Author Topic: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story  (Read 124763 times)

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 319: Settling Into a New Town
« Reply #345 on: August 20, 2021, 03:09:41 PM »

But even a new home can't stop my evil potential heir's evil doings, and they haven't even gone inside when Cassidy starts plotting.

She waits until her Uncle Tobias is just inside the front door and pounces!

Bella follows suit, and does the same to her favorite target, her Uncle Jonas!

Other family members explore the backyard and, with all it's inviting entertainment, it's instantly a favorite.

Jemma swims in the pool, Janette relaxes in the nearby hot tub.

Patches plays in the sandbox.

Inside, recovering from his scare, Tobias finds an empty easel and begins painting.

I'll let him complete this one here, but to keep our promise to Forest, there will be a dedicated, enclosed art and sculpting room in the basement.

The two evil cousins, pleased with their successful jump scares, pillow fight in one of the bedrooms on the main floor.

It starts off with both of them smiling and laughing as feathers fly around them.

But soon their evilness takes over and it's not long before Bella has walloped Cassidy extra hard and Cassidy quits playing, angrily shouting, "You go too far, Bella! That hurt!"

Bella shrugs and looks genuinely sorry as she says, "I can't help it cuz, but I'll try to restrain myself next time."

Cassidy mutters, "If there is a next time…"

With the pillow fight ending on such harsh words, it's left Bella grumpier than ever, so when she notices her father's painting she doesn't let it go like I did, but shouts, "Dad!!! You KNOW Forest can't stand art! We promised to keep it contained."

Tobias says, "And we will. Forest isn't even inside the house, he still outside chatting with Luci, which you would have known if you'd asked instead of jumping down my throat! Besides, why do you care if I do something that makes Forest uncomfortable, you revel in others misfortune?"

"That's a good point, Tobias! Why are you making such a big deal about Forest's feelings, Bella? I can see Cassidy being concerned but you, not so much."

Bella says, "Simple. Forest is our inside man at City Hall, the one we're depending on to gain political leverage here in Monte Vista. For that to happen, we need to keep him relaxed, so he can stay focused on the task we need him to do. He won't be able to do that if he's all wound up and uncomfortable because of artwork all over the house!"

"That does make sense, when you put it that way. I'll finish the painting quickly and stash it away."

"Better hurry up! Luci's just come inside so Forest's probably not far behind."

But when I click on Forest to see where is, I'm shocked to find him already down in the basement.

And he's posing for one of Jonas' ice sculptures with a smile on his face!

I check Forest's moodlets and there's nothing negative there at all.

I guess posing for a sculpture is okay, it's just viewing one that sets him on edge?

I'll have to test that theory out at some point, but to be on the safe side, I better get started on that Art Gallery and Sculpting room.

As soon as Jonas finishes sculpting Forest's likeness in ice as they're too close to where I'd planned on dividing up the basement for me to build the inside wall.

So I work on the opposite side of the basement, making a room for the sauna so many of them enjoy.

Adding another bedrooms so all four couples have their own space.

I'm also planning on a bedroom for Luci and Patches to share with two more bathrooms between them.

Once that's done, I check on Forest and Jonas to find another ice sculpture completed, though Forest looks a bit worried about it.

"Is it okay, Mr. Frio? I'm not much of a judge myself, not liking any art, but what do you think?"

Jonas ponders his latest work and says, "I think it's a gem, Forest! I can't keep them yet, but this one will bring a nice sum and bring my total to 13!"

Hearing that the ice sculpture will be sold and not kept to be a constant reminder of his participation, Forest relaxes and says, "Glad I could help, sir!"

With dusk descending, I find Janette reading outside at the firepit.

"Wouldn't that be easier to read with light?"

"Yes, but I'm at a crucial part in the mystery and don't want to stop reading! I'll go inside as soon as I finish this part."

I pull back and check out the view with the new Frio home at it's center and find it nestled in a valley dotted with trees, a gently sloping ridge behind their new property leading to the ocean's edge and a lighthouse, it's light shining like a beacon in the foggy mist off the water.

Quite the picturesque spot here in Monte Vista.

But that fog isn't preventing Bella and Dane from watching the stars together, both of them with contented looks, though Bella's gaze is focused on Dane rather the stars above them.

And though Dane is focused on the stars, his thoughts are definitely centered on Bella as both of them pop a wish to propose to the other!

So it's no surprise when, after strolling together to the front entry, Dane pulls Bella close in his arms, whispering sweet nothings.

Then he presents her with a bouquet of red roses and professes his love for her.

"This small token of my affection is but one of the ways I show you my love, sweetheart."

Bella's grumpiness is nowhere in sight as Dane's actions and words appeal to her romantic nature and she gasps out, "They're beautiful Dane!"

"Not nearly as beautiful as you my love!"

Then Dane smiles, overcome with emotion, drops to one knee, pulls out a glittering diamond with a flourish, and says, "Bella Frio, my one, my only love, will you marry me and be my wife, live with me evilly ever after!?!"

Bella gazes at the ring sparkling on her finger and says, "When you put it that way, how could I refuse, you handsome evil devil!?!"

Then she flings herself into Dane's waiting arms and they seal their engagement with a passionate kiss!

Then Bella starts talking excitedly about their upcoming wedding, "So should we have a huge wedding with a triple layer wedding cake and all the trimmings?"

Dane gazes into Bella's face and says, "Anything your heart desires my sweet, my only wish is to marry you!"

Dane isn't overstating his feelings as, just after he proposed, he popped a wish to marry Bella.

And Dane's heartfelt words appeal to Bella's romantic heart so much, she too, pops a wish to marry Dane!

But even with thoughts of her upcoming wedding filling her mind, Bella tiptoes soundlessly around the side of the house, using the cover of darkness to creep up on her mother unaware, to scare her yet again!

It brings about the usual negative impact on their relationship, but before Jemma can chastise her daughter for her actions, Bella forestalls her words.

Blurting out, "Mom, Dane proposed and I said, 'yes'! We're engaged!!!"

Jemma, surprised at the news, simply says, "Congratulations!!! The news will definitely make your father happy!"

Bella asks, "Aren't you happy for us?"

"Of course, Bella. Though why you have to scare us all to death, even for happy news, I still haven't wrapped my mind around. You'd think with my perceptive and mystical powers, I'd sense your intentions."

"I don't think jump scares follow the normal pattern, Mom. Otherwise with Cassidy so clumsy she couldn't scare anyone, or scare me through walls!"

"True. Some things just don't follow any logical or supernatural reasoning at all. But, getting back to your news, do you and Dane want a big wedding?"

Clasping her hands and giving a romantic sigh as she recalls Dane's words, Bella says, "Dane just wants to get married and so do I. But we haven't decided if we'll just have a private ceremony or just one for the family. It's not like we know a lot of sims in this town yet anyway."

"That's true, but sometimes a wedding can bring sims together, start new friendships, build up those ties you're all hoping for with your co-workers."

"Good point, Mom. I'll think about it and discuss it with Dane and Cassidy. Get their take on it."

"Not Forest?"

"Oh, well, I'll include him but odds are he won't remember much of what we discuss."

"Don't count Forest out just yet, Bella. Maybe meeting his co-workers at a celebratory gathering will be less stressful and more productive for him. Besides, if you discuss your wedding plans, maybe that will give Cassidy and Forest some incentive to follow your lead and move their relationship up to the next level."

Seeing the look on Bella's face, Jemma adds, "Unless you're afraid of the competition?"

Bella stiffens, "Of course not, Mom! It's just surprising to have you be the one pushing relationships and not Dad. You do realize that the natural progression after weddings is nooboos, right!?!"

"Oh, I'm very much aware of that, Bella. But haven't you and Cassidy agreed that, once you've solidified your positions in your careers, the first one of you to pop a baby wish is the one who'll become heir? If Cassidy and Forest aren't married, it's more than probable that you and Dane will pop those wishes first isn't it?"

Bella frowns, "Yes, it is. And with you pointing that out, I don't think you need to worry about your perceptive or mystical powers, Mom!"

Jemma grins, "You're my daughter, Bella, but even if you weren't, it's fairly easy to read the underlying intentions of evil and grumpy sims. You're always looking for an edge to put one over on someone else!"

Bella nods and says, "No disputing that assessment! And it looks like you're going to keep me on my toes and playing fair just as much as Cassidy does!"

We haven't even been in the new town and house one day and Bella and Dane are already engaged and talking about their wedding!

I'm actually very much surprised by how quickly the two of them popped those wishes, but I guess I shouldn't be with Bella being romantic and flirty, Dane being over-emotional, and their evilness solidifying their partnership.

Jump scares are still all the rage with Cassidy and Bella indulging in them freely, something I don't see stopping any time soon with three evil sims in the house, unfortunately.

But what of Jemma's suggestion that discussing Bella and Dane's wedding will have Cassidy and Forest thinking about the same thing?

Join me and see if she's right in Chapter 320: Ghosts and Mystical Auras
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 320: Ghosts and Mystical Auras
« Reply #346 on: August 22, 2021, 02:41:39 PM »
Familiar ghostly music has me focusing on the long hallway where I've placed all the family urns, to see who our first ghostly visitor is.

"Hi, Adam! Welcome to Monte Vista! I guess I should say, 'Benvenuto', like the locals did when we first arrived."

"Awww, historic Italy! Family members have been painting renditions of it for some time now, starting with Dad."

"That they have and now we're finally here! What do you think of the new house?"

"Well, as far as hallways go, it looks nice enough! The terra cotta stone is a nice touch and should keep the house cool in the warmer months."

"I can take a hint, Adam. I'll let you go explore. There's a rocker down the hall in what will be the nursery and several more outside on the back patio, overlooking the ocean."

"Another ocean view? Well planned, Watcher! I do love relaxing with a view to rest my eyes upon."

As Adam heads towards the nursery, we find that the rocker is already occupied by ghostly Lorelei!

"Such a restful room for nooboos, Watcher, done is blue tones of the sea. Though that painting might have Bella passing on that grumpy trait of hers."

"I'll see what I can do about replacing that one. There are much nicer paintings done by family that can brighten up a nursery. Unless it's Cassidy and Forest that end up being the new heir couple as we've promised Forest to keep art contained in one room, so it may just get removed and not replaced."

"You haven't chosen an heir couple yet, Watcher!?! Isn't that a bit unusual?"

"Yes, but desperate times call for desperate measures! Though Italy is historic and beautiful, here in Monte Vista, we're in the heart of mafioso country! So Cassidy suggested they all stick together, show a united and strong family, and use all three of their careers, Criminal, Law Enforcement, and Political, to ensure the family's welfare here and safe passage on to the next town."

"That's all our two evil potential heirs want?"

 "That and to solidify their control of this town as Empresses of Evil, and ultimately take over the world!"

"Now that sounds more like the true goal of Team Evil! But it does sound like a good plan, one that will benefit the family. I'm sure the Founders, Claire and Jared, will be proud of such an inventive solution. But did you say it was Cassidy that came up with it, the shy one? It sounds more like a plan Bella would propose!"

"We were all surprised, especially since I'd decided it should be Cassidy and Forest as the heir couple, thinking it would be safer for them to be in the main home, where I could keep and eye on them. But Cassidy refused saying that was insulting and told us her plan, which she'd formulated after peeking at my research for the new town!"

"That does sound rather insulting, Watcher! For a shy girl, she sure shows some initiative and spunk! Her evil trait has actually been her saving grace, hasn't it? Just goes to show that you need to be careful what you wish for!"

"I'm sure Bella feels that more than anyone else, after not only losing her prom crown to Cassidy, but also having Cassidy voted, 'Most Likely To Take Over The World', at graduation!"

Lorelei's grin deepens as she says, "Speaking from experience, don't ever underestimate the underdog, Watcher. They've nowhere to go but up, and with nothing to lose and everything to gain, they're like a dog with a bone!"

"Bella's been learning that all her life, and with all the years we've been on this journey, so have I!"

Spotting a ghostly form outside the window, I go outside to see how Adam likes the view.

But instead of Adam I find his father, Sam.

"Welcome to Monte Vista, Sam! I see you're already enjoying the view."

"I would have preferred a lone rocker somewhere, instead of one in a group. You know how I am with other ghosts!"

Unfortunately, I don't have to even remember all of Sam's previous ghostly encounters.

Just as he gets the words out, several ghostly figures join us, along with a very much alive paparazzi, and Sam faints dead away!

You'd think with two of the ghosts being his son, Adam, and his wife, Rae, that it would mitigate Sam's reaction, but to a coward sim, a ghost is a ghost is a ghost, no matter if they're family or not!

Poor Sam.

Over a late dinner in their new kitchen, oblivious to the ghostly happenings on the patio, Bella and Dane's engagement is the topic of conversation with Luci saying, "Congratulations, I guess. Not that I ever want to do such a thing!"

Dane just grins and forks up more spaghetti, pausing a moment to say, "It would be out of character if you did. If you'd been the least bit interested in heirship, Bella and I wouldn't even be in the running, so we should be thanking you!"

"No thanks necessary. I'm just glad the Watcher kept her word and took me out if it. Even if I do roll 'evil' at my birthday,   I wouldn't have been the right candidate for heir for this town or any other."

Luci's words give Cassidy pause and she thoughtfully says, "But if you do roll it, you could join Team Evil and support our cause, helping us to take over this town, showing even more familial solidarity."

Luci doesn't commit to anything, of course, and just mumbles, "It's a thought," as she continues eating her dinner.

The next morning Forest is up bright and early making breakfast.

Luci and Patches sit at the counter reading on their multi-tabs as the smell of burnt pancakes fills the kitchen.

They quickly decide that waiting outside is the better option and they head to the bus stop for their first day of school.

Forest eats them, crispy parts and all, without complaining, and then he goes outside and sits on a bench in the front courtyard with his multi-tab.

The news of Bella and Dane's engagement hasn't really motivated him to further his relationship with Cassidy.

So I ask, "Where's Cassidy? Maybe you could spend some time together today?"

"No time, Watcher. Cassidy is getting ready for her first work shift here in MV, and my carpool should be here any minute. I was just looking over Nicoletta Lombardi's file, to keep focused on my task."

The sounds of two different car horns interrupt us and Forest adds, "Looks like Dane starts as early as I do. Better check on him so he doesn't miss work, Watcher. We can't really afford that in this town."

With Bella's shift not starting until 9 pm, she sleeps until noon, and then wanders down to the basement and checks the fridge.

She grabs the only thing available, but her face blanches at the awful looking breakfast, then she shudders and says, "I can't do it, Watcher! Being nice to Forest is one thing, so he stays relaxed and focused on our mission, but eating this…no way!!!"

"You know the fridge is always empty when we get to a new town. At least Forest took the initiative and made a meal, even though it didn't turn out very well. You could always cook something yourself…"

Bella contemplates the effort required to go upstairs to the kitchen, shrugs saying, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger," and eats every bite!

Soon after, Luci gets home from her first day of school here in MV and the first thing she does is relax in the sauna!

"Was school that bad?"

"No. School was fine, Watcher. I just like the sauna, soaking up the heat, the mud, the cucumber mask refreshingly cool, not a care in the world."

"So did you meet some of your classmates?"

"Of course. And yes, I found some of them cute, but I haven't fallen for any one in particular. I'm quite content to play the field and not get tangled up in romance and drama. I prefer to relax."

Saying that, Luci settles deeper into the mud, sighing, taking full advantage of the sauna's pampering, and letting me know without a doubt that my inquiry into her social life is over.

Outside, I find Janette and Jemma enjoying the pool and it's new slide, while Patches is playing in the sandbox, again, over in the playground area.

"Aren't you two concerned about Cassidy and Forest's relationship?"

"Their relationship is just fine, Watcher. It's just that having Bella and Dane get engaged so quickly it makes it seem like Cassidy and Forest are falling behind. We've only been in MV one day, so there's plenty of time."

Jannette adds, "Besides, Cassidy has bigger things to worry about…"

"Like what?"

The twins grin and say, "Wait for it , Watcher…"

And that's when a message pops up that Cassidy has been arrested, again!

"Are you kidding me!?! Her first day on the job in SS and now here in MV and she gets arrested!"

"It's actually the point of her new job, Watcher. As a 'decoy' she's supposed to get caught so someone else can pull off the job."

"Technically, that's true. Unfortunately, it means she's losing the little bit of progress she'd made and won't be promoted any time soon. I better start looking at some special rewards, maybe multi-tasker and office hero will help her out a bit. It's been a long time since we've had family members with rabbit-hole careers, and even longer since we've had anyone in the criminal career and had to worry about them being arrested."

"Working on her athletic wouldn't hurt either, Watcher. Maybe it would even counteract her clumsiness."

"Good point. I'll suggest it when she gets out of jail!"

But when Cassidy gets home, she's so stressed from being in jail all day and not gaining any work performance that she heads straight for the basement and an easel.

She paints for quite some time, almost finishing a large canvas, when Forest bursts into the room and says, "I couldn't wait another moment to be with you sweetling!"

"You braved the new art room so it must be important, Forest! What's on your mind, besides me?"

"Only you, darling! The feel of you in my arms, the taste of your sweet red lips…"

Forest suits his words to action and pulls Cassidy in for a passionate kiss!

Stepping out of Forest's arms, Cassidy fans herself and says, "I don't know what's gotten into you Forest, but I'm not complaining!"

"I'm not sure either, my love, but I couldn't get you out of my thoughts all day!"

The two of them step back into each others arms and Cassidy says huskily, "In that case, I think it's time we moved our relationship to the next level. Let's check out the new bedroom the Watcher made down here. I have a feeling it needs to be christened with some romance!"

"Lead the way, sweetling."

I restrain myself from following, to give them some privacy, and check out the beautiful night sky over MV.

It's twinkling with stars and wisps of cloud, the perfect romantic evening.

I have the feeling that, even deep in the newly renovated basement, Cassidy and Forest, are caught up in it as well.

