Author Topic: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story  (Read 123792 times)

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 290: Double Trouble
« Reply #315 on: April 10, 2021, 04:18:51 PM »

With her last case solved, Janette goes to the police station to get another one and from there heads to the Fire Station to meet with her newest client, Lela Whitfield, Barry's sister, who's car is missing!

"It was in the driveway Detective, where I always park it, but today I came outside to drive to work and it was gone! I have no idea where it could be! I never even dreamed anyone around here would steal a car!"

Janette rubs her neck and asks, "Please, don't tell me you left the keys in the ignition…"

Lela's eyes fly wide open as she asks, "How did you guess!?! I can see you'll find my car in no time Detective, with skills like that!"

Janette sighs and says, "I'll give it a shot Ms. Whitfield, but you really need to lock your car doors…"

Puzzled Lela says, "But how could I lock it with the keys inside?"

Janette decides trying to explain is a waste of time and says, "Will you be going home soon, Ms. Whitfield? I'll need to check out the area where your car was parked, dust for fingerprints, standard PI stuff."

"I'm on duty tonight and will be sleeping here at the station, but Mom and Dad should be home."

Janette nods and says, "Could you give them a call so they know I'll be coming over to check the place out?"

"Is that really necessary? You're a neighbor, I can't imagine it'd be a problem for you to be there. This is a nice town, after all."

"A nice town that has sims in it that steal other sim's cars! Even the safest towns have some criminal elements, as you've just found out Ms. Whitfield."

Janette heads to the Whitfield house straight away and starts dusting for finger prints on a deck chair near the driveway.

She finds a few prints, but heads inside to check them against family members fingerprints.

She finds additional prints on one of the kitchen counters.

And more on the dinette table.

But all the results match Lela's and her family's prints.

Muttering, "I hate when forensics fails me," she heads back outside and starts rummaging in a trash can.

And is rewarded with her first solid clue---a slick pair of racing gloves that provide a set of fingerprints that don't match the others!

Janette heads to the police station to check the prints against the police data base, so I take the opportunity to check on other family members.

But no need to worry as they are all sleeping peacefully.

Jemma's dreaming about still being at home, which is pretty typical after being on maternity leave for so long, but she doesn't seem to be too unhappy about it.

But it's Tobias' dreams that gives me a feeling of relief as he's peacefully dreaming about promotions and not harboring a secret desire for a baby.

I've been worried about that since he had me cancel that wish.

Jonas is being his nutty self and dreaming of trash.

Maybe he wants to turn trash into art?

He's probably showing his opinion of my decorating skills, as he finds my taste boring and, apparently, trashy!

With all the comments and faces he's made, I doubt he thinks I have any taste at all!

The girls are sleeping too, with Bella dreaming about books.

With Cassidy just peacefully asleep, not being troubled by dreams of any kind.

She looks so sweet and innocent, it's hard to believe she's now evil.

When I catch up with Janette, she's standing outside a familiar house in town.

One where she had a rather enjoyable night of dancing, but she's not here to dance tonight.

But will the suspect be home?

Not only is Kirstin Law home, she's standing in her front yard still wearing her get-a-way mask!

Apparently paralyzed by one of the worst allergy cases known to Sims!

"I don't know what you're talbing about Detective, now let me by! I need my inhalber….can't breafe…"

Janette plants herself firmly in front of the suspect and says, "These gloves have your fingerprints all over them Ms. Law, so the quicker you 'fess up, the quicker you'll have that inhaler in your hand. Or we can stand here until I need to call an ambulance, or maybe the morgue, whichever is needed!"

Kirstin squeals and fast, though with her stuffed up nasal passages, her confession sounds ridiculous.

"Albright, albright! But don't pin this on me, I was just the briver! Carbs are being stolen for parts which are then sold to local race carb brivers. In fact, there's a brace at the stadium tonight, but I doubt that the carb is still in one piece!"

"Your cooperation will be noted in my report Ms. Law! Now go inside and get that inhaler, you sound awful! If it gets any worse, you may want to head to the hospital for an allergy shot."

Kirstin tries to snarl, but it comes out as, "Banks, Detective, but I don't want no favors from someone who works with goody-two-shoes cobbers!"

As I notice the sun coming up, I head back to the main home to make sure the girls don't miss school, while Janette heads to the stadium.

I'm just in time to find Cassidy getting out of bed but the look on her face doesn't bode well for this being a good morning.

"Make your bed sweetie and get ready for school, the bus will be here soon."

Frowning even more, she says, "Make my bed!?! The maid can do that when he gets here, Watcher!"

"He could, but he has enough to do keeping up with the laundry, so please drop the attitude and make your bed."

"Or what???"

"Or you don't get that slumber party you wanted to throw this weekend and you can make your bed plus Bella's!"

"Fine! I'll do it this time but don't expect it every morning!"

Wow! And she's not even the grumpy one!

Even without being twins, Bella and Cassidy are proving to be double trouble!

After that lovely conversation with Cassidy, I make sure both girls get on the bus and then I do something I've been wanting to do for awhile.

I join Jemma for a trip over to Marisol's, so Jemma can spend some time with Marisol and we can check in on Marisol and her family.

"The twins sleeping through the night yet?"

"Karl's been doing pretty good, but Kyle is a bit fussy, day or night. That's him you hear now!"

"Well, with two sets of twins it's definitely double trouble! But how you're doing that with just you and Kirk, ouch!"

"We're managing, but were both pretty exhausted!"

"It's not my strong suit, but I'll see what I can do to help you out while you get some sleep."

When Kirk walks by cuddling a contented Karl, that's when I notice poor Kyle on the floor.

No wonder the poor little guy is screaming his head off!

Jemma follows through on her promise and quickly picks up Kyle, smiling even, as she croons soothing words and gives him a cuddle.

Marisol was a bit surprised, but the relief on her face was clear as she asked, "Really? You don't mind?"

"I'm happy to help you out, sis! If that involves babies, well, so be it!"

Marisol wearily nods and heads upstairs for a well-deserved nap.

Markus was disturbed by his baby brother too, but also a bit confused as I could hear the bus honking outside yet he was headed to the basement!

A quick Nraas 'go to school' command and he turns around and heads out the door.

The poor boy has been a bit muddled ever since his birthday, as he's just like his Aunt Janette, a little on the crazy side, though it actions seem more in keeping with his grandfather's absent-mindedness.

Kira May seems to have everything under control as she heads off to school and even carries an umbrella to keep dry from the rain.

But a sudden clap of thunder has her scurrying to the bus, making me very aware of her new cowardly trait, something we haven't had in the family since Rae's Sam.

I do a quick check of her personal stats via Nraas and find out that she also has the 'Can Apprehend Burglar' hidden trait, which seems odd for a coward, but since some of the known trait combos are quite peculiar, I guess that's pretty standard in the game.

Heading back to the stadium, I'm just in time to find Janette outside with a big smile on her face.

"I take it this case is close to being wrapped up?"

"Yes, despite Kirstin's nasally attitude, her intel was good and I caught Conrad Anderson actually driving Lela's car! Apparently he didn't have a clue the car was stolen and was supposed to be for parts. Life's thrown him some curves and not in a good way, the poor guy has aged, and badly, since I saw him last. He seemed pretty ashamed to find out he was being duped by a ring of car thieves, though that could be just because he got caught--but I've got the keys now! I just need to return them to Lela."

Lela was delighted to have her car back, but instead of Janette whipping out her notebook and tossing the flaming page over her shoulder, she suddenly declares, "I'm just not satisfied with ending the case here Ms. Whitfield. This car theft ring needs to be brought down! I'd like to continue investigating the case and bring them to justice!"

"What!?! This case has dragged on long enough, you should quit now, while you're ahead."

"Quitting isn't in my nature, Watcher, I need to do what I can to keep this town safe."

And without any delay, Janette heads over to the business office to conduct a stake-out!

As Janette crouches down, staring intently between the two bushes she uses for cover, I ask, "But why here Janette? Wouldn't it be more productive to stake-out the stadium?"

"That's what the thieves would like us to believe, that it's the race car drivers who are behind the thefts, but Conrad let slip a name, a Sim who doesn't work at the stadium, but here, at the business office!"

When Janette spots two sims talking nearby, I have hope, and I shift the camera a little closer.

Until Janette says, "I didn't see anything. Maybe if I try again?"

That's when it hits me! This is the business office, sure enough, but those tables and chairs belong to the bistro!

I added a separate bistro to get one of Janette's previous cases to complete, so now were back in the same boat, but this time it's a stake-out at a combo building!

And seeing that huge puddle on the concrete and no end to the rain in sight, I have a feeling we're going to be up a creek without a paddle!

So I quickly, that being a relative term, switch to edit town, pop a stand alone office building on an empty lot across town, add a concrete walkway, some foundation plants, two huge fountains with bench seating, and a couple of park benches by the foundation flower bushes.

Only to return to live mode and NOT have a stake-out option appear on the new business office building lot!

Okay, Plan B.

I switch back to edit town, bulldoze the original business office/bistro lot and hope that fixes the issue.

To my horror, the stake-out icon is still above the now empty lot and a peek at street level shows all the employees of the combo business office/bistro buildings, now standing on the side-walk, kicked out of work when I removed their work place!

Back to edit town, where I quickly place another stand alone business office, the same one I placed across town, duplicate the outside, as in my infinite wisdom I didn't save the original lot I made, and then go back to live mode.

Of course all of the sims are still standing on the sidewalk, so I use Nraas to send them all back to work. Those employed in the culinary career heading to the stand alone bistro I placed previously, whereas those having business careers, head back inside the newly placed business office.

That includes Chase too, as being in the Gaming career, he works at the business office too.

But will all my efforts be wasted?

With Janette hiding behind those two bushes focused on the teen doing homework, who I doubt is involved in a car theft ring, probably so!

Though I'm sure it's more to do with the combo building and me trying to circumvent that issue using edit town without canceling the Case Op first.

Which was probably a mistake, but I'll keep you posted on that.

And with all my meddling in edit town, I go check on family members to make sure they are safe and sound.

At the Abbot home, I find Jemma in the nursery feeding Kyle a bottle.

When the bottle is empty, and Kyle has been burped and cuddled one last time, she places him in the crib next to his twin.

Since she's got everything under control here, I head back to the main house.

Tobias has finished another painting, this one a lovely landscape of rolling hills, but with a definite Tuscany feel.

Tobias stares at the painting a moment before saying, "First the canals, then this one, Watcher! I have an odd feeling that such a place is in our future."

"Other family artists have felt the same way Tobias. But whether it means the far away future, or the more immediate one, remains to be seen. One of Odette's favorite paintings was of a man that would have been at home in either of your paintings, so it could be that things are lining up for just that. On the other hand, one of Crewe's paintings, my favorite, was a wonderous winter landscape and he painted it twice, once in Twinbrook, and once in Isla Paradiso, where it wasn't likely to happen."

"Ambiguous as ever Watcher!"

"Portents for the future usually are Tobias!"

Bella is working industriously on her homework, none the worse for wear with all of my edit town interruptions.

Jonas and Cassidy chat nearby, catching each other up on their day, increasing their friendship.

And Janette comes strolling through the front door!

"I thought you were staking out the new business office to get your current case moving!?!"

"I was, Watcher, but something more important came up."

"What's more important than seeing if all my edit town meddling will help progress the case?"

"Luci's toddler birthday!!! I'm not missing out on the chance to throw a party, case or no case! And I want to cook for this party, Watcher!"

Cassidy, though not Bella's twin, is certainly gearing up to provide me double trouble with her own snarky attitude.

Marisol and Kirk are feeling the pain of raising two sets of twins all on their own now, so Jemma's pitched in to help them out.

And the combo building, the business office/bistro, has finally been bulldozed, in the hopes of stand alone buildings furthering Janette's Case Op's without stalling out.

But for now, all those issues are on hold as we celebrate Luci's toddler birthday!

With a party of course, courtesy of her Aunt Janette.

I'll tell you all about it in Chapter 291: Ghostly Toddler Birthday
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 291: Ghostly Toddler Birthday
« Reply #316 on: April 14, 2021, 05:24:44 PM »
Without even changing out of her PI gear, Janette heads for the kitchen and starts making Jonas' favorite meal, goopy carbonara.

That's when I realize I haven't seen Jemma!

We can't have her missing her youngest daughter's birthday, even if she'd be happier without being in a house full of children.

So I click on her icon and stare in surprise when I realize she's not only still at the Abbot home, she's in the sauna*** taking a hydrotherapy bath, something I didn't even know was an option! (Or that you could choose the gender of a child in it!)

And by her completely relaxed air, thoroughly enjoying the luxury of it.

So much so that I hate to interrupt her, but needs must.

"Jemma, I know that after helping out with your new nephews, you really deserve a break…"

With a sigh Jemma interrupts me, saying, "But your words indicate that my break is over, Watcher, so what's up now?"

"Luci's toddler birthday and Janette's already started cooking for the guests."

"Well, I certainly can't miss that! I'll head home now. See you there Watcher!"

I get back to the main Frio home just as the first guests start arriving, with a couple of them showing just how attracted they are to Jonas!

Though Steve seems to be focused on Jemma.

None of which is happening, so they can just forget about breaking up my heir couples right now!

Though Jemma seems to be preoccupied with ghosts, both the active and family ones, as she chats to her Great-Grandpa Samuel about Steve.

"Steve's adjusted well to his new existence. He's engaged to Danielle Platt, and they've even bought a place together and are living there with their three children. The house that was meant for Kirk and Marisol, actually, just down the road. Bella's friends with his oldest daughter, Janie, and little Vincent should be having his child birthday soon, so we may be seeing more of him as well."

"That's good to hear, Jemma! With all my coverage of the Salas family back in Midnight Hollow, it's good to see others moving past their inherit fear of ghosts and doing their best to befriend them and include them in community gatherings, like this party."

"Speaking of parties, I should go get Luci and get this one started."

But great minds think alike, or maybe it's just the parenthood gene kicking in, as when Jemma gets to the nursery, she finds Tobias already there.

With a big smile, she grabs his hands, and says, "Ready for the toddler years, hon?"

Tobias smiles back at her, holding her hands tightly, "I'm really looking forward to it! I want to give both our girls the attention they deserve right now. And give you the chance to focus on your career."

"I don't want to be all about work and no play Tobias! In fact, I spent some time in the sauna bath at Marisol's house and I'm thinking we just might need to indulge in one for our own basement! It was extremely relaxing for one, but I think it could accommodate two with even better benefits!"

"Sounds like something we need to invest in, maybe a gift to ourselves sometime soon?"

"Yes, soon, but right now, let's get little Miss Luci up and ready for her party!"

"I'll do the honors this time and let you go welcome some of our adult guests!"

"That sounds like a plan to me!"

Jemma starts welcoming guests, chatting with Mattias Singh, who's son Leo is close to Bella's age, and will be celebrating his teen birthday just before Bella celebrates her own.

While Janette is putting the finishing touches on her goopy carbonara as other guests bring in other dishes to share.

Max Lee starts chatting with Steve Cupp, accepting Steve's ghostly form with a minimum of fuss, while Van Riverhawk shows off a few dance moves, enjoying the music as well as the incense.

Then Chase gives Max Lee a coveted autograph as the guests start to gather around Tobias and Luci by the cake.

Jonas has jumped the gun and is already blowing a party horn, startling Tobias just a bit.

And Van's focus has turned to Janette, hopefully, she hasn't caught the kitchen on fire!

Nope. The goopy carbonara and the kitchen are just fine.

More than fine actually, as Janette's recipe is actually perfect!

But cheers from the living room have us scrambling inside before we miss the big event!

We get there just in time to see Tobias blow out Luci's candle, with Chase clapping, and Janette blowing her own party horn.

Even ghostly Samuel has joined the party, much to Janie Cupp's dismay, though you'd think with her father and brother being ghosts, she'd be the last one to be freaked out!

But Janie's not the only one upset, as Tobias places Luci on the floor, I catch Bella pitching a fit over something Forest Woods has done!

I move in closer to see what's going on, but the only thing I notice is the huge smile on Jemma's face.

"Oh, thanks for coming inside and joining the party Great-Grandpa Samuel. It's an honor to have you here!"

But she may be the only one who feels that way as when I focus back on Samuel I see Brandon Woods passed out cold on the floor.

Even Steve is warding ghostly Samuel off! No wonder Janie had that same reaction.

While Phyllis is jeering at Jonas for something he's done!

But I try and disregard all of that as there are birthdays sparkles.

Luci's aging up!

I move back to see what our new toddler looks like and smile when I see her blonde hair, just like her mother's.

A quick trip into stylist and we get a close-up of her, with a different hairstyle and clothes in her favorite color, pink.

What a cutie!

With all the dark hair in the family, from Chase's light brown to Odette's almost-black, and with Tobias having brown hair too, I truly wasn't expecting Luci to inherit Jemma's blonde hair.

So I love it!

As the guests mill about, chatting, grabbing slices of cake, I spot Cassidy thinking about her slumber party and I'm glad I promised that wish.

It's the weekend and perfect for such a childhood milestone.

Besides, I'm hoping the girls can actually get to chat with their classmates as they always seem to leave before that can happen at birthday parties.

With the younger children already departed, Cassidy chats with her Grandpa Chase, "Is it supposed to rain tomorrow night grandpa? I want to have a slumber party and it would be fun to sleep outside!"

Chase pauses for a moment and says, "Last time I checked, the forecast was for clear skies, but weather men are not often right! But the basement's big enough for all your friends, if it does rain, as a back-up plan."

Speaking of the basement, I find Bella in a rocker, while Max Lee thanks Janette for inviting him to the party.

"I really had fun Mrs. Frio! Thanks for inviting me!"

"Drop by any time Max! Your information on my previous case was invaluable. And I'm sure the girls would love to get to know you better!"

Bella's sharp glance and frown show she doesn't necessarily agree with her Aunt's assessment but her words are bland enough, "You have a younger brother don't you Max?"

"Yeah, he just had his child birthday, but he's…different."


"Yeah, he always laughs when someone gets hurt! Mom and Dad are a bit worried that he won't make any friends at school with that kind of attitude."

Bella nods and says, "You don't say? Well, my cousin's planning a slumber party tomorrow night, do you think he'd like to come and meet us and our friends?"

"Wow! That would be great Bella! You and your Aunt are really nice about inviting sims to your parties."

Bella just nods again but I get the feeling that being nice has nothing to do with it!

As the party wound down, Tobias made sure that Luci's needs were taken care of.

Taking Luci to the potty, which she picked up quickly.

Then giving Luci a bedtime bottle as he sat her down on the napping mat.

I guess Tobias was just as happy about Luci getting Jemma's hair as I was, as he said, "Just look at you! Cute as a button with your Mama's hair!"

For me, the combo of her bright green skin with the blonde hair has her at the top of the heir list, having something unique from both of her parents.

Though Bella has the MH skin-tone being on the white/black slider with Chase's light brown hair color, and she also has her father's rather large greenie ears!

And Cassidy has her father Jonas' HS pale greenie skin tone with either his black hair or her mother's.

So each one is unique, definitely bringing different genetics to the table, either from a parent or grandparent or a combination of both.

I'm afraid this is going to be another tough decision and there's no way we can have triple heirs, so a choice will have to be made.

Luckily, it's still too soon to have to make that decision!

Janette's decided to give a stake-out another try and heads to the new business office.

My hopes build as Rich Richmond holds a clandestine meeting, and suspicious papers are handed off.

And…nothing happens!

Then Janette spots someone lurking in the bushes, and her instincts take over as she takes up a martial arts stance.

The young woman throws her arms up to ward off the blow, yelling, "Detective Frio, I wasn't spying on you for a scoop or anything like that! I just want to go home and get some sleep! Check my status! You'll see, I'm not even on paparazzi duty!"

I hover over her and confirm that she's just hanging around the lot, with no paparazzi title at all.

"She's telling the truth Janette. I'll send her home via NRaas."

Janette's pretty bummed that her stake-out was a bust, but she sighs and says, "I'll let you off this time, but if I catch you hanging around one of my cases again, I won't go so easy on you!"

With no progress made on her current case, Janette heads home and makes a beeline for the nursery.

After covering Luci up she smiles down at her niece, watching the little one sleep.

"They're so sweet and innocent at this age, Watcher. Being able to tuck them in, watching them snuggle up, knowing you're doing everything you can to protect them, it's a good feeling."

"It is nice, Janette. Best of all, toddlers can put themselves to bed and when they wake up, they can play, instead of being stuck in a crib waiting for someone to take them out. And the fact that it only costs $35 simoleans is a great bonus!"

"You're so practical, Watcher! I wasn't talking about the mat, I was speaking metaphorically, looking at the bigger picture!"

"Oh, I see…the bigger picture…now that you've said that…I'm wondering…"

"Wondering what?"

"It's too soon to mention it. But what you just said, a couple of paintings Tobias rendered recently…yes, it could very well be that I'm on to something. I'll let you know if what I suspect pans out!"

Most sims would have been upset with me for clamming up like that, but not Janette.

She had more important things on her mind.

Like getting comfortable and snuggling up with Jonas after this very long day.

Time for me to make myself scarce!

Janette's 18th case is still stalled, despite the new stand alone business office, but we haven't given up on the case yet.

In the meantime, the weekend has just begun and Cassidy has a slumber party scheduled for Saturday night.

And Luci will begin her toddler training in earnest.

Follow along to see what transpires in Chapter 292: Spring Outing and a Slumber Party
Coming soon.
***Author's Note:
For additional information on the sauna check out this link.
Steam-It-Up Sauna - Store - The Sims™ 3

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Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 292: Spring Outing and a Slumber Party
« Reply #317 on: April 18, 2021, 04:05:22 PM »

As the rest of the family sleeps, I chat with Adam, who's rocking on the 2nd floor deck.

"So Watcher, care to fill me on what you suspect?"

"It may be too soon Adam, but I'm thinking our fears about Bella and Cassidy are unfounded. I think things are actually working out in a way that is best for the family. Once you look at the big picture!"

"Big picture? Isn't that something Janette mentioned?"

"It is! And before you start thinking I'm getting to be as crazy as she is, let me explain. We were all taken aback when Bella was born evil, and then shocked even more when Cassidy became evil as a child. But after hearing the two girls interact the past few days, I'm actually feeling better about that, because now Cassidy can hold her own with Bella. Not just be a pawn in whatever plans Bella had originally."

Adam nods thoughtfully, saying, "True. Instead of Bella having the upper hand, Cassidy's evil trait has evened out the playing field, so to speak."

"Exactly! So though it was shocking to have them both be evil, I think it's all part of a bigger plan. One that will unfold in it's due time."

"So Samuel was right! We just need to relax and enjoy our time here in this town and let the family take care of itself, like it always has!"

"I think so. Though with Janette and Jemma scrambling to fulfill their lifetime wishes, I'm not sure relax is the word I'd use!"

"Maybe you need to take your own advice, Watcher, and stop sweating the small stuff!"

