Author Topic: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story  (Read 123811 times)

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 363: First Hatchlings
« Reply #390 on: May 31, 2022, 12:46:47 PM »

As Lee heads inside a very familiar building, I frown in confusion.

"This is the library, Lee. I thought you were going dragon hunting in the wilds of the Valley?"

"This place might look like the Middle Ages, Watcher, but there are no wilds! Progress, no matter how slow, comes to every town."

"Wow, when did you get so philosophical?"

"It's amazing the epiphanies you have when the night sky is filled with the sight and sound of exploding metal!"

"You seriously expect me to believe that?"

Lee chuckles, "No. But it sounded cool, didn't it? It's a line from one of my favorite shows!"

"So why the library?"

"Because it's where Indigo directed me to go. But not actually in…"

Lee enters the front door, walks silently through the main floor, and out the back door.

Then he stops at a hidden staircase that was covered with brush moments ago.

"How'd you do that?"

"An inventor never reveals his secrets!"

"Lee, that line is old and it's supposed to be a magician!"

"What can I say? I watch a lot of classic tv shows."

"Then you should know that going down a dark staircase below an ancient library into the unknown is not a good idea!"

"Indigo says it's perfectly safe and he'd never let anything harm me."

"Your mother will give me the evil eye if she ever finds out I allowed you to do this."

"Then don't tell her. I'm not planning to. Unless something good happens, then I'm taking full credit for my adventurous, finally-off-the-couch spirit!"

"Bella is right! Your traits don't reflect it, but you really do take after her in more than your looks!"

Lee doesn't respond to my jibe, he just takes a deep breathe and begins his descent.

Down, down, down, flight after spiraling flight, each one darker than the last.

Until he reaches the bottom of the final flight of stairs.

And walks into a sitting room that's lit up like a cathedral after all those gloomy stairs!

Without hesitation, Lee bends down and collects the dragon egg that's centered between the grouping of chairs.

"Ah, right where Indigo said it would be!"

Then he heads behind the oddly placed wrought iron fencing and retrieves not one but two more dragon eggs!

"That's all for down here, Watcher! Indigo says there are plenty more around town and he'd like to release as many of his brethren as he can, but I think three is enough for our first group of hatchlings."

"Is that the only reason you want to head home now?"

Lee flushes and says, "No! Between digging through trash piles, blowing things up, and hunting for dragon eggs, I'm exhausted! I'm not used to all of this activity as my two favorite things, as you are very well aware, are standing in front of my inventing table or lounging on the couch!"

"Well, unless you want your mother to start training you, I wouldn't mention that. Besides, you're driving a motive mobile so all your needs are full! So before you head home, why don't you drop off those toys you made to complete your first Op?"

Lee comes out of the building in shock.

And I'm just as surprised as those toys earned him a jump to level 5.

"Congratulations! You're an Experienced Innovator now!"

"I can't even take it in…things are moving along so quickly!"

"Yes, they are. I never expected a couch potato to get engaged, married, and get half-way through his chosen career all before the end of the first week in our new town! Your mother's not going to believe this!"

"I can't believe it, Watcher. So what now?"

"For starters, lets get those three dragon eggs you found for Indigo hatched!"

Lee nods and heads for home.

Once there, he removes Indigo from his satchel and eagerly says, "I've retrieved your brethren, my friend. Now a treat for you!"

Playing a game on the computer, Pal asks, "Brethren? You found more dragonlings?"

"No, more dragon eggs. At the junkyard Indigo felt their presence and directed me to them, in a room deep under the library!"

"How many? Will they be hatching soon?"

"Three of them. I'll head outside now and find a good spot for them to begin the maturation process."

"Is this spot okay, boy?"

Lee listens for a moment and says, "Sure. Go ahead and check it out."

As Indigo flies high above him, Lee watches him eagerly.

"Look at you go, boy! Flying high!"

Then Indigo circles around several times surveying the area.

Lee claps in delight, "Wow, with enough space, you can really fly, boy! So, what do you think of this spot?"

Indigo lands on Lee's outstretched arm pulls his wings in close and squawks loudly in approval of the hatching site.

With the spot chosen, Lee carefully places the three dragon eggs on the ground.

It's not long before Jade and Pal are eagerly chatting with their chosen eggs.

Jade chats about the weather and Pal brags about physical prowess, hoping to obtain dragonlings with different colors and abilities from Indigo.

Soon Bella joins them.

Her topic of choice?

Plotting against her enemies, of course!

Even the arrival of the paparazzi, Ellen Curren and John Fallon, doesn't stop them from interacting with the dragon eggs.

In fact, Jade, Bella, and Pall are so engrossed with the activity that they don't even seem to mind Ellen snapping photo after photo.

An excited cheer from inside the house has me rushing upstairs to find Lee doing a happy dance.

"I did it, Watcher! I discovered a miner!"

"That's great, Lee! That's another way to find pink diamonds. Now you've only got one more big invention to discover."

Lee immediately gets back to work, so I head back outside to check on the dragon eggs.

Even though Bella started talking to her egg last, it's the first one to hatch!

And Bella's not even paying attention to the magical event happening behind her.

But paparazzi Ellen Curren is and, as soon as the hatchling has flown to Bella's arm, she's snapping photos again!

With Bella being so focused on plotting against her enemies, I'm surprised that her dragon is green.

Bella doesn't seem to mind and feeds her new pet, which she's named Emerald, a treat.

Then I realize why when she says, "You like to garden? I just started one! How fortuitous!"

Jade and Pal, a bit envious that Bella's egg hatched first, renew their efforts.

And Jade is rewarded as her own hatchling arrives in a puff of smoke and sparkles.

A green twin to Emerald that she names Jada.

Pal shouts to his own egg, "Come on, little guy, you're late to the party!"

Jade rushes off to get more dragon treats just as Pal is distracted by Ellen.

Of course, that's when his egg starts to shimmer.

And a third green dragon joins the Frio family!

Paparazzi Ellen sighs and heads off to more news worthy events, saying, "All green ones? Well, that was a let down!

I'm sort of feeling the same way, until Pal shouts, "I'm sure they feel the same way about you, lady! Verde is very discriminating!"

That's when Dane gets home from work and finds three green baby dragons have joined the family.

Emerald perched on Bella's shoulder.

Jada munching on the treat Jade found for her.

And Verde on Pal's arm, squawking away to his new companion.

Paparazzi John Fallon hurries after his co-worker looking a bit disappointed as well.

But the paparazzi, as well as Bella and Dane, should have stuck around because Verde's squawking was a prelude to using his special abilities.

Verde flew up into the air as green bolts of magical energy shot from him in all directions!

Pal gasped, "Are you seeing this, Jade!?!"

Jade, her voice filled with even more emotion than usual, said excitedly, "It's truly amazing, the ground actually moved! The dragons DO have magical powers. Tabatha is going to be thrilled and so is Mom!"

Pal adds, "I'm not sure we should tell her!"

"But Tabatha loves anything supernatural…"

"Not Tab, your mother! If green dragons can find treasure that easily, I shudder to think what powers your mother would control with the red and black ones!"

"I'm afraid of the same thing, Pal! Purple dragons are all about charisma, having parties, and making friends. Green dragons, as you and Bella already discovered, can find treasure and help with gardening, learning the skill and harvesting. Red and black dragons can help with athletic and logic skill, but they also have much deadlier abilities, as they can breathe fire and curse sims!"

Jade murmurs, "Any chance that the eggs in town won't hatch dragonlings of either of those colors?"

I sigh and say, "With my luck and Murphy's Law, if we WANTED those colors, we probably wouldn't get them, but if we DON'T want them, they're sure to show up!"

Pal adds, "And because Bella wants them and we don't, that just evens up the odds!"

With Indigo's help, Lee found three dragon eggs in a room hidden deep under the library.

And all three hatchlings are green, which will help with gardening and locating treasure.

But I have a feeling Indigo will spur Lee on to find more of his brethren and there's bound to be red and black ones amongst them.

I guess we'll just have to deal with them if they show up.

For now we'll just focus on getting through a night with a full moon!

Join me in Chapter 364: Full Moon Madness
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 364: Full Moon Madness
« Reply #391 on: June 05, 2022, 05:40:01 PM »

Oblivious to the green dragonlings magical abilities, I find Lee meditating in the living room.

Tabatha turns and looks at me asking, "Should I be concerned, Watcher?"

"Well, he's not watching tv."

"True. I know he's meditating, but why? He's never done it before!"

"We could stand here all day and not guess, so let's just ask. Lee, I hate to interrupt, but why are you meditating?"

Lee doesn't break form, but replies, "Because I needed to center myself. Mom said it was a good idea before starting something with unknown consequences."

"And just what would you be doing that had unknown consequences?"

"Follow me and find out, Watcher!"

With those words, he jumps up and heads outside and Tabatha and I follow.

The sun casts it's last rays as Lee says excitedly, "While you were waiting for the eggs to hatch, I discovered my final big invention, a Time Machine!"

"I see that. But I'm not really sure you should be messing around with one just yet..."

But Lee isn't listening!

He's programmed the machine and jumped into the swirling purple mist!

I pull back hoping to find someone as concerned about this turn of events as I am.

But Bella, now that's she regained her title of Empress of Evil, is nonchalantly walking down the back porch steps showing off her evil aura.

And Tabatha is entertaining a co-worker, Aislin Walsh, in the hot tub.

When I draw her attention to the time machine, she dutifully gets out and glances over at it.

But instead of being concerned she gushes, "This is the best day ever, Watcher! Three magical green dragons have joined the family! Lee's exploring in his very own time machine, and just look at the magical purple glow it gives off! I've already made friends with Aislin and now there's a zombie manifesting right behind me!"

Why did I think a supernatural fan who's already made friends with ghostly Founder Claire, eaten a magical jelly bean, and turned blue, would be fazed by her husband traveling in a time machine!?!

Tabatha settles back into the hot tub as the zombie and the paparazzi circle in for the kill.

Not literally, I hope, but both groups seem like vultures as they swarm the active lot.

Lucky for Tabatha, John Fallon isn't among them tonight.

But Ellen Curren is keeping a sharp eye on the zombie lady shuffling towards her.

Better zombies than reporting that the newcomers have a time machine in addition to baby dragons!

I can just make out Aislin Walsh inside, but I don't spot Bella anywhere.

A quick click on her icon zooms me to the front yard, where I find Bella chatting with Emerald about gardening.

With Emerald's assistance, Bella's closing in fast on another gardening skill point so it shouldn't be long before she can plant Life Fruit, if we can find some.

I hadn't planned on having another inventor in the family, certainly not one with the Monster Maker lifetime wish, and Jonas's master invention used up the last of the life fruit from the family chests, so we're starting from scratch.

I have a feeling that between Tabatha's small pets and Lee's simbots, the green dragons, as well as the Collection Helper, are going to be used a lot in this town.

I hear a shout from inside the house and head inside to check it out.

Jade's beaming as she plays another intricate riff and says, "I mastered guitar and completed my lifetime wish!"

"For someone who is a couch potato, and neither charismatic or a virtuoso, you did that fast!"

"The multi-tab gets most of the credit for the charisma."

"But learning the guitar skill so quickly was all due your own hard work. Definitely something to be proud of! So…I guess you and Pal will be looking for a house of your own now?"

"Soon, Watcher, soon. I'd like to spend a little time with Pal before we leave."

"You both deserve some down time after all your hard work so I'll go track him down for you."

Nearby, Tabatha is getting to know one of the dragons.

"Watcher, little Jada is amazing, she's teaching me all about gardening. I'll be able to help plant and tend the garden with Bella and help grow all the life fruit Lee needs!"

"That works. With the grow station and three green dragons we should be planting, growing, and harvesting crops faster than ever. Have you seen Pal?"

"I think he's upstairs on the balcony working out."


But before I can go upstairs, I get pulled outside.

To find Tabatha's new friend, Aislin Walsh, giving in to the effects of the full moon and giving Lee a lunatic slap!

No surprise as Aislin's bio* states that she 'makes some of the best food in town, but isn't the most stable person around,' most likely due to her being neurotic and insane.

I'm sure the slap wasn't anything Lee expected, but on the bright side, he survived his adventure in the time machine.

I finally make it to the upstairs balcony just in time to see Pal complete his wish to earn another athletic skill point.

"Looks like you're getting more congratulatory praise in the dark, Pal."

"I'll take it, Watcher!"

"It's well deserved but that's not the reason I came looking for you. Jade's downstairs in the living room and she'd like you to join her."

"For what?"

"That's her news to tell!"

Pal hustles downstairs and asks, "Did you want to watch the stars together again, sweetheart?"

"Not tonight, Pal. I completed my lifetime wish and I wanted to do something more special."

Jade quickly walks to a more open spot and Pal follows.

She pulls out her guitar and serenades Pal with a song she wrote especially for him!

"When I was young, you were my special friend,
from days start to it's end.

There to cheer me up when times got rough,
by my side when things were tough.

Always there, always ready to care.

You fell in love and so did I,
but not with you, my special guy.

And yet, you were always there, ready to care.

A magic potion and you were real,
That's when true love I started to feel.

My eyes were opened, and so was my heart,
from my special friend, I never wanted to part.

You were always there, ready to care.
And I was ready to care, to always be there!

Our love grew and grew,
ever stronger, ever true.

Then you tied your life to mine,
left the town you knew behind.

My promise to you now is to always be there, to always care!
To always be there, to always care!"

As the music faded, Pal stood there in shock, letting Jade's words wash over him.

Then he rushed to her and held her hands, his voice husky as he said, "That was beautiful. I love you so much! And you know I'll always be there for you!"

Jade gazed at Pal and said, "That's just it, you always have been. But now I'm making you the same promise!"

Then Jade twirled Pal into her arms and looked deeply into his eyes, "I love you too! I'm so glad you never gave up on me!"

Lee murmurs, "Nice song, but I'm trying to watch a show here."

Jade replies, "You should be taking advantage of the full moon and spending time with your wife!"

Lee sighs and takes Jade's advice.

He finds Tabatha out on the back porch with Founder Claire, both of them rocking and enjoying the evening.

Tabatha hesitates at Lee's invitation, not wanting to offend her new friend.

But Claire smiles indulgently and says, "Don't worry about me Tabatha, I'm good to go here in this rocking chair. You two are still in the newlywed stage and should spend time together. Jared and I didn't get that opportunity as we were barely speaking to each other when I found out I was expecting his child. In fact, if the Watcher hadn't shown up when she did, odds are we'd never have reconciled. That pregnancy ended up being twins and so did the next one, so alone time was at a premium. You need to take advantage of this time, before your own babies show up!"

Settled into the hot tub, Tabatha sighs with pleasure and gives Lee a loving smile.

"This was a fantastic idea, Lee. Just you, me, and steamy bubble-filled water!"

Lee gives Tabatha a self-satisfied smile in return, his face scrunched up and showing off his tip-tilted eyes.

But then he admits, "Just like Grandma Claire, Jade told me I should take advantage of the full moon and spend time with my wife. But the hot tub part was my idea, so I'm glad you like it!"

But the full moon hasn't just brought out crazies, paparazzi, and zombies, more of the family ghosts are visiting, Founder Jared and Sam.

And the full moon has given Sam enough strength to stay upright in the presence of another ghost!

"I'm so proud of you Sam!"

But then Jared floats on through the wall.

Which is all it takes to send Sam into a full-blown panic!

And then, to no one's surprise, he passes out cold.

At least Jared wasn't here to witness it.

Out on the back porch, Jared is rocking slowly with such a thoughtful look on his face it makes me nervous.

"What are you up to Jared!?!"

"I'm just sitting here rocking, Watcher. Minding my own business."

"Not very likely."

"Well, Claire did mention that she'd met a new family member recently, one that's interested in cooking, so I thought I'd stop by and share some tips and tricks with her."

"Claire told me she'd thought better of asking you and was going to ask Lorelei."

Musing, Jared says, "Lorelei may have been present for that conversation…"

"My guess is that conversation was between Claire and Lorelei and you were eavesdropping! Come clean, Jared!"

"Well, I may not have initially been part of it, but since Lorelei can't seem to manifest…"

"Is that still an issue!?! NRaas has shown me a couple of errors concerning her but I was hoping re-loading had fixed it."

"Well, you'll have to figure that out yourself, Watcher. The sun is about to rise and I have a date with a pretty girl!"

And to my utter shock and her own, when Jared greets Tabatha, the hearts are mutual!

"It's so nice to meet you, my dear. Even though we have nothing in common, I feel drawn to you!"

Allowing the handshake to go on much longer than necessary, Tabatha coos, "I've no idea why, but I feel the same way!"

She continues, "It's such an honor to meet you, sir! I've been wanting to meet the family ghosts from the time Lee told me about them. I met your wife and we became friends quickly, I hope you and I can have just as close a relationship."

You could almost see Jared preening as he replied, "Please start by calling me Jared, my dear, all my close friends do."

As Tabatha looks into his eyes, almost as if mesmerized, she purrs, "Of course, Jared…"

With Jared being inappropriate and the full moon wreaking it's havoc, I'm afraid to think what's going to happen next!


When Jared suddenly shudders and says, "I'm unaccountably starving, my dear, please excuse me!"

And he made a beeline for a plate of food that had been left on the dining room table.

The food wasn't just old and nasty, it was also Firecracker Tofu.

Which Jared discovered when his ears exploded with red hot smoke!

Then a flame worthy of a dragon shot from his mouth when he tried to speak!

Behind him, Ara said, "Serves you right, Grandpa Jared, for that totally inappropriate introduction to your newest many times removed granddaughter! Poor Tabatha will probably be scarred for life!"