Morning sheds light on yet another romance, but one of much longer standing, as Jemma and Tobias start the day off with a passionate kiss.

Then Tobias abruptly pulls away, his face going stony as Jemma's purple aura emanates brightly around them!

"Do you have to do that when I'm around!?! It's very….unnatural."

Jemma stiffens in Tobias' arms, "Unnatural!?! I worked hard to attain the title Master of Mysticism and my aura being visible is the crowning achievement for a Fortune Teller! It sets me apart from Celebrity Psychics, who are nothing but scam artists!"

But instead of Jemma's aura bringing reassurance to those around her, especially sims who are good, friendly, or family-oriented, it causes the opposite negative reaction.

And Tobias, being family-oriented, is no exception!

He steps away from Jemma and the smile on her lips falters when he raises his hands and asks, "Isn't it enough that you achieved the title? Do you have to go around flaunting it every chance you get!?! Pointing out just HOW different from the average sim you are!?!"

Jemma's hurt is obvious as she replies, "Tobias! I was born with Midnight Hollow ebony skin, inherited blonde hair when I was a toddler, and rolled the supernatural fan trait when I was a child. I've ALWAYS been different from the average sim! You had no trouble befriending me back then or becoming my boyfriend when we became teens! In fact, I'd say the biggest hit to our relationship was when you became family-oriented!"

"So it all comes back to being MY fault, again! I'm too tired to deal with this now, Jemma, I'm going to bed!"

Jonas, returning from an early trip to the Elixir shop, cringes and looks away, not wanting to be drawn into an argument between husband and wife, though, since he's friendly, I'm sure he's not overly fond of Jemma's aura either.

Later that morning, my supposition becomes fact when Jonas comes face to face with Jemma and her purple aura out by the pool!

No words are exchanged but Jonas' thoughts show plainly on his face and Jemma's not only on the outs with her husband, Tobias, she's loses her brother-in-law's friendship too!

Luckily for Jemma she still has a few potent friendship elixirs on hand and she quickly throws one at Jonas, restoring their friendship.

But using an alchemy elixir makes Jemma's aura glow even brighter, making Jonas scowl again as their friendship takes a another quick hit!

I had no idea that the Mystic's aura was going to impact family relationships like this.

And just think, with both Bella and Cassidy having Empress of Evil lifetime wishes, once they achieve that goal, they'll be glowing red and definitely be on the outs with their father's, even more so than with all the jump scares.

But father/daughter relationships aren't quite the same as husband and wife and I'm seriously thinking of having Jemma quit her job just to keep the peace!

This chapter started out ghostly and on a mostly positive note.

Moved on to Cassidy and Forest furthering their relationship but not quite in the way Jemma predicted.

And ended with our Master of Mysticism alienating both her brother-in-law and her husband with her hard-earned mystical aura!

Dare I ask what comes next?

Well, many, many, events are on the agenda as I played for hours!!!

So long in a fact that it will probably take several chapters to cover it all.

Starting with renovations and promotions over the upcoming week, a slumber party and a huge wedding on the weekend, and a lengthy celebratory trip to France, and a double birthday finale as Luci and Patches age to young adults!

So let's get right to it in Chapter 321: Renovations, Promotions, and Romance
Coming soon.

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Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 321: Renovations, Promotions, and Romance
« Reply #347 on: August 25, 2021, 12:40:46 PM »
I'm finally getting around to showing off the interior of this beautiful home!

It's so nicely laid out and furnished that I barely had to do anything to it at all, except furnish two of the rooms with double beds, dressers with mirrors, and a couple of night stands each.

I let the couples choose their own bedrooms, which has Bella picking the master with it's en suite bath for herself and Dane.

Possibly because the bedding is blue, but more likely because she feels entitled to the best room!

Janette and Jonas chose the orange bedroom, leaving the hover bed with it's green coverlet and cowboys sheets still intact from it's AP days, for Jemma and Tobias.

I renovated the empty, open basement to include a large dedicated art room, with easels all around the walls and Jonas' sculpting station given a place of distinction on one wall by itself.

In the lower left corner, the walls of the sauna are now complete with paint, inside and out.

Jonas' time machine and inventing table are placed on the wall across from the art gallery so he has easy access to indulge in all of his chosen skills and hobbies.

The martial arts equipment and athletic bench are set up in the corner just outside the art gallery with a music area and small dining area in the opposite corner.

I'm sure other items will be added as soon as I go through the family inventory which currently holds items from all previous 11 towns, so it's pretty extensive and painful to search through.

Cassidy and Forest's bedroom has an attached bath to equalize it's status as a master bedroom, just like Bella and Dane's on the main floor.

But one without windows or artwork so neither Cassidy or Forest's sensibilities are offended!

Luci and Patches share the bedroom with twin beds and have a private bath as well.

Popping up to the main level, I find Jemma relaxing on a lounger in the pool, while Janette soaks in the hot tub nearby.

The twins have been indulging in both of those avenues of relaxation since we moved in.

Since they both put so much effort into completing their lifetime wishes in SS, I'm letting them relax and enjoy the relative peace in the house before weddings and the next generation arrives here in MV.

Jonas takes advantage of having a new maid, Luca Gallo, and works on another ice sculpture.

It goes quickly and Jonas jumps up and down in his excitement when he receives $2817 simoleans for it!

Even sleeping until noon, Bella crawls out of bed grumpy, but after some breakfast and reading a book on her multi-tab, she seems to be in a better mood.

"I'm impressed with your restraint, Bella. You haven't shouted at anyone or tried to scare them to death today."

"The day's young Watcher, still plenty of time to do either, or both, of those things! Thanks for reminding me!"

"It wasn't meant as a reminder! But it's not like you need one to take pleasure in those things."

"No, they're both pretty much built into my character now. I shout and yell, and scare my family every chance I can get. Much like you sticking your nose into everyone's business!"

"Like you said, part of my character. Though, for me, it's also part of my job description!"

Hearing the school bus, I head outside and leave Bella to her reading.

I find Luci and Patches with big smiles on their faces after going on a science field trip today to Dr. Simano's Sanatorium, a building that houses both the Hospital and Science Center here in MV.

"I take it you had fun on the field trip?"

"Way better than sitting in a boring classroom all day, that's for sure! I sat with Kannitha Seng and her brother, Khang. He's kind of cute and doesn't have a girlfriend, not that I'm angling for the position!"

Patches is a little more self-contained as she says, "Hudson Thomas was my seat mate and he even told me to give him a call this afternoon and we could hang out, maybe see a movie!"

Luci says, "That sounds like fun! I want to take an art class this afternoon, so you can drop me off and after class I'll meet you at the theater."

Patches nods and says, "That sounds like a good plan! Let's get our homework done so we have the whole afternoon and evening free."

I leave the girls to get on with their homework as several messages have me heading into town.

Outside of City Hall, Forest has received a promotion to Level 3, Campaign Intern.

He's so excited by this early success that he jumps up and down and let's out a resounding, "Yes!!!"

I want to get a good look at City Hall as it's one of the most beautiful buildings here in Monte Vista.

Just look at all those turrets and towers!

It's not hard to picture Odette's dashing courtier being part of the court here in days of old at all!

But getting back to business, I find Dane outside the Civic Center, where both the military base and police headquarters are located, as he's been promoted to level 2, Desk Jockey.

"Forest jumped up and down, shouting, aren't you happy with your promotion?"

"I may be over-emotional Watcher, but, being an evil genius, it's better if I contain them a bit out in public, keep my true feelings and agenda hidden. Most residents in town wouldn't feel very safe having a sim like me in control of keeping the peace, especially since they already know I'm engaged to Bella, not something my superiors are all that happy about."

"I see. So what have you told them?"

"The truth; that I would never let my personal life interfere with my job, that I'm not aiming for 'cop of the year', to be a hero. My focus is on being in the crime lab, these preliminary promotions are a necessary step to achieving that end, nothing I'm all that excited about."

"Well, you've succeeded in doing that. No one watching you would even know you'd been promoted!"

"Exactly. Calm, deliberate actions, just going about my everyday tasks, nothing to draw unwanted attention. Besides, there's really not much to be excited about, I'm just a paper pusher, filling out reports for real cops!"

Last but not least, I check on Cassidy, delighted that she's managed to work a whole day without being arrested and earning a promotion to level 2, Cutpurse!

She seems almost as stunned as I am that she accomplished this after spending her first two work days in a jail cell.

"You look even less thrilled than Dane and he's trying to look that way!"

"My look has nothing to do with my promotion and everything to do with being outside! I'll celebrate when I'm safely inside the house!"

I check on the teens and find Luci still attending an art class at Scuolo Simatica, while Patches is already in town, up on the mesa.

In the parking lot of Teatro Fantastico sporting a happy grin, which leaves no doubt that Hudson Thomas accepted her invitation to hang out and watch a movie!

And once Hudson arrives, it's hearts all a flutter for both of them!

I checked Hudson's stats and he's a babysitter which seems a fitting romance for an imaginary friend made real to pursue.

Besides, he's really cute!

Luci finishes her art class in time to hang out with Khang Seng, but they've missed the movie so they tour the theater together instead.

While the teens have fun at their outings, I head back to the house.

Where I find Jonas has finished a sculpture of Jemma!

Luckily no aura while she posed or it would have totally tanked their newly restored friendship.

It's odd but family posing for ice sculptures only nets about half what non-household members do.

Patches and Hudson had such a great time at the movies that she invites him back to the house.

"I had a great time Hudson! I really hate for the evening to end so soon. It's such a beautiful night, maybe we could watch the stars together?"

Hudson quickly accepts that invitation and soon the two of them are watching the stars together in the front yard.

I'm wondering just how deep Patches feelings for Hudson go, when she answers my question by popping a wish to kiss him for the first time!

I'd planned on letting that happen before Hudson left, but as soon as they stand up from watching the stars, he leaves before he gets caught out after curfew.

Out back, I find Cassidy and Forest snuggling close as Cassidy does her best to ignore the fact that she's outside.

She really does try to overcome that trait and pops wishes to watch the stars with Forest almost every day.

Then Forest surprises her with a bouquet of purple flowers, "For you sweetling."

"Oh, Forest they're beautiful. I hope they weren't too expensive."

Forest frowns and says, "I don't think so…I wasn't even thinking of the cost when I bought them. I just wanted to do something nice for you to show you how much you mean to me."

"It was a very romantic gesture Forest, I'm not sure why I even brought up cost…"

Frowning she adds, "Must be my new trait. But where were we…"

And with those words she steps into Forest's waiting arms, all thoughts of flowers and their cost scattered to the wind as her eyes focus on Forest's and they're lost in a world that only holds the two of them.

In the basement, Jonas is working on another ice sculpture with Janette modelling for him again.

He's mostly focused on ice sims to complete the ice sculptor challenge, but maybe he should branch out and see what other items he can make in ice?

But with Janette's sculpture completed, it's not sculpting that Jonas has on his mind.

He leads Janette upstairs to watch the stars.

They both seem oblivious to the zombie that's spawned and is in the rocking chair behind them.

Since she's fast asleep, I guess there's no worry that she'll attack anyway.

Soon after, I head back into town as Bella is promoted to level 7 and chooses the Evil branch and is now a Henchman!

"Same career outfit? Haven't you had that one since you were a teen?"

"I'll show off my new career outfit tomorrow night, Watcher! It's definitely a change from this one!"

"Well, you made it four for four with promotions for all of you today."

"Technically it's tomorrow, Watcher."

"True. I'll write yours down as Tues/Wed then, since you're being picky!"

"You actually keep track of all the stuff we do Watcher!?!"

"Of course. I have notebooks full of Sims 3 games and keep track of tons of information about my sim families, especially for my games with stories, as they get so involved I'd never remember everything if I didn't write it down."

"It sounds weird to me! It's not considered odd in your world?"

"Not by other Sims 3 players and story writers. Most of us are sticklers for details. I don't even go as far as some of them who have spreadsheets to keep track of everything. Especially those playing Legacy or Dynasty games with all the rules governing those games! Most of the sims in those games are chained to skilling objects and don't get much of a life!  That's way more than I want to deal with, which is why the Town Jump challenge appealed to me so much as it's a very relaxed challenge, with limited rules."

"Chained to skilling objects!?! How dreadfully dull for them! I guess I should be thankful I'm not part of one of those!"

"But you're not are you?"

"No. Well, maybe just a little. Though the thought of all those sims chained up…well, it did give me a little shiver of pleasure!"

"And you think I'm weird!"

The new house now has a renovated basement and more of the family's belongings have been added to make it into a home.

All four of our new young adults have received their first promotions here in MV, which is actually quite the accomplishment for only three days of work, especially for Cassidy.

Luci and Patches are making friends with their fellow high school classmates; Patches going out on her first date with Hudson Thomas and Luci hanging out with Khang Seng.

And Jonas continues to focus on ice sculptures moving ever closer to his goal of 25, so they no longer melt.

But we're still experiencing conflicts with paparazzi and family, though not stemming from Jemma's mystical aura.

And Patches goes on another date with Hudson!

Will she get that first kiss she's hoping for?

Join me and find out in Chapter 322: Conflict and Consequences
Coming soon

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 322: Conflict and Consequences
« Reply #348 on: September 04, 2021, 11:37:18 AM »

Early the next morning the family ghosts are enjoying the rockers on the patio when a paparazzi wanders too close and Claire lets him have it, "Planning on selling tickets, you lame excuse for a man!?! Find other sims to annoy and let us rock in peace!"

This accusation, of course, does not go over well, and the new day starts off with red minus signs filling the air!

The paparazzi, Giuseppe Esposito, who isn't happy about actually being a paparazzi and spending all his time in the hateful outdoors, never being promoted, retaliates with, "Won't our readers just love finding out that the Frio family lives with less than hospitable ghosts!?! No wonder so many of the current living family members are evil!!!"

But Claire doesn't even acknowledge the paparazzi's words, she just sits in a rocker between Rae and Lorelei and ignores him.

Though Sam, who's more than uncomfortable with confrontation, not to mention other ghosts, has found somewhere else to be.

I'm just thrilled to see all of my female family ghosts sharing a moment together.

They usually don't show up until there's a nooboo in the nursery, so I'm happy to see them this early in MV.

Claire, despite her anger at the paparazzi,  lets me in on why they've made such an early appearance, saying, "Rae and Lorelei raved about this view so much, I just had to see it for myself, Watcher."

But Claire's good mood only goes so far as she adds, "In Starlight Shores you only had two rockers on that upper back deck, so we couldn't get together like this. I'm glad you've made that easier here in Monte Vista. Though being on the main level, it's easier for riffraff to ruin it!"

Rae and Lorelei stay wisely silent and I follow their lead.

We know that winning an argument with Claire is slim at best and impossible when she's already lost her temper.

Inside, I find Janette chatting with her daughter, Cassidy, who has today and tomorrow off from work.

"I'm so proud of you, Cassidy! Even after spending two days in jail, you managed to buckle down and earn a promotion yesterday."

"Thanks, Mom. I was kind of surprised myself but my friendships with my boss and co-workers helped. My boss is Carlo Mancini and frankly, I think he's going to be more dangerous than Dante Costa, because he's the evil one of the two!"

A little confused, Janette asks, "The head of the mafioso isn't evil!?!"

"No. He's not even a klepto! Turns out that it was his father and grand-father that secured that position and Dante was just pulled into the family business. And even though Carlo is evil, he's chosen the Thief branch, just like Dante, with both of them wanting to be a Master Thief, though Carlo's still the underling being a Safecracker while Dante's a Bank Robber! But I think Carlo may just be stringing Dante along, as he's very charismatic, and when the time is right, he may try to grab power for himself. But Bella's keeping an eye on Carlo since she's just one level behind him, though in the Evil branch."

"So no one in this town actually holds the position of Emperor of Evil!?!"

"Not yet. Franco Bianchi aspires to the title but he's only a Cutpurse like me. He isn't evil either, though he is athletic, a genius, and a workaholic, so he could surprise us. But Bella is so far above him in the criminal hierarchy, I doubt he'll pose any real threat."

"Well, it sounds like you and Bella have the Criminal career well under control, and we've not even been here a week yet."

"And what's even better is that I'm a level 8 nerd now and I got to pick another trait! The Watcher actually let me choose since it's an extra one and I picked Workaholic so I can work from home and gain promotions faster!"

Then I get a message that sends me rushing to the basement, where I find Jonas angrily shouting at Luci, "I came down here to sculpt, not find you painting and skipping school!"

I quickly explain to Jonas that it was my fault as I wanted her to finish a painting and I forgot to send her when the bus arrived.

Jonas says, "I don't think that's quite true, Watcher! Check Luci's stats!"

I do so only to find out that Luci's having another teenage mood swing and she DOES have a wish to skip school!

So maybe not totally my fault after all.

Jonas glares at Luci and says, "So what do you have to say for yourself young lady!?!"

Luci glares right back at Jonas and says, "You're not my father! You're just my crazy uncle and I don't have to answer to you!"

Obviously that doesn't go over well and angry minus signs fly between Jonas and Luci!

Luci does change and go to school, but added to her mood swing moodlet is one for getting into trouble!

That doesn't sound like a very good start for her school day.

Outside, I find Jemma contentedly floating on a lounger in the pool, not in the least bit concerned with either Luci's actions or Jonas chastising her daughter.

With how rocky her relationships with Tobias and Jonas are, I don't bother to disturb her.

Then I spot Janette upgrading the new wall mounted speaker.

She's maxed handiness with the help of the multi-tab, and now has a wish to upgrade 5 objects.

She's not had any incidents, so far, and I want to keep it that way, so I leave her to her work.

Back inside, I find Cassidy chatting with Bella, who's slept in again since she doesn't get home until the wee hours of the morning.

And strangely enough, Bella's in a good mood and greets Cassidy cheerfully, "Afternoon, cuz! I overheard you telling your Mom that you took the Workaholic trait, great choice!"

