Author Topic: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story  (Read 123798 times)

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 162: Oceanfront Beach and The Boardwalk
« Reply #180 on: September 23, 2019, 03:19:40 PM »

First thing Monday morning, Samuel heads off to work in the rain.

He's not impressed with the local weatherman as there wasn't supposed to be any rain today.

But then he remembers his own weatherman days and realizes that even with modern technology, the weather still has a mind of it's own!

Tia checks out the local art gallery to see if she can find inspiration for her own paintings.

It's quite the unprepossessing building on the outside.

But when she sees some of the artwork, she jumps up and down in her excitement.

"They're so expressive, so detailed, I can only hope to show the same feeling in my own art, someday!"

I assure her, "You will Tia. You will. All of the artists in the family have gone through this same struggle, gaining skill in their craft, then adding their heart and soul to each one of their works. Until they master the skill and reach the ultimate goal of painting a masterpiece!"

But by mid-morning the rain has stopped, the clouds have moved on, and the sun is shining brightly.

Cinda and Lucas smile at each other before stepping through the doors of the Gilded Guard Police Station.

Cinda, "Pretty fancy name and building for a police station! You can sure see that this town has plenty of simoleans to throw around!"

Lucas replies, "That's for sure sis! Now it'll be our jobs to find out where all that money's coming from and who's got their hands in the cookie jar!"

And with a final wave, they head inside to report to their boss, Detective Elliot Nest.

Dahlia's finally getting to check out one of the two beaches here in RH.

She got her preferred assignment at Oceanfront Beach, right off the boardwalk.

It boasts azure blue warm water and pristine sand.

She eagerly runs up and down the beach for the best vantage points.

Surveying the swimmers and keeping everyone safe.

Well, almost everyone.

Clark Houvier, a local politician who aspires to be the Leader of the Free World, who's ambitious and a workaholic to boot, screams at her for not saving him.

"I'll be adding this to your record at City Hall, girl! Being delinquent in your lifeguard duties will NOT be tolerated here in Roaring Heights! No matter what standards you had in that little backwater town you came from, here we protect the town's most important citizens!"

But our Dahlia, brave and insane as she is, and just as ambitious as Clark, doesn't accept his outburst quietly.

"I blew the lifeguard-off-duty whistle an hour ago mister! I'm not sure what rules YOU follow, but I adhere to the Lifeguard Code. And that code does not distinguish between ANY of the citizens on any beach I'm guarding, 'important' or not, a sim life is a sim life! If I had actually been on the beach and not in the changing room, I would have risked my life to save yours!"

*Raking a glance up and down his body* "But since you're hale and hearty enough to yell your vicious and untrue accusations at me, we'll see who's broken what rules and how the courts handle such things here in Roaring Heights. I'm sure the council at City Hall as well as my father-in-law, Samuel Frio, the new editor-in-chief of the Roaring Heights Herald, would love to know that my lifeguard duties include focusing on 'important' citizens who are swimming outside of the beaches posted hours!"

In view of Dahlia's family connections, and her startlingly accurate take on the situation, Clark raises his arms in surrender and back pedals quickly.

"Oh, I'm sure this was all just a misunderstanding, my girl. We'll just forget all about this little incident. No need to involve the council or… or anyone else for that matter."

Dahlia smiles and leans forward saying, "Let's get one thing straight. I am not now or never shall be, 'your girl'! This town is based on freedoms for ALL of it's citizens, irrespective of gender. If you want to succeed in your political career, councilman, I wouldn't be alienating your female constituents!"

But Dahlia is forgotten when Clark notices a reporter nearby.

He can't help but frown in her direction and wonder how much she overheard.

Or what photos she took.

And if his temper getting out of hand over this little 'incident' will be the end of his political career!

Back at the house, Marshall and Rory are enjoying the last rays of sunshine and getting in some physical activity tossing a football.

With both of them spending their days at computers for long periods, they like getting to stretch their muscles and limber up a bit from time to time.

And Lucas keeps his promise and calls his Tito to fill him in on the new house and new town.

"It's pretty cool Grandpa! After MH, there's so much natural sunshine, it's quite dazzling. Not that I go outside much, but I see it from all the windows, and there are lots of those in our new house. And the city lights at night sparkle brighter than stars! We even have a rooftop patio and a back deck. And a huge backyard with a pool and hot tub."

Torre says, "It sounds great Lucas. I'm glad everyone arrived safe and sound, and that you're all getting settled into your new house. We miss all of you and we're fine here in MH too."

Lucas says, "I miss you and everyone else too grandpa. Give my love to Lita and all the family. I'll stay in touch. Bye for now."

When Lucas rings off, he immediately pops wishes to chat with Dean and Christa Cole.

He's determined to stay in touch with his family in MH, those that stayed behind but will be not forgotten.

He may dislike children but he's got a soft spot for family, no matter how far away.

Then most of the family piles into a motive mobile and heads over to The Boardwalk.
Lucas heads inside to check out the games and tries out his pool skills.

Tia and Cinda square off over a video game table while a reporter snaps some promotional photos of residents enjoying the Boardwalk.

While Lorelei gets her wish and enjoys the first ride on the roller coaster with Samuel by her side.

She throws her hands up and screams as they reach the bottom of the big drop.

Samuel just hangs on tightly to the grab bar and delights in her enjoyment.

It's been awhile since they had a night out and he's happy that they're getting to spend some time together.

Marshall checks out the café,  loving the colors and brightness of this new town.

He seems a bit lost in thought so I can't resist and ask him what he's thinking about.

He smiles and says, "Well, we're in a new town that's lacking in fairies Watcher. So I'm thinking that it's time to start thinking about having a child!"

I check his wants and sure enough, he's popped a wish to have his first child.

I quickly lock it in but remind him the house is full right now.

He nods and says, "And if Cinda and I want our children to know one another right from the start, then that means Lucas and Tia need to move out. There's always a sad part to these journeys Watcher."

"But at least they'll be staying in town with you and Dahlia and any kids you guys have, that's a nice thought. Speaking of Dahlia, where is she? I thought she was meeting you here."

Marshall shakes his head and tells me, "After that run in with the local councilman, she decided she just wasn't up to a night on the town. But I can tell you one thing, if I come across him, he'll wish he'd never opened his mouth! No one yells at my Dahlia and gets away with it!"

And Marshall's right, as I find Dahlia playing video games back at the house.

My heart jumps when I see that she not only wants to have her first child, but one with Marshall too.

I quickly promise both of those wishes and smile at how well matched these two are, being on the same page at the same time.

Soon after, Cinda and Lorelei pop wishes to jam together so I let them.

They don't sound half bad and of course, wants for forming a band pop up.

But that's not something we're going to be pursuing again after the less than optimum results with Carly's band, not getting even one gig!

Tia's been upstairs painting since they returned home and I check out her latest one.

I love this lighthouse painting and I can really see how her trip to the art gallery has inspired her.

As she puts the finishing touches on it she says, "That's what was missing! The perspective was a bit wrong, but now it's got more depth, like you could just walk right into it. I just had to add some shadows here and a bit more light over there."

I do believe she's tapped into her creative muse.

With her painting completed, I find Tia in the basement sharing some girl talk with Cinda.

Cinda frowns and says, "Lucas can be so funny sometimes Tia! I know he wants to propose to you but he's insisting that he needs to be more established in his career first. Something about responsibility of a family and all that. For someone who dislikes children, he's got kids on his mind a lot!"

Tia throws up her arms and agrees, "You're not telling me anything I don't know! I was worried when he told me about that trait but he's determined to have kids despite it. I told him we don't need a big place right away, something small for the two of us, but he's adamant about starting our lives right in this town. He's got his heart set on a beautiful place across the bridge from here with 4 bedrooms, a pool, and an amazing view. He says he might not care about being outside, but as an artist, I need inspiring views. And our children might need a nice backyard if they don't inherit his trait."

Cinda smiles and says, "Well, that does sound great. Maybe Lucas is right after all, sticking around here until he gets at least one promotion. I know we'll cover the initial cost of buying whatever home you two want, but a place like that will need a steady income to keep it up. You'll be busy with your LTW, focusing on guitar and painting, which will bring in some money eventually, but maybe not enough for a place like that. Especially if you have kids right away."

Tia agrees, adding, "That's why I'm focusing on my skills here. Once we move, I think I'll get a job in music, it will keep me playing guitar for promotions, and bring in a bit of cash. And I'll paint in my free time."

Cinda says, "That sounds like a great plan. I'm glad the two of you aren't in a hurry to find your own place. It's nice having another sister around the house. I can't believe I'm saying this, or even thinking it for that matter, but I actually miss Kimberly."

Tia feels tears forming in her own eyes, as she says, "I miss my mom and Oliver too. I didn't think I would, with all the stuff mom put us through over the years, but my heart aches a bit when I realize I won't get to see her again."

The next morning Lorelei heads over to the Shear residence to drop off a plate of food for her new boss to taste.

Audrey's on her way to work but she's eager to meet a five-star chef.

She says, "It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Frio. We're honored you're considering joining the staff at the Clear Your Plate Diner, but our menu isn't even close to your level of cuisine! Are you sure you don't want to work at the fancy restaurant in town, Bourdelle's Bistro?"

Lorelei grins and tells Audrey that she's spent enough time in fancy restaurants.

Her decision now is based on location.

And the diner being right at the end of the pier on the boardwalk has the most amazing views of the ocean and the beach, that she just can't pass it up.

Lorelei says, "We saw it at sunset last night on our way to The Boardwalk and I couldn't resist taking a photo. Your little diner is the perfect place to relax, enjoy the sights, and introduce your patrons to my perfectly delicious Lobster Thermador made with fresh caught lobster!"

Audrey's eyes open wide as she realizes that their little diner is soon going to be the hottest dining spot in town and she's going to be learning new recipes from the talented Lorelei Frio.

She shakes Lorelei's hand and says, "Welcome aboard Mrs. Frio, it's going to be a pleasure working with you!"

And with the day off, Dahlia heads to the day spa for a beautiful tattoo.

Unlike Sam, she's brave and never even flinched during the process.

Samuel's got the day off too and he joins Rory and Tia for some serious painting time in the new studio.

Samuel's a master painter like Sam, Tia's talent is growing fast, and Rory's just spreading his wings because he focused on his writing skill first.

But his pink monster will be perfect for the nursery when the next gen comes along!

Samuel, Cinda, Lucas, and Dahlia have all gone to work for the first time here in RH.

And Dahlia's already put a local councilman on notice that she's perfectly aware of her Lifeguard duties and won't be giving anyone preferential treatment!

The Clean Your Plate Diner has welcomed Lorelei on staff with open arms, knowing that her reputation as a five-star chef will make them an overnight sensation.

And they've spent a family night at The Boardwalk,  some playing games inside, while Lorelei and Samuel took their first ride on a roller coaster!

But who else with the Frios meet in this new town?

And what other community lots will they get to explore?

But more importantly, will our three new couples find time for romance?
Let's find out  in Chapter 163: RH Residents and Romance
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 163: RH Residents and Romance
« Reply #181 on: September 25, 2019, 12:39:41 PM »

Lorelei's not only taking her first dip in the pool, but she's found a beautiful new hairstyle as well.

A long single braid hanging over her left shoulder with a wispy strand framing her face.

And Samuel eagerly joins her!

He's been spending a lot of his free time in the pool, when he's not painting, and has become quite the diver.

But pool time gets interrupted when a neighbor stops by to welcome them to town.

Her name is May West and she's quite lovely with a short blonde bob typical of the era.

Lorelei learns that May works in the culinary career which excites her until she finds out it's only to make ends meet.

May's got a following of fans from her acting days, but she aspires to be a musician and wants to master guitar.

And I find Tia diligently working to finish up her latest painting.

She's really hitting her stride now and paints one gorgeous painting after another.

And Lucinda's working on her martial arts with a current wish to break 100 boards.

Or maybe more. She's so focused on board breaking that I've lost count!

Dahlia's working on her athletic skill at Bar-Bell's Gym, trying to reach level 10 in her Lifeguard career.

With her gaining job experience on the beach plus anytime she's working out or chatting, she's already to level 9!

Not that any of that helps her with her LTW goal of saving 50 sims, she's still only got 5 lives saved under her belt from her days in MH.

But she's not giving up! She's determined to keep the beaches here in RH safe.

Once her workout is done she chats with a fellow athlete.

But just as she's asking about his career, a moan behind her draws her attention.

The woman exercising next to her has gone into labor!

Dahlia's lifeguard training covers a lot of emergencies but delivering babies isn't on that list.

The man says he knows the family and will take care of the Capp toddler, which solves that issue.

Leaving Dahlia to usher the woman outside to a waiting cab.

Luckily they'd provided her with the name of the local hospital during her orientation at the beach and it was already programmed into her phone.

Once she gets the mother-to-be settled inside, she yells, "Avalon Hospital, and step on it! This isn't her first baby so it could be quick!"

The cabby, no more eager to deliver a baby than Dahlia is says, "Buckle up ladies, and hang on!" as he stomps on the gas.

Sometime later Dahlia steps out of the hospital after her charge has delivered a fine healthy  baby boy!

With the mother, Contessa Capp, feeling just a bit tired, which is to be expected.

The experience leaves Dahlia full of awe and thinking of children even more.

With a dreamy smile she says, "Their first son! She named him Kent. Said it was written in the Wiki and part of her life story. I wonder what she meant by that?"

I smile back and say, "As long as they're both healthy and happy, that's what matters. "

And I change the subject quickly asking, "Speaking of baby names, do you have any in mind?"

Dahlia hesitates but then says, "Actually I think I do. But since you're being secretive, I'm not going to tell you!"

When will I ever learn that you can't put one over on insane sims!?!

Dahlia smiles sweetly and says, "Probably never Watcher."

"It was a rhetorical question Dahlia!"

"Rhetorical, smorical, a questions a question," and having the last word, she heads home.

Back at the house the news has already spread through the grapevine about the new lifeguard getting Contessa Capp to the hospital just in time to deliver her son.

And May is happy to pass on the news to Tia and the Frio family.

Then as it hits her, she says, "Wait, isn't the new lifeguard your sister-in-law Tia? How exciting to have someone so brave in your very own family!"

Tia hesitates and says, "Dahlia is brave May, but she's not quite my sister-in-law yet. Lucas and I are just going steady."

May's voice takes on a hint of embarrassment as she says, "Oh, I thought all of you were married, living here together and all. I have a live-in roommate myself, but MD and I are just friends, though there has been talk, if you know what I mean. Can't ever get away from gossip, especially with reporters and paparazzi all over town! Ruin a girl's reputation first chance they get."

Rory abruptly stops eating his favorite meal of goopy carbonara as May's words sink in.

He knew there was something he was forgetting and he's determined to get things settled this very night.

After a shower, and a quick look in the mirror, he finds Cinda in the study.

"You know I'll always be your knight Cinda, though you're the kind of princess that can take care of herself, I'll always have your back."

Cinda smiles and says, "That's so sweet Rory. And you're right, I doubt any one would even dream of messing with me!"

And as he presents her with a bouquet of beautiful red roses, he says, "And as beautiful as flowers are, they're no match for your beauty!"

"You could have picked anyone in Midnight Hollow Cinda, but you chose me and I want you to know that my lips will never touch another's. They are only for you from this moment on."

And before she can respond to such poetic words from her usually absent-minded beau, Rory pulls her in his arms for a passionate kiss.

Then he whispers, "I've loved having you be my girlfriend Cinda. But it's time for something more."

And with his voice shaking just a bit, Rory, falls to one knee and says, "Lucinda Frio please do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Cinda screams and dances with joy.

She never dreamed Rory would be so romantic, so poetic, even getting down on one knee, truly her Prince Charming!

(Honestly, she'd thought he'd forget and she'd end up having to do the proposing.)

But this, this moment is one she will cherish for the rest of her life.

She eagerly holds her hand out so Rory can slide his ring on her finger.

And as she does so she softly says, "You promised me you'd never forget me or our love. I promise you now to be the best wife I can be Rory, I love you."

And they joyfully embrace, ignoring Marshall throughout the whole thing!

Marshall who's happy for his sister and thinking that for an absent-minded guy, Rory's proposal should be one for the books.

