Author Topic: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: My Generation (Nov 3)  (Read 118444 times)

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Bad Eggs (Dec 17)
« Reply #195 on: December 22, 2018, 12:04:56 PM »
I love the newspaper! Such a novel way to convey information in place of dialogue!
Also brilliant was your use of the vampire Influence Emotions power to earn your deaths.
That was a LOT of deaths in such a short time span. So impressive!
On a less morbid tone, Linden and Diya make a handsome couple!
I laughed over Diya being passed over for being "preserved as a possible primary spouse" because she's not a redhead.
Good news for Linden!
So, Hakim is playing hard to get! Also, that's hilarious Elektra was out walking Hermes's dog. The way to a man's heart is through his dog?
Finally, congrats on completing the poster collection!
The Behrs are rocking the legacy challenge!  ;D
Thanks!  I really wasn't sure whether I wanted to try getting all the death types or not.  But now that I've decided to do it, there's no turning back. 
Linden is lucky that his father has already turned about half a dozen potential primary spouses.  Diya and her unique traits won't be needed.  But if a red-headed guy with unique traits is going to wander through the bar, well...

Echoing oshizu, the newspaper thing was amazing!
Diya is just lovely.  Elektra is as well, and hopefully Hermes will notice eventually  :=)
I'm glad you liked the newspaper.  I wasn't sure whether I could pull it off or not.
Diya was a lucky find for Linden.  I really like them together.  And Elektra, she has been fascinated with Hermes from the get-go.  Sometimes, the sims write the story themselves which is always fun.  Hermes will have to notice her soon because he'll be moving out as soon as he maxes his career.

Oh wow, so awesome!  Love the newspaper, BallerinaHippo!  Such a clever article too!
Thanks!  I'm really glad you liked it.  It was fun to write.

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: The Winterfest Special (Dec 22)
« Reply #196 on: December 22, 2018, 12:33:23 PM »
The Winterfest Special

Fig’s ghost:  You two are up early.  Don’t you both work the late shift?
Laurel:  Yeah, I never went to bed.  I’m just powering through.
Jax:  Me too. 
Fig:  Ah…I remember those days.   Congratulations on your promotions, by the way.
Laurel and Jax:  Thanks!
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Laurel:  Hello, Grim.  I hear you’ve been working hard lately.  Why don’t you pull up a chair and join our dinner party?  There’s plenty of food to go around.
Grim:  Don’t mind if I do.
Jax:  Try the Baked Alaska.  It’s incredible.
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Tamara McClure:  I never know who I’m going to meet when I come for a dinner party at the Behr house.
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The next morning…

Hermes:  The great thing about Laurel throwing so many dinner parties is that there are always leftovers in the fridge.
Linden:  You can say that again. 
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Hermes:  What have you got going on today?  A date with your girlfriend perhaps?
Linden:  Nah…I have to work.  But if you’ve got the day off, you should invite over your girlfriend.
Hermes:  What do you mean?  I don’t have a girlfriend.
Linden:  Really?  Do you not see it?  Because everyone else sees it.
Hermes:  Sees what?
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Hess:  Did you say something to Hermes, Laurel?  I just saw him building snowpals with Elektra and it looks like he finally got a clue.
Laurel:  It wasn’t me. It was Linden that talked to him.  Do you think he’s finally interested in her?
Hess:  Let’s just say I’m surprised the snow isn’t melting.
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Hess:  Hey look!  I just maxed the baking skill.  That’s all four culinary skills—baking, cooking, gourmet cooking, and mixology.
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Laurel:  Congratulations!  And I just completed the Master Chef aspiration.  Now my meals will never spoil.
Hess:  And, that’s both food aspirations in one generation.
Laurel:  We are on a roll!
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Hess:  Haha!  On a roll…
Laurel: *eyeroll*

A day or two later…

Laurel:  What’s wrong, sweetie?  I’ve never seen you look this depressed.
Jax:  I just got the notices that your oldest brother and sister passed away.  It’s so sad!
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Laurel:  Oh…I got those notices, too.  As the heir, I guess it’s up to me to collect the urns.
Jax:  Do you need me to go with you?
Laurel:  That’s alright.  I’ll get Mother or Father to come with me.  You go to bed and cry it out if you need to.
Jax:  Okay.  *shuffles off*

Athena:  Thanks for coming, Laurel.
Laurel:  Don’t mention it.  How are you holding up?  Are you lonely living by yourself now?
Athena:  Oh, but I’m not alone!  Linden asked if his girlfriend, Diya, could live here.  She’s really sweet. 
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Laurel:  This is the public cemetery that I had built.  There will be one section just for us-- for family members who aren’t heir or spares.  There’s also a section for the McClures, and one for everybody else.
Wendy:  It’s very nice, dear.  I wish it wasn’t necessary, but it’s very nice.
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Aster:  Today was a hard day.
Wendy: *sighs* We knew we would outlive most of our children, but that still doesn’t make it easy.
Aster:  I know.  There are just a few loose ends we have to tie up and then we will have accomplished everything we set out to do. 
Wendy:  Yes.  It’s almost time.
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Hermes:  Ahh…I finally reached the top of my career.  Not bad for a non-eligible adopted child, if I do say so myself.
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Elektra:  Look at us.  We’re matchy-matchy in our striped suits.
Hermes:  Clearly we both have excellent taste.
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Elektra:  I’d love to see your closet.  You know, just to see if we have any other matching outfits.
Hermes:  That can be arranged.
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Early the next morning…

Daisy: (singing to herself) Fwingle Zibbs! Fwingle Zibbs! Fwingle ba zoo lorn!
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Jax:  Happy Winterfest!  You’ve outdone yourself again with this Grand Meal, Laurel.
Laurel:  Thank you, honey.  I wish Mother and Father could eat it.
Wendy:  Don’t worry about us, dear.  We’re just happy to spend time as a family. 
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Laurel:  At least decorating the tree is something we can all do together.
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Wendy:  Ooo…as a perfectionist, I loooooove this tradition!
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Hermes:  Elektra, there’s something I want to ask you while the whole family is here.  Will you marry me?
Elektra:  Oh my!
Jax (thinking): You’d better put a ring on it, buddy.  My sister is looking rather plump in the waist all of sudden.
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Jax:  This is still my favorite Winterfest tradition.  *holds up mistletoe*
Laurel:  *giggles* We’ve been celebrating that tradition every day since Harvestfest.
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Diya:  Are they always that cute?
Linden: Always.