"Thanks. Why are you being so nice?"

"Can't fool you! I need to gain some more skill in athletic and it would help you too, so play some catch with me!"

Cassidy actually agrees and they go all the way out to the edge of the front yard and play catch.

Not only does it increase both girls' athletic skill but Bella gains some nerd points, probably hoping for an extra trait herself.

Though you'd think playing catch would increase the jock metric not the nerd one.

There are some things in Sims that I will just never understand.

Moments later, Cassidy goes rushing inside the house as she's had enough of the outdoors.

But I'm pulled inside with her as she sternly says, "That's it young lady, it's a time out for you!"

And I find Luci dejectedly facing a window her head bowed and her hands clenched in frustration and shame!

"What's going on?"

"Apparently trying to skip school and yelling at my father when he caught her wasn't enough, I found her in here trying to set a prank on the computer!"

Luci interjects, "It was just…"

But Cassidy doesn't relent and says firmly, "No talking when you're in time out and I don't want to hear any excuses anyway!"

I'm just floored as I've heard about kids getting time out but this is the first time I've ever had it happen in my game.

Getting grounded, yes, but not time out.

And to have Cassidy be the one meting out the punishment instead of one of her parents is also confusing.

Until I realize it must be because Cassidy is the one that caught Luci in the act, just like Jonas caught her skipping school.

Well, that explanation makes sense at least.

I watch to see how long Luci has to stay in time out.

After just a few minutes, she straightens up and cheerfully waves to her mother through the window!

Well, that wasn't so bad.

But I wonder what Jemma thinks of Luci's getting in trouble again today, so I check and find her playing chess with Tobias.

Apparently oblivious to her youngest daughter's continued misbehavior.

More likely it's because she's trying to mend her relationship with Tobias and I don't want to interrupt that.

But Bella has no compunction in doing just that!

Her intentions might not be good, but with Tobias preoccupied with whatever Bella's up to, at least he's blissfully unaware of Jemma's aura, which has flared up brightly!

I'm concerned enough about the detrimental effects of that aura that I've posted an inquiry on the NRaas site about it.

Hoping there's another choice besides changing Tobias and Jonas' traits or having Jemma quit her job, which were the only options I found on-line.

But the consequences of Luci's behavior catch up with her and instead of joining Patches on an outing to the Summer Festival, she has to stay home.

Patches feels sorry for Luci but she's eager to see Hudson again.

While she's waiting for him to arrive, she plays some soccer.

Then, giving in to her Daredevil trait, she sets off a firecracker.

Exhilarated by that, she greets Hudson with a kiss!

One he passionately returns!

Back at the house, Luci's buttering up her father to be let off the hook!

"You're so smart Dad! I hope I'm just like you after my birthday!"

"Smart enough to know a set up when I hear one, young lady! But you DID go to school and keep your 'A' so we'll consider your time out and not getting to go to the Festival with Patches time served."

"Thanks Dad!"

But they're not the only father/daughter getting along as I find Jonas has just finished an ice sculpture of Cassidy.

"Yours came out well, Cas! You and Forest are both on the same wavelength and posed the same way!"

"I'm glad to hear that Dad! How close are you to your needed 25?"

Jonas ponders a bit and asks, "Hey, Watcher, what number is Cassidy?

I cringe at his question as I haven't actually been writing that information down.

"Hold on a minute and let me check."

I click through my photo folders and scroll through them and finally say, "You had 12 when we left Starlight Shores, Forest was your first one here in MV,  so he was #13. Then the one of the new maid, Luca Gallo, one of Jemma and one of Janette, so Cassidy's #17!"

"Are you sure?"

"Pretty sure."

Cassidy suggests, "Maybe you should write this stuff down, Watcher!?!"

I laugh and say, "Wow, what a difference between you and Bella. You want me to write more stuff down and she thinks I'm weird for doing that!"

"Well, Frugal works for time as well as money, Watcher. Look at all the time you wasted having to check all those photos!"

But it's not frugalness that Cassidy has on her mind when she races upstairs and pulls Forest into a dip kiss!

These two are so sweet together.

But what's not sweet, and is actually kind of scary, is Bella's new Henchman career outfit!

I missed seeing her change into it on her way to work, but I couldn't miss her at all when she strolled into the kitchen in it!

"Wow! That's certainly different!"

Bella tries to act nonchalant, but I can tell from her stance and tone that she's proud of her new look as she says, "It's the mask, Watcher! It sets me apart from the regular criminals, let's everyone in town know I'm so confident it my power and abilities that I can flaunt them!"

"Wouldn't it be better to keep a low profile? Not advertise your criminal activity and connections to the Mafioso?"

"For those in the Thief branch, that may be wise. But for evildoers our rule stems from having others fear you, knowing the power you control and the retribution that awaits them if they dare to cross you! In fact, I'm surprised the Mafioso actually still controls this town with no real leadership. Something I'm planning to rectify soon!"

With those words, Bella gives an evil chuckle and heads off to bed.

The next morning, Dane and Forest relax before work, with Dane playing guitar and Forest reading a book on his multi-tab.

Though since Forest's dressed in swimwear, I guess he's already enjoyed a morning swim.

Once Bella awakens after her late shift, she decides to work on her athletic skill by challenging her mother, Jemma, to a dunking contest.

Jemma shows off first thing, leaping high into the air to make an unbelievable basket!

But Bella's not intimidated by her mothers' prowess at all and makes an equally astounding shot!

Jumping almost as high off the ground as Jemma.

Jemma shouts, "Well done! I didn't realize your skill was so advanced. I've finally got some stiff competition in the house!"

Instead of chatting up her father, Jonas, to become best friends again per her wish, Cassidy resorts to her favorite trick.

But she doesn't even bother to sneak up behind him, she just flings open the bathroom door and screams in his face!

Jonas isn't happy about it and it negatively impacts their relationship.

But Jonas doesn't let it go this time, saying, "I wouldn't advise doing that in a bathroom ever again, Cassidy! Instead of you scaring me, or whoever else you're stalking, you could be the one scarred for life! Your mother was just about to join me in the shower!"

This has Cassidy stopping in mid-stride and cringing as she says, "Now there's a picture I never wanted in my head! Thanks, Dad!"

"You're more than welcome! After all those jump scares, it's the least I could do!"

Well, this chapter was one filled with conflicts and consequences!

Founder Claire and a nosey paparazzi, which will probably result is some bad press for the Frio family.

Jonas chastising Luci for skipping school, Cassidy giving Luci a time out after catching Luci trying to prank the computer, with Luci missing out on an outing with Patches to the Summer Festival.

And Cassidy, after jump scaring her father, Jonas, in the bathroom now has an imagine in her head that she never wanted!

Hopefully she won't be scarred for life!

But ahead we have more promotions and socializing with the locals in Monte Vista.

So join me in Chapter 323: Promotions and Persuasions
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 323: Promotions and Persuasions
« Reply #349 on: September 07, 2021, 12:23:06 PM »

Thursday afternoon I find Jemma relaxing in a mud bath in the sauna.

Seeing how relaxed she looked I hadn't planned on disturbing her, but she asks, "Any news on a solution to my aura affecting Tobias and Jonas, Watcher?"

"Not yet, I've been checking the NRaas site and a few players have viewed my post but no one's replied yet. But I only posted it at the beginning of this play session so I'm not giving up hope yet."

"Meaning that, since you can't change Tobias or Jonas' trait, I'd have to quit my job or resign myself to being enemies with my husband for the rest of my life?"

"When you put it that way, quitting your job doesn't sound quite so bad. But you and Tobias haven't reached enemy status yet."

"No. But he's barely speaking to me and we aren't even friends anymore! That's why I'm in here, hiding away, trying to relax and balance myself again."

"Is it working?"

"Some. But I can't hide in here forever."

"I'll keep checking my post and let you know as soon as someone replies."

"Thank you, Watcher."

On a more positive note, I get a message that Forest's been promoted to level 4, Yes-man, and I get to City Hall just in time to see just how excited he is about it.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" he cries as he pumps his fist in the air, "I got a raise, a bonus, and a promotion!"

"I'm glad you clarified that, at first I thought you were practicing for your new job!"

Forest laughs, "Good one, Watcher! I'll have to add it to my repertoire of jokes. My colleagues really enjoy my sense of humor and it improves our relationships nicely. I've made friends with both my co-workers, Nicoletta Lombardi, and Georgia Giordano. In fact, my boss, Costanzo Rossi, was so impressed with my work today that he asked if I'd take a prospective campaign donor out to dinner as his wife went into labor and he doesn't want to cancel."

But then Forest's face falls a bit, as he adds, "I hope the donor understands that my boss wouldn't have a newcomer to town substitute if it wasn't important.…that could ruin the whole deal!"

"Who's the donor?"

"A woman named Vanna Seng. I've never met her but she's a Rookie at the Coliseum and my boss said she and her husband want to set up a scholarship for teen athletes. Promote a healthy, fit life-style. With a hefty donation to City Hall if we agree to her proposal!"

"Oh, I'm sure she'll understand Forest. She and her husband are expecting their third child! And her husband is Dane's boss, Chan Seng, so she already sort of knows the family."

"That makes me feel a little bit better. But I'm still nervous about it. What if I mess it up!?!"

"Just take her to Tasty Treats and Tomes and make sure you order a huge dessert so she can too!"

"Will that work, Watcher?"

"It would have for me when I was expecting! But since Ms. Seng's into staying fit and healthy, mention how you'll have to spend some extra time working out or in the pool, but that you just can't resist indulging in a tasty treat now and then. She's a Natural Cook too so she'll love talking about food!"

Dane got promoted too, to level 3 Traffic Cop, and I find him outside the building practicing stern cop faces!

"Congrats, Dane! With your slanted eyebrows and that frown, I'd stop! As I'm sure would most of the sims in Monte Vista. Especially the single women!"

"That's probably why my boss gave me a special assignment along with my promotion!"

"What's the assignment?"

"I have to meet three residents and introduce myself so the sims in town can put more confidence in me."

"That doesn't sound so bad."

"Not until you think about Bella getting wind of me meeting a bunch of single women!"

"Yeah, that probably wouldn't go over very well with Ms. Congeniality! So what's you plan?"

"I overheard my boss saying his wife was running late as she was confirming reservations at the bistro for a dinner date this evening, so I thought I'd stroll by and introduce myself."

And Dane's in luck as Vanna Seng is still at the bistro.

Dane greets her saying, "I've seen you at the station, Ms. Seng, but we've never formally met, I'm Dane Lee, the newest addition to your husband's force. Congratulations on your expected nooboo!"

And Vanna took it from there, "Oh, it's nice to put a name with the face, Mr. Lee. Let me introduce you to my teammate, Pepe Moretti, and my daughter. Kannitha put away your laptop and come meet our new traffic cop!"

And just like that, Dane completes his Op!

Quite ingenious on Dane's part to not only make friends with his boss, but with his boss' wife and daughter too."

But Dane isn't done socializing, before he leaves the bistro he gets a call from his partner, Marcello Stefani, and is invited to a party!

Just look at this place!

Monte Vista residents aren't hurting for funds, that's for sure.

This one's called, Decent Dwelling, located at 67 Stella Street, and it's on  a 30x60 lot, on a secluded peninsula.

It looks more than decent to me, a sprawling home on a substantial lot with a breathtaking view of the ocean.

But is Dane concerned with the view?

Of course not, he'd rather give his new partner a heart attack by scaring him to death!

But once Dane gets that jump scare out of his system, he chats way with Marcello, "Thanks for inviting me to your party. I almost didn't recognize you without your shades. Care to give me a tour of the house? This place is fantastic!"

"It would be my pleasure, Dane. I've been wanting to show off my home gym to someone and neither my wife or daughter are interested."

It looks like Dane's won over his partner too.

"What a wonderfully productive evening, Mr. Woods! And that dessert plate we shared, well, let's just call that our little secret!"

"Of course, Ms. Seng. We both know just how far a tasty treat goes in fixing life's little aches and pains, much like a band-aid.  As long as you balance it with a healthy diet and outdoor exercise…" Forest stops in mid-sentence as he totally loses his train of thought!

But Vanna doesn't seem to notice and says, "You've caught on to the very heart of my proposal, Mr. Woods, balance! That's what kids need now days, not more gadgets to focus on, like my bookish Kannitha, but the balance of a healthy lifestyle! One full of good food and plenty of exercise. I'm so glad that you were the one I had dinner with, I'm not sure Mayor Rossi would have been as on board with my plan as you are. That's what City Hall needs, someone who truly appreciates the outdoors, swimming, fishing, jogging, getting our youth more involved in those things. Not shut up inside with their noses stuck in a book or staring at a computer screen. Knowledge is all well and good but the body must be kept in shape."

"I'll be sure and pass on your proposal as well as your generous donation, Ms. Seng. I'm sure the teens here in Monte Vista will be eager to participate in healthy activities to secure such a prize!"

"I hope so, Mr. Woods. I'm so glad we had this opportunity to meet. Have a nice evening."

Ms. Seng isn't the only one focused on outdoor activities as Jemma's enjoying an evening swim, while Patches is playing guitar nearby.

And Founder Jared seems impressed with her skill, tapping his foot to the beat rather than jeering at her.

Surprisingly enough, Jared's not caused any trouble here in MV.

So far anyway. But we're only in our first week, so I probably shouldn't have even brought that up.

Tempting fate and Jared, for sure!

Inside, Cassidy's engaging in her favorite pastime, this time sneaking up on Luci who's just sat down to meditate.

At Cassidy's unexpected attack, Luci jumps up, her hand flying to her chest to keep her heart from jumping out.

A squeaky frightened, "Oh!" escapes from Luci's mouth, followed by an irritated shout of, "Cassidy!!! I was just getting set to meditate. Now you've ruined it!"

Bella laughs evilly when she hears her sister's words, relishing the discomfort Cassidy's scare has given Luci.

But Luci's had it with living with evil sims and shouts, "That goes for you too, Bella! Sister or not, I can't wait to move out of this house and live a normal life, escape from both of you!"

With those words, she stomps to her bedroom and slams the door!

Bella continues cooking breakfast and as the stove cleans itself, asks, "Do you think Luci meant it Watcher? Moving out right after her birthday?"

"I'm afraid so, Bella. She was pretty angry and she wasn't even having a mood swing. Besides, the house is overstuffed already, so she and Patches would have to move out anyway, along with whoever is the spare and their parents. Without that happening, there's no way to start the next generation."

"I know how this all has to work, Watcher, but she's my baby sister! I grew up thinking she'd be heir, with her green skin and all, and being your favorite, thinking my job and Cassidy's would be to protect her heirship. But her wanting to get away from us at the first opportunity, well, that smarts a bit. Doesn't make me feel very good at all."

"I'm glad to hear that! It's another sign of your maturity, showing that you do care about someone besides yourself. Caring about other family member's welfare is definitely something an heir should do."

"It figures you'd turn my feelings against me, Watcher. Turn them into a lecture and I don't need that to continue while I eat my breakfast. It's sure to give me indigestion!"

Cassidy enjoys Bella's waffles as well, and doesn't seem to feel any regret in her recent actions regarding Luci.

In fact, right after she puts her plate in the dishwasher, she sneakily heads for the stairs.

But when Cassidy finds Luci in full meditation mode, looking so peaceful and relaxed, she actually cancels her own action!

Just staring in thoughtful wonder, watching Luci.

I guess she's learned her lesson without having to endure a lecture.

Outside, I find Claire still with us, though the sun is clearly high in the sky.

And though a paparazzi, Ace Delacruz, is using one of the rockers, Claire ignores him and excitedly claps at seeing Jemma in the pool.

But that's to be expected as Claire's not good, friendly, or family-oriented, so shouldn't be affected by Jemma's aura at all.

Then I'm pulled across the lawn to find Tobias sparkling as the potion he's just used begins to take affect.

I'd purchased Age Freeze Potions for all four of my co-heirs once they had the necessary happiness points so I wouldn't be caught short like I was with Chase, back in SS.

With less than a week until his elder birthday, Tobias is the first one to partake of it.

I've decided that 7 family ghosts is more than enough and I have a tentative story line planned that works with just those seven ghosts.

So all of my heirs and partners will be getting Age Freeze potions and moving out from now on, at the appropriate time, of course.

And if they've earned enough happiness points to buy it!

Jemma's moved on from swimming in the pool to making lunch on the Teppanyaki Grill.

And I've added the Wood Fire Oven to the outdoor kitchen, to give the family even more options for meals.

But it's not food that on Bella's mind as she says, "I hope you don't mind, Dad, but I've invited a co-worker over to discuss some important business?"

"Not at all, Bella. This is your home and you're free to invite anyone you want here. But thanks for the warning! I think I'll find a book and an empty corner somewhere and make myself scarce. I'm not sure I'm up to socializing with members of the Mafioso just yet!"

Tobias had the right idea as Bella's guest is none other than Dante Costa!

And even though Dante's chosen the Thief branch his level 8-Bank Robber career outfit does include a mask.

Along with the requisite MV sunglasses!

No wonder this guy can't engender fear and loathing, he looks completely ridiculous!

But that doesn't stop Bella from exclaiming, "Dante! I'm so glad you could make it over. How's the family? Your daughters and your new son, all doing well I hope?"

"Very well, Bella! Cipriana will be entering high school soon, Victoria has started grade school, and little Gianni, what can I say!?! A son always makes a papa proud! And he's no exception, toddling all around, getting into things. He's already stealing his sister's toys, so I have high hopes for him joining the family business!"

"I'm sure you do! But in the meantime, you've got me and Giacomo to watch your back!"

"Not Carlo? He's the same rank as Giacomo, one the best Safecrackers in our ranks, and a man I trust!"

"But should you!?! I've seen the look in his eyes when he watches you. He's got his own agenda, that one, and I don't think he'd hesitate to grab the title of Master Thief!"

