Author Topic: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: COMPLETED 11/11/13  (Read 316627 times)

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 10, Chapter 163 3/9/13
« Reply #1110 on: September 03, 2013, 08:55:26 AM »
Growing Up on Speed 3

I apologise now for the quality of pictures in the next couple of updates. My computer's old and it's struggling to render things properly, so the backgrounds will look a bit weird for a while. The quality improves again when I learn from it and start waiting for things to render before I take a screenie.

This sim learns how to avoid being questioned by private investigators - swim as far out as you can and they can't come and get you. That's a free tip for all you criminal sims out there!

Iris: He'll get his comeuppance when a shark eats his leg.

Parker: If that'll get him to confess to stealing the flamingo...

Pansy becomes an elder. There'll be no siblings or IFs this generation - just Erin.

Iris: I had eight of them and I turned out alright.

I'm fairly sure you only have five siblings.

Iris: Oh, are you talking about siblings? I'm talking about imaginary friends.

You never got an IF doll.


And Erin learns to walk (a.k.a toddler cute photos).

Iris: When I was young, we had to teach ourselves to walk...

No you didn't.

Iris: And we lived underground on the moon. The youth of today don't know how good they have it.

Pansy: Please, Iris, don't tell lies to the child.

That bit's actually true. She did live on the moon.

Pansy: Perhaps the lack of oxygen up there explains her.

Iris: Oi! I can breathe oxygen!

Parker: Excuse me lady, but have you happened to see a flamingo loose in the area?

For once, it almost seems like the townies have got the hang of fashion. These outfits aren't what I'd choose, but they match and are SimFest-appropriate.

Oh wait.

Iris: Oh hello there, gorgeous!

Flipper-And-Speedo Man: Who said that?

Iris: OMG. People can hear me but not see me! This is going to be amazing!

Iris, no. Whatever it is you're going to do, no!

Iris: BRB.

Parker: Aha! A reciept for a flamingo passport! He must have taken it out of the country!

Remember Connor? He's doing what teenage boys normally do at family parties - eat and hide from all the embarassing people that are related to him.

Because, yes, it's Erin's next birthday already. Pansy's having a slight hair problem.

Iris: Why's it coming out of her forehead like that? Ew.

Where've you been?

Iris: You know, places. Doing stuff. Like pretending to be a ghost in the house of the guy who runs the Supernatual Skeptic Society.

Pansy: Can't we get rid of her?

I wish.

Iris: You can't get rid of Erin! She's your daughter.

Pansy: We meant you.

Iris: You can't get rid of me either. I'm your mother-in-law. I'm even more omnipresent.

Erin: If I don't open my eyes, my family isn't this mad.

Laura: Well, I feel sorry for Pansy, but I'd much rather Iris was here than in my house.

Kenyon: Agreed.

Child Erin's new hairstyle.

Child Erin's new everyday outfit.

The first thing she does as a child is head out and make some new friends. She gained the Good Sense of Humour trait.

Erin: Hello, my name's Erin.

Elspeth: Aren't you adorable?

Erin: I'm a princess. Are you a princess too?

Elspeth: I don't think so.

Erin: You can be a princess because you have a sparkly thing in your hair and it's pretty.

Erin: And when I'm older I'm going to have a pony and a cat and be a famous famous person. But I don't know what I'll do to become famous yet.

Iris: Hello? Hello? Can anyone hear me? I think I'm stuck in the table football set?

Erin: Grandmaaaa. I'm talking! Stop playing your pranks!

Nathaniel: Finally. They let me be in this update now. I'm old news, not even allowed in the updates anymore.

Well, you *are* the previous heir.

Nathaniel: Ignore me. It's fine. I don't care. I have my wife and my chess set. And nachos. Mmm nachos.

Iris: Son, you're weird.

Nathaniel: And if you have three teddy bears and Grandma takes two, how many do you have left?

Erin: Grandma's invisible. She can't pick up teddy bears! And besides, she's my Grandma, she ought to bring me teddy bears instead of taking them away.

Nathaniel: It's a valid point, but your Grandma's not normal.

No, she's a dynasty heir.

Erin: What's a dynasty air?

Nathaniel: I'll explain when you're older.

Erin: Watcher? Watcher?!


Erin: Why is the bus driver dressed for the beach?

