Author Topic: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story  (Read 123803 times)

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Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story
« on: September 30, 2018, 10:16:20 AM »
- Newest town and chapter links will be up top.
- Click spoiler tag for chapter links to each town.

***Author's note: With MrsFlynn's diligent assistance, I am now using an imaging mod that will put less stress on the Forum with my photo heavy story chapters.***

Please click on thumbnail images to see larger photos.

Current Town #13

Town #12

Town #11

Town #10

Town #9

Town #8

Town #7

Town #6

Town #5

Town #4

Town #3

Town #2

Town #1

Shared Sims
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Prologue and Chapter 1-- And the Adventure Begins

In the beginning there was only Sunset Valley, a wide-open world where you could walk next door to meet new neighbors or drive across town and talk with friends. You could eat at the diner, check out a new movie at the theater, or catch a game at the stadium. You could fish at a remote fishing spot or hang with friends at the beach. But then the world expanded with exotic destinations to visit, Egypt, China, and France, oh, my! You could take a break from work and learn nectar-making or martial arts, and go on adventures! Then other towns began springing up, quaint villages, sprawling neighborhoods, even bustling cities. And there were more and more things to do and see and learn!

This is one Sim Family's journey throughout Sims 3 Land, jumping from town to town with each new generation, travelling to distant lands for vacations, attending University, and maybe even going to the future! All towns and destinations are available---24 in all! But how to pick the order of the towns? Randomize! Who to choose as founders? Roll for it! Where to start?

Well, they always say that it's best to start at the beginning, so as luck would have it, we begin our journey in Sunset Valley. But who will be our lucky (or unlucky) founders? The Sunset Valley residents list is pulled up---but not reviewed to keep it random --- @ 20 or so families---roll 3 dice---and the lucky number is...4! Really? Three dice and you roll a 4? Yup, a 2 and 2 ones. So the lucky winner is Claire Ursine. I vaguely remember her from my early simming days, a fisherwoman? The journey begins as we travel to Claire's house.

Dee: "And there she is, our lucky YA single Sim, Claire Ursine---oh, I don't remember her being so...dowdy...and that hat!"
Claire: "Excuse me! That was rude!"

Dee: "Oops, sorry! I didn't realize you were listening."
Claire: "Of course I was listening. I may only speak Simlish but I understand English perfectly well!"
Dee: "My apologies, but about that hat--"
Claire: "You have bigger problems than my hat!"
Dee: "Like what?"
Claire: "First off, check my age bar."
Dee: "You're already an adult!!!"
Claire: "Of course, you didn't think I got my YA years did you?"
Dee: *deep breath* "Um, no, I guess not. But we can work with that, just have to work harder--"
Claire: "Plus, it's not just me--I up in a bit."
Dee: "I did read your bio and saw that bit about your expanding waistline--so that wasn't just a hint that you needed to hit the gym?"
Claire: "No! And you are being rude again!"
Dee: "Sorry. But that makes it better, especially with you being an Adult already. Just call your boyfriend and invite him over and you guys can get married---easy peasy."
Dee: "Claire, what aren't you telling me?! And stand still so I can get my founder pictures."
Claire: "No, no pics of me in this hat! And you need to do a little research, check my traits, my relationships, and my LTW---before you start ordering me around!"

So after my "research", we have the following information:
Claire Ursine--adult
LTW: Become a Master Thief
Career: Criminal---level 4---Getaway Driver
Skills: Fishing--7  Athletic--3
Traits: Loner, Loves the Outdoors, Hot-headed, Kleptomaniac, Angler
Favorites: Music-French, Food-Grilled Salmon, Color-Spice Brown
Relationships: friends with Molly French, and has an Ex-boyfriend, Jared Frio, and they are deep in the red (thanks Claire!)

Claire calls Jared per my request and invites him over---apparently he says, "no", as she gets glaring red minus signs above her head!
I know her look means, "I told you this wouldn't be easy!"
So we start at the beginning----call him and chat, again, and again, and again. With Claire already an adult and with no other known males in her life---it would be way harder to find someone new (and with my Nraas SP---half the town is already paired up!) and then the baby she's expecting wouldn't count---so we persevere. Can you even get back together with an ex? More research. It is possible. Multiple phone calls later and they are finally a bit in the green! Claire calls and invites him over and he finally agrees. They talk and talk and talk and she asks to "just be friends" and the ex-boyfriend icon goes away! They talk and talk some more and become good friends---after what seems like a million friendly interactions, she gets to ask him to move in--and he does! Soon after Claire spins into her nightgown and has a definite baby bump!

Offline deedee_828

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Re: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2018, 10:50:05 AM »
Baby daddy, Jared Frio--YA (at least he'll have a bit longer to be with the family)
LTW: Celebrated 5-Star Chef
Career: Culinary--level 2--Spice Runner
Skills: cooking--2
Traits: Natural Cook, Inappropriate, Party Animal, Heavy Sleeper, and Mean-Spirited
Favorites: Music-Electronica, Food-Grilled Salmon, Color-Green
Relationships: friends with his brother, Connor Frio (hhmm---good to know) and his boss is Molly French

Claire is actually friends with River McIrish, not Molly---my notes are messy and I didn't write down all the specifics. Apologies again Claire! But I kept my word on no pics with the hat! Your PJ hair is cute and you both have red hair---that's a win-win for any heirs!

***Author's note---my monitor keeps blacking out so I will be posting sections as I am able. My PC and monitor are both new and we are still trying to figure out what the issue is.

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Offline deedee_828

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Re: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2018, 12:02:02 PM »
Once Jared and Claire spend some quality time together, Claire pops a wish to get married. Not specifically to Jared, but I'm not being picky!
The usual time goes by with Jared heading off to work---we need the money! And Claire spending her days listening to kids music and watching TV.
Both of them want a girl so watermelon is eaten again, and again, and again!

And it's a girl born Wednesday, week 1 day 4. That's Rae Ursine in the crib! An easily impressed virtuoso.
Jared was so moved by fatherhood he proposed to Claire on the spot.

But Claire insisted on a makeover.

And changing into formalwear for their private wedding (week 1 day 5)---right in front of the crib! I have Nraas SP set to rename mutual children on marriage, so they are all Frio's now.

A brief honeymoon to Egypt because they both wanted to travel and with some forethought Jared purchased 2 international recipes.

The trip tightened up their funds with all of Claire's days off work, so she slipped out of the house a few nights and managed to swipe a car or two! With all vehicles cleaned off the streets at 3 am, she had to be quick. She didn't get any real big money, but $850 is a lot when you don't have much. When I could stop her from swiping lights and side tables! And she did manage to swipe a couple of $5000's and one that was worth @$8000, with my assistance! It was enough to tide them over and Jared asked no questions! Claire requested no pics of criminal activity as it could be incriminating.

And a twirl into pj's again on week 1 day 7! Claire wants a boy but Jared wants another girl. So no fruit was eaten and no forced music or TV was watched.

And it's Rae's birthday that same Saturday!

And, surprise, her twin Jenna's too! A couch potato who loves the outdoors. I somehow got no nooboo pics except the one crib shot!

Then skilling time before the new baby arrives! They are seriously thinking of getting some live-in help with 3 children.

And Claire gets her wish! Welcome Heath Frio---my evil slob! Born week 2 day 2 (Mon)

And so does Jared, with sweet Audra, my easily impressed Genius!

Seriously! Twins again, but I swear I turned the kid's music off and never had her watch TV---the joys of parenthood!
They will definitely be getting that help with 2 toddlers and two babies. Stay tuned for the crazy years!

Offline deedee_828

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Re: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2018, 03:51:39 PM »
***Author's note: I think I finally figured out how to get the pictures to take! Will work on another post soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 2--birthdays and more birthdays
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2018, 07:45:17 PM »
After the birth of the younger twins, Claire had Jared get on the phone ASAP and invite Connor over. Luckily for them Jared hadn't had time to alienate Connor with mean and inappropriate comments! I mean insulting Connor's family just kind of backfires when it's your family too, but Jared does it a lot. After a few friendly socials, which Jared was not thrilled about, he asked Connor to move in and he does on Monday, week 2 day 2! Not sure why a loner would want to move in with his mean-spirited, inappropriate brother, and his hot-headed sister-in-law and their two sets of twins, but we won't look a gift horse in the mouth. Familial love, maybe,  as Connor is good---he wants to donate to charity and as soon as we get a spare $100 I may let him do so.

Connor Frio---YA
LTW: Professional Author (Earn $4000/wk in Royalties)
Career: Writer (Level 1) Fan Fiction Drafter
Skills--writing--2 gardening--1
Traits: Absent-minded, unflirty, loner, bookworm, and good
Relationships: none really besides Connor, but wasn't really expecting a lot with an unflirty, absent-minded, loner!

Claire and I have the same thought---$$$$$!!!
And we graciously give Connor a bedroom of his own with a computer.
But we're not totally heartless, he gets a nice double bed!

But any time Connor is in the bed and the computer is free, you can bet Jared is on making an inappropriate forum post. Jared would definitely be banned from most known sites on the web! And he would in fact be very, very proud of himself!

Connor, being the loner he is, doesn't mind at all being sent to his room to write, and write, and write! But he does take breaks for necessary things, even birthdays where he and Claire both get the too many people around moodlet if they invite anyone.

And birthdays we have galore!

Here's our little man Heath, growing like a weed on Thursday week 2 day 5! He looks so sweet. Looks can be so deceiving…

And then little miss Audra's turn! Connor is super excited to see Audra become a toddler.

So excited that he volunteers to bring her to the library for some reading time!

While Claire does some reading with Heath!

And on Friday, more birthdays! First up, Rae, who gains the heavy sleeper trait.
Well, that could be very helpful for her with so many people around but it doesn't point her in much of a LTW direction, fingers crossed for Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers with her Virtuoso trait!