Hess (to herself):  Okay, Hess.  Just blow out the candles now while nobody is watching.  Don’t think about the fact that you are about to be middle-aged.  Who cares if everyone else is pairing off and you haven’t found that special someone yet?  Darn, I’m thinking about it!
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 Father Winter:  Ho! Ho! Ho!  Merry Winterfest!  You’ve all been very good this year!
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Father Winter:  And I saved the best for last!  Happy Winterfest Birthday, young lady.
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Jax:  How was your first Winterfest, Laurel?  Did you get everything you were hoping for?
Laurel:  Winterfest was wonderful.  And I think we’re going to get everything we’ve been hoping for in the new year.
Jax: What do you mean?
Laurel: I’m eating for two!
Jax:  Best. News. Ever.
Laurel:  I know! *squeals*
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Watcher’s Notes:  Yes, Laurel and Jax really are that cute.  They can’t seem to help it.

Hermes moved out so the current legacy household includes Aster, Wendy, Laurel, Jax, Linden, and Hess.

I hope everyone has a happy holiday!  My sims will be back in the new year (with nooboos)!

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: The Winterfest Special (Dec 22)
« Reply #197 on: December 22, 2018, 11:28:25 PM »
oooo!  There will be lots of nooboos!  Can't wait to see all the babies!  Laurel and Jax are too cute, seriously.  They are adorable. Aww, poor Aster and Wendy having to say goodbye to their oldest children.

Offline MystiKitty

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: The Winterfest Special (Dec 22)
« Reply #198 on: December 27, 2018, 02:15:52 PM »
So…the death types requirement.  It’s a lot of work for 1 point, and I’m not done yet.  I now have 8/10 if I only do the base game ones (just cowplant and overexertion left).  I’ll need to do a total of 19 to get them all.

This is why I will gladly forfeit the point for that. I applaud you for doing it but I'd never have the guts. I don't advocate murder, even if it's of elders who should have died of old age years ago. It's murder in my eyes and I hate murdering anyone, even if they are virtual constructs on a computer program.  :'(

What all that weird colored mist you used? Is that part of the Get Famous expansion? I've never seen that before.

Great legacy, keep it up. I'd do a Sharebear legacy myself but having to make arranged marriages for certain generations is not really my thing.

Offline oshizu

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: The Winterfest Special (Dec 22)
« Reply #199 on: January 05, 2019, 03:30:53 PM »
Your Behrs are doing fabulously as usual!
I feel sad for Hess who's heading to a life of spinsterhood. Surely the watcher has someone in mind for Hestia, the super-legacy-helper?
Can't wait to meet Laurel and Jaxton's nooboos!

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: The Winterfest Special (Dec 22)
« Reply #200 on: February 18, 2019, 04:20:37 PM »
oooo!  There will be lots of nooboos!  Can't wait to see all the babies!  Laurel and Jax are too cute, seriously.  They are adorable. Aww, poor Aster and Wendy having to say goodbye to their oldest children.
Lots of nooboos coming up!  Sorry for the long delay.   ;)

So…the death types requirement.  It’s a lot of work for 1 point, and I’m not done yet.  I now have 8/10 if I only do the base game ones (just cowplant and overexertion left).  I’ll need to do a total of 19 to get them all.
This is why I will gladly forfeit the point for that. I applaud you for doing it but I'd never have the guts. I don't advocate murder, even if it's of elders who should have died of old age years ago. It's murder in my eyes and I hate murdering anyone, even if they are virtual constructs on a computer program.  :'(
What all that weird colored mist you used? Is that part of the Get Famous expansion? I've never seen that before.
Great legacy, keep it up. I'd do a Sharebear legacy myself but having to make arranged marriages for certain generations is not really my thing.
Yeah, I get it.  The death types requirement is my least favorite point to work on, but I decided to go ahead and try it.  I just found out that you don't have to do them all.  You can stop at 10.
That mist Aster used is part of the vampire power for influencing emotions.  The power lets you give a "burst" of emotion and that's what it looks like when you use it.  You can give bursts of good emotions, too, like focused or happy. 

Your Behrs are doing fabulously as usual!
I feel sad for Hess who's heading to a life of spinsterhood. Surely the watcher has someone in mind for Hestia, the super-legacy-helper?
Can't wait to meet Laurel and Jaxton's nooboos!
Don't worry, Hess will get some kind of happy ending.  She's not destined for spinsterhood.  I don't know exactly who her prince will be, but I do know that she's got a little surprise for you in the next update.   ;)

To anyone who is still reading this:  I really did not intend to take almost two months off, but somehow that’s what happened.  The good news is that I was able to take advantage of several really good holiday sales so I’ve added a lot of content to my game.  I was still trying to get used to Seasons, and then I added Get Famous, Parenthood, and a bunch of stuff packs.   It’s all really cool, but I found myself a bit overwhelmed.  I had to take some time to learn the new things and figure out how I’m going to make it all fit into this legacy. 

Also, I had a bit of a scare with my save files.  After downloading all the new content, suddenly all my old saves were gone.  My game thought it was a brand-new game.  The save folder was empty.  For real.  Deep breaths.  Try not to panic.  Long story short, I found my files.   For some reason, OneDrive decided not to play nice with the Sims anymore so the Sims made itself a whole new empty folder.  I turned off OneDrive (easier said than done) and copied the old saves into the new folder and everything has been peachy since.  I only mention this in case it might help someone else.  Apparently, it’s a thing that can happen with OneDrive. 

Anyway, I didn’t want to touch my legacy file until I was sure this was all sorted out.  Then I had to figure out what was going on in my story because it had been so long!   Sorry to ramble, and sorry for the long hiatus.  Now let’s see what the Behrs have been up to.

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Bun in the Oven (Feb 18)
« Reply #201 on: February 18, 2019, 04:48:54 PM »
Bun in the Oven

Hess:  Laurel, can we talk?  Sister to sister?
Laurel:  Of course!  Is something wrong?  You don’t look so good.
Hess:  Well, that’s the thing.  I’m feeling nauseous all the time.  I think…actually, I know…I’m eating for two.
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Laurel:  That’s great!  But, uh, I have to ask…who is the father?
Hess:  Umm, you remember that my birthday was on Winterfest?
Laurel:  Yes…
Hess:  Well, I was feeling kind of lonely and…*whispers*
Laurel:  That’s…not who I was expecting.
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Hess:  He was really nice to me, and one thing led to another…
Laurel:  I did not need that mental image!
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Hess:  The question is, what do we do now?  Should I move out?  I don’t want to prevent you and Jax from starting a family.
Laurel:  You aren’t preventing anything.  Have you forgotten that Hermes took Link with him?  We can both have babies.  If you look closely, you’ll see that we both are having babies!
Hess:  Oh!  Congratulations!  I’ve been so preoccupied that I hadn’t noticed yet.
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Laurel:  Does this mean we’ll be seeing more of Father Winter?
Hess:  Probably not.  When I told him about the baby, we agreed to just be friends.  I’ll invite him to birthday parties and such, but he won’t be involved in raising the child.
Laurel:  Oh.  I see.
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Two days later…

Linden:  Happy New Year!
Diya: *giggles*   It’s cute that you are so excited, but we still have several hours before the actual new year.
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Linden:  I guess that’s true.  Shall we grab a bite to eat while we wait?
Diya:  I thought you’d never ask. 
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Linden:  Hmm…the Pufferfish Nigiri is interesting.  I’m not sure it’s worth all the hype, though.
Diya:  Tastes good to me.
Linden:  I’ll have to make some for Jax.  He’s a foodie.  Maybe he’ll like it.


