The Sims 4 Emotions

Emotion System Mechanics, Moods, and How to get Sims Feeling Each

The Sims 4's Emotion System relies on Moodlets
Learn all you need to know about Emotions in this Guide

The Sims 4 brings with it the Emotions system. Emotions can boost Sims' performance in Skills, Careers, Social, and Romantic Interactions. They can also be negative and limit the things a Sim can do, such as when Uncomfortable and needing sleep. While most of us will strive to give our Sims positive Emotions to improve their performance, negative Emotions happen. If they go too far, they can cause a Sim's death - so we'll discuss soothing those in this guide. However, for storytellers and people who enjoy watching their Sims without major regard for how fast they can do things, negative emotions may just be another nuance in the day to day life of Sims. They, too, can unlock special interactions with objects and other Sims that allow a Sim to blow off steam or ease their tension. They may also lead to fights and other "negative" events that may be interesting to players.

This Guide is huge and could not be done so well by myself alone. Our community has contributed a lot of information that was helpful in making this Guide to Emotions. Justproud2b compiled the community's information into a massive list of Moodlets that produce Emotions and more is always being added. This Guide focuses on the common things you can do to get to 'very' on any Emotion, but if you want to see a list of nearly all the little things that contribute via various traits etc. you can click here.

Cheat to Get a Good Mood
If you want to simply cheat and ignore the Emotions system for now, press Control + Shift + C, type testingcheats on and press enter. Now shift-click your Sim, and you'll find a menu to let you disable need decay. You can do this for an entire household by shift-clicking your Sim's mailbox. With this cheat, the whole world can be put in a good mood! Once that is done, simply do one of the activities listed on the emotions pages to get your Sim 'Focused', 'Inspired', or whatever you require.


List of Emotions in Sims 4

The Sims 4 features the following Emotions. Further down the page, you'll find information on each of these. First, we'll talk about the mechanics of emotions so you can understand what's going on and how Sims get Emotional. Not all the Negative Emotions here are bad per se. They are just not going to boost performance like the good ones. Every Career and Skill has an Ideal Mood, which can be seen in the list of Emotions further down the page. You can click an emotion to jump down to the section about it:

Learning About Emotions

Very Embarrassed in Sims 4
The highest Moodlet Score Determines the Emotion. He Peed Himself

How Emotions Form
Emotions come from Moodlets and these may last from minutes to days. Each Moodlet produces an amount of Emotion that you can view by mousing over it (for ex. Happy +1), and the dominant Emotion determines what a Sim is feeling. Think of Happiness as a secondary emotion, with the other emotions as primary. If a Sim has +4 to Happy, but only +2 Angry, they will stay happy despite having an Angry Moodlet. If one of the positive Happy Moodlets runs out and the balance shifts to +2 Happy, +2 Angry, the Sim will become Angry. This is because Happy is no longer dominant and Angry is a primary Emotion. If two positive emotions are tied, the first that came will determine what Emotional state the Sim is in.

A Sim could only soothe their Anger if it were the dominant Emotion at the time - therefore the Emotion that is displayed for the Sim. This is the same for all negative Emotions' Moodlets. Simply having a Moodlet is not enough to allow you to remove it - the Sim needs to really feel that as the primary Emotion in order for you to take actions to soothe it. After all, if it's overpowered by Happiness or Focused, it's not having an effect on the Sim. However, when other Moodlets expire, it may. In the case of our Angry Sim, simply hitting a Punching bag or taking a Cold Shower will remove the Moodlet. Doing this can be important if your Sim is having a bad day and has multiple stacked negative Emotions.

Tense Emotion Sims 4
Tension can be relieved with a nice bath

Emotions and Object/Social Interactions
Every emotion has a color associated with it. When you select an item or Sim, some interactions will show a color on the action, meaning the emotion is either unlocking that interaction or boosting its chance of 'success'. In regard to skills, it means the Sim will be better at using the skill and make gains faster or produce higher quality work while under the effect of that Emotion.

Emotion System Mechanics

Happy Moodlets boost Emotions
Happy Moodlets Boost any other Positive Primary Emotion

Happiness and Boosts
While 'Fine' is the default Emotional state with no Moodlets, Happy is what most Moodlets will give to Sims and is the default Emotion when Needs are high (because of the resulting Moodlet). Happy boosts all Positive Emotions, and if it is in the lead will cancel out negative ones. If you have a large amount of Happy Moodlets, you can jump to an Emotional State like Very Confident with ease - The Sims 4 takes every point of Happiness to boost a primary, positive emotion.

