Author Topic: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - The Video Message  (Read 294812 times)

Offline Tilia

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Snow White
« Reply #240 on: January 19, 2013, 06:55:43 PM »
Granny Coralie says that new snowfall is like the world starting over.  She always becomes invigorated by the snow, and wants everyone to go out and enjoy it.

My new bride has the "Loves the Cold" trait, and agrees with Granny on this matter.  She often pulls me into the deep of it to sit and talk.  Sure, my hip bones might freeze off, but she gives me goosebumps all the same.

Brand new worlds come with a variety of implications though, you know?  Starting fresh hurts and feels good all at the same time.  One hand says, "Eden, look at this beautiful princess you wed!" and the other says, "Will Freddie ever agree to be your prince now?"

Maybe I should go to that gypsy by the beach.  I bought the beach and let her set up her wagon there, which means it had to go back to the county.  It won't be my official property, but now she has a place to stay.  I'm a witch.  I understand that there's magic in the world, after all.

There's straight magic.  The kind that brings us horsie and doggie and napoleonic gnomes.  And this guy.  He's new.

There's emotional magic.

And there's the magic I want to experience most of all.  Motherhood!

Freddie and Ophelia have always been very close.  She told me that he called her almost every day while he was at school.  Never to beg to come home or anything, but to just talk and remind her how special she is to him. 

That's why I'm glad, in a way, that they were having a special day together when it happened.

Death is its own kind of magic, though, isn't it?  I'll never experience it.  Or if I do, not for a very long time.  It is sad that Ophelia went away, but isn't it kind of happy too?  Now she is with her husband and her adoptive father, Camillo.  Now she is at peace.

The last time I talked to her was when she was sculpting my young adult piece for the museum.  She was a very talented lady.  She was also an imaginary friend.  Ophelia is all manner of magic bound up into a pretty, redheaded bow.  And I will miss her, yes.

Freddie says she was a beacon of light in a world that sometimes embraces darkness.  That her only reason to live was to make sure those around her were happy.  He said goodbye to her at the lighthouse while the sun was rising the day after her death.  He did so alone, with only Moonglow for support, but I imagine it was a beautiful farewell.

The only really horrible part was telling Gran what had happened.  She was very solemn, like she had been expecting the news.

"Both of them at the festival," she said, sadly.  When she's alone, we can hear her crying.

I cried too.  Selfishly, maybe, but these things are sad.  Freddie, in all his princely glory, was a wonderful shoulder to cry on.  She had been like a second grandmother to me growing up, you know?  She had always been there.

Mom, too, is doing very well.  She's so close to meeting her requirements and isn't even an elder yet!  She says Genie Darnell is actually one of the best students she's ever had.  She has promised to free him as soon as he's tutored to the brink.

She also went back to France and got that visa she wanted.  She bought us a real fairytale palace.  Can you believe it?

You're probably wondering how Eunice is settling in.  We spend a lot of time frolicking in the snow.  She loves living in the house with us.

I encouraged her to pursue her passion for art in her career.  There are plenty of options out there for it.

By the time we'd finished up Frosty II, she'd made a decision.

"I think he's handsome," I said.

"I think the butler is going to be upset that we took her broom."

She ran off to city hall to finalize her decision and I (autonomously) decided to take a dip in the chilly waters.  There was something unreal about seeing the snow from that level, feeling encased by icy cold, and thinking about the future.

It was Freddie, actually, who bought Eunice a drafter's table.  She's going to be an architect.  She wants to make every house in Monte Vista baby friendly.  Including ours!

She asked Freddie if she can learn to ride Moonglow too.  She won't be a level 10 horse(wo)man like Freddie, but she says she and Moonglow understand each other.  They both are gonna have to learn to share.

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - Snow White
« Reply #241 on: January 19, 2013, 07:32:23 PM »
Sigh...losing Ophelia soon was inevitable, yet still so disheartening. I love how you described her, as "all manner of magic bound up into a pretty, redheaded bow." So poetic, and so very Ophelia. Rest in peace, sweet friend.

I look forward to seeing how Eunice's character continues to develop, and also how Freddie deals with this whole thing. On the technical side, I imagine that the No Jealousy LTW would be helpful for all three of them...?

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Offline Tilia

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - Snow White
« Reply #242 on: January 19, 2013, 07:34:48 PM »
Sigh...losing Ophelia soon was inevitable, yet still so disheartening. I love how you described her, as "all manner of magic bound up into a pretty, redheaded bow." So poetic, and so very Ophelia. Rest in peace, sweet friend.