And then Jenna! 
Dee: "Wow Claire, you really have been working out! Not dowdy in the least now and that Spice Brown outfit really looks nice with your hair! "
Claire: "Thank you,  but---I know Jared is mocking us behind my back isn't he?"
Dee: "I think he's cheering for Jenna's birthday, but he's just wearing his swimsuit or maybe boxers again."
Claire:  "You go on thinking he's being nice poor lady. We have to live with him!"
Dee: "I do my best to keep him under control Claire---but he does things so quickly---what do you want me to do? Tie him up?"
Claire: "It's a thought! I do have handcuffs!"
Dee: "Claire I don't even want to know that!"

Jenna got that odd looking chin mark and suddenly decided she's an Animal Lover.

To celebrate the birthdays, the whole family goes to the Fall Festival!
Connor and Rae enter the pie eating contest!

The pregnant lady wins, no surprise really!!!

They lose but Rae beats Connor, who comes in last--but neither one seem to mind, they are just having a blast! Look at those blueberry pie faces!

While everyone else is playing at the Fall Festival, the toddlers play with their special friends!
Audra's toy is Hesper and Heath's toy is Cosmo. They really like their dolls. The older twins have IF's too, and Jenna's is another Cosmo, but they never played with them enough to change one of the names.

The older girls have some fun while their still children.
They both carved pumpkins. Jenna a silly one and Rae an evil one!
But that doesn't reflect their personalities, we rolled to see which pumpkin to carve.
On the other hand, I had to stop both Claire and Jared from stomping them!

The girls practiced their baking skills and sold some muffins and cookies. For all their effort, I think they made a whole $4!

And Jenna plays dress up in her favorite color, violet.

And as busy as their house is, Claire and Jared find a few moments alone.
These two look so good together. I love their skin tone and hair color, just a sucker for that red hair!

And it's time for birthdays again! First Heath.

And he gains the loser trait! Wow---an evil slob loser---he's going to have a fun time and so are we.
Claire is sooo over cake---she read a book instead.

And then Audra. My easily impressed Genius is a technophobe! And she shares her mother's love of the color Spice Brown.
I thought it was great that all the girls grew up with different hairstyles, made it easier to know who was whom, with all those redheads!
Since they're kids for so short a time, I didn't bother with changing out their clothes much, notice Rae's sandals with her outdoor outfit! Didn't seem to bother her any.
And Connor's looking a bit bored with all the birthday's and cake too.
But he's been writing Sports books and bringing in some much needed cash!

But is it all work and no play for our dear Connor?---find out in the next chapter.

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Chapter 3--Romance for Conner
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2018, 02:02:40 PM »

Connor's been a life-saver in more ways than one for Claire and Jared. He not only helps with the children but his writing increased their household funds dramatically. Connor's LTW is Professional Author, to earn $4000/wk in Royalties and he completed that after only a few weeks of intense writing of sports books that are quick to write and bring in a decent amount of money. And although he loves writing, especially being alone and writing, he felt something was missing. So Claire and Jared suggested he get out of the house and take a break. He found himself at the Festival and noticed a girl skating.

Her name was Ms. Cleech. He was unfamiliar with the name but he met her and they talked for a bit but he was never able to ask her out. Every time he called she was "working and wasn't sure when she would be done." He tried writing her a letter, since writing is what he does best, but he received a return post letting him know she wasn't really interested. Then he found out she was a food booth attendant at the Festivals and he decided she was right---they weren't meant for each other.

Then he received an e-mail from his writing guild requesting he meet with a very artistic young woman that wanted to turn her talents towards writing.

Her name was Agnes Crumplebottom and they hit it off immediately! They both shared a love for books and having alone time.

Connor was a bit tongue-tied so he did what he does best, he told her a story, a ghost story!

They spent many evenings together and Connor found out Agnes was a Hopeless Romantic, so he did his best to woo her, including giving her flowers.

Connor finally got up the nerve to ask her to be his girlfriend---she said yes!

And then the big moment---he proposed!

And he was the happiest man on earth when she accepted and moved in with them!

In the meantime, Claire is still adding to the family resources with some after work dumpster diving!

Heath has been having a rough time of it at school. Being an evil loser slob, kids bully him all the time.
(Bullying is banned in most schools but apparently hasn't reached the attention of the school board in Sunset Valley---for shame!)
But he finally met a girl who was nice to him, Darlene Bunch.

Heath took Agnes and Connor's example to heart when he went over to Darlene Bunch's house after school one day. He told her a ghost story!

But right after they did homework, this happened! Darlene aged to teen! But Heath made himself a promise  to always remember this day and the little girl who had been nice to him when he needed a friend.

After Agnes got settled into the Frio home, she wanted to look her best so off to get a makeover.
New hairstyle and makeup---Agnes isn't too happy about the results, but being grumpy, she's not happy about much. But I liked it!

Agnes, like Claire and Audra, loves the color Spice Brown. So she picked this for her everyday outfit.

But for formal, she stuck with tradional black.

And then it was birthday time again for the older twins!
First Rae.

As a teen, Rae adds Disciplined, to her Easily Impressed, Virtuoso, Heavy Sleeper traits. Her hair and outfit aren't half bad but not really her style. But no time to change yet.

Jenna's turn. Notice that Sam Sekemoto is attending this birthday event.
Jenna adds Frugal to her mix of traits, Couch Potato, Loves the Outdoors, and Animal Lover. She doesn't mind the top, but again not really her style. And the hair, nope, that has got to go.

She runs off to the mirror and picks this very cute, flattering style. And a violet eye shadow , of course.

And some new clothes in her favorite color violet. Her everyday outfit.

And her athletic. She wasn't as thrilled with this shade of violet as it had a pinky quality and clashed with her hair, but it had been a long day so she decided it was okay. Especially since she is a couch potato and odds are she won't ever wear it!

The girls had discussed the boyfriend issue before they had their teen birthday and they are both friends with Sam Sekemoto, who is closer to their age.

Jenna is friends with Mortimer Goth, but he's a bit older and she doesn't know if she has a chance since he's dating Bella Bachelor.

Rae surprises Jenna with the news that Bella dumped Mortimer and is going steady with Malcolm Landgraab. Jenna confesses to Rae that she  would like to get to know Mortimer now that she's a teen.

Rae tells her she's okay with that because she has someone else in mind. So while Jenna is busy with her makeover, Rae puts her plan in action and asks Sam to watch the stars.

And by the end of the evening, Sam agrees to be her boyfriend!

After he leaves, she decides she wants a makeover, so she heads to the bedroom. She chooses this hairstyle and makeup.

Rae's favorite color is gray but she likes a pop of color, so she picks this outerwear outfit.

For everyday she goes with tradional black and gray, which goes terrific with her coloring.

Next Chapter---A wedding and more birthdays.

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Chapter 4--Busy times: a birthday, a wedding, another birthday, and prom!
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2018, 11:34:29 PM »

Since Connor and Agnes are at the house, Claire and Jared take the opportunity to go out alone together, dancing of course! Jared shows Claire some awesome moves, and with all her athletic skill, she matches him move for move. She hasn't had such fun in…ever!

Dee: "You guys look so good together!"
Claire: "Um, alone time means alone, Dee!"
Dee: "Sorry, will turn my attention to others."

Once Agnes gets settled, she gets down to business. She's really into love and romance so after discussing it with Connor, her writing mentor, it's obvious she needs to write about it. He tells her not to think about her writing experience or lack of it but to just "write what you know and love". So she does just that but with a little twist. She's always wanted to write a sci-fi novel so her first book is entitled, "You and Me in Space." It does well and she's now confident enough to start her first Romance novel, of course it's about her romance with Conner! She gets so involved in her writing, she's shocked when Connor pulls her away and tells her she needs a break and they need to discuss their wedding.

But before they get very far in their discussion, they hear the familiar sound of birthday noise makers---and reluctantly make their way downstairs for…cake.
But with a shock they realize it's not one of the children's birthday's but Jared's! And that he's actually made dinner for those who no longer love cake! Looks like Lobster Thermidor, yum!

When Agnes and Connor join in the revelry, Agnes notices her sister Cornelia Goth joining in the fun and she vaguely remembers inviting her and Mortimer over at Jenna's request. But birthdays always take precedence and Jenna is enthusiastically joining in with all the others to wish her dad a happy birthday before she goes back to her date!

It's typical for the birthday person to get presents so the kids chipped in and bought Jared something special for his adult birthday. New pajamas! (That cover him up way more than his red briefs and will hopefully save his teenage daughters from mortal embarrassment now that they have boyfriends over!)

And then Connor and Agnes went back to discussing their wedding plans.
Even though they both prefer being alone, Agnes can't pass up the chance to have a special ceremony.
A Hopeless Romantic does not get married at city hall in a business suit!
But two loners don't have a huge wedding party either.
Especially when they live with their sister-in-law who is a loner as well.

That's right, we have three loners, one grumpy (Agnes), one hot-headed (Claire), and one good (Connor),
living with a mean-spirited party animal (Jared), and two sets of twins, two of them teenage girls and a young boy who's an evil slob loser! It's a wonder you didn't see their house going up in a fiery ball seen from space with that mix of personalities!

But between Claire's love of the outdoors (think flowers) and Agnes' frugal nature (she hopes Claire didn't "borrow" any of the decorations, but isn't asking!), they come up with something simple and romantic.
A private ceremony in a secluded decorated corner of the upstairs hall.

Agnes: "I Agnes, take thee, Connor…"

Connor: "To have and to hold 'til death do us part."

Dee: "You may kiss your bride!"

Dee: "Introducing for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Connor Frio!"
Agnes: "Are you really authorized to say that?"
Connor: "I like it---it sounds so good!"
Dee: "I notice you didn't interrupt when I said the part about kissing the bride?!"
Agnes: "It's our wedding day----I'll let it go."
Dee: "So gracious of you."

Beautiful shot of the bride before the wedding!

And after her hair was styled!

Dee: "Agnes is that a smile?"
Agnes: "As close to it as you will ever get. I save those for Connor, in private."

Dee: "Understood my grumpy friend."
Agnes: "We're friends?"

Dee: "I love books!"
Agnes: "Okay, we're friends."

And then another birthday….with…you guessed it…cake!!!