"I wouldn't consider the twins completing their lifetime wishes to be the SMALL stuff, Adam!"

"In the bigger scheme of things, aren't an heir's, or even co-heirs', lifetime wishes, small? Just calm down and think about it Watcher."

I mull over Adam's words as I join Janette on yet another stake-out at the business office.

But with no other sims in sight, I quickly get bored and leave Janette to her task.

Back at the main house, I find Jemma reading a book on her multi-tab, one of the many I've purchased for all the adults in the household.

Now that my store items work again, I've been eagerly exploring them.

Though I was disappointed that none of Jonas' required skills for his lifetime wish were available on it, so no way for him to step up the pace of his skilling in either inventing or painting.

But Jemma doesn't read for long as other sims are waking up in the Frio household.

Namely, toddler Luci, who's happily playing with her IF doll.

Just look at her happy face as she sings a song to her doll.

But Jemma has another task for Luci in mind, and after a quick snuggle, she begins teaching her to walk.

Because despite her dislike of children, Jemma's again popped wishes to teach her daughter her toddler skills.

I check on Janette again and see she's moved to another stake-out spot.

But the only sim around is the paparazzi girl Janette discovered last night, and true to her word, the paparazzi is totally ignoring Janette as she reads a book on the fountain surround.

Back at the house, I find Bella chatting with her father, Tobias.

"So you actually make lots of money writing books, daddy? Is that why you write them?"

With a big smile, Tobias answers, "Well, I write because I love books, and writing is a great creative outlet for me. But it's my subject matter that is the most important to me, as I want others to be aware of and be accepting of the greenie community. The money? That's just a bonus!"

"Oh. But isn't it good to have lots of money?"

"Well, that depends. Money is important to take care of those you love, and some sims consider it very important to be wealthy and successful. But just becoming rich and amassing a great fortune is not an end in and of itself. You have to have a higher purpose, a more meaningful one, to truly be happy. For me, that means a family, your mother, you and sister, and being free to write and express my creative abilities…"

But a commotion interrupts Tobias and I'm pulled downstairs!

Jemma found the kitchen stove on fire and since I was busy trying to get the grown-ups to put it out, while keeping the children out of harms way, the only photos I got were after the whole episode was over!

But despite my intention of keeping the children away, Cassidy comes running in to chat about the fire with Jemma.

And Jemma, to my shock, just dismisses her young niece's worries, with a patronizing comment, and shoos her away!

"The fire's out child, don't keep dwelling on it! Go shower, since you stink now, and I can barely tolerate you when you're clean!"

Cassidy is totally upset by this brush off, and pops a wish to see her Aunt's ghost!

Jonas even stands still in shock, just staring at the fridge hearing his sister-in-laws harsh words to his daughter.

But it's Bella's reaction that is even more disturbing as she calmly finishes her cobbler, ignoring the fireman who's finally arrived, and pops a wish to see Jemma's FIERY ghost!

A wish that fills me with horror.

I've seen the wish pop up before though, when a sim is furious with another sim, but for a child to pop a wish to see her own mother's ghost, one who dies a fiery death!?!  Over an off-hand comment that, though not called for, wasn't even directed at her? That's truly appalling!

I know I told Adam we need to focus on the big picture and he agreed and told me not to sweat the small stuff, but this doesn't seem like a small thing at all!

Even if Bella's attitude is compounded by getting up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, which is directly related to her grumpy trait, it's still unacceptable.

And I'm definitely NOT promising that wish, in fact, I quickly cancel it as just seeing it makes me feel sick to my stomach.

With Bella's only comment being, "Spoilsport!"

But we're not going to let a fire or trait-driven attitudes spoil our plans for the day.

A day at the Spring Festival.

Tobias slowly pushes Luci in her stroller over the uneven ground, as the bumps make his young daughter a bit nervous.

Bella quickly starts searching for eggs and, picking up a polka dotted pink one, she exclaims, "I'm going to find all the best ones!"

But Jemma manages to find a pretty egg of her own, despite her elder daughter's proclamation.

A bit annoyed, Bella said, "I wanted that orange striped one, Mom!" but she quickly hurried towards a green one by the edge of the pond.

Jemma just laughed and said, "Finder's keepers, Bella! You'll need to be quicker next time."

I frown at Jemma's snarky comment, as Bella is just a child, and Jemma should know better, but again, traits will surface when you least expect them to.

And Bella's perseverance pays off as she not only find more eggs, but a gnome, which she thought was way better than finding another egg.

Cassidy was searching for Festival eggs too, and though she found a couple, she found something even better.

Well, some ONE, as Forest Woods was at the park as well.

And she wasn't passing up a chance to start working on making him her friend!

"I didn't get a chance to chat with any of my classmates, Forest, but I hope you had a good time at Luci's birthday party!"

Forest shrugged, "It was okay. The cake was good, but I could have done without the ghosts! The blue one is kind of cool, especially since he's a magician, but the gray one was just creepy!"

Cassidy apologizes, "Oh, sorry about that, but we don't have any control over the family ghosts. I hope that won't keep you from attending my slumber party tonight?"

Thankfully, Forest can't see her delighted moodlet at his comment, and he replies, "Sure, I'll be there! It'll probably be my last kid party as my teen birthday is coming up soon."

"Well, we'll just have to make it extra special then, won't we?"

With all the eggs found, Bella heads over to the dance floor to give dancing a go.

She actually smiles when Lela Whitfield says, "You've got some good moves girl! Keep it up and you'll be giving your party animal Aunt Janette a run for her money!"

Bella's smile grows even wider as she says, "Thank You! Aunt Janette would have been my biggest competition, but since she's not here, and my cousin Cassidy is clumsy, I won't have to worry about her either! I've definitely got this one!"

Lela and her fellow dancer don't really understand Bella's comment, so they just smile and continue enjoying the music.

Me? Dancing is pretty harmless, so I'll let Bella have her small victory.

I check on Cassidy and find that Forest is leaving the festival, but not before they've made some significant progress towards their friendship, which Forest seems pretty happy about.

"See you later, Cass! I've got to go home and get ready for your party. Mom said I had to shower or I couldn't go! Yuck!"

Cassidy seems a bit confused at that remark, and I'm not sure what it means myself.

I know Forest is inappropriate as he's upset a lot of people when he's attended the Frio parties, not to mention hiding in the bushes spying on Odette and Jemma after he first aged to child.

But is he a slob too!?!

Wow, I may actually be glad that he's older than Bella, as he doesn't sound like a great candidate for an heir or even a spare spouse!

I check up on Janette only to find that she's spying on another Sim, who's staring intently at….something.

Another mutant creature!

Thankfully, the dog resumes his normal form, but he focuses on Janette, giving away her position.

Even though Janette is freaked out by the dog's attention, it doesn't really matter as, instead of doing anything nefarious, the young man just gossips with Mimi Olivia, an up-and-coming chef.

But when Edward Gooder, the Chairman of the Board at the business office shows up, and begins chatting with Bryce Savage, my hopes are raised.

Unfortunately, Janette doesn't hear anything criminal to further her case, as Edward just went on an on about his expensive new sports car!

I leave Janette to her job, despite the fact that it's Saturday, and I doubt that the case will progress since most business personnel have weekends off.

Too bad I hadn't realized that before she wasted her entire Saturday here!

As the kids start arriving for the slumber party, I have Bella change into her sleepwear too, as not being a guest or the host, it doesn't happen automatically, like it does for the rest of them.

Janie Cupp is a bit pre-occupied as her half-brother, Robbie Platt, has just become a young adult, and will be graduating soon.

But Bella's attention is totally focused on Max Lee's younger brother, Dane, who's changed into red pajamas.

And the reason becomes clear as soon as Bella introduces herself.

Dane is different, but to Bella in the best possible way, as he's properly evil!

"It's nice to meet you Dane! I have a feeling we're going to become great friends!"

Then Marisol and Kirk's twins, Kira May and Markus, join the slumber party guests.

With Markus grooving to the music, while Kira May is focused on her youngest cousin, Luci.

"Can I play with Luci, Auntie Jemma?"

"Sure, Kira May, just let me put her down. But I'm surprised you want to spend your slumber party time with a toddler, with two younger toddler brothers of your own."

"Karl and Kyle are okay, Auntie Jemma, but I would have preferred that one of them be a sister! Mom keeps telling me all about when she joined the family and had two baby sisters, you and Auntie Janette. Boys just don't like the same things and aren't as much fun!"

Jemma just smiled and said, "Play with Luci as much as you like, but I have a feeling you'll change your mind about boys soon enough!"

As the youngsters dig in to turkey dinners, Dane seems impressed with Tobias, saying, "What's it like growing up with a famous writer for a Dad?"

Bella, settling into her chair, shrugs and says, "It's okay. I never really thought about it, he's just my Dad!"

After his meal, Dane jumps up clapping loudly as he spots Jonas, scaring poor Kira May half to death with his wild outburst.

Dane may be evil, but at least he shows the proper respect for the celebrity status of the Frio males.

And what better partner for Bella or Cassidy than one who can hold his own, just like they both do!

Somehow, I've not gotten many photos of our hostess, Cassidy, during her own slumber party.

I finally spot her chatting away with Janie Cupp, "Thanks for coming to my party Janie. It's great having you live next door and able to come over any time."

"Your house is fun! I was playing video games earlier, you have a lot of games!'

"That's because my Grandpa Chase makes video games and we get all the new releases before they're even in the stores!"

"That is sooo cool!"

But slumber parties mean going to sleep and Cassidy gets her wish as the night is clear and the young guests all bed down outside in their sleeping bags.

Though I would have thought the side or back yards would have been more comfortable than the front walkway next to the road, with a snoopy paparazzi watching them sleep!

And Forest was right about this being his last kid's party as both he and Janie Cupp disappeared during the night.

Notifications appeared a bit later on that they both were now teens!

Cassidy made a new friend of Forest Woods, right before he aged up to teen, though since he's inappropriate and possibly a slob, we may cross him off the possible partner list.

Bella's met Dane Lee, Max' younger brother, and even though he's just aged to child which makes him younger than Cassidy, she's a bit intrigued as his evilness matches her own!

Janette's case is still stalled, but is it due to the combo building messing her case up, or just because it's the weekend, or is the case just glitched?

Only time will tell on that score and we may just have to cancel that case, if it doesn't get solved soon, and move on.

Jemma finally gets to go  back to work on Sunday, and she's hoping to get Luci's toddler training well in hand by the end of the weekend.

I'll tell you all about it in Chapter 293: Relaxing Sunday
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 293: Relaxing Sunday
« Reply #318 on: April 23, 2021, 05:11:40 PM »

Jonas is up before dawn on Sunday morning and he heads straight to the nursery to give Luci her morning bottle.

Then it's down to the basement to continue inventing as he's super close to reaching level 8 of the skill!

As the sun's rays pink up the morning, Cassidy is the first child to wake up, and she continues to play the good hostess, as she waves and says, "Good morning Markus! Sleep well?"

From his sleeping bag, Markus groggily replies, "What? Where am I?"

Again making me question whether he's just absent-minded rather than crazy.

And when the rest of the guests, including his sister Kira May, head to their own homes, with Markus heading inside to work on his homework, I just shake my head.

The poor confused kid!

Taking pity on her cousin, despite her own evilness, Cassidy follows him to the study and explains that he's actually at her home, not his own.

Markus doesn't seem fazed by this in the least, just grins and says, "Does that mean I can stay for lunch? I've heard you Mom has been learning new recipes!"

Cassidy says, "I guess so, but it's barely time for breakfast now.  Won't your parents worry when Kira May shows up alone? Maybe you better call them to let them know you're staying longer?"

"Oh, they won't mind. In fact, they probably won't even notice now that my baby brothers are toddlers. They've been running Mom and Dad wild with everything they keep getting into!"

Bella wakes up, on the right side of the bed for once, and actually pulls up the covers without my reminder.

I think she may have done it without thinking, being in such a good mood after finding out that Dane is evil.

I'm not sure if I should ask, but I throw caution to the wind, "So, still thinking about Dane, huh?"

Bella's body stiffens just a bit, letting me know I've touched a nerve, but her voice remains calm as she replies, "Thinking about…possibilities…the specifics of which I am keeping to myself, Ms. Snoop."

"Ms. Snoop is your Aunt Janette's alias, but I'll take it if it means keeping you in a good mood!"

Smugly she says, "Good is not something I'll ever be Watcher, that's something I can guarantee!"

After lunch, Jemma heads outside to finally resume her career, wearing her new career outfit.

I couldn't figure out how Jemma's hair had turned red until I zoomed closer and realized it was just a bright red scarf edged in gold, complete with large hoop earrings, definitely giving her a fortune teller vibe!

It's actually a career outfit I like.

"Me too, Watcher!!! But I don't want to be late, so I'll see you later!"

With her mother off to work and her father busy painting, little Luci happily plays with her IF doll.

And Bella proves just how evil she can be when she interrupts her father's painting to complain about the dirty dishes in the kitchen and dining rooms.

For someone who's complaining, she looks pretty happy about it, and her next words make the reason for her happiness clear, as she says, "Our current maid isn't doing a very good job, you should probably FIRE him daddy!"

That girl certainly enjoys making other sims suffer!

But this time it backfires as Tobias says, "I could, but then you'd be responsible for making your own bed, cleaning your bathroom, and cleaning up your own dishes."

"What!?! That's not…I mean, maybe hiring a DIFFERENT maid would be best!"

Tobias continues as if he didn't even hear Bella's words, saying, "I think you're actually on to something Bella. Both you and Cassidy are old enough to take responsibility for your own rooms and bathroom and to take care of your own dishes and the rest of us can do the same. That would help our current maid to stick to bigger tasks, like laundry. With seven of us in the house, and four floors with six bathrooms, that task alone keeps him busy all day long. Thank you for pointing that out."

When Tobias heads downstairs to check on Luci, Bella hops up on a stool and starts painting.

"Are you painting to impress your Dad and get back on his good side?"

"The empty easel was here and I'd like to learn how to paint. If that gets me points with Dad, that's a bonus I'll take! But I'd really like to know how he turned my suggestion back on me so fast!?!"

"Oh, that parts easy. Your father might be a couch potato with his nose stuck in a book whenever he's not painting, but he's also a genius, just like your Grandma Emmaline. He learned the art of manipulation from her when he was growing up back in Hidden Springs. But your grandmother wasn't just a genius, she was also insane and grumpy, so your father and grandfather had their hands full, but they managed to keep her under control and out of trouble, most of the time!"

"I didn't realize my Grandma Emmaline was grumpy, I guess I got that from her."

"I'd actually forgotten about it myself or I would have noted it at your birth!"

"Well I'd forgotten that Dad was a genius, but thanks for reminding me Watcher! I'll be keeping that in mind for any of my future plans."

I thought I should warn Tobias that I'd inadvertently given Bella ideas on circumventing his brilliance, but when I get to the nursery Tobias is finishing up Luci's potty training and the look she gives him is so sweet and adoring, I can't bear to spoil the moment.

Her love for her daddy shows clearly on her adorable green face.

I find Cassidy on her cell phone talking to new teen Forest Woods, which isn't surprising as she's trying to raise their relationship to friends to increase her grade at school.

What is surprising is that she went outside to do that, since she hates the outdoors.

Despite being uncomfortable surrounded by nature, the phone call has the desired affect and she can call Forest a friend.

But when she concludes her call, the negative affect of being outside, or just her own inherit evilness, maybe a bit of both, has her being disrespectful to her father!

Something that leaves both of them upset, but then Cassidy gets the positive bonus of being delighted at her father's misery!

And this little scene is witnessed not only by me, but by a snoopy paparazzi!!!

Though with Janette newly arrived home and handing out trick-or-treat candy to little Carie Cupp, who's dressed up like a gnome, that paparazzi better not overstep any boundaries.

I'm not sure why kids are dressing up for Halloween when it's not Fall, but it's happening in several of my games.

Since it doesn't really hurt anything, I've let it go, as I've definitely got more important issues to deal with.

In the art gallery, Bella is now chatting with Dane, in hopes of befriending him as well, though not to increase her grades, as she's already got the coveted 'A'.

I'm thinking her reasons are a lot more personal and definitely focused on Dane sharing her evil trait, though he's a few days younger than Cassidy, so I'm not sure how that fits into her plans.

Maybe she's willing to wait for him to grow up?

More like groom him so he's completely under her control by the time he becomes a teen!

Though with him being evil, he could prove her equal, much as Cassidy has done.

Only time will tell on that score.

And Jemma completes her first work shift after her extended maternity leave, with her job performance more than three quarters of the way full, so she should gain that promotion she wants after her work shift tomorrow.

Not surprisingly, she heads to the nursery to tuck the covers over Luci.

Despite disliking children, and having a few unpleasant conversations with Bella and Cassidy, Jemma has been a very attentive mother.

With Luci asleep, Jemma relaxes for a moment, reading a book on her multi-tab.

I knew that multi-tabs could help sims learn skills listening to tab casts, but I hadn't realized it made reading books and doing homework go much faster!

As Jemma relaxes, I remember how much she enjoyed the sauna room at her sister Marisol's home, so I pop down to the basement to see where I can place one.

After a bit of rearranging, and storing several bookcases in the family inventory, I get it placed in the corner where Jonas' sculpting station had been.

Both girls come downstairs to check it out and then chat with each other.

But the subject of their conversation has nothing to do with the new sauna and is focused on seeing Jemma's ghost!

"I'm sorry my Mom was so harsh with you Cassidy, even if I was delighted with your suffering at the time. But just remember, even though the Watcher dismissed our wishes, it's more than likely that our parents will meet Grim and join the family ghosts, so we'll probably get those wishes one day! Though I doubt Mom will have a fiery death and become an orange ghost, she'll probably just die of old age and become a boring gray family ghost!"

I'm stunned by Bella's thought process, but Cassidy actually giggles at her cousin's evil words!

These two really do bring out the worst in each other now that they share the evil trait and I'm questioning whether I'm just deluding myself that this will end up being in the family's best interest.

Tobias received his weekly book royalties at noon, which add $49,000 simoleans to the family funds.

And had him popping a wish to write a masterpiece, so I let him get started on it, since it takes such a long time.

He entitles it, My Life As A Greenie, which fits perfectly since all his books have been about being green.

And the first installment nets him $185 simoleans, quite a respectable amount.

In the nursery, Jemma helps Luci master walking.

She praises her young daughter with words, tickles, and snuggles.

Seeing that big smile on Jemma's face you'd never think she disliked children at all, especially with how much time she actually spends with both her daughters and her niece.

She does pop a negative moodlet now and again, much more so with the older girls now that they are  children, but she's doing amazingly well living with the trait so far.

But with another toddler skill completed, Jemma lets Luci have some free time playing with the xylophone.

Luci seems much more adept at using it than poor Cassidy did when she was a toddler.

In the basement, Janette and Jonas have been popping romantic wishes so I let them spend some adult time in the new sauna.

To keep their relationship up, fulfill wishes, and to check on whether you really can pick a gender when trying for baby.

To my delight, the option does come up, but since neither of these two has popped a wish for another child, I just let them spend some couple time together.

Then the Frio family settles down for the night.

And Bella dreams her last childhood dreams, as her teen birthday is being celebrated tomorrow evening!

Besides Janette's case, things are moving along.

Jemma's back to work and close to her next promotion, and has taught Luci to walk as well as letting her start her music skill with the xylophone.

Jonas is diligently working on his inventing skill while Tobias has started writing a masterpiece.

Bella and Cassidy are making friends with the neighborhood children and we think that Forest is inappropriate and maybe a slob, while Dane is evil, which makes him all the more appealing to Bella!

But will she still feel that way once she becomes a teen?

We'll find out together in Chapter 294: Our First Teen in Starlight Shores
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 294: Our First Teen in Starlight Shores
« Reply #319 on: April 28, 2021, 02:22:44 PM »

The morning started off quietly enough with Cassidy waking up and making her bed.

Despite her telling me she wouldn't be doing that every day, she does it more often than not.

Then she headed downstairs to make some muffins in the toy oven for breakfast.

But the quiet didn't last!

I'm pulled downstairs and see Jonas on fire again!

Though it was Jemma's ghost the girls wanted to see, I'm thinking the odds are that it's Jonas who'll end up being a fiery one!

I didn't even have time to put the walls up as I needed them down to direct him to the shower to put himself out.

"Run, Jonas, run!"

The words are out and I can't help but laugh as that expression makes me think of Forest!

Maybe he's actually meant to join the family and add some inappropriateness to all the crazy and evil!?!

With the girls off to school and everyone at home taken care of, I join Janette on her stake-out hoping that with it being Monday, the case will move on.

And within moments after Janette settles behind her two bushes, Finnegan Sawyer and Darren Lott show up definitely acting suspicious, whispering and handing off papers.

But nothing happens. Ugh.

I settle in for the long hall, hoping being closer to the building will trigger something.

But though Edward Gooder hobbles out, he just stands there for what seems like hours!

As it approaches the end of the workday, Janette moves to the other side of the walkway and tries one last time.

My anticipation builds as Edward Gooder, (I knew he was the culprit!), conspires with Conrad Anderson, and quickly hands off papers to him.

And to my annoyance Janette stands up and says, "I didn't see anything! Maybe if I try again!"

"Enough already, Janette! We've wasted days on this blasted case and as far as I'm concerned, since Lela has her car back, we need to leave catching the car thieves to the police! This case is either messed up because of the combo building that was here originally or it's just plain glitched."

"If you insist, Watcher…"

"Besides, we need to head home for Bella's teen birthday party. We can't miss that!"

"Party!?! Say no more, Watcher! I'm heading home now!"

I get back home in time to see a crowd already gathering at the front entrance.

There's Kirk with Markus right behind him, and he waves as he spots Chase, "Hi Dad! Marisol and Kira May should be here soon. You know how Marisol needs to look just right!"

Chase absent-mindedly nods, though he's lost in his own thoughts.

Maybe of his own high school days as he thinks about Bella becoming a teen?

Though I'm not sure he really remembers anything that far back!

The children arriving seem more concerned with the blockade on the walkway.

All except Leo Singh, who just sits down and does his homework.

Cecily Elson has grown into a very pretty teen and little Carie Cupp, no longer in her gnome costume, shows off her blonde hair, something she got from her father's original genetics.

But it's Carie's thought bubble that has me intrigued, as it looks like her brother Vincent has finally had his birthday too.

I flip around to see if I can spot him, though with Vincent being that vibrant ghostly blue it shouldn't be that difficult.

Nope. Not difficult at all!

He definitely stands out against Jeffery Riverhawk's brown outfit, especially in the twilight, and I believe that's his teen sister, Janie Cupp, in back of him.

I head inside to find the girls about to work on homework and say, "No time now, your guests are here Bella!"

Oddly enough, this seems to startle both girls, and neither one of their expressions shows excitement for the coming party.

In fact, Cassidy looks scared to death, and it's not even her birthday, while Bella looks nervous.