Boosting & the Threshold to 'Very' Positive Emotions
Positive Emotions come in two flavors, from the regular Confident, Energized, Flirty, Focused, Inspired, or Playful to Very Confident, Very Energized, etc. These 'Very' Emotions help Sims perform even better with related interactions. The total +Emotion needed to get 'Very' any of these is 8. If you have 4 from Happiness and 4 from Flirty, that will make your Sim Very Flirty. With +5 from Happiness and 3 from Confident, your Sim will be Very Confident. If two emotions have the same amount, and you want your Sim in the other emotion, you need to make it dominant by getting another +1 or 2 to beat the other.

Emotional Auras in Sims 4
Items with Emotional Auras can be Enabled/Disabled and Viewed for Moodlets

Emotional Aura & Emotion Score Thresholds
While most Emotion comes from interactions, if you want your Sim to have an Emotion in a certain area - say Flirty in the Bedroom or Focused/Inspired in the Office, you can use items that give off Emotional Auras. These can be enabled/disabled by clicking on the item. Emotional Auras extend 9 big squares, visible in buy mode, so this can help you plan. Doorways break Emotional Auras as they don't count for the same room, but one big room could have decor all around and benefit the Sim. Item descriptions will say something like, "Focusing Decor: 8". The total of the auras in the room and within range determines the moodlet you'll get for that Emotion. Just having 1 item in the room with an Aura enabled will give you a +1 Moodlet. Add more items, and you may reach +2 or +3. It's not yet known the exact numbers needed for +2 or 3, but we know that items with bigger scores contribute more to the effect, and that two fours are not as powerful as one eight in increasing them. There is no +4.

Items that grant Emotional Auras are earned through every Career and there is a collectible item for every positive emotion to be found in the game. I'll list those under the various emotions' sections for how to get that emotion. Players who use The Sims 3 Rewards System (who owned Sims 3 and Expansions) are eligible to get free reward lamps until December 31, 2015. Click here to claim them.

Moodlets that Trigger Emotions

Below you will additionally see the Ideal Moods for every Career and Skill in the game. This means that when the Sim is in that Mood, they'll either gain more Performance (while at Work) or gain skill experience faster/complete higher quality works when using a Skill. Click to learn How Emotions Affect Skills.

Tea Brewers can be used to get many Emotions
Teas help inspire Emotions in Sims. Here's a Tip:
Drink part of it, then finish when you need the Moodlet

Tea Brewer
The Tea Brewer can create most Positive Emotions. Every time I mention tea here, you use the Tea Brewer to get it. It takes an hour to make tea, so you can do other things like view 'Confident' art or any other Emotion while the Sim has Tea. Here's a tip. You can drink most of the tea, then put it down and finish it once you're ready so the moodlet lasts longer!

Books are found on the Computer under Order. Go to the right tab (Emotions). Purchased books will go straight to the Sim's inventory. You can then read the book and reread it to get a Moodlet. There is one for each positive emotion except Confident. Confident books can be made by writers while in that Emotion and Sims who read the motivational Book will become Confident..

Woodcutting Auras
Use Woodcutting while Emotional and make items that create Emotional Auras - Flirty, Angry, Sad, and Playful.

Lumps of Clay
Lumps of Clay, found under Children's Toys, can be molded into a variety of shapes. Each shape offers a different Emotional Aura, which, although weak, is another means of helping your Sims to get these Auras. The following Auras are noted in the game's mechanics files. Thanks to Darkwalker for finding these, and do note adults can play with them, too!

  • Playful:
    Ripped (no idea what this is supposed to be)
  • Energized:
    Stalks (I believe this is the ball of clay with three sticks across, saw a photo but never had a sim create it)
  • Focused:
    Grid (no idea what it looks like)
    Geometric (I guess this is the star-like shape, it does give a focused aura)
  • Inspired:
  • Decorated Bonuses
    Eiffel Tower

Even More Info
I'm listing the things Sims can do every day to get these Emotions. To learn more, visit justproud2b's compilation of Moodlets that influence emotion, contributed by our awesome community.

Moodlet Duration
Nearly all the Moodlets listed here last 4 hours, so it's hard to have the Ideal Mood through an entire work shift. I miss the 8 hour buffs of the Sims 3, but it does help Sims seem more realistic in the ups and downs of their moods.