Jared struggled to reply, but instead of words he only managed to flail his arms around.

"No, I don't have any sympathy for you! I may share your inappropriate trait but I draw the line at flirting with family! I've already warned my mother about that kind of behavior and now you've been justly punished by fate!"

But with full sunrise comes sanity and Tabatha quickly approaches Jared, "I'm so sorry for my reaction earlier, Founder Jared, I don't know what came over me…"

"No, my dear, it's I who should be the one apologizing. I should never have approached you during a full moon in a town reeking of magic! As one who loves the supernatural, you were bound to be overwhelmed by my ghostly charms…"

I groan as, even for Jared, he's laying it on a bit thick!

But then he continues, "I take full blame, my dear, and as such I will suffer the consequences and take it upon myself to instruct you in the ways of cooking that only a Five-Star Chef can…"


Tabatha starts at my loud interjection as I repeat, "No, Jared. The consequences of your actions will be to help me figure out what's going on with Lorelei. Once she can manifest again, Lorelei will be the one helping Tabatha with her cooking skill."


"I could always ask Ara to keep an eye on you…"

Jared mutters, "Why did it have to be the crazy one that was inappropriate…imagine how much fun we'd have had if inappropriate had been given to her mother, the flirty one that's grumpy and evil! Or even to the eccentric, excitable one, only he doesn't like to party. Oh, the one who's a great kisser and over-emotional would really have been a wonderfully inappropriate sim…but she's never nude…so no fun there. Really, Watcher, the traits these last few gens have been all over the place!"

"The ones we started with weren't much fun, either, Jared!"

"But you started with me!"

"Exactly. Now, go and find out what's going on with Lorelei on your end and I'll do some research on mine."

"Must I?"


"I'm going, I'm going. No need to call in the crazy cavalry!"

Well, now that was a night full of crazy, more than I've ever seen happen on a full moon before.

But Jade did complete her lifetime wish and she expressed her feelings for Pal in a song she wrote just for him.

Hopefully, that will encourage those two to further their relationship and maybe give Bella a chance to throw a wedding party after all.

As for what's going on with ghostly Lorelei, that's still a mystery.

One I hope I can solve soon!

Follow along and see what happens in the next chapter.
Coming soon.
Author's note:
*From <>

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Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 365: Making New Friends
« Reply #392 on: June 10, 2022, 06:13:10 AM »

That afternoon, Bella was too close for comfort, so I had Gianni quickly start another painting.

But no worries as Bella got a phone call that had her exclaiming, "You want me to WHAT? Go on a date! Forget it mister! And don't call me again or you'll be sorry!"

Before I can calm Bella down, I get a message that has me scurrying to the Garda Police and Military.

Where Pal is beaming at reaching level 5 of his career, so he's now a Flight Officer!

"Wow, you weren't a squad leader very long at all! Congratulations!"

Pal says, "Thanks, Watcher," but he seems to be distracted as he gives Dane a side-long glance.

That's when I notice the green magical bolt by Dane and ask, "Is that what I think it is?"

"It is, Watcher. I let Dane borrow Verde so he could experience the mark of the green dragon personally!"

Dane isn't even trying to hide his feelings as he eagerly chats with Verde.

"So how long does it take for you to locate treasure?"

Verde squawks, flies high into the air, the ground shakes and there's a thud directly behind Dane!

Dane gasps and shouts, "That was a bit close, boy!"

So close that Dinny Kelly started jotting down notes and taking photos for the paper.

With Verde safely perched back on his arm, Dane gives the paparazzi the evil eye and says, "Back off! This is MY dragon!"

"I need to record what just happened, Mr. Frio. That dragonling just found a rare gem!"

Seeing the pink in amidst all the rock, I give my own gasp, "Could it be…"

Dane turns to collect it and says, "That's right, walk away, as the gem's mine too!"

Once it's in Dane's inventory, I discover it is a pink diamond!

With the two Lee has in his inventory, courtesy of the family chests, we've got enough to make all three of Lee's simbots!

Back at the house, poor Pal isn't having nearly as much fun as Dane.

As Bella's idea of a welcome involves scaring the daylights out of him as he walks in the front door!

Pal flings his hand to his heart and shouts, "By the Watcher!"

Bella chuckles evilly, "She couldn't save you this time!"

As Bella walks away, basking in her evil aura at another successful jump scare, I commiserate with Pal.

"Sorry I got here too late to distract her."
Pal laughs, "Well, she's certainly giving my brave trait a workout!"

"Now that's a positive attitude! Not everyone in this family would react as well."

"True. But since Jade and I will be leaving soon, I can afford to be magnanimous."

"Soon as in…"

"No definite date yet, Watcher. But thinking soon keeps me from losing it!"

"Well, if it gets too bad you can always take your aggression out on the archery dummy!"

"I've been putting it into my workouts, but I'll keep that option in mind."

Outside on the front porch, Tabatha is not ruining a relationship but making friends with the maid.

But not without a paparazzi taking note of it!

The maid gives Ellen Curren a disparaging glance and says, "I'm afraid there's no privacy to be had for celebrity families, mistress. It will be all over town that you've been chatting with the help!"

Tabatha shrugs and says, "It's in my nature to be friendly. I chat with all creatures, from family ghosts and dragonlings down to lowly snakes and everyone and everything in between. I'm not sure any of that's newsworthy but to each his own."

"Yes, mistress. And speaking of my own, I best get to my work."

But Tabatha isn't the only one meeting new sims as when I go check on Lee I find him still in the village.

"Excuse me, but aren't you Lee Frio, the guy that supplied all those toys for City Hall?"

Startled by being addressed by a stranger, Lee turns and waves a bit nervously, "Hi! Yes, I'm Lee Frio and I did drop off some toys recently."

"Well, if I could have a moment of your time, I'd love to write an article about your contribution for the paper."

"You work for the paper?"

"Yes, sir! I'm Quinn Flanagan, Investigative Reporter for the Dragon Valley Dispatch. And I'd love to get an exclusive interview with our town's newest resident and philanthropist!"

"Philanthro…no, it wasn't anything like that. I'm an inventor and crafting mechanical toys from scrap is all part of the trade. Not a big deal. Nothing anyone would care to read about in the paper, unless they were an inventor themselves."

"Wait…are you saying you didn't just buy the toys and donate them? You actually made the toys yourself!?!"

Getting to talk about his favorite subject, Lee can't contain his excitement, "Of course I made them myself! In fact, I spend most of my time in front of my inventing table. The things you can make with odd and ends are only limited by your imagination! But they weren't donated. In fact, City Hall was so impressed with them, they paid me quite handsomely! Far more than I ever expected for doing something I love!"

Quinn's voice raises as he says, "Well, we have something in common then, Mr. Frio, because I get just as excited about finding good stories as you do about inventing!"

Discovering they share a trait has earned Lee his first friend in Dragon Valley.

But the maid was spot on about celebrity families not escaping public notice as Lee's new friendship with journalist Quinn Flanagan is also noticed.

This time by paparazzi John Fallon, who has quite the satisfied look on his face.

And who knows who the military woman, Marion Hooley, is texting!


I get back to the house to find Bella out in the garden.

"I'm just finishing up here, Watcher, no need to badger me into planting, weeding, or watering!"

"So what is it you want?"

"Why would I want anything? Can't a mother do something that will benefit her son without being accused of ulterior motives?"

"Most of them. But not you!"

"Fine. I need your help in locating some dragon eggs. My sources tell me that there are some in the cemetery, but it's dark and it'll go faster if you help me find them."

"Your sources?"

"Not my minions, Watcher! They'd have taken them for themselves without a moments hesitation. If you must know, Emerald told me."

"Well, since you asked so nicely and did all the gardening, I'd be happy to accompany you to the cemetery."

Bella hurries across the cemetery courtyard and says, "Hurry up, Watcher! It's almost time for me to go to work!"

Then she runs behind the stone bench and says, "There's one right here! See? I didn't even need your help!"

Then she crouches down and starts chatting away to the egg!

"Who's the one holding us up now, Bella!?! Just pick that one up while I look around!"

"You are so bossy, Watcher!"

"I learned from the best! And before you start preening, I mean your ancestors!"

"Which ones?"

With a sigh I say, "Take your pick. Claire, Sophie, Sasha, JoAnna, Lorelei, your great-grandmother Lucinda, your mother Jemma…you definitely come from a long line of strong-willed women! Sophie was known for bossing Grim around!"

"Now that takes guts!"

"She's a brave one, that's for sure! She's responsible for bringing fae genetics into the family. But her bravest act was staying behind in Twinbrook and letting Adam's ghost continue with the family on the journey."

Bella gulps and says, "I don't think I could ever be separated from Dane…it hurts just thinking about it."

"Yeah, you'd not have someone you can flirt with and jump scare!"

Before Bella can respond I add, "Oh there's another egg over by those three headstones around back!"

Bella runs over and quickly picks this one up and asks, "See any others? I need to head off to the criminal warehouse before they rob me blind!"

"One by the corner of the mausoleum."

"Three more eggs will do for now, Watcher! There's the curfew whistle! I've got to hurry or I'll be late!"

"Why the rush? You’re the boss!"

"What kind of example would I be to my minions if I showed up late!?!"

With those words, Bella spins into her career outfit and sprints off.

That's when I notice the eggs in Bella's inventory are counting down already!

I knew Bella shouldn't have talked to them!

As soon as Bella's off work, I head over to the warehouse, but I'm too late as two dragonlings are already hatched.

Bella says disgustedly, "I'm going home! I can't even pick them up because I have Emerald with me!"

"But what about the third one?"

"That one hatched as soon as I walked out the door. It's green too!"

"Three green ones again? That is a bit disappointing…"

"Disappointing!?! It's annoying! And don't try to soft soap me into believing you're not secretly satisfied!"

"Well, I am and I'm not. I'd love for the family to discover all four of the different colored dragons. After all this is Dragon Valley and what the town is known for. I'm just not sure how safe the town would be if you had control of the dangerous ones!"

"Well, at least you're being honest now. But you know I won't stop searching until I have a complete collection, Watcher! No one in my position with my temperament would!"

But when we get home, we find Ara eagerly chatting to another egg.

"I found it on the top floor of McCafferty's Pub! I was responding to a call there and went exploring. I can't wait to see…"

Before Ara can finish, Bella is crouching down and crooning to the egg, "Hello my precious! I have a feeling you're going to be special!"

Ara jerks upright and stares at her mother, her thought bubble clearly expressing her feelings!

Tabatha walks in on this scene and quickly walks back out the door.

Ara doesn't even bother voicing her displeasure at her mother's behavior, just stalks furiously out the back door.

Oh, that poor gnome!

Bella's so focused on the new egg that she doesn't even notice that Ara left.

And this time Bella's perseverance is rewarded!

Bella turns with her new friend on her shoulder and says, "I knew this egg was special, Watcher! I can't wait to see what I can do with her powers!"

"Please don't tell me you named her Precious!?!"

"Of course, not! That would just be silly! Her name reflects her inner spirit. She's Flame!"

"And just what plans do you have for Flame? Keeping in mind that this gen will need to find partners here!"

"I always keep the end game in mind, Watcher. But why bother playing if you can't torment the other players?"

Bella says this with such a determined look on her face that I don't doubt she means it, literally!

Dane's new friendship with dragonling Verde has helped us find a pink diamond.

Tabatha's become friends with their maid.

Lee's found a bosom buddy in Quinn Flanagan, Investigative Reporter for the DV Dispatch.

And both events were witnessed by paparazzi.

With my help, Bella found three more dragon eggs, but they all hatched green dragons.

Ara found another egg on the top floor of MCCafferty's Pub and brought it home.

Only to have Bella claim it as her own and name it Flame when it turned out to be a red one!

Bella gained another dragonling friend, but her friendship with Ara has taken another hit.

But that's not the worst of my worries as Bella has plans to put Flame's powers to use!

How long before she put her plans into action?

Follow along and find out in Chapter 366: Retribution and Romance
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 366: Retribution and Romance
« Reply #393 on: June 18, 2022, 02:53:17 PM »

Apparently sooner is better than later for Bella, as when paparazzi Ellen Curren walks into the living room without an invitation, Bella's evil aura flares and she chuckles, "Well, well, well, what do we have here? Looks like someone wants to join our game, hey Flame?"

But to Bella's consternation the paparazzi's attention isn't focused on her and Flame, but on Ara!

"Officer Frio I was hoping I could have a word with you. It's not often we get a celebrity of your caliber in town, not one who joins the local law enforcement agency anyway. Could you spare a few moments and tell me your first impressions of our little town?"

Ara grins at Bella's gasp of indignation and says, "Of course Miss Curren, I'd be delighted to. There are some in my family that don't respect either the law, the press, or even family, but I'm not one of them! Let's go into the study where we can speak in private."

When the door to the study closes with a resounding slam, Bella, her evil aura flaring, asks in confusion, "What just happened here, Watcher?"

"Consequences of your own actions Bella."

"But my own daughter just consented to give an interview to a paparazzi! What have I ever done to…"

"Seriously Bella!?! What have you done!?! For starters, constantly jump scaring everyone and shouting at Lee repeatedly when he was a teen. To Ara specifically, you've flirted with Gianni! And if that wasn't bad enough, the dragonling on your shoulder you stole from her!"

"But my temperament, my traits, are responsible for most of that! I'll admit, Gianni was a mistake, a big one, but I've not done that again since we moved. As for Flame, well, like Indigo did with Lee, she called to me, Watcher! I swear she did!"

"And you couldn't have apologized to Ara about what happened with Gianni? Tried to mend your relationship? Been the bigger person? The adult that you're supposed to be? Explained about Flame calling you and asked Ara if you could have her? You're her mother, Bella! You've already lost her as a friend and if you keep going down this path, you're going to make an enemy of your own daughter!"

Leaving Bella to mull over my words, I pan over to the dining area to watch Jade and Jada.

Jade pets her dragonling whispering, "It's okay girl, no one's mad at you."

At Jade's soft touch, Jada calms and folds her wings back down.

"When did you get to be such an expert with animals?"

"I've been watching Tabatha. She told me it's the tone, not the words, Watcher. Jada nearly jumped off my arm when the study door slammed. I jumped a bit myself. What's going on?"

"More unpleasantness between your mother and your sister. This time over a dragon."

"Speaking of dragons…I was thinking I might give Jada to Tabatha but I've become so attached to her…"

"Since your mother found three more that were all green, we can check and see if they're still there. If not, I'm sure there are plenty more around town."

"Thanks, Watcher. With that settled, I can focus on other plans."

"Hopefully, not plans like your mothers!"

"Not likely, Watcher. Though I'm sure she'll be happy about what I've got in mind!"

Outside, I find Lee and Tabatha sharing a moment.

At least that was what I thought until Tabatha said, "I could barely stand that scene between your mother and Ara! I'd be crushed if my own children didn't like me!"

Lee hugged Tabatha closer and said, "Darling, don't worry about that. Our children will love you. And I'm sure things will settle down between mother and Ara. If not, Ara and Gianni will be moving out soon enough anyway, so that's one problem solved."

"For Ara and Gianni! But we'll still be living here and without the others as targets, you know she'll turn on us, Lee. Or worse, our children!"

 "I would never let that happen! I won't let mother torture you or our children! If nothing else, mother respects the chain of command and as the heir couple, we now outrank her!"

Tabatha cuddles in closer, "I never thought of it that way. That does make me feeling better, knowing we call the shots now!"

"That doesn't mean she won't give in to temptation and jump scare either of us, but she won't do anything to jeopardize our journey."

"Oh, I can live with a little jump scare now and again. And if it gets too bad, I could always let one of my pets 'escape' and have it bite her!"

"That's my girl!"

With Tabatha's fears put to rest, I tag along with Lee to the junkyard.

Lee presses his hands over his ears and shouts, "Stand back, Watcher, this is going to be a big one!"

And Lee wasn't kidding!

The blast was huge and lit up the junkyard in a flash of brilliant light!

But where is Lee!?!

Oh no!

If I've let him blow himself up, I will never hear the end of it!

But cheering nearby has me refocusing my blinded eyes, to find Lee safe and sound clapping with excitement.

"What a blast, Watcher! I don't think I'll ever get tired of watching things explode. The sight, the sound, the excitement! Nothing compares!"

"I haven't had an eccentric sim yet who felt differently, Lee. Though I am surprised you actually made it off the couch to give it a try."

"It's been tough, Watcher. Part of me just wanting to lounge around on the couch channel surfing, other parts itching to discover new inventions, and another part wanting to use those inventions."

"Well, Founder Jared was right about this gens traits being all over the place. Yours certainly have you pulled in different directions. But one thing they all have in common is that you can do all those things on your own, which balances out all the times you have to live in a house full of other sims."

"It does balance out, Watcher. Funny how that happens. But I better get to picking up scrap before my couch-loving self comes to the fore."

"Good idea."

Back at the house, I find Gianni staring at his latest painting.

It's pretty dark, but I finally make out that it's a portrait of Bella!

"Why is it so dark and why does she have red hair?"

Gianni muses, "At a guess, my subconscious painted it dark to reflect her evilness and the red hair represents her red aura."

"Sounds plausible."

"Nicer than saying it's just a terrible portrait! But I'm sure I could do better!"

"The way things are between Ara and Bella are you sure you want to focus on portraits of Bella right now?"

"Good point! I'll try my hand at something that won't get me into trouble!"

Downstairs I find Bella with Dane.

"I've really messed things up this time Dane! Ara's not speaking to me, but she's saying plenty to that paparazzi!"