I'm thinking Bella's laying it on a bit thick, but Dante says, "I have wondered if he's done so well to further my interests or his own! But my time is torn between my growing family and the business! I haven't the time to keep close tabs on him, to keep him from stealing what is mine!"

Then Dante smiles and says, "But you dear Bella, you have family but no children yet to focus on! Your skills in the organization are unparalleled and instead of becoming my rival, you covet a different title! Could I persuade you to join me in dominating this town? Making the name Frio equal to that of Costa, a name to be respected…and feared!?!"

Bella doesn't hesitate as she purrs with pleasure, "Persuade away, my dear Dante!"

But once Bella and Dante's business deal is sealed, Jonas takes advantage of having a guest in the house and asks Dante to pose for a sculpture.

Which Dante does, still wearing his Bank Robber outfit, mask, sunglasses and all.

Striking a pose befitting the head of the Mafioso here in Monte Vista!

Even though it's done in glistening ice, Dante Costa's pride shows through loud and clear and Jonas collects $2182 simoleans for it!

But I don't think it would be wise to mention that a mere maid's sculpture was worth more!

Friday afternoon, Cassidy's promoted again, to the illustrious position of Thug!

Her face shows her excitement.

"It might not be a grand title Cassidy, but it's a promotion, just the same."

"True, Watcher, but Bella never had to endure the indignity of such a common title!'

"Maybe not as an adult, but when she was working part-time as a teen in the Delinquent field, she was a Graffiti Artist and a Shoplifter."

"That makes me feel a little better, but's is still not quite the same thing, especially since Bella's a Henchman now and gets to wear a cool mask!"

"In that case, I better let you know that she's allowing Dante Costa to 'persuade' her to join him in controlling this town!"

"Of course she is, Watcher, you know what they say, 'If you can't fight 'em, join 'em'! Dante Costa knows where his strengths lie and if he wants to keep even a semblance of his family's power here in MV, it's by joining forces with Team Evil! So it's a mutually beneficial arrangement. Either way, a Frio will be Empress of Evil in this town and the next, not a bad start to our ultimate goal of taking over the Sim world!"

Back at the house, Bella begins working on an Op to learn martial arts and she earns her first belt!

Though we're both disappointed that to complete the op she has to gain additional levels in the skill.

At least it didn't require going to China, which would have meant cancelling it, as though Bella and Dane have wishes to travel, Dane's also got an additional wish to travel to France.

I have a feeling he's thinking, 'honeymoon' and since I don't want to travel to both locations, France it is!

But it's not quite time for a honeymoon in France as other events need to take place first.

Namely, a wedding!

But before that happens we have one other social event on the agenda.

Join me in Chapter 324: Slumber Party
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 324: Slumber Party
« Reply #350 on: September 11, 2021, 02:21:43 PM »

Luci finally decides to work out with the training dummy after setting up her slumber party.

She's still at it when Hudson Thomas arrives, but he doesn't seem to mind and dances away in his pajamas.

Wearing the requisite sunglasses even with his slumber party pj's!

But with Luci being both Lucky and Disciplined, she earns her first belt even faster than Bella did!

Soon other teens have arrived and are dancing to Forest and Cassidy's piano duet.

These two do thing like this together on their own all the time.

Just goes to show they truly do belong together.

But when I see Khang Seng slow dancing with Rosaria Stefani, I'm glad Luci's heart is not set on him.

Rosaria is a hopeless romantic and it looks like she's set her sites on Khang!

Though how they can even see each other with sunglasses on in the basement, is anyone's guess.

But my attention is caught when Teresa DeLuca huffily pushes her chair in, making as much noise as possible.

I wonder what's up with that?

Maybe it's harder to see the chair with shades on in a dark basement?

Luckily, wearing sunglasses isn't set for new teens in town, because Bianca Monty seems to be missing hers.

I won't be putting any on her that's for sure.

But Luci's not interested in fashion, she more's concerned about digging into her food, as it's her favorite, frog legs.

Though she still plays the good hostess, saying, "Thanks for coming to my party, Bianca. If you're hungry, feel free to grab any leftovers from the fridge."

"I wouldn't have missed it for the world, Luci! I was just grateful you included me since you don't know me all that well!"

"We've only been in town since Sunday, Bianca. I don't really know any of the teens here all that well. And I'll be celebrating my birthday soon, so this was my one and only chance for a teen get together. I wanted everyone in high school to come and hang out!"

Then she chats with Kannitha Seng, Khang's sister who, to her parents' regret, prefers academics over athletics, the odd one out in her family.

I think it's for that very reason that Luci's already friends with her.

Feeling like the odd man out in her own family with all of them so committed to heirship.

I'm glad Luci's found another friend, and one from MV, as her time here in the heir household will soon be coming to a close.

She's determined to move out with Patches soon after their young adult birthdays, and though she hasn't committed to many things, I think that's one she'll follow through on.

I'm feeling a bit sad thinking about it as they'll both be left to the vagaries of SP, but I'm planning on having the family visit and keep tabs on them.

I, for one, have high hopes that Patches and Hudson will get together once I get him moved into their new place and aged up, since he's 4 days younger than Patches.

Luci, of course, will be able to play the field to her non-committal heart's content, though I do hope for children for both her and Patches!

Speaking of Patches, it doesn't take long before Hudson reveals the real reason he's so happy to be at Luci's party.

It gave him a great excuse to spend some time with her!

Even with Luci and Teresa chatting nearby, he's totally focused on Patches.

But Teresa soon reveals why she's upset when she confesses to Luci, "Those two are looking at each other just like Khang and Rosaria are in the basement! It wasn't long ago that Khang only had eyes for me. I guess his feelings for me have changed, but I wish he would have at least had the decency to break up with me before taking up with her!"

Luci tries to cheer up her new friend and says, "I wouldn't worry about it Teresa, Khang's such a party animal, he can't resist an opportunity like that. When she asked him to dance, I don't think he had a slow dance in mind, but it was too late to refuse then, without hurting her feelings."

"So SHE asked him!?! Well, that does put a bit of a different spin on it. But even so, Khang shouldn't look like he's enjoying it quite so much, he's still MY boyfriend!"

Before Bella heads off to work, she stops in at the Costa residence where Dante's having a party.

Shooting a sideways glance across the room to make sure no one's listening , Bella whispers, "Everything's all set. If things go according to plan, I'll secure the position of Evil Sidekick tonight! But then I'll be all wrapped up in my wedding and honeymoon plans, so it will lull Carlo into a sense of security."

"And then, my dear Bella,  while Carlo is not expecting it, I will quickly advance to Cat Burglar and then secure the title of Master Thief! Once you go back to work, I have no doubt you will become a Supervillain in your own right, and then no one will be able to stop you attaining the position of Emperor of Evil!  Our goals will be achieved and both branches of the family business will be completely under our control! But where does your sweet cousin come into the picture?"

"Cassidy's looks are deceiving, Dante. She's anything but sweet, being just as evil as I am! But one of us will be continuing our family's journey, taking over the crime syndicate in the next town, while the other stays here, securing our hold over both towns! Your young son, your daughter's too, if they're interested, will have places among us as will mine and Cassidy's children, if they so desire."

"Keeping the names of Costa and Frio alive and in power for many generations to come! Bravo, Bella! Molto ben fatto! That is to say, very well done!"

"You might want to save the compliments until after we've reached our goals, Dante! Enjoy your party. I've got a big job to complete tonight to secure my promotion!"

Back at the house, I find Jonas guzzling his own bottle of Age Freeze potion, to keep his own youthful looks, just like Jonas did!

Besides limiting my family ghosts and preventing my inactives from meeting Grim, it also will give my two HS greenies the chance to add additional members to the Greenie community, something I'm really hoping to see happen here in MV.

I know Tobias wouldn't mind that, but Jemma may not be thrilled with the idea of more children.

But with Jonas and Janette both being Insane, there's no telling what crazy things they'll wish for!

Upstairs, the teens have all settled into sleeping bags for the night, pretty much taking  up every empty spot in the living room.

You'd think they would have chosen the nearly empty basement, with all it's open floor space.

But Dane's not sleeping as he's busy using the telescope to watch the stars.

It's only when the household's full that I feel comfortable allowing this as an alien child of an heir spouse is not something I'm planning on.

Chase's Time Machine child, Marisol, was enough of a surprise!

But seeing Dane cover the eyepiece and chuckle evilly, I realize he's not actually watching the stars, but checking out evil doings in the walled town far above us.

I'm not sure how that's even possible, but nothing seems to beyond what our resident evil genius can accomplish!

But what's going on that has Dane so gleeful?

Bella's promotion to Evil Sidekick!

"Things are working out as planned, Watcher. And my new career outfit is better than this one! I even get to keep my hard-earned mask!"

I actually get to see Bella's career outfit earlier than I expected as I wanted to pop into Stylist to pick out her wedding gown.

Unfortunately, I forgot to take her out of her career outfit first, so I have to cancel Stylist.

But she looks truly stunning in it!

"You're definitely the epitome of an Evil Sidekick, one any crime boss wouldn't hesitate to have at his, or her, side. But with you being the highest ranking sim in the Evil branch of the Criminal career, I'm not sure who you're supposed to be the sidekick of. Unless it's to Dante, even though he's in the Thief branch?"

"It's just a title, Watcher. I am lesser to no one! And before you fling it in my face, I'm fully aware that Cassidy has bested me in more ways than one, but high school prom crowns and graduation titles are of no matter now. As Team Evil, our current plan has us both destined for rulership, so we'll be equals, neither lesser than the other. Just focus on my wedding attire instead of ruining my good mood!"

I frown but hold my tongue at Bella's snarky demand.

Bella may be evil and grumpy, but she's also a flirty, hopeless romantic, so her choice is a beautiful gown of pure white with lacy capelets covering her shoulders, a minimal bodice with a V-neck line and a plunging back.

"Bella, you look amazing in that gown!"

"Does that mean you don't think I look amazing in all my other outfits?"

"No, I've always thought you were beautiful. It's just that there's something special about a wedding gown, it brings out an inner beauty if you will."

"It does, doesn't it? And I can't wait for Dane and all our guests to see me in it!"

"Your guests should start arriving around 8 am, since I scheduled your wedding for 9, so Cassidy could at least attend for a bit and not be too late for work. And I'll need to get the wedding area set up  before that, so it will be a very busy morning."

"Cassidy's work shift is 9 PM, Watcher, so she won't miss the wedding at all! And don't forget my favorite color is aqua and I want everything to match!"

As the sun rises, it casts it's morning glow over Forest and Cassidy, who are sweetly holding hands on the back deck.

Apparently, they've spent the evening out here, despite Cassidy's dislike for the outdoors.

But when Teresa DeLuca joins them, sitting in a rocker, Cassidy says, "My goodness, where has the time gone!?! We better get some sleep before the wedding!"

I'm a bit surprised to see the teens up so early myself and wonder if someone turned on the stereo or the tv.

Inside, I discover that the stereo has been turned on, but I'm fairly sure it was Samuel's ghost that woke the sleeping teens.

That thought is confirmed when Kannitha stutters, "There…there's… a …ghost in the corner!"

Hudson shoots a look into the entryway asking, "Where!?! I don't see …a ghost, but it feels colder in the room…"

"Behind…you! I like making friends, but this place suddenly feels too crowded. I'm out of here!"

And all the other teens follow suit.

Patches was a bit disappointed to wake up and find Hudson gone, along with most of their classmates, and so am I.

I was hoping they'd actually hang around for Bella and Dane's wedding, since it was scheduled for so early in the morning.

Dane says, "Samuel's ghost scared them away! What a wonderful feeling to have so many uncomfortable teens in the house!"

But seeing Patches downcast face, he adds, "Maybe some of them will be brave enough to come back for the wedding?"

"I hope so, though with so many neighbors coming to your wedding, Thomas will probably have to babysit for one of them. No sense dwelling on it though, we better grab some breakfast and start getting ready!"

I check to make sure all the other family members are doing the same, only to find Cassidy outside playing basketball.

With one of the paparazzi that are always hanging around, either Ace or Giuseppe, I can't really tell from here.

I like how quickly sims gain athletic skill playing basketball, but I could do without everyone on the lot challenging each other to contests when they should be focusing on other things.

I quickly end Cassidy's current game and send her off to get ready for the wedding too.

Luci and Patches had a great slumber party though it was broken up a little early with ghostly Samuel's appearance.

Some of the teens are pairing off and I'm really looking forward to seeing who they end up with in this town.

Especially when they start having children of their own!

I'd love to see Luci have a greenie child, though odds are more in favor of Patches and Hudson becoming parents once they become young adults.

NRaas Story Progression has surprised me in the past, so we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

But I'm jumping the gun as it's not the next generation on the horizon but our first wedding in Monte Vista!

All of you are invited to join us for Bella and Dane's wedding ceremony in Chapter 325: Wedding Vows
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 325: Wedding Vows
« Reply #351 on: September 16, 2021, 10:43:01 AM »

I quickly check Cassidy's career schedule and Bella is right, Cassidy's work shift is scheduled for 9 pm.

That's a relief but there's no time to waste in getting things set up for the wedding.

It doesn't actually take too long to pop all the wedding paraphernalia out of the family inventory and set it up in the back yard with an amazing view of the ocean.

I do as Bella requested, demanded actually, and re-color all the chairs, the flowers stands, and cake table topper to her favorite color, aqua.

It actually looks quite nice when I'm finished.

And just in time too as guests start arriving in their finery!

The elderly gentleman is Luis Toledo and he's arrived with his new housemate, Guila Capp.

I found Guila in the list of MV NPC's and couldn't resist adding a blonde to MV to counteract all the dark-haired residents, though the Giordano sisters all have different shades of blonde hair.

Besides, it seemed very fitting to add a Capp to a town that included Monty families.

I believe the stately brunette in the stunning red gown is Su Lin Chang, Marcello Stefani's wife, though she chose to keep her own surname.

But her beauty only exists on the outside as she's a frugal, mean-spirited business women with no compunctions whatever of using any means possible to attain her goal of CEO.

Her teen daughter, Rosaria Stefani, in the violet haute-couture dress isn't mean like her mother but a hopeless romantic and a snob, so she wouldn't be caught dead in anything less!

Seeing how stunning Rosario looks, maybe Teresa DeLuca is right to be worried about that dance Rosario manipulated Khang into!?!

The multitude of guests gather 'round the bride and groom, most of them in formalwear, and many even take seats.

Some of them already sighing or crying on such a romantic occasion.

Bella holds Dane's hand in her own as she places the ring on his finger, saying, "With this ring, an outward symbol of a commitment we made to each other long ago, I thee wed. That commitment began with our childhood friendship and blossomed into romance when you not only showed up at prom but proved your intentions were honorable by asking me to go steady. Our evil tendencies have made it difficult to maintain relationships with others, but to each other we have always remained true. My promise to you today, as we join in the state of holy matrimony, is to remain true to you from this day forward, my heart belonging to you as yours does to me, growing even more devoted to each other as we continue our partnership. Our love, trust, and commitment to each other holding to our dying days and we join the ranks of other couples whose names have continued as romantic symbols unto this day. I love you Dane!"

"I love you too, Bella! That was so beautiful…give me a moment…"

But Dane soon recovers his voice and the ceremony continues, as he slips the ring on Bella's finger, intoning, "With this ring I wed thee, Bella Frio, and I promise to be true to you, cherishing you, from this day forward as my wedded wife. As I said when you asked me to move in and continue your families journey, we were fated to be!  From the moment I was born, you were my destiny, the one and only sim that could be my counterpart, your evil matching my own.
The two of us finding solace and love with each other, not having to hide our true selves but being able to embrace that evilness, our own and each others, making both of us stronger, each completing the other, from now until the end of time."

Amidst heart-shaped silken petals, the two share their first kiss as husband and wife!

Her mother, Jemma, aglow with her Mystic aura, wipes away a joyful tear, her Aunt Janette sighs, her hands clasped to her heart, and even her sister Luci is unable to prevent a smile at the couples' heartfelt vows.

Many of the other guests follow suit with the same actions, clapping, sighing, and wiping away tears of joy.

But to my shock, the brides' father, Tobias, doesn't look happy at all!

He's had the wish to see Bella get married since she became a young adult, so he should be ecstatic.

Then I realize why he looks so dour.

Seeing Jemma's Mystic aura is taking away the happiness he should be experiencing on this momentous occasion!

I really hope there's a way to fix how that aura affects him and restore their loving relationship.

But no time to dwell on such things as we have a wedding party to get back to!

As the rest of the guests continue to clap, throw rose petals, and shout congratulatory wishes, the bride and groom only have eyes for each other.

Seeing the darkening of Dane's eyes, Bella whispers, "Don't worry husband, there's plenty more kisses to look forward to later this evening. Right now we have wedding duties to perform!"

Standing before their wedding cake, a 3-layer confection decorated with edible roses and white-pearl candies glistening in a diamond pattern, Bella's wide smile is one of pure romantic happiness.

Dane is so overcome, he cries out, "It's almost too perfect to eat!"

But of course the cake is cut and many of the guests grab pieces of it.

Though when Chiara Goth jokingly asks if she should break her diet and have a piece, Jemma takes advantage of her query and quickly offers a private reading!

Despite Jemma planting her hand over Chiara's face and smudging her recently purchased sunglasses, the reading goes well.

Jemma tells her that becoming a permanent resident of Monte Vista, instead of an unwelcome social worker, was a good move and that yes, she should indulge in a piece of cake, it is a celebration after all!

Forest even remembers to congratulate Bella on her wedding, but Bella's smile fades quickly when she notices a ghost hovering nearby!

"How did he get on the guest list!?! This will ruin my party!"

And Bella's words prove to be accurate as when the guests notice him snickering by the buffet table after inhabiting a nearby chair, most of them quickly say their goodbyes!

Apparently, Valentine Monty, back from the beyond, has decided that sharing his pizza recipes with Monte Vista residents isn't quite enough.