And Heath becomes a teen, aging up in his favorite color aqua!
Adding Family-Oriented to his evil, slob, loser traits!
The poor girl…whoever she may be!
I mean, Yay! A good trait finally!

A trip to the mirror for a change of hairstyle!

Dee: "Looks nice, Heath. You really don't look like an evil slob loser…"
Heath: "I don't feel like one either, except at school."

Dee: "Maybe we should have your Mom and Dad talk to the high school principal before your classes start?"
Heath: "No way. Then it would just be worse…you know, had to have mommy and daddy fight your battles  for you, uh, loser?!"

Dee: "I understand, and I know in this day and age it's tolerance for so many things,  but bullying shouldn't be one of them! I will never understand how it's tolerated here in Sunset Valley---throughout Sims 3 Land I expect --- but it shouldn't be! Okay enough of my rant, but I just wanted you to know I am on your side.
I'm not happy about the traits you've gotten previously but I'm thrilled with family-oriented and I will do my best to make things work out for you.

Heath: "Thanks. I appreciate it---so how about some new clothes to impress the girl I want to ask to prom?"

And here he is in his everyday clothes:

And in his formal:

And who will this mystery girl be?
None other than his childhood friend Miss Darlene Bunch! And even though she has a boyfriend, she agrees to go to prom with Heath. Maybe she took pity on him since it was his birthday?

Dee: "Nice touch that, Heath. How can she say "no" on your birthday!"
Heath: "That and her boyfriend is now a young adult and can't take her to prom---but I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth and I have a plan."

Dee: " I'm sure you do! Dare I ask if it's an evil plan?'
Heath: "Of course it's an evil plan, one I hope will make her mine! You know I promised I would never forget her friendship when we were just kids."

Dee: "For you that was earlier today!"
Heath: "But she's been a teen for awhile now and that guys too old for her!"

Dee: "But she's not too old for you?"
Heath: "No, I need someone older to keep my evil slob loser ways in check!"

Dee: "I can't  disagree there---it's been a full time job to keep your mean-spirited father, your hot-headed mother, and grumpy Aunt Agnes and you from tossing negative signs all over my screen. Not to mention all the loner, too many people in here, issues. But I wonder how your family-oriented trait will play out with your other traits?"
Heath: "I love my family---hey, I really do--that's a shock for me too!
But I need to talk to Darlene now, so later."

And on Monday evening, the limo arrives, on time for once!

And here's Rae and Darlene, both looking so grown up.
Darlene looks especially lovely in Heath's aqua color, her hair too.

And Heath and Sam looking good, and a bit scared---wonder if they are nervous about dancing?
Lucky for Heath he's only been in HS one day, so hasn't had time to be bullied too much.

And Jenna in all her finery! She's a bit sad she didn't get to ask Mortimer.
But he would have had to miss work and she didn't want to make him feel bad about not taking her so she went with her siblings and their dates.

And the prom was packed! It took awhile to even get through the doors.
And some people were protesting formal wear by showing up in random outfits!
Oh, wait---those are parents and children---who on earth schedules a recital on Prom Night!
Apparently Audra's teacher---which is one reason she didn't have her birthday with twin Heath.
The other reason is that Audra decided that since she was actually born after midnight, and her birthday wasn't until Monday, she wanted at least one birthday party of her own!

The prom went especially well.
I was worried about Jenna going without Mortimer but she got voted Prom Queen and only got into one fight.

Amazingly, Heath got voted Prom King! How many evil slob losers can say that?!
And his family-oriented trait must have already kicked in because Darlene asked him to go steady.
He said, yes, of course. Guess he won't even need his evil plan now or maybe that was his evil plan!

And Rae and Sam had a great time as well, their feelings for each other growing deeper.

So the three teens are all paired up now!
Rae's boyfriend is Sam Sekemoto.
Jenna's boyfriend is Mortimer Goth.
Heath's girlfriend is Darlene Bunch.

I think they've covered a great mix of Sunset Valley's original residents very well!

But what of Audra? Her birthday and the teen years in the next chapter.

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Chapter 5--More birthdays and a betrayal!
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2018, 11:53:32 AM »
As you recall, Audra didn't want to miss her ballet recital and also wanted her own birthday party for a change, so the family humored her and Week 5, Day 3 (Tuesday), we add the fourth and last teen here in Sunset Valley.
While the rest of the group blows noise makers, Jared mocks, as usual (yes, Claire, it's definitely mocking, so sorry) and Claire stares at the cake with loathing.

Claire: "Couldn't it be chocolate for a change?"
Dee: "Sorry Claire but the chocolate cake is glitched---we're stuck with vanilla until I take the time to figure it out."

Audra adds Grumpy to her easily impressed, genius, technophobe traits.
Well that explains a lot!
So now we have four teenagers in the house, one Klepto (Rae), one Couch Potato (Jenna), one Evil Slob Loser (Heath), and of course, Miss Audra, the Grumpy Technophobe (this will come to the fore with a vengeance).

Dee: "Audra, I think hair and clothes are a must!"
Audra: "Well, of course! With Dad's reaction, it must be worse than usual! So what are you waiting for?"

Dee: "And so it begins. But I have to ask, is that just normal teenage snarkiness or your grumpy coming out first thing?"
Audra: *pauses* "Probably a bit of both."
Dee: "Well at least you're honest."

Audra shows off her sense of style with this look, which is way more flattering than her birthday hair.
The spice brown hat is just so, "her". She seems to have gotten a great mix of Claire and Jared, but her full lips are all her own, a nice change from the rest.

And she chooses a new wardrobe. Her outdoor outfit with the cute hat.

And her everyday.

Of course, no hat for sleeping so she styles it a bit different.

And her formal.

Jared went to the summer festival and was fixated by the fireworks.

So much so that he bought some to set off at home. Big mistake! Half the house ran outside to freak out by the fire.
Jared did have the presence of mind to have a fire extinguisher handy, but both Claire and I insisted that the rest of the fireworks go into storage, never to be tried again!

The fire and tongue-lashing from Claire didn't faze Jared long though---he was right back to dancing in the bathroom in his boxers! At least he's wearing a robe now.

But someone else found Jared's dancing a bit too much to resist.
Agnes' spontaneous flirtation with Jared downstairs caused Connor's relationship with Agnes to drop all the way down to Romantic Interest!

I was only aware of this drama when Connor jumped up from his computer upstairs all upset. And even though Jared, amazingly enough, told her to back off, in no uncertain terms, with glaring red minus signs flying all over, Connor couldn't believe that inappropriate, mean-spirted Jared wasn't the initiator, so he unfriended him!

Luckily my shock was such that I didn't take any incriminating pics for prying eyes to find later, but I did scream "Agnes, go fix this!"

Agnes ran upstairs and stared straight into Connor's hurt eyes.

Connor: "How could you accept his advances Agnes?"

Agnes did not disillusion him with her actions but said: "You know I am a Hopeless Romantic Connor,  so can we kiss and make up, please Connor?"

Connor: "Okay, but don't let this happen ever again!"

Agnes: "I swear Connor, my love, you are the only one in my heart!"

Dee: "Laying it on a bit thick there Agnes."
Agnes: "Whatever works! You wanted me to fix it, let me do it my way!"
Dee: "Backing off, Agnes, backing off, but their will be consequences."

After a multitude of romantic actions, Agnes proposes.

Connor accepts and they exchange rings---again. (Thank the watchers everywhere!)

Thankfully all the teens were at school for this drama so only the adults were under a bit of strain and awkwardness.

The teens lives went on as usual with school, afterschool activities and jobs, and spending time with their steadies.
Jenna's love of the outdoors had her hanging around the kid's clubhouse at all hours of the night. She even got to indulge her Animal Lover trait when a neighborhood dog wandered into their yard.

Whenever she had a spare moment, Rae played guitar--- in the park .

And at the Fall Festival. That's Officer Bunch watching her----Darlene aged to YA but she was still Heath's girlfriend and was faithfully waiting for him to grow up.

Heath kept a very low profile as evil slob losers don't want to draw attention to themselves, though his Family-Oriented trait had him searching out family members to chat, especially his Good Uncle Connor. Go figure. In fact, Heath was so nice he was allowed to donate to undermine charity a time or two! But like his mom, he's very aware of incriminating evidence and requested no pictures.

Audra had decided the "baby fat" from her younger years had to go and hit the treadmill.
No way was she working out with that darn evil in a box television! (Her words not mine)

Dee: "Looking good Audra! I wished it worked that fast for me!"
Audra *gasping*  "can't…talk…need to sit and play chess."

And then this happened! Claire's elder birthday! Too soon, too soon. For me anyway.

Dee: "Sorry to see your red hair go Claire."
Claire: "Yeah, it's a big change, but growing older with all my family around me, getting to HAVE this family--I've earned this hair and I'm happy for it all!
Dee: "And I'm happy for you too Claire, real happy!"
Claire: "Enough of that sappy talk, real clothes please!"

She picks this for everyday.

And this for her formal.
Claire: "Not bad for a dowdy ole lady, huh, Dee?"
Dee: "I will never live that down will I?"
Claire *Smirking* "Nope."

And a forgotten Adult birthday when Connor jumps up from his chair in the living room!

Not much of a change but he did get a couple of noise makers blown at him. And no one missed cake!
And a mid-life crisis---for which he was constantly patting his stomach and checking for wrinkles, but not too much else.

And Agnes carved a pumpkin. A sad one seemed fitting as it was the last thing she was allowed to do before she was banished to her room!

Dee: "I told you there would be consequences for your unforgivable actions Agnes."
Agnes: " Yeah, yeah, yeah, but staying in my room, alone, writing, doesn't bother me. In fact, I enjoy it way more than all the stink.."

Dee: "Careful Agnes, I can be grumpy too!"
Agnes: "Um, thrilling birthday parties and delicious cake!"

Dee: "Well, I wouldn't go that far, but apology accepted."
Agnes: " I wasn't apolo…going to my room now. Need to start my final book and max my writing skill and achieve my LTW so Connor and I can move back into my family home, please?!"
Dee: "I'll think about it. Now go."