I have no idea.

Iris: Because I stole all her other clothes.


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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 10, Chapter 163 3/9/13
« Reply #1111 on: September 03, 2013, 09:17:28 AM »
hahahhaha oh Iris, was it even worth being stuck in a foosball table just to scare someone? And Erin is just... wow! She'll be a stunner when she grows up.
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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 10, Chapter 163 3/9/13
« Reply #1112 on: September 03, 2013, 03:06:07 PM »
Erin did grow up cute I think she looks very cute with her little pigtails. And Connor is cute too. But of course, he is descended from Goodwin Goode so this is expected.
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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 10, Chapter 163 3/9/13
« Reply #1113 on: September 03, 2013, 03:13:26 PM »
I confess that when you asked (probably rhetorically) "Remember Connor?" my answer was, "No, who is that?"  ??? (Long day)

My most sincerest apologies, Connor.  :P

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 10, Chapter 163 3/9/13
« Reply #1114 on: September 03, 2013, 03:22:56 PM »
*snickers*  I swear, Iris just gets better and better!  She never fails to crack me up.  And Erin is just adorable!  lol, I love the fact that Iris is the embarrassing family member, rather than her parents.


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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 10, Chapter 163 3/9/13
« Reply #1115 on: September 04, 2013, 12:18:19 AM »
Totally hilarious! I love the way Iris is there, yet not there, yet there, and looks after Erin in her own domitable way - even if our little princess get annoyed with it all. Brilliant concept!  ;D

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 10, Chapter 163 3/9/13
« Reply #1116 on: September 04, 2013, 11:44:44 AM »
hahahhaha oh Iris, was it even worth being stuck in a foosball table just to scare someone? And Erin is just... wow! She'll be a stunner when she grows up.

I reckon it wasn't, but I'm sure she'd tell you that it was! I've seen Erin as a YA now and yep, she's pretty when she grows up.

Erin did grow up cute I think she looks very cute with her little pigtails. And Connor is cute too. But of course, he is descended from Goodwin Goode so this is expected.

The pigtails are one of my favourite children's hairstyles, they look good on pretty much anyone. I've never actually played with Goodwin Goode, maybe I should...

I confess that when you asked (probably rhetorically) "Remember Connor?" my answer was, "No, who is that?"  ??? (Long day)

My most sincerest apologies, Connor.  :P

He doesn't mind :) I find it hard to keep up with who's who in other people's stories a lot of the time, so I can totally sympathise.

*snickers*  I swear, Iris just gets better and better!  She never fails to crack me up.  And Erin is just adorable!  lol, I love the fact that Iris is the embarrassing family member, rather than her parents.

Iris, the embarrassing family member for two generations! She makes me laugh a lot too when I'm writing her. I get odd looks sat here sniggering away at myself(/Iris).

Totally hilarious! I love the way Iris is there, yet not there, yet there, and looks after Erin in her own domitable way - even if our little princess get annoyed with it all. Brilliant concept!  ;D

I think almost anyone would be annoyed by their grandma following them round permanently being very, very annoying! There may be more to it all then meets the eye though...

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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 10, Chapter 163 3/9/13
« Reply #1117 on: September 04, 2013, 03:04:04 PM »
You should! Everyone should play Goodwin Goode. He's the most wonderful brilliant lovely Sim ever.
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By samoht04


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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 10, Chapter 163 3/9/13
« Reply #1118 on: September 07, 2013, 02:06:22 AM »
 I finished reading all the chapters are you going to make some more? By the way You are doing a great job!  ;D

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 10, Chapter 163 3/9/13
« Reply #1119 on: September 25, 2013, 12:06:42 PM »
You should! Everyone should play Goodwin Goode. He's the most wonderful brilliant lovely Sim ever.

I might have to disagree slightly there... but he's pretty awesome I'll give you that!

I finished reading all the chapters are you going to make some more? By the way You are doing a great job!  ;D

Thanks! Another one's coming along right now.

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 10, Chapter 164 25/9/13
« Reply #1120 on: September 25, 2013, 12:33:17 PM »
Sandy Bedrooms and Wasted Childhood

*Filler Episode warning*

I'll admit to getting far, far too excited when Erin met Eddie Himes in school. He's opposite gender, has a really nice house in town, and... oh. Wait. I don't need a spouse this generation.

