Author Topic: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty (9.15.18)  (Read 93614 times)

Offline LivvieLove

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In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty (9.15.18)
« on: January 28, 2014, 10:16:57 PM »
In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty
Hi there everyone! This is a Short Dynasty following cndneh's rules found: here. Some of you may know my legacy The Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment and you all who do can rest assured that I will be keeping up with both projects.

Some information on my Short Dynasty:
>I will be using Store Content as there are no rules against them.
>I have a Story Progression Mod because marrying NPCs by my 3rd generation doesn't sound like my ideal playthrough.
>I only use game-fixing mods asides from the Story Progression (such as Overwatch and Errortrap by NRAAs).
>I've turned off all Seasons except for Summer which I've maxed in length.
>All types of weather is off (no rain, snow, hail -- Nothing).
>I've placed a Consignment Store, Salon, Firestation, Elixir Store, Junkyard, Equestrian Center and Laundromat in Dragon Valley, but those are the only other lots I've placed.
>I will reduce my funds to 1800 after getting the Future Portal (after I sell that and the camera).
>This is going to be crazy and fun. Join me on my journey.

My Additional Rules:
>Portraits of all Heirs and founder required (+1 point for portrait).
>Heir is first child to have rainbow skin.

Chapter 1: In the Beginning
Chapter 2: Try, Try Again
Chapter 3: Plan C
Chapter 4: Birthdays with Grim
Chapter 5: Becoming a Widow
Chapter 6: Becoming of Age
Chapter 7: Matchmaking Party
Chapter 8: Meeting the One
Chapter 9: Life of Dekit
Chapter 10: Goodbye Ara
Chapter 11: Triple the Fun?
Chapter 12: Couples Counseling
Chapter 13: Changes
Chapter 14: The Many Faces of Toddlers
Chapter 15: Hello From France!
Chapter 16: Returning Home
Chapter 17: Let Them Eat Cake (Part One)
Chapter 18: Let Them Eat Cake (Part Two)
Chapter 19: To Prom!
Chapter 20: The Search Begins
Chapter 21: Future Plans
Chapter 22: Lot'ta Birthdays
Chapter 23: Marriage(s?)
Chapter 24: Graduation, Birthdays and Plotting
Chapter 25: Births, Deaths and other Crazy Things
Chapter 26: Can We Slow Down Now?
Chapter 27: Never Say Never
Chapter 28: Goodbye Ima
Chapter 29: Hello Echo!
Chapter 30: Birthday Flames
Chapter 31: Goodbye, Sam
Chapter 32: A Birthday for Echo
Chapter 33: Romance, a Fake Wedding, Births, and Strange Occurrences (Part One)
Chapter 34: Romance, a Fake Wedding, Births, and Strange Occurrences (Part Two)
Chapter 35: Shame On You!
Chapter 36: Never Be An Excitable P.I.
Chapter 37: Sim Logic
Chapter 38: Goodbye Olga
Chapter 39: Watch Out, Felix!
Chapter 40: An Excitable Wedding
Chapter 41: We're Doomed
Chapter 42: Halfway There!
Chapter 43: A Midlife Crisis
Chapter 44: Chatterbugs
Chapter 45: Out of Whack
Chapter 46: Foxglove, because Foxglove
Chapter 47: He Loves Beds
Chapter 48: Senile, New Friends
Chapter 49: Chaos Ensues
Chapter 50: Matters of the Heart
Chapter 51: I've Made Up Your Mind
Chapter 52: Cutting Down All the Haters
Chapter 53: The Watcher Took Notes!
Chapter 54: Strong, Silent Type
Chapter 55: Dagan is Scarred
Chapter 56: Selective, We'll Call It Selective
Chapter 57: A Lover's Spat
Chapter 58: The Unfortunate Back Up Plan
Chapter 59: Mostly Sheera
Chapter 60: More Sheera - and Those Other People
Chapter 61: Bonehilda, Who?
Chapter 62: Goodbye Foxglove
Chapter 63: Return of the Dancing Bunnies
Chapter 64: Mean-Spirited
Chapter 65: Triple A
Chapter 66: Mishap with the Laundry Machine
Chapter 67: Where's Sheera
Chapter 68: Life Goals
Chapter 69: Too Many Birthdays
Chapter 70: Little Miss
Chapter 71: To the Library!
Chapter 72: We LOVE You, Felix!
Chapter 73: No to the Fourth Power
Chapter 74: Triple As, Triple Bs
Chapter 75: Midlife Crises
Chapter 76: Welcome to the Squad
Chapter 77: Triple Teens
Chapter 78: Quinn
Chapter 79: Quinn-Squared?
Chapter 80: NotaFlanagan
Chapter 81: Quinn the Genius
Chapter 82: The Runaway Heiress
Chapter 83: Let's Play Catch-Up
Chapter 84: Happy Little Bluebird
Chapter 85: Flap My Jack
Chapter 86: Let's Get a Move On!
Chapter 87: Random Pops
Chapter 88: The Chapter Where Many Things Happen
Chapter 89: No Abe, That's Called Smothering
Chapter 90: The Puppeteer, I mean, Manipulator
Chapter 91: Double Engagements and Shoes
Chapter 92: I'm Still Here
Chapter 93: Bringing Back the Pink

Point Count Reminder:
 1 point for each child born (living on the lot or not), adoptive/cloned kids are allowed but don't count (This counts for the heir only, children of the brothers/sisters of the heir don't count).
 1 point for each LTW completed.
 1 point for each property bought in full.
 1 extra point for each fully upgraded property.
 1 point for each maxed skill.
 1 extra point for any super maxed skill.
 1 point for top of careers reached (rabbit hole or self-employment).
 1 point for medium gravestones achieved for direct family.
 2 points for large gravestones achieved for direct family.

I will calculate 2 scores, seeing as I've added:
+1 point for portrait of heir.
The second score will have my additional points added.

