The Sims 4 Children Guide

School, Child Skills, Aspirations, and Raising Kids

by Pam Marsden

Children in The Sims 4
Children in The Sims 4 - Multitasking is key to running a Family

In this article, I will explain how to successfully raise a child in Sims 4. There is much more to raising a child than in Sims 3 and I personally find them to be much more enjoyable. Their interactions are cute and this helps to make up for the absence of toddlers in the game. They will keep you busy, though, so be ready!

Once a toddler ages up to child, the player will be able to choose a Childhood Aspiration and one Trait. There are 4 Aspirations to choose from: Artistic Prodigy, Rambunctious Scamp, Social Butterfly, and Whiz Kid. Of course, it's a good idea to choose a trait that goes well with the Aspiration. For example, Art Lover is a good trait to pair with Artistic Prodigy. A Sim will be a Child for 7 days on the Short lifespan, 14 days on Normal lifespan, and 52 days on Long lifespan.

School and Homework
Children will start Grade School on the first weekday after aging up to Child. Class is from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. While at school, the child will have the options for Normal, Leave School Early, Make Friends, Study Hard, and Slack Off. Just like in The Sims 3, the Make Friends option will add other children to the child's relationship panel, while also repleneshing the social need.


There will be tasks for each level working toward getting an A. The child will start with a C. To reach a grade of B, the tasks are to reach level 2 in 1 of the 4 available skills (Creativity, Mental, Motor, and Social), and Attend School while Focused. The easiest way to get into the ideal mood of Focused is to ponder moves on a Chess table just before going to School. This will give a moodlet that lasts for four hours, which is enough to accomplish the task. Completing Homework is the daily task, which functions a bit like a Career. It will help the bar move faster. Once the tasks have been completed and the meter bar goes all the way green to the right, the child will get an increase in grade.

To reach a grade of A, the child must Get 1 Skill to Level 4. Once the kid has an 'A', it's fairly easy to maintain. It's possible for grades to fall if the minimum amount of work is not done, which is to go to school every day and complete homework.

A parent can help with homework by clicking on the child once he/she has started working on it. Unassisted homework takes a little over 1 1/2 hours to complete. Having the parent help with homework cuts the time in half. The homework will be in the child's personal inventory at the time of aging up, so you can get a head start on school if you wish. Extra Credit Work becomes available after completing the regular homework if the child has at least a B grade. Just click on the homework again and it will show up. A parent may also help with Extra Credit. If homework has been missed, Makeup Homework shows up instead of Extra Credit.

Sim Children benefit from having higher Skill levels when it comes to Homework. Each Skill that they get to level 10 will increase the rate homework is done by 70%. When all Skills are maxed, Sim children will finish homework 8x faster! Thanks to DarkWalker from our Sims Community for sharing this info!

Sim Child doing Homework
Doing Homework

Skipping School
If you cancel the Go to School action at 8:00 a.m., the child will stay home. The principal will call around 10:00 a.m. and again at 3:00 p.m. every day that the child misses school. His/her grades will gradually drop first to a D and then to an F by the time grade school is finished. I didn't get any negative moodlets until my child dropped to an F and then he had an Embarrassed moodlet. It was only for a couple of days, though, because he was ready to age up to teen. There were no other negative reactions at all. When he aged to teen, I was still able to choose his Aspiration and next trait. He started high school with a C, just like everyone else. The benefit for keeping him home was that he completed his Child Aspiration of Artistic Prodigy and gained a lot of Satisfaction Points as a result.

Child Skills
As already mentioned, children have 4 skills during their childhood years. These skills are Social, Mental, Creativity, and Motor. If a child is able to reach level 10 of any of the skills, related adult skills will be unlocked for children to get a head start or a special moodlet will be given.

Here are the Adult skills that are unlocked (allowing you to gain XP) by maxing the associated Child Skill:

If you complate an Aspiration, you will get a 20% boost to learning all Adult Skills in the appropriate category when they age up. This means they can then learn the missing skills they can't yet level, like Comedy and Painting, faster.

For the Social skill, a child needs to have conversations with other Sims. Other ways to increase the Social skill are to play with the dollhouse and talk to the large stuffed animals. Reaching level 10 will unlock the Charisma and Mischief adult skills. The child will be able to gain skill points in these areas before aging to teen.