Iris: Thicko.

He's even got awesome coloured eyes, and he's completely unnecessary for the dynasty. This was my first moment where it being the last generation sank in, I think.

Still, he'll be slightly useful for Erin's supermax skill, and seeing as she can't work on that until she's a teen anyway she might as well enjoy childhood. Endless games of tag it is then!

Iris: Why won't they let me play? S'not fair.

Erin: Invisible grannies can't play tag!

Eddie: Plus you smell.

Iris: How very dare you! I was never like that as a child!

No, you were worse.

Nathaniel: It's just occured to me that I spent all my time complaining about having to fish, and now I've got nothing to do I want to complain about that. All that's left to me in life is orange juice.

Pansy: What about me?

Nathaniel: Orange juice and my wife.

And your elder birthday.

Nathaniel: I don't want to cheer. Why am I cheering?

Nathaniel: Erin, darling, shouldn't you be off with that boy friend of yours? Daddy isn't fun right now. Daddy needs some private time.

Erin: Ew, he's not my boyfriend. Ewwwww. Don't be gross, Daddy.

Nathaniel: I knew a receding hairline was a possibility in old age, but I never thought the ends of it would fall off.

Iris: Always assume what you'd least assume, son.

Nathaniel: Thanks Mum. Thanks for another piece of highly useful and relevant advice.

Iris: No problem!

Blonde hair, purple eyes, thinks she's a queen - is Erin secretly Daenarys Targaryen?

In things that aren't Nate's birthday or Erin's boring boring childhood, Parker is on career 3 of 4. I changed his lifetime wish to Jack of All Trades and he's nearly there. He's currently a politician.

It might be going to his head.

Parker: In my day children were seen and not heard. These ones are in my way! I'm a campaign intern, don't you know!

This is one of the only interesting things that happened in Erin's childhood. For a while certain floorings allowed you to build sandcastles indoors, though it's been fixed in a patch now.

Weird but kinda cool.

Yet further proof that Erin's childhood consisted of doing absolutely nothing. Her Fun meter was pretty much constantly full though. By this point the entire family was basically on free will, except Parker when I needed him to do stuff towards his LTW.

Like sculpting. That's going to be his fourth career, so the sooner he gets started the more the sculptures will appreciate and the more chance he'll have of doing this before he dies of old age. (No, seriously. He was 94 at this point, and part of me wanted him to die ASAP).

Iris: You mean, mean person. Man up and kill him if you want him to die.

That's against dynasty rules, Iris.

Iris: I'm against dynasty rules.

You probably should be.

Iris: Your face is against dynasty rules.

Nathaniel: Self cleaning showers still scare me everytime.

Next time in the CrumpleSteel House: Erin becomes a teenager (not a day too soon), Parker completes his LTW (offscreen), and romance and firefighters are in the air.

And I promise the next chapter won't take 22 days to arrive again...

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 10, Chapter 164 25/9/13
« Reply #1121 on: September 25, 2013, 01:51:26 PM »
I should have had my sim-kids build sandcastles indoors while I had the chance! :( It looks cute when Erin does it.

Oh, and I'm glad that someone finally agrees with me on self-cleaning appliances.
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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 10, Chapter 164 25/9/13
« Reply #1122 on: September 25, 2013, 05:45:29 PM »
*snicker*  Oh Irs... I swear, she just keeps gettin' better an' better!  Eddie's adorable!  Seems so odd to know this is the last generation!

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 10, Chapter 164 25/9/13
« Reply #1123 on: September 25, 2013, 06:52:22 PM »
Iris: You mean, mean person. Man up and kill him if you want him to die.

That's against dynasty rules, Iris.

Iris: I'm against dynasty rules.

You probably should be.

Iris: Your face is against dynasty rules.

This sounds like me and my friend when we argue about pointless things. When neither of us can make a decent point, we usually just fall to shouting "YOU'RE UGLY" at each other. It's very mature, and so is Iris.  ;D
I'm not pedantic! I just believe in precision of language.

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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 10, Chapter 164 25/9/13
« Reply #1124 on: September 26, 2013, 04:17:39 AM »
Sure. The perfect spouse arrives, now that he's not needed. How inconsiderate.
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