicked! Well, evil, and Gamma's grumpy too! When she is, watch out! She'll sneak up on you in a heartbeat and scare the wits out of you!"

"I'm grumpy and I can't do that!"

"You have to be evil too, for it to work."

"Oh, maybe I'll get the evil trait on my next birthday."

"Don't wish for that! Gamma would love it, but I'm good and then we couldn't be friends anymore."

Taylee finished off family night by telling a ghost story.

"The mummy's tomb had been silent for centuries, but it was now bustling with activity. An avid arche…archeologist had found backers with more simoleans than sense. There are always greedy sims that want others' treasures. When the camp was asleep, wicked sims crept through the tunnels and crypts silently, to avoid waking the others. They never even bothered to stop at the warning signs along the way, ignoring their messages to pay respect to the dead or awaken their wrathful spirits!"

Oohs and aahs filled the room as Taylee continued, "But no matter how quietly a sim creeps, the dead are aware, waiting, just waiting, for the time their spirits can wreak havoc on those breaking the seals…this time was no exception…and when the mummy's wrath was complete, the tomb was silent once again…"

She paused dramatically and ended with, "all had succumbed to the curse of the mummy's tomb!"

Most of the reactions were typical.

Jasmine stood stock still in her fright, not daring to move.

While Cinda actually flinched away, squealing, "Oh, dear!"

Bella cheered, as she always roots for an evil ending, and exclaimed, "I could do it! I could steal the treasure and escape the mummy's curse!"

Taylee wasn't pleased that Bella had joined them and less so after her boastful comment.

But Jasmine shuddered in fear and let out a plaintive, "That was scary and I'm tired. Mommy, I want to go home!"

Everyone said their goodbyes and the Frio family settled down for the night.

Tabatha's only one collected pet away from completing her LTW, and she also wants to meet a unicorn.

Fiona, Jasmine, and Aria have aged to children and came to visit, along with their parents, and Torre and Lucy.

Several friendships have gotten started, and I hope they continue to grow.

Bella's traits and actions have continued to annoy most of the immediate family, their relationships deteriorating time and time again, especially between her and Taylee.

So, the time most of them have been eagerly waiting for is upon us!

Join me for Chapter 388: Nooboos and Moving Out
Coming soon.

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Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 388: Nooboos and Moving Out
« Reply #422 on: August 30, 2023, 03:57:04 PM »
Author's note: Over 100,000 views! Next month will mark 5 years of playing and writing this story. Thanks to all who have followed the story all this time.
Now on with the chapter.

Bella's sleep was interrupted as her labor had begun, "The baby's coming! Someone help me!"

She clutched her stomach as the contractions grew stronger, her breathing changing to the panting familiar to all mothers.

"Hee, hee, hoooo, hee, hee, hoooo."

Then she took a long cleansing breath.

Tabatha had rushed in when she heard Bella's first screams but with the flare of Bella's aura, she began booing!

Dane turned and said, "Hey, don't mock my wife while she's in labor!"

Bella didn't have the breath to comment at all as her panting increased.

Then, to my shock, Tabatha pulled out Mortie and fed him a treat!

Dane glared and exclaimed, "You've had Mortie all this time!?!"

Tabatha replied, "Of course. He's a pet and I collect them. He's not inherently evil, not if you treat him right."

Bella hissed through gritted teeth, "He's…mine. You give him…back!"

Tabatha just smirked and walked out of the room, Mortie gripping her forearm, as she replied, unequivocally, "No. You'll have your hands full caring for your nooboo, especially if you have more than one!"

Bella clenched her hands into fists as another contraction hit, but she was so angry, her focus was on Tabatha, "The nerve of…that girl! Flaunting Mortie right in front of me! And she says I'm the evil one!"

But Dane was totally focused on their coming child, saying, "She has a point, Bella. We're going to be pretty busy with a new baby, and more so if it's multiples."

"We raised Jade, Lee, and Ara, just fine…"

"But not on our own. Your parents were there too, so it was four adults to three children. And we both worked, so we weren't there for hours at a time. It's only going to be the two of us this time, and we still have jobs, so things could get pretty hectic."

"I guess. But she still has some nerve, taunting me that way."

I interject, "I think she accomplished more than that Bella."

Bella sneered, "Like what?"

"She totally took your mind off your labor. It's a known technique. Most women prefer soft voices, a calming environment, and a  focal point. But Tabatha knew that wouldn't work for you, except for the focal point, so she chose something important to you, Mortie. And it worked. You've been so focused on Tab, you've avoided most of the discomfort of labor."

Just then Bella had another deep contraction and she moaned, "Well, it's not working now. That one hurt!"

But instead of twirling around and cradling a nooboo, burrito babies show up around the room.

Leave it to Bella to ruin my nooboo photo op!

Lee picks up the pink bundle, little Danella, staring in shock at his other newborn siblings.

Before I can even get a photo, the nooboos are rushed to the nursery.

I catch up with Bella just as she's walking through the nursery door with a blue bundle.

"I want him to bond with his siblings right away! They need to know they're a team."

"They've been bonding since they were conceived, Bella."

"That's not the same. They need to know who's boss, the hierarchy of the power dynamic."

Bella steps to the crib, where another blue bundle lies quietly.

"Deimos, meet your brother, Draco, as the eldest, he'll be my top minion. Though you'll still have plenty of your own power to control your own subordinates."

Deimos gurgles and coos and Bella can't help but smile down at him.

Clearly, her roll of Empress of Evil is struggling with motherhood.

Her heart softens as she cuddles Deimos close, her motherly instincts kicking in.

But then her red aura flares into life around them!

It dawns on me that with her first set of triplets, Bella hadn't topped her career.

Now even motherhood can't contain Bella's deep rooted evil ways.

But Bella's not nearly so loving when she turns and shouts, ""Where's the fourth one!?! What have you done with my child!?!"

"Nothing. You had triplets, a boy, a girl, and another boy."

"Only triplets!?! Are you sure? And not one of them evil!?!"

"No, strangely enough, not even with your evil aura flaring for most of your pregnancy and through their birth."

"But both Dane and I focused on making them evil! It's not fair!"

"If it's any consolation, Draco loves the heat and he's grumpy, just like you."

Slightly mollified, Bella muses, "A child whose name means dragon should love the heat, and grumpiness is always a bonus. Go on."

"Danella's easily impressed and, like Lee, she's eccentric."

"Malleable and able to make an army of Simbots, so there's definitely potential there. And this one? Please do not tell me he is good or friendly! Those traits are anathema to me, and he can stay here if he is!"

"Lucky for you, and us, he doesn't have either one. Deimos is perceptive and, like Ara, insane."

"How fitting! One meant to instill dread and terror should be perceptive enough to manipulate others and insanity will make him totally unpredictable, which will be make it easier for him to confuse our enemies."

"Bella! They're just nooboos!"

"But they'll grow, Watcher. And if Dane and I raise them right, they could gain the evil trait as children!"

"That's what we're all afraid of!"

"And you should be, Watcher. Very, very, afraid. Without your interference, Dane and I can take over the world!"

"You don't have to look so happy about us leaving!"

"I was just thinking about meditating with the ExtraordinAireInator…"

"Likely story! I guess the children aren't even going to say goodbye, after all I've done for them."

I ignore the last part, and so does Lee as he says, "They're all at school. You could wait until this afternoon, say your goodbyes, and then move."

"But then I'd have to interact with the good one! No. It's better this way."

Lee stands up and hugs his mother, "It's not really goodbye. We can always visit each other. The quads teen birthdays are coming up, and we'll probably throw a big party."

But Lee's thoughts reveal what a beautiful moment this is!

Bella finalizes their move, takes one last look around the room, and yells, "Dane, it's time to leave!"

Behind her, at the front door, Dane says, "Waiting on you, Bella!"

"Then where are the children? Were you planning on leaving without them!?!"

"No, of course not."

But Bella's already heading for the nursery mumbling, "I have to do everything myself…"

I don't comment but I'm thinking that Bella has no idea what having to do everything herself really entails!

Bella heads to the nursery and picks up Draco.

She takes one last fond look of the room she spent so much time in when her grandchildren were newborns and toddlers.

But her words dispel that belief when she scathingly says, "There won't be any of these sickening, cutesy animals in my children's nursery, that's for sure!"

"Hey, I helped Tab design this room!"

"Well, that explains it then! No wonder my grandchildren are so soft! First, Cameron and Leila, hate being outdoors. Then Cameron, the only boy, faints at the slightest provocation!"

"Most likely because you traumatized him throughout his toddlerhood, stealing his candy every chance you got!"

Bella smiles dreamily, "That was fun…"

But she shakes herself out of her stroll down memory lane and brusquely adds, "When you didn't stop me from doing it! But you won't have any say in our new place! Like they say in Monte Vista, hasta la vista, baby!"

"They never say that there…"

But I'm talking to an empty room.

For a sim carrying a baby, Bella moves fast, and I don't catch up with her until she's through the front gates and standing by the cobbled street, waiting for a taxi to bring them to their home.

But instead of a taxi, Bella puts Draco in the back and jumps into the driver's seat of her limo!

"What? You thought I'd give up a chance to flaunt my position!?! I'm not slinking away, I'm leaving in style."

I follow Bella's limo as she drives through beautiful Dragon Valley.

As she crosses the cobblestone bridge, two bright yellow taxis join the procession.

I can just imagine Bella's smirk as she sees them in her rearview mirror, taking note of their respectful distance and attributing it to her power over the town and their fear of their reigning empress!

The limo looks a little out of place on the grassy road in front of their new home.

But the home itself is perfectly matched to the medieval style of Dragon Valley.

It's a wonderful build named Deidri, a two-story home with a full basement on a 30x30 lot!

Made by our family architect, MrsFlynn, of course, and furnished and decorated by me.

As Bella strides across the lawn carrying Draco towards the front door, her red aura flares brightly.

Dane waves saying, "I waited for you so we could enter our new home together."

Bella nods and says, "Thoughtful of you, love. But where are Deimos and Danella!?!"

Before Bella starts raging, I pipe up, "They're both safely inside. Moving doesn't always work as seamlessly as it should, especially when there are more nooboos than adults."

I'd already set up Deidri's nursery for twins, so it only required adding another canopy crib.

It's done up in a fairytale style with castles and dragons and I think it's perfect for the triplets, especially Draco.

Who seems content enough, lying quietly in his new crib, complete with IF doll.

Dane seems a bit nervous as he asks, "Are you sure about this, love? Just me and you to take care of triplets?"

Bella glances at Deimos, who's also snuggled up with his own IF doll.

One that's dressed identical to his brother's, from the aqua body down to the bright blue shoes.

She shrugs and replies, "How hard can it be? They just lie there."

I shake my head and smirk knowing she's in for a wake-up call, literally, when the triplets all start demanding feedings, cuddles, and diaper changes, all at the same time.

And with Dane being a heavy sleeper, it will be Bella that ends up doing most of the childcare!

A fitting reward if there ever was one for our reigning Empress and her evil antics!

Danella wasn't left out on the IF gifts, but hers is dressed in yellow with neon green shoes.

A mural on the wall behind Danella completes the fairytale theme.

While the rocking horse in the corner, though only decorative, provides a classic touch to the nursery.

I'm sure Bella will find fault with it but, lucky me, I won't be here to hear her complain.

Back at the main Frio house, I find Lee being his couch potato self.

He sighs and settles himself deeper into the couch cushions, "Aahh, the peace and quiet of a house without evil sims in it."

"Isn't it amazing!?! We've been waiting so long for this!"

Moments later, Lee's face crumples, and he looks so pained I'm thinking the tv must have broken again.

But then he sighs and says, "I miss them already…"

I just shake my head and sigh at the contrariness of sims.

There's just no pleasing them!

Bella got her wish and had multiples, not the quads she was hoping for, but triplets again!

This time, two boys and one girl: Draco, the eldest who's grumpy and loves the heat; Danella, who's easily impressed and eccentric; and Deimos, who's perceptive and insane!

Not one evil one in the bunch! Not yet anyway.

With the birth of the triplets, Bella and Dane have found their own place and will be raising them on their own.

Lee, being his eccentric-self, has gone from relishing the peace and quiet of a home without them, to missing them already!

I, for one, am not going to miss taking care of another set of triplets.

Especially since the quads will be celebrating their teen birthdays soon.

But before that happens, other important events are next on the horizon.

Join me in Chapter 389: Completing Wishes
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 389: Completing Wishes
« Reply #423 on: October 16, 2023, 11:56:19 PM »

Lee's sadness doesn't last long though, as he claps happily in anticipation of eating his favorite food, potato and truffle torte.

Upstairs, Tabatha is using some wish enhancing serum.

It quickly takes effect and now all her wishes will bring in double happiness points!

"Are you ready for this?"

"Yes, Watcher. My adult birthday is right around the corner, just after the quads become teens, so I'd like to get this finished."

With the collection helper, a lizard glitters and sparkles in a field not too far from the house.

I send Tabatha over and when she arrives, I say, "Over this way, Tab!"

Tabatha replies, "I know. Just taking a deep breath. This is a momentous moment!"

Any yet, it happens so fast that I don't even get a chance to snap a photo showing her double happiness points on the screen!

Tabatha's face shows her own disappointment as she says, "That's it? I was expecting a bit more fanfare at completing my Lifetime Wish…"

"I know. There's just the music and I get a message and it's over. A bit of a letdown, especially when I miss the happiness points. I wish they stayed on the screen a bit longer."

"Well, I guess I'll just head back home."

"There's no rush. You don't work this afternoon and it's a lovey day."

"Then I'll just go for a run, a relaxing jog, where I can contemplate my accomplishment."

"Sure. I'll meet you at the house."

But a message has me making a side trip into town.

Where I find Fiona just standing on the sidewalk behind a bush, during school hours!