And Agnes does just that! Earning her LTW of Illustrious Author in a little over a week of moving in, mastering painting (which she had done before she moved in) and writing (she didn't even have one point!) on week 5 Day 6 (Friday).

And then on Sunday at noon, Connor and Agnes receive their royalty checks, a whopping $80,000+, more than enough for them to move out and return to Agnes' family home where a caretaker has been living.
$75,000 was Connor's and $5000 was Agnes', she wrote the one sci-fi and 3 romance novels, her finally book with us being titled, Married Again. (Oh, not, Betrayed My Husband With His Brother---I am still miffed about that Agnes!)

And Connor had received a previous royalty check for @ $60,000 and others with less, but equally impressive, amounts! He was a prolific  sports writer, writing 40 books, his last one being a Masterpiece entitled End Game, and bringing in $12,000 plus royalties, all by itself! We have many of his books stored to bring along with us. He was a wonderful addition to the family and he will be missed. (Notice the same cannot be said of Agnes, the Hopeless Romantic, thank the watchers she wasn't flirty as well!)

Coming  soon. Chapter  6---YA birthdays, pairing up and moving out!

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 6--- Growing up, Spouses, and Moving Out
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2018, 09:52:06 PM »
That infamous time is upon us again---birthdays, birthdays, birthdays!
First up is Rae:

And she adds Klepto to her traits! I suspect Claire's influence there.

Dee: "I was hoping for something a bit better, but I've seen worse."
Rae: "What's wrong with Klepto, we can always use some extra stuff or the cash!"

Dee: "We are not hurting for funds now."
Rae, taking a bite of cake: "Well, you never know what could happen, the banks could fail, or a hacker could steal it all, better safe than sorry. Besides Mom said it makes you feel better when you send it back!"

Dee: "Ah, I knew Claire was behind this!"

Jenna  twirls and adds Ambitious. Huh? An Ambitious Couch Potato?
Dee: "Jenna what does that even mean?"
Jenna: "That I hope to binge watch every free series on TV?!"
Dee: "Wow, some ambition… wait, free?"
Jenna: "Well, I'm not PAYING for TV!"
Dee: "You don't now, your parents pay for everything and we have plenty of cash."
Jenna: "True, and when I get married, I still should."
Dee: "Oh, I'm beginning to see where your Ambition is focused----on a rich husband!"
Jenna: "You'll see soon enough if you hurry up with our makeovers. Rae gets gorgeous long hair and I get this! "
Dee: "Coming right up!"

But before Jenna can get her makeover, she gets a call reminding her of a costume party at the Goths!
She's all grown up now so she wastes no time asking for permission and hurries out the door.

So Rae heads to the dresser and picks this as her everyday outfit.
And as a YA, her LTW as well.

Introducing Rae Frio, Young Adult
LTW: Hit Movie Composer
Traits: Virtuoso, Easily Impressed, Heavy Sleeper, Disciplined, and Kleptomaniac
Favorites: Chinese, Shawarma, and Gray
Boyfriend: Sam Sekemoto

I was hoping for Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers but it wasn't a choice so Rae gets a job in Music to get started on her career.

After Rae's makeover, I discreetly follow Jenna over to the Goth Mansion. But where is she?  In the garage? Who is that? OMG, It's Jenna in a mermaid costume! She interrupts  Mortimer's conversation with another guest, chats with him a bit and asks him to move in!
For a couch potato that girl works fast when she wants to, I guess that's the ambitious kicking in!
Mortimer accepts and leaves his own party to run back to the Frio home.

Jenna gets back at the house as soon as she can and of course, her first questions is,
"Where is Morty?"

Dee: "Getting settled into Connor and Agnes' old room."
Jenna: "Just him? But I'm a YA now."

Dee: "The operative word is young. And this is still your parents house. But go ahead and ask your hot-headed mother and mean-spirited father if you can share a room. But a word of advice, I'd change out of that costume first!"

Jenna does take my advice on the costume. And we have:

Jenna Frio, Young Adult
LTW: Swimming in Cash
Traits: Couch Potato, Loves the Outdoors, Animal Lover, Frugal, and Ambitious
Favorites: Geek Rock, Hamburgers, and Lilac
Boyfriend: Mortimer Goth

Jenna: "Not for long!"
Dee: "Wow, I've never seen you off the couch and moving so fast!"
Jenna: "Time is of the essence! I know Rae is chomping at the bit to get to the next town. She can't wait to get to the city with all the concerts and the symphony, and playing for tips in the subway…"
Dee: "City, how does she know it's a city? I haven't told anyone where we're moving to yet."
Jenna: "I guess she's just hoping. A girl can dream can't she?"
Dee: "And what of your dreams?"
Jenna: "I'm going to give them a little push…well, maybe not so little."

True to her word, Jenna opts for a little alone time under the stars for her and Mortimer.
Since their both wearing sleeveless shirts, and it's chilly, a great reason to cuddle.
Dee: "Nice work, Jenna."
Jenna: "I've got this and don't need help. Just watch and learn!"

So I watch as their date takes them into town.
Jenna: "The art gallery?"
Mortimer: "It's my favorite place."
Jenna: But it's late and no one is here!'
Mortimer: "We're here, at my favorite place, and I'm with my favorite girl."
Jenna: "Morty, that's so sweet!"

They chat a bit more but Jenna notices Mortimer  getting fidgety.

Jenna: "Morty is something wrong? "
Mortimer: "Nothing's wrong… in fact everything is perfect for this. Will you marry me?"

Jenna accepts without hesitation thinking, *Wow, he beat me to it! We are so meant to be!*

Mortimer: "I love you Jenna, and I promise to take care of you forever!"

Mortimer takes a moment for a makeover.

Mortimer Goth---young adult
LTW: Master of the Arts
Traits: Ambitious, Grumpy, Artistic, Sailor, and Mooch
Favorites: Classical, French Toast, Black (of course)
Fiancé: Jenna Frio

Mortimer: "Not for long! I want to get married right away."
Dee: "Wow, you ambitious sims don't waste any time!"

Mortimer: "It's not just that, I can't be away from Goth Manor for too long, it's in the  Goth heirship laws."
Dee: *shocked* "Can't be away? Does that mean you can't leave Sunset Valley?

Mortimer: "Not for very long. Vacations of course, but if I stay away too long, I forfeit my rights as heir. And as the only son, my family would lose Goth Manor and the Goth Fortune! So, not going to happen! I may be an artist but as an ambitious sim, I'm not losing my inheritance!"
Dee: "Does Jenna know this? As heir she would be required to leave town?"

Mortimer: "Of course she does. She chose me over her own heirship."
Dee: "Anything else I should know?"

I guess you guys shared that room after all!

Jenna: "Sorry Dee, but Mortimer and I discussed this ages ago. And like I said before, time is of the essence. Now you know I wasn't just referring to us kids aging up and marrying , but to Mortimer's requirement to limit his time away from Goth Manor. And securing HIS heirship with a child. A son, we hope!"
Dee: "Wow, you did have it all under control. Not bad for a couch potato. Congrats on the nooboo!"

And then only son, Heath, has his birthday. Dare I ask what more could happen to our evil, slob, loser?

Then Audra.
Dee: "Oh, sorry, the TV is on---your couch potato sister was watching as usual. But she's expecting, so give her a break."
Audra: "Just this once and only because of the nooboo! It's not like I can give her noogie anyway, not in this game or at my age!"

Speaking of which, where are Jenna and Mortimer? Birthdays are mandatory.

Having a private wedding!

Jenna and Mortimer: "We thought it would be best with the nooboo and all and so much else is going on."
Dee: "I understand. But you're missing the birthdays and it's time for cake!"
Mortimer: "Yum, cake!"

Jenna: "Do I have to?"
Dee: "Attend yes. Eating cake is optional."
Mortimer: "Why wouldn't you want cake?"
Jenna and I both just roll our eyes!

As Jenna and Mortimer join the party downstairs, Miss Audra grabs a piece of cake and says, "My hair as soon as I eat this. This is what I get for laughing at Jenna's birthday hair. Who picks these anyway? Is there someone at EA that decided sims should grow up in hideous hair to be mocked by everyone, including fathers? As a famous cat once said, "They should be drug out into the street and sh..well, maybe not that, but you get what I mean!"
Dee: "Yes, Miss Grumpy, I do. But what about the clothes?"

Audra: "Who cares about my clothes?"
Dee: "What trait did you just get?"

Audra: "Slob, of course!"
Dee: "Of course." *deep breath, let it out slowly, just breathe.*

Dee: "Where did your brother go? I didn't even get his age up picture."
Audra: "Darlene is here and I think he went to talk to her. Now let me eat my cake!"

Audra was right. Darlene was at the party and Heath was chatting with her. Well, probably not just chatting, she aged up ages ago and he's been chomping at the bit to be old enough to date her again!
Yup, they look totally involved with each other. Let's leave them alone.

With the birthdays over, just as we were all taking it easy.
This happened!
Jenna: "Morty, the baby's coming. I love you so much."

A few hours later.
Jenna: "I am going to shoot you to the moon, Morty! Mom, Dad…someone do something!"
Mortimer: "We need to go the hospital, Jenna!!!"
Jenna: "No...time…Morty."

Jenna decides it was all worth it with this little nooboo in her arms!
Welcome Ethan Goth, the absent-minded, excitable, Goth heir!
Proud Gramma Claire is congratulating the new father and probably reminding him to take good care of her daughter and new grandchild, as well, or else!
I can just here Mortimer now: "Yes, Mrs. Frio, I will Mrs. Frio. Yes, I think he has your eyes!"

And there is still no rest for the wicked or the weary.

Instead of the older twins graduating and then the younger two, Sunset Valley Community School for the Gifted does a mass graduation for all four of them!
And Gramma Claire insists on bringing baby Ethan. Even though it's cold and snowy. And he's only wearing a blanket with his arms uncovered. I tried to make her see reason, but she said there was no way she was leaving her precious first grandchild alone in the house with a…babysitter!