And with that thought, he realizes he's ready to start another book!

The next day, Dahlia makes her first rescue at Oceanfront Beach!

It's only her second day on the job here so she's quite proud of how quickly she managed it.

And before her shift is over she's saved 2 more and given another swimmer CPR.

And as soon as Samuel's home from work, Rory tells him that he proposed to Cinda last night.

Samuels laughs and says, "We heard her screams Rory! And she came in and showed us the ring right away."

Rory says, "Oh, right. Sorry I forgot about that. The thing is, I forgot something else that's important dad. I wanted to make sure we had your blessing. I know we haven't been in town long and I've not proven myself as a writer or a painter yet. My books are selling okay, but…"

Samuel stops him with a grin, saying "You have our blessing Rory. I haven't changed my mind since our first night here. If Lorelei or I had any doubts those would have been addressed back in MH, before we moved here. There's no way we'd consent to having someone leave their hometown just to ditch them in the next town! Besides it would invalidate Cinda's heirship or any other heir for that matter."

Rory blinks a bit and says, "I never thought of that. Well, thanks dad. I'm glad we had this chat."

But before Rory can head inside, Samuel asks him to play catch, throw the football around, just enjoy the day.

Rory agrees and for the first time really feels like he has a father.

And Rory and Samuel aren't the only ones bonding.

Lorelei's gotten her wish to become friends with Dahlia.

Dahlia, "Are you sure Mom Frio that you don't mind? I could always pick something else if you don't like them."

Lorelei looks at Dahlia and says, "I think they're perfect choices. We don't have either one in our family and it honors your family, something we try to do each generation. What does Marshall think?"

Dahlia laughs and says, "He's just glad they're not flower names!"

Lorelei doesn't say anything but that same thought had crossed her mind too!

I'm really feeling proud of Dahlia.

Until I see this!

Adam! Dahlia! Just…no.

Adam smirks and says, "I might be dead Watcher but I'm not blind! I can appreciate a pretty girl just as much as Grandpa Jared!"

Dahlia laughs and says, "See Watcher? It's just honest attraction. Sims don't always control these things. It's not like I'm kissing him or anything. I've learned my lesson there."

"I hope so Dahlia. I don't want anymore shenanigans throwing a monkey wrench into my plans. Please behave."

Dahlia ignores me and chats away with Adam.

Well, that was an unexpected friendship!

But I'm happy to announce that family and in-laws are becoming friends.

And Rory surprised us all with a truly romantic proposal.

But romance is still in the air in Chapter 164: Promotions and Proposals
Coming soon.

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Re: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story
« Reply #182 on: September 25, 2019, 03:50:30 PM »
Rory's growing up! And The Sims' own lore might thicken but I never played with the Capps in TS2 either so you can throw whatever you want at me. ;)
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Offline deedee_828

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Re: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story
« Reply #183 on: September 25, 2019, 05:09:02 PM »
He is growing up and as he gains confidence in himself, overcoming that absent-minded trait bit by bit.

I did play in Veronaville multiple times and took the wind out of the Romeo/Juliet teen romance by having their YA relatives, Kent Capp and Bianca Monte, be the ones that marry!
I even had his mother rolling over in her grave by taking the Monte name. lol

But in this game, I'm not sure Contessa and Consort will stay together long enough to have Cordelia, let alone have her give birth to Juliet or her siblings.

Though Kent may feature more prominently as a future BF in one of the Frio lines.

I start looking for potential spouses from the toddler years up! lol
Even if SP throws in a curve ball or two, all is fair in love or war!

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Chapter 164: Promotions and Proposals
« Reply #184 on: September 27, 2019, 03:54:15 PM »

Rory finishes up a really cute sketch and decides he better get some lunch.

The perfect plates of  goopy carbonara Lorelei keeps stocked in the fridge and replicators are too delicious for him to pass up.

And he claps his hands in delight every time he grabs a plate!

I didn't even know sims did this until Jared made Sam's favorite meal, French Toast, way back in Moonlight Falls.

So here in RH, Lorelei's been busy stocking the fridge and both replicators with perfect plates of everyone's favorites.

It gave Lorelei the chance to cook some meals she hadn't tried before, and eating them not only makes everyone clap before a meal but gives them fantastic moodlets too!

Samuel hasn't given up on his martial arts training either.

He spends most of his free time, painting, reading, or swimming in the pool, but he still hits the training dummy from time to time.

I encourage him saying, "That was a pretty good block! Cinda could really use a sparring partner to hone her abilities."

Samuel pauses and replies, "She's already out of my league Watcher! She can break space blocks in her sleep!"

"She's disciplined so it comes easier for her and I really think she inherited a natural talent for it from Torre. But I know she'd love a chance to spar with someone."

Samuel laughs, and says, "Well, I can see you're not going to let this go, so if she promises to go easy on her dear old dad, maybe I'll consider it."

But my suggestion must have spurred Samuel on because a bit later I see him showing off a new belt!

As well as a sweeping kick move that shows just how far he's come since those days training with Torre.

Only slightly out of breathe, and with a self-satisfied smile, he says, "Maybe I could hold my own in a sparring match after all. Well, at least enough to keep my old bones safe!"

With so much time on her hands, Lorelei decides to spend some time in their small garden.

And with all of the past gardeners in the family, they've got plenty of fruits and veggies in the family chests, quite a few perfect ones too.

And Dahlia visits Main Street Library to focus on her charisma skill.

She chats with a resident about the local crime situation and tries to ignore the man perusing the book shelves.

He may not be on the beach, but her hackles rose as soon as she laid eyes on him, it's the same guy, Mr. Important himself! No need to talk with him ever again.

Dahlia focuses on the woman before her and decides she'll introduce herself to the other patrons as well.

Might as well get to know her neighbors in this town since she and Marshall will be spending the rest of their lives here.

Finding the book he was looking for, Clark Houvier shares a couch with Marshall.

Lucky for Clark, Marshall's focus is only for his Handiness book, otherwise councilman Houvier might be on the receiving end of a painful fairy trick!

Back at the house, Lorelei settles on the couch to watch a program on TV.

But Lucas and Tia only have eyes for each other as they embrace when Lucas gets home from work.

Followed by a passionate kiss!

And then he presents her with a bouquet of flowers.

Tia breathlessly says, "Oh, they're beautiful! What's the occasion?"

Lorelei would have loved to stick around but she decides to give them some privacy.

Lucas says, "Just celebrating some milestones in our life today! We've been friends since grade school, and in love since we were in high school. And you've been my steady girl since then."

Tia smiles and says, "And I always will be. Nothing will ever change that!"

Lucas grins and says, "This could. I got my promotion today!"

As the meaning behind his words hits her, Tia's eyes fly open wide.

And Lucas drops to one knee and says, "We've loved each other for most of our lives Tia. Let's make it official, marry me?"

Tia is so overcome she can't speak, but she nods with shining eyes and holds out her hand.

Lucas gently slips the ring on her finger his own hands shaking just a bit.

He was pretty sure of her answer, but it was nerve racking just the same.

With a nervous gulp, he says, "You're sure Tia? You're not just doing it because it's expected? I know I'm not much of a prize…"

Tia screams with delight and launches herself into his arms!

"Lucas, Lucas, never ever sell yourself short! I've loved you ever since you told me that traits can be overcome. You saved me, my whole family that day with your little boy words of wisdom. I thought becoming your friend was the best thing that would ever happen to me! Then we fell in love as teens, you asked me to go steady and took me to prom. And now, now I know that the best is yet to be. Because nothing could make me happier than becoming your wife! Just think, I'll be Letitia Frio, Mrs. Lucas Frio. I can't wait!"

Lucas whispers in her ear, "Then let's not! I've made you wait long enough Tia. I want to make you my wife right now, tonight!"

Tia's only too happy to do just that and we pop into stylist to get her decked out as a bride.

She chooses a lovely lace gown that's almost the same ivory color of her skin.

And a short veil that makes her glow with radiance, her lovely red locks infusing a delicate blush to her cheeks.

Her only adornment a locket that was her mother's.

At the thought, tears sparkle in her eyes, but they don't fall, just make her eyes even more luminous.

And in deference to Lucas' preference for the indoors, a small corner of the basement has been converted into a romantic wedding alcove.

The family gathers around them as Lucas and Tia wait beneath the arch.

As Tia slips the ring on his finger, her sweet voice fills with love as she says, "I, Letitia, take thee, Lucas, to be my partner, my helpmeet, my soulmate. Our friendship started out when we young, when your little boy words of wisdom touched my little girl heart. And our love grew from there, from friends, to steadies, to lovers. Until this day, the day I become your wife and take thee as my husband, my one and only from this day forward."

And Tia's smile prompts Lucas to squeeze her hand lovingly as he places the circle of gold upon her finger, intoning these words, "I, Lucas, take thee Letitia, to be my partner, my helpmeet, my soulmate. I've loved you for as long as I can remember, you are the first one to touch my heart outside of family. And now, now you are my heart, my mind, my soul, intertwined with all that I was, all that I am, all that I shall be. This ring seals our union, a promise of what was, what is, and what shall be, a journey we make together as I become your husband and take thee as my cherished wife."

And as rose petals fall gently around them, amid the applause of their family, they share their first kiss as Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Frio.

Then Lucas does the honors and cuts the cake.

Tia anxiously watches wondering whether she's going to get cake on her dress or up her nose.

But no such mishaps ruin her wedding day, and the bride and groom share a romantic dance.

And they are soon joined by the father and mother of the groom and Marshall and Dahlia.

As all three couples sway in each others arms, they all dwell on thoughts of their own wedding days.

Lorelei and Samuel looking back over the years they've been together and the many more they have to come with their grown children and grandchildren.

Marshall and Dahlia married long enough to both have wishes for their first child.

And now Lucas and Tia looking forward to starting their new lives together, as husband and wife.

And the ghosts come out to celebrate this latest wedding as well.

First Rae as she joins a paparazzi on the back deck.

Remembering how cozy and familiar Rae was with paparazzi Marvin Craft back in MH, I carefully watch to see if anything untoward is going to happen here.

But Rae just rocks gently and doesn't even bother introducing herself to this new one.

"Another couple of this gen safely married Watcher. It's such a nice feeling to see their happiness and joy. Takes me back to my own newlywed days with Sam. Seeing the others couple dance, I could see they were dwelling on their own wedding too. I'm guessing it won't be long before the next gen is arriving, something we all look forward too! Busy times, but ones filled with love."

I confirm Rae's thoughts saying, "Marshall and Dahlia already have baby wishes, but they know they have to wait just a bit longer for Lucas and Tia to find their own home. I'm sure it won't be long, probably after Cinda and Rory's wedding, so they can get started on the next gen too. Marshall and Cinda want their children to be close, fairy children if the truth be told."

Rae gives me a look, "No 'Watcher willing' in this case as that's something you can't help with right?"

I sigh and nod in agreement saying, "I could tweak the odds of that but I've never interfered that way. Before we had grandparent fairy genes to increase the odds, but now it's just down to Marshall and Cinda, both having human spouses, so the odds are even less in our favor."

Rae nods and says, "But Lorelei and Samuel had two fairy children with only Torre, so still a possibility Watcher."

I smile when she reminds me of that.

But my smile quickly fades when Rae leaves and Jared shows up out here.

Smirking as Sam's fainted dead away at his feet! Again.

But to my surprise and delight, Sam gets up, dusts himself off, and promptly sits in the other rocker!

Jared frowns and exclaims, "Well, you're no fun anymore!"

"Good for you Sam! All that time in MH seems to have rubbed off on you and made you much braver."

Sam smiles smugly and says, "Probably not Watcher. But the look on my loving father-in-law's face, even if it's just this one time, is worth it!"

Jared's frown gets bigger and he just rocks a bit faster showing his annoyance at Sam's words.

Sam's grin grows and he says, "Definitely worth it!"

Lucas got promoted and fulfilled his promise to propose to Tia.

And then they got married immediately afterward!

But next up is the first break in Lucas and Cinda's case.

And a surprise visitor from MH comes to town just in time for Cinda and Rory's wedding!

Let's see what happens in Chapter 165: A Breaking Case and A Wedding Guest
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 165: A Breaking Case and A Wedding Guest
« Reply #185 on: September 29, 2019, 02:44:54 PM »

Early the next morning I'm surprised by screaming and yelling from the newlyweds room!

Trouble in paradise already?

No, just a rousing pillow fight after Tia smacked Lucas with hers!

But their pillow fight quickly ends when they share a passionate kiss.

Time to turn our attention elsewhere.

Oh, here's something new!

"Where did that cool car come from Samuel!?"

Samuel smiles and says, "Isn't it a beauty? Lorelei saw one like it when she was out and about in town. And she surprised me with it for my upcoming birthday! Says I'll be the coolest elder in RH with that car. I'm not sure how cool I'll be, but that's one sweet looking ride! I know for sure I'll be the envy of everyone on the staff of the Herald. I can't wait for them to see me pull up in it! But Lorelei wants me to wait until after my birthday for that!"

And with those words, he whistles a tune and heads off to work.

I've not seen anyone so blasé about becoming an elder before, but that may be because the last few have been women.

Or because he gets to drive an awesome classic car once he ages up.

Whatever the reason, it's quite the refreshing change.

And Dahlia's happily saving lives on Oceanfront Beach today.

First a woman that got a cramp, but was close to shore.

Then a man who'd gone out a bit too far and got into trouble.

Dahlia swims like a dolphin now, sleek and swift, and she gets there in plenty of time to inflate a life board and help him get back to shore.

Her saves have continued climbing and so has the money she makes, quite a respectable sum now.

Not that she does it for the simoleans, it's all about saving sims life for our brave and good Dahlia.

But the way I figure it, since she's putting her life on the line every time she steps onto a beach, she deserves the pay!

But this guy's taken on a little too much water so she performs CPR until he's breathing on his own.

But Dahlia's not the only one meeting more RH residents who're in trouble.

Lucas was sent undercover, being an unknown face here in RH, to see what information he could dig up in town.

He's just about to head inside when he sees an attractive, well-dressed blonde staring at him.

He immediately recognizes her from police photos as none other than Donia Spinelli!

He can't risk losing this golden opportunity and smiles as he remarks on what a beautiful day it is.

Donia Spinelli can't resist an attractive man, especially one who looks like he comes from money, old money!

Lucas tells her he's new in town and asks if she knows of any job openings.

Donia says, "For a man or woman of talent, this town is a gold mine Mr….? Oh, I didn't catch your name?"

Lucas looks her in the eyes and says, "That's because I haven't mentioned it yet. It's Frio, Lucas Frio. And to whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?"

Donia replies, "It's Ms. Spinelli. Wait. Frio? That name rings a bell. Where did you live before you came to our illustrious city Mr. Frio?"

Lucas shakes his head and says, "No place of importance. But my forebears originated in Sunset Valley, Claire and Jared Frio. I'm the 8th generation of the main branch of the family. Not the heir per se, but having all the benefits without the responsibilities. A definite win for a guy like me who likes to do what I want."

Donia's eyes open wider as she makes the connection Lucas is hoping for, a blood connection to long-time crime boss and master thief, Claire Ursine Frio.

She steps closer and says, "Like I said, Mr. Frio, this city is like Fort Knox, with simoleans just ripe for the taking. With one very big difference, the treasures here are not hidden, but quite obvious for a man or woman with the right talents. Talents combined with the right connections. I do believe you possess the connections. So now the only question is, do you have the right talents?"

Lucas knows he needs to choose his words carefully and not give his true purpose away.

"Well, the type of job I'm looking for would be one that keeps me out of the limelight and preferably indoors. Maybe an investor or a silent partner, if I could find the right business opportunity."

Donia can't believe her luck or maybe she should say good fortune as not only has she met someone with money, a lot of it if all the rumors are true, but someone who wants to be parted from it quite easily!

She says, "Well, I think our meeting today was quite precipitous Mr. Frio as I just happen to know of several investment opportunities that could use an large influx of cash. Let me put together a select portfolio and get back to you."

Lucas gives her his private business number and says, "It's best if you use this number Ms. Spinelli. I like to keep my business strictly separate from any other parts of my life."

Donia gives him a knowing look, and smiles as she says, "I understand completely Mr. Frio."