"Why aren't you in school? Your grade will drop like a rock if you skip class!"

"I was trying to get there, Watcher. But I seem to be stuck on this bush!"

"Great! I can reset you, but it will send you back home and you'll probably miss the whole day."

Giving me a knowing look, she replies, "But, since it's not really my fault, you could always adjust my grade."

"I could, but if you're smart enough to know that you're also smart enough to study hard and make up for it on your own."

With a shrug Fiona says, "My teacher likes me, so she'll probably let it slide this time anyway."

"Lucky you!"

"Things do tend to turn out the way I'd like."

"Except for being stuck on that bush!"

"Well, it got me some attention and a day off school, sounds pretty lucky to me!"

I finally make it back to the main Frio house to find Cruz diligently making potions.

But he pauses long enough to say, "Watcher, I do believe the Tiberium samples I cut have reached the pinnacle of their growth."

"Thanks for keeping an eye on them Cruz. I'll go check them out."

Since the one in the back yard is no longer sending off sparks, I agree with Cruz' assessment of its growth.

And find out it's now worth over §45,000 simoleans!

The one in the front yard isn't quite as lucrative, but §37,000 plus simoleans is still a nice chunk of change.

It will definitely help to replace the funds Bella spent on purchasing Deidri.

Not that the Frio family is hurting for funds but with several family members wanting to purchase venues around town, it will give them plenty to do so and cover all the needed upgrades.

Voices nearby alert me to Tabatha's return home.

"Lee, meet Kai! Isn't he the cutest Pygmy Komodo Dragon you ever saw!"

Lee nods, "Since I've never seen one before, he'd have to be!"

"He's even more special as he's my 20th pet, the one that completed my lifetime wish!"

"Congratulations, Tab! That makes my outing even more pressing."

As Lee quickened his step, Tabatha asked, "Where are you off to in such a hurry, anyway?"

"The junkyard. I need more scrap. With my parents and new siblings in their own place, there's plenty of room for my third Simbot! Since you've completed your lifetime wish, I'd better wrap up mine."

As Lee headed off, Tabatha cautioned, "Please be careful and don't blow yourself up!"

"I've got Indigo with me, so I'll be extra careful."

Knowing how much Lee doted on Indigo, Tabatha was reassured and turned her attention to her own new pet, snuggling Kai against her cheek.

"Ouch!!! Why you bit me, you little devil! I guess I pushed too fast too soon, little Kai. But I'm sure we'll be good friends in no time. Let's get you settled in your new home."

"In you go, boy. A nice clean environment with plenty of food and water."

With a heartfelt sigh she adds, "And not an evil sim in sight!"

With Tabatha's happiness boosted by the day's events, she takes a moment to chat with Sylvester.

"Care to fly around for a bit, boy?"

"Bwak. Fly around. Fly around. Bwak!"

At the junkyard, Lee's chatting with Indigo, "I don't care much for that ratty old chair, boy. Maybe we should blow it up!?!"

Indigo chatters back and Lee listens intently.

"You're right. I need to focus on collecting good quality scrap and I did tell Tab I'd be careful."

With Lee, the chair, and Indigo safe, I watch as Lee digs enthusiastically through the largest scrap pile.

But a message has me hurrying across town.

Jade and Pal's triplet daughters have aged to children!

Here's Opal, her blonde looks even more like her mother's.

And she adds absent-minded to her athletic and brave traits.

Ruby takes after her grandfather Dane, having his dark hair and brows.

She also inherited Dane's virtuoso trait at birth, as well as being a loner.

All three girls inherited Pal's IF genetics, but Ruby's the only one that inherited Pal's violet eyes.

Now a child, Ruby's following both her grandparents' lead and become evil!

Another wish come true for Bella, for sure!

Pearl looks more like Bella than ever, with her dark grey skin tone and Bella's hair color.

But the resemblance is only skin deep as Pearl is a genius like her grandfather, Dane, as well as being absent-minded.

A trait combination she shares with Bella's grandfather, Chase, who brought that hair color into the family. Coincidence? Probably. But I'd rather think of it as destiny.

Pearl ended up with the loser trait as a child, but I heartily dislike that trait, so now she's lucky.

I don't get the option to change traits with my main family, but with spares, they've got enough to deal with without being bullied in school!

Pal gets home just in time to show off his uniform.

He keeps getting promoted to Squadron Leader and then demoted back to Fighter Pilot as Kearney O'Shea gets promoted to Squadron Leader.

With both of them having the lifetime wish of becoming astronauts, it's been a fierce battle between the two for several sim weeks now.

But seeing the way Jade welcomes him home, it's plain to see that these two are still very much in love!

Back at the main Frio house, Cruz is working on upgrading the fireplace.

He's popped wishes to improve his handiness skill and upgrade 10 objects so this should help with both of those wishes.

While their Simbot brother works hard at accomplishing those things, the quads work on homework.

"What'd you get for problem number 10, Cam? I'm not sure how to figure that one out."

"I'm only on problem number four, Tay. I started after you and then I had to check the sink, I swear I heard it dripping, but when I checked it was fine."

Leila snorts, "If either of you would just focus, you'd be done already, like I am! And before you ask Tay, I won't give you the answer to number 10, you need to work it out for yourself!"

Despite Leila's boasting, Juliette finished her homework first and Lee asks, "So, how's the photography coming, sweetie? Is that new camera working out?"

"It's great, Dad! Every time I take a photo, I start a new collection. I never knew there were so many to choose from! It makes it hard to decide which ones to work on completing first. Of course, some of them require traveling, and I can't do that for a while yet. So, I'll focus on things around the house and in town for now."

"It sounds like you have it all planned out Jules, good for you. Not many kids know what they want to do when they grow up. I didn't know about monster making until my teen birthday when I became eccentric, but once the Watcher mentioned it, it was all I could think about. Lucky for me, it was one of the options when I became a young adult and one that no other heir had completed."

"I know what you mean, Dad. Taking photos is all I really think about right now. Black and white ones, sepia tones, or color, each one changes the photo, even if taking photos of the same thing isn't really worth much. For me, it's not the value, just the fun of taking photos!"

With his homework complete, Cameron restores his fun by playing a video game on the PC in the library.

He's totally engrossed in the game and I'm not going to interrupt him.

Especially since he's already checked the sink twice!

And as the sun sets on another glorious day in Dragon Valley, Juliette takes a turn on a spring rider.

A dragon, of course, that leaves a trail of smoky breath on the air as she rides it with abandon.

One arm flung out as she urges the dragon on, her smile showing she's having a great time.

Unlike two of her siblings, she truly enjoys being outdoors, especially now, in the heat of summer.

Tabatha completed her lifetime wish and got double happiness points!

Jade and Pal's triplets have aged to children, so hopefully we'll get to invite them over and make friends.

Cruz is working on his handiness skill by upgrading objects all through the house.

The quads are keeping up with their homework but still finding time to have fun and just enjoy being kids.

But not for much longer as their teen birthdays are right around the corner!

Before that happens though, Lee's collected enough scrap to make his third Simbot, the last one needed for his lifetime wish.

So, we'll be getting another family member in Chapter 390: Monster Maker
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 390: Monster Maker
« Reply #424 on: October 20, 2023, 09:07:06 PM »

"Whoa boy, whoa! That cliff's coming up way too fast!"

Is it just me or does the bronco rider look even more scared than Cam?

Well, with four kids vying to ride him, who can blame the poor thing.

Some generations he's totally ignored but not in this one.

I'm kind of surprised that Cam spends so much time riding him, but I guess his athletic trait trumps neurotic in this instance.

As Juliette heads off to join her siblings on the school bus, I find Lee watching tv.

"Now that you've got all the scrap you need, I thought you'd be chomping at the bit to get started on your last Simbot."

Lee doesn't even blink as he says, "Right after this episode, Watcher! It was a two-parter and it's being televised not streamed. I had to get up early just to watch it!"

With the show over, Lee changes into his work clothes and gets busy at his inventing table.

Despite his almost maxed handiness and maxed inventing, his work is interrupted periodically with exclamations of pain as he hammers a thumb.

Or scorches a finger.

"I'd probably be less clumsy, Watcher, if you weren't…watching. This is going to take some time anyway. It's not like making a toy or even a big invention, it's…"

"I know, I know, 'The Ultimate Invention'! I'll leave you to it, but I don't want to miss your big moment."

"I promise to call when I get close, Watcher."

I check in on Tabatha whose out on the side porch chatting with Sage about gardening.

"Do you mind, Watcher? It's hard to concentrate with you… watching."

Then I find Leila going for a joy ride on the couch, but instead of getting told not to watch, she yells, "Watch me, Watcher, watch me!"

Finally, someone who appreciates me taking an interest.

Over in the corner, I see Taylee sitting on the floor.

Is she…

Yes. Playing with her IF doll, singing to it actually.

Juliette's in the downstairs guest bathroom singing to her doll, too.

I've tried not to let them play with them too much.

But a shout from the living room has me rushing back in.

Not just me, but Cameron too, "What's wrong Tay!?! Is it the sink!?!"

But Taylee isn't answering as she's chatting on her cell phone, "Hi, Jonah. Yeah, recess was really fun today. We should play tag more often."

I breathe a sigh of relief as it was just Taylee getting her first phone call, not anything to do with her IF doll…

Wrong again!

As Taylee chats excitedly to Jonah about trash, of all things, her doll sparkles and grows to child-size!

A true imaginary friend. Well, only one out of four, so not too bad.

I love the idea of the IF dolls and them getting to be imaginary friends, I just don't like their overall glitchiness.

Lee and Ara's just plain disappeared in the last town, and only Jade's Pal managed to survive and become real.

We'll see how it goes with this one.

I guess I better find out what name this one has, if it's going to stick around.

But all thoughts of IF dolls fly out of my head as I see Taylee's speech bubble!

I guess she's closer to being a teenager than I thought.

I shamelessly listen as she says, "I love reigning over the Queen's Court! In fact, I'm dressed in my costume right now."

Whew! She had me scared there for a second. Maybe I shouldn't have made that comment about her talking about trash. That's a much safer topic!

Off the phone, Taylee finally notices the size of her IF doll.

"Wow, Pat, you got big! Wanna play tag?"

Looks like Taylee's taking her doll's new status in stride.

I click on Lee's icon to see how he's getting along upstairs.

Only to be shot across town to find Lee standing outside a building chatting to a dragonling.

It's so dark, I can't tell if it's Indigo or Kelly, but that's not my main concern.

"Why are you out here and not working on your Simbot!?!"

"I took a break to deliver some toys for an Op."

"So, you're heading back home now?"

"I thought I'd stop in and check on Mom and Dad and the new trips first. If you don't mind!"

"No, as long as you're out, we might as well see how it's going for them."

"Oh, Lee, thanks for stopping in. We could really use an extra hand!"

Seeing one of the boys on the floor, I don't doubt it.

But seeing the fluffy bundle next to him, I ask, "Triplet nooboos and you adopt a kitten!?! What were you and Dane thinking, Bella!?!"

Her red aura flaring, Bella snaps, "Don't even go there, Watcher! This is all your fault! You knew how hard this would be on our own and yet you allow pets too. Knowing we'd have that responsibility on top of the triplets!"

"I hadn't really thought about pets, Bella. I could place this one in another home and change my settings…"

"It's too late for that, we're attached to Olive now.  And don't say a word about her name! Just let Lee help us get the triplets back in their cribs. Every time you stop in, they seem to end up on the floor!"

"Yeah, sorry about that. I'm not sure why that happens."

Moments later, Bella's stepping through the nursery door with Dane and Lee following, both carrying a nooboo.

Bella grumbles, "See! Danella's on the floor too! I swear you do that on purpose, Watcher! Just to make me look like a bad mother!"

I don't say anything, as we all know that I don't have to do anything to make Bella look bad.

She comes by it naturally, being evil to the core!

As Bella picks up Danella it's obvious that she's exhausted.

I know they brought this on themselves, but I'm pretty sure Woohooer was partly responsible, so that lands it right back in my lap!

Even after all the jump scares and evilness these two put us through, I'm not sure even they deserve this.

With the triplets all safely back in their cribs, Bella and Dane find comfort in each other's arms!

Just look at the doe eyes they're making at each other!

Even with a smile directed at Dane, Bella's aura flares, and it's obvious it's time for us to leave.

But instead of a motive mobile, or even one of the police cruisers, Lee rides his bike home.

His parents do not live close by, so this is going to take some time.

But at least he's got lights and reflectors on his bike.

Eco-friendly sims, what can you do!?!

I can pop over to the house and leave him to his ride.

By the time Lee gets home, it's late and all he has the energy for is a shower and bed.

And one last chat with Indigo, of course.

But it's Cruz' words that fill me with hope as he excitedly asks, "So, I will have a new sibling tomorrow!?! One that looks like me!?!"

Lee's face takes on a determined, serious look as he says, "That's the plan, my son. Tomorrow is the day I make my third and final creation!"

True to his word, Lee was up early, pounding metal, twisting screws, and adding circuits.

Soldering them together with flashes of smoke and sparks of flame.

I went in for a close-up and gasped as I could actually see what looked like a metal head.

Then, Lee stopped working and stepped back.

"Why are you stopping now!?!"

Lee said in a hushed, reverential tone, "I'm done. It's finished."

"But, but, there's only a metal chamber there."

"Patience, Watcher. Life, even sim life, takes time. A Simbot is no exception."

And before my eyes, Lee's third Simbot appears!

Along with the 50,000 happiness points for completing his Lifetime Wish!

Sounding more like Bella or Dane than himself, Lee throws his arms in the air and exclaims, "Mwahahaha, it's alive! I am now officially a Monster Maker!"

"Yes, but not an evil one. That's not you at all, Lee."

Lee laughs in his own low chuckle and says, "I couldn't resist, Watcher! Say hello to our newest family member, Britta!"

