Author Topic: The Kindle Random Town Jump  (Read 41725 times)

Offline Beks

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Re: The Kindle Random Town Jump
« Reply #135 on: September 13, 2019, 05:41:26 PM »
Chapter 52 – Something Matchy, Something Un-Matchy

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It is time. Time for Skyler’s bachelor party. Everyone’s thinking it. It’s time to start DOING it.

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The party starts off with a bang––with Skyler swaggering over to Lacie Diwan, one of his old high school flames, and accusing her of cheating.

“YOU! I can’t believe you’d do this to me! After two dates and a single kiss all the way back in high school! How could you?!”

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“But we were never actually a couple…? And I’m married...? And you’re getting married tomorrow...?”
“I don’t want to hear it. Just go away, betrayor!”

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While that’s going down, Desert Rose is taking charge of the bar.

“Anyone who wants to get back here to make Quick Drinks is going to have to SPAR me first!”

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The party dancers arrive and bore Caspian to death. Good job not being creepy, Caspian. (I assume Nile is being creepy somewhere, but I don’t have photographic evidence.)

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At least Leonard isn’t bored by the party dancers. Leonard is ALWAYS delighted, no matter what is happening.

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Landon Hudson kicks things up a notch by dancing on the counter for approximately five seconds. Nobody else dances on the counter at this party. I am very disappointed.

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The tension between Skyler and Lacie escalates until they’re shouting at each other over the thumping electronica music. Eventually, Leonard (Lacie’s husband) gets involved, baring his chest hair in an attempt to assert his dominance while Skyler cries in the corner.

Leonard: “Hey. What’s this I hear about you cheating?”
Lacie: “Skyler thinks I cheated on him by marrying you, since I kissed him one time when we were teenagers.”
Leonard: “Oh.”

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Clover tries to take control of the situation by distracting everyone with a toast.

“Excuse me, everyone! If I may draw your attention away from the shouting maniacs, I’d like to make a toast!”

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“No really, I understand that you’re all distracted! Party dancers and arguments are lots of fun. But did anyone notice that I am wearing a swimsuit?


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“Yeah, I figured that would work. All right, I’d like to say a few words about my cousin Skyler. He’s great. He loves Michaela, in spite of his confusing behavior towards Mrs. Diwan-Kindle over there. And he’s great. Uncle Nile here is great, too. I’m not sure why he’s standing so close to me.”

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“This concludes my toast, everyone. Please stop staring at my bikini now. I know I asked you all to look, but still.”

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Clover then sprays nectar all over the groom-to-be. She’s lucky to be wearing that swimsuit.

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The party continues long into the night, even after the rest of the family goes to bed. (Hey, Rose, what are you doing up?!)

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Oh, and Gladys is still awake too. She watches over the party from the backyard, a luminous mermaid matriarch basking under the glow of the moon.

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I lied about no one else dancing on the counter. Leonard dances on the counter. At about 5 in the morning, I’ll add. I really wanted to end the chapter with this picture, for obvious reasons, but alas, there’s a wedding to be had.

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But first, Gladys, who’s been spending too much time in the Motive Mobile lately, maxes out the fishing skill while the rest of the family sleeps in. I apologize to everyone for the poor graphics quality, including Gladys’s feet.

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In the afternoon, Skyler and Michaela hop in the family sportscar and take off for their wedding venue…

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…the beach! It’s a small family wedding without a lot of fanfare, so Skyler and Michaela start right in on their vows. I enjoy the fact that Skyler’s head is neatly framed by a beach umbrella for the occasion.

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Awwww, he looks so happy. I guess he got over that whole Lacie thing. Let’s just assume he was juiced up on quick drinks at the time and didn’t know what was happening.

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Congratulations to the newest Mr. and Mrs. Kindle!

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Even after the ceremony is over, the lovebirds remain under the wedding arch, sharing kisses while Skyler’s father plays obnoxiously upbeat bass tunes under a full moon. (Side note: why is the moon always full unless you have Supernatural installed?)