My Misc. Notes
Generation 1: Ara
Ara and Bradan successfully had 4 children (+4), Bradan and Ara completed their lifetime wishes (+2), Bradan maxed the athletic skill (+1), Ara maxed the gardening skill (+1), both Ara and Bradan reached the top of their careers (+2), Bradan left a medium gravestone (+1), Ara supermaxed gardening (+1), Ara got her portrait done as an Adult (+1), Ara left us with a large gravestone (+2).
Of their children prior to the heir becoming a young adult: Tessa successfully maxed the athletic skill (+1), Aiden Maxed the logic skill (+1)
Generation total: 17

Generation 2: Sam
Sam maxed the Logic Skill (+1), Sam's got his portrait done as a young adult (+1), Sam and Ima successfully had 3 children (+3), Ima maxed the logic skill (+1), Sam Supermaxed the logic skill (+1), Ima maxed the gardening skill (+1), Sam reached the top of his career (+1), Sam Completed his Lifetime Wish (+1), Ima reached the top of the career (+1), Ima completed her Lifetime Wish (+1), Ima left us a large tombstone (+2), Sam left us a large tombstone (+2).
Of their children prior to the heir becoming a young adult: Reia maxed the logic skill (+1), Reia maxed the Alchemy Career (+1), Reia maxed the photography skill (+1).
Generation total: 19

Generation 3: Reid
Reid got his portrait done as a young adult (+1), Reid maxed the logic skill (+1), Reid maxed the guitar skill (+1), Reid maxed the drumming skill (+1), Stephenie maxed the logic skill (+1), Stephenie maxed the handiness skill (+1), Stephenie and Reid had two children (+2), Stephenie completed her Lifetime Wish (+1), Stephenie maxed the Alchemy Career (+1), Stephenie maxed the cooking skill (+1), Reid maxed the bass skill (+1), Stephenie maxed the alchemy skill (+1), Stephenie maxed the fishing skill (+1), Reid maxed the piano skill (+1), Reid completed his Lifetime Wish (+1), Reid maxed the Into the Future instrument (+1). Reid maxed the Alchemy career (+1). Reid maxed the violin skill (+1). Stephanie maxed the gardening skill (+1). Stephanie maxed the writing skill (+1).  Stephanie left us a large tombstone (+2). Reid left us with a large tombstone (+2).
Reid and Steph did not have any other children before Felix became a young adult.
Generation total: 25

Generation 4: Felix
Felix maxed the Private Investigator Career (+1). Felix got his portrait done as a YA (+1). Felix maxed the charisma skill (+1). Felix maxed the street art skill (+1). Felix maxed the fishing skill (+1). Felix maxed the logic skill (+1). Felix maxed the painting skill (+1). Felix maxed the photography skill (+1). Felix maxed the cooking skill (+1). Felix completed his Lifetime Wish (+1). Felix and Echo Nix had two children (+2). Echo maxed the mixology skill (+1). Echo maxed the gardening skill (+1). Echo maxed the fishing skill (+1). Echo maxed the logic skill (+1). Echo maxed the photography skill (+1). Echo maxed the handiness skill (+1). Echo maxed the writing skill (+1). Echo completed her Lifetime Wish (+1). Felix maxed the advanced technology skill (+1). Felix supermaxed the charisma skill (+1). Felix supermaxed the street art skill (+1). Felix left us with a big tombstone (+2). Echo maxed the Gardening Career (+1).
Felix and Echo did not have any other children before Dagan became a young adult.
Generation total: 26

Generation 5: Dagan
Dagan maxed the painting skill (+1). Dagan maxed the cooking skill (+1). Dagan maxed the handiness skill (+1). Dagan maxed the writing skill (+1). Dagan maxed the photography skill (+1). Dagan maxed the logic skill (+1). Dagan maxed the gardening skill (+1). Dagan completed his Lifetime Wish (+1). Yolanda maxed the charisma skill (+1). Yolanda and Dagan had 3 children (+3). Yolanda maxed the photography skill (+1). Dagan got his portrait done as a YA (+1). Dagan maxed the fishing skill (+1). Dagan supermaxed the painting skill (+1)
Of their children prior to the heir becoming a young adult: Arietty maxed the guitar skill (+1). Arietty maxed the painting skill (+1). Arietty completed her Lifetime Wish (+1). Arietty maxed the logic skill (+1). Arietty maxed the painting skill (+1). Ambriel maxed the painting skill (+1). Ambriel maxed the writing skill (+1). Ambriel completed her Lifetime Wish (+1). Ambriel maxed the photography skill (+1). Ambriel maxed the logic skill (+1).
Generation total: 26

Generation 6: Anastasia

Bought Properties
Buildings Owned: Hospital, Science Lab, Spa, Business, Bookstore, Grocery Store/Diner, Police/Military, Bistro, Theater, Criminal Hideout, Sports Center, and the Equestrian Center. (+12)
Properties Owned: Feudal Fishing Spot, Crios Pond, Elixir Store, Laundromat, Library, Gym, Traigh Mhor Beach, Mol Beach, Art Gallery, Consignment Store, Graveyard, Pool, McCafferty's, Cladach Beach. (+14)
Upgraded Properties to Level 3: Feudal Fishing Spot, Crios Pond, Elixir Store, Laundromat, Library, Gym. (+6)

Total Score (as of 9/14/2016): 145
Total Score without portraits (as of 9/14/2016): 140
Final score (with portraits):
Final score (without portraits):

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: In the Beginning
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2014, 11:11:43 PM »
Chapter 1: In the Beginning
Alright, we begin our journey by meeting our founder.
This is Ara Nix. There is a story behind her, so let me be brief.

In my first attempt at a Lifestate's Dynasty, she was my second generation spare. I fell so in love with her, but she was a genie and therefore did not qualify for heir. She is the daughter of my Sim Esmerelda Nix and Quinn Flanagan. She is to start her short-lived dynasty in Dragon Valley.
So yes, this does mean Quinn is off limits. I don't do that kind of stuff. Ew.
Anyways, let's see what traits we've rolled for our wonderful founder.
Perfectionist - Ok, I can live with that.

Computer Whiz - sweet, that can point to a possible skill/career.

Green Thumb - SCORE.

Never Nude - Meh, ok... ok... so we have some personality.