With Britta's creation, Lee is officially a Monster Maker and has completed his Lifetime Wish!

So, both Tabatha and Lee are pretty much free to do what they want now.

Until grandnooboos come along, anyway!

But we've got some time before that happens as the quads are just aging to teens in the next chapter.

Come celebrate with us in Chapter 391: Teen Time
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 391: Teen Time
« Reply #425 on: October 25, 2023, 07:00:36 PM »

Taylee was so excited about her birthday, we let her go first!

She blew out her candles quickly and started clapping before Lee even made it downstairs.

I'm not sure if that's why Tabatha looked so sad or if she just felt that time was passing too quickly.

As her mother and siblings, both human and simbots, gathered round, her excitement grew.

So, when Leila twirled a noise maker and shouted birthday wishes, Taylee threw both arms up in a cheer of her own.

Her eyes were flashing with excitement and her smile lit up her face!

But Britta, Cameron, and Juliette were silent, each one focused on their own thoughts.

This being Britta's first birthday party, she's probably just taking it all.

Cam's probably worrying about his own age up, or maybe the sink again.

As for Juliette, is that a bowl on her hand?

Still dressed in his work clothes, Lee finally joined the celebration, just as the sparkles faded and teen Taylee appeared.

As Tabatha took in Taylee's hair and Irish Green top, she froze just as she's started to clap.

All her excitement gone, Taylee moaned, "Do I look that bad, Mom?"

Tabatha, trying to be diplomatic, replied, "Not bad, just…different."

I interjected, "Don't worry about that now, Tay. Age-up hair and clothes aren't usually the best, but we'll do make-overs after everyone ages up. Just grab your cake, so we can continue."

"I'd rather go sailing. What an odd wish!"

"It's your new trait. You are now a sailor!"

"In Dragon Valley?"

"That's the thing with random traits, they defy all the odds and give quite unique and unexplainable combinations. If it's any consolation, I think you're the first sailor we've had!"

"Can I make money from it?"

"You can catch more fish than other sims when you're fishing from a boat."

"So, that's a no, then?"

"Well, Dragon Valley does have a bay. We could always check that out. But we need to continue with the birthdays."

Not in as much of a hurry as his sister, Cameron put some thought into his own birthday wish.

So much thought that Taylee had eaten her cake and the rest of us were getting restless.

He finally blew out his candles, just as I noticed he was still wearing pajamas.

Hopefully, he won't age up in pink bunny slippers, that seems to be the default for my teenage boys.

As the sparkles fade, I can't really pan out without going behind a wall, so I can't tell if he's wearing bunny slippers or not.

But I can see one of Taylee's hot pink boots, which makes her outfit even more mismatched.

Cameron's sleepwear isn't much better.

The sleep shorts are okay, but the double shirt with a red scarf for summer is a bit odd.

And I'm not even going to discuss his hair.

Hearing giggles behind him, Cam asks, "That bad, huh?"

Taylee laughs, "All we can see is your hair, what's left of it, clashing with that scarf!"

"Grab your cake, Cam. Two more birthdays to go!"

"But I want to go swimming!"

"Loves to Swim showed up in the second gen, with Adam! For you, it'll mean an indoor pool or enduring the outdoors."

"Indoor pool, of course!"

As Juliette hops on a step stool before her cake, I'm able to check out the other guests.

Grandpa Dane cheering as he twirls a noise maker with Gramma Bella doing the same, her evil red aura flaring.

A newly aged up Alana Dolan clapping enthusiastically; she's hard to miss with that teal skin and blonde hair!

And two family ghosts, Samuel and Lorelei.

Not bad for a late-night gathering.

Britta's even loosened up, pulled out a noise maker, and joined in the revelry.

When Juliette turns around, I see that she does indeed have a bowl stuck to her hand!

I think Lee noticed it at the same time I did as he went still, a puzzled frown on his face.

Juliette's doing her best to cheer without braining herself in the head!

The sparkles disappear, but the bowl doesn't!

Her hair's not much different, though she now has bangs, and we get more double shirt sleepwear.

Not quite what you'd expect for a sim who's now Lucky.

Before Juliette can grab some cake, Leila's already stepping up to her own.

As Leila blows out the candles on the final cake, I notice that Taylee's hair is actually not in a severe bun, just a short ponytail, a better hair than I thought actually.

But cheering from the crowd brings me back to the event at hand as everyone seems to have a noise maker or party horn and it's getting loud.

Not to be left out, Leila grabs a noise maker of her own, while I spot Juliette just finishing her cake, not an easy task with that bowl in the way.

Everyone else is focused on the final birthday girl, cheering and clapping with enthusiasm, ghostly Lorelei loudest of all.

Since Leila is her namesake, that's to be expected.

As the sparkles fade, and teen Leila stands before us, the best thing I can say is at least her t-shirt is black.

But again, this is her sleepwear, and if the icon over Juliette's head is anything to go by, her everyday outfit might be worse.

She lost her pigtails only to get a short, angled hair style that I don't find flattering at all.

"Make-overs, here we come!"

But Leila seems mesmerized by her birthday sparkles, cooing, "Ooh, pretty stars. I want to be a star!"

"And our final teen trait is Star Quality!"

"Is that a good one?"

"It's not bad. And it actually triggers three possible lifetime wishes, unlike hates the outdoors which doesn't trigger anything."

Within moments of becoming teens, hearts are flying around the room as all three girls want to get to know Caine Mithrilen better!

Cameron's focus is on Maeve Kelly, and no wonder as she's a lovely, pink-skinned blonde.

Caine and Maeve are much older than the quads, having been teens for a while now, but it doesn't hurt to have options.

With all three girls focused on Caine, I'd rather not have sibling rivalry rear its ugly head, especially in the volatile teen years.

But we'll see what happens.

With cake eaten and the leftovers put away, it's finally time for much needed makeovers.

But Cameron has other ideas.

Since Maeve's not in the house, he focuses his attentions on his childhood best friend, Alana Dolan.

And seeing how Alana's hanging on to his every word, I'm not going to interrupt!

Since Taylee was tired, I let her go first, and she chose another ponytail, though this one left long bangs around her face.

For her summer everyday wear, she chose a one-piece white romper with spaghetti straps and a big lilac bow.

The white makes a dramatic contrast with her ebony skin.

Since she closed her eyes in the full-length photo, we're showing this close-up.

She has that same sad look that Tabatha has, making her look more like her mother than her siblings.

Especially since she didn't inherit her father's eyes, which come from Dane's family.

The only other outfit I could persuade her to show off was her winterwear, which probably won't get seen anyway, so now's her only chance.

Taylee Frio--current traits: Excitable, Good, Mooch, Sailor

With her new trait coming to the fore already, Leila did a full photoshoot with almost a dozen shots!

But I made her choose three.

Here she is in her new upswept ponytail and sleepwear, the black a perfect foil to her pale skin.

She looks way too grown up in her formal mini-dress with those high-heeled shoes!

I have a feeling Lee and Tabatha may have something to say about this one.

To me and Leila!

A close-up of her outerwear shows off her dramatic tip-tilted eyes as well.

Leila's so beautiful that I really think she could become a star!

Not just a 5-star celebrity but a Superstar Actress as well.

It is one of the lifetime wishes prompted by star quality but her other traits contribute quite a few lifetime wishes, except for hates the outdoors, of course.

We'll just have to see what happens at young adult and what her last trait may be.

Leila Frio--current traits: Athletic, Hates the Outdoors, Workaholic, Star Quality

Juliette opted for a longer hairstyle with no bangs and for her formal she chose a yellow mini dress with a white bow and pearls.

I have a feeling all three Frio sisters are going to take Drake School of Life and Learning by storm!

For every day, Juliette chose a cotton collared top and shorts in two-toned muted yellow and white with a white wedged sandal.

Since she's going to be all over town taking photos, she went with something practical.

Since she won't get to wear it, Juliette decided to show off her winter outfit.

A bright yellow sweater with black pants and a matching vest, topped off with a knitted hat in all three colors.

A nod to her love of hats from her toddlerhood.

Juliette Frio--current traits: Loves the Heat, Loves the Outdoors, Photographer's Eye, Lucky

With the girls' makeovers completed, I dragged Cameron away from Alana to get his done.

We give him a bit more hair in a flattering style, not too long or too short.

He'll probably be in his athletic wear a lot but were showing it off anyway.

He chose a classic black suit for his formal with a turquoise vest to give it a bit of pop.

"Why do you look scared to death?"

"I'm in a monkey-suit for starters and Stylist makes me nervous. What if I don't make it out of here!?!"

"I've never lost anyone in Stylist, but since it bothers you, we'll do your other outfits quickly and get you back to Alana."

For his third outfit, I pick swimwear, since his new trait is Loves to Swim and it's quick.

Cameron Frio--current traits: Athletic, Hates the Outdoors, Neurotic, Loves to Swim

Unfortunately for Cameron, this is the end of the chapter and he's stuck in Stylist until next time!

Just kidding. He's actually back chatting with Alana, which will continue in the next chapter.

Will Cameron find Alana as appealing as he did Maeve?

Join me and find out in Chapter 392: Exploring Possibilities--Part 1
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 392: Exploring Possibilities--Part 1
« Reply #426 on: November 01, 2023, 12:55:09 AM »

Cameron's back in the music room, safe and sound, chatting with Alana.

Or more accurately, they're both just standing there awkwardly trying to figure out something to say.

Seeing that Alana's outfit is a bit mismatched and that I'm not really interrupting, I pop her into Stylist for a quick make-over.

That's better!

And it looks like the respite helped Cameron find his voice as he's now chatting away.

"Thanks for coming over, Alana, it was great having you here for my birthday. We're celebrating my mom's birthday tonight. Do you want to hang out until then?"

"Sure, Cam! I'd love to. Maybe we could play chess?"

One down, three to go.

Make that four.

Britta may not be one of the quads, but she just arrived in the family, and she's got her own possibilities to explore.

One of those possibilities is at Barney's Salon and Tattoo.


Because Britta's dream is to become a Fashion Phenomenon!

That right. A Simbot who's brave, unlucky, excitable, hydrophobic(they all are), and charismatic, wants to reach level 10 in the stylist career.

Watching her work at her new job, she definitely talks the talk.

But I'm not so sure the red pumps she's suggesting will actually work for this guy's outfit!

Maybe she'd be better off listening to her client about changing his hairstyle.

"Yes, I do think a few inches off the back would make more of a fashion statement."

But despite Britta picking up on the hint, her first client wasn't thrilled with the results.

"I'll pay you the simoleans, but I think you'd better stick to inventing, bot!"

"But my deepest desire is to be a stylist, sir. I will persevere."

Not the best start, but at least Britta's not giving up.

Back at the house, Tabatha's giving Taylee her first driving lesson.

Definitely a milestone in any teen's life.

But since they chose a police cruiser instead of a motive mobile, it's going to take a while.

Tabatha survived the driving lesson, but will she survive celebrating her adult birthday with Bella front and center?

With Bella just cheering without flaunting her evil red aura, there may just be a chance.

On a brighter note, Alana did stick around, and two more teens have shown up to help us celebrate.

Alana's evil older brother Finnegan seems to be focused on Juliette, while Juliette's focused on teen heartthrob Caine Mithrilen.

But with Caine pointing and laughing at Tabatha, I have a feeling he's a tad inappropriate.

I spoke to soon, as within minutes of the party starting, Bella's evil aura flares to life.

Bella's smiling and twirling a noise maker, along with Juliette and Alana, so maybe it won't cause trouble.

But I'm sure Finnegan's snickering at Caine's shenanigans isn't helping matters.

As Tabatha blows out her candles and cheers, others have joined the party.

Britta doesn't quite know what to make of all the revelry, just standing quietly and trying to process it all.

Leila has taken a spot up front, clapping and cheering, and Cameron's gotten into the party spirit letting out a cheer of his own.

Behind Cam, I spot Ara and I see Pal strolling in to join the celebration.

As the sparkles hit, Ryan Hooley's come in bringing a plate of food.

And a familiar turquoise-haired fairy is scowling at the number of sims crowding her.

I see Cruz on the fringe, and an unfamiliar, red-skinned teen standing way in the back.

With so many guests milling about, I could barely get a photo of Tabatha.

But I finally find her in the crowd, and though she's kept her outfit, she's lost her familiar hairstyle.

And gone back to the one from her teen years, the same angled cut Leila aged up in.

Thankfully, Lee's finally showed up!

I've no idea where he's been all this time.

Probably on the couch watching tv.

But I'm more concerned with getting the teens to mix and mingle!

Taylee's found Jonah Burb in the crowd and they're chatting like the good friends they are.

Juliette's found an overdressed Jaeger Fallon.

And she either thinks he's dressed for prom, or she wants to invite him!

Leila's looking a little uncomfortable chatting with the red-skinned, red-haired boy, who is Colin O'Reilly.

While Taylee's moved on from Jonah and is chatting with Daeric Cullen.

And I believe Jennifer Burb has spotted Simbot Cruz and is warding him off.

Simbots are as bad as ghosts in that way, no one seems to want them around.

I'm not sure what Colin and Leila witnessed, but it doesn't look good.

Colin's gasping and Leila's freaking out with Daeric Cullen in her thought bubble!

I hope Daeric didn't do something inappropriate, mean, or evil.

He's a bit thin, but I love his lilac skin and dark hair!

He's so very elven, I find him irresistible, and I'm really hoping one of the girls feels the same way.

With the party over, I pop Tabatha into Stylist and give her back her familiar hairstyle and we choose a new summer outfit.

A casual one that will be perfect for the garden since she's the sole caretaker now.

With Lee having completed his Lifetime Wish and Cruz having plenty of elixirs and ingredients on hand, there's no need to replant any more items.

But I will have her take care of what's planted until everything goes barren and store it in one of the chests.