"Just give her time to cool off, Bella. And then maybe you'll have to apologize and be the bigger person…"

"That's what the Watcher said, but you know how much I hate apologizing!"

"I do. Believe me, I do. But you'll just have to suck it up this time! I only ask one thing."

"What's that?"

"Let me watch!"

"Oh, good one Dane! Me too! Me too!"

Bella huffs, "The both of you are impossible!"

Dane and I chime, "We learned from the best!"

Bella does one of her 360's and pulls Dane close, saying "Nice save!"

"I am a genius!"

"Well, what about me!?!"

Bella murmurs, "Get your own guy, Watcher! This one is mine!"

"Now you know how Ara feels!"

With an exasperated sigh, Bella says, "I'll fix things with Ara, if you'll go annoy someone else!"



"I'm going, I'm going. You are such a grump!"

I hear and odd sound in the backyard and rush out to find Tabatha getting ready to jump into the time machine's swirly purple mist!


"No time to talk, Watcher, the magic is calling me!"

As the purple mist pulses from the time machine, I watch with baited breath to make sure Tabatha's okay.

Only to have Lee exit the machine on Tabatha's heels with a fist pump!

"Oh, that kind of magic!"

Tabatha giggles, "The best kind of all, Watcher!"

But the newlyweds aren't the only ones indulging in romance as I find Dane at the piano serenading Bella.

Both of them in sleepwear.

Something that is sure to be the talk of the town with paparazzi Dinny Kelley rushing inside and snapping photos of the event!

He must have been peeping through a window waiting for just the right moment!

At the intrusion, Bella's aura flares to life, so they'll be getting a nice photo of that too!

But it's Jade and Pal that catch the attention of everyone in the room when Jade drops to one knee, pulls out a glittering diamond and says, "Pal Frio, I love you with all my heart! Will you marry me!?!"

There was a collective gasp as we all wait for Pal's response.

Pal flings out his arms and shouts, "Of course I'll marry you! You've made me the happiest sim in the world!"

The room erupts into shouts of congratulations as Jade squeals in delight.

The happy couple share a loving embrace.

Then a passionate kiss!

Which is caught for posterity on someone's cell and sent out immediately to Simchat, Simstagram, and SimBook!

Pal, a grin spreading across his face, asks, "Does this mean I get to have a bachelor party!?!"

Gianni, despite his lack of interest in clothes, starts heading for the door dressed to impress!

With a shout he says, "You better believe it, dude! I've been chained to that easel long enough and tonight it's time to play some tunes and Par Tay! Call the party dancers and have them meet us at McCafferty's!"

Ara's so stunned by Gianni's clothes and words that she simply stands there in shock.

Tabatha's so preoccupied with shutting off the blaring tv, she doesn't even comment.

I hear a yell from upstairs and find Lee looking sharp in his formalwear sprinting for the stairs!

"You too? I can sort of understand Gianni as he's been itching to play guitar at a party, but you?"

"It's the excitement, Watcher! An engagement should be celebrated!"

"But you didn't have a bachelor party!"

"Because I'm a loner and didn't feel comfortable being around strangers."

"So why would you go to Pal's?"

"Solidarity, Watcher! I can't let down a brother, or in this case, a brother-in-law to be!"

Bella's had a bit of a shock with Ara consenting to an interview with a paparazzi after Bella stole Flame from her.

She's promised both me and Dane that she'll fix things with Ara, starting with an apology.

But I'm not holding my breath on that.

Three of our couples have been indulging in romance with Jade going down on one knee and proposing to Pal!

And with Pal's acceptance, next up is a bachelor party at McCafferty's Pub.

You're all invited to the event in Chapter 367: Bachelor Bash
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 367: Bachelor Bash Part 1
« Reply #394 on: June 21, 2022, 09:35:30 PM »

Upon arrival at McCafferty's Pub, Pal receives a hearty slap on the shoulder from his best friend and co-worker, Kearney O'Shea, "Congratulations buddy! Seems like you've been bitten by the love bug just like my brother, Breandan! He just got engaged to his girlfriend, Shannon MacAnna. No surprise really as they work together, though she's gone into the Forensic branch. Leave it to Breandan to get both brains and beauty! It's going to be hard to top that one!"

Pal said seriously, "You need to put a stop to the rivalry between you two, Kearney. You're brothers, twins, and though I haven't met Breandan, you seem very much alike…"

Kearney laughed and said, "It's a healthy rivalry, Pal. Keeps us both on our toes and moving forward. You'll see what I mean when you meet him." Kearney glanced around the room and added, "I don't see him yet but he's probably pulling a double shift to beat me to another promotion!"

Then Pal got pulled away for a photo and hammed it up with a double peace sign.

The red-haired photographer was pleased with the pose and the venue but Conor O'Reilly wasn't happy they were blocking his way to the foosball table.

Kearney solved that issue when he stepped in and introduced the two to each other.

"Mr. O'Reilly, this is the man of the hour, Pal Frio, celebrating his last days of freedom!"

"I'm glad you could make the party, Mr. O'Reilly! Sorry it was on such short notice. And it's not to celebrate a loss of freedom, I've been in love with my fiancée all of my life!"

"Glad to hear it young man! I'm a family man myself and my wife, my two lovely daughters, and our latest, a son, Colin, are the joys of my life! If fact, we'd love nothing better than to add a couple more kids to our family! But time's running out for us…well, for Chloe, but what can you do…"

Pal smiled and said loudly, "Don't give up hope, Mr. O'Reilly, from your mouth to the Watcher's ears!"

Being said Watcher, I made a note to tweak Chloe O'Reilly's age before she aged up.

Nearby, Gianni is with Mason Sackholme and Robin Hooley, who's wife, Marion, is expecting.

And the guy in the blue shirt is none other than John Burb, who was vacationing with Jennifer Pleasant, his fiancée, prior to their wedding, and ended up stranded here in Dragon Valley!

They married recently but the sad look on John's face makes me think he's thinking of home rather than about his empty stomach, like Mason.

Watcher powers, especially with NRaas, can do a lot of things, but returning them to Sims2 Pleasantville is not one of them.

They'll just have to make the best of their new lives her in DV.

Lee's attention seems to be focused on his journalist friend, Quinn Flanagan, who's dressed to impress outfit is definitely impressive, complete with top hat and gloves.

But I'm more intrigued by the sim in front of Lee, honestly, by his stunning long green hair!

A quick check of Sims's wiki has me deciding he may be Dermot Cullen | The Sims Wiki | Fandom, a homeless townie, who's definitely a candidate for residency!

But then I hear Breandan O'Shea complaining to Bradan MacGrath, "This location is great for a party but it would be even better with some food. I'm starving!"

I hope the mixologist comes to tend the bar I placed soon, before everyone leaves!

But a squeal of the tires of the hot pink stretch limo took everyone's mind off food.

Because the party dancer had arrived!

Pal, and several of the guests, turned to watch the young brunette 'cheerleader' as she danced under a spotlight with a big smile on her face.

Even the kitten someone had put on the floor seemed mesmerized by the bright light and music!!

Finn Dolan even started dancing with her!

Hopefully, that doesn't get back to his pregnant wife, Sarah.

Or worse, Sarah's grannie, Wynn Byrne!

Dane played it safe and just watched, hoping Bella wouldn't take that amiss.

Gianni played it even safer and played his guitar for tips.

Seeing him having so much fun, I guess I've been a slave driver keeping him almost chained to an easel.

But tonight he's getting a chance to cut loose and give in to his virtuoso side.

Other guests took advantage of the mixologists arrival and ordered food and drinks.

Seamus O'Connell being served some fish and chips, while another guest chows down on a hot dog.

Kearney looked happily around the room, just taking in all the chatter and noise of the party.

And I'm glad I hung around at the bar when Dermot Cullen strolls by as he doesn't disappoint!

Just look at those cheekbones, aquiline nose, and the pointy tips of his ears peeking out from those lime-colored locks!

If I ever do a Rainbowacy or a Very Berry Challenge, he's definitely on the list for the color green, even if he is grumpy!

But the party dancer wasn't the only female at the party as paparazzi Ellen Cullen arrived just in time to hear the party dancer ask, "Sure you don't want to dance, handsome!?!"

Dane smirked and said, "Trust me, miss, it wouldn't be worth it to be on my wife's hit list! Especially now that she has a red dragonling that can shoot fire!"

The guests nearby chuckled but Dane, Lee, Pal, and I knew it wasn't a joke!

And I'm sure Ellen Cullen noted down every word of the exchange!

Then Pal asked Kearney to make a toast.

Though he gave them a rather bored look, paparazzi John Fallon's ears perked up at the request.

Kearney did the honors with a big smile, saying, "A toast to my best friend, Pal! Who's not only brave enough to want to become an astronaut and see the stars, but willing to take on, not only a wife, but her family too!"

There was a loud cheer and even louder laughter.

Lee looked at the tray of drinks on the nearby bar, as he muttered, "Isn't that the truth!"

Adding, "At least they get to move out! Tab and I are stuck with my family!"

I'm guessing it's the large crowd that's got Lee so bummed.

And it doesn't get any easier for Lee as, before he could reach for a drink, Kearney sprayed fizzy nectar all over Pal!

While those nearby, including Lee, desperately tried to get away from the sticky spray but were blocked in every direction.

Finn Dolan chose that moment to offer his congratulations and best wishes to Pal.

While Kearney grabbed a drink and the party dancer chatted with… Lee!

And it wasn't only me that noticed, John Fallon was eagerly jotting down notes as he watched with avid interest.

But Pal had all eyes on him again when he emptied a bottle of fizzy nectar all over Finn!

Finn did his best to gulp it down though, like most recipients, he wore more than he drank.

John Fallon moved on to taking photos while Pal and Finn laughed and Mason Sackholme grabbed a drink at the bar.

Lee hadn't given up on grabbing a drink himself so he headed inside to see if one of the other bars still had full trays.

Then Aaron Finnegan took his chance and said, "Congratulations, Pal! Looks like I'm not the only one who loves a beautiful musician! I've been lucky enough to take Siobahn out on a date or two but she's so busy it hasn't progressed any further than that. Any advice?"

"Thanks, Aaron. As far as advice, all I can say is always be there for her and never give up on your love! That's what worked for me. Though it didn't hurt that we lived in the same house and got to spend a lot of time together."

"Now that's not a half bad idea…living together. Thanks, Pal!"

I muse to myself, 'Yes, thanks, Pal,' and make a note to see which of their homes is more suitable for a family.

We've met a lot of the town's male residents and a party dancer.

And I've tried to include all the town news and gossip up to this point.

But the party's not over yet!

In fact, there are more surprises in store in Chapter 367: Bachelor Bash Part 2
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 367: Bachelor Bash Part 2
« Reply #395 on: June 25, 2022, 12:29:36 PM »
Inside, the reason for the toast and Lee's remarks had jumped into her husband's arms.

While Jade was saying, "I'm sorry for crashing the party, Dad, but Mom said it would be okay!"

Dane just took a firmer grip on Bella and said, "It's fine, sweetie. Go find Pal, dance, and have some fun!"

Before she could, Jade's phone rang, and Quinn Flanagan recognized the bride-to-be with a loud gasp.

Lee, finally managing to snag a drink at the inside bar, quipped, "You're popular tonight, sis! Pal's a lucky guy!"

But Jade wasn't the only one who was popular, the party dancer had followed Lee and had money on her mind!

Seamus O'Connell, on the other hand, was not pleased with Bella at all!

I didn't catch her doing anything to him, but being in politics, it's probably not good to be seen socializing with an Evil Empress or her family!

And though the party dancer did her best to catch Lee's eye with a suggestive gesture and wink, making it obvious she was open for a romantic relationship, Lee remained oblivious and totally focused on his drink.

Well, maybe not totally oblivious given the pained expression on his face.

Though that may just be due to the crowded room and not the party dancer's inappropriate advances.

Meanwhile, Dane had hurried to the manned bar and said to the mixologist, "Something pink and fizzy for my wife please!"

"Coming right up, sir! I'm guessing she saw you with your arms full of that brunette beauty!"

Dane frowned and said, "That WAS my wife! Keep your eyes and your comments to yourself or you'll find yourself in a jail cell!"

At Dane's words and no-nonsense tone, the mixologist stiffened and kept his eyes glued to the drinks he was pouring.

With the drinks ready, Dane grabbed a boxed pizza and set off to find Bella.

Which wasn't difficult as he just followed the shrieks as Bella sprayed Jade with fizzy nectar!

With a laugh, Jade gave as good as she got, emptying another bottle as Bella shrieked, "Stop, stop!"

I was waiting for Bella to explode at Jade's retaliation.

But Officer Breandan O'Shea chose that moment to offer his congratulations to Jade.

Which of course had Bella's evil aura flaring brightly, though she didn't say a word, just stared across the room with an interested look on her face.

I followed her glance and found Dane laughing uproariously as nectar dripped off him and from the almost empty bottle Bradan MacGrath was holding.

Then Dane gasped, "This stuff is sticky!"

And he tore off his sticky clothes down to his underwear!

Which had Bradan, Quinn, and Aaron Finnegan, all looking a bit uncomfortable.

I guess keep-your-emotions-under-tight-control Dane has decided to let loose for once.

And in a big way!

Bella didn't waste such an opportunity and was in his arms in a moment, planting a passionate kiss on his sticky lips!

Dermot and Breandan weren't sure where to look with such a public display of affection going on but Dane and Bella were oblivious to anyone but each other.

The next thing I know, Bella's walking away with a curious expression on her face and a baby bottle in her thought bubble!

But, thankfully, her wishes show one for a grandchild, not a child of her own.

While Dane's now focused on Gianni's guitar playing.

Still in his underwear, virtuoso Dane can't resist jamming with Gianni, who's singing at the top of his lungs.

Pal, with Aaron Finnegan behind him, watches the duo tapping his foot in time to the music.

While I have my eye on the party dancer, who's now chosen a better partner to chat up.

Single, Kearney O'Shea.

I'm even more hopeful when the two of them start dancing.

Pal watches his best friend as Seamus O'Connell and Aaron Finnegan share a knowing look.

Most likely thinking the boy's a goner!

He may be, but that party dancer seems pretty fickle allowing Flynn to dance with her, flirting with Lee, and now dancing with Kearney!

It may just be part of her job to flirt and pay attention to the guests, if so, she's at the top of her game tonight.

And she takes it a step further when Breandan cuts in, and she gives Kearney a flirty smile as she dances with his brother!

Pal, finally getting to dance with Jade, just smiles and shakes his head at how she's playing up the O'Shea brothers' rivalry.

I'm just glad she's set her sights on someone other than Lee!

Then Bradan MacGrath takes his life in his hands and asks Bella to dance!

Bella's evil aura flares as she ponders the suggestion and Lee and I wait for the explosion…

Only to have Bella smile and say, "I'd love to dance, Bradan," and start swaying to the music with him!

This has Lee smiling and me wondering what Bella is up to!

First, she just walks away after Jade douses her with fizzy nectar.

Now she just smiles and dances when asked to by a complete stranger.

A handsome, single, stranger…

Being a hopeless romantic, Bella's probably trying to think of someone to pair him up with.

Not just for his own benefit I'm sure, as pairing up the locals would give her grandchildren more partners to choose from.

For once, I'm definitely on board with Bella's plans!

But with the sun coming up and the party dancer dead on her feet, Gianni and Dane play one last song.

Finn Dolan drops in one last tip and the few remaining guests start heading for the doors.

Dane, back in everyday clothes, as is John Burb, says, "Thanks for coming to the party, John! Let me know if you still want that job in Forensics, you've definitely got the brains for it!"

"Thanks, Mr. Frio, but since Jennifer and I have decided to call Dragon Valley home, I think I'm going to accept the full-time position open at the Myth, Legend, Lore, and Fact Facility and put my green thumb to use as well."

"Not a bad choice, John. If you need some produce for a home garden, feel free to drop by and chat with my wife. Better yet my daughter-in-law, Tabatha, as she's the friendly sort."

"Jennifer's friendly too so maybe we'll stop by together sometime soon."

"Any time, John."

Then Seamus O'Connell and Breandan called it a night, or morning rather.

Seamus heading home to his wife, Shawna, his young adult daughter Morida, and his twin sons, Aiden and Brien.

And Breandan heading home dead tired but firm in the belief that he outlasted Kearney by staying up all night.

Until he found Kearney bright-eyed and bushy tailed sporting a smile as he said, "I got the party dancers number last night, brother! Something an engaged sim can't do! I'm planning on calling her later today. Score one for me!"

Breandan just shook his head and said, "But I'm not just engaged… Shannon's going to be moving in since she's expecting our first child!"

He waited a beat for his words to sink in, then added gloatingly, "So I'm still way ahead, brother!"

By the look on Kearney's face, I'm hoping that news will push him to find a partner and start a family sooner rather than later.

I definitely want some O'Shea brother offspring around for potential partners!

Wow, Pal's bachelor party went from dusk to dawn and the things that happened!

Bella and Jade crashed the party, Dane stripped down to his underwear after being soaked with nectar, Bella danced with Bradan MacGrath, and a party dancer made a play for Lee!

But she also danced with single Kearney O'Shea and then his engaged brother Breandan, so quite the player, but if she can prompt Kearney to play catch up and start a family, like Breandan and Shannon, I'll forgive her.

On the bright side, Gianni made §239 simoleans in tips, while Dane earned §1300!

I guess playing in your underwear pays off!

With the bachelor party now only a memory, the Frio family has a few days to relax before the wedding.

But will they?

Let's see what happens in upcoming chapters starting with Chapter 368: Unexpected Events
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 368: Unexpected Events
« Reply #396 on: June 30, 2022, 05:01:17 PM »

I'm not sure what's gotten into Bella.