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Nile is still there when the bride and groom get frisky.

Nile: “I just want you to know, kids, that I CAN SEE YOU!”

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Back at home, Skyler and Michaela spend their wedding night together in the comfort of a house full of other people. Sorry, guys.

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…and Francine, who had to work through her nephew’s wedding, is rewarded with her final promotion. She’s a very sleepy Hit Music Composer!

Offline deedee_828

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Re: The Kindle Random Town Jump
« Reply #136 on: September 14, 2019, 01:03:19 PM »
Congratulations Skyler and Michaela! And wow, I really see why you wanted to end the chapter with Leonard...that look, SMOLDERING! He could give Dr. Bravestone a run for his money! I doubt most sims, be they female or male, could resist such a come-hither look! I even went back for a 2nd peek at it...just because. Any chance you could save a copy of Leonard and share him? I wouldn't mind having those genes in one of my games! Is he an in-born game sim from original residents? If so, I'll be hoping to find a sort of related sibling when my TJ game gets to this town. :)

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Re: The Kindle Random Town Jump
« Reply #137 on: September 15, 2019, 07:54:33 PM »
Congratulations Skyler and Michaela! And wow, I really see why you wanted to end the chapter with Leonard...that look, SMOLDERING! He could give Dr. Bravestone a run for his money! I doubt most sims, be they female or male, could resist such a come-hither look! I even went back for a 2nd peek at it...just because. Any chance you could save a copy of Leonard and share him? I wouldn't mind having those genes in one of my games! Is he an in-born game sim from original residents? If so, I'll be hoping to find a sort of related sibling when my TJ game gets to this town.

Haha, I'm glad you enjoyed that picture of Leonard so much! Leonard is actually a Kindle––he's the son of Rhone (semi-estranged younger brother of Nile and Caspian) and Karie Mae-Steel (whom Rhone married back in Sunset Valley). So Leonard is descended from the Kindles, Christopher Steel, and Zelda Mae. I'll see if I can save and share him for you. (Great timing, because I'm about to move to the next town in-game!)

Offline Trip

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Re: The Kindle Random Town Jump
« Reply #138 on: September 15, 2019, 08:05:32 PM »
Aww Rhone, I wish I could say we'd never forget ya but I did. </3
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Offline Beks

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Re: The Kindle Random Town Jump
« Reply #139 on: September 15, 2019, 08:35:50 PM »
Chapter 53 – Stranded

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I am tired of Lucky Palms. I am tired of this generation. I am tired of having a house of eight sims, four of whom are elders puttering around doing nothing. (Immortal Dynasty, anyone?) I am tired of this house that I did not build and that is very hard to take attractive screenshots in. I am tired of my sims having to drive fifty miles just to get to work on the other side of the highway. I am tired. Also, this file has become extremely bloated since we’ve been here so long, and the lag and loading times are starting to drive me up the wall. Now that we’re also waiting for at least one of the elders to die to make room for Desert Rose’s spouse (sorry, elders, you know I love you all to death lol), I’m on the verge of losing my mind. *deeeep breath*

So, we’re just going to skim over these next few days in the Kindle house. Not a lot happens, anyway.

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Gladys stays out late after work and goes dumpster diving. Because 300,000 simoleons isn’t enough and we need more old broken lamps to sell.

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Caspian and Clover have breath-holding contests in the pool at ungodly hours. (Hey, he works late at night, she works early in the morning. There’s ALMOST an overlap there.)

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Once, and only once, the “Call to Meal” action actually brings the whole family together for breakfast. Of course, half of them are eating different things because they couldn’t all get to the correct countertop, but they’re all here! Wait, except for Gladys. Where is Gladys?

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Gladys: “I’m eating outside. I can actually hear myself think out here.”

Good choice, Gladys.

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Desert Rose makes sure to spend time with her beau and future husband, Harvey. They go on casual dates around town, where they don’t talk very much due to routing issues preventing them from interacting.