Her face looks sadder than usual, so I ask, "Didn't you enjoy the party?"

"The party was fine, I guess. But with all the taunting from those rude boys, I'm having a full-blown mid-life crisis! Just look at my wrinkles! You couldn't get me into Stylist fast enough!""

"I waited until the party was over, Tab. And there's nothing wrong with your face, I just wanted to give you your gorgeous hair back!"

"You're just trying to be nice!"

"No. I honestly don't see any wrinkles. Yes, your face looks a bit more mature, but it's supposed to when you're an adult."

"Mature!?! Why would you say a thing like that!?! Faces are supposed to be fresh, vibrant, youthful, not mature! I've got to find a mirror and see for myself."

(For the next week all she did was check for wrinkles in a mirror!)

But I had more important things to focus on.

Britta's career for one.

As her second makeover didn't go over any better than her first one!

Cassidy Prendergast fumed, "You've made me look like a matron! This dress is ugly!"

"But are you not the caretaker of many children? It is a very practical choice."

"My adopted children are grown. I didn't want practical, I wanted glamourous! How will I find the love of my life before I meet Grim in a rag like this?"

Let's hope the quads have more luck with the teen classmates they've invited over after school.

Cam seems stunned by Mallory Eames, while I just love her lilac hair.

Her clothes are pretty hideous, especially the sleeves with those red and white stripes.

But a makeover could fix that easily.

But it can't fix this!

I'm not sure what Mallory said, but one thing's for sure, Cam didn't like it.

And he got right in her face and told her so, scowl and pointy finger included!

Then it went from bad to worse, a true shouting match with Mallory going off, "Who do you think you are Cameron Frio? Your family's new in this town and you have no right talking to me that way! My parents were right, we'd all have been better off if none of you had come to Dragon Valley! Your father making those robotic creatures and letting them roam through our town! Your evil grandmother making it impossible for honest thieves to make a living. And don't get me started on how many dragonlings you've all hatched! Everything you've done has ruined this town!"

I'd never seen Cam so angry!

He raised his hands and growled, "How dare you talk about my family that way! Those 'creatures' are my siblings, lovingly created by my father, and they wouldn't hurt anyone. And HONEST thieves, seriously? You actually believe that? No one in this town steals from the rich and gives to the poor, they all keep it for themselves! That's why they're called criminals, Mallory! And they are no better than my evil grandmother. But at least she doesn't try to hide her evil doings and pretend to do it for the good of others! As for the dragonlings, we've hatched and nurtured every type, even a black one, and if you don't make them do evil things, they don't. It's sims who make them evil, so if that's happened in your past you only have your own townsfolk to blame! You're lucky my grandmother isn't here listening to you because both your parents would be fired!  She doesn't tolerate insubordination! Now get out of our house."

Mallory stomped to the door, her heels clacking harshly on the stone floor, vowing, "You'll regret this, Cameron Frio!"

But her exit line fell flat as it only brought attention to her boots, which looked ridiculous with her outfit!

And I'd thought the red-striped sleeves were bad.

As she left, Cam took a deep breath to calm down and then his eyes met those of his best friend.

Seeing Alana's commiserating look he stepped closer.

Is this it?

Is he going to take their friendship to the next level!?!

Not quite yet.

He leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Can you believe that Mallory Eames! I'm glad she's graduating soon, and we won't have to see her at school. And her clothes? I'd thought my age up outfits were bad, but hers is one of the worst I've ever seen! If she hadn't been so rude, our Watcher would have probably helped her out in Stylist. But that's never happening now! With her attitude, she deserves to look bad!"

Wow! Cam surprises me again, as I never expected he would stoop to gossiping.

But Alana doesn't seem to mind.

She listens intently but doesn't comment, her thoughts not on Mallory but on Cam.

Maybe because he's so close to her?

Suddenly, Cam realizes just how close he is too, as he bashfully steps back and ducks his head, his thoughts now totally focused on Alana!

Daeric Cullen glances over, interrupting his own conversation with Leila.

Cam and Alana?

Leila and Daeric?

Have two of the quads discovered teen loves?

I hope so!

Britta's joined the Stylist career but is struggling a bit as her first two makeovers haven't gone well.

From what I remember in the career, that's pretty much par for the course until you've gained a few levels.

But it does give me even more of an excuse to do some much needed makeovers on the DV residents.

The quads are also exploring their own possibilities with the current batch of DV teens.

Cam blew up at Mallory Eames, so she's off the possible spouse list, but he's finally noticed Alana.

Will they become a couple or just stay best friends?

Leila and Daeric Cullen? I like that pairing. But will they?

Will Taylee further her friendship with Jonah Burb?

Will Jaeger Fallon's fashion sense pique Juliette's interest or will she explore other possibilities?

Let's find out in Chapter 392: Exploring Possibilities--Part 2
Coming soon.

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Chapter 392: Exploring Possibilities--Part 2
« Reply #427 on: November 06, 2023, 05:32:12 PM »

Leila and Daeric seem to be getting along well enough, with Daeric thinking about how funny Leila is.

But why is Leila thinking about homework?

I follow her line of vision and it explains it well.

Four of our male guests are doing homework at the dining table!

I agree with Ryan Hooley as he asks, "Why do we still have to do homework when were visiting someone else's house?"

Jaeger Fallon, busily scratching down an answer, replies, "Game mechanic. Kids come home from school so often with other kids that if it didn't prompt us to do homework, we'd all grow up to be losers!"

Poor Damien Cullen moans, "How's that going to help me? I'm already a loser!"

Finnegan Dolan, gloats, "It's sims like you that make my life worth living!"

Hopefully, they all finish soon and start interacting with the girls.

That's why they're here, after all.

And I get my wish!

With his homework done, Damien chats outside on the back porch with Taylee.

Taylee's building up friendships fast, being best friends with Jonah Burb, good friends with Daeric Cullen, and now friends with his brother, Damien.

I'm guessing it's her good trait rather than mooch that makes her so attractive.

But will she choose one of them as a partner?

Or will she develop feelings for her Imaginary Friend, Pat?

Only time will tell.

With Leila's thoughts filled with Daeric and them being outside alone on the back porch, I get my hopes up.

Only to have them dashed when Daeric says, "It's getting late and I haven't done my homework yet, so I'll see you tomorrow at school."

And the teen guests all leave in a max exodus.

With the house settled down for the night, only the family ghosts are left to roam around.

Or take up residence in a rocker.

Once they ward each other off that is.

"Samuel, you've been with Jared in the Netherworld so long, you should be used to seeing him as a ghost."

"Sorry, Watcher. It's a game…"

"I know, I know. A game mechanic. But unlike the autonomous homework one, I find this one annoying, especially among the family ghosts and the family members."

"Quit complaining, Watcher, and tell us how the quads are doing with the teens in this town!"

"Not much to tell yet. Taylee and Cameron are the only two who have a best friend. And Taylee's friends with two other boys, twin brothers, Damien and Daeric Cullen."

"So, no definite heir yet?"

"You know I don't choose the heir until after that gen's young adult birthdays, Jared! Final traits and lifetime wishes can change the whole picture. And the quads don't even know half the eligible teens or their traits."

"Well, what are you waiting for, Watcher!?! Make it happen!"

I don't usually take Jared's advice, but this time it lines up with my own plans.

So, the next day, we invite the teens over again.

I'm pretty sure, Mallory and Finnegan were not invited, but they've shown up anyway.

But I'm happy to see Maeve Kelly and Jonah Burb this time, as it gives the quads more options.

Especially since Taylee's already best friends with Jonah and Cam had hearts for Maeve right after he aged up.

But I was mistaken about Maeve's coloring, she's not a pink-skinned blonde, it's her hair that's a very light pink, and her skin is kind of peachy looking, but I'm sure it's on a color slider.

Though Maeve doesn't seem exactly thrilled by Cam's topic of conversation.

"But if we don't do something about the trash problem, we'll ruin our worlds."

What is it with the quads and trash?

Lee's eco-friendly, but Taylee and Cam aren't.

Maybe Lee's been promoting the eco-friendly lifestyle with all his bike riding?

What's really odd is that Lee popped wishes to teach all four of his children to drive, yet when they ask, he hops on his bike and drives to an empty lot across town!

I have no idea what's up with that, but I tried it multiple times with the same result.

What's more worrying than Lee ditching his parental duties to go bike riding, is Max Fallon dancing like a zombie in the kitchen!

His outfit's even more ridiculous; a swimsuit with another double shirt plus a scarf, and heavy work boots!

I was hoping I could get away with not making over the entire town, but I think Britta needs to get to work on these teens, at the very least.

But out on the front porch, trash is the last thing on Taylee's mind as she's totally focused on Jonah, "I'm so glad you could come over Jonah, I've been wanting to ask you something ever since they announced it."

Jonah's eyes never left Taylee's face as he asked, "What, Tay? What did you want to ask me?"

Excitedly, Taylee blurted, "I was wondering if you wanted to go to prom with me!?!"

Jonah pulled Taylee into his arms and said, "I'd love to go to prom with you Tay! We'll be the cutest couple at the dance."

Taylee was so caught up in the moment, she pulled Jonah closer, and they shared their first kiss!

One prom date and first kiss down, only three more to go.

Unfortunately, Leila and Daeric weren't flirting or even chatting, they were just playing chess.

"I'm not sure I understand this game, Leila. How do the pieces move again?"

Leila just sighed and explained, "Pawns can only move forward one space, except on their initial move, when they can move two spaces, unless they're taking a piece and then they can move diagonally too, but only one space. Rooks can move forward or back or side to side with no limit. Bishops can move diagonally and aren't limited either. Knights move in an 'L' shape, two spaces in one direction and one space laterally. The Queen can move in any direction, any number of spaces. She's the most powerful piece."

"But I thought the King was the highest piece on the board!"

"He is, but he can move only one space at a time in any direction."

"Right. So, which one's the Knight? I don't see a guy like that!"

"The Knight isn't a guy, it's a horse! And the Rook is a castle."

"Why don't they just call them those names, then? It's confusing!"

Patiently, Leila said, "That's because you're overthinking it. You're trying to think of everything at once. You need to take it slow and just move your pieces and I'll move mine and explain why each move is good or bad. This is just practice so you get the hang of the game."

Downstairs, Juliette's in an animated conversation with Jaeger.

Well, she's pretty animated. But at least he's listening intently.

Even when she starts talking about babies!

Though that topic sure had Lee stopping in his tracks! Honestly, I did a double take as well!

Until she clarified it with, "Yes, you heard me right! I even have to take a photo of a nooboo just to complete the family and friends collection. And not just any nooboo, my own child, no less! That's not going to happen until I'm old and married! And don't even get me started on the travel photo collections. I'm seriously hoping I get to choose Visionary instead of World Class Gallery, or I'll never complete my Lifetime Wish!"

Jaeger finally gets a word in edgewise as he asks, "But what if you don't get the option of a photography related lifetime wish at all? What will you do then?"

Juliette paused mid rant and just stared at Jaeger, finding her voice she finally responded, "I don't even want to think about that possibility! Let's do something to take my mind off it!"

"There's music playing. Wanna dance?"


And soon the two of them are bopping away to the beat!

If nothing else, it took Juliette's mind off her lifetime wish and it'll be good practice for prom.

Upstairs, Cameron and Alana are totally focused on one another.

So when he pops the wish to ask her to prom, I'm pretty excited.

But before he can, Finnegan interrupts saying, "Would you too get on with it already? I can feel the romantic tension and it's disgusting, especially since it's with my sister! Stop being a wimp, Frio, and just ask her to prom so I can play my game in peace."

Alana says, "Is that true Cam? Did you want to ask me to prom?"

Cameron nods in agreement and says, "I'd love to be your date for prom, Alana. Will you go with me?"

Alana beams as she says, "I'd love too. I thought you'd never ask, and I'd end up staying home and watching tv. Not that I'd mind that, but going to prom with you will be way more fun, if we don't dance too much. I'm not big on strenuous activity. We should coordinate our outfits and make plans to get there early…"

But Cam's just realized what Alana's words mean as he asks incredulously, "You think lazing around watching tv is more fun than getting healthy exercise!?! Seriously?"

"It's certainly better than working out and getting all sweaty! Yuck!"

There's definitely trouble in paradise!

Good thing she's already accepted his prom invitation.

But Finnegan's more than happy about this turn of events as he says, "That's more like it! The negative vibes are awesome! Keep it up, I'm winning now!"

Its's getting late, so Leila's saying goodbye to Daeric on the front porch.

I'm hoping she's trying to get up the courage to ask him to prom!

But she kisses him instead!

And Daeric's not into it at all, "Hey, we just became friends! What were you thinking, Leila!?! I'm not just one of your chess pieces that you can play with!"

Leila quickly apologizes, "I'm sorry, Daeric. I didn't mean to offend you. Please, tell me your biggest dream."

"You really want to know?"

"Yes. I've got big dreams and I want to know yours."

"I'm going to shake the dust of this backward town off my feet and be a star someday!"

"Really, Daeric!?! That's my dream too!"

And just like that, the impulsive kiss is forgotten, and they are friends again!

Then Leila adds, "Let me make it up to you, Daeric."

"What did you have in mind?"

"Let's dress up in our finest and show off our star quality at prom, together!"

Stepping closer Daeric whispers, "You're such a dream, Leila. I'd love to go to prom with you!"

The quads have dates for the prom!

Cam's going with Alana, though after he asked, they found out they have an incompatible trait.

Taylee's going with Jonah, and they've shared their first kiss!

Juliette's practiced dancing with Jaeger so they'll probably be the dynamic duo at the dance.

Leila and Daeric had a bit of a dust up after her impulsive kiss.

But after discovering they both have star quality, and share similar dreams, Leila persuaded Daeric to be her prom date.