And... Unstable. Well this is going to be fun.

Seeing as this is a challenge based off of random traits, I won't allow her traits to change, so therapy it is!
We drop our gorgeous founder off in Dragon Valley and I send her right to work at getting the spouse of my choice.
"I'm not happy about this." She groaned as she knocked on the door.
Oh come'on, maybe you'll learn to like him?
"Come in gorgeous - any girl who is almost as gorgeous as me can make herself at home." Bradan smiled widely.
Ara only winced. "He's... so... old."

Your life is too short to complain. Just get to the flirting.

After striking out twice she finally got him to move in, and thus their first box was built with the free floors and the free paneling because - erm- cheap.

With the rest of the money Ara spent to get her garden started. She does want 8 perfect plants and with only 12 for-sure days under her belt to do it she's got to get to work! Also, I think she was putting off the inevitable.

Ah, yes, the inevitable. Neither Bradan nor Ara were getting any younger and an heir was yet to be had. Ara had been gritting her teeth and mumbling about old men and Bradan being a ridiculous snob. So I had the idea of sending Bradan to her.

He made short work of her before they headed for the shower.

See - I knew that Never Nude trait might come in handy! Totally PG. Chimes were heard and Ara and Bradan separated themselves and went back to their routine.

"At least that's over with." Ara mumbled.
"Oh doll, you know you liked it." Bradan winked at her. Ara rolled her eyes but inside she was softening to Bradan's prideful, if snobbish, ways.
With great thanks to the Gardening Station, Ara was in business by the next day.

And on her first drop at the Consignment Store, Ara came about a tiberium gem. She ran it to the Elixir store and came back with these three beautiful things:

Can you say house renovation? Sweet.
Bradan came home after completing his Lifetime Wish and took Ara on a date - because, you know, why not? It also gave Ara a chance to announce her pregnancy.

"So, I'm pregnant!"
"Oh. That's nice. Did you hear I got promoted? Awesome right?"
Gee, Bradan, aren't you just thrilled for your new BABY?
"Oh, huh? I was too busy basking in my awesome glory from my last promotion."
Ara made a face.
Just let him have his moment, hun. When the baby arrives he'll figure it out.
The next day Ara showed her true colors and called on her ever-trusty paper bag.

"Must" she breathed in "not" out "think" in "about" out "dead plants."
While Bradan supported her from inside the house... on the bed... reading.
"You're doing great honey." He turned a page in his book and studied more. "Really great. With breathing, and stuff."

The spires finally grew into large tiberium and Ara and Bradan's box was upgraded to an even bigger box with fancier stuff.

Just in time too.

"Oh my watcher this hurts!" Ara screamed.
You've got this, bring on our heir!
"Where's Bradan?!"
At work. Wait - are you saying you actually want him here?
"Yes! Of course!"
I see relationships have improved between you two.
"I want him here so I can -" another contraction started "PUNCH HIM IN THE GUT!"
I take that back, you two are still just barely tolerating each other.
"In the nicest of ways." She breathed. "Ah, here it comes!"

"Oh, hello my beautiful nooboo! What a gorgeous girl you are, yes you are. You know why? You're going to look just like your mommy. That's right!" Ara squeezed her little one.
Name please?
"Tessa. Tessa Nix." Ara cooed softly.
Aaaaannnnddd - she's a grumpy loner. Oh well, we can't win them all. Now go make that phone call.
Bradan got home shortly after and started to make dinner, completely oblivious to the crying coming from their nursery.
"Hey, babe, turn that music off, it's not good for my chi. I've got a game tomorrow and I need to win."
Ara simply rolled her eyes. "Or you could say hello to your daughter?"
Bradan dropped his fork. "I'm a dad? Why didn't you tell me?!"
Oh boy... here we go. Oh good, our new-er arrival is here!
The two continued arguing as Izzy joined in quietly.
"Hi there... I'm your adoptive daughter... Izzy?" She asked quietly.
Hi there Izzy! I'm your watcher... now let's have a look at those traits. Meh, Meh, ooh! Family Oriented. I really like you, and I needed some good news today. Welcome to the family, let's get you cleaned up, ok?

After a quick trip to the mirror and the dresser, Izzy returned with a much nicer look about her.
You're just a doll, aren't you? Even though you have the EA generated pudding face!
"Uhm... thank you?"

Now can you start painting for me please? I need to get you to portrait level ASAP.
"What's that even mean?"
Erm... quickly?
"Works for me. By the way, do my parents ever get along?"
Hahaha... wait... you were serious? Uh... well... no, no they don't. But I suspect it's because they secretly love each other deep down.
"WOULD YOU STOP BEING SO SELFISH?" Ara screamed from the kitchen.
Deep, deep, DEEP down.
"What do I do?" Izzy whispered.
Just keep smiling. That's what I do. Oh, and paint while you're at it.
Izzy started painting and started grumbling under her breath about the pushy watcher.
It also looks like our dear Tessa doesn't qualify for heir. Ara will be thrilled to hear that.
Dishes started to crash from the kitchen.
I think I'll wait until next time to do so though...
Izzy just smiled and held back a laugh. "Can I be there when you break the news?"
I'm not sure you want to be in the same room as that, she might go ballistic.
"I'll set up a video camera and put it on sim-tube?"
It's a plan.

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Offline JudesSims

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Very funny! I love it! I'll be reading.

Sent from my KFAPWI using Tapatalk HD

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Try, Try Again 1/29/14
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2014, 01:16:29 PM »
Very funny! I love it! I'll be reading.

Sent from my KFAPWI using Tapatalk HD
Thank you! :)

Chapter 2: Try, Try Again
I gave Ara some time to cool off before I had to break the news that Tessa didn't qualify as heir.
Ara's face was flat when I told her. "Of course she doesn't." She just nodded. She seemed a little too calm about the situation.

But you know, whatever encourages her to get the job done.
Thankfully she was happily running for the toilet the next morning.

"HAPPILY?! You think I ENJOY this?" Ara said as she finished throwing up.
Erm, yes?
Ara just scowled.
Just a little?
Her face didn't change.
On Tuesdays and Holidays?
Moving on anyways, Izzy was busy being the awesome adoptive daughter and painting a lot.