Positive Emotions

Explore My Mods! Color Picker for Builders, Seasons Tuner, Dine Out Reloaded and a Gameplay Overhaul! Like other modders, I've been working to make The Sims 4 a better game. Check out my many mods here!

A Very Happy Sim
Very Happy can be easily turned into any Career/Skill-boosting Emotion

Fine is a neutral state, and the Emotion your Sim will feel when no Moodlets are present

Happy and Very Happy - See Full Happiness Guide

Most of the Moodlets in The Sims 4 produce Happiness, which can lead your Sim to get Very Happy if they reach +8. Remember that +8 will get you to any 'Very' Emotion, and all of these stack with the Emotion you'll want. Sims who have the Cheerful Trait will get a Happiness boost at times. Happy boosts Charisma Skill Gains. Here is how you can get your Sim Very Happy. Once Very Happy, you can be Very Focused, Energized, etc. very easily just by getting one Moodlet of that type of Emotion:

  • Decorations in the room +1-3 based on the total score
  • Having a good meal - +1-3
  • Having high Needs - +1/2
  • Listening to Music from a Radio (click the Radio then do other things) - +1
  • Healthy Green Tea - +2
  • Fresh Maker Handiness Upgrade on Fridge, Bidet on Toilet, Auto Soap Dispenser on Sink - all +1 when used

Beautifully Decorated Moodlets
A guide to the
+Happy Decorated Moodlets in The Sims 4. Includes the break points where you get to +2 happy and the wonderful +3 Beautifully Decorated moodlet.

Confident - See Full Confident Guide

Confident is useful for the Charisma Skill in that it raises effective level of interactions, Secret Agents (early levels and Diamond Agent Branch), Interstellar Smugglers (Astronaut) and Criminal Bosses. Very Confident is one of the harder Moods to get, as you would need Mixology or to be almost Very Happy. It's easier if your Sim is Self Assured, as they'll get a random moodlet at times. Here are the common Moodlets you can use to get Very Confident:

  • Brush Teeth (Sink) +1
  • Psych Self Up (Mirror)+1
  • Earl Grey Tea +2
  • Mixology Drink "Sea of Fire" ($80) +1, and "Hot and Smoky" ($125) +2
  • Confident Auras from the Showtime/World Adventures Reward Lamps, Confident Paintings made by Painters. Also, Dead Aliens found from the Rocket Science Skill's Space Adventures

Energized - See Full Energized Guide

Energized is helpful to the early levels of the Criminal Career, Astronauts (Space Ranger branch), and the Fitness Skill. Very Energized is another tricky one, as there are fewer options that are commonly found in-game. Sims that have the Active Trait get Energized at times:

  • Take a Brisk Shower +1
  • Run Oolong Tea +2
  • Get Energized and select "Make Special Recipe" on fridge. Eat High Energy Protein Plate +1
  • Fitness Level 3, Research Fitness Tips on Computer
  • Fitness Level 5, "Protein Shake" meal +2
  • Energized Auras come from Comedian (Entertainer Career) Rewards, as well.
  • Citrine and Sapphire, as well as other Crystals give an Aura

Flirty - See Full Flirty Guide

Flirty helps with Romantic Interactions, primarily. Getting in this mood will open up more Social Interactions for your Sim as you progress with the romantic interactions. Sims who are Romantic will get Flirty Moodlets at times. Here are the means of getting Very Flirty:

  • Freshen Up (Mirror) +1
  • Make Heart Cookies while Flirty +1
  • Research Pickup Lines (Computer Web.. Research) +1
  • Romantic Interactions used on your Sim (varies)
  • Drink Steamy Ginseng Tea +2
  • Cupid's Juice while Flirty (Level 1 Mixology so very accessible) +1
  • Try Out Outfits (Dresser/Wardrobe) +1
  • Flirty Statues made while Flirty and Woodworking, as well as Flirty Paintings

Focused - See Full Focused Guide

Focused is an Emotion useful in a number of things, namely Handiness, Fishing, Logic, Gardening, Programming, early levels of Astronaut, the Tech Guru Career (both Branches), Criminal Career (Oracle Branch), and Secret Agents (Villain Branch). Sims with the Genius Trait get a Focused Moodlet at random. It is fairly easy to get Very Focused while at home because of the easy Aura options, but harder on the go:

  • Browse Simipedia (Computer) +1
  • Play Chess, also Ponder Moves on Chess Table +1
  • Use the Observatory +1
  • Study Fossils (Logic) +1
  • Research Gardening on Computer after Gardening Level 3 +2
  • Pitch Black Tea +2
  • Mathematical Diagram, made while Focused on the Easel gives an Aura (up to +3 with many Diagrams)
  • Tech Guru Career Rewards give an Aura
  • Elements give an Aura

Inspired - See Full Inspired Guide
Inspiration is helpful to Painting, Musical Instruments, Cooking, Writing, and related Careers - Chef, Painter, and Writer - both branches of each Career, along with the Entertainer's early levels and Musician Branch. Sims who are Creative tend to get Inspired at times. Thankfully, it's fairly easy to get Very Inspired at home for making great Paintings, Meals, and Writing Books.

  • Take Thoughtful Showers +1
  • Admire Art (Paintings) +1
  • Browse Art on Computer (Web) +1
  • Critically Assess Art (Painting Level 4) +1
  • Research Art References on Computer (Painting Level 2) +1
  • Drink "Prose and Pop" ($80, Mixology Level 5) - very potent, +2 Inspired, +2 Happy
  • Ambitions and Supernatural Sims 3 Reward Lamps give an Aura
  • Painter Career Rewards, Chef Career Rewards give an Aura
  • Postcards from Pen Pals give an Aura

Playful - See Full Playful Guide

Playful is helpful to Entertainer (Comedians), Mischief, and Sims in associated Careers. It's very easy for Sims who are Childish to get Very Playful (by playing with Toys), as well as Goofballs (random Moodlets for Playful). This is one of few positive Emotions that have more than just two stages - you can go beyond Very Playful all the way to Hysterics. Sims that go into hysterics can die from laughter when they hear a joke, so do Calm Self Down by using the Mirror if necessary.

  • Take Bubble Bath +1
  • Watch Comedy Channel on TV +1
  • Eat Silly Gummy Bear Pancakes (cooked while Playful) +1
  • Make Silly Faces in Mirror while Playful +1
  • Pets and Island Paradise Reward Lamps give an Aura
  • Playful Paintings give an Aura
  • Playful Statues made while Woodworking give an Aura
  • MySims Trophies, found in Time Capsules, give an Aura

Negative Emotions and How to Ease Them

Emotional Deaths
Keep in mind not all these are bad, but primarily Angry - it can lead to good Mischievous interactions and the Criminal Boss needs to make Enemies to advance. However, that's about the only positive. Many of these can go beyond the first level and result in a Sim's Death should they push the limits. If your Emotions go too extreme, take measures to reduce it or else have that Sim die. See our Guide to death, where I'll go further and try to find the various stages of each of these Emotions and the level you need to reach to risk your Sim's life.

Angry can come up when Sims who hate Children are around them, or else being in an argument with another Sim. Seeing your significant other flirting with another Sim can also cause this. In order to soothe it, you can use Calming Chamomile Tea, work out your frustration with a Punching Bag, or take a Cold Shower. Angry can be given to Sims via an Aura with the Painting Skill (use Easel while Angry). Anger is an Emotion that can cause death if left unchecked, so keep your cool.

Not many things trigger Sims to be bored, but it's easy to overcome simply by putting your Sim in another Mood. Work can cause random Moodlets that cause this, as can reading Skill Books below your Sim's level. Repeating the same interactions in conversation over and over will also cause Sims to be Bored.

Rocket Ship crashes were my first experience with the Dazed Emotion. Evidently, you also get this when losing a fight or having a Voodoo Doll used on your Sim. Comedians can make others Dazed with a Weaponized Joke. If your Sim is shocked while repairing something and becomes dazed, do not repair another electronic or else risk Death!

My Sims have been Embarrassed by peeing themselves and failing the entry questions to Sylvan Glade/Forgotten Grotto, but the community reports it can happen from a lot more: talking about Woohoo as a Teen, playing Instruments at low level, and having Romantic Interactions rejected are all among the reported causes of Embarrassment. Too many of these stacked on a Sim at once can cause Death. The simplest way to resolve this is to click a Bed and Hide from the World.

Sims who have a low Social need may find themselves Sad. If Sims get too sad, it won't lead to death as previously thought. Thankfully, there's the Sad Hotline to help prevent that (Sims, like people can find someone to talk to when severely depressed). Sims who are grieving the loss of a loved one or close friend will have the hardest sadness hits possible, and may need to talk to someone to help alleviate their grief. Sadness is not all bad, as you are able to make Sad Paintings and Sad Books that can be Bestsellers - however, just don't let it go too far.