Will prom help to further their relationships, like it usually does?

Find out in Chapter 393: Dragon Valley Prom
Coming soon.

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Chapter 393: Dragon Valley Prom
« Reply #428 on: November 17, 2023, 07:58:25 PM »

It wasn't until the following afternoon, after school, that I noticed Juliette still had a wish to ask Jaeger to prom!

With prom only a few hours away, Juliette quickly called him and met him at the fishing hole behind her house.

"I'm sorry it's so last minute, Jaeger, but we were having so much fun dancing, I forgot to ask you to prom. Am I too late? Do you already have a date?"

Jaeger beamed and pulled Juliette in for a hug, "Definitely not too late! I was waiting for you to ask all day yesterday! Should we co-ordinate our outfits? Hang out before or after? Oh, I'm so excited!"

Juliette said, "My dress is yellow, of course, as it's my favorite color and it photographs wonderfully! With you in a classic black tux, we'll look amazing in our prom photo! Oh, I'd better get back home and start getting ready, the limo will show up any minute."

Whew! That was cutting it close!

Luckily, with formals already chosen, the quads just had to greet their dates.

Taylee was dressed and waiting for Jonah inside.

But her sideways glance had me asking, "Where's Cam?"

"He's just checking the sink, one last time."

"Tay! You weren't supposed to tell her!"

"I'm good, Cam, I can't lie!"

"It's not a problem, Taylee. Better that he checks it now instead of worrying about it all night."

Daeric showed up first, looking dapper, and he complimented, Leila, "You look more like a dream than ever! We're going to crush this!"

The two of them really do look adorable together.

Juliette chatted with Indigo while she waited for Jaeger.

He showed up right on time and looked handsome in a stylish black tux.

Taking one look at Juliette in her pearls he said, "You look beautiful, Juliette, I'm not sure I'm dressed fancy enough!"

Juliette replied, "You look handsome, Jaeger, so sophisticated! Let's go hit the dance floor!"

Alana seemed a bit down as she'd chosen a formal outfit in the traditional medieval style of DV.

But she perked up when the girls all gushed, "Alana, you look amazing! That style suits you perfectly."

Once Jonah showed up, also in a classic black tux, Taylee greeted him and headed down the front steps after Leila.

In his excitement to get the night started, Daeric was already racing towards the waiting limo.

With only three sims showing up in a limo, I wondered who'd get to ride in style.

Daeric and Taylee on one side and Leila on the other.

But Juliette, Cam, and Alana all popped out when we got to the school.

So only Jonah and Jaeger missed the limo ride.

That's better odds than usual, though I've never had quads attending prom before, all with dates.

It was getting pretty dark, but I took one last photo of the quads before they headed inside.

Just look at them all dressed up and ready to party!

They're all keeping their thoughts to themselves.

But I'm hoping they're thinking of moving their relationships with their dates up to the next level!

Prom usually does wonders for that.

And what a prom it was!

With the quads all attending with dates, the prom messages came fast and furious, popping up one after the other.

So fast, I could barely keep up and I had to write them down.

Despite all of Juliette and Jaeger's pre-prom dancing, Taylee and Jonah were the first couple to be named the dynamic duo!

But the other three couples received the title over the course of the night.

Their dates were all being attentive and staying by their sides and getting them punch all night long.

Of course, the paparazzi were all ready to pounce outside the school doors.

John Fallon, Jaeger's father, actually has a double reason for being here as Jaeger's attending the event.

Dinny Kelly and Ellen Curren are just hoping for some exclusive photos as their children aren't in high school yet.

And by the looks of Ellen's maternity outfit, they'll be adding to their family soon enough.

They've already got a girl, Gretchen, and a boy, Blake, so this will be their third child.

And prom worked its magic, with all four couples.

First, Cam got voted Prom King.

Afterward, when the lighting was right and the mood perfect, Alana asked him to go steady!

By the looks of his prom photo, they had a fantastic time.

So fantastic that he immediately popped a wish to go on another date with Alana!

While they were slow-dancing, Jaeger looked into Juliette's eyes and asked her to go steady.

Their prom photo was spectacular!

Well, Juliette looked amazing, but Jaeger had switched out of his formal and was wearing jeans and boots.

His black tux would have been more stylish, but he still looked handsome since he was wearing a jacket.

When the band played Taylee's favorite song, Jonah asked her to go steady.

They couldn't stop smiling and had a fantastic time dancing the night away!

Taylee followed Cam's example and popped a wish to go on a date, too.

With Jonah, of course.

But Leila was the darling of the dance.

She got voted Prom Queen, and when Daeric pulled her behind the punch table and kissed her, everyone clapped!

Not their first kiss, but one that turned out much better.

Then while Leila was getting her dance on, Daeric asked her to go steady!

Definitely a successful night!

But prom wasn't the only big event tonight.

Bella and Dane's triplets aged to toddlers!

"Oh, that must be Deimos, he's the one with your brown hair. Do you mind if I take photos?"

Rolling her eyes Bella snarked, "Do I have a choice?"

"So, you don't want me showing off photos of your latest minions?"

"Well, when you put it that way, go ahead!"


I quickly pop each one into Stylist for close-ups.

Deimos, the youngest.

He's got Dane's peachy skin tone with Bella's brown hair.

Draco, the first born.

His looks are all Dane from his black hair and peachy skin tone to his dark tip-tilted Asian eyes!

But he's grumpy like Bella.

Danella, the middle child, and only girl.

She's on the darker end of the white/black slider, obviously, but she's got Dane's black hair.

We've never had this combination before, and she looks adorable.

Though I didn't quite match the red of her hairbows to the red of her outfit.

I'm sure Bella will happily point that out soon enough.

Once he was put down, Deimos headed straight for a peg box and started nibbling on a blue block.

Danella picked up a green one getting the feel of the shape but hadn't decided on a slot yet.

Bella picked up Draco for a cuddle, but seemed shocked at what she was seeing.

"What is it!?! What's wrong?"

"Minions are supposed to try and outdo each other, vie for my attention! They're playing together…nicely! What's wrong with them?"

"Nothing. They aren't quite up to minion status yet, Bella, they're just toddlers! But they'll be demanding lots of attention when they all want to be fed, changed, bathed, or played with, most likely at the same time!"

"I have to do all of that!?! I don't remember it being this difficult with the first set!"

"That's because you worked nights and slept during the day while your parents looked after Lee, Jade, and Ara. Toddler time is even busier than when they're nooboos, because in addition to their needs, you need to teach them to walk, talk, and use the potty."

"And if I choose not to, what happens then?"

I reluctantly say, "They won't grow up well and will end up with less than stellar traits."

Bella's look turns devious as she says, "So, you're telling me that if I take care of them well, they could get better traits than if I don't?"

I sigh and say, "Yes, that's how it usually works in the active household. But in this type of journey, we're required to take random traits, no matter what."

Puzzled, Bella asks, "So, why bother doing all that if they're just going to get a random trait anyway?"

"It's the principle of the thing. You have children and you do your best to help them grow up well. Make them happy and well-adjusted so they grow up to be responsible members of society."

Bella snorts, "Have you forgotten who I am!?! The last thing I want is for my children to be responsible members of society! I'll just let them take care of themselves and hope they follow Ruby's example and become evil!"

"Seriously? That's your plan? To do nothing!"

Bella yawns hugely and says, "Of course not. I'm going to take a nap!"

And she put Draco down and headed off to bed! Up on the second floor. Far, far, away from her children.

The quads all had dates for prom and had a magical night.

So magical that all four of them now have steady partners.

Cameron's girlfriend is Alana Dolan.

Taylee's boyfriend is Jonah Burb.

Juliette's boyfriend is Jaeger Fallon.

Leila's boyfriend is Daeric Cullen.

Bella and Dane's new triplets aged to children and are all quite adorable!

Bella, on the other hand, is her usually grumpy self.

She even tricked me into admitting that taking care of them could lead to them receiving better traits.

Now she plans to leave them on their own in the hopes it will make them grow up evil!

If it weren't for the fact that I want to keep tabs on her triplets as they grow up, I'd stay away from her.

With Bella, there's no telling what she'll do next, or what she'll trick me into doing!

Up next, it's not me, but Cameron who ends up doing something he'd rather not, several things actually.

Join me and find out what happens in Chapter 394: A Wish Gone Wrong
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 394: A Wish Gone Wrong
« Reply #429 on: January 16, 2024, 10:16:27 PM »

The next day started off like normal, with Cameron finishing up a painting before he headed off to school with his sisters.

The painting was pretty chaotic though, so I should have realized Cam wasn't in a very stable mood.

Tabatha chatted and played with Mortie, enjoying the morning until it was time to go to work.

Britta went off to the salon and offered a makeover to Morrigan O' Reilly.

Morrigan not only paid for it, but she actually liked the everyday outfit we chose.

This earned Britta some happiness points as well as the first photo for her portfolio!

Since it's now only 5% complete, we have a long, long, way to go.

Back at the house, I found Lee chatting and feeding Indigo.

I can't believe we've managed to keep him alive and well all this time.

After several dragonlings glitching out, I've been trying to make sure they get put back in backpacks to keep them safe.

But with such a busy household, sometimes I still find them left on their own.

Thankfully, we haven't lost anymore.

After school, Juliette and Taylee were doing homework.

"Where are Cam and Leila?"

Tay stopped writing and said, "Leila had drama club after school today."

"And Cam?"

Jules answered, "He finished his homework, then checked the sink."

Taylee added, "Then he mumbled something about not being a wimp and left."

"I'll see if I can track him down."

I do indeed find Cam.

Riding his bike down the road, despite that this activity takes place in the dreaded outdoors!

"I know why you're hurrying, but where are you going?"

"To ask Alana on a date!"

"You could have called her from the house, safely inside it."

"I couldn't get up the nerve to do it! Finnegan's right, I'm a wimp!"

"Well, since you're braving the outdoors to ask your girl out, not that much of a wimp."

"Thanks, Watcher, but let's see how I do once I get there. I'm hoping just the relief of being inside her house will help."

Unfortunately, instead of being inside relieving Cam's anxiety, it just adds to it.

Because the house is in chaos.

As Alana invites him in, Cam hears Alana's brother Quinn whining about being tired.

Her baby sister is on the floor whimpering, while her mother, Sarah, is just standing there.

Not even trying to help the little one.

Things start to make more sense when Sarah gasps, "Alana, go find your father! I think the baby's coming!"

Realizing Alana's left him with her younger siblings and her mother in labor, Cam can only do one thing.

He freaks out, clutching his head and shouting, "This is way worse than dealing with a leaking sink! Help me, Watcher! Help me!"

I'm still trying to process that six sims live in this tiny home, with a seventh on the way!

Then I find out it's worse than I thought as an exhausted Sarah heads for the bedroom.

As another contraction hits, Sarah wakes up Quinn who had just gone to sleep.

In the only bed in the house!

So, I do what any Watcher would, under such circumstances.

I start building!

Well, first I scoped out the house, intending to add a second story, only to find that is has a frieze on it.

Okay. Nix the second story. Plan B. I'll just add a much needed second bedroom.

That's when I discover a dragon egg in the kitchen!

Perfect! That will give Cam something to focus on instead of just freaking out.

He starts talking to the egg and I breathe a sigh of relief.

Okay. Cam's occupied.

And so is young Quinn when he comes to check out the new light I've added, so I can see.

I'm not sure if Quinn is happy or disgusted by the light fixture.

But at least he's no longer freaking out.

Two down.

Since it's a small lot, I end up just adding a long, narrow back bedroom.

One only big enough to hold two sets of bunkbeds, a little sister halfacrib, and a napping mat.

I take pity on these poor, neglected children and even buy them a toybox.

As soon as I get back to live mode, poor little Gena immediately crashes on the napping mat.

Three down.

Now to focus on Sarah.

Just after I direct Cam to take her to the hospital, Finnegan and Finn return home!


But it's too late to cancel the action now as Cam is already heading for the road to wait for the taxi.

Well, I thought he'd called a taxi, but I guess Cam's celebrity status decided that wasn't good enough.

A limo shows up and Cam climbs in the back.

To be expected as Cam hasn't learned how to drive yet.

And he looks pretty calm, under the circumstances.

"I'm screaming on the inside, Watcher, and will probably be scarred for life…"

No doubt about that as Sarah manages to get her bulging belly behind the driver's wheel and takes off down the road!

Not sure I blame her as she's been in labor for some time now, but it's odd to see a woman in labor driving a vehicle.

Whether it be a taxi or a limo…

And I'm not the only one who feels that way.

When Torre passes them driving his own limo, he does a double take!

Luckily, things progressed well from there.

Sarah may look delicate and fragile, but she's proved she's more than capable of taking care of herself!

As she headed inside the hospital, Cam heaves a sigh of relief, and says, "I'll…I'll just wait for you here, Mrs. Dolan."

Sarah just nods and keeps on walking.

I can't really blame her after seeing her living conditions. I've been a terrible Watcher!

I did add that small second bedroom for the children, but I'm sure Sarah's thinking, 'Waaayyy too little, waaayyy too late!'

I really need to make this up to her. The whole Dolan family really.

Moments later, Sarah comes walking out with her new pink-skinned daughter, Jessa!

Mother and baby seemed fine, but I was puzzled by Sarah's sidelong glance at the walkway.

I pull back so I can see what she's looking at.

Only to find our intrepid hero has collapsed into his sleeping bag!

Well, at least he's no longer panicking.

I wake him up after a few minutes and send him home.

I don't mention how close it is to curfew to avoid another panic attack.

But instead of taking one of the many cabs roaming the cobbled streets, he rides his bike again.

Back at the house, Cam says, "I really need to get some sleep, but I don't want to leave my dragon egg alone."

After all he's been through tonight, I can't add to his anxiety.

"Just place the egg on the floor in the kitchen, Cam. I'll watch over it."