Did you get any sleep last night with Tessa's crying?
"I slept like a rock."
Oh my, you're a godsend. Heavy Sleeper, Lucky and Family Oriented. Why can't you be heir?
"You know, I was wondering that exact same thing myself."
Err... let's not get too attached to the idea. You'll see, Ara's even starting to show now so the real heir is on their way.
Shortly after that, Ara completed her lifetime wish.

"Wooohoooo! No more gardening right?"
Wrong. Clean that garden out and plant EVERY LAST RED BERRY BEAN SEED YOU HAVE!
"Awe, but why?!"
You need at least 14,000 more simoleons before you can make it to level 8 in your career. That's just LEVEL 8. We need 10! Do you hear me? 10!
"Can't we just call it a day?"
Nope! Now stop complaining! Life is way too short for you to complain!
"That's your excuse just to get us to shut up, isn't it?"
Did it work? - No, of course it did! Back to work you silly Sims! Mush! Mush!

Anyways, we have a double birthday! No surprise there, given how short the stages are on the short lifespan you'll likely see a birthday (or seven) every update. Heck, this is like the birthday dynasty!
So Tessa and Izzy take to their cakes.

Tessa doesn't gain any extra traits and Izzy gains the Loves the Cold trait.
Well, that's helpful in the land of eternal summer. I suppose it could be worse.

Izzy made it to the makeover station first, it probably helps that she already knew how to walk and-

Alright everyone, stand in awe of the beauty of this adopted Sim, who is not an EA pudding face.
"Uh... you really give some weird compliments watcher."
Shh. I'm enjoying this right now, don't ruin it for me.
Tessa was up next, and it appears that Ara cursed her when she was born by saying she would look just like her mom, because she doesn't look anything like her mom.

Hello Bradan's mini-me! Well, at least you have your mom's eyes.
Now, I have several screenshots of this, so I'll just pick the best one and you can all go, "oh, ok!"
This is really all Izzy does:

Fascinating, isn't it?
"Hey, I'm more than just an artist chained to an easel you know! I have feelings too!"
Yes, yes, just like Ara has feelings too even though she's slaving in her garden all day. Why is everyone so crazy whiny about everything? Why can't someone be happy that I'm pushing them to live fulfilling short lives rather than waste their time doing silly other things? Why does no one appreciate me?!
"Uh, watcher, I think you should probably get on with the update..."
Ahem, right.

Bradan occasionally decided to take time away from his adoptive daughter's busy schedule.
"And so, that is why I am the greatest man on the planet."
"Uh huh, that's a great story and all dad, but I'd really rather be painting right now, and I really don't want to paint right now."
"Good talk. Good talk."
Ara's bean garden is growing, as is her stomach.

"This is miserable. It's so hot outside, my back hurts, this baby keeps kicking me in the ribs too!"
I'm sorry, were you saying something? I've just invested in this new headset that's supposed to block out whining.
"Ha-ha, very funny, you pathetic watcher. Can I please be done now?"
Come again?
I don't know what you're saying but that is not a pretty face. I'm going to move on now.
Despite being self-centered, Bradan is actually not a half bad father.

"Now, when you're old enough you can play daddy's theme song and remember how awesome he was when he ran out on the field to win the big game!"
Well, at least he's interacting with his baby. Speaking of baby though...

Oh and great timing, it's Bradan's birthday too.

Are you at the gym Bradan, you know you have equipment at home right?
"Yes, but my wife is in labor, and the last time she went in labor she threatened to punch me in the gut. I'd rather not let that happen to by beautiful stomach."
The beautiful stomach you don't have anymore.
"What?! Oh dear watcher! I'm hideous! I can't live like this! This is terrible!"
Well, at least you're still rocking that mullet. Anyways, back to your wife.

Thus a baby boy was born with the Athletic and Brave traits.
"Oh nooboo, I'm going to name you Aiden!"
And we have a non-heir boy. You do realize what that means now, right Ara?
"Ugh. No, not plan C!"
We have to. I'm sorry. Now go age up so you can get pregnant again.

"Worst. Day. Ever."
Well look on the bright side, at least you didn't have a midlife crisis!
"That's the bright side for YOU."
Oh... right. Anyways, go make that baby.
"But... but... Bradan is OLD now. Like, really OLD."
"Hey hot stuff, I'm really glad I married a sweet young woman like you." Bradan winked at her.
"Gag me, please?"
"Hey, you didn't object the last time."
"I always object."
"Is that what you were doing when you were snuggling me after? Objecting?"
"Oh just shut up and get in the shower."
"I thought so."

Awe, you two fight like an old married couple too! Anyways, I didn't hear chimes, AGAIN!
Two more tries later and a lullaby, I send Ara out to complete Plan C.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.

"Why!? Why?! Why do I have to watch this every waking hour of the day AND night?!"
We must multiply your babies. I'm not taking anymore chances. You likely won't live long enough to see them grow though, but that's what your beautiful Izzy is for. That Family-Oriented trait is going to be super handy when you pop out at least twins, hopefully triplets which is what I'm aiming for.
Oh look, Tessa's having another birthday, let's go cheer her on for a few minutes before I sit you back down in front of your TV.
"If I could only get my hands on you watcher..."
Yay Tessa! Woo! Stop glaring like that Ara, you'll scare you daughter.

And she ages up to look even more like her father and gains the Snob trait to add to Grumpy and Loner. She's 3/3 on crummy traits.
In the nicest of ways, dear.

Fingers crossed that Ara gives birth to a suitable heir soon, or I may just go crazy!

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty (Chapter 2 1/29/14)
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2014, 08:46:33 PM »
I'm really liking this so far! Ara is a very distincting looking sim, in a good way. Izzy is really pretty! Tessa looks almost exactly like her dad, except for those eyes. Yay! More nooboos! I love nooboos! My sims usually have six nooboos running around the house and driving me crazy  ::) I really love the relationship you've written between you(the watcher) and your sims. The banter is really witty. A Short Dynasty sounds pretty cool, I tend to get bored quickly, which is why I've never gotten past generation one or two. Bookmarked!