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When the routing issues go away, though (or they find a magical spot on the ground where they can stand together), they’re happily all over each other, to some extent. (Don’t worry, Canyon is supervising from the swings over there.)

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We get occasional visits from the ghosts of the family. They usually go straight for the sprinkler.

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Ooh, here’s one exciting event! Gladys achieved her LTW of becoming a CEO ages ago, but it took her quite a while to finish climbing the ladder and reach level 10 of the business career. She finally does it.

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Rose spends MORE time with Harvey. I guess the Unflirty trait only applies to Sims she doesn’t know very well.

Clover: “Ahhh, young love. I wish I knew what that was like.”
Skyler: “Well, I wish I could sock that kid right in the mouth.”
Clover: “Oh, hush. You had to kiss half the town before you figured out who your soulmate was.”
Skyler: “...Fair enough.”

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Michaela has to get her logic skill up for her career as a teacher. Clover helps her out by pretty much destroying her at every game.

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I’m not sure how well Michaela is liking her career, by the way. Every day when she comes home, she just drinks. I mean, we all have days like that, but I think coming home to throw 'em back for three hours straight every day might be a bad sign.

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Clover, by contrast, seems to be enjoying her career. I find her outside the military base having a peaceful moment with the night sky. Either it means she’s really happy, or she really, really, really needs to meditate after work.

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Nile has been writing books steadily for his whole life. He finishes his 25th––a historical book called The Kindles in the Desert. Some of his previous titles have included Midnight Drinks with Nile and Caspian, How To Harass a Pool Light, The Well That Swallowed Francine, and Catch Ten Sharks: A Man's Guide to Pregnancy.

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Hey look, it’s Rhone! Anybody remember Rhone? Long lost little brother to Nile and Caspian? Father to the famous Leonard? Yeah, me either…anyway, he’s an old man now and doing fine.

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Rose and Clover practice sparring in the middle of the night. Why does everyone do everything in the middle of the night in this family?

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Days pass, and at long last, it’s time for Desert Rose to become a young adult. She decides to throw a small family birthday party––well, family plus future family, meaning Harvey.

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Everyone gathers around her birthday cake, as well as a celebratory plate of rotten sushi.

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(Okay, I’m really going to miss these Lucky Palms sunsets. I’m not ready to say goodbye to those yet.)

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Ahh, yes, the matchy-matchy newlyweds.

Clover: “You know, you guys really are perfect together.”
Skyler: “We sure aaaaare!”

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Awww, look who else is matchy-matchy! I still secretly wish Desert Rose had inherited her mother’s hair color, but at least she got everything else of hers.

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Close your eyes and make a wish, Desert Rose…

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…ta da! Our lovely heiress has a new trait, and it’s…

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…Evil. Noooooo!

I swear to you, I had a premonition. It crossed my mind only yesterday…I thought to myself, you know, I bet Desert Rose is going to turn out Evil or something. Ha ha, that would be terrible! AND HERE WE ARE.

Ah, well. Desert Rose is Desert Rose, and if Desert Rose is Evil, then that’s just what she is. Evil, Artistic, Disciplined, Neat, and Unflirty. What a personality! On that note, there are a lot of LTWs that would probably make sense for Rose, but I just can’t pass up Empress of Evil. She’s going to be glorious in that red glow someday. 8)

Next time, if we're lucky, somebody’s kickin’ the bucket and somebody's gettin’ hitched! See you then!

Offline Beks

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Re: The Kindle Random Town Jump
« Reply #140 on: September 15, 2019, 08:42:29 PM »
Aww Rhone, I wish I could say we'd never forget ya but I did. </3

Don't worry, I forgot about him too. I always tell myself I'm going to keep moved-out siblings involved in family life, but I almost always forget about them...

