The First E-mail
I'm retweeting a cute picture of my nephew and nieces when I get an e-mail alert. I'm one of those people who doesn't check her inbox regularly so I decide it's high time I cleared out all the junk and then find there's a surprise waiting for me. An e-mail from Janet Chant. For those who don't know me Janet Chant is a Sim I created after a character from the Chrestomanci series. Imagine my shock - was it a random name some computer somewhere had generated? Was I just feeling guilty for not playing The Sims 3 for several months now? Didn't the new Sims game come out recently? Instead of boring you and myself with endless questions that would be answered simply by opening the e-mail, I did just that: opened the e-mail.***
Dear NJ,
It's been over a year since you last made time for me so I thought I'd give you an early birthday present: The Sims 4. I had so much fun creating myself for the first time (you'll notice I have my original hair colour and you have no right to change it!). I'll admit choosing my outfits took longer than expected (I almost forgot what my real purpose was). So, here I am enjoying the beauty of Willow Creek.

I would have chosen Oasis Springs as it reminds me of Lucky Palms then I remember my family are lost and I can't deal with that right now. I did have a look at the lot I could have lived in. Would you believe it, I found the Landgraabs! Malcolm greeted me and seemed to think I was friends with his parents, so I followed him upstairs. Nancy gave me a dirty look and went to get a cup of Joe (I have no idea what she meant). Geoffrey and I started talking and I brought up his alternative life which he thought was quite fascinating. I also told him about the Immortal Dynasties that you failed and hoped he and his family could help me and
not my Watcher.

Malcolm didn't give two hoots about leaving their luxury home to move in with the local tramp (Nancy's name for me). With the Landgraabs money I was able to build a house - a lot better than you, I might add, so I expect a lot of praise in your reply to me. Who knew the ability to move an entire house would be a lifesaver. The red building in the background is a 'secret' Wendy house I enjoyed building, you can see more of it when there are children around.

The Landgraabs wasted no time in picking up new skills. Geoffrey started cooking with the basic - garden salad - while Malcolm asked for his help with homework he'd neglected. I watched Nancy fishing from a distance as she wouldn't let me anywhere near her, I was glad to see a smile on her face and she even whistled while gardening.

Now that everyone else was getting into their routines, I made my way to the music room and after contemplating which instrument to try first, picked up the violin. The ghastly whining of a cat dying could be heard all over the ground floor of the house for the next two hours.

The first day of work went by without incident so after freshening up I headed to the local nightclub. You'll understand my disbelief in seeing so many Sims in one place for the first time in my lives. Several Sims actually talked to me and we all managed to perfect the terrible Dad-dancing you see at weddings. I also met the man of my dreams, isn't he gorgeous? I was in a fit of giggles when he agreed to go on a date the next day.

Of course, I was talking about Gavin Richards and not Don Lothario - he looks exactly like your cousin so that would also make him my cousin in a weird way and I'm
not going there! Gavin and I are both creative and spent hours talking books and favourite bands. I didn't achieve the Gold Event as I had to run off to work but did manage to arrange a second date.

Our first kiss was awkward and certainly took Gavin by surprise, but after that there wasn't a minute that went by without our lips touching. Thankfully it also meant I got my first Gold Event out of the way, not bad for a girl without her Watcher.

I must say I'm really proud of Nancy. She was keeping the garden well tended and using the poorer quality fish as fertiliser. I was a little sorry her relationship with Geoffrey had soured since he was ensuring there were future townies populating the world. One evening she approached me with an idea that I couldn't but help approve (more on this later, in the meantime you can try and guess what Nancy was up to).

On my third date with Gavin I decided to stay a little closer to home. Nancy abandoned her fishing spot to give us space, so we sat watching the sun set over the stream with crickets chirping and the leaves rustling softly. I explained to Gavin why one of the richest Sim family had ventured to basically slave away and hand over their entire fortune to help a stranger in town. He nodded in the right places but I could see him struggling over an internal debate. Gavin after all had only recently left home to live with new roommates and was just getting used to that life. I wouldn't blame him if he wanted nothing further to do with me. Even so I got down on my knees - ignored my dusty tights - and asked him to be mine forever. When he agreed I felt my heart melt and there were a lot of tears and delighted screams.

As I wondered whether to invite J Huntingdon III to live with us, Geoffrey made his first gourmet meal - a cake to celebrate the impending wedding. For the first time we all sat together to eat (our schedules weren't so crazy now).

Gavin got a new computer in the living room as Malcolm constantly trolled on forums as soon as he got home from school. He wanted to write fantasy novels and before long had sent his first book to the publishers.

And J? Well, J was doing the only thing I had in mind for him.

I planned the wedding on Friday after spending the previous night decorating, moving and changing the layout of the garden several times. I'm still not happy with the result but Nancy was getting so irritated with me (she reminds me of my dear Mum) that I hurriedly placed a bar and forgot no one had the mixology skill. J stepped in and we all changed into our formal wear (tux and wedding dress for Gavin and I) and waited for the guests to arrive. There were only a few people I had managed to make friends with: Zoe Patel, Don Lothario (my new long lost cousin), the Calientes and another woman who had also moved to town the same day as me. (I honestly forget her name all the time, I fear she will no longer want to be friends soon!).
Gavin and I stood at the arch and patiently waited for our guests. It took two tries, J was forever flirting or showing off at the bar and the Landgraabs were fighting because Nancy's new boyfriend was crashing the party. At last we said our vows. Nancy did not look too happy that her boyfriend had left, and poor Zoe - who was heavily pregnant - couldn't get a seat with Don blocking the aisle. My darling had forgotten his glasses so he spent the whole time squinting and almost poked Katrina with the knife when the wedding cake was brought out.

We managed to get our second Gold Event and that night Gavin and I tried for a baby. I was slightly disappointed we didn't conceive but it meant we could try again and the second time we were successful. I don't know where the confetti came from but it sure did make the moment much more special.

In the other bathroom Nancy was also celebrating.

See you next time!
Love, JC.
PS - I don't mean you know who!
I can't help laughing at the last line. I'm really glad it was my Janet and not spam mail. I read through the e-mail again, admiring the pictures and must have spent at least ten minutes staring closely at Don and thinking how freakish it is that he resembles my cousin so much. I shut down the computer and go back to checking Twitter feeds.
That night I find myself dreaming of Willow Creek and wonder who Nancy's baby-daddy will be.