Linden:  I know this might seem sudden, but I’ve been thinking about this from the day I met you.  Diya, will--?
Diya: Yes!!!
Linden: --you marry me?
Diya: Let’s get married tonight!
Linden:  Great!  Are you sure? 
Diya:  Yes! Let’s do this!
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After they say their vows…

Diya:  Don’t look now, but there is a famous person right behind you.  I don’t have any idea who she is or why she’s famous, but she’s glowing.
Linden:  I only have eyes for you, darling.
Diya:  Ooo…you are such a good husband already.
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The first day of Spring…

Hess:  Look at us!  We’re both like balloons that are ready to pop!
Laurel:  I feel more like a whale than a balloon.
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Jax:  Do you really have to work today, sweetheart?  Why don’t you take the day off and put your feet up?
Laurel:  Thank you, dear, but I think it would be better to take time off after the baby is born rather than before.
Hess (thinking): I wish someone doted on me like that.
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Laurel:  By the way, happy un-birthday!  There is a potion of youth in your inventory.  Be sure to drink it before you naturally age up.
Jax:  I’ll drink it now before your father’s guests arrive.  I don’t want to forget.
Laurel:  Guests? 
Jax:  Just some elderly ladies your father knows.  They are coming over for lunch.
Laurel:  Okay.  Have fun.
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Aster:  We’re glad you could join us for lunch, ladies. 
Ritu (on the right):  Hmmph.  It’s about time.  I’ve called several times asking to come over.
Aster:  Yes.  We’ve been busy.  But you are here now, and Jax made the Pufferfish Nigiri especially for you.
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Ritu:  So, pretty boy, why aren’t you eating the Pufferfish? 
Jax:  I prefer my wife’s meatless monte cristo sandwiches.   Would you like some?
Ritu:  No, I’ll just have another plate of the Pufferfish.  And a glass of that wine you’re drinking.  Kyra, you want pretty boy to get you anything?
Kyra (on the left):  I like the fish.  It’s slippery! 
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Aster:  My goodness, Kyra!  You are looking parched.  Please let me get you something to drink.
Kyra:  *chokes*
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Mr. Datta (the butler):  Shall I take your plate, madam?  Madam?   Oh!
Ritu:  That goofball!  She always did have a weak constitution.  Not me!  I ate two plates of your poorly made pufferfish nigiri and I’m fine. 
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Aster:  Grim, I don’t suppose you can take the mean one instead?
Grim: Sorry, amigo.  That’s not the way it works.

Later that evening…

Laurel:  How was your lunch with father and the elderly ladies?
Jax:  I believe your father would call it a success.  How was work?
Laurel:  Fine, but I’m exhausted.  I think I’ll turn in early.
Jax:  I just want to finish this chapter in my parenting book.  Then I’ll turn off the light.
Laurel:  Take your time, dear.  The light won’t bother me.
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Hess:  I’m glad I got the mythical drink guide at work today, but…ohhh…I don’t feel so good.
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Hess:  Moth-errrr!  It’s time!
Wendy:  Just keep breathing, dear.  It will all be over soon.
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Wendy:  Congratulations, Hess.  It’s a girl!
Hess:  She’s so beautiful!
Wendy:  Do you have a name picked out?
Hess:  I’m going to call her Clara, after the little girl in the Nutcracker.
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Wendy:  That’s wonderful, dear.  Now if you’ll excuse me, I think your sister will be needing me soon.

Laurel:  Mommy, I think I’m in labor.
Wendy:  I know, dear.  I can see it on your face.
Laurel:  How did you do this ten times?
Wendy:  I only did it twice.  The first eight were adopted, remember?
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Laurel: *groans* Mommy, make it stop…
Wendy:  You’re doing fine, dear.  Just keep breathing.
Jax: I feel so guilty for doing this to her!
Wendy:  Nonsense, Jax.  It’s all part of the process.
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Laurel:  It’s a boy!  Jax, we have a son!
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Aster:  Four new grandchildren in just a few days.  I can hardly believe it!  First, Hermes and Elektra had a girl, Cora.  I met her just after Winterfest.
Wendy:  Then, Linden and Diya had a girl, Patricia.  Linden went over to see her as soon as he got the news.
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Aster:  And today, Hess also had a girl, Clara.
Wendy:  And finally, Laurel and Jax had a boy, Darwin.
Aster:  Darwin, the first heir candidate of the fourth generation. 
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Author’s notes:
And that’s all I have room for in this update!  I hadn’t planned for Hess to have a child, but the opportunity for a Father Winter’s baby presented itself and I couldn’t help trying.

Currently in the legacy house:
Aster and Wendy:  The Gen 2 heir and spouse.  They will be leaving soon.  It has to happen.
Laurel and Jax:  The Gen 3 heir and spouse.  It’s time for them to really be in charge.
Hess:  Laurel’s beloved sister.  Mother of Clara.
Linden:  The Gen 3 spare.  Has a wife and daughter who do not live in the legacy house.
Clara:  Daughter of Hess and Father Winter.  Laurel’s niece. 
Darwin:  Son of Laurel and Jax.  The only Gen 4 heir candidate so far.  Will he Love the Outdoors?  Will he be a redhead?  Will he have green eyes?

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Something in the Water (Feb 23)
« Reply #202 on: February 23, 2019, 06:29:21 PM »
Something in the water

Aster:  My dearest Wendy.  We’ve had a good run, haven’t we?
Wendy:  We certainly have.
Aster:  There is one thing I need to discuss with Laurel before we go.
Wendy:  Of course.
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Aster:  Laurel, your Mother and I—
Laurel:  Father, I hate to interrupt, but I can’t concentrate with Uncle Fig doing acrobatics behind us.
Jax:  Haha…that Uncle Fig.
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Aster:  Okay, Fig is gone.  Now, can we talk?
Laurel:  Yes, Father.
Aster:  Great. So, you know your Mother and I plan to leave soon.
Laurel:  I wish you would reconsider.
Aster:  Sweetheart, we’ve been through this.  Anyway, after we go, you will have two empty spaces in the house. I know you and Jax might want to have more children, but I hope you will consider helping the McClure girls first.
Laurel:  Apollo’s daughters?  How can I help them?
Aster:  Let me explain…
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Later that morning…