***Author's note: Leaving him home alone with a babysitter was not acceptable, but all of them going into City Hall for graduation and leaving him outside in the snow was okay! You couldn't even see him, just his plumbob.
Luckily, I watched him like a hawk and had Grampa Jared pick him up as soon as he came out! No nooboos were harmed during this chapter, thank the Watchers everywhere!"***

Chapter 7---More Spouses, an heir, and wrapping things up in Sunset Valley

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 7---More Spouses, an heir, and wrapping things up in Sunset Valley
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2018, 12:58:17 PM »
With the birth of Jenna and Mortimer's son, Ethan, the house is full and Mortimer needs to get back to Goth Manor. So they pack up all their stuff, and with a new baby, there is tons of stuff, say some tearful goodbyes and head across town with promises to visit and keep in touch. Claire promises Jenna they will stop by before they leave town to cuddle her grandbaby one more time and give them their new address.

At Graduation Heath was voted Most Likely to Have a Large Family.
His Family-Oriented trait obviously had something to do with that, and probably that both he and Darlene come from large families, despite the fact that he grew up to YA with Commitment Issues!

Heath finally took a moment for his makeover, being a slob, he could care less, but he cleans up nice.
He's the perfect mix of Claire and Jared!

Heath Frio--Young Adult
LTW: Emperor of Evil (did we really expect anything else?)
Traits: Evil, Slob, Loser, Family-Oriented, and Commitment Issues
Favorites: Disco, Mushroom Omelet, and Aqua
Girlfriend: Darlene Bunch

Dee: *pondering* "So I was thinking with your loser trait you'd probably get Unlucky, or maybe Inappropriate from your Dad, or Clumsy, or…well, you get my drift, something less than a good trait. But never in all my imaginings would I have guessed Commitment Issues for a Family-Oriented sim! How is that even possible?"

Heath: "I have no idea. I don't feel like I have commitment Issues. I still want to marry Darlene. Oh, I got a weird feeling in my stomach when I said marry!"

Dee: "What?!"

Heath: "Just kidding! That was my evil trait wanting to give you a scare! I've been family-oriented since I was a teen and my commitment issues have only been around for a few days, so if we hurry, I think I can get through this without bailing at the last minute. But first I need a job in the Criminal field to put me in a good mood."

Heath quickly logs onto the computer and gets accepted as a decoy. With his mother being at the top of the field it was a no brainer that he had a job!

Then he calls Darlene and invites her over.

He greets her and invites her to move in and she immediately accepts.

Darlene Bunch Frio---young adult
LTW: International Super Spy
Career: Law Enforcement
Traits: Unflirty, Brave, Unlucky, Daredevil, and Equestrian
Favorites: No idea, Heath didn't give me time enough to even ask!
Boyfriend, Fiancé, Husband (yup, it was that fast!): Heath Frio

An Unlucky Brave Daredevil. Now that explains a lot. Willing to take on an Evil Slob Loser and Unlucky enough to win him!

And before I can even offer Darlene a makeover, Heath is offering her flowers and romancing her for all he is worth!

He quickly proposes with the ring he's had for ages and she accepts.

They marry on the spot and then Heath breaks the news.

Heath: "I can't leave town. Darlene just told me that her family needs us here. I've never really been needed before and I'm going to do the good thing, the right thing, for once."
Dee: "Heath, you've never done anything bad or evil in your life, but what's wrong?"
Heath: "Her Dad's in the military and he's missing…"

Dee: "I'm so sorry! Is there anything we can do to help?"
Heath: "Mom's using her connections to see if she can locate him.  And Dad's cooking up some meals for the family.
The only thing to do now is for Darlene and I to stay with her Mom and sisters and get us all through this, however it ends."

And with those serious words, the new Mr. and Mrs. Heath Frio leave us.
They both got more than their fair share of negative traits, especially Heath, and they are in opposite careers, but I think being together was their destiny! And it all started with a ghost story to a young girl who befriended a bullied little boy. Good luck you two and may the Watchers everywhere keep you safe.

With the house saddened by recent events, Audra reluctantly consents to her makeover. But our hearts aren't really in it. New hairstyles and clothes just don't seem to matter when a loved spouse and father is missing.

And a grumpy slob doesn't really care.
But we know it's best to keep doing every day things and there is still a lot to do as we get ready to move.

Miss Audra Frio---young adult
LTW: Perfect Mind, Perfect Body
Traits: Easily Impressed, Genius, Technophobe, Grumpy, and Slob
Favorites: Rock, Ratatouille, Spice Brown
RI/Boyfriend: None yet

She picks this hairstyle.

An outdoor outfit.

A classic black formal with spice brown jacket.

And this for every day. And calls it quits. I don't blame her and let her go hit the treadmill or play chess, whatever she feels like doing.

And Rae has been playing guitar to build up her skill. Ballads and Blues mostly, given the atmosphere at home.

And spending time with Sam, of course.
She finally gets up her nerve and asks if he will move in and go to the next town with them.
Sam agrees with a smile and Rae relaxes.

Sam: "Did you really think I would stay here and let you go off alone?'
Rae: "No, not really, but you are the oldest son and have responsibilities here."

Sam: " I am my dad's oldest son, but Holly is my step-mother and I have 3 younger brothers and a baby sister! And Holly has the rest of the Alto family here as well, including a younger brother who will take over from her parents. Holly has been the best step-mother ever, and I do call her "Mom", as she's the only one I've ever known, but I'm not really needed here. Besides, as heir aren't you required to pick your spouse from here in Sunset Valley?"
Rae: "Yes, and I don't know what I would have done if you'd chosen to stay here! I don't have anyone else as special in my life.  All the guys around town are too young, older, or taken already. And Audra hasn't found anyone special at all, so she's been focusing on chess and running on the treadmill for her LTW.

Sam: "Then it's settled. I'll make it perfectly clear. I, Sam Sekemoto, promise to love, honor, and cherish you, here in Sunset Valley and in whatever towns we move to, taking the Frio name with pride, and looking forward to the children we have and raise together *blush*, until death do us part."
Rae: "Awe, Sam, you're going to make me cry. And you blush so cute!"

Sam: *Clearing his throat* So, where are we moving to?"
Rae: *a little disappointed* "I had my fingers crossed for Bridgeport. You know, bright lights, big city, playing my guitar in the subways for tips, composing musical scores for their top-rated symphony, enjoying the clubs and nightlife, maybe even becoming a celebrity. And I've heard rumors that the nightlife could include some rather interesting Sims that aren't around during the day. It all sounds so exciting."

Sam: "It does! That sounds like the perfect place for you."
Rae: "But it's not where we're going. Mom said it's some little town out in the middle of nowhere. Since Mom's helping out the Bunches trying to locate Jack, um, Mr. Bunch. It doesn't seem right to call him by his first name even if I am older now. Anyway, Darlene hinted to Mom that the higher ups in her office and at City Hall have been looking into some of the criminal activity in town, so it would be best if she kept a low profile right now."

Sam: "And Bridgeport would not fit that bill at all! So what's the name of this little backwater?"
Rae: "Moonlight Falls. Mom says they have a theater so I can continue my career but I've never even heard of it!"
Sam: "That's probably the point, you and no one else. Much safer for your Mom! You are so talented that you will succeed no matter where you are and we'll be together, so it will be perfect!
Rae: "You always know exactly the right thing to say to make me feel better."

Chapter 8---A new home and a wedding in Moonlight Falls
Coming soon.

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Chapter 8---A new home and a wedding in Moonlight Falls
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2018, 10:04:23 PM »
Claire: *all excited* "Here it is! Victoria's Victorian Home, a 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath, 3 story home on a 40x40 lot! I had some renovations done, like adding the pool out back and a 2nd story to the garage. Most of our furniture and stuff should be all set up by the white glove movers. We'll just have to put our own touch on each of our bedrooms and unpack the clothes we have with us. The address is 114 Wood Street. The Festival Park is right next door. The Library is on the other side of the park. Both close enough to visit often. The house is perfect for all of us with plenty of room for any extra additions!

Rae: *Not daring to look at Sam as she knew he would be blushing a deeper red than she was* "Mom, we're not even engaged yet!"

Claire: *with a smirk* " I was referring to a special someone for your sister. It's not just about you Miss Heir!"

Rae: *Mortified but feeling Sam relax next to her* "You're right, I was just thinking of me. But as far as the heirship goes, I got it by default. Jenna and Heath chose to marry and stay in Sunset Valley. Audra hadn't paired up with anyone yet, so that only left me, as long as Sam agreed to come with us. It's not like I did anything special to earn it."

Claire: "Of course you did something special, you're you! And don't you dare think you got it by default. You were chosen Rae, pretty much from the beginning. You and Sam. Do you really think I didn't know about the Goth heirship  laws or that the Bunches were going to need a strong person to depend on? Being in the top of my field, I know and see everything that's going on or I started it!"

*Rae and Sam just stared at each other in shock at this amazing news, both speechless*

Claire: *changing the subject*  "Look there's your father's truck. I hope he and your sister had a good trip. I see a bowling alley next to the garage, good grief! Where are we going to put something like that in a Victorian house! Sometimes your father is inappropriate to the point of being crazy!"

Rae: "And you wouldn't have him any other way, Mom!"

Claire: *with a smile* "You're right of course. But that doesn't mean he doesn't set off my fuse, which is quite short. Sometimes I think he does it on purpose. He's told me I was beautiful when I was angry on more than one occasion. Enough chitchat, let's get our overnight bags and get inside. It's been a long day and I just want to relax, maybe take a dip in the pool, if I don't just fall into bed."

Moonlight Falls took a little getting used to. This happened soon after they moved in!


Audra refused to talk about it and just kept saying she didn't remember much---just going up in a beam of light and then standing in front of the house with what looked like an alien! She wasn't harmed but she didn't go out much after dark for awhile.

Sam and Rae spent most of their time together. And kissed a lot. Sam was very romantic and would dip kiss Rae at the drop of a hat. The rest of the family started peeking into rooms before entering to avoid any embarrassment, especially Sam's.