Offline Kavey

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty (Chapter 2 1/29/14)
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2014, 09:44:27 PM »
There is absolutely no possible way that I am not bookmarking this. BOOKMARKED! Ara and you really do bond, don't you? Nice to see the sims acknowledging the reason why they woohoo 4 times in a row and then work on a skill for the rest of the day. I bet they love your advice.  ;D Con't wait for the nooboos, though I may explode from cuteness overload...

Offline Hallucination

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty (Chapter 2 1/29/14)
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2014, 10:38:18 PM »
Well, "Birthday Dynasty" is a little more cheerful than "Short Dynasty". Life over Death. OH DEAR GOD I SOUND LIKE A HIPSTER STUDYING PHILOSOPHY. I'm going to go panic.
I'm not pedantic! I just believe in precision of language.

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty (Chapter 2 1/29/14)
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2014, 04:21:48 AM »
Livvie, you have a a knack for being comedic and I LOVE it. Not much else to say other than Tessa looks exactly like her self-centered daddy  and I can't wait for more. XD
"In this town we call home, everyone hail to the pumpkin song"

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Plan C 1/30/14
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2014, 12:41:22 AM »
I'm really liking this so far! Ara is a very distincting looking sim, in a good way. Izzy is really pretty! Tessa looks almost exactly like her dad, except for those eyes. Yay! More nooboos! I love nooboos! My sims usually have six nooboos running around the house and driving me crazy  ::) I really love the relationship you've written between you(the watcher) and your sims. The banter is really witty. A Short Dynasty sounds pretty cool, I tend to get bored quickly, which is why I've never gotten past generation one or two. Bookmarked!
Oh, thank you :) She got all of Quinn's amazing features in the best way. Izzy is... just perfect. She's not a pudding face, she has the family oriented trait (and heavy sleeper so I've kept her in the nursery and the crying doesn't wake her up), and she's a great painter. Yeah, I'm about to have quite a few myself, thankfully they age up super fast so it's like they're hardly even nooboos.
Well, because they really aren't for long. Thank you kindly for your words. I really wanted to give a more light-hearted feeling for this story rather than a heavy one. It's just something fun that will hopefully make my reader's smile to read. It's really hard to get bored in this dynasty as it's so hectic and if you're ever bored with a sim... poof they'll be gone in an instant really. I highly recommend it.

There is absolutely no possible way that I am not bookmarking this. BOOKMARKED! Ara and you really do bond, don't you? Nice to see the sims acknowledging the reason why they woohoo 4 times in a row and then work on a skill for the rest of the day. I bet they love your advice.  ;D Con't wait for the nooboos, though I may explode from cuteness overload...
Thank you, and yes we do, in a strange way. She's one of my favorite Sims, and I saved her for a special occasion. She's gorgeous but she was unfortunately only a side-character when I attempted a lifestates dynasty which was so unfair. She was the one who rolled all the good traits and did everything naturally while her brother clumped along. I make sure my sims are fully aware of the contract they sign when they join up to be my sims.

Well, "Birthday Dynasty" is a little more cheerful than "Short Dynasty". Life over Death. OH DEAR GOD I SOUND LIKE A HIPSTER STUDYING PHILOSOPHY. I'm going to go panic.
Hahaha, it's cool, the Short Dynasty is simply what the challenge is called, but I think the Birthday Dynasty sounds a lot better (if vaguer).

Livvie, you have a a knack for being comedic and I LOVE it. Not much else to say other than Tessa looks exactly like her self-centered daddy  and I can't wait for more. XD
Haha, Tessa and her daddy have so much in common it's scary (not just looks). You'll just have to see, but she's really gorgeous when she gets older.

Chapter 3: Plan C
Oh Ara, you look so thrilled to be here right now.
"I'm going to LOSE MY MIND watching this."

It's not that bad, is it?
"Yes. Yes it is."
You'll thank me for it later.
"I doubt that. I really do." She paused. "So. Many. Dancing. Bunnies. Who leaves their kids with these people? I mean... and why are they all dancing in unison like that... don't their legs get tired? My brain...!"
Uhm... I'm going to... uh... I'll leave you to it.

Bradan and Izzy have been working together to make sure Ara's garden is still being harvested while Ara is being brainwashed insuring a potential heir.

While Bradan wasn't in the garden doing things for his wife, he was actually keeping her company.

"Hey there sweetcheeks, did I ever tell you about my winning game that made me a superstar athlete?"
"Yes, you old man, just about a hundred thousand times. I think I'd rather watch another loop of this kids program before I hear you tell that story again."
"What? You want to hear it again? Ok!" Bradan gave a wily smile.
"Don't test me you senile old coot."
"Oh, don't pretend you don't like it, it's not a secret anymore sweetcheeks. Hey, are you getting fatter or is that just me?"

"You don't remember my pregnancy? The one we tried for last night?"
"You did what now? Sorry, I was tuning you out for a moment."
"I'm preg-nant!"
"That's nice dear, why don't you come and sit by me now?"
"You're hopeless."
"I love you too." Bradan got up and walked to the other side of the room.

"What are you up to now old man?" Ara called.
Yeah, what are you up to Bradan?
"Preparing Plan D."
Plan D? Why don't I know about Plan D? What IS Plan D even?
"Plan D is for if I am still unable to provide an heir for Ara. I have a lot of friends, ones with skin traits that you're looking for that would ensure Ara could carry on."
You're planning to have her have children with someone else if this pregnancy fails?
"I hope you realize that I won't live forever, right?"
Yes, I'm aware of a sim's life-span, I keep tabs on everyones daily. Are you sure you aren't falling in love with Ara?
Bradan just winked.

It wasn't long before the newly single by story-progression Breandan O'Shea arrived at the door.

Breandan, that's who you had in mind for Ara?
"Well, she could've gone after one of my married friends, but I'm sure you don't want to set that as a precedent for your project."
Breandan made an interesting entrance.

Breandan:(Oh hey, Bradan, your wife is hot.)
Ara:(I don't know what to think about this.)
Bradan:(Where's that toilet at again? Curse my wrinkly bladder.)