Cam places the egg gently on the floor and, with a yawn, says, "Night, Watcher."

And that left me watching yet another dragon egg.

But soon the sparkles appeared…

And we have a red dragonling!

It's probably no surprise that Tabatha was the first one to discover her.

"Well, who do we have here?"

"She just hatched and doesn't have a name yet, so your choice."

"She's probably hungry, too. So, name and food coming up!"

Tabatha thinks a moment, smiles and says, "Here you go, Ember! Eat it up, girl."

Then she asks, "Where did she come from, Watcher?"

"Long story, but I'll sum it up. Instead of going on a date with Alana, Cam ended up finding this dragon egg at her house."

Shocked, Tabatha asks, "He just took it!?!"

"Let's just consider it payment in full for a busy night. He's now the godfather of Alana's new baby sister, Jessa!"

Totally focused on her newest pet, Tabatha mumbles, "Oh, we should do something in honor of a new baby…Wait! Did you say Cam!?! He was there when the baby was born!?! Is he okay!?!"

"He's fine. He was traumatized at first, but he even went with Sarah to the hospital, so he's just a bit tired. Unfortunately, the whole Dolan family was exhausted as I've been a little lax, well, a lot lax, in my Watcher duties to the neighborhood! I've provided a temporary fix, but we really need to share some of the Frio wealth and renovate some homes."

Tabatha turns back to Ember, her love for her pets being her top priority whenever one is in her hands, "Sure, Watcher. Whatever you think best. Isn't that right, Ember? Nothing's too good for the family that provided us with this little beauty!"

What a wild night!

A nooboo was born and so was a new dragonling.

So, everything turned out okay.

Well, except Cam never actually got to ask Alana on that date!

Will he try again?

Or will bigger wishes pop up for him and his sisters?

Let's find out in Chapter 395: Traits, Mood Swings, and Wishes
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 395: Traits, Mood Swings, and Wishes
« Reply #430 on: March 01, 2024, 06:48:17 AM »

The only side-affect that Cam had after his unforgettable experience was that he started checking the stove.

"You okay? I've never seen you check the stove before."

"Oh, it's nothing new, Watcher. I just try to do it when you're not watching me. No need for you to think any less of me. I mean, who wants an heir that's constantly worried about stuff!"

"Cam, you're not the first Frio to be neurotic and we've had two heirs that were too. Father and daughter, Crewe and Carly, so back-to-back in gen 4 and gen 5! It doesn't make you less of an heirship candidate than any of your sisters."

Cam focuses intently on the stove as he asks, "So, I'm not automatically disqualified?"

"If your great-grandmother and her twin sister could be co-heirs, with one disliking children and the other insane, why would a little thing like being neurotic matter? But there's a bigger question here.  Do you want to be heir?"

"I never thought it was a choice. I thought you'd just tally up our good points and bad ones and the one with the most good points would be heir. And so far, I don't think I have many good points besides being athletic! I hate being outside, I fret over basic things, and loves to swim is just a…a…non-trait really, especially since I'd hate it if it wasn't safely indoors."

"Your own grandmother was born evil and grumpy, got light sleeper as a child, right around when her baby sister was born, then became a hopeless romantic as a teen, and topped it off by adding flirty when she aged to young adult! She even picked a partner who was just as evil as she was, though your grandfather tempered his with being a virtuoso and a genius. We actually got lucky there. But the crucial part is she WANTED to be heir, Cam, more than anything. She wanted it so badly, she got married first and had children first, just to secure heirship from her evil cousin, Cassidy! But they worked together as a team even then, with Cassidy staying in Monte Vista and being Empress of Evil there, while your grandmother came here and took over this town. So, instead of worrying about how much you worry, you need to focus on what you want out of life. And if you're serious about Alana being your partner, you might want to see how she feels about leaving town and taking on heirship. If it's a responsibility either of you want to take on. There's a lot to be considered besides traits, Cam."

Before Cam can respond, a seriously evil laugh has me focusing my attention across the room.

Where I find Taylee playing a video game.

"Did you actually just laugh like your grandmother? What game are you playing anyway?"

Taylee whispers in that same husky evil way, "Ssshhh, Watcher! It's not a game. I'm pranking the computer."

"You're what? But you're good, why would you be…Oh, you're having a mood swing! Our first one."

Then Taylee proves just how off kilter she is and pops a wish to hang out with her grandmother!

"Wow, this is a bad one if you want to hang out with Bella! For your sake, if you're popping wishes like that, I hope it's over soon."

Then a shriek has me flying upstairs!

To see Cruz hovering a foot off the floor, sparking with electricity!

My experience with Simbots being limited, I have no idea what he did or if it's fatal.

Thankfully, it just left Cruz a bit groggy and stunned, so he went to lie down and recover.

Moaning nearby has me checking out the bathroom.

"Oh, it's just you checking your wrinkles again."

Tabatha exclaims, "You see one!?! Where!?!"

"No, I don't see any! It's all in your head. Boy, will I be glad when your mid-life crises is over and you start living your life again. You've been worrying about wrinkles and aging so much; you're getting to be worse than Cam checking the sink!"

"Worse than Cam! That's a low blow. And not fair to Cam, either. He can't help random traits. Any more than I can stop looking for wrinkles. It's a game mech…"

"I'm aware! But just like I told Cam, we've got more important things to do than worry about stuff."

"Like what?"

"Like the fact that the quads are growing up fast, another week, and it will be their young adult birthdays! And they haven't a clue about heirship or what it involves. Cam made that clear. He thought he was automatically disqualified because he's neurotic."

"Oh, dear. Poor Cam. You straightened him out, right? Explained that it's not just traits."

"I gave him a lot of information. Probably too much, but hopefully, he'll pass it on to his sisters. But now that mood swings have hit, who knows how much any of them will focus."

"Who's having a mood swing?"

"Taylee. She was downstairs laughing evilly as she booby trapped the computer. And now she wants to hang out with Bella!"

"I'll have a word with her."

"No, you won't."

"She's my daughter and I'll make that decision!"

"Not this time."

"Why not?"

"Because you didn't catch her. I told you, so you can't punish her. It's a game mechanic!"

"Touché, Watcher!

I check on Britta next, only to find her room empty, but a completed sketch on her drafting table.

She really has a thing for shoes.

At least these are classic black, not red ones.

I find Britta playing a game of chess on one of the library computers.

"I hate to interrupt, but it's time for you to head to the salon."

"Thanks for reminding me. I was caught up in the game. Chess is fascinating."

Unfortunately, Britta took off in a motive mobile.

It will max her needs, like it was meant to do.

But for Simbots, and other non-humans, like PlantSims and Mermaids, it messes up their motives too.

Because what goes up, must come down, and now that it's maxed her hygiene unnecessarily, it will lower it until she's filthy!

I'll just have to reset her with NRaas Master Controller, and then hide the two motive mobiles in other family members personal inventories, so she and Cruz don't use them again.

At least it's an easy fix.

(One that I had to do repeatedly as the motive mobiles kept being put back in parking spots. I guess I should have removed the parking spots too!)

But Britta's mood was even more elated when she got to the salon and found Morrigan O'Reilly asking for another outfit!

"I've been getting compliments on my new look everywhere I go, Britta! You did an amazing job!"

"It's all you, Ms. O' Reilly! I just chose colors that enhance your gorgeous hair!"

Since Morrigan had just received a makeover, it didn't add to Britta's funds, but it did count for experience and add to her total of sims styled.

Cassidy Prendergast's second makeover was also a freebie but added to Britta's count.

Though not to Britta's portfolio, as Cassidy didn't think it was ugly, just boring!

I guess that's an improvement, but Cassidy is definitely hard to please.

On the positive side, Britta gained enough experience to earn a promotion.

She's now at level 3, an official polka dot specialist!

Then I couldn't stand looking at Britta's co-worker's outfit any longer.

For a stylist, Breanna looked a mess, and she knew it, "I don't know what they were thinking making this my career outfit. Yuck!"

"I can definitely find something better! Something that will compliment your hair color and enhance your shapely figure."

Orion Lawless was so impressed with Breanna's makeover, he immediately greeted Britta and asked for one of his own!

"The transformation was amazing, Miss Britta! I could use a new outfit myself. I like blue, but not quite this bright."

"What is your favorite activity, sir?"

"I work at the bistro and need something practical but stylish. And don't touch the hair, it's my best feature!"

I agree with that assessment, but Breanna is just staring at him.

So, I guess it's not just me that thinks Orion looks like a zombie, especially with those hollowed cheeks!

"I did not touch the hair as you requested sir! It's quite the lovely shade, if I may say so?"

"You may! And this slate blue goes with it nicely. Well done!"

For a grumpy sim, Orion was easily pleased.

But I still think he looks like a zombie!

Since it's almost quitting time, I leave Britta to make her way home, as a message has me checking on another household.

"Congratulations, Pal! You finally made it to Top Gun! Only one more promotion to complete your lifetime wish."

"Thanks, Watcher, it's been a long haul. Kearney's one tough competitor!"

But I'm not the only one waiting to congratulate Pal on his accomplishment.

Jade rushes up and pulls him into an intimate embrace!

These two are still very much in love, no doubt about that!

Back at the house, Lee's excited about an accomplishment too.

After upgrading the tub/shower in the girls' bathroom, he maximized handiness, completing another wish!

"I did it, Watcher, I did it! Now I can just relax and take it easy."

"You still have wishes to teach Cam and Leila how to drive. But they both have after school activities so you're free for a bit."

But Lee's choice of activity has him on the receiving end of Taylee's prank!

She got home from school just in time to see her father get jump scared by the computer.

But not even that could improve her mood.

Boy, mood swings are rough!

But when Cam gets home from athletic club, Lee offers to teach him to drive.

"Are you up for your first driving lesson, Cam?"

"Sure, Dad! I've been wanting to learn since my birthday!"

This time I'm hopeful, as Lee walked eagerly down the front walkway towards the road.

But then he hopped on his bike and raced away! Again!

Looks like our eco-friendly heir has wishes he will never be able to complete.

Taylee's hungry so I have her grab some leftovers before she works on her homework.

And if Cam is ever going to learn how to drive, it's going to be up to Tabatha to teach him.

She quickly asks Cam, and he accepts.

And things go as they are expected to this time.

Right down to Tabatha using a police car, instead of a motive mobile. Again.

With her homework done, Taylee calls Bella and completes that small wish.

Then pops a bigger one! A lifetime wish! The first of the teens to do so.

Even though Taylee's not a virtuoso or charismatic, she pops Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers!

She's been working on her charisma lately, so I'm guessing that's why.

It's one an heir hasn't done before and it's a doable wish, so I write it down.

My hope is that when we get to choose at young adult, I can choose one that each one of the quads has actually considered.

Hopefully, one that still leaves them eligible for heirship.

Leila wanted to get a part-time job right after she aged to teen.

I chose one at the grocery store as it would leave her weekends free to socialize.

Being a workaholic, right after getting home from her shift, she popped a wish to work from home.

She hops on the computer and does just that.

But seeing the screen I ask, "Are you sure that's appropriate? That looks more like a dating service than work for a grocery store!"

"It's a new idea to bring in more customers called Shop 'n' Swap! While customers are shopping, they can meet other singles and swap phone numbers!"

"Sounds risky!"

"Actually, it's quite innovative and much less risky than going to clubs. Everyone has to eat, and you can see by their cart if they're cooking for one or more. So, if that cute guy you noticed reaches for an item you like, you can quickly strike up a conversation. Conversely, if he's got baby food in his cart, move along fast!"

"I hope you're not going to try that!"

"I hadn't planned on it, Watcher. I'm much too busy with school, extracurricular activities, and my part-time job. I need to focus on learning more skills too. Oh, look, there's a recipe for autumn salad that adds dried cranberries, that sounds yummy!"

And Leila pops a wish to become a Culinary Librarian!

"Sorry kiddo, Lorelei already completed that one as the gen 7 heir."

"Oh, right."

"How about Star News Anchor? I'd get to be a celebrity on tv, so it'd be in line with my star quality trait."

"I'm not sure it works that way, but it's an open LTW, since no other heir completed it, so I'll write it down."

Nearby, Juliette's working on her homework.

"Speaking of lifetime wishes, I know I said I didn't want to think about what Jaeger said before prom, but it's stuck in my head!  If I don't pop a photography related lifetime wish, maybe I could be a Renaissance Sim?"

"That one works, too! And sounds like a good back up plan. Another LTW for the list."

"I'm still hoping for Visionary, so I need to work on my painting skill, just in case."

Cam woke up with a mood swing in the morning!

Which shouldn't be a surprise since he had to go outside for his driving lesson, a double whammy.

He got up and immediately whined, "Do I HAVE to go to school, today?"

"Absolutely! But you'll be all the better for toughing it out. It will build character."

"No, it won't! That's just a thing adults say to get you to do stuff you don't want to do!"

And then he confounds me by popping a wish to Become a Master Magician!

Now that definitely has to be a result of his mood swing.

He'd do fine on the athletic aspect, but the majority of the career takes place outdoors, and includes being trapped in boxes!

Not quite the thing for a sim who constantly checks the sink and stove.

Which has me saying, "I don't think you really want to be a magician…"

Stomping his feet, Cam shouts, "I do, Watcher, I do! You told me I needed to start thinking about what I want to do with my life! I've chosen my path, and you need to accept it!"

"Just like I told your sisters when they popped lifetime wishes, I'll keep it in mind after you age to young adult. But something more appealing may pop up then."

I don't say it, but I'm hoping not only more appealing but more appropriate!

Britta's completing Stylist related wishes, slowly, but steadily, and is now at level 3, polka dot specialist.

I'm not sure it's going to be possible for her to complete her lifetime wish before she moves out, but I'll try.

Cruz is still trying to master inventing, but he got electrocuted on his last attempt!