Wendy:  It finally stopped raining.
Aster:  Yes.  Now is our chance.  Are you ready?
Wendy:  Ready as I’ll ever be.  Do you have any regrets?
Aster:  Not a single one.
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Aster:  Here’s to you, beautiful.
Wendy:  Bottoms up.
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Aster:  I’ll see you on the other side.  It won’t take long.
Wendy:  Hold me tight.  I don’t want to be separated.
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Laurel: Oh no!  There has been a mistake!  They took reconfiguration potions instead of vampire cures!  Quick, Linden, give Grim a death flower and save them!
Linden:  I can’t save them, sis.  They did this on purpose.
Laurel:  No!  This can’t be!  Why won’t you save them?  Where are my death flowers?  I don’t have any in my inventory!
Linden:  I don’t have any in my inventory either.  They wanted it this way. 
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In memory of Aster and Wendy Behr:  a power-couple like no other.  Together they raised ten children and had eight grandchildren at the time of their deaths.  Aster reached the top of three careers (teen manual labor, Politician, and Business Tycoon), maxed 25 skills, and completed 16 aspirations.  Wendy was a Master of the Real who maxed 8 skills and completed 11 aspirations. 

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Jax:  I know this is hard, Laurel, but your brother is right.  Your parents must have done this on purpose. 
Laurel:  But why?  Why would they choose death over becoming mortal?
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Jax:  Becoming mortal would only have delayed death, not prevented it.  They were vampires most of their lives.  Maybe they never intended to become mortal again.  Maybe they never wanted to grow old.  Maybe they wanted to make sure they died together.  Maybe they thought they were helping the legacy by choosing death by sunlight.
Laurel:  I just wish they had told me.
Jax:  Would you have tried to stop them?
Laurel: Yes.
Jax: Then that’s why they didn’t tell you.
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Linden:  I’m just as upset as you are, sis, but I think we have to accept that this is what they wanted.  And I think we should honor their last request.  Remember, they wanted us to help Tamara and Gracie.
Laurel:  I remember.  Can you take care of it, though?  I don’t think I have the strength.
Linden:  Leave everything to me.
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Linden:  Thanks for meeting me for lunch.  Laurel is sorry she couldn’t join us.
Tamara (in white):  We never pass up a free meal.  Who is the other girl?
Linden:  This is my wife, Diya.  Diya, these are my…uh…nieces, Tamara and Gracie.
Gracie (in burgundy):  Pleased to meet you.
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Some time later…

Linden:  So basically, Laurel has offered to move in two men for…um…for the two of you.  Ultimately, it’s your choice, but if either of you wants to have a child… *clears throat*  Well, after it’s done…that is…if everything works out, the guys would be free to join you—
Tamara:  They don’t have to move in with us, do they?   
Linden:  I guess not.  But they can’t stay in the legacy house.  It would only be a temporary arrangement.
Gracie:  Now might be a good time to mention that I’m unflirty and Tamara is evil.  Will that be a problem?
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The next day…

Laurel:  He’s such a happy baby!  Do you think he knows it’s his birthday?
Jax:  He must!  Look how he’s smiling.
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Laurel:  He’s got red hair and green eyes!
Jax:  That’s what we call knocking it out of the park.
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Jax:  If you want to give him a makeover, you’ll need to do it quick.  I leave for work soon.
Laurel:  Just give me a sec.  I have to makeover Clara, too.
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Later that day…

Laurel:  I’m so glad you are home, honey.  Did you get the promotion?
Jax:  Yep.  Level 7. 
Laurel:  I like your new hat.  Linden received a promotion, too.  His job title is Kitchen’s Worst Nightmare.  Isn’t that funny?
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Jax:  How was your day?  Did Darwin and Clara keep you busy?
Laurel:  The kids are wonderful, but…
Jax: Uh-oh.  What happened? 
Laurel:  It’s those guys Linden moved in for Tamara and Gracie.  They’ve both gone and died
Jax:  What?  How? 
Laurel:  First, it was Leonardo.  He’s a glutton.  He’s also evil, but Linden said it was okay because Tamara is evil, too.  Well, anyway, he couldn’t resist the cowplant.  He tried to eat the cake not once, but twice.  And you know what happens the second time!
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Jax:  And the other guy?
Laurel:  Max was really old.  I don’t know why Gracie chose him.  She’s unflirty so maybe it just didn’t matter to her.  Max got his final notice from Grim right after he arrived.  But Grim said he died of overexertion, not old-age!
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Jax:  They were hardly here.
Laurel:  Less than 48 hours!
Jax:  Please forgive this very crude question.  Did both men fulfill their purpose before they died?
Laurel:  I hope so.  If not, I don’t think I could put this household through that again.
Jax:  Certainly not.
Laurel:  All these deaths…is there something in the water?  Are we cursed?
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Jax:  We’re not cursed, but do you know what we should do?  We need to lay low for a while.  Get away from it all. 
Laurel:  That sounds wonderful, but where would we go?  We have two toddlers to consider.
Jax:  We’ll go to Granite Falls.  I’m sure they have a cabin that can be modified for little ones.
Laurel:  If you can find a cabin, we’ll leave tonight.
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Jax:  Ahh…this is better.
Laurel:  Much better.  You always know just what I need.
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Watcher’s comments:

What can I say?  This has been the plan for Aster and Wendy since they first became vampires.  It didn’t make sense for the story to keep them around forever and it didn’t seem right to just let them die of old age.  Besides, this way they get vampire tombstones and it’s nice having young adult ghosts for a change. 

The good news is that I’m done with death-types, at least for a while.   I still haven’t decided whether I will try to get them all for completion’s sake, but only 10 are needed and I’ve got 12.  (thanks to sdhoey for pointing me to the comments section of pinstar’s website).

Finally, here are some random pics of Clara and Darwin as toddlers on vacation.