I look forward to seeing how Eunice's character continues to develop, and also how Freddie deals with this whole thing. On the technical side, I imagine that the No Jealousy LTW would be helpful for all three of them...?

Yeah, I'm looking for above reproach for Freddie and Eden as well.  I'm actually not super clear on how No Jealousy works exactly.  Does it keep your partner from getting jealous, does it keep you from getting jealous, or does it keep the partner of the person you're up ons from getting jealous?  This is unclear.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - Snow White
« Reply #243 on: January 19, 2013, 09:09:05 PM »
I apologise in advance for this pessimistic response, but from what I've seen, it doesn't work at all. I've had people still get jealous after using it. Now, putting that in perspective, I think that it does reduce the jealousy considerably. That is, if you kiss that person in front of your significant other, then they will still get upset. But if you're in the very next room, why I've had five women sitting happily chatting at once while their lover was with another woman in the next room. Usually when I've used it it was to prevent the jealousy of the paramours, not of the subject. I did use it on a married couple that I was using as Firefly-style 'companions' in a commune project I was once working on. Neither of them seemed to have any problem with the situation and they were still romantic with each other. I think I neglected above Reproach however and they were horribly judged by the unenlightened population of Riverview.

You traited me very well, Tilia. :) In my current selfsim game my Sim has those very traits, Neurotic and Bookworm. And those who know me will tell you I always have some Lunar Lunacy going on!

Can't she buy the beach back? Or at least the gypsy caravan? You know though, maybe she wouldn't want to 'own' the gypsy, but let her do her own thing. Eden and Eunice are the most beautiful couple. Freddie is really beautiful too. I can understand why it would be difficult to write him. I'm glad Freddie and Ophelia had some mother-son time before she passed. Although I teared up when Mona Lisa said 'Both at the festival.' Freddie just looks so loving in that shot, like he'll miss his dear mother but he's glad she seems peaceful. The shot of him telling Mona Lisa is just perfect, it looks so real. The Champs Les Sims castle is so so so perfect for them. You make your screenshots speak very eloquently.
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By samoht04

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - Snow White
« Reply #244 on: January 19, 2013, 09:12:35 PM »
I've tried No Jealousy before, but never really saw any change in normal betrayed behavior when my sims tried to cheat. Oh, Eden . . . she married her true love, but will she be able to juggle love and the requirements of an immortal dynasty, or will both slip through her fingers?
Sorry, I really like doing voice-overs! Of a sort.
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline Tilia

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - Snow White
« Reply #245 on: January 20, 2013, 09:24:44 AM »
You traited me very well, Tilia. :) In my current selfsim game my Sim has those very traits, Neurotic and Bookworm. And those who know me will tell you I always have some Lunar Lunacy going on!

Can't she buy the beach back? Or at least the gypsy caravan? You know though, maybe she wouldn't want to 'own' the gypsy, but let her do her own thing. Eden and Eunice are the most beautiful couple. Freddie is really beautiful too. I can understand why it would be difficult to write him. I'm glad Freddie and Ophelia had some mother-son time before she passed. Although I teared up when Mona Lisa said 'Both at the festival.' Freddie just looks so loving in that shot, like he'll miss his dear mother but he's glad she seems peaceful. The shot of him telling Mona Lisa is just perfect, it looks so real. The Champs Les Sims castle is so so so perfect for them. You make your screenshots speak very eloquently.

Awesome!  Perhaps I have the perceptive trait.  ;)

She could, yes, but I've picked out another property for Eden to help spice up life in general in Monte Vista.  I'm really glad I upgraded the beach near their house back when Mona Lisa was still young, as it's come in very handy for most of Eden's life.  Ditto to putting that photobooth in Moonlit Stroll park for Coralie. 

Yeah, I thought it was really sad that Ophelia died almost in the same exact spot as Goopy.  Poor Mona will be traumatized from going to festivals with anyone who isn't still an adult from here on, methinks.  I love the castle, but I think France has really slowed my game down (and actually going there post-castle-purchase appears to be buggy as heck.

I've tried No Jealousy before, but never really saw any change in normal betrayed behavior when my sims tried to cheat. Oh, Eden . . . she married her true love, but will she be able to juggle love and the requirements of an immortal dynasty, or will both slip through her fingers?
Sorry, I really like doing voice-overs! Of a sort.