Maybe they're both just as concerned about upcoming traits as the rest of us?

I try to ease their worries, "It'll be fine. We'll deal with whatever comes along together. We always have."

But my words don't seem to have any affect and neither girl even makes a snarky comment.

They really must be worried about what trait Bella will get.

With so many guests piled up at the front door, I decide to have the party outside on the patio.

It's a warm summer evening with clear skies and when Bella stands beside her cake, family and friends start gathering around her.

Caitlyn Elson, who's still a child and the youngest of the Elson sisters, gets into the party spirit and enthusiastically twirls a noise maker.

Cassidy stands behind Bella, twirling one of her own as Odette blows a party horn.

Janette arrives still dressed in her PI outfit and Jemma, still in her own career outfit, watches her daughter, saying, "Make a wish honey."

Whether is was her mother's unexpectedly sweet words, or just random chance, we'll never know, but Bella is now a teen who is a hopeless romantic!

And she's absolutely gorgeous, from her beautiful long hair, her creamy skin that looks even lighter than it did when she was child, though that may be the outdoor lighting, right down to her cute outfit.

The outfit might not be her favorite color, but it's one of the best age up outfits I've seen.

And I'm not the only one that notices as Max Lee can't take his eyes off her as she starts eating her cake.

Thankfully, the rest of the crowd is still busy blowing party horns and grabbing their own cake.

But seeing that knowing smile on Bella's face, I'm pretty sure she knows exactly who Max is focused on.

While Dane eagerly heads to a table to eat his cake, Cassidy does her homework on the grass with Vincent.

Cecily and Carolyn Elson follow suit at a nearby table, while Leo Singh looks longing at the cake, but takes out his own homework.

Since it's a school night most of the kids are being studious and diligent, even at a party.

I catch Bella in a quiet moment, looking at Odette and thoughtfully comparing herself to her grandmother.

The high cheekbones, being on the white/black slider unique to Midnight Hollow, yet having her grandfather Chase's light brown hair and falling in the mid-range of the slider, much like her Aunt Janette, rather than on the pale end.

Definitely a unique combination, just like her current traits.

She was born evil and grumpy, rolled light sleeper as a child, and now she's a hopeless romantic.

I can just imagine how that will combine with her other traits as she searches for a soul mate and then intersperses romantic flirtations with snarky comments and evil tricks!

But I don't have to imagine anything as something draws her inside the house.

And she throws a fit in the living room!

Apparently, Phyllis did something that Bella wasn't pleased with, though I'm not sure what, maybe she's just in Bella's way?

And the vibes Bella gives off have Kira May looking nervously at her cousin.

Since Kira May is not only a coward but was born good, she definitely has reasons for feeling unsettled, though she looks very pretty in her stylish red dress.

But Bella's new trait doesn't stay hidden for long because, as she heads for the study, she suddenly says, "Watcher, I think Allan Best is cute. I would really like to get to know him better!"

"He's much older than you, do you even know him at all?"

"I read in the paper that he got caught shoplifting recently, so he sounds perfect for me!

I check on the other party guests and find Jemma with her mother.

"Oh, Jemma, just look at you in that outfit, it's so you! Congratulations on your promotion to Spiritual Guide!"

"Thanks, Mom! I've missed you since you and Dad moved out. Have you been doing a lot of painting?"

"Whenever I'm not playing my guitar, but I might have to put painting on hold for a bit."

Odette hesitates, wondering how her daughter will react, "It's unexpected but…I think I might be pregnant!"

Jemma grabs her mother and hugs her tightly, "Mom! That's wonderful!"

Odette whispers, "Really? You're not upset? Do you think Janette will be? She takes things to heart so and you never know which way she'll flip!"

"Oh, Mom, she'll be thrilled! We've actually been a bit worried about you. If all of us continue the journey that would mean only Marisol and Kirk and their kids would be here, and we were worried that would hurt you. If the girls all decide to continue the journey. I can't read Bella or Cassidy at all, though both of them have expressed a desire to be heir, I'm not sure how they'll feel if they're spares. And Luci's still a baby, so it will be awhile before we have any input from her."

"I hadn't thought about how you'd handle continuing the journey as co-heir couples but only one of you being the heir grandparents. That does complicate things a bit doesn't it? But I would never have dreamed of separating you and your sister, you've never been without each other. Even if you live in separate homes in the next town, you'd still be together in that town! I never expected anything different. Though ALL of you continuing the journey, how will that work if all three girls have a partner?"

"Since we'll only have room for the chosen heir's partner, the Watcher would have to help us out and allow spares partners to relocate to the new town, like she did when she moved Phyllis, Jeffrey and Van here so as not to separate Phyllis from Marisol. Unless two of the girls stay unattached, though I can't imagine that would be Bella, now that she's a hopeless romantic!"

"That certainly was a surprise! A pleasant one, but considering her other traits, I'm a bit confused on how they'll mesh. Can someone really be grumpy, evil, and romantic?"

"That remains to be seen. I'm just happy it's a positive trait! And maybe it will temper her grumpy evil tendencies, at least when she's swept up in romance!"

Odette grins, "And you think Tobias is going to be okay with his little girl being swept up in romance!?!"

"Of course, he's not brooding like Dad! Tobias' loves family, the more the merrier, so he'll be thrilled to have Bella get married and give him a grandchild!"

Thankfully, Bella was in the study flipping through the part-time job listings and didn't hear the last part of the conversation between her mother and grandmother.

I'm not sure how she would have responded but it's me that nearly freaks when she says, "Oh, they have an opening for a delinquent at the C-Ment Shoe factory, that works!"

I sigh and mumble, "I am so thankful that Cinda is back in Hidden Springs! You and Cassidy would have driven her crazy!"

Happily Bella agrees, "We would! It would have been delightful!"

Shaking my head, I ask, "When did you change into athleticwear?"

"Take note of my bare feet, Watcher, this is my swimwear, not nearly as nice as my everyday outfit. A few of us went for a quick dip in the pool but I wanted to check the job listings before it got too late. For a criminal, the younger you start, the better!"

Shaking my head, I say, "I really am glad Cinda doesn't live in this town. It was bad enough when her son Eric became a criminal, she'd be over the top living with you and Cassidy!"

"Grandma Odette's brother was a criminal? I didn't realize he was evil."

"He isn't, he's a klepto and chose to follow in Founder Claire's footsteps and become a Master Thief."

"He sounds like someone I should get to know! Oh, speaking of getting to know someone, I want to chat with Max before the party's over."

"If you want to make an impression, maybe some make-up and a proper swimsuit first?"

"Good idea!"

After trying several hairstyles and make-up choices, Bella settles on this for her new teen look.

"Oh, I absolutely love it Watcher, thank you!"

"Oh, a big smile, and thanks too? I feel honored Bella!"

"Don't push it Watcher. I want to practice being romantic with Max, since he was staring at me earlier. But that doesn't mean I can't go all grumpy and evil on you!"

"Well, just don't go all evil and grumpy on Max, or anyone else, and things will probably go more smoothly."

"Having things go smoothly isn't my way Watcher. I like causing chaos! Watching other sims suffer is my entertainment of choice!"

"That might not win you many friends, especially boyfriends!"

"You know nothing about romance, Watcher! Boys and men are all about suffering. They only want love when it's torture!" Her smile looking more lovely than ever, she adds, "And torture is what I do best!"

"You know you are very scary Bella, right!?!"

"Why that's the nicest compliment you've ever given me, Watcher, thank you!"

Bella finds Max upstairs in the boys bed room and she's not as prepared as she thought she was as Max's eyes open wider and wider as she discloses her master plot.

Which somehow involves rockets…

I can't follow it any more than Max can but at least I didn't just walk away and leave Bella hanging!

"Why, how rude!?! That boy is definitely not worth my time!"

I'm not sure I should respond, but I do so anyway, saying, "It was rude, but in his defense, Max is your total opposite, he's good!"

"And you didn't think to mention that fact BEFORE I made a fool of myself!?!"

"It could have been worse."

"Worse how?"

"He could have rejected you for a kiss or even discovered you're evil…"

"You're right, Watcher! He left before he realized we have an incompatible trait, and now…I've got the upper hand! That boy will rue the day he walked away from me!"

I've given up on having Janette actually solve the rest of the Case of the Disappearing Auto, and canceled it, so she can move on to a more solvable case.

Bella has become a teen, a hopeless romantic teen, no less!

And though she completed her first teen wish, to get a part-time job in the coveted criminal field, her first conversation with a teen boy, Max Lee, didn't exactly go as she planned.

In fact, he just walked away from her without even responding, a snub if I ever saw one!

Though it was probably Bella's own fault, trying to mastermind a plot with someone she barely knew, she has vowed to get even with Max.

Will she get the opportunity to make good on her vow or will she focus on other plans?

Maybe both?

It's hard to tell just what she'll decide to do, especially now that she's a teen, but one's thing for sure, I'm sure it will involve other sims suffering!

And probably before I can do anything to stop it!

So I'm sure we've got a wild time ahead, between Janette scrambling to solve more cases and finding out what our new teen will do in the upcoming weeks.

Not to mention finding out if what Odette suspects is true and she's expecting!

Follow along as the days unfold in Chapter 295: Family Relationships
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 295: Family Relationships
« Reply #320 on: May 04, 2021, 01:48:50 PM »

Despite being furious over Max's rudeness, Bella heads downstairs to the nursery and tucks Luci in.

Though her evil smirk has me wondering if she would have stolen Luci's candy if the toddler hadn't been sleeping.

But Bella's not the only one popping new wishes, now that Bella's a teen, Jemma decides it would be best to keep her busy, and hopefully, out of trouble.

Since Bella's already signed up as a delinquent in the criminal field, I get the feeling it's already too late for that.

But Jemma follows through on her own wish and signs her daughter up for an after school class!

Jemma feels that Drama Club will be a good fit, giving Bella a chance to interact more with her classmates as well as learn Charisma.

With that face Bella made, I'm thinking she'll need a lot more than Charisma to keep her traits under control, but at least it's a push in the right direction.

With business taken care of, Jemma heads to the basement to socialize with Founder Claire.

They both enjoy a good gossip, and Jemma shares tidbits of some of her more colorful clients, though not mentioning any names.

But suddenly, Claire yawns, due to sleepiness, which Jemma totally misinterprets, and she berates Claire's ignorance!

Claire being both tired and hot-headed immediately takes offense!

I quickly send Jemma off to bed, before their friendship dissolves further, as it's already gone from Good Friends down to just Friends.

Which, oddly enough, fulfills Jemma's wish to befriend a ghost!

I just shake my head at the vagaries of the game, as that particular bit of twisted logic sounds like it came directly from someone like Janette or Jonas.

Other wishes have me sending Janette and Jonas outside to watch the stars before they retire for the night.

But Janette has a mind of her own, and opts for a relaxing hydrotherapy bath, complete with rubber ducky, before she hits the sheets.

I don't mind as I'm glad the family is enjoying their new sauna, not ignoring it like so many other luxuries I've purchased.

But when Janette starts conversing with the ducky, and then puts it to her ear to hear what it has to say, I leave her to her own craziness.

Cassidy's up bright and early the next morning, even before the sun rises, and decides to emulate her older cousin and try her hand at painting.

Since both their father's and grandparents are artistic, and we have a huge art gallery filled with easels, it's no surprise that both the girls would enjoy the hobby.

Who knows, maybe one of them will actually pick up the trait!

Yes, I know, with all the painters we've had in the family, it's rather old hat now, but being artistic wouldn't be a bad thing, considering their current traits!

But Bella's morning doesn't start off well, she didn't wake up on the wrong side of the bed, but she's having her first teen mood swing!

"Could you actually get both of those at once throughout your teen years!?! What a joy that would be!!!"

"It's not like it's pleasant for me Watcher!"

"Really? Thinking about beating people up doesn't actually look like you're distraught about it!?!"

"You really are a shameless voyeur Watcher! Not just peeking into our rooms but invading our private thoughts!"

"But my intentions don't involve making others suffer! I'm trying to keep the whole family safe and help them to complete this journey."

"So you say! I'm not so sure your motives are quite as altruistic as you claim."

"Well, we KNOW yours aren't! You've been very clear about that, declaring yourself the best one for heir right after your child birthday."

Bella drops her voice to a purr, "With Cassidy's teen birthday tomorrow night, we'll soon find out if she can still hold her own against me, won't we?"

"Yes. We will. And don't even think about ditching school today! I saw you pop that wish and I'll be watching you very closely."

There are no other incidents before the girls head off to school.

So, with the day off, Jemma gets a bottle for Luci and lets her use the potty before settling down for an intensive vocabulary lesson, as she's popped the wish to teach Luci to talk.

But Jemma gets pretty frustrated as all the words she tries, explaining how Daddy is writing a book, and Bella has a new job as a criminal, how Cassidy uses her toothbrush before school to have clean, minty breath, how her Auntie Marisol is a film star, shows her young daughter her pretty engagement ring, even tries using her Grandpa Rory's children's books and mentioning jellyfish, all have the same affect.

Luci shaking her head and not repeating any of the words.

Until Jemma mentions gardening, which has Luci wriggling with excitement as she repeats her first word!

With that breakthrough, Luci starts repeating word after word, laptop, photographs, cooking, sea monster, flowers, smiles, facials, teddy bears, globe, and lastly, money!

I'm not exactly sure why sim parents choose the words they do to teach their toddlers to talk, as most of them don't make any sense to me at all, but as long as the end result is progress in the skill, I'm not going to worry about it.

And with all Luci's progress, Jemma gives her young daughter a potty break, then listens to Luci's laughter as she gets in some tickles.

With everything under control at home, I have Janette go interview her client for her new PI op, The Case of the Aloof Academic.

Turns out Emily Elson is concerned about a colleague that's gone missing.

"We were working on an aquatic project down at Delmar Beach, Detective. That's the last place I saw him!"

"Then I'll be scouring the beach for clues Mrs. Elson. I'll be in touch as soon as I find your missing friend."

"He's not actually a friend, but please keep me posted on your progress."

Janette's search for clues at the beach didn't reveal much, except for an old report card.

"HHmm, an 'A' student with a lowly 'C' in AP Aquatic Biology, but who takes that in high school!?!" she huffs as she races to the main road to check the records at the high school.

Moments later, with the probable location of the student in hand, she's driving down the road towards the science center.

As she heads inside I say, "Now this is more like it! You should be wrapping this case up in no time!"

"Don't jinx it Watcher!"

Luckily my words didn't affect her success and Janette tracks her client down at a club in town.

She fills her client in on her colleagues whereabouts, "He was at the science lab Mrs. Elson. He's elated as he thinks his latest thesis will finally make up for his 'C' grade and bring him the recognition he deserves in the field! As well as a new job as the head of their Aquatics Department!"

Emily Elson seethes with frustration and can't hold back her telling words, "What! He's had a break-through? But I wanted that position!"

Even though the news wasn't what Janette's client wanted to hear, Janette was paid and counts her 18th case solved!

While Janette heads to the police station to secure another case, I check on family members back at the house.

And just a few moment after I arrive, Luci masters talking!

Jemma celebrates this milestone by taking Luci for a stroll along the bluff overlooking Delmar Beach.

Jemma soaks up the suns' rays along with the fresh air and breezes off the lake and Luci squeals and waves her arms in delight at the unexpected outing.

With Bella's first day of high school coming to an end, she phones home to let us know she's going home after school with Allan Best.

Well, I have to admit it, the girl works fast as she didn't even know Allan last night!

Bella's a little more cautious with Allan than she was with Max, shaking his hand and saying, "Thanks for inviting me over Allan. Your home is incredible!"

"Any time Bella! But I may get called into work early so just make yourself at home."

And Allan's words prove accurate as he gets a phone call and leaves Bella on her own to do homework.

Bella frowns and mumbling to herself says, "Talk about ruining my plans. This is going to take forever---I was hoping Allan was going to help me with this math! If I wanted to do homework by myself I could have just gone home!"

"I may be able to help you out Bella."

Bella yelps in surprise, "Are you spying on me again Watcher!?!"

"Always Bella! You should be used to it by now. So do you want my help or not?"

The distrust of my offer is plain as she warily says, "Help me how?"

I quickly place a multi-tab in her pack back and say, "Try doing your homework on this."

Within a few moments, Bella's all smiles as her homework almost does itself using the tablet.

"Well? What do you think?"

Grudgingly, Bella says, "Not bad, Watcher, not bad! It seems you do have your uses after all!"

When I catch up with Janette, she's already interviewing her new client, "So you've lost your wallet? As a police officer, I'd think you'd be more responsible Ms. Gooder."

"I should have been Detective! And I'll be a laughing stock down at the station if you can't find it!"

"Let's retrace your steps so I have some places to start looking."

"I was at the station most of the day doing paperwork, but my partner and I tore the place apart and we couldn't find it. I was too embarrassed to let anyone else know!"

Pausing to think over her day, Natasha adds, "I did go to Delmar Beach to grab lunch from the food truck. That's actually the last place I remember seeing it!"

Her client's agitated manner when she mentioned the beach has Janette wondering if there's more to the story than that, but she simply says, "Then that's where I'll start my search! I'll be in touch Ms. Gooder."

I follow Janette to the beach, and watch as she snoops for clues, which is pretty funny since she's trying to tiptoe around in heels on the sandy beach.

And though she doesn't find Natasha's wallet, she does find Natasha's driver's license.

"If her license is here, then the wallet must have been too. I'd better ask around to see if anyone's seen it or noticed anyone picking something up on the beach. Though I doubt anyone I question will readily admit it. That would make my job too easy!"

Janette's in luck as Van's inside the beach clubhouse, but her luck runs out when he says, "I can barely keep track of my own wallet, let alone find someone else's! But I'll call you if I see it Detective!"

Janette finds Maria Best coming out of the water after a final swim, but her answer is the same as Van's.

Though when she adds, "A Sim lost a wallet? Oh, how AWFUL,"  her blatant delight at another's misfortune comes across loud and clear!

With darkness descending on the beach, Janette doesn't see any other Sims to question, so I head next door to the main Frio home.

Where I find Luci pitching a fit as a red dinosaur steals her lollipop!

But as her young cousin starts to cry in earnest, Cassidy feels a sudden remorse and tries to make it up to Luci with a game of peek-a-boo.

Soon Luci's tears turn to laughter as she peeks at Cassidy from behind her chubby little hands.

Janette's PI career is back on track with case #19, The Case of the Missing Billfold, moving along.

Bella's enjoying my gift of a multi-tab to get her homework done faster, though she didn't get anywhere with Allan Best as he had to go to work.

Jemma's pleased that Luci's mastered talking, completing her big three toddler skills, and Jemma can go back to work tomorrow totally focused on job performance and earning her next promotion.

Cassidy's evil trait has surfaced big time as she's stolen Luci's candy, though she tried to make it up to her with a game of peek-a-boo.

I hope this will help Luci forget the incident, but I'll guess we'll find out how much damage this has caused
when she gets a little older.

Speaking of getting older, Cassidy's birthday is up next and we'll find out if she can hold her own against Bella with her new trait!

I'll keep track of all the details in Chapter 296: Another Teen Surprise
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 296: Another Teen Surprise
« Reply #321 on: May 11, 2021, 03:33:30 PM »

Just as Janette was about to give up on finding out any other pertinent information at Delmar Beach, a young boy raced up to her saying, "Detective Frio, Van said you were asking if anyone saw any suspicious activity around here today! I don't know if it will help but I saw Calvin Gooder pick up something off the beach early this afternoon, after lunch time."

"Thanks for letting me know, Jace. That's the most concrete evidence I've hard so far, an actual suspect! I'll put you on my list of contacts. I appreciate Sims with a watchful eye!"

"You can count on me Detective! I'll keep my eyes open and call you if I see anything else suspicious. Can I tell my friend's I'm your go to guy!?!"

"Best to keep that between me and you, Jace. Looking innocent is a big help when you're tracking down information."

Jace responds with, "Right! I understand."

But Janette hears the disappointment in her young friend's voice, so she adds, "But that doesn't mean you can't brag a bit to Van!"

Jace's voice brightens eagerly as he says, "Oh, he'll be so envious that I was able to help out with a case when he couldn't!"

"He probably will, but don't rub it in too much! Family is important and I wouldn't want your assistance to come between brothers!"

"It won't Detective! Van's one of my best friends and my little brother Darrick is too, even if he can't do any big boy stuff yet. But his birthday's coming up soon, and then we'll be able to do all sorts of stuff together!"

"I like your attitude, Jace! Now, I've got a suspect to track down and you should head home before your parents get worried."

On her way over to confront Calvin, Janette considers the best approach to take with him, wondering if the conflict between the Gooder and Best families has continued into the next generation.

Janette is skeptical when Calvin says, "I was planning on returning it Detective."

But when she turns away showing her disbelief, Calvin's next words have her standing stock still on the sidewalk, as he adds, "We've kept our relationship a secret since we were in high school together Detective, but it's bound to come out soon as I've just asked her to marry me and she said, 'yes'!"

"Well, no wonder Ms. Gooder was in such a forgetful state! The two of you are up for a battle where your families are concerned! But don't give up Mr. Best, love can prevail if it's strong enough! And maybe, just maybe, this will be the turning point with both of your families."

"That is our greatest hope, Detective, to end this ridiculous feud! If you're going to report back to Natasha, I'd appreciate it if you'd return her wallet as, under the circumstances, we don't contact each other openly much."

"It would be my pleasure, Mr. Best. And congratulations on your engagement!"

"Thanks Detective! I'm glad that all this sneaking around will soon be over! It's exhausting!"

With a laugh, Janette replies, "It can be Mr. Best! But for me, sneaking around is my bread and butter!"

Janette finds her client checking out an emergency at a local club, and quickly hands over the wallet to Officer Gooder saying, "The Sim who picked it up was a law-abiding citizen Officer and nothing has been disturbed. He assured me he only has your best interests at heart!"

Natasha nodded and focused on her own job, saying, "Becky Lack went into labor here at the club! We're waiting for the paramedics to check over little Bastian so we can get him and Ms. Lack safely home and reunited with the baby's father, Barry Whitfield."

Janette beams and says, "It sounds like congratulations are in order for more than one couple in town!"  Lowering her voice, she whispers, "Your secret's safe with me."

Natasha gives her a relieved smile and says, "Thank you for everything Detective!"

And with that she pays Janette for her services and case 19 is closed!

Back at the house, I spot Luci fast asleep on the napping mat, and Cassidy still dressed up in the red T-rex costume, playing with the clown-in-the-box.

Luckily this time it's not the evil clown and Cassidy is actually happy about that!

Bella returns home and covers Luci up.

And though I hate to ruin her good mood, I give her some information she's probably not going to like, "I'm sorry Bella, I did warn you that Allan Best was much older than you, and he'll have his young adult birthday very soon."

To my surprise this information doesn't faze her as she just shrugs and says, "It's no big deal. Allan's parent's came home  before I left and I found out that not only are they both cops, but Allan's not evil or even a klepto!"