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Just Desserts (Feb 24)
« Reply #203 on: February 24, 2019, 04:39:41 PM »
Just Desserts

Hess:  This has been a great vacation—just what the doctor ordered.
Linden:  I guess tomorrow it will be back to the grind. 
Laurel:  Don’t think about that right now, Linden.  Just sing another campfire song with us.
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The next morning…

Fig:  Welcome home!  How was the vacation?
Laurel:  It was wonderful, Uncle Fig.  Thanks for watching over the place while we were gone.
Fig:  It was no trouble at all.
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Laurel:  If you’ll excuse me, I’d like to go check on Mother and Father now.  I need to strengthen their connection to the physical world.
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Wendy:  Thank you for doing that, dear.
Laurel:  Mother!  Oh, I’m so glad to see you.  How are you?  How is Father?
Wendy:  We’re fine, dear.  It’s actually kind of fun being a ghost.  I hope you aren’t mad at us for the way we left.
Laurel:  I still wish you had told me, but I guess I understand.  I just hope you’ll visit us often.
Wendy:  You can count on it. 
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Late that evening…

Laurel:  Hooray for me.  Level 10. 
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Linden:  Must. Follow. Light.
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In the morning…

Jax:  Congratulations on your promotion, Laurel!  And happy non-birthday!
Laurel:  Thank you, dear!  I’ve got my potion of youth ready.
Hess:  I should have taken mine as a young adult.  Why did I decide to wait until my next birthday?
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Linden:  What’s on the agenda for today, sis?
Laurel:  The kids need to work on toddler skills, but we’ll have to stay indoors because of the rain.  And I’ve invited over Patricia so you can have some Daddy-daughter time.
Linden:  Thanks for including her.  I can’t believe Diya sent her over by herself though!  My poor baby!
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Linden:  A is for apple.  B is for bad mommy who-sends-you-out-alone-in-the-rain.
Patricia:  Bad mommy!
Linden:  C is for cake.  D is for Daddy’s girl.
Patricia:  Daddy’s girl!
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Laurel:  That’s my big boy!  I’m going to teach you all the skills.
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Hess: And that is how we say please and thank you.
Clara: Pwease an fankoo. 
Hess:  Yes!  Oh, I’m such a good mother!
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Jax:  The Mole had been working very hard all the morning, spring-cleaning his little home.*
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*first line from The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame (1908)

Linden:  What are these drinks that Hess made for us?
Laurel:  She called them Snaggle Flusters.  She said they help you learn faster.
Linden:  Really?  Well, I guess it’s worth a try.
Laurel:  Yeah.  She said there might be side-effects, though.
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Hess:  Did the Snaggle Fluster work for you, Jax?  I hope I made them strong enough.
Jax:  Mine worked perfectly.  I finally maxed my logic skill which is great because--
Linden:  Um…Hess?  About those side-effects…
Hess:  Don’t interrupt, Linden.  What were you saying, Jax?
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Laurel:  Uncle Fig, I see that you re-joined the family club.
Fig:  Yeah, I don’t know how that happened since membership is by invitation only.
Laurel:  What I don’t understand is why you are listed as the leader.  Don’t you think it should be me?
Fig:  You’re right, Laurel.  You should be in charge.  I’ll give the club back to you if you’ll keep me as a member.
Laurel:  It’s a deal.
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Two days later…

Hess:  Hello Mother!  It’s nice to see you.
Wendy:  It’s nice to see you, too, Hess.  Come sit with me and let’s chat.
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Wendy:  Now, tell me all about Clara and Darwin’s birthday.  It was today, was it not?
Hess:  It was.  Today was also Love Day so all the couples were being extra mushy.
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Wendy:  Well, that’s to be expected-- especially from Laurel and Jax.  Did Linden’s wife, Diya, come over? 
Hess:  Yes, Diya was here.
Wendy:  Is it just me, or is Linden putting on a little weight?
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Hess:  Anyway, because it was Love Day, we couldn’t throw a birthday party with goals.  But we still had a party, and I was able to cook three gourmet dishes and finish the Master Chef aspiration.
Wendy:  Congratulations Hess! 
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Hess:  The party started off great.  Hermes, Elektra, and most of the McClures were there.  I helped Clara blow out her candles. She was so excited!
Wendy:  How pretty she is!  I think she has your smile.
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Hess:  Then it was Darwin’s turn to blow out his candles. That’s when things got awkward.
Wendy:  What do you mean?
Hess:  Just as Laurel was about to pick Darwin up, Diya tried to flirt with Jaxton.  It was awful!  Laurel got mad. Linden was embarrassed. And poor Jaxton just looked sad.
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Wendy:  Why that little…what was Diya thinking?
Hess:  I don’t know!  Maybe she got carried away with Love Day.  That’s the kindest explanation I can think of. 
Wendy:  How did Laurel handle it?  You said she was mad.
Hess:  She was angry, but Darwin still needed to blow out his candles.  Laurel put on a smile and helped her son age up.  What else could she do?  It helped that Jax came over and sang the birthday song.
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Wendy:  Are things okay between Laurel and Jax?
Hess: Oh, they’re fine.  Jax obviously didn’t do anything wrong so Laurel got over it quickly.  Diya, on the other hand, still kept trying to be a little too friendly.  Luckily, Jax ignored her.
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Wendy:  And how is your brother?
Hess:  Linden is still pretty upset.
Wendy:  And rightly so!  As his mother, I can’t help but hope that Diya gets her just desserts.
Hess:  I agree, but I hate for Linden to be hurt.  And he and Diya have a daughter.
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Hess:  Oh, I almost forgot!  Darwin got the Loves Outdoors trait! That means he’ll be the next heir even if Laurel and Jax decide to have more kids.
Wendy:  Oh, that is exciting!  I can’t wait to tell your father.  He hasn’t felt like visiting yet, but this news will make him want to come out for sure!
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Watcher’s Note:  I started this legacy about 10 months ago and I’ve covered about 2.5 generations.  At that rate, I figure it will take me about 2 more years to complete!  I’m committed to seeing this through to the end, but I really need to pick up the pace.  That means either more frequent updates or covering more ground in each update.  For now, I’m going to try to update more frequently.  However, in the future, I might have to provide less detail in order to move faster. 

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Smart Cookie (Mar 8)
« Reply #204 on: March 08, 2019, 10:36:25 PM »
Smart Cookie

Laurel:  Linden, is there something you’d like to tell me?
Linden:  Yeah, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about my…condition.  I wasn’t sure at first, but there’s no denying it now.
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Laurel:  Does Diya know?
Linden:  No.  Not unless she figured it out, which is unlikely.
Laurel:  When are you planning on telling her?
Linden:  I don’t know.  It’s complicated.   
Laurel:  Don’t you think she has a right to know?
Linden:  It’s not like she’s the mother.  Look, I know it’s not an ideal situation, but I’ve got enough to deal with right now. 
Laurel:  I’m just worried about you.
Linden:  I’ll tell her when I’m ready.  For now, can you help me fix up the nursery?
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Early the next morning…