The feedback from both of you was helpful.  I hope you enjoy my methods of getting around Sims fidelity issues.

Offline Tilia

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The Red Shoes
« Reply #246 on: January 20, 2013, 09:58:32 AM »
By the time Snowflake Day arrived, Eunice and I had made our plan.  I am so glad that she was with me on this instead of jealous that I'd be making woohoo with Freddie.  She and I have been friends for a long time.  She knows about my crush on him and thinks it's okay.

"Eden," she says.  "You're special.  Not just to me, but to the whole world."

My Eunice is the best.  She doesn't think Freddie is hot, though.  She only likes girls.  Maybe she only likes me!

I got up early to arrange the party.  We tore down our gate when Freddie adopted Moonglow, so she'd have room to run around.  Hopefully this means we can have a gift party now too! 

I found Gran downstairs in the museums.  She was missing Ophelia again.

We don't keep the urns down there anymore, because the ghosts were too disruptive, but it's a nice dedication anyway.  I tugged her over to her own museum just to remind her how loved Ophelia really was.  Then I got her to come upstairs for the party.

Yay, presents! 

I got a funny little toy.  Most people hate him, but I think he's a great gift!  What do you think?

Anyway, this is where my plan started.  I decided to purchase the Worries and Woes pub for my property.  Freddie likes it there.  I wish I could change the name, though.  For Snowflake Day, I asked him if he'd help me plan out my upgrades.  He was gonna meet me there after the party.

I got there early and sat on one of the couches by the windows and thought hard ... and soft too, I guess.  Now was the moment!

Freddie came in on the phone.  He was annoyed with someone.

"I've told you people a thousand times!  She's not for sale!  Yes, she's a champion, but she's also part of our family!"

Freddie's devotion to Moonglow seemed like a good sign.

When he sat down, we chit chatted for a bit.  It had been a nice Snowflake Day.  Freddie had lots of suggestions about renovating the pub, though he did worry that they were too expensive.

I agreed to most of them.  A pub isn't really my ideal destination anyhow.  He did say that it might be nice to plant some tomatoes or something outside, though.  That I can definitely do!  Freddie is always so complimentary about my garden.

"So, why am I really here?" he asked, his smile self assured and all knowing.  I should've known better than to think I could dupe him. 

So, I told him about the Plan.  Kind of.  I told him I needed to have a baby naturally, which I obviously can't do with Eunice.  I told him about all the things I picture for the baby and how the father has to be just right and not jealous and to love me even though I'm married to Eunice.  He listened very carefully.

Afterward, he cleared his throat, looking fairly approving of the whole thing. 

"Eden, you know I don't believe in exclusive relationships anyway.  I don't think Sims are built for monogamy.  You are probably the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, and there's something magic about you.  I can't imagine any man saying no to such a request, especially if they got a half-Eden baby out of the deal."

He lapsed into silence after that.  Maybe he was expecting me to burst out with my request that he be that guy.  But I stayed quiet.  There was a bit of hurt (and maybe jealousy?) on his face and he started to check the time.  "We should probably get home soo-" he started, but by then I was already making my moves.

When the realization of what I was doing hit him, he laughed softly, under his breath.  In a smooth, comfortable motion, he relaxed against the couch and me. 

"Are you sure you want to be a Daddy?" I asked, one last time to be sure.

"You had me at red baby shoes, Eden."

"I was thinking," I said.  "We need privacy to make a nooboo.  And romance.  Why don't we go to the family castle in France?"

"We have a castle?" he said with wonder.

"Duh," I said, trying not to be too obvious with my smelling of his hair.

And that was how we ended up in the courtyard of Classic Chateau 12 hours later.

"You know," Freddie said to me, on the front steps.  "I always knew you were really the girl for me."

"And I always knew you were my prince," I smiled.

Neither of us can cook.  Even quick meals tend to go poorly, so we ordered pizza for almost every night we were there.  And we spent the blissful alone time really getting to know each other.

Freddie loves to love.  He even spoke fondly of Silvia while we were there, but I didn't feel jealous.  I knew Eunice would only ever love me, while I could love Freddie completely and he could love me back but also love the whole world.  In my own way, I had found perfection, and finally, I had found my way into Freddie's arms.

Our days were bliss and our nights were perfection.  It was with deep reluctance that we finally headed home. 

"We'll always have Champs le Sims," he whispered cheesily to me while we were boarding our flight.  But, he isn't wrong.