Offline Trip

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Re: The Kindle Random Town Jump
« Reply #141 on: September 15, 2019, 09:03:21 PM »
Aww Rhone, I wish I could say we'd never forget ya but I did. </3

Don't worry, I forgot about him too. I always tell myself I'm going to keep moved-out siblings involved in family life, but I almost always forget about them...

I read the line about forgetting him in the chapter too and I no longer feel alone <3

ANYWAYS you got two curveball traits in a row for Rose huh. She might be heir material but I wonder what kind of message she's sending.
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Offline deedee_828

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Re: The Kindle Random Town Jump
« Reply #142 on: September 16, 2019, 08:04:06 PM »
I forgot that Leonard was even a Kindle, so I'm worse than you guys! But now that you've jogged my memory, I vaguely remember Skyler's potential GF, the one who wouldn't kiss him, being involved with his cousin. lol
And Rhone, you may be forgettable but not your glasses!

I won't be able to use Leonard in my TJ game as SV was my first town, but I'd love a copy of Leonard for my Farmacy game!
It's set in Adventureland which is just SV w/o any residents and I call it Aggie's Corner, since I have MrsFlynn's copy of her in my game and she's the only 'original' resident.
How perfect for a descendant of the Kindles, Christopher Steel, and Zelda Mae, to return to the town of his roots!
Any chance I could get a copy of him as a kid? With Rhone and Karie Mae-Steel? I'll take the whole family if you're sharing!

Offline Beks

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Re: The Kindle Random Town Jump
« Reply #143 on: September 20, 2019, 10:30:22 PM »
I forgot that Leonard was even a Kindle, so I'm worse than you guys! But now that you've jogged my memory, I vaguely remember Skyler's potential GF, the one who wouldn't kiss him, being involved with his cousin. lol
And Rhone, you may be forgettable but not your glasses!

I won't be able to use Leonard in my TJ game as SV was my first town, but I'd love a copy of Leonard for my Farmacy game!
It's set in Adventureland which is just SV w/o any residents and I call it Aggie's Corner, since I have MrsFlynn's copy of her in my game and she's the only 'original' resident.
How perfect for a descendant of the Kindles, Christopher Steel, and Zelda Mae, to return to the town of his roots!
Any chance I could get a copy of him as a kid? With Rhone and Karie Mae-Steel? I'll take the whole family if you're sharing!

Ooh, I need to read your Farmacy story! I love the idea of a story set in Adventureland. That's brilliant.

I'll work on getting Leonard and his parents up on the Swap Shop!

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Re: The Kindle Random Town Jump
« Reply #144 on: September 20, 2019, 10:46:45 PM »
Chapter 54 – Smile & Gladnyss

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Desert Rose graduates from high school the following morning. The Kindles all parade down to City Hall for the last time in this town.

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Rose wins Valedictorian just like her siblings and cousin, and is voted Most Artistic. She exits the school with this almost-creepy gigantic grin fixed on her face. (Perhaps she’s pretending not to be disappointed that she didn’t win “Most Likely to Take Over the World”.)

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After changing out of her robes, Rose drives out into the desert and gets a job at the criminal warehouse.

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When Rose gets home, Skyler is there waiting to berate her for being Evil. These two have been close for Rose’s whole life, but now that Rose is Evil, poor Good Skyler just can’t handle it.

“You tricked me! All along, you were plotting the downfall of humanity, and I just thought you were being sassy!”

Never mind that Rose’s Evilness is a recent development. This relationship starts declining rapidly, and I have to step in and separate Rose and Skyler before they get into a serious fight. :(

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Luckily, Rose creates a distraction for herself by heading straight for the easel and getting back into painting. She dabbled a little as a child, but she’s still at a low level of the skill. She has a lot to live up to with a Master of the Arts in the household and the world-famous Ash as a grandfather.

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Speaking of Ash, he’s still hanging around, often accompanied by Corrie. Well, they usually show up separately and then act surprised and grossed-out when they run into each other.

“Ewww, what are you doing here?”
“Me?! What are YOU doing here??”