Jax:  I can’t wait to tell Laurel about my promotion!  And I finally completed my aspiration.
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Jax:  The best part is that my work task is to repair or upgrade objects.  It’s a nice change from being mean.
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Laurel:  Twins!!  Linden, I don’t believe it!
Linden:  I’m kind of in shock, myself. 
Laurel:  Have you picked out names?
Linden:  Yeah.  I’m calling them Stella and Star.
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Darwin:  Hey Clara!  Guess what?  I joined the scouts!
Clara:  That’s great.  I joined, too.
Darwin:  Where’s your uniform?  Didn’t you get one?
Clara:  We only have to wear them for meetings, you know.
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Jax:  How is my favorite lady?
Laurel:  Better now that you’re here.
Jax:  Have you got any plans for today?
Laurel:  Well, the flea market is in town.  And we really should go visit the McClures.
Jax:  Sounds good to me.
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Laurel:  I can’t believe we travelled all the way to the big city for this.
Vendor:  Is there a problem?
Jax:  The problem is your selection.  It’s pitiful.
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Laurel:  At least visiting the McClures won’t be a waste of time.
Jax:  That’s true.  Tamara and Gracie’s daughters are toddlers now so everybody can meet them.
Laurel:  And Darwin and Clara can give them gifts and entertain them to earn scout badges!
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Finally, the family heads home and discovers…

Fig:  FIRE!!!
Jax:  That fireplace is fully upgraded!  How is that possible?
Laurel:  Thank goodness the butler was here.  I should give him a raise.
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After everything settles down:

Jax: (reading) I remember him looking round the cove and whistling to himself as he did so, and then breaking out in that old sea-song that he sang so often afterwards:-
"Fifteen men on the dead man's chest-
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!"*
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*from Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson

Darwin:  Do you think we could ever find pirate treasure, Father?
Jax:  I don’t know about pirate treasure, son, but I know where to find Omiscan treasure.
Darwin:  Really?  Where?
Jax:  In the jungle in a country called Selvadorada.  Someday I’ll take you there.
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The next morning…

Laurel:  Have a great day at school kids!  Study hard!
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Linden:  It’s time to age up Stella and Star.  Will you help me do the honors, Laurel?
Laurel:  I’d love too!
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Laurel:  Oh my goodness!  Look at those precious pointy ears!
Linden:  I think the girls are identical.  We’re going to have to dress them differently to tell them apart.
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Fig:  You seem a little down, Hess.  Is something wrong?
Hess:  Not exactly.  It’s just that Clara started school today and there isn’t really much for me to do when she’s not around.  I’ve reached the top of my career, completed a few aspirations, and maxed several skills.  Raising my daughter is my only purpose now.
Fig:  Raising a child is a noble purpose, but surely you deserve to live a little. 
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Fig:  You should go out more.  Have fun.  Isn’t there a young man who keeps calling for you?
Hess:  Ali?  Yeah.  I haven’t accepted, though.
Fig:  Why not?
Hess:  I don’t actually have a good reason.
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A few hours later…

Ali:  Your invitation was a pleasant surprise.  I had almost given up hope.
Hess:  I’m a little surprised, myself, but in a good way.
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Ali:  May I ask what made you finally decide to give me a chance? 
Hess:  I had a long talk with my Uncle.  He encouraged me to live a little.
Ali:  Wise advise.
Hess:  Yes.  There’s just one thing, though.  There’s something I need to tell you…
Ali:  Is this about your daughter?
Hess:  You know about her?
Ali:  Sure.  I’ve seen her with you around town.  You didn’t think that would bother me, did you?
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Laurel:  You know what they say, the couple who upgrades together stays together…or something like that.
Jax:  It all comes down to teamwork.
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Laurel:  I wish my brother and his wife were acting like a team right now.
Jax:  Are they still not speaking?
Laurel:  I don’t know, but Linden has been moping around.
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After school…

Clara:  My school project is going to be better than your school project.  Wait and see.
Darwin:  Nuh-uh.  Nothing is better than a Chemical Reaction Volcano.
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Clara:  Moth-er!  Pay attention.  We have to make my project better than Darwin’s.
Hess:  I’m sorry, dear.  I think I’m coming down with something.
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Wendy:  There’s my favorite little heir apparent.  How was your day, Darwin?
Darwin:  It was great, Grandma Wendy.  I went to school and I made a volcano!
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Wendy:  You are one smart cookie, grandson!  You know, it’s never to soon to think about your future.  Do you think you might want to be a scientist when you grow up?
Darwin:  Nah…I’m going to be a doctor!
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Author's notes

Two historical facts for today:
1. Treasure Island was published in 1883.
2. The Boy Scouts started in the U.S. in 1910 and the Girl Scouts in 1912.
Who’s who in the legacy house:
Laurel and Jax:  Gen 3 heir and spouse
Darwin: Gen 4 heir
Hess:  Laurel’s favorite sister
Clara:  Hess’s daughter (with Father Winter)
Linden: Gen 3 spare
Stella and Star:  Linden’s twin toddlers (with senior pollination technician #3)

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Wet Noodles (Mar 12)
« Reply #205 on: March 12, 2019, 05:38:57 PM »
Wet noodles
(because it’s been raining for days)

Hess:  I can’t tell your girls apart. I thought you said you were dressing them differently.
Linden:  I am, but they are in their nightgowns right now because they just woke up. 
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Linden:  Stella has straight hair and wears a bluish gray dress that matches her eyes.  Star has wavy hair and wears a teal color that matches her hair tie. 
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Hess:  They still look the same to me.  Especially when they spend most of the day in their nightgowns.
Linden:  I don’t see the point in getting them all dressed up.  They hardly leave the house.
Hess:  You are such a lazy parent.
Linden:  What you call laziness, I call efficiency.
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Ali:  Is that one of your little nieces toddling along behind me?  Which one is she?
Hess:  That’s Stella.  Or maybe Star.  I can’t really tell them apart.
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Ali: *laughs* Well, anyway, speaking of family…don’t you think it’s time to introduce me to yours?
Hess:  I’m glad you said that because I asked Laurel and Jax to meet us at the Von Haunt Estate today. 
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Jax:  He seems like a nice guy. Do you think it’s serious?
Laurel:  It must be.  She’s never asked me to meet anyone else. 
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Hess:  Thank you for walking me home, Ali. 
Ali:  It was my pleasure.  I wish I could stay longer, but it looks like rain.
Hess:  Well, before you go…
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Linden:  The guy who sold me this contraption said I could use it to change the weather.  Now how do I stop this thunderstorm?  Hmm…
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Linden’s attempts at controlling the weather fail miserably, so the family is stuck indoors.

Darwin:  Watch out Stella!  The fearsome dragon is going to get you!  Roaaarrrrr!
Stella:  No!  No dwagon!
Darwin:  Aww…it’s only pretend.
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Clara:  My arms are tired…has it been five hours yet, Mommy?
Hess:  Just one more hour, sweetheart.  Then you’ll complete Artistic Prodigy.
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Laurel:  Good job, Darwin!  You earned all of your scouting badges to become a Llamacorn Scout, even in this terrible weather.
Darwin:  I love the scouts!
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As night falls the thunderstorm rages on…

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Linden:  Great…I finally reach the top of my career and I’m about to get struck by lightning.
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Not to worry, Linden makes it safely inside.