Tension comes commonly from a low Fun Need. Simply doing anything Fun will reduce the Tension and help them get into a good mood. You can also get tense from Working Hard (selecting that Work Tone while on the Job) and having a Fire. If you want to address the Tension Moodlets directly, you use a Mirror to Calm Down or take a Bath.

Uncomfortable comes from several low needs, namely Hunger, Bladder, Energy, and Hygiene. Additionally, Sims may feel this way if there are dirty surfaces or trash around the room they're in. Picking up any of those Needs can resolve this, as can cleaning up a dirty house. It all depends on the source in this case.

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Comments (45)

Sad I found that the worst feelings are embarrassed, tense and uncomfortable. Smile I found the best were inspired, energised and focused, possibly because these help with skills the most.
Confident is also a very good one but I agree with your list Smile
I think it would be really funny if there was death by boredom.
I know this is of topic but in sims 3 on certain phones you could
There should also be death by illness and dizzyness.
The emotions would be called: ill, Very ill, and Seriously Diseased
Dizzy, very dizzy, Uneasy
Dizziness death :Spins as if aging, then dies
Illness death: Coughs 4 times, clutches throat, then dies
Lol. Superlatives would be Very Bored, and Extremely Bored.
Bore dome death would be them yawning, and then dying in the position of a Sim that passed out, and the only plea that would work is Seducing Reaper
My sim got dazed when he drank too much coffee
How much is too much?

I'd like to try this.
Usually drinking two cups in a row is enough to make your sim dazed. Smile
When your fun is very low I think you should get bored instead of tense.
You are incorrect. They are tense because they are bored.
that makes no senseHuh
The best way to rid of embarrassment is to use the mirror and give yourself a pep talk. Cured mine and I had 12 hours to go. I also used hid from everyone in the bed too.