We walked back into the house to a celebration.  My Daddy was aging up to elder!  We dropped our bags and proceeded to cheer him into his winter years.

He changed his hair to something more befitting a man of his age, but mostly he's still just Dad.

I wanted to give him a big hug for birthday congratulations, but I suddenly, desperately had to be elsewhere.

I don't like puking.  It is not very princess like.  Mom aged up the next day.  She was at the consignment shop, playing yet another opponent who never seemed to not be working there.

"You know, this purchase was one of my better ideas."


"I don't think so, buddy."

She beat him first and then she had her sparkles.

She looks pretty okay for an old lady.  Here's her every day outfit:

And her formal one:

I got some new clothes too recently.  Want to see?  Well, I only have the nightgown version, but I bet you will like it anyway.

The Red Shoes is an incredibly morbid fairytale about morality and youth by Hans Christian Andersen.  I don't recommend checking it out unless you're prepared to be disturbed.

Watcher's Note:  Regarding No Jealous, etc.  When Eden and Freddie got back, the most unexpected of my concerns regarding fidelity occurred.  Eunice was fine.  Freddie was fine.  Eden was not.  Suddenly Freddie had the "eternally faithful moodlet," and that really didn't sit well with Eden.  She marched up to him and slapped him in the face and then had the betrayed moodlet.  That's right, our married polyamorist had the betrayed moodlet!  I moodlet cured both of them and now they're friends again.  Freddie, however, is no longer "eternally faithful" to anyone.

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Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - The Red Shoes
« Reply #247 on: January 20, 2013, 10:30:54 AM »
I would have expected Eunice to get the betrayed moodlet, not Eden. How odd is that?

A very pretty chapter. I'm glad that there will finally be a nooboo in the picture!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - The Red Shoes
« Reply #248 on: January 20, 2013, 12:11:40 PM »

What great shots of Eden wooing Freddie on the couch. Her expressions are just so perfectly devious! Also, I think Eden's toy is adorable. And I'm eager to see the next generation; yay, nooboo!

Honestly, I'm confused about what affect the No Jealousy reward has. Sometimes it seems to work for me and sometimes it doesn't.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - The Red Shoes
« Reply #249 on: January 20, 2013, 02:29:31 PM »
Hahaha now that's Classic! (Couldn't resist ;)) Sims always surprise you. In-story, it looked like it worked out quite well. I like the second romantic trip to Paris. Rosetta looks quite good as an elder. Your museum looks super pretty, I hope I can make mine that nice! I like Eden's Snowflake Day gift. I think it's appropriate for her. Freddie is so good-looking! I always swoon at him. Hiram is nice as an Elder too. I'm with Eden, I don't like puking either. Eden's maternity night-gown is gorgeous! I like your title. Now I want pizza :(

I can't wait to see the perfectly gorgeous nooboo!
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By samoht04

Offline Tilia

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - The Red Shoes
« Reply #250 on: January 20, 2013, 03:47:22 PM »
I would have expected Eunice to get the betrayed moodlet, not Eden. How odd is that?

A very pretty chapter. I'm glad that there will finally be a nooboo in the picture!

Me too!  I've been having toddler cravings :)

What great shots of Eden wooing Freddie on the couch. Her expressions are just so perfectly devious! Also, I think Eden's toy is adorable. And I'm eager to see the next generation; yay, nooboo!

Honestly, I'm confused about what affect the No Jealousy reward has. Sometimes it seems to work for me and sometimes it doesn't.

Yeah, I'm pretty confused about it now too.  It's possible EA just hasn't programmed it correctly.

Hahaha now that's Classic! (Couldn't resist ;)) Sims always surprise you. In-story, it looked like it worked out quite well. I like the second romantic trip to Paris. Rosetta looks quite good as an elder. Your museum looks super pretty, I hope I can make mine that nice! I like Eden's Snowflake Day gift. I think it's appropriate for her. Freddie is so good-looking! I always swoon at him. Hiram is nice as an Elder too. I'm with Eden, I don't like puking either. Eden's maternity night-gown is gorgeous! I like your title. Now I want pizza :(

I can't wait to see the perfectly gorgeous nooboo!

Man, I was thinking the same thing about Freddie in the photo where they're cuddling.  He is just ridiculously handsome.  I also want pizza.