Dropping her voice a bit she adds, "And please call me Donia. My closest friends and business partners do. I'm looking forward to having both of those apply to you. "

Lucas can't even speak by this time, his palms are sweating and his throat is dry.

Being outdoors, in this kind of situation for the first time, all of that combined with his neurotic tendencies have him so close to freaking out that he can only nod.

But it turns out that that was the perfect thing to do.

As Donia nods back and says, "I like a man who knows when words aren't needed or even wise.  A look, a nod, a smile," *her eyes drifting to his lips* "Even a kiss, especially a kiss. They can convey so much more than words at times. I am definitely looking forward to getting to know you better. I have a feeling that we could be the best of…friends."

And with those words, she departs.

Leaving Lucas feeling like he's already in way over his head, with a woman so far out of his league that lab work can't come his way fast enough!

Cinda might thrive on this kind of stuff, but with this first assignment he knows he's just not cut out for it.

Lucas calls his boss and they meet in a secluded corner to keep Lucas' association with the Guard under wraps.

"That's the gist of my contact with Ms. Spinelli, Detective Nest. I can't believe she bought into my cover story just because I'm related to Founder Claire. I'm nothing like her at all! But honestly, Detective, this assignment has just brought home to me that I truly do belong in the lab! Safely indoors and working behind the scenes."

"All in good time Officer. I appreciate your honesty, and I know this isn't exactly what you signed up for, but you were our best shot at getting our foot in the door. Someone unknown in this town, with the right family connections and lots of old family money. And meeting and getting in with one of the top crime bosses on your first assignment, well, you've certainly exceeded my expectations! You did exactly the right thing, showing a definite interest but not really committing to anything. Yet."

Lucas gulps and says, "And that sounds like I'm still in it."

Detective Nest says, "In like Flynn. But hopefully not with all of the conations of that phrase, as word on the grapevine is you just got married."

Lucas clenches his fists in the air and remarks, "I did Detective! And I don't want to be put in a position that comprises that marriage. My wife understands about work, but there are some things no wife would understand. Donia Spinelli is one of those things! So there's a limit to how far I'll go with this. Tia and I've been together since grade school and I'm not messing that up for anybody or anything."

"Understood Officer. But with you getting in so quickly, it may not take us all that long to find enough evidence to put the cuffs on her and all her cronies. With all of them safely behind bars and off our streets, you'd get that sweet position in the lab that you're hoping for. So can the citizens of Roaring Heights count on you to fulfill your duty?"

"You really hit a guy where it hurts Detective. As much as I dislike this particular type of police work, yes, you can count on me. My family lives here now and I want to make this town safe for them as well the children we hope to have here. Safe for all it's citizens. So yes, I'm in. But we'll leave Flynn out of it. I hope!"

And back at the house, Tia's having similar thoughts when she answers the door to an unexpected guest.

"Why Tucker Limb, what brings you here to Roaring Heights?"

Tucker shocks the life out of her when he stares into her eyes, and says, "You, Tia! I can't stop thinking about you. I had to see you. To tell you how I feel. I couldn't stand it any longer. I love you Tia!"

Tia's almost struck as speechless as Lucas was with Donia Spinelli.

But she knows what it feels like to feel unnoticed, unloved, unworthy.

So she does her best to let him down easy.

Telling him how much his friendship means to her but they can only be friends, nothing more.

But as her words hit home, Tucker is furious.

He yells, "But I've come all this way! Spent all that money on a plane ticket! How could you do this to me?"

Tia steps back in shock at the force of his anger, but she lets him vent and get it out of his system.

She says softly, "Tucker, we flirted a bit in junior high, you dated other girls and I've been Lucas' girl since high school. We just recently got engaged and married. I'd love to stay friends with you Tucker, but you deserve a girl who loves you and only you. The kind of love Lucas and I have together."

As Tucker checks his phone for flights back to Midnight Hollow, she can see the hurt in his eyes.

"I can't get a flight back until tomorrow! I'll have to find a place to stay in town. This is mortifying."

"Tucker, I meant what I said before, we've always been friends, you, me, Lucas, and Cinda. You're more than welcome to stay with us until you can get a flight back. As far as I'm concerned you came her to visit all of us. No one has to know anything different."

"You'd do that even after I yelled at you, said all those nasty things? I guess, I guess that does mean you're my friend after all Tia."

"I am Tucker. It really is good to see a familiar pale face. Now please fill me in on all of the news from back home!"

As the groom and his bride-to-be wait for the family to gather, poor Tucker's thoughts remain on Tia.

He's hoping his tears will be attributed to being over-emotional at weddings.

While Dahlia's thinking of the party after the ceremony and Lucas is thinking about children. Again.

They clasp hands and repeat the vows that Rory wrote, vows from his heart to hers.

Vows that they memorized together to commemorate this special moment.

"My one true love, my one true heart. From this day forward 'til we part.
I am yours and you are mine. Husband and wife, forever entwined.
Days of sunlight and days of joy, joined by a little girl and maybe a boy.
This journey we're making, a quest undertaking.
Not as two, me and you, but simply done, today, tomorrow, forever, as one."

Then they kiss, the new Mr. and Mrs. Frio, Cinda and Rory.

The eighth generation heir couple has officially tied the knot.

The family cheers and smiles as the wedding festivities continue.

Even Tucker manages a half-hearted grin as the bride and groom cut the cake.

Tucker joins Samuel, Cinda, and Dahlia who're all indulging in a piece of wedding cake.

While Tia and Lucas seem to be debating over it.

Or talking about something else entirely. Something serious.

But at the wedding table all thoughts are focused on cake and congratulating the beautiful bride.

A few moments later, Lucas and Tia join Rory and Cinda for a wedding dance.

And the night ends with the delightful strains of a classical waltz as the two couples circle the floor.

Two couples, but more than that.

Brother and sister twins who married a sister and brother.

So the ties go deep with these siblings as their children will be double cousins!

Well, Lucas has gotten his first taste of undercover police work and has spun a web for crime boss Donia Spinelli.

But will he be the spider or the fly? Neither of those choices appeals to him!

And Tucker Limb was our mysterious guest who came to town for Tia, but stayed for Cinda and Rory's wedding.

So all three generation eight couples are now married.

And we all know what that means, nooboo time!

But which couple will start the next generation first?

And what of Lucas and Cinda's case and Samuel's elder birthday?

Let's see what questions get answered in Chapter 166: First Birthday in RH
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 166: First Birthday in RH
« Reply #186 on: October 01, 2019, 01:24:16 PM »

Tia's so newly married that she can't stop looking at her wedding ring.

"It's just so beautiful Watcher, but it's more than that too. It's me and Lucas, a symbol of our love and devotion to each other. I'm just, I'm just the happiest girl. The luckiest girl. To have found him, to have him for a husband, this family. It's almost more than I can take in. Who'd have ever thought that Tia Hyde, Loser, would end up Mrs. Lucas Frio, with the world at my fingertips! It's like a fairy tale, a dream come true."

"Well, you've taken a page out of Desmond's book Tia. He came into the family with the Loser trait as well, and he didn't put up with it for one minute. He fought it every step of the way and no one could ever call him a loser, not our Dashing Desmond. He became an International Super Spy and solved a really big case in Riverview with his sister-in-law and fellow officers."

"Dashing Desmond had the Loser trait?! No way! I've seen the family photo albums and scrapbooks, he's a hero, a legend."

"Yes, he is. And you've overcome it already in so many ways, with both your art and your music. No one who's become part of this family could be considered a loser. So remember that. With hard work and perseverance, we can make our own dreams come true. But let's face it, you're going to have your work cut out for you, not because of your traits, but dealing with all of Lucas' traits! He didn't get very good ones I'm afraid. Except for Good, that trait saved him and you. Even with all his faults, he's got a good heart."

"He does Watcher. I think we're pretty evenly matched and we'll make a great team. And we're going to find out soon enough how it's going to be with just the two of us. Lucas' is in the study making the final arrangements to buy that home he's been keeping an eye on."

And as I head to the study, Lucas has just finished up on the computer.

"It's a done deal Watcher. Tia and I are the proud owners of Lavish Luxury, a 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home at 28 Riverside Terrace. It's just across the bridge from here on the river side of town obviously. The lots not huge but since I'm not one for the outdoors, it's just a matter of Tia having inspirational views for her music and her art. And maybe our kids will enjoy playing outside."

"Are you going to say goodbye to everyone before you two head out?"

"No need for that right now Watcher. We've got plenty of time for goodbyes at the end of Cinda's time here. We'll save the goodbyes for that. No need to make her sad on her wedding day or Tia either. Besides, we work together, we'll see each other all the time. And of course, we'll visit. A lot."

And as their siblings head off to their new home, our newlyweds enjoy a romantic evening together.

Just before her eyes close in sleep, Cinda's smile is one of perfect love and contentment.

But they're not the only couple indulging in a bit of romance tonight.

Marshall's giving Dahlia a massage as he whispers words of love meant for her ears alone.

And Samuel takes a moment to chat with Tucker about family and friends back home.

"They're putting on some really good plays this season Mr. Frio. The papers been doing one review after the other. It's not as exciting as the ghostly news stories you used to contribute, or the articles on that Evil Genius, Roderick Synapse, but it's still a decent paper. I could arrange to have it sent here when I get back to MH."

"Why that's a great idea Tucker! I'll take you up on the offer and I look forward to seeing it in the coming weeks. It's been great seeing a familiar face from MH. Please feel free to stay as long as you'd like and let others know they're more than welcome to visit too."

"I'll be heading back soon Mr. Frio, but thanks for the offer and I'll be sure to pass it on. I'm sure others would love a chance to visit a sunny city like Roaring Heights. It's a real nice change from Midnight Hollow."

And we get a ghostly visitor on the eve of another family wedding.

Jared takes his ease on one of the back deck rockers.

"So they've all tied the knot now Watcher. Soon it'll be time for the next generation to start showing up."

"I know Marshall and Dahlia are ready as they both have wishes for their first child locked in."

"Well the heir couple better not drag their feet either! We need some new heir blood around here!"

"You just want to see if any of their children inherit your traits Jared! You're pretty transparent you know. Pun intended!"

Jared chuckles and says, "Not bad, Watcher, not bad." *his eyes darting around* "And don't tell Sam but that was pretty funny how he got up, dusted himself off and just rocked away next to me. The boy really showed some spirit for once!"

"And that was an awful one! What I find funny is you calling him 'boy'. He's an elder just like you Jared, you're more the same age now than you ever were when you were both alive."

"They'll always be my kids Watcher. Age doesn't really enter into it."

"Now you've got me there Jared. Once your baby, always your baby."

"Speaking of babies, any news on that front yet!"

"Jared you are impossible!"

"Why thank you Watcher, tonight's mission is now complete!"

Dahlia and Marshall have moved upstairs for some privacy.

But what on earth is Marshall doing?

"Oh, I feel faint, lightheaded. I can't breathe."

"I'll save you stranger. I know mouth to mouth!"

And with those words our intrepid lifeguard places her lips over the poor breathless man's and demonstrates her amazing skills!

And once the poor soul is breathing again, his rescuer breathily whispers, "Anytime you'd like another demonstration, you know where to find me. I'm a Lifeguard you know. Always at your service."

And then they look at each and laugh hysterically!

I laughed as well as I don't ever remembering seeing that particular demonstration before.

But then they get back to some serious kissing.

And not long after they retire to their room and don their sleepwear.

But Marshall can't resist jumping into Dahlia's arms.

Good thing he's thin and she's strong from all her exercising and swimming.

Because Marshall does this a lot!

Well, they don't need an audience at this point.

The next morning I find Cinda in the basement.

She's trying out the brain enhancement device as she's a bit bored with talking to herself in the mirror.

"And most sims are outside, so, ick." to quote her.

Within just a few minutes, she's gained another charisma point!

"No bad Watcher, not bad. It works quickly and it's painless, just a slight buzzing in my head."

Rory's back to painting, and his skill is ever improving.

Having M-Th off now, has even our couch potato a bit bored so Lorelei's planned a birthday party for Samuel.

She cheerfully greets her first guests, co-worker May West and Janet Torrance Marks, who recently wed, Sharpo, and wants to be a Culinary Librarian, just like she did.

Then Lucas and Tia arrive and they head inside to get the party started.

Samuel stands before his cake, the first one to have a birthday here in RH.

The candles are lit and Lorelei, his children, and their guests are making the usual party noises, even the new maid.

And the sparkles begin as everyone continues to yell and cheer.

And Samuel's reached his elder years the happiest elder I have ever seen.

Look at that smile!

"You really were ready to pass on the heirship torch weren't you?"

"Top of my list Watcher. I don't think I did a bad job as the heirship spouse, but I'm glad my time is over. Now I get to read and paint as much as I want. Or even retire and stay home and take care of grandchildren when they arrive."

"Do you want to do that?"

"Um, not this minute no, but if I do I'll be sure and let you know."

As they all eat cake and chat, the maid asks Cinda for her autograph.

Cinda's hoping to get out of this crowd of people as soon as possible, so she quickly agrees.

And seeing how easy it was to obtain, Janet Marks asks for one too.

Cinda quickly signs her name to Janet's book and tells everyone she needs to do an errand in town.

She heads for the bookstore, Bee's Knees Books, and notices a very pregnant lady leaving the shop.

And she realizes that it wasn't just a reason to get out of the crowded house that brought her here.

She definitely needs a book, a very specific book.

The next day, Dahlia starts off with a rescue right away.

One that was close to shore so no CPR needed this time.

Which was a good thing, because soon after she emerged from the waves, she felt terrible.

Nauseous, sick to her stomach, terrible.

And it wasn't long before she tossed her breakfast in the sand.

It was pretty gross but there was no time to make it to a bathroom.

But afterward she did feel a bit better.

Good enough to finish her shift and make plans to meet Marshall at the World of Wonder Carousel Park.

He greets her with a loving embrace, having missed her while she was at work.

They try out the carousel first thing with some other patrons.

Marshall choosing a colorful steed while Dahlia rides a cute baby elephant.

Then they play whack-a-mole.

And they both get respectable first scores, a surprise to Marshall, but Dahlia is a pretty intense player.

"It's just a game Dahlia, take it easy on the poor moles."

"They are evil and conspiring against me Watcher, they must suffer the consequences!"

And with those words ringing in my ears, I slowly back away and leave her to it.

Lucas and Tia decided it was time to get a place of their own so they've moved out to Lavish Luxury to start their married life together.

Samuel's an elder now, greeting the start of these years with a happy grin.

And looking forward to grandchildren here in RH, as is Lorelei.
(And Founder Jared! Along with myself, of course.)

But which couple is expecting?

Cinda's looking for a special book at the bookstore after seeing a very pregnant woman.

Dahlia's tossed her cookies on the beach.

Only time will provide the answer in Chapter 167: Ice Cream and Pickles anyone?
Coming soon.

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Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 167: Ice Cream and Pickles anyone?
« Reply #187 on: October 03, 2019, 02:48:33 PM »
Samuel was right on the money about Cinda being able to break space blocks in her sleep.

Well, not quite in her sleep, but if she's got a spare moment, I can usually find her here.

But right after she breaks this one, she seems to loose focus, and hesitate before getting another rock.

Then her hesitation turns into a spin as she changes into a maternity outfit!

And pats her still flat tummy in anticipation of their coming child.

She immediately pops a wish for a boy!

And then finds Rory to share the happy baby news.

Rory's thrilled and his eyes dance with excitement as he says, "Oh, yes, a little girl just as beautiful as you are!"

Cinda says with a laugh, "Well, it'll either be my boy or your girl. Let's make it a surprise."

Rory says, "Maybe it will be one of each, you've got a twin brother after all. And Marshall and Kimberly are twins so it does run in your family."

Cinda's eyes open wide as she takes in that idea.

"I guess I could have twins. I never even thought of that. I better get to reading that book!"

The expectant parents head off to bed as the new mother-to-be needs her rest.

Cinda falls asleep quickly, but Rory just stares at the ceiling.

He's excited about the news of becoming a father, but a bit apprehensive too.

His own traits aren't the best and his parents, wow, he hopes their child doesn't get stuck with some of those.