A Child is angry over something that happened at school
This child is Hitting a Stuffed Animal out of Anger over something that happened at School

The Mental skill is gained by playing chess and using the science table. Children can also use the observatory to stargaze. Level 10 of this skill will unlock the adult skills of Logic, Video Games, and Fishing. Again, points for these skills may be gained by children before they age to teen.

A child playing chess learns the Mental Skill
Two Brothers Playing Chess to Learn Mental Skills

Creativity is gained by using the Activity Table and by playing with the dollhouse. As a child increases creativity, more kinds of drawings will be available on the Activity Table. Reaching level 10 in this skill will open the Piano and Violin skills.

Child learning creativity by using the Activity Table
Child Learning Creativity Using the Activity Table

The Motor skill can be built by using the monkey bars and jungle gym, and also by practicing typing on the computer. Adults can also have a bit of fun with the jungle gym by pretending to be a monster while children are playing. Reaching level 10 in this skill does not unlock an adult skill. It will, however, give an extra moodlet while playing on the monkey bars.

Learning the Motor Skill on Monkey Bars
Learning the Motor Skill on Monkey Bars

I found it very difficult to reach level 10 on any of the Child Skills while playing on the Normal lifespan and dealing with needs at the same time. To make this happen for my twins, I had to use cheats to keep their needs full and even had to make them skip the last day of school in a desperate push to get the last things completed in time. Playing on the Long lifespan setting will give you plenty of time to do everything you want.

Child Aspirations
Children have their own Aspirations to work on before they tackle their adult Aspirations. The Child Aspirations are Artistic Prodigy, Rambunctious Scamp, Social Butterfly, and Whiz Kid. A child's Aspiration is chosen at the time a baby ages to child, at the same time the first trait is chosen. Some detail follows.

A Child Sim playing Violin
Playing Violin Increases the Creativity Skill

Artistic Prodigy AspirationArtistic Prodigy

Total Satisfaction Gained: 1,100

Reward Trait: Creatively Gifted Children who achieve this Aspiration will build adult Creative skills faster (Painting, Instruments, Writing, Cooking).

Milestone Objectives: Have an Activity Table, and draw 2 pictures while Inspired. You must then level the Creativity skill to 5, and play with 3 toys. In the end you'll have to play instruments for 5 total hours, draw all 5 picture types on the activity table, and max the Creativity Skill.

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Rambunctious Scamp AspirationRambunctious Scamp

Total Satisfaction Gained: 925

Reward Trait: Physically Gifted Learn Adult Physical Skills faster (Fitness).

Milestone Objectives: Play on a Jungle Gym while playful, and hit level 2 Motor Skill. The next stage requires you work on the Motor Skills (level 5) and Practice Typing for four hours. In the end you must master Motor Skills and make it across the monkey bars 3 times, while earning a high score on the Typing Game.

The Jungle Gym Teaches Children the Motor Skill
Learning Motor Skill on a Jungle Gym

Social Butterfly AspirationSocial Butterfly

Total Satisfaction Gained: 975

Reward Trait: Socially Gifted Learn Adult Social Skills faster (Charisma, Mischief, Comedy Skill).

Milestone Objectives: Make a Friend and meet 5 new Sims. Achieve level 5 in the Social Skill while also making a BFF. At last you must be friends with 3 other Children and 2 Adults, while also mastering the Social Skill.

Sim Children Becoming BFFs
Twin Sisters Becoming BFFs

Whiz Kid AspirationWhiz Kid

Total Satisfaction Gained: 1,175

Reward Trait: Mentally Gifted Lets the Whiz Kid learn adult Mental Skills faster (Rocket Science, Logic, Fishing, Video Gaming)

Milestone Objectives: Be read to by an adult for 2 hours and play 3 games of Chess. Next, they will need to reach level 5 Mental Skill and Finish Homework 2 times while Focused. Your Child must ultimately achieve an A in School, craft 3 Emotional Potions and master the Mental Skill.