Then Sam decided he wanted to get a tattoo.
Rae: "You want a what?! But you hate needles! You hate anything that's scary or can hurt you. Why would you want a tattoo?"
Sam: "I don't know, I just need to do this."
Sam didn't ask for much, so they headed off to the only salon and tattoo parlor in town. But it was dark and closed.
Rae said they'd have to come back another time, but Sam told her that he would lose his nerve and asked her to do it.
Rae: *with a deer in the headlights look* "Me?! I don't know how to.." 
Sam just looked at her with his scared puppy dog eyes.
Rae: "Okay, but it's so dark in here there's no telling what you're going to end up with!"
Sam just sat down in the chair and turned his head.

It wasn't a very successful tattoo. Looked like crayon drawings done by a 3 year old.
But Sam was satisfied, tearful, and certainly not having it undone!

And it wasn't long after they moved in that Rae decided it was time for this.
Rae: "Sam, will you marry me?"

After that it was a whirlwind of makeovers, dress fittings, cake tastings, all in preparation for the big day. An Heir's wedding! Rae said that a simple ceremony was fine, but Sam wouldn't hear of it. Shy or not he wanted a wedding party with all the trimmings. Nothing was too good for his Rae! He even volunteered for the first makeover, most likely to get it over and done with, but whatever works. His hair was fine so he just needed new clothes.

Sam Sekemoto---young adult
LTW: Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers
Traits: Shy, Coward, Excitable, Artistic, and a Cat Person
Favorites: Kids (music), French Toast, and Green
Fiancée: Rae Frio

Dee: "Not to be a stickler or anything Sam, but you're a shy coward and artistic, so you pick maxing Charisma and Guitar as your LTW? When all you really want to do is paint?
Sam: *embarrassed* "Yeah, I'm not sure how that happened. I think it was dark in the room and I panicked and just picked something without looking."
Dee: *facepalm* "That sounds about right for an heirship spouse---well, it's what we've got to work with but don't give me that sad puppy dog look when you have to actually talk to people and play guitar out in public. It works on Rae because she loves you. I just have to help you complete your LTW, if it kills us both."
Sam *looks ready to pass out*
Dee *quickly before he does* "Figure of speech Sam, figure of speech, stay with me boy!"

Sam chooses this as his everyday. Comfortable to paint in, chat in, and play guitar!
Sam: "Don't go there. I want to be happy on my wedding day."

And some close-up pics of the bridal party.

The groom. Sam chose an Asian-style suit, with his favorite color green as the trim, to incorporate his heritage into their ceremony.

The bride, Rae, chose a floral tiara instead of a veil to go with her beautiful gown.

The mother of the bride, Claire. Her favorite spice brown was toned down to this golden cream and accessorized with short white gloves while her hair was styled with matching golden cream flowers.

Audra, sister of the bride, chose a similar golden cream but in a different capped-sleeve style with full-length gloves.

And the father of bride. Jared is decked out in style with a white scarf that gives flair to his party animal soul!
Though he looks scared to death that his baby girl is getting married---probably sticker shock at the wedding bills he's receiving!

It's Rae and Sam's wedding day! The cake is ready, the wedding party is set, and the guests are invited.
Sam's waiting nervously under the wedding arch and the guests are milling about.

Rae joins him and Sam is so excited he starts clapping but he's thinking that he can't believe this beautiful girl is going to marry him!

The guests hush as the ceremony begins and vows and rings are exchanged.

Sam kisses his bride as heart-shaped petals are thrown over them.

And the guests clapping and throwing petals. Audra looks a little sad, but that seems normal for the last unwed sibling, especially at a big wedding.

Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Sam Frio with the parents of the bride, Jared and Claire Frio.

And it's time to cut the cake!

And party animal Jared finally gets to dance his heart out---on the counter!

Look at those moves!

Most of the town showed up for this wedding! I'm sure that was Claire's doing somehow as they don't know that many people yet. But a good time was had by all. And the diverse nature of the guests was eye-opening. Vampires, fairies, witches, and werewolves, Oh my! This could definitely add some interesting genetics to the Frio bloodline!

Congratulations, Rae and Sam Frio. May the Watchers bless your union with happiness and heirs!

Chapter 9--- Audra's Night on the Town!
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Audra: "Mom, I need to tell you something."
Claire: "Sure honey. What's going on?"
Audra: "I've invited someone to move in!"
Claire: "What?!"
Audra: "Sshhh, he's in the living room!"
Claire: *peaks around the corner and whispers* "Are those wings?
Audra: *all excited* "They sure are, and so beautiful!"
Claire: *trying to find the right words* "…when…who..? *gulps* "He's a fairy, obviously."
Audra: "Well, that's the plus."
Claire: "Which means there's a minus. Which is?"

Audra: "He was a paparazzi! But don't freak out! He's not now and he doesn't know who you are!"
Claire: *stunned* "A paparazzi? Here in Moonlight Falls?"
Audra: "Yeah, but he was checking out some odd horses at the local Fire Station. Nothing to do with crime or you or anything like that. He showed me some pictures."

Audra: "There was one that had a freakishly long mane, all distorted."

Audra: "And another got inside the fire station! He had to use his fairy powers to get it out! Apparently, they were elven steeds, which is why he was sent to cover the story and take care of the problem."

Claire: "Well, it sounds like you've known him for a bit, but how come this is the first I'm hearing about it?"
Audra: "Well, things have been busy around here. After Rae and Sam's wedding they were all lovey dovey, you know."
Claire: "Which is to be expected for newlyweds."

Audra: "Then she told him she was expecting! Which was hardly a surprise with all the time they were spending together!"

Audra: "And you all were so excited about the baby! Dad was so nice and fatherly, patting her stomach and talking to the baby."
Claire: "Of course he was, it's his grandchild!"

Audra: "Yeah, an HEIR's child---it won't be the same for mine!"
Claire:*her jaw drops* "Does that mean what I think it means? Audra, love, I think you need to tell me the whole story from the beginning. How did you meet this fairy….uh, guy…uh, person?"

Audra: *takes a deep breath* "I'm not so proud of that part, Mom. And it's hard to talk about, but if you don't interrupt, maybe I can get through it."
Audra: "You know how I was kind of sad at Rae and Sam's wedding.."
Claire: "As far back as that?!"
Audra: *with an imploring look* "Please, Mom..."
Claire: "Sorry, I won't say another word until you're finished."
Audra: "Thank you." *she takes a deep breath and tells her story*

***Audra's night on the town***
"So it was still early after the wedding and I was feeling odd. Sad and left out. After-your-sister's-wedding blues, I guess. So I changed and went to that little bar down the road, I don't even remember the name.
I sat down on a couch just watching the few people there. Only two guys, but quite a few women. Then I read a book for a bit as I'm not really into the bar scene. "

"Then I guess I just got a notion to "do" something, so when the younger of the two guys caught my eye, I invited him over to cuddle and without a word he did and before I knew it, we were making out! Then I noticed the rest of the crowd jeering and giving me the evil eye! I asked the guy if he was single and he said his girlfriend's name was Bianca and she was standing over there! I was mortified, especially when I recognized her and it was Bianca Crumplebottom, one of the few friends I've made here. He just laughed and left! I felt so bad. I couldn't even do clubbing right! "

"Then a hush fell over the bar and I looked up to see what was going on and there was an amazing specimen of a man with the most beautiful set of dark blue-black wings! My heart was pounding a mile-a-minute and my stomach was all butterflies, like his wings were fluttering away in there! Even though I'd just been through the most mortifying experience, I knew I would never forgive myself if I let this opportunity pass me by, so I went up and introduced myself! He told me his name was Victor Bean and that he was in town doing the horse story and taking care of the problem, getting them sent back to where they belong. And that's how we met."
Claire: "I see. But there must be more to it than that. If you're…and you've invited him to move in!"
Audra: "There's definitely more alright."

Audra: "The next part I'm not so proud of either. I stalked him, Mom!"
Claire: "What?!"
Audra: "Well, not in a bad way, but I followed him all over town! Since he was here, they had him hang around and see if anything else strange was going on and I wanted to make sure he wasn't checking into any of our business, yours in particular. He never went to City Hall or the Police Station, so I figured he was okay, and started chatting to him whenever we "accidentally" met. And then things got friendlier! We watched the stars and I wasn't even scared when a ghost floated by behind us. All I could think of was Victor beside me!"

We spent a lot of time together and then he asked me to be his steady girl."

Audra: "And I've invited him to the house a few times when you and Dad were at work."
*Audra notices Claire's jaw tightening and hurries on*
"And I'd like to tell you nothing happened, but I was experimenting with my potions and I tried a ghost potion out on him and it worked! He definitely turned into a grey-white ghost and his wings were a vibrant blue! I've documented all that, of course, for my research…*seeing Claire's stern expression*…but that's not important right now."

Audra: "And then I tried the ghost potion on myself"
Claire: *drily* "For research, no doubt"
Audra: *excitedly* "Yes, it's amazing Mom, I was all grey-white and floaty but we could pillow fight and everything, just like if I was alive!"

Audra: "Oh, *blushing as she gets the meaning of her Mom's words*, well, maybe not JUST for research."

Audra: "Anyway, with the results of our 'research' on the way…we thought it best to live together."
Claire: "Won't you be making it more official than that?!"

Audra: "Mom, you don't think I would have invited him over to the house and..…Victor proposed to me ages ago, in our favorite spot by the fountain. It was so romantic!"

Claire: "Oh, sweetie, Audra, *with tears in her eyes* You've been keeping all this to yourself. A boyfriend, a fiancé, and a baby…because your sister, the heir, is expecting?!"
Audra: "I didn't want to take the focus away from that, Mom. It's what this is all about. But I needed to tell you before it became obvious. You're not mad or upset with me, with us?"

Claire: "If I'm mad at anyone it's myself and your father, we should have paid more attention to what was going on with you! It's been months since the wedding and we've been so caught up with Rae and the baby, and our new jobs. But that's no excuse! YOU are important too! I'm so sorry to have let you down this way. But we can do something about that!"
Audra: "Do something? Like what Mom?"
Claire: "Your wedding! As special as you want it to be!"
Audra: "Well, it would be nice to have a real wedding gown, so it better be soon!"