The best trait his father had, and passed on to him, was Artistic, though Genius would have been nice to go with it, instead of Absent-Minded.

And of all the times to connect the dots, what on earth made him bring up twins?!

He saw the shock in Cinda's eyes as soon as he said it.

What kind of husband says something that scary to his newly pregnant wife?!

He's mucking up his marriage and fatherhood in one fell swoop.

And with thoughts like these filling up his mind, he continues to stare at the ceiling, wide awake.

But someone else is still awake as well.

As Dahlia heads for a rocker on the balcony patio, she suddenly stops mid stride.

And pats a barely there baby bump with a maternal smile as thoughts of a baby girl fill her heart.

Too bad this couldn't have happened just a bit earlier.

It may have eased Cinda's and Rory's worries a bit knowing twins was not in the cards.

At least not this time around.

Early the next morning, I find Lorelei out relaxing in the pool.

Both her and Samuel have been spending a lot of time in it here in RH.

Either diving, floating, sliding, or just swimming around.

I guess they're taking advantage of the warm lazy days of summer.

Yes, elder Samuel is on his way out to join his wife.

"With Lorelei out here, I knew you wouldn't be far behind."

"I never realized just how relaxing swimming is, and it's keeping us fit too. And you just can't beat watching the sun rise from the pool."

"Well how about we do a quick wardrobe update now that you're an elder?"

"Okay, but don't take too long, I want to get out there and enjoy the water before it gets too hot."

So off we go to Stylist.

I really like the hair style he had with his sleepwear as it looks more distinguished so we decide to keep it.

But we do update his everyday outfit a bit with black trousers and a short-sleeve button down shirt in his favorite green color.

We quickly choose a few more outfits, keeping it simple, and I let him get in his pool time.

"You can't beat this Watcher, a beautiful sunny morning with a gorgeous wife, relaxing in the pool on a lounger, reading a book! I think I'm in heaven."

And as the sun fills their room, we find Cinda and Rory still lost in dreamland.

Dreaming about babies of course!

Dahlia shares her baby news with Marshall as soon as he's awake.

He pulls her close for a hug and whispers, "I love you so much."

Dahlia giggles and says, "I love you more."

They squeeze each other tighter and let their love for each other fill their hearts.

Then Marshall jumps back afraid he's squeezed her too tightly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. We have someone else to think of!"

"It's fine Marshall, I'm healthy and strong, you can't hurt the baby with a hug."

"Are you sure?!" Marshall bends down closer, but not too close, and listens.

Then he panics! "I don't hear anything! I've damaged him already."

Dahlia smiles at her Neurotic Genius husband and says, "It's way to early to hear anything. I'm barely showing. Let's get you a baby book, to alleviate your fears."

And as huge as the RH Main Street Library is, a garage with four or more floors above it.

With multiple bookcases on every floor.

There are NO baby books to be found!

Not one.

But they do see two cute toddlers, Jamie Davis and Lukas Cassat.

Dahlia and Marshall melt at the sight of them and find that their trip to the library wasn't worthless after all.

Oh, they both look so sweet Marshall. Do think our child will be sweet?"

"Of course our child will be sweet. He'll have you for a mother! He'll have no choice."

"You keep saying he. It could be a girl you know."

"It could, but my bets on a boy. Just a feeling."

Lorelei's so excited about the two expectant grandchildren she can't help but chatter away.

"Gramlei's going to play with you, and rock you, and we'll watch TV, I know all the best shows!"

But before she can congratulate Marshall and Dahlia, they've gone off to a Leisure Day pool party.

I find Marshall relaxing under a balcony, keeping his fair skin out of the sun. Wise man.

But after a bit he decides to check out the house and finds Dahlia on an upstairs deck.

But she's fast asleep, and he doesn't disturb her knowing she needs her rest.

Later on he hears a cry. A baby's cry. A very disturbing baby's cry.

He thinks someone will take care of it, but the crying continues.

He look over the balcony and sees people chatting and swimming. Paying no attention.

But the crying hasn't stopped. He can't stand it any longer and goes searching.

He doesn't have to go far when he finds a baby girl crying her heart out in one of the upstairs bedrooms.

He cuddles her close, her crying stops, she falls asleep, and he gently places her back in her crib.

And he thinks that Dahlia may be right, a little girl would be nice, so soft, so sweet.

But somehow he feels their first child will be a boy.

And with the news of babies the ghosts congregate en masse.

Sam clapping and jumping with joy at the imminent arrival of the next generation.

Adam smiles and says, "It's a good feeling isn't dad? Two more babies, the first for this new town. We've come a long way since Sunset Valley and Moonlight Falls. Isn't it exciting Grandma Claire?"

Claire's looking the current paparazzi up and down wondering if she can beat her to a rocker.

At Adam's question she replies, "I'll get excited when they arrive. I hope they make a nursery downstairs with a rocker. I love watching the new little ones."

"But for now, I'll be satisfied with one out here!" she remarks triumphantly from one of the rocking chairs.

But I see Sam's knees knocking together, so I know it's only a matter of time before all the ghostliness gets to him.

We'll move on so he can keep his dignity this time.

Just as the sun rises, Samuel takes a moment to congratulate Cinda.

She's showing just a bit more and he eagerly chats to the baby.

"Grampa's going to spend a lot of time with you. We'll go for walks, and to the library and read books together. You'll love the Jimmy Sprocket books, they've always been fun. Peek-a-boo! Grampa's going to get your nose!"

Cinda laughs, "Well it sounds like you and mom have this little ones time all accounted for! I guess Rory and I can just sit back and take it easy with you two around."

Samuel chuckles and says, "Well, we both still work full time, though for your mother that's only on the weekend, but I intend to enjoy my grandchildren to the full in my free time. Though you'll find out soon enough that a baby is a lot of work, especially when they hit the toddler stage and become mobile! So six adults and two babies sounds easy, but you just wait and see."

Samuel's just getting ready to head back inside to his urn when Dahlia comes out and sits in a rocker.

And he's a bit startled when she speaks to him, "Beautiful morning Grandpa Sam, isn't it?"

"Why, um, yes Dahlia dear it is." *but then he sees her rather somber expression* "Is something troubling you my dear? I thought this was a happy time with the new babies arriving soon. But you don't look happy."

"I'm happy about the babies. Thrilled in fact. But I was talking to Cinda and she wants a boy, just like Marshall does. And Rory's hoping for a little girl, like me. So two of us are going to be disappointed. I wish we were on the same page as couples."

Sam smiles and says, "Sweet Dahlia, that's not really a problem. Just think about it. You each want a child, so that's the biggest thing to be sure about. Bringing a child into a home of love and caring is the most important thing. You may have a wish for it to be one gender or the other, and those wishes may not always coincide. But that's the beauty of having babies." *Sam blushes just a bit before he continues* "You get to keep trying!"

Dahlia's own cheeks gain a rosy glow, whether due to the sun rise or Sam's words, as she says, "Oh Grandpa Sam, I wasn't thinking of it that way. But you're right! This doesn't have to be the only child we each have, in fact, we'll probably have several children. So we've got plenty of time to have both boys and girls!" *then her face falls again* "But not here, not together, with these two babies the house is full!"

Sam smiles again and says, "That's not a problem either my girl. Isn't there a big beautiful EMPTY house across the street? One just waiting for a family to make it a home?"

Dahlia's eyes fly up to Sam's face and she whispers, "You are a genius Grandpa Sam! And one of the few that can call me 'my girl' and have me like it. I'm going to talk to Marshall about this right away. And maybe we can move in to our own home after the babies are born."

True to her word, Dahlia fills Marshall in on her chat with Grandpa Sam.

And as much as he wants to stay in the main house, he sees the logic of moving out after the babies are born.

Dahlia wants to have more children right away, close together so they can become friends, and they can't do that here.

But checking out the real estate market now and seeing if that house across the street is still available is also a good idea, so he gets right on it.

And Grandpa Sam is right, it is a big beautiful house and still on the market.

Probably due to it's hefty price tag, but it's well within their means, and he's bringing in a sizable sum with his books now, so upkeep should be fine as well.

Even with Dahlia off work for awhile too, especially having such a strenuous career.

It could be several months after each child before she can go back to work as a Lifeguard.

So with a heavy heart, but one filled with expectation too, Marshall fills out the inquiry form to set the wheels in motion for buying a home of their own.

So both Cinda and Dahlia are expecting!

But which one of each couple will get their gender wish?

Marshall and Cinda both want a boy, while Rory and Dahlia want a girl.

Let's find out in Chapter 168: Sugar and Spice or Snips and Snails?
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 168: Sugar and Spice or Snips and Snails?
« Reply #188 on: October 05, 2019, 02:19:47 PM »
While they wait for their new family members, they keep themselves busy.

Lorelei spending her days in the pool.

If Samuel's too busy, she doesn't mind inviting paparazzi to join her.

But she's not shared anything personal with them.

With Samuel being Editor-in-Chief of the Herald, he could keep some things under wraps.

But a rival paper could go crazy with just about anything, true or not!

And Samuel does have hobbies that keep him busy.

His first love is still painting,  and he completes one exceptional painting after another.

He keeps having wishes to paint five masterpieces, and each time he completes the wish, he pops it again!

But with his extra social trait of Bookworm, if he's not painting, he's reading.

I try to make sure he's always got some fresh reading material available so he doesn't have to keep reading the same books over and over, but honestly, I don't think he'd care.

And since this is a new novel, I'm not going to interrupt him.

As a reader myself, I know how annoying it can be to be interrupted when you're engrossed in a book, a new story that's taking you to far away places, or even other lands or times.

But when they get a notice for the last day of the Summer Festival, they decide to check it out.

They chat a bit deciding what they'd like to do first.

They decide it doesn't matter as long as they're alone together.

They get their wish for spending some time together.

But as they share a romantic hug, alone seems impossible with the over-eager paparazzi snapping photo after photo.

They decide they do want a photo, one they can send to family and friends back home.

But one a bit more private than one from the tabloids.

So they step into the photo booth at the festival.

They can't even remember if they've ever had a photo taken of just the two of them.

And it turns out to be a wonderful one.

"You look so handsome Samuel! Your elder years haven't diminished your looks at all, in fact the gray hair adds to them."

Samuel laughs and says, "That's because I have a gorgeous wife to share my life with. One who keeps me young, active, and by your own words, quite attractive!"

But Lorelei hasn't given up on her favorite hobby, couch time in front of the TV.

Mostly by herself, but tonight she's invited Tia and Lucas over for some company.

Tia joins her on the couch but her thoughts and conversation are focused on Dahlia and Cinda's expected babies.

Lorelei's scooted forward watching the show intently, when they are both startled by a yell from downstairs.

Tia says, "I think it was Cinda! That doesn't sound good!"

"Mom, mom!!! Hurry. I think it's the baby! I need you…"

But Cinda's cry for help fades as another contraction hits and all she can do is hold her stomach and work through the pain.

Lorelei gets down the spiral stairs in record time.

But as is typical for family members, when she realizes Cinda's in labor all she can do is panic.

But then in one moment of clarity, Lorelei says, "Breathe sweetie, just try not to tense up and breathe through the pains. Your father's right here. I'll go get Rory. He should be here with you for this."

And surprisingly Samuel doesn't panic at all, just says, "I'm here sweetheart. I can't do much but I'll stay with you until Rory gets down here."

And Rory doesn't waste any time, but he too remains unnaturally calm.

Maybe he's forgotten about the baby?

Nope. With his first words to Cinda, I realize that's not the case either.

"I'm not sure what do you for you Cinda. What do you want me to do?"

Between contractions and breathing Cinda manages to say, "Not a lot you can do Rory, but please stay with me. I want you to be here when the baby arrives."

Rory nods with relief and says, "I can do that. I'll, I'll just sit here in the chair and be , um, silent support, I guess."

But even with two auras floating around him, Rory still looks a bit tense.

The look every father-to-be has until it's all safely over!

And it's a girl!

Rory's got his wish with a beautiful daughter who's a Virtuoso, one who Loves the Cold.

And to help Rory remember their daughter's name, Cinda keeps her promise and names her after a princess.

The choices she narrowed it down to both refer to two princesses actually.

Ella, after the most famous one, Cinderella, and Ella Enchanted, Ella also means 'light' or 'beautiful fairy woman'.

Or Odette, from the animated fairy tale The Swan Princess. It's also the name of the good swan in Tchaikovsky's ballet Swan Lake. Odette is of French origin and means "wealthy."

From <>

But when the birth sparkles and auras disappear and Cinda cuddles her daughter for the first time, she realizes that only one of the definitions for Ella applies.

The baby is lighter than she is, maybe not quite as pale as Rory, but a blend of them and there are no other sparkles, so she's not a fairy!

But she is wealthy, very, very wealthy, so in honor of Rory's mother, Odessa, and their wealth, she names her Odette.

Upstairs in the formal living room, Tia's saying her goodbyes to Lorelei.

"I better head out Mom Frio and let the new parents get their daughter settled in."

Lorelei returns her hug and says, "No hurry Tia, you're family after all."

But before Tia can respond to that, they both hear a yell, a very distinctive yell.

One they just heard earlier coming from downstairs, but this time it's much closer.

They pull apart and freak out in unison when they see Dahlia clutching her stomach!

And yowling like a cat having it's tail pulled!

Lorelei exclaims, "Wow, two in one night from separate couples, this is so exciting!'

Between pants and puffs, Dahlia manages to say, "Not exactly… the word… I would…use."

Then Lucas and Cinda show up, with Cinda freaking out too.

Lucas remains strangely calm and stares at his twin perplexed.

"Didn't you just go through this? Can't you help her instead of screaming?"

But his sister ignores the question and continues in panic mode as does his mother.

Lucas gives up trying to calm them down and tells Dahlia he'll go find Marshall.

By the time Marshall gets there, Dahlia's the only one in the room, the others all calming down and finding other places to be.

And I finally see a male going into panic mode as Marshall carries on even louder than Dahlia.

His aura not helping in the least to soothe his father-to-be nerves.

Oh, maybe it's a blue aura that does that?

And with Dahlia's baby boy thoughts as she nears the end of her labor, I wonder if that is a portent of the outcome.

It is! Marshall's feeling was right as they're the proud parents of a boy!

A boy who's Friendly like his Grandpa Samuel and a Couch Potato, just like Gramlei!

And with the birth sparkles and fairy aura gone, we see that there are no fairy sparkles for this baby either.

With the birth over, Marshall filled with fatherly pride, but full of nervous exhaustion flops in a lounger, saying, "Oh, I need to sit down!"

Dahlia, looking at her son with love, says, "Fairy or not, we only had one name picked out Watcher. He's David, in honor of my dad! And I'm going to start telling him all about his namesake as soon as possible. My dad may be gone but if we keep passing on our memories, he'll never be forgotten."

"I have to agree with Lorelei Dahlia. You've chosen the perfect name. Congratulations and welcome to the family David!"

But since it's Dahlia who needs to rest, she hands their son to his father and she heads upstairs to lie down.

Marshall holds his son with tenderness and the look on his face is one of complete serenity.

One I can definitely identify with as there is nothing like the feeling of holding your first child in your arms.

First you vow to love them now and forever, which is the easier of the two.

Then to do your best to keep them from harm for the rest of their lives.

Though with the second promise, you know you're setting yourself up for an impossible task.

Keeping them safe is a two-edged sword as life has a way of causing both little and big hurts, physical and emotional.

But the only way to avoid them is to keep them in a bubble and not let love in at all.

Something no parent would want for a child.

So the responsibility comes with mixed emotions all through their lives.

When they're little it's focused on keeping them physically safe, from harm.

As they grow, it expands to helping them to trust and love, first family, then extended family, then finding a romantic love, and completing the circle with children of their own.

All of these thoughts fill my mind and Marshall's, as we bask in the deep joy of parenthood.

But with two newborn infants in the house, quiet, reflective moments are squeezed in between taking care of newborn babies' immediate needs, namely, feedings and changings.

In these first few hours, this task falls to our new mothers as they bond with their infants.

Cinda feeding Odette bottle after bottle, then in due course, changing diaper after diaper.

Dahlia doing the same and getting in her mommy hugs and cuddles in between.

And she starts fulfilling her promise to her dad by telling little David all about him.