Offline Tilia

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The Flower Queen's Daughter
« Reply #251 on: January 20, 2013, 04:05:28 PM »
I've been going a little crazy getting ready for the nooboo!  I've made sure every possible surface is clean and baby safe, even though it's my wife with the neat trait!  (BTW, Eunice's traits are good, neat, artistic, loves the outdoors, and loves the cold.  I find this miraculous for a random townie).

Freddie and I have discussed at length the perfect toys and furniture to buy for the little tyke, while Eunice sketches out an ornate nursery that will take the place of Ophelia and Emmett's old room.

She also framed the painting that Gran made for Granny on Snowflake Day and hung it in Granny's room.  Eunice says it's only a matter of time before she handles both of their bedrooms.  She says they're hideous.  She's not wrong.

While I get bigger and bigger, the loves of my life are very supportive.  Freddie loves to feel the baby move.

Eunice loves to listen.

And I even told my flowers and produce that a nooboo is on the way!

Eunice really can't wait to be a Mommy.  She says I am beyond beautiful with my big, round belly.

I think she's nuts.  Unless she is particularly attracted the waddling hippo look.

When labor hit me, it was, appropriately, right in the garden with all the other lives I've grown.  Sherlock was nearby, passing his usual judgement on me.

He was my sole companion through the ordeal, as I wanted to give birth in the greenhouse.  After all, isn't a nursery where babies should be?  Sherlock stayed close, but he never stopped judging.  At least he didn't panic I guess.

Then the sparkles came.  The special magic I've been waiting my whole life for.  Motherhood!

And She was in my arms.  My little princess.  My Eureka.

Of course everyone swooped in to see her as soon as I walked out of the greenhouse, suddenly thin and carrying my nooboo.  Eunice teases me about having a clandestine childbirth.

We all cooed over her.  Whose features would she have?  My honey brown eyes?  Freddie's deep red hair?  Or maybe Daddy's more ginger color?  Oh, she was perfect.  As we played with her, we were able to discern her favorite color: black.  I was disappointed.  I wanted a pink  nursery full of unicorns and dollhouses, but the baby likes black, so that's what Eunice worked with.

Eureka seemed to approve of her living space.

The mere three days of her infancy were a competitive few.  Eunice probably wins for most time spent with the little angel.  I've never seen her quite so happy.

Though all three of her grandmothers got their turns as well.

We all suspect that Eunice is her favorite.

When the morning of her birthday rolled around, I had planned to age her up right away.  I'd bought a cake and everything.  But sometimes a large family  just takes over!  We didn't manage to get her to the cake until she'd almost sparkled up on her own.  Right as the sun was vanishing behind the festival grounds.

I wondered who she'd look like.  I wondered if having three parents and three grandmas would be confusing for her.

Her traits were quite the surprise.  Ladies and gentlemen, we have another blonde.

I did my best with dressing my baby girl in black.  It's such a somber color and I think she'd be much prettier in cotton candy blue or mint green.  Eunice says we must accept her for who she is though.  An eccentric little toddler who loves the heat. 

Here's her every day outfit:

And her sleepwear:

As you can see, she has Freddie's deep, soulful eyes.  It looks like the only piece of me she has at this point is my skintone.  I'm going to be the best Mommy in the world ... or maybe second best next to my superwife.  Just wait and see.  My Eureka is perfection.

The Flower Queen's Daughter is a German fairy tale.  it is a reversal of the Persephone myth, in which the daughter spends her life split between her husband and her mother, by the season.


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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - The Flower Queen's Daughter
« Reply #252 on: January 20, 2013, 04:14:17 PM »
You did a great job with the black nursery and toddler clothing.

Are we looking at an inventor for this generation?

Offline Tilia

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - The Flower Queen's Daughter
« Reply #253 on: January 20, 2013, 04:16:21 PM »
You did a great job with the black nursery and toddler clothing.

Are we looking at an inventor for this generation?

We certainly are!  And thanks!  Black is a bit of a challenge to work with, but I think it actually suits my plans for Eureka.  I've really been looking forward to her :)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - The Flower Queen's Daughter
« Reply #254 on: January 20, 2013, 05:30:05 PM »

I may be a bit biased on the subject, but I think black (and orange!) work great on an eccentric, inventor girl! Plus, I bet that Loves the Heat trait is going to come in handy. After all, she's going to have her bum lit on fire at least a couple of times. Maybe that won't make her get a negative moodlet? I know Gwenyth, with her Daredevil trait, actually enjoyed being set on fire and would get a positive moodlet! Hehe!