Ara took a little bit of time to get to know Breandan, but she was still highly unsure how ok she felt with Plan D.

In order to get her mind off of the importance of having an heir soon, she took her son Aiden to the cake to become a sweet, adorable toddler.

Ohmigosh isn't he so adorable?!

After taking Aiden to the cake and spending a little more time being brainwashed watching educational TV with bunnies and dancing lobsters, Ara needed to head to the Consignment store to ensure she made it to level 10 gardening. Funny surprise waiting for her there was her biological father from another realm. She could only smile and nod at him, though he was probably creeped out as to why a girl who looks very similar to him in almost every way is smiling and nodding at him.
Then again, he is old, so maybe he's senile like Bradan.

On another birthday note, the next day was Tessa and Izzy's birthday. Izzy was becoming a young adult and joining the real world. Tessa on the other hand, was just becoming a snobby, brattish teenager.
Meant in the nicest way possible, dear.
"That's what you always say."
Erm, well, oh look! Izzy is aging up! Let's go watch!
"This isn't over watcher."
Yay! Izzy! Woo! Were you saying something dear?

So Izzy aged up and gained the Handy trait to add to: Family Oriented, Loves the Cold, Heavy Sleeper and Lucky. She chooses to be a Mad Scientist as her Lifetime Wish... which I'm not sure if we'll be able to do that considering she has no skills in any of the required fields, but it sure beat all the other options!
"Gee, thanks for your vote of confidence."
Well, we'll give it a try, no? Just don't stop painting.
Izzy's voice lowered in a mocking tone she grumbled: "Izzy do this. Izzy do that. Izzy paint more pictures. Izzy go help garden. Izzy go make another portrait."
I can hear you, you know.
"Oh, I know."
You know what, I'm going to see how Tessa is doing with her birthday and you can stand in a corner all by yourself... AND PAINT.
"I hate you right now."

On another note, Tessa aged up to be a gorgeous teenager with striking features. She gained the Natural Cook trait to add to Grumpy, Loner, and Snob.

"Now that's what I'm talking about." Tessa fluffed her hair.
I pity the fool who marries you.
"I'm sorry, did you say something? I was admiring myself."
You know, I think you should tell your dad how great you look. He's a great listener for those kinds of things.
"Good idea! Daaaaaad?!"

Hey, who let you out of your corner?!
"Oh, who's a cute nooboo? You are! Yes you are!"
Well, at least someone takes care of poor Aiden.

Ara looked up from the TV: "Who's Aiden? Is he a dancing bunny too? We must give our children to the bunnies. They make children happy. They all dance. Dancing happy, happy bunnies."
Uh, Iz, why don't you take Aiden to his crib... and lock the door.
Izzy nodded. "Right away." She took Aiden and scrambled back to the nursery while Ara smiled and looked back at the TV.
Thankfully, for everyone in the house, Ara went into labor.
Please, please, please be a rainboo!

"Wow, nothing like a little painful labor to rip you right out of a horrifying brainwashing experience. Thanks for all your help there, watcher."
Anytime, dear Ara!
"I was being sarcastic - OW!"
The sparkles hit and we have two baby boys! Dekit and Sam. Dekit is a Loner and Loves the Cold while Sam is a Genius and Easily Impressed. Ladies and Gentlemen, I can finally chill out.

"Oh, look at my little rainboo! Hi there little Sam! You almost gave mommy a scare your color is so close to human skin...! Thank you for saving mommy from having to have kids with another man besides daddy!"

I thought you would've been happy to get away from your husband, Ara?
Ara smiled widely, "Breandan was nice, but if I ended up with him I would have no one to make fun of who would take it so well."
Of course not, you two are quite the pair, aren't you? Anyways, time to show the nice reader's that picture of you giving birth to your other son and call it a night.

"Do I have to go back to watching TV?"
"Oh, thank watch-"
You get to go back to gardening almost 24/7!
"And all my dreams are dead." Ara sighed.
That's nice, dear.

Offline SadieHamming

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty (Chapter 3 1/30/14)
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2014, 04:57:23 PM »
Yay for a rainboo! I think Ara secretly loves Bradan, though she'll never admit it  :) Aiden is adorable!  Oh, Ara, and the bunnies! That was my favorite part! 'Give all the children to the bunnies.' this just put the whole kids channel in perspective for me!

Offline Kavey

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty (Chapter 3 1/30/14)
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2014, 05:23:02 PM »
Awwwwwwwwwwwww! The nooboo (and rainboo) is adorable! I love the shots of Sam with his mom. The second one looks like he's winking at the camera... either he is destined to be in the spotlight with Daddy or I think Sam will be a trouble maker!  ;) Please give my congrats to Ara, and you may want to hide that TV in the family inventory for a while. For the various nooboos' safety.  ::)

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Birthdays with Grim 1/31/14
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2014, 05:56:38 PM »
Yay for a rainboo! I think Ara secretly loves Bradan, though she'll never admit it  :) Aiden is adorable!  Oh, Ara, and the bunnies! That was my favorite part! 'Give all the children to the bunnies.' this just put the whole kids channel in perspective for me!
Oh she does, she really does. They're pretty cute together though, I must say. Aiden really grows up well, he's a good mixture of his parents. I always imagined that if Sim's could talk they would be upset to be forced to watch a show for hours on end, not to mention have you watched that Kids Channel? Super creepy.

Awwwwwwwwwwwww! The nooboo (and rainboo) is adorable! I love the shots of Sam with his mom. The second one looks like he's winking at the camera... either he is destined to be in the spotlight with Daddy or I think Sam will be a trouble maker!  ;) Please give my congrats to Ara, and you may want to hide that TV in the family inventory for a while. For the various nooboos' safety.  ::)
Sam and Dekit are adorable. I was worried Bradan wouldn't have good genes but I was pleasantly surprised. I'm not sure about Sam yet, his personality hasn't developed, but hopefully we'll see it by childhood. Oh and she hasn't gone near that TV since, and I don't blame her in the least.