Much better to crash a celebrity wedding and give life to an inanimate object where the paparazzi are sure to notice and earn notoriety that way!

Whether it earns him a black mark with the bride or not!

Though the wedding party outside might not be going as well as we'd hoped, inside I find Cassidy accepting a bouquet of flowers from an anxious Forest.

"I made sure they were the ones on special, this time, my love!"

"They're beautiful Forest! And knowing you thought about the cost makes them even more special!"

Seeing one of the few remaining guests nearby, Cassidy takes Forest's hand and says, "Let's go somewhere a little more private, so I can thank you properly!"

In the privacy of their bedroom, Cassidy steps into Forest's arms and looks deeply into his eyes, her love for him showing plainly on her radiant face.

Forest's breath catches as he caresses Cassidy's cheek, whispering, "You are so beautiful, my sweetling. And this is the perfect moment…"

Cassidy's eyes fly open wide in shock as Forest drops to one knee, a little black box in his hands, and asks, "Cassidy Frio, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife!?!"

Cassidy's ecstatic cries leave no doubt to her answer and Forest slides the glittering diamond onto her finger.

And with Cassidy's acceptance of his proposal ringing in his ears, Forest pops a wish to marry her!

As the two hug joyously, they both pop wishes to travel!

At first I am a bit dismayed at the thought of yet another vacation, but when a particular thought strikes me, I promise both those wishes.

Outside, I find Bella and Dane slow dancing, making the most of their wedding party, even if most of the guests have departed.

In fact, neither one of them seems to care about that at all, having eyes only for each other.

What better way for a wedding party to end than with the bride and groom happily entwined in each other's arms with their whole future ahead of them!

Cassidy's flying high after Forest's proposal, so it's no surprise that she works hard and earns a promotion to Getaway Driver!

She hurries home to tell everyone of her new position.

Where I find Bella giving Dane a romantic smile when he caresses her cheek whispering, "What a wonderful beginning to our married life. But you deserve something truly romantic and memorable my love, as beautiful as Monte Vista is, nothing beats the French for romance! Pack your bags and definitely include that nightie!"

But before Bella starts packing, she can't resist sneaking up behind Luci and scaring her!

But turnabout is fair play and before Bella can even gloat about her actions, Cassidy does the same to her!

Before Bella can shriek in her over-the top- grumpy way, we're saved by the bell.

Well, the toot of the airplane van anyway, and our two couples grab their bags and head for Champs Les Sims!

Bella and Dane are married.

Cassidy and Forest are engaged.

And all four of them have promised wishes to travel, so what better way to celebrate a marriage and engagement than a commemorative trip?

Join us as the two couples fly off to Champs les Sims in Chapter 326: Vive L'Amour!
Coming soon.

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Chapter 326: Vive L'Amour!
« Reply #352 on: September 18, 2021, 04:53:28 PM »
Their first view of the charming French town includes the spacious hotel they'll be staying in for six days!

I hadn't realized that a party that included a Prepared Traveler would double the length of their stay rather than give them a discount so it's the longest vacation I've ever done during the journey to this point.

I hadn't planned on them participating in any adventures, so hopefully sightseeing and spending time together for six days won't be tedious.

Cassidy quickly heads inside and challenges Forest to a game of chess.

While Bella and Dane opt for a game of catch in the sunny backyard.

But soon they are all off to Champs Les Sims Nectary and quickly gather in the tasting room on the lower level.

Well, Cassidy, Bella, and Dane are down here, all eagerly tasting nectar.

But with his nectar finished, Dane's glance and thoughts focus on being married to Bella!

For an evil sim, he's actually a sweet guy.

I track down Forest and find him drinking alone at the small bistro table in one of the nectar-making rooms.

"Everyone else is downstairs in the lower level Forest, why don't you join them?"

Forest follows my advice and is soon pulling up a chair at the long table as a local paparazzi asks the others a few questions.

"So what iz eet that brings you to our fare land, mademoiselle? Business or…pleasure?"

Grabbing Dane's hand, Bella replies with a huge smile, "Definitely pleasure! We just got married!"

"Oh, bon chance, Madame and Monsieur! So you are on your la lune de miel!?! Félicitations!"

With the paparazzi wishing them good luck, Bella can't stop thinking about being married any more than Dane.

Though her rhapsodizing includes looking at her wedding ring whenever she's not focused on anything else.

And she even takes it a step further as she shouts, "Oh, Watcher, Dane and I are married! The only thing that could make me happier would be to have a child with Dane!"

I stare in shock as Bella's not stretching the truth at all and I quickly promise that wish before it disappears!

I don't think I've ever had a sim who wasn't family-oriented pop a baby wish so fast!

But with the wish promised, Bella's smile turns smug as she asks, "So…since I popped a baby wish first, does that mean I'm officially this gens heir!?!"

"To be fair, let's see how long it takes Cassidy to pop that wish AFTER she and Forest get married."

"I popped that wish the day after getting married, Watcher! I doubt Cassidy will do better than that, but since I'm in such a good mood, we'll play it your way."

Bella shows just how good a mood she's in when she starts getting frisky with Dane moments later!

Which leads to a very romantic encounter in an upstairs bedroom at the Nectary!

Unfortunately, it starts raining on their third day in France.

Despite the rain, Bella talks Cassidy into helping her harvest the special grapes of the region so she can try her hand at nectar-making.

And even something as mundane as harvesting grapes has the paparazzi following the two girls and snapping photos and jotting down their every word.

Since the rain has become a steady downpour, the girls meet back up with their respective guys as soon as they've gathered several different varieties of grapes.

Bella and Dane check out the La Gallerie d'Art, flirting outrageously in the mostly deserted building, until a paparazzi intrudes on their romantic tryst.

Cassidy meets Forest back at the Nectary where she's swept into his passionate embrace.

But then Bella arrives, ignores them completely, and fills the nectar-maker with a variety of grapes they've collected and stomps them with relish!

"The grapes feel odd between my toes, Watcher, but stomping them to bits is actually quite satisfying!"

"I'm sure. But couldn't you have used the other nectar-maker since Cassidy and Forest are in this room?"

"Oh, they're not bothering me, Watcher, as a hopeless romantic I quite enjoy public displays of affectation!"

"I was more concerned about their privacy rather than your sensibilities, or lack of them, Bella!"

"Oh, well, it's too late to bring that up now, Watcher! Once the grapes are in the barrel, you can't stop the process!"

Realizing much quicker than I did that Bella wasn't going to respect their privacy, Cassidy and Forest headed back to the secluded haven of their hotel.

Even though there's been a break in the rain, with the first sunshine in days peeking through, Cassidy is safely indoors, giving Forest a soothing back rub.

Then she asks, "How about we check out that little French bistro, Catania Café, for a quiet dinner, just the two of us?"

"That sounds wonderful, sweetling. I can't wait to show off the most beautiful girl in the world to the locals!"

"In that case, let's both gussy up and look our best!"

With Cassidy and Forest busy getting ready for their date, I find Bella and Dane taking advantage of the rain's respite, and enjoying a passionate kiss in the sunshine.

Thinking only of each other, which is how it should be when you're on your honeymoon.

With that in mind, I give them some privacy.

Inside, I find Forest looking dapper in his formalwear splashing on a bit of spicy cologne, but asking nervously, "Do I look okay, Watcher?"

"You look amazing Forest, quite handsome!"

"Good. I want Cassidy to be as proud of me as I am of her. Hopefully, I won't embarrass either one of us by forgetting something crucial!"

"Just relax and enjoy the evening, Forest. It's just a dinner date."

"Right. Just dinner. At a French café…with strangers making Cassidy uncomfortable and me most likely forgetting how to put two words together to form a sentence…maybe we should just stay in…"

"Nonsense! You and Cassidy have been friends since you were children and are totally comfortable with each other. Just focus on that, on each other, not anyone else, and everything will be fine."


"Well, I've never actually tried a date at the café, but I'll do my best to see it goes as smoothly as possible."

"Never tried a date there!?!"

"Relax, Forest. Just remember that Cassidy is the one that asked you to dinner. You wouldn't want to disappoint her would you?"

It did take some doing to get Forest and Cassidy eating together at the same table, but I finally managed it!

And despite his worries, Forest is able to talk quite naturally with Cassidy.

"Congratulations on your latest promotion, sweetling, you've gotten much better at avoiding the police!"

"It helps that it's Dane on patrol now! Along with my new trait, allowing me to work from home. We've both done well, Forest. Better than I expected actually. In fact…"

"Yes, sweetling?"

"We've progressed so quickly that I think it's time to make our partnership more official!"

Forest scrambles up and out of his chair and pulls Cassidy into his arms, asking, "Does that mean what I think it means!?!"

Cassidy squeezes him tightly and whispers, "Yes! I want to marry you, right now, right here!"

Cassidy steps back and grabs Forest's hand, holding a gold band, and sliding it upon his finger, she says, " Forest Woods, with this ring, I thee wed, it's unending circle a promise of my unending love, faithful and true to you from this day forward and through all our tomorrows. Standing side by side, partners in love and in life, forever and always."

Forest holds up a smaller circlet of gold, stares into Cassidy's expectant face, takes a breath and begins his own vows, "With this ring, I wed thee, Cassidy Frio, my best friend, my steady girl, the one that makes every day of my life worth living, all the more so as we become husband and wife, pledging our hearts only to each other, from this day forward."

Forest speaks the words so clearly and surely, I know he's practiced them time and time again, but that only makes it more endearing, knowing that he took the time to make this moment perfect.

Even if Cassidy sprung it on us so unexpectedly!

The two share their first kiss as husband and wife.

Then they consummate their marriage back in the privacy of their hotel room and fall into contended slumber.

Cassidy dreaming about their recent marriage, of course.

And Forest?

His dreams seem to be focused on the announcement he'll be putting in the paper, telling the world that Cassidy Frio has made him the happiest man in the world becoming his wife!

At least that's the spin I'm putting on it.

But the next morning, the rain is back and coming down in torrents!

A quick check of the weather has our four travelers learning that the forecast is heavy rain for the next three days.

Since they are scheduled to leave in two, and all of them have wishes to return home now, Bella calls the airport and changes their tickets for the next flight out of Champs Les Sims!

The trip to France was even better than I expected it to be!

Bella popping a wish to have a child with Dane.

Cassidy popping a wish to marry Forest, during their dinner date, no less, the timing couldn't have been more perfect if I'd planned it.

I guess both of my couples have proven that Champs Les Sims is truly the city of love and romance!

Vive L'Amour!

But will Cassidy pop a baby wish as quickly as Bella did and tighten up the heirship race again?

Will Luci keep her promise and move out with Patches right after their young adult birthday?

Let's find out in Chapter 327: Household Changes
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 327: Household Changes
« Reply #353 on: September 19, 2021, 12:37:08 PM »

Back in Monte Vista, down in the art gallery, Jonas is finishing up an ice sculpture of Patches, number 19, if my count is correct.

Hearing raised voices, I find Bella has challenged Luci to a sparing contest.

And to Bella's chagrin, Luci beats her soundly, 2-1!

Bella's so disgusted by that outcome that she starts working with the training dummy to increase her martial arts skill and has soon earned another belt.

Bella crows, "Wait until our next match, little sister, I'll show you who's boss for sure!"

But Luci, meditating nearby, simply continues her relaxation technique, not rising to her sister's baiting, irking Bella even more!

But why is Luci so calm and confident?

Because it's her birthday!

And high off her martial arts win, she graciously lets Patches go first.

And the whole family manages to arrive as Patches becomes a young adult.

Her age up outfit isn't bad, though the top blends in with her skin tone more than I'd like.

After choosing her last trait, going with the randomly rolled, Social Butterfly, and lifetime wish, The Zoologist, Patches quickly steps aside to help Luci celebrate her birthday.

Not wanting to age up in her martial arts outfit, Luci quickly changes into her everyday outfit and stands before her own birthday cake.

Though Janette seems to be focused on Patches cake, all the other family members focus on Luci, clapping, cheering, and shouting birthday wishes.

As is typical, Luci ages up in the same up-do hairstyle she did when she turned teen.

It doesn't look quite as severe on a young adult as it did on a teen and her outfit is fantastic!

Seeing just how beautiful Luci is, my heart gives a last pang for having her give up heirship.

Her last rolled trait is Loves the Outdoors.

And she chooses Physical Perfection as her Lifetime Wish, something she couldn't have done if she'd become heir as our 6th gen heir, Torre, has already completed that one.

Maybe it's actually a good thing that Luci chose a different path as trying to complete Heartbreaker or Gold Digger, two of her other choices, wouldn't have been lifetime wishes I would have wanted to pursue.

Everyone quickly grabs cake and settles down at the outdoor bistro tables to chat while they enjoy the delicious treat.

Except for Cassidy, of course, who had to leave for her 9 pm work shift, as eloping in France didn't warrant any time off from work!

Or complete Jonas' wish to see Cassidy get married.

I guess I should have thought that through a bit more before allowing them that private wedding while on vacation.

Even after all these years playing sims, I still learn new things, but no real harm done.

Their cake eaten, Dane and Forest settle into rockers on the patio.

I'm not sure if it's jet lag or just too much cake as they both sit there in stony silence.

That's when I notice that Dane has popped a wish to have his first child!

Maybe it's being in such close proximity to the empty nursery?

I quickly promise it, but Dane is looking so fierce, I have to ask, "For someone wishing for a child, you look positively menacing. Shouldn't you be happier?"

Dane snarls, "What's to be happy about!?! Bella and I both want our first child but there's no room in the house for that to happen! So the nursery remains empty!"

Forest stiffens at Dane's words, and I don't blame him as it's a very pointed reminder of the pact the two heirship candidates made, heirship being determined by the first one of them to pop a baby wish.

And now both Bella and Dane have those wishes and neither Cassidy or Forest do.

No wonder Forest is looking so uncomfortable.

I have a feeling some serious discussions will be coming up soon.

Discussions I'm not looking forward to as I get so attached to family members I hate the idea of having to say goodbye, though it's a must for us to continue the family and the journey.

But there's one discussion that I'm really eager to see as I did get a response to my inquiry about the Mystic Aura at the NRaas site.

A response that included a link to a mod that has tweaked it so that only sims who are supernatural skeptics are bothered by a Mystic's aura, along with scientists of course, which is understandable.

With the mod in play, I quickly focus on Jemma and Tobias, who are engaged in a pillow fight.

I watch them chat and interact for what seems like hours, with Tobias even saying, "I'm glad we're friends again Jemma."

And Jemma giving him a smile and saying, "Me too, Tobias! I've missed spending time with you."

With that admission, one thing led to another and the two of them quickly retired to their bedroom for privacy.

I was happy to see them getting along again, but what I wasn't seeing was Jemma's aura.

Which leaves me wondering if the mod took it away or if it's just too old and not working in my game, or if something else is interfering with it, as there could be a number of possibilities.

But before I can worry about it, I get pulled into town.

Cassidy's gotten busted again, but, thankfully, it was after she completed her work shift!

Early the next morning, I find Luci by the computer and she greets me with a big smile, saying, "Well, this is goodbye, Watcher. I just purchased a new place for me and Patches!"

"So soon? I'd thought you'd hang around for at least a day, get jobs, and all that!"

"We'll do that at our new place. But, if you could pop in and provide a computer, some martial arts equipment, maybe a few family funds to get us started, we'd really appreciate it!"

"I'd be happy to. Once your parents wake up, anyway. I'm still waiting to see your mothers' aura and determine if that mod works."

"I hope so, Watcher, even though I'm not interested in an exclusive relationship of my own, having mom and dad on the outs hasn't been fun at all."

But hearing a taxi out front has Luci quickly changing into her newly recolored everyday outfit and beckoning Patches, "Ssshhh, we don't want to wake everyone and have to endure messy goodbyes."

And with those final words, Luci leaves her family home.

Just in time too as the household is waking up.

With Jemma and Tobias taking full advantage of their re-established relationship and becoming closer than ever.

Strengthening their friendship.

And their love.

But I still haven't seen Jemma's aura.

Though, even without it, Jemma's perspective powers are still strong as she quickly deduces what's on Bella's mind!

But since I want to help Luci and Patches out, I decide to kill two birds, so to speak, and have Jemma and Tobias go visit Luci and Patches in their new home.

A cute two bedroom bungalow with an enclosed garden.

Upon arrival, they find Patches and Luci eagerly chatting about their new home.

"I liked the on-line photos, but they really don't do it justice! It's so cute with such a spacious lot and that outdoor garden area. I see why the Gilscarbo family chose it as their first home when they just had little Goopy."

"And why they chose to move to a bigger place now that their little Goopy has started school and he has a toddler brother, Elio, and a new baby sister, Carina! But it's just perfect for us!"

I leave them to chat and tweak the upstairs and turn the nursery into a 2nd bedroom, the pink room for Luci and the blue for Patches.

I place the crib in the small alcove outside Patches' room, planning for the future, where I'm hoping for children.

The toy box is placed in the larger open area by the stairs, along with a treadmill and small reading nook that completes the upstairs.

Downstairs, I pop a nice shower into the large bathroom and add a computer to the study off the entry.

Luci gets her own martial arts equipment off the back deck under the cooling shade of the trees.

She wastes no time and starts using it right away!

And did you notice that blue dog ball in the yard behind her, near the garden fence?

She's too small to use it just yet, but Patches didn't waste a moment to adopt her first pet!

The cutest little puppy ever!

Meet Lulu everyone.

But Lulu isn't the only new household member as, with a couple of NRaas MC clicks, Hudson Thomas has also joined the household!

Still a teen, instead of interacting with Patches, Hudson sits down on the couch beside Jemma and Tobias.

The three of them sitting in companionable silence as they focus on reading the latest novels; Tobias and Hudson sticking with traditional hardcover paper ones as Jemma opts for an e-book on her multi-tab.