The mirror and bed were close to each other so it was easy to go back n forth to get rid of the embarrassment.
My first experience with the dazed emotion was when my sim had medicine when she didn't need it Blush
You can give your sims medicine? How?
Also, nice name. The phandom are everywhere ^^
Admin: Click on the PC and under 'order' you can buy medicine. It appears in the sims inventory where you can click on it and make your sims drink it.
Is it just me, or do they no longer become playful by taking bubble baths?
Players have reported that bubble baths no longer provide a playful moodlet since Spa Day. There isn't a report on EA's Bug Thread though so you might want to go add your experiences there?
EA The Sims 4 Bug Thread
I got my sims playful with a bubble bath or a bath with the Jacuzzi type tub
I wish there was death by tenseness and and Sadness
Sad 3rd stage: Heartbroken (only if sim dies)
Tense 3rd stage: Stressed Out (8 points)
Tense death: Similar to Anger
Sadness: Cries, clutches chest, then dies
Sims may become embarrassed by walking in on someone in the shower, on the toilet, or practicing nudism - or being walked in on - unless they are a couple. Adult sims may become bored by watching the children's channel - unless they are Childish.
The simmy simsays...
They won't get bored by watching the Kids Network if they are pregnant too.Tongue
I need help. My sims always get Unconfortable and get the Dirty Surroundings every time they go to the kitchen, and it really annoys me! I've checked and there are no broken things, trash, puddles or anything. Why do they get Unconfortable?
P.S. there is a garden next to the kitchen, but there are no puddles, is the garden affecting the enviroment?
The popcorn maker produces a dirty moodlet if you have that. It's a game bug and the only way to fix it at the moment is to get rid of the popcorn maker. It won't be the garden as that is not considered part of the room.
I don't have the popcorn maker,I don't even have that stuff pack :l
Try moving everything out of the kitchen in build mode then seeing if there is a dirty plate etc stuck somewhere. This can happen if you enter build or buy mode when a sim is cleaning up. Or it might be an empty plate in the fridge or even spoiled food.
If none of this works I'd delete the cache files and repair your game. It's pretty difficult to really tell what is going on as I can't see your game but hopefully some of this may help.
Sometimes sims place empty plates and glasses on shelves that you can't see in wall-down mode, also in bookcases. So check around for that too.
Repairing the Game
Deleting Cache files
I'll keep it in mind, thanks, because sounds complicated. I've searched around for stuff like that and there's absolutely nothing. As soon as they step into the wooden floor they get unconfortable, and I just changed the floor, to see if there was a problem. As you can see, there is nothing "unpleasant" . I'll leave a screenshot of the kitchen. When they step out of the wooden floor, the moodlet disappears. You know, I give up :l I'll probably move out or something...
It could be that the fish have become foul in the fish tank or that the rubbish bin needs emptying. Or the ice cream maker needs cleaning... or maybe the tea maker needs emptying. I'd click on a fish in the tank and see if it's 'foul' in quality as if it is then that will be the problem.
Omg, you were right! It was the fish tank.... I caught 2 Angelfish so I could cook Ambrosia in the near future, and I didn't know they were foul, so I sold them and now they don't get the Uncomfortable moodlet anymore!! Thank you so much, I didn't know fishes could make the enviroment unpleasant. Although that means I need to go fishing again... You are the best!! Thanks for the help Grin
I looked at the screenshot, and i think there is something under the purple crystal.
It looks strange under that crystal.
The simmy simsays...
It might be one of the crystals, if you have emotional aura turned on.
OMG! Me too! LaughLaughScared BTW check to see if the fridge has any spoiled food.Wink
Crazy sam10says...
I'm curious because I've seen differing things. When one uses an emotional aura, what is the highest modifier you can get? I've seen some claim that it's +3, while others have said they can only get to +2. In my experience I've only got to +2, but I may simply not have enough items down to reach +3. I just wanted to find out before I start plopping down hundreds of objects if I've already hit the highest I'm going to get.
Rather than trying to squeeze all the info in this small post have a read through this forum thread. Smile
Emotion Score
Crazy sam10says...
Thing is, that forum states that a sim can get a "Focus+3" moodlet, while another page on this site states that +2 is the cap. I've since put a bunch of Focus decor in one of my studys and my Sims still only seem to get a +2 Focus moodlet. This is what makes it difficult to know if aura related items can give a Sim a buff of +2 or +3 since there is so much information out there stating different things. I think at this stage I'd need to see an image of a moodlet giving a +3 to one of the main emotions (not happy) in order to believe that it's possible for auras to give out a +3.
There are many game items that have a larger aura rating than +2 and obviously you can stack many auras/moodlets and end up with a sim who has even as much as 21+ in any particular mood. It will depend on which expansion packs you have. For example the club vibe focused from Get Together has a +3 moodlet.
Crazy sam10says...
I think you're misunderstanding my point. I don't mean a combination of multiple moods to make +3. I mean a single moodlet that comes to +3. Such as if you have a nicely decorated room you can get a Happy +3 moodlet for nicely decorated. My issue is some places claim that having a lot of items down that give off an aura can give a single moodlet of up to +3, while others state that single moodlet can only go up to +2. So my issue is I'd like to know the cap at which auras give out singular moodlets.
my sims get confident when they send texts...
He probably has the Insider Trait. Sims with this particular trait tend to get the confident moodlet more often from txting apparently really great txts! lol
Reply for Crazy Sam 10:

I didn't misunderstand your question but space is limited here. Smile I've already given you one eg of a +3 single moodlet but that thread I linked you to explains just how that all works if you scroll down a little. I personally haven't experienced more than +3 although it might be possible.
Feel free to post in our general discussion thread on the forum where there is much more room!
General Discussion
Or on the section for emotions
Emtions - Forum
Crazy sam10says...
Things is your example isn't for aura generating items. I mean stuff like the Business items you unlock which have "Focus Decor +X". What I've seen mixed reports on is that you can put loads of these types of items down and get a moodlet of +3 for "Focused environment" and some stating you can only get +2. I looked over the forum, but it didn't seem to have what I was looking for. And overall the question felt like it was a simple answer of "Yes, you can only get +3/+2". I can understand space being an issue if we wanted to really delve in to all the nitty stuff, but all I wanted to know was if aura related decor could give a max of +2 or +3 due to conflicting information.