This game is so fun to play, so here's another update. :D

Chapter 4: Birthdays with Grim
So, now that we have an heir, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief. Aiden even had his child birthday and gained the Unlucky trait.

Well, it could be worse dear.
"I blame you for all misfortunes that fall upon me - ow!"
Be careful with those candles! That wax was still hot!
"Nooo! It begins!"
Well, let's get you cleaned up, ok?
"Just don't cut me with the shears by accident."
Uh... let's not jinx anything by saying that.

"I think... I want to paint."
I won't argue with anyone who rolls that wish. Paint away, my'dear!

"Hey, Izzy, I haven't seen you in a while, are you painting too? This is going to be fun!"
"Say goodbye to the rest of your life, kid."
Hey, I let you have the job of your choice, and learn all of the skills required for it too! You have no room to complain.
"Yet here I am, still painting as you blast tabcasts in my ear."
I just can't make you happy now, can I?
"Why can't we do what dad is doing?"
Your dad already maxed his skill, career and earned his lifetime wish. Neither of you have done any of those three, so no complaints.

"No! No! Avoid the collision! Ahhhh!"
You ok there, Bradan?
"No, I'm fleeing the cops!"
I think your wife could use some help out in the garden, maybe you should go help her?
"Haha - oh wait, you were serious? Heck no."
Ara had just come in the room. "Thanks for all your loving support old man."
"Anytime sweetcheeks! Wooosh! Nooo, turn around! Turn around - turn around!"
In a more tragic news, Bonehilda passed away.

Oh, Izzy, I didn't know you were so attached to her...?
"I wasn't... this just means we have to buy another one because the dishwasher never got fixed..."
Oh... boo! Oh well, at least we're rolling in cash, go ahead and buy away!
While we waited for the dishwasher to be fixed, it was a duo birthday for a certain set of twins!

Poor Dekit got left in the puddle for a moment as he aged up.
But it sure beat his brother Sam who got dragged all the way out to the living room to age up.

Now, here's the obligational shot of Sam as a toddler, our heir:

Quinn's lips will live to be passed on another generation! He's such an adorable mixture of his parents.
Anyways, toddler training time for Sam. Not entirely sure why I'm ensuring all heir's get the training treatment, as I thought about just letting it go, but no. We must struggle on!

"We must struggle on? More like I must struggle along as I bounce this baby from one potty to the next!"
It's a lot of work watching you guys all the time, does no one ever give me credit for that?
That's rude.
"You're rude."
Well I'm moving on now. Tessa has taken up the athletic skill and is soaring through, even though she doesn't even have the trait.

Bradan had just come out to start training his daughter when the Reaper came for him.

Ara was busy in her garden outside and didn't hear it, which I'm very glad for. Bradan shook Grim's hand and left peacefully - leaving a medium sized tombstone and the start of a crazy Dynasty.

Ara was actually quite heartbroken at the loss of their husband and threw herself into training young Sam.

Izzy had become an incredible help to Ara as she struggled with a teenager, child and two toddlers who were all mourning their father.

Even in times of sadness though, we have moments of joy. Izzy finally reached level 7 in painting and called Ara over for her portrait.

Aiden also had another birthday, he had spent his whole childhood mourning his father.

He grew up to be a very handsome boy who gained the Ambitious trait which seems odd with his Unlucky trait, but who knows?

"If fate isn't causing me to fail, then I will succeed!"
That's the spirit!

Ara had chugged through these toddler years well, and she was happily finishing up teaching Sam to talk well in advance. She still wanted to push him towards the pegbox but there was still plenty of time left to do that.
"He only had under a day left."
I know! That's plenty of time!
"He won't get a childhood, will he?"

"Can you say 'enslavement'? En-slave-ment."
Sam just giggled.
See, he's got the right mindset for this dynasty!
"I hate you so much right now."
I know dear, but it's for the best.
Tessa also had her Young Adult birthday and aged up to add Heavy Sleeper to her list of fabulous traits.

"You're just jealous that you aren't as awesome as I am!"
Aiden peeked his head around the corner. "Can she move out, please watcher?"
Unfortunately, not yet. I can still max out the athletic skill for her before Sam becomes a Young Adult, so she stays.
"Hey, shut up! I'm amazing and you know it!"
After the birthday celebration, Ara went out and found a nice quiet spot for Bradan's grave where she mourned him for hours.

"You know, I never did really tell him how I felt."
Trust me, he knows.
"He was a great father, and as much as I'd never like to admit it, he was a wonderful husband too."
I knew you would love him in time.
"Hey! Not so loud, I do have a reputation to uphold."
No worries, your secret is safe with me.

Offline SadieHamming

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty (Chapter 4 1/31/14)
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2014, 06:22:32 PM »
Aww Sam is adorable! I love how his eyes match his hair. RIP Brandon. I knew Ara loved him a lot. I always love getting to read more than one chapter in a day!

Offline Mizzilee

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty (Chapter 4 1/31/14)
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2014, 03:41:10 PM »
Sam is the cutest thing ever! Once again, you never fail to make me laugh. I think looks wise I'm torn between Tessa and Sam for my favorites. I can barely keep up with my legacy and you've got me wanting to do a Dynasty XD
"In this town we call home, everyone hail to the pumpkin song"

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Becoming a Widow 2/5/14
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2014, 11:35:34 PM »
Aww Sam is adorable! I love how his eyes match his hair. RIP Brandon. I knew Ara loved him a lot. I always love getting to read more than one chapter in a day!
I noticed that too, funny thing is was I'm pretty sure Bradan's eyes were gray, so his eyes are just a perfect anomaly. Yeah, he and Ara were quite the pair, Ara is starting to get up there in age too, I'm going to miss her when she's gone.