Agreeing to dance with Bradan MacGrath last night, instead of tearing him apart, was one thing.

But after getting home from Pal's party, she marched straight to the backyard and confronted Ara!

"We really need to talk, to clear the air! I don't like the way things are going between us. And before you say it, yes, I know it's mostly my fault! So, I'm sorry! Please accept my apology and let bygones be bygones."

I'm not sure who's more surprised by this turn of events, me or Ara.

Ara looks away as she rubs her neck and mulls over her mother's apology.

"The thing is Mom, I'd like to believe you, but I never know if you're being sincere or just talking trash, manipulating me for whatever evil plot you're cooking up!"

Bella jerks and stares up at the sky at Ara's harsh accusation.

But then Bella's aura flares up scarlet and has Ara shouting, "See!?! Just like that you flaunt the power you have as the Empress of Evil to make me feel small and powerless!"

Bella stutters, "But that's not how it works at all Ara…I don't control my aura…I wish I could! It just flares up whenever a sim is in my vicinity that's good."

"So why does it keep flaring up around me so much now!?!"

I but in, "Because you're in law enforcement, Ara. It keeps flaring up when she's with your father, even though he's in Forensics and evil too!"

Bella muses, "Oh, so that's why our relationship keeps diving into the red…"

"I'm afraid so. I didn't put that together until after Ara joined the force though. I thought you and Dane were jump scaring each other so much it was destroying your relationship."

Ara asks, "So, you don't just do that to irritate me?"

"Of course not! Like the Watcher said, if I wanted to irritate you, I'd just jump scare you!"

"Oh, that's such a relief, Mom! I kept thinking you were doing it on purpose, just to bug me. Now that I know it's because I'm in law enforcement and that you don't control it, that changes everything. Except you flirting with Gianni…and stealing Flame from me!"

Bella says, "And I'm so sorry for both of those things! Gianni, well that one is unforgivable, so I'm expecting you to hold it against me until we die. Maybe even after. But Flame, well, she called to me from the egg Ara, just like Indigo did with Lee."

"Why didn't you tell me that in the first place!?! I would have given her to you if you'd just asked instead of walking in and stealing her from me!"

Bella sighs and says, "Because I am evil and grumpy and assume everyone will just bow to my will."

Ara grins and says, "You know what assume does, Mom?"

Bella smiles back and says, "I do, so let's just forget that and be friends again."

Mother and daughter share a look and then a warm hug.

"I love you, Mom!"

"I love you too, Ara. Never forget that as I'm sure I'll do something else to annoy you soon."

"I don't doubt that in the least, Mom. I'll probably react inappropriately and insanely too!"

"Wanna catch a movie at the theater while we're still speaking to each other?"

"Unless they have a symphony playing, then we can sit in the audience and boo them!"

"Now that sounds like fun!"

With peace restored between Bella and Ara, for the moment anyway, I check on other family members.

And find Tabatha enjoying the fresh air and sunshine in the front yard with a dragonling.

Two actually, Flame and Verde.

With a big smile Tabatha says, "Check this out, Watcher! Flame can really fly when there's enough space."

Moving across the lawn to avoid stepping on Verde, Tabatha lets Flame go and watches her circle behind her.

Paparazzi Dinny Kelly has arrived just in time for the show and watches Flame with interest.

But when he ignores the flying dragon to give Tabatha a friendly wave, I revise my opinion of who he's interested in.

He better not get any ideas like that party dancer did as he's only a quick click away from being sent home!

As Tabatha watches Flame fly, Dane, Lee, and Gianni arrive home from their night on the town.

"Did you fellas enjoy your outing at Pal's party?"

Gianni and Dane both give a resounding, "Yes!"

While Gianni adds, "We made some decent tips too!"

Lee halts in his tracks, mumbling, "Um, it was okay…too many sims for my taste."

Tabatha giggles and says, "Too many sims or just one too many party dancers, love!?!"

"Nothing happened, I swear!"

"No need for that darling, Jade showed me the photo with you looking oblivious or maybe it was embarrassed! Either way, I appreciate your faithful devotion. I'm sure Sarah Dolan will have a lot to say to her Finn, dancing with her the way he was!"

"How do you know about that!?!"

"There's a full spread in today's paper! They caught most of it in full color. Even if some of you were wearing white!"

Dane laughs and says, "I hope they got my good side!"

Gianni says, "Better yet, one of us playing our instruments! That'll be good for our reputations as musical geniuses!"

I hear a phone ring and head inside to find Gianni in the study, phone in hand.

"Yeah, I've got plenty of paintings completed. Sure, I could drop off a few to decorate your restaurant."

As Gianni ends the call, he stares at the phone with a frown.

"What's wrong?"

"They said they're redecorating their restaurant and want some of my paintings. I think someone's playing a prank on me."

'No, no. Not a prank at all. It's your first painting skill Op and it's called Interior Decorator. They want you to bring §450 simoleans worth of paintings down to the restaurant in the village. It's legit!"

"You were right, Watcher! They loved my paintings and said they gave the place just the atmosphere they were looking for."

"That's great. But I was hoping it would count towards your sales and boost you up at least one level in your career. Since it didn't, and you're in town, you could head over to the Elixir Shop and put the rest of your paintings up for consignment there."

"Or I could take advantage of all the sims here and play for tips!"

"After you get your paintings listed. The sooner you do that, the sooner you advance in your career."

Gianni doesn't waste any time chatting with the consignment specialist, he just lists a number of his paintings.

When the consignment specialist, Lane Croft, smiles and says, "I'm no art critic, but these paintings are great! I'll let you know when they sell, which shouldn't be long!"

This has Gianni thinking about just how far he's progressed towards his lifetime wish, and he's more eager than ever to complete it!

Since he's the only patron of the shop, he drives back into the village to a busier spot.

There are quite a few sims outside of Tome Traders, so he sets up close to the door.

And it's not long before a small crowd has gathered nearby.

Fintan Mithrilen has actually settled his young son, Caine, down on the worn stones to listen to the music.

And a few others have joined the crowd, though they seem to be focused on Sarah Dolan and Sean Kelly dancing together.

I wonder if Sarah dancing with Sean is payback for Finn dancing with that party dancer last night.

I go in for a closer look to find the new arrivals are Maeve and Martin Eames and Martin his holding their daughter, Mallory, who looks just like her dad and older brother Liam.

Martin is actually trying to see Gianni over the heads of the dancers, while Maeve has a bit of a scowl of her face.

Maybe because the place is so crowded she can't pilfer anything?

But soon the whole crowd, now including Hugh Gray and Daric Ordhen, is unhappy, because Martin set Mallory down and she started crying!

Well, not the whole crowd, as Breandan O'Shea is acting adorably lovestruck as he spots Shannon.

Shannon is oblivious to both crying Mallory and her partner's swooning as she's totally focused on reading a book.

But though Mallory's crying is affecting everyone, it's Sarah going into labor that has everyone screaming and panicking.

Including Gianni, who rushes to her and says, "What can we do to help?"

As another contraction hits, Sarah manages to groan, "Get me to the hospital!"

So, Gianni quickly hails a cab and jumps in!

Sarah starts walking slowly toward the waiting taxi.

And she keeps on walking down the street as the hospital is only a block away!

As she gets closer, I can see Gianni waiting anxiously by the entrance!

I just shake my head at the ridiculousness of the situation and hope he does a better job when it's Ara that's in labor!

Bella surprised me and actually apologized to Ara, and they are mending their relationship.

Tabatha is spending more and more time with the dragonlings so I'm with Jade on getting her one to call her own.

Gianni's not only completed his first op, but the paintings he put on consignment sold for over §4000 simoleans, jumping him to level 5 in the painter career!

Gianni also helped, and I use the term loosely, get Sarah Dolan to the hospital as he took a cab while she walked!

That was unexpected, but so ridiculous I had to laugh.

Sarah's husband Finn arrived in time to see the baby born but I missed getting a photo of their son, Finnegan!

Nooboos pretty much all look alike, burrito babies that they are, but I'll try to catch a photo of him when he gets older.

Speaking of getting older, Dane should be having a birthday in a few days, right before the wedding!

But before either of those events, join me in Chapter 369: Dragonlings and Visitors
Coming soon.

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Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 369: Dragonlings and Visitors
« Reply #397 on: July 04, 2022, 04:38:58 PM »

I have Dane, Ara, and Jade visit Mithrilen's Madmen Hideaway where Bella left the three green dragonlings.

And we're in luck because all of them are still here!

Ara picks up one she names Peri, short for peridot, though peridot is actually a much lighter green.

Jade picks another up and says, "I'm going to call her Sage, Watcher. It's safer if she has a name and if Tabatha wants to rename her, she can."

Turning her attention to the dragonling she croons, "You don't need to worry about being all alone anymore. I'm taking you home to a wonderful sim who loves animals!"

So why is Dane playing bass instead of picking up the third dragon?

Because he's confiscated Pal's green dragonling, Verde, again, and can't have two the same color in his inventory!

So, I send Lee down to pick up the last dragonling and the first thing it does is bite him!

Shaking his hand, Lee shouts, "Ouch! That hurt!"

Despite the rocky start, Lee names his new pet Kelly, and they all head home.

The triplets were all settled down watching TV.

But when Bella walked in the room, Lee jumped up and said, "Hi, Mom! We just got back from rescuing those three green dragonlings you hatched…"

Bella interrupts, "Why would you bother with three more green dragons?"

Jade says, "Because I wanted to find one for Tabatha to call her own."

"Doesn't she have enough pets stinking up the house!?!"

Lee bites his tongue and looks away at the dig at his wife and changes the subject, "Why is it still called Mithrilen's Madmen Hideaway? There are no Mithrilen's in control and no one really crazy works there, just thieves and evildoers. I'm surprised you haven't renamed it now that you're the Empress here."

Bella says, "That's a great idea, Lee! I could call it Frio Fortunes or even Bella's Bounty!" With a frown she adds, "But Seamus O'Connell down at City Hall is not one of my fans, so he'd probably not go for the idea."

Ara pipes up, "If you bought the place, Mayor O'Connell wouldn't have anything to say about it. Full owners can name their properties anything they please. As well as hire and fire anyone they want!"

Bella crows, "Even better! I could get rid of the riff raff!"

Jade and Ara share a look, then burst out laughing and chorus, "Mom, everyone that works there is considered riff raff!"

Bella's smile turns sly as she says, "But what I consider riff raff and what so-called upstanding citizens consider riff raff are totally different! Where they see conniving petty thieves, I see potential minions just chomping at the bit to do my bidding! It's those types I want to groom, the ones that can help me grow my business and my fortune, not ones that have designs on my position and are just waiting for a chance to take me down!"

Bella's words have the room going silent, so she quickly fills it saying, "Enough about me, what's on your agenda, Lee?"

Put on the spot, Lee mumbles, "I…I made a miner some time ago, and I'd like to see how it works."

"No time like the present, Lee!"

Which is how Lee finds himself outside in the dark grinding gears on the miner, instead of watching his favorite show with his sisters.

"Why does Mom do that, Watcher!?!"

"Do what, Lee?"

"First, she insults my wife! Tabatha's pets don't stink, she cleans their cages regularly! And then she makes me feel like I'm a no-account slug who's slacking off!"

"You know there's nothing your mother likes more than complaining about something. Even if she has to make it up! As for feeling like a slug, you were just watching tv."

"Not just, Watcher! It's one of my favorite hobbies!"

"But you did want to use your miner."

"I did. But it would be nice to do things on my own timetable once in a while…"

A loud grinding noise interrupts Lee's grousing and he shouts, "Hey, I found a gem!"

The excitement of his first find has Lee forgetting he's out here under duress and he starts enjoying the thrill of using his own invention in addition to the solitude.

Out front, Bella is enjoying spending some time with Flame.

"Here you go, girl! Eat it up and then you can show the Watcher your power!"

Bella waits for Flame to swallow her treat and then sets her on the grass.

Which Flame immediately sets on fire with a blast of her breath!

Bella's voice is filled with evil glee as she raves, "And that's just a few blades of grass, just imagine letting her loose in a crowd of my enemies! What glorious havoc I could wreak with just one command!"

"Don't get too used to that idea, you do have to live in this town when Lee and Tabatha continue the journey."

"Oh, that won't be a problem, Watcher. Once I have everyone cowering in fear, I'll just use a purple dragon to make them all my friends again!"

"But you don't have a purple dragon."

"I don't have a purple dragon yet, you mean! Besides, I could always borrow Indigo from Lee!"

"And by borrow you mean steal!"

"It's not stealing if I give it back!"

"Some may not agree with that logic."

Bella smiles, "When have I ever worried about anyone agreeing with me?"

But her smile turns to a frown when she spots Tabatha getting home from work.

Before Bella can say something ugly, I say, "I want to be there when Tabatha meets Sage. Try not to set the house on fire!"

"I probably won't be out here long, the racket that Lee is making with that machine is horrendous!"

"You're the one that insisted he use it!"

"Always quick to point out my mistakes aren't you, Watcher!?!

"Every chance I get!"

Inside, Tabatha spots Jade with another dragonling on her arm and says, "You found another green one! Indigo will be happy you've freed more of his brethren. And I love having them around, being magical, they're my favorite pets!"

But her disappointment is obvious when she adds, "I'll miss them when you all move out…"

Jade smiles and says, "But you won't be missing this one! She'll be staying here!"

Tabatha turns around as Jade flicks her arm and Sage flutters her wings to land on the floor.

"I named her Sage, which seemed appropriate for the green dragonling of a chef, but you can rename her."

"Green dragonling of a chef? You mean, you're giving her to me!?!"

"I picked her out especially for you! I'll leave you two alone to get acquainted."

Sage immediately flew to Tabatha's arm and started chirping away.

Tabatha croons, "Well, aren't you friendly, just like me!"

Within moments it's obvious that Tabatha and Sage are going to be the best of friends.

Just look at the smile on Tabatha's face!

It was worth the effort of a trip to the Hideaway, despite Bella's disapproval.

Maybe even more satisfactory because of Bella's disapproval!

But I'm not planning on telling Tabatha about it as the two of them have enough conflict without that.

I hear shouting outside and find John Fallon yelling over the noise of the miner, "You're just begging for a citation using that thing this late at night!"

Lee asks, "Is there a law against it?"

John thinks it over for a moment and says, "Maybe not a law, but I'm sure you'll be getting complaints from neighbors trying to sleep!"

Lee quickly turns the noisy machine off and says, "Sorry. I didn't realize it was so late!"

With a contented sigh at the cessation of grinding gears, Bella and Dane snuggle closer together.

Bella says, "If I'd realized how loud that miner of Lee's would be, I wouldn't have suggested he use it."

Dane nods, "Causing others discomfort is one thing, but making ourselves uncomfortable isn't part of the plan so I'm glad he stopped! It's too beautiful a night to miss watching the stars!"

Lee has the same idea, so he and Tabatha settle down on the side porch to watch the stars before heading off to bed.

"It was so sweet of Jade to find Sage for me! Now that I have a green dragonling of my own, I won't have to beg your mother to borrow Emerald to assist me in the garden."

"Well, you can borrow Kelly anytime! But be careful, he bites!"

"Oh, I'm sure that was a misunderstanding…"

"All I did was pick him up and try to pet him!"

"Most animals don't like to be touched unless they're familiar with someone, just like sims! And they don't usually like loud noises either. Did you speak to him softly?"

Lee thinks it over and says, "It was getting late, so I was rather in a hurry. Maybe I did pick him up too fast and startle him."

But dragonlings aren't the only ones startled by loud noises.

John Fallon's warning comes true in spades as most of the Prendergast household comes over looking bleary-eyed and unhappy about being awake in the middle of the night.

John, his voice ringing with conviction, crows, "I TOLD him using that machine would wake up the neighbors! He did turn it off, but apparently not soon enough."

Cassidy shoots a look towards the Frio home and says, "No! It woke up all my children and I'm here to complain about it! The children have school tomorrow and I'm expected at the hospital for surgery first thing! I'll have to re-schedule it now and the kids will be tired and cranky all day! I'll be looking for a full account of this outrageous incident in tomorrow's paper!"

"Oh, it'll be in the paper! Now, to set the record straight, is your surname Prendergast or is it Predergast? I've seen it both ways. More importantly, do I have permission to quote you and the children?"

"Certainly. Though they're all so sleepy I'm not sure you'll get a coherent word out of them! As for my name, the records have it spelled both ways so I'm not sure myself! On my birth certificate, it has Predergast, but the title of my family home has Prendergast. That's one of the reasons I let the children all keep their own family names. No need to make their young lives any more confusing."

John Fallon asks the young boy in front of him, "What's your name son?"

"I'm Dillon Lawless, sir. But I'm not anyone's son. Not anymore. I'm an orphan."

"No need to share our family history, Dillon! I'll be a young adult soon and I'll start looking for a quieter place to live if this is what we'll have to put up with living next door to this family. Rich or not, they could be considerate!"

"Exactly! I agree with you wholeheartedly, young man. Just because they're rich, they shouldn't be allowed to wake up law-abiding citizens!" With an exaggerated shudder, he says, "And that machine! What a nerve-wracking noise! Now if you'll just give me the particulars, so I've got everything correct for my article…name, relationship, and anything else you'd like to add."

Not realizing he's being manipulated to reveal even more, the teen says, "Orion Lawless. Dillon is the youngest and we have a sister, Nora, who just started high school. We've got several other adopted siblings since Ms. Predergast took us in, but I'll be graduating high school soon and I'll be able to look out for my sister and brother on my own! No need to put up with noisy neighbors!"