"So why is he in the criminal career and shoplifting?"

Bella says in disgust, "It turns out he's just absent-minded and grabbed the wrong part-time job application! What a loser!"

"The poor guy's a loser too?"

"Oh, I don't know if he actually has the loser trait, but now that he's off the table as my partner, he's lost big time. Nothing could be worse than losing me!"

"Are you sure you aren't a secret Diva!?! You sure think a lot of yourself!"

"Now that would be a great young adult trait for me to get, Watcher! I'll definitely keep it on my list! Thanks for mentioning it."

Great! Now I've given her another nasty trait to shoot for, as if her current traits aren't bad enough!

Which Bella proves in spades when she has another meltdown after eating a late dinner.

Furious she shrieks, "That lousy maid! This food is rotten! I better not get food poisoning or he'll be sorry!"

"I'm sure he didn't do it on purpose Bella. The food could have gone bad after he left. But that fridge is supposed to keep food indefinitely, it must have glitched out again. I'll reset it."

"So this is your fault! I should have known!"

I sigh saying, "Sure. It's my fault. Please clean up the dish and get ready for bed. You have school tomorrow. And since you took that part-time job, you'll need to leave during Cassidy's birthday party! I don't think you thought that through very well, as it will interfere with Prom on Saturday too. Not that you even know a boy well enough to invite one yet."

"Thanks for bringing that up, Watcher. Nothing like poisoning me, then bringing up I'm a loser without a date for prom!"

"If the shoe fits!"

At Bella's look of outrage, I laugh and say, "I'm kidding! You may be a lot of things but a loser isn't one of them. Not yet anyway. There's always the chance you could get that trait on your next birthday!"

"You are NOT improving my mood Watcher!"

"It's not just you Bella, your feelings are intensified by your mood swing. It'll pass and hopefully, you won't wake up with another one tomorrow. That's the last thing we need for Cassidy's birthday!"

Jonas pops a wish to sculpt in clay, and though we don't need it for the sculpting challenge, as he's already completed 7 clay sculptures, I give in to his wish anyway.

Since he's chained to the basement and the inventing table, I feel like he deserves a break now and again.

Especially since he keeps bursting into flames while he's inventing, even though he's close to level 9 in the skill!

This boy will be the death of me, well, more likely himself.

"Cassidy's not the only one celebrating a birthday tomorrow night Watcher, and I'm becoming an adult, so I'm much too old for you to call me a boy!"

"Jonas, stop arguing semantics and put yourself out! It won't be much of a birthday for anyone if you become a fiery ghost!"

"Actually…I think both Bella and Cassidy would love for something like that to happen, Watcher."

"You're are undoubtedly right, but let's not give in to such appalling wishes! Now run, the flames are growing!"

"In situations like this I believe the admonition is to, "Stop, drop, and roll, Watcher! Running will just increase the flames."

"That works in my world Jonas, but not in yours! Apparently the dev's didn't think about that when it came to Sims and fire safety. Now get to the shower!"

"I believe I will Watcher. My backside is feeling rather warm!"

With Jonas safely deflamed and most of the family in bed, asleep, I heave a sigh of relief, ready for a break myself.

In the morning, Cassidy creeps up behind her Aunt Jemma and scares the daylights out of her, saying, "Oh, did I frighten you, Auntie Jemma? Maybe you better change, in case you've wet yourself! Wouldn't want you to stink!"

I'm not sure if that's payback for Jemma patronizing her after the stove fire or if she's sad because it was her last night sleeping with her teddy bear.

Either way, Cassidy enjoys her Aunt's fright immensely, though Jemma is less than happy about it!

With the girls off to school, I find Janette and Jonas cuddled up on their bed.

"Can you believe Cassidy will be a teen tonight!?!"

"It doesn't seem possible! It seems like only yesterday she was our little nooboo!"

"I know. Feeding her a bottle, changing her diapers…the time has gone by fast. But it's my birthday too. Are you going to feel different about me when I old?"

"You're becoming an adult Jonas not an elder! But if what Mom suspects is true, being an elder shouldn't stop us from having fun!"

Jonas stares into Janette's eyes as he says, "Then let's get in a little practice, my sweet."

"I thought you'd never ask!"

But Janette doesn't have time to while away too many hours and she's soon picked up another case at the police station,  The Great Clap Trap of an Art Heist.

Her next stop is the art gallery, where she dusts for prints in her new career outfit, which is a dazzling white with red accents!

With prints successfully found, Janette heads back to the police station to get them analyzed and finds a match!

The next step is to confront the suspect, Talan Sagar!

But that will have to wait as it's time for Cassidy's birthday, and Janette speeds home in a motive mobile.

After school, Cassidy gets her own fright, as she winds up the clown-in-the-box again, only to have the evil clown pop out, grinning at her maniacally!

You'd think that evil children would love the evil clown, but that is not the case.

Clearly terrified, Cassidy exclaims, "Who thought it would be a good idea to shut a clown away in a dark box!?!"

"Probably an evil dev. But in his or her defense, that is an item that a family member purchased from the Toy Store in Midnight Hollow, so it's creepiness is to be expected."

"Well, I don't like it! I have a mind to write them a nasty letter!"

"I'm sure it won't be the first one, but go ahead if it'll make you feel better."

Before Cassidy can do that though, we hear the doorbell and she goes off to greet her guests.

But she only gets about halfway across the kitchen floor when Bella jumps out behind her and screams, "Boo!"

Cassidy is NOT happy about this turn of events at all, and shrieks, "It's my birthday! You're not supposed to scare me to death! Although, you'd be happy with that as it would leave heirship wide open, wouldn't it? If I get a nasty trait it will be all your fault!"

"I'd be happy to take the credit! Happy Birthday, Cuz!"

The crush at the front door is to be expected, with so many family and friends invited, though sadly, Charlie Ray Buckshot has passed on and won't be attending any more parties.

But the faces we do see are quite familiar, family, of course, Odette, Chase, Kirk, and Markus.

As well as old friends, like Jeffery and Phyllis and their boys.

And quite a few of the neighborhood children as well, including Janie Cupp and Dane Lee.

Since Bella has to leave for work soon, I get the party started quickly, though I'm sure, after that scare, Cassidy wouldn't have minded Bella's absence.

Cassidy stands before her cake, twirling a noise maker of her own, while family and friends cheer her on.

Allan Best seems to be focused on Bella, but between his age and his traits, I have a feeling that ship has sailed.

As birthday sparkles overtake Cassidy, I change my angle so she's facing me.

Which also gives me a clear view of both Markus and ghostly Vincent blowing party horns for all they're worth!

And Cassidy ages to teen, staring at the cheering crowd, mortified at being the center of attention, as she is now Shy!

I'm sure it wasn't Bella's doing, though I'm wondering if that age up outfit is to blame.

The long-sleeved shirt and pullover sweater are definitely not summer wear, and the oddly shaped gray skirt doesn't match at all.

But it's Janette that concerns me as she stands still in shock, probably trying to figure out how her party-animal self ended up with a shy daughter!

And when you couple that with evil, clumsy, and hates the outdoors, is does seem that Cassidy has really gotten the short end of the stick with her trait rolls.

Nonetheless, the birthday girl does her duty and grabs the first piece of cake, sits down at the dining room table, and tries to ignore the still cheering crowd behind her.

Janette has done her usually flip flop and is now cheering wildly for her daughter, while the children's focus is totally on getting a piece of birthday cake.

With two more birthdays to celebrate, I was planning on waiting for a make-over, but Cassidy's clothes and choppy hairstyle have me popping her into stylist, giving her a break from the crowd as well.

Up close the hair cut is worse than I thought, though I keep that to myself.

No sense in making Cassidy even more self-conscious than she already is.

But her distress is plain as she says, "Watcher? This is bad isn't it?"

"Don't worry we can fix your hair easily enough and your clothes too."

"Not those things, my trait! Of all the things to get, Bella's new trait will help her find a partner easily. I may as well give up heirship now and just resign myself to a lonely life on my own, hiding indoors, and tripping over my own feet!"

I decide some tough love is in order and say, "Well, look on the bright side, at least you'll be wallowing in your own self-pity rather than making other sims suffer."

Outraged at my callous dismissal of her fate, Cassidy whines, "How is that a bright side!?!"

"Life is what you make it. If you want to just give up, roll over, and play dead, handing heirship to Bella on a silver platter, then so be it. Otherwise, you can stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something about it. Being shy isn't the end of the word, it's an odd pairing with evil, for sure, but no worse than Bella's trait combo. She's had to tamp down her evil, grumpiness, and so far she hasn't had much luck. In fact, she doesn't have a male teen she can count as a friend."

Cassidy's eyes flash as she realizes she's actually ahead on that score and she firms her shoulders and says, "New clothes, make-up, and a better hairstyle Watcher, stat!"

We choose a classic long braid with a wispy strand caressing one cheek, and some flattering make-up to make the most of her large dark eyes.

For her everyday outfit, we keep it simple and pair a flirty black ruffled skirt with capped-sleeved top in her favorite Irish Green, which pops against her pale green skin tone.

A pair of strappy, leather, flat sandals, completes her new outfit, looking trendy while minimizing a trip hazard.

"Good idea, Watcher! I need all the help I can get, and I actually feel more confident with my feet flat on the ground. And I look okay. Not gorgeous like Bella, but not quite an ugly-duckling either!"

"A couple of sayings come to mind, Cassidy, 'Beauty is skin deep', and 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.' Most importantly, you need to remember that the ugly-duckling turned into a swan!"

Cassidy and I pop out of stylist just in time to see Tobias blowing out his candles.

Kira May is cheering, while Dane Lee has grabbed a party horn.

Cecily Elson is in a world of her own, just staring off into space, but she's so pretty that I'm a bit disappointed we have no prospective male heirs to pair her with.

But that has nothing to do with current events, and time is running out, so back to the matter at hand.

When the birthday sparkles disappear, Tobias is an adult with the same buzz cut he got when he aged to young adult.

Not my favorite look for him as it really shows off his huge greenie ears, but he's proud as punch of his new self, especially since he didn't have a mid-life crises!

But by the look of things, some of our younger guests are getting tired.

I quickly direct Jonas to blow out the candles on his cake, but I'm too late!

The clock has struck the magic hour of 10, and he ages up on his own, again, happily enough as he walks away unscathed by a mid-life crises!

"With sculpting maxed, inventing well on the way to being so, and me needing only a few painting skill points to complete my lifetime wish, along with having a beautiful wife and sweet daughter, my life is very satisfying Watcher! Why would I have a mid-life crises?"

"I'm not sure what triggers them Jonas, but with my luck, it'll be Janette and Jemma who have them and with their double lifespans they last even longer! Let's just hope neither one of them has one, the wishes accompanying a mid-life crises are not conducive to family relationships, though wanting to move might be doable if it coincides with the next step of the journey."

"And if they're included in the move, don't forget that part! Have you come to any conclusions on that score yet?"

"No. All three of the girls have some more growing up to do, especially Luci, and I'm going to let YA traits, lifetime wishes, and partners all be part of the final heirship decision."

Then the lovely strains of a well-known song drift up from the basement and the crowd is drawn towards it.

But when we arrive, instead of seeing Odette with guitar in hand, we find our favorite musician tenderly patting her tummy, welcoming the new life that she harbors!

A natural grandmother of three granddaughters, as well as the unofficial grandmother of her step-daughter Marisol's four children, Odette is once again going to me a mother!

And seeing the loving look on her face, she's happily looking forward to it.

We've got two teens in the house now with completely opposite new traits, hopeless romantic Bella and shy Cassidy.

Cassidy was less than thrilled with her new trait and was ready to give up on heirship, but with a little push from me, she's decided to put up more of a fight.

So it's anyone's guess as to who's going to come out on top in the heirship race.

And we can't discount Luci, with her bright green skin and golden locks, the perfect combo of her parents, Jemma and Tobias.

Luci's birthday is coming up soon, and I'm not sure if I'm excited or terrified to find out what her trait roll will be, probably a bit of both.

But Janette's still got a lot of work as a PI so we'll be focusing on her cases next.

Some of the family ghosts are a bit upset with current happenings and voice their opinions.

And the teens, Bella and Cassidy, have plans for their personal lives as well.

Let's see what happens in Chapter 297: Family Concerns, Career Issues, and Budding Romances
Coming soon.

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Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 297: Family Concerns, Career Issues, and Budding Romances
« Reply #322 on: May 16, 2021, 04:52:51 PM »

Night owl Jemma is thrilled when Samuel shows up and they get to chat.

"It's so good to see you, Grandpa Samuel! I love it when the family ghosts visit."

"Well, then you'll be thrilled tonight because most of us have decided to grace you with our presence."

Samuel is right again, as I spot ghostly Rae coming up the basement stairs heading for one of the rockers.

Ghostly Adam's outside, hanging out with a paparazzi and two zombies!

And I find ghostly Sam in the basement, just before he passes out, as ghostly Jared made sure to stand up where Sam could see him!

I ignore that, as it's happened so often it's pretty standard behavior for these two and ask, "What's going on Jared? Why the influx of family ghosts?"

In a stern tone, Jared replies, "We're not exactly pleased with the latest family news!"

"Cassidy will be fine. Like I told her, being shy isn't the end of the world, sims have dealt with much worse traits than that. Your own, for example, being a mean-spirited, inappropriate, party animal wasn't a picnic, for you or anyone else! In fact, I have read many stories and comments from players on just how awful you are!"

Haughtily Jared replies, "I am not the subject under discussion, and neither is Cassidy or her new trait."

"Then who is?"

"Odette, of course! We thought for sure that Lucinda and Rory would have more children together when they moved out on their own, with her being a fairy and still a young adult, and her Rory drinking that age freeze potion. But Odette isn't a fairy and will be joining her husband in elderhood soon enough! It's, it's…irresponsible!"

"Coming from you Jared, that's rich! I completely disagree and think it's absolutely wonderful and so does Jemma. If everyone in the main family continues the journey, it would leave Odette here without any of her natural daughters or granddaughters, so having another child is the perfect solution. I just wish I'd thought of it before now! With a little help from me, Odette and Chase could have had several more children already. But I think it's better that they made the decision on their own."

"But her age…"

"Her age isn't an issue as she'll stay an adult until she chooses otherwise."

"What!?! What does that mean?"

"Since Chase aged up to elder before they moved out, I wanted to safeguard him from Grim, but he didn't have enough happiness points to buy an age freeze potion, so I had Odette buy one. Only to find out that the sim who buys it is the one who has to use it. So Odette drank it before they moved out."

"You let her drink one too! Rory was bad enough, but now Odette…isn't that… cheating!?!"

"You're just miffed that I didn't think of that before you died! But it was a necessity when fairies married into the family, as we would have never been able to continue the journey without them staying behind. And with human spouses, I couldn't bear to leave them alone. And now that everyone is human, I'd like to leave the couples that stay behind together."

"Well, that's all well and good for them, but what about us!?! We're all dead and ghosts now!"

"I've got an idea about that. But there are too many towns left in the journey to disclose future plans right now."

"One of your plans? That doesn't exactly instill confidence Watcher!"

"Well, I'm all you've got, so you better hope things work out!"

I head upstairs to make sure everyone's gone to bed that needs to and find Bella in the art gallery working on her painting.

"It's getting late, shouldn't you be in bed? You have school tomorrow."

"MMMhhhhmmm,  I know that and I'm heading to bed right after I gain this skill point. I'll be too busy tomorrow and Friday with school and prom and painting is…relaxing."

"Why do I get the feeling you're not telling me the entire truth?"

"Because you are a suspicious person?"

"With you and Cassidy both being evil, I have to be!"

"It could be worse, Luci could become evil on her birthday tomorrow night."

"Which is something I know you are really hoping for!"

"It would simplify things."

"Like Cassidy standing up to you has simplified things?"

"You're distracting me Watcher, go find someone else to annoy."

I look around and find Tobias in the basement, tinkering with the brain enhancer device.

"Oh, that's unexpected, I thought you'd be working on your Masterpiece."

"I was but Jonas asked me if upgrading this machine would allow him to learn inventing or painting. I told him I would give it a shot."

"That was nice of you."

"Well, he's helped out a lot with the girls, so it's the least I can do."

"And if he can use it to increase his inventing skill, that lessens the chance he could catch himself, or the house, on fire."

"There is that to consider. He's had to put himself out too many times to keep leaving that to chance!"

Since it's Thursday and prom's tomorrow night, I help Bella out and pop over to the Lee house.

That's better, Dane is now a teen!

A day or two early but so be it.

I just love his slanted eyebrows, they show off his evilness so well.

I catch the girls just as the school bus is turning around and say, "I have a surprise that I think you'll really like!"

Cassidy, looking more uncomfortable than usual, with her shyness adding to her hatred for nature, says, "I don't like surprises."

"Well, it's more a surprise for Bella than you. But she'll have to work quick to take advantage of it."

With a direct look and a bit of a smug smile, Bella says, "I'm up for that! What do I need to do?"

"Oh, I'm sure you'll figure that out when you get to school. Have a nice day!"

Back inside the house, I find Luci playing with the peg box and let her have her last bit of toddler fun.

Jonas and Tobias are going stir crazy cooped up in the house skilling all the time, so I send them both to the elixir store for a break.

Jonas consigns a bunch of his inventions, as well as some of his paintings, and several sculptures.

Tobias settles into a chair to read a book.

Typical bookworm, if he's not writing one, he's reading one!

But Janette doesn't have time for a break as she needs to solve her current case, so she tracks down Talan Sagar, as his prints were found at the art gallery, making him the most likely suspect.

Of course, he admits nothing, and cuts Janette off mid-accusation, "Sorry lady, I'm late for work! You'll have to tell your bogus theory to someone else!"

Janette doesn't give up that easily, and heads for the Sagar home.

No better time than when it's empty to snoop for clues!

But first a little B&E to gain access…

"Shouldn't you be picking the lock on the front door? That's just an archway."

"That's what they want you to think Watcher! But I've outwitted smarter criminals than Talan Sagar!"

"Is he really a criminal? Maybe he was just looking at art."

"You are so trusting Watcher! It's rather sweet. But I know for a fact that even though Rehman Sagar is a world renowned surgeon, his son wasn't happy about following in his footsteps. Apparently growing up with a silver spoon in his mouth didn't have Talan turning out the way his father hoped."

"So Talan's stealing art because he's evil and want others to suffer? Or is he just a klepto and can't help himself?

"Neither one as far as I know Watcher. He's a Natural Born Performer, my guess, a wanna be magician…"

"So he made a painting at the art gallery disappear? That's some trick! But that doesn't make him a criminal…"

"It does if he won't admit to the act and keeps the painting!"

Since the Sagar family is rich, I couldn't wait to see inside their gorgeous home.

But once Janette breaks in, it's not the furnishings I notice, but the fact that her motive mobile is parked in the garage!

And when I find her, I'm even more confused.

As she's broken into the house, walked from one end to the other, only to come outside and dust for prints at the outdoor bar!

"Janette! First you park your car in the homeowner's garage after breaking in, then you dust for prints out here!?! That makes no sense at all."

Continuing to dust, Janette says, a disappointed tone in her voice, "Oh, and here I thought you were finally getting the hang of this career. Okay, I'll explain, but only once, so listen carefully. It was imperative to park my motive mobile inside the garage because it would have drawn suspicion on the street. So breaking in served a two-fold purpose, concealing my vehicle and allowing me to check the home for prints inside. But there were none, so I'm out here now, where there are prints."

"It always amazes me how insane sims can make senseless things seem logical. I take off my hate to you Janette, you really are a Private Eye Extraordinaire!'

"Oh, now that's a great title! I should have that printed on the Professional's Frosted Door for my office.'

"But you don't have an office or a door!"

"Maybe not the office, but I assure you, I have a door. I got it after I reached level 3, so I've had it for ages! It's in our family inventory. You really need to pay closer attention Watcher!"

From the bar Janette heads towards the garage, but hesitates and says, "I'm getting a feeling that I need to check the trash. And I never ignore my feelings."

Deep inside the trash can I hear a triumphant yell of, "Gotcha!"

I have no idea how she can discern what anything is down inside a dark and smelly trash can, but I'm not going to question her methods again. I've felt inept enough as it is.

Then Janette streaks off in the motive mobile and I take a break from sleuthing to check on the rest of the family.

Not only have the girls returned home from school, but they've got company.

And when Cassidy greets Forest Woods for the first time as a teen, hearts surround both of them!

That was a surprise, but a very welcome one, as both girls want to attend prom and it's tomorrow night.

Not much time to make new friendships, let alone secure dates, but we're going to give it our best shot.

The first thing these two automously do is make silly faces at one another.

Well, at least Cassidy is completely comfortable in Forest's presence, even if it's not the romantic encounter I envisioned when those hearts appeared.

But soon Forest takes matters into his own hands and flirts with Cassidy.

And the look she shoots me lets me know that whatever he said it worked and she's ready to engage in some romantic conversation herself!

She asks Forest his sign, and as soon as the word, 'Aquarius' is out of his mouth, she asks him if he has a partner.

Forest says, "No one special, I've chatted with Carolyn Elson a bit, but we haven't gone on a date yet."

So Cassidy pops the big question and asks him to prom.

Forest says, "Sure. But don't embarrass me, I seem to draw the wrong kind of attention all on my own so I don't need any one else adding to it."

It was a rather offhanded acceptance, and right after Forest's words, Cassidy shocks me by popping a wish to learn Van Riverhawk's sign!

I'm not sure what it means with both Bella and Cassidy interested in teen sims that are both good, first Bella with Max Lee, and now Cassidy, with Van.

Unfortunately, Cassidy pairing up with Van would mean she'd have to drop out of the heirship race, as Van isn't an original resident of this town, though I would love having the two merge their HS greenie genetics.

But Cassidy's committed to going to prom with Forest, so we'll see if that helps to further their relationship.

Doing homework together can't hurt, so I set that up and they both head to the basement.

Finally Dane graces us with his presence after several invitations to come over, and Bella, who's on a time crunch with having to go to work tonight, doesn't even sugar coat her interest, asking Dane his sign and if he's single almost in one breath!

She finds out Dane is a Cancer and still single.

Since he just became a teen this morning, that parts not much of a surprise.

But what is a surprise is that Bella and Dane are already good friends.

She really must have worked hard at school to build up their relationship!

And when she asks Dane to prom his answer is a lot more enthusiastic than Forest's, as he says, "Oh, I'd love to go to prom with you! Should we coordinate our outfits!?! Make plans to get together early or go to an after party? I'm so excited, Bella, we'll be the envy of all the other couples!"

Bella is almost as surprised as I am with Dane's eager response and her new romantic heart has her popping a wish to kiss Dane for the first time!

She steps closer and sways towards him, gazing deeply into his eyes, as she hears his anticipatory intake of breath.

Then a car horn blares from out front, totally ruining the moment, as Bella steps back and explains that's her ride to work!