But when Claire and Audra got back home after shopping, things were hectic at the house!
Rae had gone into labor and Sam was in a panic, but he stayed with us for the whole thing, not fainting even once!

And welcome to little Adam Frio! Our easily impressed, light sleeper.

And Claire just can't resist playing with him.
Rae: *in a hushed whisper* "Mom, he's finally sleeping!"

Claire: "No, he's awake!
Rae: *shaking her head* "He is NOW!"

And with all the nooboo excitement, Jared ages to elder without a party! And decides that was probably a good thing as his back would never be able to handle dancing on the counter.

But he takes it all in stride.
Jared: "Since I'm a grandpa four times over now, I should look the part! Speaking of being a grandpa, wanna see some of my boys?!

*He flips out his wallet*
Jared: "See, these pics are from our trip back to SV for Jack's memorial---that was sad, but we did get to see our other grandsons!"
"Here's Jenna and Mortimer's Ethan---such a handsome lad, looks a lot like me don't you think?"

Jared: "Hard to believe that Gunther and Cornelia were lost in that plane crash. Mortimer and Jenna have their hands full with Ethan plus Mortimer's younger siblings to take care of----here's a pic of the girl, Chantel. Her twin Roger, I think, was at an after school activity. And with all that, Jenna adopts a puppy, named it Sky of all things, like she didn't have enough to keep her busy. But they have help, of course, and Mortimer's sister Allison is all grown up now, so she probably helps some too."

And here's Heath with one of his and Darlene's twins, Nicholas or Ryan. It'll do Judy good to have those two to focus on, keeping her busy so she doesn't miss Jack so much. She's sure got a houseful with Lisa still at home, and her youngest daughter still a teen, Susan or Sandra, something with an 'S' anyway. But they'll be able to help out with the twins."

Jared: "I was sorry I didn't get any pictures of Connor and his girls though. They just weren't up for pictures with Agnes gone. Good thing Connor's a bit younger than me with Hope just a teen and the twins, Melodie and Maryann, still being children. It'll be hard on them, growing up without a mother. Connor did so much for us back in SV when we first started out, I wish he'd had more time with his Agnes."

Jared: *sighs, a little depressed with his reminiscing* "So many people gone now."
Claire: *briskly* "Snap out of it old man! We're still here and kicking and we still have a lot to do!"
Jared: "Like what?"
Claire: "Plan a wedding for starters! And then just sit back and wait for another grandbaby or two---maybe we'll even get a girl!"

Jared: *confused* "A wedding? Who's getting married now?"
Claire: *smirking* "Just go into the living room and meet your future son-in-law.!"

Chapter 10--- Audra's Special Day and a sad loss

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 10--- Audra's Special Day and a sad loss
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2018, 02:35:52 PM »
True to her word, Claire helps to make Audra's Wedding a special day for her.
With nooboo Adam being a light sleeper, and everyone else getting used to a baby in the house, taking turns with feedings, diaper changes, and rocking, lots of rocking, Audra and Victor decide on a simple ceremony with just family.
But Audra gets her wish and gets to wear a wedding gown and looks lovely!
Victor is his usual hunky self!

Victor Bean---Adult
LTW: Fire Fighter Super Hero
Traits: Brave, Excitable, Green Thumb, Athletic, and Ambitious (wow, and of course, he's the spouse of a spare!)

Rings and vows are exchanged.

The bride is kissed and petals tossed over the happy couple.

Claire watches her last child marry and with a smile and a quick glance at Jared, throws her petals.

Jared and Rae clap and exchange happy glances unaware of the odd-looking guest beside them!
But it's not the guest that I focus on.

Dee: *briefly closes eyes as if in pain* Jared, are those RED SNEAKERS you have on with your formal!?"
Jared: * smugly* "You just said I had to pick out an appropriate formal suit, nothing about what shoes I had to wear."
Dee: *sputtering* "But you knew I would want, meant…oh, never mind. Somehow, the red sneakers are just…YOU!"
Jared: *smiling* "That's exactly what I thought! If I can't express myself now, then when?"
Dee: *shaking her head fondly* "But I thought you preferred green?"
Jared: *laughing* "Not with my formal, just wouldn't be appropriate!"

The family mingles and chats, offering congratulations to the newly married Mr. Victor Bean!
Rae happily dancing with Victor as the brightly colored unknown guest watches silently, and maybe a little sadly.
Audra high-tailed it to the nearest bathroom from nausea due to unknown causes, but we all know why, so we gave her privacy.

A few hours later, Victor is eager to get started on his firefighter career, so he heads off to the local fire department, the one the elven steed got stuck in, and is quickly hired! He works on the fire alarm and firetruck, maintaining both and starting on their upgrades.

But he also wants a home of his own with their child on the way and the current home almost full now, so he calls Audra and lets her know he's found the perfect house and is busy getting it all ready for them to move in to.

Audra is excited about Victor's news, and with him out of the house her thoughts are dwelling on something a bit closer to her heart. But not the impending nooboo.

Meanwhile, upstairs, something dreadful happens!
Jared was congratulating Claire on having all their children married and now they can focus on themselves, growing old together and enjoying their grandbabies. But it was not to be!  Claire rose off the floor and started sparkling.
Jared: *screaming in agony*  "Not now! Not yet! It's too soon! I love you Claire!"

Claire glows brightly, unable to speak, but Jared can see the love shining in her eyes.

And, inevitably, Grim arrives. Along with the maid, who stops in shock, as Claire turns ghostly grey.

Sam arrives just as Claire pleads with Grim for another day!

But Grim's answer is clear when a golden urn appears on the floor and Claire's spirit starts drifting towards him!
Jared grabs for her but his hand goes right through her and the maid swoons.
But Sam stoically stands by Jared and stays on his feet, watching in shock and sorrow.

Sam goes to find Rae, who was taking care of Adam, and provide what comfort he can.
Jared is left with Claire's golden urn by his feet, the cat Misty, and a maid fainted dead away.
His thoughts turning to Claire's favorite meal that she will no longer be eating.
Strange what odd things you think of in such moments. But the human mind and death are linked,  both neither totally explored or understood. Maybe someday.

Meanwhile, still in her wedding gown, Audra turns her attention to the unexpected guest at her wedding ceremony.
She hands the bottle of potion over to Hesper and watches, fascinated, as her imaginary friend starts to sparkle!

Then her doll is totally engulfed in a smoky and sparkly bright haze!

And to her shock and surprise, Hesper is male! A very good-looking hunk of doll/man!
He has striking blue/black hair with red highlights and the most beautiful cerulean blue eyes she has ever seen.

Unaware of the tragedy, Audra and Hesper chat and dance above the garage.

Jared does his duty and calls Jenna, Heath, and Connor in Sunset Valley to break the sad news. Then sends this memorial notice off to the paper.

RIP Claire Ursine Frio--100 days
LTW--Master Thief---completed week 5 day 7 right before turning elder in Sunset Valley
Career: Criminal--Level 10

Survived by:
Her husband: Jared Frio

Children and spouses:
Heir--Rae and Sam (Sekemoto) Frio (MF)
Jenna and Mortimer Goth (SV)
Heath and Darlene (Bunch) Frio (SV)
Audra and Victor Bean (MF)

And her 4 grandsons:
Jenna and Mortimer's son, Ethan
Heath and Darlene's twin sons, Nicholas and Ryan
Rae and Sam's son, Adam

To her and her families' regret, she will never know her youngest daughter Audra's expected child.

And a personal message from her loving but inappropriate husband:
My love, you were loved and cherished and will be missed. I promise to take care of our family, to love them and watch over them to the best of my ability, and the Watchers permitting, I will join you when it's my time.

Audra is heart-broken at the news of her dear mother's passing! Her child will never know it's grandmother.
She can't bear to be in the family home now and needs the comfort of her new husband. She has a heart to heart chat with Hesper and with him being male, they decide that they both need to get on with their lives, separately. They promise to keep in touch and Hesper quietly moves out to a place of his own. While Audra joins her husband in a large home across town awaiting the birth of their child. 

Audra Frio Bean---young adult
LTW: Perfect Mind, Perfect Body---completed in MF
Career: Athletic---level 2
Spouse: Victor Bean,  Occult: Fairy
Children: Expecting

But she doesn't leave us empty-handed. She earned most of her logic points at the potion table and discovered all of them! She only used 3 of the ones she discovered, two Ghost Potions for her 'research' with Victor, and one Imaginary Friend Metamorphosis Potion for Hesper. The rest she donated to the family as her contribution to their journey.
Her exceptional brain and potions are noted for posterity and she will be missed in the family home. Her only fault was trying, repeatedly, to sabotage the brain enhancement device and any other electronics that she found unattended! Darn technophobes! We will definitely keep in touch and she'll be telling the family, of course, when the expected nooboo arrives!

Chapter 11--Nooboos and growing up in Moonlight Falls
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 11--Nooboos and growing up in Moonlight Falls
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2018, 07:49:37 PM »
Even though the family is still mourning Claire, life goes on, as it must.
A birthday party is held for Adam with Victor and Audra attending.

But Rae breaks down and runs from the room. She just can't do it without her mom.
So an obviously expecting Audra holds her precious nephew and stands in front of the cake.
It pops into her head *Birthday cake, Oh how Mom was so sick of cake with two sets of twins!*
*She shakes her head to get rid of the thought before she breaks down too*

With the candles blown out, Audra places little Adam on the floor.

And the family  starts cheering and blowing noise makers trying to make this birthday a happy one for Adam, who's too young to understand their loss. Even Rae has pulled herself together to join in. But someone's at the door. Who could it be?

Connor, Jenna and Mortimer make a surprise visit! They've come to comfort and be comforted at the loss of Claire. They hadn't realized they would be in time for Adam's birthday. What a happy surprise in the midst of their loss!