It might be safer to focus on Cruz's lifetime wish as he needs to use 50 elixirs and he's only thrown 21 so far.

Lee mastered handiness, fulfilling a big wish, but I've given up on him completing teaching his kids to drive, as he just won't do it.

Teen mood swings have reared their ugly heads, with first Taylee, then Cam, succumbing to them.

It's definitely made for some interesting lifetime wish choices, some that seem reasonable, others, not so much.

But on this journey, we have to wait until they're young adults and choose from the lists that show up then.

Sometimes that's a good thing, and sometimes not.

Especially if they've popped a lifetime wish during their teen years that doesn't show up after they age to young adult.

At least the quads are now thinking about their futures and heirship, knowing that it's not just traits that make a good heir.

But what wishes will show up next?

Follow along and find out in Chapter 396: More Wishes
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 396: More Wishes
« Reply #431 on: March 04, 2024, 10:32:10 AM »

Juliette was the next one to wake up with a mood swing, but she seemed a bit more controlled about it.

Since she's Lucky, maybe hers is just a mild case.

To keep her out of trouble, I have her go work on her painting while she's waiting for the bus.

She finishes it but isn't pleased with the finished product.

"It's rather…juvenile, Watcher! I'm sure a grade school child could have done a better job!"

"You're being too hard on yourself, Jules. It's your first painting, and you're not very proficient in the skill yet. Give it some time."

"I guess. But please don't show it to anyone. I'd be totally embarrassed!"

"Just take it and put it in your personal inventory. No one has to see it. Though we usually put paintings of that sort in the nurseries, to give them a personal touch."

"Of that sort? You mean bad ones, don't you!"

"No. I meant juvenile subjects, like you mentioned before. Paintings of stick figures and basic houses; subjects that nooboos and toddlers can relate to."

"I see what you mean! Not juvenile in a bad way, but in a good one. But I'm still hiding it in my backpack!"

With the quads at school and her mid-life crises finally over, Tabatha got back to living her life.

She cleaned up the garden earlier, but I see a few life fruits have become harvestable again, so we'll gather them up.

No sense leaving valuable life fruit behind when it might come in useful down the road.

But when I went to let her know, I found her by the terrariums, chatting with a dragonling.

"How's Mortie doing?"

"He's fine, Watcher. But we've lost my Barbour turtle! I was so caught up in getting old, I didn't take care of him properly. I feel terrible!"

"These things happen, Tab. The important thing is you're back on track now. Why don't you go for a run? It might make you feel better."

"I was just going to work out to the stereo, but a run does sound appealing. See you later, Watcher."

Then it's off to work with Britta!

These professional jobs are so time-consuming.

I thought Janette's cases were bad, but at least she got paid for each one without a 24-hour waiting period in between.

The Stylist career is much harder as sims are just too picky.

Like this one for Riley Cromos.

Because Britta just offered a makeover and didn't do it through the makeover station, she doesn't even get the option to take a photo and add it to her portfolio.

She did get paid though, and she gained experience, so there's that at least.

But the work hours are long, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday!

It's only Friday, so normally Britta would have to work on Saturday.

But we got lucky, and Leisure Day is Saturday, so we'll get a much-needed break.

Then Britta gets her first job outside of the salon!

Aine Mithrilen entertains early morning guests and wants sleepwear that makes her look good.

The black and white pajamas Britta chose are perfect with Aine's blue skin.

Aine thought so too, saying, "Thanks, Miss Britta, I look hot!"

With Aine's approval of the makeover, we got to add a second photo to Britta's portfolio, all of 7% complete now!

Then Britta gets her big break, a full wardrobe for new adult Mary Fallon!

Multiple outfits in almost every category, nine of them!

Plus, new make-up, shoes, and a new hair color and style!

Wow! What a long list.

But Britta proves she's up to the task, outdoing herself and choosing stunning outfits.

When she's done, I barely recognize Mary, but she looks gorgeous!

Unfortunately, Mary didn't feel the same way.

Britta didn't even get a photo for her portfolio, and she only made §298 simoleans for the whole job!

On the bright side, it did give her enough experience for a promotion to level 4, Houndstooth Soothsayer.

Now to focus on Cruz and his wishes.

A small one first, digging through a scrap pile.

Then it's off to the park in town to start using all the elixirs he's made on the alchemy station.

Since he's got so many vials of bliss and friendship elixirs, we'll be using those today.

The first one gets thrown at Dermot Cullen, Daeric and Damien's father.

Then Cruz uses one on Braden McGrath.

But more and more sims are showing up at the park.

Cruz throws a couple more at sims nearby, Breandan O'Shea and Brien O'Connell.

Then throws a vial of bliss for Cassidy Prendergast, which will hopefully put her in a better mood for makeovers.

And a final one at Mallory Eames, a friendship elixir, since she's got a thing against Simbots!

If Mallory's new everyday outfit is anything to go by, she needs Britta's services more than Cassidy does.

That brings Cruz up to 27 elixirs used, not bad for the short time he spent in the park!

I check back at the Salon and find Britta chatting with her young cousin Opal.

I've been meaning to have Jade and Pal's triplets over for a visit, but it's been too hectic.

With the weekend coming up, it would be the perfect time.

Then Britta pops a small wish to style a child.

Seeing Opal's outfit and cowboy boots, I'm definitely taking her up on that wish!

When Britta's finished and receives Opal's approval, along with §80 simoleans, the small wish completes.

But so does Britta's wish to style 10 sims, bringing in a hefty 1500 happiness points!

Then Britta pops a wish to style 25 sims and earn over 5,000 happiness points.

I think this profession would be easier with a much smaller household.

When Juliette gets home from Art Club, she says, "I earned another point in painting and some new techniques. I'm going to give painting another shot!"

That's definitely a better attitude than she had this morning!

I'm not expecting much as her skill is still low, but she surprises me with this finished product.

"Why that's beautiful, Jules! And in your favorite color too!"

"That's one of the techniques I learned in class today; paint with your favorites, color, subject, whatever you want. If it's something you like, you'll put more effort and feeling into it, and turn out a better painting in the long run."

"And you proved it works. Nicely done!"

"Oh, I'm not done yet, Watcher!"

"But the painting's finished."

"Not with the painting, but with photography this time. I want to take photos worth something and I think I know of what, but I'll need some help from Mom. They require not only rare plants, but high-quality ones too. She's got some growing already, but I'll need a lot more!"

I groan, "Your mother cleaned out the garden this morning, Jules! All that's left is some life fruit, a few trees, and a mushroom plant."

"Life fruit is one of the rare ones! Is it good quality?"

"Probably, it came from one of the family chests, and I don't usually put low quality ones in those."

"Great! I'll go check those out while you look over the plants and flowers collection in my photography skill tab."

When I make it down to the grow station, Juliette is looking quite proud of herself.

"What's all this? Most of this wasn't growing here this morning!"

"No, like you said, it was pretty bare. But when I explained to Mom what I needed, she got to work and fast. And then she used all those sunflowers lying around to grow them all at super speed. It was really impressive!"

"So did you get some good photos?"

"Lots! Life fruit and flame fruit were top notch, and so were the four grapes from France. But the basic stuff, like tomatoes and watermelon will help me complete the collection, even if they're not worth all that much."

"Jules, the plants and flowers collection is extensive, it has 24 items in it! And I know for a fact that those four French grape plants are the only ones we have, so we're missing two of the specialty grapes from France."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out, Watcher! I have full confidence in you! And you're going to be proud of me, too. With the photos I took out here, I maxed the photography skill!"

"Congratulations, Jules! I'm sure that will help with the worth of the rest of the photos you take from now on."

But suddenly I'm blinded by flashing red lights and I realize that there are many more booby-trapped chairs than there were before!

"Jules have you been adding to the pranks around here? I'm going into shock will all those lights flashing in my face!"

"Sorry, Watcher! I tried fighting it, but with my mood swing and all, I just couldn't resist. It's a game mech…"

"I know. I know. We'll discuss this later. We've got a lot more work to get that collection done and fulfill the rest of your wishes."

Tabatha was back on track and big time. First, she planted all the required produce that we had under the grow station.

And once some more sunflowers spawned, used them to get the plants growing.

Then, when Juliette and I were busy getting the photos taken, she trained Cam on the treadmill.

When Cam was too tired to run anymore, she took him out for another driving lesson.

This time in the motive mobile, which perked them both up.

And completed both their wishes!

Cam was so pumped from completing such a high-powered wish, he called Alana and asked her out on a date!

She accepted and Cam headed off to meet her at World's Theatre.

But somehow his date wish didn't complete and they're just on an outing.

And it only gets worse.

He invites Alana to watch a movie together and she accepts, but it's an awful movie.

Then curfew hits and they both head home.

Cam's not having very much luck on the dating scene.

He did sneak in a goodbye kiss though, another wish down!

Since Cam and Alana were having a non-date, Taylee asked Jonah out.

But she didn't have any better luck.

Not only weren't they on a date, but it also started pouring by the time they got to the theatre.

And they couldn't even go inside as the movie was almost over and the doors were closed.

I'm beginning to think that the World's Theatre is jinxed.

But Taylee made the best of it and chatted away, "Your young adult birthday is coming soon, Jonah, any idea of your plans after graduation?"

"I'll probably get a job and then start helping Mom and Dad in their search."

"Search? Search for what?"

"A way to get back to Pleasantview, of course! They know trying to get back to their own time isn't going to happen, but they've heard rumors that there's a version of Pleasantview in your worlds. It won't be the same for them, of course, but Mom won't give up if there's even the smallest chance of having us meet her brother and his family! Whatever version of them they may be."

Seeing the shocked look on Taylee's face, he adds, "Your family never mentioned that my parents aren't actually from here? I mean, it's pretty obvious with our run-of-the-mill skin tones and hair colors."

Taylee finally finds her voice, stumbling over the words as she says, "So, you're not planning on… leaving Dragon Valley…unless it's to go to this…Pleasantview…"

Now it's Jonah's turn to be shocked, "Why would I leave? The only family I know is here. My friends are here. You're here! But on the off chance we do find a way to Pleasantview, I'd already planned on asking you to come with me, Tay! I wouldn't leave my best girl behind!"

And then it's my turn to follow in the shocked parade.

Because at Jonah's words, Taylee pops a wish to move in with him!

I'm hoping to get a moment alone with Taylee to discuss Jonah's revelation and her response.

But as soon as she gets home, she starts working on her homework with Cam.

"It sucks that it started raining on your date Tay. If it's any consolation, mine didn't go any better, and it wasn't even raining then. Like I've always said, outdoors is a nasty place!"

Taylee stops writing mid-sentence and presses her lips tightly together, then takes a breath and says firmly, "It doesn't matter if I'm inside or out, in the sunshine or the rain, as long as I'm with Jonah."

Cam nods and says, "I know what you mean. Despite hating the outdoors, if it means being with Alana, I'll endure it, for her sake."

Taylee shakes her head and says without a trace of doubt, "You don't know what I mean at all! I'm telling you, if it comes down to a choice, no matter what else I have to give up, I'll always choose Jonah!"

"Don't talk trash, Tay! We're still teens and anything could happen. Just because Alana's my girlfriend right now doesn't mean things can't change."

"Not for me. You two may have an incompatible trait and might be open to other possibilities, but Jonah and I are not."

"You're serious? You'd give up anything and everything you ever wanted for a guy?"

"That's what you're missing, Cam. Anything and everything I want IS Jonah. It's been that way since we met in grade school. I've never felt the way I feel about him for anyone else, not even Pat, and I've had him since I was born."

"But what about family, Tay!?! Are you saying we're not important? That you don't love us?"

"Of course not! I love Mom and Dad, Grandpa Dane, even Gamma Bella, though I don't like her much. And I'll always love you, Jules, and Leila. We're quads and you can't break that kind of connection. But what Jonah and I have is different. It's like we're two halves of a whole, incomplete without the other. We can't NOT be together!"

"Wow, Tay! I don't know what to say, except that I can't imagine making that kind of choice right now. Maybe not ever! Have you told Mom and Dad, Jules, or Leila, yet?"

"No. But I have a feeling they're going to react the same way you did. So let me tell them in my own time, please."

"Not a problem, Tay. I don't even want to think about a bombshell like this, much less discuss it with someone else."

We've been completing wishes left and right, some big and some small.

But after Jonah's revelation, Taylee's wish to move in with him was quite unexpected.

We might be celebrating the quads birthdays in three days but, with their longer lifespans, they actually have 17 days left as teens as each age stage gets doubled.

Yet, despite being such a young teen, Taylee has left no doubt where her heart belongs, where she belongs.

And that is with Jonah, whether that means staying here in Dragon Valley or eventually finding a way to Pleasantview.

With Taylee's decision, our potential heirs this gen go from four, down to three.

But will spending time with their partners and other classmates lead to other wishes?

Other decisions?

Let's find out in Chapter 397: Saturday Socializing
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 397: Saturday Socializing
« Reply #432 on: March 08, 2024, 01:23:25 PM »

Saturday didn't start off in the best way as Leila was the one experiencing a mood swing.

So that's all four of them now.

Leila's doesn't look as extreme as Cam's, or as mild as Juliette's, but somewhere in the middle.

And when she got out of the shower with her hair dyed a bright shade of yellow, that didn't help.

At all.

Her yell resounding throughout the main floor of the house, "Whoever did this is going to be sorry! I will hunt you down like a dog and make you pay!"

I knew that there would be no reasoning with her, so I just left her washing the dye out and stayed out of her way.

Despite her sister's mood, Juliette invited a group of family and friends over.

Juliette's boyfriend, Jaeger, showed up first thing, so that's a promising start.

But when Taylee lets out a wild shriek with Jaeger in her thought bubble, I'm thinking the worst.

He's either mean-spirited, inappropriate, or worse, evil!