Though looking a bit disappointed at the interruption, Dane nods and says, "I understand. That's why I couldn't come over earlier, as I started my job at the police station working in the forensics lab. It's pretty much just cleaning and sweeping up, but I want to get a jump start on my lifetime wish to become a DNA profiler."

Bella's almost as shocked as I am with that revelation, and shoots me a look, her petulant tone obvious when she asks, "Watcher! Did you mess something up when you did me that favor this morning!?!"

"I don't think so. I've not done it very often, but it's simple process and doesn't typically change a sim's personality."

"Well, no time to discuss it now as I've got to get to work! Leave it to you to mess up something that's supposed to be simple!"

And with those words, Bella leaves in a huff, apparently not caring that she's just shown her grumpy side to Dane now that she's secured him as her prom date.

The family ghosts had taken issue with Odette and Chase having another child, especially Jared who thought it was irresponsible happening in this late stage of their lives, but finding out that I let Odette drink an age freeze potion has him even more miffed.

I do have a plan for them when our journey is complete but his confidence in my plans is lukewarm at best.

And Bella's ticked at me too, as Dane's lifetime wish and career at the police station don't line up with his evil trait or her own evil career plans!

But no time to dwell on those things now as it's finally time for Luci's child birthday.

Will Bella get her wish for an all evil generation of potential heirs?

Or will Luci get lucky and dodge that particular bullet?

We'll find out in Chapter 298: Quiet Family Birthday
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 298: Quiet Family Birthday
« Reply #323 on: May 23, 2021, 02:21:02 PM »

After Bella left for work in a huff, I find Forest and Cassidy working on their homework downstairs.

"I'm glad we're doing homework together Cassidy. I can never remember my multiplication tables, I just get them all muddled up!"

Focused on her homework, with her hand  pressed to her forehead, I have a feeling it's not homework that's bothering Cassidy, but Forest's unenthusiastic acceptance of her invitation to prom.

I wondering if she's already regretting her choice, as I'm leaning in that direction myself.

Maybe we should have passed on prom and had her call some other boy, to build up another male teen friendship?

But it's much too late for that as I don't think you cancel a prom date, although I guess Cassidy could just stay home and stand him up, and being evil she might not even feel bad about it, but I would!

I just hope prom doesn't end up being a disaster, undermining Cassidy's confidence before she's even had a chance to come out of her newly formed shell.

Jonas was nearby, feeling even more Avant Garde than ever, now that he's reached level 7 in painting, thanks to Tobias' upgrade of the brain enhancing device now allowing him to choose that skill.

"I was hoping you'd use it to learn inventing Jonas, it'd certainly be safer!"

"I didn't even check to see if inventing was an option now. Besides I'm so close to my 9th inventing skill point that would have been a waste Watcher! Come with me and I'll show you!"

As Jonas finishes another invention, his skill bar is almost full.

And at almost level 9 surely he's skilled enough to…

Start another simple widget project and immediately catch himself on fire!

"You should know the routine by now, Jonas, you've had it happen often enough, go put yourself out!"

"I was hoping to reach level 9 before that happened again, drat!!!"

I check on Janette and she's confirmed the receipt she found in Talan Sagar's trash can is indeed for a book on robotics, cluing her in that whatever's going on involves the science center.

She'd wanted to chat with Robbie Platt, but I say, "There's no time Janette, you need to wrap up this case."

"Right. Catch you later Robbie. Duty calls."

Janette spots her suspect casually strolling around the outside of the science center and decides a stake-out is in order.

But what's that he's wearing?

It's a paramedics uniform!

Great a stake-out at another combo building, the science center/hospital.

My hopes for solving this case quickly, if at all, plummet.

Janette gives it a shot, diligent PI that she is, but just as Lela Whitfield meets up with Seth Monroe, her phone starts ringing.

Whether that was enough to startle the two of them from continuing with their clandestine meeting we'll never know because it was a text from Jemma telling Janette to head home for Luci's birthday.

I find Dane chatting with Jonas and they seem to be getting along just fine.

"I knew you were a celebrity Mr. Frio, but I hadn't realized your skill set was so diverse! You not only paint, but invent and sculpt too! I've recently developed an interest in music, though I haven't had the opportunity to play any instruments yet."

"Well, you're in luck Dane, both my mother-in-law and brother-in-law are musicians and we still have a studio set up in the basement! You'd probably have to dust things off a bit as they haven't gotten much use lately, but feel free to check them out. I prefer working with paint, scrap, and several different sculpting mediums, while Bella's father is an accomplished painter as well as a well-known author. But don't tell him I said that!"

"Thanks Mr. Frio! I've heard rumors that you and your wife are a bit on the crazy side but you seem like a great guy to me. I don't always get along with people. My brother Max even moved out to board with the Cupp family. He told me that he'd rather put up with ghosts than my bad attitude. Imagine saying that to your own brother!?! I wish he could just accept me for who I am, like your family does."

"It can be hard for families to get past differences and live together without issues. Believe me, with my wife and I being crazy, Bella being grumpy and evil, and Cassidy being evil too, it's a wonder we get along at all. Not to mention living with seven family ghosts, who each have unique personalities of their own, to put it nicely. We're family, so we make it work, but our Watcher's had to intervene from time to time to keep things running a little more smoothly."

"Wow, you're quite up front about your family Mr. Frio. Most sim families try to hide those things."

"I might be insane but it's not in my nature to be devious Dane. So I want you to know exactly what you're getting into since you're my niece's prom date. That way you can make an informed decision if you decide to pursue the relationship any further than that. But let me make one thing clear, none of us in the family will tolerate bad behavior with our daughters! Is that clear son?"

"Crystal clear, sir! Thanks for the warning!"

Cassidy and Forest are watching tv together in the study and when I see Cassidy's face I'm wondering if she overheard her father's discussion with Dane.

Even I was a bit shocked at Jonas drawing a line in the sand like that.

But as I listen in, I find that Cassidy's expression has nothing to do with her dad as Forest is animatedly talking about one of his favorite subjects, "It's amazing what archeologists can dig up under all that sand! They've had a huge discovery in Egypt recently and discovered an entire lost city with hundreds of shards of pottery that they are piecing together! I'd love to go explore it some time and learn about other cultures. Not that I'd remember much, but wouldn't it be exciting to be there?"

Clearly 'exciting' isn't the word Cassidy would use to describe being in an outdoor space filled with bugs, not to mention strange sims that would look at her, or worse, try to talk to her.

So I save her from answering as I announce, "Time to celebrate Luci's birthday!"

I had actually planned to celebrate Luci's child birthday after Bella got back from her part-time job so I had Luci take a late afternoon nap on the napping mat so she'd be all rested for her party.

Unfortunately, I hadn't counted on most of the other family members being exhausted, so it was necessary to start the party without Bella, as she wouldn't be home until after 11 pm.

Having just celebrated two big birthday parties with a crush of guests, this time we kept it to household members only, plus Dane and Forest who are still visiting at the Frio home.

Cassidy has quickly gone from fearful at Forest's idea of a good time, to cheering wildly for her young cousin.

Jemma helps Luci blow out her candles with the youngster thoroughly enjoying herself.

Then Jemma turns to place Luci on the floor as Jonas blows a party horn, and Tobias cheers, though I can see his enthusiasm is dampened a little by anxiety, mirroring my own feelings.

And Cassidy has sobered a bit too as I'm sure she's wondering if Luci will join her and Bella and make this gen an evil triad!

The entire family, minus Bella, sits down  at the same table to enjoy birthday cake and bask in the relief of Luci's new trait.

Our youngest family member is now Lucky!

But our teen male guests seem to have disappeared.

I find Dane has taken up Jonas' offer of checking out the music studio in the basement and he's  so totally focused on playing the piano that I just can't resist confirming his traits.

Is he another budding virtuoso?

He is! But he's actually got a very interesting personality as he's also over-emotional, and an evil genius!

Well that helps to explain his enthusiastic acceptance of Bella's prom invitation, as well as his lifetime wish to be a Forensic Specialist, as it comes from his being a genius, rather than following the criminal career we expected since he's evil.

So it wasn't my fault in any way that Dane has a lifetime wish that doesn't fall in line with Bella's plans.

She's not going to be happy finding that out, but I'm glad it wasn't anything I did as she blames me for enough stuff!

I finally track down Forest upstairs on the back deck, asleep in a rocker.

Since I peeked at Dane's traits, I decide to do the same with Forest.

Only to find out that Forest isn't inappropriate or a slob.

He just can't stand art, is absent-minded, excitable, and has a good sense of humor, with his lifetime wish being: Become a Grand Chess Master.

Since his traits don't really push him towards any specific LTW's, I guess the game just chose one at random, but since he's absent-minded, I'm not sure playing, let alone winning chess matches is actually doable.

And it's a lifetime wish I'm not overly fond of as I have a hard time getting opponents to come over for just a random ranked chess match wish, let alone trying to become a Grand Chess Master!

But the trait he gets at his young adult birthday could open up other options for him.

And if he ends up being one of the spare couples, his LTW won't really be an issue.

With her birthday cake eaten, Luci wanders downstairs to the basement to listen to Dane play the piano, but I think it's make-over time and pop her into stylist.

We keep her bangs but change out the single barrette to a pair of coral pink bobbles to hold up her curly pigtails, a style that reminds be very much of Cindy Brady, and seems fitting since they live in my remake of the Brady Bunch home!

Luci shows off her outerwear as she's most likely not ever going to wear it in game since Starlight Shores has a lengthy summer season.

Back in the basement in her every day outfit, I give her a birthday present, a multi-tab.

"Wow! Thanks Watcher! This is cool. Can I use it now?"

"Sure! You can listen to a tab cast of whatever skill you'd like and, after school tomorrow, you can start doing homework with it. It really helps speed both of those tasks up."

"I think I'll learn about fishing! That really sounds fun!"

And Luci proves that really is her desire as she pops wishes to learn fishing and to take a fishing class.

But Dane's music has drawn Janette down to the basement as well, and she taps her foot and bounces to the beat.

"It's so nice hearing live music in the house again. I've really missed Mom and Kirk's playing and their jam sessions."

"I never thought I'd say this, but I wouldn't even mind this gen getting artistic or virtuoso as traits."

"That's probably due to the current traits they've gotten, but Luci rolling lucky was a pleasant surprise."

"It was. We're not out of the woods yet with four more trait rolls for the three of them. But I'm trying to follow Adam's advice and just live in the moment and let the future take care of itself. For the most part."

"Yeah, Jonas, Jemma, and I still have a bit to go to complete our lifetime wishes. Though Jonas could work on his in the next town easily enough. And Jemma could too, if you placed a gypsy wagon at the appropriate time. Me? I'm stuck on yet another case, #20 for the 2nd time!"

"Well, we won't waste too much time on it. We'll give stake-outs a go again tomorrow and if nothing pans out, we'll move on. But don't worry about that right now. I think you have other things on your mind, don't you? Go find Jonas and spend a little quality time together."

Janette doesn't hesitate to follow my instructions and soon she and Jonas are settled outside, cuddled together watching the stars.

"This is nice. I've missed you hon."

"Yeah. Same for me. We've both been super busy."

"And that probably won't change for a while yet." With a big smile, Janette adds, "But not as busy as Mom and Dad will be soon, with a new baby to care for! What did you think of that news?"

"Considering your mother's now permanent age, I'm surprised they didn't add to their family sooner. She's a beautiful woman and I'm sure your Dad finds her as hard to resist as I do their gorgeous daughter!"

"Flatterer! But thank you!"

"Any time my love. Does it feel odd having your Mom expecting again, giving you a baby sister?"

"No. Jemma and I are thrilled that Mom will have a natural daughter living in the same town, if all of us here in the main house continue the journey."

"And no baby wishes of your own? There's still room for one more in the house, though that would mean one family or the other staying here."

"I think our family is complete Jonas, unless you'd like another child?"

"No. I'm content having Cassidy, though I wish she wanted to learn how to drive, since we both want to teach her. But with her hating the outdoors, I'm not sure she'll ever want to learn. But there is one thing I'd like to do…I've popped a wish to make a time machine and the Watcher said that part was okay. But using it…well she's a bit concerned about the dangers that are possible with time travel."

"Oh, you are preaching to the choir dear, I absolutely love danger, otherwise I wouldn't be a detective! So follow your heart, but Jonas, please be careful! I wouldn't want to lose you in the past or the future! And as much as I love Marisol, if neither one of us really wants another child, adding one that way is probably not a good idea."

With a bit of an unexplainable smirk, Jonas says, "Right! Wouldn't want to end up with another 'time travel' child!"

I hesitate to let his remark pass but I don't want to interrupt their couple time, so I do.

The rest of the evening passes peacefully and, early the next morning, I find Bella smiling, actually smiling, as her younger sister Luci enthuses about a comic book she just finished.

"I found one of Grandpa's comic books in a bookcase, it's about Captain Adventure and how he saves the world against the bad guys!"

I'm waiting for one of Bella's snarky comments, but this morning she didn't wake up grumpy or with a teen age mood swing, so she's in a better mood than usual, and simple says, "I'll have to read it some time. Though you do realize I'll identify with the bad guys rather than the hero, right?"

"Yeah, I know all about evil sims! Cousin Cassidy stole my candy when I was little!" thoughtfully she asks, "Since you're evil too, how come you never did that Bella?"

"I stole Cassidy's once, before the Watcher could stop me, so maybe I got it out of my system. I don't ever remember wanting to steal yours. I guess it's because you're my baby sister and I need to protect you."

That remark startles both me and Luci, but Bella, still smiling, heads to the bathroom to take a shower, not sticking around to explain her theory!

But Luci's just getting started on meeting and conversing with family members, now that she's old enough to do so, choosing a family ghost this time.

She says eagerly to Samuel, "Hey, Mr. Ghost, I had my birthday last night and now I can talk to you!"

Samuel smiles at Luci, saying, "You can call me Grandpa Samuel, child. Happy Birthday!"

And before I know it, they're friends!

No standoffish, "Do I know you?" from Samuel, even though he's still a five star celebrity, which is quite surprising given that he's a snob. I guess he's overcome that particular trait after all this time.

But now that she's a child, Luci can't wait to do big girl things, and she starts by baking up a batch of muffins, which turn out to be quite tasty.

Maybe because she was so happy after her family conversations going so well and making a friend of Samuel so quickly.

With breakfast over with, Luci heads to the nursery and makes a beeline for the bustin' bronco, something that both Bella and Cassidy ignored.

Just look at her chasing those bandits!

Oh, maybe that's why the older girls never bothered with it, as they'd BE the bandits!

I'd planned on sticking close to Luci to get her first day of school photo on the bus, but when I get to the living room and see Janette and Jemma playing chess together, their topic of conversation has me stopping in mid-pan.

Is Janette re-thinking having another child?

Why is there a red circle around that baby bottle?

Maybe it was actually a negative thought?

Janette confirms that when she says, "With Luci becoming a child and starting school, I guess our baby days are over with now. Unless Tobias is still wishing to have another one?"

"No. I was surprised about that too, but he seems totally content with our two girls. Not having another child has given him plenty of time to write and read books, as well as spend time with his daughters."

When Tobias comes downstairs, grabs Jemma and pulls her into his arms, it's clear that it's not just his children that he wants to spend quality time with.

Jemma is more than happy to indulge her husband with a romantic hug and several passionate kisses!

Though I have a feeling that won't continue when they notice Samuel's ghostly presence.

Definitely a mood killer no matter if you're a supernatural fan or not.

Especially when, instead of kissing the warm lips of your beloved, your face is enveloped in the clammy ghostly vapor of a long-dead ancestor!

This can't turn out well.

But no need for us to hang around and watch the fallout, as I'm sure it will be bad.

Janette must have read it the same way I did as I can see her motive mobile out front as she gets ready to head to the science center for a full day of stake-outs.

Getting out while the getting was good and I'm going to follow her example!

Janette's stuck on another stake-out Op, and will be trying it one more time to see if it will complete.

Our quiet family birthday has now given us Lucky Luci!

Jonas is almost at level 9 in inventing and wants to build a time machine and, though I don't mind allowing him to build one, I'm not so sure about letting him use it.

But I'll deal with that when and if it's necessary.

Jonas has also told Dane that though the Frio family is tolerant of all traits, they still expect their daughters to be treated with respect.

Will Dane heed Jonas' warning or will he accept the challenge and follow through on his acceptance of Bella's prom invitation?

Follow along and find out in Chapter 299: Another Stuck Case and Prom
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 299: Another Stuck Case and Prom
« Reply #324 on: May 29, 2021, 01:56:27 PM »
***Author's note: I forgot to add the link for Chapter 298 on 5-23, so I rectified that mistake today! Sorry for the oversight.

Per usual, Janette takes up residence behind her two small bushes and though she sees sims blatantly up to no good, nothing happens to further the case.

She tries stake-out after stake-out in different spots, watching yet another couple of sims suspiciously whispering with the requisite hand off of papers, but the results are still the same, "I didn't see anything. Maybe I should try again!'

That message is really starting to annoy me as it's plain the actions should be triggering something but they're not.

So when Odette emerges from the front doors, I decide we both need a break and have Janette chat with her.

Seeing her new career outfit, Odette asks, "Another promotion?"

"Yes! I've reached the top of my career but I'm still behind on my cases. I should have solved 25 cases by now, and I'm still trying to solve #20, for the 2nd time! These stake-outs are going to be the death of me. But enough about me, how are you and baby Frio doing?"

Odette smiles and says, "Things are going perfectly. I was just in for a check-up and my doctor said it could happen any time now."

"Any chance it's twins again?"

"No. And please don't say that in your father's presence. He's been brooding about this decision ever since I got pregnant! He keeps saying that I'm still young and beautiful and will stay that way, but he's an old man!"

Shrugging, Janette says, "Well, he is!"

"Oh, don't tell him that either! He'll go off the deep end and I may not be an elder, but I certainly don't want to raise this child alone!"

"I won't say a word Mom. Now let me get to know my baby sister."

"Baby sister!?! How did you know that? I spoke to Jemma this morning and she said nearly the same thing, 'I can't wait to meet my baby sister Mom!' It's uncanny the way you two do that!"

Janette shrugged again, "That one's easy, we're both perceptive! And Dad seems to have a monopoly on daughters!"

As mother and daughter hug, a paparazzi steps forward notebook in hand, and queries, "A moment of your time Ms. Frio? To tell us your feelings on becoming a mother again when you have seven grandchildren? I'm sure other sims would love to know the secret of your youth, especially since you moved here from Hidden Springs! Can you confirm any of those rumors about a Fountain of Youth?"

Odette gives the young woman a pained smile and says, "I love the idea of becoming a mother again. And all of my family is looking forward to meeting the newest member. Though you're mistaken that my genetics or youthfulness has anything to do with Hidden Springs or those rumors, as my father was born in Midnight Hollow. You know, the town known for pale-skinned sims who walk the night and a mad scientist that preys on gullible, pretty young women, locking them up in his basement!"

"Oh! Oh, how dreadful! I'm sorry for dredging up such frightening memories and to a woman in your condition. Forgive me, Ms. Frio. I won't disturb you any longer."

Janette is thankful that the paparazzi can't see her face as she holds back a laugh, "Mom! That was shameful, scaring her like that! With your pale skin they'll think you're an undead vampire and Jemma and I spawn of Grim!"

"Serves them right! Not a paparazzi to be found when Marisol needed the publicity but as soon as she reaches stardom you can't throw a rock without hitting one!"

"That's true, but Grandpa Ro's family aren't vampires and when have they ever 'walked the night'?"

"Oh, I'm sure your Grandpa Ro got lost plenty of times when he lived there, day and night, he was very forgetful in his youth! And my Grandmother Odessa was known for stalking men, she even hit on Grandpa Samuel!"

It's late in the afternoon now, and though the hospital has shifts that work 'round the clock, it's quitting time for the science lab employees, so Janette tries one more stake-out.

And as she watches, Sonoko Lee hands off another sheaf of papers to yet another sim.

With the same results that Janette's experienced all day. None.

I sigh and say, "It's no use Janette, I'm not sure if it's the stake-outs or the combo building causing the delay in this case but we can't waste any more time on this one. I'm going to cancel this case and pass on it if it comes up again. Head over to the police station and check the board for another case. Hopefully one that is solvable quickly."

With Janette heading off to do as I asked, I check on other family members.

Luci's first day of school ended with an after-school invite to Caitlyn Elson's house.

So I head to the Elson home where I find the two of them doing homework together.

They are so focused I don't want to interrupt, but I'm happy that Luci's making friends already.

Then I realize it's almost time for prom, so I head back home to check on the teens.

I'm just in time as they're both all gussied up in their prom formals and heading for the limo.

Bella looks stunning in her aqua mini dress and upswept hairstyle and she even smiles for my photo, though it looks a bit forced.

"Something the matter?"

"I was hoping Dane would come over and ride in the limo with us, but he called and said some experiment went wrong in the forensics lab and he's got to stay and help clean up the mess. He thinks he'll get done in time to meet me, but he said to head over to the school without him. And…to have a good time if he can't make it!"

"I'm sorry to hear that."

But with Jonas' words to Dane in my head, I'm wondering if this is Dane's way of breaking it off with Bella?

So I start racking my brain to think of another possible partner for her.

Cassidy is making her way slowly down the stairs, being careful not to trip, and she looks beautiful too in her deep green formal banded with a white sash, the encrusted faux diamonds sparkling brightly against the dark fabric.

"Have a good time."

With a slight smile she says, "Since the school gym is bound to be full of sims I don't know, I doubt I'll be comfortable, but if I don't embarrass Forest, or myself, I'll consider that a win."

"Well, prom is typically full of mixed emotions, and it doesn't always live up to expectations. But since yours are so low, you may be one of the lucky ones."

And to my surprise, and Cassidy's too, Forest is waiting in the limo for her, dressed up in a formal suit with his vest a deep green that matches her dress!

She slides in next to him, but not too closely, and they both stare straight ahead.

Their sober expressions aren't unexpected as I've never seen teens look all that happy in the prom limo, even teens that are already going steady.

With these two only hoping not to embarrass themselves, I'm just grateful Forest showed up, unlike Dane.

By the time they get to the school, the weather has turned nasty, Forest uses an umbrella, but both Bella and Cassidy take off running towards the school entrance.

That's not an unexpected move for Cassidy, as I know she's eager to get inside, safely within four walls, but Bella being so eager to attend, without her date, has me asking, "Why the hurry? Did Dane call while you were in the limo?"

"No. I haven't heard from him, but even if he does show up, I can't stay long. Since I'm the newest employee, I couldn't get the evening off from work, or even get permission to come in late!  So I need to get in there and secure my crown or the evening will be a total bust!"

We see a few familiar faces attending prom, Marisol and Kirk's twins, Markus and Kira May.

Markus chose to dress rather casually, donning dark jeans with an open dress shirt and dark blue jacket, with the sleeves rolled up, and as a teen he looks even more like his grandfather, Chase, even down to wearing green boots with his outfit!
Since he's only been a teen for two days, he's attending prom alone, but maybe he'll find a special someone tonight?