I've since got a room up to over 50 points of focusing decor and it's still at +2, so I'm simply assuming that is what the hard cap is.
Single moodlets: +100 Focused potion 3 hrs and +3 Focused Club Vibe indefinite time period. There is no 'cap' per say just what is available in the game at the moment and who knows what the devs will add in the future. So the answer is yes it is possible to get more than +1 or +2 but they are the most common.
Telescope prints +7 in the buy menu... have a different weighting in-game
Microscope Prints from +3 (The Drifter) through to +9 (Blemish Blossom).. have a different weighting in-game
Space prints +7 and have a different weighting in-game.
Mostly all the auras in-game are a +1 or a +2 but from what I understand from information from tuning files there is no cap... just that this is all that is available right now.
If you find out something different, then post back, it's always great to have new info. Hopefully this is the answer you were looking for?
Crazy sam10says...
"Mostly all the auras in-game are a +1 or a +2" was exactly what I was looking for. I was having the issue of different places claiming one could get a +3 moodlet from auras and others stating +2 was the highest.

I don't understand why asking these questions has lead to so many downvotes. I may avoid using the forums as I feel put off that I'll get any kind of positive response. Unsure
Reply for Crazy Sam 10
Cool, glad we got it figured out in the end. Smile I wouldn't worry about down votes, as we don't have a voting system over on our forum and a strict politeness rule. Wink I'm totally happy with being questioned as that's the way we learn new things about the game. Happy simming Crazy sam 10!
MADE A SIM THAT IS SO KAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Tongue
Will the flirty trait make you better at flirting?Huh
Not really better, just that they will get random flirty moodlets. Any sim that is flirty will be better at flirting, better as in 'more chance of successfully flirting'. They also have immediate access to the flirting interactions that a sim without the flirty trait has to be flirty to get.
My sim got uncomfortable moodlet by getting hurt while using the workbench.
Why not on sims 4 seasons sims child and adults will die by freezing
bourja mouhamed aminesays...
Grini like emotions
Emily Baiersays...
I have a question, one of my sims often becomes bored because he isn't dancing (from the dance machine trait), but he doesn't have the dance machine trait selected as one of his main three traits. How can i prevent him from becoming bored from a trait that he doesn't have?
If you changed out the dance trait in CAS there will be some randomly left over hidden elements that cause this kind of issue. SimGuruNick had this to say about using cheats to remove traits:
We don't really support cheats, and are aware that using them can cause issues. If traits.equip_trait and traits.remove_trait are functioning correctly, and provide a usable workaround for the issue of cas.fulleditmode giving incorrect moodlets, then I think we can consider this issue resolved. I realize that it's not technically resolved, but if a workaround for the issue exists, and that workaround is working, then that's all we can do for the time being. Link to Quote

So use the traits.remove_trait cheat to remove the dance machine trait and that should work.Smile
How to Get Dazed (Negative Emotional) :Drink Coffe Too Much Warning : Do not try
A Real LifeSmileSmileSmile
J huntington iiisays...
Doesn't the Monster thing make the children uncomfortable? Shocked
Crazy sam10says...
Back in April I made some posts about the Aura, and with testing I am now certain the most you can get out of Auras is a +2 bonus. As such the "Mathematical Diagram, made while Focused on the Easel gives an Aura (up to +3 with many Diagrams)" statement is currently incorrect as it is not possible to get +3. I have made a room that is literally covered in nothing but mathematical diagrams (and any other environmental that provides focus) and it will not go any higher than +2. If anyone has a screenshot of a +3 aura boost, feel free to share it and I can recheck my Sims' room and run more tests, but if not I do not believe it possible.
At launch there were items that provided a +3 boost in a few emotions but they have been altered in subsequent patches. Some even used to show as +7 in build/buy mode. If you have enough of any items of a particular emotional aura then the aura buffs will stack which is how people who play competitively use the auras to gain as much as a +22 (and more) stacked 'very emotion'.
I think the main problem is that many of the changes have not been mentioned in the patch notes and with TS4 being a live service there are changes being brought in that only get discovered by 'chance' through playing.
It's interesting that a single +3 isn't possible anymore. I wonder if having all masterpiece paintings would alter that?
Happy +3 Beautifully Decorated (From Good Environment) is still possible. I was correct in assuming masterpiece paintings would create this aura.
Carl I didn't see it mentioned here that recalling memories can change your mood to what you felt in the photo. Any screenshot or picture taken in-game can be set as a memory in the screenshot manager (can find at the bottom of the page under camera options). When you want to feel the memory you click "view memory" and then "recall memory". It's a quick way to get a +1 to any emotions you like.
Yes, we removed this tip. it was one of the first things I discovered after launch actually. Mainly because a patch altered how it works and so now only certain emotions are available to be made in to memories rather than all of the emotions, as it used to be. Compared to how this mechanic used to work it is almost useless.
I don't know, it seems worth mentioning which moods it can affect just so people know. I actually use it frequently with inspired, confident, and happy. It would have been nice to not have to discover it on my own.
We have a thread here on the forum that sort of explains the changes and the decision to remove it. I guess at some point Carl may get to writing a small section on this but tbh it really upset the community when the functionality was changed as the original set up was absolutely fantastic. I'll definitely pass on your thoughts to Carl. :)
Hi, you missed something . An easy way to get a sim any positive emotion is to take an in game screenshot, and look at it via the screenshot capture manager. From there, you press a screenshot, and press make memory. Some memories will be confident (this is what it usually is for me), but they could be anything, and it is usually positive. If your sim is tagged in the memory, they can reminisce about it, giving them that emotion. Hope this helps!
Well, now I see what is written above me. Ignore the comment!
No it's a valid point. I can see that if you are recently new to TS4 that this seems a good way to quickly get a sim into some of the available emotions. Like I said in the post above, compared how this system used to work before the update to the way screenshots are handled it seems very clumsy and almost worthless. I have brought this up with Carl and like I said to Sarah it may be something that Carl sees fit to include again at a later date. Smile (Especially if people keep commenting about it! lol)