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Now that all the kids are grown up, Corrie is free to skinny dip in the pool like a normal ghost. :o For some reason, Caspian thinks it’s a good idea to steal his dead mother’s clothes. Wait a second, how does Corrie even have clothes to leave behind?

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In other news, look who’s a full-grown man now! Harvey is just a day or so younger than Rose, and I spot him walking down a nearby street looking very snazzy in one of the best townie outfits I’ve ever seen.

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Naturally, Rose calls him to invite him over.

“Hey, babe, I heard you’re finally old enough to date me again…”

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But for some reason, Harvey rejects all of Rose’s invitations and refuses to see her for a couple of days straight. He must be really busy with work. Or maybe he heard through the grapevine that his girlfriend is now Evil and has gone into hiding. That would be understandable.

Rose is busy with work too, but not as busy as she should be. She has pretty much the best first day of work imaginable––she’s there for less than an hour before she, like, ambushes a nice passerby or something and gets promoted instantly. She also gets to leave work the moment she’s promoted, so she works a total of about 45 minutes on her first day. And earns a whopping 8 dollars. But hey, she’s at level 2 already!

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And she comes home wearing this. This is her work outfit. A headscarf, a neon purple cardigan, flip flops, and stockings.

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With all that extra time, Rose starts working on her athletic skill with the help of cousin Clover.

Clover: “You’re doing great, Rosie! Just nineteen more reps!”
Rose: “Why…did I choose...this career…ugh!”

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That afternoon, I’m just minding my own business when I come across Nile and Gladys dancing enthusiastically together next to the dining room table. These two have never stopped being adorable, even in their very old age.

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Of course, Nile returns to his slightly creepy normal self soon after, choosing to rummage in the family garbage can while Clover and Michaela practice chess two feet away.

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I guess Nile found what he was looking for in that garbage can, because just minutes later, his life is over.

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…and so is Gladys’s.

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Literally seconds after the camera pans to Nile, the camera pans AGAIN to Gladys on the upper floor. Gladys must have sensed that Nile was dying and decided that she wanted to go too. She waits patiently at the top of the stairs while Grim takes care of her husband down below.

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Not a lot of family members are around to witness the death of Nile, which could be why Nile begs for more time. He also doesn’t realize that Gladys is already waiting for him and he won’t have to be alone in the afterlife.

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When Nile has been sent off, Grim rounds the corner and climbs the stairs to meet Gladys, who is floating patiently at the top.

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Skyler is upstairs, too. He’s clearly not okay, but I still can’t help laughing at his face. It looks like a sneeze got stuck halfway out of his sinuses.

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Grim and Gladys end up getting physically stuck together for a couple of actual real-life minutes, so the reaping doesn’t really ever happen––eventually, Gladys gets tired of waiting around and poofs herself into the afterlife with a whooshing sound and a ray of light.

Farewell, Nile and Gladys. Nile, we’ll miss your insanity, your goofy faces, your creepy lurking, and your paisley speedo. Gladys, we’ll miss your elegance, your sweetness, your take-no-crap attitude, and your secret mermaidness. Rest in peace, you two lovely souls.

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Across town, Harvey wakes from his sleep IN THE SAME BED AS HIS MOTHER??? to a knock at the door. Or maybe he’s just waking up due to the BLINDING RAINBOW STRIPES all over his wall. Or the gnome peeking out from the other side of the bed? There are so many resaons this bedroom situation is abnormal, but there's no time for further investigation. Desert Rose is outside and she needs her Harvey!

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It’s very late, but Harvey lets Rose in and holds her while she cries about the sudden death of her parents.

“*sniff* I know they were old, and I have this nice 'Fiendishly Delighted' moodlet now, but it’s still so sad! I wasn’t even there to say goodbye to them. I’m going to be all alone now––well, except for Skyler...and Michaela...and Clover…”

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“…and me?”