I flip around to get a front view of Kira May and she looks just like her mother, Marisol, at that age!

In fact, a quick pop into stylist reveals that, with the same hairstyle, she's the spitting image of her mother!

Kirk doesn't seem to have played a part in her genetic make-up at all.

With Marisol being Chase's time machine child when he was attending Uni, Marisol's genes are all Chase and very dominant, and it looks like they've been passed on completely intact to Kira May.

But, unlike her twin brother, Kira May has already found a partner.

I'm sure Marisol is over the moon that her daughter's attending prom with Phyllis' middle son, Jace Riverhawk!

Boy did he age up nicely, especially all dressed up.

No wonder Kira May's expecting to have a fantastic time!

But not long after prom begins, Bella's hopes are dashed as Cassidy gets voted prom Queen!

Something that none of us expected, especially Bella, who makes me laugh when right after that announcement, she pops a wish to see Cassidy's ghost!

Cassidy continues to surprise me, and I'm sure herself, as she puts her cousin's nose out of joint and foils Bella's plans once again.

I was hoping to let Bella hang around and enjoy prom, waiting until the last minute to send her to work, but she slipped out without me knowing, and I only caught up with her outside the C-Ment Shoe Factory.

"I'm sorry prom went so badly for you, being stood up by Dane, not getting the crown, having to leave early, but at least there were no fights…though you would probably have enjoyed one."

Bella shakes her head and says, "I may not have gotten the crown, Watcher, but you're mistaken about Dane. He not only showed up, but he had the band play my favorite song, held me in his arms, and asked me to go steady! He said he understood the consequences of that, and though I wasn't sure what he meant, I said, 'yes'!"

I let Bella continue into the building so she's not late for her shift, but I think I may almost be happier about what happened than she was.

Dane not only accepted Jonas' challenge, he did so with style, like any self-respecting over-emotional, evil, genius would!

With both teens busy, Cassidy at prom and Bella working, I check on Janette.

She's accepted a new case, The Mystery of the Stolen Credit Cards, and she's interviewing her new client, Nigel Martin.

"A spending spree? Well, it's not my business to judge your financial habits, but where were when you realized the cards were missing."

"I was at the gym debating on becoming a member. I'd tried out the pool and the exercise area with a friend, and I'd left my street clothes in a locker. But when I went to turn in my membership papers with my payment, my wallet was empty! The clerk just laughed at me when I told him my money and credit cards were stolen from one of THEIR lockers so they were responsible! He even had the nerve to point to a tiny sign that read, 'This establishment is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Use of the facilities is at your own risk.' With policies like that, I won't be signing up for a membership even if you can find my cards!"

"When, not if, Mr. Martin! Your case is simple enough that I shouldn't have much trouble tracking them down."

So Janette heads to the gym to snoop for clues.

She finds a couple of Nigel's credit cards but there are still a couple of them missing.

And the cash isn't anywhere around either, but that's no surprise.

Janette decides to question a few sims, but this late at night, the gym is empty.

Instead of trying to track down sims, Janette sits down at a nearby table and starts reading a book!

"Shouldn't you be looking for sims to question?"

Janette doesn't even look up as she says, "Watch and learn Watcher, watch and learn! The sims will come to me!"

I very much doubt that's really going to happen as it's getting later and later.

But then Janette scurries over by the pool and greets an elderly man.

"So…what have you got for me Ernesto? I know you keep your eyes and ears peeled for easy cash and I've got a stack of simoleans here with your name on them, if you'd care to share some intel?"

"You know I never refuse easy money, Detective. It keeps me living in high style with very little effort. Word on the grapevine is that someone with sticky fingers has 'found' some credit cards! But that's all I know."

"This town is full of sims with sticky fingers Ernesto! That doesn't narrow it down much!"

Janette's concerned about more than a lack of names though, as she knows very well that her own brother-in-law is part of the sticky fingers crowd!

But when I see who Janette's called to help her out, I'm more than a little surprised.

"What's going on Aunt Janette? I'd just barely got home from prom when I got your text to meet you here. And I can't stay long, being out at night freaks me out, not to mention if I get caught out after curfew!"

"It's Friday night, so curfew isn't an issue Kira May, but I'd forgotten you're scared of the dark, so I'll make this quick. Has your father bought anything new recently, a big purchase that you weren't expecting?"

Kira May doesn't even hesitate as she says, "No way! Dad's been on a tear about us being responsible with our simoleans now that Markus and I are teens, so we've both just started part-time jobs. Dad even opened up bank accounts for us so we could learn financial responsibility and not just spend our funds on junk! Besides, what could Dad buy that we don't already have, the house the Watcher set up for us has everything!"

Janette sighs with relief, and says, "Thanks for your help Kira May. Did you have a good time at prom?"

"Oh, it was just wonderful! Jace looked so dreamy in his tux, he was the best looking guy there! We danced all night and we had such a great time I think he's going to ask me to go steady soon! The funny thing is, I think Mom is even more thrilled than I am, but whenever I ask her about it she just smiles and says, 'I'll tell you someday.' Do you know what she's talking about Aunt Janette?"

"I have a hunch Kira May, but I wouldn't want to mess things up by spilling the beans. I will let you know that it's nothing bad, so you don't need to be worried about it."

Eyeing the dark sky, Janette asks, "Do you want me to drive you home?"

Now it's Kira May's turn to be relieved as she gratefully says, "If you wouldn't mind, I'd feel a lot safer with you than a cab driver this late at night!"

I head back to the house and find Cassidy eating a late night snack.

"Good, you got home safely. Congratulations on winning the Queen's crown! Anything else interesting happen at prom?"

"As you know Watcher, my prom expectations were quite low. But after getting the crown, everything escalated from there and soon went off the charts as Forest stayed by my side all evening, getting me punch, being attentive to my every wish, then, gazing deeply into my eyes, he kissed me! My first kiss and it was so romantic!"

"That's a surprise coming from Forest, but I'm glad the night ended well."

"Oh it didn't end there, Watcher! That kiss left me reeling, with my feelings for Forest deepening fast and he felt the same way. He said, 'I've had the best time of my life tonight, being with you, Cassidy! I never thought I could get through a party without feeling embarrassed or out of place, forgetting what was expected of me. But with you, I feel centered, focused… will you be my steady girl?' and though I was blushing like mad, that didn't stop me from saying, 'Yes'!"

Before I can congratulate Cassidy on one of the best proms ever, a yell distracts me, and Cassidy's face freezes at the unexpected interruption.

"Watcher, I'm so exhausted I'm not sure I can make it up to my bed!!!"

"I told you getting a part-time job was going to make things difficult…"

But Bella interrupts my lecture by freaking out even more as her dramatic gesture has her hands disappearing through her empty plate and into the counter!

"Watcher!!! What have you done to me now!?!"

"It's not me Bella, you're just melding with the counter."


"Try getting up and moving away from it, sometimes it's as simple as that."

Angrier she says, "Sometimes!?!"

"Sometimes the dish sticks to your hand for awhile."

"Awhile!?! I can't go to school with a dish stuck to my hand! I'd look ridiculous!"

As a message I've been waiting for appears, I quickly say, "Then it's a good thing it's the weekend! Gotta run! Go to bed!"

I don't have to go far, and I soon find that Janette and Jemma's perceptive powers are still spot on.

Because they have a new baby sister, Chastity Frio!

This unexpected child has a peachy skin tone and is a friendly loner.

I guess it's a good thing she was born now and lives in a house with just her parents.

Odette seems to have come through the labor just fine and with that focused look at the empty wall, I think she's contemplating some new paintings to fill the space.

And new daddy Chase?

He's taking having a new daughter in stride and is calmly filling up Coal's food dish.

Either that or he's forgotten about the big event already!

If he has, little Chastity's nooboo cries will clue him in very soon!

I've cancelled yet another stake-out case and hope Janette has better luck with easier cases as she's now working on her 20th case for the third time!

Prom has worked it's magic and Bella and Cassidy both have boyfriends, something I really hadn't expected this early in their teens, especially given their personalities, but I'm thrilled that romances have started off with a bang!

And Odette and Chase now have another sweet daughter, Chastity Frio.

Next up is the weekend and the girls will all have some free time to socialize and spend time with family and friends.

Except for Bella, who now has to work weekends, since she got a promotion to Shoplifter!

That girl always manages to mess up my plans, much as Cassidy messes up Bella's, so I'm sure she feels turnabout is fair play!

I'll tell you all about it in Chapter 300: Social Saturday
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 300: Social Saturday
« Reply #325 on: June 06, 2021, 01:19:46 PM »

First thing in the morning, I find Jonas working on another invention and he's got a skill bar again…

"Jonas, I thought you maxed inventing!?!"

"I did Watcher! But the inventing table also works for handiness, so it's giving me a bar for that now. But I've only got to put the finishing touches on this project, so please stick around as I want to show it to you."

"And it's finished! But it looks way too small for anyone to fit inside…"

"The size on the inventing table is a bit deceptive…I'll place your time machine on the floor so you can see it's true size for yourself."

Jonas' voice holds a note of disappointment as he says, "You already know what it is? I thought I had discovered something new!"

"I'm afraid not. Adam's younger sister, Clarisse, made one in generation 1 back in Bridgeport. Which caused quite the family drama when grandparents, Carly and Desmond, used it to have another child in Appaloosa Plains, our 7th town. That was some time ago so I'm not surprised you weren't aware of that, but your father-in-law Chase made one at Uni, working on his technology degree. You must have heard the story of how Marisol joined the family!"

Frowning Jonas says, "Of course, Janette told me all about her 'time machine older sister' when she explained why Marisol wasn't eligible for heirship. But…"

"But what?"

"I thought that was just a nice way of explaining a…romantic indiscretion…one Chase took responsibility for! You mean he really did build a time machine, travel to the past, and change something that produced Marisol?!?"

"He did! He spoke to an arguing couple and helped them make up…and then Marisol popped out of the time machine! Which is why I'm not sure about letting you complete either of those wishes you just popped as traveling to the past or the future can have profound affects on the family, and not all of them are good. But I will let you see the true size of your invention as it really is big."

I place Jonas' time machine near the brain enhancement device and Jonas hurries over to stare at it in wonder.

I say with a touch of regret, "I'm sorry you can't use it right now, but with the possibility of all the family continuing the journey, the last space we have in the house is for the heir's partner. But maybe after that partner moves in, you could take a trip or two…"

But then I realize Jonas is not listening to me at all…

"Jonas? Jonas!"

But he ignores me as he presses a sequence of buttons which brings the machine whirring to life, the familiar purple glow emanating from within.

The door whooshes open, Jonas crouches down, preparing to leap within and before I can stop him, he's …


I barely take a breath as I watch the side of my screen looking for another icon to appear!

Several messages appear as he explores within the past, but I don't see the telltale message of him helping an arguing couple, and I breathe a sigh of relief when he emerges unscathed and alone!

As Jonas' wish to travel to the past completes, he cries, "Oh that was exhilarating Watcher! The highpoint was getting to meet Da Vinci and watch him work on a sculpture!"

"I'm so glad your social and Avant Garde sensibilities were fulfilled, Jonas! But if you had been listening to me at all, you would have realized I was telling you it's too dangerous to go into the past or future right now! You could jeopardize the journey bringing another child into the family!"

"I was too listening Watcher! I decided it was worth the risk!" He shrugs and adds, "If someone needs to stay behind, so be it! The spare couple and family would be moving out in the next town anyway, so what's the difference?"

"The difference would be that Janette and Jemma would be separated from each other, living in different towns for the first time in their lives! It's going to be difficult enough living in separate homes!"

As the lights fade and the time machine goes silent, Jonas freezes as my words penetrate his time travel euphoria, "Oh, I didn't think of that!"

"You're right about that! You didn't think!  Adding your child to the family isn't the only consequence of messing around with time travel. It could change family members' careers…."

As the thought enters my head, I franticly check Janette and Jemma's career stats and breath a sigh of relief when I see they are where they should be.

I calm myself and say, "You got lucky this time Jonas, everything looks just as it did before you acted so recklessly! But no more time travel! Is that understood!?!"

Jonas is so remorseful over his careless actions that he won't turn and look at me, but his shoulders drooping, he sighs and says, "Understood Watcher! I promise to think of the rest of the family instead of my own selfish desires and I'll focus on painting and sculpting from now on, activities that won't jeopardize anyone."

I take heart at his words, but wonder if he can truly follow through on his promise since insane sims are so unpredictable.

Janette heads to the Festival Park to continue her investigation and, when she sees Forest there, she decides she'll kill two birds with one stone by asking him a few questions while getting to know her daughter's new boyfriend.

"Cassidy's father and I are really grateful that you made Cassidy's prom so memorable Forest. Proms are known for getting out of hand but, from Cassidy's description, your night was incident free and quite romantic!"

Not meeting her eyes Forest responds, "It was quite the surprise for me too Detective Frio! Most events I attend have me getting all sorts of negative attention but with Cassidy everything was so easy, so effortless. I didn't forget her name or spill punch on her dress or even step on her toes while we were dancing! It was the best night of my life! So it's me who's grateful to her, which is why I asked her to be my girlfriend! I hope you don't mind?"

"Not at all! You've been a good friend to Cassidy and it sounds like you complement each other well. I felt the same way with her father, though others found his insanity a bit disturbing. That's one thing we haven't passed on to Cassidy though. Well, not yet anyway. I didn't get that way until my young adult birthday, so I guess Cassidy could still inherit that trait. But I don't think of it as negative at all, it just makes life more…interesting! Speaking of interesting, you haven't heard anything on the grapevine about someone coming into some money or buying any big ticket items have you?"

Forest ponders the question and says, "I don't remember things very well, but I did hear something about someone in town buying a fancy sports car! Um…Dillard Wrong?"

Shaking his head Forest says, "That doesn't sound right…wait…right…Willard Wright! That's it! That's the guy they were saying must have won the lottery with all the money he was spending! See Detective Frio? Being with Cassidy has turned my whole life around! I actually remembered something, something important!" Frowning he asks, "That was important information right?"

Nodding and giving him a smile, Janette says, "VERY important information, Forest! I believe you just gave me the final clue to solving this case! If so, I'll make sure to pass on some of my fee, but here's some advice as well. Don't let others reactions ever stop you from being yourself. I'm glad you feel Cassidy has made such an impact on your life, but it's YOU who realized that, YOU who treated her like a princess at prom, YOU who took that giant leap and asked her to go steady! So don't sell yourself short. Everyone needs to feel self-worth. Without it, you'll never know what you can accomplish!"

Janette checks her data base and inputs Willard Wright's address into her GPS, and soon finds herself standing face to face with him outside by his mailbox.

And oddly enough Willard doesn't hesitate to admit to his part in the crime!

"I figured I'd get caught Detective! I'm not really cut out to be a criminal, but I just can't help myself when I see anything lying around unattended! It makes great plot lines for my books and screenplays though I always end up returning anything I've….acquired. Contrary to rumor, I didn't use the credit cards to buy the car or spend any of the money. In fact, I just put Nigel's cash and credit cards in my mailbox and I'll be returning the sports car I 'borrowed' as well."

"Your honesty is a refreshing change Mr. Wright! I wish all my culprits confessed as easily! I'll let Mr. Martin know his missing items were found by a citizen who may have started off doing something wrong but ended up doing the right thing. I guess your name fits after all!"

"Since the culprit saw the error of his ways Mr. Martin and your stolen property is on it's way back to you, I'm happy to say this case is now closed! I guess the old saying, 'Third times the charm!' still rings true!"

Nigel Martin nods absent-mindedly as he's like Cassidy and prefers being inside, away from nature, and with the family dog needing a flea bath, he quickly thanks Janette, pays her, and makes his excuses to head inside.

Back at the house, Bella's started her day by scaring her mother, Jemma, half to death!

Hopefully that won't affect Jemma's work performance as she changes and heads off to the gypsy wagon for her shift.

Though it put Bella in such a good mood as she headed off to her own new job as a shoplifter that she welcomed Luci's classmates saying, "You two must be the friends Luci invited over. Feel free to go inside!"

I smile as I'm happy that Luci's classmates accepted her invitation so quickly.

But my smile turns to a frown when I see poor Galen Singh's bald head and his outfit.

That won't do, but it's an easy fix!

I quickly pop Galen into stylist, and laugh as we've got another dark-haired, light-skin-toned boy as a contender for heir spouse!

Galen, free of my stylist administrations, shoots the two young girls a speculative look as he heads straight for the couch to watch some TV.

But the two girls are busy chatting away, with Caitlyn telling Luci about all the cool stuff you can buy with festival tickets.

But Luci soon pries Galen away from the TV and they get into a deep discussion about trash!

I don't know why so many of my family members have trash on their mind, but it seems to be a favorite topic.

Maybe there's a special clean-up project going on in Starlight Shores, especially with Mayor Brandon Woods being so eco conscious?

But Cassidy's mind is certainly not focused on trash as she's preparing to sneak up and scare the daylights out of someone!

The intended target of her evil plans?

None other than her mother, Janette!

But Janette foils Cassidy's plans by offering to teach her to drive.

And off they go, reluctantly on Cassidy's part as, even being inside the motive mobile, she wishes to get safely back inside.

Once they get near City Government Complex, Janette has Cassidy park while she obtains another case from the local law enforcement office.

Case #21, The Case of the Footsore Floater, is a repeat of a previous case, but this time Janette interviews her client by phone.

"I really doubt that Ana Locket, the proprietor of the Binder Clips Center, which doubles as our Stadium, is smashing my client's toes while he sleeps, but I'll see if I can track her down. Proprietors here in Starlight Shores are kept busy with all of the shows and events hosted in this town."

While Janette head over to the stadium, I check on Luci and her classmates and find her chatting with Galen about comic books and their favorite foods.

They seem to be getting along okay until Luci mentions going fishing, which Galen says is way too much effort, causing a negative impact on their budding friendship.

Since Luci then pops a wish to pillow fight with Galen, I indulge her, hoping it will improve their relationship.

Though if Galen thought fishing was too much effort when all you do is stand there holding a fishing rod, I'm not sure he'll be any happier about pillow fighting.

But Galen surprises me by following Luci inside and walking all the way to Jemma and Tobias' bedroom on the third floor where the two kids brandish pillows and start smacking away at each other with feathers flying! 

By the end of the pillow fight, the two have established a solid friendship!

Mission accomplished.

But all that effort has made them hungry so Luci, Galen, and Caitlyn raid the refrigerator.

I realize it's been awhile since I checked on Janette so I track her down and find she's made it to the stadium but she's still waiting outside for the proprietor, Ana Locket, to grant her a few minutes of her precious time!

"Proprietors think a lot of their time and the money-making time of their top dollar generating clients, so I'm far down the list. She's actually made it out the doors several times, but then she gets called back inside before I can question her!"

But Janette's persistence finally pays off and she manages to meet with the elusive proprietor.

"Thanks for granting me a few minutes of your valuable time, Ms. Locket. I'll get straight to the point. My client is your next door neighbor and he claims that you are smashing his toes while he sleeps! That's crazy I know, but just answer me one question, have you seen him outside late at night, wandering around his yard?"

"You're right, the man is a loon Detective! I haven't actually seen him, but I've been woken up many times listening to him screech and howl as he stumbles around his yard! I've been patient but I need my sleep with all the long hours my job requires. I hope you can put a stop to this annoying behavior!"

"Your information has been insightful Ms. Locket. Since this case is so similar to another I've solved, you should be sleeping like a baby soon!"

To keep her word, Janette heads straight for Holy Cow Memorial Hospital to research sleepwalking and then calls her client with the news.

He was skeptical at first, but when Janette cited case after case, he agreed to get counseling for the condition and paid her fee.

Case #21 is closed!

I get back to the Frio home just in time to listen to the ghost story that Luci's telling.

Luci delivers the ending, "When they finally entered the lighthouse, the caretaker was no longer among the living, just a pile of dusty bones!"

Caitlyn yelps and shrinks away in fright while Bella listens enthralled, eyes wide, saying, "Wonderful job Luci! It was deliciously evil and scary!"

Cassidy had opted out of the ghost story to spend some time with Forest but once the story was over, both Luci and Caitlyn engaged Cassidy and Forest in conversation.

Turns out they both wanted bedtime stories!

Forest raises his hands helplessly, saying, "My memories not so good, Luci. I'd forget whatever story I was telling half way through!"

Cassidy agrees to tell both the girls a bedtime story as soon as they are ready for bed.

Luci's snuggled up in her bed first thing, so Cassidy settles next to her and starts reading a mystery, since Luci is fond of them.

Unfortunately, Caitlyn was so sleepy waiting for her bedtime story, she nodded off in the rocking chair in the art gallery.

Saturday was a busy day, full of socializing with friends, in the past and present, boyfriends, family, and clients.

Cassidy has started on her driving lessons and Janette now has 21 cases solved and will be obtaining her next case soon.

Luci has made two new friends, Caitlyn Elson and Galen Singh.

What lies ahead for our Starlight Shores family?

Find out as you follow along in Chapter 301: To Love or Not To Love
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 301: To Love or Not To Love
« Reply #326 on: June 11, 2021, 03:41:48 PM »

Janette gets a call from Rich Richmond in the middle of the night, and accepts case # 22, The Case of The Bermuda Triangle Love Triangle.

"Sharon Oberly and I are deeply in love Detective! I've even bought an engagement ring and I'm planning to propose on her birthday. But she disappears for days at a time and her career doesn't seem to be going well enough to justify taking up so much of her free time. I just need to know if she loves me as much as I love her!"

"Have you given her any other gifts Mr. Richmond?"

"Just a few trinkets now and again, and I've helped her out with rent and grocery money too. Sharon doesn't like me spending money on her, she's not like most performers, out for anything they can get!"

"I'll ask around town Mr. Richmond, first thing in the morning, as most sims aren't eager to chat at 3 am, and I'll let you know as soon as I have something concrete!"

"Please do Detective! I don't want to think badly of my sweet Sharon, but I hate having these doubts!"

Jonas is the first one up Sunday morning, eagerly working on another invention, though he should be painting to complete his lifetime wish.

But since he's so engrossed and working with a blow torch, I leave him to it.

Tobias is working too, but not on another book, he's repairing the computer in the study.

Since it's such a delicate task, fraught with a similar danger, I leave him alone as well.

And find Janette and Cassidy engaged in a battle of wits over the chess board.

The game ends quickly due to Janette's high logic skill, but she encourages her daughter, saying, "Good game! You blocked several of my moves and your own logic skill has increased."

"Thanks Mom, but I get the feeling you were taking it easy on me, making simple mistakes to give me an advantage and a delighted buff whenever your pieces were in jeopardy!"

"Maybe a little, but my next suggestion is one that's going to make you very uncomfortable. Care to accompany me to the Festival Park for my next case? We can continue your driving lessons, and I could use some help interviewing sims."