A mother Sim reading to her Child in The Sims 4
Mother is Reading to her Child

Managing Large Families
Many players like to have large families. This is entirely possible in Sims 4. The parents simply need to keep Trying for Baby to have as many kids as they want. It does add a lot of complexity to the game and it's much more difficult with a lot of children. The best thing is to stay organized. Keep all of the kids on a schedule with sleep, meals, showers, and school. Be sure to send them to bed with all needs in the green. Otherwise, they will get up in the middle of the night for something and then will be tired for school the next morning because they won't go back to bed on their own. Sometimes it will be better to have showers in the morning so that the kids can get the moodlets they need for school. The same goes for mornings. Make sure the children have all needs met before leaving for school so they'll have a better day. A parent or other adult can make breakfast and dinner, and use the Call to Meal interaction to get everyone to the table. This will keep the entire household on a schedule and they'll be able to take care of school, homework, and tasks with little problem. If you find you're unable to make a new meal for breakfast and dinner, try making several meals at once and storing them in the refrigerator. That way, at least the kids can get leftovers and stay on schedule.

A Family Dinner in The Sims 4
Dining together keeps a Family on schedule and gives them time to visit with each other

I don't recommend a maid for helping around the house at this time. Things were getting backed up in the house with dirty showers, dirty sinks, and trash on the floor. I hired a maid for a single day's service at a price of $40 plus $20 per hour. I didn't even see her in the house, but when she left I was charged $120 and everything was still dirty. I honestly didn't see anything different at all. So, I suggest that the family members help out with chores around the house.

Keeping everyone organized and under control will become even harder if your mother keeps having kids. A family with 2 parents, a teen, and 3 children can be kept on track by feeding everyone with a good and social breakfast, getting showers as needed, then setting each Sim to a task on days when there is no school. The teen can be painting, one child playing a computer game, and twins playing chess together. They are busy and also working on important skills. It gives the parents a chance to garden together or have a nice work out in the home gym.

Parenting in The Sims 4

Babies, Adopting, and Pregnancy
Toddlers and Learning to Walk, Talk, and Potty
Childhood, School and Children's Aspirations

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You can also gain motor skills by dancing. (found that out when my sims child danced and his motor skill increased.)

Cloudgazing also adds up the Creativity skill.
Thank you! LaughLaugh
Before I came here, I was confused I saw my child's skill, he has a Charisma and Mischief that are skills for Adults Laugh
I realized that was a bug in my game, but no when I read here!
Thank you
dear carl,

i love your guide its so useful! i was wondering if you could help me..... i have been trying to put all of my sims in my household to bed at the same time so they all wake up at the same time but its not working and they will wake up at 2 am its very annoying,please helpWinkSmile
This will depend on the ratings on the beds you are using. When in buy mode you can see which beds provide the highest energy rating (basically the most expensive are the best). This means the sims need less time to replenish their energy. If you want your sims to sleep longer then use a cheaper bed with a lower energy rating. Smile
I found when a child does poorly in school for an extended Period Of time they get taken away.
Yes, you should have received an in-game warning first, letting you know that if the child doesn't improve their grades that this could happen. Unfortunately there is no way to get the child back once they have been 'taken away' either. Unsure
How would Whiz kid and bookworm go together?Huh
Good, book worm is probably more useful for a sim who you are planning on making a writer as during the early stages of this career sims need to read books for their daily work task. It could also be helpful for a sim completing the Nerd Brain aspiration with the task to read 3 books. Over all being a book worm isn't super useful, more of a personality trait really as a sim with this trait will automatically want to read books more often than a sim without it.
my child is adopted...
So you mean the traits has already been chosen? Well, I like the bookworm trait for story telling reasons anyway. It's nice playing a sim that likes to sit down and read. As for aspirations etc a sim in the correct emotion can do anything. I've had lazy slobs max the fitness skill and complete the Body Builder aspiration so a trait will not stop you doing anything you want with your sims. Smile
How do I read to a child? why so complicated
Have a book in the adult sims personal inventory. Click on book and choose 'read to....*child*'
The child will cancel what they are doing and come and listen while the adult reads. You will have to do this a few times to clock up 2 hrs worth of reading. You can read to child sims in the park or anywhere actually, it doesn't need to be at home or even your own controlled child-sim.
Is there anything special like prom or a big graduation i should expect in high school on the base game, no expansions?
No, there is nothing like that in the base game or any expansion packs either.
Daysha Williamssays...
It is possible to get the aspirations done on a normal lifespan. I usually get two done for all my children and if I had more than three children, they all do one. But you literally have to work from the day they become a child and they usually have A grades too. It's just a lot of work especially when I have adults with aspirations too. My adults usually get through 3-4 aspirations. It keeps the game interesting honestly.
Dunno if this has been mentioned, but in the latest patch I've noticed that choosing to socialize while at one's job/school will now add people to the relationships panel over time.
It shows my kids at school but they are not. Which then proceeds not letting me look in their inventory. Is it just a glitch? And do you know how i can get rid of it?
If you are using any mods take them all out, delete the localthumbcache.package file from your TheSims4 folder and test your game again. If the problem is still there then there are some simple things to try (also try these if you have no mods).
Travel away from your home lot and back.
Take the child to a dresser and into CAS and then back out into live mode.
Reset your sim. Open the cheats console (control+shift+C) resetSim Firstname Lastname where you type in the sims actual first and last name.
Hopefully this should have things back to normal for you.
First of all Carl, thank you so much for your guides! Smile They are so helpful and I use them a lot. Second, I think it would be good to add that playing at the horseshoe pit (Outdoor Retreat) also builds up a child's Motor Skill. For me it was significant as there was no other activity a child could work on while on holiday there besides chatting up strangers Huh (there don't seem to be many kids there) unless you edited a lot and put some monkey bars or an activity table or happened to pack your violin.
Yep I agree. Probably should update this with additions from other EPs when I can. It was obviously written with only the base game in mind :)
what do I need to do to create a working school in sims 4
A lot! Luckily a modder, Zerbu, has already done this for you.
Zerbu's Go To School Mod
I've had several kids in Sims 4 and never had a problem maxing a skill, even with multiple kids. Usually I choose Artistic Prodigy, so maybe this affects things. Take full advantage of weekends!
When will a Teen guide be up?
We have a neat walk through teen careers on the forum that is pretty helpful. Smile Everything else is really covered by the young adult to elder information as teens complete the same aspirations and share the same traits as the adults have.
There is a cheat for it. It lets you pick whatever amount of babies as you want. I got sextruplets using it, so I know it works. (6 babies at once). It is:
pregnancy.force_offspring_count Sims's ID #of babies
example: pregnancy.force_offspring_count 1234567890098 4