The next day, the family tries to escape the rain by traveling to Oasis Springs…

Linden:  It’s been so long since I’ve seen the sun!
Laurel:  You kids run along and meet people for Social Butterfly.  The weather is nice now, but that could change.
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Sure enough, the rain follows them (even in the desert) so it’s back to the house to complete all the steps for Social Butterfly.
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Darwin:  We're supposed to make friends with this guy.
Clara:  Okay.  But why?
Darwin:  Because we need another adult friend and household members don't count.
Clara:  Oh, right.  What are we supposed to talk to him about?
Darwin:  I don't know.  I thought you knew who he was?
Clara:  Aunty Laurel called him Mommy’s suitor, but that doesn’t make any sense.  My mommy wears dresses not suits.
Darwin:  Suitor must be another word for tailor. 
Clara: Oh, I see.  Are we friends with him yet?
Darwin:  Yeah, let’s go play.
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Ali:  I just had a delightful conversation with your daughter and her cousin.
Hess:  Did they let you get a word in edgewise?
Ali:  I didn’t even try.  It would have spoiled the fun.
Hess:  You’re a smart man.
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In the evening, the rain finally stops…

Linden:  What are we doing at the park so late?
Laurel:  The kids need some fresh air after being cooped up for two days.
Linden:  But why did I have to come?  And why did you invite her.
Laurel:  I invited your wife because you two need to talk.   Diya hasn’t even met the twins!  And on top of that, you seem to have missed your wife’s elder birthday.  She may have behaved badly in the past, but your behavior hasn’t been much better recently.
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Laurel’s thoughts as she watches Linden and Diya from a distance:

Neither of them looks very happy, but at least they are sitting next to each other.
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Uh oh.  Diya has noticed the twins.  Linden’s got a lot of explaining to do.
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At least she seems to be hearing him out.
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And now he’s listening to her.
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Maybe everything will be alright after all.
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Laurel:  Where is Diya?  It looked like things were going well.
Linden:  I know you were watching us, sis, but don’t get your hopes up.  Things are better, but still not great.  That’s all I want to say in front of the kids, okay?
Laurel: Okay.
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Watcher's notes:  Poor Linden!  His relationship with Diya never recovered after she tried to flirt with Jax on Love Day.  I could probably force it, but I'd rather not.  The next update will be sunnier-- both figuratively and literally.

Offline Heart Foam

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Wet Noodles (Mar 12)
« Reply #206 on: March 13, 2019, 11:12:46 AM »
That amazing lightning shot inspired me go back and read many pages. I really like the layout of the lot. I'd never think to do that.

And all the aliens by abduction. I love that. Now I'm trying to remember if Fig was a blue or green alien. The green are definitely way more common.

And mommy has a tailor, which always helps. :)
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Wet Noodles (Mar 12)
« Reply #207 on: March 13, 2019, 10:36:44 PM »
That amazing lightning shot inspired me go back and read many pages. I really like the layout of the lot. I'd never think to do that.

And all the aliens by abduction. I love that. Now I'm trying to remember if Fig was a blue or green alien. The green are definitely way more common.

And mommy has a tailor, which always helps. :)

The lightning shot was pure dumb luck.  I paused the game for some other reason and just happened to notice the blue flash in the corner.

The number of abductions in this save is crazy.  Especially since they hardly ever use the observatory and no one has done the scientist career or built a rocket yet.  My first legacy spouse (Andrew) met a random alien at the spice festival and that seems to have started everything.  His son, Fig, was blue.  Linden's daughters are the first twins I've ever had from abduction. Exciting stuff.

Good tailors can be hard to find.  Hess seems to like this one, so we'll keep him.

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Wet Noodles (Mar 12)
« Reply #208 on: March 16, 2019, 12:35:50 PM »
Sunny Side Up

Linden:  Why did you bring us all the way out to the graveyard to talk, Hess?
Hess:  I like it out here.  It’s quiet and peaceful.
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Laurel:  So, what do you want to talk about?
Hess:  Well…now that we’ve all reached the top of our careers, I think it’s time to do something for ourselves.
Laurel:  What do you mean?
Hess:  I’m tired of working for other people.  I think we should open our own business.
Linden:  Like a restaurant?
Hess:  Or a store, maybe.
Laurel:  Yes, a store!  We could have a bakery.
Linden:  I like that idea!  And we could also sell jars of your honey, Laurel.  Everyone’s always asking for it.
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Laurel: It’s nice to get out of the house.  We’ve been cooped up for so long.
Jax:  I know.  Can you believe this is the first chance we’ve had to teach Darwin how to fish?
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The sunny weather continues the next day…

Hess:  Welcome to the County Fair, kids!  What would you like to do first?
Darwin:  I don’t know, Aunty Hess.  What kind of things can we do?
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Laurel:  Let’s start with some carnival games.  This one looks fun.
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Clara:  Mommy!  Mommy!  Win me a fish!
Hess:  Couldn’t I just buy you a fish?
Clara:  No!  You have to win it!
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Darwin:  Let’s look at the animals next.  I like these pigs.  They won a blue ribbon.
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Clara:  I like the bunnies, even if they didn’t win.
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Laurel:  Oh look!  They’ve set up a skating rink.  I’ve always wanted to try roller skating.
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Jax:  Woah…why are the kids so much better at this than we are?
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Jax:  Where did Hess go?  Shouldn’t she be making a fool of herself with us?
Laurel:  I guess she’s sitting this one out.
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Darwin:  This is the best hot dog I’ve ever eaten!
Jax:  Careful what you say.  Your mother and your aunt are two of the best cooks around.
Laurel:  It’s alright.  I think he just means it’s fun to eat greasy carnival food every now and then.
Darwin:  Yeah, that’s what I mean.  Momma is the best cook ever, but she doesn’t make hot dogs.
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Upon returning home…

Laurel:  Oh my llamas!  Is this what the butler does when we’re not around?
Jax:  Quick, block the kids' view so they don’t see.  I’ll go speak to him!
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The following day, it’s raining again…

Hess:  What do you think of this place?  It used to belong to a woman with lots of cats, but it’s been vacant since she died.
Laurel:  It’s a good size.  And I like the location.
Hess:  Plus, it’s already got a kitchen.
Linden:  I say we take it.  Now let’s get out of this rain.  We’ve got triple birthdays to celebrate at home.
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Linden:  I’ve got the cake ready.  Can we start the party now?
Laurel:  Just let me have one more hug before these girls age up.  It’s going to be a while before we have any more toddlers in this house.
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Linden:  Make a wish!
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Laurel:  They still look so much alike!
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Laurel:  Now it’s your turn, Jax.  I made you a fresh cake so you don’t have to share.
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Hess:  Our own store…at last!
Linden:  The Three Behr’s Bakery.
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Laurel:  Let’s open these doors and greet our customers.
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Ali:  How was your first day? 
Hess:  It was great!  Linden was right, everyone loves Laurel’s honey.
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Back at home…