On the other end of the porch, another teen speaks up, "My sister Sophie will be graduating soon too. She loves living in a house full of sims, but I don't, and this will give me another reason to push for moving out on our own! Though I'm not sure how we would afford it…"

John Fallon says, "A suit against the Frio family for voluntary noise pollution that could be damaging to children's hearing might help you do just that! Full name, please. And are you and your sister orphans too?"

"Corren Dwyer. Yes, we are sir. We lost our parents right after I started grade school. Poor Cara lost hers when she was a toddler, just like Dillon."

The situation with the neighbors and a paparazzi is getting totally out of hand so I have Jade go out and run interference.

She invites everyone in and apologizes, "I'm so sorry for the noise, Ms. Predergast! My brother Lee gets caught up in his projects, but he would be horrified to know he woke up your family. We'll make sure it never happens again. If there's anything we can do to make up for the inconvenience…"

Cassidy mulls over Jade's words, but it's when she glances at the younger children looking happy and excited, not sleepy at all, that she relents and says, "No real harm done. But please pass on to your brother that children need their sleep and as a surgeon, so do I!"

Just then, Bella and Tabatha come in the front door and, by the looks on both their faces, they've had another altercation, or maybe Lee mentioned Bella's disapproval about the additional dragons.

Whatever the reason, it's nothing the neighbors need to know about, especially a paparazzi, which would just add fuel to the fire for John Fallon's article.

Though John seems to be viewing the gathering more like a party than a neighborhood dispute.

With everyone on good terms, Jade quickly says goodbye to Cassidy and her family, assuring them that Lee won't use his miner late at night again.

As the last of the children, Orion and Cara, head out the door, Jade says, "Ms. Predergast and the children have accepted our apologies, Mr. Fallon. I'm hoping you can leave it at that."

"Maybe I could… if a donation was made…?"

Jade's voice goes up several notches as she exclaims, "That's blackmail, Mr. Fallon!"

John Fallon's own voice rises as he clarifies, "Not for my benefit! I meant to the orphanage! With funds for each of the children at graduation so they have enough to start living on their own, maybe even going to university. In fact, my article could be all about starting a charitable foundation with your family as the founding benefactors. Better press for your family and the orphans get a helping hand!"

Jade agrees as she nods enthusiastically, "That's a great idea! That would certainly help offset certain other donations…"

Thankfully, before John can inquire into the other donations, Jade is distracted.

She turns and a huge smile adorns her face as she claps with excitement.

John Fallon says, "I hadn't realized you were such a philanthropist, Ms. Frio."

Jade's smile grows bigger as she says, "I'm not. I'm just thrilled to see my fiancé! Doesn't he look handsome in his uniform?"

I was hoping to catch a photo of Pal on the stairs, but a toot of the waiting carpool has him rushing out before I get the chance.

By the time I catch up with him, Pal's outside on the front porch.

"Jade's right! You look very handsome in your uniform."

But Pal isn't paying any attention to me, he's giving the stroller a nervous glance!

"Don't worry. With the house full, there's no baby wishes from anyone yet. I'm just getting ready for when we have an open spot."

"Don't scare me like that, Watcher! I've still got a long way to go in my career before becoming a parent."

"You do realize that once you and Jade move out into a house of your own, I won't have any control of when you start a family right?"

"But if we stay here that means no one can start a family. And it also means continuing to live with jump scares and being at Bella's mercy, so…I'd rather take my chances on being out on our own!"

Three more green dragonlings have been added to the family, Ara's Peri, Tabatha's Sage, and Lee's Kelly.

Lee's miner woke up the neighbors resulting in the discovery that the Frio family lives next to the orphanage.

And it turns out that John Fallon hasn't been totally corrupted by being a paparazzi as instead of an article blasting the Frio family for noise pollution, he wants to write one focusing on a charitable foundation with the Frio family being the first benefactors, of course, to help the orphans.

Some of whom will be having their young adult birthdays soon, and hopefully pairing off and starting families soon after that!

I definitely would like to see some Lawless and Dwyer offspring with those purple and aqua hair colors!

But pairing up isn't what the next chapter will be about as it's more of a show down!

A couple of them actually.

I'll tell you all about them in Chapter 370: Confrontations
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 370: Confrontations
« Reply #398 on: August 11, 2022, 12:15:51 PM »

The next morning things started off well enough between Bella and Tabatha as they discussed gardening.

"Everything's come along nicely, Tabatha, and I must admit having additional green dragons around will be a help when it's time to harvest."

With Bella being so friendly, Tabatha confides, "Sage is eager to help out, Mother Frio. But there's something else I wanted to talk about…I've been thinking about redecorating the nursery! Some fresh paint, a cute animal theme, some new blocks and toys…"

"A nursery!?! I may have a wish for a grandchild but it's way too soon to be thinking about nooboos and bottles! There's not even space in the house until after Jade and Pal move out and we've still got to plan their wedding!"

Tabatha's face closes up and her body goes rigid as Bella dismisses her idea with barely a thought.

Bella was oblivious but Ara picked up on it, stopped flirting with Gianni and quickly changed into her uniform saying, "I'm getting out of here while the getting is good! You may want to head back upstairs love, probably safer up there!"

Bella returns to the subject of gardening, her aura flaring at the interruption, "Now where was I? Oh, I just finished planting another batch of life fruit to help Lee with his lifetime wish! Keeping them watered and weed free should be your top priority…"

Which is when, to my utter astonishment, Tabatha deliberately raises her hand to cover her yawn of boredom!

This does not go unnoticed by Bella and their relationship takes a huge hit as Bella's aura flares brighter and Tabatha says, "Blah, blah, blah, do this, do that, blah, blah, blah!"

"How dare you speak to me that way!"

"Oh, so you're actually listening to me now. Instead of just talking about your own plans, your own agenda, and not caring a fig about what anyone else wants!?!"

Bella says angrily, "You don't know just how close you are to being smacked!"

Tabatha sneers, "Try it, just try it! I know it's tradition to have the heir grandparents stick around, but as the heir couple Lee and I could have you out of here in nothing flat! We're in charge now and you're here on our sufferance."

Tabatha doesn't even wait for Bella's reply, just brushes by her and into the kitchen.

"You're going to cook now?"

Tabatha won't even look my way, but keeping her gaze carefully averted answers, "Cooking helps me relax. And I need some distance…I'll just go grill some hot dogs. They're easy and Pal's favorite."

With the hot dogs steaming on the nearby picnic table, Tabatha calms herself even further by chatting with Sage.

But then Bella stomps out, her evil aura pulsing, and makes my error clear as she shouts, "What are you doing with MY dragon!?!"

Tabatha doesn't even flinch but keeps her voice soft so as not to scare the dragonling on her arm.

"Doing what I always do when I see an animal in need of love and attention. Providing it. Not like some who drop them at a whim to fend for themselves."

Following through on her own words, Tabatha croons, "You'll feel better with a full tummy won't you, Emerald?"

Bella shouts, "Just give her to me!"

"That's no way to treat her, shouting like that. Just look at her wings trembling. Let me calm her down and if you promise to feed her, I'll leave you to it."

After watching Emerald down bite after bite of food, Bella looks quite contrite.

And her words, confirm it, "You were starving, girl! I'm so sorry. And now I have to find that girl and apologize to her too."

When Bella tracks down Tabatha, 'that girl' has Flame on her arm and I'm waiting for yet another confrontation to erupt.

But the room stays quiet, which surprises me as, even with Jade napping in a rocker, Bella's not usually one to hold back.

I turn, wondering if Bella left the room, but find her standing in front of one of the green dragonlings.

Keeping her back turned, her voice tight as she forces the words from her mouth, Bella says, "Thank you for taking care of my dragonlings, Emerald was hungry and I'm sure Flame is too. I'll…I'll try to be more aware of their needs from now on."

It may not seem like it, but for Bella, that's probably as close to an apology as Tabatha is likely to get and Tabatha knows it.

"You're welcome. Why don't you feed and play with Verde since Pal and Dane are at work? He was sleeping when I came in…"

But Verde is not sleeping.

He's strangely still with his wings stuck straight out.

"Oh, no! Verde has been struck by the dreaded dragon glitch!"

Bella takes a step back and hisses, "The dragon glitch! Is it catching, Watcher!?!"

"No. But it's fatal to dragonlings. I'm sorry, but the only thing I can do is delete him."

"You're sure?"

"I'll keep him around for a bit and do some more research, but I'm pretty sure there's never been a fix."

Behind her Tabatha makes a distressed sound and says, "That's just awful. The poor thing. Is there a way to prevent it?"

"I'm not sure, but I think keeping them in your personal inventory may help."

Bella goes back out to the side porch and immediately picks up Emerald.

"I'm not taking any chances with Emerald, Watcher! In my inventory you go, girl!"

"What about Flame?"

Trying to keep her voice even, Bella replies, "That girl is caring for Flame."

"If by 'that girl' you mean Tabatha, she left to go read at the library before her shift at the restaurant."

"And left Flame on the floor so she can be struck by that glitch!?! How dare she!"

Before I can explain that I'm sure that wasn't Tabatha's intention, Bella has stalked off to retrieve her pet.

So much for the beginnings of a truce.

Bella quickly picks up Flame, relieved that she's still active and unaffected.

"In you go, girl. Spend some time with Emerald and make friends."

"In Tabatha's defense Bella, leaving Flame in here on the floor was her only option, unless you would have preferred Tabatha putting Flame into her own inventory?"

"She wouldn't dare!"

"You can't have it both ways, Bella! And after the episode earlier, we both know she would!"

"She is showing a lot more back bone than I expected…"

"Which is a good thing for an heir's spouse. She'll need to be strong to continue the journey and make the sacrifices required of the heir couple."

"True. But the things she said to me! And all because I…"

"Because you totally dismissed it when Tabatha wanted to talk to you about redecorating the nursery…and ordered her to focus on the garden instead!"

Heaving a breathy sigh, Bella admits, "I guess that was pretty high-handed of me. She will be the next gen's mother, so I should cut her some slack and let her start making decisions. But…"

"You're used to controlling the reigns, not being the one controlled! So how does it feel?"


"Then remember that feeling when you start acting the Empress with your family. They're your children, not your minions, and their feelings and desires need to be considered, not just dismissed. And their all old enough to make their own decisions, not be ordered about, especially Lee and Tabatha as the heir couple."

I head to the library to check on Tabatha and spot Jennifer Burb quietly reading.

It looks like she's made peace with the fact that she's living in Dragon Valley now.

Then I notice that the book she's reading is calledMurder in Pleasantview!

Maybe she hasn't quite made peace with living here after all!

I find Tabatha chatting up a storm with Sean Kelly, about cooking, of course.

"I just love making my favorite, Stu Surprise! You can make it with anything you've got in the fridge, so it's not only tasty, but a frugal meal that doesn't waste leftovers. Something my eco-friendly husband appreciates."

The look on Sean's face looks polite but a bit bored.

But I'm proved wrong again when Sean responds with, "I'm a grilled salmon man myself! The coals provide a unique flavor to the fish. But marinating them, now that's the key."

So instead of gaining more cooking skill at the library before work, Tabatha spent the whole time chatting about cooking!

But on the plus side, she made a new friend, so she did accomplish something.

Back at the house, Lee has exciting news for Bella.

"I got the Master Invention Op chain, Mom! It just came in. The first step is to deliver a piece of Palladium to the Myth, Legend, Lore and Fact Facility!"

"The what!?!"

"The Science Center."

"They really do need to rename some of these businesses, but whatever it's called, you should get started on it right away… I mean, when did you plan on doing that?"

"Right now! The Watcher found a piece of Palladium in one of the family chests and popped it into my inventory. You're the first one I got to share the news with as the call came after Gianni and Ara left."

"Left? Where did they go?"

"The Renaissance Faire. Gianni's hoping for a big audience when he masters guitar! Catch ya later, Mom!"

With an evil chuckle, Bella pops Flame out and says conspiratorially, "How about an outing, girl? You and I can check out the Faire, catch some music, and maybe liven up the place with a little dancing!"

The first thing that I see when we get to the Faire is just how close Gianni is to mastering guitar.

Then I notice Ara giving an autograph to a super excited Mason Sackholme.

But where has Bella gone off to?

Oh, I really don't like the look Bella is casting across the Faire.

Someone is in for a bad night.

I doubt I'll get a straight answer, but I ask anyway, "Bella, what are you plotting?"

As Bella strides across the Faire grounds, she says, "You'll find out soon enough, Watcher."

I pan back to Dane and Gianni trying to keep Bella in my sight as well.

That's when I spot poor Mason between them on the rock path, just dancing to the music.

With Bella cackling ominously behind him.

Bella calls Mason's name and he turns and walks towards her.

The poor unsuspecting guy!

I'm not sure what Bella has planned but it can't be anything good.

Not for Mason, anyway.

I pan over to get a closer view.

With a word from Bella, Flame flies high above her and shoots a fireball that engulfs Mason in flames!

And has him hot footing it to put them out!

Bella crows, "That's it Mason, dance, dance, dance!"

Ara seems mesmerized by the flames and doesn't even shout out, 'Stop, drop, and roll,' like a proper police officer would, but maybe she's not had fire safety training yet.

It's more likely that she's enjoying seeing Mason' distress but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

The flames only last a few moments and Mason seems none the worse for wear.

Though the relationship between him and Bella suffers big time.

I'm glad Mason is unharmed, but I expected something a bit more dramatic.

Bella must have too as she exclaims, "That's it!?! Why aren't you writhing on the ground in pain!?! I've gotten bigger reactions with my jump scares. You're not even singed! Maybe Flame needs more practice…"

"I think that's enough for one night, Bella! I need to focus on Gianni."

But when I pan back to Gianni, he's sporting a grin a mile wide with no skill bar over his head!

Dane says, "Congratulations, Gianni. You've mastered guitar!"

"I missed it! I'm so sorry, Gianni."

"No worries, Watcher! It's the accomplishment itself that's got me flying over the moon!"

Tabatha finally snapped and put Bella in her place!

Not only asserting her rights as the heir spouse but as the resident animal lover, pointing out Bella's failings with her dragonlings, Emerald and Flame.

Bella didn't take it well but has actually admitted her mistakes and grudgingly accepted Tabatha's position.

But that didn't stop her from taking out her feelings on poor Mason Sackholme and having Flame shoot a fireball at him!

Mason survived but, with all that drama, I missed seeing Gianni master guitar.

Gianni was a good sport about it, but I still feel badly.

It's not easy being the Watcher of eight sims!

Hopefully, I won't drop the ball with any of the other family member's milestones.

Especially Lee as we follow his progress through the Master Invention Op.

Join me in Chapter 371: The Chain Begins
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 371: The Chain Begins
« Reply #399 on: August 25, 2022, 10:27:51 AM »

With the excitement over at the Faire, I catch up with Lee just as he's coming out of the Science Facility.


"They said the Palladium was perfect, Watcher! They even paid me §1300 simoleans for it! And now they need 10 life fruit. Did you bring some?"

"No. Your mother and Tabatha have quite a few plants growing, but none of the life fruit is ready to harvest yet."

Lee's face falls in disappointment, so I try to cheer him up, "After everyone gets back from the Faire, I'll have them make the life fruit a priority. In the meantime, with the house to yourself, you could watch some tv."

But my offer doesn't cheer Lee up as much as I'd hoped, so I tell him, "Once the life fruit is ready, we've already got a heart cut pink diamond and plenty of scrap, so the rest of the chain should be a breeze."

I head back to the Faire to make sure Bella's not causing any more trouble, with or without Flame, only to find Ara dancing with Mason!

I'm not the only one who's noticed as Bella is staring at them and so is Gianni!

In fact, Gianni's actually stopped playing his guitar and is totally focused on them!

I guess I spoke too soon about the excitement at the Faire being over.

Because not only does Gianni push Mason out of the way to say, "I did it Ara! I mastered guitar," but Mason and Bella start dancing wildly together!

Seriously? After having Flame shoot a fireball at him, Mason dances with Bella!?!

But then I see the wild look in Mason's eyes and I'm guessing he thought dancing with evil Bella was preferable to dealing with a jealous boyfriend.

And Gianni makes his position in Ara's life crystal clear when he pulls her into his arms and kisses her passionately!

But Gianni doesn't stop there.

He goes down on one knee, pulls a glittering diamond from his pocket and says, "Ara Frio, I love my art and my music, but they don't compare to the love I have for you! Will you marry me!?!"

At Gianni's question, Bella and Mason smile, while I feel more like paparazzi John Fallon, anxiously waiting for Ara's answer.

She is insane after all…

But I breathe a sigh of relief when Ara holds out her hand and Gianni slides the ring on her finger.

And newly engaged Ara immediately pops a wish to throw a bachelorette party!

Bella seems happily surprised at this turn of events, but John still has that stony look on his face.

Which is when I remember that John is family-oriented and, without being made a resident, he'll stay single and alone.

Time to start looking around for a suitable partner for him!

Gianni and Ara seal their engagement with a kiss.

Just as paparazzi Dinny Kelly comes strolling through the Faire with that gorgeous red hair.
And I notice the blue-haired pizza delivery girl coming down the steps.

I check out the pizza delivery girl at SimsWiki, Sky Elovir | The Sims Wiki | Fandom.

I just love her name, but that uniform doesn't do her justice, especially the hat as she has beautiful blue hair.

And she's really cute with freckles and huge pointy ears.

I can just imagine her children, but do I pair her up with green-haired John Fallon or red-haired Dinny Kelly?

Or maybe Mason Sackholme?