Nearby, Lulu plays with the Gilscarbo family's kitten, one that got left behind when they moved to a bigger home as with a toddler and a nooboo, there was no adult around to carry it down the front steps.

That's my theory anyway, but since Patches loves animals, she's perfectly happy to play surrogate mother to the kitten as it also gives Lulu a playmate.

But despite watching Jemma with an eagle eye, I still haven't seen her aura.

Luci and Patches aged to young adults and moved to a cute bungalow across town.

Patches adopted her first pet, a cute little puppy, Lulu, who's got the Gilscarbo kitten for a playmate currently, and I've also added Hudson Thomas to their household.

Since there are still eight sims in the main household, Bella and Dane's wishes to have their first child still can't be fulfilled.

Something I will have to address soon, before my evil couple takes matters into their own hands!

Up next we have more promotions and Jemma's aura finally returning.

Will the mod work or will it's return spell disaster for Jemma and Tobias' newly restored relationship?

Follow along and find out in Chapter 328: Making Definite Plans
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 328: Making Definite Plans
« Reply #354 on: September 22, 2021, 02:34:10 PM »

Back at the house, Cassidy's lamely kicking and swiping at the training dummy as she's now gotten the same career Op as Bella, earn several levels in martial arts to earn a promotion.

Her mother, Janette, gives her a few tips as she focuses on breaking another board, totally ignoring her ringing phone, just as I try to do.

I finally remember to have Jonas make other ice sculptures besides ice sims and find that he makes then very quickly!

This Unicorn brings his count up to 20!

It's so pretty I hate to sell it, but it'll just melt if I don't so selling it is the only option.

We're both so thrilled by that quick success, Jonas immediately starts another one.

And before I know it, he's completed #21, a bust of some important guy in the past, I assume, but one that I forgot to take a photo of, though it doesn't really matter as it was quickly sold.

Then he makes an ice…porcelain throne?

But just look at Jonas' face!

Definitely no qualms about selling number 22!

Nearby, Tobias has finished yet another painting depicting Tuscany, even though we've been living  in Monte Vista for almost two weeks!

I won't have any trouble having him sell this one when the time comes, along with all the rest of the paintings he's been stock piling!

We haven't needed the money so everything he's painted is safely stored in his inventory.

Upstairs, Jemma and Tobias are watching TV and chatting on the couch, having spent so much time together they are now on a date.

Even being a couch potato, Tobias frowns at the current show saying, "I love a lot of shows and movies but this one is trash!"

I'm more concerned that I still haven't seen Jemma's aura, but it's Founder Jared's focus on Bella that grabs my attention, along with her words to Dane!

"We'll have our chance at a child soon, Dane. Luci and Patches moving out to their own place was just the first step in the Watcher's plan." Raising her voice a bit, she adds, "I'm SURE she's got the rest of it planned out as well!"

Well, Bella's anything but subtle!

I'd better start getting an actual plan together…fast!

Cassidy strolls in from her latest work shift having secured her promotion to Bagwoman, despite jail time.

And, by the backwards glance she gives her cousin, she's definitely overheard Bella's words.

But Jared's not the only family ghost who's popped in for a visit.

Outside on the patio the two paparazzi have been joined by Rae, Adam, and Claire.

Hopefully neither one of the paparazzi will set Claire off again.

I head back inside to check on Jemma and Tobias only to find then gone!

Forest is now occupying the couch and playing a video game while Cassidy works out to the stereo in the corner.

But it's Dane's actions that have me spellbound as, for the first time since he's moved in, he sneaks up and scares the daylights out of Bella!

This, of course, does not go over well with his evil, grumpy wife!

And Dane is struck immobile by the raging scream that Bella releases.

One that I'm sure was heard clear up to the piazza in town!

By the look on his face, I'm sure Dane's already regretting that impulse.

But moments after Bella's scream of wrath erupts something catches my eye outside as the sun heats up the new day.

Jemma is all aglow with her Mystic purple aura and she's excitedly chatting with paparazzi, Ace Delacruz.

He's family oriented and he's not having any negative reaction to Jemma's aura at all!

The mod seems to be working.

But the true test will be with Tobias!

I quickly send him out to socialize with Jemma, hoping her aura holds.

It does and Tobias doesn't experience any drop in relationship with Jemma!

Or back off.

In fact, he steps closer and enfolds her into his arms.

With both of them staring so intently on the other's face and thinking about the pool, I'm wondering if it's skinny dipping they have in mind!?!

Well, with the mod working and no danger to their relationship now, I leave them to their romantic pursuits.

Though Ace might cramp their romantic style if he joins them!

I check on other family members and find Cassidy on the computer working from home.

"I know you want to earn promotions as fast as you can, but is their another reason you’re working so feverishly?"

In a tight voice Cassidy replies, "You know there is, Watcher! Bella and Dane want a child and there's no space for one. In fact, Dad wants another one too!"

"What!?! Your parents gave up on having another child back in Starlight Shores, so what brought it up again?"

"My guess is that it's because a child born here won't endanger heirship, like it would have in SS. Plus Dad's only got three more ice sculptures before he completes the Ice Personality challenge and mom just spends all her time relaxing, so both of them will have plenty of time to devote to a child soon."

"That's a pretty good guess. But speaking of heirship…"

"Don't try to sugarcoat it, Watcher! You know as well as I do that Bella and Dane have always been the power couple and with both of them wanting a child now, the obvious choice. And Forest and I, well, we're just not ready for a child right at the moment. But I gave Bella a run for her money, made her work for heirship instead of just handing it to her on a platter!"

"That you did, Cassidy! That you did! So when are you and Forest planning on moving out?"

"We're going to discuss it when he gets home from work today, so we'll let you know soon."

"Well, Bella and Dane will be happy to know that there IS actually a plan in motion now, though I'm sad to see you and Forest leaving."

"It'll be a change to be on our own, that's for sure. But one I'm looking forward too as with Forest at work all day during the week, I can really focus on working from home so I'm ready to take over as Empress of Evil when Bella and Dane journey on to the next town."

It looks like Dane and Bella have made up and in the nursery, which makes it all the more significant!

Bella gives Dane a sweet kiss as she says, "I'm sorry too! It's in your evil nature to perform jump scares and you've not had the privelge of being part of an active family until now. I'll try to be more understanding."

"And I should have chosen someone else, not you dear wife. The Watcher's just gotten your parents' relationship back on an even keel with that mod and doesn't need our relationship deteriorating."

"I'll second that! I'm glad you two have made up and I want to congratulate the two of you as you are now officially the new heir couple!"

That afternoon, Forest eagerly chats with his co-worker, Nicoletta Lombardi, "I'll do my best as the City's newest Council Member, Nicoletta. And I'm thankful for your full support and assistance in helping me attain the position."

"I was happy to help, Forest. Our common goals have made it in our best interests to offer mutual support. But remember that while Georgia's ambitious, she's more focused on being popular, not the Leader of the Free World, like both of us, so we're going to end up in a battle down the line!"

"I'll keep that in mind, Nicoletta, and when it comes down to it, may the best man, or woman, win!"

Back at the house, though I gave Jemma and Tobias privacy earlier today, I stumble upon Jonas and Janette skinny dipping in the hot tub!

And I find that Jonas does indeed have a wish to have another child with Janette!

I ignore their undressed state and ask, "Why didn't you tell me about your child wish yourself, Jonas?"

Jonas looks a little bit embarrassed and says, "It kind of surprised me too, Watcher, and Janette doesn't have that wish right now, so I'd thought I'd keep it to myself."

"But you told, Cassidy?"

"I did? Hhhmmm, I don't remember doing so. But maybe she figured it out after hearing me hum nursery rhymes while I was sculpting that Unicorn?"

Janette chimes in with, "Actually we both heard you! And though I don't have the specific wish right now, I'm not opposed to the idea! But let's skip all that pregnancy and labor nonsense and use the time machine. That way we'll be able to move out with our child right after Cassidy and Forest move out."

"Which means I better get moving on my last few ice sculptures so I can leave an ice sculpture of you with the family, love."

"Well, that sounds like you've both got it worked out so if that's what will make you happy, then ice sculptures and time machine child it is!"

Jonas gets right to work and makes an ice sink, complete with counter for sculpture # 23!

No qualms about selling that one either as ice furniture in Monte Vista just seems weird.

Number 24 is an ice pedestal which would have been perfect for the ice bust, but since we can't keep it, no sense in crying over melted ice.

And with this beauty of an ice sculpture, Jonas reaches #25 and completes the Ice Personality challenge!

I was expecting a little more fanfare with the accomplishment, but I'm just thankful it wasn't the ice commode he made for number 25, since we get to keep this one!

Now all that's left for him to sculpt is a statue of Janette, so he can keep his promise and immortalize her for generations to come.

But when I go searching for Janette, I find a rather sober Forest and Cassidy outside on the back patio.

"With such serious expressions, I'm guessing that you've decided on when to move out?"

Cassidy nods and says, "Forest's pretty close to reaching level 6 in his political career, so we've decided to move out right after that happens, which should be in a couple of days."

"You don't sound very happy with that decision."

"You know me, Watcher, I'm leery of doing things that put me in unknown situations that could include strangers. Is it possible that Forest and I could have a place just for the two of us?"

"The family will definitely be buying you two your own place, so no need to worry on that score. And you'll be getting enough family funds from your inheritance to live quite comfortably."

At my words, Cassidy quickly turns into Forest's waiting arms, as Forest eagerly says, "See, sweetling, the Watcher knows  what worries you and she's doing her best to put your fears at rest!"

"Oh, Forest, just think, you and me in our own place! With you by my side, conceding heirship to Bella and Dane doesn't even seem much of a loss. I guess it wasn't as important to me after all."

Forest needs to increase his charisma skill for his career, so he listens to a tab cast while chatting with Tobias on the couch.

"You'll soon be able to fill the whole house with art again, Mr. Frio, without worrying it will offend me or adversely affect my mood and promotions."

Knowing how Forest feels about art, Tobias' immediate reaction is a negative one, but he covers his annoyance with a smile as he says, "That will be one less thing to worry about, that's for sure. Though with Bella and Dane chomping at the bit to start their family, I'm not sure how much longer I'll be free to paint before Grandpa duties keep me busy!"

"Maybe you should take the time to change professions now, Mr. Frio, since you're focusing more on painting than writing novels?"

Tobias nods thoughtfully, "That's a great idea, Forest!"

And with those words, Tobias pops a wish to join the painter career!

Forest, pumped from the positive reception of his idea, uses the brain enhancer to maximize his charisma skill and earn some hefty happiness points!

"My promotion should be in the bag now, Watcher! I better start seeing what's available in the housing market as it looks like we could be moving out sooner than we expected!"

"Any ideas on that?"

"This place is beautiful, but the commute up to the plateau is rather a long one, so a place closer to work would be nice."

"Another good idea, Forest! I'll keep that in mind when the time comes."

Following Forest's example, Janette uses the other brain enhancement device to reach level 10 of the handiness skill, one of her top happiness point promised wishes.

With the two couples moving out soon, I'm focusing on having them completing as many wishes as they can while still in the active family.

Bella and Dane have officially been named the heir couple for this generation, with both of them having promised wishes to have their first child.

For that to happen, Cassidy and Forest have made definite plans to move out to a place of their own right after Forest's next promotion.

Jonas finally completed the Ice Personality challenge, having made 25 ice sculptures, so now his ice sculptures don't melt.

All he has left to do is make an ice sculpture of Janette, for posterity, and then he and Janette can try for their time machine child and move out into their own place with said child, if they're successful.

So still lots of events over the coming weeks here in Monte Vista!

I'll tell you all about them in Chapter 329: Sculptures, Promotions, and Surprises
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 329: Sculptures, Promotions, and Surprises
« Reply #355 on: September 26, 2021, 12:49:44 PM »

With 25 ice sculptures to his credit, Jonas begins Janette's commemorative work, his magnum opus, if you will.

I watch with anticipation but am puzzled when there's no sculpture forming even after he gets half-way through the ice block.

After all his dedication and hard work he can't immortalize Janette in Ice!?!

That's just unbelievable!!!

That's when I recall the rather odd message that popped up telling me that the festival's newest food attendant was Janette!

I, of course, paid it no attention, and quickly clicked it off my screen as sometimes it takes my game quite some time to fill those positions, no matter how odd it is that one of my active sims has been commandeered for the job this time.

So I go and check out the festival and the food booths are indeed unmanned.

But since it's not within the posted open hours, I decide that can't be the reason Jonas is making an invisible sculpture.

When Jonas finishes the sculpture and all that's there is an empty base, I just shake my head and have him try again.

His second attempt flooring all of us as Janette is wearing a food booth attendant outfit along with it's required top hat!

I'm at a loss for words, but Janette stares at the sculpture in confusion, asking, "Where did that hat come from Jonas!?! I've only worn a hat with my private eye outfit and that was back in Starlight Shores!"

But Jonas doesn't respond, totally focused on an incoming text from some less than secret admirer, no doubt.

That's when I get messages of more promotions, so I decide to focus on something normal, and not as bizarre as Janette not only being chosen for a food booth attendant job, but Jonas actually sculpting her in the outfit, despite the fact that she's wearing her activewear!

Still shaking my head, I go into town.

Where I find Dane sporting a huge grin as he exclaims, "After all that time off for our wedding, I finally got to put in a solid days work and earn another promotion. I'm Monte Vista's newest patrol officer!"

"I thought you were already a patrol officer."

"That was just on-the-job training, now it's official! So just one more step and then I can focus on my true calling, Forensics!"

Over at City Hall, Forest is grinning too, as well he should be as he's now a Local Representative!

With a wish to throw a campaign fundraiser as it's now part of his job metric.

"I think we can do that Forest! A final party that will not only help your career but give you and Cassidy the send off you deserve."

"I'm sure Cassidy would rather stick to just family Watcher."

"Not if it means helping you to secure your new position, Forest. You know she'd want to help you out any way she could, so start making some calls and inviting guests!"

The first guests to arrive are Luci and Patches, both of them looking stunning in their young adult formals.

"Congratulations, Forest! Let me be the first one to contribute to your campaign fund. Is $8000 simoleans enough?"

Forest seems stunned by the amount, as am I, but manages to stutter, "Tha…Thanks, Luci! That seems more than generous. Have you made some extra simoleans as a martial artist?"

"No. That was going nowhere, so I joined the local sports team. I don't know how long I'll stick with the job, but my teammates are a fun bunch."

Patches pipes up, "I'll add $5000 simoleans to that Forest! I'm only a lowly Latrine Cleaner at the military base but it's for a good cause!"

Before Forest can stammer another thank you, he's swept up in greeting others guests as they fill the house with chatter and laughter.

"That joke you told the other day was a good one, Forest! I shared it with some of my friends and got quite a few laughs!"

The party just kept getting bigger and bigger with guests crowding into the kitchen, with the usual routing issues, and others mingling in the living room.

As the crowd grew so did Forest's campaign funds as donations of simoleans poured in!

Even the Gilscarbo's came and allowed little Goopy to attend so he could meet the newest Local Representative.

With it being a school night, Goopy didn't stay long, but it was nice getting to see him as a child.

Some of the guests even gravitated to the basement, where it was less crowded and a bit cooler.

Which is where I find Jemma dancing with one of the guests.

And what's more surprising is seeing Cassidy not hiding in her bedroom, but actually dancing with another guest.

I was right, for Forest and his career, Cassidy is willing to sacrifice her shyness and mingle.

And Tobias is so thrilled to see Luci, he greets her with a hug!

"You look so beautiful, Luci. All grown up. I know it's only been a few days since you moved out, but it's good to see you looking so well."

"Thanks, Dad! Patches, Hudson, and I wouldn't have missed it for anything! Our place is nice and quiet, but…"

"But what?"

"Well, frankly, two's company and three's a crowd, Dad! So I'm thinking of getting my own place and giving Patches and Hudson some privacy."

"Moving again, already!?!"

"You know me, Dad! I don't commit to anything for long!"

"As long as you're happy Luci! That's all that matters to me, that my family is happy!"

A now elderly Carlo Mancini concurs, saying, "Family is what's most important, young lady, keep that in mind!"

Not one to be left out when dancing is going on, Janette dances with Chan Seng.

"You've got some nice moves Chan, no wonder you're aiming for International Super-Spy!"

"You're not half-bad yourself, Janette. I've seen your record of cases from Starlight Shores. Maybe you'd re-consider and take up your PI career here in MV? We could always use a good PI in town."

"Thanks for the offer, Chan, but my husband and I have other priorities right now. We've both focused on heirship and careers and now it's time to focus on family, like Carlo said, family is what's most important."

And Carlo stresses just how important family is when he comes face to face with Bella.

"I'm too old for this stuff now, Bella, so I'm not going to fight you or Dante anymore! I've only got my brother, Camillo, left and I don't want to jeopardize his future."

"As long as you keep your word, his future is safe Carlo! I'll see to that as long as I'm here in Monte Vista and my cousin will do the same when she takes over when I move on."

 "I don't doubt you can do that, I just wish you could ensure that there will be other Mancini's! My brother and I have focused so much on our careers, there may not BE future generations for the Mancini family!"

Bella nods and says thoughtfully, "If that's something you really want, I may be able to pull some strings to make that happen! Do you or your brother have a particular partner in mind or are we working from scratch?"

Carlo is taken aback by this offer and says, "Seriously, you have THAT kind of pull!?! I guess I really did underestimate you Bella, your family coming to this town may have been the best thing for Monte Vista!"

"Oh, you can take that to the bank, Carlo. To the bank!"

And Bella's not the only one going to the bank, as Forest's party concludes, he checks his phone to find that the total funds for this campaign fundraiser netted him $125,538 simoleans!!!

I'm not sure who was more shocked, me or Forest, but I guess we should have expected it as this town has one of the richest resident populations in all of Sim Land.

But with the conclusion of the party, Forest heads inside to make the final arrangements for their move.