"He was such a great father David. Your grandparents had waited a long time for me so they were older and they loved me so much. Whenever dad wasn't at the theater practicing or performing, he took me to the Festivals to experience everything they had to offer. Your grandpa loved life and was excited about every part of it. And he cried all the time, whether it was about something good or sad, he never held back his emotions. Said it was good to let them be free, he enjoyed both the lows and the highs, and everything in between. So your cries don't worry me and your coos are a blessing to my ears. You remind me of him with ever sound, my dear sweet David."

"That was beautiful Dahlia. I see having a boy instead of a girl, hasn't made you love him any less."

Dahlia rolls her eyes, "That was just so silly of me, Watcher! Thinking it would make this huge difference. Grandpa Sam was right, you love the child no matter what the gender, just as it should be. A little girl could come along down the road. But even if that doesn't happen, Marshall and I will love David and all the brothers that may join him!"

And Marshall gives David his first soothing rock up on the second floor patio.

He's looking rather thoughtful and I soon find out why.

"I got a call from the real estate office and they are quite interested in our offer on the house."

"So soon? Don't you want to give Dahlia and the baby a bit more time before the rush of moving?"

"Well, it's not like the move from one town to the next Watcher. The house is furnished and we'll just being bringing our clothes and stuff. David's crib can stay here, with the three of us across the road, who knows, Cinda and Rory could have those twins after all. Oh, maybe they'll bring triplets back into the family!"

"I wouldn't be saying that in front of Cinda, she'd probably hurt you. And with only three of you in your house, triplets is more likely to happen with you and Dahlia!"

I smile as Marshall's thoughtful look turns to one of panic.

And then realize I'm getting to be as bad as Jared!

"Sorry Marshall, that was uncalled for, but a single, twins, triplets, no matter what, I'm really hoping that both you and Cinda pass on your fairy genes to at least one child."

Marshall sighs and says almost too softly for me to hear, "Me too Watcher. Me too."

So it's a win for the snips and snails team as both father's got their baby wish.

Marshall and Dahlia having a son that they named David in honor of her father.

Cinda and Rory having a little princess they named Odette, a name similar to Rory's mother, Odessa.

But neither one is a fairy.

Will Marshall and Lucinda be the last Frio fairies to carry Mémé Sophie's genes?

We'll have to see what happens after Marshall and Dahlia move to their own home.

Join me in Chapter 169: New Homes in RH
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 169: New Homes in RH
« Reply #189 on: October 07, 2019, 09:37:28 PM »
Rory takes the plunge into fatherhood and cuddles little Odette close.

"She stopped crying as soon as I picked her up Watcher!" he says with amazement.

"Of course she did Rory, she knows you. Your voice and now your touch and smell. Babies just want to feel safe and connected to others. Once you're comfortable with holding her, you can start caring for her in other ways."

He lowers is voice and softly whispers in his daughter's small ear, "I've got you little one. Daddy's here. I'll be here any time you need me."

And it doesn't take long for him to feel like an old hand at it, changing her diapers and feeding her bottles, as all the adults take turns throughout the days and nights.

But he can't hide his love when Odette grabs for her bottle the first time and her tiny hand grasps one of his fingers. Then as she finishes it, her eyes close as she drifts off to sleep, totally content in her father's arms.

His throat tight with emotion, he says, "It truly is a miracle Watcher. A new life, so tender and sweet. Part me, part Cinda. I was afraid at first, that I would mess this up. It's not easy, she needs a lot of care, day and night. But the feeling inside is so big, it just fills me up every time I see her, hold her. I never knew it would be like this, loving someone so intensely with all of my being."

"It's the most wonderful feeling Rory! Of course, it comes with a lot of responsibility but I think most parents feel that it's more than worth it."

And David's getting his share of attention as his grandparents want to make the most of the time he's here in the main house.

Lorelei plays with him gently, her smile spreading as he waves his arms at her in delight.

"Who's Gramlei's big boy? You are, you are. David's such a good boy!"


Then she has Marshall and Rory get the nursery rocker out of storage.

Marshall tells her they won't be staying long, but Lorelei says they'll put it downstairs once they make-over Odette's room to a nursery.

When he tries to argue she just gives him a look, and he sighs and does what any good son does.

Exactly what his mother asks!

So later Lorelei gets to rock David right next to his crib, just like she wanted to.

"Just remember that David, your mommy will get the last word and her wishes most of the time. They don't say 'happy wife, happy life, for nothing! So your daddy better get used to it. It applies to children too my little lad!"

Samuel finds her and they share a kiss, full of love for each other and their growing family.

With Kimberly and Antony's five, plus the two new little ones, they've got seven grandchildren now.

They both have wishes for ten, but they're not pushing.

Their children need to make those kind of decisions all on their own.

Grandparents just need to step back and enjoy them as they come along!

Seeing that David was still awake, Samuel gets in his grandpa time.

I love his proud smile as he holds his youngest grandchild.

"A girl and a boy Watcher! Both of them named after grandparents, it couldn't be more perfect."

"You're not disappointed it was your in-laws that got that honor?"

"Oh, not at all. Marshall and Kimberly were named after my family. We give up our own family names but use them as a remembrance for our children. It's become Frio tradition to honor those marrying in that way. "

"Well, I'm glad you feel that way. And honestly, I'm glad that Cinda and Rory had a little girl, I'm not totally sold on Winchester or Hyde as first names for a boy! But with Cinda's promise to use prince or princess names, I think we've dodged a bullet there."

"Indeed, Watcher, indeed. And I think all of us were relieved that Dahlia got over the idea of flower names. Some of them would have been cute for a girl, like Daisy or Rose, but Dahlia wasn't going in that direction at all. And Chrysanthemum for either a boy or a girl, well, let's just say, another bullet dodged!"

"We could have just shortened it to Chrys, but I'm not sure Dahlia was ever serious about using flower names. Her mind works differently than most Sims."

Samuel gives me a pointed look and says, "Like I, of all people, could ever forget that! Though, I must say, the girl certainly knows how to kiss, I still haven't forgotten it to this day."

"Samuel! Please keep your voice down, Lorelei's let that go, but if she heard you say that, you'd be in the dog house for sure."

Samuel smirks and says, "Lorelei's been the only recipient of my kisses since we were teens. And she's enjoyed Dahlia's kiss in her own way. It sure taught me a thing or two!"

My mouth drops open in surprise and I can only say one thing, "TMI Samuel, TMI!"

Downstairs, Dahlia's focusing on a strength workout to get back in shape and complete her last athletic point.

"Dahlia, you look fine, amazing really for just having had a child. What's the rush?"

She's so focused on her goal that she doesn't answer right away.

But in-between reps she says, "I don't have a lot of time. Marshall's on his 10th book and he wants us to move out once he's completed it. I want those wish points!"

I find Marshall upstairs just getting up from the computer.

"Taking a break?"

"Nope. All done Watcher. Just finished book # 10! And completed several other writing related wishes as well."

"So I guess it's that time then."

"Pretty soon. I'm going to pack up a few more of our things and check on Dahlia. She was hoping to max both athletic and charisma before we left."

"Well, she's almost got her last athletic point. I was just chatting with her downstairs."

But when I catch up with Dahlia I find she's moved to the basement.

And taking a page out of Cinda's book by using the Brain Enhancement device for her last Charisma skill point.

"Normally, I wouldn't condone such a thing Watcher, but with time being of the essence and all, I'm not going to take the high road about earning skill points. It's worth a lot of happiness points and it's what needs to be done."

"I know you like reaching goals Dahlia, your ambitious trait makes sure of that, but why such a focus on happiness points? That's not really your style."

"Oh, I want some very specific rewards before we move. In fact, I think you can probably guess one of them easily enough."

"Hardly Hungry?"

"That's one of them and it's 25,000 HP! I don't cook at all and Marshall has like two points, so I'm glad he's got that reward already. The other one, Marshall would probably kill me if he knew about it though….I want the fertility reward! I'm not taking any chances of David being an only child or having our kids far apart in age. That didn't help me and Gayle at all."

"Well, it's no guarantee that closeness in age will make them friends, but sometimes it can help."

And by the time we're done talking, Dahlia's maxed Charisma and earned her points.

With what she had banked already, plus those for maxing athletic and charisma, it was just enough to purchase both the rewards she wanted.

What I didn't tell her is that Marshall asked for the same reward!

Those two are on the same page even when they don't realize it, but I'll let them figure that one out on their own.

"It's done Watcher. I got the final paperwork from our agent earlier today. And our cab will be here soon."

"A cab? To walk across the road? Or in your case fly?"

"Oh, the cab is for me and David and all of his baby stuff. Mom and dad are loading us down with supplies! I told them it wasn't necessary but you know how they can be, especially mom!"

"What about Dahlia?"

"Dahlia has some last minute goodbyes to take care of and you know how I feel about goodbyes. So she said she'd be along in a bit."

As Marshall gets up to leave, Rory wanders in still in his pajamas.

"Rough night bro?" Marshall asks.

Rory yawns and says, "Between the baby, and writing and painting at all hours as the mood strikes me, I never know what day or time it is! I saw Dahlia and she said you guys are leaving.
I thought you were waiting until you finished your 10th book?"

Marshall smiles and says, "I just turned the final chapter in to my publisher and he says he thinks it will be a best-seller, my first, so that's something!"

"What's this one about?"

"What I know best, fairies! Like all the others, but this time I put a twist into it and included the rare white unicorn of the Fae. So between the Fae lovers and the unicorn lovers out there, I guess I've hit a niche."

"Sounds interesting. Please let me know when it's available."

And then they both hear the cabby's horn and know their time as housemates is over.

"You take care of yourself Rory, get some sleep at least. You've got to stay strong and healthy to take care of my sister and my niece!"

"I will Marshall. And thanks for all you've done. Giving up heirship for Cinda, but coming with us so she's not the only fairy. Supporting us as the heir couple. It means a lot to me, being able to not only call you my brother-in-law, but my friend."

The two share a meaningful look, one of friendship, love, and respect and Marshall heads out.

Dahlia says goodbye to everyone, but saves Lorelei for last.

"I want to thank you for all you've done for us, Mom Frio, Marshall, David, and me. If you hadn't been so understanding about that kiss, well, Marshall and I probably wouldn't be together and David wouldn't even be here! Not something I want to think about."

"Please don't Dahlia. I'm not sure that Marshall would have let you go quite as easily as you think, just because of my feelings. But the past is the past, it's time to live in the now. In a new town, with a career you love, married to your high school sweetheart, with a beautiful baby boy. And today, moving on to a new house to make it a home full of love and laughter. One right across the road so we can visit a lot, I might add! I hope it's not too close, I wouldn't want you to get tired of the family."

"Never Mom Frio! Oh, I hope that it doesn't bother you that I call you that, instead of just mom. With my mother…"

"There's no need to explain Dahlia. I understand. Mom Frio is fine. Rory and Tia didn't have the same relationship with their parents as you did with yours. Now you better head to your new home before your husband and son start to worry."

Full of eagerness to start her new life with her family in her own home, Dahlia takes off at a run.

She casts a look at the motive mobiles as she races by them and realizes that having their own home won't be as full of the perks as living in the heirship house.

But as she steps inside, she realizes that their new home still has the most important things.

It will still be full of family that she loves. Her Marshall and their David, their first child.

Hopefully to be followed by many more.

And with both of them having the fertility reward, I don't doubt that one bit!

Good thing this place is so big, plenty of bedrooms for all those impending children.

Then Samuel calls Lucas to let him know that they had some photos taken of the new house.

"We thought you could send some copies to family back home, to your sister and grandparents, and anyone else you'd like to share them with."

Sam continues, "Aerial photos of the front with the river serenely flowing in the background and showing off the upper balconies."

"The private backyard with it's gorgeous pool on the second floor.

And the seclusion of the lot with it's stands of stately mature trees on both sides.

For someone who doesn't care for it, you picked a place that's perfect for outdoor living and pool parties. "

"And we had them take several of the inside showing the floors and the layout too. In fact I'm looking at a photo of the bottom floor, the one with the bedrooms, which is a bit different…."

Lucas interrupts with, "About that dad. Tia and I found it odd having an entry on the ground floor with access to all of the bedrooms, first thing."

"And having to go up a set of circular stairs to get to the main living areas as well as all over the rest of the house. Well, it was just a bit much. So if you're not busy, please come to 48 Collins Street as soon as you can. We'd love to have mom come too, but we know she's still at work."

Samuel's a bit surprised, but his ears catch a now familiar sound, "Let me check on Odette first, then I'll head over there. It'll give me a chance to take my car for a spin."

Odette was definitely in need of some attention when Samuel got to her room.

But her cries stopped and she was all smiles when she saw her grandpa!

He played with her a bit and gave her a bottle, and tucked her back into her crib.

Then he hopped in his car and headed over to the address Lucas gave him.

It had started to rain a bit, but Samuel couldn't resist driving his new car.

It was such a beautiful model and handled so well.

No motive boost of course, but Lorelei was right, he did feel quite the distinguished gentleman driving it.

The address Lucas gave him, 48 Collins Street, was right near the heart of downtown Roaring Heights.

It wasn't on the ocean but had a great view of it.

And wow, number 48 was certainly breathtaking!

Four stories of Art Deco elegance with rounded windows and a covered balcony on the third floor.

Lucas greeted him at the door and his uniform was a surprise too.

"Patrol Officer Frio at your service", he said in a no nonsense stern voice.

Then he relaxed and said, "I hope you don't mind that we sold the new house and bought this one dad. We just couldn't get used to the bedrooms being the only thing on the first floor. And all the circular stairs were becoming an issue too."

"It's not a problem son, and this place is amazing! But you and Tia never seemed to mind stairs before."

But when Tia joins them in the entryway, Samuel knows exactly what the issue is, Tia's expecting!

"Well, that's wonderful news you too! I'm thrilled and I know your mother will be too."

Samuel chats excitedly with them about the new baby, but with two artists, the conversation can't help but turn to art.

"I know you love painting Tia but I hope you're getting plenty of rest, staying off your feet. Both of your hobbies, painting and guitar have you on your feet. We wouldn't want you putting too much stress on your legs and lower back."

With a look at Lucas Tia says, "I guess it runs in the family. Lucas has been preaching that since we found out. I thought it was just his neurotic trait coming to the fore, but you're not neurotic dad."

Samuel's heart jumps at Tia's words as it's the first time she's called him dad.

"Nothing to do with being neurotic, just being fatherly in my case and concerned about family. Especially when that family is in the family way."

Lucas says, "Well, we just wanted to let you in on the new house and baby news dad. I pulled a double shift, so I'm heading off to bed."

Samuel chats with a Tia a bit longer, then hugs her goodbye.

"Since we've been preaching about you getting your rest, I'll head home so you can get to bed. Visit soon and let us know if you need anything."

"Thanks dad. We'll keep in touch. We're only down the street and around the corner. And you'll be the first know after the big event!"

So all three couples are settled in their respective homes now.

Lucas and Tia choosing one more conducive to a mother expecting a first child.
(Let's hope they stay in this one now that I've put all their skilling objects in two homes!)

And Marshall and Dahlia choosing a stately home across from the main home, large enough to hold a big family, though they may get a few more kids than they bargained for!

That leaves space for Cinda and Rory to have another child, hopefully, a fairy or two to carry on that line!

But it looks like things may be heating up in Cinda's and Lucas' case.

Details in Chapter 170: Circus Capers
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 170: Circus Capers
« Reply #190 on: October 10, 2019, 02:27:41 PM »

Lorelei now spends her free time with her granddaughter.

"How's Gramlei's girl? Ready for her first outing?" she says to Odette as the baby waves her arms.

"I'll take that as a, 'yes', my fair princess. Come along with the dowager queen and let's get some fresh air."

And Lorelei and Odette stare in wonder at the sights surrounding them, their first trip to the World of Wonder Carousel Park.

Of course Odette's too small to even have a clue what she's seeing, but Lorelei promises her that they'll return when she's old enough to ride the carousel.

The carousel that Samuel's looking at with avid interest.

Odette does like looking at the huge clown centerpiece though and each time her eyes focus on it, she smiles and coos with delight.

But even though Lorelei feels the fresh air is healthy for Odette, she worries that her fair skin may not fare so well in the bright sunshine.