A quick check via NRaas and I find out Mason's already paired up with Aislin Walsh!

So it's between John and Dinny for Sky.

Maybe I'll just pop all of them, along with Ellen Curren, into a home and let them decide on their own!

With the house to himself, I figured Lee would be taking advantage and getting in some serious couch potato time.

But instead, he's hard at work at the inventing table.

"I need to keep my inventing skills sharp, Watcher. Once the life fruit is ready to harvest, I want to knock this Op out of the park and complete my first monster!"

"And it will give you more inventions to sell to get to the next level of your career, so a win-win."

Later that night, Samuel's ghost pops in for a visit and I don't think it's a coincidence that he hovers in front of Lorelei's portrait and glitched urn.

He makes that clear when he asks, "Any luck on finding a way to fix Lorelei, Watcher?"

"I've gotten a few suggestions for possible fixes, Samuel. None of them have worked so far, but I haven't given up! Things have just been rather hectic around here with everyone working on skills and Ops, planning for Jade and Pal's wedding and, now that Gianni and Ara are engaged, that bachelorette party Ara wants!"

Samuel smiles and says, "A house full of eight sims is a busy place, Watcher, but I'm sure you'll figure it all out, you have so far."

I see Pal trying to interact with a still frozen Verde and say sadly, "Unfortunately I can't find any options for fixing glitched dragonlings…I'm sorry Pal, Verde can't be brought back, but we can find you another dragonling…"

Pal's shoulders stiffen but he bravely says, "Thanks for the offer, Watcher, but another dragonling just wouldn't be the same…"

"I understand Pal. But the offers open if you change your mind."

Upstairs, Gianni's working on another painting, and has almost reached the half-way mark for his last skill point.

But the pink blob next to it has me raising an eyebrow and asking, "Who's painting is that!?!"

You can hear the love in his voice as he says, "Ara decided to work on her painting skill so we could spend more time together."

"So where is she?"

"One of her favorite programs came on so she went downstairs to watch tv. She invited me to watch it too, but I'm so close to finishing this painting, I told her I'd join her when I was done."

First thing in the morning, I keep my promise to Lee and have Bella plant more life fruit as with Lee needing 10 life fruit for each one of his three monsters, we're going to need a lot of it.

Then I have Bella use the gro station to quickly bring the more mature life fruit plants to their harvestable state.

But with the gardener showing up to harvest them, Bella takes off like a shot before I can ask her to have Emerald harvest them!

Seeing them all glowing so bright and yellow, I don't bother trying to track her down, but focus on finding Lee.

I find Lee feeding one of Tabatha's pets and say, "We've got plenty of life fruit for the next step, Lee!"

My news brings a smile to his face as he says, "That was fast, Watcher! I'll head out and deliver them right now!"

As Lee heads off to the science center, I'm shocked to find Bella talking to Tabatha's pet bird.

As I move closer, I realize the cage has been cleaned and the food bowl is filled too.

Before I can say anything, Bella mutters, "Now, we're even! She took care of my dragons and I've taken care of her dumb bird!"

Then she rushes off to chat with Founder Jared!

With the two of them actually getting along.

Until Jared abruptly vanishes in a golden puff of smoke leaving Bella shrieking with rage!

Instead of trying to calm Bella down, yet again, I leave poor Jade on her own to deal with the fallout.

And I arrived at the library just in time to see Tabatha finish reading another recipe and become a menu maven!

"Congratulations, Tab! I can't believe you're at cooking level 9 and know so many recipes already, especially since it's not even one of your priorities."

Tabatha claps at her accomplishment and says, "Thanks, Watcher. With the house full, I can't really get started on fulfilling the main heir couple responsibility, bringing in the next generation. So, with everyone focusing on skills, careers, and completing lifetime wishes, I figured cooking for them was the least I could do."

"Well, we all appreciate it…"

Tabatha interrupts with a laugh, "I doubt all of the family does, Watcher!"

"Bella may not appreciate being ousted out of her position as heir Tabatha, but I'm sure she enjoys having delicious food in the fridge and replicators that she didn't have to prepare herself. And she is trying to make amends, she cleaned out your pet bird's cage and filled his food dish."

With a raised eyebrow Tabatha says, "Don't try to tell me that she did that out of the goodness of heart because I won't believe it, Watcher!"

"No. Bella has never been good, Tabatha. I wouldn't ever try to get anyone to believe that! But she doesn't like being beholden to anyone either and with you taking care of Emerald and Flame…"

"She did it to even the score. Well, at least she's a little more aware of the family pets. That's an improvement anyway."

"Baby steps, Tab, baby steps. And speaking of babies, with Jade and Pal's wedding coming up, you'll be getting that chance to fulfill your main heir couple responsibility soon enough!"

I get to the science center to find Lee standing outside with a pretty sober expression on his face.

"What's wrong? Didn't they accept the life fruit?"

"Oh, they accepted it, Watcher. They paid me §15,000 for them!"

"That's great, Lee! And with a heart-cut pink diamond already in your inventory, you can complete that step right now!"

I wait for Lee and this time he comes out smiling, saying, "They said the diamond was perfect and paid me §22,000 for it! Now they need 100 pieces of scrap. But I want to do that one myself, not just grab some from the inventing table."

Upon arriving at the junkyard, Lee takes the opportunity to feed and chat with Kelly.

Tabatha's love for animals is definitely rubbing off on him, especially when it comes to his dragonlings.

I never find Indigo or Kelly abandoned on the floor, so they've got a better chance of avoiding the dragon glitch that struck poor Verde.

Not that Pal was delinquent in his care of Verde, I think that happened because Pal was letting Dane borrow him from time to time and he got left on the floor a bit too long.

After some dragon bonding time, Lee gets down to business and starts digging for scrap.

Just look at his excitement as he spots a glittering piece at the bottom of the junk pile!

But when Lee picks it up and examines it critically, I realize this is going to take some time with Lee having to collect 100 pieces!

"Um, I think I'll head home and check on the rest of the family…"

Lee just nods absent-mindedly as he mutters, "Nice solid piece, possibilities there…"

So, I leave him to it.

Back at the house, I find Bella training Pal pretty relentlessly by the look and sound of it.

"Put some muscle into it, soldier! And pick up the pace! This isn't a cotillion!"

Pal's working out so hard he doesn't even have the breath to respond.

Poor Pal.

No wonder he wants to move out as soon as he and Jade get married.

And the thought barely pops into my head when Pal actually pops the wish to marry Jade!

I check their work schedules and see that Jade's off work Wednesday and Pal gets off at 2, so Wednesday afternoon looks like a great time for their wedding.

Downstairs, Gianni's chatting with Dane.

"I'm so close to maxing my painting skill and completing my lifetime wish that I'm hoping for a short engagement, sir. Marrying Ara and starting our life together is at the top of my wish list."

And with those words, Gianni pops a wish to throw a wedding party!

Dane nods but looks a bit stricken at the thought of losing both of his daughters.

Me? I'm wondering if Jade and Ara would mind a double wedding!

Gianni and Ara got engaged and Ara wants to throw a bachelorette party!

Tabatha's reached level 9 of cooking and become a menu maven.

Bella's being her usual self, grumpily helpful and a raging maniac.

Lee's making good progress on his Master Invention Op, only needing to provide 100 pieces of scrap for the final step.

Pal's popped a wish to marry Jade, while Gianni wants to throw a wedding party.

It's been a good start for week 2 here in Dragon Valley, except for Lorelei's glitched urn.

Like I told Samuel, I haven't forgotten about it, but there's a lot coming up before I can focus on that.

First, let's join the Frio women for a bachelorette party in Chapter 372: Dancing at the Dragon
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 372: Dancing at the Dragon
« Reply #400 on: August 29, 2022, 02:24:02 PM »

With Ara's thought bubble full of Gianni.

And kisses under the full moon on Gianni's mind…

It wasn't much of a surprise when the two of them autonomously headed for the time machine for some romance.

Afterward, I'm not sure if Ara was comparing the experience to the hover bed or if that was the next place she wanted to try!

With Ara's personality, I was afraid to ask!

One thing's for sure, when Gianni's not chained to a guitar or an easel, these two are all about romance.

But romance is going to have to be put on hold for a bit as it's party time at the Dragon Tavern!

All the Frio women are decked out and ready to party!

Here's Ara looking smashing in her dressed to impress outfit with the stark whiteness of her short flirty dress popping against her dark skin.

And it looks like the female residents of DV are ready for a party as well, as on the cobbled walkway, the fizzy nectar is already flowing!

Once inside, Tabatha and Emma Delaney both wants drinks, while the dark-haired girl talking to the blonde seems to be waiting for the show to start.

Bella's thinking about one of her dragons, which has Ara biting out, "Don't even think about it, Mom!"

Bella won't even meet Ara's eyes as she smirks and says, "It could be fun…"

"It could also alienate this town against us, and we have to live and raise our children here. I mean it Mom…"

Bella sighs but behaves herself and just grabs a drink at the bar, while Tabatha enjoys one of her own.

At the other bar, of course, each one of them doing their best to ignore the other.

Their neighbor, Cassidy Predergast, stays silent, but the look she's giving Bella makes it obvious that she doesn't think much of the short flirty dresses the Frio women are wearing.

With Cassidy's green floor-length fitted gown being more in keeping with the medieval feel of DV, I probably should have opted for formal makeovers, but too late for that now.

But I'm sure Bella will point out my oversight soon enough!

But Jade's arrival in her own gray floor-length dress seems to have garnered Cassidy's approval as well as some increased celebrity status.

So maybe the fallout won't be as bad as I thought.

And those special drinks the mixologist just made should help put everyone in a more mellow mood as well.

As should the party dancer that has just arrived!

But as I watch the pale-skinned, bare-chested 'cowboy' gyrating to country music and giving them all a flirty smile, I doubt the female residents of DV are going to enjoy his brand of fun!

Except for Sarah Dolan who's accepted his invitation and joined him for a dance!

At this turn of events, Tabatha and Jade share a concerned look, and even Ara seems a bit worried.
I'm not, as I have a feeling Sarah's just paying her husband Finn back for dancing with the 'cheerleader' at Pal's party!

But most of the other guests have drifted away from this side of the Tavern.

Seeing Dinny Kelly in the background, I'm sure all of this will be thoroughly reported in the morning paper.

But before I have time to worry about that, I'm whisked away!

To find Lee standing in the dark in front of the science center with a zombie behind him!

"What's wrong!?! Did you get attacked by the zombie!?!"

Lee shakes his head, and I realize his inability to speak stems from excitement rather than fear.

Finally, he says, "I delivered the scrap, Watcher, and they gave me a Life Core! Now I just have to use it to make The Ultimate Invention!"

"Good luck, Lee! I'll check on your progress with that when I get home. But I better get back to the party before your mother decides to liven it up!"

But all is well when I return.

In fact, I get there just in time to hear Jade's toast.

"To my 'baby' sister Ara, my womb mate, my childhood friend, my teen bestie, the one I know will always have my back as I have hers, I wish her and Gianni all the best as they take this step towards a long and loving future together! Cheers or as you say, Sláinte Mhath*, good health, all!"

Dinny Kelly doesn't miss this photo op either as he takes snap after snap.

Jade then follows up her eloquent toast by spraying Ara with fizzy nectar while Ara gulps and swallows as best she can while laughing.

This party's definitely not been as lively as Pal's but at least a few of the guests seem to have good feelings toward Ara and the party venue, including Dinny!

Understandably, pregnant Jennifer Burb seems more concerned about getting something to eat.

You can't blame her, especially being stuck with an outfit more suited to the gym than a formal party.

But things turn ugly when Bella's aura flares and she lets out a raging screech, "Stop that infernal noise this minute! I don't care if someone paid you, you've danced enough!"

Bella's aura and outburst give both Cassidy Predergast and Chloe O'Reilly the opportunity to give in to their own feelings as they scowl and boo her outrageously!

Making Bella shriek even louder!

The party dancer stops dead in his tracks, never before having been shouted at in such a way, and at a loss to know what he should do next.

The poor guy.

Leave it to Bella to ruin his career before it even got started.

But then Bella surprises the whole room, me included, when she says, "I'm sorry for my outburst, but I just couldn't take one more second of that awful foot-stomping noise!"

Bella's honest admission and apology has Cassidy looking at her sympathetically murmuring, "I'm sorry I booed you. I don't know what came over me…"

Bella can't hide her smile as she says, "Don't worry about it. I have that effect on people. Seriously, it's not you, it's me."

Bella's words sound reassuring but what is she looking at so intently?

I pan back over the crowd as Bella walks through it, but I only see two 'hate Bella' thought bubbles, which is better than most gatherings.

Many of the guests are sipping juice and chatting while Tabatha is spraying Aine Mithrilen with fizzy nectar.

And someone's passed out on the floor.

Pretty standard fare for a bachelorette party.

But where is our guest of honor?

I find Ara just popping out of a sleeping bag, feathers flying as the party dancer asks, "Are you okay miss?"

Ara perkily replies, "Just fine! Nothing like a few z's to get back in the party groove!"

The poor guy.

First, Bella shrieks at him to stop dancing in front of all the guests.

Then he finds Ara sleeping on the floor in a sleeping bag acting like it's perfectly normal to nap during your own party!

But when Ara notices his wary look towards Bella, who's gossiping in the corner with paparazzi Ellen Curren, she seals the deal on crazy when she says, "Don't mind my mom, her bark is worse than her bite. Not that she bites, she's not a werewolf or a vampire, but she is evil and grumpy and has a dragon that can shoot fireballs. But I'm sure she wouldn't…Oh, I take that back. She definitely would have Flame shoot fireballs at you if she was in one of her moods. My Mom, not Flame. It's best not to think about it too much. Enjoy the party!"

I'm surprised the guy didn't run for the door at the mention of werewolves and vampires, let alone dragons and fireballs…

But then Ara's words penetrate my brain and I focus on that back corner…Bella gossiping with a paparazzi!

What on earth is Bella up to now!?!

Before I can find out, shrieking and screaming erupts from the front of the tavern.

Ara, party dancer guy, and I, all rush over to see what's going on.

To find Marion Hooley in labor!

Of course, she is.

It wouldn't be a Sims party unless Grim showed up or someone went into labor.

At least labor is the happier event, even if everyone carries on like it's a disaster.

While Marion clutches her stomach and her eyes cross due to the pain, Cassidy calmly makes more drinks, while the nearby mixologist focuses on cleaning another drink glass.

Bella shoots a look over the crowd and says, "Seriously? No one's going to help her? And you all look down on me for being evil? Tough crowd. I like it! Come on Marion, let's get you to the hospital before you shoot that baby out on the floor! We're responsible for this place tonight and I'm not paying to clean up the mess!"

Bella hustles Marion into one of the family police cars and races off to the hospital.

Instead of continuing the party, quite a few of the guests have settled down with books in the reading corner.

A reading corner at the Dragon Tavern seems a bit odd…

But a dragon egg just waiting for someone to pick it up makes me glad I panned over here!

I quickly have Ara pick it up saying, "This one's all yours Ara! As the guest of honor tonight, you deserve something special."

Moments later I get the perfect opportunity to ask the girls what's been on my mind since Ara accepted Gianni's proposal.

"Jade, you and Pal both have wishes to get married, and Gianni wants to throw a wedding party, so what do you two think of having a double wedding tomorrow afternoon when Pal and Ara get home from work?"

They both ponder the idea thoughtfully with Ara nodding and saying, "That sounds like a great idea, Watcher! I'm all for it, if Jade is!"

Jade hesitates just long enough for me to have doubts about my suggestion, and before she can give me her answer, I get a message that we have a new baby in town!

And this time I get to see the new mom proudly carrying her son to the waiting taxi for the drive home.

Welcome to DV Ryan Hooley!

Even if it's not in the family, being at the hospital for the delivery has put Bella in a great mood.

Which becomes even happier when Jade arrives home and shouts, "Mom, Mom! Ara and I have decided to take the Watcher up on her offer and have a double wedding tomorrow afternoon! I'm so excited I need to do something wild!"

Which turns out to be dancing on the kitchen counter!

Any doubts I had about a double wedding are put to rest as I watch Jade dance, her eyes bright and her smile wide.

Her words confirm it as she says, "I'm so happy, Watcher! Today's our wedding day!"

Lee's delivered 100 pieces of scrap to the Science Center and received a Life Core so he can begin working on The Ultimate Invention!

We've enjoyed a typical sims bachelorette party with a toast, a party dancer, and plenty of fizzy nectar.

Luckily Grim didn't attend but Marion Hooley did go into labor and add a baby boy, Ryan, to DV.

Ara found another dragon egg.

And Ara and Jade have decided that a double wedding is the perfect plan!

As everyone knows, 'perfect' doesn't happen often, especially in sims, but this event was more horrendous than most!

Join us in Chapter 373: Nuptials from the Netherworld
Coming soon.
Author's note:
*Sláinte Mhath pronounced slanj a va. Sláinte meaning, health, and Mhath meaning, good, in Gaelic per Laurenrhiannon's video.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 373: Nuptials from the Netherworld
« Reply #401 on: September 06, 2022, 05:04:50 PM »

The day started off well enough with Lee diligently working on his Ultimate Invention.

While Gianni was just a pinch away from mastering painting and completing his Lifetime Wish!

I found the perfect gown and hairstyle for Jade.

She's an incredibly beautiful bride!

Ara's new dragon egg hatched while she was at work, so no chance for Bella to steal this one!

We now have two purple dragonlings in the family.

Tabatha made perfect crepes, a welcome addition to the wedding feast.