Hope I helped. Smile
Destiny Arnoldsays...
My sim has continuously had girls after I got rid of the first child I had, which was a boy... If you want to affect the gender of your baby the first kid you have if it is not the gender you like pull up the cheat bar than type testingcheats on then type in cas.fulleditmode (the kid has to be a child inorder for this to work) than when you go in you should be able to get rid of them.....then it should make the gender the opposite gender for the rest of the game....:Smile
Or you could just have the pregnant sim eat carrots and listen to alternative music for a boy or eat strawberries and listen to pop music for a girl, that way you don't need to use cheats. Smile
Where do you say to live if you have two or more kids in a suburban or is it ok to live in the city???HuhHuhHuh.
Your sims can live anywhere. It all depends on where you want them to live. Smile
My sims dont even have the option to go to school they stay at home all day, my kids have never been to school and im unsure as to why?
Are you using any mods? if so that could be the issue.
Children who have maxed creativity skill can also learn photography and singing if you have the associated expansion packs.
Hey is there a way to make the romance bar be full automatically?
Sure you can use cheats.
Relationship Guide Last paragraph on this Guide Page outlines the relationship cheats.
Hey there, do you know if I can actually make useful potions with the science table and how? Thanks.
Once the child has skilled up in the Mental skill the Emotion Potion becomes available. Also there is the Health Potion which fills up the hunger need. I haven't ever had the Emotion Potion do anything useful, it always seems to give my sims a negative moodlet due to it tasting revolting or something like that but I know of people who say it can be useful.
Please someone give me a toddlers guide!!!!!Crying
lol Sure thing... (click) it's been live on the guide for ages! Look under 'Toddlers' on the Guide button on the home page. Smile
Video Gaming is listed in the wrong skill; I've had children play on the motion gaming rig and those gaming boxes that attach to TVs and the child improves their motor skill to 10 shortly before their Video Gaming skill. Just thought to put that out here Smile
Yes, children do level up on motor skill while playing video games but the reward for completing the Whiz kid aspiration is an increased rate of learning the Video Gaming Skill as an adult/teen. Smile
Hello, I find this guide really helpful but there is one thing wrong. The guide says that the "Make Friends" option doesn't actually add anyone to the relationship panel. This is wrong because sometimes when I tell my child to "Make Friends" at school a popup will appear saying "[sim name] has met [sim name] while at school!" and that sim will then be added to the child's relationship panel.
Admin: Thank you for reminding me, this changed in a patch.

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Raising Kids

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