While Cassidy says her goodbyes, giving her mother, Janette, a hug, saying, "We'll definitely stay in touch, Mom, and feel free to stop by any time."

"You can count on that! Especially if I need help with your new sibling! I'm not so sure I can keep up with a rambunctious child at my age!"

"You survived both me and Bella, Mom, if you can do that you can deal with anyone!"

"But Forest doesn't care for art, Dad, you know that!"

"Then do what we did here, make a private art gallery and keep up with your painting. Promise me, Cas? I don't want you giving up on a hobby you enjoy just because Forest doesn't like it."

"The house we bought is Rustic Retreat, the one we stayed in when we first got to town, so there would be plenty of room for a private art gallery…"

"That's my girl! You figure it all out, dot all the I's, cross all the T's and remember to call us!"

"I will. Love you, Dad! Bye!"

And with those parting words, Forest and Cassidy move up on the plateau to Rustic Retreat!

Bare moments later, Janette is diving into the time machine after Jonas as they try for a baby in the past!

With that task completed, and barely escaping deadly arrows once again, Jonas tries sculpting Janette in non-melting ice.

For the 3rd time.

And it looks like the third times the charm as Janette's likeness is definitely appearing this time!

But half-way through the sculpture, I get pulled away.

To the time machine, as a startled young adult man steps out dressed in an ancient mode of dress complete with helmet!

Though I've no idea what specific period his costume his actually from, his grey skin tone leaves no doubt as to his parentage!

I move in for a closer look as well as to reassure our new family member.

"It's okay Rickey, you're safe here. Welcome home!"

The young man relaxes at my tone and asks, "Are my Mom and Dad here? I really want to meet them!"

"They are, but let's get you presentable first, before a paparazzi shows up and sees you in those clothes."

Without the helmet, Rickey looks even more like his mother, Janette, and I love his green-streaked black hair!

But it's a good thing I wasn't counting on him for heirship because, just like Luci, he's got commitment issues!

But he's such a stunning looking young man, that as soon as Jonas spots him, he wants to sculpt him!

I figure having Rickey's statue for posterity is a good idea, so I let him pose for Jonas and get to know his Dad.

Once his statue is finished, since he's also a virtuoso, I buy Rickey a guitar and let him practice outside on the back patio.

Wow, so much happened this chapter!

Dane got promoted to Patrol Officer.

Forest got promoted to Local Representative, threw a hugely successful fundraiser, and moved to his own place with Cassidy.

After some weirdness with Janette's ice sculpture, Jonas is finally able to sculpt one of her in her true image.

Then he gets the privelge of sculpting one of his young adult son, Rickey, a time machine child who looks just like Janette!

But where did Janette disappear to?

And will Bella and Dane complete their wishes to have a child?

I guess we'll find out in Chapter 330: Expectations
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 330: Expectations
« Reply #356 on: September 30, 2021, 01:23:36 PM »

I track Janette down in town at Rustic Retreat where she's performing stunning moves with the training dummy.

She was supposed to be checking on Cassidy and seeing how well she's settling in to her new home.

But I find Bella is the one actually chatting with Cassidy, upstairs in a bathroom, of all places.

"Everything's going according to plan, cuz. Carlo has conceded to my authority, Dante's happy sharing control of the mafioso, and now there's finally space in the house! Not that I'm all that happy with a time machine young adult cousin. But since he's no threat to my heirship, or our plans, and he'll be moving out with your parents soon enough, I can deal!"

"Careful, Bella, that's my brother you're talking about, even if I haven't met him yet! It seems odd having a brother after all this time and one not much younger than I am, but if it makes Mom and Dad happy, then it's okay with me."

"What about you and Forest, any plans to start a family?"

"Not yet. I want to wait until after my next promotion, which won't be for a few days, maybe the next one after that…"

"You sound like Luci, not wanting to commit!"

"It's not that. It's just that it won't be as easy raising a child with just the two of us. It helps that Forest works days and I work nights and that he has weekends off and I have Wednesdays and Thursdays off, but even so, not the same as having live-in grandparents."

"Oh, bummer! I never thought of having to raise kids with just two parents around. I guess I better stop jump scaring Dad so he's in a good mood for helping out!"

"So you and Dane are going to try for a baby right away?"

"You bet! I should get my next promotion tonight since I'm finally getting to go back to work. I never expected to be off so long after my wedding."

"But once you're pregnant, you'll be on maternity leave and then home with a toddler when they give you even more days off."

"True. But once I go back to work, I'll only need one more promotion to control this town! And with all the nooboos and toddlers in town now, my kid will have plenty of partners to choose from!"

Downstairs, I find Forest has come home from work and is chatting on the couch with Janette.

"The house is great! We can't thank you enough for buying it for us."

"No need to thank us, Forest, just fill it with grandchildren! That will be thanks enough!"

"AAAAhhhhh….we have talked about starting a family, we're just not sure when, with it just being the two of us. But we'll definitely keep you posted on any grandboo news."

"I'm just kidding, Forest, about filling this huge place with grandchildren. That decision is totally up to you and Cassidy. Not everyone wants to be a parent or have a big family. Besides, the two of you are still young and have plenty of time. Whatever you decide. But since Bella and Dane are in such a rush, I better get home and earn that last martial arts point I need to master the skill. It's my last high point wish and I want to complete it before we move out."

And that's exactly what Janette does when she gets home.

Heads straight for the basement and the training dummy, pummeling the thing for all she's worth!

And mastering the skill!

With that accomplished, Janette takes one last look around the house, and heads off to her new home with Jonas and Rickey.

Early that morning, Bella not only earns a promotion to level 9, Supervillain, but becomes a 5 star celebrity!

"Congratulations, Bella! Nicely done!"

"It was, Watcher, if I do say so myself. Though I have to give credit where it's due as both Cassidy, Forest, and Dane have played a big part in my success. Team Evil and all that!"

"Well, that's big of you. You're turning out to be quite the responsible heir after all."

"You sound surprised, Watcher! Disappointed with my success!?!"

"Not in the least! I may have a preference here and there, sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but heirship always seems to fall to the one best able to handle it. Once that heir is chosen, my job is to help them continue the journey, not sabotage it."

"Good to know, Watcher. Good to know. Since we're sharing secrets, I may have promised something to the Mancini brothers, something that's not quite within MY power…"

"You know how I feel about nooboos, Bella, the more the merrier! I'll do what I can the next time I have the opportunity. Who knows, a Mancini child could be the one that ends up marrying into the family!"

"Perish the thought, Watcher! Though maybe one would inherit Carlo's evilness….that would work!"

Bella stayed focused on nooboos and as soon as she stepped onto the home lot, she drank a procreation elixir!

"Wow! You weren't kidding when you said you wanted a child right away! But are you prepared for twins? Or triplets?"

"I want a child with Dane and we both want our first child, so that's three separate wishes, Watcher. If that means having triplets, so be it! I'm at least hoping for mixed genders as two generations of all girls is getting boring! And I don't care if any one of them is green, no playing favorites this gen!"

"Well, odds are that with both you and your mother on the MH white/black slider that one will carry more weight for skin tone. But if one of them ends up being evil, like you and Dane, you won't play favorites either?"

"I see what you mean, Watcher, one child or another might just have a tad more pull on you. But let's try not to play them against each other. I'd rather they be a team right from the beginning."

"Who are you kidding!?! You'd love nothing better than a huge sibling rivalry for heirship!"

"I was trying to be a responsible heir and parent, thinking of the children rather than of myself!"

"Who are you and what have you done with the real Bella!?! And what on earth was in that elixir!?!"

Instead of answering me, Bella lets out a throaty laugh, finds Dane, and drags him, very willingly, to their bedroom.

Seeing the two of them together, the Supervillain and the Patrol Officer, I can't help but smirk.

But then I remember Bella is trying to be the responsible heir so I leave them to their privacy.

Though I didn't go far and I definitely heard chimes!

Early the next morning, Bella and Dane visit Janette, Jonas, and Rickey at their new home, Picturesque Plot, the former home of Luis Toledo.

It's not far from the main Frio home, and is a stately multi-storied home with a carport that boasts a beautiful view.

Then, to my surprise, as well as Bella's, Dane grabs Jonas and takes a selfie with him right after he greets them on the front porch.

I guess it's Dane's way of thanking him for moving out and letting them work on their baby wishes.

But once they get inside, Bella's totally focused on Dane and their expected bundle of joy that's on the way!

While Janette's on the phone with Jemma, telling her all about their new place.

And divulging some unexpected news.

"Oh, I almost forgot, I think I might be pregnant! Yeah, I know we just moved out, but these things happen when you're at the mercy of Story Progression, and still young enough to bear children! Jonas is thrilled but Cassidy and Rickey are just stunned, especially since Cassidy and Forest are thinking about having a child of their own."

Rickey's settled on a couch, reading all about his new town.

I'm sure it's going to be a big change for him after spending his formative life in that medieval town in the past.

But he's already acclimated a bit and gotten a job at the theater, hoping to be a rock star someday.

That totally fits with his virtuoso, commitment issues personality, so probably no serious partner or grandchildren on that front.

But once Bella returns home, she plops down on the couch in front of kid's tv while kid's music plays in the background.

"Not taking any chances on having a single birth are you?"

"No. I want this time off to count and have twins, at least, preferably one will be a boy!"

"Well, that's pretty demanding."

"Dane and I both want a son!"

"Well, I hate to disappoint you, but NRaas tells me you're having a girl."

"But NRaas only tells you the gender of the first baby, so the second one, or even the third, could be a boy!"

"That's true, but I'd hate for you to get your hopes up and have all girls!"

"It won't happen, Watcher. I'm sure of it."

Later that evening, the two couples spend some time at the festival.

While Jemma does private readings, Tobias, Bella, and Dane, all participate in a hot dog eating contest.

Tobias wins and Bella and Dane are left feeling rather ill.

Bella's stomach upset could be due to unknown causes, though we all know what that means!

And that proves to be the case as, in the early morning hours on Friday, Bella's pregnancy is obvious!

Rubbing her tummy gently, Bella croons, "Ah, nooboos."

I do a quick NRaas check and Bella's twin count is pretty high so she might just be right.

We spend the next two days in total anticipation of the big event, with Tobias coddling Bella and making sure his grandchildren get plenty of attention.

And Bella continues to watch kids tv and listen to kid's music, while Jemma works out with her to keep her healthy and fit for the upcoming birth.

But the waiting and suspense is taking it's toll, even on the family ghosts.

Adam pops out asking, "No babies, yet!?! That girl is as big as a house!"

"That girl is right behind you and, judging by the scowl on her face, not happy with your presence or your description of her!"

"Oh, sorry, Bella, I didn't realize you were there. We're all just so anxious for the expected arrivals to make their appearance. I'll go wait in a rocker on the patio."

I'm not sure what Bella intended to do after seeing Adam and hearing his rather unglamorous description of her current state, but she did waddle her way after him.

And went into labor outside on the patio!

By the way Adam jumped around and carried on, that freaked him out even more than a telling off would have.

None of the other family members acted with any more sense, but just as soon as they'd all calmed down, with Jemma trying to ease the stress with her Mystic aura, poor Sam showed up.

He drifted passed ghostly Adam, then realized what Bella's moans indicated, flung his hand to his head and stuttered, "Is she…having a"

And passed out cold!

Sam passes out just seeing other ghosts, so it was inevitable that seeing his many times removed granddaughter about to bring in the next generation would just add to his misery and have him hitting the pavement even faster than usual.

But a few moments later, with both Sam and Adam settled in rocking chairs behind her, Bella cradles her daughter in her arms.

"Oh, Jade is just beautiful, Watcher!"

"Jade? It's a pretty name, though it would be more appropriate if she'd been a greenie, like her grandfather."

"It's not about color, Watcher, I told you that before."

"So why Jade then?"

"Because it's a Korean symbol of good health and fortune and thought to ward off evil. Dane's mother gave him some before he left town, hoping to protect our children from…us…I guess," she adds with a laugh. "But I liked the sound of it so much I decided to use it for our daughter, since you said I was having a girl."

"Jade Frio. I like it and it seems to have worked so far as she's an excitable couch potato, not evil at all."

"That could change over time, especially with Dane's and my influence, but Dad will be happy having someone to watch tv with. But I better get this little one to her crib."

As soon as Bella has Jade safely in her crib, another pang hits her and Jade's twin arrives!

"Are we following our normal boy naming pattern and using Dane's last name for your son?"

"We are Watcher."

"Lee Frio it is then! That jade Mrs. Lee gave Dane is still working, he's not evil but a couch potato and a loner, so he won't be joining the family for movie night!"

"Not something I really want to discuss right now, Watcher, I feel the need to twirl, again!"

And twirl she does, ending up with another pink bundle in her arms!

"Oh, another little girl and just look at her, I think she's got even darker skin than Mom, so she's definitely on the MH white/black skin tone slider! I wasn't really counting on triplets, so I haven't picked out a third name. Any ideas, Watcher? I'm sure you've got a list of them written down somewhere!"

"I do. Since you've used two names that honor Dane's family, why not choose one that includes your own as well as giving a nod to her Monte Vista heritage?"

"Name her after me? I like the idea, of course, but won't having two Bella's be confusing?"

"I was thinking Arabella, though it's not strictly Italian, being of Latin/Scottish origin, it sounds Italian, and you can call her Ara."

"Ara. I like that," smiling down at her second daughter, Bella asks, "What do you think little one? Do you like Ara?"

The baby responds with coos and waves her arms, so Bella adds, "I think she approves, Watcher, but her eyes look a little wild!"

"That's to be expected, Bella, she's not just a couch potato like her siblings, but Insane along with it!"

"Well, won't Aunt Janette and Uncle Jonas get a kick out of that! But three couch potatoes? It must have been all that watching tv to ensure multiples that contributed to that!"

But before we can discuss that interesting topic, whether random traits are due to happenings during the pregnancy or are just…random, Lee starts fussing!

Dane quickly gets him a bottle as he cradles his new son in his arms.

With Dane holding him, Lee's skin tone looks much paler than Dane's peachy tone, but I'll confirm that in CAS when he's a toddler.

Before Ara can add to Lee's cries, Bella gives her a bottle, too.

While Tobias soothes little Jade with a bottle of her own, so she won't start fussing.

But with three nooboos in the house, I get the feeling that listening to crying is going to be the norm in the Frio house over the next three days!

Bella got her wish and had not just twins, but triplets, her coveted son, plus two daughters!

All three of them are couch potatoes, but the first born, Jade, is also excitable.

While their son, Lee, named in honor of Dane's family name, is a loner.

And the youngest, Arabella, who we're calling Ara, is insane.

Jade has peachy skin, while Lee is paler, and Ara is ebony, maybe even darker than Jemma.

I'll be checking all of them out in CAS to determine their actual skin tones when they're toddlers as the game doesn't really like nooboos in there!

And a message from Story Progression tells us that Cassidy got promoted to Con Artist!

But I must confess that I skipped over a few minor events and hundreds of photos to show off the triplets in this chapter.

So now I'll be popping some of those happenings in while the triplets are still nooboos and don't do much but sleep, poop, and eat!

Follow along in Chapter 331: Missed Events and Nooboos
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 331: Missed Events and Nooboos
« Reply #357 on: October 02, 2021, 01:44:23 PM »

While they were all waiting for the nooboos to appear, Tobias followed Forest's advice and changed his career from writer to painter.

He doesn't look all that happy about it though.

"I'm happy enough, Watcher, it's just that painting is something you do on your feet, not sitting comfortably in a chair like reading a book or lounging on the couch watching tv."

"So it's your couch potato self that's got you feeling a little bummed."

"I guess so."

"Well, it's not like you had to change careers, you could always quit if you want and there's no pressure to earn money. Though with all of the paintings you've got stashed in your inventory, you'd probably zoom straight up the painter career ladder."

"Really? Then I'll just head over to the elixir store and put them up for sale before I go home and settle down with a book."

"There might be an extra stop for you to make, Dane would like to become a businesses partner and since you're already in town…"

"Yeah, I'll add that to the list!"

Since Tasty Treats and Tomes is close by City Hall, and Tobias can't resist being a partner at the bookstore, he goes and negotiates a partnership.

With his wish completed, Dane pops a wish to be a partner in three businesses, and so does Bella.

So Tobias quickly signs partnership agreements with two more businesses; Good Guys, Inc. so Bella gets an even bigger share of their illicit gains and one with local law enforcement so Dane can keep up his good guy image!

With all of that done, he heads to the elixir consignment shop and consigns all the paintings he had in his inventory.

"Wow, Mr. Frio! That's one of the largest consignments I've ever received. You must have been stock piling these paintings for a very long time."

"I love both painting and writing, but my first career was as a writer, now that I've topped it, I've been focusing more on my painting, and just made it official by joining the painting career. I'm just a lowly level 1 paint splasher, but with so many paintings completed and up for sale, I'm hoping to rise through the painter ranks quickly."

"We'll let you know when they sell, Mr. Frio and the funds will be deposited directly into the family account."

With her aura able to be used without causing a negative impact on Tobias, Jemma invites some of her clients over and performs private readings to up her career metric.

She covers the woman's face with her palm and despite the rather bland message, "Your future looks promising and bright," the reading goes well.

Same for the reading she does on her male client, even without her aura being in effect.

Though telling him that he's overdressed and in danger of suffering from heatstroke probably didn't require a Mystic!

Her last client, one who's obviously more in touch with nature considering the crown of leaves on his head, is even more receptive to Jemma's prediction that he'll soon find his soulmate, one who is just as eco-conscious as he is!

And with three private readings going so well, Jemma not only earns over $450 simoleans for each one, but her private reading metric moves up to great!

And I placed all of Jonas' non-melting ice sculptures in places of prominence on the home lot.

Janette's on the right side of the front entrance.

Their son, time machine young adult Rickey, on the left.