Make Seasons Better!

Sims 4 Seasons CheatsThe Sims 4 Seasons expansion now has options! Want to disable weather or make plants in season year-round? You can do so with my new Seasons Tuner Mod

  • Disable Seasons individually
  • Always Sunny! Set to Base Game Weather
  • Grow Year Round - Make Plants Always in Season!
  • Healthy Year Round - No more Winter twigs
  • Disable Color Changes - on ALL Plants & Trees
  • Disable Fall Leaves
  • Disable Ground Snow
  • Keep the Stuff You Paid For!

A Deeper Game

The past month, I've spent every day tinkering The Sims 4, making quality of life improvements, gameplay changes, and new difficulty settings for the game. If you'd like to learn more about my project, visit the post on Patreon where you can download it now.

Cottage living

The Sims 4 Cottage LivingCottage Living Guide! Here is my guide to new features in the Sims 4 Cottage Living Expansion

You can also find handy Cottage Living Cheats

I have much more to come, since you can actually write a few guides about this pack!

Calling all Blender Users

Blender has been incredibly useful in video production, so I made my own Physics and Simulation Improvement Addon that lumps a ton of unique tools into one compact interface.

Sims 4 Snowy Escape

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape launches November 13, 2020 and my coverage has started. Until I get my review ready, you can learn about the following:

Snowy Escape Cheats
Lifestyles in Snowy Escape
Climb Mt. Komorebi
Sentiments in Snowy Escape
Rock Climbing
Skiing Skill
Snowboarding Skill

Sentiments & Platforms (Free Patch!)

I've released a guide to Sentiments in The Sims 4 & Snowy Escape.

There is a new platform tool in The Sims 4. There's also a new Sentiments system, but it'll take some time to create a guide to that. Players can also use rental lots in any world now by changing lot types of builds in manage worlds.

Best Mods in Sims 4

I've created a massive List of The Best Mods in The Sims 4 that should be very helpful to new players and those who have not yet explored modding and how much it can do for your gameplay.

Search my Sims 4 Site

Support Us

Readers who use adblock or those who'd like to thank me for my efforts can now pledge $1/$5 monthly via Patreon. This helps a lot with server costs and provides some stability for my business.

Super Sim Checklist + Other News

Super Sim Text + Checklist and Video Guide! Here is my Super Sim Challenge Guide and Checklist to accompany my video guide to making Super Sims in The Sims 4 that you can view on Youtube.

This is inspired by a new series in which I start at toddler and gradually take on the major bonuses. Here's a link to the full playlist!

I now have a guide page to Tiny Living Stuff where you can learn about Murphy Beds, the new death, as well as the lot bonuses you'll receive if you manage to keep the size of your lot down with this new pack's Tiny Home Lot Type.

Let's Play Playlist

Super Sim Gameplay in The Sims 4

New I now have a guide to Making Super Sims in The Sims 4. Look for a text version within the next 72h. It won't have THAT much more info but it will help out as a checklist.

This was inspired by a series, "Let's Play a Super Sim" in which I start at toddler and gradually take on the major bonuses. Here's a link to each part for people who are interested. You can also see the Let's Play as a Playlist on Youtube.