Linden:  Hey sis…can we talk?
Laurel:  You sound serious.  What’s up?
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Linden:  I’ve been giving this a lot of thought and…I think it’s time for me to move out.
Laurel:  *sighs* I knew this day would come eventually.  I can’t say that I’m surprised.
Linden:  I hate to leave when we just opened the bakery.  But Diya is an elder and I’m afraid she might not live to see Patricia’s teen birthday.
Laurel:  Oh!  I hadn’t thought of that.  Well, that settles it.  You have to move in with them to prevent Patricia being taken away.
Linden:  I’m glad you understand.
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Laurel:  We’ll miss you, but I agree it’s for the best.
Linden:  Thanks, sis.
Laurel:  I’m not changing the name of the store, though.  “The Two Behrs” wouldn’t make any sense.
Linden:  I’ll just be a silent partner from now on.
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Laurel:  Are you taking Stella and Star with you?
Linden:  Yes, I want us all to be together.
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Author’s notes:  I didn't realize Diya was so much older than Linden.  I took a peek at her age bar and she definitely would not have lived to see her daughter's teen birthday.
Also, I was in the mood to build this week.  I converted the empty Catscratch Cottage into a bakery and built a County Fair on the Summer Home lot in Windenburg.  I probably should have picked a bigger lot for the County Fair because I only had room for half the things I wanted to build.  Maybe someday.   
Fun fact:  The first public roller skating rink in the U.S. was in a hotel ballroom in 1866.

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Galloping Gourmets (Mar 23)
« Reply #209 on: March 23, 2019, 01:17:07 PM »
Galloping Gourmets

Hess:  I can’t believe it’s Clara and Darwin’s birthday already.  Where does the time go?
Laurel:  I know.  It seems like only yesterday that we found out we were both pregnant.
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Laurel:  Take one last look at those innocent faces…
Hess:  The anticipation is killing me!
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Hess:  Oh my!  Clara got the romantic trait.  And her dress and her hair are so…short.
Laurel:  I think she looks great!  And didn’t she get the romantic trait from you?
Hess:  Don’t remind me.  Your boy turned out handsome.  Is he reading a book at his birthday party?
Laurel:  Well, Darwin did get the genius trait.  He’s probably reading the Archeology book Jax gave him.
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After the party…

Jax:  Surprise!  This is the second half of your birthday present, son.
Darwin:  Wow!  A trip to Selvadorada!  I’ve always wanted to come here.  I don’t think the ladies are appropriately dressed for the jungle, though.
Clara:  I didn’t know we were coming here!
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Laurel:  Look at our son!  He already excavated a dig pile and now he’s recovering an artifact.
Jax:  Yeah, and we haven’t even made it to the trailhead yet.
Laurel:  If only he had gotten one of the jungle aspirations…
Jax:  He got the Curator and that’s an easy one.  He’ll be able to pick a new aspiration in no time.
Laurel:  I see many more trips to the jungle in our future.
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Early the next morning…

Clara:  Um…I think Darwin is right.  We’re not really dressed for exploring.
Hess:  Maybe we should just go back to our lodging.
Clara:  Or the cantina.
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Darwin:  Suit yourselves.  I’m going in.
Jax:  Atta boy!
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After a very short trip, the family returns home for Spirit Day—one of their new Legacy holidays.

Shari’s ghost:  Tell me about this Spirit Day.  What’s it all about?
Darwin:  It’s one of our new family holidays.  Spirit Day is supposed to commemorate our legacy founder’s death.  Since we don’t know exactly what day that was, Momma picked the first day of Fall.
Shari:  Oh, I’m sure that’s close enough.  It’s just nice to be remembered.
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Shari:  What do you do on Spirit Day?
Darwin:  We have two traditions so far.  The first is Remembrance, in honor of you, our founder.  The other is Spooky Spirit, in honor of my Grandpa Aster, since he was a vampire.
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Hess:  Clara, come sit with me for a minute.  There’s something I need to talk to you about.
Clara:  Of course, Momma.  This isn’t the Woohoo Talk is it?
Hess:  What?  No.  And how do you know about that, anyway?
Clara:  This isn’t the Middle Ages, Momma.  I’ve heard things. 
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Hess:  Well, apparently we’ll have to talk about that, too.  But first, I wanted to tell you that Ali asked me to marry him.  I haven’t given him an answer yet, but I’m planning to say yes.
Clara:  That’s great, Momma!  As long as I can stay here.  I don’t want to move.
Hess:  I’ll talk to Laurel, but I’m sure she won’t mind if you stay.  Now, about that other thing…
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Jax:  Happy Birthday, Laurel!  And may I say, the new fashion looks great on you.
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Laurel:  Thank you, honey.  It’s nice to celebrate with so many friends and family members.
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Laurel:  By the way, congratulations on getting that final promotion.
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Jax:  Thank you.  I also completed the Chief of Mischief aspiration.  Since I’d already maxed the mischief skill, all I really had to do was write some chain letters and practice a little voodoo.
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Laurel:  Speaking of aspirations, Darwin finished the Curator.  He even completed our collection of bird feathers along the way.
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Jax:  Great!  In that case, we can return to Selvadorada.
Darwin:  It’s nice to see everyone appropriately dressed this time.
Hess:  Is my daughter wearing pants?
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Jax:  Need some help with that, son?
Darwin:  No thanks, Dad, I’ve got it.
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Clara:  Why are we excavating dig piles?  Let’s find a temple and search for treasure!
Darwin:  Not all the treasure is in temples.  And besides, excavating raises your archeology skill.
Clara:  But it takes forever and it’s boring.
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Laurel:  *whispers* Darwin, is that snake poisonous?
Darwin:  It won’t bother you if you don’t bother it.
Laurel:  That didn’t actually answer my question.
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Darwin:  The snakes aren’t nearly as dangerous as the spiders.
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After a lot more exploring…

Darwin:  We made it!  This is the final room in the temple.
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Darwin:  Hey Clara!  Do you want to open one of the treasure chests?
Clara:  Sure!  Ooof…it’s heavy!
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Clara:  Hey, why do you get to open the nicer looking one?
Darwin:  Because I did most of the work to get here.
Clara:  Oh yeah.  That’s fair.
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Upon returning home, the family is shocked to find they have a new butler.

Hess:  He says his name is Advik Chauhan. He’s an erratic, jealous glutton.
Jax:  Those aren’t the worst traits, but they’re pretty close.
Laurel:  Oh, why did our old butler leave us?
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Watcher notes:  As you've probably guessed from all the new cc, generation 4 will take place in the 1920s and 1930s.  Next update will be the official start of Darwin's generation. 