Where, through the window, you can spot Bella listening to kid's music while she reads a pregnancy book.

On the front lawn I place Jonas' 25th ice sculpture, which looks like a sea creature to me, with Janette's food booth attendant sculpture and one of Hudson Thomas as a young adult flanking it.

With Lucy moving out to her own place and leaving Hudson and Patches on their own, it was no surprise when the two of  them announced their engagement!

And just as Tobias finishes another painting, a message comes in that he's earned over $49,000 simoleans, such a huge sale not only moving him up the painting career ladder, but vaulting him instantly to level 10, Master of the Brush!

Tobias beams his pleasure at having earned the illustrious title so quickly as I say, "Congratulations, Tobias! Your new title also includes a commendation from City Hall! You can pick it up next time you're in town."

Along with keeping busy with private readings and exercising with Bella, Jemma stopped by for a visit with Luci at her new place.

It wasn't far from the home she'd shared with Patches, but apparently she really did feel like a third wheel once Hudson became a young adult and decided having her own place was for the best.

It's a cute one and half story home, with a spacious main level.

And a large bedroom on the second floor.

It's dark, but you can just make out the treadmill I placed in the backyard, off the small patio, and martial arts equipment on the other side near the garden arbors, so Luci can build her athletics and martial arts skills and enjoy the outdoors.

Yet despite that comfy looking double bed, Luci beds down in a sleeping bag on the living room floor!

Jemma takes the hint and heads home, but I just shake my head at how crazy sims are, even the ones that aren't, technically, insane!

Dane had an op to become friends with Mayor Costanzo Rossi, so he invited him over for a game of chess.

The conversation centered on children as they started the game with Mayor Rossi commenting, "I hear you and your wife are expecting your first child, Dane, congratulations! Children can be such a joy, I'm quite proud of my Alonzo and little Lia!"

"I expect to be proud of my children also, Mayor."

"Planning others already Dane!?!"

"We have it on good authority that we're most likely going to have twins, maybe even triplets!"

"Well, good luck with that, my boy! Adalina and I found having one at a time led to plenty of sleepless nights!"

"Lucky for Bella and I we have live-in help, the best kind, grandparents!"

And that is proven true as once the triplets arrived, despite disliking children, Jemma did her fair share of child care.

Watching Lee in his swing.

While both Ara and Jade napped in their swings.

Tobias, of course, wasn't just content to leave the triplets in their swings, but was constantly picking them up for playtime and cuddles, once they woke from their naps.

Bella got in her share of baby time too, cooing away at little Lee every chance she got.

And making sure her daughters got plenty of attention as well.

Sometimes too much as, on more than one occasion, the swings would be put on fast speed, which led to some very queasy babies!

I never did figure out the culprit, but with Dane and Bella both being evil, and Jemma disliking children, it could have been any one of them!

Dane didn't play favorites at all, giving each one them equal time.

Playing peek-a-boo with Jade.

With Ara.

And his son, Lee.

Whichever nooboo was awake at any given time.

Of course, there was plenty of feedings and cuddles for all three of them with four adults in the house.

But the triplets aren't the only new additions to the Frio family as their Aunt Janette comes over a for visit.

And we find that she's hugely pregnant!

She hangs around so long, she goes into labor on the home lot!

Out on the patio with only ghostly Lorelei in attendance.

Jemma's not thrilled to be the one taking Janette to the hospital, but I'm glad I get to tag along.

Especially when Janette comes out holding her son, Kenneth, who has her MH skin tone.

And Jemma's right behind her with his twin, a little greenie, Kaitlyn!

Jonas comes out of the hospital looking a little shell-shocked.

"Congratulations, Jonas, both a son and a daughter! One having Janette's coloring and the other yours!"

"Thanks, Watcher! I'm glad Rickey's still living at home, three pairs of hands will definitely help out with twins!"

The Frio family is growing in leaps and bounds here in Monte Vista.

First with Bella and Dane's triplets and now Janette and Jonas have added twins!

But it's early days yet only the beginning of our third week in town, so I'm sure there will be a few more nooboos before we continue our journey.

In fact, Cassidy called to tell us that not only did she get her promotion to Henchman, but she's now officially on maternity leave!

And Patches and Hudson are expecting their first child, too!

Will either one of them add multiples to the family?

I guess we'll find out in upcoming chapters.

But up next we have birthdays to celebrate in Chapter 332: First Birthdays
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 332: First Birthdays
« Reply #358 on: October 08, 2021, 12:59:12 PM »

The days go by with the triplets contentedly enjoying their swings.

Look at Ara's big smile and waving arms!

Though I must agree with Bella, her eyes do look a little wild.

What you can see of them with her ebony skin anyway.

Or snoozing away the hours as they're rocked gently to sleep.

As Jade does here, looking so peachy, peaceful, and perfect.

And against the white and green of his swing, Lee's skin tone really looks MH pale.

Maybe not quite as pale as his great-grandmother, Odette, but definitely on the white end of the white/black slider.

With their triplets safe and sound in their swings and in the care of their grandparents, Bella and Dane check out the Farmer's market that's recently come to town.

It's nestled on a spacious lot with the one of the best views in Monte Vista!

The first thing they do is take a selfie in front of a couple of veggie and fruit stands.

The pretty fountain in the center just adds to the ambiance as does the small gazebo in the corner.

Bistro tables are dotted around as well as chess tables and several lemonade stands.

Maybe once the triplets age to children, they can try and sell some lemonade here!

Before that can happen they need to age to toddlers first.

But Bella makes one more stop before heading home for the triplets toddler birthday party.

At the Woods home, to check on Cassidy.

Where Bella quickly starts chatting to her cousin's baby bump!

And Cassidy fills Bella in on happenings at work since she's been out on maternity leave, extended as she had triplets.

"Dante's now a Master Thief, so his position is secure Bella! And with the birth of his second son, there are now four Costa children, so I'm sure one of them will choose to work in the family business. With your three and me expecting, I think we're set to stay in control of this town, and the next one, for quite some time!"

Bella nods with pleasure, saying, "I think so too, cuz. But now that we're both on maternity and childcare leave, I'm even more glad that you can work from home and keep tabs on our minions! You're more than holding up your end of Team Evil, Cassidy!"

"Thanks, Bella. That means a lot coming from you! I'll be sure and keep you posted about any concerns or alarming trends, though everything looks like smooth sailing at the moment."

The cousins part with a hug, Bella adding, "More importantly, let us know when that nooboo is born!"

"Speaking of nooboos, you better head home before you miss the triplets birthday party!"

"The Watcher wouldn't dare start it without me! Besides, Mom would pitch a fit as she'd most likely get picked to bring one of them to the cake!"

Back at the house, Tobias is getting in some last play time with the triplets.

First, he chats with Lee in his swing, receiving a smile for his efforts.

Then he checks on Ara, feeding her a bottle so she's not starving during her siblings birthday time.

"Just look at cute little you, looking so much like your Grammie! In a bit we'll get to see just how much like her!"

As he gives Ara a cuddle he adds, "Now don't you fret, little one, someone will be in soon to help you celebrate your birthday, right after Jade and Lee have theirs."

Tobias is right as Bella's already standing in front of a cake with Jade, sporting a huge smile and Dane and Jemma join in the celebration.

Within moments of placing Jade on the floor, she becomes a toddler and has blonde hair, just like her Grammie, Jemma!

Moments later, she's pulled out her IF doll and hugs it close, cuddling her stuffed friend first thing.

What a little sweetheart!

It's Lee's turn next, and I'm not sure if it's the bright lights in the kitchen or what, but his skin tone and Bella's looks eerily alike in this photo.

Both of them a pale shade of gray.

Bella quickly places Lee on the floor in front of Jade.

Then, in our rush to have all three triplets age up on the same day, before midnight strikes, Bella rushes out to get Ara.

And misses seeing Lee age up, bald as a cue ball!

I'm not fond of bald toddlers, so I usually pop them straight into Stylist.

But this time, since I want to confirm Lee's skin tone for my records, I bring him into CAS.

He's definitely on the MH white/black slide, being about 1/4 of the way down from the pale end.

So not quite as pale as his grandmother, Odette, and not as gray as his mother, Bella, but about halfway between them.

I choose my favorite curly toddler hair and find out he's inherited his mother's light brown hair color, one Bella inherited from her grandfather, Chase.

I dress him in his favorite color, Irish Green, pairing the cuffed overalls with a patterned shirt of horizontal and vertical stripes in varying shades of green and grey on white.

He's so cute!

Ara's up next and, despite our hurrying, it's after midnight when Bella blows out her candle.

Since they're triplets, and I have to age them up manually anyway due to their double lifespans, I'll get them back on track when they age to children.

The pink burrito bundle is placed on the floor and soon Ara joins her siblings in toddlerhood.

Sporting blonde hair just like her sister, Jade, and looking even more like her Grammie, Jemma!

I whisk Ara into CAS as well, to confirm her skin tone placement and discover she's 3/4's of the way down the white/black slider, just like Jemma in that regard too!

But, Ara's favorite color is aqua, something she has in common with her mother, Bella, so I choose her formal outfit and re-color it in shades of aqua and yellow, to compliment her blonde hair.

With cute toddler pigtails and matching aqua bows, she's adorable!

With the triplets all toddlers now, Jade gets her turn in CAS, where I confirm she's got her father, Dane's, peachy skin tone.

From what I can tell, that peachy skin tone is about the only thing any of the triplets inherited from Dane, but maybe that will change as they age up.

Despite her name, Jade is neither a greenie nor does she like green.

Her favorite color is grey, so to give it a bit of color, I pair it with a purple flower.

Her hair I leave in it's originally shoulder-length style because it seems to suit her.

Tobias immediately starts teaching Lee to talk.

And with his grandfather's family-oriented trait boosting his teaching, Lee starts repeating his first words right away.

Dane puts a sleepy Jade to bed, while Bella gets a bottle for Ara.

Though instead of handing Ara a bottle, Bella would have much rather stolen her candy!

She's popped the wish several times after giving birth to the triplets but hasn't managed to do so yet as I've kept the triplets in their swings.

Only time will tell if either she, or Dane, will manage to actually do that, but I'll do my best to see it doesn't happen!

I get a sarcastic, "Thanks, Watcher!"

"You're very welcome, Bella! Just keeping you from traumatizing your children, no matter how much you'd enjoy it!"

The Frio home now includes three toddlers, so lots of toddler spam coming up.

Especially with having to teach all three of them how to talk, walk, and use the potty.

And if Bella gets her wish, how to throw a tantrum when mommy steals your candy!

Up next is Chapter 333: Triplet Training
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 333: Triplet Training
« Reply #359 on: October 12, 2021, 09:42:26 AM »

The next morning, Bella chats with Lee, who looks a bit puzzled but stares lovingly into her face.

"I guess you need to learn a few more words, buddy, before you can chat back."

So Bella puts him down, sits down in front of him, and tries her own hand at teaching him a few words.

After Lee repeats sunset and shooting stars, Bella applauds these early successes.

"Good job, buddy! You'll be chatting with all of us in no time!"

But when Lee starts glancing away, Bella decides he's had enough of lessons.

She brings him to the nursery and he quickly settles down to play with the peg box.

Once in the nursery, Bella sees that both her daughters are awake.

Jade happily playing with her IF doll, Pal.

While Ara desperately needs to use the potty, so she gets her first lesson.

That pressing need taken care of, Bella decides to spend some time with Jade, teaching her to walk.

Giving Ara a chance to play with her own IF doll, Snuggles.

I'm pretty amazed seeing Bella handle all three toddlers on her own, with no squabbles or tantrums at all.

Not from the toddlers or Bella!

For a good reason, on Bella's part anyway.

"Bella, I think choosing family-oriented for your extra social trait was a wise decision."

"With triplet toddlers it was pretty much the best choice, though nurturing would probably have helped as well."

"True, but I'm not sure nurturing boosts toddler training and I know family-oriented does."

"Since I already chose family-oriented, it's a moot point, Watcher! Now find somewhere else to be! I'm trying to focus on teaching Jade to walk!"

"Well, Ms. Grumpy, I can see that family-oriented hasn't affected that trait!"

Bella replies smugly, "Why would it!?! YOU aren't family!"

"Thanks! Thanks a lot!"

"You're very welcome, Watcher! Now….get lost, I'm busy here!"

When Tobias awakens, he gives Bella a hand, taking Lee to the potty chair in the bathroom next door.

Ignoring his ringing phone as he focuses on his grandson.

When I get back to the nursery, I find Bella's had quite the success teaching Jade to walk as her skill bar is about 3/4's full.

And Jade is confidently walking towards Bella with a happy smile!

"That family-oriented trait really is amazing!"

"I should get some of the credit too, Watcher!"

"Nope. Since I'm not family, I'm choosing to give all the credit to the trait!"

"And you call me childish!"

"Childish? You've never been childish, not even when you WERE a child! Grumpy, evil, and self-centered at every opportunity, but never childish."

"La, La, La, LLAAHH, can't hear you Watcher, still teaching Jade to walk!"

"Okay, you win! Apparently you have the childish trait hiding in there somewhere!"

"As long as I win!"

But the busy morning has taken it's toll on Lee and he's crashed on his napping mat, re-colored green and set for his use only.

Dane's tucked his son in and is staring so thoughtfully out the window that I ask, "Everything okay?"

"Fine, Watcher. I was just thinking that with three toddlers, even with Dad and Bella being family-oriented, it's still going to take some time to get them all up speed on their skills."

"I was thinking the same thing, especially with Jemma not being overly fond of interacting with children."

"So have you come up with a solution for that problem?"

"I think so. Go check out the new items in the living room!"

The playpen takes up most of the open space, and it's definitely captured Jade's interest as she looks at the colorful blocks.

But it's Jade herself in the walker that catches Dane's attention.

"Just look at her go in that thing! She's almost mastered walking already!"

"That's the beauty of having the walker and the playpen, toddlers not only learn their skills quickly, but do so on their own while keeping their motives up!"

Tobias happily says from the corner, where's he busy working on another painting, "Letting their parents and grandparents pursue their hobbies and careers and getting to focus on toddler play time instead of toddler skilling all the time!"

With walking mastered, Dane cuddles Jade and then pops her into the playpen so she can check out the blocks first hand.

And then he starts creeping towards Tobias, who's turned back to his painting.

But instead of trying to scare Tobias, it's Dane that ends up standing still in shock as he takes in Tobias' latest work.

"Dad, that's, that's just incredible! What a beautiful painting!"

"Thanks, Dane. I've finally gotten over my compulsion to paint the rolling hills of Tuscany and I'm hoping to discover several more masterpieces!"

But hearing a plaintive cry from the nursery, Tobias quickly stops painting and recues Ara, who's woken from her nap.

She didn't like finding herself all alone in the nursery, something Lee would surely appreciate, but she doesn't.

But being safe and sound in her grandfather's arms, Ara's cries stop, and she snuggles in deeper.

Tobias gets Ara settled into the playpen with Jade and heads to the bookcase to pick out a new book to read.

The two toddlers happily chatter away to their mirror images.

Since Jade's been in there longer her talking skill bar is 3/4's of the way full, so she'll be mastering it soon.

Ara's just started to learn but with the playpen's hefty skill boost, she won't be far behind.

In the nursery, Lee has awakened and he's relishing the solitude, happily playing with his own IF doll, Hesper.

Babbling away and singing to his special toy, making a glitchy friend in no time, I'm sure!

But Bella and Dane still take time to play and cuddle with their toddlers.

Dane making Ara shout loudly with laughter as he attacks her with the claw!

Though the loud noise has Lee looking a bit frightened and has Bella shooting Dane a questioning look.

"Do you think Lee would like to try the playpen?"

"If he gets to use it on his own, he probably would."

So Bella places Lee in the playpen on his own and he happily starts babbling away in the mirror.

His talking skill bar showing it won't be long before he masters the skill.

Nearby on the couch watching tv, Tobias, says, "I know you prefer being alone Lee, but after your birthday, I can't wait to introduce you to some of my favorite sci-fi movies. Oldies, but goodies, Star Wars, Star Trek, Logan's Run, and Tron! And sci-fi tv shows, too; Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Quantum Leap, Warehouse 13, Eureka; I can't wait to introduce you to all of them! Your sisters too. Having all my grandchildren be couch potatoes like me is a dream come true!"

Dane took care of a second trip to the potty for Ara.

Then Bella worked on teaching her how to walk.

While Dane introduced Jade to eating in a high chair.

Her first big girl bowl of food.

Bella got Jade cleaned up afterward and tickled her with an attack of the claw.

Then it was Jade's turn to use the potty again.

Followed by Lee's continued potty training after he woke from his nap.

And Ara's, who's almost mastered it, thanks to Tobias' trait giving her a much needed boost.

Even Jemma can't quite resist providing Ara a bottle.

Most likely because she looks so much like she herself did when she was a toddler.

Or, more likely, it's because she doesn't want Ara to start crying and give herself a negative moodlet!

With their basic needs taken care of, Tobias plays with Jade who's learning her first music skill.

While Ara has discovered the tv and is peeking around the chair in fascination, staring at the screen intently.

Another budding couch potato in the making, even if she's too small to sit on the couch!

We've come pretty far in training all three toddlers over the last two days, due to the help of the walker and playpen, and Tobias and bella being family-oriented was a big perk, too, even if I didn't give Bella any credit.

And I made good on my promise of lots of toddler spam as there was only one photo in this whole chapter that didn't include a toddler!

Next up, finishing up all the toddler training that can be done at home, getting them all walking, talking, and potty trained, as well as learning logic, music, and charisma.

And little Oliver Woods arrives giving Cassidy and Forest their first taste of parenthood.

But they're not the only ones becoming parents for the first time as I've helped Bella keep her promise to Carlo and made sure there will be at least one Mancini child for each brother.

I'll write it all down in detail, so follow along in Chapter 334: Toddlers and a Timely Conversation
Coming soon.