And that doesn't bode well for Juliette being heir, as I'm tired of dealing with evil sims in the house.

Maybe one wouldn't be so bad, but after dealing with Cassidy and Bella growing up, then adding Dane to the mix later on, I'm just over evil sims.

They're entertaining for game and story purposes, but not so fun in a full household when they're stealing candy and jump scaring everyone.

But Juliette doesn’t seem to mind whatever it was Jaeger did, smiling and saying dreamily, "It's hard to look away, isn't it? He's just so amazing!"

I hope Juliette's right and isn't looking at Jaeger through rose-colored glasses.

I guess we'll find out when he moves in after their young adult birthdays.

Well, if she wants him to.

The only wish she's popped for Jaeger is to go on a date with him.

Since he's got a part-time job, he's always busy with work.

In fact, the one and only time Jaeger accepted her invitation, it didn't go well.

When Juliette got to World's Theatre, the only one there was John Fallon, Jaeger's father.

"Where's Jaeger, Mr. Fallon? He was meeting me here. Did he go inside already?"

"Sorry, Ms. Frio, something came up and Jaeger will have to re-schedule. I think he had to stay late at work again!"

"Thanks for letting me know Mr. Fallon."

"Sorry he didn't call before you made the trip out here."

"It's okay. I'll just use the time to take some photos, maybe get some of the landmarks around town for my collection."

Unfortunately, it's not only dark, but most of the landmarks don't even register as usable photos.

The World Theatre did, but it's so huge, all Jules got was a bad photo of half the door!

Then curfew hit and she went home.

Pretty much a wasted night.

But Jaeger's not working today, he's right here in the house.

And Juliette's not going to waste this opportunity.

"I've got so much to tell you! I actually completed a decent painting, then I maxed the photography skill and completed a huge collection!"

Jaeger doesn't take his eyes off of Juliette's face, listening intently.

Juliette continues excitedly, "And I took your advice and thought about a back-up plan if I don't pop a photography related lifetime wish. Renaissance Sim would be a good one for me as you only have to master three skills and I've already got one completed!"

"That's great, Jules. Um, I'm feeling a little hungry, why don't we see what's good to eat in the kitchen?"

"Sure. We can talk while we're eating."

But it's not really food Jaeger has on his mind.

When they get to the empty kitchen area, he pulls Juliette close and says, "I've really missed you. It's been super busy at work, and we never get any time together, except for school, and there's too many sims around. I was so happy you called and invited me over. Let's go someplace quiet, where we can be alone!"

Juliette murmurs softly, "That sounds wonderful Jaeger. I've got the perfect place in mind."

Since these two want some alone time, I'll leave them to it.

While Taylee's waiting for Jonah to show up, she boasts about her gamer skills to Pat.

Pat's always following Taylee around, though imaginary friends are known for that, I think he might have a crush on her.

But Taylee's not popped wishes for Pat since she was a child and sang to him.

So, it's no surprise that when the doorbell rings, Taylee's off like a shot!

And as soon as she greets Jonah, they're on a date!

That doesn't seem fair at all, so it's probably just another annoying game mechanic.

Jonah seems just as confused, wondering why Juliette issued the invitation but now he's on a date with Taylee.

Taylee's date wish doesn't complete, even though she's on one, but that doesn't faze her one bit.

Stepping closer to Jonah, she whispers huskily, "Hey there Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome, let's go somewhere we can talk."

Jonah gulps, "Talk? What did you have in mind? Did I do or say something wrong?"

Taylee laughs, "Not in the least. In fact, you said something very, very right. You said I'm your best girl. And your best girl wants to spend time alone with you. Talking. Or maybe not talking…if you'd like?"

"Oh, I like! I definitely like! Especially since it's my birthday later tonight and we won't be able to…not talk, until after yours!"

Then more guests start showing up.

Opal and Pearl Frio are at the front door with a toddler!

Oh, it's little Jessa Dolan, Cam's goddaughter.

She looks a lot like her eldest brother, Finnegan.

The Dolan's sure have a colorful family, which I hadn't really expected with Finn and Sarah being so pale.

But the residents list on this site says that Finn's on the pale rainbow slider and Sarah's on the teal green one, so they made quite the color combinations in my game.

Finnegan and Jessa having pink skin and black hair, Alana having dark teal skin and blonde hair, Quinn having a pale-yellow skin tone with blonde hair, and Gena being pink skinned with blonde hair.

Alana must have put Jessa down on the front porch when she arrived.

I better find Cam and tell him Alana's here.

I won't mention Jessa, because he'd probably just freak him out remembering that night.

But I didn't get to talk to Cam at all because he was busy chatting with his cousin Aria.

Or maybe gossiping.

It turned out to be neither, as they were sharing secrets.

Cam revealing that his favorite color is turquoise, while Aria giggled and said she liked green as it was the color of leaves.

Since the purpose of this gathering was for the quads to get to know their younger cousins, I didn't interrupt.

Especially since Cam is the only one interacting with family.

Then the back doorbell rings and by the time I get back there, I find Opal doing her homework with another child.

I don't know who the child is, but it's cute seeing them doing homework together!

Fiona's arrived too; her thoughts filled with getting Juliette's invitation.

So, when Fiona heads to the back yard, I follow.

But Fiona's not happy when she finds Jessica Burb playing on the bouncy rider.

She stomps her feet, saying, "But I wanted to ride the dragon!"

Jessica Burb doesn't even flinch or acknowledge Fiona in any way.

She just keeps riding the dragon and making the most out of Leisure Day!

I could have bought another dragon but didn't think of it at the time.

I'm such a bad watcher!

I probably should have stuck with Sim's lore and named Jessica, Lucy, too.

But with John and Jennifer having two boys first, and this not being their 'real' hometown, I went with the 'J' theme.

Jonah, of course, then they had Jeremiah, and finally a girl, Jessica.

The back doorbell rings again, so I go see who it is.

It's Enid Mithrilen and Colin O'Reilly this time.

And Colin is chatting intently to Enid.

I think she may be interested in him, too, but it's hard to tell with all that hair covering her face.

Definitely an opportunity there for Britta to do a makeover, though Enid's dress is one of my favorites.

In fact, it was the one Tabatha used to wear when she was a teen.

I hear raised voices and track them down upstairs, to find Leila shouting, 'You're such a slob, Daeric! We've got plenty of food in the house, no need to go around licking dirty plates. That's so disgusting!"

Daeric cringes at Leila's accusation but doesn't respond.

I'm not sure I would either as it would probably only egg Leila on as she's not herself.

Alana knows she's walked into something bad, and helplessly waves as she says, "Hi, guys. I'll just leave the two of you alone."

But Leila's not done yet and says snarkily, "No need for you to leave, Alana. It's Daeric that will be leaving!"

The way Daeric went off when Leila impulsively kissed him before prom, I'm expecting fireworks.

And not the good kind.

But Daeric simply stares at her stonily and says, "Fine. If that's what you want, I'll leave. But when you come to your senses, Leila, you better be prepared to apologize. From what you told me, you need a partner from this town in order to be named heir, so you've got more to lose than I do if you throw our relationship away! I hope being mean to me was worth it!"

Oh dear. Leila's mood swing was definitely worse than Cam's. Much worse.

It would have been better if she'd yelled at me this morning.

Instead of holding it in until now and letting it boil over on Daeric!

I really hope she can fix this as, like Daeric said, without a partner she wouldn't be eligible for heirship!

Have we lost two potential heirs already!?!

Before I can dwell on that thought, several visitors let me know that they're leaving.

Mostly, the grade school kids, with messages of having a pretty good time.

But Daeric and Jaeger left too.

Daeric because Leila got in a snit with her mood swing, insulted him, and asked him to leave!

Jaeger because, 'something came up and I have to go now'. 

That boy is certainly mysterious, and it makes me nervous.

But another message has me doing a search for a certain mean-spirited fairy's youngest child.


Caspian aged to toddler!

And he's got Cinda's turquoise hair!

This has me pausing in consternation as Cinda's and Rory's first four kids all inherited Rory's black hair.

"Hey, how come when I wanted an heir with your turquoise hair, you couldn't manage it, but here in DV, when it's way, way, too late, you produce three kids with it!?!"

Cinda says, "Probably the same reason my great-grandparents didn't produce any turquoise-haired potential heirs until the next town and with the help of a time machine!"

"And that would be?"

"Just your rotten luck, Watcher!"

No kidding.

But then I notice a familiar head of green hair standing in the back of the room.

I shift over so I can see him better and its definitely Jaeger!

All dressed up for prom, too.

"So, this is your 'something came up'? You're going to prom again and not even asking Juliette?"

Jaeger stands there silently, obviously mulling over his answer.

Then he says, "You're not going to want to hear it, Watcher, but it's a game mechan…"

"You're right! I didn't want to hear it. You're not even in our household and you're using that excuse!?!"

"You mean, I'm not in your household, yet! But that'll happen soon enough. Juliette may not have popped the wish for me to move in, but she will! She's already explained all about your journey and heirship. I'm definitely in! Some sims say it's too bad I'm unlucky and crazy, but I think it's best to be both. Then you don't notice either one all that much!"

"You're unlucky and insane?"

"Is that going to be a problem? Jules told me all about her crazy Aunt Ara, so I figured you'd be cool with it. But if you're not…"

"I am more than cool with it, Jaeger! I thought you were mean, inappropriate, or evil, and I've had enough of those, but crazy I can deal with! As for unlucky, if something saves you from Grim, how can it really be unlucky!?!"

Before I can say anymore, I'm abruptly pulled back to the main house.

To see birthday sparkles surrounding Lee as he ages to adult!

With only Cruz behind him cheering him on.

"I'm sorry, Lee! If I'd been paying better attention, we could have had a party, at least celebrated when we had guests."

"Thanks, but no thanks, Watcher. Tabatha ended up with a mid-life crisis after her adult birthday party. Besides, I think you've also forgotten that I'm a loner and prefer being on my own!"

"I did forget that little fact. No wonder you're always up here watching tv or downstairs meditating! I'll try to keep that in mind from now on and let you enjoy those solitary activities. In a full household, it's not like you get to do that all that often."

"Don't remind me! I love Tab and all my children, but sometimes they can be a little overwhelming!"

"Ain't that the truth! And all you're trying to do is watch some tv and grab a little alone time. I'm trying to keep track of everyone, keep their needs full, and help them fulfill as many wishes as I can!"

"When you put it that way, I'm glad I'm not a Watcher! Being the 12th gen heir was enough responsibility, and I had Tab shouldering a good part of that. But our time is almost finished, I can't believe the quads are going to become young adults and graduate soon!"

"Time sure does fly, whether you're having fun or not, in my experience. But right this moment I'm not concerned about the next gen, I'm concerned about you."

"Why is that? I'm fine. No mid-life crisis so, no inappropriate wishes, and no whacky wardrobe malfunction."

"And not much hair, either! Just give me a minute."

"There, that's better! You look like you again. The excitable, couch potato, eccentric, eco-friendly heir I know and love!"

"Don't forget loner, Watcher! It'll be much easier to spend time on my own without you constantly canceling the action and making me do stuff!"

Cruz beeps, "I would be happy to remind the Watcher of your preference to be alone, Father."

Giving me a pointed look, Lee replies, "Thanks for the offer, Cruz, but with my time as heir winding down, I think the Watcher will cut me a little more slack."

"I'll try, Lee. Really, I will!"

"And if it's any help, Father, Britta and I will be moving out after we complete our big wishes. That will reduce the size of the household and make it easier for you, and the Watcher, to cope."

Lee freezes, taken aback by the idea of losing his beloved Simbot creations!

I cringe a little inside; if that's how Lee feels about his Simbots leaving home, how is he going to react to Taylee's bombshell about staying here in Dragon Valley!?!

I'm with Cam on leaving it up to Taylee to break the news to her parents.

Cowardly? Yes. Going to change my mind? Definitely not!

We've gotten to meet some of the younger Frio family members as children.

Juliette and Taylee got to spend some time with their respective boyfriends, Jaeger and Jonah.

But Leila's time with Daeric went badly due to a particularly nasty mood swing.

Hopefully, Leila can fix the relationship, or find another partner, so as not to be disqualified as heir.

Our Simbots, Cruz and Britta, will be moving out on their own, as soon as they complete some big wishes.

Lee's feeling down about that, but it's actually a necessary step as we near the end of our time here in DV.

Since Lorelei's urn glitched out on the move here, with only 8 sims traveling, I'd rather not take the chance with more.

But we've got quite a few big events before the big move.

Next up is Chapter 398: Teen Slumber Party
Coming soon.

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story
« Reply #433 on: March 08, 2024, 07:17:39 PM »
I've been enjoying reading, @deedee_828. When you were abruptly pulled back for the birthday of Lee, it reminded me that I was abruptly pulled back to the main house recently as well ... but mine wasn't for a birthday ... I moved the camera back to where it was ... trying to get one of my gen 2 spares to tour the cinema with a start of file female child sim before they became an elder (back stage woohoo for the win) ... and then when I tried to click on Christopher Steel and couldn't ... I realised the camera pull was for him dying of old age (basically when he turned 90 - very unusual for Christopher in my experience). But he's come black plenty of times since.

The liberal use of the skin colour sliders for dragon valley sims has always been enjoyable to see.

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Re: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story
« Reply #434 on: March 08, 2024, 10:26:43 PM »
So happy to see your comment Deklitch! Being pulled back for a death is quite disheartening, especially for a beloved sim like Christopher Steel. Glad to hear he's come back plenty of times!

In an upcoming chapter, I get pulled back and forth like a yo-yo, so much so that during game play I wasn't even sure what was happening! But luckily for me it was happier events.

I love the colorful residents in Dragon Valley. With the rainbow sliders, you just never know what genetics are going to pop up next! :)