A little exposure at a time, with plenty of sunscreen to get her acclimated to it, she feels is best.

So she walks around with Odette a bit and then heads home, leaving Samuel to explore at his leisure.

As Samuel heads closer to the carousel, he's delighted to find Tia here enjoying the sunshine as well.

"Dad, isn't this place incredible? I can't wait to bring our little one back here to enjoy it. The Roller Coaster's going to be a big draw too, but I think the carousel is beautiful."

"It is something. But now to more important topics. How are you feeling?"

"Oh, I feel great! By the strength of the kicks I'm getting lately, this one's going to be a soccer star! Care to feel for yourself?"

"It would be an honor Tia", he smiles as he places his hand gently on her ever growing stomach.

"Wow, I agree. A soccer star for sure, or since he or she's a Frio maybe a Martial Artist!"

"That would fit too! I feel like I'm being pummeled sometimes."

Then they're joined by a fan who asks Samuel for his autograph.

Tia watches her father-in-law graciously speak to the man and provide the requested signature.

She's grown up with the Frio's celebrity status known throughout MH, but seeing someone ask for an autograph here in RH, a town they've only been in for a couple of weeks, really brings home just how famous they are.

And just how nice a man her father-in-law, oh, she might as well dispense with that appellation, as he's become more of a father to her than her own dad ever was. Her poor father spent most of his time cleaning up messes her mother had made. Not her mother's fault, she knows that in her head, but in her heart it's a different story. Instead of having two parents to love and take care of her, like Lucas had, she spent most of her childhood feeling invisible, except for Rory. Until Lucas came along, how different her life would be without him!

And with these thoughts come another one. How different if she and Rory hadn't been welcomed with outstretched arms. Arms that made them feel wanted, loved, family.

So as soon as Samuel is done, she stretches out her hand, turns to the carousel and says, "Ride with me dad? Let's see first hand how much the grandkids are going to enjoy it!"

"I'd love to my dear. Watch your step, and let me know if you need help. We don't want any issues for your little one."

And with both of them safely aboard their chosen animals, the carousel gently spins, the air filling with the sound of music that brings thoughts of popcorn and cotton candy to mind.

Tia throws back her head and roars like a lion as they go round and round.

 Samuel joins in the fun by urging his steed onward.

And with the thought of treats in her head, Tia grabs a huge stick of the glorious pink and sticky confection.

As she pulls off small pieces and lets the sweetness melt on her tongue, she makes the same promise to her unborn little one as Lorelei did with Odette.

To come back and let her child enjoy this park, oh so aptly named World Of Wonder!

While the family was busy at the park, I was doing some remodeling of the house.

To make it fit in a bit more with the Art Deco feel of RH, I changed out the slanted roofs for flat ones.

Enclosing them with solid cement half walls like most of the homes you see here.

I also added large windows back in on the third floor of the art gallery, for all of that natural lighting artists go on and on about.

I also added an access door to this third floor rooftop area on the end wall.

That left a mysterious floating chimney which looked rather odd, so I placed another fireplace to connect it, making a nice outdoor gathering place.

I also took the time to turn this bedroom into a nursery for Odette.

Her favorite color is purple, so I get to indulge since it's my favorite too.

But my attention is drawn to Cinda and Rory on the front lawn.

Cinda's gotten her promotion to patrol officer and is whooping it up out there.

So loud that Rory thought she was in trouble.

Until she said, "Oh you're in trouble all right mister! I got my promotion and we have space in the house. Will you come with me willingly or do I need to break out the cuffs?!"

Going along with his wife's playfulness, Rory stepped back and said, "Oh my, have I been a bad boy Officer Frio!?! I'll guess I'll just have to take whatever punishment you need to hand out!"

Once inside, Cinda directed her 'prisoner' down to the basement.

Then she laughed and said, "Time for your punishment!" and kissed him passionately.

I think we all know what happened after that.

With Lorelei at work, Odette sleeping in her crib and Cinda and Rory otherwise occupied, I go check on Samuel, who's still at the Carousel Park, but now Lucas has joined him.

"Hello son, what's with the formal suit? That's not your usual style at all!"

"It's not dad and it's a long story. I can't go into all the details but I'm working a case, one that requires me to spend a lot of time in this monkey suit!"

"Can you tell me anything? Off the record of course, and not compromising your case."

Lucas looks around to make sure they won't be overheard and then fills his dad in on his unexpected first contact with one of the crimes bosses, a woman, that happened soon after they moved here.

"Then she contacted me to introduce me to our go-between. I can't give any names, of course. And actually, I don't have many. We use names a little as possible. But the meeting went well and I've been
let in on bigger and bigger 'investments'.

"And you're okay with this type of police work? This sounds more like Cinda than you."

"Well, Cinda's not happy being left out of it so far. Our boss met with both of us when she came back from maternity leave. You should have seen her face dad! She was so disappointed about not being in on the undercover action when all I want is to be left out of it. For twins the only thing we have in common is Hating the Outdoors and our Good trait."

Samuel says, "You two are very different, that's for sure."

Lucas continues, "Of course Detective Nest put the best possible spin on it telling her there was no way for her to be inconspicuous. That even if she could hide her turquoise hair, there was just no way to hide her bright pink wings. And I clinched it when I told her that if the only way we can bring these criminals to justice is by me dressing up in a monkey suit and playing James Bond, then that's the way it had to be."

"It isn't the line of police work I want that's for sure! But they needed me dad, like the Doe family needed you back in MH. Sometimes you're in the right place at the right time, and things, well, they end up being things you get committed to do."

"I understand completely, son. It's all too easy to get caught up in things that make you feel like you're in way over your head!"

"That's just the problem dad, like I said, I'm actually working and I wasn't expecting to see you here. So whatever happens, whatever odd things I say, just play along, or better yet, just nod. That seems to really work on these people. They think I'm a suave man-of-the-world type, when I'm freaking out on the inside. On second thought, maybe it would be best if you headed home. Mom would kill me if either one of us got shot!"

But before Samuel can even react to that statement, they are joined by another gentleman.

Lucas' eyes narrow to hide his racing thoughts as he realizes he's face to face with none other than Michael Dandy, the other known crime boss of RH!

The one who lives in the biggest mansion, with enough personal wealth to sustain a small country.

Though not Evil like Donia Spinelli, who aspires to be the Emperor of Evil, Michael is a known thief.

Most of his wealth comes from stolen objects: art or jewels,  but nothing's safe from his sticky fingers.

And to think that he comes from a family with that same bent almost causes Lucas physical pain.

Founder Claire was a Master Thief in her day, and if circumstances we different, it could be her he was planning on putting behind bars!

Or his very own sister, Kimberly, who's Evil and has the same aspirations to take over MH as Spinelli does here in RH!

Luckily, Lucas' take on staying silent works in this situation too as Dandy just smiles and says, "Nice night for a stroll in the park, gentlemen." 

And then his eyes shift for just the briefest moment to the big top and he actually winks at Lucas!

Lucas waves a hand, hoping it looks nonchalant, and simply nods.

As he heads to the big top, he sees a crowd around the circus snacks.

Looks like all the major players are enjoying an evening at the Circus!

Donia Spinelli laughing, seemingly without a care in the world, enjoying a big puff of cotton candy.

Michael Dandy heading for the popcorn machine where Bonnie Davis is grabbing a bag.

Clyde Reeves chatting with Janet Marks.

And reporter Rodger Schmidt who's always hanging around snooping for a story.

Davis and Reeves aren't big bosses yet, but they've been committing petty crimes left and right.

Nothing that can be pinned on them of course, but they're both like Spinelli, evil to the core and they relish it.

The more damage and harm they can do, the better they like it.

Davis even writes stories about their exploits and hopes to be a famous author.

While Reeves covets owning everything he can, becoming a Master Thief himself.

Taking over Dandy's position might be in the cards too as rumor has it that Dandy has taken him under his wing, moving him, Davis and their young son into his mansion!

So catching all of them and putting them behind bars fast is the departments' goal.

The goal that's uppermost in Lucas' thoughts as Spinelli gives him a wink as he walks by!

Lucas gets to the big top just in time to see Dandy place an envelope under the bar and then help himself to a drink.

He waits until the coast is clear and slips the envelope into the inside pocket of his jacket.

It's at moments like this that he wishes he did drink, it might help him to relax.

On second thought, he doesn't need anything to cloud his mind.

He needs to stay focused, stay sharp.

As he's heading outside, he sees the reporter again.

When the man winks at him, Lucas looks closer and realizes with a start that he's an undercover police officer!

He'll make sure to meet with him and Nest first thing tomorrow morning.

And he decides he'd better work on his winking.

He's never been good at it, but it looks like the done thing here in RH for both the criminal element as well as his fellow officers.

When he gets back out in front of the big top, Lucas sees his dad and says his goodbyes.

"Give mom and Cinda hugs from me and kisses to Odette. I'd best get home and check on Tia. The baby's due soon. It's been an interesting night, that's for sure."

"Quite," Samuel responds. Then adds, "And son, please be careful!"

Lucas looks his dad in the eyes and raises his hands as he says, "I will. After all, this isn't just about keeping this town safe, but keeping my family safe too."

When Samuel gets home, he gets ready for bed and then sits lost in thought in the nursery keeping his granddaughter company.

He doesn't dare hold her as he knows she'll pick up on his fear.

Being at the park tonight, seeing Lucas undercover, hearing about his case so far, it's really brought home just how dangerous law enforcement is, and he's got both a son and daughter in the field!

And to think he was worried about a simple Mad Scientist bent on controlling the weather and destroying the world back in MH.

That seems like child's play compared to the criminal element here!

He says a prayer to Watchers everywhere to keep them safe and continues to rock hoping it will help him to relax.

He can't let Lorelei see him in such an agitated state. She'll know something's up immediately.

So even as the night heads on into the wee hours of the morning, he thinks and rocks and worries.

But when I get pulled to the Guard soon after Cinda left for work, I let out a sigh of relief.

And I know Samuel will too.

Being out on maternity leave will keep at least one of the Frio children safe.

Well from criminals anyway.

Now we just have to get her through the pregnancy without her losing her mind or playing mean tricks on other family members out of boredom!

She can't use the training dummy or board breaker while pregnant, but luckily she's got Odette to keep her busy this time.

"I know one thing we need to do right away Watcher!"

"What's that Cinda?"

"Get me out of this maternity dress that looks like a nightgown. It looks hideous enough on it's own but with my patrol hat and shoes, I look completely ridiculous!"

I don't say anything but I can't hide the smirk that appeared at my first sight of her.

Lucas is getting in deeper and deeper with the criminal element in RH.

And now that Samuel's been apprised of what's going on, just the little that Lucas can reveal, he's worried about the safety of his children.

With Cinda out on her second maternity leave now, she's safely at home, so he's got one less worry on his mind.

And Lucas and Tia's baby is due any day now so the family is all waiting for that all important phone call.

Will they have a boy or a girl?

Let's find out in Chapter 171: Another Frio Arrives
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 171: Another Frio Arrives
« Reply #191 on: October 12, 2019, 03:38:48 PM »

I see Samuel heading home from work and I can't resist a daytime photo of him in his birthday present.

I love his car and so does he and he looks so cool riding around in it!

"I've tried to curb my snob tendencies Watcher, but I must admit this is one I'm not giving up. And even with all the nefarious activity going on in RH, and worrying about Cinda and Lucas, boy am I glad she picked such an affluent town!"

"It is a pretty sweet town Samuel. I'd forgotten what it was like with the sunshine, the skyscrapers, The Boardwalk, and The World of Wonder. So many new and different sites here. Cinda's safe being home on maternity leave, but is a bit worrying with Lucas. Maybe he'll take some paternity leave?"

"I doubt it. He's focused on getting through this case and getting his promotions as fast as he can so he can get started on lab work. Safely inside and away from mobsters. And even with the little bit he's told me, I'm beginning to agree with him."

But when I get home, I'm in for a shock.

I find Cinda passed out cold on the basement floor!

While I'm freaking out and wondering what to do, she stirs and shakily stands up.

"Are you okay? Should you call 911?"

"I am 911." she replies groggily.

"Sit down on the couch at least, before you hit the floor again."

"Ugh, I'm still wearing this ugly dress!"

"Sit on the couch and I'll change you out of it."

"It's just your maternity everyday, but I'm not doing Stylist after finding you on the floor. Now what happened?"

"Oh, nothing to worry about Watcher. I was talking to mom and she was telling me all about the show she was watching, you know like she does, and managing to suck every bit of humor out of it that she can. It's quite the talent actually. I wonder if it would work on criminals?"

"Are you telling me that you passed out from BOREDOM! From listening to your own mother speak?!"

"Hush Watcher. I might be mean but that would kill mom, to know she's actually that boring."

Lowering my voice, I ask, "But you passed out and she just left you there?"

"No silly, Odette tried to save me! She started crying and mom told me to relax, get off my feet, and she'd take care of her, and hurried upstairs. But it was too late and I passed out."

"Well, you were off your feet and relaxed when I found you, that's for sure. But I don't think that's what she meant!"
"No, I agree, she never meant me to pass out on the floor. But no harm done. I'm fit and limber from all my athletic and martial arts practice. Oh, since mom's not giving me a play by play of that show I could get in a little exercise…"

"No. You will sit quietly on the couch until I'm sure you're okay."

"But that's almost as boring as listening to mom!"

"Be quiet or she'll hear you." I say with a smile. "You have two choices for your afternoon entertainment. Either watching Kid's Zone or reading a book."

"Some choice!" she snorts snarkily. "Nice try Watcher, but I know all about Kid's Zone. I still have my pregnancy book, so I guess I win this round!"

As she starts leafing through her book, I can't help but smile. She has no idea.

I may have given her a pass on watching Kid's Zone, but the stereo's set to kids' music!

Then we hear shrieking upstairs.

As Cinda starts to get up, I sternly admonish her, "You sit right back down young lady and keep reading. I will see what's going on upstairs."

And that's when I realize Tia was visiting and has gone into labor!

Both Rory and Samuel are uselessly shouting and throwing their hands up, comical mirror images of one another, in fact.

"Did you two practice that? Seriously? I know Rory's a new dad, but Samuel you're the father of four and the grandfather of seven. I would think you'd know this drill by now."

"Watcher, do something please. These two are not helping." begs Tia after a contraction.

Since I'm not sure what would happen if Tia had her babies here, instead of at home, I do the best thing I can think of.

"Rory, take your sister to the hospital! Right now!"

I don't know if it was my voice, my tone, or what, but it worked.

Well, sort of. Instead of helping Tia up the stairs, Rory goes first, making her wait.

Then instead of grabbing one of the motive mobiles or even the police cruiser, Rory apparently forgets what he's supposed to be doing when he gets to the sidewalk.

"Oh for Watcher's sake Rory. I'll do it myself."

Then Rory and I both watch in shock as Tia not only calls a cab, but shoves the driver out, jumps behind the wheel and tells Rory, in no uncertain terms, to get in the backseat!

And without a peep he does.

To tell you the truth I would have to. Tia was impressive!

They get to the hospital in record time and Rory watches with concern as she goes inside.

I was worried about Cinda when I found her on the floor, but Tia worries me even more.

It wasn't quite time for her to have the baby yet. I hope they'll both be okay.

Several hours pass and my fear increases even more when Tia comes outside with no baby!

Rory shares my concern as he says, "I'm not sure I understand what's going on Tia, why are you leaving without the baby? Is something wrong?"

Tia smiles and says, "Everything's fine Rory. I'm leaving because I need to get a few more things. Lucas is on duty and can't be reached. And you would never be able to find what I want. But I'll be back soon to stay with the babies. You go home Rory and tell everyone the great news. Lucas is now the daddy of twins! Two beautiful healthy boys. They just need to spend a few more days here and I'll be staying with them as soon as I get back."

And with Tia's can do attitude, I don't doubt that in the least.

I mean the woman just pulled a cabby out of his cab and drove herself to the hospital in the middle of labor.

I, for one, am not going to be the one to tell her she can't stay with her babies!

I find Cinda still in the basement and watching Kid's Zone when I get back.

"Um, you do know what that can do right?"