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And him. Harvey Northrop-Bellamore moves into the Kindle household at last, revealing his father as Clark Bellamore and opting to grow his hair out with a little bit of CAS magic. He’s a beautiful, beautiful creature, and well worth the wait. Harvey’s traits: Good (oh...oh dear), Virtuoso, Hates the Outdoors, Dramatic, and Neurotic. His favorite things are Vegetarian Dim Sum, Chinese music, and the color Red; and his Lifetime Wish is to be a One Sim Band. I’ve actually never done that one before. Should be a good time!

So welcome to the family, Harvey. It’s about time we had a new face around here. Next time, we’ll wrap up the Kindles-in-Lucky-Palms era at last and get ready for the next town!

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Re: The Kindle Random Town Jump
« Reply #145 on: September 21, 2019, 10:56:48 AM »
I love a good trait fight...Skyler's got reinforcements!

Gladys also found a new way to avoid the "Heartbroken" moodlet, if you wanna think of it that way.
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Re: The Kindle Random Town Jump
« Reply #146 on: September 22, 2019, 11:15:53 AM »
RIP, Nile and Gladys :(.
It looks as though Harvey's genes are well worth adding to the Kindle pool...

Offline deedee_828

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Re: The Kindle Random Town Jump
« Reply #147 on: September 22, 2019, 03:30:17 PM »
I was just thinking that same thought!
I will definitely be looking at setting up a Northrup-Bellamore match when they get to Lucky Palms, as those genetics are too good to pass up, especially that red hair.
If I can remember and make it that far down the town jump line---it's many towns down the line for me!

Offline Beks

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Re: The Kindle Random Town Jump
« Reply #148 on: October 01, 2019, 11:23:09 AM »
Thanks for the comments, guys! I've been gone on vacation for a week, but I am back with a slight tan, a nice dose of sleep-deprived delirium, and a longing for my Kindles. 8) The next chapter will be coming shortly. I am also working on getting Leonard and co. up on the Swap Shop––I just need to remember how to do it.

I love a good trait fight...Skyler's got reinforcements!

Gladys also found a new way to avoid the "Heartbroken" moodlet, if you wanna think of it that way.

Oh, me too! I think we're in for a lot more of them, since Harvey just so happens to be Good. Oops. I legitimately didn't see that one coming. And you're totally right about that Heartbroken moodlet. Nile and Gladys both avoided it! I'm glad they got to go together, in the end.

RIP, Nile and Gladys :(.
It looks as though Harvey's genes are well worth adding to the Kindle pool...

Isn't he a dream? ;D I just hope the game cooperates and actually passes some of his genes along...

I was just thinking that same thought!
I will definitely be looking at setting up a Northrup-Bellamore match when they get to Lucky Palms, as those genetics are too good to pass up, especially that red hair.
If I can remember and make it that far down the town jump line---it's many towns down the line for me!

Northrop-Bellamore is definitely a winning combo. I'm also curious to see Clark and Pansy paired with other townies. They're both just so beautiful :'(

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Re: The Kindle Random Town Jump
« Reply #149 on: October 01, 2019, 01:05:48 PM »
And fingers crossed for this! "Isn't he a dream?  I just hope the game cooperates and actually passes some of his genes along..."

My TJ game is NOT co-operating with me much in passing along the genetics I married the MH townie kids for!
And as for the already existing family genetics, those are either showing up in the spare branches or not at all. :(
14 children in gen 9, granted 5 of those stayed in the last town, so that's 9 for the current town and not one of them has the Frio auburn hair.
And Dashing Desmond's turquoise hair showed up in both spare branches, along with either a random or throwback blonde!
And only one fairy in the 7 kids it could have shown up, luckily that is in the main branch so he'll be moving to the next town.
But since he didn't get his father's unique MH skin tone, probably as a spare, even though he has the more interesting traits so far.

Oh, well that's part of the fun of the town jump challenge, but my money's on Harvey for passing some of those dreamy genetics on! lol