Pal got another promotion and looks the perfect military gentleman in his dress blues.

Gianni mastered painting and completed his Lifetime Wish!

And I actually managed to capture a photo of it!

"Congratulations Gianni! Just in time for you to get ready for your wedding!"

"Heading off to dress now, Watcher! What a day!"

"Lee, you need to shower and dress too."

"Just a few more tweaks, Watcher…"

"You've got until I get Ara and your mother dressed for the occasion. If you're not done, you'll have to finish it later."

"Is that an option? What if I lose all my progress…"

"Oh. I hadn't thought of that. Well, work as fast as you can, and I'll do my best to stall for a bit."

Ara found a beautiful off the shoulder gown with touches of her favorite color, aqua.

With matching aqua earrings and a short veil, she joins Jade in the stunning bride category!

And Bella even cooperated and chose a new formal outfit befitting the mother of the bride twice over!

Then I'm racing back upstairs after hearing Lee's shriek, "Eureka! I've done it!"

To find Lee standing proudly next to his Ultimate Creation, Simbot Katherine!
"Congratulations Lee, just in time too!  The guests are arriving… go get ready!"

And seeing the crowd of guests all standing blocking each other in the entry, I wonder if I've been a bit overzealous in my invitations.

But with the party outside, it should probably be fine, right?


I clicked on the wedding arch outside only to have Pal go upstairs to get Jade.

And be so blocked on the stairs that neither of them can get through.

Which took so long and so many repeated attempts that instead of an afternoon wedding, it was dark by the time they made it outside!

Rings and vows were exchanged, a bit breathlessly, but classic and heartfelt all the same.

"I, Jade Frio, take thee, Pal Frio, to be by husband, promising to love, cherish, and honor you from this day forward, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, to stand by your side as we weather all storms together, my forever friend, my forever love."

"I, Pal Frio, take thee, Jade Frio, to be my wife, promising to love, cherish, and honor you from this day forward, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, to stand by your side as I have always done, as a friend, as a lover, and now as your husband, forever and always."

They sealed their union with a kiss as petals drifted over them.

One down. One to go.

It's getting late and some of the guests are starting to leave, so I don't waste any time.

I quickly click on the wedding arch and breathe a sigh of relief that both Ara and Gianni are close by.

No horde of guests blocking the stairs this time.

Nope, just random guests blocking the archway or trying to take photos of the 'celebrity' bride and groom, canceling the wedding, time and time again…

I finally get them together under the arch to begin their ceremony, when Ara turns toward the guests in disgust warding someone away!

Apparently, a family ghost has decided to join the festivities.

Of course, why wouldn't a ghost join the party and cause yet another delay…

It makes Bella furious as she narrows her eyes in rage, ready to let loose a piercing shriek at any moment.

After all of the delays, I don't blame her as I'm feeling just as frustrated!

Sean Kelly looks like he's actually trying to calm Bella down by placing a restraining hand on her arm.

He's either a very brave or very foolish man!

But ghostly Samuel doesn't ignore Bella's temper tantrum.

He makes it very clear that he feels it's Bella who's behaving badly.

As much as I love seeing the family ghosts, I'm afraid I have to agree with Bella on this one.

I'm trying to get Ara and Gianni married and a ghost is just adding to the chaos.

So, I have them step away from the arch, ignore all the guests, paparazzi, photograph hounds, and family ghosts to have a private wedding nearby!

With the cutest derpy expression, Gianni places the ring on Ara's finger saying, "With this ring, I, Gianni Costa, wed thee, Arabella Frio, love of my life. I promise to love, cherish, and honor you with all my heart, mind, and simoleans, to take you away from all this craziness to live a happy, quiet life as my wife."

Ara smiles and places the matching band on Gianni's finger, "With this ring, I, Arabella Frio, wed thee, Gianni Costa, love of my life. I promise to love, cherish, and honor you with all my heart, mind and simoleans, to let you take me away from all this craziness to live an even crazier life as my husband!"

They kiss and stare dreamily into each other's eyes.

But I'm more than ready for this fiasco to be over and say, "Quick, cut the cake! Half the guests are starving, and the other half need to use the bathroom! And I've no idea where your father's gone off to. I haven't seen him all day."

Ara and Gianni cut their cake with a flourish with Bella, Jade and Pal, and some of the guests looking on.

As day dawns, I finally see a very excited Dane watching Jade and Pal cut their cake.

Along with several of the family ghosts as Jared and Sam have joined the party.

And half the town that said they were leaving hours before!

With thought bubbles expressing everything from routing issues and exhaustion to bladder failures and disgusting smells, I think they should have followed through and gone home.

With the yard overrun with even more unhappy guests, since no one can get to the cake, Pal's only thought is that he and Jade are finally married.

He doesn't wait to eat cake but grabs his bride's hand and pulls her out of the crowd.

As the two of them survey the scene of what was supposed to be their dream wedding, I commiserate with them.

Plates of cake are strewn over the lawn and tables.

The pee puddles are so numerous they've formed small lakes all around the yard and at least half a dozen sims stink to high heaven!

This was a disaster with a capital, 'D'.

It's no wonder that Jade and Pal immediately moved out!

Well, that didn't go as I planned at all.

Note to self: No more huge wedding parties!

But at least both couples are married now.

And with Jade and Pal in a house of their own, there's space in the house for Lee and Tabatha to get started on the next generation!

Next up is Chapter 374: Aftermath
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 374: Aftermath
« Reply #402 on: September 12, 2022, 11:44:48 AM »

With the disaster of a double wedding behind us, our remaining newlyweds enjoy the peace and quiet of painting together.

Ara finally finishes her pink blob monster while Gianni continues the painting he was working on when he completed his Lifetime Wish.

"Lee enjoying some alone time after that huge crowd yesterday?"

Ara smirks and says, "Not totally alone…"

I find out what she means when I catch Lee and Tabatha coming out of the shower with a lullaby playing in the background!

Lee's words confirm it when he says with a grin, "Are you ready to be a mom, Tab!?!"

Tabatha looks a bit downcast rather than elated at the prospect of motherhood, which surprises me as she's had that baby wish for quite some time.

I wait until Lee's left the room and ask, "I thought you'd be thrilled about having a baby; heir couple, next gen, baby wish, and all."

"Oh, I'm happy about that, Watcher. It's just that Lee's Simbot, Katherine, counted for his baby wish and for Bella and Dane's grandchild wish, so now the only one who wants a baby in the house is me."

"I’m sorry, Tab. I forgot that a Simbot counted as the maker's child and his parents' grandchild. But you're not alone in wanting the next gen, I've been waiting for that just as anxiously as you have. And you just watch, with a nooboo on the way, the female family ghosts will be visiting a lot more too!"

At the thought of a baby and more visits from the family ghosts, Tabatha's smile reappears and grows even larger when I add, "If you're really lucky, the family ghosts may even interact with the baby, they've done it before."

"Now that would make my day, Watcher! Maybe our child will even share my Supernatural Fan trait!"

"That happened with Lee's Great- Aunt Ella. If I remember correctly, it was Sam who visited as a ghost and picked her up when she was a toddler. At her child birthday, she rolled the Supernatural Fan trait. It might have just be a co-incidence but I like to think it was a foreshadowing of the trait."

"I like that theory too, Watcher! Let's just hope I don't trip while I'm expecting and have the baby pre-disposed for that trait."

"There are worse things, Tabatha…"

"Right! The child could be like Bella…"

"Don't jinx it by saying it out loud!"

"Sorry, Watcher, my lips are sealed."

Later that day, Gianni consigns another batch of his paintings, in hopes of some high sales to boost his career level.

With Tabatha expecting, and to make up for having to be around that huge crowd yesterday, I let Lee go on a solo adventure in the time machine.

Time travel has always fascinated me and I'd love to actually go on these adventures with my sims.

Since that's not an option and there are dangers associated with using the time machine, I breathe a sigh of relief when Lee gets back safe and sound.

"So glad you made it back!"

Clutching the sides of the machine so the powerful energy within doesn't suck him back inside, Lee gasps, "No need to worry, Watcher, the next gens safely on the way!"

"Even so, I'd hate to lose you, for a whole list of reasons!"

"With number one being having to explain my loss to Mom and Dad, I bet!"

"You'd win that one! Your parents would never let me hear the end of it if that happened!"

"Neither would Tab, having to endure living with Mom and raising our child without me."

"True. To be on the safe side, you might want to limit these trips and keep us both out of trouble."

"I'll keep that in mind, Watcher. Besides with two more simbots to make, I've still got a lot of work to do."

"Even more work after your child is born, especially if it's multiples like your Mom had!"

Lee froze for a moment and then said, "There are only two spaces in the house and since Tab would rather die than watch TV, I think the odds are only for a single child."

"True, but she does have the fertility reward, and sometimes the things that happen in SimLand defy all the odds!"

Like going inside to find Dane a zombie!

Something I didn't even know could happen as it's never happened to one of my active sims since Supernatural came out!

"Dane! How did this happen!?! You're a genius and should know better than to be outside during the full moon. Besides that, you're evil, and you'd think zombies would steer clear of you!"

Zombie Dane just lurches forward and drawls, "Braaiiinnsss."

I sigh and wonder how I'm going to explain THIS to Bella…

I track down Bella to find her taking care of Emerald in the music salon with Braden MacGrath in one of the rockers.

Since we hadn't invited anyone over, I'm guessing he's been here since the wedding party and he's using the rocker to restore his probably very low motives.

With Bella occupied, I quickly click on Brandon to send him home and quietly leave the room without mentioning Dane's current life state.

Ghostly music has me checking out the back porch where Claire's materialized.

"The wedding brought out all the male guests last night, and now that Dane's a zombie, I'm guessing it's the full moon that's responsible for your visit."

Claire looks away and smirks, "Wrong! I'm contrary enough to resist such a mundane reason."

"Okay, Miss Contrary, care to give me a hint as to why you're here?"

"That's MS. Contrary, if you please, and even if you don't! But I will give you a hint. Rae's here too!"

I have to check that out for myself and finding Rae nearby in the music salon, I shout with glee, "That can only mean I DID hear a lullaby earlier! You tend to show up most when nooboos are around. In fact, Claire and Lorelei seem to show up more then, too."

At the mention of Lorelei, my happiness over the coming new generation diminishes a bit.

I realize I've neglected that issue for far too long.

From my research and responses to my thread on the NRaas site, the issue isn't that Lorelei's ghost can't manifest or that I can't interact with her urn as it resets whoever's icon I'm on at the time.

No, the issue goes far deeper than that; Lorelei's data is corrupted!

So, I followed one of the suggestions*, annihilated my beloved, but corrupted, Lorelei from DV and went back to a prior save where I knew Lorelei's data was still intact.

In my case, back in Monte Vista.

I loaded up my last save there, added the poor unsuspecting paparazzi standing nearby to my household via NRaas MC, and put Lorelei's urn into his personal inventory.

Then moved him out and saved a copy of him to my bin.

Back in Dragon Valley, I placed him in an empty house and then got a message that Lorelei had 'died' and her remains could be found in the mausoleum.

Unfortunately, when I placed her urn on the ground, Lorelei's ghost manifested but, though she floated she looked 'real', not ghostly!

I tried again, this time not waiting for Lorelei to manifest in the graveyard, but immediately after the message, adding her to an empty house, again via NRaas MC.

Again, she showed up floating around, but looking 'real.'

Back to the drawing board.

Another possible solution was to bind Lorelei's ghost to the active family using the Philosopher's stone.

So I went back to MV again and tried that too.

Oh, there's the poor paparazzi guy I used as my guinea pig!

But one of my attempts, and I really don't remember which one or with what combo of steps, resulted in Lee getting the 'Oh My Ghost!' opportunity.

Lee seems a bit confused by the whole process, "Um, where did she go?"

But Lorelei clutches her hands dramatically and says, "Oh, oh, I'm back! Thank you, Watcher! I've been in limbo for sooo long!"

"I'm sorry about that, Lorelei. I didn't realize just how extensive your issue was and certainly didn't mean for it to take this long to fix you."

"That's okay, Watcher. But where am I? This doesn't look like Monte Vista."

"We're in Dragon Valley."


"Yes. The whole family is here. In fact, it was Lee that got the opportunity to restore you."

"Lee? Who's Lee?"

Houston, I think we have a problem…

Despite now having a broken family tree after 13 generations and Lorelei not knowing anyone in the current family, things were actually looking up.

For one, Dane was no longer zombified.

"Don't worry, Dane. I didn't mention the zombie episode to Bella."

"Worried? Who's worried? I'm not worried."

"You look worried."

"You sound worried! Afraid that Bella will blame you for the zombie incident instead of me!?!"

"I won't tell her if you won't, then she won't have a reason to blame either one of us."

"Deal. So why do you still sound worried?"

"Because Lee completed the 'Oh My Ghost!' op and, though Lorelei's back with us as an active ghost, she doesn't remember the family! She does know the family ghosts from being in the Netherworld, but doesn't recognize them as family because the family connecting her to them doesn't live in this neighborhood. And her connection to the current family in DV is broken in the same way."

Dane can't quite hide the glee in his voice as he says, "Oh, how…unfortunate…"

"Stop reveling in my misfortune and put your now restored genius brain cells back to work and help me come up with a way to fix it!"

With a devilish wag of his eyebrows, Dane says, "I can do both!"

In the kitchen, I find Lorelei happily teaching Tabatha a new recipe.

"The trick is to fold the eggs into it, not stir or mix. Jared in the Netherworld taught me that trick many years ago. He's a bit hard to get along with, but if cooking is involved, he's your guy."

"Oh, we all know just how hard Jared is to get along with. After all, he's one of this family's founders."

"Then why didn't he teach Tabatha himself?"

"He wanted to, believe me! But Claire and I thought it best to limit his time with her."

"The man is incorrigible and Tabatha is a very pretty girl, so that probably was a wise decision."

With Lorelei's recipe coming out perfectly, she places it on one of the replicators, saying, "Always remember to save your best recipes. A variety of twenty group meals can be a lifesaver when there isn't time or you're too tired to cook. And if you focus on family favorites, it makes them even happier."

Tabatha rose up from her seat at the dining room table saying, "Thanks so much for the lesson. It really helps having someone..."

Tabatha broke off in midsentence and froze, staring at the wall like she was in a trance.

Moments later she was looking down and lovingly patting her barely there baby bump.

"Hi there, little one. Mommy can't wait to meet you."

Lorelei moves closer and says, "Congratulations, Tabatha! Looks like we finished your lesson just in time."

Tabatha rushed upstairs and pulled Lee away from the inventing table shouting with excitement, "You were right, Lee, I'm pregnant! We're going to be parents!"

Lee's whole face lit up, his hands shaking with excitement at the news.

"I knew I heard a lullaby, Tab! I just knew it!"

He pulled Tabatha into his arms and whispered, "I love you so much."

Tabatha cupped Lee's head with her hand and whispered back, "I love you too. I'm already thinking of baby names!"

Lee stepped back and grinned, "We usually just use the married in spouse's last name or a variation of it."

Tabatha's face sobered and she said firmly, "There is NO way I'm naming our child, boy or girl, Mancini!"

Lee, his happy grin still firmly in place said, "I figured that wasn't going to happen, so what names have you got in mind?"

Tabatha's face lit up and she started waving her hands around in her excitement, "I've been thinking about this for a while now, and even discussed it with my parents. Neither one of them really likes their given name all that much. Dad said he got teased all the time that Camillo was too girly and Mom said everyone either mispronounced Guila or spelt it with a 'J'. They both agreed that we should pick a name that works for this town, is easy to spell, and, most of all, one we both like!"

"So, did you come up with anything?"

Tabatha laughed and said, "One we BOTH like, Lee! I haven't even showed you my starting list! And we've got plenty of time to think about it. The baby books I've read said that even with the parents finding a name they both like, at birth they can take one look at their child and pick something totally different. In books, they pick some of the most outlandish names going, even make them up by combining two normal names! Don't even get me started on show biz parents!"

"Show biz parents? You don't even watch TV…"

"No, but everyone at works talks about them and their poor kids and their names are splashed all over every newspaper I pick up! We can go over my baby names list over dinner. I'm starving!"

Lee quickly headed downstairs with Tabatha pausing a moment to ponder her pregnancy.

A moment too long, if that determined look and stride of Bella's is anything to go by.

All thoughts of Lorelei and our broken family tree fly out of my head.

The last few encounters these two have had haven't been very pretty.

But Bella shocks me when she comes up to Tabatha and gushes, "Lorelei just told me the good news! We need to get started on re-decorating the nursery and getting some new toys, making it just the way you want it. And spare no expense, this child will want for nothing! We'll need another rocker for the nursery, of course. It wouldn't do to have to go clear across the house to the music salon or out on the back porch to rock the baby. We could even do a more extensive renovation, make the music salon the nursery and give the baby more room. If you'd rather be closer to the baby, Dane and I could switch rooms with you and Lee, or we could put the baby in your room or renovate up here. Whatever you want to do. It's all up to you and Lee. With Lorelei taking up a spot, no worry about twins, at least. With seven doting adults looking after one sweet nooboo it'll be a piece of cake after raising triplets."

To her credit, Tabatha listened to Bella's ramblings for quite some time without interrupting.

When Tabatha finally got a word in, she said, "I think an animal-themed room would be perfect, along with a few new toys. Maybe a teddy bear all their own. Why don't we discuss it over dinner? Lee's downstairs waiting for me. I really need to eat."

And with both of them putting their former differences aside and focusing on the expected nooboo, their relationship actually gets a positive boost!

Things really are looking up.

Dane was a zombie, but he's back to himself now with Bella none the wiser.