"I guess…it would give me a chance to socialize with the focus on helping you out instead of on me. But couldn't we go inside somewhere?"

Shaking her head, Janette says, "On a beautiful sunny Sunday, we'll find the most sims at the Festival, but if you think that's asking to much…"

Sighing Cassidy grits her teeth and says, "No, no…I'll go. Just don't expect me to enjoy it…at all!"

"Fair enough!"

As I go outside I find Jemma getting ready to dive into the pool.

She's the one most likely to be using it on any given day, before and after work, and on her days off.

If she's got free time, Jemma's either practicing a school a cheer or swimming.

I continue on to the Festival Park to await Janette and Cassidy's arrival and spot Dane Lee teaching his baby sister, Suzi, to walk!

This boy is certainly not your typical evil sim, as he doesn't seem to even acknowledge his evil trait, which just goes to show that different trait combos can impact sims in a big way.

Janette immediately heads for the Festival Park Proprietor, George Durelli, and is a bit shocked when her inquiry for Sharon Oberly elicits this comment, "Of course I know Sharon, Detective, we've been together for weeks and we're deeply in love! I haven't heard from her in a few days but that's typical for a busy musician. Should I be worried?"

"No need to worry Mr. Durelli, I'm on the case now and I won't rest until I've solved it!"

"Thank you Detective! Sharon might be in the music industry but she's sweet and innocent! She gets involved with every hard-luck-Harry around and is easily taken advantage of, so much so that I've had to force her to take money to pay her rent and buy groceries!"

Janette raises her brows at this information asking, "So you've given Ms. Oberly money!?!"

Mr. Durelli frowns and says, "It's not what you're thinking Detective! Like I said, I had to force Sharon to take money as she gives all of hers away! She barely wants to accept my other gifts saying I should be donating the money I spend on them to charity!"

"But she does except them, both the money and other gifts, even after saying she really shouldn't?"

George swallows and says, "Yes. She does. But…"

Janette says, "I understand Mr. Durelli, your feelings are engaged and you want to help Ms. Oberly out any way you can. I'll follow up with you once I find out what's going on."

To my surprise, I find Cassidy fully caught up in conversation with a now elderly Finnegan Sawyer, a high-ranking celebrity who did well for himself in his singing career and also inherited the Buckshot estate.

"So you're actually dating Ms. Oberly even though she's much younger than you are and not nearly as successful!?!"

"I know it's hard to believe with all the paparazzi hype in the tabloids over my career, but I'm not as shallow as I used to be Ms. Frio. Madeline's passing hit me much harder than I expected it to and helping out others in the music business is my way of making amends. Sharon has promising talent but was lacking a patron and the proper backing, so I took her under my wing. Since you're so young, I won't go into details but…one thing led to another and I've asked her to move in with me! That mansion has become a lonely place…"

"Thanks for the information Mr. Sawyer. Before I back to the safety of my home, would you mind giving me your autograph?"

"Not at all, Ms. Frio! It's nice to know that the younger generation even knows my name!"

Janette spots the Singh family enjoying a day at the Festival.

With Priscilla scheduled to perform, Janette asks her a few quick questions and steps away to ponder over the new information.

According to Ms. Singh, Sharon's name has been linked with numerous men around town, and though the men perceive Sharon as sweet and innocent, many of the women, especially when they're with husbands or boyfriends, avoid her like the plague!

Then a food booth attendant rushes over and says, "I couldn't help overhearing Sharon's name Detective! What's going on? She's misunderstood by so many woman in this town! She's just friendly, she doesn't have designs on any of their partners. She's a real peach, a true sweetheart, in fact, we're in love!"

"And does your love include supporting her with money and gifts?"

"I've helped her out a time or two when she's fallen for another sob story. But she hasn't returned any of my calls or texts lately. I know she's busy rehearsing as she's got a big concert coming up, but I thought she'd at least take a minute to return one of my calls or texts. Do you think something's happened to her!?!"

As the pieces start coming together, Janette replies dryly, "Oh, no. I'm sure Ms. Oberly knows how to take care of herself. I'll let you get back to work and I'm sure you'll be hearing from her soon."

Janette meets up with Cassidy, they compare notes, and Janette drops Cassidy off at home, thanking her for helping out.

On her way to Sharon's last known address, Janette mulls over the case.

Her client, the festival proprietor, and a food booth attendant all profess to be in love with Sharon Oberly and all three have showered her with money and gifts!

And, per Cassidy's intel, Finnegan Sawyer is not only involved with Sharon professionally, backing her music career, which involves big bucks, but romantically as well.

So much so that he's invited her to move into the Buckshot mansion!

And all the women in town with partners, keep said partners far, far away, from Sharon, who is sounding less sweet and innocent by the minute!

A quick perusal of the mailbox confirms Janette's findings as it's filled with mail, each letter addressed to a different male sim in Starlight Shores, a dozen or more, single and married men alike!!!

"This isn't a Bermuda Triangle Watcher, it's a complete web of lies and deceit involving dozens of men!"

And then Janette realizes who's house she's at, it belongs to Sadie and Richter Steele! Glancing, towards the house she says, "Hopefully Richter hasn't fallen prey to Sharon's scheming along with half the male population in Starlight Shores!"

Janette makes a call to Simbureau and promptly gets put on hold and told she's 9th in the queue.

Now most Sims and those in RL would get bored and irritated by a lengthy hold time, but party animal Janette just smiles and taps her toe on the bricks while listening to the music, saying, "At least it's a catchy tune!"

Then a live voice suddenly interrupts the song saying, "Simbureau, our time is important, please state your request clearly and don't waste my time on trivialities!"

Janette firms her own voice, and says, "Private Detective Frio calling from Starlight Shores. May I ask who I'm speaking with?"

The gruff voice says, "Confidential!"

"Oh my, what an odd name for a child! You must have been teased relentlessly! Did your parents call you 'Con' for short?"

Holding back a startled laugh, the voice blurts, "Get to the point!"

"I'm currently working on a case where a young woman, calling herself Sharon Oberly, is pursuing several men in our town, conning them out of money and expensive gifts. I've had three confessions of love, one of whom is planning on proposing, and another has asked her to move in with him, into one of the most lavish mansions in town! I've also found evidence of correspondence with at least a dozen more, whom I can only suspect to be her next targets!"

"Sounds like Lonely Lana's MO. I'll add this new alias to the list. Unfortunately, she spins such a good tale, we've never gotten any of her victims to press charges. Good luck on extricating any of the men out of her clutches Detective!"

And with that the line went dead.

Janette frowns at the abrupt disconnection but heads for the motive mobile as she says, "We'll just see about that Mr. Confidential! I think I need to pay a visit to the Hoi Polloi Events Center and have a little heart-to heart with Ms. Oberly, aka Lonely Lana!"

Janette goes inside and, as I wait for her to emerge, I see several kids in town that have aged to children.

Among them Sadie (Mason) and Richter Steele's daughter, Shonda, who has grown up to be a cutie.

I'll have to have Luci invite her over now that's she old enough to visit other families.

After what seems like ages, Janette comes out and immediately meets up with her client.

"What happened? Was Sharon at the theater? Did you convince her to leave the men alone?"

Janette nods but focuses on her client, "The news is not good, Mr. Richmond. You had reason to be concerned as Ms. Oberly spreads her affections around liberally and you're just one of many 'true loves' she's involved with here in Starlight Shores!"

And right before our eyes the love fades from both Rich's eyes and his thoughts and he says, "I had a feeling something was amiss Detective! All those rumors---I didn't want to believe them so I deluded myself that the reason for her many absences was all because of her music career. I can't believe I fell for her act but at least I didn't make a total fool of myself and propose, or worse, marry her!"

"It may not be much of a consolation Mr. Richmond, but I've just spoken with Ms. Oberly and made it very clear that we won't tolerate such behavior here in Starlight Shores. It may be a tinsel town, but we also have families here and we don't need her providing THAT kind of example to our children and breaking up family units! I've pressed upon Ms. Oberly the importance of focusing on her failing career to earn her own way. And that she needs to break off all ties with all of her current paramours, to cease and desist in this kind of behavior, as well as return all of the gifts she hasn't converted to cash! If she doesn't, will you join with her other victims to prosecute and get this femme fatale out of our town!?!"

"I hate thinking of myself as a victim Detective, and if it was just me and a few single guys that were hurt by this, I might be willing to let it go. Chalk it up to experience and move on. But now that you've brought families into it, the thought of the damage than Sharon could do…I'll turn over any evidence required if she tries something like this again!"

"Then we'll consider this case closed!"

Back at the house, Cassidy and Luci are playing chess together.

"Building my logic skill will definitely help my school grade Cassidy. Thanks for asking me to play with you."

"You're welcome Luci. But…I figured that if Mom found me doing something constructive, she wouldn't feel it necessary to drag me out for another driving lesson or ask me to help on another case. So my actions were more than a bit selfish!"

"I thought you enjoyed going to the Festival Park since you got Mr. Sawyer's autograph. That was a stroke of luck as he doesn't just give them out to anybody!"

"That was an unexpected perk, but frankly, no matter how often I go outside, it never gets any easier! Even thinking about it gives me the willies!"

"Then let's just focus on the game. I'm feeling lucky so I'll probably win!"

"Game on little cuz!"

Nearby on the sofa, Tobias is reading yet another novel, his favorite past time when he's not writing.

I don't want to disturb him since he's so caught up in the book, but Jemma doesn't have the same regard for Tobias' free time.

She playfully drags him outside and challenges him to a game of hopscotch!

Jemma has added playing hopscotch to her free time hobbies of practicing school cheers and swimming.

And though a bit reluctant to leave his book, Tobias soon gets into the spirit of the game, announcing, "I did it! All the way to the end with no mistakes!"

Jemma says, "It's early in the game to be crowing about winning. Let's see if you can make it back!"

Apparently, the competitive streak that Luci has comes naturally from both her parents!

But a phone call from Forest asking Cassidy on a date has me following her to the now empty Festival park.

Where Cassidy chats to Forest despite being soaked almost instantly.

But it doesn't seem like it's the rain or being outdoors that has Cassidy concerned, "It's almost bedtime Forest and definitely past curfew! What was so important that you needed to see me immediately!?!"

Taking Cassidy in his arms, Forest murmurs, "I missed you Cassidy and seeing you at school tomorrow in a crowd just wasn't enough! I know being outside isn't your favorite thing, but could you hang around with me for just a little while?"

"And do what?" Cassidy asks as she hugs him back.

"I hadn't really thought of doing anything in particular, I just wanted to be with you!"

"Well, the rain has stopped and the ground is soaked, but since I'm already drenched, that won't matter. Though the sky's so cloudy we probably won't see much, but we could look for shooting stars, if you want?"

"Sure! Cuddled up on the wet ground keeping my girl warm, stars or no stars, sounds perfect!"

Soon the young lovers are totally engrossed in pointing out stars to each other, and I smile as Forest and Cassidy have turned into quite the charming couple, something I really hadn't expected with Forest's lukewarm acceptance of Cassidy's prom invitation.

But given Forest's declaration at prom, along with how proud he was about the night going so well when he spoke with Janette, I have a feeling it was his own lack of confidence that prompted such a negative response.

Seeing how cute the two of them are together, I'm glad Cassidy followed through and gave Forest a chance.

After star gazing, they play some skeeball, cheering each other on when they get good shots.

And they end the evening by getting romantic photos at the photo booth.

Cassidy exclaiming, "Since we were inside the booth, I was so comfortable these photos turned out great! Thanks for asking me out Forest! Even being outside, I had a great time!"

Then she notices Forest standing still and silent and asks, "Forest? Is everything okay?"

"When we're together, it's more than okay Cassidy! I was just thinking about us being apart…"

"We'll see each other in school tomorrow Forest, just a few hours from now!"

Striding toward the sidewalk, Forest replies, "No, not tomorrow, when you and your family leave town! I don't usually remember much but I can't seem to get that thought out of my mind! And it's crushing me!"

Cassidy catches up with Forest and grabs his hands in her own, squeezing them tight.

Looking thoughtful she says, "I know, the thought of leaving you behind bothers me too. I never knew love would feel like this! But even if we aren't chosen as the heir couple, the Watcher promised that she'd allow spare partners to move to the next town! So…if that's what you wanted, the Watcher could make it happen! But it's a big decision Forest, so I don't expect you to make it now. A lot could happen over the next few weeks, and you are your parents only son!"

Forest gulps and focuses on the one word that pierced his mind, "You love me? I love you too Cassidy! More than I would have ever believed possible. Your love has kept me focused, in the now, instead of off in la la land!  So would you consider staying here in Starlight Shores with me if you weren't heir?"

Cassidy trembles and whispers, "If that was the only way we could be together, I'd definitely consider it Forest! With that option, I'd still have some of my family close by, my Aunt Marisol's and my grandparents and new Aunt Chastity, even if she's still a baby! But you would be leaving all your family behind moving to the next town with me. So let's enjoy the next few weeks together and decide after we become young adults. Either decision is too big to commit to right this second."

Janette has saved Starlight Shores from femme fatale Sharon Oberly and solved her 22nd case!

Luci's increasing her logic skill playing chess with Cassidy and showing off her competitive streak, something both her parents have in spades if their intense game of hopscotch is anything to go by.

And Cassidy and Forest have confessed their feelings of love to each other!

Making the thought of parting even more difficult for both of them.

But will Forest convince Cassidy to stay in Starlight Shores?

Or will his love for her be the driving force that has him following her to the next town?

That's something that will definitely take some time to answer as Cassidy doesn't become a young adult for another 10 days or so, and, like she said, too big a decision to make as teens or on the spur of the moment!

Up next, Janette solves a few quick cases and Luci gains another friend!

I'll tell you all about it in Chapter 302: Mischief and a Full Moon
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Heirship question
« Reply #327 on: June 14, 2021, 07:07:37 PM »
It's been a wild ride here in Starlight Shores with two evil teens, that's for sure.

And I thought I had heirship all planned out when a very unexpected trait roll had me halting in my tracks!

I've got 10 more chapters to post and at least two to four more after that to write and post.

I'm torn between the candidates again this gen but another co-heirship is out of the question.

So I thought I'd see if there was enough interest to do an heirship poll for this gen.

If not, I have rolled a dice to help me decide as a back up.

As a further back up plan, I could always keep the two heirship couple candidates in the same house and let the first couple to pop a baby wish be the deciding factor.

So, the choices currently are:
1)Heirship poll
2)Dice roll
3)First baby wish in the new town

if anyone has any other suggestions or comments, please feel free to reply here or message me! :)

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 302: Mischief and a Full Moon
« Reply #328 on: June 14, 2021, 09:42:21 PM »

While Cassidy was enjoying time with Forest, Bella takes the opportunity to cause some mischief.

"So you weren't aware that my supposedly sweet and innocent cousin was out after curfew? With her boyfriend in an empty park? Oops, I guess I was supposed to keep that a secret!"

Jonas doesn't bother to hide his anger at Bella's words, saying, "I trust my daughter implicitly as she's not quite the conniving…."

Jemma stiffens on the sofa saying abruptly, "Jonas!!!"

Jonas quickly amends his remark, adding lamely, "…teenager, that you are Bella!"

Stunned that her uncle would call her out on her behavior so viscously, Bella responds angrily, "You really don't believe that do you? She's just as evil as I am! She's proven that over and over again! Stealing my crown, trying to push me out of heirship, even though her traits are awful!"

This time Jemma interrupts saying, "Bella!!! I think you need to have a quick talk with your father!"

With a furious glance at her mother, Bella asks, "What's wrong mother? Don't think you can handle little ol' me?"

Jemma clenches her hands into fists, replying, "I don't like children when they're behaving, so I'm not sure I could control myself when you are being so insolent! But if you'd rather deal with me than with your father…"

The tone of her mother's voice has Bella realizing she's taken things too far and she says quickly, "I'll find Dad!"

"And make sure that you tell him the entire truth about this incident. You won't like the consequences if I find out you've downplayed your nasty remarks or the mischief you were trying to cause!"

When Bella finishes explaining the incident downstairs, she's expecting to be punished, but when her father's shoulders droop and he slumps in defeat, she can't endure the ominous silence.

"Dad? Please say something! Your silence is worse than a lecture!"

"I…I…I've FAILED you Bella! This is all my fault! I thought I could make up for your mother's lack of interest in raising  children, especially after you started school. But with your current behavior it's obvious that I've failed miserably!"

"Dad! This isn't your fault! It was me that tried to get Cassidy in trouble, me that made those awful remarks about her stealing my crown, about her less than stellar straits! Punish me, ground me if you have to, but don't take responsibility for my actions!"

Still staring at the floor, Tobias says, "So…you're owning up to what happened…then I guess there's hope for you yet, Bella!"

Shocked at the trap her normally easy-going father has sprung on her, again, Bella can only stare at him.

As he raises his eyes to her own, the triumph in them unmistakable, she says, "Well-played Dad! You're stuck in a book so often I forgot that you're an artistic genius! I fell right into that!"

"Then I guess your old man still has some tricks up his sleeve that you'd best pay attention to! But you're not off the hook that easily young lady, you're grounded, except for school and work, and you'll be making Cassidy's bed for the next week, doing the dishes, taking out the trash…"


"Would you like me to make it longer?"

"No! A week's more than long enough! I'll check the trash before I go to bed and make sure any dirty dishes are in the dishwasher."

"Good. I'm glad we were able to come to an agreement. But Bella, don't ever try to get Cassidy, or anyone else, in trouble again! Or play your mother and I off each other! Your mother was spot on when she said you wouldn't like the consequences, we're a team, and more than a match for your teenage shenanigans!"

But Jemma's not so sure of her decision to let Tobias handle the incident, so when ghostly Sam appears she asks, "Do you think I was wrong to send Bella to Tobias, Grandpa Sam? Maybe I should have handled it myself?"

"A parent should never discipline a child in anger Jemma! You did the right thing. We all know how much child-rearing you've done, after each one of the girls was born and through their toddler years. As hard as those years can be, it's nothing compared to childhood, followed by the snarky teenage years! You played to your strengths, knowing just how much you could handle, especially when it comes to discipline. You filled Tobias in and put it in his capable hands. Staying united, being a team, that's the best parenting Bella could have right now!"

Jemma is much more relaxed after Sam's remarks and heads over to the brain enhancing device, pondering which skill to increase.

She decides on cooking as she remembers her mother enjoying it so much, especially using the Teppanyaki grill on the patio.

Once she gets the machine programmed, she settles down in the chair and quickly skills up.

Then she heads off to bed, the last one awake, just like she likes it!

Morning has Luci playing pretend as a periwinkle princess.

She regally walks down the stairs soaking up the calming effects of the incense holder.

But being a princess doesn't stop Luci from grabbing a game controller and trying to beat her Uncle Jonas at the sports game he's playing.

"Are you sure you've got time to play before the bus comes? Maybe you should get ready for school?"

"You're just afraid I'll beat you Uncle Jonas, since I'm lucky now!"

"Game on little princess! But don't expect me to take it easy on you after that remark!"

"Letting someone win ruins the game Uncle Jonas! But if I miss the bus, will you drive me to school?"

"It's a deal! Get ready! Go!"

Meanwhile, Janette quickly solved a repeat of The Hacked Off Client, case # 23.

She quickly follows it up by going over to the Worthington home to interview her next client, Girbits Worthington, for case # 24, The Case of the Longing Heart.

"I've even joined an on-line dating service Detective, but I still can't find a compatible woman that will even go out on a first date! My grandmother always said I should get out and mingle instead of spending all my time in front of a computer, but I find most of them are just flirty and fakes, especially in this town! Is there any hope of finding me a date?"

Janette, not thrilled about playing matchmaker for yet another lonely soul in Starlight Shores, decides to take pity on her poor client and accept the case.

"I was hoping you had something for me with a little more meat in it Mr. Worthington, but being so happy in my own marriage, I'll do my best to find you a date. Maybe your neighbors could provide some insight in finding a local single girl that likes computers as much as you do. But you will have to put your own effort into it, once I find her Mr. Worthington. I can't actually make someone go out with you or fall in love!"

"Understood Detective. But you paired up Kerry Kasmir and Isaac Luck on one of your earlier cases and they have three kids now, two girls and a boy! A date is all I'm hoping for, someone who'll give me a chance!"

"You've done your homework Mr. Worthington! It's nice to hear that my reputation precedes me!"

The Worthington's closest neighbors are Richter and Sadie Steele, so Janette speaks with both of them, keeping her client's interest confidential of course.

"I'm a party animal myself Mr. Steele, so I'm not very familiar with the stay-at-home types in town. Our paths just don't cross. Of the single women I know in town, Karen Kerman and Lela Whitfield are both party animals, and Karen's flirty and a social butterfly while Lela's brave and childish, and quite busy with her firefighter career, so neither of them would be likely candidates for my client."

"I won't mention any names Detective, but if said client is a geeky computer nerd that rarely leaves his house, then I concur. Just so you know, if it's who I think it is, he's also a slob and a loser, so I'm not sure there's any girl in town who's going to find him appealing as a partner!"

With Richter's information leaving Janette less than convinced she can conclude this case in her client's favor, she nevertheless chats with Sadie too.

"Congrats on your pregnancy Sadie! I saw Shonda at the theater yesterday and she mentioned she was going to be a big sister! I think my client would be thrilled to become a parent but to make that happen we need to find him a date first! I know someone with your talent and celebrity status isn't likely to come across many homebody sims, but maybe you've heard something on the grapevine about another lonely single?"

"I'm afraid not Detective. Between my singing career, being a wife and mother, and finding our last houseguest a place of her own, I'm kept pretty busy. But maybe you could check with one of the clubs in town and see if they know of anyone that might drop in from time to time but keeps to themselves? Saying that out loud makes it sound even more ridiculous now that I think about it, going to a club then not socializing, but that's the only input I can provide."

Janette knows it's a long shot but she decides to follow Sadie's advice and check's with the proprietor of Mick's Karaoke.

"I know it sounds bizarre, but do you have any female patrons that come in but then keep to themselves?"

The proprietor pauses and says, "That's not a bizarre as you think! There are quite a few patrons that drag along their less social single siblings or friends to get them out of the house and show them 'a good time'! There's one woman in particular that spends all her time on her laptop while her much more social sister dances and sings karaoke. Unfortunately, I don't remember her name, but I do remember that her sister has a music career and she's here almost every night after work as she can't resist a chance to party."

"Sisters, one social and one not. They shouldn't be too hard to track down! Thanks for the information. I owe you one! Maybe I'll make my next party a location destination and throw it here!"

"It would be an honor to host one of your parties, Detective. Give me a call and we'll discuss it."

But as fate would have it, down the street Jemma's chatting with one of her clients, Lanya Avilla, and her reading falls right into place with Janette's case.

"I see you meeting your soulmate soon Ms. Avilla!"

Lanya's response to Jemma's reading was humorous, as she said with a smirk, "A tall, dark, and handsome stranger, I presume?"