Sam is the cutest thing ever! Once again, you never fail to make me laugh. I think looks wise I'm torn between Tessa and Sam for my favorites. I can barely keep up with my legacy and you've got me wanting to do a Dynasty XD
Tessa is pretty fun to play. She's such a daddy's girl. In so many ways. I thought it was absolutely hilarious when she rolled the snob trait on top of being her daddy's clone. Haha, it's a little hard, but if you are like me and always clean out your screenshots folder it's not too bad. I also use Carl's Gallery so I just have separate folders there too. I always play one file, take my screenshots, write my story while it's fresh, then go into my screenshots folder, cut and paste them into my pictures folder (that has many folders for chapters/towns labeled just for that) then reboot the game and start the other file. It's a little bit more work, but it's worth it to keep two nice stories going. I never thought I could handle two stories, but I'm not doing bad if I do say so myself. It helps that this story is more lighthearted and fun and easy so I can balance two different story-telling aspects.
Anyways, rant aside, on to the next chapter!

Chapter 5: Becoming a Widow
It was the morning of three wonderful birthdays.
The twins were aging up into children and Ara was aging up into-
"Don't even say it."
Is there something wrong dear?
"I refuse to get older."
Oh dear, you're not getting older.
No, you're getting OLD.
"Really? Don't talk to me right now, because I'm not talking to you."
Well, at least you're training Sam so he can get a heads start in logic later on.

"Hmm... hmmm... not listening to you."
Doesn't that hurt your back? You know... being clipped through a wall?
"Wait - what? How did that happen?"
I thought you weren't talking to me?
Moving to Aiden, who is working hard on logic to attempt to become a Grand Master at Chess.

When your brother ages up you'll have someone to play with.
"Oh good! I can show him my moves and maybe if he's lucky I'll go easy on him and let him win once or twice."
You're a great sibling...
"I know!"
That was sarcastic, but anyways it's Dekit's turn at the cake!

Then as with most twins, Sam aged up shortly after.

Dekit gained the Light Sleeper trait which is more or less useless while Sam gained the Workaholic trait. Do I sense a doctor here? A Genius Workaholic? Yes, I think I do sense a future surgeon, better start studying... oh and make sure you supermax logic because... why not?
"Gee, that doesn't sound intimidating."
I believe in you!
"Uh huh."
Here are their makeovers:

Sam immediately sat down with his older brother to mess around at the chess table.

"I believe that's checkmate, brother."
"What?! How?! You're just a kid! You were drooling an hour ago!"
It's ok, didn't you LET him win Aiden?
"Oh... yeah... erm. Of course I did. I'm a great brother so I let him win."
"Uh huh, I'll let you tell that to the girls at prom, but you and I both know better." Sam smiled.
Dekit, with no real traits pointing to skills, was chained to the easel encouraged to paint.

Later, of course, Ara got a chance to celebrate that wonderful time where she got old.

"Yes! It's my birthday! Oh wait - Oh watcher! No, please no, not my birthday!"

Look on the bright side dear, at least your portrait was done while you were young.
"Oh... so many wrinkles..."

The museum is now set up for the next 10 generations. I'm hoping Izzy will make it until Sam ages up, but just in case I have Dekit on the move with his painting skill. I see no reason why Izzy shouldn't make it, oh, except for the fact that she's dangerously PLAYING WITH ELECTRICAL THINGS.

"Hmm? What? I couldn't hear you, I was too busy trying to figure out how to upgrade this dishwasher."
You better not get yourself killed, missy. We need you.
"It's really a shame my skills don't count, right watcher?"
Don't remind me. You've maxed 2 skills and supermaxed another while already nearing the top of your career. I'm insanely jealous of how many points I could've accumulated had you been Ara's spawn.
"I'm just fantastic."
I think you've hung around Tessa too long, dear.
Really it's just skill-a-palooza around here.

"That's checkmate again, brother."
"Ahhhghhhh!" Aiden threw the chess table over.
"Hey watcher, can you buy me a telescope or something? I get the feeling that playing chess with Aiden any longer will be detrimental to my health."
Erm... right away dear.

Ara, I see you're enjoying the perks of being an elder with completed everything.

"Wooosh! No, turn, turn, turn!"
"Oh huh? Yeah, it's nice to have Izzy taking over the garden for me. NO! Not the police! Floor it! Floor it!"
Like husband like wife? Anyways, I should check to make sure Sam is still alive.

"That's an Giant Orange Star! I'm going to name it something!"
Don't look at me, dude, my creativity is at an all time low today. Just name it "One."
"Aww, can't you think of something better than that? You were a Latin student for three years!"
Fine then. Una.
"Oh, what's that mean?"
"You're such a party-killer."

So you're off to Prom Aiden? My one and only child to likely ever go to prom, you better have fun!
"Of course I will! It's going to be the best night of my life!"

Erm, insert: rejected for a dance, kiss, got in two fights (and lost both to the biggest nerd at school) and he was flying solo the whole night without attracting any other person to his side.
"I did win Prom King, you know."
Well... you always were ambitious.

"Oh look, another Giant Orange Star!"
"What's that mean?"
"You're so lame."
You wanted something exotic, and I'm also prepping you for doctor-hood. Latin is key, mate.
"So you're teaching me to count to ten?"
No, actually I forget the rest of it, so I'll likely switch to English now.
"So you're telling me that after three years, you only know how to count to two?"
Uh... that was three years ago as well, and I spent more time in that class using google translate to figure out why Jason and the Golden Fleece always translated into something involving ears or other nonsense rather than gold/the way it was actually supposed to be translated according to my teacher.
"You're hopeless."
Hey, my bestie in that class couldn't figure it out either. Besides, I'm your watcher, I don't have to explain anything to you.
"No worries watcher, your secret is safe with me. Oh, Satalite."
Tres? Something like that. Oh, whatever. Three.

Uh... whatchya doin' there Izzy?
"I'm upgrading the toilet to unbreakable."
Woah, woah, so you upgrade it to never clog again by hitting it with a hammer?
Then have I been doing it wrong all of my life.
"What did you normally use?"
A plunger? I don't know, we can't seem to prevent clogging.
"That's a shame."
Isn't it, though?
"Anyways, you should probably tell your readers you're out of screenshots now."
I know, but I haven't come up with a clever way of wrapping this up yet.
"How about just saying 'the end?'"
No way... that's not right for an update of this stature!
"Uh huh..."
Err... well... The end.
"Oh watcher, you're impossible."