Lee and Tabatha are expecting their first child!

An event that has the two of them over the moon and focused on baby names.

The first grandchild of this generation has even tempered Bella's evil grumpiness and she's taken the opportunity to offer an olive branch of friendship to Tabatha.

It may not last, but we won't look a gift horse in the mouth!

And finally, after weeks of research and procrastination, I have managed to restore Lorelei's ghost to the family.

Not within her urn, as she's now an active ghost, or without breaking the family tree, but beggars can't be choosers.

And there are even more unexpected happenings ahead to fix the new mess I've made.

Follow along in Chapter 375: Reunited
Coming soon.
*Author's Note: I ended up trying several of the solutions and combining them so many times, I'm honestly not sure now which one/s I ended up using, though I think NRaas Mover may have been involved too. I thought I'd written down notes as to what hadn't worked and my final solution to have a ghostly Lorelei back in the house, but I can't seem to find them. And I didn't take photos during all of this testing. Bottom line? Ghosts are finicky and do NOT travel well even when placed in a sim's personal inventory. Since this is the first time I've ever had such an issue, I guess I should count myself lucky, I am in town #13 after all!

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 375: Reunited
« Reply #403 on: September 17, 2022, 06:53:35 PM »

With Bella finally on board, I check out the nursery and Tabatha was right, it's awful!

Plain stone walls only relieved by one lone painting, though the painting is of a cute giraffe family.

The crib is white, and the changing table is cream colored with natural wood tones.

The dark blue-sky print of the crib's mattress cover and the changing table's green and yellow cushion clash horribly with each other and even more so with the assortment of red rugs scattered on the floor!

It hurts just looking at it.

I started off by removing the crib, raiding the family inventory, and just dumping it all into the room.

It doesn't look any better, but at least I know what we have on hand to work with, and we can buy the rest.

NRaas says Tabatha's having a boy, but Tabatha and Lee have both popped wishes for a girl.

In view of that, I choose neutral paint for the walls in cream and pale green.

Being green and yellow the changing table still works so I add a panda crib I know Tabatha will like.

The animal print rug makes it a cozier and more comfortable space to play with the animal friends blocks table.

Since we're in Dragon Valley a stuffed green dragon is a must, and the specialty toys from the Midnight Hollow toy store get placed nearby, along with a potty chair to teach that all important skill.

I've barely finished with the renovations when family starts heading for the nursery to check out the new objects.

Dane seems impressed with the whole transformation; the animals friends panda bear chair, the matching toybox, 
even the new rocking chair with cushions re-colored to match the other furniture, they all seem to meet with his approval.

Gianni heads straight for the bookcase to check out the new books, though the glare from the palmer floor lamp is so bright I'm surprised he can look straight at it like that.

Some of the family was too busy to check out the nursery.

Oddly enough, Bella gets along great with Lorelei, and I often find them chatting or pillow fighting.

Maybe it's because Bella was the one that bound her to the family using the Philosopher's stone?

Or maybe because Lorelei doesn't challenge Bella's authority in the family?

Whatever the reason, these two get on like a house on fire and are already best friends.

But Samuel can't stand the sight of Bella and the feeling is mutual!

"What have you done with Lorelei, you she-devil!?! And stop flaring that evil aura! I want answers and I want them now!"

"Back off old man! I haven't done anything with Lorelei! We were just pillow fighting…"

"Pillow fighting? Highly unlikely! Her urn is missing and I'm sure you're responsible in some way…"

I'd love to let Bella take the heat for this one, but I confess, "That's my fault Samuel, not Bella's. And it was necessary, or I wouldn't have done it. You see, Lorelei was corrupted, that's why she couldn't manifest here in DV."

"Corrupted! My sweet Lorelei never did an underhanded thing in her life…"

I sigh and say, "Not that kind of corrupted. Bella, please leave so I can explain to Samuel privately."

Bella stomps out of the room, muttering, "Crazy old ghost."

"Okay, the evil empress is gone now, so you can start explaining what you meant by calling Lorelei corrupted!"

"I didn't mean Lorelei had done anything wrong, it's her data that's corrupted. I really don't understand technology all that well, Samuel, so I'm not even going to try to explain it. The thing is, I had to annihilate Lorelei's urn…and then go get an uncorrupted version of her from Monte Vista. Bella even helped with that process once, but that's not the one that worked. I don't think so anyway. This is harder to explain than I thought."

Samuel's tone goes deadly, "Then keep it simple, Watcher. Where. Is. Lorelei?"

"Oh, that's easy. Lorelei is in the kitchen, cooking."

"In the kitchen cooking…then where is her urn?"

"I'm not explaining this well, at all."

"No. You are definitely not explaining this well. Or fast enough."

"Okay, let me try again. I tried a lot of things to restore her to her ghostly self, safely in her urn. But none of them worked like I wanted them to, so when one instance of her arrived in DV, and Lee got the 'Oh My Ghost!' opportunity, I let him take it. So, Lorelei is indeed in the kitchen cooking, and her urn, a large headstone actually, is safely in her personal inventory, where all active ghosts keep them."

As my words sink in, Samuel smiles and says, "So she's okay. Safe with the active family instead of with the us in the Netherworld. It'll take some getting used to but since she's safe and with her family…"

"About that. Because the family that connects her to this one doesn't live in this town, Lorelei doesn't actually recognize them as family. In fact, she doesn't know any family in her past either. Or you or your children. But I'm working on that and so is Dane! He's a genius and I'm sure he'll help me come up with a workable solution."

"He might be a genius, but he's married to the evil she-devil and evil himself…why would he help?"

"Because he's family and family sticks together!"

On the back porch, I find Lorelei rocking slowly, a contemplative look on her face.

"I guess you heard all that."

Lorelei just nods and continues rocking quietly.

"I'm trying to figure out what we can do to get you connected back to the family Lorelei. It might take me a bit of time, but…"

Suddenly I'm interrupted by a shout from the other end of the porch.

Dane says, "That's it, Watcher. Family!"

"Yes, family is the problem, Dane, the fact that Lorelei's not part of it."

"And family is the solution! Something you said the first time you mentioned it has been bugging me, but I couldn't put my finger on it. But after listening to that shouting match in the music salon, it came to me, especially when Samuel asked why I would help, you know, with me being evil and all. And then you said, 'because he's family and family sticks together', and it all fell into place!"

Seeing Tabatha and Claire just rocking away, not saying a word, I knew they were feeling just as confused as I was.

"What fell into place, Dane? Please spell it out! You might be a genius but the rest of us don't have that advantage."

"Like I said, Watcher, the answer is family. Lorelei isn't connected to the current family or her past family, so bring the connections here!"

"Bring them here? Bring who here?"

"The other heirs, Watcher! Lorelei's father to restore her past and Lorelei's daughter to connect her to us!"

Claire asks dryly, "You do remember where you left them, right?"

"Of course, I remember where I left them. In their third towns. Torre's in Midnight Hollow and Lucinda is back in Hidden Springs."

Dane adds, "Then it'll be easy! You can do that thing that you did for Phyllis, Jeffery, and their son, Van, back in Starlight Shores. You know, use NRaas MC to just add them to town."

"How do you know about…never mind. You're right, Dane, adding them to town would be easy. The problem is, I don't know how to reverse it…they'd have to stay here. It's a lot to ask."

"Like you said, Watcher, they're family and family sticks together! Besides, this town could use a little fairy magic! Give the dragonlings a run for their money!"

And give Dane and Bella plenty of opportunity to watch fairy's pull pranks and revel in recipients' misery.

Before I can voice that thought, Tabatha squeals, "Fairies! You mean I could actually meet some of Lee's fairy ancestors!?! Oh, Watcher, this sounds like the best solution ever!"

"Welcome to Dragon Valley, Torre! The circumstances aren't the best, but it's so good to see you again!"

"You too, Watcher! And we really didn't mind. Family always comes first. I'm looking forward to exploring this town!"

"It is a pretty cool town, and if you find any large green eggs, pick them up! They're baby dragons and they come in four different colors. We've found three of them so far, purple, green, and red, so all we need is a black one to complete our collection."

"Baby dragons sound cool! I'll keep an eye out for those green eggs!"

"When they hatch, don't underestimate them. The red ones can shoot fireballs at other sims!'

"Cinda will love that! She can add it to her list of pranks! She's inside…and wondering where Rory is…"

"Oh, goodness, in the excitement of seeing you, I forgot to add Rory! I better fix that right now or Cinda will do something to get even. Where's Lucy? I know I added her."

"She headed straight to bed. At her age, she needs to get plenty of sleep."

"I wish I could do something about that, Torre. I've changed things up a bit the last few generations and have given heirs and spouses age freeze potions before they move out to keep them from having to endure elder years and meeting Grim."

"In that case, I wouldn't mention it to Lucy unless you come up with a solution to restore her youth."

"I'll think about it and get back to you."

My first glimpse of Cinda fills me with nostalgia, the turquoise hair and the fluttery pink wings, even the look she gives me, her eyes narrowing as she says, "There you are! Took you long enough! And where is Rory!?!"

"He's right outside, Cinda. I'm sure he'll be in shortly."

"He better be. It's not like I'm going outdoors to look for him!"

"Same old Cinda!"

"What's that supposed to mean? Never mind. You do realize I gave up a very lucrative job in Hidden Springs…"

"Cinda, there's a law enforcement agency in every sim town, well, except for Uni and Oasis Landing, and the Adventure towns…"

"Keep going, Watcher, I love it when you paint yourself in a corner…"

"No corner here, no one lives in those places permanently, which is why they're not part of this journey, just vacation towns. And Dragon Valley has a perfectly good law enforcement agency. In fact, a couple of the current family members already work there. Dane's a Forensic Specialist and Ara's a…oh, wait, she quit her job after reaching level 5, she's in the culinary career now. So that means they could probably use an International Super Spy on the force!"

"Nice save, Watcher! How's mom?"

"I haven't spoken with her since adding you to town, but I'm sure she's feeling much more like herself since you and your grandfather have not only restored the family tree, but her place in it! Thanks for coming, Cinda! You've no idea how grateful we are!"

"I've already started a list of ways you can show that gratitude, Watcher. A fairy house, some martial arts equipment, and a couple of easels for Rory."

"Is that all?"

Cinda ignores my sarcastic tone and says, "For now. I'll let you know if I think of anything else."

Rory's already found a new novel to read and is looking for a place to sit and enjoy it.

As he scans the room, he says, "Nice place, Watcher! A bit smaller than our other homes, but it looks comfortable enough."

"It was the closest place to the main family, and with two masters in each small wing, it allows for a bit of privacy for both you and Cinda and Torre and Lucy. But there are plenty of other homes in town if you want your own home."

"This should do for now, Watcher. You know me, I'm happy as long as I'm either reading or writing a novel or painting."

"I'll add a desk and computer to Cinda's list."

"A list? That's a great idea! I'll try to remember to start one of my own."

As the sun peeks over the horizon casting shadows through the trees, I get a nice photo of the newest Frio residence, The Glenn.

I love its hexagonal entry and its L-shaped design, along with all the medieval architectural touches.

You can see the main Frio home in the background and the fountain spraying a curtain of water in the nearby fishpond.

Dragon Valley is a beautiful town, especially in the quiet early morning hours.

I see the newly installed fairy house on the corner of the house and congratulate myself for remembering to place it before I left.

Then I remember that Cinda hates the outdoors and will be complaining about having to go outside to use it!

Well, she'll just have to live with it until I get another one.

Back at the main house, I find Lorelei playing the piano, looking much happier than the last time I saw her.

"Sounds like you found your muse."

"My muse and my life, Watcher! It's good to be me again. The whole me, with a past and a present, connected to the family I love. Music expresses that so much better than words."

"Dane and Gianni would agree with you on that one. In fact, Dane's playing drums in the music salon as we speak."

"He is?  Oh, now's my chance!"

Lorelei gets up and races to the music salon.

And jump scares Dane!

"Lorelei! What on earth are you doing? You're not evil, mean spirited, inappropriate, or even childish and you have no sense of humor, so why are you doing that to Dane?"

"Because I'm a ghost and I can! Now that my memories and ties to the family are intact, it's just a little payback for all the jump scares he's done."

"But he's also the one that came up with the idea to invite Torre and Lucinda here to reestablish your connection to the family and fix the family tree."

Dane shakes his head and moans, "Yeah, and see what doing something good got me? Never again!"

Lorelei has the grace to mumble, "Sorry, my bad."

But then she goes to the living room and jump scares Bella!

Walking by at the opportune moment, Gianni couldn't hold back a laugh.

And though Bella is not happy with Lorelei, her focus is on Gianni.

She waits until he's blissfully unaware, then she starts creeping after him.

And manages to scare Gianni through the thick stone walls all the way into the nursery!

Lorelei says, "Sorry, Watcher, I seem to have started something that has taken on a life of its own."

But poor Gianni's trials aren't over yet as Dane feels the need to get payback on someone.

And even though Gianni flees to the side patio to feed the lizard, Dane's power again defies the walls of the house.

Leaving Gianni trembling as he says, "I've taken it for as long as I can, Watcher! I'll never get a moment of peace in this house!"

I can't even disagree, because it was bad enough when it was just Bella and Dane, but now with Lorelei promoting jump scares, life will be anything but peaceful.

And the baby hasn't even arrived yet!

I try to console him a bit, saying, "You still have those painting wishes and all your guitar compositions to learn. Can you put up with it for a bit longer?"

"I'll give it another day, Watcher, no more. Besides, if Ara and I move out, maybe Tabatha will have twins and get the little girl they both want in addition to the boy."

"That thought has crossed my mind…"

But a ring of the doorbell has me checking the front entry where I find Lorelei greeting her mother, Lucy, and her daughter, Cinda!

Well, trying to greet them, as somehow there's not enough room on the front porch to do so and they all just stand there awkwardly ignoring each other.

That's what I thought was going on.

Until Cinda twirled into maternity wear just as I got the notification that Lucinda and Rory Frio were now expecting a baby!

Which prompted both Lucy and Cinda to head home with Lucy mumbling, "Maybe being an elder isn't so bad…"

Lorelei managed to catch Lucy by the front gate, but Cinda was long gone.

They've not seen each other in so long, Lorelei waved shyly, saying "Hi, Mom."

Lucy seemed a little shy as well, but who came blame her really.

It's not like meeting your daughter who's now an active ghost after being dead for four generations is an everyday occurrence.

But Lucy recovers quickly and starts wondering if Rory might be able to write a book about it!

Soon they were chatting away.

"I'm really looking forward to one of your gourmet meals, Lorelei. It's been a long time, but I haven't forgotten what perfect food tastes like. It's amazing!"

"What a nice thing to say, Mom. In the Netherworld, I didn't get to cook, but I've been preparing a lot of meals since Lee brought me back. You'll all have to come to dinner sometime."

Then Lorelei clenches her fists with excitement saying, "Oh, we could even play together. A duet with you on guitar and me on piano! Gianni plays guitar too, and Dane plays all the instruments, so we could make it a quartet."

"That sounds like a great idea! I haven't got to jam in a long time and to do that with family, well, it would be a real treat. It's so good to be reunited with family, Lorelei! It was something we never expected. The Watcher called and we agreed instantly, but it happened so fast. One minute we were in our house in Midnight Hollow and the next minute, we were here and so was Lucinda!"

"And I'll be grateful for that for the rest of my days, Mom."

"No need, Lorelei. Family sticks together!"

We've renovated the nursery with the animal theme Tabatha wanted and it looks adorable.

Bella's getting on along so well with Lorelei that they are already best friends.

But Bella and Samuel dislike each other intensely, to the point that Samuel accused Bella of doing something to Lorelei when he discovered Lorelei's urn was missing.

I explained to Samuel, badly, that Bella had nothing to do with Lorelei's missing urn but that, after several unsuccessful attempts to retrieve her in an acceptable state, Lorelei was finally back in the family as an active ghost.

Samuel was relieved that Lorelei was okay but then I had to tell him Lorelei had no connection or memories of the family now, but Dane and I were working on a solution to fix that.

Dane did come up with a solution, so now Torre and Lucy, as Lorelei's parents, and Lucinda and Rory, because Lucinda is her daughter, are living here in DV, restoring Lorelei's memories and connection to the family and restoring the *family tree!

With her memories restored, Lorelei initiated jump scares on both Dane and Bella as payback.

Then it snowballed and Bella and Dane took their revenge of poor Gianni, through thick stone walls!

Resulting in Gianni wanting to move out with Ara immediately, though he's relented and has agreed to stick around to complete a few more tasks, but not for more than another day.

Lucy and Lucinda came over to visit with Lorelei, but Lucinda's unexpected pregnancy had her racing off.

Lorelei and Lucy did have a chance to chat though, and it was nice seeing them reunited as family.

Wow, a lot happened in this chapter!

But there's definitely a lot more coming up, including the arrival of the next generation!

Join me in Chapter 376: Defying the Odds
Coming soon.
*Author's note: Restoring the family tree down the heirship line anyway, as Lorelei still isn't connected to her other three children, but since both Samuel and Lucinda are, it's still fully intact through them.

Offline Cheezey

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Re: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story
« Reply #404 on: September 20, 2022, 12:15:04 PM »
Just caught up on this one! I have to say, for all the trouble she causes and headaches she gives you, Bella is such an entertaining character with her antics.

Sorry to see all the glitches you've had to deal with, though, but it's great you got them worked out. I feel your pain on the big parties. Sims never do what they're supposed to and the routing issues are always terrible. At least you didn't get any full on crashes to desktop (I hope, anyway!) during them. Looking forward to your next installment!