"Average height, though he does have dark hair, but his nose it too large for him to be considered handsome. He's far from being a neat freak and he's considered a loser by many, so not a perfectionist like yourself. But you both have two things in common, you're both single and spend most of your time in front of computers!"

"I see. Not exactly a hopeless romantic's dream guy, but it's a start. I guess. Do you know his name?"

"Just his first name, Girbits, his on-line persona name that he's made his legal name. But I think someone with your computer skills should be able to track him down fast enough. "

"He doesn't spell it with numbers does he, like that Sw0rd guy from Sunset Valley that's become a legend in the gamer community? I know most sims consider me to be a geek myself, but that's taking things a bit too far!"

"No, I didn't see any numbers in it."

"You know, now that you mention it, I think I've seen his name on a few sites that I frequent myself. I didn't realize he lived here in town! I think I'll take your advice and chat with him a bit, at least give him a chance!"

Jemma called Janette right after speaking with Lanya Avilla so Janette heads straight to her clients home with the news.

"This is the first time one of my twins' readings coincided with one of my cases, Mr. Worthington, so your potential match will be contacting you directly! I suggest you put a great deal of effort into making this relationship work as this may the only chance for love either of you will have! This town just doesn't cater to nerdy home bodies!"

Girbits is stunned by the news, staring off as he whispers, "You actually found someone that's willing to give me a chance? I…never dreamed you could do it! Thank you Detective! From the bottom of my lonely heart!"

"You're welcome Mr. Worthington, with you now having a prospective date, I'll consider this case closed!"

Back at the house, Jonas and Tobias are painting together and Jonas takes the opportunity to apologize.

"I'm sorry for going off like that at Bella, Tobias. I'm glad that Jemma was there to keep me from making a bad situation worse! I'll be apologizing to her directly but I wanted you to know I'm not proud of how I acted."

"It wasn't your fault Jonas. Bella brought about that whole incident by trying to get Cassidy into trouble. I have the feeling that it's going to be quite the challenge to keep her in line until her birthday!"

"Well, I have to say I admire the way you and Jemma both handled it! And though Bella's behavior hasn't been the best, she wasn't lying about Cassidy being out after curfew, alone with Forest at the Festival Park! I never dreamed Cassidy would even think of doing something like that, so I'm thinking she's going to prove just as challenging as Bella!"

"At least Cassidy's motivation was being in love rather than being grumpy and evil! According to Jemma, Grandpa Sam's take on the whole thing is that raising teenagers is harder than the rest of their childhood put together."

"I hate to say it, but I think Grandpa Sam hit the nail on the head with that bit of wisdom. Requiring all Frio offspring to roll random traits sure doesn't make this journey easy! And I'm not so sure being the heir grandparents is going to be any better when it comes to the child and teenage years!"

"No, not easy. But if you, Janette, Jemma, and I stick together, I think we can get through the next few weeks. Then it will be mainly the new heir couple's responsibility to raise their kids in the next town. As grandparents, we can do the fun stuff, teach toddler skills, introduce them to books and painting, take them to the library and to the Festivals."

"I like the way you think Tobias! I think either one of us could handle reading bedtime stories and the fun stuff!"

Downstairs, Luci and Bella are working on homework.

"Thanks for helping me with my homework Bella, aren't you going to finish yours on your multi tab?"

"That would be great, but I'm grounded so I have to do it the long way! Luckily, I don't have to work tonight as it's probably going to take forever!"

Seeing Bella help Luci with her homework, Jemma's heart softens towards her elder daughter and she says, "I could help you with your assignments, if you'd like?"

Bella agrees knowing that with parental help her homework will be completed faster.

And the two of them get comfortable on the floor right there in the living room.

I'm hoping that it's just a coincidence that Cassidy chose to sit down on a nearby couch to quickly use her multi tab to do her own homework.

But odds are that Cassidy is not only enjoying Bella being grounded but even more delighted that she can rub Bella's nose in the fact that she's almost done with her assignments and Bella's just started!

After helping Bella with homework, Jemma goes for yet another swim in the pool,  and the full moon triggers a zombie that's thrilled to be in the presence of a celebrity!

As much as Jemma loves the supernatural, dealing with zombies on an empty stomach doesn't appeal to her so she heads back inside, mumbling, "What a wacko!"

She meets Bella on the patio and Bella contritely says, "Mom, I'm really sorry about my behavior, trying to get Cassidy in trouble, saying those nasty things about her. I…I…hope you can forgive me!"

"Oh, Bella. Of course, I forgive you! I remember some of my own mood swings when I was a teen. It's not an easy life stage to get through! But seeing you help Luci with her homework, then letting me help you with yours, it's good to see you trying to get along with others, especially family. Let's put this incident behind us and move forward on a more positive note."

"Does that mean…you're letting me off the hook?"

"Your father and I discussed it and you've done a lot of chores, more than we expected really, and adding your helping Luci with her homework…then yes…you can consider your grounding over. But that doesn't mean misbehaving again next time you're in a bad mood! Remember…heirship takes into consideration how you handle stressful situations, taking it out on others wouldn't be setting a good example."

"Understood. Thanks Mom!"

Jemma and Cassidy are eating a late meal when I get a notification that I should set Luci's doll Patches on the floor.

I'm a bit surprised since Luci's child birthday was several days ago, but I pull Patches out of Luci's inventory anyway.

And she becomes an imaginary friend!

Jemma freezes as both her perceptive powers and supernatural awareness go into overdrive, asking, "Is it just me or is there someone else in the room with us Cassidy?"

"You mean like one of the family ghosts, Aunt Jemma?"

"No. No. It doesn't feel like a ghost. But I can definitely sense… someone."

Cassidy shudders and says, "Oh, I feel it now too. The presence of someone I don't know. It's making me feel very uncomfortable. I think I'll head up to bed."

"Don't you want to know who it is?"

"Not if it's a stranger! You may feel like a stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet Aunt Jemma, but to me, they just scream stranger danger!"

Luckily, Luci doesn't feel that way and she's filled with awe as she meets an old friend that kept her company throughout her toddlerhood.

"Patches!?! Oh, you're the same size as me now! Mom is right, meeting supernaturals is awesome!"

"I might be one of the awesome ones Luci, but that zombie looks hungry! Let's get inside the house!"

Janette pulls up another case on her computer and again gets The Hacked Off Client for case # 25.

But since it involves Sonoko Lee, Dane's mother, I follow her over to the Lee home to interview her new client.

"It's just a credit mistransaction Detective. If you could just help me out with it, I'd pay you well for your time."

"It's not for me to judge how you spend your money, Mrs. Lee, but wouldn't it be cheaper just to pay the bills?"

"I'm afraid the bills are larger than your fee Detective, much larger! I know you can be discreet and with my son Dane going steady with your niece Bella, well, I was hoping you would consider it a favor, between potential family?"

"I'm afraid hacking into the police data base to eliminate bills would be against my oath as a detective…"

Sonoko looks away and sighs, saying, "I was afraid it might be against your principles Detective. I'm brave enough to risk doing it myself, unfortunately my genius doesn't include any computer knowledge. But I'll figure something out…sorry for wasting your time."

"Oh, my time hasn't been wasted! I'll check the data base and make sure all your bills get paid and that there's plenty of money in your bank account!"

"Oh, I couldn't allow you to do that Detective!"

"Call me Janette, Sonoko! Remember, we're potential family and family always helps each other out! Case closed!"

I follow Sonoko inside to get a peek at the Lee home.

It's very basically furnished and doesn't even have a crib, just a sleeping mat that their youngest, Suzi, is fast asleep on.

As I watch, Sonoko covers her young daughter and whispers, "Dane was right, Suzi. The Frio's are good people. I thought, with them having girls like Dane, they'd be awful, but they're not like that at all. Janette didn't even bat an eye at paying all our outstanding bills and helping us get back on our feet. Maybe Dane has found the perfect family to fit into after all. "

The full moon hasn't just attracted zombies and imaginary friends, the family ghosts are out in full force.

"Another beautiful baby girl for Odette and Chase, Watcher! I'm glad they took the plunge and had another child!"

"But I thought all the family ghosts were unhappy with that idea?"

"That was mostly Jared, you know how he is, happiest when he's making others unhappy, using Odette's age to make the decision seem irresponsible! He was even more furious when he found out that you allowed her to drink that Age Freeze Potion! He went on and on about how unfair it was. But you know Founder Jared, he's perfectly fine with others being slighted, in fact, he enjoys that immensely, the meaner the action, the better. But when he feels like he's on the receiving end, well, that's a different story!"

"Yes, I know first hand just how mean Jared can be. But he does have a few redeeming moments now and again. Which makes me think there may be hope for him yet!"

"If Founder Claire gets to voice an opinion on that, I doubt she'd agree! But I agree with you, he did support me about pursuing a culinary career, when most of the family thought I was crazy to want to be anything like Jared! And that did bring two refrigerators into the family, as we both topped the career."

"Yes, it's been a wonderful boon to the family having refrigerators that keep food fresh indefinitely. Especially when they are perfect meals from the replicators. We don't have many of those left, but Janette surprised me and made perfect Goopy Carbonara, Jonas' favorite meal!"

"It's been lovely chatting Watcher, but I need to find a rocker…somehow being ghostly is very tiring."

"You'll have to go downstairs to find an empty one. And with the full moon, zombies are roaming."

"Not a problem. I can handle zombies. My lack of a sense of humor would have them passing out from boredom in a heartbeat. Well, if they had a heart."

With a chuckle she adds, "Look at that. I made a joke! Just goes to show you can overcome any trait if you put your mind to it!"

After Lorelei departs, I chat with Samuel who's settled into the rocker in the art gallery.

His smile lets me know he's pretty happy about the current family situation too.

And his words affirm that, "A new baby for Odette and Chase, Bella and Cassidy having boyfriends, Luci getting the Lucky trait for her child birthday, making friends with a couple of her classmates and now having an imaginary friend. I think things are moving right along here in Starlight Shores, Watcher!"

"I'm more than pleased with everyone's progress Samuel! You were right to advise us to let things happen naturally instead of freaking out over traits. Bella's still a handful at times and Cassidy's always plotting something evil, though she's been keeping that to jump-scaring family members."

"But the co-heir couples are working together and handling their daughters, letting the little things go and focusing on strengthening the girls' characters. Just look at how well Lucinda's heirship turned out and she wasn't the easiest sim to get along with!"

"You're not telling me anything I don't know! A mean-spirited fairy brings unique issues all on it's own! The tricks they play can tear down relationships super easily!"

"So it was a good thing Lucinda was a loner, it kept her from wanting to interact with others, saving those relationships. That's why I'm sure there's a good reason both Bella and Cassidy are evil, you never know which trait will be the one that makes things easier for the town they journey too."

"That's true. And no matter what traits past heirs have had, they've always managed to keep the journey going forward. It's nice to have a level-headed family ghost to chat with Samuel. Keeps me focused and more balanced whenever I start feeling overwhelmed."

"Any time, Watcher, anytime."

Founder Jared is ensconced in the rocker on the 2nd floor deck.

Though I mentioned him last, I'm sure he doesn't consider himself least.

"I do not, Watcher! And with good reason! I'm one of the foundations this family was built on. A good, strong foundation. I know, I know…some of my traits are hard to live with, at least that's what others keep telling me, but without me this journey wouldn't have even begun…"

"The journey began with Claire, Jared! And after seeing how deep in the red your relationship was…I seriously considered having her find a new boyfriend! Connor would have probably been a wonderful choice!"

"Connor? I love my brother Watcher, but…he wouldn't have lasted a week with Claire's temper!"

"Maybe not, but he certainly got us through the lean weeks with his novels raking in all those funds! What you and Claire were bringing home at the lower levels of your careers only had you scraping by, even with Claire supplementing your incomes with 'found' items from the neighborhood!"

"I'll give you that one, Watcher! Connor not only built up our family funds but he helped out with the kids too. I still feel bad about Connor losing Agnes so soon after we moved to Moonlight Falls. I know Claire really wanted to see Heath and Jenna and their families, but seeing Connor so alone without Agnes, raising his daughters on his own….it was one of the hardest things I've ever witnessed in my life."

"It was. But…I've been thinking about that. Maybe we can fix some of the things that didn't work out so well for other family members. After we finish this journey."

"If we ever finish this journey, Watcher! You haven't even settled on an heir for this gen yet!"

"Your confidence in me is underwhelming Jared! But heirs typically don't get chosen until after they become young adults as final traits and lifetime wishes can change things drastically. Unless one of them shows a pronounced interest in the position, like Lorelei.  And I want to include Luci as one of the heirship contenders for this gen, so it will be a bit longer before she gets a feel for her personality or demonstrates decision making qualities."

"You always have to complicate things so much Watcher. Going on and on. Just look at how long this conversation is, how long you've made this whole chapter. Yet you'll sum it up in four or five sentences! Maybe readers should just skip to the summary in each chapter, and not bother with all the other superfluous stuff!"

"The superfluous stuff would include most of my conversations with you Jared. But if that's what you want, I can remove those and focus on other family members."

"You've got a point Watcher! The wisdom from the family ghosts, especially the founders, shouldn't be overlooked! Carry on!"

Bella's tried to cause mischief for Cassidy, gotten grounded for it, but then let off the hook due to good behavior and apologizing to her mother, Jemma.

Luci's IF doll, Patches, has become an imaginary friend, but unless she becomes real she won't be the same after the move to the next town.

And we've only got one spot for an heir spouse as it is, so yet another decision to make.

Luci's lucky trait has made her more confident and very competitive, but we'll see if that changes after her teen birthday, which is coming up soon.

But it's Chastity who has the next birthday and we'll get to see who she looks like when she becomes a toddler.

(Just ignore the fact that I've actually confirmed Jared's pointed comment and summed this chapter up in five sentences!)

I can't wait to share toddler spam in Chapter 303: Mood Swings and A New Toddler
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 303: Mood Swings and a New Toddler
« Reply #329 on: June 17, 2021, 01:48:18 PM »

But my high hopes are dashed first thing the next morning as Bella doesn't wake up in just a grumpy mood, but in a full blown mood swing, not a great start to the day.

But she dutifully makes her bed despite her mood, which brightens slightly as she says, "Since Cassidy's asleep and I'm not grounded, she can make her own bed when she gets up!"

As Bella goes to shower and get ready for school, I check on Cassidy and just shake my head when she rolls out of bed and makes a similar face.

Well, this should be an interesting day, two evil teens having mood swings!

But laughter from the next room has me peeking in to find Luci and Patches pillow fighting.

I can't resist and check out Patches stats, finding out that she's a perfectionist who loves animals and swimming.

Not bad traits for an imaginary friend, or any one at all, really!

Definitely better than I expected considering the traits the other girls in this house have rolled.

Downstairs, I find Bella eating some waffles she's just prepared, as she says, "Gramlei, my waffles turned out pretty good if you'd care to try some. At least they're not spoiled like the stuff I ate last week!"

"Thanks Bella, but I thought I'd see if there's anything in the fridge that I've never eaten before."

"There's probably some stuff leftover from one of our parties, but those meals are always normal quality, nothing like the perfect food you used to make."

"Party food doesn't sound half bad, anything but cake! After two sets of twins and more than a dozen grandchildren, I'm never eating cake again!"

Downstairs in the basement, Jonas has made another big invention, a miner.

"That one's size is deceiving on the inventing table too Jonas. We'll have to place it outside so you can give it a try, maybe get to explore a tunnel."

But just as I place the miner in the backyard, Jonas' gets a phone call, the op to make The Ultimate Invention!

"Can I accept it Watcher?"

"I think a Simbot takes up a household space Jonas, but we could always move it out afterward, if you're successful in making one. It's quite the task, it requires Palladium, 10 Life Fruit, and a heart-shaped Pink Diamond, and scrap, but that's easy enough."

"I'm up for the challenge Watcher and I've only got a skill point and half left before I master painting, so I'm close to completing my lifetime wish."

"But what about all those sculptures you still need to make to complete the sculpting challenges?"

"Sculptures are great Watcher, but the chance to create life…like the op said, it's the ultimate invention!"

"It's an invention neither Clarisse or Chase ever made, so it'd be a unique contribution to the journey."

"Well, that makes the decision a no-brainer!"

So I lock in the op and Jonas starts scouring the town for a piece of Palladium.

He finally finds one as I remember to check the family chests, where I find four of them! Oops!

But the chests also held six life fruits, and Jemma had another four in her personal inventory, so Jonas has the ten needed for the first steps of the Op.

With another day off to fill with activity, Jemma visits with her parents, but this isn't just any visit.

It's Chastity's toddler birthday!

Jemma loudly blows on a party horn as Odette stands before the cake holding Chastity.

Chase apparently forgot all about the event, but he's finally heading toward the cake to join Odette and Jemma to celebrate this milestone in his youngest daughter's life.

As sparkles twinkle around Chastity, I think at first that like, Jemma, she's got blonde hair, so I quickly pop her into stylist for a closer look.

It turns out that Chastity aged up bald but actually has her mother's dark hair!

She's a cutie in a bright pink and white every day outfit, with defined cheekbones hiding in her chubby toddler face.

Except for Odette's hair, she doesn't look much like either of her parents with that light peach skin tone, but she reminds me of Odette's younger sister, Ella.

I guess the blending took Chase's skin color and paired it with Odette's intensity.

Which, now that I think about it, is possibly what happened with Cassidy and Luci, but I'm still going with the green-tones they each had when their icons popped onto my screen, prior to the blending.

For her outerwear I add gray pants, though somehow I forgot to change the bright red shoes to white or pink!

Chastity doesn't seem to mind the oversight and that's a good things as it's doubtful I'll get back here to change it, with how busy the main home will be over the next few weeks.

Freed from stylist, Chastity makes a beeline for her toy box and happily plays with a rocket ship.

Maybe this little loner is hankering for the emptiness of space, a budding astronaut perhaps?

But she's willing to give up her toy in exchange for a bottle to fill up her empty tummy.

I'm just glad Chase actually remembered to feed her, though I'm sure Odette or Jemma would have done so if he hadn't.

Coal, now a grown cat, seems to be opting for Chase's attention but hopefully he'll accept Chastity soon enough.

Janette had headed off to the police station to get started on another case, but she obtains one through a phone call instead.

"You and your neighbors keep finding your mailboxes filled with junk mail from the bookstore? I'll check it out Ms. Chen."

Janette heads over to the Chen's neighborhood and checks a few mailboxes.

"This is the third one I've checked and it's full of junk flyers for the bookstore. I think I need to have a little chat with the bookstore owner! A flyer now and again isn't an issue, but dozens of them at a time is a waste of paper and resources!"

I let Janette head off to the bookstore alone and check on other family members.

I find Bella playing basketball with her father, Tobias, with both of them enjoying it as they build up their athletic skill.

The game ends and Bella is so pumped that she pops a wish to go jogging.

With a couple of hours left of her mood swing, I decide that's a good idea, as it should keep her out of mischief for a bit, so I click down the street and have her jog towards her grandparents house.

I head back over there myself, and check on our newest toddler.

To find Chastity playing happily with another toy, a tank.

Rockets and tanks?

This girl may have a real future in the military.

Jemma's not anywhere inside, but I finally find her.

Outside swimming in the pool, of course!

"I thought you were here to visit your parents and Chastity? You can swim at home!"

"I fulfilled my duty, Watcher! Chastity is now a toddler and, though she's the sweetest little sister I could imagine, I needed some alone time, to rebalance myself."


I figure Bella should have arrived by now, but I check out front and she's nowhere to be seen.

I click on her icon and find her following her mother's example and swimming in a pool.

But at the Platt/Cupp home, all by herself!

"I thought you were jogging?"

'I was, but jogging after playing basketball with Dad had me feeling all hot and sweaty, and the pool was so inviting I couldn't resist."

"Is Janie coming out to join you?"


"Vincent? He became a teen recently."

"If you must know, Watcher, no one is home! And let me remind you, I have a boyfriend!"

"And let me remind you that I saw you pop that wish to learn Rick Hamilton's sign when you were at school today!"

"That was just a random wish that generated because of my mood swing, I don't have much control over stuff like that."

"I'll give you that, you don't have much control. You also popped a wish to no longer be friends with your father!"

"That was because he won the basketball game, though I don't know how as he spent more time on his butt than making baskets."

"Well, since no one is home, you better go to your own. It's not nice to use the neighbors' pool, or anything else, without permission."

"Again, I'm NOT nice, Watcher!"

"Now that I don't need to be reminded of!"

I catch up with Janette as she shares the details of the case with her client.

Janette ignores her ringing phone, saying, "The bookstore owner has agreed to cease and desist with the flyers Ms. Chen."

"That sounds good Detective. I just hope he does so before my mailbox explodes!"

"I made him aware of Mayor Woods' stand concerning eco-friendly practices and of the fines he could generate if the Mayor and his staff are made aware of his current method of drumming up business! So he's going to look into offering eBook services as a viable option for his readers. Though that will probably mean an increase in spam texts and emails, at least your mailbox will be uncluttered Ms. Chen. Case closed."

Then I remember I left Jonas delivering the required life fruits at the hospital for his Op.

I sigh in relief as he's hanging around outside and hasn't done anything too crazy.

Then I realize we are about to witness the addition of another nooboo as Alora Platt is in labor!

I keep expecting Alora to go inside to deliver her baby, but it doesn't happen, so I click on her and get the option to 'take to hospital', even though she's standing right outside the doors!

Since Jonas is right there, I have him do the honors, and he dutifully follows the mother-to-be inside.

Moments later, Nigel Martin arrives, proud as punch at becoming a father!

While Matias Singh is still ranting with Girbits Worthington, "It's amazing that the poor woman even made it inside! I have the worst luck, and I can't remember the simplest things! You'd think I'd recognize a woman in labor since I'm the father of two, wait…three boys!"

"It was a stressful situation Mr. Singh, between the two if us, I'm only good with computers, so it's a good thing Mr. Frio was here. Crazy as he is, he at least had the sense to bring Ms. Platt inside!"

Despite the lack of help, a few moments after that, Alora comes out, holding her precious daughter, Liza!

Jonas looks proudly on as his mood is boosted by a new baby moodlet, even though it's not his child.

And Cassidy meets her father as he's coming out just as she's going inside.

"Just dropping off my science project items Dad. I'll be home soon. Isn't little Liza cute? I'd hang around but I don't know most of these sims!"

So we survived two simultaneous mood swings and got to see another cute toddler, Odette and Chase's youngest daughter, Chastity Frio, who's younger than all seven of their grandchildren!

Jonas has embarked on The Ultimate Invention Op, now needing a heart-shaped pink diamond.

Rest assured I will be thoroughly going through the family chests before trying to find one some other way.

And Alora Platt and Nigel Martin have a beautiful newborn daughter, Liza.

Next up, Jonas cutting gems to discover the heart-shaped cut and continue with his Ultimate Invention and Janette works on another long case.

Follow along in Chapter 304: Teaming Up
Coming soon.