"Yes, I do. But I figure if Tia can do it, so can I! Rory told me the whole story and I would never have guessed she had it in her. Color me impressed! And the way I figure it, double trouble will get me out of another maternity leave. This one will be a bit longer, but that will give me plenty of time to spend with Odette after she becomes a toddler and to take care of the new babies too."

"You've got it all figured out don't you?"

"Well, except for the part where it could be triplets," her voice quavering just the tiniest bit. "But I'm not going to even think about that. Just one boy, and one girl, that's it."

"What if it's two of the same?"

"Oh, that's okay. I can deal with that. Rory's hoping for a boy this time, but I've got wishes for both, so if we have three girls, that's fine. Or maybe we'll get twin sons like Lucas and Tia. Either way, I think three children is plenty. For now anyway."

And she settles herself deeper into the couch, going in for the long haul.

I find Lorelei upstairs in the nursery rocking Odette.

Her smile tells me Rory's already shared the news.

"And Lucas and Tia called from the hospital as well. His boss finally got in touch with him so he's with them now. Just think Watcher, two sweet little Frio boys added to the family. I'm so glad everything turned out okay. But it's not unusual for multiples too come a little early. Kimberly's triplets did and they were all fine. Well, except for two of them being ghostly like their father. But that was genetics not anything to do with an early birth."

"I'm glad it turned out okay. At first I didn't think Rory would get her to the hospital on time, then when she came out without the babies, I'm not sure who was more worried, me or Rory."

"Rory did as well as can be expected. You know how we are when it comes to babies, no matter how often or how many, it's usually panic central! And there's not much you can do as a Watcher until the babies arrive, either for a home birth or a hospital one."

"True, but I find home births to be safer. I've never lost any that way before."

"You've actually lost babies when a mother's had them at the hospital!?! Lorelei says in horror.

"Well, not permanently, but it was touch and go one time long ago, before I used NRaas mods. The mom had multiples, I can't remember if it was two or three. The dad was with her inside the hospital for the whole thing. But when they came out with the babies, each holding one, they hopped into different cabs, then the nightmare began. First the father and then the mother would get all the way to their home, realize the other wasn't there, and go back to the hospital to try and meet up with them. It went on for so long I thought for sure my town would explode. But then they finally just popped to the front walk outside their house and went inside, parents and babies, all fine. But it was scary when it was happening."

"I bet. Well, I'm glad you have those mods then, whatever they are. I'd hate to have something like that happen to us. Or for our whole town to explode. That doesn't sound good at all. We count on you, you know that Watcher. To keep us safe, to keep us on our journey."

"I'll do my best Lorelei. You're family now, all you Frios, from Founders Claire and Jared, down to the new twins. I'm so excited to find out what they named them! I can't believe they're making us wait until the babies get home to tell us their names and traits."

"Well, I think they want to introduce the boys to us when we see them for the first time. I know names are important to you and you like to help us choose meaningful ones…" her voice trails off as a new thought strikes her.

"Oh, I just thought of something. Probably something we should have asked long ago. But now that you've brought up the twins names and not knowing them, I have a question."

"What's that Lorelei?"

"Well, we have only ever called you Watcher, but, do you have another name? A real name?"

"Oh, that. I was wondering if you'd ever get around to asking. Adam mentioned the possibility of getting to meet the builder/architect MrsFlynn, and maybe even me some day. And I told him that when your family got to MrsFlynn's and my favorite town, then maybe we could meet there. And we could introduce ourselves to you. Well, our Simselves anyway."

"Your Simselves? What exactly does that mean?" she asks perplexed.

"Well, you know we don't exist in your world, we live in a different place with real names and our own families. In my original form I guide you, and we chat from time to time, like now. And MrsFlynn she 's part of my world too, and she shares her amazing builds with me. Ones you've actually lived in. But our Simselves will be versions of us that can exist in your world. Ones with names and traits we feel reflect our true selves, or the self we'd like to be. Ones you'll actually be able to see and touch. Only if you'd like that to happen of course."

"That sounds incredible Watcher! But what would happen to the you in your world if your sim…self was here?"

"Oh, I'll still be in my world. Unless I was you wouldn't be able to exist. But my simself and MrsFlynn's well, I won't have as much control of them as I do you and your family. Giving them Simself lives, well, it gives them Free Will to do what they'd like in whatever town they choose to live in. And each of those towns would give them a different life."

"Oh, like parallel universes!" she exclaims as my words connect with something she can imagine.

"Exactly! In fact, your Founders Claire and Jared exist in myriad Sunset Valleys, some as Founders like your family, but not always with each other. In others they're simply residents supporting the main family that's being guided by their own Watcher."

"That's a lot to take in Watcher. But I do know one thing for certain, I'm with Adam on wanting the chance to meet you and MrsFlynn, in whatever forms you can manage!"

Rory's just as anxious to meet his nephews as well as his expected child, but he keeps busy.

Very busy.

Painting one amazing canvas after another.

His artistic ability has increased and his works are filled with all the passion he has inside.

Whether he's working on portraits.

Or landscapes.

In fact his talent has been even more enhanced by earning enough points to purchase the Extra Creative reward.

You can see the sparkles of that creativity as his artistic talent flows off his brush more confident with each new stroke.

But he still makes time for family, playing and cuddling Odette.

Spending romantic time with Cinda.

"Have I told you just how beautiful you are? You glow and sparkle more every time I look at you!" he says a bit seductively.

"Oh Rory, the glow's probably sweat as I haven't showered yet. And you know the sparkle comes from my wings!" she says wryly.

But her tone softens and she leans toward him flirtatiously, "But I'm just going to ignore that and bask in your words anyway."

"A wise choice my love as your glow and sparkle has nothing to do with either sweat or sparkly wings. I know it sounds corny but you really do glow when you're with child Cinda. And your wings have an even brighter more vibrant sparkle this time, I swear. Almost like you're more, fairy, I guess."

Rory's words make Cinda pause and she glances down at her baby bump.

She says wistfully, "Oh do you think that means…? I don't dare say it! I so want to have it be true!"

Rory caresses her tummy and shares a look that only parents-to-be know.

One that strengthens the bonds of love that tie them together as they contemplate what kind of child they will have.

A child that's part of each them, a blending together that makes another being, one special and unique.

Downstairs Lorelei takes Samuel's hands in her own and squeezes them excitedly.

"Oh Samuel, first Lucas and Tia having twins, Cinda and Rory expecting their 2nd child, and now the Watcher's given us a unique opportunity, the chance to meet her and MrsFlynn, their Simselves anyway!"

"Meet their Simselves? What does that mean?" Samuel asks.

"It's quite involved but the gist of it is that we could actually meet a version of them, see and touch them both, get to know them as beings like us. Not them exactly, not their true forms, but forms that can exist here in our world."

Samuel whistles and says, "Now that definitely sounds interesting!"

And as his eyes narrow and his innate journalistic tendencies come to the fore, he adds, "And quite an amazing story for someone to document!"

But before Samuel can ask Lorelei any more questions, they get a call from Lucas.

A very excited Lucas.

"Mom, the boys are home! They were released from the hospital and are both doing just fine. Perfectly normal and healthy, gaining weight and growing like weeds. Can you and dad come over and see them?"

Lorelei laughs and says, "Just try and stop us! We'll get dressed and be right over."

Dressing faster than ever before, they hurry outside and jump into a motive mobile and head into the city.

As Lorelei and Samuel walk up the front steps Lorelei exclaims, "Wow, look at this place! It's not only big but the craftmanship is amazing! But we're not here for that, let's get inside and see our new grandsons!"

Samuel laughs and says, "Right behind you love. I might be an elder now but there's still some spring left in my steps!"

As his parents walk into the upstairs nursery, Lucas can barely contain himself.

His thoughts are filled with his infant sons.

Despite his Dislikes Children trait, he's been thinking about fatherhood since he was a teen.

"You've certainly overcome that trait easily enough. Having you tolerate a child was the most I was hoping for, but I never expected you to so actively want them!"

"I'm not sure why either Watcher. I guess it's because I love Tia and my family so much. I want there to be descendants from our union, children to carry on Frio/Hyde genes. I know Cinda and Rory will be doing that, and they're both our siblings, but we still carry our own personal genetics."

Samuel proudly rocks with the firstborn twin, Darren, who's a Loner like his Aunt Cinda and Uncle Rory, and a Genius like his Uncle Marshall.

While Lorelei cuddles Cullen, who's Brave like his Gramlei, Uncle Marshall and Aunt Cinda.

And he inherited Cinda's Disciplined trait, that she got from her Tito Torre!

Both of these two boys inherited traits that have been in the family for awhile.

The Loner trait actually goes all the way back to Founder Claire!

And after feedings, diaper changes, playtime, and cuddles, they get the twins settled back in their cribs.

And it's only natural that they should share a hug with their hearts full of love for each other and their growing brood of grandchildren.

Lorelei says, "And just think, when Cinda and Rory have their baby, we'll complete our 10 grandchildren wishes! Our family is growing Samuel, our children happy and healthy, settling into our new town with children of their own."

Samuel's response is to hold Lorelei closer, tighter, as her words inadvertently make his stomach clench.

Two of their children are not safe. And the case they're working on could put all their lives in danger!

But he knows now is not the time to mention any of that.

Now he simply holds is wife and, even knowing how brave she is, shields her from information that would steal her happiness from her, from all of them.

Lucas and Tia have twins sons, Darren and Cullen, born a bit early, but now happy and healthy and at home with their parents.

Samuel's keeping secrets from Lorelei about just how dangerous Cinda and Lucas' new jobs have become.

Cinda gets an invitation to a party and unexpectedly runs into a top criminal on their list.

On a safer note, the Frio family has three big events coming up.

Odette and David becoming toddlers, and the arrival of a 10th grandchild!

Who will Odette and David look like?

Will Cinda and Rory get their son?

Or will Cinda's focus on Kid's TV and Music do the trick and provide more than one child?

And does the extra sparkle of Cinda's wings indicate what she's hoping for?

Hopefully, all these questions will be answered in Chapter 172: Growing Families in RH
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 172: Growing Families in RH
« Reply #192 on: October 14, 2019, 05:50:08 PM »

Cinda takes care of Odette, giving her some extra mommy hugs and kisses.

"I won't be out too late sweetie. But mommy's got an invitation to a party. I'm not big on them, but I do need to get out of the house for a bit. And if I'm lucky, I'll meet some new residents in town."

Of course Odette doesn't reply, just snuggles in closer being happy and content in her mother's arms.

The first thing Cinda does at the party is grab a refreshingly cold glass of juice.

And enjoy the solitude of the empty room.

Then she braces herself for crowds of people, who will make her extremely uncomfortable.

But the place is surprisingly quiet, the only guest she encounters is none other than Donia Spinelli!

She introduces herself quickly not bothering to hide her identity at all, "Officer Lucinda Frio at your service." *with a sweep of her hand indicating her stomach* "On maternity leave of course, even as progressive as Roaring Heights is, it still doesn't allow pregnant officers to work."

"Donia Spinelli, Officer Frio. Do you enjoy your job here in our fair city?" she asks, feigning interest.

Cinda hates the idea but knows she needs to downplay her role at the station, so she smiles and says, "Dispatch is okay, but I'm really looking forward to getting out on the streets."

"Oh?" Donia replies with a bit more interest, wondering if this cop will need to be watched.

Cinda smiles and cringes inside as she says, "Yes, becoming a meter maid, making sure city folk follow the traffic and parking rules. And then, working my way up to School Crossing Guard, keeping our children safe from traffic and errant dragons! You know that reminds me of a fairy tale…"

And as she continues, she's rewarded with Spinelli's eyes glazing over in complete boredom and she can almost read her thoughts about 'Officer Clueless', and how she won't need watching at all!

But as she sees Spinelli duck into the bathroom with Clyde Reeves, she can't pass up the chance to gain some intel.

She was listening intently outside the door and the conversation was getting interesting.

A very large sum of money was mentioned and details of where the drop off would take place were being discussed.

But just before she can catch the name of the place, another guest, one who had been drinking a quantity of juice and was looking for the facilities, bumped into her and the unlatched door flew open!

Both Spinelli and Reeves' eyes pin her like a bug and thinking fast she says, "Pardon my intrusion, I didn't realize this powder room was occupied. Do you mind? A mother-to-be has very pressing needs and tinkle time just can't wait!"

As they both leave the room, Reeves' doesn't bother to lower his voice as he says, "Is that dame for real?" Then laughing as he adds, "With officers like that around town, no wonder the streets aren't safe!"

But a whispered aside from Spinelli reaches her sensitive fairy ears, "All the better for our purposes. But it's amazing she's his twin, he's so debonair and she's the typical 'little woman', spending most of her time barefoot and pregnant! Imagine her goal is to be a School Crossing Guard. She probably has to ask someone where it is! She called us 'city folk' and even wasted my time telling me a tedious fairy tale."

Cinda is furious knowing Spinelli's actual thoughts about her, the nerve of the woman!

But she did accomplish her task, making them believe she's harmless.

And if Spinelli thinks Lucas is debonair, then she'll have to give Lucas credit, much more than she has, he's pulled one over on her too!

But she pushes these thoughts out of her head as she returns to the house, for another party.

It's Odette's birthday!

Lorelei brings her to her cake, gently holding her, as her single candle flames brightly.

Cinda looks on solemnly and Rory claps and cheers.

And Odette has dark hair, not quite as dark as her father's or her grandfather's, but dark enough to set off her ivory skin and luminescent grey eyes!

She blinks her eyes and looks up at him and he can't resist.

He picks her up and cuddles her close.

But Rory's look turns solemn as the responsibility of teaching her toddler skills hits him.

But before that I step in for a toddler makeover!

I choose a miniature version of Lorelei's hairstyle and my favorite toddler outerwear.

It's already in purple, and we just re-color the legging to Cinda's favorite black, to make it perfect for Odette.

And in here, we see that she's almost a carbon copy of her father with his pale skin, beautiful gray eyes and dark hair.

If her toddler looks are anything to go by, this little girl is going to be a heartbreaker one day!

I choose all the other outfits she'll require, using plenty of our favorite color purple.

Then I let Rory get started on her toddler skills.

Potty training as it always seems to be a pressing need first thing after a birthday.

Rory gently caresses her hair as he says, "Just relax sweetie, and you'll figure it out."

Then as Rory has a wish to teach her to walk, they start that next.

He encourages her saying, "Come to daddy, Odette. Come on. You can do it. Daddy will catch you."

After several set backs where she just looks at him and sits back down, with Rory laughing at her stubbornness, she finally takes a few wobbly steps.

"That's daddy's big girl. One more, another. Look at you go!"

But it's getting late and Odette's getting sleepy, so Rory gets her ready for bed.

With a clean diaper and warm purple pj's, her laughter rings out with her first Attack of the Claw, a Frio daddy favorite!

Then he lets her play a bit longer and we catch our first glimpse of her IF doll.

She runs through the gamut of interactions with it.

First patting it, then shaking it around, even chewing on it's bobble, before cuddling it close.

Then doing it all again.

As with other stuffed animals, it seems it's a love/hate relationship depending on the toddlers' mood.

But before Rory can put Odette to bed, screaming from the living room has me rushing into a more than familiar scene.

Cinda's labor has started and her parents are screaming at each other to 'do something' as they helplessly jump around waving their arms.

By the time Rory gets there to do the very same thing, Lorelei and Samuel have disappeared!

But Cinda's contractions have strengthened and so have her screams of pain.

Rory starts yelling for Samuel, "Dad, dad, what am I supposed to do?"

As he heads off to paint, Samuel says, "You're doing it son. You're doing it."

Cinda doesn't take this exchange very well at all.

"Seriously Rory? That doesn't help at all. And mom and dad? You could have at least stuck around for moral support! I am the heir after all. The heir giving birth to your grandchildren!"

From the couch watching TV, Lorelei says, "I'm still here sweetheart. Just breathe through it. It's the only thing you can do."

"I'm trying mom, but where did this dog come from!?!"

 "Dog? Oh he's a big one too. He looks harmless enough, just a bit startled with all your screaming. You might want to tone it down a bit so he doesn't get frightened."

Thoroughly exasperated with her family Cinda says through clenched teeth, "You people are unbelievable!"