Dealing with grief is easier if you keep busy, so they say, so the adults focus all their attention on little Adam.
Rae gives him a ride on the spring rider that was theirs as children.  She can't help but smile at the memories of her own childhood that this brings back. She loved that spring rider. If she's honest, she still does!

Adam's not so sure about it yet. Such a serious, quiet little boy. But that may be due to current circumstances rather than his personality.

Yup, he can show a bit of temper now and then, especially when he's hungry!

But once his tummy is full, and Daddy is Attacking him with the Claw, he's back to his happy little self.

As a painter, Sam gets to be a stay at home Dad and he loves it! But when Adam's busy playing, either with his peg box.

Or hiding in his toybox.

Sam can work on his guitar and charisma skills as well as paint to his heart's content. From his house without strangers, just the way he likes it! Here's Sam's artist's nook, just off Adam's play room. But where's Sam? Oohh, Misty the cat knows what's going on! That's not just a plant in the corner, that's Claire playing hide and seek! Sam wants nothing to do with ghosts, not even family ghosts!

Because no matter who the ghost is, poor Sam ends up like this! Claire took pity on him most of the time and stayed out of his nook!

But when the weather is nice, Sam takes Adam out for strolls down the street.

The public Library is so quiet and there's no talking. The perfect place for some quality family time, especially with a shy daddy.

And with Mommy! Adam loved this story, just look at his excited little face!

Sam even ventures over to the Winter Festival.

They see some amazing sights! A man with a toddler who is a fairy! Adam was fascinated by the golden, fluttery wings!

And then a yellow ghost mother with her toddler! Sam's had enough of the sights and rushes Adam back home before he passes out!

While they were gone, Rae gets confirmation that Adam's going to have a little brother or sister!

Then Jared receives a frantic call from Audra in the middle of the night! He knows it can only mean one thing. The new baby has arrived! But Audra doesn't sound happy and excited. She sounds terrified! He can barely make out anything she's saying and it doesn't make much sense to him.
Audra: "I explained it to Mom….research…ghost potion…*hysterical crying*
Jared: "Hang on honey, I'll be there as soon as I can. Are you at the house or the hospital?"

Audra: *Gulping back a sob* "We're all here at home. Hurry, please."
When Jared arrives, he is stunned! He finally manages to ask, "But how did this happen?
Audra tearfully explains, "My potions, we used a ghost potion for my research, but we never thought it would do this! The boys are fine, but Daddy, look at my poor little girl! What have I done?!

Jared repeats, "The boys?"
Audra tearfully explains, "We had triplets! Two boys and a girl. The boys are fine and in their cribs. But look at my daughter. How can I live with myself for doing this to her!? Victor can't stop himself from gagging at the sight of her! I'm having trouble myself even picking her up. It's not normal, not right!"

Jared: "What are the bluey-black spots floating around her?"
Victor *turning away and holding his stomach* "Those are normal for a fairy, they will turn into wings when she becomes a toddler."

Jared: "Well, at least there's something normal about this situation."
Audra: "Dad, how can you joke at a time like this?!"

Jared: "I wasn't joking. I'm just trying to be calm and analyze every aspect of a difficult situation, like you usually do."

Audra: *taking a calming breathe*  "You're right, Dad. I just need to think about this. For starters, we should probably call the hospital and the science facility and get some advice. They'll probably want to do some tests, hopefully nothing to awful besides a blood test or two and some genetic scanning or samples." *breaking down again* "My poor little girl! This is all my fault!"

Jared: "Audra, you've come up with some places to start! Blaming yourself isn't going to help any of us, least of all my granddaughter! With all the different genetics in Moonlight falls, including ghost toddlers as Sam saw one with his own eyes, they must have some suggestions for your ghost/fairy nooboo. So you pick her up while I make some phone calls. First for a sitter or a nanny as you are going to need help with triplets! And Victor, hold it together man, and take care of your sons! Hey, what are their names?"

Audra: *tearful but calmer with a note of pride* The oldest boy is Blake, he's artistic and brave, like Victor. Then our daughter, Kenyatta, who is an easily impressed virtuoso. And the youngest one is Cameron, he's brave like his dad and brother, but grumpy like me!"

Jared: "Nice names and I'm glad the boys are brave. We'll need all the bravery we can get to get through this, but get through it we will, or my names not Jared Frio! Besides, if I let you down, your mother would be all over me in a Bridgeport minute!"

Chapter 12--A child, toddlers, and another nooboo
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 12--A child, toddlers, and another nooboo
« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2018, 10:54:40 PM »
Before they knew it, it was time for Adam's child birthday!
Rae's all smiles for this one as it will be way easier on her back with Adam walking on his own two feet.
Not that he doesn't toddle all around now, and run more than walk, but he still wanted to be picked up a lot.
And with her pregnancy progressing, not as easy to do, and she could never say, "no."

Sparkles and a twirl!

And her little man becomes a child! He adds Ambitious to his easily impressed, light sleeper traits.
The eye roll leads me to suspect he's not very impressed with that trait, but I'm thrilled, but still unsure which direction he'll go in for his LTW or career. But what I'm thinking is neither here nor there as it's time for cake!

Everyone grabs a piece and chats about Adam starting school.

With Adam capable of being more on his own, Rae takes a much needed break in the rocking chair.
And for company, she has both her dad and mom! Jared still can't resist dancing with her and ghostly Claire indulges him, like always.

And before they knew it, it was time! Rae was in labor! And the guys did their usual panic, which actually kept Rae calm as they both looked pretty funny!

But by the time Jared ran upstairs to panic, Sam was on the couch watching TV and Adam was playing with his toy on the floor!
Rae, thinking about Audra and triplets, thought maybe she should go to the hospital, but there was no time.

Welcome Clarisse Frio, Gramma Claire's namesake! She's Eccentric and Loves the Cold! Grandpa Jared is such an old hand at this baby business, he gives Adam some bottle-feeding tips!

Jared: "Just remember to keep the bottle at a slight angle so the nooboo gets less air. Less air means less gas, which makes for a happier nooboo and a happier family!'
Sam: *embarrassed and not taking his eyes off the TV* "Um, Dad, don't you think he's a little too young to need to know that?"
Jared: "Not at all. As a future father some day, he'll need to know. If he learns now as a big brother, he'll be more comfortable with it when he's older."
Sam: *nods his head* "That makes sense Jared. Thanks."

The panic at the Bean residence over little Kenyatta was soon over. Both the hospital and science lab agreed that since it was a potion causing the ghost effect, it would wear off shortly, just like it did on Victor and Audra. Something about it being in her system when she was conceived. *Audra and Victor were very embarrassed having to explain that part* And it couldn't leave as she was in utero, since it required a regular atmosphere to dissipate. Audra understood most of what they were saying, but Victor and Jared just sighed with relief that it would only be temporary.

And they were right! After a few hours, she was just a fairy nooboo without the ghost aura. But she kept her parents busy along with her brothers, with all the feedings, changings, and rocking they had to do! Audra and Victor couldn't thank Jared enough for getting them a nanny. Two, in fact. One for the day shift and one for night, just so they could keep up with the triplets.

Jared was just thankful he could afford to pay for nannies and that his duty as a loving Grandpa only required cuddling and rocking when he visited. And then he could go home to just one little baby girl. His own twins were bad enough, but triplets, the very idea made him shudder. What on earth had possessed Audra, a twin herself, and Victor to BOTH get fertility treatments. These younger kids. He'd never understand them!

And then it was birthday time again. For all three of them, but they decided one cake was plenty! They'd had enough twin cakes over the years that even thinking about cakes for triplets made them all feel a little ill.
First Blake as a toddler with the Frio red hair!

And the youngest Cameron, learning how to walk!

And Grandpa Jared did the honors at the cake with his first granddaughter himself!

And here's Kenyatta with her Dad's dark hair! Looking only like the little fairy she is with no trace of ghost! The adults sigh with relief as they were all a little nervous about her aging up with the scare at her birth.

And all three of Audra and Victor's fairy toddlers, Blake, Cam, and Kenya!
After being at the party, Jared calls the agency and tells them to keep both nannies on and that they may need another one! After all, these kids can fly!

And Rae ages to adult all by herself and has a mid-life crisis! She insisted on no party and no cake as she just wanted to go to the day spa and have a quiet day all to herself being pampered and spoiled and taking stalk of her life. Sam and Jared wisely did not dare to persuade her otherwise!

Because the quiet wasn't going to last long! It was time for Clarisse to become a toddler!
Grandpa Jared did the honors with his youngest granddaughter as Sam and Adam are cheering her along.

And some special guests are attending her birthday party. Darlene and Heath, visiting from Sunset Valley!

Clarisse ages to toddler. But she doesn't sit alone on the floor long!

Grandpa Leighton came to visit too and gets in his hugs and cuddles first thing!

And here's Kenyatta as a child! She aged up before her brothers, but that happens sometimes. The science lab said something about female fairy genes being more precocious than male. Audra was the only one nodding. The rest of the family was just relieved it wasn't a problem. She started helping clean up  at the party even though she got Audra's Grumpy trait as a child.

Sam needed some space, with all the people inside, so he and Adam go outside and play on the see saw.

Then it's potty training time for Clarisse. Mommy does the honors for this task, checking our her tummy bulge that does not exist!
Dee: "Rae you are so NOT fat! You got the Frio genes for thinness, so stop worrying about it!"
Rae: "But it's part of my mid-life crisis to worry about wrinkles and tummy bulge. I can't help it!"
Dee: "Rae, Sims all over would kill for your figure----worry about it after you age to elder or at least do it when I'm not looking!"
Rae: "So stop watching me if it bugs you so much!"
Dee: "I wasn't watching you. I was watching Clarisse get potty trained."
Rae: "I thought you were looking at me this whole time."
Dee: "To paraphrase your mother, 'It's not always about you, Miss Heir!'"
Rae: "I always fall for that, don't I?"
Dee: *laughing* "Always!"

And waiting impatiently for her cake! One of the few in the family who still looks forward to it.

Some snuggles with Daddy after the party.
Sam: "Aww, it's been a big day little girl, off to dream land for you!'

Chapter 13-- Coming soon.