But with a few more contractions and the dog barking at all the commotion, Cinda holds her daughter in her arms.

Her daughter that's Brave like her Gramlei, and Neurotic like both her uncles and has her father's pale skin.

She wishes real hard, hopes for the best, and names her Ella.

But as she's placing her in her crib she realizes, with a small pang of disappointment, that there are no fairy sparkles surrounding her second daughter.

Apparently Rory was mistaken about her extra sparkliness.

But when Cinda spins again, her eyes glisten with tears as Ella's twin is a brother, one she christens Eric!

She smiles as she thinks of his namesake, Prince Eric, which goes so nicely with Ella, and means, 'eternal ruler'. Maybe a portent of heirship?

He's a perfect little boy that is Eccentric and Grumpy, again with his father's pale skin.

One that has bright pink sparkles dancing around him!

Mémé's genes have been passed on to another generation.

And she breathes a sigh of relief as she feels that she's been able to fulfill one of her biggest heirship duties.

Three children, two girls and a boy.

All three of them having Rory's unique MH pale ivory skin and dark hair.

And their youngest, a son, who carries her fairy genes, right down to the bright pink color.

With the excitement of the twins arrival over, Lorelei realizes that Odette needs to use the potty.

Once that task is accomplished, she snuggles her close and tucks her into her crib.

She looks over at Eric, sleeping soundly in his own crib, and heads off to get a few hours of sleep before all of her grandchildren wake up.

As the morning dawns bright, Samuel heads across the road to Marshall and Dahlia's new home.

And he's a grandfather on a mission, two of them actually.

His first, to pass on the news of Cinda and Rory's twins, a girl and a boy.

He tells Marshall the baby news first thing, and Marshall's happy about both his new niece and nephew, but ecstatic with news of another fairy in the family.

He smiles as he says, "Dahlia and I were hoping for another baby already as she wants them close together, but I keep telling her it will happen in it's own time. With Cinda's Eric, I'd love to add another fairy to the family as well. I promised her I'd help her with that!"

Samuel chuckles as she says, "Not the kind of thing to promise son! Knowing your sister she'll make you keep it. You and Dahlia could end up with more kids than you bargained for!"

Marshall checks to see if Dahlia's in hearing range and says, "Well, once she's expecting, that could happen anyway. I bought the fertility reward with some of my happiness points!"

Samuel gulps and says, "Well, I hope you both know what you're letting yourself in for."

Then seeing the look on his son's face, "You haven't told Dahlia that! Son, I hope I'm far, far, away when your wife finds that out!"

Samuel's second mission is to check on David and see how his oldest grandson is acclimating to his new home.

He finds him playing in the sunroom at the back of the house, which has been set up as a nursery.

He looks like Dahlia with his brown hair and big eyes!

He tells Marshall to go work on another book as he wants to spend some time with David.

Marshall is only too happy to oblige but says, "Just let me take him to the potty and he's all yours dad."

"No need Marshall, I can handle that, granted it's been a few years but with Odette and the twins, I better get back in the swing of it."

So Samuel does the honors and gets in one of David's first potty training sessions.

Then he happily chats with his grandson, teaching him a few words.

Or trying to anyway.

"Fishing. When you get bigger, daddy and grandpa, and your uncles and cousins will all go fishing."

David just looks down and ignores that one.

Samuel tries again.

"How about love? Can you try that one for grandpa? Mommy and daddy, and grandpa and Gramlei all love you."

David beams at Samuel which takes his breathe away seeing how sweet his smile is.

What a charmer this little guy is, silent but charming.

Samuel gives it a shot with one more word.

"Money, the Frio's don't have to worry about money. Can you say money?"

David just wrinkles his nose and pinches his lips closed.

"I think he's tired Samuel. And those were all pretty big words you were using. Maybe something simpler next time."

Samuel frowns and says, "You may be right Watcher. But I'm not giving up. Is it me or is this harder than it used to be?"

I laugh and say, "Kids are all different Samuel. Some take to talking and walking right away. Others take a bit longer, but they all get there in their own time."

Then Samuel turns back to David and says, "Come on my boy, maybe some food in your tummy and a nap is what you need, not grandpa forcing you to learn words you're not ready for."

Cinda's had to play the bumbling bimbo to gain some intel on Donia Spinelli and Clyde Reeves.

Odette's become the cutest toddler with dark hair and grey eyes off-setting her pale skin.

David's the spitting image of his mother, Dahlia.

And Rory and Cinda added twins to their growing family, human Ella and fairy Eric.

So now Lorelei and Samuel have 11 grandchildren:
Kimberly and Antony's five, living back in MH.
Cinda and Rory's three, potential heirs, toddler Odette, and nooboo twins, Ella and fairy Eric.
Marshall and Dahlia's, David, a toddler, born just after his cousin Odette.
And Lucas and Tia's twin sons, Darren and Cullen, the first set of twins for the family in RH.

Marshall and Dahlia are planning on a big family, though they haven't been successful on a second pregnancy yet.

And all the nooboos will become toddlers soon and we'll get to see if they resemble family members.

Then all the adults will stay busy with teaching toddler skills.

Lots of toddler spam in upcoming chapters.

Starting with Chapter 173: Toddlers and More Toddlers
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 173: Toddlers and More Toddlers
« Reply #193 on: October 17, 2019, 12:30:41 PM »

When Lorelei's home from work the next night, she spends some time chatting with Odette.

She starts with, "Your mommy will get her own police car soon. Can you say car?"

Like David, Odette gives her a big smile but stays silent.

"How about bottle? We all feed the twins bottles."

Odette stares at her Gramlei intently but doesn't even try to repeat the word."

Lorelei's understanding Samuel's discouragement more and more.

This does seem harder this time around.

She thinks for a moment and says, "In the spring, we'll get to go outside and see flowers and trees."

Odette suddenly says, "trees, trees."

Lorelei claps excitedly at their breakthrough, and says, "Yes, sweetie, trees. You got it!"

But it's getting late, and close to Odette's bedtime, so she says, "That'll do for tonight. Let's get you your bedtime bottle and brush your teeth."

Odette repeats, "Brush teeth, spit now!"

Lorelei laughs and says, "Well aren't you the smart girl. I wasn't even trying on that one."

The next morning is busy with a toddler and twin nooboos to take care of.

Odette can now take care of her own potty needs, so that's a big help.

While Rory gets Eric played with, fed, and changed, Lorelei continues teaching Odette to walk.

And they have an interested observer this morning, as Claire watches over them.

"Nice to see all of you busy with babies and toddlers again," Claire says with a big smile.

She adds, "I think this is my favorite time of each town with the new generation showing up."

Lorelei says with a knowing laugh, "That's because you just get to rock and watch, no sleeplessness for you!"

Claire chuckles happily, saying, "That is a definite perk, no denying that! But it does warm the heart to hear their cries, to know the family's continuing, and especially to hear their laughter."

Lorelei smiles as she encourages Odette to take a few more steps, "Now that's something I can agree with you about. The sound of their laughter does make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside."

Later, Rory continues his fatherly duties, going through the nooboo routine with Ella.

But with Rory holding her, we realize she doesn't have his skin tone as it's become peachy and more like Cinda's since her birth.

When he's finished with playtime and a diaper change, he feeds her a bottle, then cuddles her close.

Then places her in the crib in the downstairs master bedroom for her nap, as Odette's in the nursery playing her xylophone.

If he's learned anything about fatherhood at all it's 'do not interrupt babies when they need sleep!'

But Odette's moved on from playing the xylophone and is having fun with the dollhouse.

And apparently has an issue with one of the dolls as she tries to bite it's head off!

More like teething issues is my guess. Or maybe she's hungry.

Some kids just like knowing what's edible and what isn't first thing.

"I'll take it easy on you dad, I promise, I just want to know what it's like against a real opponent."

"That's the problem sweetheart. I'm NOT a real opponent. I'm no where close to being in your league! But if you promise not to break anything, I'll give it my best shot."

And Samuel surprises himself by holding his own for several minutes.

Until Cinda shocks both herself and him with a spectacular move, one involving several blocks, a double punch and a sweeping kick to the knee!

As her father doubles over with the force of her kick, she stops just before kicking him in the head, yelling in her panic, "Dad, dad, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

Trying to straighten and take the weight off his injured knee, he says with a catch in his breathe, "I'll be fine. But I think that's it for me today."

Cinda doesn't say anything, but helps him to the bed and gets a cold compress for his injury.

"I'm not much of nurse, but I think it's cold first to keep the swelling down, 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off. Then later we'll try warm compresses to help relieve the discomfort, and soothe the muscles and tendons. I really am sorry, dad. I guess I better stick to the training dummy."

"As much as I hate to admit it, that's probably for the best. My age not withstanding, I'm just not up to your level Cinda. Maybe you can see if there's anyone in town that is? You're very good, my girl, very good! I dare say you could give your Tito Torre and your Uncle Ian, a run for their money!"

"Wow, dad. You really think so ? That would be something! Maybe I could invite them to visit sometime and see if that's true? In the mean time, I better stick to the training dummy or like you said, find someone in town that's at my level."

And stick with the training dummy she does, and after just a few kicks, she masters Martial Arts and earns her final belt!

With her Martial Arts skill mastered, Cinda pulls Odette away from her beloved xylophone, which has been moved to the hall so as not to disturb sleeping infants.

She helps Odette with her last few steps to get walking under her belt.

"That's it, honey, look at you. Such a big girl. Just a few more steps and you can go back to playing your music. Mommy's not musical at all, but we've had some stars in the family, Great Grandma Rae was the first one, and more recently my Lita Lucy, so you are in very special company Odette."

With the grandchildren at the main home either sleeping or with their parents, Lorelei and Samuel take the opportunity to go across the road for a visit.

Lorelei listens intently as Dahlia recalls a campfire that got out of hand at the beach.

But she's more intrigued by Dahlia's outfit as she suspects it may be a maternity one.

While Samuel's chatting with Marshall nearby.

With both of them being writers, and bookworms, their conversation naturally turns to books.

"My last book did so well, dad, that they've asked me to write a sequel! My writing career is really taking off now."

"That's great Marshall! It's a very satisfying feeling to have others enjoy your writing. I know I've always enjoyed the writing process in and of itself, whether it was an article for the paper, or a full blown novel. But it's quite gratifying to share your thoughts and ideas and have them be acknowledged by others. Of course, not everyone always likes what you write, but having them like your topic isn't always the issue. Making sims aware of subjects and concepts that may be foreign to them, and getting them to think about them, that's a reward in itself."

"It is dad. You did it with all your articles and books on the Salas' family, making their neighbors and co-workers think about what the family was going through as active ghosts. And even becoming friends with them yourself and welcoming Antony into our family with open arms."

"Practice what you preach is a good motto. And though your books are fiction, you're trying to give sims some insight into your own heritage with your focus on the Fae. I know I've learned some things over the years, especially living with your sister. A mean-spirited fairy is no one you want to anger. Lucas found that out the hard way, though Cinda stepped over the line a bit there as your Tito Torre's teachings included not using fairy magic against human family members."

"Cinda's not ever been one to stay within lines dad! Thankfully her Good trait has tempered her mean tricks, though it has given her an inner strength that's beyond simple braveness. And she's managed to master Martial Arts even with the responsibility of three young children! Though she does have help with Rory, and you and mom."

"That she does, son. And it's been a joy having grandchildren again. Speaking of which, we have plans to visit Lucas and Tia and the twins for a double birthday later, but in the meantime, where's David?"

Samuel finds little David in the nursery playing.

But before he continues teaching him how to talk, I pop him into Stylist for a cute toddler photo.

David's favorite color is green just like both his parents, so choosing colors for his outfits is easy.

And he looks adorable in my favorite outerwear for toddler boys with a green vest.

And Samuel's perseverance pays off as David starts chatting up a storm.

The first breakthrough was with the sports-related expression 'we're number one' as David eagerly says, "One, one, one!"

Samuel claps excitedly, grinning proudly and praising his grandson loudly.

Seeing how happy this makes his grandpa, David starts repeating word after word.

With the progress made with talking, Samuel moves on to walking.

And is rewarded with David's first steps, which are quite confident and only a little wobbly.

But soon it's time for Lorelei and Samuel to head on to the twins' birthday party.

Lorelei's been holding her tongue all afternoon, but she can't resist any longer.

"Does that outfit mean what I think it means Dahlia!?!" her voice not holding back her excitement.

"It does Mom Frio, it does! I wondered how long you could go before you asked! Way longer than I expected, though I was pretty sure you guessed when you turned to Kid's Zone. Not that I'll need that, I bought the fertility reward before we moved. And Marshall's confessed that he did too! So I'm pretty sure we'll be having twins, if not triplets. A bit younger than David but at least these two, or three, will be close! Would you like to feel?"

Lorelei's grin grows and she gently touches Dahlia's tummy, the kicks aren't strong yet, more like   butterfly flutters.

But they are persistent, one after the other, the tentative stirrings of new life, and possible more than one!

Lorelei does the honors helping Darren blow out his candle just as Lucas walks into the dining room.

"Sorry I'm late. I had to finish up some reports, my partner hates paperwork, so he thinks it's great that I love it. Not that it's the paperwork I love exactly, just the fact that I can safely do it indoors!"

"I just blew out the candle so you made it in time. Let's see who this little guy's going to look like!"

And Lorelei is stunned when Darren ages to toddler with her turquoise hair!

"Oh look at you sweetheart! Definitely Gramlei's boy. I wonder if you'll get any of my traits on your other birthdays?"

Darren just cuddles in closer enjoying the hugs and kisses his Gramlei showers over him.

But Samuel's already helped Cullen blow out his candle, so she hurriedly turns around to watch.

And Cullen stuns us even more because he doesn't get the Frio auburn hair through his father or the Winchester vibrant red through this mother.

Or the Marshall or Hyde dark hair, not even Lorelei's turquoise like his twin.

Cullen is a cute towhead, that I swear has light blonde hair much like Miriam's, which is impossible as they're not blood related.

As I think about it I realize it could be Lita Lucy's blonde!

But no matter where it came from, he's certainly a cutie.

As is Darren.

But everyone knows how prejudice I am when it comes to Dashing Desmond's turquoise hair!

As the boys play with their birthday toys, Tia joins them to chat about the latest comic she read.

The Frio's are all huge nerds, and it seems like they've sucked Tia into the club as well.

But Lorelei's thoughts are focused on Lucas and how handsome he looks in his uniform and exactly what other duties he may be involved in at work.

Lorelei suddenly recalls stories about her Glampa Des, stories involving a big crime ring he broke up and criminals he was instrumental in bringing to justice, with all the danger that brought with it.

She's not really thought about it much, and Lucas and Cinda haven't revealed anything about their jobs, but they came here to work with Elliot Nest, who's trying to bring in an even bigger gang of criminals.

Should she be worried?

But as she looks at the picture she knows, with Cinda still on maternity leave and Lucas focusing on paperwork, she decides it's probably too early for them to be involved in anything too dangerous.

Besides the idea of  Lucas' out on the streets or doing any kind of undercover work is ludicrous, he's just not the James Bond type!

And when she sees him with Tia, giving her a bouquet of flowers to celebrate the twins' birthday, as 'the beautiful mother of our sons', the both of them so loving and sweet together, her thoughts turn back to happy ones, ones of family.

Lucas and Tia have already surprised them with twin sons, but will they try for a third one, maybe a daughter?

The main family home is busy with teaching Odette her toddler skills as well as taking care of their nooboo twins, Ella and Eric, who's skin has pinked to a peachy color, instead of the lighter pale they had when they were born.

Samuel has finally managed to teach David some words, and they've moved on to walking, which David is picking up quickly.

While Lorelei has discovered that Dahlia and Marshall are expecting again, and it will more than likely make David the big brother to twins, or maybe even triplets!

But we're not done with toddlers, far from it, as Ella and Eric have their birthday coming up.

Definitely busy times ahead in Chapter 174: A House Full of Toddlers
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Re: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story
« Reply #194 on: October 17, 2019, 12:35:54 PM »
Author's note*** For anyone who may have read today's update before I corrected my mistake. I apologize for the confusion as I posted chapter 174 initially and then I removed it to place the correct chapter, 173!***

